Chapter-1 Company Profile: NTPC LTD
Chapter-1 Company Profile: NTPC LTD
Chapter-1 Company Profile: NTPC LTD
NTPC ltd:
NTPC was incorporated in 1975. In the last 30 years, it has grown into the largest power utility of
India.. At present, Government of India holds 89.5% of the total equity shares of the company and the
balance 10.5% is held by FIIs, Domestic Banks, Public and others.. Within a span of 30 years, NTPC
has emerged as a truly national power company, with power generating facilities in all the major
regions of the country. Based on 1998 data, carried out by Data-monitor UK, NTPC is the 6th largest
in terms of thermal power generation and the second most efficient in terms of capacity utilization
NTPC’s core business is engineering, construction and operation of power generating plants and also
provides consultancy to power utilities in India and abroad. As on date the installed capacity of
NTPC is 22,435 MW through its 13 coal base (18480 MW),7 gas base(3955 MW) and 3 Joint
venture projects(314 MW).NTPC acquires 50% equity in SAIL Power Supply Corporation Ltd.
(SPSCl). This joint venture company operates the captive power plant of Durgapur (120 MW),
also.Topursuethisobjective,NationalThermalPowerCorporationLimitedwasformed in November
installedcapacityofNTPCasonMarch31,2005is23749Mw throughits13coalbased
Joint Ventures are viewed as vehicle for growth for any company. NTPC has been engaged in various
successful joint ventures in the past and other are under consideration. They are:
NTPC has signed a MOU with Ministry of Railways on February 18, 2002 for setting up power
plant(s) of 2000 MW capacity to meet the traction and non-traction power requirements of Railways.
After studying various sites in India, it has been decided to set up a 1000 MW (4*250) power plant at
Nabinagar, Bihar.
An MOU was signed with BHEL on June19, 2003 to take up EPC jobs, running maintenance and
peripheral activities in India and abroad. Joint Venture Company will be formed after signing a joint
venture agreement.
NTPC is exploring the possibility to take up Decentralized Distribution Generation (DDG) for rural
electrification for non-conventional energy recourses such as biomass, solar etc. REC has shown a
keen interest on joining the NTPC on such projects. An MOU has been signed with REC on March 23,
An MOU has been signed on February 20, 2004 between NTPC, Gujarat Power Corporation Ltd.
(GPCL) and Gujarat Electricity Board (GEB) to set up 1000 MW Thermal Power Project at Pipavan in
Gujarat. Share acquisition and shareholding agreement, for transfer of 50% of NTPC’s equity share in
its wholly owned subsidiary viz. PPDCL to GPCL, is under discussion with GPCL.
Arrangement Capacity
NTPC-SAIL Durgapur 50/50 joint venture 120 MW Coal
Private Ltd.
NTPC-SAIL Rourkela 50/50 joint venture 120 MW Coal
Private Ltd
Bhilai Electric Bhilai 50/50 joint venture 74 MW Coal
Private Ltd.
Government of Badarpur, Delhi Managed by 705 MW Coal
India Government
Peers and stakeholders will recognize us as one of the best managed and operated utilities in
Canada based on our record of providing environmentally sound, safe, reliable, cost-effective
Our shareholder will benefit from the economic returns of our profitable, financially strong
Our customers will have the tools and knowledge they need to understand energy
Communities will see us as preferred partners, contributing to the future energy plan for the
Northwest Territories and assisting them to complete their local energy plans.
Partners will join with us to be major contributors to the development and operation of new
energy resources in ways that meet the North’s unique environmental needs.
Residents of the Northwest Territories and our Shareholder will support the benefits of a
business model for NTPC that provides least-cost electricity to customers in the Northwest
Employees will see us as a great place to work – innovative, proactive and driven to meet the
Customers – Providing excellent value and service to our customers, delivering them reliable
Communication - Establishing and advocating strategies which support open, timely and
Return – Improve efficiency in order to control costs, over the long term while consistently
development by encouraging and supporting a workplace where employees feel valued and
conservation and alternative energy programs and maintaining our facilities to a high
environmental standard.
Partnerships – Pursue partnerships to develop alternative energy initiatives as and when they
recognizing both monetary costs and non- monetary costs such as environmental and other
social costs.
In achieving the Corporation’s Vision Statement and objectives, we will endeavour to:
be cost effective in the utilization of all resources, always remembering that we are spending
act ethically and honestly treating employees, customers and others with fairness, dignity and
respect and protect the environment in all our activities to ensure a sustainable environment
The liberalization process initiated in the year 1991 and the new power policy announced by the
Government in October 1991 have redrawn the contours of power industry in the country.
