Sanitation Master Plan
Sanitation Master Plan
Sanitation Master Plan
June 2017
Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Issue No.: Date: Reason for Issue:
Client Approval
B 02/07/2017 Final version including Client comments (if required)
Issue No. Date Originator Reviewer Reason for Issue
A 31/10/2016 George Kazantzis John Charlton Draft version for comments.
The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the Consortium led by Grontmij A/S.
The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect
the views of the Chittagong Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA) nor the Executive
Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. The report was produced to
provide advisory support for CWASA and does not necessarily represent the views of the
Government of Bangladesh or of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development &
The primary author of this report was George Kazantzis (Sanitary Engineer), supported by key
experts: John Charlton, Helle Stoltz, Krishna Chintalapudi, Iftekhar Enayetullah and Emmanuel
Traviño. Contributions of other members of the Project Team are hereby also acknowledged.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Commencement: 04.01.2015
Short description and overall Develop a comprehensive sanitation and drainage improvement
objective: strategy and master plan for Chittagong, incl. i) Assess existing
situation; ii) assess strategic options for improvements; iii)
develop appropriate institutional framework; iv) support for
consensus building; v) update existing sewerage and drainage
master plans to meet demand in 2030; (vi) prepare
engineering designs and tender documents for priority
interventions; (vii) identify and evaluate options for improving
septic sludge management.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background To The Project 1
1.2 Objective of the Project 1
Background to the Technical Assistance 1
Purpose of Sanitation master Plan 3
1.3 Target Year 6
1.4 Planning Area of the Project 6
2 Demographics 10
2.1 Introduction 10
2.2 Population forecasting theory and methodology 10
2.3 Determinants and parameters used to forecast population growth 11
2.4 Demographic Growth Forecast for CCC 14
CCC Historic Population Trends and Previous Population Projections 14
CCC Population Projections (2011-2030) 16
2.5 Demographic Growth Forecast Outside CCC 31
3 Socio-economic Characteristics 34
3.1 Household income, expenditure and poverty 34
3.2 Information from household survey and focus group discussions in the
Chittagong City Corporation 38
Sanitation situation 40
Household Income and Expenditure 43
Ability and Willingness to pay 46
Key findings 50
3.3 Information from household survey and focus group discussions in the
municipalities 51
Sanitation situation 51
Household Income and Expenditure 54
Ability and willingness to pay 56
Key findings 57
3.4 Information from household survey and focus group discussions in adjacent
villages 58
Sanitation situation 58
Household Income and Expenditure 60
Ability and willingness to pay 62
Key findings 63
3.5 Health data 64
4 Past and Current Initiatives 66
4.1 Sewerage Initiatives 66
4.2 Faecal Sludge Management Initiatives 73
4.3 Solid Waste Initiatives 74
5 Existing Situation of Infrastructure 76
5.1 Water Supply System 76
Existing water supply network 76
Major Water Supply Facilities 78
Booster Pump Stations 79
Tanks and reservoirs 80
Water facilities under construction 81
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Prioritisation 247
Investment Plan for Sewerage Sector 254
8.3 On-site Sanitation and Faecal Sludge Management 259
Investment Plan 259
8.4 Solid Waste Management 262
Investment Plan for Solid Waste sector 265
8.5 Implementation Plan 265
9 Financial and Economic Assessment 268
9.1 Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Plant: Financial and Economic Analyses 268
Financial Analysis 268
Economic Analysis 284
9.2 Faecal Sludge Management Project: Economc Benefit Cost Analysis 287
Economic Benefits 287
Economic Costs 288
Economic Internal rate of Return (EIRR) 289
9.3 Solid Waste Management: Financial and Economic Analyses 291
financial analysis 291
Economic Analysis 301
10 Environment and Social Assessment 304
10.1 Strategic Environmental Assessment 304
Assessment method 305
Assessment of Chittagong Sanitation Master Plan 306
Conclusions 308
10.2 Environmental Impact Assessment 309
Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for Sewer System
Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for Sewage
Treatment Plant Construction at Halishahar 310
Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for Faecal Sludge
Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures for Solid Waste 312
Environmental Management Plan 313
Conclusions and recommendations 314
10.3 Social Impact Assessment 315
Positive impacts 315
Negative impacts 315
10.4 Climate Change Adaptation 319
11 Operations and Maintenance Planning 324
11.1 Current situation 324
11.2 Standards of Service in the Sewerage Sector 324
11.3 Maintenance Programme 325
11.4 Proposals for Improved Operations and Maintenance 328
12 Legal and Institutional Aspects 330
12.1 Strategic guidelines for legislation and regulations 330
Legislation and regulations for sewerage 330
Legislation and regulation for faecal sludge management 331
Legislation and regulation for Solid waste management 332
12.2 Institutional framework for Sewerage 333
Existing mandates, responsibilities and structures 333
Future responsibilities 333
Structures and human resource implications 333
12.3 Institutional framework for Faecal Sludge Management 337
Existing mandates, responsibilities and structures 337
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Scope of Project
The Chittagong Water Supply Improvement & Sanitation Project (CWSISP) is financed by the
World Bank and aims at identifying, planning, designing, procuring and implementing physical and
institutional improvements to the urban Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) sector of Chittagong,
with a focus on implementing water supply investments. In contrast, the current Sanitation and
Drainage Master Plan Project commences the process of identification only of investments in the
sanitation and drainage sector via a master planning process, including identifying an immediate
priority programme (2016-2018) for investments and preparing design and tender documents for
such priority investments. However, such investments will be implemented within a subsequent
project and are not within the scope of the current CWSISP. The design horizon for the Project is
the year 2030. The extent of the sanitation study area for the Sanitation Master Plan is similar to the
Chittagong Development Area Plan (2008) – see Figure II, and the extent of the drainage study
area for the Drainage Master Plan is similar to the Chittagong City Corporation boundary.
The objective of the Project is to develop a comprehensive sanitation and drainage improvement
strategy and master plan for the city of Chittagong by updating the master plan previously prepared
in the sanitation sector (KOICA, 2009) and in the drainage sector (CDA, 1995). Due to the fact that
sewerage, drainage, solid waste and faecal sludge problems all interact in Chittagong, strategic
options should be seen within an integrated urban development context. This Sanitation Master Plan
proposes a phased and prioritized implementation plan for the sewerage, on-site sanitation and solid
waste sectors, and is the result of a process as visualised in the following Figure I.
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Design of urban water and sanitation infrastructure is based on the projected population for
Chittagong, estimated over the design horizon of year 2030. Any underestimated value will leave
the system inadequate for the purpose intended; similarly, an overestimated value will make the
works costly to implement and maintain, and hence prone to malfunctions. Therefore, realistic
assessments and projections are necessary as a means to optimize the cost and benefit side of the
planned investments.
An effective population density was calculated based on the population in 2011 (from census data)
and the “effective area” of each ward. An “effective area” means the area that is used for residen-
tial/commercial (mixed-use) purpose only, excluding all other land use areas, e.g. industrial areas,
restricted areas, green areas, hills, water-bodies and agricultural land. The effective areas were man-
ually identified with the help of the CDA master plan report and via the application of GIS analysis
The growth rates vs. effective density of the wards were graphed. By using a relationship between
growth rate and density, time is no longer an issue, i.e. only the effective density of each ward
matters when calculating the population. Thus, by the equation of a trend line, when the population
in a ward increases, the density will follow and the growth rate will decline.
For the growth rate over the period 2011-2020, population data was taken and applied to the effec-
tive densities of 2011. The 2020 population was then calculated, and, from this, a new effective
density for each ward was generated. From the new densities, the growth rate of 2020-2030 was
calculated. Figure III illustrates the change in projected population density over time for Chitta-
gong city, and compares the location of the urban areas of the surrounding municipalities. The fol-
lowing table depicts the projected population (based on growth rates) of the CCC, the four munici-
palities (Patiya, Raozan, Hathazari and Boalkhali) and upazillas within the sanitation planning area.
Table I: Projected Population for Chittagong City, Surrounding Municipalities and Upazillas
Growth Rate Projected Population
from Census
Administrative Area (%)
2011- 2020-
2011 2015 2020 2025 2030
2020 2030
Chittagong City Corporation 2 592 439 3.9 3.4 2 808 681 3 111 125 3 403 938 3 730 950
URBAN Population (Municipalities) 265 536 2.9 3.2 297 704 343 448 402 031 470 607
RURAL Population (Rural Upazilla areas) 960 678 1.7 1.2 1 027 689 1 118 064 1 186 777 1 259 713
TOTAL Population 3 818 653 4 134 074 4 572 637 4 992 746 5 461 270
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CCC Density Map - 2011 Census year Density map for projected growth to 2020
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Socio-economic Characteristics
Sanitation Situation
Household surveys were carried out in the CCC areas and in the surrounding municipalities and
adjacent villages in 2015 and 2016. A total of 680 households participated in the survey.
The majority of survey households in non-slum areas have access to improved sanitation using flush
toilet with septic tank and flush/pour toilet connected to pit, the first being the most common in the
CCC area, the latter the most common in the surrounding municipalities which exhibit an urban
character. In contrast, village households have an even distribution between the two types of toilets.
The vast majority of households in non-slum areas have their own toilet facilities.
The differences in access to improved sanitation between slum areas and non-slum areas are signif-
icant. It is difficult to assess the “access to improved sanitation in slum areas”, as the data on type
of toilets is not disaggregated for shared facilities, never-the-less access to improved sanitation in
these areas is limited. The sanitation situation is similar for slum areas in the CCC area and the
surrounding municipalities, with approx. 50% of slum households using facilities connected di-
rectly to drain/khal or pit latrines without adequate slab. At the same time, community toilets are
used by 12% of the households in slum areas in the municipalities and 30% of slum households in
CCC. Despite the focus on eradicating open defecation in Bangladesh, some households still use
open defecation; among survey households in the CCC it is 0.5% whereas this number was 3% in
the municipalities, all in slum areas.
There is a strong correlation between the ownership of the toilets and the level of satisfaction ex-
pressed by survey households. Whereas the vast majority of households with own toilets express
satisfaction with toilet quality of construction, ease of access, cleanliness and ease of emptying, the
level of satisfaction is significantly lower for household with shared access. Dissatisfaction is high-
est for households using community toilets.
The vast majority of surveyed households in the CCC area dispose of their wastewater directly in
the drains/khals; for households in the surrounding municipalities and the adjacent villages a large
percentage are also using latrine pits and special wastewater pits for disposal.
The availability of septic tanks is significantly higher in the CCC area (65%), than in the munici-
palities (22%) and the adjacent villages (45%). While the majority of households in the municipal-
ities and adjacent villages report that they have had their septic tank emptied once or twice a year
by a local sweeper, the majority of households in the CCC area reports that their septic tanks have
never been emptied.
The income and expenditure data collected from the household survey reflect the household income
and expenditure of the last month (for the CCC area November 2015; for Municipalities and Adja-
cent Villages January 2016). Quintiles have been used to analyse the sanitation situation and house-
hold ability and willingness to pay for improved services, according to their income and expenditure
level; each quintile represents 20% of a given population - quintile 1 represents survey households
with the lowest monthly expenditure.
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Table IV: Comparison of Household Income and Expenditure per month for 2015/2016
CCC Municipalities Adjacent Villages
Average Household Expenditure 46,790 17,993 19,374
Average Household Income 52,499 19,155 20,281
Average disposable amount 5,709 1,162 907
The average household income varies between the different areas, with households in the munici-
palities having the lowest average income, and households in the CCC area having the highest.
However, the CCC area has a very large span of household expenditure from the poorest households
in the population in Chittagong area to the wealthiest households. Hence, the average income and
expenditure may not reflect the conditions for the poorest households. When comparing the sur-
veyed households’ expenditure data with the international poverty line of those living below 1.9
USD a day, quintile 1 and 2 in the CCC area falls below the poverty line, as does quintile 1, quintile
2, quintile 3 and quintile 4 in the municipalities and adjacent villages. The households in quintile 1,
and to an extent quintile 2, are primarily living in the slum areas.
The majority of survey households in the CCC area indicated an ability to make savings, whereas
this was only the case for a smaller number of households in the municipalities. The adjacent vil-
lages have the lowest disposable amount available. The official poverty level in Chittagong city is
estimated to differ from 12% to 54%, depending on the definitions used. Poverty and income/ex-
penditure statistics, as well as comparison from year to year, must be used with much caution, as
data collection and/or registration processes might have changed, affecting the results. United Na-
tions Millennium Development Goals set 1.25 USD as the target for measuring extreme poverty. In
2015, the World Bank set this to 1.9 USD1 as a measure for poverty. This target has been used to
assess poverty in survey households.
Generally, the ability and willingness to pay for improved septic tank emptying services is high
among survey households in both the CCC area, the municipalities and adjacent villages. However,
some differences exist between the three areas and between households of different expenditure
Equivalent to 78.56 BDT per day per person
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quintiles. The highest ability and willingness to pay is found in the CCC area, where especially
households in quintile 4 and quintile 5 are willing to pay for improved emptying services.
Although the majority of households in quintile 1 and quintile 2 do not currently have a toilet with
septic tank that can easily be emptied, the interest for improving emptying services for pit latrines
is high among these households. The ability and willingness to pay are in general low, especially
for households in the municipalities and adjacent villages, and for households in quintile 1 and 2 in
the CCC area.
When comparing the amount that households are able and willing to pay for emptying services with
the actual cost, the conclusion is that the poorer households in quintile 1 and quintile 2 would not
be able or willing to pay the cost. In contrast, households in quintile 3, quintile 4 and quintile 5 in
the CCC area would be able and willing to pay the cost. For the municipalities and adjacent villages,
only households in quintile 5 are able and willing to pay the cost of improved emptying services.
Households in the CCC area were asked about their ability and willingness to pay for connection to
the sewerage system and sewerage services. The connection cost is found to be very high compared
to households’ income and expenditure, especially for the poorer households in quintile 1 and quin-
tile 2. The majority of households in quintile 4 and quintile 5 are able and willing to pay the con-
nection cost up to 50,000 BDT, which would be similar to the actual cost of a connection.
When comparing the tariff analysis with the amount that survey households would be able and
willing to pay for sewerage service per month, the required tariff to cover capital and O&M costs
(approx. BDT1400/month per household) is significantly higher than what survey households have
reported that they would be able and willing to pay across all quintiles. However, the expressed
ability and willingness to pay would be sufficient to cover O&M costs (approx. BDT200/month per
Survey households were asked about their ability and willingness to pay for solid waste collection.
While the majority of households in CCC and adjacent villages would be willing to pay less than
BDT 50 per month for improved collection services, the majority of households in the municipali-
ties would only be willing to pay less than 30 BDT per month.
Recent Initiatives
Very few initiatives have been undertaken within the sanitation sector; they include:
Feasibility Study and Development Plan on Sewerage and Sanitation System for Chittagong
Metropolitan Area (1984) financed via World Bank;
Sewerage Master Plan (2009) financed via Korean International Cooperation Agency
Pilot scale faecal sludge management projects undertaken by NGOs are currently ongoing,
incl. supply of two sludge collection vehicles and a small sludge treatment plant at the
Halishahar site.
Overall, the KOICA Master Plan provided a conceptual plan for constructing a sewerage system
that would gradually be separated from the drainage system and would by 2031 serve about 80%
of the city population. The strategy was sensible but the technical issues do not seem to have been
explored in much detail and it is not clear whether the feasibility of connecting the relevant areas to
the designated STP sites was confirmed technically. Proposed pumping scheme appears largely
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insufficient given the flat topography of the area in question. Furthermore, Stage 1 included one
STP with a cost of USD 88.42 million but a budget of only USD 5.88 million for sewers.
Moreover, since the preparation of the 2009 Master Plan, further development of the city and
encroachments have taken place making the construction of some of the STPs and pumping stations
and the installation of many of the trunk sewers very dubious. Similarly, a number of water supply
projects are underway which will install a large number of water supply pipes taking up much space
in the already very narrow streets of the city. This will further limit the options to provide piped
sewerage systems in parts of the city. It is therefore expected that the target of serving 80% of the
city with sewerage will have to be significantly revised downwards as part of this updated Master
Plan, in favour of extended improved on-site sanitation.
Current Situation
Sewerage Sector
There is currently no piped sewerage system in central Chittagong nor the surrounding urban
pourashavas. Most households in the CCC area are served by on-site sanitation solutions such as
septic tanks or latrines. Wastewater from kitchens and showers (sullage) is discharged into the road-
side drains or the drainage channels by dedicated outflow pipes. Septic tanks overflows are also
discharged to the drainage system. When septic tanks are full, faecal sludge is sometimes collected
by CCC trucks and transported to landfill sites. However, more commonly, sludge is removed by
hired private cleaners and deposited to nearby drains. Although not designed for the purpose, the
road drainage system acts as a combined stormwater and wastewater collection and transport
system. The low gradients of the drains result in settlement of solids which contributes to blockage,
further aggravated by disposal of municipal solid waste. Other issues of concern include:
The most likely opportunities for CWASA to procure land for wastewater treatment have been
identified and should be the focus for phasing in a sewerage system. In particular, given that the
only land suitable for the construction of an STP which is currently owned by CWASA is the 66 ha
site in the Halishahar area, it is suggested that any solution should focus in that location.
On-site Sanitation
The following table summarises the sanitation situation in the Chittagong City Corporation area,
with comparison with the national (urban) average. The CCC only operates two vacuum trucks for
septic tank sludge collection, with delivery to the Halishahar dump site without treatment. There is
no treatment facility for the collected faecal sludge in the CCC area. Further, the trucks are too large
to service properties adjacent to small roads. The estimated demand for sludge collection is approx.
115m3/day however only 15m3/day is collected by CCC, although private operators may provide
additional capacity. The demand in each of the urban pourashavas is typically 3-4m3/day.
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Table V: Comparison of Sanitation Situation of Municipalities with the National Urban Average
Access to National CCC Patiya Raozan Hathazari Boalkhali
Sanitation Urban (2011) Municipality* Municipality* Municipality** Municipality**
Sanitary Toilet / 81.7% 88.3% 78.82% 84.37% 79.68% 81.45%
Non-Sanitary 15.9% 11.4% 20.45% 14.45% 20.32% 16.29%
No Toilet/Open 2.4% 0.3% 0.73% 1.18% - 2.27%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Source: *BBS (2014), ** Data provided by the municipality
In October 2014, the Government approved a new tax schedule for the municipalities; according to
this new tax schedule, municipalities are authorized to charge 12% of the annual rental value of the
building/land for sewerage, which includes faecal sludge management in case they provide such
There is a need to improve the non-sanitary toilets within the project area. Within the CCC
area, 11.4% of the toilets are non-sanitary; the equivalent figures for the other municipalities
are: 20.45% in Patiya, 14.45% in Raozan, 20.32% in Hathazari and 16.29% in Boalkhali.
It is noted that 1% of the population in the project area do not have access to any type of a
toilet facility. However, this number is lower than the national urban average.
Based on a conservative estimate prepared by the Consultant, there is a gap of almost 100
m3/day between the demand for faecal sludge collection and service provided by the CCC.
It is likely that part of the demand is met by manual sludge cleaners, popularly known as
There is no treatment plant for faecal sludge in the CCC area.
For the adjacent municipalities within the sanitation planning area, there is no faecal sludge
collection truck or treatment site; all the generated faecal sludge in the municipalities are
collected by the manual sludge cleaners.
There is a need to have a regional facility for treatment of faecal sludge generated in the
municipalities that are within the sanitation planning area.
Various options may be suitable for operation and maintenance of faecal sludge collection and
treatment systems, incl. i) City Corporation Owned and Operated System; ii) City Corporation
Owned and Privately Operated System; iii) Collection of Faecal Sludge by CCC and Treatment of
Faecal Sludge by CWASA; iv) Collection and Operated by CWASA.
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In comparison, the urban pourashavas each generate approx. 15-20 tons/day of waste and final
disposal of solid waste represents a major challenge for all the four municipalities. All the four
municipalities do not possess any official site for waste disposal.
The ADB funded UPEHSDP project is supporting CCC with construction of a sanitary landfill site,
transfer stations, modern slaughter house as well as biomedical waste treatment facility. The JICA
financed project has not yet been started but based on discussions with CCC officials, it aims to
promote the 3R principle of waste management, prepare a master plan, and provide some equipment
such as waste collection trucks.
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Drainage Sector
The drainage system in Chittagong incorporates three main elements, viz.: primary khals mainly
based on natural channels (incl. those discharging to the Karnaphuli and Halda Rivers, and those
discharging direct to the sea); secondary khals which primary function is to carry discharge from
tertiary systems to the primary khals, typically artificial channels built together with residential or
industrial developments; smaller tertiary drains and roadside channels typically constructed without
drainage considerations for the surrounding areas and without planning scenarios for future urban
development (higher runoff coefficients). They are mainly used as a dumping ground for domestic
wastewater as well as for road drainage.
The Karnaphuli River is tidal all the way from its mouth to Kaptai dam, approx. 70 km upstream,
whereas the Halda River is tidal to about 45 km upstream of the confluence with the Karnaphuli,
however tidal influences in this river are less significant for the drainage system of Chittagong city.
On top of tidal effects, there is the issue of cyclonic storms, which are a relatively frequent
phenomena in the Bay of Bengal. These storms cause tidal surges, which can be defined as a sudden
and rapid rise in water levels over and above the prevailing tidal level. Hence, tidal surges represent
yet another risk for flooding in Chittagong.
The drainage system in Chittagong effectively functions as a full combined sewer system, as the
city lacks a sewer system and wastewater is discharged directly to the tertiary drains. All wastewater
discharges by gravity, and there are no pumping facilities in the system. As a result, flow velocities
in many drains and particularly in the main khals are well below the minimum general standards
required for self-cleansing. Also, the lack of pumping facilities means there is no provision for
removing storm and foul flows from the city when the flow in khals is reduced by backwater effects
and/or high tide levels during storm surges.
Solid waste collection and disposal is inadequate and uncollected garbage is often deposited in
drains, leading to frequent blockage of open and covered drainage systems. This, combined with
encroachment and silting, reduces the capacities of the main khals. Moreover, the capacity of the
drainage system is reduced by a lack of regular maintenance, and blockage of street drains by
physical structures, i.e. under-dimensioned culverts.
Deposition of silt and other solids in some drains and most khals has increased over the years due
to (a) uncontrolled development on steep hillsides, which removes vegetation and increases the
amount of silt carried down into drains, and (b) deposition of solid waste into drains and khals. The
resultant flooding with sewage-contaminated storm water poses serious public health hazards to the
citizens of Chittagong.
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Institutional Issues
The institutions mandated to be involved, and/or currently involved, in sanitation (sewerage, on-
site sanitation and solid waste management) and drainage within Chittagong city and adjoining
urban areas are:
Chittagong Water and Sewerage Authority (CWASA) is implementing extensions to the water
supply system, but provides no service for sewerage nor drainage according to its mandate.
Consequently, CWASA staff have no experience related to sewerage and drainage. Note that
CWASA receives institutional and capacity building support under the JICA-supported PANI-
2 project, and will also receive institutional and capacity building support under the World
Bank funded CWSISP.
Chittagong City Corporation (CCC) provides operations and maintenance of the drainage
system as well as solid waste and faecal sludge collection and disposal services. There is scope
for improving the organisation and capacity in relation to all three areas. In particular, there is
only limited attention to faecal sludge management. Note that a major JICA-financed solid
waste management project is expected to commence in the near future; this includes a major
capacity building component.
Chittagong Development Agency (CDA) is the premier municipal planning agency (incl.
drainage master planning), however also undertakes drainage design for major roads.
Furthermore, it exercises planning control.
Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) is responsible for construction and
maintenance of embankments along the river and Bay of Bengal for flood control and drainage.
Municipalities of Patiya, Raozan, Hathazari and Boalkhali provide municipal services;
however have weak capacity in faecal sludge management and solid waste management.
Chittagong Port Authority (CPA) typically owns or manages the land where most of the
drainage outfalls to the river are located.
Bangladesh Railway (BR) operates and maintains a large drainage network to protect rail
Department of Environment (DOE) is responsible for protecting the environment from
domestic, commercial and industrial pollution, and requires EIA clearance for infrastructure
Non-Government Organisations (NGOs), incl. WaterAid, Dushtha Shasthya Kendra (DSK)
and Population Services and Training Center (PSTC) provide support to sanitation initiatives,
incl. in low-income areas.
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There is insufficient cooperation and coordination among the institutions involved in and/or
having the mandate for drainage and sanitation (sewerage, solid waste, on-site sanitation
including faecal sludge management), but CWASA has launched a mechanism for stakeholder
co-ordination associated with the sanitation and drainage master plan process.
CWASA appears reluctant to implement its mandate for drainage management due to the
perception of an “unfunded mandate”.
CCC is expected to have a population of approx. 3.7 million by 2030. This means that large flows
of wastewater will have to be treated and safely released to the environment. Considering the city
size, topography, as well as the lack of space for conveyance systems within the city, it is recom-
mended to divide the city into several treatment catchments, with a corresponding number of de-
centralised STPs. Therefore, large open areas will have to be used for the construction of the STPs,
irrespective of the treatment technology suggested.
The number of treatment catchments and their boundaries should be defined in terms of topography
and wastewater generation forecasts. However, given the shortage of land availability and the dif-
ficulty of land acquisition in Bangladesh, it is more realistic to establish the STPs in available/suit-
able locations and then define the treatment catchments accordingly.
- Utilise any suitable land already owned by CWASA and available for such purposes (e.g.
the land in Halishahar and the land in Fateabad).
- Utilise any land earmarked for an STP construction or similar land use in the CDA Devel-
opment Plan.
- Identify additional areas (preferably government owned) that will be necessary to serve the
remaining of the city and secure the land as soon as possible by initiating land acquisition
procedures, applying for land use change, etc.
For areas outside of the CCC, no investments related to an STP are envisaged within this master
planning period for prioritization purposes. However, land for STP should essentially be identified
and secured by the suburban municipalities to be used in the future.
Figure IV shows the finally proposed STP locations and treatment catchments within the CCC.
Table VII lists details for each of the proposed STPs.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Proposed Location of Ward Area Treatment Current Proposed Site Ownership Effluent Issues Service Area
STP STP No. Potential Land Use as per Discharge
(population CDA Develop- body
equivalent) ment Plan
UTM cen-
troid coor-
STP-1 Halishahar 37 66ha 2 500 000 “Recreation, Lei- CWASA Bay of Ben- Land use change required according to West part of
sure & Open gal the CDA Development Plan. The main Chittagong
Space” and “Resi- route to get to the site runs through Rail- City (incl.STP-
46Q dential”. But way and Port Authority owned land as 5 and STP-6
CWASA has se- well as through unplanned residential service areas if
373475 E cured this area areas. Some right of way and relocation those STPs are
2468540 N many years ago to issues are foreseen. Cyclonic surge risk. not estab-
be used for an STP lished).
site or similar us-
STP-2 Kalurghat 5 19ha 700 000 Utility Facility - CPA Karnaphuli Land originally set aside for an STP for Central and
Sewerage Treat- River the Kalurghat Industrial Area but is suit- North-East
ment Plant able to serve a much larger catchment. part of Chitta-
46Q Site is on the river bank, flood protec- gong City
tion will be essential. Access for project
384385 E implementation is not very difficult. If
2475640 N necessary, it may be possible to acquire
additional nearby vacant land.
STP-3 Fateabad 1 75ha 3 000 000 “Township” and CWASA Halda River Land use change required. Discharge of North part of
“Mixed Use”. But effluent will likely be to a local khal Chittagong
CWASA has se- leading to Halda River. As the west City, possibly
46Q cured this area sev- bank of the river may soon be character- northern town-
eral years ago to be ised Environmentally Protected, acquir- ships
378195 E used for WTP site ing discharge permit may be difficult
2483165 N or similar usage. and high treatment standards may be set.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Proposed Location of Ward Area Treatment Current Proposed Site Ownership Effluent Issues Service Area
STP STP No. Potential Land Use as per Discharge
(population CDA Develop- body
equivalent) ment Plan
UTM cen-
troid coor-
STP-4 East 18 33ha 1 300 000 Recreation, Leisure CPA with some Karnaphuli Land use change required. Area is next South-East
Bakalia & Open Space - sections of private River to a developing residential area, public part of Chitta-
River Side Amuse- land acceptance will be problematic. Site is gong City
ment on the river bank, flood protection will
46Q be essential.
383140 E
2471480 N
STP-5 North Kat- 10 22ha 850 000 Utility Facility – Partly BWDB Sea It is not known whether there are any North-West
tali Landfill site and re- and Partly Private plans to build a landfill site here. As an part of Chitta-
cycling facility Land additional STP it is ideal for serving the gong City
North-West part of Chittagong City. Cy-
372500 E clonic surge risk.
2473870 N
STP-6 Patenga 40 30ha 1 150 000 Environmental Pro- Partly BWDB Sea Land use change may be required. Some Patenga and
tection/Enhance- and Partly Private relocation issues due to illegal build- possibly Indus-
ment Land ings. Cyclonic surge risk. trial Areas
374760 E
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In terms of wastewater collection, the following proposed strategy options have been developed for
qualitative comparison (Figure V provides schematic representations of the existing condition and
proposed options).
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Table VIII shows an overview comparison of the collection/conveyance options discussed herein
in the context of Chittagong City, and considering sustainability with reference to Bangladesh con-
ditions. The table needs to be read in conjunction with the specific descriptions and advantages/chal-
lenges of each of the options to be fully understood.
Options 1 & 2 are comparable. While Option 1 is a clear long-term favourite because of its inte-
grated approach (no separate faecal sludge management), it is recognised that it is impractical to
implement in large areas of the city due to space restrictions. Option 2 needs to be further explored
to ensure that the reasons that led to its failure in Dhaka will not be repeated if it is selected for
Chittagong. It is likely that several existing septic tanks will have to be upgraded under Option 2 to
ensure proper operation and to reduce maintenance risk for the pipe system. Such upgrades may be
funded by grants or imposed with reference to the building code requirements. This option is not
recommended unless a pilot project is first implemented at suitable scale in order to prove its suit-
Option 3 is suitable as a temporary solution only, as it does not achieve the long-term goals of the
National Sanitation Strategy. However, other solutions may take a while to provide benefits and in
several areas, may be completely impractical even in the long term. If the low cost and large catch-
ment areas are considered, Option 3 combined with upgrading and monitoring of septic tanks and
an efficient faecal sludge management, could represent a massive improvement over the current
situation. It is recommended to further explore this option both as a temporary solution that will be
gradually expanded into Option 1 as well as a longer-term strategy in areas where a conventional
sewerage system may be impractical.
Option 4 attempts to combine the benefits of Options 1 & 3, but has very high maintenance require-
ments because of the large number of SDWFIs which can translate into a high efficiency risk. This
solution can be explored as a bridge or intermediate step while upgrading from Option 3 to Option
1. However, it is not recommended to attempt a large-scale implementation of Option 4, before an
extended pilot scheme proves this option to be suitable for Chittagong.
Option 5 can only be considered for the southeast part of the city (east tunnel branch) as a long-
term solution to be further investigated and implemented if a donor commits to it with a large grant
component, incl. large-scale capacity building of CWASA. For the west part of the city (west tunnel
branch), other options appear more feasible. This option is not recommended at this stage and is not
considered further in this Master Plan.
In Conclusion:
Option 1 is the best long term strategy, while Option 3 can provide temporary (but realistically also
in a long-term time frame) improvement.
Options 2 & 4 should not be discarded as they can provide benefit as supplementary solutions but
should first be proven through pilot projects.
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Table IX: Estimated long-term potential for sewerage (based on 2030 population)
Total Served
Catchment %
Population Population
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Figure VI: Coverage of sewerage system (base scenario) overlaid over effective density map
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Interceptors Coverage
The concept of dry weather interception is fairly old as it has been applied in many Asian cities,
where unplanned combined sewerage systems had been developed over the years and eventually
wastewater had to be intercepted and treated prior to being discharged into clean water bodies. The
concept has already been implemented in Dhaka and in particular in Gulshan, where interceptor
pipes run along the coasts of Gulshan and Banani lakes, intercepting wastewater from the storm-
water drainage system of Gulshan which has for long been used as a de-facto combined sewerage
system. In other Asian cities, such as Hong Kong, Vientiane, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang and many
others, larger interceptors have been constructed on channels. The details of interceptors vary
widely, but the main concept is always to intercept all of the dry weather flow, and potentially a
portion of the wet weather flow and treat it before discharging to the environment.
The benefit provided by the solution of interceptors largely depends on the pre-existing collection
system and can vary significantly, but mostly focuses on not letting wastewater be discharged un-
treated into open water bodies. However, interceptors are almost never an ideal solution, but rather
the only option given the existing situation, a number of limiting factors and lack of funding to
construct a separate sanitary collection system.
The main advantage of interceptors and the reason they have been used widely in many parts of the
world, is that they are comparatively easy and cost efficient to construct. The main disadvantage is
that they require heavy and constant maintenance which is often overlooked, leading to conditions
which are as bad or worse than the original condition they were employed to improve.
In the case of Chittagong, the existing stormwater drainage system comprises mostly of inefficient
open drains which were never meant to be utilised as a combined sewerage system. Thus, the solu-
tion of interceptors cannot provide much benefit in terms of health and other nuisances, but can
prevent wastewater to reach the Karnaphuli river or the sea during the dry season.
During the rainy season, because of the significant volumes of rainwater and the dilution due to
turbulence, the interceptors would only be able to collect and treat a portion of the wastewater loads
contained in the khals.
DWFI locations
Figure VII shows 5 identified Dry Weather Interceptor (DWFI) locations and their respective
catchments within the CCC area. In addition, a further 6 secondary DWFIs are shown as part of a
complete long-term integrated sanitation strategy. All suggested locations assume that tidal gates
will have been installed on all khals downstream of the DWFIs as suggested in the Drainage Master
Plan submitted as part of this project.
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The most common wastewater treatment processes treating predominantly domestic wastewater
include: i) suspended growth processes such as activated sludge system and associated variations
(incl. extended aeration, oxidation ditches); ii) attached growth processes such as trickling filters
and rotating biological contactor; and iii) waste stabilisation ponds and associated variations (incl.
aerated lagoons). Annex 6 presents brief descriptions of the most common sewage treatment meth-
In order to select the most appropriate treatment method for the STP in Chittagong, both plant per-
formance and economic parameters must be taken into consideration. The following criteria are
normally applied:
BOD and SS removal
Land Requirement
Construction cost
O&M cost
Power consumption
Sludge Removal cost
Bangladeshi effluent standards are quite relaxed, except for coliform standards. Since all the
wastewater treatment options would be able to comply with the BOD and SS effluent standards, in
this situation the weight of economic factors is considered more influential than the plant perfor-
mance. Another critical parameter in Chittagong is the treatment simplicity. It is crucial to recom-
mend a wastewater treatment option appropriate to the technical experience likely to be within
CWASA. Suggesting a wastewater treatment process which is too sophisticated might compromise
the successful treatment implementation. Further, the land requirement is a crucial parameter be-
cause it is a key constraint within the CWASA service area.
A qualitative comparison of the key criteria is provided in the following Table X, based on the
Consultant’s experience and the quantitative data presented in Annex 6:
Table X: Qualitative Comparison of Wastewater Treatment Systems
Acti- Ex- Oxida- Biologi- Aerated Stabiliza-
Criteria vated tended tion ditch cal filter lagoon tion ponds
Plant per- sludge aeration
formance BOD removal 3. Good 1. Good 2. Good 4. Good 5. Good 6. Fair
Simple & cheap
construction 6. Poor 5. Poor 4. Poor 3. Poor 2. Fair 1. Good
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Waste stabilization ponds appear to be the best process. However, their use in Chittagong is not
suitable because of the high land requirements (approx. 80ha). Oxidation ditches, trickling filters
and aerated lagoons scores are similar. Nevertheless, oxidation ditches suffer from extensive power
and O&M costs, and aerated lagoons from great power and land requirements. According to this,
trickling filters are considered the most adequate wastewater treatment process in Chittagong.
To minimise O&M costs, the use of anaerobic primary sedimentation ponds (APSPs) is the pre-
ferred method for primary sludge treatment, rather than primary settling tanks. In addition, APSPs
do not require any mechanical equipment, and this is a significant advantage over conventional
primary treatment. In future, APSPs may also be retrofitted with gas collection and combustion
Given the very high collection & treatment needs within the CCC area, it is not expected that any
investments in these fields can be prioritised for the areas outside of the CCC during the Master
Plan period (i.e. up to 2030). Due to the low to medium population density which does not justify
a centralised system, these areas will have to rely on on-site sanitation. Therefore, programmes to
improve on-site sanitation conditions and faecal sludge management must be established.
The following issues are linked with the on-site sanitation system of CCC and the four municipali-
ties within the sanitation planning area:
There is a need to improve the non-sanitary/unhygienic toilets within the project area.
Within the CCC area, 16% of the toilets are non-sanitary; the equivalent figures for the
other municipalities are: 20.45% in Patiya, 14.45% in Raozan, 20.32% in Hathazari,
and 16.29% in Boalkhali.
All the unhygienic toilets have direct outlets to drains and adjacent lowlands without
any containment. As per the regulations, these types of connections are illegal.
It is noted that 0.5% of the population in the CCC area lack access to any type of a toilet
facility. In the case of the four municipalities, 3% of the population lack access to any
type of toilet facility.
The following options are recommended in order to address the above-mentioned issues:
It is recommended that CCC and municipalities should provide some financial support/grant to low-
income groups to install sanitary toilets.
It is also recommended to provide twin pit latrines in the slums and low income areas. A twin pit
latrine can be shared by two families (5-10 individuals).
Table XI: Funds Required for Low Income Groups to Have Hygienic Toilet for CCC
Grant Amount Number of Units Total Funds Required
Table XII: Funds Required for Low Income Groups to Have Hygienic Toilet for Municipalities
Grant Amount Number of Units Total Funds Required
It is recommended that CCC and municipalities should provide some financial support/grant to low-
income groups to install sanitary toilets.
From the field survey, it has been found that those who are practicing open defecation belong to
low income people residing in the slums. These individuals have reported that, due to financial
constraints, they are unable to construct toilets. As such, it is recommended that twin pit toilets with
super structure should be provided to these households. A shared toilet can be provided with two
families sharing one toilet. The total investment required to provide access to households without
toilet is shown in the following tables.
Table XIII: Funds Required For Households Without Toilet in CCC (Shared Toilet)
Grant Amount Number of Units Total Funds Required
Table XIV: Funds Required For Households Without Toilet in Municipalities (Shared Toilet)
Grant Amount Number of Units Total Funds Required
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Figure VIIIa: Faecal Sludge Collection System for Houses with Wide Road Access
Figure VIIIb: Faecal Sludge Collection System for Houses with Narrow Road Access
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Figure VIIIc: Faecal Sludge Collection System for Slums with extremely Narrow Road Access
Shown below are the different types of vacuum trucks that can be utilized in Chittagong, and the four
municipalities (Patiya, Raozan, Hathazari and Boalkhali) depending upon the type of road access:
Faecal Sludge Treatment and Reuse Options
The National Water Supply and Sanitation Strategy (2014) recommends that, in order to improve
the urban sanitation situation, there should be faecal sludge treatment technologies with greater
emphasis on resource recovery and recycling. Using the aforementioned strategy, the following
technologies are available for faecal sludge treatment and reuse:
Anaerobic Digestion
Co-composting of faecal sludge with municipal solid waste.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Table XV: Different Options for Faecal Sludge Management Based on Resource Recovery Approach
Sl. Features Co-composting Anaerobic Digestion
1 Description In this technology, FS and MSW are co-composted and used in agri- In this technology, FS is converted into biogas in anaerobic condition and biogas is used as fuel
culture. Technology used is aerobic thermophilic composting. or for generation of electricity.
2 Infrastructure F.S drying bed, percolated treatment system/coco peat filter, compost Biogas digester, drying bed for slurry/drier, pipe for distribution of gas, generator for electricity
plant and vaccu-tug. generation, and percolated treatment system/coco peat filter and vaccu-tug.
3 Applicable Environment clearance certificate from DoE to operate FS treatment Environment clearance certificate from DoE to operate anaerobic digestion plant.
Regulations plant. Power purchase agreement with PDB to sell electricity.
Licence to produce and market compost from DAE. License to produce and market slurry as organic fertilizer.
Approval from MLG to charge fee/tax for FS collection. Compliance with the discharge standard of DOE for reusing waste water in agriculture, or dis-
Compliance with the discharge standard of DOE for reusing waste charging to surface water.
water in agriculture, or discharging to surface water.
4 Current Status Compost standards in place since 2009. Any compost complying with No feeding tariff set yet for renewable energy projects by Ministry of Energy.
of Regulations the standards can be sold. As per standard, slurry from biogas plant must be dry with moisture content of 20%. Market-
MoA issued 37 licences up to Oct. 2016 for production and marketing ing of liquid slurry is not allowed.
of compost to private sector and government organizations. No guideline or regulation from MLG/MoEF for FSM.
No guideline or regulation from MLG/MoEF for FSM. Municipalities can charge a fee for FSM if the service is provided by them.
Municipalities can charge a fee for FSM if the service is provided by
6 Emission Re- Yes (in line with low carbon strategy of government). UNFCCC Yes (in line with low carbon strategy of government). UNFCCC methodology is available to
duction Poten-
tial methodology is available to claim carbon credits through CDM. claim carbon credits through CDM.
F.S= Faecal Sludge, F.S.M= Faecal Sludge Management, LGED= Local Government Engineering Department, MLG= Ministry of Local Government, MSW=Municipal Solid Waste, MoA= Ministry of Agriculture
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
It is evident from Table XV that anaerobic digestion and co-composting are the treatment technol-
ogies in line with National Water Supply and Sanitation Strategy (2014) as well as the National 3R
Strategy for Waste Management.
Anaerobic digestion is technically possible. However, in order to increase the gas production, there
will be a need to add segregated municipal organic waste with the faecal sludge (which has a low
TS content). However, the major challenge is biogas use, such as for electricity generation or as
fuel for cooking. Since feed-in tariff has not yet been finalized by the Ministry of Energy, it would
be difficult to sell the electricity generated from use of this technology. Moreover, in case biogas is
to be used as fuel for cooking purposes, the largest obstacle is the distribution system as well as
pricing of gas for cooking. The third issue with the anaerobic digestion option is marketing and sale
of slurry. As per the organic fertilizer standard 2009 of the Government of Bangladesh, the maxi-
mum permissible moisture content for organic fertilizer/compost is 20%. Biogas slurry is in liquid
form and therefore, without drying and reducing the moisture content, it would not be possible to
market it. If solar drying is applied, then it would require a large area; in case mechanical drying is
applied, then additional energy (electricity or diesel) would be required which will increase the
operational and maintenance costs of the project.
Co-composting of dried faecal sludge seems to be an attractive option since it will be possible to
treat and recycle both the faecal sludge and municipal organic waste at the same site. This will result
in optimal use of the proposed new landfill site. At the Halishahar landfill site, CCC currently has
a compost plant using municipal organic waste as feed stock. The addition of a drying bed and a
treatment system of percolate at the site could help to start a pilot project in CCC within a short
time. However, the most critical issue in a co-composting project is the engagement of a competent
operator. As per the Government of Bangladesh’s regulations, the operation of a composting plant
and marketing of compost both require licences from the Ministry of Agriculture. According to
Bangladesh’s compost standard, compost can be made from any organic sources and must meet the
national standards. For a new applicant, it requires around two years to obtain the licence. As such,
it would be extremely important to engage a compost plant operator who holds both licences. There
are 37 operators in the private sector in Bangladesh who have the licence to produce and market
compost in the country.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Table XVI: Potential Sites for Location of Faecal Sludge Treatment Facility in CCC Area
Sl. Location Size Ownership Current Status of the Site Remarks
1. Halishahar 2.02 ha (cur- CCC Used as landfill site since A 10 ton capacity compost plant
1970s. Expected life of the is operational at this landfill site
rently available) landfill site up to 2020. since 2002.
2. Arefin Nagar 29.5 ha CCC Used as landfill site since There is a plan to construct a
2011. Bulk part of collected compost plant with support un-
waste by CCC is disposed der an ADB project.
at this site.
3. Halishahar 66 ha CWASA Currently vacant. CWASA This site is adjacent to CCC land-
has secured this land many fill site.
years ago as STP site.
4. Pahartali 75 ha CWASA Currently vacant. CWASA This site is very close to Halda
has secured this land many River. The river is expected to
years ago as STP site. be declared as an Environmen-
tally Protected Area soon. As
such, obtaining environment
clearance certificate to establish
FSTP will be challenging.
Considering that both Hailshahar and Arefin Nagar landfill sites are currently operational, it will be
easier to obtain an environmental clearance certificate for the aforementioned sites. There is one
compost plant already available in Halishahar, while there is a plan to establish another plant in
Arefin Nagar. Based on the conservative demand for faecal sludge collection of 150 m3 per day,
the total area required for a faecal sludge treatment plant is around 1.55 ha. Based on the estimated
2030 population and conservative demand for faecal sludge collection, the land requirement for a
treatment plant is around 5.75 ha, in addition to the current demand of 1.55 ha. At present, CCC
has the required land for the establishment of a faecal sludge treatment plant up to 2030. Figure X
shows the location of landfill sites which may also be used for the establishment of faecal sludge
treatment plants.
Options for Location of Faecal Sludge Treatment Facilities for the Municipalities
Currently, none of the four municipalities have any faecal sludge collection system nor any treat-
ment facilities. None of the municipalities have any landfill sites for disposal of solid waste.
The recently approved National Strategy for Water Supply and Sanitation (2014) has recommended
that all LGIs should allocate suitable locations for faecal sludge treatment and disposal. However,
since none of the municipalities currently possess any suitable land in their respective municipalities
for treatment and disposal of faecal sludge, it is foreseen that they will have to acquire land for this
purpose. Land acquisition is a very complicated and lengthy process in Bangladesh. The current
total estimated requirement of faecal sludge collection in the four municipalities is estimated at
26.38 m3/day. In the short term, this volume of faecal sludge can be easily transported to the two
proposed new treatment facilities to be located at Arefin Nagar and Halishahar landfill sites of CCC
area. Hathazari and Raozan municipalities can transport their collected faecal sludge to Arefin
Nagar, which is only 6 km and 17 km away from those respective municipalities. Boalkhali and
Patiya can transport their faecal sludge to Halishahar, which is 23 km and 30 km away from those
respective municipalities. In the medium term, it would be appropriate for Hathazari and Raozan
municipalities to have a common treatment facility, and Boalkhali and Patiya to have another com-
mon treatment facility. These common facilities can be used also by other smaller adjoining mu-
nicipalities as a regional treatment facility. Figure IX shows the location of the four municipalities
and distance to the proposed treatment facilities in CCC area.
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Figure IX: Proposed Locations for Faecal Sludge Treatment Plants at CCC Landfill Sites
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Figure X: Location of Four Municipalities and Distance to the Proposed FSM Treatment Facili-
ties in CCC Area
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Given the current complete lack of infrastructure, in order to achieve a full integrated sanitation
approach, a very long planning and implementation period will be required which realistically may
exceed 50 years. Thus 2065 has been set herein as an indicative long-term planning horizon.
Utilise Option 1 (conventional separate sanitary sewerage system) as the core of the col-
lection system, to be gradually implemented on all accessible streets.
Where not practical Option 3 (dry weather flow interceptors) should be the preferred strat-
egy coupled with upgrading of septic tanks and an efficient Faecal Sludge Management
(FSM) scheme. In such areas, black water will be fully contained and either released in
underground soakaways or collected by trucks and transported to FS Treatment Plants.
Greywater will be discharged into roadside drains and intercepted by DWFIs
In areas where neither of the above Options is possible, efficient FSM schemes and up-
grading of septic tanks should be provided as a minimum.
Option 2 (solids-free sewers) & Option 4 (small dry weather flow interceptors), should be
further explored in the future through pilot schemes if funding opportunities allow for it.
Figure XI presents a long-term plan of sewerage interventions in the CCC (both conventional sys-
tems and interceptors) based on the above recommendations including indicative cost and popula-
tion estimates. Costs shown exclude engineering, design and supervision costs.
Figure XII shows the coverage that can be achieved by the various sanitation components. This
map represents the proposed long term strategy (2065) of this Master Plan.
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The following table summarises the estimated total costs for full implementation of proposed
sewerage investments under this Master Plan.
Table XVII: Estimated total cost for the Complete Sewerage Investment Program (2016-2065)
Item STP-1 STP-2 STP-3 STP-4 STP-5 STP-6 Total
Deep sewers 13.55 4.79 2.00 5.43 0.00 0.00 25.77
Gravity pipes 58.48 44.80 26.42 27.92 21.11 29.81 208.53
Manholes 10.78 8.03 4.42 4.63 3.80 4.61 36.26
Force mains 1.70 0.35 3.03 0.04 0.54 0.94 6.18
Utility Realignment 17.54 13.44 7.93 8.37 6.33 8.94 62.56
Pump stations 7.28 8.74 8.21 1.54 1.66 4.22 31.65
Service Lines 34.07 18.93 17.98 19.88 18.36 21.77 131.00
Connections 18.13 5.54 5.32 9.62 3.94 7.42 49.97
Interceptors 4.10 7.43 0.00 4.50 1.74 0.00 17.77
STPs 45.00 33.30 18.00 35.10 10.50 15.00 156.90
Total A (MUSD) 210.64 145.35 93.30 117.02 67.99 92.71 726.60
Contingencies (5% on Total A) 10.53 7.27 4.66 5.85 3.40 4.64 36.33
Total B (MUSD) 221.17 152.62 97.96 122.87 71.39 97.35 762.93
Engineering, Design & Supervi-
sion (7% on Total A) 14.74 10.17 6.53 8.19 4.76 6.49 50.86
Total C (MUSD) 235.91 162.79 104.49 131.06 76.15 103.84 813.79
VAT (15% on Total C) 35.39 24.43 15.83 19.66 11.44 15.62 122.37
Total D (MUSD) 271.30 187.33 121.35 150.74 87.74 119.72 938.19
Price contingencies (10% on
Total D) 27.13 18.73 12.14 15.07 8.77 11.97 93.82
Total E (MUSD) 298.43 206.07 133.49 165.81 96.52 131.69 1032.01
Estimated annual O&M costs as a percentage of construction cost are given in Table 8-2 in MUSD.
Table XVIIb: Estimated O&M costs for the Complete Sewerage Investment Program in all catch-
Item %* STP-1 STP-2 STP-3 STP-4 STP-5 STP-6 Total
Deep sewers 2% 0.28 0.10 0.04 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.54
Gravity pipes 2% 1.23 0.94 0.55 0.59 0.44 0.63 4.38
Manholes 2% 0.23 0.17 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.10 0.76
Force mains 2% 0.04 0.01 0.08 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.16
Utility Realignment 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pump stations 4% 0.31 0.37 0.34 0.06 0.07 0.18 1.33
Service Lines 2% 0.72 0.40 0.38 0.42 0.39 0.46 2.75
Connections 2% 0.38 0.12 0.11 0.20 0.08 0.16 1.05
Interceptors 4% 0.17 0.31 0.00 0.19 0.07 0.00 0.75
STPs 4% 1.89 1.40 0.76 1.47 0.44 0.63 6.59
Total (MUSD) 5.24 3.81 2.36 3.15 1.59 2.17 18.32
* % of Construction Cost (including 5% contingencies)
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This means that by 2065 (indicative date) the population of Chittagong will be served by sewerage/
hybrid systems/on-site sanitation at an approx. proportion of 60/30/10.
Table XIX presents an indicative timeframe to gradually achieve the above coverage in the period
2016-2065 based on the phasing of investments recommended later in this Master Plan.
No FSM required unless pre-existing septic tanks have not been cancelled.
Black water to be collected from sealed septic tanks and treated in FSM plant.
Includes population provided with FSM services only.
Includes population served by DWFI and STP (grey water) and FSM (black water).
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
The Proposed (long-term) Levels of Sanitation Service (Table XX) have been defined in a simpli-
fied manner considering the limitations in potential sewerage coverage and potential extent of in-
terceptor catchments:
CCC Area
Accessible by Within In- Type of Sanitation System Treatment system
Sewerage terceptor
System Catchment
Yes Yes/No Separate Sanitary Sewerage Secondary treatment to meet existing
System standards
No Yes Improved on-site sanitation On-site treatment of black water, incl.
Dry weather flow interceptors collection, treatment and disposal of
septic tank sludge to a central facility.
Interception of greywater from khals
and secondary treatment at a central
No No Improved on-site sanitation On-site treatment, incl. collection,
treatment and disposal of septic tank
sludge to a central facility.
Outside CCC Area
Agglomera- Settlement Type of Sanitation System Treatment system
tion type type
Urban Formal Water-borne sewerage in high Secondary treatment to meet existing
agglomerations Settlements density areas, otherwise on-site standards / On-site treatment, incl.
sanitation collection, treatment and disposal of
septic tank sludge at a central facility.
Rural All On-site sanitation On-site treatment, incl. collection,
agglomerations Settlements treatment and disposal of septic tank
sludge at a central facility.
Standards of Service
CCC is responsible for solid waste management in the CCC area only. The types of services to be
provided by City Corporations are mentioned in the Local Government (City Corporation) Act,
2009. As per the Local Government (Pourashava) Act 2009, municipalities are responsible for solid
waste management within their jurisdiction area. Both the Local Government Acts of 2009 (City
Corporation and Pourashava) contain only four sub-clauses regarding waste collection and manage-
ment, which have been depicted as follows:
City Corporation/Pourashava will take all necessary steps to collect and dispose waste from all
the roads, toilets, drains, structures, and areas under its jurisdiction.
The occupiers of all the structures and spaces within the jurisdiction of the City Corpora-
tion/Pourashava will be responsible for removing waste from their possession, under the control
and supervision of the Corporation/Pourashava.
Corporation/Pourashava will make arrangement for waste collection containers or other types
of bins at different places throughout the city. Wherever such containers or bins are placed, the
Corporation/Pourashava will ask the occupiers of the neighbouring houses, structures, and
spaces to dispose their wastes into these containers or bins through issuance of a general notice.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
All the wastes removed or collected by or under direction of the staff of the Corporation/Pour-
ashava, as well as the wastes stored in the containers or bins established by the Corporation,
will be treated as the property of the City Corporation/Pourashava.
The above-mentioned sub-clauses are insufficient in the contemporary context of solid waste man-
agement in different cities throughout Bangladesh. The sub-clauses do not provide any guidelines
regarding the frequency of waste collection from street and drain cleanings, standards for place-
ments of waste collections bins or containers, and source separation of waste, options for recycling
and resource recovery, etc.
Based on the experiences in the South Asian region and outside Bangladesh, the following proposed
standard of services for solid waste management is recommended for CCC and the municipalities:
In order to improve the solid waste management system of CCC as well as the municipalities, there
is a need to address both the technical elements (collection, storage, transportation, recycling,
resource recovery, and disposal), as well as the governance aspects (institutional, financial and
regulatory). Addressing both these sets of factors is essential for a sustainable solution as mentioned
in the aforementioned sections. The following priority measures are recommended as a way
The Institutional/organizational strengthening of the conservancy section is one of the top priority
measures. Without adequate manpower and equipment, and a proper set-up, it will not be possible
to realize the desired improvement. Apart for institutional strengthening and capacity building,
awareness raising on source separation of waste should be carried out to promote waste recycling.
More details are provided in this report’s Section 3: Strategy for Institutional Framework.
Structural Measures
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Collection of Option 1: Communal Collection Option 4 & Option 1 for markets and large insti-
waste Option 2: Block Collection tutions. For house to house waste collection, use
Option 3: Curb side Collection modified rickshaw vans with bins, which can di-
and multiple han-
Option 4: House to House Collec- rectly discharge the waste into the demountable
dling of waste tion containers.
6 More than 50% of the collected dry waste (plastic, paper and rags) are dumped in the landfill sites due to the fact that they
are soiled and expensive to recycle by the informal sector. Soiled rags, paper, and plastic waste (excluding PVC) can be used
to produce RDF. A recent study (2015) of GIZ, conducted by Waste Concern in Dhaka, has found that, by using different
proportions of soiled plastic waste, paper, and rags, RDF can be made which has a calorific value of 5000 kcal/kg, which is
close to the caloric value of coal. This type of RDF can be used in brick kilns for co-firing with coal or in cement factories. As
such, we have recommended limited production of RDF for recycling of soiled plastic, paper and rags and composting for
recycling of organic waste as strategy for waste diversion from landfill towards more recycling.
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The proposed Sanitation Strategy should be consistent with national urban planning and sanitation
strategies, as well as implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. As the various aspects
of infrastructure impact on each other, the initiatives proposed by the Strategy should be seen within
an integrated urban development approach. The boundary of the sanitation strategy coincides with
the KOICA strategy (2009), and the boundary of the drainage strategy is consistent with the CDA
strategy (1995), with the new design horizon being 2030. Demographic assessment indicates a
population coverage in the CCC area of 2.6million (2011 census) expanding to 3.7million (2030),
with the population in the pourashavas with an urban characteristic growing from 0.27million to
0.43million, and the rural areas growing from 0.63million to 0.90million. Due to the limitation on
capital and recurrent funds as well as the need to develop the operating agencies over time, the
investment programme is prioritised and phased over time, including an immediate and urgent
Phase 1 (2016-2018), significant infrastructure investment Phase 2 (2016-2023), and longer term
Phase 3 (2023-2030). Investments should be consistent with the ability and willingness of the users
(households and businesses) to pay for the sanitation service.
Institutional Framework
The following table summarises the institutional framework for Chittagong City, with proposed
options and recommendations for responsibility for operations and maintenance:
The Municipalities of Boalkhali, Hathazari, Patiya and Raozan have the responsibilities for faecal
sludge management and solid waste management and no changes are recommended to these man-
dates. There are no plans to introduce a separate sewerage system for the four municipalities, as
they do not have a sufficiently high population density, and the drainage master plan does not in-
clude the four municipalities.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Co-ordination Mechanisms
In order to improve the co-operation and co-ordination among key stakeholders in relation to sani-
tation and drainage, a multi-stakeholder Working Group was established in May 2015 to provide
guidance on the development and implementation of the sanitation and drainage improvement strat-
egy and master plans, including on the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders. The
Working Group consists of representatives from CWASA, CCC, CDA, BWDB, CPA, BR and DoE.
The lifetime of the Working Group is currently limited to the duration of the Master Plan project,
however this may be extended in future to oversee the implementation of the Master Plans.
Further, on the initiative of the Honourable Mayor, it was decided in August 2015 to establish a
high-level Coordination Cell for coordination among organisations in connection with preparation
and implementation of plans for overall development of Chittagong Metropolitan City. It is ex-
pected that sub-committees for individual tasks or sectors will be established under the Coordina-
tion Cell to deal with more day-to-day coordination issues. The lifetime of the Co-ordination Com-
mittees is not limited hence may be a suitable mechanism for overseeing implementation of the
sanitation and drainage master plans. Establishment of the Coordination Cell and its sub-commit-
tee(s) for sanitation and drainage is an important initiative in ensuring increased coordination in
both the short and longer term.
It is recommended for CWASA to consider extending the Working Group to monitor the imple-
mentation of the Sanitation Master Plan, however if the CCC initiative of Co-ordination Cells are
successful, CWASA should consider which is the best mechanism for monitoring the implementa-
tion of the Sanitation Master Plan.
Action Plan
The attached table presents the proposed action plan which integrates the various sanitation initia-
tives from the Sewerage, Faecal Sludge Management and Solid Waste Management sectors for
Chittagong City, including a provision for renovations to existing septic tanks based on estimates
from the Sewerage Master Plan (2009). Costs estimates are estimated for both capital expenditure
(CAPEX) and operations and maintenance costs (OPEX) based on current costs. Based on the ex-
pected funds that may be available over time, the action plan is phased: Phase 1 proposes an imme-
diate priority investment programme (PIP) for 2016-2018; Phase 2 proposes a more substantial
investment programme for 2016-2023 (incl. a nominal 2 year project preparation period and a five
year contracting and construction period); Phase 3 proposes investments up to the Master Plan hori-
zon of 2030. Note that additional investments will also be required after this period.
Although no sewerage investments are proposed for the surrounding municipalities, the following
table provides a summary of the investment cost for the solid waste sector for the surrounding mu-
nicipalities (faecal sludge treatment is incorporated into the CCC investments):
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Financial Analysis
The estimated total capital cost for the Sewerage programme amounts to USD 232 million, which
will be implemented in two phases as shown in Table XXVII below. About 51% of total cost is
accounted for by the sewerage network, another 44% of total cost is accounted for by the STP, and
5% is accounted for by the interceptors.
Phase 2 would be implemented upon project approval and is expected to be operational by 2020
while Phase 3 would be constructed during 2022 and 2024, and was assumed to be operational
starting 2025.
Table XXVIII presents the tariffs derived from the financial cash flow projections. If CAPEX and
O&M are recovered, tariff per HH/small non-domestic establishment would be BDT 1,371/month
for those serviced by the sewerage network and STP, BDT 522/month for those serviced by inter-
ceptors and STP, and BDT 2,212/month if HHs and small non-domestic establishments serviced by
the sewerage network and STP subsidise those serviced by interceptors and STP. These rates appear
high considering that the charge for cleaning septic tanks range from BDT 3,000 to 5,000 per unit
(HHs conveniently assume that septage is disposed of properly by the septic tank cleaners). At a 2-
3 year interval per septic tank cleaning, the charge would range from BDT 100-167/month.
If only the O&M cost is recovered by the tariff, the average tariff would be BDT 183/HH per month
for HHs serviced by the sewerage network and STP, BDT 100/HH per month for those serviced by
interceptors and STP, and BDT 268/HH per month if those serviced by the sewerage network and
STP subsidise those covered by interceptors and STP.
The charge of BDT 183/HH per month for sewered HHs enjoying STP, is within range of the septic
tank cleaner charge of about BDT 100-167/month, and appears viable and affordable. However, the
rate with cross-subsidy would be difficult to impose; and subsidy would have to come from the
national government or from an increased water tariff.
If 30% of CAPEX and O&M costs are recovered by the tariff, the average tariff would be BDT
532/HH per month for HHs serviced by the sewerage network and STP, BDT 224/HH per month
for those serviced by interceptors and STP, and BDT 879/HH per month if those serviced by the
sewerage network and STP subsidise those covered by interceptors and STP. These tariffs would
appear relatively high to HHs in Chittagong.
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Table XXVII: Estimated Project Cost of Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Plant
Cost (in Mln USD)
Phase 2 Phase 3 Total
Sewerage Network
Deep Sewers 13.55 0.00 13.55
Gravity Pipes 17.63 16.17 33.80
Manholes 3.66 3.27 6.93
Force Mains 0.65 0.14 0.79
Utility Realignment 5.29 4.85 10.14
Pump Stations 1.68 1.20 2.88
Service Lines 9.84 9.09 18.93
Connections 2.73 2.80 5.53
Sub-Total Base Cost 55.03 37.52 92.55
Contingencies (5%) 2.75 1.88 4.63
Engineering, Design &
3.85 2.63 6.48
Supervision (7%)
Sub-Total Works Cost 61.63 42.02 103.65
VAT (15%) 9.24 6.30 15.55
Total Sewerage Network Cost 70.88 48.33 119.20
Base Cost 2.10 7.10 9.20
Contingencies (5%) 0.11 0.35 0.46
Engineering, Design &
0.15 0.50 0.64
Supervision (7%)
Sub-Total Works Cost 2.35 7.95 10.30
VAT (15%) 0.35 1.19 1.54
Total Interceptors Cost 2.70 9.14 11.84
Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP)
Base Cost 36.00 42.30 78.30
Contingencies (5%) 1.80 2.12 3.92
Engineering, Design &
2.52 2.96 5.48
Supervision (7%)
Sub-Total Works Cost 40.32 47.38 87.70
VAT (15%) 6.05 7.11 13.15
Total STP Cost 46.37 54.48 100.85
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A survey was conducted to investigate the household monthly incomes and associated expenditure
– see following table which compares the household monthly income for the five quintiles:
– this represents approx. 2.6% of average monthly income which appears to be relatively high
when compared to typical maximum combined water supply and sewerage rates of 5%, more-
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
– this represents approx. 11.9% of the average monthly income for the poorest households, which
would be exorbitant for this quintile.
Option 2: OPEX Cost Recovery only
If OPEX cost recovery only is considered, the average tariff would be BDT 183/HH/month:
If the capital costs were subsidised by the State (at a level of 70%) hence 30% of the capital ex-
penditure and full OPEX cost recovery, the average tariff would be BDT 532/HH/month:
Economic Analysis
The economic benefits of improved sanitation infrastructure include the following:
In the project’s survey and focus group discussions, however, the willingness-to-pay was associated
with ability to pay. The question involved “Ability and willingness to pay for sewerage services”.
However, the economic willingness to pay, as contingent valuation, should not take into consider-
ation the ability to pay.
For example, for a HH wherein one of its children below five years old suffered gastro-enteritis,
diarrhoea and dehydration due to water contamination, its willingness to pay would be the avoid-
ance of such incidence and accompanying costs, which that HH might or might not have the ability
to pay.
To compensate for this bias accompanied by the perception of ability to pay, the consultants took
the average of willingness to pay for the 5th quintile. This resulted in a weighted average willingness
to pay of BDT 373 per HH per month or BDT 29.37/m3 or USD 0.3744/m3. This was used as the
aggregate value of economic benefits.
A cashflow projection was prepared with VAT excluded from CAPEX, to derive economic costs.
The shadow price for labour was, however, not adjusted since the low cost of labour compensated
for its reduced efficiency.
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The resulting EIRR (see table below) for the sanitation project is 9.8% and satisfies the economic
hurdle rate of 10%.
The economic benefits of improved emptying and proper treatment of faecal sludge include the
The economic costs were based on financial costs with adjustments on shadow prices. For this
faecal collection and treatment project, the 15% VAT was taken out from the costs since taxes are
considered only as transfers and are not real costs. Labour costs was not adjusted since the low cost
of labour compensated for low labour productivity.
The faecal sludge collection vehicles were assumed to have an economic useful life of seven years,
and were replaced every seven years. The faecal sludge treatment plant was assumed to have an
economic useful life of 30 years.
Based on the above economic benefits and costs, a cashflow projection was prepared to determine
the EIRR for this project. This derives the EIRR that would discount the annual cashflow of benefits
and costs. The resulting EIRR is 58.1%, which means that the project would be very beneficial to
society and to the households to be covered, considering that the hurdle rate is about 10%.
Financial Analysis
The total cost of the proposed SWM project was estimated at USD 17.9 million, for both the Chit-
tagong City Corporation (CCC) and the four urban municipalities (Patiya, Raozan, Hathazari and
Boalkhali) (see Table XXX below). USD 16.3 million is accounted for by CCC, which represents
91% of total project cost. About USD 11.0 million of CCC project cost is proposed to be spent on
resource recovery, which includes plants for composting of organic waste, and Refuse-Derived Fuel
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The financial cashflow statement for the implementation of the SWM was projected over the plan-
ning period up to 2030. Based on the projection, at FIRR of 11.5%, the tariff for SWM for CCC
would be as follows (see table below):
Option 3: 30% CAPEX Cost Recovery and Full OPEX Cost Recovery
For partial CAPEX and full OPEX costs recovery, the SWM tariff would be BDT 18/HH/month.
The tariffs derived above are within range of ability and willingness to pay for collection of solid
waste; the weighted average is BDT 73/HH/month (see table in Economic Analysis sub-section).
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A huge revenue potential from solid waste is the conversion of organic waste (about 82% of col-
lected waste reaching the landfill is organic (food and vegetable) waste). If segregated at source,
this huge volume of organic waste has the potential to be converted into value-added resources,
including organic fertilizer (compost), biogas, and refuse-derived fuel.
If the sale of compost was included in the financial projections, based on potential revenue of USD
80/ton, the proceeds from this could be able to pay for the CAPEX and OPEX of the proposed
SWM project at CCC. Even at zero tariff for SWM collection and disposal, FIRR would be 43.9%.
The SWM tariffs (collection of SWM that would be disposed at a sanitary landfill) for the urban
municipalities would be as follows at FIRR of 11.5%”
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With OPEX only cost recovery, the SWM tariff would be BDT 18/HH/month without revenue from
Option 3: 30% CAPEX Cost Recovery and Full OPEX Cost Recovery
For partial CAPEX and full OPEX costs recovery, the SWM tariff would be BDT 35/HH/month.
The tariffs derived above are within range of ability and willingness to pay for collection of solid
waste; the weighted average is BDT 73/HH/month (see table in Economic Analysis sub-section).
If the sale of compost was included in the financial projections, based on potential revenue of USD
80/ton, the proceeds from this could be able to pay for the CAPEX and OPEX of the proposed
SWM project at the urban municipalities. Even at zero tariff for SWM collection and disposal, FIRR
would be 79.4%.
A huge revenue potential from solid waste is the conversion of organic waste (about 82% to 87%
of collected waste reaching the landfill is organic (food and vegetable) waste). If segregated at
source, this huge volume of organic waste has the potential to be converted into value-added re-
sources, including organic fertilizer (compost), biogas, and refuse-derived fuel.
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Economic Analysis
The proper collection and disposal of solid waste provides the following benefits:
Reduces the spread of diseases from improper collection and disposal of garbage caused by
vectors and itinerant animals,
For avoided diseases, reduces morbidity and mortality, lost productive man-days, and med-
ical and hospitalisation costs,
Lessens adverse environmental impacts, such as air, water and land pollution,
Reduces carbon footprint and alleviates negative effects of climate change.
Enhances aesthetics of the city and urban municipalities, and encourages tourism.
For the project area, the measurement of economic benefits is reflected in willingness to pay, since
this would represent the economic value of avoiding the adverse effects of improper garbage han-
dling and disposal, such as health problems and concomitant medical and hospitalisation costs.
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The economic benefits and costs were inputted into a cashflow projection, taking into consideration
annual volume and economic value of waste generated. The resulting Economic Internal Rate of
Return (EIRR) is 53.2%, way above the economic hurdle rate of 10%. This means that the project
is economically viable and beneficial to society.
If the revenue from the sale of compost is included, based on potential value of USD 80/ton, EIRR
would be 125.1%.
