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27 October 2011
25 February 1987



This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of
Reactivated after 15 September 2011 and may be used for
new and existing designs and acquisitions.


1.1 Scope. This specification covers a semi-fluid lubricant for automatic weapons operating
within a temperature range of -54 °C to +127 °C (-65 °F to +260 °F). (See 6.1) The lubricant is
identified by Military Symbol LSA and NATO Code Number 0-158 (6.7).


2.1 General. The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3 or 4 of
this specification. This section does not include documents cited in other sections of this
specification or recommended for additional information or as examples. While every effort
has been made to ensure the completeness of this list, document users are cautioned that they
must meet all specified requirements of documents cited in sections 3 and 4 of this specification,
whether or not they are listed.

2.2 Government documents.

2.2.1 Specifications, standards and handbooks. The following specifications, standards,

and handbooks form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise
specified, the issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract.

Comments, suggestions, or questions on this document, should be addressed to Commander. US

Army ARDEC, ATTN: RDAR-QES-E, Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey 07806-5000, or emailed to
ardecstdzn@conus.army.mil. Since contact information can change, you may want to verify the
currency of this address information using the ASSIST Online database at https://assist.daps.dla.mil.


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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P-D-680 - Dry Cleaning Solvent.

TT-T-291 - Thinner, Paint, Mineral Spirits, Regular or Odorless.


FED-STD-66 – Steel: Chemical Composition and Hardenability.

FED-STD-313 – Material Safety Data Sheets, Preparation and Submission.
FED-STD-791 – Lubricants, Liquid Fuels, and Related Products, Methods of Testing.


MIL-STD-105 – Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes.

MIL-STD-290 – Packaging of Petroleum and Related Products.

(These documents are available online at https://assist.daps.dla.mil/quicksearch/ or from the

Standardization Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094)

2.2.2 Other Government documents, drawings, and publications. The following other
Government documents, drawings, and publications form a part of this document to the extent
specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those cited in the
solicitation or contract.


8436792 Lubricating Oil, Semi-Fluid, 2 OZ. Flat-Oval Bottle

8448203 Cap, Base
8448204 Cap, Closure
8448206 Bottle, Flat-Oval, 2 OZ.

(ARDEC drawings may be requested by email at pica.Drawing-Request@conus.army.mil or

from US Army ARDEC, ATTN: RDAR-EIS-PE, Picatinny, NJ 07806-500.)

2.3 Non-Government publications. The following documents form a part of this

specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these
documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract.


ASTM A 304 - Alloy Steel Bars Subject to End-Quench Hardenability

ASTM A 575 - Steel Bars, Carbon, Merchant Quality, M-Grades.
ASTM A 663 - Steel Bars, Carbon, Merchant Quality, Mechanical properties,
Specifications for.
ASTM D 127 - Drop Melting Point of Petroleum Wax including Petrolatum, Test
Method for.

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ASTM D 130 - Detection of Copper Corrosion from Petroleum Products by the

Copper Strip Tarnish Test, Method for.
ASTM D 217 - Cone Penetration of Lubricating Grease, Test Method for.
ASTM D 445 - Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids (and the
Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity, Test Method for.
ASTH D 664 - Neutralization Number by Potentiometric Titration, Test Method for.
ASTH D 942 - Oxidation Stability of Lubricating Greases by the Oxygen Bomb
Method, Test Method for.
ASTM D 972 - Evaporation Loss of Lubricating Greases and Oils, Test Method for.
ASTM D 1748 - Rust Protection by Metal Preservatives in the Humidity Cabinet Test
Method for.
ASTM D 2625 - Endurance (Wear) Life and Load - Carrying Capacity of Solid Film
Lubricants (Falex Pin and Vee Method), Test Method for.
ASTM D 2670 - Measuring Wear Properties of Fluid Lubricants (Falex Pin and Vee
Block Method), Method for.
ASTM D 4057 - Manual Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum Products, Practice
ASTM D 4177 - Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum Products, Method

(Copies of ASTM standards may be ordered online at http://www.astm.org/ or from the ASTM
International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.)

