Cs610 - Solved Mcqs
Cs610 - Solved Mcqs
Cs610 - Solved Mcqs
Question No: 2 ( M a r k s: 1 )
------ Program sends a message to a remote computer and reports whether the computer responds.
Question No: 3 ( M a r k s: 1 )
---------- was especially concerned about the lack of high powered computers.
Question No: 4 ( M a r k s: 1 )
The term -------- is used to denote the definition of a packet used with a specific type of network.
► Packet
► Frame (Computer Networks and Internets, page 73)
► Data
► None of the given
Question No: 5 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Computer networks are often called -------------- because they use packet technology.
► Ethernet
► Switch networks
► Packet networks (Computer Networks and Internets, page 73)
► None of the given
Question No: 6 ( M a r k s: 1 )
-------------- have advantages arisen from the size and ease of computation.
► Parity (Page 19)
► Checksums
► None of given
Question No: 7 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Most LANs that employ ring topology use an access mechanism known as-------
► TOKEN PASSING (Computer Networks and Internets, page95)
► None of the given
Question No: 8 ( M a r k s: 1 )
IEEE LLC/SNAP header is --------, which is used to specify the type of data.
Question No: 9 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Formally named __________ informally known as the twisted pair Ethernet or TP Ethernet.
► 10 Base 2
► 10 Base 5
► 10 Base T (Page 43)
► None of the given
Question No: 10 ( M a r k s: 1 )
An interface for twisted pair Ethernet must have an ____________ connector , and must generate signals
according to the_____________ specification.
Question No: 11 ( M a r k s: 1 )
A bridges function in the _________ layers(s).
Question No: 12 ( M a r k s: 1 )
A Bridge can ________
► Filter a frame
► Forward a frame
► Extend a LAN
► Do all the above Click here for Detail
Question No: 13 ( M a r k s: 1 )
A Bridge forwards or filters a frame by comparing the information in its address table to the frame’s_____
Question No: 14 ( M a r k s: 1 )
________ computes shortest paths in a graph by using weights on edges as a measure of distance.
► Greedy algorithm
► Distance vector algorithm
► Dijksta’s algorithm (Computer Networks and Internets, page112)
► Non of the given
Question No: 15 ( M a r k s: 1 )
___________ is used for audio and video, since these have predefined maximum data rates
Question No: 16 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Unlike Frame Relay and ATM, SMDS (Switched multi-megabit Data service) offers_______ .
Question No: 17 ( M a r k s: 1 )
A network with throughput T and delay D has a total of ________ bit in transit at any time.
► T x D (Computer Networks and Internets, page203)
► None of the given
Question No: 18 ( M a r k s: 1 )
ATM is designed to work on___________.
► Twisted Pair
► Coaxial
► Radio Frequency
► Fiber (Computer Networks and Internets, page 72)
Question No: 19 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Computers attached to an Ethernet use ------ in which a computer waits for the ether to be idle before
transmitting a frame.
Question No: 20 ( M a r k s: 1 )
FDDI can transmits data at a rate of ----------
Question No: 1 ( M a r k s: 1 )
In Point-to-Point topology there are two topologies.
Question No: 2 ( M a r k s: 1 )
------ Program sends a message to a remote computer and reports whether the computer responds.
Question No: 3 ( M a r k s: 1 )
------ has no way to determine the cause of the problem.
► Ping (Computer Networks and Internets, page 11)
► Trace route
► Non of the given
Question No: 4 ( M a r k s: 1 )
The term----- ------- refers to the general concept of a small block of data
Question No: 5 ( M a r k s: 1 )
---------- scheme, which is designed to help detect transmissions errors, send one extra bit of information with
each character
Question No: 6 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Local Talk is a LAN technology that employs -------------
Question No: 7 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Most LANs that employ ring topology use an access mechanism known as-------
► TOKEN PASSING (Computer Networks and Internets, page95) rep
► None of the given
Question No: 8 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Ethernet uses a ------ bit static addressing scheme in which each device is assigned a unique address by the
► 64
► 48 (Computer Networks and Internets, page 109)
► 32
Question No: 9 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Formally named __________ informally known as the thick wire Ethernet or Thick net.
► 10 Base 2
► 10 Base 5 Computer Networks and Internets, page 120)
► 10 Base T
► None of the given
Question No: 10 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Formally named __________ informally known as the twisted pair Ethernet or TP Ethernet.
► 10 Base 2
► 10 Base 5
► 10 Base T (Page 43) rep
► None of the given
Question No: 11 ( M a r k s: 1 )
The maximum size of an Ethernet segment is___________
► 250 meters
► 500 meters (Page 27)
► 700 meters
► None of the given
Question No: 12 ( M a r k s: 1 )
A Bridge can ________
► Filter a frame
► Forward a frame
► Extend a LAN
► Do all the above rep Click here For Detail
Question No: 13 ( M a r k s: 1 )
_______ computes shortest paths in a graph by using weights on edges as a measure of distance.
► Greedy algorithm
► Distance vector algorithm
► Dijksta’s algorithm (Computer Networks and Internets, page112) rep
► Non of the given
Question No: 14 ( M a r k s: 1 )
__________is used for compressed audio and video where the data rate depends on the level of compression
that can be achieved.
Question No: 15 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Basic LAN technologies such as Ethernet, Token Ring, and FDDI use a _____.
Question No: 16 ( M a r k s: 1 )
The product of delay and throughput measures the _____ of data that can be present on the network.
► Area
► Volume (Page 80)
► Length
► None of the given
Question No: 17 ( M a r k s: 1 )
A network with throughput T and delay D has a total of ________ bit in transit at any time.
► T x D (Computer Networks and Internets, page203) rep
► None of the given
Question No: 18 ( M a r k s: 1 )
One repeater _______, two repeaters ________ the maximum cable length limitation.
Question No: 19 ( M a r k s: 1 )
A network uses a ------ if all computers attach to a central point
Question No: 20 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Computers attached to an Ethernet use ------ in which a computer waits for the other to be idle before
transmitting a frame.
► Area
► Volume (Page 80) rep
► Length
► None of the given
► Star topology
► Bus topology(Page 30) rep
► Ring topology
► None of the given
Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The Fast Ethernet hardware operates at a rate of --------
► 10 Mbps
► 100 Mbps(Page 27)
► 1000 Mbps
► None of the given
► LAN(Page 4)
► None of the given
Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In Point-to-Point topology there are two topologies.
► Tree and Ring
► Star and Ring
► Star and Tree(Page 5)
► None of the given
► 21-bit
► 22-bit
► 23-bit
► 24-bit (Page 67)
Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Most WAN systems include a mechanism that can be usedto eliminate the common case of duplication
routing is called___________
► Hierarchal address
► Default route (Computer Networks and Internets, page172)
► Shortest path ►
None of the given
Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
FDDI can transmits data at a rate of-----
► Parity (Page 19) rep
► Checksums
► None of given
► Packet
► rameF (Computer Networks and Internets, page 73)
► Data
► None of the given
Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
------ Program sends a message to a remote computer and reports whether the computer responds.
Cs610-computer Networks
Quiz (1 & 2) spring 2012
CS610: Quiz 1
Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 10:29:56 PM ) Total Marks: 1
A network that uses __________ usually consists of a single long cable to which computer attach.
Select correct option:
Star Topology
Ring Topology
Bus Topology (Page 26)
Bus and Ring Topology
CS610: Quiz 1
Question # 1 of 10 ( Start time: 09:55:01 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Fixed network is a type of networks which is classified with respect to the...........factor
Select correct option:
Mobility rep
Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 09:57:20 PM ) Total Marks: 1
The Gigabit Ethernet hardware operates at a rate of --------
Select correct option:
10 Mbps
100 Mbps
1000 Mbps rep
1000 Gbps
CS610: Quiz 1
Question # 1 of 10 ( Start time: 11:14:05 PM ) Total Marks: 1
---------- is also called self healing network
Select correct option:
FDDI rep
Token Ring
None of the given
Differential Manchester
Not Return to Zero (NRZ)
Manchester Encoding (Page 27)
Return to Zero (RZ)
Broadcasting rep
None of the given
Size (Page 4)
Star Topology
Dual Ring Topology
Ring Topology rep
Bus Topology
CS610: Quiz 2
Question # 1 of 10 ( Start time: 10:52:55 PM ) Total Marks: 1
________network topology is a bus but wiring topology is a star
Select correct option:
10Base-T (Page 44)
Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 10:53:57 PM ) Total Marks: 1
What will be the bandwidth rate for short distance 10Base-T?
Select correct option:
16 MHz
20 MHz (Computer Networks and Internets, page 128)
100 MHz
150 MHz
Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time: 10:55:34 PM ) Total Marks: 1
........ is effectively a very short Ethernet with very long AUI cables. It can be connected into
larger Ethernet Select correct option:
HUBS (Page 43)
None of thease
Helping Material
Cs610- Computer Networks By Hammad Khalid Khan
Computer Networks and Internets with Internet Applications, 4/e (With CD) By
Question No: 1( M a r k s: 1 )
A ---------- Relies on the hardware manufacturer to assign a unique physical address to each
network interface.