Participation of the private sector in the hitherto exclusive domain of the Government in power
generation, transmission and distribution is bringing in fundamental changes in the sector.Thus the
terminal year of this Plan, year 2012,will witness a very different scenario with patterns of ownership
of assets significantly altered, and the norms of project implementation, plant availability
&reliability, operations etc. changed to match international standards. The emerging competition
form Independent Power Producers (IPP), stringent environmental regulations, uncertainties in fuel
linkages, funds constraints, restraints, restructuring of reforms in the power sector are all crucial and
interrelated factors having major impact on business decisions.These fundamental changes have
necessitated a fresh look at how NTPC do their business and what it is that they must do to achieve
their vision:
“To be one of the worlds largest and best power utilities, powering India's growth".
To realize this vision, NTPC has drawn up a detailed Corporate Plan for the period 1997-2012 which
represents the company's collective optimism and enthusiasm, inspired by a glorious past, a vibrant
present and a brilliant future. The Plan has been prepared in-house in consultation the committed,
competent and confident members of the NTPC family. The road map that has been charted out was
after a thorough scan of the strengths and weaknesses within the organization as well as
Considering multidimensional opportunities in the energy sector, NTPC will adopt a multi-pronged
growth strategy for capacity addition through Greenfield sites, expansion of existing stations,
The capacity addition plans that we have drawn up for the fifteen-year period using all the above
In addition to the above, NTPC also has plans to venture into the following areas:
Renovation & Modernization of old power stations through a separate joint venture company;
The following is the list of power station as well as joint projects owned by NTPC.
march 2004(MW)
Singrauli Sonebhadra, Uttar Pradesh 2000 Coal
Rihand Sonebhadra, Uttar Pradesh 1000 Coal
Tanda Ambedekar Nagar, Uttar 440 Coal
Unchahar Rae bareli, Uttar Pradesh 840 Coal
Total 4280
Korba Bilaspur, Chhattisghar 2100 Coal
Vindhyalchal Sidhi, Madhya Pradesh 2260 Coal
Kawas Surst, Gujarat 645 Gas
JhanorGandha Bharuch, Gujarat 648 Gas
Total 5653
Ramagundam Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh 2600 Coal
Simhadri Pittavanipalem Village, Andhra 1000 Gas
Farakka Murshidabad, West Bengal 1600 Coal
Kahalgaon Bhagalpur, Bihar 840 Coal
Talcher STPS Angul, Orissa 2500 Coal
Talcher TPS Angul, Orissa 460 Coal
Total 4900
Dadri Budh Nagar Uttar Pradesh 840 Coal
Dadri Gas Budh Nagar Uttar Pradesh 817 Gas
Anta Bran Rajasthan 413 Gas
Auraiya Etawah, Uttar Pradesh 652 Gas
Faridabad Faridabad, Haryana 430 Gas
Total 3152
NTPC, as a consultant in power business, follows an integrated approach to problem solving for
business organizations from all over the world. Combining the technical, managerial and financial
skills, and keeping in mind the cross-functional implications; it provides the holistic solution for
The prowess of NTPC in handling the power business springs from the fact that it has done
engineering, project management and operates over 22,000 MW capacity, covering about 75 coal/gas
units of capacities varying from 50 MW to 500 MW. NTPC has developed nearly 8,000 MW for
other utilities and Independent Power Producers. With the string of achievements behind it, NTPC
has emerged as the acknowledged leader in engineering, construction, O&M and management of
power projects.
The Consultancy Wing of NTPC is the nodal point for all the Consultancy and turnkey project for
clients. NTPC has the capability and expertise to provide the total range of services from Concept to
Commissioning of power station covering areas such as feasibility & EIA studies, design,
commissioning, operation & maintenance and training etc. NTPC has the varied and rich experience
of working with equipment/systems sourced from different parts of the world such as USA, UK,
The Consultancy Wing of NTPC, with an ISO 9001 accreditation, undertakes all the Consultancy
and turnkey project contracts for clients. NTPC has the capability and expertise to provide the total
range of services from Concept to Commissioning of power station covering areas such as Feasibility
& Environmental Impact Assessment studies, design, engineering, Quality Assurance and Inspection
services, procurement, project management, construction supervision, testing, commissioning,
operation & maintenance and training. NTPC has rich experience of working with equipment
sourced from different parts of the world such as USA, UK, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Russia
NTPC is registered as a consultant with several leading international development and financial
institutions such as The World Bank, The Asian Development Bank, the African Development Bank,
and UNDP.