2.4 Order of precedence. Unless otherwise specified herein or in the contract, in the event
of a conflict between the text of this specification and the references cited herein, the text of this
specification takes precedence. Nothing in this specification, however, supersedes applicable
laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.


3.1 Qualification. LSA furnished under this specification shall be a product which is
qualified for listing on the applicable Qualified Products List (QPL) at the time set for the
opening of bids (4.5.1 and 6.3).

3.1.1 Requalification. Any changes in the formulation or processing of a qualified product

will necessitate its requalification. LSA supplied under contract shall be identical, within
manufacturing tolerances, to the approved qualification sample. The qualifying activity may, at
its discretion, request complete requalification testing or require only partial requalification in
order to determine the significance, impact, and acceptability of any proposed formulation
change, manufacturing process, or change in manufacturing location.

3.2 Material. The ingredients of LSA shall be of a grade and quality which have been
shown to be suitable for the intended purpose and which will produce a semi-fluid lubricant
conforming to the requirements of this specification.

3.2.1 Composition. The composition of the lubricant shall be as specified in Table I (4.7).

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TABLE I. Composition of lubricant

Constituent Material 4/ Percent by Weight 4/
Lithium stearate 1/ 8.0 ± 0.3
Bis (2-ethylhexyl) sebacate 2/ 89.0 ± 1.0
Diisopropyl phosphite 1.0 ± 0.2
2, 6 di-tertiary butyl-p-cresol 0.5 ± 0.1
Barium dinonylnaphthalene sulfonate 3/ 1.5 ± 0.3

1/ See 6.5
2/ Lubricant grade.
3/ Oil-free barium petroleum sulfonate with an average molecular weight of more than 1090 is
also acceptable.
4/ Alternative and additional constituent materials, and minor variation of stated percentage
tolerances may be approved by the Qualifying Activity if supported by sufficient test data.

3.3 Physical and chemical requirements. LSA shall conform to the respective requirements
specified in 3.4 thru 3.16 when tested in accordance with applicable test methods in Section 4.

3.4 Viscosity of base fluid. The viscosity of the base fluid containing all additives except
the thickener shall be no more than 12,000 centistokes (cSt) at -54 °C (-65 °F) nor less 10.0 cSt
at 40 °C (104 °F), when tested in accordance with Table II (4.6)

3.5 Acid number. The acid number shall not exceed 3.2 when LSA is tested in accordance
with Table II (4.6).

3.6 Evaporation loss. The evaporation loss at 149 °C ± 1 °C (300 °F ± 2 °F) shall not
exceed 6 percent in 8 hours, when LSA is tested in accordance with Table II (4.6).

TABLE II. Test methods.

Test FED-STD-791 Method No. ASTM Test Method No.

Viscosity D 445
Acid number D 664 1/
Evaporation loss D 972 2/
Oxidation stability D 942
Effect of lubricant on copper 4304 3/

1/ Agitate the sample before testing.

2/ Use a test temperature of 149 °C ± 1 °C (300 °F ± 2 °F).
3/ The copper plates shall be cleaned and polished in accordance with ASTM D 130. Toluene
shall be used to wash the plates rather than benzene.

3.7 Oxidation stability. The pressure drop shall not exceed 10 psi in 6 hours when LSA is
tested for oxidation stability at 149 °C ± 3 °C (300 °F ± 5 °F) in accordance with table II (4.6).

3.8 Effect of LSA on copper. Copper plates shall show no brown or black stains. Slight
darkening of the copper or a slight green stain in the lubricant is acceptable.

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3.9 Cone penetration (worked). The worked penetration of LSA at 25 °C ± 0.5 °C (77 °F ±
1 °F) shall be no less than 350 or more than 385 when it is tested in accordance with 4.8.

3.10 Load-carrying capacity.

3.10.1 Film strength. When tested in accordance with 4.9.1, LSA shall be capable of
supporting a Jaw load of 1250 pounds on the 4500-pound reference load gauge (or 930 pounds
on the 3000-pound direct load gauge) for one minute without failure. Failure is defined as
excessive noise, sudden, rapid increase in torque, or pin shearing. Digital gauges may be used
provided they have been calibrated to present equivalent load measurements.