Question No: 2 ( M a r k s: 1 )
►RJ-45, 10 Base T
►RJ-45, 10 Base 5
►BNC, 10 Base 2
►BNC, 10 Base T
Question No: 3( M a r k s: 1 )
in the system.
Click here for detail
►Spanning Trees
Question No: 4( M a r k s: 1 )
A Bridge can
►Filter a frame
►Forward a frame
►Extend a LAN
Do the all
Question No: 5( M a r k s: 1 )
is used for typical data applications (where the data rate may be unknown and bursty) and
allows use of whatever bandwidth is available at a given time.
Question No: 6( M a r k s: 1 )
Question No: 7( M a r k s: 1 )
►Internet Layer
►Transport Layer
Question No: 8( M a r k s: 1 )
►Class A
►Class C
►Class D
Question No: 9( M a r k s: 1 )
layer protocols
►Data link
Question No: 11( M a r k s: 1 )
►Physical Layer
►Internet Layer
identifies which application program on receiving computer should receive the data
►Logical address
►Source port
►Destination Port
►Source port
►Logical address
(Page 138)
OSPF is based on
(Page 140 )
performs local multicast and uses IP-in-IP encapsulation to send multicast datagrams from one
site on the Internet to another.
The length of time required to send a variable length packet is variable and does not require a
complicated interrupt scheme to detect completion of transmission.
(Page 72)
NEXT HEADER field in the base header defines type of header and it appears at end of fixed-size
base header.
(Page 112)
Although message exchange can be used to bind addresses, sending a request for each binding
is hopelessly inefficient.
A computer attached to a given network can only communicate with other computers attached
to the same network. Is this a problem with multiple networks?
In the 1970s large organizations began to acquire multiple networks. Each network in the
organization formed island. Employees needed to choose a computer appropriate for each task. So they
needed multiple screens, keyboards and computers.
The term self-identifying is used for Classful IP addresses because the class of the address can be
computed from the address
(Page 87)
Question No: 26( M a r k s: 1 )
In which method of Address Resolution Protocol the protocol address independent of hardware
Were "T" stands for Table lookup, "C" for Closed-form Computation and "D" for Data Exchange?
►T, C
Were "T" stands for Table lookup, "C" for Closed-form Computation and "D" for Data Exchange?
►C (Page 97)
►T, C
(Page 28)
Question No: 29( M a r k s: 1 )
TCP uses
Spring 2010
In Direct point to point communication adding the Nth computer requires------------ new
►None of the given
(Page 23)
►(N2 –N)/2
In -------------, network occupies the smaller area like a room a floor or a building
(Page 4)
The third field of the header consists of ------ bit Ethernet frame type.
►250 meters
►500 meters
►700 meters
The network with Throughput T and Delay D has a total --------------- bits in transit at a time.
►D + T
►D – T
►D X T
►D / T
►Class A
►Class B
►Class C
►Class D
Router detects datagram --------- than network MTU and then it splits into pieces and each piece
is ----------than outbound network MTU.
►Larger, smaller
(Page 108)
►Larger, larger
►Smaller, larger
►Smaller, smaller
Which of the following protocols allows the sender and receiver to enforce polices.
measures distance in network hops, where each network between the source and destination
counts as single hop.
(Page 138)
►Non of these
includes a 32-bits address mask with each address, which allows the address to be classful,
classless, or subnetted.
One repeater ---------------, two repeaters --------------- the maximum cable length limitation.
►Double, triple
(Page 49)
►Double, 4 time
►half, triple
►Double, half
Like most application programs, a client and server use a transport protocol to communicate.
(Page 146)
Mapping between a protocol address and a hardware address is called Address Resolution.
►True (Page 93)
In the 1970s large organizations began to acquire multiple networks. Each network in the
organization formed island. Employees needed to choose a computer appropriate for each task. So they
needed multiple screens, keyboards and computers.
►None of given
►None of given
►dynamic addressing
Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
►32 Bits
►64 Bits
In case TCP, retransmission, acknowledgment from a computer on LAN are expected to arrive
►Micro seconds
Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Twice NAT is another variant of NAT. it is used with site that runs server. In this process NAT box
is connected to Domain Name.
(Page 131)
►Star Topology
►Bus Topology
►software (Page 93)
►operating system
Fall 2008
In Direct point to point communication adding the Nth computer requires------------ new
►(N2 –N)/2
Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In -------------, network occupies the smaller area like a room a floor or a building
►LAN (Page 4)
►10 Mbps
►100 Mbps
►1000 Mbps
Formally named
►10 Base 5
►RJ-45, 10 Base T
►RJ-45, 10 Base 5
►BNC, 10 Base T
in the system.
►Spanning Trees
►Greedy algorithm
►Dijksta’s algorithm
Basic LAN technologies such as Ethernet, Token Ring, and FDDI use a
►Connectionless service paradigm
►Physical Layer
►Internet Layer
Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The address
identifies the physical network to which the computer is attached, while the identifies an
individual computer on that network.
►suffix , prefix
►suffix , suffix
►Class B
►Class C
►Class D
►Class A
►Class B
►Class C
►Class D
layer protocols
►Data link
►Physical Layer
►Internet Layer
►Transport Layer (Page 84) rep
identifies which application program on receiving computer should receive the data
►Logical address
►Source port
►Source port
►Logical address
Which of the following protocols allows the sender and receiver to enforce polices.
as frames on
►Intranet, LAN
►Internet, WAN
►Intranet, WAN
►False (Page 81) rep
A computer attached to a given network can only communicate with other computers attached
to the same network. Is this a problem with multiple networks?
The term self-identifying is used for Classful IP addresses because the class of the address can be
computed from the address
Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Were "T" stands for Table lookup, "C" for Closed-form Computation and "D" for Data Exchange?
►T, C
Were "T" stands for Table lookup, "C" for Closed-form Computation and "D" for Data Exchange?
►D (Page 97)
►T, D
Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Were "T" stands for Table lookup, "C" for Closed-form Computation and "D" for Data Exchange?
►T, D
►T, C
(Page 97)
Were "T" stands for Table lookup, "C" for Closed-form Computation and "D" for Data Exchange?
►T, C
►D (Page 97)
Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
►dynamic addressing
Propagation multicast routing information differs dramatically from unicast route propagation?
►One or more
►only one
To save traffic, an EGP does not summerize routing information from the autonomous system
before passing it to another autonomous system.
In IPv6 the type of address used for collection of computers with same prefix. Are known as
Special types of addresses in IPv6 used for multiple destinations; possibly not at same site. Are
known as
TCP uses
►Distance to destination
►non of these
(Page 31)
Question No: 1
( M a r k s: 1 )
Computer networks are often called -------------- because they use packet technology.
►Switch networks
►Packet networks
(Computer Networks and Internets, page 73)
Question No: 2
( M a r k s: 1 )
►Star Topology
►Bus Topology
Question No: 3
( M a r k s: 1 )
An ------------method, the network hardware designers specify how type information is included
in the frame and the value use to identify various frame types.
Question No: 4
( M a r k s: 1 )
►RJ-45, 10 Base T
►RJ-45, 10 Base 5
►BNC, 10 Base 2
►BNC, 10 Base T
Question No: 5
( M a r k s: 1 )
A Bridge forwards or filters a frame by comparing the information in its address table to the
Question No: 6
( M a r k s: 1 )
Most WAN systems include a mechanism that can be used to eliminate the common case of
duplication routing is called
►Hierarchal address
►Default route
►Shortest path
Question No: 7
( M a r k s: 1 )
►Physical Layer
►Internet Layer
►Transport Layer
Question No: 8
( M a r k s: 1 )
►Physical Layer
►Internet Layer
►Transport Layer
Question No: 9
( M a r k s: 1 )
Question No: 10
( M a r k s: 1 )
uses distance vector approach to define routing
Question No: 11
( M a r k s: 1 )
is ideal in a situation where the group is small and all members are attached to contiguous Local
Area Networks.
►Flood-and –Prune
(Page 143)
►Configuration-and -Tunneling
►Core-Based Discovery
Question No: 12
( M a r k s: 1 )
Router that decrements TTL to sends ICMP time exceeded message, with router’s address as
source address
►0 (Page 118)
Question No: 13
( M a r k s: 1 )
►operating system
Question No: 14
( M a r k s: 1 )
Although message exchange can be used to bind addresses, sending a request for each binding
is hopelessly inefficient.
Question No: 15
( M a r k s: 1 )
►24, 32
►32, 64
►32, 128
Question No: 16
( M a r k s: 1 )
In the 1970s large organizations began to acquire multiple networks. Each network in the
organization formed island. Employees needed to choose a computer appropriate for each task. So they
needed multiple screens, keyboards and computers.