NTPC's vast pool of qualified technical and managerial manpower is well supported by excellent
infrastructure facilities to deliver customer value through Time, Quality and Cost standards meeting
NTPC offers consultancy services related to infrastructure sector business such as:
Non-conventional energy
An entire gamut of services is offered in the areas mentioned above. These are:
Environment Engineering and Management
Procurement Services
Project Management
Materials Management
Information Technology
Management Consultancy
In 29 years since its inception, NTPC has emerged as the largest power utility in South Asia, owning
13 Coal based Super Thermal Power Stations and 7 Gas based Combined Cycle Power Plants, with a
approved capacity of 30,425 MW and has total installed capacity of 22,249 MW.
In a survey carried out by Market Line International Ltd, London, NTPC has been ranked as
the 6th Largest Thermal Power Generating Company in the World and the 2nd most efficient
NTPC follows a systems approach to Project Management integrating the various functions
Management, Operations Management etc. in all facets of project construction from Concept
to Commissioning.
In recognition of the systems adopted by NTPC and quality of services provided, NTPC
has received ISO 9000 accreditation for most of its divisions at Corporate Centre
NTPC has the capability and expertise to provide the total range of services from Concept to
Commissioning of Power Stations covering areas such as feasibility & EIA studies, design,
NTPC has developed rich experience in engineering and O&M of conventional fossil fuel fired
Power Plants based on Coal/Oil as well as Gas/liquid fuel by way of implementation of its own
Power Plants covering 32 units of 200/210 MW & 16 units of 500 MW of Coal/Oil fired Plants
Being a power utility itself, NTPC has the unique advantage of receiving regular feedback on
various operational and maintenance aspects from its generating plants. This feedback is suitably
Most of the NTPC power plants have been funded by International Funding Agencies like the
World Bank, KFW, ADB, JBIC, etc. These plants incorporate state-of-the-art equipment and
NTPC has the varied and rich experience of working with Plant & Equipment sourced from
different parts of the world such as USA, UK, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Russia, etc.
NTPC is registered as a Consultant with the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, African
NTPC engineers have had the opportunity of working in close association with several
international consultants viz. Black and Veatch Intl., USA; UE&C, USA; British Electricity
International, U.K.; EDF, France; Gilbert Commonwealth, USA and many more.
NTPC has experience in working overseas in countries of West Asian countries (Middle East),
With funding from International Funding Agencies, NTPC is fully familiar with the requirements
of various Environment Control Regulations imposed by statutes and the funding agencies.
Performance comparable to best performing utilities
During the year 2003-2004 NTPC stations have generated 149 Billion units of electricity, which
is about 26% of the total annual generation in the country. NTPC coal based Stations recorded an
impressive Plant Load Factor (PLF) of above 80%. Due to successful implementation of modern
management systems, NTPC power plants could achieve performance level comparable to most
NTPC has a vast pool of over 24,000 qualified, technical and managerial manpower. This include
over 6800 executives, well supported by highly trained staff and other infrastructure facilities for
providing services for its own Power Plants as well as to its distinguished Clients in various
NTPC has full-fledged facilities in Power Management Institute (PMI), Noida, for providing training
NTPC also has Training Simulators both for Coal as well as Gas based Stations for training
Research & Development: NTPC has set up full-fledged Research & Development
facilities in its R&D Centre, Noida with the objective of resolving O&M problems through
applied research using analytical tools. The R&D centre is fully equipped with most of the
new ultramodern testing & laboratory equipment. The main functions are to carry out applied
research work to help achieve improvement in reliability, to provide laboratory test services,
NTPC has set new benchmarks for the power industry both in the area of power plant construction
and operations. It is providing power at the cheapest average tariff in the country. With its experience
and expertise in the power sector, NTPC is extending consultancy services to various organizations
in power business. NTPC has entered into a joint venture with Alstom, Germany for renovation and
NTPC is also working hard on their hydro power projects. They have plan to add additional capacity
of 2,028 MW by 2012 through the implementation of hydro electric power projects. NTPC is
currently implementing the Koldam hydroelectric power project (4*200 MW) in Himanchal Pradesh.
It is expected that 3 units of 200 MW each of the project to be completed by 2009. They have also
entered into an MOU with state government of Uttranchal for the development of Tapovan-
Vishnugad (520 MW) and the Loharinag-Pala (600 MW) hydroelectric power project.