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The SEA Environmental objectives have been formulated to help focus the environmental
assessment on the most important issues. These objectives have been set based on the baseline
information of current and potential environmental problems related to sewerage and drainage in
the study area. Objectives have been set for Population and Health; Surface Water; Groundwater;
Soil and Land; Air; Urban Development; and Cultural Heritage.
Based on a standard risk assessment methodology of calculating an effect by multiplying the likelihood
score (ranging from 1 to 5) and consequence score (ranging from -3 to +3), the following table compares
a range of alternatives.
Cultural Her-
Urban Devel-
and Health
Air quality
L 5 5 4 5 4 3 3
Do nothing C -3 -3 -2 -3 -2 -2 -2
E -15 -15 -8 -15 -8 -6 -6 -73
L 4 4 4 3 3 3 3
Business as usual C -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 1 1
E -8 -8 -8 -6 -6 3 3 -30
L 4 4 4 4 4 2 3
Major improvement
C 3 3 2 2 2 3 3
E 12 12 8 8 8 6 9 63
Effect (E) = Likelihood (L) * Consequence (C)
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The master plan consists of a phased improvement of the sanitation system in and around Chitta-
gong, incl. the four municipalities (Patiya, Raozan, Hathazari and Boalkhali). Successful imple-
mentation of the MPs over the planning horizon will have significant benefits on the population and
environment. Key environmental benefits will be:
Improved public health will lead to better socio-economic conditions for the population, which in
turn can increase willingness and ability to pay for improved services. This in turn will assist the
financial position of public institutions in the long-term.
There are significant synergistic cumulative effects between surface water bodies and groundwater
aquifers with population and health; surface water bodies and cultural heritage; solid and land re-
sources with groundwater aquifers and urban developments; urban development with population
and health in both the sanitation and drainage master plans. These should be enhanced during pro-
ject design and development stages.
The only possible negative effects of the MPs in relation to the set of SEA objectives are associated
with solid and land resources and air quality (odours near STPs and landfills). These can be
mitigated by employing proper management measures. No significant negative (conflicting)
cumulative effects were identified within the MPs. Proper operation and maintenance (O&M) of
new infrastructure is critical to ensure that any potential significant negative effects are mitigated
and to ensure that the potential benefits of the MPs are realised.
In accordance with GoB and WB environmental and safeguard policies, an EIA was prepared for
the priority project, i.e. investments within Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the sanitation programme to year
2023. The environmental impacts are considered for the pre-construction phase, construction phase
and the operation phase. For the proposed Sewerage system, the pre-construction phase will pri-
marily involve planning, preparation and creating the space required for construction works of the
sewer system, pumping stations and dry weather flow (DWF) interceptors. The preparatory activi-
ties will have to address the planning of works and their subsequent impacts and associated mitiga-
tion activities. During the construction phase, it is expected that some structures will be removed,
renovated or rehabilitated. For the construction, re-construction or removal activities, transportation
activities may generate potential environmental negative impacts. The operation of the Sewer Sys-
tem is expected to have generally positive environmental and social impacts.
The proposed Halishahar STP would be the first STP operated by CWASA. The first stage of the
proposed STP-1 corresponds to the Phase 2 of the Chittagong Sanitation Master Plan and is de-
signed to treat sewage to meet national effluent standards. The STP will have a substantial improve-
ment in the discharge of pollutants to the drainage system, Karnaphuli river and Bay, and the pro-
posed design adopts a “least-cost” and appropriate process technology within the capability of
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CWASA and which can allow for the treatment capacity well within the present site (66 ha). The
following table provides a summary of the reduction in pollution load from the catchment serviced
by the sewerage system after commissioning of the first stage of the trickling filter process, com-
pared to the existing situation:
The construction and operation of any STP and related urban wastewater infrastructure (e.g. pump
stations) may result in potential environmental negative impacts for the environment due to con-
struction, wastewater operations, sludge management from the treatment plants, and decommis-
sioning. An Environmental Management Plan has been prepared to ensure the following impacts
have been considered: odours, noise, spreading of insects, and potential health hazards near dis-
charge, exploitation of the nearby water bodies, potential changes in flora and fauna due to the
discharge of treated wastewater, decline in land value, and disposal of sludge from the treatment
There are limited faecal sludge collection facilities, and no treatment facilities. The majority of the
Faecal Sludge collection and transportation service providers in the City areas do not practice ade-
quate health and safety protection, particularly when employing manual emptying techniques or
using small-scale equipment. As a result, service providers are at a risk of exposure to physical,
chemical and biological hazards. The project proposes supply of sludge collection vehicles and
construction of a faecal sludge treatment plant with 150m3/day capacity at Halishahar (to be ex-
panded by an additional 150m3/day capacity by 2030) and a faecal sludge treatment plant at Arefin
Nagar (capacity of 200,000m3/d); each unit would meet the treatment requirements for over one
million people.
There are two existing landfill sites at Halishahar and Arefin Nagar that will provide capacity until
Phase 3 of the project. Several activities have been proposed related to solid waste disposal, incl.:
Supply of waste collection trucks ranging in size to suit road access. This will improvement
waste collection and minimise waste disposed to the drainage system.
Removal of existing open concrete/brick waste bin and replace with closed demountable
collection bins.
Source separation of solid waste and composting of organic waste using Vegetable Market
Waste. This will reduce waste to the landfill and potentially provide a product for recycling.
Commission a 10 t/d capacity RDF plant using soiled plastic, paper, and rags as raw material
to produce energy.
Improve the operational procedures of landfilling at Halishahar and Arefin Nagar sites from
uncontrolled dumping to controlled disposal according to national waste management and
handling rules.
The large quantity of degradable organic contents present in the waste composition indicate the
necessity for frequent collection and removal. This also indicates the potential of recycling of
organic waste for resource recovery at source level for composting and waste to energy projects
using anaerobic digestion. The existing solid waste separation activities have significant health and
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hygiene concern for the workers who most often operate without any protective measures, and are
exposed to a wide range of health risks (e.g. tetanus, respiratory problems, injuries).
The legislation and regulations of particular relevance to the sanitation sector includes:
WASA Act (1996) confirms that CWASA is responsible for construction, improvement and
maintenance of sewerage works for collecting, pumping, treating, and disposing of sanitary
sewage and industrial wastes. No technical standards are defined, however the Environment
Conservation Rules provide discharge standards for wastewater. As of October 2016, these
discharge standards are under revision. A proposed by-law for sewerage connections is annexed
to this Master Plan.
The CCC ordinance of 1984 and the subsequent Act of 2009 (amended in 2011) indicate that
CCC has the mandate for septic sludge emptying services, however the CCC ordinance and the
CCC Act, as well as the WASA Act, are not clear whether CWASA, CCC or both have the
mandate for sludge treatment. An Institutional and Regulatory Framework for FSM is expected
to be finalised and approved in the relatively near future. Following this, a generic by-law
should be prepared at national level for tailoring and approval at local level, e.g. in Chittagong.
Key points to consider when preparing these by-laws are annexed.
According to the CCC ordinance of 1984 and the subsequent Act of 2009 (amended in 2011),
CCC is responsible for collection, removal and disposal of solid waste.
According to the Local Government (Pourashava) Act (2009), the four municipalities of
Boalkhali, Hathazari, Patiya and Raozan are responsible for solid waste management, including
collection and disposal of waste from all the roads, drains, structures and areas under their
jurisdiction. They also have the mandate for FSM in their areas.
The Bangladesh Building Construction Codes provides design and construction rules for the
construction of septic tanks.
The Citizens Charters of the operating agencies of CWASA and CCC define the standards of
services to be provided to their customers; however, the standards for sanitation services are not
well-defined and should be revised.
Institutional Framework
No changes are recommended to the institutional mandates related to sewerage, i.e. CWASA is to
be responsible for construction, operation and management of the future sewerage system.
The initial recommendations are that CWASA establishes a small Sewerage Division, whose staff
to the extent possible should work closely with the Supervision Consultants to help the CWASA
staff gain practical knowledge. The Division should be upgraded to a Circle six months before the
construction is expected to be completed. Initially, the Circle is expected to employ 90-100 persons.
The vast majority of the sewerage staff will have to be recruited from outside. CWASA expects it
will be able to employ staff with relevant educational backgrounds, but most are likely to lack prac-
tical sewerage experience. It will therefore be essential that they receive both initial and follow-up
training. CWASA should expand its small Training Centre to include sewerage-related training.
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CWASA will need to strengthen its communication and other customer relations activities, both in
relation to sewerage (and possibly septic sludge management, see below) and water supply. This
will include awareness raising activities through pro-active communication.
Only 8% of CWASA’s staff are women, with only 3% of the employees in the Engineering Depart-
ment being women, and no women in the middle or upper management levels. CWASA’s future
HR and recruitment policy should pay much attention to attracting and retaining staff, including
attracting more women to apply for vacant positions.
Table XXXVI: Institutional Options for Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) for Chittagong
A viable option appears to be a model with FSM facilities owned by CCC or CWASA and operated
by the private sector. In this model, CCC or CWASA will invest and own the entire infrastructure
and lease it to the private sector to operate and manage it. CCC and/or CWASA will need an esti-
mated 4-7 staff for overall faecal sludge management, depending on their level of involvement.
1.4% of the staff in CCC’s Engineering Department are women, while the proportion is considera-
bly higher in the Conservancy Department, namely 38%. Women are mainly employed as sweepers
and cleaners. If in the future, CCC is to be involved in FSM, efforts should be made to attract more
women to apply for positions in relation to FSM and related awareness raising activities. The same
is the case if CWASA is involved in FSM.
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It is essential to increase the knowledge of key decision-makers and managers in relation to septic
sludge management, including among others cost recovery aspects and the potential benefits of
involving the private sector or social business enterprises in septic sludge management. Activities
should include study tours to existing sludge collection and treatment systems.
CCC or CWASA will need to pay much attention to awareness raising related to future arrange-
ments for septic sludge collection, disposal and treatment.
A decision still needs to be taken whether and how the private sector should be involved in the
proposed future FSM in the four municipalities of Boalkhali, Hathazari, Patiya and Raozan. Irre-
spective of the decisions, a separate Faecal Sludge Management Unit should be established in each
municipality, with 2-4 staff in each municipality. Nearly all staff in the municipalities are men and
the municipalities should make particular efforts to attract women to apply for positions in relation
to FSM and related awareness raising activities.
As the current arrangement with vehicles and drivers being supplied through the Engineering De-
partment gives rise to some coordination problems, it is recommended that all solid waste manage-
ment responsibilities in the future should rest with the Conservancy Department.
For solid waste management, CCC may need to employ additional workers/sweepers, but particu-
larly its mid-level management needs to be strengthened with recruitment of additional well-quali-
fied staff. Particular efforts should be made to attract more women to apply for new positions in
solid waste management and related awareness raising in the Conservancy Department, including
mid-level management positions.
There will be a need for capacity building of many staff in the Conservancy Department, with sep-
arate capacity building for workers/cleaners, technical staff and managers.
CCC should strengthen its communication activities related to solid waste collection and disposal.
The total current number of staff in the Conservancy Departments of Boalkhali (8) and Hathazari
(20) is very low and should be increased to around 60 staff in each of the two municipality. The
total current number of staff in the Conservancy Departments of Patiya and Raozan appear to be
satisfactory. There is, however, a need to increase the number of supervisory staff in each of the
four municipalities. Particular efforts should be made to attract women to apply for new positions
in relation to solid waste management and related awareness raising activities, including for other
positions than sweepers and cleaners.
Coordination Mechanisms
There is scope for improving the cooperation and coordination among key stakeholders in relation
to sanitation and drainage. As a first step, a multi-stakeholder Working Group was established in
May 2015. On the initiative of the Honourable Mayor, it was decided in August 2015 to establish a
high-level Coordination Cell for coordination among organisations in connection with preparation
and implementation of plans for overall development of Chittagong Metropolitan City. The Coor-
dination Cell is expected to meet at least three times per year, but has only met once between August
2015 and October 2016. It is expected that from 2017 the Coordination Cell will meet more fre-
quently. It is also expected that sub-committees for individual tasks or sectors will be established
under the Coordination Cell to deal with more day-to-day coordination issues. Establishment of
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the Coordination Cell and its sub-committee(s) for sanitation and drainage is an important initiative
in ensuring increased coordination in both the short and longer term.
Public Awareness
Due to the lack of sewerage system in Chittagong city, and the limited sewerage system coverage
in Bangladesh in general, limited knowledge exists among key decision-makers concerning sewer-
age and how it operates. A knowledge gap exists among the elected city councillors as well as CCC
and CWASA staff regarding sewerage systems, effective faecal sludge management and solid waste
management. Institutional strengthening and capacity building is essential for both CWASA and
CCC, in order to increase the knowledge of key decision-makers and managers in relation to inter
alia cost recovery aspects of sanitation investments and the potential benefits of involving the pri-
vate sector or social business enterprises in septic sludge management.
The current sanitation situation in Chittagong, with frequent dumping of solid waste and septic
sludge in drains and khals, indicates a lack of awareness among households and businesses on the
consequences these issues have for the environment and people’s health and living conditions. It
also indicates a lack of alternative disposal options or knowledge of alternative options.
The Household Surveys conducted in CCC areas, municipalities and adjacent villages revealed con-
siderable lack of awareness on sanitation issues among households, including:
Sewerage: i) The future sewerage system in parts of Chittagong city; ii) Benefits of connecting to
the sewerage system; iii) Costs for households and businesses for connecting; iv) Future tariff; v)
Access to small scale loans for initial investments; and vi) Process of sewerage system connection,
contact information and lodging of complaints.
Faecal sludge management: i) The benefits of having hygienic toilets/latrines connected to septic
tanks that can be emptied when full; ii) Reasons why toilets/latrines directly connected to drains
and khals should be avoided (health impacts); iii) Proper disposal of faecal sludge from septic tanks
and latrines, incl. availability of services, collection arrangements, how the sludge will be
treated/co-composted; iv) Advantages of using mechanical emptying of pit and septic tanks com-
pared to manual cleaning, including lower cost, health benefits, time saving, and resolution of dis-
posal problems; v) Regular emptying required to avoid overflow of septic tanks; vi) Payments for
faecal sludge collection at cost recovery; vii) Access to small scale loans for initial investments;
viii) faecal sludge collection process, payment procedures, how to contact faecal sludge collection
service providers and register complaints; and ix) Legal requirements – emptying to the khals is
illegal and subject to fines from CCC.
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Solid waste management: i) Benefits of solid waste management – and impacts of current practice
of dumping solid waste in the khals (health impacts): ii) Proper disposal of solid waste, including
source separations of waste to promote waste recycling; iii) Collection arrangements; iv) Benefits
of solid waste treatment and composting; v) Payments for solid waste collection; vi) Lodging of
complaints; vii) Legal requirements – disposing of solid waste in khals is illegal and subject to fines
from CCC.
The communication strategy aims to mobilize all stakeholders in the sanitation sector. The strategy
includes a number of issues regarding information mobilization and relations, structured around
two approaches: i) a communication approach designed to reach large target groups in the CCC
area and the four Municipalities. The media used to reach large target groups at city level are tele-
vision, radio, print media, online media, publishing, display and telephony, and ii) a neighbourhood
communication approach covering specific target areas, using participatory communication meth-
ods such as community meetings, household visits and peer educator program.
For sewerage, the strategy includes a communication campaign aiming to: i) popularize the issues
related to sewerage disposal, ii) improve demand for sewerage system connection, iii) information
on sewerage system connection costs and tariffs.
For faecal sludge management, the strategy includes a communication campaign aiming to: i) pop-
ularize the issues related to the various links in the faecal sludge management chain, ii) improve
demand for mechanical emptying services, iii) promote good hygiene behaviour, and iv) infor-
mation on emptying services and payment for improved services.
For solid waste management, the strategy includes a communication campaign aiming to: i) popu-
larizing issues of solid waste disposal mal-practice, ii) improve demand for good waste disposal
practices, iii) information on collection arrangement and payment for solid waste collection.
Awareness raising methods must be targeted to different socio-economic groups in the CCC area
and the four Municipalities. The use of different communication methods and various channels is
essential for targeting the different stakeholders in a way that is accessible and understandable to
each of them. Furthermore, it should be taken into account that faecal sludge management is a
sensitive issue, that people would not be willing to discuss openly. For awareness raising aspects of
sewerage and solid waste, it would be appropriate and effective to communicate with people
through participatory, community led and people centred approaches to create a wider outreach of
the awareness-raising program. Adopting a demand driven approach focusing on awareness raising
that can generate demand for sanitary services would help sustain the supply of sanitary services
and increase the opportunities for expanding the service area.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
1 Introduction
This chapter provides a brief introduction to the Project, including a description of the
Project objectives and the purpose of the current output: Sanitation Master Plan. It
introduces the planning area and defines the planning horizon.
The Consultant Grontmij A/S, in association with the national consultancies AQUA and the
Institute for Water Modelling (IWM), commenced services on 4th January 2015 on the consultancy
assignment titled “Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City
of Chittagong,” hereafter referred to as “the Project”, which is one of the sub-projects (labelled “S-
8”) under the Chittagong Water Supply Improvement & Sanitation Project (CWSISP). The
Responsible (Implementing) Agency is the Chittagong Water Supply and Sewerage Authority
The CWSISP programme aims at identifying, planning, designing, procuring and implementing
physical and institutional improvements to the urban Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) sector of
Chittagong, with a focus on implementing water supply investments. In contrast, the current
Sanitation and Drainage Master Plan Project commences the process of identification only of
investments in the sanitation and drainage sector via a master planning process, including
identifying a priority programme for investments and preparing design and tender documents for
such priority investments. However, such investments will be implemented within a subsequent
project and are not within the scope of the current CWSISP.
The design horizon for the Project is the year 2030, and the figure below indicates the extent of the
sanitation study area for the Sanitation Master Plan, as well as of the drainage study area for the
Drainage Master Plan.
The Sanitation Master Plan study area is similar to the planning area specified in the Chittagong
Development Area Plan (DAP) prepared in 2008 and was the basis for the Sanitation Master Plan
prepared by CWASA in 2009. The extent of the study area includes Chittagong city as well as the
urban areas of surrounding municipalities of Hathazari and Raozan in the north, and Baolkhali and
Patiya in the south.
The Drainage Master Plan study area is similar to the Chittagong City Corporation boundary and
was the basis for the previous Drainage Master Plan prepared by CDA in 1995. The extent of the
study area is based on catchment boundaries: the Khandakia khal to the north is the limit where
water resources drain towards Chittagong; the hilly areas to the east define the eastern boundary;
the Bay of Bengal provides the western boundary.
Included in the Project design was a provision that enabled the Project Management Unit (PMU) of
CWASA to recruit consultants to undertake the assignment for “Preparation of a Sanitation
Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong.” Following a competitive
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tendering process acceptable to WB, the Project Management Unit (PMU) awarded the contract to
Grontmij A/S in association with AQUA and IWM. The parties entered into a contract on 12
November 2014, with mobilisation on 4 January 2015. The contract has a 30 month duration and
will expire on 3 July 2017.
This Consultancy, led by Grontmij A/S, falls under Component 2 (Sewerage and Drainage). Under
Component 2, the budget for total consultancy services, including Technical Assistance
programmes comprised USD 3.8M of the IDA Credit. The remaining USD 5M IDA Credit was
allocated to be given as (to-be-defined) works contracts for the “Rehabilitation of limited number
of existing drainage canals.” It is the Consultant’s understanding that this allocation of USD 5M for
works has since been removed from the CWSISP budget.
Subcomponent 1.7 (“Pilot implementation of septic sludge handling (approx. 30,000 persons)”) of
Component 1 (Water Supply and Sanitation) also relates to the Consultant’s scope of works, though
the indicated budget line of USD 350,000 is for the Supply and Works contracts, whereas the
Consultant is charged with defining the pilot programme for septic sludge handling. According to
the World Bank’s Project Manager, this investment amount has been removed from the CWSISP
The objective of the Project is to develop a comprehensive sanitation and drainage improvement
strategy and master plan for the city of Chittagong. Master plans have previously been prepared in
the sanitation sector (KOICA, 2009) and in the drainage sector (CDA, 1995) however relevant
recommendations have not been implemented, consequently the Project should update the existing
master plans and bring them up to date. Due to the fact that sewerage, drainage, solid waste and
faecal sludge problems all interact in Chittagong, the comprehensive master plan has been prepared
with an integrated urban development approach.
As assessed in the World Bank’s Project appraisal Document (PAD), a substantial institutional
development component is required to facilitate implementation of investment works. In summary,
the Project Appraisal findings included:
Stormwater Drainage: The CWSISP will assist to clarify the institutional responsibility
framework, while at the same time support technical assessments and design to prepare for
future financing consideration. Provision has also been made for limited rehabilitation of
existing canals if immediate critical remedies are identified by the technical assessments.
Sewerage and Sanitation: The CWSISP will support the establishment of a pilot septic
sludge handling system with potential for scaling up in the future. The project will support
the assessment, identification and design of priority works, including options for sanitation
solutions throughout the city.
Services to Slums/Low Income Communities (LICs): The CWSISP aims to make
targeted interventions in the LICs through community managed water and sanitation
delivery system to increase services and to promote good hygiene behaviour.
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The key outputs of the Project will include supporting the PMU of CWASA to achieve: (i)
comprehensive review and assessment of the existing situation with respect to sanitation and
drainage in the city; (ii) assessment of strategic options for improving sanitation and drainage
services in the city; (iii) development of an appropriate institutional framework and action plan; (iv)
provision of support for consensus building around the strategy, institutional framework and action
plan; (v) updating of existing sewerage and drainage master plans to meet demand in the year
2030; (vi) identification and preparation of detailed engineering designs and tender documents for
priority sewerage and drainage interventions in the city; and (vii) identification and evaluation of
options for improving septic sludge management and developing a viable business model and
implementation arrangements for a septic sludge management pilot project.
The various technical assistance activities are grouped into five main tasks, viz.:
Task 1: Assessment of Existing Conditions;
Task 2: Strategy, Institutional Arrangements and Action Plan;
Task 3: Support for Consensus Building;
Task 4: Updating Drainage Master plan;
Task 5: Updating Sanitation Master Plan (this report).
The current report is the preparation of the Sanitation Master Plan. The Consultant will prepare
an updated and improved Sanitation Master Plan, with recommended ranking methodology for
prioritizing of future sanitation investments. The sanitation master plan is to be provided with
estimation of present and future cost that would be economically acceptable, and shall include:
a. Comprehensive strategy for sanitation (sewerage, solid waste management, and on-site sys-
tems) improvement to meet the demand in 2030.
b. Economic and financial analysis of the proposed interventions in order to (i) allow for pri-
oritization of interventions based on identifying those with the highest economic returns (com-
paring intervention’s cost with the benefits accrued) and (ii) provide a comparison of the costs
of operating and maintaining the proposed interventions and identify revenue streams for cov-
ering these costs.
c. Identification and design of adaptation measures required to mitigate the impacts on sanita-
tion system due to climate change including sea level rise in 2030.
d. Maps in suitable scale over the complete area. It is anticipated that existing maps covering
Chittagong City, published by Survey of Bangladesh in 2004, Scale 1:5000, would be used as
a basis. Coordinates and elevation system shall be agreed with CWASA and be harmonized
with the system in the existing design.
The Consultant will also undertake the following, as part of updating of the Sanitation Master
a. Prepare Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and assess social impact of the proposed
sanitation master plan and the major development work associated with the plan and design;
b. Prepare Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report on priority sanitation investments
specifying under categories according to Environmental Conservation Rules (1997);
c. Identify and list out illegal encroachments and other obstructing structures need to be abol-
ished or shifted with mitigating measures for associated impacts;
d. Assess socio-environmental impacts and recommend land acquisition, mitigation & protec-
tive measures and resettlement action necessary to implement the updated Master Plan;
e. Identify risks during implementation of the plan and define mitigation procedures.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
The Sanitation Master Plan has been structured to address the key issues:
Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter provides a brief introduction to the Project, including a description
of the Project objectives and the purpose of the current output: Sanitation Master
Plan. It introduces the planning area and the planning design horizon.
Chapter 2: Demographics
This chapter provides an assessment of the demographics for the Sanitation
Study area, including the current population based on previous census data and
future projections for the CCC area as well as surrounding municipalities.
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In this context, investments, activities, strategies, etc. referred to as “long-term” refer to items that
are not (fully) included within the time frame of this Master Plan but are utilised to provide a context
or target for the activities proposed as part of the Master Plan.
The CWASA current area of operations is limited to the CCC area which is about 155 km2. Practi-
cally CWASA provides water supply services only, and serves about 40% of the CCC population.
The future plans of CWASA will expand its area to surrounding municipalities, esp. to the north of
the city.
The ToR states that the total master plan area under CDA is approximately 1152 km2. It should
however be clarified that this is actually the study area of the 1995 Chittagong Metropolitan Master
Plan (CMMP) which is significantly larger than the CDA control area as shown in the Structure
Plan (Figure 1-1).
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Figure 1-1: Study Area of Structure Plan (CMMP 1995) showing CDA control area and city area
On the other hand, the Sewerage Master Plan prepared by KOICA 2009, is based on the Planning
Area delineated for the Detailed Area Plan by CDA in 2008 and covers approximately 691 km2.
It is difficult to reconcile the differences in the various areas used or referred to in various docu-
ments, including the ToR. However, since the main task of this project is to update the existing
Master Plan which will then be used for the sanitation planning purposes until the planning year, it
is considered appropriate to use the same study areas used in the KOICA Master Plan (Figure 1-2
& Figure 1-3) which includes the CDA control area (CCC boundary) as well as adjacent munici-
palities demonstrating an urban character and their associated rural areas.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
2 Demographics
This chapter provides an assessment of the demographics for the Sanitation Study area,
including the current population based on census data and future projections for the
CCC area as well as surrounding municipalities.
Design of urban water and sanitation infrastructure is based on the projected population of a
particular city, estimated over the design period – in this case up to 2030. Any underestimated value
will leave the system inadequate for the purpose intended; similarly, an overestimated value will
make the works costly to implement and maintain, and prone to malfunctions. Therefore, realistic
assessments and projections are necessary as a means to optimize the cost and benefits of the
planned investments.
The projections for the CCC area are presented in the section below separate from the projections
for the upazillas and pourashavas outside the CCC which are presented thereafter.
It should be mentioned at the outset that the population projections for this CWSISP-S8 master
planning project were prepared in parallel and consistent with those prepared under the CWSISP-
S3 water supply project. The population projections under the S3 package, submitted April 2016 as
a part of the final deliverable for Network Rehabilitation Strategy Report, have subsequently been
accepted by CWASA and the World Bank (inclusive of the WB Consultant of S3 package).
Population forecasting is essentially a matter of informed judgment, based on the most complete
and thorough analysis of the particular demographic profile and most up-to-date data available.
Population forecasting is, of course, much simpler for areas which have shown marked stability in
the size of their populations over a period of several decades, and for which no great change in the
economic and social conditions of the locality over the planning horizon seems likely. Obviously,
this is not the case for Chittagong, which is presently and has over the last few decades been
experiencing rapid growth and high rates of economic and social development. The growth
dynamics of Chittagong City are of such a pace and extent that it can be extremely difficult and
complex to develop reasonable projections on the basis of many unknowns and uncertainties, and
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yet such projections are of importance when it comes to planning and design activities, particularly
those related to infrastructure development and service provision.
Forecasting techniques and models involve accuracy, validity and constancy. A valid model which
accurately describes the system components and adequately specifies their relationships will be
accurate only if the relationships which exist at present can be expected to remain over time.
Forecasting involves an examination of past data and the determination of the relationship between
appropriate independent variable(s) and a dependent variable, in this case population.
Many techniques can be applied for forecasting population. In selecting a technique, it is important
to give due consideration to the growth characteristics of the population/city in question.
The following equation for growth rate was utilised in preparation of the population projections.
r = annual growth rate
P(projected) = population at forecast year
P(base) = population at base year
n(projected-base) = number of years between base and forecast years
Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. According to the latest
census report of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the total national population of
Bangladesh in 2011 was 144 million. According to the World Bank’s Development Indicators on-
line database, over the last 15 years the national annual growth rate of Bangladesh has fallen from
1.9% in 2001 to 1.2% in 2015, as illustrated in Figure 2-1 below.
Figure 2-1: Historical trend (2001-2015) in the national population growth rate for Bangladesh
Source: World Bank Development Indicators database.
The recent and substantial fall in national annual population growth rate can be largely attributed to
a decline in natural birth rates following the success of nationwide family planning and
contraception awareness programmes.
Generally speaking there are several factors which have an overall resultant effect on the population
growth in urban areas (i.e. Chittagong). These include changes (positive or negative) in:
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birth rates
death rates
the standard of living
literacy rates
urbanization (migration and annexation)
employment opportunities
transportation and facilities
amenities and recreational facilities
Bangladesh is presently still a country with a predominantly rural population (approx. 70% rural).
However, by 2050 it is projected that this trend will be reversed with around 55% of Bangladesh’s
population at 2050 expected to be living in urban areas (Figure 2-2).
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Two types of factors – the “push” and the “pull” factors – are the key determinants which drive the
rural-to-urban migration trend. Simply defined, pull factors are essentially the mechanisms which
are responsible for literally drawing the population away from the countryside and into the cities.
Push factors, on the other hand, are those which in essence compel persons to seek opportunities
elsewhere (in cities), when the option to sustain oneself and/or one’s family in the countryside has
for one reason or another become unattainable. The primary push and pull factors driving a growing
population from the countryside into cities such as Chittagong are outlined below.
Pull factors (i.e. factors pulling people away from the countryside and into Chittagong):
Better employment opportunities
Better educational facilities
Better health facilities
Better urban amenities (i.e. recreation and amusement facilities) and basic services &
utilities (i.e. gas, electricity, water supply, etc.)
Push factors (i.e. factors pushing people out of the countryside and into Chittagong):
Increase in poverty
Decrease in land-man ratio
Increase in subdivision and fragmentation of land
River bank erosion
Natural hazards
Lack of facilities
Loss of breadwinner
It is also the case that migrants from rural to urban areas generally maintain their rural roots and
frequently return to their villages when given the chance. However, it is less likely that those who
do migrate to the cities ever permanently return to the countryside. Generally, the reasons, which
brought the persons to the city, will tend to keep them there, or at least this has been the case in the
short history of Bangladesh’s migrant population. Development projects in secondary towns and
rural areas have helped to alleviate some of the pressure of the rural-to-urban migration otherwise
disproportionately felt by the major cities, namely Dhaka and Chittagong.
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Migrants from rural areas often decide to migrate to urban areas with the belief that they offer a
better quality of life, but the struggles of the urban poor living literally on the edge in major urban
centres of Bangladesh are well known. The lure of the city as a promising new beginning is still
strong, but chronic problems arising from haphazard development and inadequate infrastructure
threaten the sustainability and the vibrancy of Bangladesh’s urban centres.
Still, several factors, as stated below, are influencing this loss of attraction (lessening of the pull
factors) which urban centres such as Chittagong hold for outsiders:
High and rising cost of living
Unhygienic living conditions
Lack of affordable and comfortable housing
Lack of sufficient public transport infrastructure
Lack of sufficient access to basic public amenities (gas, electricity, water supply, sanitation
Relocation of and increasing restrictions imposed on many low income job opportunities
In-migration (push and pull factors) has historically been a greater determinant of population growth
for urban areas in Bangladesh than natural rate of increase.
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As noted in the table above, a sharp rise in the population of Chittagong Municipality occurred after
the 1971 independence of Bangladesh, which can largely be attributed to the rural-to-urban
migration of people in search of better jobs and new beginnings. The nearly 10% annual growth
rate increase in the subsequent period (1975-1981) is, on the other hand, largely attributed to the
fact that the boundary of Chittagong Municipality was extended during that period. It is worth
noting that in all periods post-independence the annual growth rate of Chittagong Municipality has
been higher than that of the national average annual growth rate – this indicating high rates of
internal migration to Chittagong.
A number of studies previously conducted have prepared population projections for the CCC area
of Chittagong. Figure 2-5 below graphically presents the population projections produced by the
different previous studies.
Figure 2-5: Graph showing different study population projections of CCC area.
Only two of the previous population projections have utilised the latest census data of 2011, namely
referenced in Figure 2-5 above as DEWI WB (2014) and KWSP-2 revision (2015). The projections
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under these latest two studies were thus taken to be the most relevant for consideration in preparing
projections under the present study.
The first of the two, DEWI WB (2014), was titled in full “Short Hydraulic Study – Prediction of
Future Consumption,” dated April 2014, authored by DEWI S.r.l. (consultant to the World Bank).
This projection, which used 2011 BBS census data as its base year, applied a linear growth equation
to predict the future population. The method further applied a so-called “reduction factor” to the
projections, which was taken on the basis of historical reductions in the growth rates and which
meant that growth rates in any particular area could never increase in future, but instead could only
decrease or remain constant. Under this method the effective (residential) density was considered
and a maximum density of 750 persons per hectare was applied. Upon scrutiny of this method of
population projections it was believed that there was a high likelihood of oversimplification of the
population dynamics at play which could lead to an underestimation of the future populations.
The second of the two, KWSP-2 2015, was titled in full “Karnaphuli Water Supply Project – Phase
2,” wherein the population projections were updated in 2015 applying the latest BBS 2011 census
figures as base year figures. The projection method applied in KWSP-2 (2015) predicts different
growth rates for different existing densities. Upon scrutiny of the projections it was found that the
KWSP-2 2015 largely appears to have neglected consideration of existing and planned land use
patterns which have led to a potentially overestimated 2030 population.
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) published census data on ward-wise (1981, 1991, 2001 and
2011) basis was gathered at the start of the project. Since the CCC was only formed in 1990, then
the 1981 census data was deemed unreliable (since it is most likely that the boundaries of the wards
changed after this time), thus only three population counts were available, i.e. only two time periods
from which growth rates could be calculated (1991-2001 and 2001-2011). Since it is only possible
to make a linear trend line, from two data points, a different approach was taken: one looking at the
relationship between the effective density and growth rates.
An effective population density was calculated based on the population in 2011 (from census data)
and the “effective area” of each ward. An “effective area” means the area that is used for residen-
tial/commercial (mixed-use) purpose only, excluding all other land use areas, e.g. industrial areas,
restricted areas, green areas, hills, water-bodies and agricultural land. The effective areas were man-
ually identified with the help of CDA master plan report and via the application of GIS analysis
From analysis of the relationship between effective density and growth rates, some wards were
found to be deviating from the norm. In particular, those that were excluded fit into one of two
categories: 1) they were special (highly industrial/restricted) areas, such as was the case for ward
nos.: 36, 40 and 41; and 2) they exhibited very high growth rates which varied greatly from the
trend found in comparing other wards in the same density range, such as was the case for ward nos.:
6, 7, 11, 17, 24 and 35. The growth rates of the excluded wards were considered individually con-
sidering factors such as present density, future land use planning and observed growth potentials
and trends.
Withstanding the excluded wards mentioned above, the growth rates vs. effective density of the
wards is shown in Figure 2-6. By using a relationship between growth rate and density, time is no
longer an issue, i.e. only the effective density of each ward matters when calculating the population.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Thus, by the equation of the trend line given in Figure 2-6 below, when the population in a ward
increases, the density will follow and the growth rate will decline.
y = -1,361ln(x) + 9,5948
Growth Rate from 2001-2011
R² = 0,6141
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Effective Density
Figure 2-6: Growth rates 2001-2011 and effective density (cap/km2) of 2011 per wards
For the growth rate over the period 2011-2020, data of Figure 2-6 was taken and applied to the
effective densities of 2011. The 2020 population was then calculated, and, from this, a new effective
density for each ward was generated. From the new densities, the growth rate of 2020-2030 was
For the excluded wards, separate growth rates were chosen on an individual basis Table 2-2. For
the special three wards of Patenga (36, 40 and 41), it was considered most appropriate to apply as
low of a growth rate as possible, given that there was very little or no room available for expan-
sion/growth of residential areas in these wards. For six wards with high growth rate (i.e. 6, 7, 11,
17, 24 and 35), the growth rates of last two decades were considered instead of using the growth
rate equation arrived at in Figure 2-6. Out of the six, four had declining growth rates and two
showed a small increase in growth rates from 1991-2001 to 2001-2011. By applying the percent-
agewise decline of 71% between the growth rates of the two decades (for the six wards only) on to
the next decade, an average growth rate of 3.3% is obtained for the period 2011-2020. This growth
rate was considered slightly high and would correspond to an effective density of 90. Therefore,
based on information about the specific wards from the Detailed Area Plan, growth rates as shown
in Table 2-2 were chosen.
Table 2-2: Growth rates applied to extraordinary wards
Annual Growth Rates
Ward no. 2011-2020 2020-2030
36, 40, 41 (Patenga) 0.5% 0.25%
6, 7, 11, 17, 24, 35 3.0% 2.5%
Also considered in all cases of growth rate estimation and correction was the land use patterns of
present and planned for the future of each ward. For this analysis the Detailed Area Plan as well as
GoogleEarth maps were utilised. The following table summarises the ward-wise assessment of land
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
1- South 23.1 4,100 Largely rural/urban sprawl character of Room for substantial vertical and horizontal de-
settlements. Western part is hilly and velopment in the east particularly. Under the
Pahartali (9.6)
largely uninhabited. In the eastern foot- DAP this ward would be the site of a planned
hills there is found a concentration of new township having mixed land use character-
brick manufacturing operations. Agricul- istics. Over half of the ward will remain non-
tural use with rural homesteads is pre- built up and preserved as recreation/leisure
dominant in the plains. The Chittagong area, open space and cantonment.
Cantonment is situated partly in this
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are very
high: 4.5% (2011-2020) & 4.0% (2021-2030).
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 46% Kutcha; 33% Semi-Pucka; 21%
2- 14.8 13,500 Largely rural/urban sprawl character of Room for vertical and horizontal development.
settlements. Characterised as Hilly area. Under the DAP this ward will be developed with
Jalalabad (7.7)
Agricultural use and rural homesteads is significant residential land use area as well as
predominant in the east. Part of Chitta- designated industrial and mixed use areas.
gong Cantonment is situated in this ward. Some agricultural areas will remain in the north-
Some industrial areas. Approx. half the east. Hills in the northwest will remain as open
area is residential land use. space and no growth expected in the canton-
ment area.
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 27% Kutcha; 46% Semi-Pucka; 27% Projected growth rates up to 2030 are high to
Pucka medium high: 2.9% (2011-2020) & 2.6% (2021-
3- Bayejid 5.6 12,400 Largely rural/urban sprawl character of Room for substantial vertical and horizontal de-
settlements. Agricultural use and rural velopment. Under the DAP this ward will be de-
Bostami (5.6)
homesteads is predominant. Some veloped as primarily residential land use area.
marshland to the east. Marshland to be utilised/ converted to a large
flood storage pond. Some small amount of agri-
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
cultural land may be preserved.
sus): 26% Kutcha; 41% Semi-Pucka; 33%
Pucka Projected growth rates up to 2030 are high to
medium high: 3.0% (2011-2020) & 2.7% (2021-
4- 10.7 10,500 Urban sprawl unplanned character of set- Room for substantial vertical and horizontal de-
tlements. Mostly flat alluvial plain. Mostly velopment. Planned expansion of residential
Chandgao (10.3)
residential land use. Commercial and in- and mixed use areas to the north. Commercial
n dustrial plots along main road corridor. areas will be built up along the main road corri-
Open area to the north for development. dor. Two large dedicated industrial areas to the
north east are planned.
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 19% Kutcha; 34% Semi-Pucka; 47% Projected growth rates up to 2030 are high:
Pucka 3.3% (2011-2020) & 2.9% (2021-2030).
5- 10.2 16,800 Largely rural/urban sprawl character of Room for vertical and horizontal development.
settlements. Topography is mostly flat, Banks of Halda and Karnaphuli River to be pro-
Mohara (5.1)
gently sloping to east. Alluvial plains to tected and utilised as embankment/open
the west and north. Low-lying marshes space. Predominantly agricultural/rural home-
and mudflats along the Halda and Karna- steads to persist in the northern part with a
phuli Rivers bordering to the east. Infilling commercial belt to be developed along both
prevalent as means of expanding builda- sides of Arakan Road. Open space in southern
ble acreage. Agriculture is a predominant part to remain non-residential and developed
livelihood in the northern part particu- into community space or park.
larly, but also in marginal lands.
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are medium
Structure type composition (2011 cen- high: 2.6% (2011-2020) & 2.3% (2021-2030).
sus): 35% Kutcha; 28% Semi-Pucka; 37%
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Ward (Effective) Present Land Use Characteristics Projected Future Land Use Characteristics
Area (km2)
(cap/ km2)
6- East 2.4 25,900 Urban sprawl character of settlements. Room for vertical and horizontal development.
Topography is generally flat. Mostly resi- Planned expansion/development of planned
Sholakba- (2.4)
dential and mixed use. Some large open residential, commercial and mixed use areas.
war spaces.
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are high to
Structure type composition (2011 cen- medium high: 3.0% (2011-2020) & 2.5% (2021-
sus): 18% Kutcha; 39% Semi-Pucka; 43% 2030).
7- West 3.2 47,000 Largely urban character of settlements. Room for vertical and some horizontal develop-
Characterised as Hilly area. Mostly non- ment. Expected to undergo further develop-
Sholakba- (2.7)
planned mixed use, but primarily residen- ment with designated mixed, commercial, resi-
war tial. dential and industrial areas. Contains also a
large cultural/heritage site in the southwest.
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 27% Kutcha; 45% Semi-Pucka; 28% Projected growth rates up to 2030 are high to
Pucka medium high: 3.0% (2011-2020) & 2.5% (2021-
8- Shulok- 5.3 27,200 Largely urban character of settlements. Room for vertical and some horizontal develop-
Characterised as Hilly area. Mostly non- ment. Expected to be developed primarily resi-
bahar (5.1)
planned residential and mixed use. dential and mixed use with some industrial ar-
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 21% Kutcha; 25% Semi-Pucka; 53% Projected growth rates up to 2030 are medium:
Pucka. 2.0% (2011-2020) & 1.7% (2021-2030).
9- North 6.4 38,500 Largely urban character of settlements. Room for vertical development, but limited
Characterised as Hilly area. Large open room for horizontal development. Buildable ar-
Pahartali (2.0)
area and Foy Lake are located in this ward. eas expected to remain primarily residential
Mostly non-planned residential/ mixed- with some industrial and mixed- use areas.
use settlements. Foy’s lake to remain open space.
Structure type composition (2011 cen- Projected growth rates up to 2030 are low: 1.5%
sus): 37% Kutcha; 28% Semi-Pucka; 35% (2011-2020) & 1.3% (2021-2030).
10- North 5.0 11,300 Urban sprawl character of settlements. Substantial room for vertical and horizontal de-
Topography is flat. Ward borders coastal velopment. Ward land use expected to remain
Kattali (3.7)
char to the west. Area is heavily industrial much as it is at present. Designated industrial
(concentrated in southeast), with mixed area expected to be further built-up. Residential
and residential areas to the north. areas and mixed use areas expected to become
further densified. Agriculture along the char is
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
expected to continue.
sus): 27% Kutcha; 36% Semi-Pucka; 37%
Pucka Projected growth rates up to 2030 are high to
medium high: 3.2% (2011-2020) & 2.8% (2021-
11- South 3.0 25,300 Urban sprawl character of settlements. Room for vertical and horizontal development.
Topography is flat. Ward borders coastal Area expected to remain primarily residential
Kattali (3.0)
char to the west. Area is primarily residen- and mixed use and expected to become further
tial and mixed land use. densified. City bus terminal to be developed in
the northern part bordering a plot of designated
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
industrial land. Agriculture along the char is ex-
sus): 30% Kutcha; 39% Semi-Pucka; 31%
pected to continue.
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are high to
medium high: 3.0% (2011-2020) & 2.5% (2021-
12- 2.4 30,700 Urban sprawl character of settlements. Room for vertical and horizontal development.
Topography is flat. Area is primarily resi- Area expected to remain primarily residential
Saraipara (2.4)
dential and mixed land use, with some and mixed use and expected to become further
concentrated commercial activities in the densified. Existing ponds in the eastern part
Page 19
Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Ward (Effective) Present Land Use Characteristics Projected Future Land Use Characteristics
Area (km2)
(cap/ km2)
eastern part. Large ponds as well as open shall be rehabilitated as flood retention ponds.
space are present in the eastern part of Open space in eastern part expected to be build
the ward. up as residential area.
Structure type composition (2011 cen- Projected growth rates up to 2030 are medium:
sus): 23% Kutcha; 40% Semi-Pucka; 37% 1.8% (2011-2020) & 1.6% (2021-2030).
13- 3.3 32,000 Urban character of settlement. Charac- Room for vertical development, but limited
terised as hilly area. Primarily residential room for horizontal development. Buildable ar-
Pahartali (2.5)
area, with equal distribution of tempo- eas expected to remain primarily residential.
rary, semi-permanent and permanent
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are medium:
housing structures.
1.7% (2011-2020) & 1.5% (2021-2030).
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 35% Kutcha; 33% Semi-Pucka; 32%
14- 1.2 85,900 Urban character of settlement. Charac- Room for vertical development and some lim-
terised as hilly area. Primarily residential ited horizontal development. Some open
Lalkhan (0.9)
area, with 70% semi-permanent and per- area/community facilities will be maintained. Ji-
Bazar manent housing structures. Jilapi Pahar, lapi Pahar site will be improved and preserved
an ecological landmark, is located in the with vegetation cover as an ecological and tour-
southern part of this ward. ist spot in the city.
Structure type composition (2011 cen- Projected growth rates up to 2030 are very low:
sus): 30% Kutcha; 33% Semi-Pucka; 37% 0.4% (2011-2020) & 0.4% (2021-2030).
15- Bag- 2.1 37,200 Urban character of settlement (primarily Room for vertical development and some hori-
multi-story buildings). Characterised hilly zontal development. A good amount of the
moniram (1.4)
area (CRB Hill and part of Chatteswan open space will be preserved as cultural/herit-
Hill). Buildable area is primarily residen- age site, including conservation of the Chitta-
tial/mixed use with pockets of predomi- gong Civic Square and grounds and conserva-
nantly commercial activity. tion and enhancement of Batali – CRB and sur-
rounding site. CRB Hill forested area shall be
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
preserved for the environmental and social
sus): 12% Kutcha; 20% Semi-Pucka; 68%
benefit yielded to the city. Residential areas will
be further built up particularly via vertical ex-
pansion/ densification.
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are medium
low: 1.5% (2011-2020) & 1.4% (2021-2030).
16- 2.0 24,100 Urban character of settlement (primarily Room for vertical development and some hori-
multi-story buildings). Characterised hilly zontal development. Expected that Chatteswan
Chanik (2.0)
area (Chatteswan Hill). Buildable area is Hill will be developed into low density high in-
Bazar primarily residential/mixed use. Chitta- come residential area. CMCH area is like to be
gong Medical College Hospital (CMCH) is expanded. Chawakbazaar is expected to be pre-
located in this ward. Chawakbazaar is a served as a traditional commercial area.
traditional commercial area located in this
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are medium:
2.1% (2011-2020) & 1.9% (2021-2030).
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 7% Kutcha; 22% Semi-Pucka; 72%
17- West 1.9 52,400 Largely urban character of settlements. Significant room for vertical and horizontal de-
Characterised as flat terrain area. Mostly velopment. Expected to be developed as a pre-
Bakalia (1.9)
non-planned residential and mixed use. dominantly mixed use (west) and residential
Large open (buildable) spaces. use (east).
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Ward (Effective) Present Land Use Characteristics Projected Future Land Use Characteristics
Area (km2)
(cap/ km2)
Structure type composition (2011 cen- Projected growth rates up to 2030 are high to
sus): 15% Kutcha; 36% Semi-Pucka; 49% medium high: 3.0% (2011-2020) & 2.5% (2021-
Pucka 2030).
18- East 5.1 16,700 Urban sprawl/rural characteristic of set- Significant room for vertical and horizontal de-
tlements. Low lying and flood prone ward velopment. Open area to the north and at the
Bakalia (3.9)
along the Karnaphuli river. Large open southern tip will be protected/enhanced as
spaces. Infilling prevalent. green ecological areas. Existing industrial area
along the Karnaphuli river expected to be ex-
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
panded and built up in a planned manner for
sus): 37% Kutcha; 37% Semi-Pucka; 26%
various small-scale industries, such as furniture
making. Commercial areas along main roads to
be built-up and expanded. Elsewhere residen-
tial areas will be developed.
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are medium
high: 2.6% (2011-2020) & 2.3% (2021-2030).
19- South 0.8 96,500 Urban character of settlement. Densely Room for vertical development. Ward expected
populated and built up area. Little open to develop into becoming a commercial district
Bakalia (0.8)
space. Primarily residential and mixed with mixed use. Residential population not ex-
use. pected to grow much.
Structure type composition (2011 cen- Projected growth rates up to 2030 are very low:
sus): 28% Kutcha; 42% Semi-Pucka; 30% 0.2% (2011-2020) & 0.2% (2021-2030).
20- 0.4 75,000 Well-established and built-up urban set- Room for vertical development. Residential
tlement. Nearly fully residential area with area expected to be densified through conver-
Dewan (0.4)
small pocket of commercial and institu- sion of low-rise to high-rise buildings.
Bazar tional buildings in the southwest part of
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are very low:
the ward.
0.6% (2011-2020) & 0.5% (2021-2030).
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 6% Kutcha; 17% Semi-Pucka; 77%
21- 0.8 51,500 Well-established and built-up urban set- Room for vertical development. Residential
tlement. Nearly fully residential area with area expected to be densified through conver-
Jamalkha (0.8)
one large green area/lake for recreational sion of low-rise to high-rise buildings.
n purposes.
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are low: 1.1%
Structure type composition (2011 cen- (2011-2020) & 1.0% (2021-2030).
sus): 8% Kutcha; 15% Semi-Pucka; 77%
22- 0.8 44,500 Well-established and built-up urban set- Room for vertical development. Residential
tlement. Comprises residential/mixed use area expected to be densified through conver-
Enayet (0.6)
and cultural heritage site. Marine Aca- sion of low-rise to high-rise buildings.
Bazar demic Officers Residential Area is located
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are low: 1.3%
(2011-2020) & 1.1% (2021-2030).
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 23% Kutcha; 22% Semi-Pucka; 55%
23- North 0.6 54,200 Well-established and built-up urban set- Room for vertical development. Residen-
tlement. Comprises residential/mixed use tial/mixed use area expected to be densified
Pathantuli (0.6)
area. Commercial activities concentrated through conversion of low-rise to high-rise
in the northern part of the ward. No open buildings. Commercial pocket in north expected
spaces. to be further developed.
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are low: 1.0%
(2011-2020) & 0.9% (2021-2030).
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Ward (Effective) Present Land Use Characteristics Projected Future Land Use Characteristics
Area (km2)
(cap/ km2)
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 16% Kutcha; 34% Semi-Pucka; 50%
24- North 2.6 48,700 Urban character of settlements. Topogra- Room for vertical and some horizontal develop-
phy is flat. Some scattered open spaces. ment. Area expected to remain primarily resi-
Agrabad (2.6)
Primarily residential and mixed use, with dential and mixed use and expected to become
heavy commercial activities in the south- further densified. Commercial district in south-
west part of the ward. west to be further developed.
Structure type composition (2011 cen- Projected growth rates up to 2030 are medium
sus): 14% Kutcha; 32% Semi-Pucka; 54% high: 3.0% (2011-2020) & 2.5% (2021-2030).
25- Ram- 1.5 33,100 Urban sprawl character of settlements. Room for vertical and some horizontal develop-
Topography is flat. Some scattered open ment. Area expected to remain primarily resi-
pur (1.5)
spaces. Primarily residential and mixed dential and mixed use and expected to become
use. further densified.
Structure type composition (2011 cen- Projected growth rates up to 2030 are medium:
sus): 17% Kutcha; 31% Semi-Pucka; 52% 1.7% (2011-2020) & 1.5% (2021-2030).
26- North 5.9 16,700 Urban sprawl character of settlements. Room for vertical and horizontal development.
Topography is flat. Some scattered open Residential and mixed-use areas expected to
Halishaha (3.2)
spaces. Primarily residential and mixed continue being built-up and densified. Military
r use. Army Artillery Centre and large re- and restricted use areas will remain non-resi-
stricted area located in the southeast part dential. Large area proposed for educational in-
of this ward. Ward borders coastal char to stitutions land development. Agriculture to con-
the west. Some agriculture present on tinue along the char.
alongside the coastal char.
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are medium
Structure type composition (2011 cen- high: 2.6% (2011-2020) & 2.3% (2021-2030).
sus): 31% Kutcha; 34% Semi-Pucka; 35%
27- South 1.4 46,600 Urban character of settlements. Topogra- Room for vertical and very limited horizontal
phy is flat. Very little open space. Fully res- development. Area expected to remain primar-
Agrabad (1.4)
idential and mixed land use. ily residential and mixed use and expected to
become further densified.
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 17% Kutcha; 30% Semi-Pucka; 53% Projected growth rates up to 2030 are low: 1.2%
Pucka (2011-2020) & 1.1% (2021-2030).
28- 1.4 44,700 Well-established and built-up urban set- Room for vertical development. Commercial ac-
tlement. Borders on Karnaphuli river to tivities expected to be expanded throughout
Pathantuli (1.1)
the south. One large and several smaller this ward with designated commercial land use
ponds located in this ward. Land use in acreage increased. The area expected to un-
this ward is primarily mixed use with com- dergo further densification through construc-
mercial activities concentrated along tion of high-rise buildings.
main roads as well as along the riverfront.
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are low: 1.3%
Some cultural heritage and community fa-
(2011-2020) & 1.1% (2021-2030).
cilities also located in this ward.
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 10% Kutcha; 37% Semi-Pucka; 53%
29- West 0.8 70,100 Well-established and built-up urban set- Room for vertical development. Area expected
tlement. Borders on Karnaphuli river to to remain mixed use with high density popula-
Madar- (0.6)
the south. Very little open space. Land use tion residing therein. The area expected to un-
bari in this ward is mixed use, primarily resi- dergo further densification through construc-
tion of high-rise buildings.
Page 22
Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Ward (Effective) Present Land Use Characteristics Projected Future Land Use Characteristics
Area (km2)
(cap/ km2)
dential. Commercial activities concen- Projected growth rates up to 2030 are very low:
trated along main roads as well as along 0.7% (2011-2020) & 0.6% (2021-2030).
the riverfront.
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 17% Kutcha; 35% Semi-Pucka; 48%
30- East 1.1 50,300 Well-established and fully built-up urban Room for vertical development. Area expected
settlement. Borders on Karnaphuli river to to remain mixed use with high density popula-
Madar- (0.9)
the south. Land use in this ward is mixed tion residing therein. The area expected to un-
bari use, primarily residential. Large plots of dergo further densification through construc-
land are dedicated to educational and ser- tion of high-rise buildings.
vice institutions. Commercial activities
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are low: 1.1%
concentrated along main roads as well as
(2011-2020) & 1.0% (2021-2030).
along the riverfront.
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 18% Kutcha; 35% Semi-Pucka; 47%
31- Al- 0.8 28,500 Well-established and built-up urban set- Room for vertical development. Area expected
tlement. Borders on Karnaphuli river to to remain mixed use with high density popula-
karan (0.3)
the south. Land use in this ward is mixed tion residing therein. The area expected to un-
use, heavily commercial. Chittagong Rail- dergo further densification through construc-
way Station is located in this ward. Com- tion of high-rise buildings.
mercial activities concentrated along
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are medium:
main roads as well as along the riverfront.
1.9% (2011-2020) & 1.7% (2021-2030).
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 4% Kutcha; 26% Semi-Pucka; 71%
32- 0.8 31,900 Well-established and built-up urban set- Room for vertical development. Area expected
tlement. Hilly area (DC Hill and Parir Pa- to remain mixed use with expansion of desig-
Anderkilla (0.6)
har). Residential, commercial and mixed nated commercial districts. The area expected
use. Chittagong Central Jail and police to undergo further densification through con-
headquarter are located in this ward. Sev- struction of high-rise buildings. Cultural herit-
eral cultural heritage sites of DC Hill and age sites to be preserved and enhanced.
Parir Pahar are located in here.
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are medium
Structure type composition (2011 cen- low: 1.7% (2011-2020) & 1.5% (2021-2030).
sus): 6% Kutcha; 20% Semi-Pucka; 74%
33- 0.6 65,900 Well-established and built-up urban set- Room for limited vertical development. Area ex-
tlement. Borders on Karnaphuli river to pected to continue some densification where
Finghee (0.4)
the south. Mixed land use with significant possible. Commercial activities will continue to
Bazar commercial activity. prosper and expand in this ward.
Structure type composition (2011 cen- Projected growth rates up to 2030 are very low:
sus): 16% Kutcha; 31% Semi-Pucka; 53% 0.8% (2011-2020) & 0.7% (2021-2030).
34- 0.9 45,500 Well-established and built-up urban set- Room for limited vertical development. Area to
tlement. Borders on Karnaphuli river to be dedicated to mixed use with designated
Pathar- (0.8)
the south. Mixed land use with commer- commercial districts along the riverbank. Area
ghata cial activity particularly concentrated expected to continue densification with con-
along riverbank. struction of high-rise buildings. Commercial ac-
tivities will continue to prosper and expand in
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
this ward.
sus): 24% Kutcha; 28% Semi-Pucka; 48%
Pucka Projected growth rates up to 2030 are low: 1.3%
(2011-2020) & 1.1% (2021-2030).
Page 23
Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Ward (Effective) Present Land Use Characteristics Projected Future Land Use Characteristics
Area (km2)
(cap/ km2)
35- 2.6 50,600 Urban/urban sprawl character of settle- Room for vertical and horizontal development.
ment. Low-lying flat terrain along the Kar- Due to proximity to city centre residential, com-
Boxirhat (0.6)
naphuli riverbank. Very limited portion of mercial and mixed use areas expected to ex-
land area is residential. Primarily commer- pand with both vertical (high-rise building con-
cial activities concentrated in the western struction) and horizontal (infilling) expansion.
part of the ward. On the east (along the Northern section along the Karnaphuli river will
river) there is large low lying, flood prone be maintained and rehabilitated as a green/eco-
areas. logical space.
Structure type composition (2011 cen- Projected growth rates up to 2030 are high:
sus): 40% Kutcha; 20% Semi-Pucka; 40% 3.0% (2011-2020) & 2.5% (2021-2030).
36- 2.0 49,700 Urban/urban sprawl character of settle- Room for limited vertical development. Densifi-
ment. Low-lying flat terrain along the Kar- cation via construction of multistory building
Gosall- (0.9)
naphuli riverbank. No buildable open expected to continue in residential areas.
danga spaces. Primarily residential and mixed
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are very low:
land use. Land along river owned by Chit-
0.5% (2011-2020) & 0.25% (2021-2030).
tagong Port Authority – non-residential.
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 15% Kutcha; 36% Semi-Pucka; 49%
37- 3.4 33,500 Urban sprawl character of settlement. To- Room for vertical and some horizontal develop-
pography is flat. Ward borders coastal ment. Currently residential and mixed use area
Halishaha (1.3)
char to the west. East of railroads all land expected to become densified. Open space to
r Munir is restricted use and/or for non-residen- west to be maintained for social/ecological ben-
Nagar tial purposes, primarily owned by Chitta- efits.
gong Port Authority. West of railroad area
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are medium:
is primarily residential and mixed use,
1.7% (2011-2020) & 1.5% (2021-2030).
with some open space. Some agriculture
along eastern part of char ongoing.
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 20% Kutcha; 30% Semi-Pucka; 50%
38- South 4.8 18,300 Urban sprawl character of settlements. Room for horizontal and vertical development.
Ward borders coastal char to the west. Residential and mixed use areas expected to be
Middle (3.3)
Restricted port area to the east along the further built-up and densified via both horizon-
Halishaha Karnaphuli river. Other area of ward pri- tal and vertical development.
r marily residential and mixed use with
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are medium
some open space for development.
high: 2.5% (2011-2020) & 2.2% (2021-2030).
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 17% Kutcha; 35% Semi-Pucka; 48%
39- South 6.6 42,500 Rural/urban sprawl character of settle- Some room for horizontal and vertical develop-
ments. Ward borders coastal char to the ment. Industrial and restricted zones to remain
Halishaha (2.5)
west. Industrial area on the western part if not expand some. Some height restrictions
r and Isha Kha Naval Base and Port re- imposed on development.
stricted areas on the eastern part of this
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are low: 1.4%
ward. Mixed use and residential land use
(2011-2020) & 1.2% (2021-2030).
running north to south along the main
road through the middle part of this ward.
Area susceptible to tidal surges and storm
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 7% Kutcha; 29% Semi-Pucka; 64%
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Ward (Effective) Present Land Use Characteristics Projected Future Land Use Characteristics
Area (km2)
(cap/ km2)
40- North 10.5 23,200 Rural/urban sprawl character of settle- Room for some horizontal and limited vertical
ments. Ward borders coastal char to the development. Land use expected to remain pri-
Patenga (3.8)
west and Karnaphuli river to the east. Ma- marily industrial, with little expansion of current
jor land use includes manufacturing and residential areas. Height restrictions imposed
processing, Karnaphuli EPZ and Ulka Naval on all development in this ward. Open spaces
Base. Commercial activities concentrated along coastal char to west will be preserved as
along main roads. Open spaces generally environmental protection and recreation areas.
low lying and not particularly suitable for
Projected growth rates up to 2030 are very low:
housing development. Area highly sus-
0.5% (2011-2020) & 0.25% (2021-2030).
ceptible to tidal surges and storm events.
Structure type composition (2011 cen-
sus): 23% Kutcha; 34% Semi-Pucka; 43%
41- South 14.3 26,900 Rural/urban sprawl character of settle- Very limited horizontal and vertical develop-
ments. Southernmost tip of the CCC area. ment of residential areas. Strict height re-
Patenga (1.6)
Chittagong airport and Naval Academy is strictions on all development in this ward. Envi-
located in this ward. Very limited area is ronmental protected areas to be established
residential with limitations on vertical de- along the Karnaphuli river. Recreation and open
velopment given proximity to the airport. space to be preserved along the Bay of Bengal
Area highly susceptible to tidal surges and sea coast. Some agriculture will continue in this
storm events. ward.
Structure type composition (2011 cen- Projected growth rates up to 2030 are very low:
sus): 41% Kutcha; 20% Semi-Pucka; 37% 0.5% (2011-2020) & 0.25% (2021-2030).
Based on the analysis presented above concerning growth rate determination, as well as land use
and urban development potential for the 41 wards comprising the CCC area, the following table
below presents population projections up to year 2030.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Table 2-4: CCC Population Projections under CWSISP S3/S8 up to design year 2030
2011 Census Data Population Projections 2012-2030
Ward Total Effective 2011 2020 2030
2011 2012-2020 2020 2021-2030 2030
Ward Ward Census Effective Annual Projected Effective Annual Projected Effective
Area Area Population Density Growth Rate Population Density Growth Rate Population Density
No Name (km )
(km )
(cap) (cap/km 2 ) (%) (cap) (cap/km 2) (%) (cap) (cap/km2)
1 South Pahartali 23.1 9.6 39 247 4 099 4.5 58 532 6 112 4.0 86 617 9 045
2 Jalalabad 14.8 7.7 103 314 13 463 2.9 133 890 17 448 2.6 172 558 22 487
3 Bayejid Bostami 5.6 5.6 68 794 12 383 3.0 90 045 16 209 2.7 117 190 21 095
4 Chandgaon 10.7 10.3 107 807 10 512 3.3 143 882 14 030 2.9 190 871 18 611
5 Mohara 10.2 5.1 86 491 16 839 2.6 109 139 21 248 2.3 137 024 26 677
6 East Sholakbawar 2.4 2.4 62 113 25 852 3.0 81 043 33 731 2.5 103 742 43 178
7 West Sholakbawar 3.2 2.7 125 517 46 979 3.0 163 771 61 296 2.5 209 641 78 465
8 Shulokbahar 5.3 5.1 138 200 27 242 2.0 164 626 32 451 1.7 195 334 38 505
9 North Pahartali 6.4 2.0 78 313 38 464 1.5 89 492 43 955 1.3 101 953 50 075
10 North Kattali 4.9 3.7 41 685 11 340 3.2 55 136 14 999 2.8 72 498 19 722
11 South Kattali 3.0 3.0 75 316 25 342 3.0 98 270 33 066 2.5 125 794 42 327
12 Saraipara 2.4 2.4 73 636 30 739 1.8 86 452 36 089 1.6 101 129 42 216
13 Pahartali 3.3 2.5 80 390 32 012 1.7 93 922 37 400 1.5 109 343 43 541
14 Lalkhan Bazar 1.2 0.9 75 335 85 902 0.4 78 092 89 046 0.4 80 879 92 223
15 Bagmoniram 2.1 1.4 51 603 37 213 1.5 59 205 42 695 1.4 67 713 48 830
16 Chanik Bazar 2.0 2.0 49 065 24 117 2.1 59 308 29 151 1.9 71 387 35 089
17 West Bakalia 1.9 1.9 97 145 52 385 3.0 126 752 68 350 2.5 162 254 87 494
18 East Bakalia 5.1 3.9 65 869 16 748 2.6 83 171 21 147 2.3 104 487 26 567
19 South Bakalia 0.8 0.8 76 302 96 501 0.2 77 979 98 621 0.2 79 650 100 734
20 Dewan Bazar 0.4 0.4 32 633 75 034 0.6 34 390 79 073 0.5 36 195 83 224
21 Jamalkhan 0.8 0.8 40 014 51 505 1.1 44 140 56 815 1.0 48 579 62 529
22 Enayet Bazar 0.8 0.8 35 454 44 528 1.3 39 805 49 992 1.1 44 569 55 976
23 North Pathantuli 0.6 0.6 31 175 54 233 1.0 34 175 59 452 0.9 37 382 65 032
24 North Agrabad 2.6 2.6 126 759 48 698 3.0 165 392 63 540 2.5 211 715 81 336
25 Rampur 1.5 1.5 50 366 33 087 1.7 58 610 38 503 1.5 67 969 44 650
26 North Hallshahar 5.9 3.2 52 999 16 695 2.6 66 945 21 089 2.3 84 134 26 503
27 South Agrabad 1.4 1.4 66 755 46 629 1.2 74 530 52 060 1.1 82 997 57 974
28 Pathantuli 1.4 1.1 50 410 44 682 1.3 56 573 50 144 1.1 63 318 56 123
29 West Madarbari 0.8 0.6 44 348 70 077 0.7 47 126 74 466 0.6 50 004 79 014
30 East Madarbari 1.1 0.9 45 928 50 339 1.1 50 804 55 683 1.0 56 065 61 450
31 Alkaran 0.8 0.6 17 857 28 475 1.9 21 159 33 740 1.7 24 975 39 826
32 Anderkilla 0.8 0.8 24 423 31 904 1.7 28 546 37 289 1.5 33 246 43 429
33 Finghee Bazar 0.6 0.4 26 620 65 916 0.8 28 499 70 568 0.7 30 460 75 424
34 Patharghata 0.9 0.8 34 835 45 479 1.3 39 010 50 930 1.1 43 570 56 883
35 Boxirhat 2.6 0.6 30 855 50 589 3.0 40 259 66 008 2.5 51 535 84 495
36 Gosalldanga 2.0 0.9 43 929 49 650 0.5 45 946 51 930 0.3 47 107 53 243
37 Halishahar Munir Nagar 3.3 1.3 41 998 33 496 1.7 48 800 38 921 1.5 56 510 45 070
38 South Middle Halishahar 4.8 3.3 59 990 18 313 2.5 74 944 22 878 2.2 93 171 28 442
39 South Halishahar 6.6 2.5 106 272 42 478 1.4 119 995 47 964 1.2 135 108 54 004
40 North Patenga 10.5 3.8 88 593 23 217 0.5 92 660 24 283 0.3 95 003 24 897
41 SouthPatenga 14.3 1.6 44 084 26 867 0.5 46 108 28 101 0.3 47 274 28 811
Total CCC 172.8 103.3 2 592 439 25 085 2.0 3 111 125 30 104 1.8 3 730 950 36 102
Taking the above population projections determined under CWSISP-S3/S8 project, which gives a
CCC area population for 2030 of 3.73 million, the following graph compiles these alongside pre-
vious population projections for comparison.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Figure 2-7: Graph comparing previous with present (CWSISP-S3/S8) study population projections for
CCC area up to the design year of 2030.
Also taken into considered for comparative purposes was that in 2015 the number of registered
voters within the CCC was documented to be 1,813,449 (source:
content/uploads/2015/11/City-Election-Report-20151.pdf). Voting age in Bangladesh is 18 years.
According to BBS “Urban Area Report” (2011) the underage (0-17 years) percentile of the
population residing within CCC area was slightly more than one-third as shown in the table below
for the different age groups:
Table 2-5: 2011 underage population percentile according to BBS Urban Area Report
Considering the same fraction of underage population comprised the 2015 population, where the
total 1,813,449 registered voters would have made up 64.7% of the CCC area population, it may be
concluded that the total population of the CCC area in 2015 should be approx. 2.8 million.
According to the population projections prepared under the present study the 2015 projected
population is 2,808,681 which is then in line with the expected figure according to the number of
registered voters for CCC area.
In accordance with the populations projections prepared under the present study, density maps have
been developed for the CCC area depicting densities on ward-wise basis for 2011, 2020 and 2030
respectively, as follows showing the gradual densification of the CCC area.
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Figure 2-8: Density map for CCC area – 2011 census year
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Figure 2-9: Density map for CCC area – 2020 projected year
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Figure 2-10: Density map for CCC area – 2030 projected year
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The following table depicts the population and area of the municipalities.
Table 2-6: Population of CCC and Other Municipalities within the Sanitation Planning Area
Municipality Population Area (km2)
Patiya (Class A7) 55, 323* 9.95 5,560
Raozan (Class B ) 59,148* 27.15 2,178
Hathazari (Class C ) 74,565** 25.83 2,887
Boalkhali (Class C) 76500** 14.07 5,437
Total 265,536 77 3,448
Source: * BBS 201410 (population of 2011); **New municipality declared in October 2012 - data sourced from
LGED website ( and
Apart from the four municipalities, there are parts of six upazillas (rural areas) within the sanitation
planning area. The following table depicts the adjusted population and area of the upazillas within
the sanitation planning area.
