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Course Introduction Video Script

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Course Introduction Video Script 

The purpose of the Course Introduction Video is to introduce yourself and the course to your students.  Students
will learn about you and what they can expect in your course.

You can create your introduction video using CaptureSpace Recording in the Moodle. Instructions on how to use
CaptureSpace Recording and how to upload your video to your course site are available in Confluence. It is
recommended that you video be approximately 4 - 6 minutes long.

In order to prepare for recording, a sample script is provided below to help you to organize your thoughts and
suggest talking points. You do not need to script every word that you say, but rather outline the major topics
you will cover in the video. A blank script is provided at the end of the document for you to customize your own
script and use while recording.

What to say What to do

INTRODUCTION Open the course site on your
 Welcome to [COURSE NAME]! My name is [NAME], and I will be computer. You do not need to
your instructor for this course. navigate or reference anything in the
 Tell the students anything you want them to know about you site during the introduction.
personally or professionally.
 Talk about your experience related to this course and Introduce yourself to your class just
Northwestern. like you would face-to-face in a
 Communicate goals you have for the students. What do you hope classroom.
they take away from this course?
 What are you looking forward to as you facilitate this course?

GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION Now you are going to show the

I would like to take you on a short tour of our Moodle site in order students the course on your computer
to orient you to the online course. At the top of the course site, you screen. Scroll to each section that you
will see three sections, General Information, Course Resources, and discuss as if a student was looking
Welcome (adjust as needed to match your course site). over your shoulder as you speak. Use
the cursor and/or the draw tool to
 General Information: point out specific items and emphasis
o Under General Information, the first thing that you will see is important information.
the News Forum. Each week, I will post reminders and tips
for the week in the News Forum, so be sure to check this
weekly. (discuss the specific types of announcements you
typically post here)
o When you have questions during the week, please post them
in the Course Support Forum. More than likely you are not
the only person with a particular question, so other students
will benefit from your post and the answer. You will also find
resources on this page to help with any technical problems
you may encounter.
o Point out and discuss other resources in this section that
students need to know about.

 Course Resources:
o Under Course Resources, you will find the course syllabus,
which you should download, read, and reference throughout
the course.
o I have listed my email and phone number on the Instructor
Contact Information page. (add additional information you
want the students to know about how to contact you and
your typical response time)
o Point out other important course resources that students
should be aware of (i.e. textbook, rubrics, web resources,

 Welcome
o Under the Welcome section, you will first see the Class
Introductions Forum. During the first week, please introduce
yourself to the class and read and reply to your classmates’
o You will also find the university’s plagiarism policies here.
Each student is required to watch the Understanding
Plagiarism presentation and pass the Plagiarism Quiz before
starting any course work.
o Point out and discuss other resources in this section that
students need to know about.


 This course is divided into _____ chapters/units that we will
cover in ____ weeks.
 This is a [blended or online] course.
o If online: The syllabus and the course site both refer to days
by a number. Day 1 is Monday and Day 7 Sunday.
o If blended: The syllabus and the course site both refer to
days by a number. For this course Day 1 is [reference the
day of the week Day 1 will fall on for your course] and Day
7 is [reference the day of the week Day 7 will fall on for
your course], which is our class-meeting day. We will meet
for _____ hours each week.
 Discuss what students can expect to see on the course site each Pick a “typical” week that contains the
week. resources and learning activities that
o How are the weeks organized? students will see most weeks.
o Are there overview pages? If so, what is included in
them? Remind students: You should always read the Explain the general organization of a
overview page first before beginning any weekly activities. typical week and what is expected of
o What resources are available? the students. Point out each section
o Are there discussion forums? When do students typically that you discuss and open what is
post and respond to them? What types of discussions can helpful. Use the draw tool to
they expect? emphasis important information.
o What types of assignments are students expected to
submit online and when are they typically due?
o Are there quizzes? How many and how often do they
o What other learning activities or assignments should
students be aware of?

CONCLUSION Just like the introduction, address the

I hope that you have a better understanding of what to expect in this class just like you would face-to-face
class and how to get started. Please do not hesitate to contact me if in a classroom.
you have any questions. I am looking forward to working with you
this semester. Press done in CaptureSpace when

What to say What to do
Introduction Open the course site on your
 computer. You do not need to
navigate or reference anything in the
site during the introduction.

Introduce yourself to your class just

like you would face-to-face in a

GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION Now you are going to show the

students the course on your computer
screen. Scroll to each section that you
 General Information discuss as if a student was looking
o over your shoulder as you speak. Use
 Course Resources the cursor and/or the draw tool to
o point out specific items and emphasis
 Welcome important information.

WEEKLY LAYOUT OF COURSE Pick a “typical” week that contains the

 resources and learning activities that
students will see most weeks.

Explain the general organization of a

typical week and what is expected of
the students. Point out each section
that you discuss and open what is
helpful. Use the draw tool to
emphasis important information.

CONCLUSION Just like the introduction, address the

 class just like you would face-to-face
in a classroom.

Press done in CaptureSpace when


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