Reckoning its excellent performance and vast potential, Government of India has identified NTPC
NTPC is committed to the environment, generating power at minimal environmental cost and
preserving the ecology in the vicinity of the plants. NTPC has taken massive afforestation in the
vicinity of its plants. Plantations have increased forest area and reduced barren land. The massive
afforestation by NTPC in and around Ramagundam Power Station (2100 MW) have contributed
reducing the temperature in the areas by about 3 degree Celsius. NTPC has also taken proactive steps
for ash utilization. In 1991, it set up Ash Utilization Division to manage efficient use of the ash
produced at its coal stations. The ash can be utilized for making bricks, cement, land filling, other
construction material.
A “Centre for Power Efficiency and Environmental Protection (CENPEEP)” has been established in
NTPC with the assistance of United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
development in India.
As a responsible corporate citizen, NTPC is making constant efforts to improve the socio-economic
status of the people affected by its projects. Through its Rehabilitation and Resettlement
programmes, the company endeavors to improve the overall socio-economic status of Project
Affected Persons.
GovernmentofIndiahasidentifiedNTPCasone oftheninePSUs“Navratnas”(Nine
CreditRatingandInvestmentServices ofIndiaLtd.
(CRISIL),AppointedbyNTPCtorateitsdomesticbond,fixeddepositand commercialpaper
Paymentontheinstrument.Anotherreputedcreditratingagency ofIndia,InvestmentInformation&
CreditRatingAgency(ICRALtd.)wasalsoappointedbyNTPCtorateitsBondIssues. ICRAhasassigned
The company has embarked on a massive capacity addition programme. The equity component of
issue of equity. With a view to augmenting the capital base, the company came out in October, 2004
with an IPO of 432.915 million equity shares which constituted 5.25% of the post issue capital. The
Government which held 100% equity in NTPC also combined their offer for sale of 432.915 million
with the IPO. The issue received an overwhelming response and was oversubscribed by 13.14 times.
The issue price was fixed at Rs. 62 per share. The total amount mopped-up by the issue was Rs.
235,241 million. An amount of Rs. 181,560 million was refunded after retaining the proceeds of the
issue amounting to Rs. 53,681 million. A sum of Rs. 26,840.7 million was credited to government
account towards the sale of their holding in NTPC and Rs. 26,840.7 million was retained by NTPC
towards share capital and share premium. The shares were listed in NSE and BSE on 5 th November
NTPChasfourwhollyowned subsidiariesasdetailedbelow:
objectiveistoevenout powerimbalancesamongvariousregionsandtheirconstituentstatesandtodevelopa
developsmallandmediumscalehydroelectricpowerprojectsofupto250MW. The
Ganga river.
WesternZoneofMPSEB. It isintheprocessofimplementationofAcceleratedRural0
The Company is pioneer in undertaking climate change issues proactively. It has taken several
initiatives in CDM Projects in Power Sector. North Karanpura STPP, Loharinagpala HEPP and
HEPP have got Host Country Approval from National CDM Authority. A methodology prepared by
the Company namely Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for new grid connected
fossil fuel fi red power plants using less GHG intensive technology for super critical Technology has
been approved by United Nations Frame Work Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) under
Approved Consolidated Methodology 13. More green fi eld and energy efficiency CDM projects are
in pipeline.
During the year 2009-10, all time high 27.61 million tonne of ash has been utilized for various
productive purposes which is 59.73% of the total ash generation against MoU target of 55%.
Important areas of ash utilization are- manufacturing cement, concrete, ash based products, asbestos
sheets, construction of road embankment, ash dyke raising, mine fi lling and land development. Issue
of fl y ash to cement and concrete industry this year has been 10.85 Million Tonnes, about 8.5%
more than last years issue. Fly ash and pond ash is being issued free of cost to fl y ash/ clay ash
bricks, blocks and tiles manufacturers on priority basis over other users from all the NTPCs Stations.
Fund collected from sale of ash is being maintained in a separate account by the subsidiary company
i.e. NTPC VidyutVyapar Nigam Limited and the same is being utilized for development of
The turnaround experienced in the june half was significant , particularly when considered
In sharp contrast to the December results , the june half year was the most profitable six
months trading period in the company’s history with earnings before interest and tax of more
We achieved top-line growth with increase in financial year 2009 revenue demonstrating the
company’s strong market position in winning business across each of its business units.
Since the alled Technologies Australia acquisitions in july 2006 Allied Technologies
extended its geographic scope in the financial year 2009 and in addition operates out of South
company with a department of Defence accreditation. The brand is particularly recognised for
specialist communication services in the defence , local and federal government departments.
The continued delivery of related service offerings and increased cross selling opportunities.