Table 2-7: Population of CCC and Other Municipalities within the Sanitation Planning Area
Rural Upazillas Population (2011) Area (km2)
Anowara 87,136 48.3 1,805
Boalkhali 18,722 14.9 1,255
Hathazari 223,943 81.9 2,735
Patiya 256,228 97.6 2,624
Raozan 99,490 55.2 1,802
Sitakundu 275,159 98.2 2,803
Total 960,678 396.1 2,425
Source: Estimated by the Consultant
To project population for the four municipalities, we have calculated the growth rate for 2001-2011
census years for the aforesaid municipalities. However, Hathazari and Boalkhali have been declared
as municipalities in 2012; therefore, no previous data was available for these municipalities for the
years 2011 and 2001. In both the 2001 and 2011 census reports, Boalkhali is mentioned as an
upazilla head quarter. In the 2011 census report, Hathazari is shown as an upazilla headquarter.
Based on the new municipal areas of Boalkhali and Hathazari, we have adjusted the population of
2001 for these municipalities for growth rate calculation. The growth rates between 2001-2011 cen-
sus year for both the municipalities and part of the upazillas within the sanitation planning area are
shown in the following tables.
Table 2-8: Population of Municipalities and Growth Rates within the Sanitation Planning Area
Municipality Population Annual Growth Rate
Patiya (Class A) 55, 323 1%*
Raozan (Class B) 59,148 0.6%*
Hathazari (Class C) 74,565 6.03%**
Boalkhali (Class C) 76500 4%**
Average 2.91%
Note: *average annual growth rate for 2001-2011 and ** average annual growth rate for 2001-2012
Class A Municipalities are those with annual revenue/income of more than BDT 6 million.
Class B Municipalities are those with revenue/income between BDT 2.5-6 million.
Class C Municipalities are those with revenue/income between BDT 1- BDT 2.5 million.
BBS (2014). Bangladesh Population Census 2011, Urban Area Report. Dhaka: Statistics Division, Ministry of Planning,
and Government of Bangladesh.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Table 2-9: Population and Growth Rates of the Upazillas (Part) within the Sanitation Planning Area
Annual Growth Rate
Rural Upazillas Population (2011)
Anowara 87,136 1.51%
Boalkhali 18,722 1.46%
Hathazari 223,943 0.87%
Patiya 256,228 5.1%
Raozan 99,490 -0.28%
Sitakundu 275,159 1.48%
Average 1.69%
A recent study by BBS (2015)11 has shown that the urban population in Bangladesh will be
65,969,000 in 2031 from the base population of 35,095,000 in 2011, resulting in an annual growth
rate of 3.21%. During the same period, the rural population will be 129,206,000 in 2031 from the
base population of 114,678,000 in 2011, showing an annual average growth rate of 1.20%.
In order to project the population of municipalities and rural upazillas, we have to assume popula-
tion growth rates. For projection of population, we have considered current growth rate of 2.9%
for municipalities and 1.7% for the rural upazillas. This is for the period between 2011 to 2020. For
the period between 2020 to 2030, we have considered the BBS growth rate of 3.2% for municipal-
ities and 1.20% for rural upazillas.
The following table depicts the projected population (based on growth rates) of the municipalities
and upazillas within the sanitation planning area.
Table 2-10: Projected Population for the Municipalities and the Upazillas
Population Projected
from Cen- Growth
sus Rate (%) Projected Population
2011- 2020-
Administrative Area 2011 2020 2030 2015 2020 2025 2030
URBAN Population (Municipalities) 265,536 2.9 3.2 297,704 343,448 402,031 470,607
RURAL Population (Rural Upazilla areas) 960,678 1.7 1.2 1,027,689 1,118,064 1,186,777 1,259,713
TOTAL Population 1,226,214 1,325,393 1,461,512 1,588,808 1,730,320
BBS (2015). Population Projection of Bangladesh: Dynamics and Trends 2011-2061. Dhaka: Statistics
Division, Ministry of Planning, and Government of Bangladesh.
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3 Socio-economic Characteristics
The household income and associated expenses impacts the level of investment
and hence the infrastructure that is affordable and acceptable to the users.
Household surveys and focus group discussions were used to collect and assess
data on the current sanitation situation, ability and willingness to pay for
improved sanitation services and were compared between the Chittagong city,
surrounding municipalities and adjacent villages.
The majority of the population in Chittagong city, and the four municipalities of Boalkhali, Hatha-
zari, Patiya, and Raozan, are employed within the manufacturing industry. This started with the
construction of the Nasirabad Industrial Area in Chittagong city in the 1950s, with subsequent de-
velopment of other industrial areas in Kalurghat and Fouzderhat. An oil refinery, cement factory
and a steel mill were constructed as the first heavy industry in Chittagong in the 1960s. Today,
around 30% of Bangladesh’s industrial production takes place in Chittagong district, mainly in
Chittagong city12. Especially the textile industry, with more than 300 factories and mills, has created
many jobs in Chittagong city. Steel, aluminium and jute production are other major industries, while
a significant number of rice mills have been established in Boalkhali and Patiya.
Chittagong has the country’s largest port, which is estimated to handle more than 90% of the coun-
try’s import and export. A large number of people are thus employed in trade, both wholesale and
retail, and transportation. Services is another major source of household income.
As the second largest city in Bangladesh and a major centre for industry and trade, Chittagong city
experiences a high level of immigration into the city. The immigrants come mainly from rural areas
and most in search of work. Many of them end up living in poor settlements and slum areas. A
Census of Slum Areas and the Floating Population in Bangladesh was conducted in 201413. The
findings are that approximately 486,000 persons lived in slums within Chittagong city, equivalent
to approx. 19% of the total population. A significant part of the population earns their income from
work in the informal sector, including small trade, small production, services and transportation.
Table 3-1 compares the average monthly household incomes and consumption expenditures in
Bangladesh, Chittagong division and Dhaka division. Households in Chittagong division have the
highest monthly income and the highest average consumption expenditure.
JICA. 2013. “Preparatory Survey on Chittagong Water Supply Improvement Project in the People’s Republic of Bangla-
Report on Census of Slum Areas and Floating Population, 2014
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Income and expenditure data can be used as indicators of household well-being. However, expendi-
ture data is considered to be a better indicator for poverty measures than income for the following
reasons14: i) Consumption is a better outcome indicator as the actual consumption is more closely
related to a person’s well-being in the sense of having enough to meet current basic needs; ii) Con-
sumption may be better measured than income as economies with large informal sectors have a
more erratic and fluctuating income during the year; and iii) Consumption may better reflect a
household’s ability to meet basic needs as consumption expenditures reflect not only the goods and
services that a household can command based on current income, but also whether that household
can access credit markets or household savings at times when current income is low or even nega-
tive. For these reasons, the household survey conducted in the CCC area, the surrounding munici-
palities and adjacent villages uses expenditure data and expenditure quintiles as a basis for analysis.
The per capita monthly income and expenditure of the poor population of Chittagong and nationally
is shown in Tables Table 3-2 and Table 3-3. Comparing the average household monthly income
and expenditure with the per capita income and expenditure data for poor households shows that
the poor household income is significantly lower than the average household income in Chittagong,
i.e. a poor household’s monthly income according to Table 3-1 is less than 50% of the average,
using an average household size of 4.6.
Table 3-2: Per Capita Monthly Income of the Poor (CBN), 2010
Per capita income of the poor in 2010 2005
BDT Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban
Using lower poverty line15
Chittagong 1,052 1,035 1,259 649 646 666
Dhaka 1,159 1,107 1,650 650 613 820
National 1,103 1,084 1,250 647 631 742
Using upper poverty line16
Chittagong 1,307 1,305 1,328 798 793 818
Dhaka 1,406 1,237 1,956 731 663 953
National 1,271 1,212 1,546 732 704 862
Source: Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2010
Table 3-3: Per Capita Monthly Expenditure of the Poor by Residence and Divisions, 2010
Per capita expenditure of the 2010 2005
poor in BDT Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban
Using lower poverty line17
Chittagong 1,175 1,170 1,232 625 622 648
Dhaka 1,071 1,060 1,175 609 597 663
National 1,065 1,056 1,133 576 570 613
Using upper poverty line18
Chittagong 1,382 1,362 1,541 731 705 836
Dhaka 1,291 1,193 1,610 694 667 783
National 1,246 1,200 1,458 566 640 737
Source: Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2010
World Bank: Poverty Analysis – Defining Welfare Measures
15 The extreme poor households are those households whose total expenditures on food and non-food combined are equal to
or less than the food poverty line.
The upper poverty line is estimated by adding together the food and non-food poverty lines. The moderate poor households
are those households whose total expenditure are equal to or less than the upper poverty line.
17 The extreme poor household are those households whose total expenditures on food and non-food combined are equal to or
Depending on the definition, there are different estimates of the poverty level in Chittagong city,
with estimates as different as 12% to 54% for poverty, and 4% to 45% for extreme poverty.
According to the Household Income and Expenditure Survey from 2010, approx. 12% of the pop-
ulation in urban areas of Chittagong Division were poor (under the upper poverty line) and 4% very
poor (under the lower poverty line), as shown in the table below. The incidence of poverty in urban
areas of Chittagong Division has decreased substantially from 2005 to 2010, namely from 28%
being poor in 2005 to 12% in 2010. During the same period, the proportion of very poor decreased
from 8% to 4%. The survey indicates that the proportion of very poor (lower poverty line) was very
similar in urban areas of Chittagong and Dhaka Divisions, while the proportion of poor (higher
poverty line) was lower in urban areas of Chittagong than in urban areas of Dhaka Division, i.e.
12% compared to 18% in 2010.
According to the Atlas of Poverty Summary Report on Poor Settlements in Bangladesh, 2011, the
poverty level is much higher than the figures in the 2010 Household Income and Expenditure Sur-
vey. Its estimate is that approx. 54% of the population in Chittagong city were poor, living in just
over 300,000 households; 45% of these households were assessed to be extremely poor. The poor
settlements are scattered around Chittagong city with a higher concentration within the old, central
part, and the industrial zones.
Based on the above review of poverty data, it is not possible to draw any indicative conclusions on
households’ ability (and willingness) to pay for sanitation improvements. Further information on
the socio-economic situation has been collected from a household questionnaire survey and focus
group discussions (FGDs). Both the survey and the FGDs focus on households’ sanitation situation
and their ability and willingness to pay for improved services.
Table 3-4: Incidence of Poverty in Chittagong, Dhaka and at National Level (in %)
2010 2005
Poverty Line and Division
Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban
Using lower poverty line
Chittagong 13.1% 16.2% 4.0% 16.1% 18.7% 8.1%
Dhaka 15.6% 23.5% 3.8% 19.9% 26.1% 9.6%
National 17.6% 21.1% 7.7% 25.1% 28.6% 14.6%
Using upper poverty line
Chittagong 26.2% 31.0% 11.8% 34.0% 36.0% 27.8%
Dhaka 30.5% 38.8% 18.0% 32.0% 39.0% 20.2%
National 31.5% 35.2% 21.3% 40.0% 43.8% 28.4%
Source: Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2010
19 The extreme poor household are those households whose total expenditures on food and non-food combined are equal to or
less than the food poverty line.
The upper poverty line is estimated by adding together the food and non-food poverty lines. The moderate poor households
are those households whose total expenditure are equal to or less than the upper poverty line.
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Poverty and income/expenditure statistics, as well as comparison from year to year, must be used
with much caution, as data collection and/or registration processes might have changed, affecting
the results. The poverty data (upper poverty line) for Hathazari shows a decrease in poverty from
30.1% in 2005 to 1.1% in 2010. This is a very unlikely decrease indicating that there might have
been some change in the methodology for these estimates.
United Nations Millennium Development Goals set 1.25 USD as the target for measuring extreme
poverty. In 2015, the World Bank set this to 1.9 USD21 as a measure for poverty. This target will
be used to assess poverty in survey households.
Slum areas
A high number of the poor households in Chittagong live in fragile tenure situations. 20% of the
poor households are squatters and thus have no rights to the land they occupy and 48% are tenants
without a contract. The tenure status influences the housing nature of the slum households where
the majority live in semi-permanent structures of poor quality materials22.
The availability of basic infrastructure in the slum areas are insufficient and of low quality.
A high number of households do not have access to safe drinking water and the majority of slum
households uses tap stands for water supply, and has limited access to improved sanitation. For 32%
of the poor households, no toilets are available, while the highest number of households uses com-
munity or other shared facilities. The vast majority of slum areas do not have any collection of solid
waste and the households live in areas without drains, and stagnant water is prominent.
Equivalent to 78.56 BDT per day per person
UPPR 2014
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
As part of the preparation of the sanitation master plan for the city of Chittagong, a household
survey was conducted among 400 households in the CCC area, in December 2015.
The survey households were purposely and proportionately selected according to the principles of
stratified sampling. This method was applied to include households in different types of housing
and within different types of housing areas, viz.: i) slum and non-slum areas, ii) in non-slum areas
both low-income and medium-high income areas, iii) selected slum areas to include both slum areas
on public land and slum areas on private land. The proportionate sampling was based on the popu-
lation data of the Population and Housing Census conducted in 2011.
Additional information was collected through eight focus group discussions (FGDs) in the CCC
area that were conducted in May 2016.
Through the household questionnaire survey and the FGDs, information was collected on:
a) Sanitation situation
b) Household income and expenditure
c) Ability and willingness to pay for improved sanitation services
d) Current and suggested future communication on sanitation
The survey data has been analysed for the CCC area with separate cross tabulations for the slum
areas in order to identify differences of relevance for the sanitation master plan. Quintiles have been
used to analyse the sanitation situation and household ability and willingness to pay for improved
services, according to their income and expenditure level. A quintile is a statistical value defined as
equal-sized segments of a population. By using quintiles of a data set, each quintile represents 20%
of a given population, so the first quintile represents the lowest fifth of the data (1-20%); the second
quintile represents the second fifth (21% - 40%), and so on. By using expenditure quintiles, it is
possible to conclude on, for example, ability and willingness to pay for the poorest 20% of the
households, which in the case of Chittagong to a large extent is equivalent to slum area households.
WSUP has conducted a household survey of 1350 household in 12 wards of Chittagong city to
understand the size of market for FSM related services, including willingness to pay for FS collec-
tion services and identify potential sites for piloting the services. The findings of this study has not
yet been published and therefor no comparisons of the findings of the two household surveys has
been possible.
As a priority for initial construction of sewerage, an area in the west part of the city has been defined
in previous stages of this project. This is the so called priority area. The survey area within the CCC
area includes the proposed priority wards for sewerage in North Halishahar, Rampur and South
Agrabad. 100 households were included in the survey from the areas of North Halishahar and South
Agrabad. These households have been analysed separately (in the following referred to as priority
area) in order to identify any existing differences in the data of this area compared to the CCC in
Additionally, eight focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted in May 2016, in areas selected
to represent both slum households, low income, medium income and high income households in
the CCC, including the priority area. Details on the locations of focus groups discussions is pre-
sented in Appendix 1.
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31% of the toilets had been constructed within the last 5 years. 65% of the survey households in
CCC has a septic tank and 22% has a pit24. 55% of the septic tanks and pit latrines are connected to
a drain/khal, the vast majority of households (96%) said that they had not been instructed to discon-
nect their septic tank or pit from the drain/khal. Due to the large size of septic tanks compared to
number of users in the non-slum areas the level of desludging frequency is low. During focus group
discussion in CCC participants mentioned that their septic tanks are big enough to work without
emptying for 4-10 years, whereas a few large families’ needs emptying services every 3 years.
The vast majority of households using community toilets lives in the slum areas and all households
using open defecation are living in the slum areas. The number of households in slum areas with
access to improved sanitation could be further decreased, as 33% of these households are using
community toilets and 3% are using open defecation. Households using open defecation mentioned
the reason being that they could not afford to pay for construction or use of toilets. 19% stated that
the landlords do not want to pay for improving the sanitation situation.
Improved sanitation is defined by the Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) of WHO and UNICEF and includes the
following types of facilities: flush toilet, piped sewerage system, septic tank; flush/pour flush pit latrine; ventilated
improved pit latrines; pits with slabs; and composting. JMP does not consider the facilities above to be improved
if they are shared by more than one house. It should be noted that for the survey data, it has not been possible to
correct for shared facilities. In practice, this means that shared facilities count as improved sanitation when having
the above characteristics.
The prevalence of septic tanks and pit latrines in the CCC, is in line with the World Bank sanitation survey of
Dhaka in 2015, which found septic tanks in 55% of the households (with and without connection to drain/sewer).
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Only a few households in low-income areas are using community toilets, whereas 33% of the house-
holds in slum areas use community toilets. The majority (71%) of households using community
toilets said that the community toilets were no more than 2 minutes away. All households had com-
munity toilet within the range of 10 minutes and 94% within 5 minutes or less.
The status of household latrines is somewhat better in the priority areas where 89% of the survey
households have access to improved sanitation. 84% of households in the priority area used own
toilet, 9% shared with extended family and, 4% used toilets belonging to others, and 3% used com-
munity toilets.
There is a strong correlation between the ownership of the toilets and the level of satisfaction. 82%
are satisfied with the toilet quality when using own toilet. The level of satisfaction is significantly
lower for households sharing a toilet with the extended family, using a toilet belonging to others
and for households using community toilets.
20% of the survey households live in slum areas. 58% of these households use community toilets,
toilets belonging to others or open defecation. 40% had plans for improving their sanitation in the
next years, the biggest challenges for improving sanitation was the lack of finance and for house-
holds in slum on private land, that landlords do not want to invest in improved sanitation. In general,
however, households in the slum areas were quite satisfied (45% - 63%) with the toilet quality of
construction, ease of access, privacy, cleanliness and ease of emptying. In contrast, approx. 20% of
slum households express dissatisfaction concerning all parameters. 66% of the households said they
would be able and willing to pay for improved services.
There seem to be some difference in the satisfaction with the quality of the toilets between men and
women across quintiles. 79% of men and 69% of women say that they are satisfied with the quality
of construction. 14% of the women are dissatisfied with the cleanliness (8% of men), whereas the
satisfaction regarding ease of access and privacy is similar for men and women. Both men and
women across slum and non-slum areas, said that the main challenges to improve toilets were the
lack of finance.
The focus group participants in CCC slum area and low income areas has little knowledge on san-
itation issues. When discussing issues of sanitation improvements participants are not aware of any
plans and refer to the land owners. Some participants are asking for information from CWASA on
good quality water and water use.
Focus group participants in the low to medium income households mention that there is no need to
improve their sanitation facilities. They all have their own household toilet with adequate water,
lightening and privacy. Participants from medium to high income households, all have their own
toilet with septic tank emptied every 1-15 years. All are satisfied with the facilities and have no
plans to improve their sanitation situation.
“We want a good urban plan for Chittagong City including safe water, sewerage connection,
disposal of solid waste and mosquito free environmnet. We have an open drain here, if the city
helps to cover with slab then we could have a good drain and a walk path”.
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Disposal of Wastewater, Faecal Sludge Management and Payment for Sanitation Services
The vast majority of households dispose of their wastewater from kitchen, bathroom, washing, etc.,
to the drain/khals. Only 6% dispose of the wastewater in septic tanks. Focus group participants
across income categories – from slum areas to high income areas – confirmed the practice of
wastewater disposal to drains. In two areas – one slum and one high income – participants men-
tioned that disposal of solid waste in to the drains and the lack of cleaning of the drains are causing
problems for the wastewater disposal.
Of the households with septic tanks (64.8% of all survey households in CCC) and pit latrines (21.8%
of all households), the majority of the households said that they had never emptied their septic tank
as indicated in Table 3-9.
Table 3-9: Use of FSM emptying services for households with septic tank/pit
For the 29% of the households that have had the septic tank emptied, only 3% had this done by the
municipality, 3% by a private operator, whereas 91% were emptied by a local sweeper using manual
removal. The majority of the households were satisfied with the latrine emptying service that they
used. 16% were dissatisfied, mentioning that the area is unclean after service and that there is too
long time from request to actual service. Other reasons for dissatisfaction is that the service is too
expensive and that disposal is done without permission or to other people’s land.
The survey of households in the priority area shows that 63% of households in the priority areas
has septic tank and additional 34% has a pit. However, 89% report that they are disposing of their
wastewater into the drain/khal and only 5% dispose their wastewater into their septic tank. Further-
more, 54.2% reports that their septic tank/pit is connected to drain/khal.
Focus group participants indicated that their pits needed emptying every three months to every 3
years depending on the size of the families. Septic tanks were reported to need emptying every 3-
10 years, in two areas built within the last 5 years, participants said that emptying every 10-15 years
As per ECR-97 of Bangladesh only waste water/sewerage complying with standards is allowed to be dis-
charges in the surface drain/khals/rivers.
Households are reporting more than one receipt of wastewater disposal, therefor the total percentage is >100.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
should be sufficient. In one slum community with a high number of users (40-60 persons), partici-
pants reported that emptying services for their pit latrine was needed every month.
56% of the households said that they were satisfied with their current arrangements for disposing
of solid waste and only 18% were dissatisfied. 38% of the households that had solid waste collected
paid for the service.
Focus group participants in medium and high income areas of CCC said they had house to house
collection of solid waste and paid BDT 30-50/month for the service. Households were satisfied with
the current service provided.
The availability of collecting services and the households willingness to pay for such services in
medium and low income areas varied among the focus group participants. In one medium and low
income area (ward 27 in the priority area) said that there was no solid waste collection in the area
and solid waste was disposed of in the side of the street. They were very unsatisfied with the situa-
tion that negatively affected their residential environment and would be willing to pay BDT 50-
60/month for collecting services. However, participants in another medium and low income area
said they were disposing of the solid waste in the drains, satisfied with the situation and not willing
to pay for collection services.
Focus group participant from slum areas said that solid waste was disposed in an assigned place in
the road side, where CCC collects the waste. Participants were satisfied with the arrangement; they
did not pay for the services and said that they would not be able to pay for improved services. Other
slum areas disposed of the waste in open spaces and open ponds, and saw no problem with that.
The survey households were asked to indicate their main source(s) of income. As many as 11% of
the respondents reported receiving money from migrant family members as a main source of in-
come, indicating a high dependency of money transfer from relatives. Other main sources of income
were permanent employment (44%), daily/seasonal employment (5%), and entrepreneurial activi-
ties, including sale and resale (25%). Income from property, including rent (21%) and livestock,
rice, vegetable and other crops (2%). Additional sources of income included rickshaw puller (4%)
and CNG driver (4%). Only 3% were pensioners.
The survey households’ average monthly income was 52,895 BDT, ranging from 2,000 to 500,000
BDT. The income varied from month to month for the majority of the households. This is not sur-
prising as income from migrant family members and income from entrepreneurial activities may
vary and daily/seasonal labour is seasonal.
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A comparison of the average monthly household expenditure and income indicates that survey
households in all five quintiles had a relatively low surplus ranging from 4% - 23% of the monthly
A comparison of the average monthly income per household and average monthly expenditure per
household is illustrated in the following table.
Income and expenditure data is only for the last month, i.e. the month prior to the survey. The data
is therefore to be used with caution, as it does not necessarily capture non-fixed monthly expenses.
The quintiles have been sorted according to expenditure and not the monthly income. The range of monthly
income within each expenditure quintiles shows a high diversity. Whereas the majority of household’s income is
found in a span around the average monthly income, few households in each expenditure quintile has either a much
lower or a much higher income. Since the income data was collected for one month only, this may reflect that most
households has income that varies from month to month and that many households receive significant economic
contributions from migrant family members.
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Survey households in all quintiles used the highest proportion of their expenditure on food ranging
from 23% to 47% of their total expenditure. Education was the second largest expenditure for quin-
tile 2 and quintile 4, ranging from 14% - 16% of the total expenditure, while the second largest
expenditure for quintile 1 and quintile 3 was housing, ranging from 14% - 16%.
The average expenditure for latrines/toilets (construction, emptying of septic tanks and latrines)
constitutes a very small part of the survey household’s expenditures. On average, survey households
spent 55.25 BDT per month on sanitation, equivalent to 0.12% of their total expenditure.
Some variations exist among households in different quintiles, with expenditure for sanitation rang-
ing from 0.08% for households in quintile 4 to 0.21% for households in quintile 2. Quintile 4 and
quintile 5 used the lowest proportion of their expenditure on sanitation.
Expenditure data was collected based on the actual expenditure of one month (last month prior to
the survey). Since households are most often using the emptying services 1-2 times a year, these
expenditures are most likely not captured by the survey question on expenditure and not reflected
in the above table on household expenditures. The data on expenditure and the data presented for
the actual payment for emptying services are therefore not directly comparable.
72% of the survey households indicated they were able to make savings from their income. 8% of
the households who were able to make savings indicated that their savings in 2014 were less than
1,000 BDT, while 22% indicated they were able to make savings ranging from 1001 – 3000 BDT
and 69% were able to make savings of more than 3000 BDT. Not surprisingly, households’ ability
to make savings from their income correlates with their expenditure level.
16% of the households not able to make savings stated unforeseen health expenditure as the reason,
while 17% mention new construction or improvement of housing facilities. Secondly, important
households in quintile 4 and 5 mentioned unforeseen health expenditures, whereas this for other
quintiles were somehow lower. Only households in quintile 1 mentioned construction or improve-
ment of housing facilities as the reason for not being able to make savings.
The average income in the priority area is 47,171 BDT per month. The average income in quintile
1 is a little higher than in quintile 1 of the entire CCC area (priority area: 12,400 BDT), whereas the
average income for quintile 2-5 is lower than for CCC in general. For quintiles 2-5, the household
income in the priority area varies to a higher degree than for CCC in general (from 65.2% in quintile
3 to 84% in quintile 5). Household income in quintile 1 varies to a less degree than in CCC (priority
area: 80%), which is however, still high. 74% of survey households in the priority area are able to
make some savings. However, the average surplus after expenditure is lower than for households
in CCC area in general.
Further details on the survey respondents’ proportionate expenditure on different items are included
in Appendix 1.
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The households using emptying services were asked for the price of the last emptying service. 1%
paid less than 500 BDT. 10% paid 500-1000 BDT, 32% paid 1001-2000 BDT, 23% paid 2001-3000
BDT and 33% paid more than 3000 BDT.
76% of the household in the survey are willing to pay for improved emptying services. For house-
holds in quintile 3 and quintile 4 this is the case for 91% and 95% of the households. The majority
would pay less than 1000 BDT per year for such services. For households in quintile 1 and quintile
2 the ability and willingness to pay are lower and the majority of these households say they would
pay less than 500 BDT per year for improved emptying services. The payment is a total per year
payment and not the amount that households would be willing to pay on top of what they might
already pay for emptying services.
Of the 24% of the households that are not able and willing to pay for improved emptying services,
29% (7% of all survey households) said that they cannot afford it, while 11% said that the existing
emptying service function well and 14% that emptying is not needed. The remaining 47% are indi-
cating other reasons, e.g. that it is the responsibility of the landlord.
Table 3-14: Ability and willingness to pay for improved emptying services per year
Expenditure Not willing to <500 501-1000 1001 - 2000 >2000
Quintile No. pay
1 48.1% 40.3% 9% 1.3% 1.3%
2 25% 41.3% 25% 5% 3.7%
3 31.3% 30% 25% 5% 8.7%
4 8.8% 17.7% 38% 19% 16.5%
5 5.1% 3.7% 36.3% 30% 24.9%
All quintiles 23.6% 26.5% 26.7% 12.1% 11.1%
The vast majority (72%) who would pay for improved services would pay less than 500 BDT per
year for emptying services.
For households in the priority area the ability and willingness to pay for improved emptying ser-
vices is in general a bit higher. 82% of households would be able and willing to pay, however it
should be noted that households in quintile 1 has a lower ability and willingness to pay than house-
holds in this quintile in CCC in general.
Table 3-15: Ability and willingness to pay for improved emptying services per year among 100 house-
holds in the priority area
Expenditure Not willing to <500 501-1000 1001 - 2000 >2000
Quintile No. pay
1 53.3% 33.4% 13.3% 0 0
2 18.2% 31.8% 40.9% 9.1% 0
3 13% 30.5% 26.1% 8.7% 21.7%
4 6.7% 40% 26.7% 13.3% 13.3%
5 8% 4% 32% 40% 16%
All quintiles 18% 26% 29% 16% 11%
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Focus group participants in medium and high income areas expressed the willingness to pay for
improved emptying services. While participants from ward 26 said they would be willing to pay an
20% increase in the payment for emptying services, participants from other high and medium in-
come areas said that they all paid house rent including all utilities and services, and hence the deci-
sion would depend on the landowner.
In the medium income area, participants said that they would be willing to pay an increase of 10-
15% for improved emptying services. Whereas participants from slum areas said they could not
afford any increase in the payments.
75.4% of survey households are willing to pay for upgrading their septic tank/latrine so that it can
work properly and be cleaned more easily. The willingness to pay for good septic tank upgrading
is highest among households in the quintile 5 and lowest in the quintile 1.
Table 3-16: Ability and willingness to pay for upgrading of septic tank/latrine
Expenditure Not willing to <500 501-1000 1001 - 2000 >2000
Quintile No. pay
1 38.5% 24.6% 32.3% 3.1% 1.5%
2 18.8% 13% 52% 11.4% 4.8%
3 31.3% 7.8% 34.3% 9.3% 17.3%
4 21.3% 0 31.5% 24.5% 22.7%
5 13.8% 1.9% 18.9% 28.9% 36.5%
All quintiles 24.6% 10.1% 34.6% 20.9% 9.8%
For households in the priority area the ability and willingness to pay for upgrading of septic
tank/latrine is a bit higher, 78% are able and willing to pay for upgrading and more households are
willing to pay an amount above 2000 BDT. However, households in quintile 4 has a significantly
lower willingness to pay than households in this quintile in CCC in general.
Table 3-17: Ability and willingness to pay for upgrading of septic tank/latrine among 100 households
in the priority area
Expenditure Not willing to <500 501-1000 1001 - 2000 >2000
Quintile No. pay
1 26.7% 55% 0 18.3% 0
2 9.1% 48.5% 12.1% 30.3% 0
3 30.4% 0 19% 12.7% 37.9%
4 46.7% 10.7% 0 21.3% 21.3%
5 8% 0 6.2% 42.9% 42.9%
All quintiles 22% 21.7% 8.6% 26% 21.7%
Of the households using community toilets only 17% currently pay for the use, all in quintile 1 and
quintile 2, whereas quintile 3 households report that they do not pay for the use. 50% of the house-
holds not paying would be willing to pay for the use of community toilets and 41% of the house-
holds already paying (in average 430 BDT per month) would be willing to pay additionally for
better maintenance (majority would pay 30-60 BDT per month). 50% of households using commu-
nity toilet (all in quintile 1, quintile 2 and quintile 3) are able and willing to pay for proper cleaning
maintenance of the community toilet including regular emptying. 62% of these households would
pay 30-60 BDT per month, and 23% would pay more than 500 BDT per month.
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There is no significant gender difference in the willingness to pay for improved services in general.
However, among the households that are using community toilets in the CCC area more women
than men are willing to pay for improved maintenance.
Only a few of the households in the priority area uses community toilets, as the majority of house-
holds in quintile 1 and quintile 2 in the priority area are using own toilets.
Willingness to pay for getting connection to sewerage system and sewerage service
Households were asked whether they would be willing to pay 15,000-50,000 BDT for getting a
connection to sewerage system. 42% of the households in the CCC area would be willing to pay
this amount. Not surprisingly, the ability and willingness to pay varies between quintiles as shown
in the table below.
Table 3-18: Ability and willingness to pay 15,000 – 50,000 BDT for sewerage connection
Expenditure Not willing to pay Willing to pay 15,000 – 50,000 BDT
Quintile No.
1 83.3% 16.7%
2 73.8% 26.3%
3 65.8% 34.2%
4 46.8% 53.2%
5 19% 81%
All quintiles 57.7% 42.3%
A majority of households that are able and willing to pay for the connection to sewerage system,
are also willing to pay 10,000-20,000 BDT in addition for internal plumbing. The majority of these
households said that they would prefer a contractor hired by CWASA to do the plumbing work.
Households who are interested in a sewerage connection were asked how much they would be able
and willing to pay per month for household sewerage service as shown in Table 3-19.
The majority of survey households would be able and willing to pay less than 350 BDT a month for
sewerage services. This is less than the estimated amount for full cost recovery (approx.
BDT1400/month per household) but greater than the estimated amount required for recovery of
O&M costs (approx. BDT200/month per household). As a comparison, the monthly water bill is
approx. BDT120/month per household).
28% of the households in slum areas would be willing to pay 15-50,000 BDT for connection to
the sewerage system, 63% of these households would additionally pay for internal plumbing. The
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vast majority of these households would be willing to pay less than 200 BDT per month for house-
hold sewerage service. In contrast all focus group participants from the slum areas said that they
could not afford to pay for any improvements.
For households in the priority area the ability and willingness to pay for connection to the sewerage
system is generally higher than for households in CCC in general. Only households in quintile 1
has a lower ability and willingness to pay for connection to the sewerage system, than households
in quintile 1 in the CCC area in general.
Focus group participants in medium and high income areas expressed the willingness to pay for
connecting to sewerage system and sewerage service. While participants from ward 26 said they
would be willing to pay the cost of connection and the monthly payment for services, participants
from other high and medium income areas said that they all paid house rent including all utilities
and services, and hence the decision would depend on the landowner.
Focus group participants in medium and low income areas expressed the willingness to pay for
sewerage connection, both for the connection cost of BDT 15,000-50,000, and the monthly payment
for service.
Only 38% of the survey households are currently paying for collection and disposal of solid waste.
For the households in quintile 5, 68% pay for this services, 46% in quintile 4 and 37% in quintile 3
are currently paying for solid waste collection, whereas this is only the case for 20% in quintile 1
and 21% of quintile 2. The majority of paying households pay 31-100 BDT per month for the waste
collection service. 66% of the households would be willing to segregate their solid waste at house-
hold level into two categories to facilitate recycling.
When asked about their willingness to pay for improved services the majority of households would
pay less than 50 BDT per month as shown in the table below.
Table 3-20: Ability and willingness to pay for collection of solid waste
Expenditure <50 51-100 101 - 150 151 - 200 >200
Quintile No.
1 82.2% 13.7% 1.4% 1.4% 1.4%
2 62.5% 23.6% 5.6% 2.8% 5.6%
3 41.4% 44.3% 4.3% 1.4% 8.6%
4 24.2% 45.2% 14.5% 8.1% 8.1%
5 19.3% 49.1% 15.8% 7% 8.8%
All quintiles 47.9% 34.1% 7.8% 3.9% 6.3%
Fewer survey households in the priority area than in the CCC area are currently paying for collec-
tion and disposal of solid waste. The willingness to segregate waste at the household level is at the
same level as for the CCC area in general and the amount that households are able and willing to
pay follows the pattern of the CCC area generally.
Focus group participants in medium and high income areas of CCC said they had house to house
collection of solid waste and paid BDT 30-50/month for the service. Participants in medium and
low income area in the priority area (ward 27) expressed strong interest in having a collecting ser-
vice for solid waste and willingness to pay BDT 50-60/month for collecting services. In other me-
dium and low area, and slum areas participants were not willing to pay for collection services.
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16% of the survey households in the CCC area do not have access to improved sanitation.
These households are predominantly in the slum areas and require a targeted sanitation pro-
gramme for low-income communities.
84% of the survey households own or share a latrine that safely confines faeces. Of the
remaining households, 8% do not have any latrine – 0.5% uses open defecation and 7% uses
community toilets. 14% have a toilet facility that drains directly into the environment
(drain/khal); and 2% use an open pit without slab.
82% of survey households have owned their current latrine for at least three years; indicat-
ing that the majority of latrines built are fairly durable.
65% of the households have a septic tank. The vast majority of these households say it has
never been emptied. Typically, septic tanks should be emptied on an annual basis.
75% of survey households were satisfied with the toilets’ quality of construction, and 63%
of the households using emptying services (equal 46% of all survey households) were sat-
isfied with the emptying service of their septic tanks/pit latrines.
42% of the households using emptying services say that the sludge is disposed directly into
the environment (drain/khals and rivers) after emptying. Consequently, there is an urgent
need to provide sludge disposal facilities and a need for awareness raising activities.
76% of survey households are willing to pay for improved emptying services. However, the
vast majority indicated they would only be able and willing to pay less than 500 BDT per
year for such services. In contrast, the current median cost for emptying is approx. 2000
42% of survey households would be able and willing to pay for the connection to the sew-
erage system. The majority of survey households indicated they would be able and willing
to pay less than 350 BDT a month for sewerage services. This is less than the estimated
amount for full cost recovery (approx. BDT600/month per household) but greater than the
estimated amount required for recovery of O&M costs (approx. BDT100/month per house-
hold). As a comparison, the monthly water bill is approx. BDT120/month per household).
Generally, households in the priority area have better access to improved sanitation, have a
higher ability and willingness to pay for improved emptying services, upgrading of septic
tanks/latrines, and for connection to the sewerage system than for the CCC area in general.
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A survey of 200 households in the two Municipalities of Patiya and Hathazari was con-
ducted in March 2016.
The survey households were purposely and proportionately selected according to the principles of
stratified sampling. The municipalities were selected based on class of municipality and population
density. The sample included households in different types of housing and within different types of
housing areas, viz.: i) slum and non-slum areas, and ii) in non-slum areas both low-income and
medium-high income area. The proportionate sampling was based on the population data of the
Population and Housing Census conducted in 2011. Additionally, eight focus group discussions
(FGDs) were conducted in May 2016, four in each of the two municipalities of Patiya and Hathazari.
85% of survey households in the two municipalities have access to improved sanitation. Access to
improved sanitation is considerably lower for households in slum areas than for non-slum areas.
Whereas 90% of households in non-slum area have access to improved sanitation, this is only the
case for 64% of the households in slum areas.
The households using community toilets and open defecation are all living in the slum areas. The
number of households in slum areas with access to improved sanitation could be lower, as 12% of
these households are using community toilets and community toilets are usually counted as non-
improved sanitation irrespective of their type. It is not indicated which type of toilet (Table 3-22)
are community toilets. Households using these said that the community toilets were no more than
2 minutes away.
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44% of the toilets had been constructed within the last 5 years. 7% of the septic tanks and pit latrines
were connected to a drain/khal. None of these households had been instructed to disconnect their
septic tank or pit from the drain/khal.
There is a strong correlation between the ownership of the toilets and the level of satisfaction. 63%
and 75%, respectively, are satisfied with the toilet quality when using own toilet or sharing with
extended family. Whereas there is 100% dissatisfaction with the community toilets, 83% dissatis-
faction with open defecation, and 67% dissatisfaction with the toilets belonging to others.
25% of the households in the municipal survey live in slum areas. 60% of these households have
their own toilet. 6% have own toilet used by households and extended family. 10% use toilet be-
longing to others, 12% use community toilets and 12% open defecation. 83% of the households in
the slum areas state that their toilets/latrines sometimes get flooded – compared to 53% of the
households in non-slum areas.
In the slum areas, 30% had plans for building new toilets and 12% plans for upgrading an existing
toilet. In non-slum areas, 25% planned to build new toilet, and 21% planned to upgrade an existing
toilet. For both slum and non-slum, the biggest challenge to improve sanitation was the lack of
There seems to be no difference in the satisfaction with the quality of the toilets between men and
women, where the majority of both men and women are satisfied. However, when asked about the
ease of access, privacy and cleanliness there is gender differences in the response:
25% of the women are dissatisfied with the ease of access (11% of men).
23% of the women are dissatisfied with the privacy (6% of men).
37% of the women are dissatisfied with the cleanliness (26% of men).
Interestingly, there is a significant difference in the perception of challenges to improve the toilets.
38 out of 78 (49%) men said it is due to lack of finance, whereas 63 out of 112 (56%) women said
that finance is the main cause.
Only one focus group participant out of fifty in the municipalities, had plans to improve the sanita-
tion facilities. Most participants mentioned lack of money as the main reason for not improving on-
site sanitation, while others said the current facilities were satisfactory and no improvements was
“Our main problems are water, latrine emptying service, gas for cooking and local roads. We also
want a constructed washing place in pond (Pukur ghat) near our house”
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Disposal of Wastewater, Faecal Sludge Management and Payment for Sanitation Services
The main disposal sites for wastewater from kitchen, bathroom, washing, etc., are the drain/khal,
wastewater pits, and gardens. Only 9% dispose of the wastewater in septic tanks. Focus group par-
ticipants confirmed the practice of wastewater disposal in drains. Other common practises among
the participating households was disposal into open spaces, vacant land and agricultural land.
Of the households with septic tanks (21.6% of all survey households) and pit latrines (66% of all
households), the vast majority of the households says that they have emptied their septic tank as
indicated in Table 3-25.
Table 3-25: Use of FSM emptying services for households with septic tank/pit
Percentage of all sur- Slum Non-slum
vey household
Used emptying services 73.7% 66.7% 75.4%
Did not use emptying services 26.3% 33.3% 24.6%
Total number of households 175 33 142
For the 75% of the households that have had the septic tank/pit latrine emptied, 96.9% had this done
by a local sweeper and only 0.8% by a private operator. 30% of these households had it emptied: 1
time every year; 29% 2 times a year; 14% once every two years; and only 15% three times per year;
9% less than every second year. 38% are satisfied with the latrine emptying service and 31% dis-
45% of the households indicated that the sludge was disposed of in the drain/khal close to the house
and 9% in a drain/canal in the municipality. 22% said that sludge was buried in the ground. Only
1% said that it was taken to a treatment plant and 10% to a landfill.
Focus group participants indicated that their pits needed emptying once a year to every 3 years,
whereas the septic tanks only needed to be emptied every 8-10 years. In one slum community with
a high number of users, participants reported that emptying services was needed every 3 months.
Another slum community did not need emptying as their pit latrines were connected directly to the
Households are reporting more than one receipt of wastewater disposal, therefor the total percentage is >100.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
45% of all households said that they were satisfied with their current arrangements for disposing of
solid waste whereas 29% were dissatisfied. The satisfaction in slum areas were found to be signif-
icantly lower with 62% of the household being dissatisfied with the current arrangements for dis-
posing of solid waste. 49% of the households would be willing to segregate their solid waste at
household level into two categories to facilitate recycling.
Focus group participants mention the drains and land behind their houses for solid waste disposal
sites. In one slum community participants said they would dispose of the waste within the slum area
itself. One medium income community said that they were segregating their waste and using the
organic waste for compost and disposing it to an agricultural land every three months.
The survey households’ average monthly household income was 19,155 BDT, ranging from 3,000
to 100,000 BDT. The income varied from month to month for 68% of the households.
The quintiles have been sorted according to expenditure and not the monthly income. The range of monthly
income within each expenditure quintiles shows a high diversity. Whereas the majority of household’s income is
found in a span around the average monthly income, few households in each expenditure quintile has either a much
lower or a much higher income. Since the income data was collected for one month only, this may reflect that most
households has income that varies from month to month and that many households receive significant economic
contributions from migrant family members.
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A comparison of the average monthly household expenditure and income indicates that survey
households in all five quintiles had a relatively low surplus ranging from 0-23% of the household
monthly income. A comparison of the average monthly income per household and average monthly
expenditure per household is illustrated in the table below.
Survey households in all quintiles used the highest proportion of their expenditure on food ranging
from 41% to 54% of their total expenditure. Education were the second largest expenditure for
quintile 2-5 ranging from 11% to 17% of the total expenditure, while the second largest expenditure
for quintile 1 was gas/coal/firewood for cooking (9%), followed by education (9%).
The average expenditure for latrines/toilets (construction, emptying of septic tanks and latrines)
constitutes a very small part of the survey household’s expenditures. On average, survey households
spent 89.75 BDT per month on sanitation, equivalent to 0.5% of their total expenditure. There were
some variations among households in different quintiles ranging from 0.14% to 0.75%, with house-
holds in expenditure quintile 1 having the highest expenditure rate.
38% of the survey households indicated they were able to make savings from their income, while
the remaining households indicated they were not. 23% of the households who were able to make
savings indicated that their savings in 2014 were less than 1,000 BDT, while 28% indicated they
were able to make savings ranging from 1001 – 3000 BDT and 49% were able to make savings of
more than 3000 BDT. Not surprisingly, households’ ability to make savings from their income cor-
related with their expenditure level.
14% of the households not able to make savings stated that unforeseen health expenditure as the
reason, while 9% mention new construction or improvement of housing facilities. For households
in quintile 1, 23% mentioned the reason being new construction or improvement of house facilities.
Further details on the survey respondents’ proportionate expenditure on different items are included
in Annex 1.
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The households using emptying services were asked for the price of the last emptying service. 23%
paid less than 500 BDT for the last emptying service. 57% paid 500-1000 BDK, 13% paid 1001-
2000 BDK and 7% paid more than 2000 BDT.
77% of the household with a septic tank in the survey are willing to pay for improved emptying
services. Of these households 66% would be willing to pay less than 500 BDT per year, 28% would
pay 500-1000 BDT and 6% would pay 1000-2000 BDT per year.
Of the 23% of the households that was not able and willing to pay more for improved emptying
services, 51% said that they cannot afford an increased payment, while 31% said that the existing
emptying function well and 18% that emptying was not needed.
The willingness to pay for good septic tank/pit emptying service is highest among households in
the third-quintile and lowest in the second-quintile.
Table 3-30: Ability and willingness to pay for improved emptying services per year
Expenditure Not willing to <500 501-1000 1001 - 2000 >2000
Quintile No. pay
1 31.6% 50% 18.4% 0 0
2 33.3% 56.4% 10.3% 0 0
3 13.2% 52.6% 4.3% 2.6% 0
4 21.2% 68.4% 21.1% 0 0
5 16.2% 35.1% 27.1% 21.6% 0
All quintiles 23.2% 50.9% 21.4% 4.5% 0
The willingness to pay for improved emptying services are highest in the quintile 5, with 25.8% of
the households willing to pay more than 1000 BDT.
Focus group participants generally expressed the willingness to pay for improved emptying ser-
vices, although some participants emphasised that they could not afford to pay.
In the medium income area, participants mentioned that agreement for improvement has been made
with the landowner and that they are paying for these services as an integrated monthly rent. In the
low income areas most participants are willing to pay for improved services, although some of the
participants said that they would not be able to afford these payments. All participants in slum
communities said that they could not afford to pay for improved services.
72% of the households in the survey are willing to pay for upgrading their septic tank/latrine so that
it can work properly and be cleaned more easily. Of these households, 31% would be willing to pay
less than 500 BDT, 64% would pay 500-1000 BDT, 3% 1000-2000 BDT and 2% more than 2000
The willingness to pay for upgrading of septic tanks/latrines so it is working properly and can be
cleaned more easily is highest among households in the quintile 5 and lowest in the quintile 1.
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Table 3-31: Ability and willingness to pay for upgrading of septic tank/latrine
Expenditure Not willing to <500 501-1000 1001 - 2000 >2000
Quintile No. pay
1 37.8% 30% 32.2% 0 0
2 34.3% 45.7% 20% 0 0
3 21.6% 16.8% 56% 2.8% 2.8%
4 30.8% 12.8% 56.4% 0 0
5 14.3% 26.6% 44.3% 11.8% 3%
All quintiles 27.9% 28.8% 39.5% 2.7% 1.1%
None of the survey households using community toilets were currently paying for the use. However,
83% of households using community toilet (all in quintile 1 and quintile 2) are willing to pay 30-
60 BDT per month for proper cleaning maintenance of the community toilet including regular emp-
There is no significant gender difference in the willingness to pay for improved services in general.
However, among the households that are not able or willing to pay for improved service, the reason
stated by men and women are different. 61% of the women say that the households cannot afford it
(38% of men says the same). 31% of men say that emptying is not needed, while this is only the
case for 9% of the women.
Focus group participants in low income areas expressed the willingness to pay for upgrading of
septic tanks but emphasised that they would need to pay in instalments in order to afford the costs.
Participants in slum communities said that they could not afford to pay for any improvements.
Based on the above, the following are considered key findings:
16% of the survey households in the municipals does not have access to improved sanitation.
84% of the survey households own or share a latrine that safely confines faeces. Of the remain-
ing households, 11% do not have any latrine – 3% uses open defecation, 3% uses community
toilets, and 3% uses toilets that belong to others. 12% have a toilet facility that drains directly
into the environment (drain/khal); and 4% use an open pit without adequate slab.
65% of survey households have owned their current latrine for at least three years; indicating
that the majority of latrines built are fairly durable.
Only 8.5% of the households have a septic tank. The majority of these households says that
their septic tank is emptied once or twice a year.
59% of the survey households were satisfied with the toilets quality of construction, and 38%
of the households using emptying services (equal 7% of all survey households) were satisfied
with the emptying service of their septic tanks/pit latrines.
54% of survey households said that the sludge is disposed directly into the environment
(drain/khals and rivers) after emptying.
77% of survey households are willing to pay for improved emptying services. The majority
would only be able and willing to pay less than 500 BDT per year for such services.
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A survey of 80 households in four villages adjacent to the CCC and four villages adja-
cent to the Municipalities was conducted in March 2016.
The survey households were purposely and proportionately selected according to the principles of
stratified sampling. Four villages were selected adjacent to the CCC area and the two municipalities
of Patiya and Hathazari. The survey included households in different types of housing and within
different types of housing areas, namely in slum and non-slum areas. The 80 households are divided
between 8 areas. Therefore, the data in general and the slum data in particular should be used with
Focus group discussion were held in two villages, one low income and the other medium to high
income level.
99% of survey households in adjacent villages had access to improved sanitation, however 15%
used shared facilities. 85% of the households used own toilet, 6% of the households used toilet
shared with extended family, and 9% used toilet belonging to others.
55% of the toilets had been constructed within the last 5 years. 14% of the septic tanks and pit
latrines are connected to a drain/khal, the majority of these from the second chamber of the septic
tank. No households had been instructed to disconnect their septic tank or pit from the drain/khal.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Whereas there are no community toilets in the households surveyed in the adjacent villages, there
is a strong correlation between the ownership of the toilets and the level of satisfaction. 75% and
100%, respectively, are satisfied with the toilet quality when using own toilet or sharing with ex-
tended family. This indicates that where extended families are pooling their resources to construct
common used toilet facilities, these are of higher quality and better protected from e.g. flooding,
hence the higher satisfaction.
There seem to be some difference in the satisfaction with the quality of the toilets between men and
women. 71% of men and 76% of women says that they are satisfied with the quality of construction.
However, when asked about the ease of access, privacy and cleanliness there is a stronger gender
difference in the responses:
9% of the women are dissatisfied with the ease of access (3% of men).
5% of the women are dissatisfied with the privacy (0% of men).
5% of the women are dissatisfied with the cleanliness (3% of men).
The perception regarding the challenges to improve the toilets due to lack of finance is similar for
women and men who mention the lack of finance as the main reason.
None of the focus group participants in adjacent villages had plans to improve the sanitation situa-
tion. For the households in low income area, they mention problems with the shared toilet such as
queuing, but have no financial sources to invest in such improvements. Participants in both low,
medium and high income households were willing to pay for sewerage connection but emphasise
that they would need to pay in instalments in order to have the ability to pay.
“Our main problems are lack of water, no sewerage and no gas for cooking. We want water first
from the Pourashava and we pay tax regularly”
Disposal of Wastewater, Faecal Sludge Management and Payment for Sanitation Services
Only 9% of the households dispose of their wastewater from kitchen, bathroom, washing, etc., in a
septic tank. 39% dispose of wastewater in drain/khal and 14% direct in the street or the side of the
street. 11% dispose in latrine pit, 21% in special wastewater pit and 14% in garden/yards.
Focus group participants confirmed the practice of wastewater disposal in drains and open ponds,
and none of the participants had problems with wastewater disposal.
Households are reporting more than one receipt of wastewater disposal, therefor the total percentage is >100.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Of the households with septic tanks (45% of all survey households) and pit latrines (53.8% of all
households), the majority of the households says that they have emptied their septic tank as indi-
cated in Table 3-35.
Table 3-35: Use of FSM emptying services for households with septic tank/pit
Percentage of household
Used emptying services 61.5%
Did not use emptying services 38.5%
Total number of households 78
94% of households using emptying services were using a local manual sweeper. 69% are satisfied
with the latrine emptying service, 27% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, whereas only 4% are
dissatisfied. 48% of these households using emptying services had their septic tank/pit emptied once
a year; 21% emptied 2 times a year, 13% once every two years, and only 8% three times per year.
6% less than every second year.
40% of all households in the survey indicated that the sludge was disposed of in the drain/Khal
close to the house and 36% that it was buried in the ground. Only 4% said that it was taken to a
landfill, whereas the rest of the households were not aware of where the sludge was disposed.
Focus group participants indicated that their pits needed emptying every 6 months whereas the sep-
tic tanks only needed to be emptied every 8-10 years.
75% of the households said that they were satisfied with their current arrangements for disposing
of solid waste and only 6% were dissatisfied. 49% of the households would be willing to segregate
their solid waste at household level into two categories to facilitate recycling. Focus group partici-
pants mentioned the drains and unused ponds as the solid waste disposal sites. Generally, partici-
pants were satisfied with the arrangements for disposal of solid waste.
The survey households were asked to indicate their main source(s) of income. As many as 18% of
the respondents reported receiving money from migrant family members as a main source of in-
come, indicating a high dependency of money transfer from relatives. Other main sources of income
were permanent employment (34%), daily/seasonal employment (21%), and entrepreneurial activ-
ities, including sale and resale (15%). Income from property, including rent (9%) and livestock,
rice, vegetable and other crops (4%). Additional source of income included from being a rickshaw
puller (4%) and CNG driver (5%). Only 1% were pensioners.
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The survey household’s average monthly household income was 20,281 BDT, ranging from 4,000
to 150,000 BDT. The income varied from month to month for 79% of the households.
A comparison of the average monthly household expenditure and income indicates that survey
households in all five quintiles had a very low surplus ranging from 0-12% of monthly household
A comparison of the average monthly income per household and average monthly expenditure per
household is illustrated in the table below.
Surveyed households in all quintiles used the highest proportion of their expenditure on food rang-
ing from 44% to 61% of their total expenditure. Education were the second largest expenditure for
quintile 2-5 ranging from 12% - 16% of the total expenditure, while the second largest expenditure
for quintile 1 was housing (8%).
The quintiles have been sorted according to expenditure and not the monthly income. The range of monthly
income within each expenditure quintiles shows a high diversity. Whereas the majority of household’s income is
found in a span around the average monthly income, few households in each expenditure quintile has either a much
lower or a much higher income. Since the income data was collected for one month only, this may reflect that most
households has income that varies from month to month and that many households receive significant economic
contributions from migrant family members.
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The average expenditure for latrines/toilets (construction, emptying of septic tanks and latrines)
constitutes a very small part of the survey household’s expenditures. On average, survey households
spent 17.50 BDT per month on sanitation, equivalent to 0.09% of their total expenditure. There
were some variations among households in different quintiles, with households in expenditure quin-
tile 1 and quintile 2 not reporting any expenditures related to sanitation. Whereas households in
quintile 3 had the highest expenditure rate (0.17%).
However, as the emptying of septic tanks are most often done once a year, the cost of such service
is not reflected in the expenditure data, which is only for one month. Similarly, the negative differ-
ence of income and expenditure should be taken with caution and not seen as a general condition.
There are a number of reason, e.g. unforeseen health expenditure, that might cause a negative dif-
ference in a particular month.
38% of the survey households indicated they were able to make savings from their income, while
the remaining households indicated they were not. 19% of the households who were able to make
savings indicated that their savings in 201432 were less than 1,000 BDT, while 28% indicated they
were able to make savings ranging from 1001 - 3000 BDT and 53% were able to make savings of
more than 3000 BDT. Not surprisingly, households’ ability to make savings from their income cor-
related with their expenditure level.
Only 2% of the households not able to make savings stated unforeseen health expenditure as the
reason, while 2% mention new construction or improvement of housing facilities.
A large amount of households in first-quintile and second-quintile has income that varied from
month to month (81% and 88%). For the other quintiles, this is true for 75% of the households.
Among households in quintile 1 and quintile 2, 88% (quintile 2) and 94% (quintile 1) are not able
to make savings from their income.
Further details on the survey respondents’ proportionate expenditure on different items are included
in Appendix 1.
68% of the household in the survey are willing to pay for improved emptying services. Of the 32%
of the households that are not able and willing to pay for improved emptying services, one-third say
that they cannot afford it, while one-third said that the existing emptying service functions well and
one-third that emptying is not needed.
Table 3-40: Ability and willingness to pay for improved emptying services per year
Expenditure Not willing to <500 501-1000 1001 - 2000 >2000
Quintile No. pay
1 42.9% 50% 7.1% 0 0
2 28.6% 50% 7.1% 0 14.3%
3 30.8% 46.1% 15.4% 7.7% 0
4 13.3% 36.1% 28.9% 21.7% 0
5 43.8% 12.5% 18.7% 12.5% 12.5%
All quintiles 31.9% 38.3% 15.6% 8.5% 5.7%
Last full year before the survey was conducted.
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The majority of households willing to pay for improvements (52.9% of men and 58.1% of women)
would pay less than 500 BDT for improved emptying service. 46% would be willing to pay less
than 500 BDT per year, whereas 41% would pay between 500-1000 BDT. 5% 1000-2000 BDT,
and 9% more than 2000 BDT.
There is no significant gender difference in the willingness to pay for improved services in general.
However, among the households that are not able or willing to pay for improved service, the reason
stated by men and women are different. While the majority of the women said that the household
cannot afford it, the majority of the men said that their current emptying service is functioning well.
Focus group participants generally expressed the willingness to pay for improved emptying ser-
vices, although some participants emphasised that they could not afford to pay.
Table 3-41: Ability and willingness to pay for upgrading of septic tank/latrine
Expenditure Not willing to <500 501-1000 1001 - 2000 >2000
Quintile No. pay
1 71.4% 21.5% 7.1% % 0
2 15.4% 61.5% 7.7% 0 15.4%
3 33.3% 47.6% 19.1% % %
4 13.3% 40% 40% 6.7% 0
5 40% 6.7% 26.7% 13.3% 13.3%
All quintiles 34.8% 34.1% 20.8% 4.4% 5.9%
Based on the above, the following are considered key findings:
99% of the survey households in adjacent villages have access to improved sanitation, and the
vast majority uses toilet facilities that are connected to septic tanks or pits.
63% of survey households had owned their current latrine for at least three years; indicating
that the majority of latrines built are fairly durable.
45% of the survey households had a septic tank. The majority of these households says that
their septic tank is emptied once or twice a year.
74% of the survey households were satisfied with the toilets quality of construction, and 69%
of the households using emptying services (equal 28% of all survey households) were satisfied
with the emptying service of their septic tanks/pit latrines.
43% of survey households said that the sludge is disposed directly into the environment
(drain/khals and rivers) after emptying.
68% of survey households are willing to pay for improved emptying services. The majority
would be able and willing to pay less than 500 BDT per year for such services.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Lack of effective means of off-site disposal of excreta means that rivers, streams, and khals are the
destinations of most untreated human excrement and household waste. The waste also accumulates
on streets, in open spaces between houses, in stagnant pools of water, and on wasteland. The densely
populated areas create conditions very favourable to the rapid spread of a variety of infectious dis-
eases. Health problems from lack of sanitation facilities are greater among the urban poor living in
overcrowded urban settlements than they are either in the rest of the urban areas or in rural areas.
The officially available health data is very limited. Health statistics were therefore collected from
the following hospitals in the CCC area and health clinics in the municipalities:
It has not been possible to get data on frequency per 100,000 inhabitants, therefore the data was
collected based on reported cases, and as such has several limitations. Although the data has been
collected from several hospitals, these are not the only channels of medical care for people suffering
from water and sanitation related diseases. Furthermore, it is foreseen that a considerable number
of people suffering from e.g. dysentery, especially from poorer households, would not seek treat-
Statistics for the following water and sanitation related diseases for Chittagong City: dysentery,
typhoid, cholera, and diarrhoea are summarised in the following section.
The reported incidence of cases and deaths from diarrhoea in Chittagong Division between 2003
and 2010 has been relatively stable between 360,000 – 450,000 cases per year. The number of
deaths has decreased steadily from 2003 – 2010, although continues to be high. According to the
latest WHO data published in May 2014, diarrhoea deaths in Bangladesh was 15,928 equivalent to
2.2% of total deaths.
The prevalence of dysentery has been almost steady over the last three years in the municipality,
whereas an increasing number of cases has been reported in CCC.
Although there has been a slight decrease in the prevalence in cholera in CCC, the development
trend in the number of reported case in the municipalities shows fluctuations from year to year.
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The number of reported typhoid cases has been steady over the last three years, and only the mu-
nicipality of Hathazari has experienced an overall decline from 2013 to 2015.
Focus group discussions were conducted in CCC, municipalities and adjacent villages. The focus
group participants living in the municipalities and adjacent villages, said that children are often
affected by diarrhea and fever. Many children were reported to have worms, stomach pain, cough,
eye and dental problems. Participants believe these health problems are related to their water and
sanitation situation.
Similar situations were reported by the low income households and slum areas in the CCC.
Particpants from these areas said that the children are suffering from diarrheal diseases, and skin
problems causing frequently itching. Caugh and fever among children were very commmon. As
almost all families suffer from the same, the participants see a link to the current sanitation situation
and from insufficient water supply in the areas.
In contrast to the situation in the low income areas, participants from medium and high income
groups in CCC reported good health conditions in general and did believe they have any health
issues related to their access the water and sanitation.
“Need more connections (public stand post for common use) nearby our slum for clean water and
whole day supply as we cannot afford house connection. She added, CCC should spray medicine
to remove mosquito and give us a good environment to live”.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
The primary past initiatives associated with sanitation master planning include two major studies:
Sewerage and Sanitation System for Chittagong Metropolitan Area (1984) financed via
World Bank;
Sewerage Master Plan (2009) financed via Korean International Cooperation Agency
Sewerage and Sanitation System for Chittagong Metropolitan Area (World Bank, 1984)
In 1984, a Feasibility Study and Development Plan on “Sewerage and Sanitation System for
Chittagong Metropolitan Area” was prepared for CWASA by Puraloy Kaushali Ltd, Sanitary
Engineers & Associates Ltd and bkh Consulting Engineers under funding from World Bank.
Figure 4-1: Sewerage and Sanitation System for Chittagong Metropolitan Area (1984)
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The planning horizon of the report was 2010. The report suggested that sanitation of residential
areas should be achieved through sewerage (33%), septic tanks (12%), pour-flush, water-seal
latrines (52%) and communal facilities (3%). The sewerage system would comprise of
approximately 400km of sewers and 8 nos. pumping stations and by 2010 would serve
approximately 450,000 people of middle-high income groups in the densely built-up areas. The
following on-site sanitation initiatives were also recommended:
18,300 septic tanks would be improved with the addition of soak pits;
1,900 new septic tanks would be built;
20,000 bucket latrines would be converted to pour-flush latrines;
65,000 new pour-flush latrines would be built;
12 existing communal facilities would be improved; and
110 new facilities would be constructed.
For industries, a complete collection system of 540km of sewers and 5 nos. pumping stations would
serve five separate industrial areas. Two of the industrial areas (Kalurghat/Sholashahar) would be
provided with a stabilization pond treatment system along the river, east of the city. Wastewater
from the remaining industrial areas, as well as all domestic sewage, would be discharged to the river
or the Bay of Bengal untreated. The total investment cost, in 1984 prices, would be USD 46.2
million and implementation would be done in three separate phases.
During negotiations between the World Bank and CWASA it was judged that the Latrine
Programme was not so well suited for the set-up and objectives of CWASA and it was agreed that
that part of the Sanitation Development Plan could be better incorporated into other urban
development projects by the Chittagong Municipality (predecessor of the City Corporation).
CWASA also requested more sewerage in residential areas at the expense of collection and disposal
of industrial wastewater. As a result, the consultant was asked to revise the recommendations
accordingly and prepare an addendum report.
1. A sewerage system in 9 wards with a total length of 78km, serving 104,000 inhabitants in
1994 which accounted for 55% of the population in those wards and 11% of the total city
2. A transport system for conveying domestic sewage to the proposed treatment plant east of
the city consisting of 6 nos. pumping stations and 4.35km of pressure line;
3. Collection system for Kalurgat Industrial Estate (36km sewers, 1 no. pumping station,
4.3km pressure line);
4. A sewage treatment plant (stabilization ponds) on the bank of the Karnaphuli River for the
handling of both domestic and industrial wastewater (capacity 25,000m3/d and 7,750kg
The total investments cost, in 1985 prices, was estimated at USD 11.4 million.
Comment: While the feasibility study is now 30 years old and outdated, the philosophy
governing it is still very much relevant to the city. Any current proposal for the city
would still develop along the same concepts of:
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1. A sewerage system covering parts of the most developed areas of the city; and
2. Improved on-site sanitation systems for the remainder of the city.
However, the feasibility study was meant as a basic planning document, therefore
technical issues were not examined in any detail.
The most recent Sewerage Master Plan was prepared in 2009 under funding from KOICA.
The Master Plan made no reference to the 1984 feasibility study and apparently did not used any of
the conclusions of that study. The Master Plan focused on the proposed usage of piped sewerage to
the extent that this was feasible. It suggested to move from the current condition of using the
drainage system as a de facto combined system to a fully separate sanitary sewerage system
gradually over 3 distinct stages:
Stage I (2007-2011): Short-Term
Stage II (2012-2021): Mid-Term
Stage III (2022-2031): Long-Term
The latter two stages were further subdivided to two sub-stages each.
The total city area was divided into four treatment districts, two on either side of the river
Karnaphuli. Each of the districts was to be provided with one Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)
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(Figure 4-3). One STP was to be built in Stage 1 to cover the most developed part of the city (north
bank of the river, western section of the city). Two more were to be built in Stage 2 and one in Stage
3. Three of the STPs were to be extended over a 2nd phase of construction.
Figure 4-3: STP locations and treatment districts as proposed in KOICA Sewerage Master Plan
Trunk sewers were proposed to be installed, in the beginning parallel to the existing drainage
systems and in accordance with the STP prioritization. Storm Overflow Chambers (SOCs) were to
be installed at the starting portions of the sanitary sewers to intercept excessive amounts of
stormwater. After the construction of the trunk sewers was completed, branch sewers would be
installed according to the priorities determined for each ward. Primary and secondary sewers were
to be gradually constructed and connected after completion of STPs.
The connection rate of the population to the sewerage rate was expected to gradually increase from
0% in 2009 to 81% in 2031. Individual treatment districts were to have different connection rates
over time as the sewerage network was developed gradually. In 2031, the connection rate in the
four districts was to range between 50% and 88% (81% being the average for the whole city).
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The Sewerage Master Plan (2009) considered a range of wastewater treatment processes for
centralised wastewater treatment, incl.: i) Conventional Activated Sludge (CAS); ii) Oxidation
Ditch (OD); iii) Rotating Biological Contactor; iv) Anaerobic-Anoxic-Oxic (A2O); v) Facultative
lagoon. The various treatment options33 were compared on a qualitative basis on a range of criteria,
incl.: i) Stability and efficiency; ii) Operation & Maintenance (O&M); iii) Site requirements; iv)
Environmental impact and v) Costs. The evaluation was also compared to the United Nations
Environmental Programme (UNEP) “Guidelines for Sanitation Management in Asia and Africa”
(2006), resulting in the choice of Conventional Activated Sludge as the recommended treatment
process. However, the Oxidation Ditch process was also considered suitable for the treatment
district south of the Karnaphuli River and towards the east of the city.
Investment Costs
The cost of the proposed investments (2008) as per the KOICA Sewerage Master Plan is
summarised in Table 4-1.
Whilst mentioned in the introductory text, the use of trickling filters has not been considered in the KOICA
Sewerage Master Plan, however they have been recommended for the next phase of the Pagla STP in Dhaka. It is
noted that the UNEP “Guidelines for Sanitation Management in Asia and Africa” (2006) does not include the use
of trickling filters, despite their advantages of lower power consumption and lower O&M demands.
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Table 4-1: Estimated investment costs (in 1000 USD) as proposed in KOICA Sewerage Master Plan
Comment: Overall the KOICA Master Plan provided a conceptual plan for constructing a
sewerage system that would gradually be separated from the drainage system and
would by 2031 serve about 80% of the city population. The strategy was sensible
but the technical issues do not seem to have been explored in much detail. No
detailed drawings or calculations were provided and it is not clear whether the
feasibility of connecting the relevant areas to the designated STP sites was
confirmed technically. Proposed pumping scheme appears largely insufficient given
the flat topography of the area in question. Furthermore, Stage 1 included one STP
with a cost of USD 88.42 million but a budget of only USD 5.88 million for sewers.
It is not clear how many trunk sanitary sewers and how many SOCs were meant to
be constructed within this very limited budget, and which existing drains would be
connected. The operational problems involved in keeping the solid waste, sludge
and silt out of the trunk sanitary sewers seem to have been completely ignored and
no relevant solutions were offered. However, with no such action plan, the system
is likely to be clogged within days of initial operation. Constant heavy maintenance
would be required.
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Moreover, since the preparation of the 2009 Master Plan, further development of
the city and encroachments have taken place making the construction of some of the
STPs and pumping stations and the installation of many of the trunk sewers very
dubious. It is clear, for example, that most of the area required for Right bank/North
side STP (RN STP) by the Karnaphuli Bridge (to serve the area on the north bank
and towards the east of the city) is not available any longer. Similarly, a number of
water supply projects are underway which will install a large number of water
supply pipes taking up much space in the already very narrow streets of the city.
This will further limit the options to provide piped sewerage systems in parts of the
city. It is therefore expected that the target of serving 80% of the city with sewerage
will have to be significantly revised downwards as part of this updated Master Plan,
in favour of extended improved on-site sanitation. It can also be expected that the
RN STP will be replaced by one or more smaller STPs in various parts of the city
where available land may be identified.
A summary comparison of this Master Plan against the 2009 KOICA Master Plan is provided in
Chapter 15.