Question No: 17
( M a r k s: 1 )
Were "T" stands for Table lookup, "C" for Closed-form Computation and "D" for Data Exchange?
Types of
Use full with any hardware
by hardware address
►T, C
Question No: 18
( M a r k s: 1 )
The general form of an IP datagram is with a header followed by data. The header contains
information that controls where and how the datagram is to be sent.
Question No: 19
( M a r k s: 1 )
To save traffic, an EGP does not summarize routing information from the autonomous system
before passing it to another autonomous system.
Question No: 20
( M a r k s: 1 )
(Page 114)
Fall 2008
Question No: 1
( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The number of connections needed for N computer in direct point to point communication is
equal to:
►(N2 –N)/2
(Page 23)
►N(N- 1)
Question No: 2
When an application--------------- data, it makes a copy of the data available to all other
computers on the network.
Question No: 3
Ethernet uses a ------ bit static addressing scheme in which each device is assigned a unique
address by the manufacturer.
Question No: 4
in the system.
►Spanning Trees
Question No: 5
Question No: 6
Question No: 7
►TCP (
Question No: 8
The process of using a routing table to select a next hop for a given datagram is called
►Routing or forwarding
Question No: 9
A multicast routing scheme in which the protocol software builds a delivery tree from a central
point is called
(Page 114)
Question No: 11
One repeater
, two repeaters
►doubles, cancel
►doubles, triple
►and, triple
Question No: 12
►postfix, Infix
►non of these
►Infix, prefix
►prefix, suffix
(Page 87)
Question No: 13
Although message exchange can be used to bind addresses, sending a request for each binding
is hopelessly inefficient.
Question No: 14
►32, 48
(Page 98)
►24, 32
►32, 64
►32, 128
Question No: 15
(Page 101)
Question No: 16
In the 1970s large organizations began to acquire multiple networks. Each network in the
organization formed island. Employees needed to choose a computer appropriate for each task. So they
needed multiple screens, keyboards and computers.
(Page 81)
Question No: 18
Were "T" stands for Table lookup, "C" for Closed-form Computation and "D" for Data Exchange?
(Page 97)
►C, D
Question No: 19
Were "T" stands for Table lookup, "C" for Closed-form Computation and "D" for Data Exchange?
►T, C
Question No: 20
_ to refer to a measure of the path that routing software use when choosing a route.
►routing path
►routing metric
Question No: 1 ( M - 1 ) .
► Both a & b
Question No: 2 ( M - 1 ) .
► Packet
► Frame
► Data
Question No: 3 ( M - 1 ) .
The term -------- is used to denote the definition of a packet used with a specific
type of network.
► Packet
► Frame
► Data
Question No: 4 ( M - 1 ) .
► CRC can detect more errors than a simple checksum……
► True
► False
Question No: 5 ( M - 1 ) .
The Ethernet standard specifies that frames are sent using the --------Manchestor
Question No: 6 ( M - 1 ) .
Most LANs that employ ring topology use an access mechanism known as-------
Question No: 7 ( M - 1 ) .
Question No: 8 ( M - 1 ) .
IEEE LLC/SNAP header is --------, which is used to specify the type of data.
► 8 octets
► 8 bytes
► 8 bits
Question No: 9 ( M - 1 ) .
Formally named __________ informally known as the thick wire Ethernet or Thick
► 10 Base 2
► 10 Base 5
► 10 Base T
► None of the given vuzs.net
Question No: 10 ( M - 1 ) .
Most NICs contain _______________ circuitry that allows the NIC to operate
independent of the CPU.
Question No: 11 ( M - 1 ) .
► Physical(MAC)
► Data Link
► Network
Question No: 12 ( M - 1 ) .
Question No: 13 ( M - 1 ) .
► Packet’s destination
Question No: 14 ( M - 1 ) .
__________is used for compressed audio and video where the data rate depends
on the level of compression that can be achieved.
► 21-bit
► 22-bit
► 23-bit
► 24 bit
Question No: 16 ( M - 1 ) .
Question No: 17 ( M - 1 ) .
The product of delay and throughput measures the _____ of data that can be
present on the network.
► Area
► Volume
► Length
► None of the given
Question No: 18 ( M - 1 ) .
Question No: 19 ( M - 1 ) .
Question No: 20 ( M - 1 ) .
Question No: 1 ( M - 1 ) .
No error detection scheme is perfect because transmission errors can affect the additional
information as well as the data.
► True
► False
No error detection scheme is perfect because transmission errors can affect the additional
information as well as the data. A cyclicly redunduncy chcek, which is slightly more difficult to
computer can detect more errors then a Parity or Check sum mechnasim.
Question No: 2 ( M - 1 ) .
------ Program sends a message to a remote computer and reports whether the computer
► Ping
► Traceroute
► Non of the given
Question No: 3 ( M - 1 ) .
---------- was especially concerned about the lack of high powered computers.
► Non of the given
The US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was especially
concerned about the lack of high-powered computers. Many of the ARPA research projects
needed access to the latest equipment
Question No: 4 ( M - 1 ) .
The term -------- is used to denote the definition of a packet used with a specific type of network.
► Packet
► Frame
► Data
► None of the given
To help distinguish between the general idea of packet transmission and the specific definition of
packets for a given hardware technology, we use the term frame to denote the definition of a
packet used with a specific type of network. Thus one might refer the maximum amount of data a
frame can hold or the order in which bits of a frame are sent across a network.
Question No: 5 ( M - 1 ) .
Computer networks are often called -------------- because they use packet technology.
► Ethernet
► Switch networks
► Packet networks
► None of the given
Question No: 6 ( M - 1 ) .
-------------- have advantages arisen from the size and ease of computation.
► Parity
► Checksums
► None of given
Question No: 7 ( M - 1 ) .
Most LANs that employ ring topology use an access mechanism known as-------
► None of the given
Most LANs that employ ring technology use an access mechanism known as token passing. A
token ring operates as a single, shared medium. When a computer wants to send data, it must
wait until it obtains the token, when it is in control of the ring
Question No: 8 ( M - 1 ) .
IEEE LLC/SNAP header is --------, which is used to specify the type of data.
► 8 octets
► 8 bytes
► 8 bits
► None of the given
Question No: 9 ( M - 1 ) .
Formally named __________ informally known as the twisted pair Ethernet or TP Ethernet.
► 10 Base 2
► 10 Base 5
► 10 Base T
► None of the given
Question No: 10 ( M - 1 ) .
An interface for twisted pair Ethernet must have an ____________ connector , and must generate
signals according to the_____________ specification.
► RJ-45, 10 Base T
► RJ-45, 10 Base 5
► BNC, 10 Base 2
► BNC, 10 Base T
an interface for twisted pair Ethernet must have an RJ-45 connector, and must generate signals
according to the 10BaseT specification. (P# 683 E-books)
Question No: 11 ( M - 1 ) .
A bridges function in the _________ layers(s).
► Physical (MAC)
► Data link
► Physical (MAC) and Data link
Question No: 12 ( M - 1 ) .
A Bridge can ________
► Filter a frame
► Forward a frame
► Extend a LAN
► Do all the above
A bridge is a hardware device also used to connect two LAN segments to extend a LAN. It
listens to all traffic and recognizes frame format. It also forwards only correct complete frames
and discards the collided and error frames.
The most important task a bridge performs is frame filtering.
Question No: 13 ( M - 1 ) .
A Bridge forwards or filters a frame by comparing the information in its address table to the
► Layer 2 source address
► Source node’s physical address
► Layer 2 destination address
► Layer 3 destination address
Question No: 14 ( M - 1 ) .
________ computes shortest paths in a graph by using weights on edges as a measure of
► Greedy algorithm
► Distance vector algorithm
► Dijksta’s algorithm
► Non of the given
Dijkstras algorithm computes shortest paths in a graph by using weights on edg as a measure of
distance. A path with the fewest number of edges may not be the path with least weight. (P# 173
Question No: 15 ( M - 1 ) .
___________ is used for audio and video, since these have predefined maximum data rates
► Constant Bit Rate (CBR) service
► Variable Bit Rate (VBR) service
► Available Bit Rate (ABR) service
► None of the given
It is used for audio and video, since these have predefined maximum data rates.
Question No: 16 ( M - 1 ) .
Unlike Frame Relay and ATM, SMDS (Switched multi-megabit Data service) offers_______ .
► Connectionless service paradigm
► Connection oriented service paradigm
► Both Connectionless and Connection-oriented service paradigm
► None of the given
Switched Multi megabit Data Service (SMDS) is also a Telco service. It is a connection less
It is used for Telco service for delivering blocks of data. It is connection based
Service ATM uses the concept of connection-oriented networking
Question No: 17 ( M - 1 ) .