NTPC ltd has announced the following Unaudited results for the quarter ended june 30, 2010;
The company has posted a net profit of Rs. 18418.90 million for the quarter ended june
30,2010 as compared to Rs. 21936.20 million for the quarter ended june 30, 2009. Total
Income has increased from Rs.127789.60 million for the quarter ended june 30,2009 to
The company has been granted the coveted status of MAHARATNA by the government of
India on 19th May 2010 granting higher level of financial and managerial autonomy.
Rs. In million
Consultancy 1539 1325
Other income (including
Energy internally consumed) 29113 33053
Total income 492339 452291
Fuel 294628 271107
Employees remuneration &
Benefits 24124 24631
Generation , Administration &
Other expenses 20940 18192
Interest 10709 12750
Net profit after tax 87282 82013
Interium dividend 24736 23087
Inventories 3,977 4,081
Prepaid expenses 649 492
38,478 40,626
Property, plant and 262,267 249,881
equipment , net
354,681 354,542
Liabilities and
shareholder’s equity
Current liabilities
Short term debt $ 29,357 $ 32,920
Accounts payable, accrued
Liabilities and derivatives 20,574 22,349
Dividend payable 3,880 4,300
Current portion of long term 1,202 21,153
55,013 80,722
Long term debt
Long term debt, net sinking 125,180 83,428
fund investment
Sinking fund investment 27,954 45,924
Net lease obligation 1,540 1,448
154,674 130,798
Other long term liabilities
Regulatory liabilities 35,420 35,019
Asset retirement obligations 4,330 4,397
Environment liabilities 3,240 3,240
Employee future benefits 2,905 2,350
Deferred government 55 -
45,950 45,006
Shareholders equity 99,044 98,018
$ 354,681 $ 354,542
Chapter- 2
During the training in NTPC DADRI, main objective of my study was to find out the overall process
of purchase management, how purchasing of material is done to get right quality and quantity of
material at right time with right price. In every organisation, there is a specified and organised
methodology to be followed for the purchase management, that is what i was studing there.
in accordance of company’s policies and fastest growing market conditions like liberalized
To identify the areas of efficiencies and non-efficiencies so that improvement can be made.
To check the co-ordination between purchase and indenting department ensures enhancement
To check at what inventory the company makes the purchase, what level o inventory the
To analyse how the books of accounts of purchase are maintained, how the accounting is
Research is a process of enquiry and investigation. It is systematic and methodical, and increase the
The process of research – the way in which we will collect and analyse our data.
The logic of research – whether we are moving from the general to the specific or vice versa.
The outcome of research – whether we are trying to solve a particular problem or make a
Type of research:
It is an EXPLORATORY RESEARCH , in which the focus is on gaining insights and familiarity
with the subject area. Case studies , observations and historical analysis provide the data for such
type of research.
Sources of data:
Primary data: This include the information collected mainly from the office.
The knowledge , both negative and positive precipitated through informal discussions
Through questionnaire.
Secondary data:
Collection of data: Primary Data is collected by forming a questionnaire and various people were
interviewed from different departments,: books section, accounting section, purchase and
procurement department, inventory management, and all others , who was involved in the process of
purchase. Because it was collected freshly, hence it was free from obsolescence. Through the
questionnaire, many people were interviewed and asked about the functionality of purchase
management system.
For Secondary data, Various documents like, budget manual, company journals, annual report,
consolidated balance sheet, profit and loss account, other financial statements, various websites are
used for collection of data. The obtained data was interpreted as clearly as possible.
Sample size: Total 58 person were contacted and interviewed to respond to a questionnaire.
Sampling: Random sampling is done because all the departments involve in the purchase decision
and no one particularly can be selected for sampling, so it is done randomly. In this type of sampling
Management Services. Since Purchase Management is a service function, the performance is judged
on the basis of the satisfaction level of the end users. At the same time each and every decision in
purchase functioning basically involves financial implication and accordingly in Public Sector
Undertaking, it is very much essential to ensure the public accountability. For this purpose a
systematic approach as well as transparency in purchase functioning is the top most requirements.
The basic objective of Purchase Management is to ensure Right Quality of material at the right place
and time from the right source at the Right Price. Each of these objectives has its own significance
and merits utmost knowledge, care, diligence, focused attention and wisdom. To avoid slippages in
external and internal lead time it needs both expertise and experience. The dynamics of the fast
changing scenario in market conditions e.g. liberalized economy, new technology/ process/ product
and fast obsolescence need to be understood and appreciated not only by purchase executives but
Indenting officials are the internal customers of materials department and their need and concern
demand prompt response. Proper co-ordination between purchase and indenting department ensures
enhancement of mutual confidence and effective end result. Long term planning is done so as to
avoid stock-out situation. Rolling plan for spares for the period of three years is done and is even
updated in advance by the user departments particularly for “A” class and imported items. Cash
purchases are avoided as far as possible for plant maintenance/ regular requirement item and the
quantum of cash purchase for such items are the real indicators of the purchase efficiency.