3.10.2 Extreme pressure characteristics. The incipient seizure load shall be no less than 63
kg, and the welding load shall be no less than 141 kg when tested in accordance with 4.9.2.

3.11 Rust inhibition. After performance of either the 168-hour humidity test specified in or the 400-hour humidity test specified in, not more than one of the four test
specimens shall have failed. Failure of a specimen shall be defined by either of the following

a. The appearance on a given specimen of one rust spot larger than 1 mm in length,
width, or diameter.

b. The appearance on a given specimen of three or more rust spots, all smaller than 1
mm in length, width, or diameter, but which increase in size over a 24-hour period.

3.12 Wear. The average wear-scar diameter shall not exceed 0.5 mm in diameter when
LSA is tested in accordance with 4.11.

3.13 Storage stability. After completion of the 6-month storage period specified in 4.12, the
requirements in 3.13.1, 3.13.2, and 3.13.3 shall be met.

3.13.1 Accumulation of film. The film accumulated by the separation of oil and soap shall
not exceed 3mm.

3.13.2 Acid number. The acid number of the sample shall not exceed 3.5. Testing shall be
performed in accordance with table II (4.6).

3.13.3 Odor. After storage, LSA shall have no disagreeable odor.

3.14 Toxicity. LSA shall have no adverse effect on the health of personnel when used for
its intended purpose. Questions pertinent to this effect shall be referred by the contracting
activity to the appropriate departmental medical service who will act as an advisor to the
contracting agency. (See 6.1.) The supplier shall furnish the qualifying activity (6.3) with all the
information necessary to evaluate the safety of the product. (See 4.13.) This shall include safety
data sheets conforming to FED-STD-313.

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3.15 Workmanship. The ingredients of LSA shall be mixed thoroughly to form a

homogenous product, free from visible dirt, grit, water, or other foreign matter. When LSA is
examined in accordance with 4.14, no lumps or inhomogeneous structures shall be apparent.

3.16 Machine gun performance. Use of LSA shall result in satisfactory performance of the
M61, 20 mm machine gun, without the formation of dry areas, excessive or uneven wear,
galling, or other undesirable effects (4.15).


4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase
order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified
herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, suppliers may use their
own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified
herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform
any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary
to assure supplies and services conform to the specified requirements. Unless otherwise
specified, the following tests and procedures shall be used.

4.2 Lot.

4.2.1 Production lot. A production lot is an indefinite quantity of a homogenous mixture of

product offered for acceptance in a single, isolated container, or manufactured in a single plant,
run through the same processing equipment with no change in the ingredient materials, within a
24-hour time period.

4.2.2 Packaged lot. A packaged lot is an indefinite number of unit containers of identical
size and type, offered for acceptance at one time, and filled with a homogenous mixture of
product manufactured in a single plant, run through the same processing equipment with no
change in the ingredient materials, within a 24-hour time period.

4.3 Sampling.

4.3.1 Sampling for examination of filled containers. Take a random sample of filled
containers from each lot in accordance with MIL-STD-105 at inspection level II and acceptable
quality level (AQL) = 2.5 percent defective.

4.3.2 Sampling for tests. Take samples for tests in accordance with ASTM D 4057 or
ASTM D 4177.

4.4 Inspection.

4.4.1 Inspection of material. Perform inspection of material in accordance with Method

9601 of FED-STD-791.

4.4.2 Examination of filled containers. Examine samples taken in accordance with 4.3.1 for
compliance with MIL-STD-290 with regard to fill, closure, sealing, leakage, packaging, packing,
and marking requirements. Reject any container having one or more defects or under the

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required fill. If the number of defective or under filled containers exceeds the acceptance number
for the appropriate sampling plan of MIL-STD-105, reject the lot represented by the sample.
Container material shall be of a density sufficient to prevent migration of the product or any
constituents through the container. The container will be pretreated to ensure that printed
identification will properly adhere and will not be removed by the product.