A network with throughput T and delay D has a total of ________ bit in transit at any time.
► None of the given
A network with throughput T and delay D has a total of T x D bits in transit at
any time. (e-books)
Question No: 18 ( M - 1 ) .
ATM is designed to work on___________.
► Twisted Pair
► Coaxial
► Radio Frequency
► Fiber
ATM is designed to work on fiber (but can be used with twisted pair). (P# 72)
Question No: 19 ( M - 1 ) .
Computers attached to an ethernet use ------ in which a computer waits for the ether to be idle
before transmitting a frame.
► None of the given
All computers attached to the Ethernet use CSMA/CD to co-ordinate their activities. A computer
wishing to transmit checks for electrical activity on the cable, informally called a carrier. If there
is no carrier, the computer can transmit. If a carrier is present, the computer waits for the sender
to finish before proceeding
Question No: 20 ( M - 1 ) .
FDDI can transmits data at a rate of ----------
► 100 million bits per second
► 10 million bits per second
► 1000 million bits per second
► None of the given
Question No: 1 ( M - 1 ) .
In Point-to-Point topology there are two topologies.
► Star and Tree
► Tree and Ring
► Star and Ring
► Star and Tree
► None of the given
In Point-to-Point topology there are two topologies.
1) STAR topology
2) TREE topology
Question No: 2 ( M - 1 ) .
------ Program sends a message to a remote computer and reports
whether the computer responds.
► Ping
► Traceroute
► Non of the given
Ping program tests reach ability. It sends datagram from B to A, that echoes
back to B. it uses ICMP echo request and echo reply messages.
Question No: 3 ( M - 1 ) .
------ has no way to determine the cause of the problem.
► Ping
► Trace route
► Non of the given
Ping has no way to determine the cause of the problem. Tracing A Route
Network administrators use another tool, trace route.
Question No: 4 ( M - 1 ) .
The term----- ------- refers to the general concept of a small block of
► Packet
► Frame
► Data
► None of the given
Packet is a generic term that refers to small block of data. Packet have
different format. Each hardware uses different packet format.
Question No: 5 ( M - 1 ) .
---------- scheme, which is designed to help detect transmissions
errors, send one extra bit of information with each character
► Parity
► Checksums
► None of given
A parity scheme, which is designed to help detect transmission errors, sends
one extra hit of information with each character. Although it allows receiver
to determine if a single bit has been changed parity can not detect
transmission errors that change an even number of bits.
Question No: 6 ( M - 1 ) .
Local Talk is a LAN technology that employs -------------
► Bus topology
► Ring topology
► Star topology
► None of the given
Apple invented the LAN technology that uses bus topology. Its interface is
included with all Macintosh computers.
Question No: 7 ( M - 1 ) .
Most LANs that employ ring topology use an access mechanism
known as-------
► None of the given
Most LANs that employ ring technology use an access mechanism known as
token passing. A token ring operates as a single, shared medium. When a
computer wants to send data, it must wait until it obtains the token, when it
is in control of the ring
Question No: 8 ( M - 1 ) .
Ethernet uses a ------ bit static addressing scheme in which each
device is assigned a unique address by the manufacturer.
► 64
► 48
► 32
Ethernet uses a 48-bit static addressing scheme
Question No: 9 ( M - 1 ) .
Formally named __________ informally known as the thick wire
Ethernet or Thick net.
► 10 Base 2
► 10 Base 5
► 10 Base T
► None of the given
Thick Ethernet, officially known as 10 Base 5, is the oldest form of Ethernet. It was
originally developed in the late 1970's by Digital Equipment Corporation, IBM, and Xerox,
and became an international standard (IEEE 802.3) in 1983.
Question No: 10 ( M - 1 ) .
Formally named __________ informally known as the twisted pair
Ethernet or TP Ethernet.
► 10 Base 2
► 10 Base 5
► 10 Base T
► None of the given
Question No: 11 ( M - 1 ) .
The maximum size of an Ethernet segment is___________
► 250 meters
► 500 meters
► 700 meters
► None of the given
Question No: 12 ( M - 1 ) .
A Bridge can ________
► Filter a frame
► Forward a frame
► Extend a LAN
► Do all the above
A bridge is a hardware device also used to connect two LAN segments to
extend a LAN. It listens to all traffic and recognizes frame format. It also
forwards only correct complete frames and discards the collided and error
The most important task a bridge performs is frame filtering.
Question No: 13 ( M - 1 ) .
_______ computes shortest paths in a graph by using weights on
edges as a measure of distance.
► Greedy algorithm
► Distance vector algorithm
► Dijksta’s algorithm
► Non of the given
Question No: 14 ( M - 1 ) .
__________is used for compressed audio and video where the data
rate depends on the level of compression that can be achieved.
► Constant Bit Rate (CBR) service
► Variable Bit Rate (VBR) service
► Available Bit Rate (ABR) service
► None of the given
It is used for compressed audio and video where the data rate depends on
the level of compression that can be achieved.
Question No: 15 ( M - 1 ) .
Basic LAN technologies such as Ethernet, Token Ring, and FDDI use
a _____.
Question No: 17 ( M - 1 ) .
A network with throughput T and delay D has a total of ________ bit
in transit at any time.
► None of the given
Question No: 18 ( M - 1 ) .
One repeater _______, two repeaters ________ the maximum cable
length limitation.
► doubles, triple
► square roots, cude roots
► and, triple
► doubles, cancel
One repeater doubles, two repeaters triple the maximum cable length
limitation. (P# 49)
Question No: 19 ( M - 1 ) .
A network uses a ------ if all computers attach to a central point
► Star Topology
► Ring Topology
► Bus Topology
► None of the given
In this topology, all computers are attached to a central point, which is
sometimes called the “Hub” (P# 25)
Question No: 20 ( M - 1 ) .
Computers attached to an ethernet use ------ in which a computer
waits for the other to be idle before transmitting a frame.
► None of the given
All computers attached to the Ethernet use CSMA/CD to co-ordinate their
activities. A computer wishing to transmit checks for electrical activity on the
cable, informally called a carrier. If there is no carrier, the computer can
transmit. If a carrier is present, the computer waits for the sender to finish
before proceeding.
Unlike Frame Relay and ATM, SMDS (Switched multi-megabit Data service)
Packet’s destination
An interface for twisted pair Ethernet must have a ____________ connector, and
must generate signals according to the_____________ specification.
RJ-45, 10 Base T
RJ-45, 10 Base 5
BNC, 10 Base 2
BNC, 10 Base T
Computers attached to an ether use ------ in which a computer waits for the ether
to be idle before transmitting a frame.
None of the given
________________ has advantages arisen from the size and ease of computation.
None of given
The chief advantages arise from the size and ease of computation. Most networks that
employ a checksum technique use a 76-bit or J2-bit checksum, and compute a single
checksum for an entire packet.
The term ___________ is used to denote the definition of a packet used with a
specific type of network.
None of the given
To help distinguish between the general idea of packet transmission and the specific
definition of packets for a given hardware technology, we use the term frame to denote
the definition of a packet used with a specific type of network
The product of delay and throughput measures the _____ of data that can be
present on the network.
► Area
► Volume
► Length
► None of the given
To summarize: The product of delay and throughput measures the volume of data that
can be present on the network. A network with throughput T and delay D can have a
total ofT×D bits in transit at any time
__________is used for compressed audio and video where the data rate depends
on the level of compression that can be achieved.
Constant Bit Rate (CBR) service
All the given
Physical (MAC)
Data link
8 bytes
8 bits
None of the given
X Packet Type (PT), the five values of which were listed previously, in Table 7-2. The
IEEE 802. lX Packet Body Length (PBL) follows the Packet Type. Because
the LLC/SNAP header is eight octets long, and the IEEE 802
The third field of the header consists of ------ bit Ethernet frame type.
Star topology
Bus topology
Ring topology
None of the given
Almost altogether network technologies use different wiring schemes. e.g., local talk
uses hubs
(physical star) to simulate a bus topology.
10 Mbps
100 Mbps
1000 Mbps
None of the given
The Ethernet speed was originally 3Mbps, and the current standard is 10Mbps
the fast Ethernet operates at 100Mbps. There are also gigabits Ethernet available now
Trace route
Non of the given
The ping program sends a message to a remote computer and reports whether the
computer responds; the traceroute program identifies intermediate computers along a
path to a remote destination. Ping and traceroute software is included in
In ______________ network occupies larger areas like cities & countries.
None of the given
In -------------, network occupies the smaller area like a room a floor or a building.
None of the given
In Point-to-Point topology there are two topologies.