In the present scenario the buyer-seller relation plays a vital role in achieving the goal of the
organization. This is one of NTPC’s core values whish is pursued by purchase/ contracts officials for
building vendor partnership organization for the mutual benefit of both. Purchase Management also
has in-built system and procedures for timely release of EMDs & PBGs, for arranging inspections
Another important activity of the purchase department is to identify the right source of supply. The
selection of the right source will automatically eliminate the problems quality, delivery and economy
and as a result major disputes are also avoided/ resolved and vendor partnership relations can be
satisfactorily maintained.
Keeping in view the importance of the Information Technology in supply chain management,
effective use of On-line materials management system is a perquisite for a data bank of vendors and
their updated performance evaluations, quality plan, LPPs, automatic generation of indents for stock
The most important activity of the purchase function is to ensure economic buying without
compromising the quality standard and the goal of the organisation. For this specialized knowledge,
all the purchase executives are updated with the market environment and trained well with
professional expertise e.g. negotiating skills, legal aspects of contractual terms, knowledge of
tendering, equity, ethics and strict adherence of the guidelines and purchase procedures of NTPC.
The most important legal aspect connected with purchase transaction is covered by Indian sales Of
Goods Act 1930 and Indian Contract Act 1872. Every purchaser should know the various legal
implication of entering into a contract with suppliers. The general practice for a company is to have
standard sets of terms and conditions of contract made out of consultation with legal advisor of the
company. Such standard terms and conditions will cover most of the purchase transactions but some
of the important and high value contracts may call for negotiations regards to such terms and
conditions. Any negotiation involving legal aspects would necessarily mean associating the company
legal advisor, but it is essential that purchaser should also have basic knowledge of commercial and
mercantile law.
Some of the main points from the Indian Contracts Act and Indian Sales of Goods Act regarding
1. It should be understood that an offer from a seller becomes a binding contract only when the buyer
accepts it and intimates the seller for such acceptance. Acceptance of an offer or counter offer may
not necessarily by express undertaking but may be implicit in subsequent conduct or either party.
Once you ask a tenderers for reduction of price or modification of any other terms, the original offer
is no longer is binding. However a mere enquiry whether the tenderers will modify his term may not
amount to counter proposal. An acceptance may be revoked at any time before the communication of
the acceptance comes to the knowledge of the seller, but not afterwards.
2. It is of utmost importance that the various stipulations in the purchase contract are free from
ambiguity and offer no scope for misinterpretation to the detriment of the purchaser. It follows
stipulations, as regard to price, discount, payment terms and delivery schedule should be clear and
unambiguous and in case of variation from the original offer, should be arrived after a suitable
negotiation with the supplier. In case any specific terms and conditions require alteration at the later
3. The Indian sales of Goods Act lays down that unless a specific provision is made regarding the
time of payment or any other stipulation as to time being the essence of contract the same is not
4. When the supplier produces an item knowing exactly it will be used, his product carries an implied
warranty of fitness. It is therefore necessary that complete description is given in the tender papers
because the buyer is entitled to reject the material if it later proves unfit for the intended use. In the
case of contract of sale of specific item under its patent or other trade name, there is no implied
condition as to its fitness for any particular purpose. So in case, branded names are mentioned in the
contract, the purchaser has to satisfy himself regarding suitability of such branded material before
5. Legal aspects cover other important provision of law like sale by sample, passing of property in
the goods from seller to buyer, buyer’s right of examination of goods, compensation for breach of
contract, liquidated damage, patent right and arbitration etc. It would therefore, be sufficient to say
here that it desirable that the basic provisions of law concerning sale and purchase of goods are
known to the purchaser so that the differences in terms and conditions between the sellers quotation
and buyers purchase order are ironed out with the vendor before finalizing the contract. In case of
major contracts involving large sums of money or extending over long period of time, it is advisable
Inventory Means materials lying in the works. Inventory control is the technique of maintaining
stocks of different categories at adequate levels with the minimum investments. Inventory is money
but unlike money in the banks, interest on the inventory is incurred rather than being earned. Slow
inventories are, therefore a burden which eats up profits since profits accrue from goods which move
Inventory control is concerned not only with the money value but also with the physical quantities of
Finished Products
Inventories are essential to maintain smooth and continuous production and to act as a buffer against
external stock fluctuations in demand necessitating change of production schedules, scarcities, rising