4.5 Classification of inspection.

a. Qualification inspection

b. Quality conformance inspection

4.5.1 Qualification inspection. Qualification inspection consists of tests for all of the
requirements specified in section 3. Qualification samples. The qualification sample shall consist of four 1-gallon
containers of the finished product and in addition a 1/2 gallon sample of the base fluid containing
all additives except the thickener. The sample will be accompanied by data responsive to 4.13.
Sample and report shall be furnished to the address indicated in 6.3. Retention of qualification. In order to retain qualification of a product approved for

listing on the QPL, the manufacturer shall be responsive to 4.5.2 and certify in writing, upon the
request of the qualifying activity, certification of product compliance to the requirements
contained in this specification. Such certification shall be requested by the qualifying activity at
two-year intervals effective from the date of original qualification. The qualifying activity
reserves the right to re-test any qualified product whenever it is deemed in the best interest of the
Government to do so.

4.5.2 Periodic qualification re-evaluation. At the option of the qualifying activity a re-
evaluation shall be performed on a one-gallon sample of product drawn from the first lot and
each production lot thereafter, of product processed under current contract or purchase order.
Periodic re-evaluation samples shall be forwarded to the activity responsible for qualification.
(See 6.3.) Samples shall be plainly identified by labels or tags marked with the following

- Sample for periodic evaluation

- Lubricant, semi-fluid for automatic weapons
- MIL-L-46000C
- Name of manufacturer
- Product code number
- Date of manufacture
- Contract or order number
- Lot number Periodic qualification re-evaluation tests. The re-evaluation of products being

manufactured under current contract shall consist of those tests the qualifying activity determines
necessary for product identity, verification, and evaluation. Delivery of a product per current
contract shall not be delayed pending completion of this test and inspection. The results obtained

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shall be considered indicative of product quality and production consistency. Failure of a product
sample to pass a periodic qualification re-evaluation shall require the acceptance and further
shipment of a product to be discontinued until the manufacturer has corrected the conditions
which led to the failure and has furnished data and documentation of affidavit to that effect.
Further product failure or nonconformance shall constitute a basis for lot rejection and
subsequent removal from the QPL.

4.5.3 Quality conformance tests. Tests for quality conformance of individual lots shall
consist of tests for all requirements specified in Section 3 except for 3.13 Storage stability, 3.14
Toxicity and 3.16 Machine gun performance.

4.6 Test methods. Perform tests in accordance with the applicable test methods given in
table II and 4.7 through 4.15.

4.7 Composition. The contractor shall submit a certified statement that the lubricant has
been formulated in accordance with 3.2.1.

4.8 Cone penetration (worked). Determine the worked penetration of LSA in accordance
with ASTM D 217, using a penetrometer cone of the dimensions specified therein, except that:

a. The weight of the cone, including its shaft, shall be 30 ± 1 grams.

b. The cone shall be made of a material that is not attacked by the lubricant (6.7).

4.9 Load-carrying capacity. Determine the load-carrying capacity of the lubricant in

accordance with 4.9.1 and 4.9.2.

4.9.1 Film strength. Determine the film strength of LSA with a Falex lubricant tester (6.6).
Use standard Falex Jaw blocks (6.6) made from AISI 1137 steel conforming to FED-STD-66 and
No.8 pins made from FS 3135 steel conforming to ASTM A304. Clean the Jaw blocks, pins, and
cup thoroughly in hot dry-cleaning solvent conforming to type II of P-D-680. Rinse them in hot
dry-cleaning solvent and dry them before inserting in the machine. Fill the cup to the level mark
with LSA, place the cup on the holder, and raise it to a point where the block and pin are
immersed. Then lock the Jaw-loading device by closing the blocks around the pin. Set the Jaw
loader at zero load. Increase the Jaw load by hand to a scale reading of 1000 pounds to ensure
that the blocks and pins are securely set in position. Return the Jaw loader to zero and turn the
motor on. Increase the Jaw load from zero to 250 pounds by engaging the eccentric arm of the
ratchet wheel. When the Jaw load has reached 250 pounds, disengage the eccentric arm and
maintain the load for one minute. Repeat the procedure at successively increased Jaw-load
increments of 250 pounds until the required Jaw load of 1250 pounds on the 4500-pound
reference load gauge (or 930 pounds on the 3000-pound direct load gauge) has been maintained
for one minute (3.10.1) or until failure occurs.