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There are currently two ongoing pilot projects regarding faecal sludge management in Chittagong
City Corporation (CCC). Both of these projects are pilot projects and implemented by NGOs. The
following section describes these pilot projects:
DSK, a national NGO that obtains financial support from Water Aid, is a UK based charity that has
initiated activities related to faecal sludge management in Chittagong. In this connection, DSK has
already signed an agreement with CCC to start faecal sludge collection on a pilot scale basis pri-
marily from slums and low income settlements. The collected faecal sludge shall be treated using
drying beds at Halishahar landfill site. CCC has provided land at the landfill site for treatment of
faecal sludge to DSK. Recently, DSK has started construction of drying beds at the Halishahar
landfill site. The capacity of the drying beds is 8 m3/day. For the purposes of faecal sludge collec-
tion, DSK has one vacuum truck (capacity of 2 m3).
Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) is a UK-based NGO that is working with Chitta-
gong City Corporation to pilot a septic tank emptying service in the city. Under this model, called
SWEEP, WSUP will provide small and medium-sized vacuum trucks to Chittagong City Corpora-
tion; the latter will own the assets. The trucks will then be leased out in a tender to one or more
private entrepreneurs in return for a monthly lease fee, along with a security deposit. The entrepre-
neurs will be mandated to take the sludge to designated sites around the city, particularly the pilot
8 cubic meters per day capacity drying bed (being constructed by DSK on City Corporation-pro-
vided land in Halishahar in the western part of the city). WSUP is in negotiations to build its own
drying beds on City Corporation land in Arefin Nagar, located in the northern part of the city. The
program is set to launch in early 2017 with two trucks with a combined capacity of 10 cubic meters.
Signed an MOU with the CCC specifying the expansion of the SWEEP model into Chitta-
Primary research data on 1,350 households on willingness to pay and potential market sizes
Entrepreneurial assessment of potential private sector operators;
A diagnostic of Chittagong City Corporation's ability to handle privatized faecal sludge
management, which will initiate the tendering process and supported by WSUP’
Finalized vendors for the vacuum tanker procurement, including local workshops
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Currently, three projects on solid waste sector are being implemented in the CCC area with financial
support from the government, the ADB and JICA:
This project is being implemented by the DOE in partnership with Dhaka City Corporation (North
and South) and CCC. The project is financed by Climate Change Trust Fund of GOB to promote
waste segregation. From April 2012, the 3R pilot project has been launched in the following areas
of Dhaka: Gulshan, Baridhara, Gonobhaban (Mohammadpur), Dhanmondi, and Minto Road. In
Chittagong, the project has been launched in the following areas: Nasirabad, Shugandha Housing,
Hill View Housing, Khulshi, North Khulshi, Panchlaish Housing Society, Moushumi Residential
Area and Jamalkhan Area. As part of the project, groups of three bins are provided for 50,000
households in Dhaka and Chittagong. An awareness raising campaign has also been undertaken.
Moreover, segregated waste will be composted. Based on the results of the pilot project, it will be
gradually extended all over the city. This project is implemented as part of the National 3R strategy
to promote segregation of waste at source and promote recycling.
The Government of Bangladesh (GOB) through Local Government Division (LGD) of the
MLGRDC is implementing the Urban Public and Environmental Health Sector Development
Program (UPEHSDP), with financing from the ADB. This program was designed to address the
complex but interlinked challenges of the Urban Public and Environmental Health sector.
The UPEHSDP has been designed to improve the public and environmental health conditions of
the urban areas of Bangladesh, particularly in the six city corporations of Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet,
Barishal, Rajshahi, and Khulna. The UPEHSDP has two components: (a) Program loan of USD 70
million, which includes reforms in the areas of institutional strengthening, improving financial
sustainability, improving public and environmental health service delivery, and strengthening
governance and management. There is a focus on delivering improved public and environmental
health services in urban areas, in the six city corporations and other pourashavas; (b) Project loan
of a total of USD 80 million (BDT 5.6 billion), out of which GoB will contribute USD 20million
and ADB would provide a loan of USD 60 million. The project loan covers the three areas of (i)
Solid Waste Management – municipal solid waste and medical waste; (ii) Food Safety, which
includes food testing laboratory, training centre and modern slaughter houses; (iii) Program
Management, Institutional Support and Capacity Development.
Under this project, Chittagong will benefit with the construction of a sanitary landfill site at Arefin
Nagar with a capacity to receive 800 tons/day of waste. There is also a plan to construct a medical
waste treatment facility in the same site. For construction of the landfill site, the work order has
been issued. Moreover, to improve the waste collection and transportation system, 12 nos. transfer
stations shall be constructed. It has been reported that CCC is facing problems to locate the transfer
stations due to high land prices. Under this project, a food laboratory shall be established along with
a modern slaughter house.
On May 20, 2015 JICA signed a grant agreement with GoB to provide grant aid of up to USD 12.7
million (JPY 1.486 billion) for the Project for Improvement of Solid Waste Management
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Equipment. This project will outfit 150 waste collection vehicles, and create a maintenance system
in Dhaka South City Corporation, Dhaka North City Corporation and CCC.
This project is expected to increase the amount of waste collected in the three target cities by 1.930
tons per day, a rise of 84% by 2019. It is expected that this will contribute to the sanitation in the
region, improve the living environment, and contribute to urban development in Bangladesh.
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The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) statistics (2015 report) indicate that in Bangladesh
97.9% of the population has access to improved water supply. However, given that 22% of the tube
wells in the country are affected by arsenic contamination, the actual access to safe water in the
country is adjusted to 85%. Although the rate of access to water supply is comparatively high, the
statistics do not reflect the poor quality of infrastructure due to lack of capital and recurrent invest-
In Chittagong, CWASA has the mandate for water supply within the CCC area (155 km2). Accord-
ing to the CWASA customer database (2014) the existing network serves about 54 500 households.
The overall service area is managed in two Maintenance and Operation Divisions, MOD-1 and
MOD-2 (Figure 5-1).
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Mohara WTP takes water from the Halda River; the water production is 90MLD. Water is pumped
from the intake structure to the treatment plant sedimentation ponds (2 hours retention time), and
then the water is treated. The backwash from the WTP goes back to the river, by gravity during the
low tide or pumped to the river during high tide conditions. Potable water is pumped to the distri-
bution network. The pump station has 4+2 pumps:
Pump data
- HDR 250-500A Hyosung, 1488 RPM
- Pump label Q 960 m3/h, H = 83 m
- Pump check valve
A SCADA system provides information on pumps, pressures and flows. The data is stored in the
database. The output pressure is manually regulated at 7.5 – 8 bar by opening and closing a butterfly
valve. The usual valve position is approximately 25% open. There is an electromagnetic bulk flow
meter with data logger installed on the outlet pipeline (48 inch, 1200mm). At the outlet of the WTP
pumps, before the distribution network, there is a surge protection chamber (air-chamber), which is
currently out of service due to a failure of the air compressor. The water is chlorinated during the
treatment processes with a residual chlorine level of 0.5-0.6 mg/l.
Figure 5-2: Mohara WTP pumps to distribution Figure 5-3: Mohara WTP SCADA system screens
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Typical plant operation is 12 hours per day with an average supply ranging from 35 to 45 MLD.
The supply pressure is around 60 psi. 41 tube wells are collecting the water and sending it to the
aeration ponds, there are 2 main aeration ponds and another one on the side of the facility. The tube
wells and the iron removal equipment operate 24/7. The treated water is then sent to the under-
ground storage tank (2.000.000 gallons ~ 7 570 m3 – but design drawings show 12 000m3). The
water is chlorinated before it is pumped to the distribution network. The pump station has 3+1
Pump data
- HDR 300-500 Hyosung, 1485 RPM, 315 kW
- Pump label Q 1080 m3/h, H = 72 m
- Pump check valve
Flow pattern is recorded through an electromagnetic bulk flow meter with data logger on the
outlet. 2 vertical and 2 horizontal old pumps are used for emergency purpose.
Figure 5-4: Kalurghat aeration ponds Figure 5-5: Kalurghat pump station (new pumps
are in front)
Groundwater is also abstracted from 49 deep tube wells (DTW) (aside from the ones supplying
Kalurghat IRP), which directly feed the distribution system without previous treatment.
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The station is equipped with 2+1 pumps. The 2 duty pumps are operating 24/7 while pump 3 is a
stand-by pump.
Patenga booster station gets water from Mohara WTP and also from Kalurghat (sharing the same
pipeline). It serves primarily the southern part of the city. The Patenga booster supplies several
storage tanks of the Port Authority, which are not operated by CWASA. The station is equipped
with 2+1 pumps which are operated in an alternating sequence to allow for similar wear and tear
over time.
Table 5-2 presents a list of reservoirs and elevated tanks within CCC area. The biggest reservoirs
are Battali Hill (13600 m3), followed by those at Mohara WTP (11364 m3) and Kalurghat IRP (9092
m3), and ADC Hill reservoir (4546 m3).
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JICA has supported CWASA with substantial investments during the last 5-6 years and are imple-
menting the Karnaphuli Water Supply Project (KWSP) phase 1, which was expected to start oper-
ating in June 2016, and KWSP phase 2 the design of which was initiated in 2014, for a further
improvement of water supply in Chittagong. Both phase 1 and 2 will utilise intakes from the Kar-
naphuli River. The design capacities of KWSP phase 1 and 2 are 143 MLD each, for a total supply
of 286 MLD when both phases are completed by 2022.
Modunaghat WTP is under construction and will start operating at the end of 2017 with a water
intake from the Halda River and a production of 90 MLD. The treatment plant will mainly supply
the southern area.
Based on the available information and proposed schedule of construction of surface water treat-
ment plants, Table 5-3 presents CWASA’s proposed programme for water supply infrastructure to
meet the demand requirements (Figure 5-6).
Table 5-3: Water Supply development strategy for Chittagong (CWSISP S-3, 2015)
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A household survey was conducted with the goal of assessing the sanitation situation of the CCC
area. The field survey results reveal the following: 0.5% of the households lack any access to toilets
and they are practicing open defecation, 16.5%of households have unhygienic latrines, and 83.5%
of households have hygienic sanitation facilities. Table 5-4 below shows the overall sanitation sit-
uation of the CCC area prevailing in 2016.
Table 5-4: Sanitation Situation of the Chittagong City Corporation Area
Type Frequency Percentage
Hygienic Toilet
Pour flush toilet with septic tank 8 2.0%
Flush toilet with septic tank 250 62.5%
Flush toilet with pit tank 68 17.0%
Ventilated improved pit latrine 8 2.0%
Unhygienic Toilet
Flush directly to drain/khal 11 2.75%
Pit latrine without slab directly to drain/khal 9 2.25% 16.0%
Pour flush directly to canal 44 11.0%
No Toilet
Open Defecation 2 0.5% 0.5%
Total 400 100%
Source: Field Survey
During the field survey, three types of unhygienic toilets (without any containment) have been
observed. The first type is flush directly to drain/canal (2.75%). The second type is pit latrines
without slabs (2.25%). The third type of toilet is pour flush directly to drain/canal (11.0%). The
observed hygienic toilets fell under four categories: pour flush with septic tank (2%), flush toilet
with septic tank (62.5%), flush toilet with septic tank (17.0%), and ventilated improved pit latrine
Table 5-5 below shows the sanitation coverage comparisons between the following: 2011 national
urban average, 2011 CCC census survey, 2016 CCC sample household sanitation survey, and 2012
JMP national urban average.
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Table 5-5: Comparison of Sanitation Situation of CCC with National Urban Average
Access to Sanitation National Urban CCC CCC National Urban
Average (2011)* (2011)* (2016)* Average
(JMP 2012)34***
Sanitary Toilet35/Improved36 81.7% 88.3% 83.5% 55%
Shared Toilet - - 30%
Non-Sanitary Toilet37/Other unimproved38 15.9% 11.4% 16% 15%
No Toilet/Open Defecation 2.4% 0.3 0.5% 0%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100%
Source: *BBS (2014); ** Field Survey (2016); *** WHO/UNICEF (2014)
Comparison of CCC 2016 data with the national urban average data (JMP survey of 2012) shows
that access to sanitary/improved toilets in CCC is much higher than the national average of 55%. It
may be noted here that shared toilets in the JMP survey is considered as “unimproved” which is
30%. The BBS survey considers shared toilets as sanitary toilets provided that it fulfils the definition
of “sanitary toilet.” If the percentage of shared toilets of JMP survey is considered as improved
toilets, then the percentage of improved toilet/sanitary toilet is 85%, which is close to the field
survey data of 2016. Moreover, it interesting to note that the JMP survey has found no open
defecation in the urban areas of Bangladesh, whereas the 2016 field survey has found 0.5% of
population still practicing open defecation (survey result is close to 2011 BBS data for CCC area).
Table 5-6: Types of On-site Sanitation Systems in the Chittagong City Corporation Area
Type Frequency Percentage
Hygienic Toilet
Septic Tank 258 64.5%
Pit Latrine 68 17.0% 83.5%
Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) Latrine 8 2.0%
Unhygienic Toilet
Flush directly to drain/khal 11 2.75%
Pit latrine without slab directly to drain/khal 9 2.25% 16.0%
Pour flush directly to canal 44 11.0%
No Toilet
Open Defecation 2 0.5% 0.5%
Total 400 100% 100%
Source: Field Survey
WHO/UNICEF (2014), “Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation: Estimates on the use of water
sources and sanitation facilities updated in April 2014”.
According to BBS, sanitary toilet means use of flush/pour flush to piped sewer system, septic tank or pit latrines with slab,
ventilated improved toilet, and composting toilet. It includes both individual and shared toilet facilities.
According to JMP, improved sanitation means use of flush or pour flush to piped sewer system, septic tank, or pit latrine. It
also includes ventilated improved toilet and pit latrine with slabs.
According to BBS, non-sanitary toilet means pit latrine with no slabs, open pits, and hanging toilets.
38According to JMP, unimproved sanitation means use of flush or pour flush to elsewhere (such as street, yard, open sewer,
ditch, drainage or other location), pit latrine without slab or open pit, bucket latrine, and hanging toilet. Moreover, unim-
proved sanitation includes public or shared sanitation facilities.
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An attempt was made to investigate whether there is any linkage between house construction type
and type of toilets among the surveyed households. Table 5-7 and Table 5-8 below show the cross
tabulation between house construction type and toilet type.
Table 5-7 reveals that there is a high correlation between house construction types and toilet types:
buildings with better construction tend to possess more hygienic latrines, and vice versa.
Table 5-9 shows septic tank/pit connected to drain by type of housing. It is interesting to note that
54.4% of the septic tanks/pits connected to drain belong to pucca buildings including apartments.
Figure 5-7 shows the faecal waste (black water) flow diagram of CCC area.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
mainly during the night. At present, CCC disposes on average 1 trip of faecal sludge per day. For
the 2015-2016 Financial Year, they have collected revenues of BDT 300,000 from providing faecal
sludge collection and disposal service. Apart from the CCC service, there are manual cleaners who
also clean the septic tanks and pit latrines against a fee. In this latter method, the collected sludge
is disposed of in drains and low lying areas near the premises.
Recently, two NGOs (DSK and WSUP) have signed an agreement with CCC to provide faecal
sludge collection and treatment services on a pilot scale. DSK has started construction of drying
bed (8m3 in size) at the Halishar landfill site for treatment of collected faecal sludge. DSK has one
vacuum truck (2000 litre capacity) while WSUP is planning to provide CCC with two vacuum
trucks (one large and one medium size).
It has been found from the field survey that only 24.5% of the households have emptied their septic
tanks/pits since construction of their septic tanks/pits. Out of these 24.5% households, 69.05% of
the households empty their pit/septic tank every year.
In terms of septic tank/pit latrine cleaning, the majority of households depend upon manual cleaners
(local sweepers). Only 6% of the households are currently using the service provided by the CCC
and NGOs using vacuum tanker. Currently, the households are spending between Tk. 500-8000 for
their pit/tank cleaning. However, 68.93% of the households are spending between Tk. 1500-5000
for pit and septic tank cleaning.
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Figure 5-9: Drying Beds Under Construction at Halishahar Landfill Site by DSK
Other studies have shown that sludge accumulation rate in pits and tank varies between 0.04-0.07
cubic meter/cap/year considering upon storage and digestion for at least 1 year in pits or vaults in
hot climate (EWAG, 2002)39. Another study in Bangladesh has found that the sludge accumulation
rate varies between 0.04-0.06 cubic meters/cap/year40. The following Table shows the estimated
amount of faecal sludge to be generated in the CCC..
As per the Local Government (Pourashava) Act, 2009 and National Sanitation Strategy 2014, mu-
nicipalities are responsible for solid waste management as well as sanitation within their municipal
boundary. National Sanitation Strategy 2014 has stated that appropriate desludging of septic tanks
and pit latrines must be enforced and effluent disposed of in a proper manner. Sludge emptying
services by City Corporation and Municipality must be in place. In October 2014, the Government
approved a new tax schedule for the municipalities; according to this new tax schedule, municipal-
ities are authorized to charge 12% of the annual rental value of the building/land for sewerage,
which includes faecal sludge management in case they provide such services. Currently, all the
municipalities in Bangladesh completely depends upon on-site sanitation systems, which primarily
include septic tanks and different types of pit latrines
Table 5-13: Comparison of Sanitation Situation of Municipalities with the National Urban
Access to Sani- National National Ur- Patiya Raozan Hathazari Boalkhali
tation Urban Av- ban Average Municipality* Municipality* Municipality*** Municipality***
erage (JMP 2012)**
Sanitary Toi- 81.7% 55% 78.82% 84.37% 79.68% 81.45%
Shared Toilet - 30% - - - -
Non-Sanitary 15.9% 15% 20.45% 14.45% 20.32% 16.29%
Toilet/Other un-
No Toilet/Open 2.4% 0% 0.73% 1.18% - 2.27%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Source: *BBS, 2014, ** JMP, 2014, *** Data provided by the municipality
It is noted that access to sanitary toilets in Patiya and Hathazari are 78.82% and 79.68% respec-
tively, which are lower than the national urban average of 81.7% of BBS survey. However, per-
centage of sanitary toilets in Raozan municipality is higher than the national average while the
situation in Boalkhali municipality is almost at par with the national urban average. Compared to
the national urban average, the percentage of non-sanitary toilets is higher in percentage in all mu-
nicipalities except Raozan. In terms of access to no toilet category, Patiya, Boalkhali and Raozan
municipalities have lower percentages compared to the national average of BBS but higher than
JMP average. It is interesting to find that all the households have access to toilet facility in Hathazari
In order to access the sanitation situation in detail, a sample survey was conducted in two munici-
palities of Patiya and Hathazari. The sample field survey reveals, 84% of survey households in the
municipalities have access to individual toilets. It is interesting to note that 3% of the household
do not have access to any toilet and they are practicing open defecation while the figure is 12% in
case of slums. Total Estimated Demand for Faecal Sludge Collection per day
There is no reliable data available regarding the daily demand for faecal sludge collection and dis-
posal in the four municipalities. None of the four municipalities have a vacuum truck for collection
of faecal sludge from the on-site sanitation facilities. Moreover, there is no place for disposal of
faecal sludge. Since the municipalities are not providing these services, all the demand for faecal
sludge collection is met by manual cleaners.
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Using the estimated current population of the municipalities, and considering the estimated faecal
sludge accumulation rate of 0.04-0.07 m3/person per year (from Bangladesh National Building
Code (BNBC) 1993), the total sludge accumulated in all the four Municipalities have been estimated
and shown in Table 5-16.
It has been found from the household survey in two municipalities (Patiya and Hathazari) that
64.5% of the households have emptied their septic tanks/pits since construction of their septic
tanks/pits. Out of these 64.5% households, 59% of the households empty their pit/septic tank every
year. The current total estimated population of the four municipalities is 297,704. Using the
estimated current population of municipalities and considering the estimated faecal sludge
accumulation rate of 0.04-0.07m3/person per year (from Bangladesh National Building Code
(BNBC, 1993), the total sludge accumulated in the CCC area is estimated at 20,839 m3. (This takes
into consideration the sludge accumulation rate of 0.07m3/person per year). However, from the field
survey, it was found that only 64.5% of the households have emptied their pits/tanks since
construction of the pits/tanks and out of which 59% of the households empty every year. Therefore,
the actual current demand for faecal sludge collection is 7930 m3/year or 26.4 m3/day (considering
300 days of collection a year). An estimated demand for each municipality has been calculated and
presented in Table 5-16.
Table 5-16: Estimated Demand for Faecal Sludge Collection Per Day
Access to Sanita- Estimated Estimated Percentage of House- Estimated
tion Population Amount of Faecal holds Demand Per Day
2015 Sludge Generated Cleaning Septic (m3/day)
Per Year (m3/year) tanks/Pits Every Year
Patiya 62,025 4,342 38% 5.50
Raozan 66,313 4.642 38% 5.88
Hathazari 83.598 5,852 38% 7.40
Boalkhali 85.768 6,004 38% 7.60
Total 297,704 20,840 26.38
The following Table shows the estimated amount of faecal sludge to be generated in the four mu-
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There is a need to improve the non-sanitary toilets within the project area. Within the CCC
area, 16% of the toilets are non-sanitary; the equivalent figures for the other municipalities
are: 20.45% in Patiya, 14.45% in Raozan, 20.32% in Hathazari and 16.29% in Boalkhali.
Most of the unhygienic toilets have direct out-lets to drains and adjacent lowlands without
any containment. These types of connections are illegal as per regulations.
It is noted that 0.5% of the population in the CCC area do not have access to any type of a
toilet facility. In case of the four municipalities, 3% of the population do not have access to
any type of toilet facility.
It has been observed that out of two CCC trucks for faecal sludge collection, one truck is
out of order.
CCC provides faecal sludge collection services with large vacuum trucks. Many parts of
CCC area have narrow roads; therefore, the entire city cannot be covered by the existing
trucks which can be utilized only in areas with wide roads. As such, there is a need for
vacuum trucks of different sizes (large, medium and small), which are capable of accessing
all types of roads.
There is no treatment plant for faecal sludge in the CCC area. Currently, DSK an NGO is
constructing a drying beds for faecal sludge treatment having a capacity of 8 cubic
meter/day whereas the estimated demand for treatment is 110 cubic meter/day.
For the municipalities within the sanitation planning area, there is no faecal sludge
collection truck or treatment site; all the generated faecal sludge in the municipalities are
collected by the manual sludge cleaners.
There is a need to have a regional facility for treatment of faecal sludge generated in the
municipalities that are within the sanitation planning area.
The government has already authorized the municipalities to charge a fee for
sewerage/faecal sludge management which is up to 12% of the annual rental value of the
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Figure 5-10: Outflow pipe from newly built residential building discharging to the road-side drain
Therefore, the (surface) drainage system receives the vast majority of the city’s sewage and is de-
facto used as a combined drainage and sewerage system. However, the drainage system was never
designed as a combined system and cannot efficiently perform such an operation. The drainage
system suffers from lack of proper design, low quality of construction and insufficient maintenance.
Due to insufficient slope, velocities in the system are low during the dry period causing siltation
which minimises the capacity of drains and leads to blockages. A significant percentage of the city
solid waste is also discarded into the drains (Figure 5-12 and Figure 5-13). The solid waste disposal,
along with dumping of faecal sludge, further aggravate the situation. Under these circumstances,
the drainage system cannot efficiently carry sewage away from households. Instead, low velocities
and blockages allow solids suspended in the sewage to be separated and deposited to the bottom
and sides of the drains and channels, thus further enhancing this vicious cycle.
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Figure 5-11: Outflow pipe from residential building discharging to the road-side drain
Figure 5-12: Drainage channels in dry season carry sewage, faecal sludge and solid waste
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In addition to the above, there are currently no domestic wastewater treatment facilities in
Chittagong. All domestic sewage eventually finds its way to the watercourses of the city and the
sea. The lack of a dedicated sewerage system and treatment facilities results in extensive
environmental degradation of the watercourses. The inadequate condition of the drainage system
also means that wastewater can often exfiltrate, polluting the underlying soil layers as well as the
groundwater table (which is the primary source of drinking water for the city).
Similarly, to the CCC area, there is no piped sewerage in any of the suburban areas of the planning
areas, i.e. in the 4 purashavas (Raozan, Hathazari, Boalkhali and Patiya) and the rural areas. As the
drainage systems are less widespread and the density of development is lower, on-site sanitation is
used, in most cases with wastewater discharged through soakaways or in nearby streams. No formal
wastewater collection or treatment infrastructure exists in these areas.
Chittagong is the main port of the country and has attracted a large number of industries which have
been set up in and around the city. Most industries are concentrated in the 3 major Export Processing
Zones (EPZs) and 6 other industrial zones (Figure 5-17). Despite the fact that the main industrial
activity throughout the city is garments manufacturing which has low wastewater generation, the
total volume of industrial wastewater generation is significant. Table 5-18 provides an overview of
the three EPZs of Chittagong including basic wastewater generation and treatment information.
There is a fairly new treatment plant in the Chittagong EPZ (CEPZ) known as Central Effluent
Treatment Plant (CETP) constructed in 2012 (Figure 5-14 and Figure 5-16). Many other industries
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utilise compact individual Effluent Treatment Plants (ETPs) (Figure 5-15). However, a large
percentage of industrial wastewater is still discharged untreated. Annex 2 presents a list of registered
enterprises and their current method of treatment (if any) and discharge as recorded by the
Department of Environment (DoE).
Figure 5-14: Central Effluent Treatment Plant Figure 5-15: Compact Industrial Effluent
(CETP) at the Chittagong EPZ Treatment Plant (ETP)
Figure 5-16: Central Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) at the Chittagong EPZ
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Figure 5-17: EPZs and Industrial Areas (Korean EPZ shows only the developed area).
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1. The CEPZ and KEPZ come under regulation from the government’s Bangladesh Export
Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA).
2. The CETP started operation in August 2012, covers an area of 18 500m2 and employs a
staff of 80. The current flow (2015) into the CETP is estimated at 35 000m3/day based on
water meter reading in the factories. The Chittagong EPZ claims to be treating almost all of
its effluent in the CETP (93% of factories). The remaining factories reportedly use own
compact ETPs. Reportedly there are no septic tanks in the CEPZ. However, the Daily Star
reported in January 2014 that only 79 of the 214 factories in the CEPZ were using the
services of the CETP (37%) due to high service charges. Chittagong Waste Treatment Plants
Ltd. (CWTP), the company that built and operates the CETP, list on their website as their
clients 95 enterprises, all located in the CEPZ41 (Annex 3).
3. The CETP reported that they conduct hourly sampling and testing of effluent quality incl.
parameters such as pH, TDS, TSS, COD, BOD, Turbidity and Dissolved Oxygen. It is
claimed that effluent is of high quality. Visual inspection does not verify this claim.
Wastewater analysis results have been requested for review but not provided.
4. CEPZ obtains its water from its own Water Treatment Plant though occasionally
supplements this with water from CWASA.
5. BEPZA reported that they visit the ETPs in CEPZ and KEPZ on a daily basis to check their
condition. The Head Engineer stated they are all currently in a good condition (March
2015). BEPZA reported that they conduct daily tests of the effluent quality, collecting
samples every two hours. Parameters analysed include pH, TDS and Dissolved Oxygen.
The companies are also required to complete their own tests. Samples are reportedly
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6. According to BEPZA, 80% of the factories in the KEPZ do not require an ETP. The KEPZ
has plans to build a CETP in the next decade, as it is growing rapidly.
7. The Department of Environment (DoE) legislates environmental policy; the companies are
responsible for complying with the DoE’s rules and regulations. The DoE monitors the
situation and occasionally issues fines for noncompliance. Both the CEPZ and KEPZ claim
that their factories abide by DoE standards and discharge limits (Table 5-19). The DoE have
provided a list of registered companies and their methods of wastewater disposal (Annex
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The drainage system in Chittagong (Figure 5-18) is organized around three elements:
1. Primary system: composed of the primary khals, mainly based on natural channels which
existed before the city was built. Two primary routes are identified: the khals discharging
at the Karnaphuli and Halda Rivers (24 and 2, respectively) and the ones discharging at
the sea (14).
2. Secondary system: also called secondary khals. Their primary function is to carry discharge
from tertiary systems to the primary khals. They are in some cases original natural drainage
channels, but for the most part they are man-made channels built together with residential
or industrial developments.
3. Tertiary system: smaller tertiary drains and roadside channels constructed without drainage
considerations for the surrounding areas and without planning scenarios for future urban
development (higher runoff coefficients). They are mainly used as a dumping ground for
domestic wastewater as well as for road drainage.
Besides the primary, secondary and tertiary systems, both the Halda and Karnaphuli Rivers are very
important for the drainage of Chittagong. The Karnaphuli River receives the discharge of 24
primary khals, while only 2 khals discharge at the Halda River.
Karnaphuli River is tidal all the way from its mouth to Kaptai dam, approximately 70 km upstream.
There are two tides a day in the Karnaphuli River, one tidal cycle lasting about 12.5 hours. This
represents a big challenge for the drainage system, as the water level in the river is not stable, which
means it effectively acts as the dominating parameter in design considerations, especially in coping
with maximum peak and mean tidal levels in July and August.
On the other hand, the Halda River is also tidal about 45 km upstream of the confluence with the
Karnaphuli. However, tidal influences in this river are less significant for the drainage system of
Chittagong city.
Cyclonic storms are a relatively frequent phenomenon in the Bay of Bengal. These storms cause
tidal surges, which can be defined as a sudden and rapid rise in water levels over and above the
prevailing tidal level. Hence, tidal surges represent yet another risk for flooding in Chittagong.
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The drainage system in Chittagong functions effectively as a combined sewer system, the
wastewater is discharged to the tertiary drains. Drainage planning is considered the most neglected
component within the city planning and management activities (Ashraf and Chowdhury, 2009).
None of the elements in the drainage system have been planned in advance of building development,
nor has land for khals been allocated alongside new road construction.
All wastewater discharges by gravity, and there are no pumping facilities in the system. As a result,
flow velocities in many drains and particularly in the main khals are well below the minimum
general standards required for self-cleansing. Also, the lack of pumping facilities means there is no
provision for removing storm and foul flows from the city when the flow in khals is reduced by
backwater effects and/or high tide levels during storm surges.
Solid waste collection and disposal is inadequate and uncollected garbage is often deposited in
drains, leading to frequent blockage of open and covered drainage systems. This, combined with
encroachment and silting, reduces the capacities of the main khals. Moreover, the capacity of the
drainage system is reduced by a lack of regular maintenance, and blockage of street drains by
physical structures, i.e. under-dimensioned culverts.
Deposition of silt and other solids in some drains and most khals has increased over the years due
to (a) uncontrolled development on steep hillsides, which removes vegetation and increases the
amount of silt carried down into drains, and (b) deposition of solid waste into drains and khals. The
resultant flooding with sewage-contaminated storm water poses serious public health hazards to the
citizens of Chittagong.
In addition to silt and waste, khals suffer from a series of operational issues mostly related to
physical obstructions, i.e. construction works, pipes, cables, inappropriately sized culverts and
bridges, retaining walls of domestic properties, etc.
Obstructions are defined as constructions or encroachments, which reduce the capacity and flow of
the drainage system. Illegal encroachment of khals/drains by nearby inhabitants is a chronic
problem for drainage. Existence of undersized bridges/culverts and unplanned crossing, i.e. pipes,
of service utilities creates obstruction to flow and blockage with floating debris. Culverts are
considered to be one of the main obstructions in Chittagong’s drainage system. Many khals and
road side channels cannot operate to full capacity due to the presence of culverts and bridges, which
are insufficiently wide or high to convey the required flow. Moreover, even if these structures have
the proper sizing, their effective hydraulic area has been reduced by services laid across them.
If culverts are under-dimensioned, they can cause a bottleneck effect, obstructing and reducing the
flow in the khal. This is the case throughout Chittagong city, where it is assumed that none or very
little consideration has been given to the design of the culverts. No standard design criteria have
been found for culverts in Chittagong. During flood events, it is likely that the obstruction caused
by culverts will further increase the inundated area.
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CCC maintains the khals and drains. The CCC spends about Tk. 500 lac to 700 lac per year to keep
the khals/drains clean. Moreover, 2,300 m RCC retaining wall was constructed at both sides of
Maheshkhali khal at ward no. 24, 27 and 36 in financial year 2013-14 and 2014-15. Additionally,
3,152 m RCC retaining wall was constructed at different places of Maheshkhali khal at ward no. 11
and 26. The table below shows the yearly CCC expenditures for the last four years and budget of
current year.
Table 5-20: Yearly expenditures for maintenance and small rehabilitation of khals/drains
It should be noted that the 1995 Drainage Master Plan estimated a labour work force of approx. 400
men, in order to deal effectively with all existing primary, secondary and tertiary channels. Twenty
years later, the staffing of the CCC Conservancy Department is approx. 610 cleaners (for the small
and medium-sized drains) and about 500 extra staff for the big drains, which are cleaned by the
Engineering Department.
The biggest environmental concern regarding the drainage system is the pollution of drains (road
side channels). This pollution is carried downstream to the primary khals, and eventually to the
rivers. Moreover, during flooding events, the surcharge of the drains inevitably results in polluted
water flowing on the streets of Chittagong.
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The CCC is responsible for solid waste management within the CCC city boundary. The entire city
area’s solid waste collection and disposal are the responsibilities of the Conservancy and
Engineering Departments/Sections of the City Corporation. Non-governmental organisations
(NGOs) and community based organisations (CBOs) also play a considerable role in house-to-
house collection of waste in several City Corporation wards.
A recent study conducted by Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) in 2012 has
estimated per capita waste generation for CCC as 0.352 kg/ This survey was undertaken
during the dry period in March 2012. Usually during the monsoon period there is an increase in
waste generation rate by at least 30%. The following table shows the rate of per capita waste
generation within the CCC area.
Table 5-21: Domestic, Market, Street Sweeping Waste, and Overall Waste Generation in CCC
Per Capita Waste Generation
Per Capita Domestic Waste 0.257 (73.02%)
Per Capita Market Waste 0.049 (13.92%)
Per Capita Street Sweeping Waste 0.046 (13.06%)
Overall Waste Generation Rate 0.352 (100%)
Source: BMDF, 2012
Table 5-22 shows the estimated total waste generation for CCC for 2015 during the dry and wet
seasons using the aforementioned waste generation rate.
Table 5-22: Est. Domestic, Market, Street Sweeping, and Overall Waste Generation in CCC in
Description Dry Season (in tons/day) Wet Season (in tons/day)
Domestic waste 737 958
Market waste 140 183
Street sweeping 132 171
Total Waste Generation 1009 1312
Source: Estimated by the Consultant
Typically, in Bangladesh the monsoon lasts for five months while the dry season lasts for seven
months. Based on this dry and wet season distribution, average waste generation for the CCC area
is estimated at 1,135 tons per day.
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BMDF study (2012) has undertaken physical composition analysis of waste by collecting samples
from households, markets, and from trucks arriving at landfill sites. The following table shows the
summary of the physical composition of solid waste within the CCC area.
It is seen from Table 5-23 that the major portion (71-85%) of solid waste in residential and market
areas, as well as the landfill sites of CCC, is compostable. The average percentage of compostable
waste at the landfill site is 82%, non-compostable waste is 17% and ash content is 1%.
The large quantity of degradable organic contents present in the waste composition indicate the
necessity for frequent collection and removal. This also indicates the potential of recycling of
organic waste for resource recovery such as composting and waste to energy projects using
anaerobic digestion.
Collection of Waste
In the CCC, almost all the wards have a primary collection service. In the residential areas, mostly
Primary Collection Service Providers (PCSPs) collect waste from households or residential
buildings using house to house waste collection method, and operating rickshaw vans or large
handcarts. However, many areas do not have a flat topography which makes it very difficult for
PCSPs to operate such vehicles. Based on the household survey it has been found that current 32%
of the household is currently covered by the house to house waste collection method.
Each household pays BDT 30-100/month for primary collection services. Primary collection time
is from 9 AM to 5 PM. The number of trips made by each rickshaw van varies from 2 to 4 as
reported by a few rickshaw van pullers. The typical dimensions of a rickshaw van box are as
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follows: length 5 ft, width 3 ft and height 3 ft. Based on the dimensions of the van, it is estimated
that around 350 kg to 400 kg waste can be accommodated in the rickshaw van per trip.
Within the CCC area, the waste collected from households is disposed in open community bins and
also in demountable containers, which are then transported to landfill sites. CCC has installed 1,264
dust bins and 76 demountable containers distributed at various locations around the city.
Domestic waste collected by the PCSPs is usually unloaded from rickshaws or handcarts directly
into demountable containers rather than to dust bins. The procedure of sorting waste and loading
the containers takes a long time (around 1 to 2 hours). Primary collection waste workers pick very
small pieces of recyclables during the sorting and make the container area dirty. They do not wear
uniforms (e.g. apron, jacket, safety vest, etc.). Waste workers use baskets made of straw or bamboo
and manually load the container using those. In addition, they use shovels to load waste directly
from the ground to the container. Each of the 76 demountable containers requires different durations
to be filled up. Consequently, not all containers are transported to the landfill site on a daily basis.
Transportation is undertaken with the help of container trucks.
There are designated points like dustbins and open points where street sweeping wastes and drain
cleaning wastes are accumulated. Open trucks or dump trucks are used to empty dust bins as per
the instruction of Conservancy Inspectors (CIs). Based on the instruction of CIs, drain cleaning and
street sweeping wastes are collected and transported. There is no schedule or monitoring vis-à-vis
the removal of street sweeping or drain cleaning waste.
One vehicle is assigned to each ward for emptying filled dust bins. These vehicles make two to
maximum three trips per day. Waste workers use baskets made of straw or bamboo to manually
load the vehicle from dustbins and open dumping spots. Not all the 1,264 bins or spots are emptied
on a daily basis.
Transportation of Waste
A list of waste collection vehicles was collected from CCC. Five types of vehicles are used by CCC
for transportation of waste. The number of drivers are fixed for specific vehicles, and cleaners are
specific for the wards. Around 325 cleaners are working for waste collection and transportation in
41 wards.
CCC has a fleet of 120 different types of vehicles for waste transportation. Out of this, only 85
vehicles are operational. A total of 35 vehicles are out of order (usually for a long period of time),
which represent 30% of the total fleet. Based on the BMDF study (2012), open trucks can make 2
trips per day while container trucks can make between 6-8 trips per day. According to load carrying
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capacity of the trucks and number of trips they can make in a single day, the total waste carrying
capacity of the existing waste collection fleet of CCC is 948 tons per day. Since there is no
weighbridge installed in the landfill site to check the amount of waste collected per day by CCC,
the actual amount of waste transported cannot be confirmed.
The BMDF study (2012) conducted a field survey to measure the amount of waste brought to the
two landfill sites by weighing the amount of waste in baskets. It was found from the field survey
that, in total, 48 trucks of different capacities were working on the date of the survey, 109 trips were
made by the trucks, and the total amount of waste collected was 490 tons. It was found during the
survey that open trucks made 2 trips on average, while the container trucks made minimum 8 and
maximum 16 trips on that date.
Based on the assessment of current infrastructure for waste transportation, CCC can collect around
948 tons of waste per day and current waste generation is estimated at 1,135 tons per day. As such,
there is a gap of 187 tons of waste remaining uncollected per day in the city or about 68,398 tons
per annum. The amount of uncollected waste can be significantly reduced if the non-functioning
trucks can be repaired and brought into operation, along with proper monitoring of trips made by
each truck by the Conservancy Inspectors. The predominant portion of this uncollected waste ends
up in low lying areas and drainage canals creating problems like water logging as well as spread of
disease vectors. During 2015-16 financial year, in addition to regular drain cleaning by its
Conservancy Department/Section, CCC is spending around BDT 70 million (approx. USD
897,435) to clean large drains in order to avoid water logging in the monsoon. Regular and efficient
collection of solid waste can reduce the city’s water logging problem and can also reduce the extra
cleaning costs of large drains during the dry season.
Disposal of Waste
There are two landfill sites within the City Corporation area – Halishahar and Arefin Nagar. Figure
5-19 depicts the location of the landfill sites. At present both the sites are in operation and crude
dumping methods are being used to dispose the collected waste. There is no weighbridge at either
of the sites. Only trips made each day by different trucks are recorded. Without a weighbridge, it
is difficult to ascertain the amount of waste collected and disposed of in the landfill sites. For proper
monitoring, installation of weighbridges at the landfill sites is essential.
CCC has been using Halishahar Disposal site for 50 years. The reason behind selecting this disposal
site is not clear but some believe that the sea side was thought to be a suitable site in earlier days to
dispose of waste. The area of this disposal site is 5 acres (2.02 ha) at present; CCC is expecting to
use this site until 2020. Apparently, no environmental, social or legal considerations were
considered prior to the selection of this land for the disposal site. It does not meet any of the relevant
regulatory criteria. At present the site has no environmental clearance from the Department of
Environment (DOE) for operating as a landfill site. However, CCC has informed that they have
recently applied for an environmental clearance permit. In principle, a social impact assessment
should be carried out; opinions and feedback of the surrounding community (up to several
kilometres) are also important factors when deciding upon and operating a landfill site. This course
has not been followed in Halishahar. There is no buffer protection zone established around the
landfill site.
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The total area of this disposal site is 73 acres (29.5 ha). CCC has been using the land since
November 2011 and is expecting to use it until 2030. After that it will be handed over to the land
owner. The Asian University for Women is located within 100 m of the disposal ground while the
Cantonment or Military area is located 1 km away. No environmental, social or legal considerations
were considered prior to the selection of this land as a potential disposal site. It does not meet any
of the relevant regulatory criteria. Prior to site selection, neither environmental clearance nor a site
clearance certificate from the DOE were taken, which is mandatory as per the Environment
Conservation Rules of the Ministry of Environment and Forest. Moreover, no Environmental and
Social Impact Assessments have been carried out. In principle, social impact assessment should be
carried out, and opinions and feedback of the surrounding community (up to several kilometres) are
also important factors when deciding upon and operating a landfill site. This course has not been
CCC is planning to convert the Arefin Nagar landfill site into a sanitary landfill with support from
Asian Development Bank (ADB) financing.
There is a compost plant located within the landfill site of Halishahar. The compost plant was built
in 2000 as a pilot project having 2 tons/day capacity with support from the United National
Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE). The plant has
been operational for the last fifteen years and CCC has increased the capacity to 10 tons/day. CCC
is running the plant with its own staff and is marketing the compost with the brand name “City
Organic Fertilizer”. The compost is sold directly to end users or farmers who usually come to the
plant to buy it. CCC is not selling it in the open market or through dealers since they do not possess
any licence from the Department of Agriculture to market it. The selling price of this compost is
BDT 15/kg.
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Quantity of Waste
A recent study conducted by the Department of Environment (DOE)42 in 2013 has estimated per
capita waste generation for different municipalities. This survey was conducted during the dry
period of 2012. Usually during the monsoon period there is an increase in waste generation rate by
at least 30%. The following table shows the per capita waste generation rates of different classes of
municipalities during the dry season.
The following table shows the average per capita waste generation rate. Typically, in Bangladesh
the monsoon lasts for five months while the dry season lasts for seven months.
There is no data available regarding the total amount of solid wastes generated in the municipalities
within the sanitation planning area of the project. The consultant has used the average per capita
waste generation rate of different classes of municipality from the DOE study and estimated the
amount of solid waste generation for each municipality. The following Table shows the total amount
of waste generated per day in different municipalities.
Department of Environment (2013), “Final Report on Baseline Survey on Waste Generation, Character Analysis
and Traffic Volume Survey in Bangladesh”, report prepared by CEGIS for the Department of Environment (DOE),
Government of Bangladesh.
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Table 5-27: Estimated Total Solid Waste Generation for the Municipalities
The total amount of solid waste generated in the four municipalities within the sanitation planning
area is estimated at 72 tons per day or 26,280 tons per annum.
DOE study (2013) has undertaken physical composition analysis of waste by collecting samples
from households, markets, and from trucks arriving at landfill sites. The following table shows the
average physical composition of solid waste for Class A, B and C municipalities; it is representative
for Patiya (Class A), Raozan (Class B), Hathazari (Class C), and Boalkhali (Class C).
The above table indicates that the major portion (81.75% to 87.25%) of solid waste in municipalities
is compostable. It is interesting to find recyclable (non-compostable) waste is higher in Class A
municipality, while ash content/soil is higher in Class C municipality. DOE Study has also found
that percentage of electronic waste is higher in Class A municipality compared to Class B and Class
C municipalities.
The large quantity of degradable organic contents present in the waste composition indicates the
necessity for frequent collection and removal. This also indicates the potential of recycling of
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organic waste for resource recovery, such as composting and waste to energy projects using
anaerobic digestion.
Collection and Transportation
In all the municipalities, the community bin system of waste collection is being practiced. All parts
of the town are not provided with these bins and there is no specific rule and criterion in the place-
ment of dustbins. Table 11 shows the number of bins/waste collection points, waste collection
trucks, and cleaners in each municipality. The practice of widely spaced communal bins is usually
a failure because the demand placed on the households goes beyond the willingness of the residents
to co-operate. In total, 41 cleaners are engaged by Patiya Municipality for cleaning the town. The
number of cleaners per thousand population in municipality is only 0.72, while the number of clean-
ers for satisfactory manual cleansing is 2-5 per 1000 population (Trivedi, 1992)43. The number
of cleaners for Raozan, Hathazari and Boalkhali are also far below the number for satisfactory man-
ual cleansing.
The municipalities have trucks of different capacities for the removal of wastes from bins and other
collection points. Usually, these trucks make between two to four trips per day. It is estimated that
the municipalities can collect about 31.5 tons of waste per day, whereas the total solid waste gen-
erated in the four municipalities is estimated at 68 tons per day. Table 5-29 shows the number of
trucks and total waste carrying capacity per day. It is estimated that, given the municipalities’ cur-
rent level of infrastructure, between 16% to 79% of the total generated waste can be collected per
day. In terms of waste collection, Raozan can collect 79% of the generated waste while Boalkhali
can collect only 16% of the generated waste. Table 5-31 shows the waste collection efficiency of
each Municipality. Average collection efficiency for the four municipalities is estimated at 44.5%.
Based on the waste collection efficiency, in total 14,585 tons of solid waste remains uncollected per
year within the municipal area of the four municipalities.
Trivedi, P.R and Ray. G. .1992. “Encyclopedia of Environmental Sciences-24, Solid Waste Pollution”, Akashdeep Publish-
ing House, New Delhi.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Table 5-32: Estimated Volume of Space Required for Final Disposal of Waste
Total Solid Waste Estimated Volume of
Municipality Generation Space Required
(tons/year) m3/year**
Patiya (Class A) 6,570 5,973
Raozan (Class B) 6,205 5,641
Hathazari (Class C) 6,570 5,973
Boalkhali (Class C) 6,935 6,305
Total 26,280 23,892
Source: Estimated by the consultant considering density of waste at landfill 1.1 ton/ m3.
Considering depth of landfill of four meters, the total area required per year for the four municipal-
ities is estimated at 5,641 square meters per year or 1.47 acres. For proper management of solid
waste in the municipalities, there is a need for regional landfill sites for the small municipalities.
Khas land or state-owned land is the land which the government is entitled to both lease and give away to citizens of the
country who do not own land.
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Therefore, the sludge should be collected in leak proof containers while it is being removed from
the drains and transported to collection points. Handcarts with lift able containers are a suitable
option for this purpose.
At present, sweepers in the municipalities are employed for about six hours starting at 7 am. Each
sweeper is assigned a length of road for which he or she is responsible. When a sweeper completes
cleaning of the assigned length of road, he or she quits for the day. Street sweepers are paid on a
daily basis.
Road sweeping operation is likely to be manual in the foreseeable future and the basic equipment
consists of brooms, shovels and handcarts. This equipment should be designed to optimize the out-
The following table shows the total length of drains and roads in the municipalities.
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Several key issues and challenges have either already been identified in previous studies or have
become prominent since then. These are listed below.
The present waste collection system is not efficient due to the following reasons:
It has been found that about 30% of the waste collection trucks have been out of order for
some time. If all the waste collection trucks are operational, it would significantly increase
the efficiency rate of waste collection.
For proper monitoring of daily waste collection and disposal, there is a need for installation
of an electronic weighbridge. The latter would enable waste (collected and landfilled by
CCC) to be tracked; the gap between generation and disposal could be identified more
readily and resources could be accordingly allocated effectively.
Based on the available data and estimate by the Consultant, about 187 tons of waste remains
uncollected per day (68,398 tons annually); this ends up in low lying areas or the drainage
system, causing water logging during the monsoon season.
Drain cleaning is a major challenge for the CCC and they employ between 33-46% of the
total cleaners for this service. Moreover, CCC spends an extra BDT 70 million for cleaning
large drains such as Chaktai Khal to avoid water logging during the monsoon. Although
street sweeping and drain cleaning are done regularly, it seems that waste accumulated from
these activities is not transported to landfills daily. The waste from open collection points
are transported when there is sufficient waste. There is no proper drain cleaning schedule
being followed by the conservancy section; there is also no standard followed in the
allocation of lengths for drain cleaning by the cleaners. It is essential that special dedicated
vehicles which can access narrow roads are used for drain cleaning and street sweeping
waste. Instead of manual cleaning of drains, there is an opportunity to use small drain
cleaning vehicles fixed with excavators. It is estimated that daily amount of waste from
street sweeping is between 135-170 tons/day. Recently, CCC has received two street
sweeping vehicles from a GOB supported project. Proper monitoring is essential for waste
removal for the wards which are close to the large drainage canals. For proper functioning
of the drainage system of CCC from such wards, the mapping of wards and neighbourhoods
close to the large drainage canals (which require daily collection and transportation of solid
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
waste) is essential. Ward-wise waste generation and collection data are essential. At present,
CCC is lacking adequate data for waste management. Without proper data it is difficult to
prepare proper plans and strategy for waste management.
Although the waste composition shows a large percentage of waste being organic, recycling
of organic waste is not done on a large scale. There is a potential to promote organic waste
recycling by using appropriate technologies using public-private partnerships (PPP). There
are opportunities for co-treatment of municipal organic waste and night soil together in the
same facility. Recycling of organic waste could reduce the requirement for landfills
There is a shortage of waste collection bins in all the four municipalities. Out of 238 waste collection
points across four municipalities, 150 waste collection points are open which should be provided
with proper waste collection bins depending upon amount of waste generated at each collection
Based on the available data and estimates by the Consultant, about 40 tons of waste per day
or 14,585 tons per annum remain uncollected which ends up in low lying areas or natural
drainage system causing problems such as water logging. It is alarming to note 55.5% of
waste remains uncollected in the four municipalities. The situation is extremely alarming
for C Class municipalities which have a waste collection efficiency rate between 16-33%.
This low collection efficiency rate can also be linked with low per capita allocation of
budget by the municipality for solid waste management and lack of supervisory staff. It has
been found that there is only one Conservancy Inspector in Hathazari and Boalkhali. It has
been found that the C Class municipalities within the project area are allocated between
BDT 11 to 23 per person per year for solid waste management, while this figure is about
BDT 53 per person per year for Patiya which is a Class A municipality. Proper allocation
of budget and manpower is extremely important for solid waste management.
Number of cleaners in the municipalities are not correlated with the population of the mu-
nicipality. It is important to hire cleaners based on the population to be served.
It was found from the field survey that none of the four municipalities have any official
landfill site for disposal of collected waste. All the collected waste is improperly disposed
of in a crude dumping manner in unauthorized places, mainly khas lands. Waste generation
per day for the municipalities seems very low compared to large cities like Chittagong. In
such a scenario, it would be appropriate to explore the potential for common regional land
fill site integrated with organic waste recycling facility for municipalities within the sanita-
tion planning area.
It has been found that between 82-87% of solid waste of the four municipalities is organic
(food and vegetable waste). This indicates a very good potential for conversion into com-
post and possibility of co treatment with faecal sludge.
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The national polices and strategies affecting the sanitation sector are described.
The master plan should be seen to integrate with the national Sustainable Devel-
opment Goals, as well as urban planning principles for the city. Constraints af-
fecting the level of sanitation service are presented.
- Acts (esp. Water Act (2013), Local Government Acts of 2009 governing City Corporations,
Pourashavas, Upazillas and Union Parishads; WASA Act (1996); Environment Conserva-
tion Act (1995) and Environmental Conservation Rules (1997));
- Various Policy documents, incl.: National policy for Water Supply and Sanitation (1998),
National policy for Arsenic Mitigation and Implementation Plan (2004) and National Water
policy (1999);
- Strategy documents, incl.: i) National Sanitation Strategy (2005); ii) Pro-Poor Strategy for
Water and Sanitation Sector (2005); iii) National Cost sharing Strategy for Water Supply
and Sanitation in Bangladesh (2011); iv) National Hygiene Promotion Strategy for Water
Supply and Sanitation in Bangladesh (2012); v) National Strategy for Hard to Reach Areas
and People of Bangladesh (2012); vi) Institutional and Regulatory Framework for Fecal
Sludge Management (2015);
- Various plans, guidelines and procedures, incl.: Sector Development Plan for the Water
supply and Sanitation Sector in Bangladesh (2011-25).
In 2014, the National Strategy for Water Supply and Sanitation45 was formulated by the Local Gov-
ernment Division (LGD) of the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development and Coop-
eratives (MoLGRD&C), in consultation with various stakeholders. The objective of this new Strat-
egy is to rationalise the existing strategies into an updated series of specific strategic guidelines,
and propose an action plan based on institutional arrangements. Whilst it seeks to update the exist-
ing strategies, the former documents will remain and are to be consulted for more detailed direction
on specific topics. The principles of the approved National Strategy will guide the development of
the Chittagong Sanitation Master Plan.
The goal of implementation of the National Strategy for Water Supply and Sanitation (2014) is to
contribute to “safe and sustainable water supply, sanitation and hygiene services for all, leading to
better health and well-being” via “providing uniform strategic guidelines to sector stakeholders”
within a 5 year time frame. As a basis for the Strategy, the guiding principles include:
i) Regard water supply and sanitation as human rights.
ii) Consider water as a public good that has economic and social value.
iii) Ensure drinking water security through integrated water resource management.
iv) Promote water supply, sanitation and hygiene components in all WASH development
programs in an integrated manner.
v) Adopt a participatory, demand driven and inclusive approach in all stages of WASH
service delivery programs.
vi) Recognize importance of gender in all WASH activities.
Draft version is available at:
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
vii) Ensure equity in services by giving priority to arsenic affected areas, hard-to-reach ar-
eas, water-stressed areas and vulnerable people.
viii) Protect human health and water supply and sanitation facilities from the adverse im-
pact of natural and manmade disasters and climate change.
ix) Harness the potential resources from solid and liquid wastes.
x) Promote innovations to address technical and social needs.
xi) Promote transparency and accountability at all stages of service delivery.
xii) Undertake a gradual approach to improve the quality and service levels.
xiii) Promote enhanced private sector participation.
A set of 17 strategic guidelines has been formulated which generally applicable in both urban and
rural areas. They are grouped into three themes (Table 6-1):
Table 6-1: Strategic guidelines (GoB, 2014)
Theme Strategic Guidelines
WASH interventions: i) Ensure safe drinking water
Increasing coverage and ii) Give priority to arsenic mitigation
iii) Undertake specific approaches for hard to reach areas and vulnerable people
improving quality of
iv) Move ahead on the sanitation ladder
WASH interventions v) Establish faecal sludge management
vi) Manage solid waste judiciously
vii) Improve hygiene promotion
viii) Mainstream gender
ix) Facilitate private sector participation
Emerging challenges: x) Adopt integrated water resource management
Addressing emerging xi) Address growing pace of urbanization
xii) Cope with disaster, adapt to climate change and safeguard environment
challenges in the sector
xiii) Institutionalize research and development
Sector Governance: xiv) Undertake integrated and accountable development approach
Strengthening sector xv) Recover cost of services while keeping a safety net for the poor
xvi) Strengthen and reposition institutions
xvii) Enhance coordination and monitoring
Each strategic guideline has a range of strategic directions for how to minimise risks. In the Chitta-
gong context (both city centre and surrounding urban municipalities), the following strategic direc-
tions are particularly relevant to the sanitation sector:
- Strategy 5: Give priority to faecal sludge management from septic tanks and latrines such
that sludge is collected, transported, treated and disposed safely. This includes demonstra-
tion projects for faecal sludge management, allocation of land for sludge treatment and dis-
posal, as well as building capacity for sludge management and regulation, and develop by
laws for regular sludge removal.
- Strategy 6: Promote awareness of municipal solid waste as a resource, e.g. via source sep-
aration and waste recycling via composting. Plan and design sanitary landfills for realistic
- Strategy 7: Explore new approaches to hygiene promotion in order to increase effectiveness
of water supply and sanitation interventions as well as increase demand for services. Hy-
giene promotion also leads into Strategy 8, esp. since women are typically the guardians of
hygiene enforcement in the home.
- Strategy 9: Private sector participation is currently weak in the urban sector, even though
opportunities are immediately available in solid waste collection, septic sludge collection,
management of landfills and sludge treatment facilities. Successful pilot projects may be
scaled up.
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- Strategy 10: Chittagong is moving away from groundwater based water supply to surface
water resource hence wastewater treatment and disposal should consider locations of new
water treatment plants as well as major groundwater sites. Water resources management
should integrate urban storm water drainage systems with watershed drainage initiatives, as
well as water supply and sewerage initiatives.
- Strategy 11: Address the growing pace of urbanisation by preparing master plans for imple-
mentation. Prevent contamination of water sources from sewage, solid waste and industrial
wastewater. Utilise on-site sanitation where sewerage systems are impractical. Reclaim nat-
ural drainage channel (which feeds into Strategy 12 via co-ordination of water pollution
control outside of the city centre in order to mitigate climate change impacts). Improve
financial management and rationalise tariffs (which feeds into Strategy 15 on recovering
cost of services). Adopt specific approaches for low-income communities.
- Strategy 15: Introduce cost recovery in a phased manner, commencing with recovering
O&M costs, whilst subsiding the very poor. O&M of on-site systems are to be immediately
and fully covered by the household.
- Strategy 16: Although there are a range of strategic guidelines proposed, there appears to
be scope for additional institutional strengthening initiatives within WASAs, city corpora-
tions and municipal technical departments.
- Strategy 17: Establish co-ordination mechanisms or streamline committees at local level
which have overlapping mandates.
The National Strategy confirms the institutional arrangements which includes the national Forum
for Water supply and Sanitation is responsible for co-ordinating, monitoring and evaluation of sec-
tor activities, and is supported by the policy and Monitoring committee and the Technical Support
committee. Implementation of various themes of the Sector Development Plan is supported by a
number of thematic groups. Sector institutions, e.g. Department of Public Health Engineering
(DPHE), WASA and LGDs, implement their respective components related to the national Strategy,
with LGDs supporting their WATSAN Committees in strategy implementation in co-operation with
communities. NGOs and the private sector are encouraged to align their respective activities in
accordance with the National Strategy. An Implementation plan is provided which links the lead
agency (and partners) with each strategic guideline, and associated milestones. Of particular rele-
vance to the Sanitation Master Plan are the following:
On September 25th 2015, countries adopted a set of 17 goals to end poverty, protect the
planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. These
new goals ( which
build upon the previous Millennium Development Goals have specific targets to be achieved
by the year 2030, which is consistent with the Chittagong Sanitation Master Plan design hori-
zon. Goal No. 6 concerns water supply and sanitation and includes:
By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for
By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end
open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vul-
nerable situations;
By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimiz-
ing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated
wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally;
By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustaina-
ble withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce
the number of people suffering from water scarcity;
By 2030, implement integrated water resources management at all levels, including through
transboundary cooperation as appropriate;
By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wet-
lands, rivers, aquifers and lakes;
By 2030, expand international cooperation and capacity-building support to developing
countries in water- and sanitation-related activities and programmes, including water har-
vesting, desalination, water efficiency, wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse technol-
Support and strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and san-
itation management.
The SDGs have been taken into consideration during the development of the Chittagong Sanitation
Master Plan.
The first Master Plan for the development of Chittagong was prepared in 1961. The main objective
of the Master Plan was to establish principles of development rather than to present a detailed and
inflexible scheme. The plan covered transport, public buildings, population, housing, education,
open spaces, coast protection, commerce, industry and public utilities. Many proposals in the Mas-
ter Plan have been implemented. Relevant to sewage are: The Agrabad Commercial Area, industrial
areas at Fouzderhat, Nasirabad, Hathazari and Kalurghat, and residential areas at Agrabad and
Halishahar. The Master Plan proposed peripheral areas for development however, they have been
either partially developed or not developed. Therefore, the increase in population have occurred
mainly within the existing urban area with only limited peripheral expansion.
The Structure Plan (1995 – 2015) focused on the strengthening of the ability by government agen-
cies to plan and manage the development of the city of Chittagong. One of the major outputs of the
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study was a comprehensive plan for the development of the city. The report encourages growth of
Chittagong accommodating both population growth and increased economic activities ensuring spa-
tial development of urban development and extended urban services and facilities. The structure
plan was made for the whole CDA control area of 1,152 km2.
Previous plans were not successfully implemented due to: (i) Lack of importance to Urban Planning
and Management at Policy and Operational Level, reflected as poor allocation of funds for urban
planning and poor development, restructuring and strengthening of the urban planning institution.
(ii) Scarcity of resources, planning generates no revenues and therefore it is given low priority. (iii)
Rigidity of the Master Plan. In the absence of a planning authority, failure to amend the plan pro-
posals as an ongoing professional practice caused many of the plan proposals to turn obsolete over
the time.
Under the project, “Preparation of Structure Plan, Master Plan and Detailed Area Plan” Metropoli-
tan Development and Plan Preparation and Management in Chittagong (BGD/88/052), the Chitta-
gong Metropolitan Master Plan (CMMP) was prepared in 1992-95 by Chittagong Development
Authority (CDA) with technical assistance and financial support from UNDP/UNCHS and GoB. It
was approved by the government in 1999 and is the premier planning instrument for urban devel-
opment of Chittagong and its prospective suburban areas. The wider context of the area is the same
as the planning area of this study shown.
Details of the previous plans were incorporated to formulate strategies for development and prepare
guidance for land use, control and management. Present land uses have been recorded, including
physical features. Future land use proposals have also been prepared and produced at mouza dag
level (cadastre level) with Geographical Information Systems (Figure 6-1). The broad objectives
of the DAP area for the Chittagong Metropolitan Master Plan (CMMP) are: ensure that DAP area
can accommodate the growth of population and economic activity expected in the future (allocate
residential and industrial zones including waste disposal/treatment plans); guide the spatial distri-
bution of urban development; provide controls for private sector development, provide guidelines
for future development of government, private and non-government initiatives and provide planned
development to ensure sustainable environment (e.g. identification of hill and hilly areas and nec-
essary guideline for their conservation).
The DAP covers an area of about 691 km2. The Planning area has been delineated taking the total
jurisdiction of Chittagong City Corporation area plus potential growth centres of neighbouring
Thanas. The planning area has been divided into 12 Detailed Planning Zones (DPZ), of which 6
DPZs fall within the Chittagong City Corporation Area and 6 DPZs fall outside of the Chittagong
City Corporation area. The division has been made based on degree of present and projected urban-
ization as well as on the basis of geophysical features and ward boundaries in the city area.
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The existing development and land use in much of the urban area is the result of piecemeal inter-
vention by individuals and the government in scattered locations in the city and its periphery. In the
areas outside the city, undesirable ribbon development along the edge of regional roads and along
growth centres and bazaars is commonplace. Activities generated by these uses spill into the adja-
cent roads causing severe disruption through traffic.
In the city, areas formally developed by the government for residential, industrial or commercial
purposes have access and utilities, but no development standards. Elsewhere it has taken place with-
out adequate access, utilities and amenities and no guidance or control. Inner city wards have con-
tinued to increase in building construction without addition of any other facilities or amenities.
Expansion of peripheral areas take place without forward planning. This results in traffic conges-
tion, water logging and flash flooding, and a general deterioration of the urban environment.
The DAP provides policies of relevant sector developments, such as land for residential, industrial
and commercial use, community facilities, recreation, leisure and open spaces and culture and her-
itage to deal with specific issues. Essential points of these policies and relationships to the sanitation
sector are summarized below.
- In partnership with private property developers, plot owners are converting single or double
unit residences with low plot coverage into high rise multifamily (20 and above) apartments
with no additional urban amenities or utility infrastructure.
(2) Policy ECN 04 Improve Condition in Existing Industrial Areas and Ensure their Full Uti-
- Many industrial plots are underutilized, vacant or non-functioning. Alternative and incom-
patible use has taken place. Pressures for more industrial sites are created when existing
ones remain largely underutilized.
(ETP). Besides there is a fairly new treatment plant in the Chittagong EPZ (CEPZ) known
as Central Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) constructed in 2012 which does not appear to
treat industrial wastewater in an efficient manner. In addition, a large percentage of indus-
trial wastewater is still discharged untreated.
- A number of industries have been permitted in agricultural areas in scattered locations,
which are polluting the surrounding land and water canals. Examples are along the Hatha-
zari and Chittagong Cox’s Bazar road.
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In the population projection initially prepared for the CWSISP S-3 project, it was acknowledged
that large parts of the CCC area will not be populated because they are covered by water bodies,
agricultural land, green areas, hills and/or large scale commercial/industrial establishments. All
such areas were excluded in order to calculate the effective population density of each ward. Thus,
each ward has a section with zero population density and a section where the density equals the
total ward population divided by the area of that section (Figure 6-2).
The above methodology is good enough for planning activities, but potentially crude for trying to
identify the larger sewers required to serve the most populous areas. Thus, a modified methodology
using weighted densities has been attempted as part of this Sanitation Master Plan assuming it pro-
vides a better planning basis. Each ward was divided into up to 3 areas of different relative density
category based on current and planned urbanization characteristics (Figure 6-4):
1) High Density: A core urban area where most of the ward population is currently residing or
which is expected to develop faster until 2030.
2) Medium Density: An undeveloped or less developed area which has or is expected to ac-
quire a more suburban character by 2030.
3) Low Density: Areas with water bodies, agricultural land, green areas and/or hills but also
undeveloped or of limited development residential/commercial areas, or commercial/indus-
trial areas where domestic population is expected to be low in numbers.
The 2030 projected population of each ward was then arbitrarily assigned as a percentage to these
3 density categories and the equivalent areas of the ward based on the current and expected devel-
Two density maps have been created based on the above methods and utilising GIS software:
1. An effective density map (Figure 6-3). This map is the one used for the 2030 population
projections and is repeated here for comparison purposes.
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2. A weighted density map presenting the population density based on the relative density
categories per ward (Figure 6-5).
For the preliminary hydraulic design of the sewerage network, both methodologies described above
have been taken into account when calculating the population connected to the sewer system (see
Chapter 7). Results have confirmed that weighted density provides a better basis for sizing the actual
sewers and should be used for design purposes. However, in terms of general planning activities
both methods give very similar results. Thus, and in order to maintain consistency with the water
supply system, if not stated otherwise, all results presented herein are based on the effective density.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
There is a range of levels of sanitation services to be provided throughout Chittagong due to several
key issues and challenges that have been identified in previous studies or have become prominent
since then. Identifying specific areas having a common sanitation service will support the sanitation
planning process. The following issues influence the level of sanitation services hence contribute
to defining service area (catchment) boundaries:
The width and layout of the streets will have a large influence on the assessment of appropriate
sanitation solutions as they greatly affect the feasibility of sewer pipe installations. The diameter
and installation depth of the pipe required, which is in turn dictated by the distance from a planned
STP or Pumping Station and the available ground slope, along with the available space for deep
excavation on the street, will determine the feasibility of piped-sewer systems.
provided in order to be able to undertake such flows in the future in case of a change in strategy. In
all cases, according to the National Water Supply and Sanitation Strategy (GoB, 1999), discharge
of untreated industrial wastewater into sanitary or storm sewer systems should be prevented. DoE
regulations establish the discharge standards of industrial wastewater (DoE, 1997). Based on the
above, it is considered that all industrial wastewater will be pre-treated prior to discharge into the
sewerage system, or fully treated if discharged directly to the river or sea.
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7 Infrastructure Planning
Sanitation may be provided by either on-site methods or by sewerage systems, each
of which have advantages and disadvantages. Further, various options for sewerage
were compared; these range from household connection to a separate sewerage
system to intercepting sewage discharged to the drainage system. A range of solu-
tions may be appropriate throughout the city. Solutions are proposed within a catch-
ment basis, including a range of sewage treatment processes serving the sewerage
system. Options for faecal sludge management are considered. In order to minimise
the impact on the sanitation system, solid waste initiatives are also proposed.
CCC is expected to have a population of approximately 3.7 million by 2030. This means that large
flows of wastewater will have to be treated and safely released to the environment. Considering the
city size, topography, as well as the lack of space for conveyance systems within the city, it is
recommended to divide the city into several treatment catchments, with a corresponding number of
decentralised STPs. Therefore, large open areas will have to be used for the construction of the
STPs, irrespective of the treatment technology suggested.
The number of treatment catchments and their boundaries should be defined in terms of topography
and wastewater generation forecasts. However, given the shortage of land availability and the dif-
ficulty of land acquisition in Bangladesh, it is more realistic to establish the STPs in available/suit-
able locations and then define the treatment catchments accordingly.
- Utilise any suitable land already owned by CWASA and available for such purposes (e.g.
the land in Halishahar and the land in Fateabad).
- Utilise any land earmarked for an STP construction or similar land use in the CDA Devel-
opment Plan.
- Identify additional areas that will be necessary to serve the remaining of the city and secure
the land as soon as possible by initiating land acquisition procedures, applying for land use
change, etc.
For areas outside of the CCC, no investments related to an STP are envisaged within this MP period
for prioritization purposes. However, land for STP should essentially be identified and secured by
the suburban municipalities to be used in the future.
Annex 4 presents a list of 15 locations identified by the Consultant at the early stages of this project
that could potentially be used for the construction of STPs both within and outside the CCC area.
Only two of these have been included in the final master plan recommendation.
Figure 7-1 shows an overview of the finally proposed STP locations and treatment catchments
within the CCC, while Figure 7-2 to Figure 7-7 show the individual catchments in more detail.