prices etc. Inventories act as a cushion to absorb the affects of ailments like bad sale forecasting,
Inventories are bad when they accumulate as they become slow or non-moving or lead to
obsolescence. Inventories are not a problem purely of materials management and should not be
viewed in isolation from production, sales and company’s over all performance. While inefficient
materials management does lead to bad inventories status of an organization when viewed in its
proper perspective in relation to production, sales other company activities is an indicator of the
Efficient inventory control ensures whether there would be adequate materials for continuous
production or production will get held up or excessive stock will accrue, whether the company will
loose money by loss of production or locked op resources. In other words whether the company
NTPC being a producer of electricity does not have the conventional inventory – raw materials,
semi-finished goods or finished goods because electricity is the final product and it cannot be stored,
it has to be immediately transmitted. And when electricity is the final product then there cannot be
any raw material or semi-finished goods. So the main inventory maintained here in NTPC is fuel –
coal, gas and oil. Other than these NTPC also maintains the inventory of spares, construction
material, electrical equipments, stationary items etc. To manage all this NTPC-Dadri has two
sections – PSL & Store Bills and Commercial Section. PSL & Store Bills Section manages the
records of all type of inventories apart from fuel and Commercial Section maintains the records of
fuel. Both these sections maintain the records (opening stock, closing stock, purchase price,
payments made, issued amount, received amount, etc) of the respective kind of inventories. They
both maintain a Yearly Price Store Ledger of the inventories, and thedocuments used are almost of
the similar type, i.e., their formats are same but their data is different. There are five types of basic
SRV is that document which gives the proof that the material is received, inspected and stored at
NTPC’s store house. When NTPC wants to buy something it brings out a purchase order, which
contains the details of the kind and the quantity of the material required along with the terms and
conditions of the purchase. Once the supplier is finalized and the material is sent by the supplier to
NTPC, NTPC inspects the material before storing it in its storehouse and on inspection a SRV is
generated containing the details of the kind and quantity of the material received. On the basis of the
SRV NTPC makes the required payments and even adjustments if advance payment is made and
While valuing the SRV landed cost of the material is taken into account i.e. basic price, excise duty,
sales tax, freight and other incidental expenses, these costs are absorbed in the material cost at the
pre-determined rate. But the amount payable for the freight and other incidental expenses is debited
to the freight control account after the payment of freight bills. The balance in the freight control
account is reviewed at the end of each quarter and any nominal balance which remains unadjusted is
charged to the Profit & Loss account. The following table shows the kind of accounting entries
Cr. Respective adv/Control a/c
Dr. Inventory
4 When SRV is raised Valuation on the basis of Cr. Respective inter unit code
Dr. Inventory
SIV is generated when the material is issued to some department or some other party. Store issues
Issues to the contractor on Free of Cost/Loan basis. A contractor PSL for these issues is
While issuing any material from the store concerned officers ensure that the correct account heads
are allotted and all relevant details for proper accounting of the issue are available in the SIV. And
the pricing of the issue is based on the weighted average rate. The following table shows the kind of
accounting entries passed during different conditions under which SIV is generated.
S. No. Conditions Basis of Valuation Accounting Entries
1 When SIV is raised Valuation by the system Dr. expenditure/ capital/
2 method)
MTN is prepared in the situation where the sub-store issues that material which was previously
issued to it by the main store for the final work to be done. Valuation of MTN is very much similar
to the valuation of any SIV as it is also a kind of issue. The quantity records are maintained for both
the material transferred by the main store to the sub-store and material issued by the sub-store to the
final work. The priced stores ledger is updated only on final issue by sub-store. The physical stock at
sub-stores forms a part of the total stock at the station/ project. The following table shows the kind of
accounting entries passed during different conditions under which MTN is generated.
S. Conditions Basis of Valuation Accounting Entries
1 Transfer of material from Valued by the system (based Dr. Inter Unit/
MRN maintains the records of that material which is returned back to the main store. Suppose a
building is being constructed and for that some cement is issued to the contractor free of cost by
NTPC from its store and after the work is finished the unused cement bags are returned back to the
store. MRN comes into picture when such kind of transaction takes place. In case the material was
issued to some department of NTPC itself then the stock returned is valued on the basis of the
prevailing PSL rate but if material is issued to contractor on free of cost basis then the SIV rate is
considered after considering consumption on FIFO basis and if the material is issued on the loan
basis then SIV rate is taken. The following table shows the kind of accounting entries passed during
2 When SIV is raised Valuation on the basis of SIV Cr. FOC/ issued on loan
against One
Erection surplus.