1) STAR topology
2) TREE topology
1. If a computer on the network shares resources for others to use, it is called ____
a. Server
b. Client
c. Mainframe
Answer : a
3. In _____ topology, if a computer’s network cable is broken, whole network goes down.
a. Bus
b. Star
Answer : a
8. ____ layer decides which physical pathway the data should take.
a. Application
b. Network
c. Physical
Answer : c
11. _____________ allows LAN users to share computer programs and data.
a. Communication server
b. Print server
c. File server
Answer : c
12. Print server uses ________ which is a buffer that holds data before it is send to the
a. Queue
b. Spool
c. Node
Answer : b
13. A standalone program that has been modified to work on a LAN by including
concurrency controls such as file and record locking is an example of____
a. LAN intrinsic software
b. LAN aware software
c. Groupware
d. LAN ignorant software
Answer : a
14. The ______ portion of LAN management software restricts access, records user
activities and audit data etc.
a. Configuration management
b. Security management
c. Performance management
Answer : b
Question # 2 of
The routing table in interior and exterior switches has which one of the following?
It should have next hop for each possible destination
The next hop in table must be on shortest path to destination
Both (a) and (b)
None of the above
Question # 3 of 10
Which one of the following is a method for computing routing table information?
Manual entry
Static routing
Boot time routing
None of the above
How to compute routing table information:
Static routing - at boot time
Dynamic routing - allow automatic updates by a program
Question # 4 of 10
Question # 5 of 10
Routing table is used to keep the information about…………….
Medium of transmission
Routers used in network
All of the above
The routing table contains list of destination networks and next hop for each destination.
Question # 8 of 10
Question # 9 of 10
Question # 10 of 10
Question 1
NAT is not useful at a residence with Cable Modem or DSL connectivity.
NAT is useful at a residence with Cable Modem or DSL connectivity
Question 2
_______ includes a 32-bits address mask with each address, which allows the address to be classful,
classless, or subnetted.
None of the given
OSPF includes a 32-bit address mask with each address, which allows the address to be classful,
classless, or subnetted.
Question 3
NAPT stands for ________________
Network address and protocol translation
Network address and port translation
Network address and packet translation
None of the given
But Network Address and Port Translation (NAPT) (which is another modified form of NAT)
Question 4
Which of the following are interior routing protocols?
The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) are the two most well-
known interior routing protocols used in the TCP/IP suite
Question 5
NAT stands for ____________
Network address translation
Network address transmission
Network address test
None of the given
Question 6
In IP routing, forwarding refers to ______ transfer.
None of the given
FORWARDING refers to datagram transfer.
Question 7
Basic NAT does not work well for communication initiated from the Internet.
Basic NAT does not work well for communication initiated from the Internet
Question 8
To save traffic, an EGP does not summerize routing information from the autonomous system before
passing it to another autonomous system
OSPF has designed as an Interior Gateway Protocol used to pass routing information among routers
within an autonomous system.
Each Autonomous System chooses a routing protocol to exchange routing information which is
summarized before being passed to another group.
Question 9
OSPF is based on--------
Distance vector routing
Link state routing
Path vector routing
Distance vector and link state routing
OSPF uses link-state routing.
Question 10
The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) uses_________ for all communication
None of the given
"It uses reliable transport (TCP).
BGP uses the TCP/IP protocol on port 179 to establish connections
Question 11
________ identifies the application program that sent the data.
Source port
Logical address
None of the given (not sure)
(Reference not available)
Question 12
_______ can be used to propagate information about remote networks
Dynamic routing
Static routing
Address resolution
None of the given
Dynamic routing can be used to propagate information about remote networks.
Question 13
Which of the following protocol uses UDP for all message transmission?
RIP uses UDP for all message transmissions
Question 14
OSPF stands for __________
Open Source Path First Protocol
Open shortest path first
Open Secure Path First Protocol
open shortest path first
(OSPF ) known as the Open Shortest Path First Protocol).
Question 15
Typical internet routing uses uses a combination of two metrics__________________.
Mouthing metrics
Administrative cost and routing metrics
Hop cost
Administrative cost and hop count
Typical internet routing uses uses a combination of two metrics Administrative cost and hop count
Question 16
_________ is a current version of BGP.
None of these
The current version is four (BGP-4).
Question 17
OSPF does'nt allows a router to introduce routes learned from another means.
SPF allows a router to introduce routes learned from another means (e.g., from BGP).
Question 18
Preliminary version of IP was called _________.
Select correct option:
Question 19
Source is responsible for fragmentation.
Select correct option:
IPv6 source (not intermediate routers) is responsible for fragmentation
Question 20
IPV6 address consists of ________
Select correct option:
32 Bits
64 Bits
128 Bits
none of the given
IPV6 addresses are 128 bits.
Header contains all information needed to deliver datagram to the destination computer.
But which one of the following is not included:
Destination address
Source address
Other delivery information
Header contains all information needed to deliver datagram to the destination computer
Destination address
Source address
Other delivery information
Every hardware technology specification includes the definition of the maximum size of the
frame data area, which is called the ____________ Transmission Unit.
Every hardware technology specification includes the definition of the maximum size of the
frame data area, which is called the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU).
Although the ARP message format is sufficiently general to allow arbitrary protocol and
hardware addresses. ARP is almost always used to bind a 32-bit IP address to a ____ Ethernet
ARP is almost always used to bind a 32-bit IP address to a 48-bit Ethernet address
Fragmentation when using ICMP for path MTU should be avoided.
End to End delivery Service of IP datagram is _____
Connection oriented
both a and b
none of the given
End-to-end delivery service is connection less.
HEADER LEN field gives size of extention header.
_________ Serve Same purpose in Internet as frames on LAN
Virtual Packets
Virtual Frames
Both b and c
These packets serve same purpose in Internet as frames on LAN.
Header contains all information needed to deliver datagram to the destination computer. But
which one of the following is not included
Destination address
Source address
Other delivery information
Header contains all information needed to deliver datagram to the destination computer
Destination address
• Source address
• Identifier
• Other delivery information
Network Layer
________ field is used to identify a specific path through the network
Select correct option:
Flow label
Traffic class
Both a and b
Flow label is partitioned into a TRAFFIC CLASS field and a separate FLOW LABEL field used
to identify a specific path thorough the network.
IPV6 address with ______ leading zeros is interpreted to hold an IPV4 address.
Select correct option:
Although the ARP message format is sufficiently general to allow arbitrary protocol and
hardware addresses. ARP is almost always used to bind a 32-bit IP address to a ____ Ethernet
Other options are missing
ARP is almost always used to bind a 32-bit IP address to a 48-bit Ethernet address
For _____________, information about forwarding is stored in a routing table, which is
initialized at system initialization and must be updated as network topology changes.
Select correct option:
For efficiency, information about forwarding is stored in a routing table, which is initialized at
system initialization and must be updated as network topology changes
_______ is a technique used to Limit datagram size to small MTU of any network
Select correct option:
One technique is to limit datagram size to smallest MTU of any network
When one computer sends an ARP message to another the message travels inside the hardware
frame. Technically, placing a message inside a frame for transport is not called encapsulation.
Select correct option:
Technically, placing a message inside a frame for transport is called encapsulationQuestion
Which one of these is not a main feature of connectionless service:
It has universal addressing and the data is delivered in packets frames), without a header.
none of the given
ICMP can also be used to test different tools.
________ message is sent in response to incoming datagrams with problems.
Select correct option:
ICMP message is sent in response to incoming datagrams with problems. ICMP message is not
sent for ICMP message.
Which one is NOT the function of ping program
Reach ability
Both a and b
None of the given
IPV6 address with ______ leading zeros is interpreted to hold an IPV4 address.
Select correct option:
IP header
Datagram encapsulated in a hardware frame must be smaller than the MTU for that hardware
The Source can configure outgoing datagram’s to avoid _________
Every hardware technology specification includes the definition of the maximum size of the
frame data area, which is called the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU).
_____ Protocol provides error reporting mechanism.
Select correct option:
_______ Source is responsible for fragmentation.
Select correct option:
Non of the given
Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The term -------- is used to denote the definition of a packet used with a specific type of
None of the given
Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Computer networks are often called -------------- because they use packet technology.
Switch networks
Packet networks
None of the given
Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
-------------- have advantages arisen from the size and ease of computation.
None of given
Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Most LANs that employ ring topology use an access mechanism known as-------
None of the given
Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
IEEE LLC/SNAP header is --------, which is used to specify the type of data.
8 octets
8 bytes
8 bits
None of the given
► 10 Base 2
► 10 Base 5
► 10 Base T
► None of the given
Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
__________is used for compressed audio and video where the data rate depends on the
level of compression that can be achieved.
BNC, 10 Base T ►
► None of the given
3 com LP III
3 com Etherlink III ISA
3 com Etherlink II Adapter
3 com 3C508 ISA 16 BIT
Q1= Network administrator wants to build an update routing which algorithm he use?
Q2=100mbps Ethernet NIC is connected to control Hub which supports 10mbps. What will be
Data Rate in this scenario?