NOTE: Refer to ASTM D 2625 or D 2670 for information on standard materials and calibration

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4.9.2 Extreme-pressure characteristics. Determine the extreme pressure characteristics of

LSA with a Falex 4-ball E.P. tester (6.6) in accordance with Method 6503 of FED-STD-791 with
the following modifications:

a. Make a series of 1-minute runs instead of the specified 10-second runs.

b. Define the incipient seizure load as the load at which an abrupt increase in the wear
scar diameter occurs.

c. Define the welding load as the load at which motion of the upper rotating ball,
relative to the three stationary balls, is no longer possible. If the lubricant under test
does not allow true welding, define the welding load as that load which produces a
maximum wear scar diameter of 4 mm.

4.10 Rust inhibition. Make and prepare test specimens in accordance with 4.10.1 and 4.10.2
Determine the rust-inhibiting characteristics of LSA in accordance with either the 168-hour
procedure of (cyclic humidity chamber) or the 400-hour procedure of (saturated
humidity chamber). Examine the specimens for evidence of rust (3.11) at the end of each 24-
hour interval. Express the test results as the average of the times-to-failure of the four specimens.

4.10.1 Test specimens. Make four test specimens of 1020 carbon steel rod stock
conforming to ASTM A 575 or A 663. The specimens shall be 102 mm (4 inches) long by 9.5
mm (3/8 inch) in diameter, with a hole of suitable size drilled approximately 19 mm
(approximately 3/4 inch) from one end to facilitate handling and to permit suspension in the
humidity chamber.

4.10.2 Preparation of test specimens. Polish the specimens with abrasive paper or cloth
having a No. 600A silicon carbide grit or a No. 500 aluminum oxide grit. Wash the specimens in
reagent-grade n-hexane, Wipe them with absorbent cotton, and then wash them in reagent-grade
petroleum ether having a boiling point of 30-65 °C (86-149 °F). Immerse the specimens
completely in the lubricant under test. Insert each specimen in a rubber stopper with a diameter
slightly smaller than the centrifuge trunnion cup. Place the four specimens in a centrifuge and
rotate them at 1000 rpm for 10 minutes. Remove each specimen from the centrifuge by inserting
a glass rod in the hole near the end.

4.10.3 Tests. Expose the test specimens in either a cyclic humidity chamber for 168 hours
or a saturated humidity chamber for 400 hours. Examine the specimens for rust at the end of each
24-hour interval. Express the test results as the average of the times-to-failure of the four
specimens. 168-hour test. Suspend the test specimens in a cyclic humidity chamber (6.6), and
expose them to the following conditions: 4 hours at a relative humidity of 80 percent and a
temperature of 43 °C (110 °F) followed by 4 hours at a relative humidity of 95 percent and a
temperature of 55 °C (131 °F). (Transition from low to high humidity and temperature produces
a controlled condensation period.)

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w/AMENDMENT 1 400-hour test. Suspend and expose the specimens for 400 hours in a saturated
humidity chamber in accordance with the specifications for apparatus and the instructions for
procedure in ASTM D 1148 (including appendix I), except that the specimens shall be
cylindrical rods instead of panels (4.10.1).

4.11 Wear. Evaluate the anti-wear properties of LSA by determining the average wear-scar
diameter of the three stationary balls after testing for one hour in a Falex variable drive 4-ball
wear tester (6.6) at 120 C (248 F), 600 rpm, and a 50-kg load.

4.12 Storage stability. Agitate the contents of the original container thoroughly by shaking.
Transfer a 100-ml sample to a Jar with an inside diameter of approximately 85 mm
(approximately 3-1/4 inches). Cap the Jar tightly, and store it at 25 ± 2 C (77 ± 3 F) for 6 months.
Following the storage period, examine the contents for conformity to 3.13.