Table 7-1 lists details for each of the proposed STPs.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Proposed Location of Ward Area Treatment Current Proposed Site Ownership Effluent Issues Service Area
STP STP No. Potential Land Use as per Discharge
(population CDA Develop- body
equivalent) ment Plan
UTM cen-
troid coor-
STP-1 Halishahar 37 66ha 2 500 000 “Recreation, Lei- CWASA Bay of Ben- Land use change required according to West part of
sure & Open gal the CDA Development Plan. The main Chittagong
Space” and “Resi- route to get to the site runs through Rail- City (incl.STP-
46Q dential”. But way and Port Authority owned land as 5 and STP-6
CWASA has se- well as through unplanned residential service areas if
373475 E cured this area areas. Some right of way and relocation those STPs are
2468540 N many years ago to issues are foreseen. Cyclonic surge risk. not estab-
be used for an STP lished).
site or similar us-
STP-2 Kalurghat 5 19ha 700 000 Utility Facility - CPA Karnaphuli Land originally set aside for an STP for Central and
Sewerage Treat- River the Kalurghat Industrial Area but is suit- North-East
ment Plant able to serve a much larger catchment. part of Chitta-
46Q Site is on the river bank, flood protec- gong City
tion will be essential. Access for project
384385 E implementation is not very difficult. If
2475640 N necessary, it may be possible to acquire
additional nearby vacant land.
STP-3 Fateabad 1 75ha 3 000 000 “Township” and CWASA Halda River Land use change required. Discharge of North part of
“Mixed Use”. But effluent will likely be to a local khal Chittagong
CWASA has se- leading to Halda River. As the west City, possibly
46Q cured this area sev- bank of the river may soon be character- northern town-
eral years ago to be ised Environmentally Protected, acquir- ships
378195 E used for WTP site ing discharge permit may be difficult
2483165 N or similar usage. and high treatment standards may be set.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Proposed Location of Ward Area Treatment Current Proposed Site Ownership Effluent Issues Service Area
STP STP No. Potential Land Use as per Discharge
(population CDA Develop- body
equivalent) ment Plan
UTM cen-
troid coor-
STP-4 East 18 33ha 1 300 000 Recreation, Leisure CPA with some Karnaphuli Land use change required. Area is next South-East
Bakalia & Open Space - sections of private River to a developing residential area, public part of Chitta-
River Side Amuse- land acceptance will be problematic. Site is gong City
ment on the river bank, flood protection will
46Q be essential.
383140 E
2471480 N
STP-5 North Kat- 10 22ha 850 000 Utility Facility – Partly BWDB Sea It is not known whether there are any North-West
tali Landfill site and re- and Partly Private plans to build a landfill site here. As an part of Chitta-
cycling facility Land additional STP it is ideal for serving the gong City
North-West part of Chittagong City. Cy-
372500 E clonic surge risk.
2473870 N
STP-6 Patenga 40 30ha 1 150 000 Environmental Pro- Partly BWDB Sea Land use change may be required. Some Patenga and
tection/Enhance- and Partly Private relocation issues due to illegal build- possibly Indus-
ment Land ings. Cyclonic surge risk. trial Areas
374760 E
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
STP-1 and STP-2 are considered as a “backbone” to the long-term sewerage and treatment strategy;
the land is either already owned by CWASA or set aside for an STP hence getting the relevant
permits should not pose major problems.
STP-3 is also on land owned by the CWASA but discharge permits may be problematic. Its location
is not topographically optimal as large scale pumping may be required. But an STP is necessary as
the land of STP-2 is not sufficient for the whole of North Chittagong. STP-3 may also serve areas
outside of the CCC in the future.
STP-4 would be difficult to establish (in terms of land use change, land acquisition, permits, etc.)
and even more difficult to convey sewage to it. However, it is considered essential to serve the
south-west part of the city. Redirecting the flows from this part of the city to one or more of the
other STPs will pose major challenges and may not be feasible. If the land cannot be used for the
establishment of this STP, an alternative would be to construct it on the nearby char (island) in the
Karnaphuli river, but this will be a much more expensive option in view of the required land reha-
bilitation, flood protection and large scale micro-tunnelling under the river to access the STP.
STP-5 and STP-6 are additional suggestions primarily to serve the north-west and south-west parts
of the city, thus reducing the need for conveying and treating large amounts of wastewater to STP-
1. Though these would probably not be established by 2030, securing the relevant land at this stage
would be essential for any future plans. STP-6 could serve the already populous Patenga area and
possibly the Industrial Areas if so decided. If STP-5 and STP-6 are not established, then the equiv-
alent treatment catchments would be served by STP-1. Conveying the additional flows to STP-1
location will likely have to be done along the embankment which is currently being upgraded into
a highway and will be very challenging.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
When designing a new sewage collection system, the first decision lies with the choice to collect
sewage together with the stormwater (combined system) or separately (separate system). The prin-
ciples of operation of the two systems are described below:
- Separate system: a sewerage system collects and transports wastewater to a treatment plant,
and a separate stormwater drainage system collects and transports stormwater direct to the
receiving waters.
- Combined system: a common system collects and transports wastewater and stormwater. In
dry weather periods, the combined system transports wastewater to a treatment plant. Dur-
ing storm events, to minimise costs, the system is often designed to overflow via combined
sewer overflows (CSO), resulting in discharge of pollution to the receiving waters.
It is not in the scope of this report to present a full comparison of the two systems, but as an over-
Efficiently separates the highly polluted wastewater from the much cleaner stormwater,
safeguards the environment from overspills during high intensity rain events, and pro-
tects the public health from the risk of sewage flooding the streets.
Reduces significantly the flow that requires conveyance and treatment thus largely re-
ducing the space requirements for STPs as well as the construction and operation &
maintenance costs for pumping and treatment.
Keeps solid waste, grit, silt, etc. (that dominate the stormwater system in Chittagong)
out of the sewerage pipes, the pumping stations and the STPs.
In Chittagong, the situation is perplexed. There is no formal sewage collection system. Sanitation
requirements are covered informally by discharging sewage directly into the drains of the city, while
retaining (often only partially or temporarily) the faecal sludge within septic tanks. While cleaning
the septic tanks, most of the faecal sludge is also discharged into the drains or direct to the environ-
ment. The sewage is eventually discharged untreated into the khals, rivers or the sea in Chittagong,
along with stormwater, solid waste, silt, debris, etc. The existing drainage system is inefficient for
carrying sewage and its use as a combined system should ideally be discontinued in the long term.
However, it is also clear that constructing a new separate sanitary sewerage system is not practical
in several parts of the city due to space and connection restrictions.
Considering the above, the following proposed strategy options have been developed for qualitative
comparison (Figure 7-8 to Figure 7-13 provide schematic representations of the existing condition
and proposed options). Costing is indicative, provided for comparison purposes, and has been based
on preliminary estimated works and unit costs from other relevant projects in Bangladesh or other
countries in the region:
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
A conventional sewerage system will be developed along the city to the extent allowed by
topographical, space and other restrictions (see Paragraphs 7.1.3 and and in particu-
lar Figure 7-17 for an indicative layout of the system). Sewage collected in the separate
system will be conveyed for treatment to the STPs.
Some older buildings have combined drains for roof drainage and grey water collection.
Separation of these drains is necessary, or the sewers need to be sized to take some storm-
water which is uneconomical. Such works may have to be subsidised and/or supervised by
Prerequi- the Authorities, but enforcement is imperative.
sites: Although cancelling and bypassing the septic tank will be necessary in all existing buildings
that will connect to the sewerage network, this is not strictly required to be completed before
connection and should be undertaken by the home owners due to the complex institutional
and financial issues involved.
Removes sewage completely and safely at the residence level. Drastically reduces sludge
collection requirements (after cancelling the septic tanks). Reduces health risks and
Advantages: odour/visual nuisances. Improves drainage system state, capacity and ability to maintain it.
Vastly improves the quality of the aquatic environment as practically all wastewater is
treated prior to discharge. Can be implemented in stages.
Technically very difficult to install all sewers and to connect all existing buildings. Many
buildings have more than one discharge pipes to the road side drains and will require more
than one connections. Connections in many cases require residents’ participation which is
difficult to enforce and control. Many buildings do not have access to any streets but rather
to small back alleys. These buildings will be very difficult to connect. A large number of
small local and larger central Pumping Stations will be required for full coverage of the city.
Very costly and will require a very long implementation period (50+ years). Construction
works will create significant obstructions in the city. There is a risk of stormwater entering
the system if separation of roof drains is not closely monitored or because of illegal cross-
Population Up to 60% (equivalent to 2.2 million pop. in 2030) in the long term (will not serve many
Coverage: Low-Income Communities and other areas that cannot be reached by sewers).
est. 60+ pumping stations, 11+ km of deep sewers, 600+ km of primary (main) and second-
Works: ary collection sewers, 700km of service (connection) sewers, 250 000 house/building con-
est. 575M USD for sewer pipes and household connections to service approx. 60% of the
population (770M USD, or 350 USD/cap, including STPs) - Very High (but can be staged).
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
As an alternative to the conventional system, septic tanks may be retained and the network
may be fully designed as a solids-free sewerage system which require less space and depth
Description: for installation. The solids-free sewerage system collects only the overflows from septic
tanks and the grey water, while most of the sewage solids are retained by the septic tanks.
In many cases, design of septic tanks should be upgraded to ensure better sludge retention.
Prerequi- -
As Option 1 and in addition: Less space/depth required for construction which means easier
to reach more parts of the city, less pumping stations, lower total cost. No bypassing of the
septic tanks is necessary and therefore connection is easier and owners/residents participa-
tion is limited.
As in Option 1, some buildings do not have access to the street. Sludge collection for such
buildings will be very difficult. Some buildings may lack septic tanks or septic tanks may
not offer adequate sludge retention thus putting the operational module of solids-free sewers
at risk. The system relies much more on proper management and maintenance of the septic
tanks, thus it is not fully controlled by CWASA. Monitoring and maintenance of the network
will have to be more intensive, will require more staff and equipment and will consequently
have a higher operational cost. Such systems have been tried and failed in the past in Dhaka
(Mirpur) due to the lack of proper implementation, management and maintenance.
Population Up to 70% (equivalent to 2.58 million capita in 2030) in the long-term (will not serve many
Coverage: Low-Income Communities and other areas that cannot be reached by sewers).
est. 35+ pumping stations, 650+ km of primary (main) and secondary collection sewers,
Works: 750km of service (connection) sewers, 300 000 house/building connections (connecting
septic tank overflow to sewer).
est. 540M USD for sewer pipes and household connections to service approx. 70% of the
Cost: population (730M USD, or 283 USD/cap, including STPs) - High (but lower than Option 1
and can be staged).
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong OPTION 3: Dry Weather Flow Interceptors (DWFI) on existing main drainage khals
(Figure 7-11 & Figure 7-28)
Dry Weather Flow Interceptors (DWFI, concept similar to Combined Sewer Overflows -
CSOs) will be constructed on some of the major drainage khals (Moheskalli, Chaktai, Ra-
jakhali, Noa) to divert the dry weather flow which consists almost fully of sewage to 3 STPs
(See Paragraph 6.5 for details). An additional 6 secondary DWFIs could be constructed in
the long-term on the outlets of smaller khals within the catchments of STP-2 and STP-5
(which are areas difficult to sewer) in order to increase the interception potential, if this
method is considered successful. Long conveyance sewers may be required in order to
locate the DWFIs as far upstream of the tidal zones as possible. For STP-2 and STP-4 there
is the option to intercept the flow next to the STPs. During wet weather, the surplus flow
will be allowed to continue (overflow) along the khal and outflow to the river/sea untreated.
If this option is considered as a long-term solution, the surface drains around the city should
be covered to reduce health risks and aesthetic nuisances.
Currently khals are carrying very large volumes of solid waste and silt. Allowing such vol-
umes into the STPs would require very large conveyance sewers, pumping stations and inlet
works, which will also need continuous cleaning and maintenance. While some of these
Prerequi- volumes could be retained by the DWFIs through proper design (increasing their footprint)
sites: and cleaned through intensive maintenance, it is essential that programmes to reduce solid
waste and silt in the drainage system are successfully undertaken first. If the DWFI is within
a tidal area, construction of a tidal gate must take place first to protect the DWFI from tidal
Relatively low cost and fast implementation. Improves the quality of the aquatic environ-
Advantages: ment with limited investments. Most of the infrastructure can be used if a separate system
is gradually constructed in the future. Minimal work nuisances for the city.
It is primarily a pollution control measure and provides limited direct health benefit at the
residence level. Odour/visual/insect nuisances remain throughout the city. Challenging
DWFI design to ensure proper operation. Poor design may increase flooding risk in the khal.
Difficult to control the volume that will be intercepted and thus there is a risk of overloading
the sewerage system during rainy season. DWFIs are only efficient during dry season, and
may have to be shut down during rainy season. Khals may need to be shaped and lined for
Challenges: a section upstream of the DWFI to improve efficiency and operation which would increase
the cost. High maintenance requirements to keep DWFIs and other components clean (from
silt and rubbish) and efficiently operating. The tidal effect on khals creates additional risks
for the DWFIs which will either have to be located sufficiently upstream of this effect or at
least upstream of tidal gates. If drains/khals are covered, maintenance requirements and nui-
sances will be reduced, but this is costly, will take time and will in turn reduce flexibility of
cleaning and maintaining the drainage system.
Up to 60% (equivalent to 2.21 million pop. in 2030, up to 75% if the secondary DWFIs are
also considered) in the long-term, based on estimated percentage of population living in the
catchments drained by the khals that will be intercepted, if the DWFIs are located in the
tidal zones. The coverage will be significantly lower if the DWFIs are located upstream of
the tidal zones.)
est. 5 DWFIs including khal lining, 4 large pumping stations, 10km of large interceptor
sewers, 6 secondary DWFIs with associated infrastructure
Cost: est. 118M USD (315M USD, or 112 USD/cap, including STPs) – Relatively low.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong OPTION 4: Semi-separate sanitary sewerage system intercepting surface drains lo-
cally (Small DWFI) (Figure 7-12)
In order to get the best of Options 1 & 3, a conventional sewerage system may be developed
along all major and secondary roads to the extent allowed by space restrictions. The sewers
will intercept the road side drains on a building, road or neighbourhood level, depending on
space restrictions. Interception will be done by means of Small DWFIs (SDWFI), similar in
principle to a CSO in small scale. The structures will intercept the dry weather flow (sew-
age) but allow stormwater from the roofs or also the roads (depending on the structure lo-
cation) to flow along the drain. Several thousands of SDWFIs will be required to serve the
whole city.
Prerequi- -
It is simpler and cheaper to construct and connect than a fully separate system, while main-
taining many of its advantages. Does not require modifications within the building and
Advantages: therefore participation of the residents/owners. The system can be gradually morphed into
a fully separate system if finances and conditions allow in the future. Can be implemented
in stages.
Technically difficult to install all sewers and to intercept all existing drains. Efficient design
and operation of SDWFIs will be very challenging. Maintenance requirements will also be
very high given the very large number of SDWFIs. Size of sewers may have to be larger
than the fully separate sewers as some volume of stormwater (depending on the design) will
Challenges: be allowed into the system. Similarly, during wet weather some sewage will reach the khals
and the river/sea, while during floods some sewage may escape to the streets. There is also
a risk that the system will surcharge during wet weather. Costly, and will require a very long
implementation period. Construction works will create significant obstructions in the city.
Septic tanks will be retained and thus there will be high sludge collection requirements.
Population Up to 80% (equivalent to 2.95 million capita in 2030) or more in the long term (can serve
Coverage: all population except those using pure on-site sanitation).
est. 60+ pumping stations, 11+ km of deep sewers, 600+ km of primary (main) and second-
ary collection sewers, 20000 SDWFIs.
est. 510M USD (700M USD, or 237 USD/cap, including STPs) - High (but lower than
Options 1 & 2 and can be staged).
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong OPTION 5: Central Combined System via Deep Tunnels (based on early draft Pro-
posal) - Figure 7-13 & Figure 7-14
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that building specifications and practices in Bangladesh are very often much below interna-
tional standards. This translates into risks for the safety of both the workers on the project
and the nearby residents, and in turn into additional potential implementation costs. The
project is very expensive and cannot be staged. Given the prerequisites, the scale of works,
the preliminary studies required, etc., implementation will require at least 10 years. Will
only serve the centre of Chittagong (less than 40% of population in 2030).
Population Up to 40% or approximately 1.5 million pop. in 2030, based on population projected to
Coverage: reside in the area served by the project.
est. 11km DN 5250mm deep tunnels, 3,75km DN 2000mm deep tunnel, 12 intake facilities,
Works: 2 large pumping stations, 2 filtration facilities, 1 STP, 1 separate sewerage system area
680M USD (or 453 USD/cap) serving approx. 1.5million pop. It includes the STP but not
the cost for covering the drains. – Very High and staging is not a real option.
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Table 7-2 shows an overview comparison of the collection/conveyance options discussed herein in
the context of Chittagong City. The table needs to be read in conjunction with the specific descrip-
tions and advantages/challenges of each of the options to be fully understood. It is mentioned that
Option 5 offers the additional advantage of stormwater storage and flood retention volume which
is not shown in the table which focuses on the sanitation aspects.
Table 7-3 translates the above comparison into score (1-5 with higher score indicating a better
option) in order to provide a ranking of the options. In general, scoring has followed the following
indicative principle based on the qualitative or quantitative comparison of Table 7-2:
Despite the different significance of each of the parameters, no weighting has been applied in order
to avoid to the extent possible to introduce an additional subjective bias. But the different im-
portance is addressed in a qualitative manner in the discussion that follows the tables.
Note: The options presented above represent the basic stand-alone approaches. These can be mixed
& matched in different parts of the city depending on the local conditions. For example, a core of a
conventional separate sanitary sewerage system (Option 1) could be further expanded with solids
free sewers (Option 2) in order to achieve a wider coverage. In addition, intermediate or transition-
ary options are available. For example, between Option 3 (5 DWFIs) and option 4 (8000 SDWFIs)
there are many intermediate stages (e.g. interception at a sub-catchment level) that can be used as a
selected strategy or as a transition state while upgrading from one option to the other depending on
funds available and capacity to implement and maintain. These options are not discussed separately
here but are considered in the recommended options.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Technical feasibility 1 2 5 4 3
Environmental benefit 5 5 3 4 1
Public acceptance 4 3 5 3 3
Efficiency/Sustainability 5 3 1 1 2
Land requirements 1 2 4 1 2
Institutional requirements 2 1 3 1 3
Total Score 33 29 33 26 19
Ranking 1 3 1 4 5
Options 1 & 3 appear to tie as the best solutions. However, it should be pointed out that Option 3
receives a majority of points for important but non-critical parameters such as cost, easiness to
implement, institutional requirements etc. But it ranks last in the core parameters of public health
benefit and efficiency/sustainability. It is particularly important to emphasise that DWFIs are very
inefficient in addressing the public health issues and only partially efficient (mainly during dry
season) in controlling pollution of the water bodies. Their high score stems from the fact that they
provide improvement to existing grave conditions for comparatively minimal effort and even that
cannot be guaranteed unless strict maintenance is enforced. If a weighted scoring was to be used,
Option 1 would be a clear winner (but recovery of capital costs is very unlikely).
In detail:
Options 1 & 2 are comparable. While Option 1 is a clear long-term favourite because of its inte-
grated approach (no separate faecal sludge management), it is recognised that it is impractical to
implement in large areas of the city due to space restrictions. Option 2 needs to be further explored
to ensure that the reasons that led to its failure in Dhaka will not be repeated if it is selected for
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Chittagong. It is likely that several existing septic tanks will have to be upgraded under Option 2 to
ensure proper operation and to reduce maintenance risk for the pipe system. Such upgrades may be
funded by grants or imposed with reference to the building code requirements. This option is not
recommended unless a pilot project is first implemented at suitable scale in order to prove its suit-
Option 3 is suitable as a temporary solution only as it does not achieve the long-term goals of the
National Sanitation Strategy. However, other solutions may take a while to provide benefits and in
several areas, may be completely impractical even in the long term. If the low cost and large catch-
ment areas are considered, Option 3 combined with upgrading and monitoring of septic tanks and
an efficient faecal sludge management, could represent a massive improvement over the current
situation. It is recommended to further explore this option both as a temporary solution that will be
gradually expanded into Option 1 as well as a longer-term strategy in areas where a conventional
sewerage system may be impractical.
Option 4 attempts to combine the benefits of Options 1 & 3, but has very high maintenance require-
ments because of the large number of SDWFIs which can translate into a high efficiency risk. This
solution can be explored as a bridge or intermediate step while upgrading from Option 3 to Option
1. However, it is not recommended to attempt a large-scale implementation of Option 4, before an
extended pilot scheme proves this option to be suitable for Chittagong.
Option 5 appears more suited to the southeast part of the city (east tunnel branch) where all other
options face significant challenges due to the dense population, very narrow streets and presence of
multiple khals. However, the feasibility of this option has not been established and will require
further background studies. Its implementation largely depends on acquiring significant funding as
well as land for CSOs and STP. This Option can only be considered as a long-term solution to be
further investigated and implemented if a donor commits to it with a large grant component, incl.
large-scale capacity building of CWASA. For the west part of the city (west tunnel branch), other
options appear more feasible. This option is not recommended at this stage and is not considered
further in this Master Plan.
In Conclusion:
Option 1 is the best long term strategy, while Option 3 can provide temporary (but realistically also
in a long-term time frame) improvement.
Options 2 & 4 should not be discarded as they can provide benefit as supplementary solutions but
should first be proven through pilot projects.
NOTE: In addition to the above options and in particular with regards to the dry weather flow
intercepted in the khals, the Report Review Committee of CWASA asked the Consultant to inves-
tigate options to treat it in the khals in a simpler and more economical way. However, any large-
scale treatment options would require significant land area which is completely unavailable in the
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
1) A map of street accessibility (Figure 7-15) was prepared, assigning streets to categories of
easy, mixed or poor access as explained below:
An initial evaluation has been made of the accessibility of the streets based on satellite images and
site inspections. The evaluation consists of a classification scheme with three levels: good access,
mixed access and poor access.
Areas with good access are well developed and typically have wide roads that are laid out
in a grid-like shape.
Areas with poor access have very narrow and curved streets or alleys. The poor access areas
are often low income areas with tin shed housing that have been constructed without
planning. A proper sewerage system will probably not be feasible here and on-site solutions
will have to be considered.
The mixed access areas are characterized by a few crosscutting large roads with many small
adjoining streets and alleys. Here it will be possible to install sewer pipes along and near
the large roads in these areas. The remaining parts of the mixed access areas will have to be
subject to a more detailed case-by-case evaluation, to assess the applicability of piped
sewerage. It appears feasible to lay small diameter, shallow sewers in most streets.
However, as the distance from main streets increases, larger and deeper sewers will be
required, making it impossible to reach several areas of the city.
The map below illustrates the street accessibility for sewer pipe construction within Chittagong City
Corporation area, while example pictures (Figure 7-16) of the three access levels from satellite
images and street views are given in the following page. It is noted that congestion of existing or
“under construction” utilities (water supply pipes, etc.) has not been considered in the map.
The good access areas cover approximately 35% of the CCC area. Assuming that the population
density within each ward is uniform and based on the 2011 census population for each ward, it is
calculated that approximately 40% of the population of Chittagong lives in these good access areas.
Sewers will likely be extended without significant difficulties in parts of the mixed access areas. It
can be preliminary assessed that at least another 15% of the population can be served through such
extensions. This brings the total population that can be served by sewers to 55% of the current
population. This figure is indicative and subject to actual design. It is based on the assumption that
conventional sewers will be installed.
For the remaining areas, more detailed evaluation may be required during the subsequent stages.
But it is probable that for a large percentage of those areas the construction of a piped sewerage
system may not be financially sustainable for Chittagong. In such cases, on-site sanitation solutions
should be considered.
The above methodology provides a good basis for preparing the sanitation strategy but has some
a) It does not take into consideration the population density and the level of development in
each part of the city. E.g. some areas have poor access simply because they are not yet
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
developed enough. That means that not much population is affected and that when the
relevant areas are developed, new roads will be constructed increasing the accessibility.
b) The distance from potential STP sites is not considered and thus areas of good access which
are far away from an STP and that have to be served through areas of mixed access, may
not be easy to access.
c) The layout of the collection system is not considered.
d) Ground elevation is not considered.
e) Availability of land for construction of Pumping Stations is not considered.
f) Congestion of existing utilities which would make the installation of sewers in some areas
very difficult is not considered.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Good Access
Mixed Access
Poor Access Overview from satellite images Examples of street views
Figure 7-16: Sample google earth images and site photos of different street access levels
2) Starting with the Street Access map and utilising available GIS data and city wide elevation
data available from previous projects, a hydraulic model (Figure 7-17) was gradually cre-
ated locating pipes on almost all potentially accessible streets of the city. After several
rounds of improvements which included many site visits to clarify routing options of main
sewers and availability of land for the construction of pumping stations where necessary, a
preliminary model of the whole city was created to be used as a key Master Planning tool.
The model represents the sewerage network coverage assumed possible at this stage and
under the limitation of the information currently available. The model was created on the
assumption of a conventional separate sanitary sewerage system with some sections of deep
trunk sewers towards the STPs, but can be used as a basis for the development of other
options for the collection system as discussed later on in this Master Plan. The main limita-
tions of the model are:
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a. Existing, under construction, and planned water supply pipes were only broadly
considered when deciding the routing of large sewers. Available information is not
such that would allow for any more detailed investigation at this stage. Similarly,
other existing or planned utilities were not considered in view of the lack of relevant
b. Elevation information used is of low accuracy, only useful for Master Planning pur-
c. The city is developing in a dynamic fashion. Even within the course of model prep-
aration, several modifications had to be made due to new constructions affecting the
proposed location of pumping stations and/or routing of the trunk sewers.
When the first extended model had been established with some detail, locations of pumping stations
were compared against a map of potentially suitable/available CWASA land compiled by the Con-
sultant (Annex 5). Wherever possible, pumping stations were relocated on CWASA land. When
this was not possible, the DAP was consulted in comparison with recent satellite images of the
vicinity in question in an effort to identify empty land belonging to government authorities.
In summary, the prioritisation list for placing a pumping station was as follows:
1) Land owned by CWASA, with suitable free area or area with structures which are expected
to be abandoned in the near future (e.g. Deep Tube Well structures).
2) Land not owned by CWASA but currently being used by CWASA for other facilities which
are expected to be abandoned in the near future (e.g. Deep Tube Wells).
3) Empty land owned by other government authorities which does not appear to have any sig-
nificant usage at the moment.
4) Any other empty land.
The proposed locations (coordinates) of the 45 Pumping Stations already included in the model are
shown in the following table. For pumping stations included in priority works locations have been
defined considering feasibility of land acquisition as much as possible. The remaining locations are
only indicative at this stage.
Table 7-4: Proposed Pumping Station locations (Indicative UTM centroid coordinates, 46Q)
Pumping STP Indicative UTM centroid co- Pump- STP Indicative UTM centroid
Station catch- ordinates (E, N) ing Sta- catch- coordinates (E, N)
ID in ment tion ID ment
model in model
SPS-1 5 377,214 2,473,000 SPS-24 4 380,197 2,471,204
SPS-2 1 375,608 2,471,198 SPS-25 3 379,858 2,475,836
SPS-3 2 377,665 2,473,707 SPS-26 3 379,806 2,477,244
SPS-4 3 379,202 2,477,802 SPS-27 3 378,403 2,478,136
SPS-5 3 378,626 2,476,918 SPS-28 3 378,754 2,478,650
SPS-6 1 375,848 2,470,407 SPS-29 3 377,602 2,476,600
SPS-7 1 377,912 2,469,743 SPS-30 1 379,160 2,471,479
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Figure 7-18: Example (photo) of building built at a distance (45m) from the local street and accessed
only by a small alley.
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Figure 7-19: Example (aerial view) of building built at a distance (45m) from the local street and ac-
cessed only by small alley.
Identifying the individual buildings that can be served by the proposed sewers is a gargantuan sur-
veying task that is outside the scope of this Master Plan. In order to be able to estimate the potential
population access to the sewers included in the model, the following methodology was employed.
1) It was assumed that buildings can be served by a sewer included in the model only if they
are within a specific distance from that sewer. Since buildings cannot be checked directly,
population densities within this distance were considered instead.
2) Using GIS software, service zones were created for each of the sewers utilising the selected
specific distance.
3) Various parts of the city exhibit different urbanization characteristics. In addition, streets
may have widths ranging from 2m to 30m and the distance is measured from the centreline
of the street. Thus, assuming a uniform service zone width would be greatly misleading.
Instead the following scenarios were considered:
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allowing for easier access. The expanded service zone has been selected to acknowledge
this fact.
The following picture shows an example of the various widths of service zones applied in an over-
laid manner.
Figure 7-20: Example of service zones defined from sewer pipes in the model.
Table 7-5 summarizes the population of each STP catchment and the equivalent percentage with
respect to the total 2030 CCC population that will have access to sewerage system for the different
scenarios presented above. Figure 7-21 shows the level of service for the different catchments and
for the different scenarios. For the projected population at the planning horizon, it is expected that
it would be feasible to connect between 36.6% – 59.1% of the population to a separate sewerage
system if constructed in CCC area. For the rest of the population, alternative sanitation facilities
would be required, e.g. on-site or hybrid systems.
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Blue values in Table 7-5 represent the scenario selected as more realistic for each STP catchment
for the base case scenario. The base case scenario has been used for preliminary design purposes
(loading of the hydraulic model) and corresponds to service provision to 55.8 % of the population
according to the effective density map (Figure 6-3), and 56.9 % according to the weighted density
map (Figure 6-5) (see Paragraph 6.4.1 for definition of effective and weighted density).
Practically, it is estimated that the potential coverage in STP-3 and STP-6 catchment is underesti-
mated even by Scenario D given the current layout of the roads and potential for development.
Thus, the above coverage figures have been increased by 25% for these two catchments only. The
revised figures (Table 7-6) have been used for planning purposes, in order to identify the potential
long-term mix of sanitation options (sewerage, on site and hybrid sanitation) which is discussed
later in this report.
Table 7-6: Estimated long-term potential for sewerage (based on 2030 population)
Total Served
Catchment %
Population Population
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Figure 7-21: Coverage of sewerage system according to service zones (scenarios shown overlaid)
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Figure 7-22: Coverage of sewerage system (base scenario) overlaid over effective density map
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The concept of dry weather interception is fairly old as it has been applied in many Asian cities,
where unplanned combined sewerage systems had been developed over the years and eventually
waste water had to be intercepted and treated prior to being discharged into clean water bodies. The
concept has already been implemented in Dhaka and in particular in Gulshan, where interceptor
pipes run along the coasts of Gulshan and Banani lakes, intercepting wastewater from the storm-
water drainage system of Gulshan which has for long been used as a de-facto combined sewerage
system. In other Asian cities, such as Hong Kong, Vientiane, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang and many
others, larger interceptors have been constructed on channels. The details of interceptors vary
widely, but the main concept is always to intercept all of the dry weather flow, and potentially a
portion of the wet weather flow and treat it before discharging it to the environment.
The benefit provided by the solution of interceptors largely depends on the pre-existing collection
system and can vary significantly, but mostly focuses on not letting wastewater be discharged un-
treated into open water bodies. However, interceptors are almost never an ideal solution, but rather
the only option given the existing situation, a number of limiting factors and luck of funding to
construct a separate sanitary collection system.
The main advantage of interceptors and the reason they have been used widely in many parts of the
world, is that they are comparatively easy and cost efficient to construct. The main disadvantage is
that they require heavy and constant maintenance which is often overlooked, leading to conditions
which are as bad or worse than the original condition they were employed to improve.
In the case of Chittagong, the existing stormwater drainage system comprises mostly of inefficient
open drains which were never meant to be utilised as a combined sewerage system. Thus, the solu-
tion of interceptors cannot provide much benefit in terms of health and other nuisances, but can
prevent wastewater to reach the Karnaphuli river or the sea during the dry season.
During the rainy season, because of the significant volumes of rainwater and the dilution due to
turbulence, the interceptors would only be able to collect and treat a portion of the wastewater loads
contained in the khals.
Means of controlling the maximum flow entering the sewerage system during the rainy season are
very important but also difficult to achieve and require a lot of space (e.g. hydrobrake). An alterna-
tive option would be to shut the intake down during rainy season, when dilution reduces the pollu-
tion loads.
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In many cases, a pumping station will be required next to the DWFI in order to pump the flow
towards the nearest STP. The additional advantage of the Pumping Station is that it facilitates better
control of the flow that is directed towards the STP. If needed, surplus flow during the rainy season
could be overflown back to the khal.
Figure 7-23: Dry Weather Flow Interceptor Dished Sump Type for non-tidal areas (Hong Kong
Drainage Services Department, Practice Note No. 2/2003)
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DWFI 1 - Moheskhali
This interceptor is proposed to be located on one of the most important khals in the CCC area with
an estimated catchment population of more than 500 000 capita (2030). There is sufficient empty
land in several alternative locations for the construction of the interceptor and all associated infra-
structure (maintenance platform, pumping station etc.) It is believed that the land belongs to Chit-
tagong Port Authority (CPA) and that it is possible for CWASA to acquire it for such uses. Apart
from the land itself, access (right of way) will be required for the deep sewer or force main that will
connect the interceptor to the main sewerage network and the STP, through the CPA land which
contains storage areas as well as mass housing.
This interceptor is proposed to be located on a diversion khal of the Moheshkali with an estimated
catchment population of approximately 140 000 capita (2030). There is sufficient empty land in in
the area for the construction of the interceptor and all associated infrastructure (maintenance plat-
form, pumping station etc.). Ownership of the land is not known, but it is currently agricultural land.
The original intention was to modify the existing khal that runs on the side of the embankment for
transmission of the flow to STP-1 by gravity. But the upgrading of the embankment to Coastal Road
and the construction of a large intersection with the Port Link Road in the vicinity of the interceptor,
mean that a large pumping station and a long force main, will likely be required.
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This interceptor is proposed to be located on Noa khal with an estimated catchment population of
almost 800 000 capita (2030). There is sufficient empty land in the area for the construction of the
interceptor and all associated infrastructure (maintenance platform, pumping station etc.). Owner-
ship of the land is not known.
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These two interceptors are meant to operate as a system. DWFI 4 is proposed to be located on
Chaktai khal while DWFI 5 is proposed to be located on Rajakhali khal. Their combined catchment
will have an estimated population of 765 000 capita (2030). DWFI 4 will intercept and divert the
dry weather flow into the existing connection khal between Chaktai khal and Rajakhali khal.
This khal has a high point at its middle so some dredging will be required to create the necessary
slope. The Rajakhali khal end of the connection khal is approximately 0.5 m lower than the Chkatai
khal end and therefore the diverted flow will easily reach the Rajakhali khal by gravity. DWFI-5
will intercept the combined dry weather flow from DWFI-4 and Rajakhali khal and divert it into
the small eastbound khal that ends into the Karnaphuli river. Some dredging of this khal may also
be required to create the necessary slope. A final interception structure may be required at the STP-
4 location. DWFI 4 is difficult to establish due to the lack of space. The structure itself will be
constructed fully within the khal, but there is very little space available for the maintenance infra-
structure. If necessary, this will be performed by vehicle mounted equipment which will approach
on the east side, just south of the adjacent bridge. For the DWFI-5 and other necessary infrastructure
of the system, there is sufficient open land available which is likely public land, but it is not clear
which authority it belongs to.
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The Network Rehabilitation Strategy Report (CWSISP, 2015) has estimated water consumption for
domestic and non-domestic customers for years 2017, 2022 and 2030. According to the report, per
capita consumption of domestic customers for 2015 has been calculated to be 102.3 litres per capita
per day (lcd). For water demand calculations for 2015 and 2017 the report assumed 105 lcd of water
consumption. For years beyond 2017, it assumed 110 lcd. This was adopted considering a general
improvement of the quality of life expected in the immediate future, which typically corresponds to
an increase in the use of water. According to Karnaphuli Water Supply Project, within Karnaphuli
Supply Area the per-capita consumption has been considered as 120 lcd for the whole planning
Based on the above, an average per capita water consumption of 115 lcd has been considered as
realistic city-wide for the CCC area for the whole duration of the Sanitation Master Plan design
period (up to 2030).
For non-domestic water consumption two different groups have been considered:
1. Small non-domestic water demand. This demand refers to individual and local commercial
activities. According to the Network Rehabilitation Strategy Report (CWSISP, 2015), the
non-domestic demand was calculated as 12% of the domestic demand based on past data
from the CWASA customer database.
2. Large non-domestic water demand. This category includes large commercial consumers
identified from the CWASA customer database, the Licenced Deep Tube Well (DTW) list
of CWASA and/or large industrial consumers interviewed during fieldworks in October-
December 2014. Based on the data from the Network Rehabilitation Strategy Report
(CWSISP, 2015), 62 large commercial/industrial load locations have been identified. The
report includes the water demand volume.
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For large non-domestic (commercial/industrial) demand, 100% of the water demand has been con-
sidered as wastewater produced. A lower return rate would have been more realistic. However,
there is no inherent provision in the water supply demand forecast for future increase in industrial
activities. Thus, and in order not to underestimate such an increase, the full current water demand
has been considered as wastewater. Compared to a more realistic return rate of 80%, this equals a
25% increase potential. Large non-domestic wastewater production is considered at the exact loca-
tions indicated by the Network Rehabilitation Strategy Report (CWSISP, 2015).
Furthermore, a portion of stormwater finds its way into the sewerage collection system, either through
manholes with missing, broken or defective covers or through unauthorised connections of roof
and yard drains to the sewerage system. In Chittagong, there is a further risk that some buildings cur-
rently using common pipes for grey water and stormwater will not separate them as required thus allow-
ing storm water to enter the sewerage system.
Since there is no existing system to draw data from, the level of infiltration and stormwater inflows in
the proposed system can only be assumed based on experience from similar systems. Thus, infiltration
has been assumed to be 0.35 m3/d per mm of pipe diameter and km of pipe (m3/d/mm/km). This corre-
sponds to approximately 16% of average waste water flow or 10% of peak flow which are reasonable
figures. Even though stormwater inflows are not directly related to groundwater infiltration, it is cus-
tomary for new systems to assume these flows to be equal in total.
For large non-domestic waste water generation, an average peak factor of 1.3 has been assumed to
better describe the industrial usage in Chittagong, based on the type of industries and the average
duration of shifts.
Table 7-8 shows the total projected flows for the full sewerage system as assumed in paragraph 6.3
based on 2030 projected population. These figures are indicative and are only provided to facilitate
master planning since the complete sewerage system is not expected to have been installed by 2030.
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Table 7-8: Wastewater flows to be discharged to Sewerage System in 2030 (assuming full implementation of the sewerage system)
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The most important water quality parameter used to characterise pollution load (as well as design
of the wastewater treatment facility) is the BOD. In order to compare pollution loads, the most
widely used parameter is the equivalent population, which is an estimate of the pollution contribu-
tion discharged from a typical person, often defined as 60g BOD/ However, this per capita
pollution load includes domestic household wastewater and tends to incorporate peak loadings and
contributions from commercial and industrial activities. For domestic wastewater, the World Health
Organisation recommends to apply a per capita BOD load of 40-45g/, if no data is available.
Assuming an average domestic wastewater BOD loading of 40-45g/ and a unit discharge of
103 lcd (incl. industrial contribution), the concentration of wastewater from domestic sources is 430
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The most common wastewater treatment processes treating predominantly domestic wastewater
include: i) suspended growth processes such as activated sludge system and associated variations
(incl. extended aeration, oxidation ditches); ii) attached growth processes such as trickling filters
and rotating biological contactor; and iii) waste stabilisation ponds and associated variations (incl.
aerated lagoons).
Annex 6 presents brief descriptions of the most common sewage treatment methods.
In order to select the most appropriate treatment method for the STP in Chittagong, both plant per-
formance and economic parameters must be taken into consideration. The following criteria are
normally applied:
BOD and SS removal
Land Requirement
Construction cost
O&M cost
Power consumption
Sludge Removal cost
Bangladeshi effluent standards are quite relaxed, except for coliform standards. Since all the
wastewater treatment options would be able to comply with the BOD and SS effluent standards, in
this situation the weight of economic factors is considered more influential than the plant perfor-
mance. Another critical parameter in Chittagong is the treatment simplicity. It is crucial to recom-
mend a wastewater treatment option appropriate to the technical experience likely to be within
CWASA. Suggesting a wastewater treatment process which is too sophisticated might compromise
the successful treatment implementation. Further, the land requirement is a crucial parameter be-
cause it is a key constraint within the CWASA service area.
A qualitative comparison of the key criteria is provided in the following Table 7-10, based on the
consultant experience and the quantitative data presented in Annex 6:
Table 7-10: Qualitative Comparison of Wastewater Treatment Systems
Acti- Ex- Oxida- Biologi- Aerated Stabiliza-
Criteria vated tended tion ditch cal filter lagoon tion ponds
Plant per- sludge aeration
formance BOD removal 3. Good 1. Good 2. Good 4. Good 5. Good 6. Fair
Simple & cheap
construction 6. Poor 5. Poor 4. Poor 3. Poor 2. Fair 1. Good
Waste stabilization ponds appear to be the best process. However, their use in Chittagong is not
suitable because of the high land requirements (approx. 80ha). Oxidation ditches, trickling filters
and aerated lagoons scores are similar. Nevertheless, oxidation ditches suffer from extensive power
and O&M costs, and aerated lagoons from great power and land requirements. According to this,
trickling filters are considered the most adequate wastewater treatment process in Chittagong.
To minimise O&M costs, the use of anaerobic primary sedimentation ponds (APSPs) is the pre-
ferred method for primary sludge treatment, rather than primary settling tanks. In addition, APSPs
do not require any mechanical equipment, and this is a significant advantage over conventional
primary treatment. In future, APSPs may also be retrofitted with gas collection and combustion
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DoE regulations establish that all industrial wastewater (including medical wastewater) will be
treated prior to discharge into sewerage system or the stormwater system (Table 7-11). A
monitoring and enforcement mechanism is in place by the DoE to ensure compliance with the
relevant regulations, but more stringent control is necessary. In this respect, it is expected that all
Export Zones will construct and operate their own STPs which will discharge their effluent directly
into the sea or Karnaphuli River. For the remaining industries, it is estimated that a large number
will discharge into the collection system when constructed.
Efforts to collect specific data on wastewater generation for the various industries in the city have
largely failed due to the industries’ lack of motivation to provide such data on a voluntary basis and
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the absence of an integrated monitoring mechanism. As part of the Sanitation Master Plan, expected
industrial flows that will be discharged into the collection system have been estimated to allow for
the sizing of the collection networks and the STPs. Over the planning period of the Sanitation
Master Plan (2016-2030), it is expected that a more stringent monitoring mechanism will have been
established and will start collecting data that will facilitate revisions of the wastewater generation
estimations. In particular, for the Chittagong EPZ, the Karnaphuli EPZ and the Patenga EPZ, as an
alternative to having their own integrated industrial wastewater treatment facilities (incl. the
inefficient common effluent treatment plant (CETP) of the CEPZ) provisions can be made for the
industrial wastewater to be pre-treated on-site and to be finally treated in STP-6 or STP-1 in the
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Given the very high collection & treatment needs within the CCC area, it is not expected that any
investments in these fields can be prioritised for the areas outside of the CCC during the Master
Plan period (i.e. up to 2030). Due to the low to medium population density which does not justify
a centralised system, these areas will have to rely on on-site sanitation. Therefore, programmes to
improve on-site sanitation conditions and faecal sludge management must be established. This is
described in further detail in Section 7.2.
After 2030, it is expected that the rapid urbanisation of the 4 urbanized pourashavas outside of the
CCC boundaries (Boalkali, Hathazari, Pattiya, Raozan) will eventually necessitate the establish-
ment of a piped collection system and the treatment of wastewater. While STP-2 can be planned to
receive sewage from areas north of the CCC, additional lands in the north and south of the Karna-
phuli River need to be established for the future construction of STPs. Such lands should ideally be
located next to rivers or existing large khals to facilitate discharge. Given the complex land issues,
such lands need to be identified by the local authorities as soon as possible. If land acquisition and
land-use change is required, it is recommended that the relevant procedures are initiated as soon as
possible as their completion can take a very long period.
The following paragraphs provide long-term options for each of the four urban pourashavas.
Hathazari is located north of Chittagong City Corporation along the Chittagong – Rangamati Ka-
grachhari road, approximately 6 km from proposed STP 3. No sewerage investments are expected
within the Master Plan time frame (i.e. until 2030). In the long term, the pourashava can utilise a
mix of piped sewerage for the main streets and improved on site sanitation with septic tanks and
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soakaways for the more rural areas. Figure 7-29 shows an outline of a proposed sewerage system.
Although the area is at higher elevation than STP 3, some intermediate pumping may be necessary,
as the slope towards the STP is not continuous.
The option of DWF Interceptors does not seem suitable for Hathazari as wastewater is not currently
collected in one or more central khals where it could be intercepted. However, Small DWF Inter-
ceptors (SDWFIs) may be used in conjunction with a conventional sewerage system.
Raozan is located northeast of Chittagong City Corporation, approximately 10km east of Hathazari
along the Chittagong – Rangamati road. No sewerage investments are expected within the Master
Plan time frame (i.e. until 2030). The pourashava has a rural character and is well suited to
improved on-site sanitation. Population growth is low and the character is not expected to change
significantly in the future. Piped sewerage will likely be non-viable financially.
However, if development pace changes in the long term future, the pourashava can utilise a mix of
piped sewerage for the main streets and improved on site sanitation with septic tanks and soakways
for the more rural areas. In that case the long distance from STP-3 will probably make transmission
of wastewater uneconomic. An option to provide a small STP for Raozan, can be considered. Suit-
able land can be identified in the agricultural land east of the pourashava, next to one of the second-
ary khals for easy discharge of the treated effluent. Figure 7-30 shows an outline of a proposed
sewerage system and an indicative location for the STP.
The option of DWF Interceptors does not seem suitable for Raozan as wastewater is not currently
collected in one or more central khals where it could be intercepted. However, Small DWF Inter-
ceptors (SDWFIs) may be used in conjunction with a conventional sewerage system.
Figure 7-30: Raozan – outline of proposed sewerage system and STP (long-term)
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Boalkhali is the closest of the four pourashavas to Chittagong and the fastest growing. It is located
east of Chittagong City Corporation, across Kalurghat bridge, on the south bank of Karnaphuli river,
along the Chittagong – Cox’s Bazaar Highway (Arakan Road). No sewerage investments are ex-
pected within the Master Plan time frame (i.e. until 2030). The pourashava has a rural-urban
character and is well suited for improved on-site sanitation. However, it is rapidly growing
due to its easy access from the city and its location along the highway. It is thus expected to
obtain a more urban character in the future.
The pourashava can in the long term utilise a mix of piped sewerage for the main streets and im-
proved on site sanitation with septic tanks and soakaways for the more rural areas. The piped net-
work could connect to STP-2, however this would require a very expensive river crossing of the
Karnaphuli and potentially a deep pumping station added in STP-2 to lift the wastewater from
Boalkhali. In addition, area in STP-2 is limited and unless additional area can be allocated toward
the south of the current land, space will not be sufficient to treat flow from Boalkhali. An alternative
option to provide a small STP for Boalkhali can be considered. Suitable land can be identified either
in the agricultural land in the north of the pourashava or in the industrial land on the Karnaphuli
south bank, just opposite STP-3.
The cost of construction of the sewerage system and STP and of the expropriation of the potentially
expensive land for the STP, will likely make the project financially non-viable. A DWF Interceptor
may be a more viable solution, for an intermediate period (after 2030 and until a conventional sew-
erage system is affordable). This options would need to be studied in more depth as the local khals
in Boalkhali appear to have a year-round surface water flow.
Figure 7-31 shows indicative locations for a proposed DWFI and two alternative locations for the
Figure 7-31: Boalkhali – indicative locations of proposed DWFI and STP (long-term)
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Patiya is the remotest of the four pourashavas. It is located southeast of Chittagong City Corpora-
tion, south of Karnaphuli, along the Chittagong – Cox’s Bazaar Highway, approximately 14km after
Boalkhali. No sewerage investments are expected within the Master Plan time frame (i.e. until
2030). The pourashava has a rural-urban character with significant industrial activity. Be-
cause of the partially industrial character of the pourashava, piped sewerage may be financially
viable in the long term future.
The pourashava can in the long term utilise a mix of piped sewerage for the main streets and im-
proved on site sanitation with septic tanks and soakaways for the more rural areas. In that case, the
long distance from Chittagong and Boalkhali STPs will probably make transmission of wastewater
uneconomic. An option to provide a small STP for Patiya can be considered. Suitable land can be
identified in the industrial land west of the pourashava, next to one of the secondary khals for easy
discharge of the treated effluent. Figure 7-32 shows an outline of a proposed sewerage system and
an indicative location for the STP.
The option of DWF Interceptors does not seem suitable for Patiya as wastewater is not currently
collected in one or more central khals where it could be intercepted. However, Small DWF Inter-
ceptors (SDWFIs) may be used in conjunction with a conventional sewerage system.
Figure 7-32: Patiya – outline of proposed sewerage system and STP (long-term)
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As described in Section 5.2, the following issues are linked with the on-site sanitation system of
CCC and the four municipalities within the sanitation planning area:
There is a need to improve the non-sanitary/unhygienic toilets within the project area.
Within the CCC area, 16% of the toilets are non-sanitary; the equivalent figures for the
other municipalities are: 20.45% in Patiya, 14.45% in Raozan, 20.32% in Hathazari,
and 16.29% in Boalkhali.
All the unhygienic toilets have direct outlets to drains and adjacent lowlands without
any containment. As per the regulations, these types of connections are illegal.
It is noted that 0.5% of the population in the CCC area lack access to any type of a toilet
facility. In the case of the four municipalities, 3% of the population lack access to any
type of toilet facility.
The following options are recommended in order to address the above-mentioned issues:
It is recommended that CCC and municipalities should provide some financial support/grant to low-
income groups to install sanitary toilets.
It is also recommended to provide twin pit latrines in the slums and low income areas. A twin pit
latrine can be shared by two families (5-10 individuals). A layout plan of the twin pit latrine is
shown in Figure 7-33. Along with the grant, CCC/municipalities may provide a typical design for
the toilet. CCC/municipalities can engage NGOs such as BRAC, WSUP, DSK, Water Aid, or the
NGO Forum for Public Health to construct such toilets for low-income groups.
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The following design considerations should be used for the twin pit latrines (precast concrete-
based ring pits):
The clear size of each circular pit is 0.9-1.2m diameter with depth ranging from 1.2-1.8m
(4 to 6 rings of 0.3m height), depending upon the number of users and the minimum size of
inspection chamber 0.3m (length) * 0.4m (width) * 0.3m (height).
Brick bats or stone chips of 0.15m thickness placed at the bottom of the tank
It is recommended to store the sludge in the filled pits for 2 years, if feasible, in order to
ensure maximum decomposition, moisture, and pathogen removal.
The rings should be properly placed on each other, and the joints should be properly sealed
to avoid infiltration and also to ensure structural stability. The rings can have an overlapping
design in order to avoid leakage and ensure proper placement and increased stability.
A vent pipe should be provided connecting the top slab of the pit, and it should be extended
above the toilet roof to direct the gas above the human contact level.
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The top slab level of pits shall be at least 15-20 cm above the finished ground level or
maximum flood level (flood prone area).
The pits should be installed as far away as possible from the drinking water source – hand
pump (minimum 3m distance or more, if feasible).
The estimated cost of a twin pit toilet with super structure (semi-pucca) is estimated at BDT 18,000.
Without super structure, the cost is between BDT 5000-6000. Since the unhygienic toilets have
super structure with pans but do not have a containment system, the CCC and municipalities may
provide funds for the twin pits only. The pits can be shared by two households. The total area
required for containment shall be between 2-3 square meters.
Table 7-12: Funds Required for Low Income Groups to Have Hygienic Toilet for CCC
Grant Number of Units Total Funds Required
USD 77 48,322 USD 3,720,794
Table 7-13: Funds Required for Low Income Groups to Have Hygienic Toilet for Municipalities
Grant Number of Units Total Funds Required
USD 77 5,358 USD 412,566
It is recommended that CCC and municipalities should provide some financial support/grant to low-
income groups to install sanitary toilets.
From the field survey, it has been found that those who are practicing open defecation belong to
low income people residing in the slums. These individuals have reported that, due to financial
constraints, they are unable to construct toilets. As such, it is recommended that twin pit toilets with
super structure should be provided to these households. A shared toilet can be provided with two
families sharing one toilet. The total investment required to provide access to households without
toilet is shown in the following tables.
Table 7-14: Funds Required For Households Without Toilet in CCC (Shared Toilet)
Grant Number of Units Total Funds Required
USD 230 1510 USD 347,300
Table 7-15: Funds Required For Households Without Toilet in Municipalities (Shared Toilet)
Grant Amount Number of Units Total Funds Required
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Within the CCC area and the four municipalities, the following strategies may be undertaken:
Banning or disconnecting septic tanks without soak wells. CCC and municipalities have the
legal authority to do so.
If the above is not feasible, septic tanks may be allowed to overflow to surface drains. How-
ever, in such cases, the design of septic tanks should be upgraded to improved septic tanks
to ensure better quality effluent that can be discharged to municipal drains. A typical design
of improved septic tank is shown in Figure 7-34
Bangladesh National Building Code 1993 and Local Government (Amended) Act 2010 can
be used/applied in order to ban connections to drains instead of soak wells.
The 58% of hygienic toilets in the CCC area that are connected to open drains, water bodies,
or low-lying areas (instead of to soak wells) should be allotted a specific and maximum time
limit of 3 months for converting them into hygienic structures. According to Section 108
(as elaborated in fourth Tafsil), connection of toilet to drains or canals is an offence. Politi-
cal will is very important for the CCC and municipalities to enforce bans and impose fines
for such toilets.
According to Section 109 of the Local Government (Amended) Act 2010, the
CCC/municipality will be able to charge as high as Taka 2,000 for any offence mentioned
in fourth Tafsil. If the defaulter has been found guilty again at a later period, the
CCC/municipality will be able to charge the concerned holding at the highest rate of Taka
200 per day from the date of the previous charging.
In addition to fines, the CCC/Pourashava can give 5%-7% of reduction in municipal tax for
households constructing soak wells. Moreover, in case of failure to construct soak wells,
the CCC/municipality can charge 10-15% higher municipal tax to such households to com-
ply with the deadline.
In order to raise awareness in this regard, the CCC/municipality should engage NGOs for
door-to-door awareness campaigns to stop connection to drains/khals.
Before approving construction plans for new buildings, the CDA/Municipality should en-
force that new households must have septic tanks with soak wells or improved septic tank
without soak wells. Subsequent to construction and subject to verification by the concerned
engineering section, the CCC/municipality may allow a tax rebate for 2-3 years for new
buildings having septic tanks with soak wells or with improved septic tanks. This will en-
courage the owners to opt for construction of septic tanks with soak wells or improved septic
tanks. The promotion of septic tanks will reduce the amount of faecal sludge to be collected
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every day; this will in turn help to reduce the operation and maintenance costs of the faecal
sludge management system. The following section describes the design considerations for
septic tanks and improved septic tanks.
The septic tanks are normally rectangular in shape and constructed with two chambers with
the volume of first chamber having double the volume of the second chamber. The liquid
depth is 1 – 2m and the length to breadth ratio is 2-3: 1 to ensure effective settling.
The sizing of the septic tank is based on the retention volume considered for liquid, sludge,
and scum. Normally, sufficient capacity is provided to the extent that the accumulated
sludge and scum occupy only half or maximum two-thirds the capacity of the tank, at the
end of the design storage period.
Liquid retention time: 1 – 2 days and Sludge retention time: 2 – 3 years. Treatment effi-
ciency estimated: 25 – 40%.
T-pipe to be provided at the inlet and outlet to avoid clogging and flow of suspended solids
into the soak pit.
Vent pipe should be provided connecting the top slab and should be extended above the
toilet roof to direct the gas above the human contact level.
Septic tanks can either be constructed in brick work, stone masonry, or concrete cast in situ
or pre-cast materials. Both the floor and side wall shall be plastered with cement mortar to
render the surfaces smooth and to make them water tight.
Access manholes of adequate size shall also be provided for purposes of inspection and
desludging of tanks. The floor of the tank should be of cement concrete and sloped towards
the sludge outlet.
Soak pits are normally porous circular tanks with 1 – 1.5 m diameter and 2 – 3m depth
(depending on the ground water level) constructed using the brickwork or pre-cast materi-
als. The pit is filled with rubble or brick bats (20 – 40mm) to ensure effective infiltration
into the surrounding soil.
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The improved septic tank is a water tight structure generally constructed with 4 chambers.
The first two chambers act as a septic tank and the remaining two chambers are used for
further treatment of liquid.
Partially treated effluent from the septic tank is discharged into the soak pit constructed
using porous wall structure and filled with rubbles or brick bats for efficient infiltration into
the surrounding soil, or it can be discharged into the municipal drains.
The design considerations for improved septic tank connected to soak pit are as follows:
The baffled septic tanks are normally rectangular and constructed with four chambers. The
first two chambers act as a septic tank with the volume of first chamber having double the
volume of the second chamber. The remaining two chambers are fitted with a baffle pipe to
ensure good contact between the incoming sewage and activated sludge accumulated at the
bottom of the tank. The liquid depth is 1 – 2 m.
The sizing of the baffled septic tank is based on the retention volume considered for liquid,
sludge, and scum. The sizing of the last two chambers are based upon retention time re-
quired for improved treatment and optimum up-flow velocity (less than 1.2m/hr).
Filter media (gravel or designed media) of 0.5m thickness can be placed at the second cham-
ber of the baffle tanks (with the perforated resting slab – 0.3 m above the base level) to
further enhance the treatment efficiency.
T-pipe to be provided at the inlet and outlet of the septic to avoid clogging at inlet and flow
of suspended solids into the last two chambers.
Vent pipe should be provided connecting the top slab and should be extended above the
toilet roof to direct the gas above the human contact level.
Access manholes of adequate size shall also be provided for purposes of inspection and
desludging of tanks. The floor of the tank should be of cement concrete and sloped to-
wards the sludge outlet.
Septic tanks can either be constructed in brick work, stone masonry, or concrete cast in situ
or pre-cast materials. Both the floor and side wall shall be plastered with cement mortar to
render the surfaces smooth and to make them water tight.
Soak pits are normally porous circular tanks with 1 – 1.5m diameter and 2 –3m depth (de-
pending on the ground water level) constructed using the brickwork or pre-cast materials.
The pit is filled with rubble or brick bats (20 – 40mm) to ensure effective infiltration into
the surrounding soil.
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400 400
2400 1200 1000 1000
manhole cover
Inlet lvl
2400 1200
RCC wall
200mm THK
Longitudinal Section
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Figure 7-36: Faecal Sludge Collection System for Houses with Wide Road Access
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Figure 7-37: Faecal Sludge Collection System for Houses with Narrow Road Access
Figure 7-38: Faecal Sludge Collection System for Slums with extremely Narrow Road Access
Shown below are the different types of vacuum trucks that can be utilized in Chittagong, and the four
municipalities (Patiya, Raozan, Hathazari and Boalkhali) depending upon the type of road access:
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Table 7-16: Different Types of Vacuum Trucks Required in CCC and the Municipalities
Small 500L vacuum tug (can be manually
pushed) for narrow roads and slums. Fae-
cal sludge from a small vacuum tug would
be discharged into an intermediate vacuum
truck placed at the closest point accessible
by truck. When the intermediate vacuum
truck is full, it would directly go to the
treatment site.
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Table 7-17: Different Options for Faecal Sludge Management Based on Resource Recovery Approach
Sl. Features Co-composting Anaerobic Digestion
1 Description In this technology, FS and MSW are co-composted and used in agri- In this technology, FS is converted into biogas in anaerobic condition and biogas is used as fuel
culture. Technology used is aerobic thermophilic composting. or for generation of electricity.
2 Infrastructure F.S drying bed, percolated treatment system/coco peat filter, compost Biogas digester, drying bed for slurry/drier, pipe for distribution of gas, generator for electricity
plant and vaccu-tug. generation, and percolated treatment system/coco peat filter and vaccu-tug.
3 Applicable Environment clearance certificate from DoE to operate FS treatment Environment clearance certificate from DoE to operate anaerobic digestion plant.
Regulations plant. Power purchase agreement with PDB to sell electricity.
Licence to produce and market compost from DAE. License to produce and market slurry as organic fertilizer.
Approval from MLG to charge fee/tax for FS collection. Compliance with the discharge standard of DOE for reusing waste water in agriculture, or dis-
Compliance with the discharge standard of DOE for reusing waste charging to surface water.
water in agriculture, or discharging to surface water.
4 Current Status Compost standards in place since 2009. Any compost complying with No feeding tariff set yet for renewable energy projects by Ministry of Energy.
of Regulations the standards can be sold. As per standard, slurry from biogas plant must be dry with moisture content of 20%. Market-
MoA issued 37 licences up to Oct. 2016 for production and marketing ing of liquid slurry is not allowed.
of compost to private sector and government organizations. No guideline or regulation from MLG/MoEF for FSM.
No guideline or regulation from MLG/MoEF for FSM. Municipalities can charge a fee for FSM if the service is provided by them.
Municipalities can charge a fee for FSM if the service is provided by
6 Emission Re- Yes (in line with low carbon strategy of government). UNFCCC Yes (in line with low carbon strategy of government). UNFCCC methodology is available to
duction Poten-
tial methodology is available to claim carbon credits through CDM. claim carbon credits through CDM.
F.S= Faecal Sludge, F.S.M= Faecal Sludge Management, LGED= Local Government Engineering Department, MLG= Ministry of Local Government, MSW=Municipal Solid Waste, MoA= Ministry of Agriculture
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It is evident from Table 7-17 that anaerobic digestion and co-composting are the treatment tech-
nologies in line with National Water Supply and Sanitation Strategy (2014) as well as the National
3R Strategy for Waste Management.
Anaerobic digestion is technically possible. However, in order to increase the gas production, there
will be a need to add segregated municipal organic waste with the faecal sludge (which has a low
TS content). However, the major challenge is biogas use, such as for electricity generation or as
fuel for cooking. Since feed-in tariff has not yet been finalized by the Ministry of Energy, it would
be difficult to sell the electricity generated from use of this technology. Moreover, in case biogas is
to be used as fuel for cooking purposes, the largest obstacle is the distribution system as well as
pricing of gas for cooking. The third issue with the anaerobic digestion option is marketing and sale
of slurry. As per the organic fertilizer standard 2009 of the Government of Bangladesh, the maxi-
mum permissible moisture content for organic fertilizer/compost is 20%. Biogas slurry is in liquid
form and therefore, without drying and reducing the moisture content, it would not be possible to
market it. If solar drying is applied, then it would require a large area; in case mechanical drying is
applied, then additional energy (electricity or diesel) would be required which will increase the
operational and maintenance costs of the project.
Co-composting of dried faecal sludge seems to be an attractive option since it will be possible to
treat and recycle both the faecal sludge and municipal organic waste at the same site. This will result
in optimal use of the proposed new landfill site. At the Halishahar landfill site, CCC currently has
a compost plant using municipal organic waste as feed stock. The addition of a drying bed and a
treatment system of percolate at the site could help to start a pilot project in CCC within a short
time. However, the most critical issue in a co-composting project is the engagement of a competent
operator. As per the Government of Bangladesh’s regulations, the operation of a composting plant
and marketing of compost both require licences from the Ministry of Agriculture. According to
Bangladesh’s compost standard, compost can be made from any organic sources and must meet the
national standards. For a new applicant, it requires around two years to obtain the licence. As such,
it would be extremely important to engage a compost plant operator who holds both licences. There
are 37 operators in the private sector in Bangladesh who have the licence to produce and market
compost in the country.
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Table 7-18: Potential Sites for Location of Faecal Sludge Treatment Facility in CCC Area
Sl. Location Size Ownership Current Status of the Site Remarks
1. Halishahar 2.02 ha (cur- CCC Used as landfill site since A 10 ton capacity compost
1970s. Expected life of the plant is operational at this
rently available) landfill site up to 2020. landfill site since 2002.
2. Arefin Nagar 29.5 ha CCC Used as landfill site since There is a plan to construct a
2011. Bulk part of collected compost plant with support
waste by CCC is disposed under an ADB project.
at this site.
3. Halishahar 66 ha CWASA Currently vacant. CWASA This site is adjacent to CCC
has secured this land many landfill site.
years ago as STP site.
4. Pahartali 75 ha CWASA Currently vacant. CWASA This site is very close to
has secured this land many Halda River. The river is ex-
years ago as STP site. pected to be declared as an
Environmentally Protected
Area soon. As such, obtain-
ing environment clearance
certificate to establish FSTP
will be challenging.
Considering that both Hailshahar and Arefin Nagar landfill sites are currently operational, it will be
easier to obtain an environmental clearance certificate for the aforementioned sites. There is one
compost plant already available in Halishahar, while there is a plan to establish another plant in
Arefin Nagar. Based on the conservative demand for faecal sludge collection of 150 m3 per day,
the total area required for a faecal sludge treatment plant is around 1.55 ha. Based on the estimated
2030 population and conservative demand for faecal sludge collection, the land requirement for a
treatment plant is around 5.75 ha, in addition to the current demand of 1.55 ha. At present, CCC
has the required land for the establishment of a faecal sludge treatment plant up to 2030. Figure
7-39 shows the location of landfill sites which may also be used for the establishment of faecal
sludge treatment plants.
Options for Location of Faecal Sludge Treatment Facilities for the Municipalities
Currently, none of the four municipalities have any faecal sludge collection system nor any treat-
ment facilities. None of the municipalities have any landfill sites for disposal of solid waste.
The recently approved National Strategy for Water Supply and Sanitation (2014) has recommended
that all LGIs should allocate suitable locations for faecal sludge treatment and disposal. However,
since none of the municipalities currently possess any suitable land in their respective municipalities
for treatment and disposal of faecal sludge, it is foreseen that they will have to acquire land for this
purpose. Land acquisition is a very complicated and lengthy process in Bangladesh. The current
total estimated requirement of faecal sludge collection in the four municipalities is estimated at
26.38 cubic meters/day. In the short term, this volume of faecal sludge can be easily transported to
the two proposed new treatment facilities to be located at Arefin Nagar and Halishahar landfill sites
of CCC area. Hathazari and Raozan municipalities can transport their collected faecal sludge to
Arefin Nagar, which is only 6 km and 17 km away from those respective municipalities. Boalkhali
and Patiya can transport their faecal sludge to Halishahar, which is 23 km and 30 km away from
those respective municipalities. In the medium term, it would be appropriate for Hathazari and
Raozan municipalities to have a common treatment facility, and Boalkhali and Patiya to have an-
other common treatment facility. These common facilities can be used also by other smaller adjoin-
ing municipalities as a regional treatment facility. Figure 7-40 shows the location of the four mu-
nicipalities and distance to the proposed treatment facilities in CCC area.
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Figure 7-39: Proposed Locations for Faecal Sludge Treatment Plants at CCC Landfill Sites
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Figure 7-40: Location of the Four Municipalities and Distance to the Proposed Treatment Facili-
ties in CCC Area
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Given the current complete lack of infrastructure, in order to achieve a full integrated sanitation
approach, a very long planning and implementation period will be required which realistically may
exceed 50 years. Thus 2065 has been set herein as an indicative long-term planning horizon.
Given the limited land availability and complexity of land acquisition, it is recommended to include
in the long-term planning as many as possible of the STPs listed in Table 7-1. Three long-term
scenarios are recommended depending on success in acquiring the land and the relevant permits:
Irrespective of the chosen long-term scenario, phasing should start with a single STP. STP-1 is
considered the most suitable in terms of location, service area and land ownership, though land-use
issues should be clarified as soon as possible. STP-2 is the second most likely candidate for imple-
mentation as it has minimal land issues, is located next to a very large and polluted khal (Noa khal)
and to a large industrial area, has easy access and is topographically suitable to serve a large section
of the city.
In general, the lowest capital and operating cost solutions for wastewater treatment are preferred,
assuming that the land availability is not exceeded. As a general principle, based on the lowest total
costs and modest O&M resources required, Trickling Filters are the preferred method in the CCC
area due to the lack of availability of land, however the use of waste stabilization ponds will be the
preferred method of treatment in areas outside of the CCC if sufficiently large land can be found.
Alternative processes may be required in special situations, e.g. sensitive water resources or where
the discharge standards are revised at much stricter levels.
Whilst the use of anaerobic primary sedimentation ponds (APSP) minimises capital and mainte-
nance costs, the extensive land areas required may preclude this system within central Chittagong
however would be suitable in the surrounding municipalities which are adjacent to agricultural areas
where sludge may be re-used. Anaerobic digestion tanks are recommended to be employed in order
to exploit the energy value of the methane gas by-product.
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Utilise Option 1 (conventional separate sanitary sewerage system) as the core of the col-
lection system, to be gradually implemented on all accessible streets (see Figure 7-21).
Where not practical Option 3 (dry weather flow interceptors) should be the preferred strat-
egy coupled with upgrading of septic tanks and an efficient Faecal Sludge Management
(FSM) scheme. In such areas, black water will be fully contained and either released in
underground soakaways or collected by trucks and transported to FS Treatment Plants.
Greywater will be discharged into roadside drains and intercepted by DWFIs
In areas where neither of the above Options is possible, efficient FSM schemes and up-
grading of septic tanks should be provided as a minimum.
Option 2 (solids-free sewers) & Option 4 (small dry weather flow interceptors), should be
further explored in the future through pilot schemes if funding opportunities allow for it.
Figure 7-41 presents a long-term plan of sewerage interventions in the CCC (both conventional
systems and interceptors) based on the above recommendations. The plan includes indicative cost
and population estimates, the calculations for which are explained in Sections 8.2.2 and 7.3.4 re-
spectively. Costs shown exclude engineering, design and supervision costs, and VAT.
Figure 7-42 shows the coverage that can be achieved by the various sanitation components. This
map represents the proposed long term strategy (2065) of this Master Plan.
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Population (long-term) that can be served by conventional sewerage has been calculated in Par., summarised in Table 7-6 and shown visually in Figure 7-22
Population that can be served by the interceptors (if no sewerage system is established) is described
in Par. 7.1.4 and shown visually in Figure 7-28.