Q3=NIC 100mbps Ethernet NIC and other speed 10mbps. Are connected with each other What
will be NIC Data Rate in this scenario?
Q4=two far away site offices want to connect which is better LAN and WAN?
► 10 Base 2
► 10 Base 5
► 10 Base T
► None of the given
Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
__________is used for compressed audio and video where the data rate depends on the
level of compression that can be achieved.
3 com LP III
3 com Etherlink III ISA
3 com Etherlink II Adapter
3 com 3C508 ISA 16 BIT
The product of delay and throughput measures the _____ of data that can be present on the
► Area
► Volume
► Length
__________is used for compressed audio and video where the data rate depends on the level of
compression that can be achieved.
Physical (MAC)►
Data link►
IEEE LLC/SNAP header is --------, which is used to specify the type of data.
8 octets►
8 bytes►
8 bits►
The third field of the header consists of ------ bit Ethernet frame type.
An ------------method, the network hardware designers specify how type information is included
in the frame and the value use to identify various frame types.
Star topology►
Bus topology►
Ring topology►
10 Mbps►
100 Mbps►
1000 Mbps►
---------- scheme, which is designed to help detect transmissions errors, send one extra bit of
information with each character
None of given►
Computer networks are often called -------------- because they use packet technology.
Switch networks►
►Packet networks
In -------------, network occupies the smaller area like a room a floor or a building
►None of the given ►Virtual Private Network ►Isochronous Network ►Asynchronous Network
Unlike Frame Relay and ATM, SMDS (Switched multi-megabit Data service) offers_______.
ATM assigns each VC a _____________ identifier that is divided two parts to produce a hierarchy.
►21-bit ►22-bit
Most WAN systems include a mechanism that can be used to eliminate the common case of
duplication routing is called___________
►Hierarchal address
►Default route
►Shortest path
►None of the given
►RJ-45, 10 Base T
►RJ-45, 10 Base 5
►BNC, 10 Base 2
►BNC, 10 Base T
When an application___________ data, it makes a copy of the data available to all other computers
on the network.
►None of the
A ____________ provide a mechanism that a customer can use to set a physical address.
Computers attached to an ether use ------ in which a computer waits for the ether to be idle before
transmitting a frame.
►None of the
________________ has advantages arisen from the size and ease of computation.
►Checksums ►None of given
The term ___________ is used to denote the definition of a packet used with a specific type of
►None of the given
_____________ Program sends a message to a remote computer and reports whether the computer
►Trace route
►ICMP ►Non of the given
In____________, network occupies the smaller area like a room a floor or a building.
►None of the given
No error detection scheme is perfect because transmission errors can affect the additional
information as well as the data.
__________is used for compressed audio and video where the data rate depends on the level of
compression that can be achieved.
►Constant Bit Rate (CBR) service ►Variable Bit Rate (VBR) service
►All the given
IEEE LLC/SNAP header is --------, which is used to specify the type of data.
The third field of the header consists of ------ bit Ethernet frame type.
An ------------method, the network hardware designers specify how type information is included in the
frame and the value use to identify various frame types.
___________scheme, which is designed to help detect transmissions errors, send one extra bit of
information with each character
►None of given
Computer networks are often called -------------- because they use packet technology.
►Switch networks ►Packet networks
►None of
the given
_____________Program sends a message to a remote computer and reports whether the computer
►Traceroute ►ICMP
►Non of the given
►None of thegiven
In -------------, network occupies the smaller area like a room a floor or a building.
►None of the given
Computer networks are often called -------------- because they use packet technology.
An ------------method, the network hardware designers specify how type information is included in the
frame and the value use to identify various frame types.
►Explicit frame type ►Ideal frame type ►Implicit frame type ►None of the given
An interface for thin Ethernet must have a ____________ connector, and must generate signals
according to the_____________ specification.
A Bridge forwards or filters a frame by comparing the information in its address table to the
Most WAN systems include a mechanism that can be used to eliminate the common case of
duplication routing is called___________
_______ Protocols of TCP/IP layering model specify how to ensure reliable transfer.
_______ is ideal in a situation where the group is small and all members are attached to contiguous
Local Area Networks.
Router that decrements TTL to __ sends ICMP time exceeded message, with router’s address as source
►3 ►2 ►1 ►0
Although message exchange can be used to bind addresses, sending a request for each binding is
hopelessly inefficient.
►True ►False
ARP is almost always used to bind a ___-bit IP address to a ___-bit Ethernet address.
In the 1970s large organizations began to acquire multiple networks. Each network in the organization
formed island. Employees needed to choose a computer appropriate for each task. So they needed
multiple screens, keyboards and computers.
►False ►True
In which method of Address Resolution Protocol the protocol address is determined by hardware
address? Were "T" stands for Table lookup, "C" for Closed-form Computation and "D" for Data
►T ►D ►C ►T, C
The general form of an IP datagram is with a header followed by data. The header
contains information that controls where and how the datagram is to be sent.
►True ►False
To save traffic, an EGP does not summarize routing information from the autonomous
system before passing it to another autonomous system.
►True ►False
Which of the following is a correct representation of the IPv6?
► ►
► ►
A ________relies on the hardware manufacturer to assign a unique physical address to each network
interface is called.
A system with redundant bridges might have a problem with_______ in the system.
A Bridge can________
►Filter a frame ►Forward a frame ►Extend a LAN ►Do all the above
________ is used for typical data applications (where the data rate may be unknown and
bursty) and allows use of whatever bandwidth is available at a given time.
►Constant Bit Rate (CBR) service ►Variable Bit Rate (VBR) service
ATM assigns each VC a _____________ identifier that is divided two parts to produce a hierarchy.
___________ places the boundary between the second and third octets
________identifies which application program on receiving computer should receive the data
__________measures distance in network hops, where each network between the source and
destination counts as single hop.
►Path vector routing ►Distance vector routing and Link state routing
_________ performs local multicast and uses IP-in-IP encapsulation to send multicast datagram’s from
one site on the Internet to another.
►Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP)
The length of time required to send a variable length packet is variable and does not require a
complicated interrupt scheme to detect completion of transmission.
►True ►False
NEXT HEADER field in the base header defines type of header and it appears at end of fixed-size base
►True ►False
Although message exchange can be used to bind addresses, sending a request for each binding is
hopelessly inefficient.
►True ►False
►True ►False
A computer attached to a given network can only communicate with other computers
attached to the same network. Is this a problem with multiple networks?
►True ►False
The term self-identifying is used for Classful IP addresses because the class of the address can be
computed from the address__________.
In which method of Address Resolution Protocol the protocol address independent of hardware
Were "T" stands for Table lookup, "C" for Closed-form Computation and "D" for Data Exchange?
►T, C ►D ►C ►T, D
►True ►False
►True ►False
Equal to the Remainder of the sender Zero Non Zero The quotient at the sender
Router is __________ Device.
The address field of a frame in HDLC protocol contains the address of the ________ station.
A portion of the path that carries TX b/w a given pair of devices is known as __________.
True False
Telephone system Cable System Telephone and Cable System Non of the above
A prism can deflect the light depending upon the angle of ____________ and the frequency.
Simple parity check Two-dimensional parity check CRC All of the given
Which of the following techniques takes data from one high speed line and breaks it into portions?
fiber to the center fiber to the cable fiber to the curb flexible to the curb
Cable that connects the subscriber telephone to the nearest end office in a local loop is called
In Synchronous TDM, Time slots are not same in number as input devices
True False
In Synchronous TDM, Time slots are not same in number as input devices.
True False
At the CRC checker, ________ means that the data unit is damaged
If the ASCII character G is sent and the character D is received, what type of error is this?
True False
2 3 4 5
MAC address routing table both (a)and (b) non of the given
NAT software dose not allow a PC to connect with the internet and act as a NAT device at the same time
True false
Each autonomous system used to communicate among autonomous ststems by chooses an IGP.
Which of the following protocols provid the information at the autonomous system level.?
Which of the following protocols allow the sender and receiver to enforce polices.
Interior Gateway Protocols (IGPs) and Exterior Gateway Protocols (EGPs) two broad classes of Internet
Routing Protocol.
The computer uses______ to inform local router about the last application when it leaves.
Distance vector routing link state routing path vector routing Distance vector routing and link state
In _______ routing, the table is initialized when system boots and there is no further changes
true fales
Twice NAT fails if an application uses the IP addresses instead of Domain Name.
A one-to-many communication between a source and a specific group of hosts is classified as a_______
Twice NAT is another variant of NAT. it is used with site that runs server. In this process NAT box is
connected to Domain Name.
True false
True false
OSPF has designed as an Exterior Gateway Protocol used to pass routing information among routers
within an autonomous system.
True false
True fales
Network interface layer datalink layer network layer none of the given
IPV6 address with ______ leading zeros is interpreted to hold an IPV4 address.