4.13 Toxicity. The supplier shall furnish the qualifying activity (6.3) safety data sheets
conforming to FED-STD-313 along with all the information necessary to evaluate the safety of
the product. Such information shall be furnished in one of the following forms, at the discretion
of the qualifying activity:

a. A complete listing of the constituent materials, including an infrared profile giving

the percentage of composition and using standard chemical nomenclature. (This is the
simplest and most direct method. In most instances, it will completely satisfy the
requirement for information.)

b. The results of toxicological testing of a scope and quality acceptable to the qualifying

c. Some other form acceptable to the supplier and to the qualifying activity. All
information furnished by the supplier in connection with the evaluation of toxicity
shall be signed by a responsible official of the Supplying firm. Such information shall
be held in strict confidence by the qualifying activity and shall not be divulged to
other suppliers.

4.14 Workmanship. Prepare a steel panel in accordance with the method for preparation of
specimens given in method 5312 of FED-STD-791. Dip the panel vertically into the container of
LSA maintained at 25± 2 C (71 ± 3 F). Remove the panel and examine LSA for conformance to

4.15 Machine gun performance. Test LSA for performance in an M61, 20mm machine gun
as follows: Disassemble the gun completely, and clean it of all traces of lubricant and dirt by
washing it with Stoddard solvent conforming to type I of p-D-680, or volatile mineral spirits
conforming to grade A of either type I or type II of TT-T-291. Do not use a chlorinated solvent.
After removing the solvent completely from all surfaces of the gun, coat the cleaned components
with the test lubricant using a brush or an oil can.

NOTE: Do not clean or relubricate any bearings initially lubricated with grease.

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Reassemble the gun and test fire it at an ambient temperature of 25 ± 3 C (77 ± 5 F). This firing
shall consist of two groups of five 100-round bursts. Allow 3 minutes of cooling between bursts
and complete cooling between groups. During the firing, the gun shall accelerate to a peak
firing rate of 6000, +1200 or -600 rounds per minute (rds/m), within 0.8 seconds. After
completing the test, disassemble the gun and examine it for the presence of dry areas, excessive
or uneven wear, galling, or other undesirable effects. Clean, re-lubricate, and soak the gun at -54
C (-65 F) for 4 hours. Fire three 100-round bursts with the gun at an ambient temperature of -54
C (-65 F) with 2 hours of cooling between bursts. During the firing, the gun shall accelerate to a
peak firing rate of not less than 4500 rds/m within 1.6 seconds. After completing the tests,
disassemble the gun and examine it for the presence of dry areas, excessive or uneven
wear, galling, or other undesirable effects. Clean, re-lubricate, and soak the gun at 127 C (260 F)
for four hours. Fire three 10-round bursts with the gun at an ambient temperature of 127 C (260
F), with sufficient cooling time to permit reloading. During the firing, the gun shall accelerate to
a peak firing rate of 6000 +1200 or -600 rds/m within 1.2 seconds. After completing the test,
disassemble the gun and examine it for the presence of dry areas, excessive or uneven wear,
galling, or other undesirable effects.


5.1 Packaging, packing, and marking. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or
purchase order (6.2), and except as specified in 5.1.1, LSA shall be packaged, packed, and
marked in accordance with MIL-STD-290. If LSA is to be procured in two-ounce plastic bottles,
the material, form, and dimensions of the bottles shall conform to the requirements as specified
on drawings 8436792, 8448203, 8448204 and 8448206. LSA shall not be packaged in containers
larger than one gallon.

5.1.1 Additional marking. In addition to the marking required by MIL-STD-290 and any
special marking required by the contract or purchase order, each unit container shall be marked
as follows:
Do not use this lubricant in food processing or food handling machinery on surfaces
that may contact food. Do not allow the lubricant to contaminate foodstuffs.

Shake or mix thoroughly before using.


(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is
not mandatory.)

6.1 Intended use. LSA covered by this specification is intended for use in the operation of
the M61, M39, and related types of automatic weapons under conditions of extreme pressure in
the temperature range of -54 to +127 C (-65 to +260 F).

6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documents should specify the following:

a. Title, number, and date of this specification.

b. Quantity of lubricant required.
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c. Type and Size of container required (5.1).

d. Level of packaging and level of packing required (5.1).
e. Special marking, if required (5.1).