Superimposing the above Figures, we can subtract the areas that will be served by sewerage system
from the full interceptor coverage areas. Thus, we get areas that will still be served by DWFIs once
the complete sewerage system has been established. Using GIS tools and the population densities
established earlier in the MP we can calculate the respective population to be served by DWFIs in
the long term as shown in Table 7-19 separately for the main and secondary DWFIs.
These are people who will have their faecal sludge and black water managed on-site (Improved
FSM) and their greywater collected through the DWFIs.
Table 7-19: Population served by DWFIs (greywater interception) and Improved FSM (long-term)
Population Served by Population Served by Sec-
Catchment Main DWFIs ondary DWFIs
cap % cap %
STP 1 1195212 196776 16.5% 43891 3.7%
STP 2 867366 360563 41.6% 180430 20.8%
STP 3 417565 78311 18.8% 1047 0.3%
STP 4 577798 123353 21.3% 0 0.0%
STP 5 363773 90662 24.9% 95595 26.3%
STP 6 309239 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
TOTAL 3730952 849664 22.8% 320962 8.6%
Combining Table 7-6 and Table 7-19 and subtracting from the total population for each catchment,
we can calculate the remaining population within the CCC which will be served by improved FSM
This means that by 2065 (indicative date) the population of Chittagong will be served by sewerage/
hybrid systems/on-site sanitation at an approx. proportion of 60/30/10. Table 8-14 in Section 8.5
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presents an indicative timeframe to gradually achieve the above coverage in the period 2016-2065
based on the phasing of investments recommended later in this Master Plan.
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Full covered 1, 3 Road and down to No. 7 West Sholasahar Ward where it crosses Chittagong- includes Cantonment. The catchment is
Partly covered 2, 4, 7, 9 Rangamati Khagrachhari Road. The southern boundary then travels to the mainly considered good-access and density
west crossing Bayazid Bostami Road near Baizid Thana Road (Shershah is not very high. However, away from main
Colony) and along the road bordering Arefin Nagar. roads it might difficult to lay the sewer
pipes, especially along the east part of Chit-
tagong – Rangamati road.
STP 4 631 528 16,93 The eastern and southern boundary of the East Bakalia catchment travels STP 4 Catchment is located at the south-east
(16.19 km2) % along Karnaphuli River from south of Dhomkhali Khal down to Firingi Khal part of the city of Chittagong, including the
Wards: near Firingi Bazar Ghat. The western boundary runs from near Firingi Bazar areas Jamal Khan, Jhawtala, Dewan Bazar.
Fully covered 17 – 19, 34, 35 Ghat parallel to Firingi Khal and includes the pocket of Manora Hill Estate The street lay out together with the main
Partly covered 4 – 6, 16, 20, and Chawk Bazar. It then follows Jamal Khan Road past CCC building (An- navigation khals found in this catchment
21, 32, 33 derkilla Bus Stop) and parallel to Chaktai Khal, along Arakan Road to the (Chaktai Khal, Rajakhali Khal, Badarkhali
junction with Dhaka-Chittagong Highway. The northern boundary follows Khal, Bakalia Khal) make sewer installation
the Highway and travels to the east adjacent to No. 6 East Sholasahar Ward very challenging.
to Karnaphuli River.
STP 5 319 283 8,56 The northern boundary starts in Latifpur on Port Link Road, travels along STP 5 Catchment is located north-west of
(13,71 km2) % Bohordar Bari Road, crosses the Dhaka-Chittagong highway and follows the the city of Chittagong, north part of
Wards: CCC boundary to the north. The eastern boundary then separates the Jala- Halishahar. This STP is an additional sug-
Fully covered 10 labad Housing Society and Khulshi from the Chadra Nagar and Nasirabad gestion to STP 1.
Partly covered 8, 9, 11, 13 housing estates, crosses the Dhaka-Chittagong Highway near Khulshi police
station. The western boundary is the river embankment from Latifpur trav-
elling south to Dakshin Kattali Sea Beach (near Gausal Azam Mosque). The
southern boundary commences at the river embankment along Chittagong
Coastal Road (Port Link Road) at Dakshin Kattali Sea Beach (near Gausal
Azam Mosque), travelling east parallel to Sagorika Road, crosses the main
roads of Port connecting Road, Dhaka trunk Road and Ambagan Road near
Flora Pass Road, up to the west of Khulshi police station.
STP 6 303 429 8,13 The catchment boundary on the north commences at the crossing of Chitta- STP 6 Catchment is located south-west of
(32.35 km2) % gong Coastal Road and Khaja Khijr Road travelling east, crossing CEPZ the city of Chittagong, south of Halishahar.
Wards: Connecting Road and terminating at Mahesh khal near the Container Termi- This STP is an additional suggestion to STP
Fully covered 39 -41 nal. To the east the boundary is the lower reaches of the Karnaphuli River 1. STP 6 could serve Patenga, and the indus-
Partly covered 38 from the Container terminal to the Bangladesh Naval Academy. To the west, trial areas (CEPZ and KEPZ). STP in CEPZ
the boundary is the river embankment along Chittagong Coastal Road. is currently not operating properly.
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Figure 7-43: Long Term (2065) Sewerage Plan for STP-1 catchment
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Figure 7-44: Long Term (2065) Sewerage Plan for STP-2 catchment
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Figure 7-45: Long Term (2065) Sewerage Plan for STP-3 catchment
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Figure 7-46: Long Term (2065) Sewerage Plan for STP-4 catchment
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Figure 7-47: Long Term (2065) Sewerage Plan for STP-5 catchment
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Figure 7-48: Long Term (2065) Sewerage Plan for STP-6 catchment
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The Proposed (long-term) Levels of Sanitation Service (Table 7-22) have been defined in a simpli-
fied manner considering the limitations in potential sewerage coverage and potential extent of in-
terceptor catchments:
CCC Area
Accessible by Within In- Type of Sanitation System Treatment system
Sewerage terceptor
System Catchment
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CCC is responsible for solid waste management in the CCC area only. The types of services to be
provided by City Corporations are mentioned in the Local Government (City Corporation) Act,
2009. As per the Local Government (Pourashava) Act 2009, municipalities are responsible for solid
waste management within their jurisdiction area. Both the Local Government Acts of 2009 (City
Corporation and Pourashava) contain only four sub-clauses regarding waste collection and man-
agement, which have been depicted as follows:
City Corporation/Pourashava will take all necessary steps to collect and dispose waste from all
the roads, toilets, drains, structures, and areas under its jurisdiction.
The occupiers of all the structures and spaces within the jurisdiction of the City Corpora-
tion/Pourashava will be responsible for removing waste from their possession, under the control
and supervision of the Corporation/Pourashava.
Corporation/Pourashava will make arrangement for waste collection containers or other types
of bins at different places throughout the city. Wherever such containers or bins are placed, the
Corporation/Pourashava will ask the occupiers of the neighbouring houses, structures, and
spaces to dispose their wastes into these containers or bins through issuance of a general notice.
All the wastes removed or collected by or under direction of the staff of the Corporation/Pour-
ashava, as well as the wastes stored in the containers or bins established by the Corporation,
will be treated as the property of the City Corporation/Pourashava.
The above-mentioned sub-clauses are insufficient in the contemporary context of solid waste man-
agement in different cities throughout Bangladesh. The sub-clauses do not provide any guidelines
regarding the frequency of waste collection from street and drain cleanings, standards for place-
ments of waste collections bins or containers, and source separation of waste, options for recycling
and resource recovery, etc.
Based on the experiences in the South Asian region and outside Bangladesh, the following proposed
standard of services for solid waste management is recommended for CCC and the municipalities:
Note: Medical Waste (solid) is a Hazardous Waste that requires separate special handling to be
assessed under a Hazardous Waste Plan and is not covered in the current Sanitation Master Plan.
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The following options are recommended in order to address the key issues described in Section
Two types of waste collection services are found in the study area, i.e. primary and secondary waste
collection. It is customary that the primary and secondary waste collection services should be com-
patible so that maximum efficiency can be achieved during waste collection. Unfortunately, at pre-
sent the primary and secondary collection systems in CCC are incompatible, resulting in multiple
handling of waste, low collection efficiency and environmental problems. The following section
describes ways to improve the primary and secondary collection of waste.
Primary Collection
Different options for solid waste collection that may be used are:
a) Communal Collection;
b) Block Collection;
c) Curb side Collection; and
d) House to House Collection
a) Communal Collection
In this system, households discharge their waste at predetermined locations containing some form
of communal storage facility. Refuse collection vehicles visit these sites at frequent intervals, usu-
ally once daily to remove accumulated waste. The principal advantage of this method of collection
is that it reduces the considerable number of sources from which waste has to be collected. This
type of collection system is followed in most of the cities and towns of Bangladesh.
b) Block Collection
In this system, a collection vehicle travels a predetermined route at prescribed intervals, usually
every two or three days, and stops at selected locations where a bell is sounded. Upon hearing the
bell, householders bring their refuse containers and hand them over to the collection crew. The latter
usually consists of two men who empty the containers and return them to the householders.
This type of collection system requires regular service and a fairly precise timetable. Residents must
place their bins on the footway in advance of the collection time and remove them when emptied.
In this type of collection system, the householder does no work, the collectors enter the garden or
courtyard, carry the bin to the vehicle, empty it, and return it to the resting place. This type of
collection system is usually practiced in developed countries. This type of collection has also started
in Bangladesh in many large cities and towns. A comparison of various methods of collection is
shown in the following table. There are four methods for collection of waste. Table 7-24 shows
different methods and applicability.
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The field survey has demonstrated that both communal bin systems (with stationary and portable
bins) and house-to-house waste collection systems are being used in the CCC. The following table
shows the present situation of waste collection in the study area.
Chittagong All 41 wards (waste is col- Daily (from For non-residential House-to-house waste col-
City lected by the city corporation household) buildings/ shops/res- lection is conducted by
Corporation in 4 wards; rest is undertaken taurants/ street sweep- NGO/CBOs for a payment
by NGO/CBOs). Not all the ing of Tk. 30-200 per month
households under the 41
wards are covered.
It is evident from the above table that CCC has a good primary waste collection system using house-
to-house waste collection system for households. As per the City Corporation Act, it is not required
for the Local Government Bodies to collect waste from the household. A container/bin may instead
be placed at suitable locations from where it can be collected.
In CCC, the waste collected from households using house-to-house waste collection system is not
disposed in open community bins. It is placed in demountable containers, which are then transported
to a landfill site.
The present waste collection system is not efficient due to the following reasons:
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The following improvements are recommended to improve the primary collection of waste in the
CCC area:
1. Expansion of the house-to-house waste collection program in the entire city or town includ-
ing residential and commercial buildings for a service charge;
3. The existing design of the rickshaw van used for primary collection of waste is not proper
since it is open and lacks a cover. Moreover, loading and unloading of waste from the rick-
shaw vans represents a problem. Therefore, instead of an open rickshaw van, it would be an
improvement to use a modified van with six to eight containers for collection of waste. The
containers can directly discharge the waste into the closed demountable containers for sec-
ondary collection of waste. This type of modified rickshaw van can be used also for collec-
tion of source separated waste (see Table 7-26 for the design of the van, which minimizes
the multiple handling of waste).
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Table 7-26: Current Primary Collection System of CCC and Recommended Improved System
Current design of rickshaw vans without any
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Currently, all the four municipalities (Patiya, Raozan, Hathazari, and Boalkhali) practice the com-
munity bin system of collection. There is no house-to-house waste collection system in the afore-
mentioned four municipalities. The following Table shows the current status of infrastructure avail-
able in the four municipalities.
There is a shortage of waste collection bins in all the four municipalities. Out of 238 waste collection
points across four municipalities, 150 waste collection points are open; these should be provided
with proper waste collection bins depending upon the amount of waste generated at each collection
point. At present, there is no standard followed in the placement of waste collection bins in the city.
The following improvements are recommended to improve the primary collection of waste in the
Initiation of the house-to-house waste collection program in the towns for a service charge;
Rickshaw van with six to eight containers should be used for collection of waste. The con-
tainers can directly discharge the waste into the closed demountable containers, instead of
into concrete bins/brick bins for secondary collection of waste; this will reduce multiple
handling of waste. This type of modified rickshaw van can also be used for collection of
source separated waste (see Table 7-26 for the design of the van, which minimizes the
multiple handling of waste).
Secondary Storage
Currently, the city corporation does not follow any standards for the placement of a secondary stor-
age facility. As a result, in most cases the storage facilities are either over-designed or under-de-
signed. In the process of selecting the storage facilities, these following factors are overlooked: the
amount of waste generated in the city, waste density, and the type of primary and secondary collec-
tion system. This has resulted not only in the wastage of resources but also created environmental
problems around the storage facilities. The following table shows the existing secondary waste stor-
age facilities along with total waste storage capacities of the cities and towns under study.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Chittagong 1315 (max 1264 (3 m3 ca- 76 (5m3 capac- 1 (4.2 m3 Nil 2088
City Corpora- during wet pacity each) ity each) capacity
tion season) each)
Source: Data provided by CCC and total capacity estimated by the consultant
It is evident from Table 7-29 that the existing capacity of storage facilities is more than the amount
of waste generated per day. The following table shows the secondary storage facility per km2 in the
study area.
Table 7-29: Secondary Storage Facility per Square Kilometre in CCC Area
City Corporation Total Waste Total Perma- Total Population Wards Storage Facility
Generated nent Storage Area /km2
(Tons/day) Facility (nos) km2
Chittagong City 1315 1341 155 2,582,401 41 9
Source: Data provided by CCC and total capacity estimated by the consultant
It has been found that brick/concrete bins are not very efficient and are environmentally polluting.
The latter is due to the fact that, since the concrete bins/brick bins are open and coverless, they
generate additional leachate during the monsoon compared to closed demountable containers.
In all the four municipalities, there are 88 concrete bins/brick bins which are open and coverless.
Apart from the aforementioned bins, there are also 150 open waste collection points in the munici-
palities. No standard has been followed by the municipalities in selection of sites for bins and the
open waste collection points.
In terms of both transportation and collection, it would be cost effective for Chittagong City Cor-
poration if demountable containers are used in lieu of open concrete bins/open secondary collection
points. This is because the city already has house-to-house based primary waste collection service
in practice, which should be extended to cover all the households of the city. The following table
shows the number of demountable containers required for Chittagong City Corporation.
At present, there is no standard being followed for placement of containers/bins. The following
table shows the number of demountable containers required in the CCC for proper storage and
collection of waste (using the standard of 4 storage facilities per km2 of area).
GoI (2000), “Manual on Solid Waste Management, Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation”.
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Table 7-30: Recommended Numbers of Demountable Containers for the Study Area
Required Storage
Total Storage
City Corpora- Total (Standard
Waste Capacity
tion Area Population 4 containers/km2 Remarks
km2 3-7.5 m3 capacity or
(tons/day) Tons/day
one storage facility for
5000 population)
Chittagong City Container vol-
Corporation 1315 155 2,582,401 620 1550 ume 5m3 with
100% full
The advantages of using a container system instead of concrete bins are as follows:
Reduction in number of collection points;
More efficient in terms of transportation;
Less manpower required and hence easy to monitor by CCC conservancy inspectors;
Reduce GHG emission by reduction of trips;
Less environmental pollution compared to concrete bins
Less loading time for collection of waste and easy to unload.
Recommendations to Improve Waste Storage for Secondary Collection for the Municipalities
Currently, concrete bins/brick bins are used in the four municipalities for storage of solid waste. As
mentioned earlier, these bins are not very efficient and are a source of environmental pollution. In
order to improve the storage of waste for secondary collection, small size demountable containers
(1 to 1.5 cubic meter volume) are recommended for the municipalities. It has also been recom-
mended to initiate house-to-house waste collection services in the municipalities using rickshaw
vans with 6-8 containers. The containers can then directly discharge the waste into the closed de-
mountable containers for secondary collection of waste; this will reduce multiple handling of waste.
The following table shows the number of demountable containers required in the municipalities for
proper storage and collection of waste (using the standard of 4 storage facilities per km2 of area).
The size of the containers may vary between 0.5 - 1 cubic meter depending upon the amount of
waste generated, as well as the availability of space to situate the storage containers.
Transportation of Waste
A variety of vehicles are available for the collection and haulage of solid waste. Manually driven
handcarts are used for the collection of solid waste from narrow streets. Although they are inexpen-
sive, the distance that it can travel is very limited. Bicycles, tricycles, and motorcycles containing
carts and barrows can be used to transport waste. They can travel longer distances than the manually
driven carts, but the distance is still limited and traveling speed is slow. Often, agricultural tractors
are used in conjunction with trailers to transport solid waste. While frequent maintenance is required
for these vehicles and fuel costs are high, they can transport a large volume of waste per vehicle.
In solid waste management activities, the costly component is the vehicle for waste transportation.
Therefore, careful selection should be made of the type of vehicle to be used, taking into consider-
ation the local conditions of the city corporation, such as: types of roads to be serviced, methods of
collection, and characteristics of the waste and cost of operation. Table 7-32 provides a comparison
of solid waste transportation options with respect to operational parameters.
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Transportation of waste is one of the most expensive parts of the solid waste management operation.
For cleanliness of the city, it is important that the transportation system should be efficient as well
as effective. The following table shows the waste transportation system in CCC as well as its effi-
ciency vis-a-vis different types of trucks.
It is evident from Table 7-33 that, in terms of total waste transportation, labour production, and
loading time, demountable trucks with closed containers appear extremely efficient compared to
open trucks in Bangladeshi conditions. As such, Chittagong City Corporation should gradually
move from an open truck waste collection and transportation system to demountable container
trucks. Depending upon the road width, different types of demountable container trucks can be used.
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The following Table shows existing waste collection vehicles in CCC as well as the required num-
ber of container trucks for collection of waste.
By shifting to container based waste collection system with 55% of the present number of vehicles,
significant improvement in waste collection and transportation can be achieved.
Currently, open trucks are being used in the four municipalities for transportation of waste. These
trucks usually make 2 trips per day. Instead of using flat-bed open trucks, it is recommended to use
small and medium size demountable container trucks in the municipalities.
Table 7-35: Required Trucks for Improved Transportation of Waste for the Municipalities
Waste Demountable Container
Municipality Area Population Present Available Trucks
Generated Auto Rickshaws and Small
(tons/day) Trucks Required *
2 (2 ton capacity and
Patiya 18 9.95 62,024 3
1 ton capacity)
2 (3 ton capacity and
Raozan 17 27.15 66,313 3
1.5 ton capacity)
Hathazari 18 26.16 83,588 1 (1.5 ton capacity) 3
Boalkhali 19 14.07 85,768 1 (1.5 ton capacity) 3
*A small and medium size demountable container truck can make 6-10 trips/day, while flat-bed trucks can make 2-3 trips/day.
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Figure 7-52: Small Truck for Carrying Containers Figure 7-53: Tractor for Carrying De-
mountable Container
Resource Recovery
There are high levels of organic matter in the waste streams of CCC area. Diverting this waste into
the resource recovery system presents a considerable untapped potential for extending the life of
landfills. This would create economic and environmental benefits, ultimately reducing the pressure
on CCC to manage the ever increasing complexity of waste systems.
As mentioned in the Task 1 Report, 82% of the collected waste reaching the landfill site in the CCC
area is organic waste. If segregated at source, this huge volume of organic waste has the potential
to be converted into value-added resources, including organic fertilizer (compost), biogas, and re-
fuse-derived fuel.
It has been found that between 82-87% of solid waste of the four municipalities is organic (food
and vegetable waste). This indicates a very good potential for conversion into compost and possi-
bility of co treatment with faecal sludge. Currently, all the collected waste in the four municipalities
are disposed of in an uncontrolled manner in low-lying areas.
The following table summarizes the technology which can be used for resource recovery from mu-
nicipal organic waste. Among the organic waste recycling technologies, composting is the most
common in the South Asian region. Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka all have formal quality stand-
ards for compost products which producers are required to meet.
Table 7-36: Resource Recovery Options for CCC Area and the Municipalities
Resource Recovery Op- Anaerobic digestion (bio- Fuel
tion gas) Briquettes/RDF
Food, vegetables, Paper, plant
Suitable type
fruits, and plant resi- Food, vegetables, and fruits residues,
of organic waste
dues wood waste
Required Medium (low heavy Low (no dioxin-
Medium (low heavy metal)
waste quality metal) emitting waste)
Project scale Household to large Household to large Household to large
US $23,000-33,000/ton US $75,000-
Investment US $100-30,000/ton
(dry matter) 100,000
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Table 7-37 shows the physical composition of waste as well as current recycling rate in the CCC
area. Recyclable inorganic waste is collected for recycling between the secondary collection points
and the secondary waste collection truck by waste pickers and municipal workers (waste pickers
are popularly known as tokais). Waste pickers and municipal workers’ collection rate is 11.19% of
the collected waste. At landfill sites, the rate collection of waste for recycling by landfill tokais is
1.22%. The total recycling of inorganic waste in CCC is 12.41% of the generated waste. The total
amount of inorganic waste is 28.30% in the waste stream of the study area. This means that 44% of
the inorganic waste is recycled while the major portion remains un-recycled. This is due to the fact
that inorganic waste at the landfill site becomes too soiled for recycling by the informal sector. It is
also interesting to note that currently only 1% of the organic waste is recycled while the remaining
70% is dumped in the landfill site.
Solid waste management is a mandatory function of CCC which spends a considerable amount of
the total budget on it, yet the services are far from satisfactory. Treatment and disposal of waste,
esp. organic waste, receives the least attention, despite the fact that treatment and recycling of or-
ganic waste have the potential to generate revenue if proper strategies are adopted.
Since CCC has a limited budget, it is unable to invest in projects designed to recycle waste. Apart
from financial problems, in the majority of cases technological, management, and legal issues hin-
der processing of waste.
Based on practical experience in the region, projects on organic waste recycling may be financed
using Public - Private Partnerships.
The following options are available for PPP in the recycling sector for large-scale projects (dealing
with more than 50 t/day of waste):
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Table 7-38: Different Options for Public Private Partnerships for Large-Scale Projects
Option General Features Benefits for city O&M Capital Invest- Duration
Private sector builds com-
post/Bio/RDF facility and City transfers respon-
owns and operates it. Private sibility of investment
BOO sector charges a tipping fee to & management in a Private Private 15-30 years
recover its cost. Land for the cost effective manner.
plant to be provided by pri- No risk to city.
vate sector.
To get private sector
Same as BOO with an addi- investment with oper-
tional clause for transfer of ation and manage-
BOOT asset to public part. Public ment risk to private Private Private 15-30 years
sector will provide land for partner, and assets
the plants. transferred to public
The private partner is fully re-
sponsible for operation,
maintenance and investment.
Concession Govt. will pay a fee/tipping To create competition
Private Private 15-30
charge. Public sector will as- in the market.
sign a certain amount of
waste to be recycled by pri-
vate sector.
The private partner is fully re- To obtain benefits of
sponsible for operation & management contract
maintenance, and the public with improved ser- Shared Public 8-15
partner is responsible for new vices and financial
investment. benefits.
In order to improve resource recovery from organic and inorganic waste, it is essential to
promote separation of waste at source. In the CCC area, about 56% of the inorganic waste
is not recycled by the informal sector since the waste is too soiled. Moreover, separation of
waste at source can also improve the potential of resource recovery from organic waste
(from the existing 1% to 70%). This will also help to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-
sions from the landfill, and will also help to extend the life of the existing landfill sites.
Promotion of source separation can be achieved by awareness raising campaigns using
door-to-door campaigns, as well as use of electronic and print media. Involving schools,
religious institutions, and elected representatives (especially elected women ward commis-
sioners) are all critical. Moreover, it is essential to have proper primary and secondary col-
lection vehicles in place so that the waste segregated at source by the residents is not mixed
during the transportation process.
Based on the capital cost and land foot print of different options, it is evident that compost-
ing as well as anaerobic digestion are both attractive options. However, for anaerobic di-
gestion, the major challenge is use of biogas, such as for electricity generation or as fuel for
cooking. Since feed-in tariff has not yet been finalized by the Ministry of Energy, it would
be difficult to sell the electricity generated from use of this technology. Moreover, in case
biogas is to be used as fuel for cooking purposes, the largest obstacle is the distribution
system as well as pricing of gas for cooking. The third issue with anaerobic digestion project
is marketing and sale of slurry. As per the organic fertilizer standard 2009 of the Govern-
ment of Bangladesh, the maximum permissible moisture content for organic fertilizer/com-
post is 20%. Biogas slurry is in liquid form and therefore, without drying and reducing the
moisture content, it would not be possible to market it. If sun drying is to be done, then it
would require a large area; in case mechanical drying is used, then additional energy (elec-
tricity or diesel) would be required which will increase the operational and maintenance
costs of the project.
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There is an opportunity to explore medium scale decentralized compost plants for the mu-
nicipalities using PPP approach and carbon financing. This project could be linked with the
programmatic CDM project on composting for the 64 districts of Bangladesh (currently
being implemented by the Department of Environment using the Ministry of Environment
and Forest’s climate change trust fund).
Waste disposal is a neglected practice in Bangladesh. CCC has two waste disposal sites at
Halishahar and Arefin Nagar. However, none of four municipalities have any formal sites for dis-
posal of collected solid waste. Figure 7-56 shows location of the waste disposal site. At both landfill
sites, waste is disposed via an open crude dumping method without any environmental protection.
CCC has been using the Halishahar Disposal site for 50 years. The reason behind selecting this
disposal site is not clear, but some believe that the sea side was earlier thought to be a suitable site
for waste disposal. The area of this disposal site is 5 acres (2.02 ha) at present; CCC expects to use
this site until 2020. Apparently, no environmental, social or legal considerations were considered
prior to the selection of this land for the disposal site. It does not meet any of the relevant regulatory
criteria. At present the site does not have environmental clearance from the Department of
Environment (DoE) for operating as a landfill site. However, CCC has informed that they have
recently applied for an environmental clearance permit. In principle, a social impact assessment
should be carried out; opinions and feedback of the surrounding community (up to several
kilometres) are also important factors when deciding upon and operating a landfill site. This course
has not been followed in Halishahar. There is no buffer protection zone established around the
landfill site.
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Figure 7-56: Location of Landfill Sites in CCC Area (This is a repetition of Figure 5-19 to facilitate
easier reading of this chapter).
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The open dumping of waste can cause irreparable damage to the environment by polluting land,
water, and air, adversely affecting human health, thereby lowering people’s quality of life. The
Ministry of Environment and Forests, under the draft SWM Handling Rules (2010), has already
proposed the following criteria for site selection as well as facilities at the site to be provided pro-
cedures for land filling. The current landfill site of Arefin Nagar has an expected life up to 2030.
In future, the following criteria should be used to identify a future landfill site.
None of the four municipalities have any official landfill site for disposal of collected waste. All
the collected waste is improperly disposed of in a crude dumping manner in unauthorized places,
mainly khas lands. Waste generation per day for the municipalities seems very low compared to
large cities like Chittagong. In such a scenario, it would be appropriate to explore the potential for
a common regional land fill site for the municipalities within the sanitation planning area. This
regional site would be integrated with an organic waste recycling facility.
Table 7-39 shows the basic requirements for selection of landfill sites.
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In order to improve the operation of the existing facility, the following recommendations made in
the Draft Solid Waste Management Handling Rules should be followed by CCC.
The Draft Solid Waste Handling Rules include several provisions regarding facilities at the landfill
Landfill sites must be fenced or hedged and must be provided with a proper gate to monitor
incoming vehicles or other modes of transport.
Landfill sites must be well protected to prevent entry of unauthorized persons and stray
In order for free movement of vehicles and other machinery, internal roads and a proper
approach must exist at the landfill site.
Landfill sites must have a waste inspection facility to monitor waste brought to the landfill,
an office facility for recordkeeping, and a shelter for equipment and machinery, including
pollution-monitoring equipment.
A weigh bridge to measure the quantity of waste brought to the landfill, fire protection
equipment, and other facilities should be provided as required.
Utilities such as drinking water, and lighting arrangements for easy landfill operations when
carried out in night hours, must be provided. If possible, bathing facilities for workers
should be provided.
Safety provisions, such as health inspections for landfill workers, must be periodically un-
Apart from collection and disposal of solid waste, street sweeping and drain cleaning activities
constitute major responsibilities of the conservancy section of the CCC. Street sweeping and drain
cleaning are directly related to solid waste management vis-à-vis the disposal of the dirt material
removed from the drains. Generally, the common practice in the CCC is to remove the dug-up
materials on the roadsides to dry for several days before collecting them for disposal. (The dug-up
materials are mostly composed of grit, sand, and decayed organic material). Though it is easy and
convenient to collect and dispose of the dried up materials, this practice has several shortcomings,
which include:
Note: * L = Length in km assigned for the day **C = Number of Cleaners
Table 7-41: Format for Recording Weekly Drain Cleaning Operational Data
Sl. Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Total Total Ave.
L C L C L C L C L C L C L C Length Man Length
Cleaned Days km/man.d
Apart from fixed assigned road length, the cleaners should be given individual containerized
handcarts or rickshaw vans as may be convenient, and necessary equipment.
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The subject of solid waste management has remained neglected in Bangladesh for the past four
decades, resulting in highly inadequate and inefficient services. Improvement of solid waste man-
agement requires promotion of an institutional framework that is transparent and contains very well
defined and delineated roles and responsibilities for the different actors. Along with the institutional
strengthening, capacity building of CCC and Municipal staff is essential. More details are provided
in this report’s Section 3: Strategy for Institutional Framework.
Municipal authorities in each city must know the quantity of waste generated and its physical and
chemical composition. Those quantities may vary seasonally. The quantity of waste in mass is ex-
pected to be higher during the monsoon season, when waste will have higher moisture content.
However, weight will be less during the summer and even less during the winter. The City Corpo-
ration must have a weigh bridge at the landfill site; this would improve its monitoring capacity
regarding the amount of waste collected and transported to the landfill every day. Quantifying waste
generation, density, and physical and chemical composition according to season are important pre-
conditions for infrastructure planning. Knowledge of physical and chemical composition enables
authorities to determine the following: scope of retrieval of recyclable material and construction
debris, and defining appropriate technologies for treating waste. It also allows authorities to deter-
mine the ultimate requirement of land for final disposal of inert material. These types of data are
very important for planning solid waste management services.
Financial Improvement
Solid waste management is an obligatory function of municipal authorities; they cannot escape the
responsibility of providing these basic services on the grounds of shortage of funds. Municipal
authorities must find or raise funds to provide for solid waste management service delivery.
Urban local bodies in Bangladesh have a conservancy tax for waste management services. A peri-
odic assessment of the value of the property and building is used as the basis for the tax assessment.
Minimum taxes as established are: street lighting 3%; water 10%; and solid waste management 7%.
The following Table shows the income and expenditure made by Chittagong City Corporation on
solid waste management.
As shown in the above table, there is a considerable gap of 40% between expenditure and income
from solid waste management. If solid waste management services are to be financially sustainable,
there is an urgent need to improve the revenue collection mechanism for solid waste management.
CCC needs to take a careful look at their finances and implement transparent financial and account-
ing systems that will allow them to impose expenditure discipline and make judicious use of limited
available funds.
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The following measures would help improve the financial condition of municipal authorities under
study for solid waste management.
Critically look into the existing mechanisms and efficiency of tax collection and collection
of charges, fees, and other income sources prescribed by the CCC authorities.
Identify the leaks or lapses in the system.
Plug the leaks and maximize the efficiency of collection of taxes, charges, and fees.
Obtain professional or private sector help in this area wherever required.
Use the additional funds generated through this effort for the essential services.
Streamline procedural steps for debt collection from non-payers.
Compare existing rates of taxes and charges to the current cost of services.
Make sure that citizens are reasonably taxed for the services they receive.
Rates that are too low may be suitably increased to reduce the gap between income and
Rationalize the property tax structure, preferably on the basis of floor area or plinth area
rather than on the basis of annual rental value.
Introduce the element of cost recovery for specialized services rendered, particularly in
the case of house-to-house waste collection services, or nondomestic waste collection ser-
vices such as construction waste, hospital waste, and from hotels, commercial buildings
and shopping centres.
Critically review overhead costs and the job requirements of officers and staff.
Account the costs for street sweeping, collection, transportation, and disposal
Set work norms carefully.
Review human resource needs.
Reduce surplus staff members, if any, or redeploy them where needed.
Economize in expenditure in all activities of the municipal authority.
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Solid waste management is a mandatory duty of all municipal authorities in the country. They spend
a significant proportion of their total budget on it, yet service is very poorly performed, with treat-
ment and disposal receiving the least attention. Many attempts to reform the public authorities in
order to improve the reliability and efficiency of services have shown limited or no effect. The
deplorable situation makes it necessary for the municipal authorities to seriously consider solutions
that are “outside the box” to improve services. One option is to involve the private sector more
extensively in providing services, with the municipal authority moving from being a service pro-
vider to being a regulator and service facilitator. Experience in many countries shows that, in certain
circumstances, involving the private sector can significantly improve SWM service quality. Thus,
private sector participation should be considered seriously in Bangladesh.
Many municipal authorities are not yet comfortable with private sector participation because they
are unclear about their authority to engage in it. They have some doubts and some reservations
about the benefits of private sector participation.
Recently, the National 3R Strategy for Waste Management has placed emphasis on private sector
participation on solid waste management, especially treatment of waste. The Local Government
Division under the MLGRDC should declare a policy facilitating such participation. The policy
may advise the cities on questions such as:
What type of SWM services may be considered for private sector participation?
How may contracts be packaged to encourage the right people to bid?
What is the best way to ensure fair competition among bidders on a contract?
What contract size will be attractive for the private operator but avoid the creation of a
How may bids be evaluated in a transparent manner?
What is the best payment structure to make the contract sustainable: levy of user fees,
charges, or taxes?
Who should have the power to award the contract?
What should be the institutional arrangement at the ULB level for monitoring the con-
How can municipal or government land be leased to a private sector for setting up treat-
ment and disposal facilities?
What is the best way to subsidize community-based organizations (CBOs), non-govern-
mental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector in providing services with or without
a cost-sharing basis with the beneficiaries?
What is the best way to ensure that long-term contracts are binding for both sides beyond
terms of office, and how to ensure fairness to both sides through adjustment clauses?
How can hardships arising out of unforeseen situations be mitigated during the contract
The policy should encourage municipal authorities to involve the private sector in providing various
types of SWM services and to levy user fees or user charges to compensate the private sector for
the services rendered. There should be a clear policy on the allocation of government land to mu-
nicipal authorities for the construction of treatment and disposal facilities, and an option to allocate
these lands on a long-term lease to the private sector to set up such facilities and others like them.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
In the existing situation, the municipal authorities may involve the private sector in the following
Door-to-door collection of waste (since municipal authorities do not provide this service);
Street sweeping in unserved areas, without disturbing or retrenching existing street sweepers;
Provision of large containers for secondary waste storage in various parts of the city;
Construction, operation, and maintenance of transfer stations;
Extension of coverage and increased transportation of waste without replacing existing work-
Provision of the vehicle fleet and equipment for transporting waste;
Construction of treatment facilities (composting, waste-to-energy conversion, sanitary land-
Operation and maintenance of treatment facilities.
In order to improve the solid waste management system of CCC as well as the municipalities, there
is a need to address both the technical elements (collection, storage, transportation, recycling,
resource recovery, and disposal), as well as the governance aspects (institutional, financial and
regulatory). Addressing both these sets of factors is essential for a sustainable solution as mentioned
in the aforementioned sections. The following priority measures are recommended as a way
The Institutional/organizational strengthening of the conservancy section is one of the top priority
measures. Without adequate manpower and equipment, and a proper set-up, it will not be possible
to realize the desired improvement. Apart for institutional strengthening and capacity building,
awareness raising on source separation of waste should be carried out to promote waste recycling.
More details are provided in this report’s Section 3: Strategy for Institutional Framework.
Structural Measures
Collection of Option 1: Communal Collection Option 4 & Option 1 for markets and large insti-
waste Option 2: Block Collection tutions. For house to house waste collection, use
Option 3: Curb side Collection modified rickshaw vans with bins, which can di-
and multiple han-
Option 4: House to House Collec- rectly discharge the waste into the demountable
dling of waste tion containers.
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Storage of waste Option 1: Open concrete/brick Option 2 with use of standards for placement of
made bin bins in the city.
Option 2: Closed demountable
containers which can be lifted me- For municipalities, Option 2 with use of stand-
chanically ards for placement of bins. Option 1 can be used
in areas which are inaccessible for small and
medium sized trucks.
Transportation of Option 1: Manual Handcart Option 1 and 2 for primary collection of waste.
waste Option 2: Rickshaw van
Option 3: Auto Rickshaw van Option 8 for areas with demountable contain-
Option 4: Tractor and Trailer ers. Option 6 should be used for collection and
Option 5: Fixed bed truck transportation of waste from markets and insti-
Option 6: Tipper Truck tutions where a communal bin system is used.
Option 7: Compactor Truck
Option 8: Demountable Container For municipalities, Options 1 and 2 for primary
Truck collection. Options 3 and 4 for areas with de-
mountable containers; however, the demounta-
ble containers vehicles can auto rickshaw van,
small trucks or tractors. Option 6
Option 1: Composting Combination of Options 1 and 3. However, in
Resource Recov- Option 2: Anaerobic digestion order to pursue the aforementioned options, the
ery Option 3: RDF47 promotion of source separation is essential.
More than 50% of the collected dry waste (plastic, paper and rags) are dumped in the landfill sites due to the fact that they
are soiled and expensive to recycle by the informal sector. Soiled rags, paper, and plastic waste (excluding PVC) can be used
to produce RDF. A recent study (2015) of GIZ, conducted by Waste Concern in Dhaka, has found that, by using different
proportions of soiled plastic waste, paper, and rags, RDF can be made which has a calorific value of 5000 kcal/kg, which is
close to the caloric value of coal. This type of RDF can be used in brick kilns for co-firing with coal or in cement factories. As
such, we have recommended limited production of RDF for recycling of soiled plastic, paper and rags and composting for
recycling of organic waste as strategy for waste diversion from landfill towards more recycling.
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Annex 7 – Cost Catalogue presents a detailed methodology of establishing unit costs and calculating
the cost for the full sewerage investments required to achieve the long-term plan, as well as the
proposed phased investments as prioritised in the subsequent chapters.
Table 8-1: Estimated total cost for the Complete Sewerage Investment Program (2016-2065) (MUSD)
Item STP-1 STP-2 STP-3 STP-4 STP-5 STP-6 Total
Deep sewers 13.55 4.79 2.00 5.43 0.00 0.00 25.77
Gravity pipes 58.48 44.80 26.42 27.92 21.11 29.81 208.53
Manholes 10.78 8.03 4.42 4.63 3.80 4.61 36.26
Force mains 1.70 0.35 3.03 0.04 0.54 0.94 6.18
Utility Realignment 17.54 13.44 7.93 8.37 6.33 8.94 62.56
Pump stations 7.28 8.74 8.21 1.54 1.66 4.22 31.65
Service Lines 34.07 18.93 17.98 19.88 18.36 21.77 131.00
Connections 18.13 5.54 5.32 9.62 3.94 7.42 49.97
Interceptors 4.10 7.43 0.00 4.50 1.74 0.00 17.77
STPs 45.00 33.30 18.00 35.10 10.50 15.00 156.90
Total A (MUSD) 210.64 145.35 93.30 117.02 67.99 92.71 726.60
Contingencies (5% on Total A) 10.53 7.27 4.66 5.85 3.40 4.64 36.33
Total B (MUSD) 221.17 152.62 97.96 122.87 71.39 97.35 762.93
Engineering, Design & Supervi-
sion (7% on Total A) 14.74 10.17 6.53 8.19 4.76 6.49 50.86
Total C (MUSD) 235.91 162.79 104.49 131.06 76.15 103.84 813.79
VAT (15% on Total C) 35.39 24.43 15.83 19.66 11.44 15.62 122.37
Total D (MUSD) 271.30 187.33 121.35 150.74 87.74 119.72 938.19
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The above costs are meant to be conservative. Depending on the works contracting process and
level of competition, lower costs may be practically feasible but it is not recommended to reduce
the cost estimation for planning purposes.
Estimated annual O&M costs as a percentage of construction cost are given in Table 8-2 in MUSD.
Table 8-2: Estimated O&M costs for the Complete Sewerage Investment Program in all catchments
Item %* STP-1 STP-2 STP-3 STP-4 STP-5 STP-6 Total
Deep sewers 2% 0.28 0.10 0.04 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.54
Gravity pipes 2% 1.23 0.94 0.55 0.59 0.44 0.63 4.38
Manholes 2% 0.23 0.17 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.10 0.76
Force mains 2% 0.04 0.01 0.08 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.16
Utility Realignment 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pump stations 4% 0.31 0.37 0.34 0.06 0.07 0.18 1.33
Service Lines 2% 0.72 0.40 0.38 0.42 0.39 0.46 2.75
Connections 2% 0.38 0.12 0.11 0.20 0.08 0.16 1.05
Interceptors 4% 0.17 0.31 0.00 0.19 0.07 0.00 0.75
STPs 4% 1.89 1.40 0.76 1.47 0.44 0.63 6.59
Total (MUSD) 5.24 3.81 2.36 3.15 1.59 2.17 18.32
* % of Construction Cost (including 5% contingencies)
The amount of works and the respective total cost required to achieve the complete long-term san-
itation strategy, dictates that this is a process with enormous funding requirements which will ne-
cessitate a very long implementation period. Thus, a prioritisation is necessary in order to be able
to better utilise any resources that become gradually available.
For each catchment, proposed sewerage and Dry Weather Flow Interception (DWFI) works are
scored separately based on population to be served, per capita cost of works, technical feasibility,
land issues, phasing options, etc. as shown in Table 8-3 to Table 8-6. Scoring is based on the
principle explained in Paragraph
Given the different benefit provided by sewerage and DWFI, solutions are assessed separately. A
mix of options is then prioritised based on qualitative criteria.
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Total 26 17 21 17 21 14
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Technical feasibility 4 4 2 1
Land issues 4 3 3 1
Total 17 10 17 13
In terms of conventional sewerage, STP-1 catchment is the obvious option to start developing a
sewerage system. STP-3 and STP-5 rank in second place. However, both of these catchments are
outside of the city core and are not considered a priority in terms of city improvement. STP-2 and
STP-4 are much more significant in terms of planning. Although they tie in fourth place, technical
difficulties and land issues associated with STP-4 make it a far less attractive option in terms of
prioritisation. STP-2 ranks low primarily because of the fact that its catchment is quite spread out
and thus requires a longer collection network. Similarly, the STP itself is located at considerable
distance from the core of the catchment making phasing of the system inefficient. However, it fares
much better in the key parameters of land issues and technical feasibility compared to the other core
catchment of STP-4, and thus a weighted scoring would likely propel it to second priority behind
Low overlap means that options act supplementary to each other utilising the same STP. High overlap means
that options are competing against each other for the same population and that careful planning is required to en-
sure funds are not wasted on redundant capacity.
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STP-1) ranks last primarily because it serves a very small catchment which results in a much higher
per capita cost. It should however, be noted that DWFI-1 is also the cheapest available investment
in the whole programme and that it would be a worthwhile option to supplement a system which
has been already put in place.
1. Verify the suitability of the proposed options for collection and treatment in the context of
the city of Chittagong.
2. Introduce the concept of sewerage to the city and demonstrate its importance in terms of
improving the quality of life of its residents.
Capacity Building
There is a lack of know-how and experience within CWASA to handle a large-scale sewerage
project in the short-term. CWASA will need to establish a sewerage team and train staff to be able
to handle the operation and maintenance of a sewerage system. A phased approach, where a small-
scale sewage collection catchment and STP is carefully planned with the participation of CWASA
staff, in order to introduce CWASA to the sewerage sector, is seen as more feasible and appropriate.
Careful consideration should be given to avoid an excessive development programme for a large-
scale project that would overwhelm CWASA’s institutional capacity, leading to a failed
implementation and/or subsequent management. Such a situation could lead to the misuse of the
city’s limited resources, render costly new infrastructure as largely inefficient and significantly
back-track any further investments in the sewerage sector.
City Aspirations
While the above parameters point to a limited initial investment, care should be taken not to
underestimate the current city aspirations for a sewerage system that will make a quick and apparent
impact in the city’s grave sanitation conditions. A proposed implementation schedule with very
limited ambition could be inefficient to the extent that it is not embraced with enthusiasm by the
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Commercial Viability
In order for any project to proceed, it is necessary for the required funding to be secured. The best
chances for funding are with one of the developments banks or other international donors who
typically fund infrastructure projects in developing countries. In order to increase the chances of
attracting such donors, the project needs to have a significant economic factor and thus a sizeable
initial investment should be considered.
In line with the above, it is considered that any collection system implementation should start with
a densely populated, well-developed area with properly laid out streets and higher capacity of the
residents to pay tariffs that would make the project feasible. Practicalities of prospective
beneficiaries should be able to connect to the system and there should be sufficient level of
motivation to participate in the project. The area should be large enough for the project to have an
actual impact to the city, both in terms of public health as well as in terms of environmental
Building on the experience acquired from such a first project and exploiting its potential success,
CWASA would then be able to expand the system further. More STPs would be built gradually
until the complete system is established at a pace that suits the available finances and other
constricting parameters.
Options for collection which are not well established (e.g. solids-free sewers, SDWFIs) should be
dealt with care at this stage and only be implemented after a pilot study has proven their suitability.
On the other hand, options that can provide a significant impact with limited resources (Option 3)
can be implemented at a low scale (e.g. one interceptor) in order to check their efficiency.
Based on the above principles, the options analysis and the investments prioritisation ranking, the
following strategic recommendations are proposed.
Short-term recommendations
This can be done in the North Halishahar and South Agrabad areas where well-planned areas co-
exist with less planned ones, and where residents are likely to support and afford at least the Oper-
ation & Maintenance Costs (the implementation costs are likely too high in all options). In the same
area, Option 3 can be implemented through a DWFI on the Moheskhalli khal.
Such a project would require a substantial preparation time, incl. institutional strengthening of
CWASA and completion of prerequisites (e.g. land issues, tidal gate construction, etc.), and is not
meant as an immediate measure but rather as a 4-5 year long project that will create the basis for
the city’s sewerage system. Nonetheless, the preparation phase should start as soon as this Master
Plan is approved.
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Phase 1 proposes an immediate priority investment programme (PIP) for 2016-2018 with minimal
funds, within the existing skills and capacity within the operating agencies. This Phase is meant as
an immediate priority investment programme to address chronic grave problems of the city with
small-scale quick interventions. This Phase refers mainly to faecal sludge and solid waste manage-
ment investments where significant improvements can be achieved with limited targeted interven-
tions. It is not applicable to sewerage where a larger scale project needs to be carefully prepared
over a longer period which will also focus on the institutional capacity building of CWASA and the
various prerequisite activities.
No major infrastructure is proposed. Initiatives are limited to design and contracting of sewerage
system to be implemented in the next phase of the project. CWASA should commence applying for
rezoning of STP-1 land and associated pump stations, and securing land for the pump stations.
Phase 2 proposes a more substantial investment programme for 2016-2023 requiring enhanced
skills and capacity. The overlap period between Phase 1 and Phase 2 allows early preparation of
design, tender documents and works award for effective implementation and execution of all civil
works. This Phase will include the Sewerage Priority Project which will be further divided into the
preparation and the implementation sub-phases.
Preparation (2016-2018)
A) Initiate all necessary land-acquisition and land-use change procedures for STP sites and major
Pumping Station sites. It is assumed that mostly government owned land will be used, conse-
quently no additional cost has been included. If privately owned land is required to be acquired,
cost will increase sharply and may become prohibitive at this stage. Annex 8 indicates the land
that needs to be acquired for Phase 2 works, assuming that either deep sewers or additional
pumping stations will be used.
B) Proceed with the institutional strengthening of CWASA and prepare the formation of the Sew-
erage Division (see Chapter 3).
C) Prepare the following priority projects in the STP-1 Treatment Area (detailed designs and ten-
der documents)
Collection system (190 000 capita in 2030) in North Halishahar, Rampur and South Agrabad
areas (well-planned parts of Wards 24, 25, 26 and 27) including conventional sewers and
pumping stations. Trunk sewers are assumed to be deep sewers (in terms of cost estimation),
but during design this option will be further compared against the option of installing more
large pumping stations with long force main. Proposed design criteria are given in Annex 9.
Interceptor on Moheskhalli khal including one DWFI and one pumping station (catchment of
approx. 345 000 capita in 2030).
STP-1/Stage 1 (80 000m3/day capacity) to connect the above systems.
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Implementation (2018-2023)
D) Proceed with tendering and contracting the works packages.
E) Closely liaise with the CWASA Sewerage Division to ensure CWASA gradually assume prac-
tical ownership of the project.
F) Works construction (to be completed nominally by 2021).
G) Purchase of operation & maintenance equipment: 2 combined suction/jetting trucks, 2 excava-
tors/loaders, 2 trucks, 2 pick-up trucks, computers, GIS & Modelling software.
H) Train CWASA staff in the operation & maintenance routines.
All costs exclude Engineering, Design & Supervision costs and VAT
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Phase 3 proposes investments up to the Master Plan horizon of 2030. Note that additional invest-
ments will also be required after this period. Prepare and implement the following indicative pro-
jects (STP-1 and STP-2 Treatment Areas):
Expand the STP-1 collection network to the unplanned areas of Wards 11, 12, 24, 25, 26 and
27 (additional 255 000 capita in 2030).
Construct Interceptor on Moheskhalli diversion khal including one DWFI and one pumping
station (catchment of approx. 100 000 capita in 2030).
Expand STP-1 to Stage 2 capacity of 100 000 m3/day.
Construct STP-2. Construct adjacent interceptor on Noa khal (catchment of approx. 790 000
capita in 2030).
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Table 8-7 below provides details regarding the total investment and breakdown under each action
In addition to the aforementioned capital cost, institutional improvement and capacity building
of CCC as well as awareness raising will be necessary which has not been estimated.
In addition to investment related to faecal sludge management amounting to USD 15.76 million,
additional USD 27.30 million is required for improvement of the on-site sanitation system which
includes a priority phase of USD 4.70 million. As such total investment required is estimated at
USD 43.06 million. Total investment required for Phase 1 (upgrade of on-site sanitation and faecal
sludge management) is estimated at USD 9.43 million.
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Table 8-8: Summary of Strategic Structural Options, Preferred Strategy and Investment Plan
Problems Strategic Options Preferred Works involved under each strategy
Strategy Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
(2016-2018) (2016-2023) (2023-2030)
Problem 1: Option 1: For areas with wide access For CCC Area Purchase of vacuum tugs and Purchase of additional vacuum Purchase of additional vacuum
Extremely limited (>3m), a large vacuum truck (4-6m3) Option 1, Option 2 vacuum trucks of different ca- tugs and vacuum trucks of dif- tugs and vacuum trucks of dif-
can be used, directly discharging fae-
mechanized collection & Option 3. Op- pacities as well as portable ferent capacities, and portable ferent capacities, and portable
cal sludge to the treatment facility.
and transportation of tions shall be used pumps for collection of faecal pumps for collection of faecal pumps for collection of faecal
faecal sludge by CCC. Option 2: For areas with narrow ac- based on road sludge up to 150 m3/d. sludge amounting to 300 m3/d sludge amounting to 500 m3/d
Mostly manual clean- cess (2-3m width), a 500-600L capac- width. (increase of 150 m3/d from the (increase of 200 m3/d from the
ing is done. ity vacuum tug can be used. Faecal Phase 1 volume of 150 Phase 2 volume of 300 m3/d).
sludge from a small vacuum tug
For smaller Munic- m3/day).
would be discharged into the interme-
diate vacuum truck (2-4m3 capacity), ipalities
which will serve as a mobile transfer Option 2 and Op- Total Investment: Total Investment: Total Investment:
station placed at the closest point ac- tion 3 USD 2,310,350 USD 2,310,350 USD 3,080,466
cessible by truck. When the interme- Options shall be
diate vacuum truck is full, it would di- used based on road OPEX OPEX OPEX
rectly go to the treatment site.
width. USD 178,000/annum USD 178,000/annum USD 237,440/annum
Option 3: For areas with extremely
narrow access (<2m width), a porta-
ble suction pump will be required to
collect the faecal sludge and then dis-
charge to small vacuum tug (500-600
L capacity). Faecal sludge from the
small vacuum tug would be then dis-
charged into an intermediate vacuum
truck (2-4m3 capacity), which will
serve as a mobile transfer station
placed at the closest point accessible
by truck. When the intermediate vac-
uum truck is full, it would directly go
to the treatment site.
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Phase -1 (2016-2018)
Key Issue 1 Currently, the primary waste collection rickshaw vans are It is an administrative meas-
not compatible with CCC’s secondary collection system, re- ure. Private sector collectors
Waste collection is sulting in multiple handling. In order to solve this problem, must use modified van and
inefficient mainly it is necessary to use rickshaw vans with bins, which can investment can be made by
due to multiple han- directly discharge the waste into the demountable contain- the private sector
dling ers. (NGOs/CBOs).
Gradually remove open concrete/brick waste bin (238 in CAPEX USD 168,000 ( for
number) with 308 closed demountable containers (0.5- 1.5
the four municipalities)
m3 size) which can be lifted by the truck in the four munic-
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Construct compost plant in the municipalities. Use vegeta- CAPEX USD 300,000 (for
ble market waste as raw material for composting. total 15 t/d capacity com-
post plant in four munici-
Involve private sector entities possessing license in opera- palities)
tion and maintenance.
Install weighbridge at Halishahar and Arefin Nagar landfill
Key issue 5 CAPEX: USD 250,000 (for
sites; install lighting facilities as well as internal roads.
Waste Disposal two weighbridges)
Purchase 4 container trucks for the municipalities (of 1 ton CAPEX: USD 88,000
Promote source separation of waste. Involve NGOs/CBOs,
Key issue 4 CAPEX USD 2.5 million
media, and elected representatives of CCC in the aware-
Resource Recovery (for 100 t/d compost plant)
ness raising campaign, especially with regards to source
separation. USD 0.75 million for RDF
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Increase the composting of organic waste from 35 to 55 t/d CAPEX: USD 400,000 (for
in the four municipalities. Use vegetable market and 20 t/d compost plant in the
source separated house hold waste for composting. municipalities)
Apart from the above-mentioned actions, the following non-structural initiatives are also required.
Implementation of the following in the immediate and short term would enable marked improve-
ment in solid waste management services for CCC as well as the municipalities:
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The below Table 8-10 provides details on total investment and the breakdown under each action
Table 8-10: Summary of investment plan for the CCC
Action plan Capital Expenditure
Million USD
Phase 1 (2016-2018) 3.86
Phase 2 (2016-2023) 4.6
Phase 3 (2023-2030) 7.87
Total investment cost 16.33
In addition to the capital cost, institutional improvement and capacity building of CCC and the
municipalities, as well as awareness raising, will be necessary which has not been estimated in
the tables.
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The consolidated investment schedule for the sanitation sector is indicated in the following table,
excluding price contingencies, IT & VAT:
Based on the implementation plan of the Master Plan and the long-term proposed investments, Ta-
ble 8-14 shows the estimated coverage that can be achieved in the period 2016-2065:
No FSM required unless pre-existing septic tanks have not been cancelled.
Black water to be collected from sealed septic tanks and treated in FSM plant.
Includes population provided with FSM services only.
Includes population served by DWFI and STP (grey water) and FSM (black water).
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The financial analysis of the proposed sanitation project composed of a sewerage network, inter-
ceptors and sewage treatment plant (STP) is presented below, and includes estimated project cost
or capital expenditure (CAPEX), operations and maintenance (O&M) and tariff or cost recovery
The costs are estimated and projected at 2016 base prices. The economic useful life of civil works
(STP and sewers) was assumed at 50 years while the economic useful life for mechanical and elec-
trical (pumps and equipment) facilities was assumed at 20 years.
Phase 2 would be implemented upon project approval and is expected to be operational by 2020
while Phase 3 would be constructed during 2022 and 2024, and is assumed to be operational starting
The annual O&M costs are presented in Table 9-2 below. They are based on percentages of cost
of each major work including contingencies but without Engineering, Design & Supervision costs
and VAT (15%).
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Sewerage Network
Deep Sewers 14.22 0.00 14.22 2% 0.28 0.00 0.28
Gravity Pipes 18.51 16.98 35.49 2% 0.37 0.34 0.71
Manholes 3.84 3.43 7.28 2% 0.08 0.07 0.15
Force Mains 0.68 0.15 0.83 2% 0.01 0.00 0.02
Utility Realignment 5.55 5.09 10.65 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pump Stations 1.76 1.26 3.02 4% 0.07 0.05 0.12
Service Lines 10.33 9.54 19.88 2% 0.21 0.19 0.40
Connections 2.87 2.94 5.81 2% 0.06 0.06 0.12
Sub-Total Sewerage
57.78 39.40 97.18 1.08 0.71 1.79
Interceptors 2.21 7.45 9.66 4% 0.09 0.30 0.39
STP 37.80 44.42 82.22 4% 1.51 1.78 3.29
Total 97.79 91.26 189.05 2.68 2.79 5.47
Taking the above into consideration, four sets of financial cashflow projections were prepared, as
CAPEX and O&M costs of sewerage network, and proposed tariff schemes, for those cov-
ered by the sewerage network.
CAPEX and O&M costs of interceptors, and proposed tariff schemes (even if tariff could
not be collected from them) for those covered by interceptors.
CAPEX and O&M costs of STP, and proposed tariff schemes, for the treatment of waste
water collected from sewerage network and from interceptors (even if tariff could not be
collected from those covered by interceptors). Those covered by the sewerage network
would only pay for the treatment of waste water collected from them.
CAPEX and O&M costs of sewerage network, interceptors and STP, and proposed cross-
subsidy tariff schemes that would only be imposed/collected from those covered by the
sewerage network. In effect, those covered by the sewerage network would pay for all
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CAPEX and O&M costs including the cost of interceptors and STP (including treatment of
waste water from interceptors).
The tariffs set for households and small non-domestic establishments were assumed to be the same
since small establishments would only have as much capacity as HHs to pay for sewerage and STP
The tariff for large non-domestic establishments were assumed to be double the tariff per m3 of
wastewater for HHs and small non-domestic establishments. The large non-domestic establish-
ments were assumed to be able to afford the sewerage and STP charges, and were assumed to be
compelled by law to treat their wastewater and other effluents.
Based on an FIRR of 11.5%, the level of tariff was determined for the following cost-recovery
Recovery of O&M costs only, which would mean that the National Government would
fully take care of CAPEX and of servicing the loan(s), and
If CAPEX and O&M are recovered, the tariff for large establishments would be BDT 213/m3,
while for HHs and small non-domestic establishments, the tariff would be BDT 107/m3. The aver-
age tariff per HH per month would be BDT 1,371.
This rate appears high considering that the charge for cleaning septic tanks range from BDT 3,000
to 5,000 per unit (HHs conveniently assume that septage is disposed of properly by the septic tank
cleaners). At 2.5 year-interval per cleaning, the charge per month would range from BDT 100 to
If only the O&M cost is recovered by the tariff, the average tariff would be BDT 183/HH/month.
This is an achievable tariff when compared with the current practice of cleaning the septic tank as
described above.
If 30% of CAPEX and O&M costs are recovered, the tariff would be BDT 532/HH/month, which
would be much higher than the cost of having the septic tank cleaned, which was computed at
between BDT 100 to 167.
Based on Bangladesh Bank Policy Note 1401, “An Analysis of Private Commercial Borrowing from Foreign
Sources in Bangladesh” (May 2014), the average interest rate for foreign loans was 5% while the average for
domestic loans was 16%. It was assumed that these infrastructure projects have 35% foreign content and 65%
local content; using these proportions, the composite cost of borrowing equals 11.5%. URL:
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Table 9-3: Tariff Analysis for Costs Recovery of Sewerage Network and STP
Description STP Total
USD/m3 BDT/m3 (1)
Full Cost Recovery - CAPEX & O&M at 11.5% FIRR
Large Non-Domestic Establishments 1.860 0.856 2.716 213
Domestic Customers (Households) &
0.930 0.428 1.358 107
Small Non-Domestic Establishments
Tariff per Capita per Year (2) 45.602 3,577
Tariff per HH per Year (3) 209.768 16,456
Tariff per HH per Month 17.481 1,371
O&M-Only Cost Recovery at 11.5% FIRR USD/m3 BDT/m3 (1)
Large Non-Domestic Establishments 0.192 0.170 0.362 28
Domestic Customers (Households) &
0.096 0.085 0.181 14
Small Non-Domestic Establishments
Tariff per Capita per Year (2) 6.085 477
Tariff per HH per Year (3) 27.993 2,196
Tariff per HH per Month 2.333 183
30% CAPEX & Full O&M Cost Recovery at
USD/m3 BDT/m3 (1)
11.5% FIRR
Large Non-Domestic Establishments 0.686 0.368 1.054 83
Domestic Customers (Households) &
0.343 0.184 0.527 41
Small Non-Domestic Establishments
Tariff per Capita per Year (2) 17.697 1,388
Tariff per HH per Year (3) 81.405 6,386
Tariff per HH per Month 6.784 532
(1) Based on average BDT/USD Nov. 2, 2016 Bangladesh Bank,
(2) At 92 lcpd or 0.092 m3 per capita per day multiplied by 365 days 33.58
(3) Average persons per household (HH) 4.60
As shown in the table below, tariff at full cost recovery of CAPEX and O&M costs, would be BDT
81/m3 for large non-domestic establishments, and BDT 41/m3 for HHs and small establishments.
The latter translates to an average of BDT 522/HH/month.
For recovery of O&M only, the average tariff would be BDT 100/HH/month, which is just similar
to the rate of having the septic tank cleaned every 2.5 years.
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The average tariff for 30% recovery of CAPEX and O&M costs would be BDT 224/HH/month.
Tariffs to be Charged to Those Covered by the Sewerage Network that Would Subsidise
Costs to be Incurred by Those Covered by Interceptors
The cross-subsidy tariffs would be roughly about 50% more of the tariffs derived for those covered
by the sewerage network without the subsidy. It would be 61% more at full cost recovery, 47%
more if only O&M is considered, and 65% more if 30% of CAPEX and O&M are recovered.
At full cost recovery, the subsidised tariff would average BDT 2,212/HH/month. If O&M only is
recovered, the average tariff would be BDT 268/HH/month and if 30% of CAPEX and O&M are
recovered, the subsidised tariff would be BDT 879/HH/month.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Table 9-5: Tariff Analysis to be Imposed on Those Covered by the Sewerage Network that
Would Subsidise Costs to be Incurred by Those Covered by the Interceptors
Cross-Subsidised Tariff
USD/m3 BDT/m3 (1)
Full Cost Recovery - CAPEX & O&M at 11.5% FIRR
Large Non-Domestic Establishments 4.380 344
Domestic Customers (Households) & Small Non-
2.190 172
Domestic Establishments
Tariff per Capita per Year (2) 73.540 5,769
Tariff per HH per Year (3) 338.285 26,538
Tariff per HH per Month 28.190 2,212
O&M-Only Cost Recovery at 11.5% FIRR BDT/m3 (1)
Large Non-Domestic Establishments 0.532 42
Domestic Customers (Households) & Small Non-
0.266 21
Domestic Establishments
Tariff per Capita per Year (2) 8.926 700
Tariff per HH per Year (3) 41.058 3,221
Tariff per HH per Month 3.421 268
30% CAPEX & Full O&M Cost Recovery at 11.5% FIRR BDT/m3 (1)
Large Non-Domestic Establishments 1.740 137
Domestic Customers (Households) & Small Non-
0.870 68
Domestic Establishments
Tariff per Capita per Year (2) 29.215 2,292
Tariff per HH per Year (3) 134.387 10,543
Tariff per HH per Month 11.199 879
(1) Based on average BDT/USD Nov. 2, 2016 Bangladesh Bank,
(2) At 92 lcpd or 0.092 m3 per capita per day multiplied by 365 33.58
(3) Average persons per household (HH) 4.60
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Table 9-6: Sewerage Network Projected Cashflow Statement at Full Cost Recovery and O&M Cost Recovery
Description Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Population Covered 000 160 164 167 171 175 406 413 420 428 435 443
Wastewater Litres/Capita/Day (1) lcpd 92
Total Domestic Wastewater Collected m3/year 5,388,175 5,504,316 5,622,961 5,744,163 5,867,978 13,617,362 13,859,211 14,105,356 14,355,872 14,610,838 14,870,332
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.9300
Domestic Wastewater Revenue USD 000 5,011 5,119 5,229 5,342 5,457 12,664 12,889 13,118 13,351 13,588 13,829
Small Non-Domestic Establishments m3/year 2,569,809 2,611,661 2,654,195 2,697,422 2,741,352 2,785,998 2,831,371 2,877,484 2,924,347 2,971,973 3,020,375
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.9300
Small Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 2,390 2,429 2,468 2,509 2,549 2,591 2,633 2,676 2,720 2,764 2,809
Large Non-Domestic Establishments m3/year 1,560,721 1,586,969 1,613,658 1,640,796 1,668,390 1,696,449 1,724,979 1,753,989 1,783,487 1,813,481 1,843,980
USD Tariff per m3 USD 1.8600
Large Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 2,903 2,952 3,001 3,052 3,103 3,155 3,208 3,262 3,317 3,373 3,430
Total Annual Revenue USD 000 10,304 10,500 10,699 10,903 11,110 18,411 18,731 19,056 19,388 19,725 20,068
SEWERAGE NETWORK (CAPEX) USD 000 7,088 28,351 35,439 4,833 19,330 24,163
USD 000 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791
TOTAL CASH OUTFLOW USD 000 7,088 28,351 35,439 1,080 1,080 5,912 20,410 25,243 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791 -93,545
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 -7,088 -28,351 -35,439 9,224 9,420 4,787 -9,508 -14,133 16,619 16,940 17,265 17,597 17,934 113,613
FIRR (2) % 11.5%
Description Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Population Covered 000 160 164 167 171 175 406 413 420 428 435 443
Wastewater Litres/Capita/Day (1) lcpd 92
Total Domestic Wastewater Collected m3/year 5,388,175 5,504,316 5,622,961 5,744,163 5,867,978 13,617,362 13,859,211 14,105,356 14,355,872 14,610,838 14,870,332
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.0962
Domestic Wastewater Revenue USD 000 518 530 541 553 565 1,310 1,334 1,357 1,381 1,406 1,431
Small Non-Domestic Establishments m3/year 2,569,809 2,611,661 2,654,195 2,697,422 2,741,352 2,785,998 2,831,371 2,877,484 2,924,347 2,971,973 3,020,375
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.0962
Small Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 247 251 255 260 264 268 272 277 281 286 291
Large Non-Domestic Establishments m3/year 1,560,721 1,586,969 1,613,658 1,640,796 1,668,390 1,696,449 1,724,979 1,753,989 1,783,487 1,813,481 1,843,980
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.1924
Large Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 300 305 311 316 321 326 332 338 343 349 355
Total Annual Revenue USD 000 1,066 1,086 1,107 1,128 1,149 1,905 1,938 1,972 2,006 2,041 2,076
USD 000 540 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791
TOTAL O&M/CASH OUTFLOW USD 000 540 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 -540 -14 7 27 48 70 114 147 181 215 250 285
FIRR (2) % 11.5%
(1) Waste water is 80% of average water consumption of 115 litres per capita per day (lcpd) or 92 lcpd.
(2) Based on Bangladesh Bank Policy Note 1401, An Analysis of Private Commercial Borrowing from Foreign Sources in Bangladesh, May 2014, the average interest rate for foreign loans was 5% while the average for domestic
loans was 16%. It was assumed that these infrastructure projects have 35% foreign content and 65% local content; using these proportions, the composite cost of borrowing equals 11.5%. URL:
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Table 9-7: Sewerage Network Projected Cashflow Statement at 30% CAPEX and O&M Costs Recovery
Description Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Population Covered 000 160 164 167 171 175 406 413 420 428 435 443
Wastewater Litres/Capita/Day (1) lcpd 92
Total Domestic Wastewater Collected m3/year 5,388,175 5,504,316 5,622,961 5,744,163 5,867,978 13,617,362 13,859,211 14,105,356 14,355,872 14,610,838 14,870,332
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.3430
Domestic Wastewater Revenue USD 000 1,848 1,888 1,929 1,970 2,013 4,671 4,754 4,838 4,924 5,012 5,101
Small Non-Domestic Establishments m3/year 2,569,809 2,611,661 2,654,195 2,697,422 2,741,352 2,785,998 2,831,371 2,877,484 2,924,347 2,971,973 3,020,375
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.3430
Small Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 881 896 910 925 940 956 971 987 1,003 1,019 1,036
Large Non-Domestic Establishments m3/year 1,560,721 1,586,969 1,613,658 1,640,796 1,668,390 1,696,449 1,724,979 1,753,989 1,783,487 1,813,481 1,843,980
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.6860
Large Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 1,071 1,089 1,107 1,126 1,145 1,164 1,183 1,203 1,223 1,244 1,265
Total Annual Revenue USD 000 3,800 3,872 3,946 4,021 4,098 6,790 6,908 7,028 7,151 7,275 7,401
SEWERAGE NETWORK (CAPEX) USD 000 2,126 8,505 10,632 1,450 5,799 7,249
USD 000 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791
TOTAL CASH OUTFLOW USD 000 2,126 8,505 10,632 1,080 1,080 2,530 6,879 8,329 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791 -26,810
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 -2,126 -8,505 -10,632 2,720 2,793 1,416 -2,858 -4,231 4,999 5,117 5,237 5,360 5,484 34,211
FIRR (2) % 11.5%
(1) Waste water is 80% of average water consumption of 115 litres per capita per day (lcpd) or 92 lcpd.