Although the ARP message format is sufficiently general to allow arbitrary protocol and hardware
addresses. ARP is almost always used to bind a 32-bit IP address to a ____ Ethernet address.
For _____________, information about forwarding is stored in a routing table, which is initialized at
system initialization and must be updated as network topology changes.
Efficiency Security Accuracy Anomalies
_______ is a technique used to Limit datagram size to small MTU of any network
When one computer sends an ARP message to another the message travels inside the hardware frame.
Technically, placing a message inside a frame for transport is not called encapsulation.
True false
It has universal addressing and the data is delivered in packets frames), each with a header.
It has universal addressing and the data is delivered in packets frames), without a header.
IPV6 address with ______ leading zeros is interpreted to hold an IPV4 address
Every hardware technology specification includes the definition of the maximum size of the frame data
area, which is called the ____________ Transmission Unit
Minimum transmission unit Maximum transmission unit Multi transmission unit none of the
________ encapsulates IP datagram as data area in hardware frame.
Network Interface Layer Data link Layer Network Layer none of the given
When one computer sends an ARP message to another the message travels inside the hardware
frame. Technically, placing a message inside a frame for transport is not called encapsulation.
True False
IP - New Generation (IPng) IP - Next Generation (IPng) IP - Net Generation (IPng) None of the
Header contains all information needed to deliver datagram to the destination computer. But which
one of the following is not included:
The process of learning the path MTU is known as path MTU discovery.
True False
IPv6 ______________ is responsible for fragmentation. Routers simply drop datagram’s larger than
Computer networks are often called -------------- because they use packet technology.
►Ethernet ►Switch networks ►Packet networks ►None of the given
►Explicit frame type ►Ideal frame type ►Implicit frame type ►None of the given
Most WAN systems include a mechanism that can be used to eliminate the common case of
duplication routing is called___________
_______ is ideal in a situation where the group is small and all members are attached to contiguous
Local Area Networks.
Router that decrements TTL to __ sends ICMP time exceeded message, with router’s address as source
►3 ►2 ►1 ►0
Although message exchange can be used to bind addresses, sending a request for each binding is
hopelessly inefficient.
►True ►False
ARP is almost always used to bind a ___-bit IP address to a ___-bit Ethernet address.
►32, 48 ►24, 32 ►32, 64 ►32, 128
To save traffic, an EGP does not summarize routing information from the autonomous system before
passing it to another autonomous system.
►True ►False
When an application_______data, it makes a copy of the data available to all other computers on the
Ethernet uses a _________ bit static addressing scheme in which each device is assigned a unique
address by the manufacturer.
The product of delay and throughput measures the _____ of data that can be present on the network.
Connectionless service, Message-Oriented protocol, best effort delivery service, arbitrary interaction
and operating system independent are the characteristics of _____________
The process of using a routing table to select a next hop for a given datagram is called_________
A multicast routing scheme in which the protocol software builds a delivery tree from a central point
is called__________
►Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP) ►Core Based Trees (CBT)
One repeater _______two repeaters ________ the maximum cable length limitation.
►doubles, cancel ►doubles, triple ►square roots, cude roots ►and, triple
Whenever it handles a packet, IP software needs to separate the destination address into a
_________ and ___________.
►postfix, Infix ►non of these ►Infix, prefix ►prefix, suffix
►True ►False
►True ►False
We use the term _______ to refer to a measure of the path that routing software use when
choosing a route.
No error detection scheme is perfect because transmission errors can affect the
additional information as well as the data.
► True ► False
------ Program sends a message to a remote computer and reports whether the
computer responds.
► Ping ► Traceroute ► ICMP ► Non of the given
---------- was especially concerned about the lack of high powered computers.
The term -------- is used to denote the definition of a packet used with a specific type of
► Packet ► Frame ► Data ► None of the given
Computer networks are often called -------------- because they use packet technology.
-------------- have advantages arisen from the size and ease of computation.
Most LANs that employ ring topology use an access mechanism known as-------
An interface for twisted pair Ethernet must have an ____________ connector , and
must generate signals according to the_____________ specification.
► Physical (MAC) ► Data link ► Network ► Physical (MAC) and Data link
A Bridge forwards or filters a frame by comparing the information in its address table to
the frame’s__________
► Layer 2 source address ► Source node’s physical address
► Layer 2 destination address ► Layer 3 destination address
___________ is used for audio and video, since these have predefined maximum data
► Constant Bit Rate (CBR) service ► Variable Bit Rate (VBR) service
► Available Bit Rate (ABR) service ► None of the given
Unlike Frame Relay and ATM, SMDS (Switched multi-megabit Data service)
offers_______ .
A network with throughput T and delay D has a total of ________ bit in transit at any
►T/D ►TxD ►T+D ► None of the given
ATM is designed to work on___________.
Computers attached to an ethernet use ------ in which a computer waits for the ether to
be idle before transmitting a frame.
FDDI: Fiber distributed data interconnect (FDDI) is another ring technology. Its most important
features are: It uses fiber optics between stations and transmits data at 100Mbps.
The product of delay and throughput measures the _____ of data that can be present on the
__________is used for compressed audio and video where the data rate depends on the level of
compression that can be achieved.
Constant Bit Rate (CBR) service ►Variable Bit Rate (VBR) service►
Available Bit Rate (ABR) service ►None of the given►
Switches and bridges use MAC addressing to make networking decisions and therefore these
types of equipment function on the data link layer.
The third field of the header consists of ------ bit Ethernet frame type.
48► 32►16► 8►
An ------------method, the network hardware designers specify how type information is included
in the frame and the value use to identify various frame types.
Almost altogether network technologies use different wiring schemes. e.g., local talk uses hubs
(physical star) to simulate a bus topology.
The Ethernet speed was originally 3Mbps, and the current standard is 10Mbps
the fast Ethernet operates at 100Mbps. There are also gigabits Ethernet available now
---------- scheme, which is designed to help detect transmissions errors, send one extra bit of
information with each character
►Parity Checksums►CRC►None of given
Computer networks are often called -------------- because they use packet technology.
Ethernet Switch networks Packet networks None of the given
-----Program sends a message to a remote computer and reports whether the computer responds.
Ping program tests reachability. It sends datagram from B to A, that echoes back to B. it uses
ICMP echorequest and echo reply messages.
In -------------, network occupies the smaller area like a room a floor or a building
Unlike Frame Relay and ATM, SMDS (Switched multi-megabit Data service) offers_______ .
ATM assigns each VC a _____________ identifier that is divided two parts to produce a
Most WAN systems include a mechanism that can be used to eliminate the common case of
duplication routing is called___________
Hierarchal address►Default route►Shortest path►None of the given►
►Packet’s destination Packet’s original source►Path the packet has taken►Non of the
An interface for twisted pair Ethernet must have an ____________ connector , and must
generate signals according to the_____________ specification.
When an application--------------- data, it makes a copy of the data available to all other
computers on the network.
A ---------- provide a mechanism that a customer can use to set a physical address.
FDDI can transmits data at a rate of -----100 million bits per second -----
100 million bits per second►100 million bits per second►100 million bits per
second►None of the given►
Computers attached to an ether use ------ in which a computer waits for the ether to be idle
before transmitting a frame.
-------------- have advantages arisen from the size and ease of computation.
►CRC Parity►Checksums►None of given►
The term -------- is used to denote the definition of a packet used with a specific type of network.
In -------------, network occupies the smaller area like a room a floor or a building
No error detection scheme is perfect because transmission errors can affect the additional
information as well as the data.
rue False
In Point-to-Point topology there are two topologies.
► Tree and Ring ► Star and Ring ► Star and Tree ► None of the given
Ping program tests reach ability. It sends datagram from B to A, that echoes back to B.
it uses ICMP echo request and echo reply messages.
Ping has no way to determine the cause of the problem. Tracing A Route Network
administrators use another tool, trace route.
The term----- ------- refers to the general concept of a small block of data
Packet is a generic term that refers to small block of data. Packet have different format.
Each hardware uses different packet format.
Apple invented the LAN technology that uses bus topology. Its interface is included with
all Macintosh computers.
Most LANs that employ ring topology use an access mechanism known as------
► CSMA/CD ► CSMA/CA ► TOKEN PASSING ► None of the given
Most LANs that employ ring technology use an access mechanism known as token
passing. A token ring operates as a single, shared medium. When a computer wants to
send data, it must wait until it obtains the token, when it is in control of the ring
Ethernet uses a ------ bit static addressing scheme in which each device is
assigned a unique address by the manufacturer.
► 64 ► 48 ► 32 ►8
Thick Ethernet Wiring informally called thick wire Ethernet or Thick net
One Ethernet cable is sometimes called a segment. This segment is limited to 500
meters in length. The minimum separation between connections is 3 meters. (P# 27)
A bridge is a hardware device also used to connect two LAN segments to extend a LAN.
It listens to all traffic and recognizes frame format. It also forwards only correct
complete frames and discards the collided and error frames.