6.3 Qualification. With respect to products requiring qualification, awards will be made
only for products which are, at the time set for opening of bids, qualified for inclusion in QPL
46000 whether or not such products have actually been so listed by that date. The attention of the
contractors is called to this requirement, and manufacturers are urged to arrange to have the
products that they propose to offer to the Federal Government tested for qualification in order
that they may be eligible to be awarded contracts or purchase orders for the products covered by
this specification. The activity responsible for the QPL is U.S. Army Armament Research,
Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC), ATTN: SMCAR-ESC-S, Picatinny Arsenal,
NJ 07806-5000, and information pertaining to qualification of products may be obtained from
that activity.

6.4 Preparation of semi-fluid lubricant. A lubricant which has been found to comply with
all the requirements of this specification was prepared as follows: The rust, oxidation, and
extreme pressure additives were added to the base fluid and brought to complete solution by
stirring and gentle warming. The thickener was then added slowly with stirring until evenly
distributed and the mixture run through a homogenizer set at clearance of 1 mil. The mixture was
then heated to 188 °C ± 2 °C (370 °F ± 4 °F) in a stainless steel beaker, then rapidly chilled. This
was accomplished by pouring the hot lubricant into a shallow aluminum pan over dry ice, the
depth of the lubricant layer not being allowed to exceed 9 mm (3/8 inch) in order to prevent large
cooling gradients. After hardening, and while still below room temperature, the lubricant was
transferred to a grease worker, as spelled in ASTM D 217, and subjected to 100 strokes. A
plunger with perforations of 1.6 mm (1/16 inch) diameter was used. The lubricant was then
poured into a two-necked flask and evacuated for approximately two hours under 2-5 mm of
mercury. (This procedure can be facilitated by simultaneously exposing the lubricant to a
vibrator or shaker.) The amount of ingredient materials and the temperatures used in preparation
have a critical effect on the properties, workmanship, and stability of the final product.

6.5 Lithlum stearate. It is recommended that the properties of the lithium stearate used in
the formulation be as shown in table III.

TABLE III. Formulation.

Chemical composition Percent by weight maximum

Lithium 2.5
Free fatty acid .05
Moisture 0.5
Chlorides None
Fatty acids combined with lithium stearate Remainder

The softening point should be 210-215 C (410-419 F) as determined by ASTM D 127.

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6.6 Sources for test equipment. Suppliers cited below can furnish the indicated test
equipment. Equipment of equal quality and equivalent design may be substituted.

Penetration Cone F200 - Falex Corp

FALEX 4-Ball Wear 2055 Comprehensive Dr.
FALEX 4-Ball E.P. Aurora, IL 60505-1374
FALEX Pin & Vee Block

Bench Top Temperature - Tenney Engineering, Inc.

Humidity Chamber 1090 Springfield Road
Union, NJ 07083-8119

6.7 International standardization agreement. Certain provisions of this specification are the
subject of international standardization agreement (NATO STANAG 1135). When amendment,
revision, or cancellation of this specification is proposed which would modify the international
agreement concerned, the preparing activity will take appropriate action through international
standardization channels, including departmental standardization offices, to change the
agreement or make other appropriate accommodations.

6.8 Subject term (key word) listing.

Acid Oxidation stability

Cone penetration Rust inhibition
Evaporation loss Semi-fluid lubricant
Film strength Storage stability
Galling Viscosity
Lithium stearate

6.9 Amendment notations. The margins of this specification are marked with vertical lines
to indicate modifications generated by this amendment. This was done as a convenience only
and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in these notations.
Bidders and contractors are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based on the
entire content irrespective of the marginal notations

Custodian: Preparing activity:

Army – AR Army – AR
Navy – AS
Air Force – 11 Project No. 9150-2011-013

Review activities:
Army – MD
Navy – OS,SA

NOTE: The activities listed above were interested in this document as of the date of this
document. Since organizations and responsibilities can change, you should verify the currency
of the information above using the ASSIST Online database at https://assist.daps.dla.mil.

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