(2) Based on Bangladesh Bank Policy Note 1401, An Analysis of Private Commercial Borrowing from Foreign Sources in Bangladesh, May 2014, the average interest rate for foreign loans was 5% while the average for domestic
loans was 16%. It was assumed that these infrastructure projects have 35% foreign content and 65% local content; using these proportions, the composite cost of borrowing equals 11.5%. URL:
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Table 9-8: Interceptors Projected Cashflow Statement at Full Cost Recovery and O&M Cost Recovery
Description Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Population Covered 000 290 295 301 306 312 278 283 288 293 299 304
Wastewater Litres/Capita/Day (1) lcpd 92
Total Domestic Wastewater Collected m3/year 9,728,578 9,909,492 10,093,769 10,281,474 10,472,669 9,351,123 9,515,055 9,681,860 9,851,589 10,024,293 10,200,026
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.0888
Domestic Wastewater Revenue USD 000 864 880 896 913 930 830 845 860 875 890 906
Small Non-Domestic Establishments m3/year 1,178,968 1,197,910 1,217,156 1,236,711 1,256,581 1,276,770
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.0888
Small Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 105 106 108 110 112 113
Large Non-Domestic Establishments m3/year 2,648,465 2,691,016 2,734,251 2,778,181 2,822,817 2,868,170
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.1776
Large Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 470 478 486 493 501 509
Annual Revenue USD 000 864 880 896 913 930 1,405 1,429 1,453 1,478 1,503 1,529
INTERCEPTORS (CAPEX) USD 000 270 1,082 1,352 914 3,656 4,569
USD 000 88 88 88 88 88 386 386 386 386 386 386
TOTAL CASH OUTFLOW USD 000 270 1,082 1,352 88 88 1,002 3,744 4,658 386 386 386 386 386 -9,712
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 -270 -1,082 -1,352 776 792 -106 -2,831 -3,728 1,019 1,043 1,067 1,092 1,117 11,240
FIRR (2) % 11.5%
Description Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Population Covered 000 290 295 301 306 312 278 283 288 293 299 304
Wastewater Litres/Capita/Day (1) lcpd 92
Total Domestic Wastewater Collected m3/year 9,728,578 9,909,492 10,093,769 10,281,474 10,472,669 9,351,123 9,515,055 9,681,860 9,851,589 10,024,293 10,200,026
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.0140
Domestic Wastewater Revenue USD 000 136 139 141 144 147 131 133 136 138 140 143
Small Non-Domestic Establishments m3/year 1,178,968 1,197,910 1,217,156 1,236,711 1,256,581 1,276,770
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.0140
Small Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 17 17 17 17 18 18
Large Non-Domestic Establishments m3/year 2,648,465 2,691,016 2,734,251 2,778,181 2,822,817 2,868,170
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.0280
Large Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 74 75 77 78 79 80
Annual Revenue USD 000 136 139 141 144 147 222 225 229 233 237 241
USD 000 44 88 88 88 88 88 386 386 386 386 386 386
TOTAL O&M/CASH OUTFLOW USD 000 44 88 88 88 88 88 386 386 386 386 386 386
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 0 0 -44 48 51 53 56 58 -165 -161 -157 -153 -149 -145
FIRR (2) % 42.3% Note: Because of negative cashflows toward the end of the projection period, IRR could not be accurate to 11.5%
(1) Waste water is 80% of average water consumption of 115 litres per capita per day (lcpd) or 92 lcpd.
(2) Based on Bangladesh Bank Policy Note 1401, An Analysis of Private Commercial Borrowing from Foreign Sources in Bangladesh, May 2014, the average interest rate for foreign loans was 5% while the average for domestic
loans was 16%. It was assumed that these infrastructure projects have 35% foreign content and 65% local content; using these proportions, the composite cost of borrowing equals 11.5%. URL:
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Table 9-9: Interceptors Projected Cashflow Statement at 30% CAPEX and O&M Costs Recovery
Description Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Population Covered 000 290 295 301 306 312 278 283 288 293 299 304
Wastewater Litres/Capita/Day (1) lcpd 92
Total Domestic Wastewater Collected m3/year 9,728,578 9,909,492 10,093,769 10,281,474 10,472,669 9,351,123 9,515,055 9,681,860 9,851,589 10,024,293 10,200,026
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.0381
Domestic Wastewater Revenue USD 000 371 378 385 392 399 356 363 369 375 382 389
Small Non-Domestic Establishments m3/year 1,178,968 1,197,910 1,217,156 1,236,711 1,256,581 1,276,770
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.0381
Small Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 45 46 46 47 48 49
Large Non-Domestic Establishments m3/year 2,648,465 2,691,016 2,734,251 2,778,181 2,822,817 2,868,170
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.0762
Large Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 202 205 208 212 215 219
Annual Revenue USD 000 371 378 385 392 399 603 613 624 634 645 656
INTERCEPTORS (CAPEX) USD 000 81 325 406 274 1,097 1,371
USD 000 88 88 88 88 88 386 386 386 386 386 386
TOTAL CASH OUTFLOW USD 000 81 325 406 88 88 362 1,185 1,459 386 386 386 386 386 -2,643
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 -81 -325 -406 282 289 22 -793 -1,060 217 227 237 248 259 3,299
FIRR (2) % 11.5%
(1) Waste water is 80% of average water consumption of 115 litres per capita per day (lcpd) or 92 lcpd.
(2) Based on Bangladesh Bank Policy Note 1401, An Analysis of Private Commercial Borrowing from Foreign Sources in Bangladesh, May 2014, the average interest rate for foreign loans was 5% while the average for domestic
loans was 16%. It was assumed that these infrastructure projects have 35% foreign content and 65% local content; using these proportions, the composite cost of borrowing equals 11.5%. URL:
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Table 9-10: Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) Projected Cashflow Statement at Full Cost Recovery and O&M Cost Recovery
Description Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Population Covered 000 450 459 468 477 487 684 696 708 721 734 747
Wastewater Litres/Capita/Day (1) lcpd 92
Total Domestic Wastewater Collected m3/year 15,116,709 15,413,808 15,716,745 16,025,637 16,340,600 22,968,485 23,374,266 23,787,216 24,207,462 24,635,132 25,070,358
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.4280
Domestic Wastewater Revenue USD 000 6,470 6,597 6,727 6,859 6,994 9,831 10,004 10,181 10,361 10,544 10,730
Small Non-Domestic WW thru Sewer m3/year 2,569,809 2,611,661 2,654,195 2,697,422 2,741,352 2,785,998 2,831,371 2,877,484 2,924,347 2,971,973 3,020,375
Small Non-Domestic WW thru Interceptors m3/year 0 0 0 0 0 1,178,968 1,197,910 1,217,156 1,236,711 1,256,581 1,276,770
Total Small Non-Domestic WW Collected m3/year 2,569,809 2,611,661 2,654,195 2,697,422 2,741,352 3,964,966 4,029,281 4,094,640 4,161,058 4,228,554 4,297,145
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.4280
Small Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 1,100 1,118 1,136 1,154 1,173 1,697 1,725 1,753 1,781 1,810 1,839
Large Non-Domestic WW thru Sewer m3/year 1,560,721 1,586,969 1,613,658 1,640,796 1,668,390 1,696,449 1,724,979 1,753,989 1,783,487 1,813,481 1,843,980
Large Non-Domestic WW thru Interceptors m3/year 0 0 0 0 0 2,648,465 2,691,016 2,734,251 2,778,181 2,822,817 2,868,170
Total Large Non-Domestic WW Collected m3/year 1,560,721 1,586,969 1,613,658 1,640,796 1,668,390 4,344,913 4,415,995 4,488,241 4,561,669 4,636,299 4,712,150
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.8560
Large Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 1,336 1,358 1,381 1,405 1,428 3,719 3,780 3,842 3,905 3,969 4,034
Annual Revenue USD 000 8,906 9,073 9,244 9,418 9,595 15,247 15,509 15,775 16,047 16,322 16,603
STP (CAPEX) USD 000 4,637 18,547 23,184 5,448 21,793 27,241
OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE (O&M) USD 000 1,512 1,512 1,512 1,512 1,512 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289
TOTAL CASH OUTFLOW USD 000 4,637 18,547 23,184 1,512 1,512 6,960 23,305 28,753 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289 -79,896
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 -4,637 -18,547 -23,184 7,394 7,561 2,284 -13,887 -19,158 11,958 12,220 12,487 12,758 13,034 96,498
FIRR (2) % 11.5%
Description Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Population Covered 000 450 459 468 477 487 684 696 708 721 734 747
Wastewater Litres/Capita/Day (1) lcpd 92
Total Domestic Wastewater Collected m3/year 15,116,709 15,413,808 15,716,745 16,025,637 16,340,600 22,968,485 23,374,266 23,787,216 24,207,462 24,635,132 25,070,358
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.0850
Domestic Wastewater Revenue USD 000 1,285 1,310 1,336 1,362 1,389 1,952 1,987 2,022 2,058 2,094 2,131
Total Small Non-Domestic WW Collected m3/year 2,569,809 2,611,661 2,654,195 2,697,422 2,741,352 3,964,966 4,029,281 4,094,640 4,161,058 4,228,554 4,297,145
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.0850
Small Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 218 222 226 229 233 337 342 348 354 359 365
Total Large Non-Domestic WW Collected m3/year 1,560,721 1,586,969 1,613,658 1,640,796 1,668,390 4,344,913 4,415,995 4,488,241 4,561,669 4,636,299 4,712,150
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.1700
Large Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 265 270 274 279 284 739 751 763 775 788 801
Annual Revenue USD 000 1,769 1,802 1,836 1,870 1,906 3,028 3,080 3,133 3,187 3,242 3,297
OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE (O&M) USD 000 756 1,512 1,512 1,512 1,512 1,512 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289
TOTAL O&M/CASH OUTFLOW USD 000 0 0 756 1,512 1,512 1,512 1,512 1,512 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 0 0 -756 257 290 324 358 394 -261 -209 -156 -102 -47 9
FIRR (2) % 17.0% Note: Because of negative cashflows toward the end of the projection period, IRR could not be accurate to 11.5%
(1) Waste water is 80% of average water consumption of 115 litres per capita per day (lcpd) or 92 lcpd.
(2) Based on Bangladesh Bank Policy Note 1401, An Analysis of Private Commercial Borrowing from Foreign Sources in Bangladesh, May 2014, the average interest rate for foreign loans was 5% while the average for domestic loans was
16%. It was assumed that these infrastructure projects have 35% foreign content and 65% local content; using these proportions, the composite cost of borrowing equals 11.5%. URL:
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Table 9-11: Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) Projected Cashflow Statement at 30% CAPEX and O&M Costs Recovery
Description Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Population Covered 000 450 459 468 477 487 684 696 708 721 734 747
Wastewater Litres/Capita/Day (1) lcpd 92
Total Domestic Wastewater Collected m3/year 15,116,709 15,413,808 15,716,745 16,025,637 16,340,600 22,968,485 23,374,266 23,787,216 24,207,462 24,635,132 25,070,358
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.1840
Domestic Wastewater Revenue USD 000 2,781 2,836 2,892 2,949 3,007 4,226 4,301 4,377 4,454 4,533 4,613
Small Non-Domestic WW thru Sewer m3/year 2,569,809 2,611,661 2,654,195 2,697,422 2,741,352 2,785,998 2,831,371 2,877,484 2,924,347 2,971,973 3,020,375
Small Non-Domestic WW thru Interceptors m3/year 0 0 0 0 0 1,178,968 1,197,910 1,217,156 1,236,711 1,256,581 1,276,770
Total Small Non-Domestic WW Collected m3/year 2,569,809 2,611,661 2,654,195 2,697,422 2,741,352 3,964,966 4,029,281 4,094,640 4,161,058 4,228,554 4,297,145
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.1840
Small Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 473 481 488 496 504 730 741 753 766 778 791
Large Non-Domestic WW thru Sewer m3/year 1,560,721 1,586,969 1,613,658 1,640,796 1,668,390 1,696,449 1,724,979 1,753,989 1,783,487 1,813,481 1,843,980
Large Non-Domestic WW thru Interceptors m3/year 0 0 0 0 0 2,648,465 2,691,016 2,734,251 2,778,181 2,822,817 2,868,170
Total Large Non-Domestic WW Collected m3/year 1,560,721 1,586,969 1,613,658 1,640,796 1,668,390 4,344,913 4,415,995 4,488,241 4,561,669 4,636,299 4,712,150
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.3680
Large Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 574 584 594 604 614 1,599 1,625 1,652 1,679 1,706 1,734
Annual Revenue USD 000 3,829 3,901 3,974 4,049 4,125 6,555 6,667 6,782 6,899 7,017 7,138
STP (CAPEX) USD 000 1,391 5,564 6,955 1,634 6,538 8,172
OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE (O&M) USD 000 1,512 1,512 1,512 1,512 1,512 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289
TOTAL CASH OUTFLOW USD 000 1,391 5,564 6,955 1,512 1,512 3,146 8,050 9,684 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289 -21,667
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 -1,391 -5,564 -6,955 2,317 2,389 828 -4,001 -5,559 3,266 3,379 3,493 3,610 3,728 28,804
FIRR (2) % 11.5%
(1) Waste water is 80% of average water consumption of 115 litres per capita per day (lcpd) or 92 lcpd.
(2) Based on Bangladesh Bank Policy Note 1401, An Analysis of Private Commercial Borrowing from Foreign Sources in Bangladesh, May 2014, the average interest rate for foreign loans was 5% while the average for domestic loans was
16%. It was assumed that these infrastructure projects have 35% foreign content and 65% local content; using these proportions, the composite cost of borrowing equals 11.5%. URL:
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Table 9-12: Cross-Subsidy of Households and Establishments Serviced by Sewerage Network & STP to Pay for Households and Establish-
ments Serviced by Interceptors & STP Projected Cashflow Statement at Full Cost Recovery and O&M Cost Recovery
Description Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Population Covered 000 160 164 167 171 175 406 413 420 428 435 443
Wastewater Litres/Capita/Day (1) lcpd 92
Total Domestic Wastewater Collected m3/year 5,388,175 5,504,316 5,622,961 5,744,163 5,867,978 13,617,362 13,859,211 14,105,356 14,355,872 14,610,838 14,870,332
USD Tariff per m3 USD 2.1900
Domestic Wastewater Revenue USD 000 11,800 12,054 12,314 12,580 12,851 29,822 30,352 30,891 31,439 31,998 32,566
Small Non-Domestic Establishments m3/year 2,569,809 2,611,661 2,654,195 2,697,422 2,741,352 2,785,998 2,831,371 2,877,484 2,924,347 2,971,973 3,020,375
USD Tariff per m3 USD 2.1900
Small Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 5,628 5,720 5,813 5,907 6,004 6,101 6,201 6,302 6,404 6,509 6,615
Large Non-Domestic Establishments m3/year 1,560,721 1,586,969 1,613,658 1,640,796 1,668,390 1,696,449 1,724,979 1,753,989 1,783,487 1,813,481 1,843,980
USD Tariff per m3 USD 4.3800
Large Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 6,836 6,951 7,068 7,187 7,308 7,430 7,555 7,682 7,812 7,943 8,077
Annual Revenue USD 000 18,636 19,005 19,382 19,766 20,158 37,252 37,907 38,573 39,251 39,941 40,643
SEWERAGE NETWORK (CAPEX) USD 000 7,088 28,351 35,439 0 0 4,833 19,330 24,163 0 0 0 0 0 0
INTERCEPTORS (CAPEX) USD 000 270 1,082 1,352 0 0 914 3,656 4,569 0 0 0 0 0 0
REMAINING VALUE OF CAPEX USD 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -10,098
STP (CAPEX) USD 000 4,637 18,547 23,184 0 0 5,448 21,793 27,241 0 0 0 0 0 0
REMAINING VALUE OF CAPEX USD 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -83,184
SEWERAGE NETWORK USD 000 0 0 0 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791
INTERCEPTORS USD 000 0 0 0 88 88 88 88 88 386 386 386 386 386 386
STP USD 000 0 0 0 1,512 1,512 1,512 1,512 1,512 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289
TOTAL CASH OUTFLOW USD 000 11,995 47,980 59,975 2,680 2,680 13,875 47,459 58,653 5,466 5,466 5,466 5,466 5,466 -183,152
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 -11,995 -47,980 -59,975 15,956 16,325 5,507 -27,692 -38,495 31,787 32,441 33,107 33,785 34,475 223,795
FIRR (2) % 11.5%
Description Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Population Covered 000 160 164 167 171 175 406 413 420 428 435 443
Wastewater Litres/Capita/Day (1) lcpd 92
Total Domestic Wastewater Collected m3/year 5,388,175 5,504,316 5,622,961 5,744,163 5,867,978 13,617,362 13,859,211 14,105,356 14,355,872 14,610,838 14,870,332
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.2658
Domestic Wastewater Revenue USD 000 1,432 1,463 1,495 1,527 1,560 3,619 3,684 3,749 3,816 3,884 3,953
Small Non-Domestic Establishments m3/year 2,569,809 2,611,661 2,654,195 2,697,422 2,741,352 2,785,998 2,831,371 2,877,484 2,924,347 2,971,973 3,020,375
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.2658
Small Non-Domestic WW Revenue 683 694 705 717 729 741 753 765 777 790 803
Large Non-Domestic Establishments m3/year 1,560,721 1,586,969 1,613,658 1,640,796 1,668,390 1,696,449 1,724,979 1,753,989 1,783,487 1,813,481 1,843,980
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.5316
Large Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 830 844 858 872 887 902 917 932 948 964 980
Annual Revenue USD 000 2,945 3,001 3,058 3,116 3,175 5,262 5,353 5,446 5,541 5,638 5,736
SEWERAGE NETWORK USD 000 0 0 540 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791
INTERCEPTORS USD 000 0 0 44 88 88 88 88 88 386 386 386 386 386 386
STP USD 000 0 0 756 1,512 1,512 1,512 1,512 1,512 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289
TOTAL O&M/CASH OUTFLOW USD 000 0 0 1,340 2,680 2,680 2,680 2,680 2,680 5,466 5,466 5,466 5,466 5,466 5,466
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 0 0 -1,340 265 321 378 436 495 -204 -113 -19 75 172 270
FIRR (2) % 11.5%
(1) Waste water is 80% of average water consumption of 115 litres per capita per day (lcpd) or 92 lcpd.
(2) Based on Bangladesh Bank Policy Note 1401, An Analysis of Private Commercial Borrowing from Foreign Sources in Bangladesh, May 2014, the average interest rate for foreign loans was 5% while the average for domestic
loans was 16%. It was assumed that these infrastructure projects have 35% foreign content and 65% local content; using these proportions, the composite cost of borrowing equals 11.5%. URL:
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Table 9-13: Cross-Subsidy of Households and Establishments Serviced by Sewerage Network & STP to Pay for Households and Establish-
ments Serviced by Interceptors & STP Projected Cashflow Statement at 30% CAPEX and O&M Costs Recovery
Description Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Population Covered 000 160 164 167 171 175 406 413 420 428 435 443
Wastewater Litres/Capita/Day (1) lcpd 92
Total Domestic Wastewater Collected m3/year 5,388,175 5,504,316 5,622,961 5,744,163 5,867,978 13,617,362 13,859,211 14,105,356 14,355,872 14,610,838 14,870,332
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.8700
Domestic Wastewater Revenue USD 000 4,688 4,789 4,892 4,997 5,105 11,847 12,058 12,272 12,490 12,711 12,937
Small Non-Domestic Establishments m3/year 2,569,809 2,611,661 2,654,195 2,697,422 2,741,352 2,785,998 2,831,371 2,877,484 2,924,347 2,971,973 3,020,375
USD Tariff per m3 USD 0.8700
Small Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 2,236 2,272 2,309 2,347 2,385 2,424 2,463 2,503 2,544 2,586 2,628
Large Non-Domestic Establishments m3/year 1,560,721 1,586,969 1,613,658 1,640,796 1,668,390 1,696,449 1,724,979 1,753,989 1,783,487 1,813,481 1,843,980
USD Tariff per m3 USD 1.7400
Large Non-Domestic WW Revenue USD 000 2,716 2,761 2,808 2,855 2,903 2,952 3,001 3,052 3,103 3,155 3,209
Annual Revenue USD 000 7,403 7,550 7,700 7,852 8,008 14,799 15,059 15,324 15,593 15,867 16,146
SEWERAGE NETWORK (CAPEX) USD 000 2,126 8,505 10,632 0 0 1,450 5,799 7,249 0 0 0 0 0 0
REMAINING VALUE OF CAPEX USD 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -28,601
INTERCEPTORS (CAPEX) USD 000 81 325 406 0 0 274 1,097 1,371 0 0 0 0 0 0
REMAINING VALUE OF CAPEX USD 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3,029
STP (CAPEX) USD 000 1,391 5,564 6,955 0 0 1,634 6,538 8,172 0 0 0 0 0 0
REMAINING VALUE OF CAPEX USD 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -24,955
SEWERAGE NETWORK USD 000 0 0 0 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791 1,791
INTERCEPTORS USD 000 0 0 0 88 88 88 88 88 386 386 386 386 386 386
STP USD 000 0 0 0 1,512 1,512 1,512 1,512 1,512 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289 3,289
TOTAL CASH OUTFLOW USD 000 3,598 14,394 17,992 2,680 2,680 6,038 16,114 19,472 5,466 5,466 5,466 5,466 5,466 -51,120
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 -3,598 -14,394 -17,992 4,723 4,870 1,661 -8,261 -11,464 9,333 9,593 9,858 10,127 10,401 67,265
FIRR (2) % 11.5%
(1) Waste water is 80% of average water consumption of 115 litres per capita per day (lcpd) or 92 lcpd.
(2) Based on Bangladesh Bank Policy Note 1401, An Analysis of Private Commercial Borrowing from Foreign Sources in Bangladesh, May 2014, the average interest rate for foreign loans was 5% while the average for domestic
loans was 16%. It was assumed that these infrastructure projects have 35% foreign content and 65% local content; using these proportions, the composite cost of borrowing equals 11.5%. URL:
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– this represents approx. 2.6% of average monthly income which appears to be relatively high when
compared to typical maximum combined water supply and sewerage rates of 5%., moreover,
– this represents approx. 11.9% of the average monthly income for the poorest households, which
would be exorbitant for this quintile.
Option 2: OPEX Cost Recovery only
If OPEX cost recovery only is considered, the average tariff would be BDT 183/HH/month:
If the capital costs were subsidised by the State (at a level of 70%) hence 30% of the capital expenditure
and full OPEX cost recovery, the average tariff would be BDT 532/HH/month:
– this represents approx. 1.0% of average monthly income which is somewhat acceptable;
– this represents approx. 4.6% of the average monthly income for the poorest households which is
high and would not be acceptable.
The following table summarises the impact on household income for various quintiles, depending on
whether full cost recovery or OPEX only cost is to be recovered:
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It would seem that the most affordable average sewerage and STP tariff would be BDT 183/HH/month,
which would recover O&M only.
This sub-section evaluates the proposed sewerage and STP sub-project based on its benefits to society
compared to the sub-project’s economic costs. The economic benefits are represented aggregately by
the households’ willingness-to-pay.
Table 9-16: Ability and Willingness to Pay (WTP) for Sewerage Services per Month
Expenditure Quintile No. <200 200-350 351 - 500 501 - 700 >700
1 77.6% 16.3% 4.1% 2% 0
2 63.5% 28.6% 6.3% 1.6% 0
3 38.7% 30.6% 29% 0 1.6%
4 30.1% 34.2% 28.8% 6.8% 0
5 15.7% 35.7% 31.4% 11.4% 5.7%
All quintiles 42.6% 30% 21.1% 4.7% 1.6%
Mid-Value BDT 100 275 426 601 1,000
Weighted Ave WTP for All Quintiles 42.60 82.50 89.78 28.22 16.00
Aggregate WTP Average 259.10
Economic Willingness to Pay Adjusted to Compensate for Ability to Pay Bias
Weighted Ave WTP for 5th Quintile 15.70 98.18 133.61 68.46 57.00
Aggregate Economic WTP (1) (2) BDT 373/HH/month or BDT 29.37/m3 or USD 0.3744/m3
(1) Based on 30 days a month, 0.092 m3 wastewater per capita per day and average 4.6 persons per household.
(2) Based on average BDT/USD of 78.45 (Nov. 2, 2016) Bangladesh Bank,
changerate.php 78.45
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Avoidance of contamination of drinking water sources by untreated and reduced spread of dis-
eases through vectors,
Reduced incidence of morbidity and mortality caused by faecal and waterborne diseases, es-
pecially if these result in epidemics,
Savings in lost man-hours and labour production and productivity, as a result of consultations,
treatment and hospitalisation, and time devoted to accompany patients, and
Reduced cost of medicine, consultation and hospitalisation.
The above benefits could be represented by contingent valuation, the value of willingness-to-pay based
on a survey of HHs validated by focus group discussions.
In the project’s survey and focus group discussions, however, the willingness-to-pay was associated
with ability to pay. The question involved “Ability and willingness to pay for sewerage services”.
However, the economic willingness to pay, as contingent valuation, should not take into consideration
the ability to pay.
For example, for a HH wherein one of its children below five years old suffered gastro-enteritis, diar-
rhoea and dehydration due to water contamination, its willingness to pay would be the avoidance of
such incidence and accompanying costs, which that HH might or might not have the ability to pay.
To compensate for this bias accompanied by the perception of ability to pay, the consultants took the
average of willingness to pay for the 5th quintile. This resulted in a weighted average willingness to
pay of BDT 373 per HH per month or BDT 29.37/m3 or USD 0.3744/m3. This was used as the aggre-
gate value of economic benefits.
A cashflow projection was prepared with VAT excluded from CAPEX, to derive economic costs. The
shadow price for labour was, however, not adjusted since the low cost of labour compensated for its
reduced efficiency.
The resulting EIRR (see table below) for the sanitation project is 9.8% and satisfies the economic
hurdle rate of 10%.
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The economic benefits of improved emptying and proper treatment of faecal sludge include the fol-
Source: World Bank Group, Sanitation and Hygiene: Why They Matter, Health Benefits, http://wa-
One way of measuring economic benefits is to determine historical morbidity and mortality caused by
poor sanitation and improper faecal collection and treatment, and then determining and valuing lost
lives and man-days, and corresponding medical and hospitalisation costs.
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The other method in determining economic benefits is through contingent valuation, which is through
the conduct of a sample survey and asking the respondents their willingness to pay for improved sani-
tation services. This implies that each respondent interviewed would want to pay a certain amount in
order to avoid diseases that the respondent or any member of his family would suffer from, specifically
the faecal-orally transmitted diseases, and the concomitant costs of treatment, hospitalisation and loss
of productive man-days or loss of life. This would particularly be true for households in which one of
their members have suffered from any of the aforementioned diseases, regardless of ability to pay.
In the survey and focus group discussions conducted by the Consultants, the 100 households inter-
viewed indicated their willingness to pay as indicated below. The average willingness to pay for im-
proved emptying services per year averages BDT 853. At an average 4.6 members per household and
faecal sludge accumulation of 0.04 m3/capita/year, the willingness to pay would average BDT
3,330/m3 or USD 42.45/m3 at the exchange rate of BDT 78.45 per USD 1.
Table 9-18: Ability and Willingness to Pay for Improved Emptying Services per Year Among 100
Households in the Priority Area
Expenditure Quintile Not willing
<500 501-1000 1001 - 2000 >2000 Total
No. to pay
1 53.3% 33.4% 13.3% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
2 18.2% 31.8% 40.9% 9.1% 0.0% 100.0%
3 13.0% 30.5% 26.1% 8.7% 21.7% 100.0%
4 6.7% 40.0% 26.7% 13.3% 13.3% 100.0%
5 8.0% 4.0% 32.0% 40.0% 16.0% 100.0%
All quintiles 18.0% 26.0% 29.0% 16.0% 11.0% 100.0%
Mid-Point BDT/year 0 250 750 1,500 3,000
Average All Quintiles 0 65 217.5 240 330 853
Ave Persons/HH Persons/HH 4.6
Faecal Accumulation m3/capita/yr 0.04
(1) m3/HH/yr 0.184
BDT/m3 4,633
Willingness to Pay (2)
USD/m3 59.06
(1) Faecal sludge accumulation rate is 0.04 m3/capita/year based on the Bangladesh National Building
Code 1993.
(2) Based on average BDT/USD Nov. 2, 2016 Bangladesh Bank,
The economic costs were based on financial costs with adjustments on shadow prices. For this faecal
collection and treatment project, the 15% VAT was taken out from the costs since taxes are considered
only as transfers and are not real costs. Labour costs was not adjusted since the low cost of labour
compensated for low labour productivity.
The faecal sludge collection vehicles were assumed to have an economic useful life of seven years,
and were replaced every seven years. The faecal sludge treatment plant was assumed to have an eco-
nomic useful life of 30 years.
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Based on the above economic benefits and costs, a cashflow projection was prepared to determine the
EIRR for this project. This derives the EIRR that would discount the annual cashflow of benefits and
costs. The resulting EIRR is 58.1%, which means that the project would be very beneficial to society
and to the households to be covered, considering that the hurdle rate is about 10% (see Annex 6 for
cashflow projection).
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The proposed solid waste management project is envisioned to be implemented in three phases: Phase
1 (2016-2018), Phase 2 (2018-2023) and Phase 3 (2023-2030).
The revenue and costs are expressed in USD based on current exchange rates and locally obtained
prices. Projection were based on constant 2016 prices.
The transportation vehicles were assumed to have an economic useful life of seven years and replaced
after seven years of operation, while the compost and RDF plants were assumed to have an economic
useful life of 30 years.
The annual operating expenses (OPEX) at full development, when the three phases have been imple-
mented, was estimated at USD 0.89 million.
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Based on Bangladesh Bank Policy Note 1401, An Analysis of Private Commercial Borrowing from Foreign Sources
in Bangladesh, May 2014, the average interest rate for foreign loans was 5% while the average for domestic loans was
16%. It was assumed that these infrastructure projects have 35% foreign content and 65% local content; using these
proportions, the composite cost of borrowing equals 11.5%. URL:
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Option 3: 30% CAPEX Cost Recovery and Full OPEX Cost Recovery
For partial CAPEX and full OPEX costs recovery, the SWM tariff would be BDT 18/HH/month.
The tariffs derived above are within range of ability and willingness to pay for collection of solid waste;
the weighted average is BDT 73/HH/mo (see table in Economic Analysis sub-section).
A huge revenue potential from solid waste is the conversion of organic waste (about 82% of collected
waste reaching the landfill is organic (food and vegetable) waste). If segregated at source, this huge
volume of organic waste has the potential to be converted into value-added resources, including or-
ganic fertilizer (compost), biogas, and refuse-derived fuel.
If the sale of compost was included in the financial projections, based on potential revenue of USD
80/ton, the proceeds from this could be able to pay for the CAPEX and OPEX of the proposed SWM
project at CCC. Even at zero tariff for SWM collection and disposal, FIRR would be 43.9%.
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Table 9-22: Projected Cashflow Statement for SWM Project at CCC at Full CAPEX & OPEX Costs Recovery and at OPEX Only Cost
Description Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Revenue from Collection and Improved Operation of Landfilling
Total Waste Generated tons/day 1,368 1,395 1,423 1,452 1,478 1,505 1,532 1,559 1,587 1,616 1,645 1,675 1,705 1,735
% Growth Rate (1) year 2011-20 2021-30
Chittagong City Corporation %/yr 2.0% 1.8%
Total Annual Waste Generated tons/year 499,366 509,353 519,540 529,931 539,470 549,180 559,066 569,129 579,373 589,802 600,418 611,226 622,228 633,428
Collection Percentage % 77.0% 80.0% 85.0% 90.0% 92.0% 93.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0%
Total Annual Waste Collected tons/year 384,512 407,483 441,609 476,938 496,312 510,738 531,112 540,672 550,404 560,312 570,397 580,665 591,117 601,757
SWM Tariff (2) (3) USD/ton 4.67 BDT/ton 366 BDT/kg 0.37 BDT/HH/mo 35
Revenue from Waste Collected USD 000 1,903 2,062 2,227 2,318 2,385 2,480 2,525 2,570 2,617 2,664 2,712 2,761 2,810
Compost Generated tons/year 18,250 54,750 54,750 54,750 54,750 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500
Compost Tariff (4) USD/ton 80.00
Revenue from Compost USD 000 1,460 4,380 4,380 4,380 4,380 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760
Annual Revenue USD 000 1,903 2,062 2,227 2,318 2,385 2,480 2,525 2,570 2,617 2,664 2,712 2,761 2,810
Storage of Waste USD 000 1,040
Transportation of Waste USD 000 1,570 1,350 1,120 1,570 1,350 1,120
Resource Recovery USD 000 1,000 3,250 6,750
Waste Disposal USD 000 250
Total Capex USD 000 3,860 4,600 0 0 0 7,870 0 1,570 1,350 0 0 0 1,120 0
Remaining Book Value of Assets USD 000 -9,626
Storage of Waste USD 000 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Transportation of Waste USD 000 75 145 145 145 145 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201
Resource Recovery USD 000 50 213 213 213 213 551 551 551 551 551 551 551 551
Waste Disposal USD 000 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Total Opex USD 000 187 420 420 420 420 814 814 814 814 814 814 814 814
TOTAL CASH OUTFLOW USD 000 3,860 4,787 420 420 420 8,290 814 2,384 2,164 814 814 814 1,934 -8,812
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 -3,860 -2,884 1,642 1,807 1,898 -5,905 1,666 141 406 1,803 1,850 1,898 827 11,622
FIRR (5) % 11.5%
Description Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Total Annual Waste Collected tons/year 384,512 407,483 441,609 476,938 496,312 510,738 531,112 540,672 550,404 560,312 570,397 580,665 591,117 601,757
Tariff (3) USD/ton 0.9300 BDT/ton 73 BDT/kg 0.07 BDT/HH/mo 7
Revenue from Waste Collected USD 000 379 411 444 462 475 494 503 512 521 530 540 550 560
Compost Generated tons/year 18,250 54,750 54,750 54,750 54,750 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500
Compost Tariff USD/ton 80.00
Revenue from Compost USD 000 1,460 4,380 4,380 4,380 4,380 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760
Annual Revenue USD 000 379 411 444 462 475 494 503 512 521 530 540 550 560
Storage of Waste USD 000 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Transportation of Waste USD 000 75 145 145 145 145 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201
Resource Recovery USD 000 50 213 213 213 213 551 551 551 551 551 551 551 551
Waste Disposal USD 000 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
TOTAL OPEX/CASH OUTFLOW USD 000 94 187 420 420 420 420 814 814 814 814 814 814 814 814
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 -94 192 -9 24 42 55 -320 -311 -302 -293 -284 -274 -264 -254
FIRR (5) % 72.4%
(1) Based on projected population growth rates: for Chittagong City Corporation, 2.0% per annum from 2011 to 2020 and 1.8% per annum from 2021 to 2030.
(2) The assumed waste generation is 0.7 kg/capita/day and average 4.6 persons per household..
(3) Based on average BDT/USD Nov. 2, 2016 Bangladesh Bank,
(4) The potential revenue of compost USD per ton was assumed at: see 80.00
(5) Based on Bangladesh Bank Policy Note 1401, An Analysis of Private Commercial Borrowing from Foreign Sources in Bangladesh, May 2014, the average interest rate for foreign loans was 5% while the average for domestic loans was
16%. It was assumed that these infrastructure projects have 35% foreign content and 65% local content; using these proportions, the composite cost of borrowing equals 11.5%. URL:
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Table 9-23: Projected Cashflow Statement for SWM Project at CCC at 30% CAPEX & OPEX Costs Recovery
Description Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Revenue from Collection and Improved Operation of Landfilling
Total Waste Generated tons/day 1,368 1,395 1,423 1,452 1,478 1,505 1,532 1,559 1,587 1,616 1,645 1,675 1,705 1,735
% Growth Rate (1) year 2011-20 2021-30
Chittagong City Corporation %/yr 2.0% 1.8%
Total Annual Waste Generated tons/year 499,366 509,353 519,540 529,931 539,470 549,180 559,066 569,129 579,373 589,802 600,418 611,226 622,228 633,428
Collection Percentage % 77.0% 80.0% 85.0% 90.0% 92.0% 93.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0%
Total Annual Waste Collected tons/year 384,512 407,483 441,609 476,938 496,312 510,738 531,112 540,672 550,404 560,312 570,397 580,665 591,117 601,757
SWM Tariff (2) (3) USD/ton 2.33 BDT/ton 183 BDT/kg 0.18 BDT/HH/mo 18
Revenue from Waste Collected USD 000 949 1,029 1,111 1,156 1,190 1,237 1,260 1,282 1,306 1,329 1,353 1,377 1,402
Compost Generated tons/year 18,250 54,750 54,750 54,750 54,750 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500
Compost Tariff (4) USD/ton 80.00
Revenue from Compost USD 000 1,460 4,380 4,380 4,380 4,380 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760
Annual Revenue USD 000 949 1,029 1,111 1,156 1,190 1,237 1,260 1,282 1,306 1,329 1,353 1,377 1,402
Storage of Waste USD 000 312
Transportation of Waste USD 000 471 405 336 471 405 336
Resource Recovery USD 000 300 975 2,025
Waste Disposal USD 000 75
Total Capex USD 000 1,158 1,380 0 0 0 2,361 0 471 405 0 0 0 336 0
Remaining Book Value of Assets USD 000 -866
Storage of Waste USD 000 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Transportation of Waste USD 000 75 145 145 145 145 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201
Resource Recovery USD 000 50 213 213 213 213 551 551 551 551 551 551 551 551
Waste Disposal USD 000 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Total Opex USD 000 187 420 420 420 420 814 814 814 814 814 814 814 814
TOTAL CASH OUTFLOW USD 000 1,158 1,567 420 420 420 2,781 814 1,285 1,219 814 814 814 1,150 -52
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 -1,158 -618 609 691 736 -1,591 423 -25 63 492 515 539 227 1,454
FIRR (5) % 11.5%
(1) Based on projected population growth rates: for Chittagong City Corporation, 2.0% per annum from 2011 to 2020 and 1.8% per annum from 2021 to 2030.
(2) The assumed waste generation is 0.7 kg/capita/day and average 4.6 persons per household..
(3) Based on average BDT/USD Nov. 2, 2016 Bangladesh Bank,
(4) The potential revenue of compost USD per ton was assumed at: see 80.00
(5) Based on Bangladesh Bank Policy Note 1401, An Analysis of Private Commercial Borrowing from Foreign Sources in Bangladesh, May 2014, the average interest rate for foreign loans was 5% while the average for domestic loans was
16%. It was assumed that these infrastructure projects have 35% foreign content and 65% local content; using these proportions, the composite cost of borrowing equals 11.5%. URL:
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Option 3: 30% CAPEX Cost Recovery and Full OPEX Cost Recovery
For partial CAPEX and full OPEX costs recovery, the SWM tariff would be BDT 35/HH/month.
The tariffs derived above are within range of ability and willingness to pay for collection of solid waste;
the weighted average is BDT 73/HH/mo (see table in Economic Analysis sub-section).
If the sale of compost was included in the financial projections, based on potential revenue of USD
80/ton, the proceeds from this could be able to pay for the CAPEX and OPEX of the proposed SWM
project at the urban municipalities. Even at zero tariff for SWM collection and disposal, FIRR would
be 79.4%.
A huge revenue potential from solid waste is the conversion of organic waste (about 82% to 87% of
collected waste reaching the landfill is organic (food and vegetable) waste). If segregated at source,
this huge volume of organic waste has the potential to be converted into value-added resources, includ-
ing organic fertilizer (compost), biogas, and refuse-derived fuel.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Table 9-25: Projected Cashflow Statement for SWM Project at Urban Municipalities at Full CAPEX & OPEX Costs Recovery and at
OPEX Only Cost Recovery
Des cription Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Revenue from Collection and Improved Operation of Landfilling
Total Was te Generated tons /day 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 94 96 98
% Growth Rate (1) year 2011-20 2021-30
Urban Municipalities (2) %/yr 2.5% 2.5%
Total Annual Was te Generated tons /year 26,077 26,728 27,397 28,082 28,784 29,503 30,241 30,997 31,772 32,566 33,380 34,215 35,070 35,947
Collection Percentage % 77.0% 80.0% 85.0% 90.0% 92.0% 93.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0%
Total Annual Was te Collected tons /year 20,079 21,383 23,287 25,273 26,481 27,438 28,729 29,447 30,183 30,938 31,711 32,504 33,317 34,149
S WM Tariff (3) (4) US D/ton 9.11 BDT/ton 715 BDT/kg 0.71 BDT/HH/mo 69
Revenue from Was te Collected USD 000 195 212 230 241 250 262 268 275 282 289 296 304 311
Compos t Generated tons /year 5,475 12,775 12,775 12,775 12,775 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075
Compos t Tariff (5) US D/ton 80.00
Revenue from Compos t USD 000 438 1,022 1,022 1,022 1,022 1,606 1,606 1,606 1,606 1,606 1,606 1,606 1,606
Annual Revenue USD 000 195 212 230 241 250 262 268 275 282 289 296 304 311
Storage of Was te USD 000 168
Trans portation of Was te USD 000 176 88 176 88
Res ource Recovery USD 000 300 400 400
Total Capex USD 000 644 488 0 0 0 400 0 176 88 0 0 0 0 0
Remaining Book Value of As s ets USD 000 -849
Storage of Was te USD 000 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Trans portation of Was te USD 000 9 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Res ource Recovery USD 000 15 35 35 35 35 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
Total Opex USD 000 32 57 57 57 57 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77
TOTAL OPEX/CAS H OUTFLOW USD 000 644 520 57 57 57 457 77 253 165 77 77 77 77 -772
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 -644 -325 156 174 185 -207 185 16 110 205 212 220 227 1,083
FIRR (6) % 11.5%
Des cription Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Total Annual Was te Collected tons /year 20,079 21,383 23,287 25,273 26,481 27,438 28,729 29,447 30,183 30,938 31,711 32,504 33,317 34,149
Tariff (3) (4) US D/ton 2.3670 BDT/ton 186 BDT/kg 0.19 BDT/HH/mo 18
Revenue from Was te Collected USD 000 51 55 60 63 65 68 70 71 73 75 77 79 81
Compos t Generated tons /year 5,475 12,775 12,775 12,775 12,775 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075
Compos t Tariff (5) US D/ton 80.00
Revenue from Compos t USD 000 438 1,022 1,022 1,022 1,022 1,606 1,606 1,606 1,606 1,606 1,606 1,606 1,606
Annual Revenue USD 000 51 55 60 63 65 68 70 71 73 75 77 79 81
Storage of Was te USD 000 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Trans portation of Was te USD 000 9 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Res ource Recovery USD 000 15 35 35 35 35 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
TOTAL OPEX/CAS H OUTFLOW USD 000 16 32 57 57 57 57 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 -16 18 -1 3 6 8 -9 -7 -5 -3 -2 0 2 4
FIRR (6) % 22.3%
(1) Bas ed on projected population growth rates : for the four urban municipalities of 2.5% per annum from 2011 to 2030.
(2) The four urban municipalities are Patiya, Raozan, Hathazari and Boalkhali.
(3) The as s umed was te generation is 0.7 kg/capita/day and average 4.6 pers ons per hous ehold.
(4) Bas ed on average BDT/USD Nov. 2, 2016 Banglades h Bank,
https ://
(5) The potential revenue of compos t USD per ton was as s umed at: s ee
http://blog.midwes tbios ys tems .com/blog/bid/265796/Feedlot-Was te-is -the-Start- 80.00
of-a-Revenue-Generating-Compos t-Bus ines s
(6) Bas ed on Banglades h Bank Policy Note 1401, An Analys is of Private Commercial Borrowing from Foreign Sources in Banglades h, May 2014, the average interes t rate for foreign loans was 5% while the average for domes tic loans was
16%. It was as s umed that thes e infras tructure projects have 35% foreign content and 65% local content; us ing thes e proportions , the compos ite cos t of borrowing equals 11.5%. URL:
https :// earch/policynote/pn1401.pdf
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Table 9-26: Projected Cashflow Statement for SWM Project at Urban Municipalities at 30% CAPEX & OPEX Costs Recovery
Description Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Revenue from Collection and Improved Operation of Landfilling
Total Waste Generated tons/day 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 94 96 98
% Growth Rate (1) year 2011-20 2021-30
Urban Municipalities (2) %/yr 2.5% 2.5%
Total Annual Waste Generated tons/year 26,077 26,728 27,397 28,082 28,784 29,503 30,241 30,997 31,772 32,566 33,380 34,215 35,070 35,947
Collection Percentage % 77.0% 80.0% 85.0% 90.0% 92.0% 93.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0%
Total Annual Waste Collected tons/year 20,079 21,383 23,287 25,273 26,481 27,438 28,729 29,447 30,183 30,938 31,711 32,504 33,317 34,149
SWM Tariff (3) (4) USD/ton 4.56 BDT/ton 358 BDT/kg 0.36 BDT/HH/mo 35
Revenue from Waste Collected USD 000 98 106 115 121 125 131 134 138 141 145 148 152 156
Compost Generated tons/year 5,475 12,775 12,775 12,775 12,775 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075
Compost Tariff (5) USD/ton 80.00
Revenue from Compost USD 000 438 1,022 1,022 1,022 1,022 1,606 1,606 1,606 1,606 1,606 1,606 1,606 1,606
Annual Revenue USD 000 98 106 115 121 125 131 134 138 141 145 148 152 156
Storage of Waste USD 000 50
Transportation of Waste USD 000 53 26 53 26
Resource Recovery USD 000 90 120 120
Total Capex USD 000 193 146 0 0 0 120 0 53 26 0 0 0 0 0
Remaining Book Value of Assets USD 000 -76
Storage of Waste USD 000 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Transportation of Waste USD 000 9 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Resource Recovery USD 000 15 35 35 35 35 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
Total Opex USD 000 32 57 57 57 57 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77
TOTAL OPEX/CASH OUTFLOW USD 000 193 179 57 57 57 177 77 129 103 77 77 77 77 0
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 -193 -81 50 59 64 -51 54 5 35 64 68 72 75 156
FIRR (6) % 11.5%
(1) Based on projected population growth rates: for the four urban municipalities of 2.5% per annum from 2011 to 2030.
(2) The four urban municipalities are Patiya, Raozan, Hathazari and Boalkhali.
(3) The assumed waste generation is 0.7 kg/capita/day and average 4.6 persons per household.
(4) Based on average BDT/USD Nov. 2, 2016 Bangladesh Bank,
(5) The potential revenue of compost USD per ton was assumed at: see 80.00
(6) Based on Bangladesh Bank Policy Note 1401, An Analysis of Private Commercial Borrowing from Foreign Sources in Bangladesh, May 2014, the average interest rate for foreign loans was 5% while the average for domestic loans was
16%. It was assumed that these infrastructure projects have 35% foreign content and 65% local content; using these proportions, the composite cost of borrowing equals 11.5%. URL:
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Economic analysis measures the economic benefits and costs of a project, as they relate to society, as
opposed to financial analysis which determines the profit or beneficial benefits of a project or business
venture. There are many cases wherein a project if not financially viable but economically desirable
such as a flood protection project.
Reduces the spread of diseases from improper collection and disposal of garbage caused by
vectors and itinerant animals,
For avoided diseases, reduces morbidity and mortality, lost productive man-days, and medical
and hospitalisation costs,
Lessens adverse environmental impacts, such as air, water and land pollution,
Reduces carbon footprint and alleviates negative effects of climate change.
Enhances aesthetics of the city and urban municipalities, and encourages tourism.
For the project area, the measurement of economic benefits is reflected in willingness to pay, since this
would represent the economic value of avoiding the adverse effects of improper garbage handling and
disposal, such as health problems and concomitant medical and hospitalisation costs.
The table below shows the results of a sample survey conducted by the Consultants on willingness to
pay for garbage collection per month. Based on this survey, the weighted average willingness to pay
is BDT 73/HH/mo, which translates to USD 9.50/ton. This represents the aggregate economic benefit
of proper SWM.
Table 9-27: Ability and Willingness to Pay for Collection of Solid Waste per Month
Expenditure 151 -
<50 51-100 101 - 150 >200 Total
Quintile No. 200
1 82% 14% 1% 1% 1% 100%
2 63% 24% 6% 3% 6% 100%
3 41% 44% 4% 1% 9% 100%
4 24% 45% 15% 8% 8% 100%
5 19% 49% 16% 7% 9% 100%
All quintiles 48% 34% 8% 4% 6% 100%
Mid-Point Value 25 75 125 175 300
Weighted Value 12 26 10 7 19 73
kg/cap/day 0.7 kg/cap/yr 256
Waste Generation
person/HH 4.6 kg/HH/yr 1,175 ton/HH/yr 1.175
WTP BDT/yr 876 BDT/ton 746 USD/ton* 9.50
*Based on average BDT/USD Nov. 2, 2016 Bangladesh Bank,
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Labour costs was not adjusted since the low cost of labour compensated for its inefficiencies.
If the revenue from the sale of compost is included, based on potential value of USD 80/ton, EIRR
would be 125.1%.
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Table 9-28: Cashflow Projection for Economic Benefit-Cost Analysis of SWM Project
Description Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Benefits from Collection and Improved Operations of Landfilling
Total Waste Generated
Chittagong City Corporation tons /day 1,368 1,395 1,423 1,452 1,478 1,505 1,532 1,559 1,587 1,616 1,645 1,675 1,705 1,735
Urban Municipalities (1) tons /day 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 94 96 98
Total Waste Generated tons/day 1,440 1,469 1,498 1,529 1,557 1,585 1,615 1,644 1,674 1,705 1,736 1,768 1,801 1,834
% Growth Rate (2) year 2011-20 2021-30
Chittagong City Corporation %/yr 2.0% 1.8%
Urban Municipalities (1) %/yr 2.5% 2.5%
Total Annual Was te Generated tons/year 525,443 536,082 546,937 558,013 568,254 578,684 589,306 600,126 611,145 622,368 633,798 645,440 657,298 669,375
Collection Percentage % 77.0% 80.0% 85.0% 90.0% 92.0% 93.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0%
Total Annual Was te Collected tons/year 404,591 428,865 464,896 502,211 522,793 538,176 559,841 570,119 580,588 591,249 602,109 613,168 624,433 635,906
Willingnes s to Pay USD/ton 9.50
Benefits From Was te Collected USD 000 4,076 4,418 4,773 4,969 5,115 5,321 5,418 5,518 5,619 5,723 5,828 5,935 6,044
Compos t Generated
Chittagong City Corporation tons /year 18,250 54,750 54,750 54,750 54,750 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500 109,500
Urban Municipalities (1) tons /year 5,475 12,775 12,775 12,775 12,775 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075 20,075
Total Compos t Generated tons/year 23,725 67,525 67,525 67,525 67,525 129,575 129,575 129,575 129,575 129,575 129,575 129,575 129,575
Compos t Tariff (3) USD/ton 80.00
Total Benefits From Compos t USD 000 1,898 5,402 5,402 5,402 5,402 10,366 10,366 10,366 10,366 10,366 10,366 10,366 10,366
Annual Economic Benefits USD 000 4,076 4,418 4,773 4,969 5,115 5,321 5,418 5,518 5,619 5,723 5,828 5,935 6,044
Chittagong City Corporation
Storage of Was te USD 000 904
Trans portation of W aste USD 000 1,365 1,174 974 1,365 1,174 974
Res ource Recovery USD 000 870 2,826 5,870
Was te Dispos al USD 000 217
Total CCC Capex USD 000 3,357 4,000 0 0 0 6,843 0 1,365 1,174 0 0 0 974 0
Urban Municipalities
Storage of Was te USD 000 146
Trans portation of W aste USD 000 153 77 153 77
Res ource Recovery USD 000 261 348 348
Total Urban Municipalities Capex USD 000 560 424 348 153 77
TOTAL CAPEX USD 000 3,917 4,424 0 0 0 7,191 0 1,518 1,250 0 0 0 974 0
Chittagong City Corporation USD 000 -8,370
Urban Municipalities USD 000 -738
TOTAL REMAINING BOOK VALUE USD 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -9,109
Chittagong City Corporation
Storage of Was te USD 000 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Trans portation of W aste USD 000 75 145 145 145 145 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201
Res ource Recovery USD 000 50 213 213 213 213 551 551 551 551 551 551 551 551
Was te Dispos al USD 000 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Total CCC Opex USD 000 0 187 420 420 420 420 814 814 814 814 814 814 814 814
Urban Municipalities
Storage of Was te USD 000 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Trans portation of W aste USD 000 9 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Res ource Recovery USD 000 15 35 35 35 35 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
Total Urban Municipalities Opex USD 000 0 32 57 57 57 57 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77
TOTAL OPEX 0 219 477 477 477 477 891 891 891 891 891 891 891 891
TOTAL CASH OUTFLOW USD 000 3,917 4,644 477 477 477 7,668 891 2,409 2,141 891 891 891 1,865 -8,218
CASH INFLOW LESS OUTFLOW USD 000 -3,917 -568 3,942 4,296 4,492 -2,553 4,430 3,010 3,377 4,729 4,832 4,937 4,070 14,262
EIRR % 53.2%
(1) The four municipalities are Patiya, Raozan, Hathazari and Boalkhali.
(2) Based on projected population growth rates : for Chittagong City Corporation, 2.0% per annum from 2011 to 2020, and 1.8% per annum from 2021 to 2030; for urban pouras havas or municipalities , 2.5% per annum from 2011 to 2030.
(3) The potential revenue of compost USD per ton was ass umed at: s ee
http://blog.midwestbios ys tems .com/blog/bid/265796/Feedlot-W aste-is -the-Start-of- 80.00
a-Revenue-Generating-Compos t-Bus ines s
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
The main objective of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process is to “provide for a
high level of protection for the environment and to contribute to the integration of environmental
considerations into the preparation and adoption of plans and programs with a view to promoting
sustainable development” (ODPM 2005). SEA is a process where policies, plans and programs are
evaluated for their consequences on the environment at an early stage of the decision-making
process. This is different to EIAs, which are conducted at the project level. Thus, “SEA directly
influences the policy environment, preferably in its formative stages, and increases the likelihood
of creating sustainable development outcomes and reduced environmental risks” (OECD 2006). In
this regard, the word “environment” in SEA, should be understood more broadly than the natural
(or physical) environment as it also includes the socio-economic and institutional environments
related to the policies, plans and programs. The outcome of this process is an Environmental Report,
which identifies, describes and evaluates the likely significant effects on the environment of
implementing the Plan.
The main steps taken in the SEA process involve scoping and consultation, the carrying out of a
baseline environmental study, the consideration of alternatives, the environmental assessment of
the objectives and policies of the plan or program in question and the formulation of mitigation and
monitoring measures. The Plan is also assessed for compatibility with relevant plans and guidance
documents at national, regional and local level.
The SEA Environmental objectives have been formulated to help focus the environmental
assessment on the most important issues. These objectives have been set based on the baseline
information of current and potential environmental problems related to sewerage and drainage in
the study area. Objectives have been set for Population and Health; Surface Water; Groundwater;
Soil and Land; Air; Urban Development; and Cultural Heritage (Table 10-1).
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
The method used to assess the alternatives is an adaptation of a standard risk assessment method.
In risk assessments, potential hazards (or hazardous events) are given a likelihood (or probability)
score and a consequence (or effect) score. Then the risk score is obtained by multiplying the two
scores. Generally, higher scores correspond to higher levels of risk. In a similar way, an “effect
score” was calculated by multiplying the likelihood and consequence scores as defined in Table
Table 10-2: Effects Assessment Definitions
Likelihood (Probability) Consequence (Effect)
Score Definition Score Definition
1 Rare: Less than 1 in 10 chance -3 Very bad: Major negative impact
2 Unlikely: About 1 in 5 chance -2 Bad: More negative impacts than positive
Neutral: Positive and negative effects bal-
3 Possible: About 1 in 3 chance 1
ance out
4 Likely: About 1 in 2 chance 2 Good: More positive impacts than negative
Almost Certain: More than 1 in 2
5 3 Very good: Major positive impact
? Unknown ? Difficult to ascertain overall impact
Three possible alternatives have been identified and assessed in this SEA (Table 10-3). The first
one is a pessimistic outlook, which assumes that there are no investments or improvements made
(“Do Nothing”) to the drainage, sewerage and sanitation systems. The second alternative assumes
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
that there will be limited improvements (“Business as Usual”). The third alternative (“Major Im-
provement Program”) assumes that there will be phased investments based on prioritization. This
reflects the approach taken in the Master Plan.
Consultations have been held with experienced engineers familiar with the drainage, sewerage,
sanitation and public health aspects of Chittagong city and surrounds. Further consultations were
carried out on the draft master plans and Environment Report through workshops, personal contacts
and other means. This report has been finalized based on the feedback from consultations and also
comments provided by independent reviewers. A Working Group Committee consisting of key
stakeholders was formed to provide a strategic review of various aspects of the master plans.
In line with the National Water Supply and Sanitation Strategy (2014), the long-term vision would
be to provide formal sanitation service to 100% of the city residents. This would ideally take place
through a centralised piped sewerage system covering the whole of the city and including a number
of treatment plants that will ensure all sewage is adequately treated before being released into the
environment. However, this will likely not be feasible throughout Chittagong due to the haphazard
unplanned development of the city with many narrow and winding roads that do not allow for the
installation of a full-scale piped sewerage system. Instead, some areas of the city will have to be
served by hygienic forms of on-site sanitation or by hybrid systems with the faecal sludge retained
locally for separate collection and disposal, and the “grey water” and liquid phase of the “black
water” being removed through “solids-free” sewerage or other similar solutions, e.g. interceptors
collecting and transferring wastewater from the drainage system to a treatment plant. Such a vision
may realistically require more than 50 years to be fully implemented.
The Chittagong Sanitation Master Plan objective matches well with four of the SEA objectives
(Table 10-4). Although the remaining three objectives are not explicitly addressed, it is expected
that proper implementation of the Chittagong Sanitation Master Plan will achieve these SEA objec-
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Table 10-4: Assessment of Chittagong Sanitation Master Plan Objectives (CSMP) with SEA En-
vironmental Objectives.
Surface Wa- Minimise negative impacts, e.g. water pollution from Good agreement
ter wastewater collection, transport, treatment and disposal
Soil and Minimise soil and land contamination from wastewater Good agreement
Land and solid collection, transport, treatment and disposal as
well as faecal sludge management.
Air Minimise the negative impact of pollution (wastewaters, Not explicitly addressed, except to
landfills, etc.) on air quality. locate treatment plants at periphery
of community.
Urban De- Protect and enhance townscape character and the public Not explicitly addressed
velopment places and should not impact on private/public assets.
Cultural Minimise the adverse effects on, and preserve/enhance Not explicitly addressed
Heritage designated cultural heritage sites, areas and features.
The assessment scores for the alternatives against each SEA objective are provided in Table 10-5.
The lowest score (-15) was obtained for the expected effect on population and health, surface water
bodies and soil and land resources in the “Do nothing” alternative. The highest score (12) was
obtained for the expected effect on population and health and surface water bodies in the “Major
Improvement Programme” alternative.
Table 10-5: Alternatives Assessment Scores for Sanitation.
Soil and Land
Surface water
Cultural Her-
Urban Devel-
and Health
Air quality
L 5 5 4 5 4 3 3
Do nothing C -3 -3 -2 -3 -2 -2 -2
E -15 -15 -8 -15 -8 -6 -6 -73
L 4 4 4 3 3 3 3
Business as usual C -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 1 1
E -8 -8 -8 -6 -6 3 3 -30
L 4 4 4 4 4 2 3
Major improvement
C 3 3 2 2 2 3 3
E 12 12 8 8 8 6 9 63
Effect (E) = Likelihood (L) * Consequence (C)
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The MP consist of a phased improvement of the sanitation system in and around Chittagong, in-
cluding the four municipalities (Patiya, Raozan, Hathazari and Boalkhali). Successful implementa-
tion of the MPs over the planning horizon will have significant benefits on the population and en-
vironment. Key environmental benefits will be:
Improved public health will lead to better socio-economic conditions for the population, which in
turn can increase willingness and ability to pay for improved services. This in turn will assist the
financial position of public institutions in the long-term.
There are significant synergistic cumulative effects between surface water bodies and groundwater
aquifers with population and health; surface water bodies and cultural heritage; solid and land re-
sources with groundwater aquifers and urban developments; urban development with population
and health in sanitation master plans. These should be enhanced during project design and devel-
opment stages.
The only possible negative effects of the MPs in relation to the set of SEA objectives are associated
with solid waste and land resources and air quality (odours near STPs and landfills). These can be
mitigated by employing proper management measures. No significant negative (conflicting)
cumulative effects were identified within the MPs.
Proper operation and maintenance (O&M) of new infrastructure is critical to ensure that any poten-
tial significant negative effects are mitigated. Proper O&M is also required to ensure that the po-
tential benefits of the MPs are realised. This issue is strongly related to the capacity of Chittagong
Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA) and Chittagong City Corporation (CCC) to suc-
cessfully implement the MPs. At the same time, monitoring the implementation of the MPs, and
capacity to implement them, are critical to minimize negative environmental effects and positive
effects being enhanced.
The SEA proposes a monitoring framework based on the results of the effects assessment. For the
preferred alternative, no major negative effects were identified apart from short-term impacts during
construction phase of individual projects. These are expected to be mitigated and monitored as per
the usual EIA activities at the project level. However, for this SEA, monitoring is proposed to ensure
that significant negative effects do not occur (as expected) and that the positive effects do actually
Reviews of the implementation of the master plans, including institutional capacity to implement it
effectively, is a critical monitoring item. This will highlight the need for additional support or strat-
egies to address sanitation and drainage issues in the future.
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The EIA has been done to cover both components of the project, viz. Sanitation Master Plan and
Drainage Master Plan. The master plans suggest a phased investment from 2016 to 2030 divided in
three phases: Phase 1 from 2016 to 2018, Phase 2 from 2016 to 2023 and Phase 3 from 2023 to
2030. The EIA has been prepared for priority projects listed in Phase 1 and Phase 2.
The EIA has been carried out as an important obligation of the ToR prepared for “Sanitation and
Drainage improvement strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong”, as well as a
requirement of Department of Environment (DoE), Bangladesh; and according to WB Operational
Policies 4.01 for funded projects.
The EIA report is based on the primary data generated during the survey period, secondary data
from various sources, and information from field visits, discussions, transect walk and the project
proponent. These were followed by evaluation of the information to delineate the major
environmental issues related to the project. During this process, the following steps have been
Review of all environmental policies, strategies and acts of DoE, WB and institutional
plans, acts and policies for CWASA, CCC and CDA related to environment and land use.
Consider the Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 2009.
Formal and informal meetings with relevant agencies to gather information related to strata
of local residents in Project areas and CWASA staff.
Mapping of Project areas where the interventions would be implemented.
Collection of primary and secondary data from relevant sources by using designed ques-
tionnaire and checklist.
Collect data for existing land use, socio-economic, flora and fauna and settlement pattern.
Collect date for drainage and sewerage water quality from secondary sources.
Understand the physical interventions and implementation process of the project.
Screen out the interventions as per Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act, (GoB,
1995) which are under “green” category.
Identify the physical interventions which have potential environmental impacts.
Assess the consequences for the physical interventions of the project to the environment.
Conduct Focus Group Discussions (FGD) at site on proposed interventions, including the
population with different professions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and com-
munity based organizations (CBOs). All consultations were documented properly.
Develop the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for possible mitigation/enhancing
measures for negative and beneficial impacts through data collection before, during and
after project implementation.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
The possible impacts of the priority works on the important environmental components (IECs) have
been evaluated and described according to their expected affects, peripheries, durability,
reversibility and possible cumulative outcomes. These have been considered against two situations,
during “With Project” and “Without Project” situation and compared with environmental
There is currently no piped sewerage system in Chittagong and the drainage system receives the
vast majority of the city’s sewage and is de-facto used as a combined drainage and sewerage system.
To improve the sewer system in Chittagong City, 6 km deep sewers, 60km collection sewers, 50
km service lines, 3 main pumping stations, 19000 potential connections. 1 DWFI including 1 large
pumping station have been proposed in the Sanitation Master Plan.
The environmental impacts are considered for the pre-construction phase, construction phase and
the operation phase. Most of the pre-construction phase and construction Phase 1mpacts pertain to
the sewer system construction, pump station constructions and dry weather flow interceptor.
The pre-construction phase will primarily involve planning, preparation and creating the space
required for construction works of the sewer system, pumping stations and dry weather flow (DWF)
interceptors. The preparatory activities will have to address the planning of works and their
subsequent impacts and associated mitigation activities.
During the construction phase, it is expected that some structures will be removed, renovated or
rehabilitated. For the construction, re-construction or removal activities, transportation activities
may generate potential environmental negative impacts.
Finally, the operation of the Sewer System is expected to have generally positive environmental
and social impacts.
STP-1 at Halishahar is located in Ward 37 southwest of Chittagong. The size of the area is 66 ha
with a treatment potential for 2 500 000 population equivalent. The STP will discharge to the sea
(Bay of Bengal) via a drainage khal. The land is already owned by CWASA but the land use
according to DAP, 2009 must be changed. The proposed STP site is at risk of cyclonic and tidal
surges in monsoon season which is the subject of the expansion of the adjacent embankment by the
Bangladesh Water Development Board.
The proposed STP-1 at Halishahar STP would be the first Chittagong WASA owned STP. The first
stage of the proposed STP-1 corresponds to the Phase 2 of the Chittagong Sanitation Master Plan
and is designed to treat sewage to meet national effluent standards. The proposed design adopts a
“least-cost” and appropriate process technology within the capability of CWASA and which can
allow for the treatment capacity well within the present site (66 ha). Table 10-6 provides a summary
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
of the reduction in pollution load from the catchment serviced by the sewerage system after com-
missioning of the first stage of the trickling filter process, compared to the existing situation:
Table 10-6: Summary of reduction in pollution load from STP-1 at Halishahar.
Influent Effluent BOD Load % Removal
Phase BOD5 BOD Load BOD5 BOD Load Removed from existing
(m3/d) (mg/L) (t/d) (mg/L) (t/d) (t/d) (%)
Existing 80000 430 34,4 430 34,4 0 0
Phase 2: 80000 430 34,4 20/40 1.6-3.2 32.8-31.2 72-76 %
Phase 3: 100000 430 43 20/40 2.0-4.0 41.0-39.0 95 %
The construction and operation of any STP and related urban wastewater infrastructure (e.g. pump
stations) may result in potential environmental negative impacts for the environment due to: (a)
construction of STP; (b) wastewater treatment; (c) sludge management from the treatment plants;
(d) operation; and (e) decommissioning of STP. The following impacts are to be especially consid-
ered: odours, noise, spreading of insects, and potential health hazards near discharge, exploitation
of the nearby water bodies, potential changes in flora and fauna due to the discharge of treated
wastewater, decline in land value, and disposal of sludge from the treatment plant. In general, the
environmental impacts will be observed in 3 phases: i) site development phase; ii) construction
phase; and iii) operation phase.
Faecal sludge treatment plant is under the “red” category of Environment Conservation Rules;
hence requiring site clearance and detailed EIA approval from the DoE prior to construction of the
plant. Furthermore, it also requires an environmental clearance certificate from DoE for operation
of the plant. This certificate has to be renewed every year. There is a shortage of suitable land in
Chittagong, and land acquisition is a very difficult and time-consuming process in Bangladesh. As
such, it is important to situate the faecal sludge treatment plant on land already available with CCC
and CWASA. Options for faecal sludge treatment plants have been considered, and the most suita-
ble sites appear to be the Halishahar and Arefin Nagar landfill sites.
Considering that Halishahar landfill site is currently operational, it will be easier to obtain an
environmental clearance certificate for the aforementioned site. Moreover, there is one compost
plant already available in Halishahar, while there is a plan to establish another plant in Arefin Nagar.
Based on the conservative demand for faecal sludge collection, the total area required for a faecal
sludge treatment plant is around 0.6-0.8 hectares. Based on the estimated 2030 population and
conservative demand for faecal sludge collection, the land requirement for a treatment plant would
be around 0.8 to 1 hectare. At present, CCC has the required land for the establishment of a faecal
sludge treatment plant up to 2030.
No environmental, social or legal considerations were considered prior to the selection of the Arefin
land as a potential solid waste disposal site. It does not meet the relevant regulatory criteria. Prior
to site selection, neither environmental clearance nor a site clearance certificate from the DoE were
taken, which is mandatory as per the Environment Conservation Rules of the Ministry of
Environment and Forest. Moreover, no Environmental and Social Impact Assessments have been
carried out. In principle, social impact assessment should be carried out, and opinions and feedback
of the surrounding community (up to several kilometres) are important factors when deciding upon
and operating a landfill site. This course has not been followed.
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Faecal sludge (FS) management has to cope with a number of challenges, i.e. health threats posed
by manual pit emptying, indiscriminate disposal and by a lack of adequate sludge treatment. The
problems and challenges in FS management rest with all the components of the faecal sludge
stream, namely pit/vault emptying, haulage, storage or treatment, and use or disposal.
Faecal sludge management includes collection and transportation, treatment technologies, settling-
thickening tanks, unplanted or planted drying beds, co-treatment of faecal sludge in municipal STP,
among other components. The construction of these components requires large land areas (e.g. set-
tling and thickening tanks, sedimentation stabilization ponds, and sludge drying beds). Besides the
current site in Halishahar, CWASA and CCC has limited own areas and which are not sufficient for
construction of all components required for FS treatment.
There are many specific health and safety concerns associated with the collection, transportation,
and discharge of FS, as well as treatment operations. Unfortunately, the current situation is that the
majority of the FS collection and transportation service providers in the City areas do not practice
adequate health and safety protection, particularly when employing manual emptying techniques or
using small-scale equipment. As a result, service providers are at a risk of exposure to physical,
chemical and biological hazards.
There are no proposed major construction works in the priority investment project regarding the
solid waste component except for the Halishahar and Arefin Nagar landfill sites. However, it is
convenient to cover the major environmental impacts related to the operation and handling of solid
waste since it is currently a major problem in Chittagong and it has been addressed in the Chittagong
Sanitation Master Plan. Solid waste component requires awareness, management skills and proper
operation and maintenance.
Several activities have been proposed related to solid waste disposal. All of the activities do not
have the same implications on the environment. Considering the moderate and significant impacts,
the following interventions have been assessed:
The large quantity of degradable organic contents present in the waste composition indicate the
necessity for frequent collection and removal. This also indicates the potential of recycling of
organic waste for resource recovery at source level for composting and waste to energy projects
using anaerobic digestion.
The Solid waste separation activities have significant health and hygiene concern for the workers.
Informal waste separators, who most often operate without any protective measures, are exposed to
a wide range of health risks (e.g. tetanus, respiratory problems, injuries).