The most important task a bridge performs is frame filtering.
__________is used for compressed audio and video where the data rate
depends on the level of compression that can be achieved.
► Constant Bit Rate (CBR) service ► Variable Bit Rate (VBR) service
► Available Bit Rate (ABR) service ► None of the given
Basic LAN technologies such as Ethernet, Token Ring, and FDDI use a _____.
The product of delay and throughput measures the _____ of data that can be
present on the network.
A network with throughput T and delay D has a total of ________ bit in transit
at any time.
One repeater _______, two repeaters ________ the maximum cable length
► doubles, triple ► square roots, cude roots ► and, triple ► doubles, cancel
One repeater doubles, two repeaters triple the maximum cable length limitation. (P#
In this topology, all computers are attached to a central point, which is sometimes
called the “Hub” (P# 25)
Computers attached to an ethernet use ------ in which a computer waits for the
other to be idle before transmitting a frame.
Answer: Option A
Answer: Option D
Answer: Option C
A. Datalink Layer
B. Physical Layer
C. Transport Layer
D. Application Layer
Answer: Option A
A. Session Layer
B. Transport Layer
C. Application Layer
D. Network Layer
Answer: Option B
Answer: Option A
A. Session Layer
B. Network Layer
C. Transport Layer
D. Application Layer
Answer: Option C
Data integrity is ensured at the Transport layer by maintaining flow control and by allowing users to request reliable data transport between
Answer: Option A
Windows are used to control the the amount of outstanding, unacknowledged data segments. This process is also known as windowing
A. Physical Layer
B. Network Layer
C. Transport Layer
D. Application Layer
Answer: Option B
A. Physical Layer
B. Datalink Layer
C. Network Layer
D. Session Layer
Answer: Option B
Datalink layer deals with network topology and ensures the data to be delivered on the intended device on the LAN
Answer: Option A
Which layer sends and receives bits
A. Session Layer
B. Physical Layer
C. Datalink Layer
D. None of above
Answer: Option B
A. Half Duplex
B. Full Duplex
C. All of above
D. None of above
Answer: Option B
Answer: Option A
A. 24 bit
B. 32 bit
C. 48 bit
D. 128 bit
Answer: Option C
MAC address means Media Access Control Address, which is 48 bit address in hexadecimal format burned on NETWORK INTERFACE
Answer: Option C
Answer: Option D
Answer: Option A
Crossover cable is used to connect
A. Swtich to router
B. Host to host
C. Hub to router
D. none of above
Answer: Option B
Answer: Option D
A. Thicknet coax
B. Thinnet coax
C. Fiber optic cable
D. none of above
Answer: Option C
A. straight-through cable
B. Crossover cable
C. Both can be used
D. None can be used
Answer: Option B
B. Department of defence
C. Open source
D. None of above
Answer: Option B
A. 3
B. 4
C. 6
D. 7
Answer: Option B
Application Layer
Host to Host
Internet Layer
Network Access
3. Telnet
Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B
A. X-Window
Answer: Option C
C. Both of above
D. None of above
Answer: Option A
D. None of above
Answer: Option B
A. Physical Layer
B. Datalink Layer
C. Network layer
D. Transport Layer
Answer: Option C
Answer: Option C
D. None of above
Answer: Option D
Explanation: is reserved for loopback testing
C. Telnet
Answer: Option D
A. Application layer
B. Host to Host layer
C. Internet
D. Network access
Answer: Option B
13. Which layer will be used while transmitting data using FTP or Telnet
A. Presentation
B. Application
C. Session
D. Transport
Answer: Option B
D. Xerox
Answer: Option C
Answer: Option B
A. inside local
B. outside local
C. inside global
D. external global
Answer: Option D
Answer: Option B
4. Which command will allow you to see real time translation on your router
Answer: Option C
5. Which command will show you all the translations active on your router
Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B
A. ip nat inside
B. ip nat outside
C. ip outside global
D. ip inside local
Answer: Option A
A. NAT Fast
B. NAT Static
C. Overloading Static
D. NAT Overload
Answer: Option D
A. 32 bits
B. 64 bits
C. 128 bits
D. 256 bits
Answer: Option C
A. Hexadecimal format
B. Octal format
C. Alphanumeric format
D. Numeric format
Answer: Option A
A. FF02::A
B. FF02::5
C. FF02::6
D. FF02::9
Answer: Option A
A. FF02::A
B. FF02::8
C. FF02::9
D. FF02::5
Answer: Option C
5. When IPV6 launched
A. June 2, 2012
B. June 4, 2012
C. June 5, 2012
D. June 6, 2012
Answer: Option D
Answer: Option D
A. Static routing
B. Default routing
C. Dynamic routing
D. Custom routing
Answer: Option D
A. on stub networks- which have only one exit path out of the network
B. which have more than one exit path out of the network
C. minimum five exit paths out of the network
D. None of above
Answer: Option A
A. 0
B. 1
C. 110
D. 90
Answer: Option D
A. 0
B. 90
C. 100
D. 1
Answer: Option D
A. 0
B. 90
C. 120
D. 130
Answer: Option C
A. Unknown
C. Static route
D. Connected interface
Answer: Option D
C. Both of above
D. None of above
Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B
A. show ip route
B. debug ip rip
C. show protocols
D. debug ip route
Answer: Option B
Answer: Option D
Meaning of IOS is
A. 1984
B. 1985
C. 1986
D. 1987
Answer: Option C
Answer: Option D
Answer: Option B
When you bring up a router, it firstly run a Power on self test(POST), If it passes then it will load
IOS from flash memory then after that IOS looks for a valid configuration.
Answer: Option C
Answer: Option A
Answer: Option D
Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C
11. Which command will show all commands available from that particular mode
A. config
B. enable
C. interface
D. ?
Answer: Option D
Explanation :? is called help command. It shows all commands available from mode in which you
are login
A. Ctrl+A
B. Ctrl+E
C. Ctrl+B
D. Ctrl+F
Answer: Option A
A. Ctrl+A
B. Ctrl+E
C. Ctrl+B
D. Ctrl+F
Answer: Option B
A. Ctrl+A
B. Ctrl+B
C. Ctrl+F
D. Ctrl+D
Answer: Option B
15. Which command will end configuration mode and returns to EXEC
A. Ctrl+A
B. Ctrl+B
C. Ctrl+F
D. Ctrl+Z
Answer: Option D
A. show running-config
B. show startup-config
C. show interfaces
D. show protocols
Answer Option C
A. sh int s0
B. sh int serial 0
C. show serial 0 controllers
D. show controllers s 0
Answer: Option D
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer: Option C
Answer: Option D
Which layer of OSI model will have problem if you get message "Serial1 is down, line protocol is
A. Physical Layer
B. Datalink Layer
C. Network layer
D. It is router problem
Answer: Option A
21. If you delete contents of NVRAM and reboot router, in which mode you will enter
A. Privileged mode
B. Global mode
C. Setup mode
D. There will be error
Answer: Option C
22. How to display configurable parameters and statistics of all interfaces on router
A. show running-config
B. show startup-config
C. show versions
D. show interfaces
Answer: Option D
A. Datalink Layer
B. Network Layer
C. Session
D. Presentation
Answer: Option B
A. Modem
B. Fiber optic
C. satellite
D. coaxial cable
Answer: Option A
A. Datalink Layer
B. Session Layer
C. Network layer
D. Transport Layer
Answer: Option C
A. Network layer
B. Session Layer
C. Transport Layer
D. None of above
Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C
6. First network which was made available
Answer: Option D
A. 2400
B. 9600
C. 1200
D. 4800
Answer: Option A
A. ring network
B. bus network
C. star network
D. all of above
Answer: Option C
Answer: Option C
A. Bus network
B. ring network
C. star network
D. T switched network
Answer: Option D
A. communication
B. television
C. computer technology
D. all of above
Answer: Option D
12. Name of the topology in which there are bidirectional links between each possible nodes
A. Ring
B. Mesh
C. Star
D. Tree
Answer: Option B
13. Communication mode which supports data in both directions at the same time is called
A. simplex
B. Full duplex
C. Half duplex
D. multiplex
Answer: Option B
A. AM radio transmission
B. FM radio transmission
C. TV radio transmission
D. None of above
Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B
Answer: Option A
17. Loss in signal power as light travels down the fiber is called
A. Interruption
B. Propagation
C. Scattering
D. Attenuation
Answer: Option D
18. During networking, the process of processor asking each host that if it want to send message is called
A. querying
B. sharing
C. communicating
D. polling
Answer: Option D
19. In data transmission the bit coding scheme used to represent a byte is typically
D. Hexadecimal
Answer: Option C
20. A communication network which is used over regional, national or global area is
Answer: Option B
A. bus hubs
B. enterprise hubs
C. low-end standalone hubs
D. stackable hubs
Answer: Option A