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been prepared in order to avoid any significant
impact during construction, rehabilitation and maintenance phases, and enable integration of envi-
ronmental provisions and management measures during the rehabilitation. The EMP is based on the
anticipated environmental impacts and mitigation measures identified, but it would be developed
and updated by the respective Contractors of the relevant Contracts which will be awarded as part
of the Priority Works. These will include construction of 6 km deep sewers, 60km collection sewers,
50 km service lines, 3 main pumping stations, 19000 potential connections. 1 DWFI including 1
large pumping station. Sewage Treatment Plant (STP-1) at Halishahar and Faecal Sludge Treatment
Plant (FSTP) at Halishahar.
The objective of the EMP is to provide a framework for the monitoring and environmental man-
agement of implementation of the priority investments. The EMP outlines the environmental man-
agement system that will be implemented during the detailed design and rehabilitation works of the
project to manage minimisation of deleterious effects and implementation of enhancement
measures. The EMP also defines environmental management issues following the implementation
of the rehabilitation works, to maximise the beneficial effects of the project, and detect and amelio-
rate adverse long-term effects. The responsibilities for undertaking specific required activities at
design, construction and operation stages are listed in Table 10-7.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
The overall objective of the project is to improve the sanitary and drainage infrastructure for the
population of Chittagong City and the four adjacent pourashavas. The project will enhance their
living conditions by improving the hygienic and health status and contribute to a safer environment
and socio-economic development. Poverty will be reduced due to a decrease in disease incidences,
reducing health care costs and time where especially the poor are hampered in the creation of in-
come due to illness.
The project will not only benefit the mostly very poor and poor people now directly exposed to the
associated risks from the lack of sanitation and poor drainage infrastructure. The overall population
will benefit from improving of the drainage infrastructure by reducing the incidence of flooding for
a given rainfall and reducing the duration of flooding. Part of the population will benefit from the
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
sanitation infrastructure, sewer system, STP and improved solid and faecal sludge management and
treatment. A substantial improvement is expected in the target areas of the project.
Improving the sanitation will directly improve the environment, being the quality of the water bod-
ies improved, at the same time groundwater and surface water improvement which will benefit the
people using both the surface and groundwater as water resources.
The positive impacts of the project will substantially overtake the negative and relatively minor and
short-term impacts. All negative impacts are considered manageable by a proper implementation of
Environmental Management Plan during Pre-Construction, Construction and during operation
The positive impacts of the implementing the Master Plan are related to:
1. Safe treatment and disposal, including environmental protection and health improvements
2. Safe collection, treatment and disposal of faecal sludge, including environmental protection
and health improvements
3. Safety of pit emptying and collection, including providing services that meet occupational
health and safety standards
4. Improved health of local residents through decrease in contamination of food and water
from untreated faecal sludge
5. Employment opportunities through the sewerage component, related to construction of the
sewer system, construction and operation of the STPs
6. Employment opportunities related to FS collection services, FS treatment plant construction
and operation
7. Employment opportunities related to street sweeping, waste collection services, land fill
operation, solid waste plant construction and operation
8. Awareness raising at household level on sanitation issues, including sewerage, FSM and
solid waste management
9. Improved well-fare (well-being and living standards) in communities with a cleaner envi-
The negative impacts of implementing the Master Plan are related to:
hence, temporary relocation will be needed. The interceptor connection is on government authority
land; there is no need for land purchase however transfer of ownership is required. However, con-
struction will cause temporary disturbance.
In one location in ward 26, temporary relocation due to demolition and rebuilding structures is
needed in for 600 meter along the road, related to the construction of pipeline. Depending on the
final design up to 300 meters of road might be impacted in addition. The structures along the road
are primarily semi-pucca buildings used as small shops. The temporary relocation of these struc-
tures will cause economic displacement of shop owner and workers. Compensation and relocation
assistance will be required for affected people.
A Resettlement Action Plan will be required for the temporary relocation and the economic dis-
placement in accordance with national legislation and where international financing is involved
World Bank Operational Policy 4.1256 or other international safeguard policy and standards.
Sewage Treatment Plant: The STP will be constructed at the Halishahar site and no land acquisition
is needed. Part of the land is currently being used for agriculture on time bound agreements with
CWASA. No encroachments have been identified at Halishahar STP site.
Faecal Sludge Management: The faecal sludge treatment plant will be established at Halishahar
and Arefin Nagar landfill sites, which are presently under operations as solid waste dumping sta-
tions and owned by CCC, CWASA. No land acquisition will be needed. No encroachments have
been identified at Halishahar and Arefin Nagar landfill sites.
Solid Waste Management: The Solid Waste Management will use existing landfills at Halishahar
and no land acquisition will be needed.
The principal legal instrument governing land acquisition in Bangladesh is the ARIPO, 1982 (Or-
dinance II of 1982) including amendments up to 1994 - ARIPO 1982. The 1982 ordinance requires
that compensation be paid for (i) land and assets permanently acquired (including standing crops,
trees, houses); and (ii) any other damages caused by such acquisition. The ordinance provides cer-
tain safeguards for the owners and has provision for payment of "fair value" for the property ac-
There are some gaps between existing land acquisition law of the country and International Safe-
guards on Involuntary Resettlement in terms of identification of affected persons and compensation
The International Safeguards extends beyond the corresponding laws of Bangladesh in two key
respects: a) a requirement that opportunities be provided to affected persons to improve (or at least
restore) incomes or livelihoods reflects recognition that mere compensation for assets may not pro-
vide sufficient opportunity to restore livelihoods; and b) because the ultimate purpose of the Safe-
guards is to protect livelihoods and living standards, the international safeguard policy coverage
includes affected persons who may lack legal title or rights to the land they occupy or the resources
they use. It also includes tenants, artisans, and wage earners whose livelihoods or living standards
would be adversely affected as a direct result of implementing the Master Plan.
World Bank Operational Policy – Involuntary Resettlement. December 2001.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
Gaps between Government of Bangladesh (GOB) Land Acquisition law and International Safe-
guards and suggested mitigation measures are given in Table 10-8.
Table 10-8: Gaps between the GoB Land Acquisition Law and International Safeguards
Gaps between International Safeguards and GOB Measures to be taken when implementing the Mas-
1982 ordinance II ter Plan
Gaps with regard to avoidance and minimized project The project designs should aim to minimize impacts
impacts and adjusted design further to reduce impacts.
Existing GOB laws recognize title owners only; in- All affected persons irrespective of titles will need to
formal settlers are not covered be identified for compensation and assistance.
Existing laws and methods of assessments do not en- Provisions will have been adopted for additional top
sure full replacement cost up payments to ensure replacement costs at current
market price.
Consultation with affected community not legally re- Extensive consultations will need to be carried out
quired under GOB 1982 Ordinance II during the preparatory phase; similar consultations
will continue during project implementation.
The affected land owners can object to the acquisi- There will be a grievance redress mechanism.
tion in the beginning but once hearing is done and
settled, there is no scope of further complaint during
the acquisition process
No relocation assistance or support under 1982 Ordi- Affected households and businesses will receive relo-
nance II cation assistance and support.
No support or program for income and livelihood res- The benefits will include income and livelihood res-
toration toration.
No provision for reconstruction of common property All physical and cultural resources (PCRs) and com-
resources mon property resources will be reconstructed if af-
fected by the project.
a. Households headed by single women or women with dependents and low incomes
b. Households headed by elderly/disabled people without means of support
c. Households that fall on or below the poverty line
d. Households of indigenous population or ethnic minority57
e. Households of low social group or caste
f. Persons without title to land
Responsibilities are divided between three Committees, formed for the specific land acquisition and
resettlement process by the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives.
Each Committee is responsible for specific aspect of the implementation:
The majority of officially registered residents in Chittagong are Bengalis, with minorities from the ethnic groups
of Chakma and Marma.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
A Resettlement Action Plan must be developed by CWASA/CCC for activities. As the capacity of
the implementing organisations are inadequate, CWASA/CCC may choose to engage with a NGO
to assist in the RAP development and implementation. The RAP should include a transparent com-
pensation framework that includes:
The Resettlement Action Plan and implementation should be based on the steps detailed below:
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CWASA/CCC will be responsible for the implementation of all aspects of the RAP.
The implementation of the RAP shall start prior to construction activities. In general, the RAP im-
plementation will have three key stages:
1. Public meetings, census and socio-economic survey conducted and the negotiation process
related to land acquisition and removal of structures
2. Provision of land rights, payment of compensation, livelihood restoration
3. Monitoring and reporting process of the RAP.
The budget needed for the implementation of the RAP will be established after the completion of
the census and survey activities, once the actual number of affected land users are identified. The
budget will cover land acquisition, compensation, relocation assistance, livelihood restoration,
monitoring and evaluation as well as contingencies and administrative expenses.
The CCC/CWASA will be responsible for the timely allocation of the funds needed to implement
the RAPs. All costs will be considered as an integral component of project costs and timely dis-
bursement of funds will be required for efficient RAP implementation. Compensation must be
made available prior to project commencement and any temporary or permanent displacement of
The rate of sea-level rise at Cox’s Bazaar was 7.8 mm/year between 1977 and 1998. This is much
higher than the global average of 1-2 mm/year, but is also affected by other factors such as tectonic
activity. The National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA) currently recommends to use 14, 32
and 88 cm of sea level rise for the years 2030, 2050 and 2100, respectively (Karim and Mimura,
The Bangladesh National Communication report from 2012 suggests that a sea level rise of 27 cm
by 2050 will cause an area of 19,722 km2 to become inundated. The report suggests that this will
increase to 62 cm by 2080, which will further increase the area inundated to 21,839 km2, or 22,717
km2 if increased rainfall is taken into account (NC2, 2012).
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Temperature changes
During the period of 1977-2008, an increase in mean annual temperature of 0.016 °C/year was
observed, as well as increases in mean maximum and mean minimum temperature of 0.2 °C/year
and 0.012 °C/year, respectively (NC2, 2012).
Future increases in mean annual temperature have been estimated at 0.73 °C and 1.32 °C relative
to the year 2010 under the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) A2 emission scenario.
Seasonal estimates of changes in temperature can be seen in the table below.
The mean annual precipitation is expected to increase by approximately 5% and 8% by 2030 and
2050, respectively (NC2, 2012). It is however worth noting that rainfall is expected to decrease
during the dry season increasing drought risk in the country (OECD, 2003).
Table 10-9: Changes in temperature and precipitation for a time horizon at 2030 – 2050
Tropical Cyclones
An increase in sea surface temperature should theoretically result in more frequent and powerful
tropical cyclones, but so far there has been no empirical evidence to support this thesis (Ali, 1999;
Karim and Mimura, 2008). The Second National Communication states that there is evidence for a
5-10% increase in cyclone intensity though it does not specify the time frame for this development.
At current conditions, approx. 69 km2 of CCC area are at high risk of cyclones and in the year 2050
around 34 km2 of additional area may be at risk. Ali (1996) estimated increases in cyclone induced
storm surges based on various future scenarios of sea level rise and temperature increase as shown
in the table below.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
On average, a severe cyclone strikes Bangladesh every three years (World Bank, 2010) (GoB,
2009). The current crest elevation of the sea embankment at the proposed location of the STP at
Halishahar is 8.5 m above PWD. Modification of the embankment crest level to 10 m above PWD
has been proposed in the context of the 'Chittagong City Outer Ring Road Project' financed by
JICA. The project implementation has already commenced and it is expected to be completed in 2
to 3 years. The project aims to alleviate the traffic congestion in Chittagong city by constructing an
outer circular road on the top of the sea embankment, connecting Chittagong Port to Dhaka highway
bypassing the city area. Besides improving transportation, the project will increase the city's ability
to cope with cyclonic surges thanks to the sea embankment rehabilitation.
Historical data and literature review on cyclones and storms surges58 in Bangladesh was collected
with the aim to: i) Identify the water level at the discharge location under the most extreme circum-
stances; ii) Assess the risk of flooding in the proposed site. In Table 10-11, relevant information
about the cyclone events from 1960 to 2009 is summarized. During this time series, the observed
storms surge heights varied between 0.6 to 10 m. An event with storm surge elevation higher than
10 m was registered in Bangladeshi records during the 1876 Bakerganj cyclone which caused a
storm surge of 13.6 m (World Bank, 2010). Besides wind velocity, another important factor that
affects the storm surge height is the tide. In fact, storm surges are particularly severe if they occur
during high tide (e.g. cyclone of 1970).
(Hoque, et. al., 1997) estimated the storm surge level in Chittagong coastal area for different return
Return Period T (years) T=5 T=10 T=20 T=40 T=50 T=100
Water level above PWD 5.7 7.0 8.3 9.3 10.1 11.6
According to this research, the proposed STP-1 site is expected to be protected from flooding up to
a return period of 50 years according to the sea embankment elevation of 10 mPWD. Furthermore,
it is important to realize that the water levels predicted by (Hoque,, 1997) refers to the maxi-
mum water level in a specific location critical with respect to the cyclone path, and the water level
will be different (lower) in other locations. For instance, during cyclone Roanu (21.05.2016) the
water level at Patenga was 6.7 mPWD and 12 km north (approx. at the proposed location of the
STP), the water level was 4.9 mPWD. Therefore, it may be argued that the actual return period for
a cyclone event hitting the wastewater treatment location has a higher duration than 50 years.
Table 10-11: Relevant information about cyclonic events from 1960 to 2009 (Alam & Jabed, 2015)
Date Nature of Phenomenon* Landfall Area Max. Wind Max. Storm
speed in Surge height in
km/hr m
1 11.10.60 Severe Cyclonic storm Chittagong 160 4.5
2 31.10.60 Severe Cyclonic storm Chittagong 193 6.1
3 09.05.61 Severe Cyclonic storm Chittagong 160 2.4-3.0
4 30.05.61 Severe Cyclonic storm Chittagong (Near Feni) 160 1.8-4.6
5 28.05.63 Severe Cyclonic storm Chittagong-Cox's Bazar 209 2.4-3.7
6 11.05.65 Severe Cyclonic storm Chittagong 160 3.7
7 05.11.65 Severe Cyclonic storm Chittagong 160 2.4-3.7
8 15.12.65 Severe Cyclonic storm Cox's Bazar 210 2.4-3.0
Storm surges are defined as atmospherically forced oscillation of the water level in a coastal or inland water body
(Karim and Mimura, 2008).
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The climate change induced effects have been considered in the current estimation of design dis-
charge by including a 10% increase in wastewater infiltration to the sewerage system to accommo-
date the impact of climate change. The construction of the sea embankment appears to be sufficient
to protect the STP site at Halishahar.
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Since no O&M services are required, no maintenance equipment is available. As a typical example,
the following are typical items of equipment within the inventory of a sewerage utility:
Hydraulic jet rodding for cleaning out pipeline blockages (trailer mounted or mini-jetting)
Sludge suction vehicle for emptying of manholes
Combined hydraulic jet rodding and suction unit on truck
Mechanical rodding machine for cleaning minor blockages in pipelines (incl. small-scale port-
able units)
Small-scale mechanical de-silting grab buckets
Drag bucket machines
Inflatable pipe stoppers for temporary isolation of sewer lines
Mobile air compressors
Ventilation air eductors to exhaust gases from the sewer line
Submersible drainage pumps
Flood lighting or sewer lighting equipment
Portable diesel generators
Self-priming pumps
Sewer safety equipment (incl. gas detection)
CCTV systems installed in van (typically sub-contracted from private contractors).
The current CWASA Citizen Charter does not provide sufficient detail on the standards of services
being provided by the water authority. On an international basis, the water sector has moved to a
greater quantification of the levels of water sector services to be provided to consumers. This in-
cludes factors that consumers can identify and express an opinion on, and which the water authority
should deliver, and which the water industry regulators can monitor performance. Such indicators
could be categorised into those associated with: i) water resources; ii) operating efficiency; iii)
physical assets; iv) operational; v) quality of service; and vi) financial indicators. They may be
either legal obligations, customer related obligations, or management and economic regulation in-
dicators. When considering the entire water sector, performance indicators may be grouped into the
following: i) Security of water supply; ii) Water quality; iii) Water pressure; iv) Interruptions of
supply; v) Water storage capacity; vi) Asset and operational records; vii) Flow measurement; viii)
Customer service; ix) Sewage flooding; x) Interruptions to sewerage service; xi) Environmental
impact; and xii) Management and economic regulation.
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In the sewerage sector, the following performance indicators and associated target values may be
relevant to a modern water authority, typically reported on an annual basis:
Asset and operational records: CWASA should maintain comprehensive and up-to-date rec-
ords of sewers, pump stations, treatment works, outfalls, and faecal sludge management
assets. This would be via hardcopy and electronic versions of CAD and GIS drawings,
stored in secure areas.
Flow measurement: CWASA to maintain records on pump station flowrates and influent to
the sewage treatment plant, ideally via a SCADA system. Meters should be tested and cal-
ibrated on a regular basis, according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
Customer service: CWASA to provide customer communication system for emergency and
regular queries (written and telephone) and respond to such queries within a prescribed time,
e.g.: response to blocked sewers should be provided within 4 hours of notification; connec-
tions to the sewerage system should be processed within 21 days of notification and pay-
ment; request (in person) for network drawings to be provided within an hour of payment.
Sewer flooding: CWASA to ensure properties are not subject to surcharging from the sewer
system, e.g. less than 0.5% of properties shall experience surcharging during dry weather
periods in a year (or 1% during wet weather periods).
Interruptions of sewer service: CWASA to ensure customers receive an uninterrupted sew-
erage service, e.g. less than 10% of properties suffer from interruptions in a year, and such
interruptions should be limited to less than 6 hours.
Environmental impact: CWASA treatment facilities should meet DoE environment dis-
charge standards for 95% of samples.
Management and economic regulation: CWASA to maintain records on: number of billed
customers; sewer connections (and population served); length of sewer network (and extent
of new annual works); amount of wastewater treated; sewerage blockage and service con-
nection failures; sewer collapses per 100km; extent of infiltration; extent of rehabilitation
works per year; maintenance costs; capital replacement; % capacity of STP; staff utilisation
(Sewer employees per 1000 connections or per 100km of sewer, and STP employees per
population treated); manpower costs compared to total operating costs; number of acci-
dents; training days provided to staff; financial indicators (e.g. sewer tariffs; cost coverage;
late payments; delay in accounts receivable; debt service ratio; current liquidity).
Based on typical standards of service to be published by CWASA, the attached table links the key
O&M activities with work procedures required for operations and maintenance of sewers, pumping
stations and treatment plants:
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Table 11-1: O&M Programme for Maintenance of Sewers, Pump Stations and Treatment Plant
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
The following recommendations are proposed to undertake operations and maintenance of future
sewerage facilities within Chittagong:
Standards of service
CWASA Citizen Charter to be revised to define the standards of service for the (water supply
and) sewerage sector. As a result, CWASA can prepare detailed O&M plans, customers can
assess their level of service, and the monitoring authority can assess the level of service com-
pared to the requested tariff.
Sewerage System
An electronic database should be established for each sewerage system, incl.: i) information on
consumers; ii) detailed information on sewerage system, pump stations and treatment plants;
iii) O&M programming; iv) sewer extension planning.
CWASA to establish manpower capacity for sewer cleaning. Manpower capacity should be
increased to levels similar in regional cities and of similar size, e.g. the situation in Dhaka may
be used as a benchmark.
CWASA to establish staff capacity in maintenance programming via an extensive training pro-
Pump Stations
In order to minimise O&M demands, CWASA should construct pump stations to facilitate
maintenance, e.g. by utilising submersible pump stations, and separating the function of screen-
ing wells and pump wells. To facilitate maintenance, pumps should be able to be automatically
removed from service.
CWASA may wish to consider outsourcing operations and maintenance of pump stations.
In order to maximise efficiency of operations and maintenance in the future, CWASA should
consider installation of an automated system via telecommunication to a central SCADA sys-
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
early operations service (during the defects liability period) and allow technology transfer to
CWASA operations staff. Consequently the Chittagong STP project may be contracted as a
Design-Build-Operate contract. The extent of operations period could be from 1 to 20 years.
CWASA should consider whether maintenance workshop services should be outsourced59.
Non-authorised access to the treatment plant site should be restricted.
Maintenance programmes to be developed for the treatment plant.
CWASA to consider facilitating the beneficial re-use of sewage sludge via private sector devel-
CWASA to consider incorporating anaerobic digestion gas collection and combustion in the future,
in order to produce power to operate the plant and hence reduce operating costs.
There are a range of options associated with private participation, incl.:
Option Asset Ownership O&M Capital In- Commercial Typical Du-
vestment Risk ration
Service Contract Public Public and Private Public Public 1-2 years
Management Contract Public Private Public Public 3-5 years
Lease Public Private Public Shared 8-15 years
Build-Operate-Transfer Private (bulk services) Private Private Private 20-30 years
Concession Public Private Private Private 25-30 years
Divestiture Private Private Private Private Indefinite
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
As mentioned in Section 6.1, the National Strategy for Water Supply and Sanitation (2014) includes
strategic guidelines and an implementation plan. Of particular relevance for the legal and regulatory
framework of this Sanitation Master Plan are the following:
Strategy 1
The wastewater discharge standards are being revised. There will be a stakeholder consultation
process before the revision is completed. By October 2016, this consultation process had not started.
Strategy 5
A draft Institutional and Regulatory Framework for Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) has been
prepared and is expected to be approved by the end of 2016. This recommends that City Corpora-
tions should be responsible for FSM, stating that they may collaborate with WASAs, where appro-
priate, in development and O&M of faecal sludge treatment facilities. The framework specifically
for Dhaka recommends that the City Corporation should collaborate with DWASA for possible
treatment of faecal sludge at the sewage treatment plants operated by DWASA. After the approval
of the Institutional and Regulatory Framework documents, the preparation of by-laws will start.
This will be a generic document that will need to be tailored into local conditions before being
approved as a local by-law.
Strategy 9
The National Strategy for Water Supply and Sanitation (2014) emphasizes the importance of in-
volving the private sector. It is expected that the preparation of specific guidelines will start after
approval of the Institutional and Regulatory Framework.
The following provides more details on the legislative framework and the associated standards of
service related to sewerage, faecal sludge management and solid waste management.
services to be provided. However, the Environment Conservation Rules of 1997 sets the following
standards for sewage discharge:
The parameters mentioned above are those where maximum values/levels have been set.
DoE regulations establish that all industrial wastewater is to be treated prior to discharge into a
sewerage system or a stormwater system, with wastewater discharge limits depending on the loca-
tion of the final disposal, i.e. whether it is into inland surface water, public sewers or irrigated land.
Details on these regulations, which among others include pH, oil and grease, are included in Section
As mentioned above, as per October 2016 the wastewater discharge standards are under revision.
Based on a by-law in Dhaka, a proposed by-law for sewerage connection in Chittagong has been
developed (included as part of Annex 10). This has inter alia a proposed statement that private
developers should be responsible for providing all sanitation facilities for new developments if
CWASA cannot provide such services within their planning schedule. These may include construc-
tion and operation of sewerage, wastewater treatment, as well as collection of septic tank sludge.
CWASA’s Citizens Charter is to define the standards of service to be provided towards its custom-
ers. There is no sewerage system in Chittagong City and CWASA’s Citizens Charter therefore only
states that appropriate and realistic long term plans should be developed for sewerage by mid-2017,
followed by construction of sewerage infrastructure to improve sanitation services as quickly as
possible. The Citizens Charter contains no standards of service for future sewerage services. As
mentioned in Section 11.4, the CWASA Citizens Charter is to be revised to include the standards
of sewerage service to be provided to its customers and potential future customers.
The CCC ordinance of 1984 and the subsequent Act of 2009 (amended in 2011) indicate that CCC
has the mandate for faecal sludge emptying services. The CCC ordinance and the CCC Act, as well
as the WASA Act, are not clear whether CWASA, CCC or both have the mandate for sludge treat-
ment; further details are included in Section 12.2. None of the mentioned legal documents contains
stipulations on the technical standards related to faecal sludge management.
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The Environment Conservation Rules of 1997 contain limited standards related to septic sludge60.
In addition, the Bangladesh Building Code provides details on the design and construction of septic
tanks. A summary of requirements is included as part of Annex 10.
There is no by-law for faecal sludge management. However, as mentioned above, after approval of
the Institutional and Regulatory Framework, a generic by-law document will be prepared at national
level for later tailoring to local conditions before being approved as a local by-law, e.g. for Chitta-
gong City and the four surrounding municipalities. Some key points to consider when finalising
these by-laws are listed in Annex 10. This includes a proposed statement that private developers
should be responsible for providing all sanitation facilities for new developments if CCC/CWASA
cannot provide such services within their planning schedule. These may entail construction and
operation of sewerage and wastewater treatment, as well as collection of septic tank sludge.
CCC’s Citizens Charter states that CCC should empty septic tanks within 2-3 days after receiving
a request. CWASA’s Citizens Charter does not include any statements related to faecal sludge man-
agement. CCC’s and/or CWASA’s Citizens Charters should be revised to include (further) stand-
ards of the faecal sludge services to be provided by CCC/CWASA.
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry has drafted a Solid Waste Management Handling Rules,
which are currently under review by the Government. When this is approved, CCC should prepare
a by-law. This should include a statement that private developers should be responsible for provid-
ing solid waste collection and treatment services for new developments if CCC cannot provide such
CCC’s Citizens Charter states that the entire solid waste generated in the city has to be removed
every day. If needed, solid waste removal works are to be carried out round the clock in three shifts.
CCC’s Citizens Charters should be revised to include further standards of its solid waste manage-
ment services.
As the current standards of service are not well-defined in CWASA’s and CCC’s current Citizens
Charters, earlier sections of this document propose a set of standards that may realistically be
achieved over the timeframe of the Master Plan and which are consistent with the National Water
Supply and Sanitation Strategy (2014). These standards should be reflected in CWASA’s and
CCC’s future Citizens Charters.
The Environment Conservation Rules of 1997: Sludge may have BOD concentrations between 440 to 78,600
mg/l and TSS values in excess of 90,000 mg/l, where septic tank effluent has values averaging 200 mg/l BOD and
300 mg/l TSS. As septic tanks fill with sludge, the effluent begins to resemble faecal sludge with higher pollution
values. Therefore, regular desludging provides dramatic improvements in effluent quality. Detailed sludge char-
acterization (BOD, TSS and other microbial characteristics) as well as its dewatering characteristics (specific re-
sistance, etc.) should be done prior to the design of any faecal sludge management facility. Treatment of sludge
can be of two types, treatment at sewage treatment plants and at independent septage treatment plants.
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According to the Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (WASA) Act from 2008, Chittagong Water
Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA) has the mandate for sewerage, being responsible for
construction, improvement and maintenance of sewerage works for collecting, pumping, treating,
and disposing of sanitary sewerage and industrial wastes.
As the main planning agency, Chittagong Development Authority (CDA) has the mandate to be
involved in the overall planning related to sewerage, while the Department of Environment (DoE)
is responsible for EIA clearance and monitoring. The Ministry of Local Government, Rural Devel-
opment and Co-operatives (MLGRDC) also has a role in planning and monitoring.
The mandate for sewerage is thus solely with CWASA, apart from the overall planning roles of
CDA and MLGRDC and the monitoring roles of DoE and MLGRDC.
Currently, there are no sewerage services in Chittagong. Consequently, CWASA has not established
an institutional framework for covering such tasks. In connection with the ongoing JICA-supported
Project for Institutional Improvement and Advancing NRW Reduction Initiative (PANI-2 project)
and the World Bank supported Utility Modernization Umbrella Consultancy (CWSISP/S-31), there
have been some discussions of establishing a Sewerage Circle under the Chief Engineer or the Dep-
uty Managing Director (Engineering).
The mandate for sewerage is solely with CWASA, apart from the overall planning roles of CDA
and MLGRDC, and the monitoring roles of DOE and MLGRDC.
There will be no changes to the institutional mandates related to sewerage, i.e. CWASA is to
be responsible for construction, operation and management of the future sewerage system.
However, if the future sewerage system will be a fully or partly combined sewerage and drainage
system, then interceptors and the separate sewerage system will be managed by CWASA, while the
drainage system (before and after the interceptors) will be managed by CCC.
As of October 2016, CWASA had 710 staff and a significant number of vacancies. According to a
report61 from the Utility Modernization Umbrella Consultancy (CWSISP/S-31) from November
2015, CWASA had a staff productivity of 12 staff/1,000 water connections, which it assessed as
high and likely to increase with proposed recruitments. It also assessed the current organizational
structure with 4 classes and 21 grades as a highly vertical and bureaucratic structure. The report
includes a number of recommendations related to CWASA’s organizational structures.
NWSC, Uganda in association with Devcon, Bangladesh and UNESCO IHE, Netherlands: Utility Moderniza-
tion Umbrella Consultancy (CWSISP/S-31): Recommendations on the Organizational Structure of Chittagong
Water and Sewerage Authority (CWASA), Final Report, November 2015.
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The CWASA organograms (June, 2015) prepared in connection with the PANI-2 project indicate a
future Sewerage Circle under the Chief Engineer while the proposed dynamic organisational struc-
ture (November, 2015) prepared by the Utility Modernization Umbrella Consultancy (CWSISP/S-
31) indicates future sewerage services, which may report directly to the Deputy Managing Director
(Engineering). None of the organograms includes indicative staffing levels.
The current CWASA staff have no practical experience with sewerage, at least not from their work
with CWASA. This lack of sewerage knowledge and experience within CWASA means it will be
difficult for CWASA to handle a large-scale sewerage project in the short term. CWASA will need
to establish a sewerage team and train staff to be able to handle the operation and maintenance of a
sewerage system. A phased approach, where a small-scale sewage collection catchment and one
sewerage treatment plant are carefully planned with the participation of CWASA staff is therefore
seen as most feasible and appropriate. Such an approach will introduce CWASA to the sewerage
sector and assist in building up internal sewerage capacity.
When design and construction of the sewerage system starts in Phase 2 (2016-2023), a Sewerage
Division will be established in CWASA, consisting of six staff and be headed by a Project Director.
Staff will assist the Project Director in monitoring of the design and construction supervision and
should, to the extent possible, work closely with the Design and Supervision Consultants. This will
help them gain practical knowledge about sewerage design and construction.
Chief Engineer
Sewerage Division
Project Director (1)
Executive Engineers (1)
Assistant Engineers (2)
Sub-Assistant Engineers (2)
The Sewerage Division will be upgraded to a Sewerage Circle six months before the construction
is to be completed. A Superintending Engineer will head the Circle, which is expected to have 90-
100 staff. The figure below gives the indicative structure and staffing level. Preferably, the Project
Director during the construction phase should be re-designated as the Superintending Engineer,
heading the Sewerage Circle. It is essential that the other five staff employed in the Sewerage Di-
vision during the construction phase are appointed to positions in the Sewerage Circle.
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Chief Engineer
Sewerage Circle
Superintending Engineer (1)
Assistant Engineer (1) Pumping Stations
Operation Maintenance Laboratory
Sub-Assistant Engineers (2) Assistant Engineer (1)
Technicians (9) Technicians (3) Chemist (1)
Machinery Operators (4) Technicians (4)
Workers (10) Workers (6) Technicians (2) Technicians (4) Workers (8)
Workers (30)
Figure 12-2: Proposed Organogram for CWASA Sewerage Circle, Operations Phase
When the second sewage treatment plant is constructed during Phase 3 (2023-2030), a second treat-
ment plant operation team will be needed, preferably headed by a separate Executive Engineer. An
additional sewerage system maintenance team will also be needed, but the existing Executive En-
gineer for maintenance could be in charge of both maintenance teams.
It is unlikely that CWASA will be able to identify a sufficient number of qualified staff within the
organisation who could be moved to the new Sewerage Division/Circle. However, the first step will
still be to investigate whether there are relevant staff within CWASA who could take some of the
sewerage positions, although the vast majority of the sewerage staff are expected to be recruited
from outside. CWASA has received many applications to recent advertisements for engineering and
other positions and it expects it will be able to employ staff with relevant educational backgrounds
for the new Sewerage Division/Circle. Most applicants are, however, likely to lack practical sew-
erage experience. It will therefore be essential that they receive both class-room and on-the-job
training during the initial months of their employment and additional training based on individual
training needs assessments. The following table gives indications of the type of training that may
be needed.
CWASA will also need to strengthen its communication and other customer relations activities.
Currently, CWASA has a small Public Relations (PR) Unit, which at the time of preparing this
Master Plan had two employees and one vacancy. CWASA’s Maintenance and Operations Divi-
sions (MODs) have customer helpdesks and billing units, which receive complaints from customers,
read meters and deliver bills to customers. The PR Unit and customer “help desks” should be
strengthened, in terms of numbers as well as qualifications. The focus should be on establishing a
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close dialogue with current and potential future customers, both in relation to sewerage, possibly
faecal sludge management and water supply. This will include awareness raising activities through
pro-active communication in addition to responding to inquiries and complaints. The Utility Mod-
ernization Umbrella Consultancy (CWSISP/S-31) has conducted a detailed assessment of training
and capacity development needs of CWASA and developed a training programme for CWASA for
2016-201762, which includes a work package to improve commercial management, commercial
orientation and customer orientation. This plans for both classroom and on-the-job training on cus-
tomer care services. Additional training on customer relations and communication is, however,
likely to be needed around the time where CWASA starts its sewerage services. The Utility Mod-
ernization Umbrella Consultancy will also assist CWASA in preparing a customer services im-
provement plan and a public information/education and communication strategy and materials.
The CWASA organograms prepared in connection with the JICA-supported PANI-2 project indi-
cate a future Non-Revenue Water Management Training Centre. It is recommended this be ex-
panded to conduct other types of CWASA training, including sewerage-related training. Dhaka
WASA has had a Training Centre for several years and their experiences should be explored when
expanding the CWASA Training Centre.
As of October 2016, 8% of CWASA’s staff are women. Most female staff are employed in the
Administration Department and the Finance & Accounts Department, where 13% and 11% respec-
tively are women, while in the Engineering Department only 3% of the employees are women.
There are no women in the middle or upper management levels and only five women in junior
professional positions. CWASA will make particular efforts to attract female professional and man-
agement-level staff for the new Sewerage Circle. The PANI-2 project is to assist in developing a
HR and recruitment policy for CWASA. This should pay much attention to attracting and retaining
staff, including attracting more women to apply for vacant positions. In this connection, CWASA
should consider trying to attract young women through the universities and other educational insti-
tutions, e.g. by attaching them as interns during part of their study period and/or by paying part of
their study fees.
NWSC, Uganda in association with Devcon, Bangladesh and UNESCO IHE, Netherlands: Utility Moderniza-
tion Umbrella Consultancy (CWSISP/S-31): Training and Capacity Development Needs Assessment Report and
Plan for CWASA, March 2016.
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Chittagong City
The WASA Act (1996) and the National Water and Sanitation Policy (2014) do not directly state
that CWASA is responsible for on-site sanitation and faecal sludge management, though the man-
date for sewerage may be interpreted to include management of sludge from septic tanks.
As per the CCC ordinance of 1984 and the subsequent Act of 2009 (amended in 2011), CCC has
the mandate to “make adequate arrangements for the collection and removal of refuse from all
public streets, public latrines, urinals, drains, and all buildings and land within the jurisdiction of
the city corporation” (City Corporation Act 2009, Clause 41, Schedule 3, Clause 1, Sub-clause 1.4).
In addition, the National Sanitation Strategy (2005) stipulates: “Appropriate deslugding of septic
tanks and pit latrines must be enforced and effluent disposed of in a proper manner. Sludge empty-
ing by City Corporations and Paurashavas must be in place” (Section 8.6).
CDA is responsible for issuing building permits and has a mechanism for ad-hoc monitoring
whether building plans, incl. construction of septic tanks, are implemented as approved. Building
construction regulations make it mandatory to construct septic tanks in connection with new
buildings and to desludge them at least once per year.
The above indicates that CCC has the mandate for faecal sludge emptying services, while it is less
clear whether CWASA, CCC or both have the mandate for faecal sludge treatment. CDA has the
mandate for overall planning and planning control and also MLGRDC has an overall planning func-
tion, while DoE and MLGRDC have monitoring functions.
MLGRDC has established a committee to prepare the Institutional and Regulatory Framework for
Faecal Sludge Management in Bangladesh. As mentioned earlier, this is expected to be approved
by the end of 2016. This recommends that City Corporations should be responsible for FSM, stating
that they may collaborate with WASAs, where appropriate, in development and O&M of faecal
sludge treatment facilities. The framework specifically for Dhaka recommends that the City Cor-
poration should collaborate with DWASA for possible treatment of faecal sludge at the sewage
treatment plants operated by DWASA. It appears to have been agreed that DWASA will be respon-
sible for both collection, transfer and treatment of faecal sludge in Dhaka.
It is still to be decided who is to be responsible for FSM services in Chittagong, particularly for
faecal sludge treatment.
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Currently, CCC provides some septic sludge emptying services, through its Conservancy Depart-
ment. It employs 10 workers for faecal sludge collection and disposal, using two vacuum trucks (as
of October 2016, one of the trucks did not function). The two trucks can only be used in areas with
wide roads and not in the many narrow streets of Chittagong. Currently, most septic tanks and
possibly pit latrines are emptied manually, with households often hiring CCC street sweepers to do
this outside their working hours.
According to the Local Government (Pourashava) Act (2009), the municipalities are responsible
for taking all necessary steps to collect and dispose of waste from toilets.
Currently, none of the four municipalities provides faecal sludge management services and
consequently has no institutional framework for this. Septic tanks and possibly pit latrines in the
four municipalities are emptied manually, with households often hiring municipal street sweepers
to do this outside their working hours.
Chittagong City
Table 12-2 lists the four main options for future institutional mandates, which have been dis-
cussed among key stakeholders:
Table 12-2: Institutional Options for Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) for Chittagong
Considering the present conditions in CCC and CWASA in terms of availability of skilled man-
power and in particular experience in operation and maintenance of faecal sludge treatment systems,
a CCC or CWASA owned and operated system is not recommended.
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
A fully privately owned and operated system is also not possible at present, since there is no regu-
lation or guideline for faecal sludge management in place. Furthermore, since there are no incen-
tives for the private sector (such as tax exemption or reduced taxation for a certain period and/or
low interest rate for bank financing of such projects), it is highly unlikely that the private sector
would be interested to invest capital for such projects.
A viable option appears to be a model with FSM facilities owned by CCC or CWASA and
operated by the private sector. In this model, CCC or CWASA will invest and own the entire
infrastructure and lease it to the private sector to operate and manage it. CCC or CWASA will
pay the private sector a fee based on the number of pits/tanks cleaned per month. It is noted that the
private sector will have to pay incentives to the vacuum tanker drivers to ensure that faecal sludge
is collected and delivered to the treatment facility. Moreover, the private operator may have to pro-
vide incentives to manual cleaners of pits/septic tanks each time they find a new order from house-
holds for vacuum services. Further details on this model is included in the annexed Report on Iden-
tification and Evaluation of Options for Improving Septic Sludge Management, including sample
contracts for private operators.
For involvement of the private sector, CCC or CWASA may select or negotiate with NGOs or social
business enterprises that are active in the sanitation sector; this may include local partners who are
involved in faecal sludge management such as WSUP, Water Aid, DSK, BRAC, Ahsania Mission,
and NGO Forum. For operation of the treatment plant, CCC or CWASA may select from 28 com-
panies within the private sector that already possess a licence to produce and market compost as
operator of co-compost based treatment plant. For the co-compost plant, apart from the collected
faecal sludge, CCC should deliver sorted municipal organic waste to the plant (agreed amount free
of cost) and allow the private sector to operate the plant and market the compost.
The municipalities of Boalkhali, Hathazari, Patiya and Raozan have the mandate for faecal sludge
management in their areas. No change is recommended to this mandate, however it is proposed to
consider bringing in the private sector to assist with faecal sludge collection and treatment, as de-
scribed under option 2 in Table 12-3 below.
Table 12-3: Institutional Options for Faecal Sludge Management (FSM), Municipalities
Considering the present conditions in the four municipalities in terms of availability of skilled man-
power and in particular experience in operation and maintenance of faecal sludge treatment systems,
a municipality owned and operated system is not recommended.
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The most viable option appears to be a model with FSM facilities owned by the municipalities
and operated by the private sector. In this model, the municipalities will invest and own the
entire infrastructure and lease it to the private sector to operate and manage it.
As mentioned earlier, the most viable option appears to be a model, where CWASA or CCC invests
in and owns the faecal sludge management infrastructure (i.e. is overall responsible for faecal sludge
management) and leases it to the private sector to operate and manage it. It is still to be decided
whether CWASA or CCC will be to overall responsible or whether they will share the responsibil-
ities, with CCC being responsible for faecal sludge collection and CWASA for faecal sludge treat-
The following is the proposed organisational structure, if in the future CCC will be responsible for
both faecal sludge collection and treatment. In this case, it is proposed that faecal sludge manage-
ment is placed under the Engineering Department as shown below, with employment of around
seven staff. The Executive Engineer for FSM should report to the Superintending Engineer heading
the Engineering Department.
Figure 12-3: Proposed Organisation Structure and Staffing for FSM, if placed in CCC
Note: SAE = Sub-assistant Engineer
If CCC will only be responsible for collection and transportation, then only around four staff may
be needed, i.e. the plant assistant engineer and the two sub-assistant engineers under him/her will
not be needed.
Currently, CCC provides some septic sludge emptying services, through its Conservancy Depart-
ment. It employs 10 workers for faecal sludge collection and disposal, using two vacuum trucks (as
of October 2016, one of the trucks did not function). These workers will not be needed for FSM, if
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Preparation of a Sanitation Improvement Strategy and Master Plan for the City of Chittagong
a management contract is signed with the private sector for operation of the FSM collection ser-
CCC’s Engineering and Conservancy Departments, which either currently have some involvement
in FSM involved or may be involved in the future, employs 1,600 and 1,925 staff, respectively.
1.4% of the staff in the Engineering Department are women, while the proportion is considerably
higher in the Conservancy Department, namely 38%. This difference reflects that almost all the
female staff in these two departments are employed as street sweepers and cleaners, i.e. in the lowest
staff category of the organisation. If in the future, CCC is to be involved in FSM, efforts should be
made to attract more women to apply for positions in relation to FSM and related awareness raising
activities. For examples of potential strategies in this connection, see the section above on the insti-
tutional framework for sewerage.
The following is the proposed organisational structure, if in the future CWASA will be responsible
for faecal sludge management. In this case, it is proposed that faecal sludge management is placed
under the future Sewerage Circle as shown below, with employment of around seven staff. The
Executive Engineer (XEN) should report to the Superintending Engineer heading the Sewerage
Sewerage Circle
AE (2)
SAE (4)
Figure 12-4: Proposed Organisation Structure and Staffing for FSM, if placed in CWASA
Note: XEN = Executive Engineer, AE = Assistant Engineer, SAE = Sub-assistant Engineer
If CWASA will only be responsible for treatment of faecal sludge, then around four staff may be
As mentioned above, as of October 2016, only 8% of all CWASA’s staff 3% of the staff in the
Engineering Department are women. If in the future, CWASA is to be involved in FSM, efforts
should be made to attract women to apply for positions in relation to FSM and related awareness
raising activities. For further details, see the section above on the institutional framework for sew-
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Capacity building
A knowledge gap exists amongst the elected representatives of the CCC as well as CCC and
CWASA staff regarding faecal sludge management. It is essential to increase the knowledge of key
decision-makers and managers in relation to among others cost recovery aspects and the potential
benefits of involving the private sector or social business enterprises in faecal sludge management.
Activities should include study tours to sludge collection and treatment systems within Bangladesh
and, if possible, in some neighbouring countries.
There should also be training for CCC or CWASA engineers and other technical staff. This training
should focus on the technical side, dealing with operation and maintenance. The following table
gives indications of the type of training that may be needed.
CCC and/or CWASA will need to pay much attention to awareness raising activities related to
future arrangements for faecal sludge collection, disposal and treatment. Training is also required
in this connection.
A decision still needs to be taken whether and how the private sector should be involved in the
proposed future faecal sludge management in the four municipalities. Irrespective of the decisions,
a separate Faecal Sludge Management Unit should be established under the Water Supply & Sew-
erage Section of the Engineering Department. It is proposed that each municipality employs 2-4
staff in this Unit.
Nearly all staff employed by the four municipalities are men. The few women they do employ are
sweepers and cleaners, with Hathazari also employing a couple of women as clerical staff. Particular
efforts should be made to attract women to apply for positions in relation to FSM and related aware-
ness raising activities. For examples of strategies to attract more women, see the section above on
the institutional framework for sewerage.
As in Chittagong, a knowledge gap exists amongst the elected representatives of the municipal
councils and among municipal staff regarding faecal sludge management. It will be essential to
increase the knowledge of key decision-makers and managers, with activities including both train-
ing and study tour(s) to sludge collection and treatment systems within Bangladesh.
The municipalities should pay much attention to awareness raising activities related to future ar-
rangements for faecal sludge collection, disposal and treatment. Training is also required in this
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Chittagong City
As per the CCC ordinance (1984) and the subsequent Act (2009, amended in 2011), CCC has the
mandate to collect, remove and dispose of solid waste from all roads, drains, structures, and areas
under its jurisdiction, including making arrangement for waste collection containers or other type
of bins at different places of the city.
According to the National Strategy for Sanitation from 2005, “all city corporations must establish
a full fledged Sanitation Division to plan, implement, and monitor sanitation programmes in cities”
(p. 34). The CCC has not established such a Sanitation Division. Instead, the Conservancy and
Engineering Departments share the responsibilities for solid waste collection and disposal.
Furthermore, NGOs and CBOs play a considerable role in house-to-house collection of solid waste
in several wards of the city.
The Conservancy Department provides the required manpower for the collection, transfer and
disposal of solid waste, while supply of vehicles with drivers and maintenance of the vehicles are
ensured by the Engineering Department. Around 1,200 workers in the Conservancy Department are
assigned as street sweepers, garbage truck helpers and workers at the two landfills.
CDA has the mandate to be involved in the overall planning related to solid waste, while Depart-
ment of Environment (DoE) is responsible for EIA clearance and monitoring. The Ministry of Local
Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives (MLGRDC) also has a role in planning and
The mandate for solid waste is thus solely with CCC, apart from the overall planning roles of CDA
and MLGRDC and the monitoring roles of DoE and MLGRDC.
According to the Local Government (Pourashava) Act (2009), the municipalities are responsible
for solid waste management, including collection and disposal of waste from all the roads, drains,
structures and areas under their jurisdiction. The municipalities are to make arrangements for
placing of waste collection containers or other types of bins at different locations and are to inform
occupiers of houses, structures and spaces to dump their wastes into these containers or bins.
All four municipalities provide solid waste management services through their Conservancy and
Engineering Sections. The responsibilities between the two sections are shared in a way similar to
the sharing of responsibilities within the CCC area, i.e. cleaners for solid waste collection and
disposal and street sweeping are provided by the Conservancy Section, while waste collection
vehicles are provided by the Engineering Section. None of the four municipalities have (proper)
The population in the four municipalities varies from 55,300 in Patiya to 78,800 in Boalkhali. This
is, however, not reflected in the number of staff (cleaners) allocated for solid waste management
and drainage. As of May 2015, Patiya (Class A) had 41 cleaners, Raozan (Class B) 44 cleaners,
Hathazari (Class C) 20 cleaners and Boalkhali (Class C) 8 cleaners.
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Chittagong City
The mandate for solid waste management is solely with CCC, apart from the overall planning
roles of CDA and MLGRDC and the monitoring roles of DoE and MLGRDC. No changes are
recommended to these mandates.
The municipalities of Boalkhali, Hathazari, Patiya and Raozan have the mandate for solid
waste management in their areas. No changes are recommended to this mandate.
Chittagong City
Currently, both the Engineering and the Conservancy Departments of the CCC are involved in solid
waste management. The Conservancy Department provides the required manpower for the collec-
tion, transfer and disposal of solid waste, while supply of vehicles with drivers and maintenance of
the vehicles are through the Engineering Department. Besides collecting waste, the conservancy
workers sweep the streets and clean medium and small drains. As mentioned in the Drainage Master
Plan, the estimated 610 workers cleaning drains should therefore be moved from the Conservancy
Department to the new CCC Drainage Circle.
In the future, the Conservancy Department will therefore concentrate its activities on the collection,
transfer and disposal of solid waste, including street sweeping. As the current arrangement with
vehicles and drivers being supplied through the Engineering Department gives rise to some coordi-
nation problems, in the future all solid waste management responsibilities should rest with the
Conservancy Department, including vehicles and their maintenance.
Indian staffing norms have been used as the background for calculating the indicative staffing re-
quired for solid waste management and cleaning of drains, as shown in Table 12-5 below. Cur-
rently, CCC employs around 1,300-1,350 staff for solid waste management. According to the norms
indicated in the table below, this number should be increased to around 1,640. CCC may need to
employ additional workers/sweepers, but particularly its mid-level management needs to be
strengthened with recruitment of additional well-qualified staff. The recommended future qualifi-
cations and ranks of the proposed positions are listed in Table 12-6.
Currently, the Chief Conservancy Officer, who is heading the Conservancy Department, holds the
rank of Assistant Engineer. This indicates that the solid waste management sector has a lower status,
i.e. lower attention, than other sectors. In the long-term, the rank of the Chief Conservancy Officer
should be that of a Chief Engineer.
CCC’s Engineering and Conservancy Departments, which currently both are involved in solid waste
management, employ 1,600 and 1,925 staff, respectively. 1.4% of the staff in the Engineering De-
partment are women, while the proportion is considerably higher in the Conservancy Department,
namely 38%. This difference reflects that almost all the female staff in these two departments are
employed as street sweepers and cleaners, i.e. in the lowest staff category of the organisation. Ef-
forts should be made to attract more women to apply for new positions solid waste management
and related awareness raising in the Conservancy Department, including mid-level management
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positions. For examples of potential strategies in this connection, see the section above on the insti-
tutional framework for sewerage.
CCC will need to strengthen its communication activities related to solid waste disposal and collec-
tion. This will include awareness raising activities through pro-active communication in addition to
responding to inquiries and complaints.
Apart from the Chief Conservancy Officer, none of the other staff in the other staff in the Conserv-
ancy Department has received any training on solid waste management and there is an obvious need
for strengthening of their capacity. The capacity building should be separate for workers/cleaners,
supervisory staff and managers/senior officials. The capacity building activities should include
training on all aspects of solid waste management, as indicated in Table 12-5 below.
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Table 12-6: Indicative Staffing for Solid Waste Management and Cleaning of Drains Based on Population to Be Served
* The number of sweepers can also be calculated as one per 500m street, including house-to-house waste collection (part-time position)
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Sl Positions Qualifications
1. Chief Conservancy Officer Rank of Chief Engineer (having background in public health or environmental
2. Deputy Chief Conservancy Officer Rank of Superintending Engineer (having background in public health or
environmental engineering)
3. Conservancy Officer Rank of Assistant Engineer (having background in public health
or environmental engineering)
4. Assistant Conservancy Officer Rank of Sub Assistant Engineer (having training on environmental
5. Conservancy Inspector Having training on environmental sanitation
6. Conservancy Supervisor Having training on environmental sanitation
The staff requirements for solid waste management for the four municipalities based on the popu-
lation to be served are indicated in Table 12-6 above.
The total current number of staff in the Conservancy Departments of Patiya (41) and Roazan (44)
is close the total number of staff required according to the indications in Table 12-6. There is,
however, a need to increase the number of supervisory staff.
The total current number of staff in the Conservancy Departments of Boalkhali (8) and Hathazari
(20) is very low and should be increased to around 60 staff in each municipality. The future staffing
in each of these municipality should include 9 supervisory staff. The recommended future qualifi-
cations and ranks of the proposed key positions are listed in Table 12-8 below.
Table 12-8: Key Positions and Qualifications for Conservancy Department of Four Municipalities
Sl Positions Qualifications
1. Assistant Conservancy Officer Rank of Sub Assistant Engineer (having training on environmental sanitation)
2. Conservancy Inspector Having training on environmental sanitation
3. Conservancy Supervisor Having training on environmental sanitation
Nearly all staff employed by the four municipalities are men. The few women they do employ are
sweepers and cleaners, with Hathazari also employing a couple of women as clerical staff. Particular
efforts should be made to attract women to apply for positions in relation to solid-waste manage-
ment and related awareness raising activities, including for other positions than as sweepers and
cleaners. For examples of strategies to attract more women, see the section above on the institutional
framework for sewerage.
The four municipalities should also strengthen their communication activities related to solid waste
disposal and collection. This will include awareness raising activities through pro-active communi-
cation in addition to responding to inquiries and complaints.
There will be a need for capacity building of staff in the four Conservancy Department on topics
similar to those mentioned for Chittagong (Table 12-3).
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There is scope for improving the cooperation and coordination among key stakeholders in relation
to sanitation. As a first step in this connection, a multi-stakeholder Working Group was established
in May 2015 to provide guidance to the development and implementation of the sanitation and
drainage improvement strategy and master plans, including on the roles and responsibilities of dif-
ferent key stakeholders. The Working Group consists of representatives from CWASA, CCC, CDA,
BWDB, DoE, Chittagong Port Authorities and Bangladesh Railways.
During a meeting held in August 2015 chaired by the Honourable Mayor, it was decided to establish
a Coordination Cell for coordination among organisations in connection with preparation and im-
plementation of plans for overall development of Chittagong Metropolitan City. The Coordination
Cell is chaired by the Honourable Mayor and has the following members:
The Coordination Cell is expected to meet at least three times per year, but has only met once
between August 2015 and October 2016. It is expected that from 2017 the Coordination Cell will
meet more frequently. It is also expected that sub-committees for individual tasks or sectors will be
established under the Coordination Cell to deal with more day-to-day coordination issues. It will be
essential that a sub-committee consisting of key stakeholders involved in drainage and sanitation
meet on a regular basis to share data and other information and to coordinate activities.
The Coordination Cell and its sub-committees are being established as an integrated part of the
institutional arrangements in Chittagong city, whereas the Working Group established in May 2015
is closely linked to the Consultant’s assignment for preparation of a Sanitation and Drainage Im-
provement Strategy and Master Plan. Establishment of the Coordination Cell and sub-committee(s)
for sanitation and drainage is thus an important step in ensuring increased coordination in both the
short and longer term.
CWASA has had a Management Information System (MIS) since around 2012. Reports from this
are shared with all staff and reported to be very useful for sharing of information among departments
and for monitoring, planning and budgeting purposes. Naturally, the MIS does not include any data
related to sewerage and faecal sludge management as currently there is no sewerage system and
CWASA is not involved in faecal sludge management. The MIS should be updated to include such
data when construction of sewerage facilities starts.
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CCC does not have a MIS for solid waste and faecal sludge management, but would like to establish
such a system in the near future. It will need support to establish an appropriate system and for
training for key staff on data collection, data management and monitoring procedures.
Currently, the different agencies involved in sanitation and drainage collect their own data and do
not have an efficient mechanism for sharing these on a regular basis. If data collected by one agency
is required by another agency for any specific purpose, the latter may receive this based on a formal
request. There is, however, no mechanism for regular sharing of data. The Coordination Cell and
its sub-committees mentioned in Section 12.5 will be an important mechanism for sharing of data
on a more regular basis. Sharing of key data through websites may also be an option. The overall
purpose of the improved data sharing is to support an integrated approach to planning, implemen-
tation and management in relation to sanitation and drainage.
Sharing of data is, however, not sufficient. There is also a need to improve the quality of the data
collected for sanitation and drainage. Training in data collection, management and monitoring will
therefore be important.
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13 Public Awareness
This chapter stresses the importance of awareness raising to ensure sustainable
operations. Awareness raising at both the decision-making level as well as the
household/business level is required, hence a communication strategy is proposed, with
institutional strengthening and capacity building recommended.
A knowledge gap exists among the elected city councillors as well as CCC and CWASA staff re-
garding sewerage systems, effective faecal sludge management and solid waste management. It is
essential to increase the knowledge of key decision-makers and managers in relation to among oth-
ers cost recovery aspects of sanitation investments and the potential benefits of involving the private
sector or social business enterprises in septic sludge management.
Currently, there is no sewerage system in Chittagong city, and in Bangladesh only Dhaka has a
sewerage system covering a part of the city. There appears therefore to be limited knowledge among
key decision-makers concerning sewerage and how it operates. Furthermore, increasing the priority
of effective solid waste management, and allocating more resources to, the solid waste management
sector needs the support from decision makers.
Although not being at decision-making level information and capacity building activities will be
undertaken by CCC, CWASA and Municipalities for existing and future staff directly involved in
sewerage, faecal sludge management and solid waste management. These include i) operational and
maintenance issues of sewerage system and FSM, ii) information and capacity building of CCC,
CWASA and Municipal staff with emphasis on maintenance of the Khals, and ii) information and
capacity building of the CCC to include sanitation aspect in the induction training of street sweepers
as well as training for existing sweepers, emphasising that waste should be collected and not
dumped in to the khals as currently practised.
The current sanitation situation in Chittagong, with frequent dumping of solid waste and septic
sludge in drains and khals, indicates a lack of awareness among households and businesses on the
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consequences these issues have for the environment and people’s health and living conditions. It
also indicates a lack of alternative disposal options or knowledge of alternative options.
The Household Surveys conducted in CCC areas and municipalities including adjacent villages
revealed considerable lack of awareness on sanitation issues among households.
CWASA will need to strengthen its communication and other customer relations activities. Cur-
rently, CWASA has a small Public Relations (PR) Unit with one PR and communication officer
assisted by two clerical staff. The PR officer refers to the MD and work through the MD’s secre-
tariat at CWASA. Main responsibilities include liaison with the media, tender notice process and
press releases, including on board meetings decisions. According to the Right to Information Act
CWASA is obliged to deliver information as stipulated in the Act within 20 days. Request for in-
formation can be lodged in written form or through the CWASA website. Until now no request
received online. Only 5 applications have been sent from 2010 – 2016, only one of these were
from a woman (a journalist). The public in general are not aware of this right.
Main channels of communication are the CWASA website. Campaigns are done through schools
using documentary and leaflets on minimising water misuse and hygiene. CWASA corporates
with local councils/local committees who arranges and meet with different target groups and con-
vey CWASA messages. Some cooperation with NGOs also exist. In case of breach in pipeline or
bursts, notices are sent to the local newspaper and TV announces informing customers.
CWASA has currently two complaints centres with 1-2 employees each open up to 9pm. One cen-
tre in the HQ and one in Akhabar. Complaints centres are under the responsibility of the Superin-
tended Engineer. Complaints can be lodged through call or written forms or by physically coming
to the centre. Complaints are registered and forwarded to technical staff. They receive many com-
plaints (the actual number is not known), approx. 25% are from women. Problem with insufficient
water supply in some areas – this is the main issue for complaints. CWASA’s Maintenance and
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Operations Divisions (MODs) have customer helpdesks and billing units, which receive com-
plaints from customers, read meters and deliver bills to customers.
The PR Unit and customer “help desks” should be strengthened, both in terms of numbers and
qualifications. The focus should be on establishing a close dialogue with current and potential future
customers, both in relation to sewerage (and possibly septic sludge management) and water supply.
This will include awareness raising activities through pro-active communication in addition to re-
sponding to inquiries and complaints.
The CCC has a small Public Relations (PR) section, which at the time of drafting this document
had one officer assisted by clerical staff. Presently all the activities related to public relations activ-
ity is handled by the PR section. The responsibility includes, among others collection of all types
of information on public relations activities both for the Mayor and the CCC. The PR section pre-
pares news items for the media, both print and electronic, and brochures, hand-outs, leaflets and
posters for awareness building and advocacy programs. Presently the PR section neither has the
staff nor the professional competency for carrying out their responsibility. None of the assigned
staff have professional academic preparation (university degree in Journalism, Public Relations or
The Chief Conservancy Officer in CCC is responsible for information and awareness activities re-
lated to waste management assisted by two officers with a master’s degree. The CCO reports that
his unit has no training on information dissemination and awareness raising and that they need
capacity building to strengthen their communication and awareness raising abilities. Street sweep-
ing, solid waste collection and future faecal sludge collection falls under the responsibility of the
CCO. Since awareness raising and capacity building of staff in these function is essential for the
effectiveness of implementation, it is an advantage that the CCO is responsible for awareness rais-
ing among the staff and customers/communities.
As a new initiative the unit is disseminating information related to solid waste management. The
initiative includes waste collection in 7 wards with small payment that will increase over time. The
awareness raising started with one key message that ‘keeping the city clean starts from your house’.
As part of the initiative leaflets with information on waste management have been distributed to
100,000 households, through Local TV advertisement, and miking (car with microphone) in the
target areas. As part of the motivational work, the unit conducted Community Centre meetings in-
forming communities about the legislation related to solid waste disposal and consequences of not
obeying the law, and made efforts to enforce the laws and issued fines to people who are dumping
waste in the areas. The CCO is responsible for the information for solid waste and FSM, whereas
the PR officer is responsible for press releases.
The CCC does not have in place a formal and dedicated channel for grievance redressed mechanism.
Citizens can complain through the head quarter, through their respective councillors or directly to
the mayor and more often than not through some body they know at the CCC. The complaints are
transmitted to the concerned departments formally or informally for addressing them. There is no
organized system for centrally keeping track of all the complaints and no registration of whether
complaints have been addressed or not.
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The CCC has signed a MOU with the NGOs DSK and WSUP for faecal sludge management through
small scale treatment facilities. WSUP will provide two Vacuum Trucks for FSM collection. WSUP
is currently testing pre-constructed septic tanks to assess their suitability for the program and are
aiming to start services in January 2017.
DSK has a MoU with CCC for a 5-years lease agreement and develop a STP in Anandabazar at
Halishahar for a faecal sludge treatment plant. DSK will use the Vacuum Truck of CCC. DSK is
working in CCC areas at 21 wards for solid waste management, with house to house collection by
Rickshaw Van.
CCC will need to pay much attention to awareness raising activities related to future arrangements
for faecal sludge collection, disposal and treatment; as well as solid waste disposal and collection.
This will include awareness raising activities through pro-active communication in addition to re-
sponding to inquiries and complaints. Training is also required in this connection.
Currently there are no unit responsible for public relations or communication in the municipalities.
The four municipalities should also strengthen their communication activities related to solid waste
disposal and collection. This will include awareness raising activities through pro-active communi-
cation in addition to responding to inquiries and complaints. The municipalities should pay much
attention to awareness raising activities related to future arrangements for faecal sludge collection,
disposal and treatment. Training is also required in this connection.
Responsibilities for FSM is with the water supply and sewerage section, with 2-4 employees in
the FSM unit. Responsibilities of solid waste is with the conservancy section.
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2. Reasons why toilets/latrines directly connected to drains and khals should be avoided
(health impacts)
a. Choice made by the households influences not only own wellness but also neigh-
bours or the whole community
b. Current mal-practise is being considered socially unacceptable
3. Proper disposal of faecal sludge from septic tanks and latrines, incl. availability of ser-
vices, collection arrangements, how the sludge will be treated/co-composted
4. Advantages of using mechanical emptying of pit and septic tanks compared to manual
cleaning, including lower cost, health benefits, time saving, and resolution of disposal
5. Regular emptying required to avoid overflow of septic tanks
6. Payments for faecal sludge collection at cost recovery
7. Access to small scale loans for initial investments
8. FS collection process, payment procedures, how to contact FS collection service providers
and register complaints
9. Legal requirements – emptying to the khals is illegal and due to fine from CCC
The communication strategy aims to mobilize all stakeholders in the sanitation sector and the related
solid waste management sector. The strategy includes a number of issues regarding information
mobilization and relations.
1. Tools for dissemination of information and the message content should be well designed
and adapted to the various targets of the program: implementation partners, households,
emptying operators, public actors, local authorities, technical and financial partners, private
companies, women groups, media, community-based organisations and NGOs.
2. Communication should position appropriate sewerage, FSM and solid waste management
as the preferred practices in communities. It should contribute to the understanding that
current practices are socially unacceptable, as one household’s choices have tremendous
impact on other community members’ health and well-being.
3. Communication should mobilize all stakeholder in the sewerage, FSM and solid waste man-
agement sector by creating ownership of the program by the actors involved in the process.
4. Communication should contribute to the success of the connection between the house-
holds, the mechanical emptier, and the service providers and regulators
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For the sewerage the strategy includes a communication campaign aiming to: i) popularize the is-
sues related to sewerage disposal, ii) improve demand for sewerage system connection, iii) infor-
mation on sewerage system connection costs and tariffs.
For the faecal sludge management, the strategy includes a communication campaign aiming to: i)
popularize the issues related to the various links in the faecal sludge management chain, ii) improve
demand for mechanical emptying services, iii) promote good hygiene behaviour, and iv) infor-
mation on emptying services and payment for improved services.
For the solid waste management, the strategy includes a communication campaign aiming to: i)
popularizing issues of solid waste disposal mal-practise, ii) improve demand for good waste dis-
posal practices, ii) information on collection arrangement and payment for solid waste collection.
The neighbourhood communication strategy covers priority areas and is based on four entries: state
and local institutions, communities, family and children’s education:
The community communication and awareness strategy includes information and sharing work-
shops at ward level to reinforce the institutional footing of the program and strengthen the lines
between local level and CCC/CWASA. The City counsellors in each wards should play a key role
in the neighbourhood communication activities, especially the community meetings, meetings with
stakeholders in the education sector and household/family counselling.
Involvement of the education sector to target young children to contribute to good behaviour in
their families and social environment, especially on solid waste management. Information dissem-
ination through school management committees and parent’s teacher’s associations. Introducing of
a peer educator program where young children educate other peers in behaviour change, could be
effective in trebling down the information and increase the outreach of the awareness raising cam-
paign. Peer educator programs has formerly been used successfully for sanitation and hygiene edu-
cation – the ‘little doctor’ program implemented by a local NGO in Chittagong.
Awareness raising methods must be targeted to different socio-economic groups in the CCC area.
The use of different communication methods and various channels is essential for targeting the
different stakeholders in a way that is accessible and understandable to each of them. While written
materials can effectively reach households that are educated it is not equally suitable for all citizens.
The literacy rate is significantly lower among slum dwellers in Chittagong city than among the
population in other parts of the city. The literacy rates are lower for women than men, both in the
slum and non-slum areas. For the literate group leaflet and written materials can be used in a meet-
ing and distributed to households. For illiterate groups the use of informative pictorial materials is
suitable, when using radio spots these should focus on clearly understandable key messages and be
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delivered in local languages. Community meetings must be carried out separately for areas of me-
dium and high income and low and slum areas within the same ward, as joint program is culturally
not acceptable and people would not be willing to attend, even in areas where people live in the
same location.
Furthermore, it should be taken into account that faecal sludge management is a sensitive issue, that
people would not be willing to discuss openly. The current mal-practices is something that many
medium-high income families would try to hide, and hence awareness raising and information dis-
semination related the FSM would most effectively be targeted the individual households. For
awareness raising aspects of sewerage and solid waste it would be appropriate and effective to
communicate with people through participatory, community led and people centred approach to
create a wider outreach of the awareness raising program. Adopting a demand driven approach
focusing on awareness raising that can generate demand for sanitary services would help sustain
the supply of sanitary services and increase the opportunities for expanding the service area.
NGOs has played a key role in awareness raising activities in the CCC and Municipalities. While
many NGOs are working on raising awareness on health and hygiene, only a few are involved in
activities that inform about sanitation, FSM, and solid waste management. The NGOs63 report suc-
cess of campaigns that have succeeded in conveying key messages in easy understandable ways,
through the use of pictures and through using schools as an access point for households of different
socio-economic status. Peer educator programs has also proven effective in increasing the outreach
of campaigns and creating behavioural change.
The NGO ‘Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor’ (WSUP) is a multi-sector partnership devel-
oping commercial viable models to help cities expand outreach for improved water and sanitation
services. In Chittagong WSUP works with FSM as an initiative towards developing sustainable
business in the FSM sector. WSUP has successfully undertaken an awareness raising campaign on
FSM in CCC through distribution of a brochure supplied to households in targeted wards. The key
messages of this brochure was basic information on FSM including what happens when the FS ends
up in the drains, four questions for the household regarding own practices, and contact information
to the service call centre. The brochure was kept simple with pictures of the services provided
through vacuum truck and contact information, emphasising that households should keep the bro-
chure for next emptying service needed.
Dushtha Shasthya Kendra (DSK) was initially organized to address health care needs of the slum-
dwellers in Dhaka. Over the years the NGO has diversified its activities and extended its work to
efforts on FSM in Chittagong and solid waste management. They are carrying out awareness raising
activities related to their programs, using methods such as community meetings and posters.
A part of preparing the Sanitation and Drainage Master Plans, meetings were held with the following NGOs to
identify good practices and experience on awareness raising activities and campaigns: DSK, NGO Forum, BRAC,
WSUP, YPSHA, ISDE, UCEP Bangladesh, Aparajeo Bangladesh, COAST, Prottyashi, and OPCA.
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Household visits Family/household level counselling on FSM, waste water disposal and dis-
posal of solid waste
Business level counselling on FSM, wastewater disposal and disposal of
solid waste
The following only indicates the overall awareness raising activities and related capacity building
Institutional aspects and capacity building is further addressed in the Chapter 12, Legal and Institu-
tional Framework.
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The proposed Sanitation Master Plan and the respective Implementation Plan are based on a number
of assumptions and proposals to improve the sanitation services in Chittagong and the surrounding
areas up to the target year of 2030. However, any such plan is accompanied with risks that may
arise during preparation or implementation of the proposed activities/works. The following is a
summary of the main such risks and proposed mitigation procedures.
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16 References
1. Alam, et. al. (2015). Cyclones and causes of cyclones over the south west coastal area of
Bangladesh. Banglavision.
2. Ali, A. (1996). Vulnerability of Bangladesh to climate change and sea level rise through
tropical cyclones and storm surges. Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in Asia
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Annex 1: Detailed findings from household questionnaire survey and focus group discussions
Annex 2: List of Industries requiring treatment
Annex 3: List of CETP served industries
Annex 4: Potential STP Sites in Chittagong
Annex 5: Land Owned by CWASA
Annex 6: Secondary Treatment Options
Annex 7: Cost Catalogue
Annex 8: Land requirements for implementation of Phase 2 Sewerage Works
Annex 9: Design Criteria for Sewerage System
Annex 10: Proposed By-law Items and Extract of Building Code
Annex 11: Identification and Evaluation of Options for Improving Septic Sludge Management
Annex 12: Strategic Environmental Assessment
Annex 13: Environmental Impact Assessment
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