Adjustment vouchers are passed whenever adjustments are to be made either in the payments
schedule, or the quantity received or issued. When payments are made in advance and the material
received is either more than the ordered material or less in those conditions adjustment vouchers are
to be passed and even when during physical verification some discrepancies are found in the value
feeded in the records of PSL and the material physically available in the stores adjustment vouchers
are to be passed. The following table shows the kind of accounting entries passed during different
for qty ADJ or period when the error Cr. Inventory accounting entry
2. ADJ (may of PSL rate of the Cr. Expenditure/ accounting entry
only) provisions
physical Reversal of
(found on inventory
Cr. Stock Difference/ Adjustment Cr. Excess on Physical Verification pending
PSL & Store Bills section is one of the most important sections of Finance department in NTPC. It
basically maintains the records of inventory maintained by NTPC apart from Coal and Oil and even
looks after the conditions on which the materials are purchased and the conditions on which
payments are made by NTPC, Store Bills section sanctions the payment to be made to the vendor
after it get the SRV of the respective material and then only payments are made and required journal
entries are passed. This section maintains the records of spares, electrical equipments, stationary
items, cement, chemicals, etc which are used in the plant, office building and township. The records
of the inventory maintained in the form of a Price Store Ledger in which inventories are recorded on
the basis of the codes allotted to them and it contains individually the amount received , issued,
By observing the working of PSL & Store Bills section we can say in brief that PSL departments
work starts when the SRV is sent to this department by the inspection officers after inspecting the
material purchased and storing it in the main store. Once the material is stored in the main store, it is
issued to the various other departments of NTPS and to some contractors as per their requirements.
SIV’s and MTN’s are generated when the material is issued. And whenever any unused material is
returned back to the stores MRN is generated so that it is known how much material is back in the
stores. SRV, SIV, MTN and MRN are the major ingredients of Price Store Ledger which shows the
exact position of the inventory in the stores at the end of each month. As it can be seen in the format
of Price Store Ledger, it contains the opening balance of the inventory, amount of material received
and issued during that period and finally the remaining balance of the inventory in the stores. Price
Store Ledgers are prepared on monthly basis. At the ends of the financial year (in the beginning of
March) a physical verification is done so that it can be verified that the value of the inventory shown
At the operating stage of the power plant, commercial which mainly involves selling of electricity to
various SEB’s, is the main activity of the station. The NCPS occupies a unique position among all
the power station of NTPC. For, it has got twin projects of Gas and Coal based units. The Gas plant
has got duel fuel capacity of using High Speed Diesel (HSD) as well as Gas for Power generation.
The total installed capacity of the twin projects is 1669 MW. The sheer size and complexity of
operations make it imperative that an effective system of internal controls is in place to ensure
accuracy of record and also reduce the scope of the interests of the corporation being compromised
in any manner. To achieve this end, a comprehensive internal control system has been devised for all
aspects of corporation working in commercial section. The system of fuel accounting is summarized
1. Coal:-
The supply of coal is linked up with Piperwar Coal Mines at Jharkhand. The coal is mainly
washed coal in nature. Total quantity of coal supplies in a year/quarter/month is done the basis of
linkage committee of the ministry of coal. The price of washed and terms and conditions are
determined by the various MOMs between NTPC and CCL (Central Coal Limited), while that of
raw coal is based on the various price notifications. The various steps in coal accounting are
enumerated below:-
a. Quantity:-
Coal is dispatched from the mines by the railway wagons after weighing it at loading point with
the help weight meter. The latter are kept under joint seal and have to be recalibrated in the
presence of representatives of both the parties as and when desired by either of the parties. For
accounting purpose a SRV is made out for entry into PSL for quantity determine as above. There
b. Grade Variance:-
Both supplier and third party conduct chemical analysis of their respective samples in order to
ascertain the actual grade of coal received. Credit/Debit adjustments are passed on by the supplier
Bills are initially raised by the coal company on the basis of declared grade. Payment to the local
company is released after making adjustments for grade difference, moisture content etc.
d. Consumption:-
As the coal reached from mines to station it passes through various chemical processes before
actually being used at the plant. First they get stored in a specific container made especially for
coal and after weighing them, they issued to the plant according to their requirements. A store
issue voucher (SIV) is prepared and entry made in Price Store Ledger (PSL) as the quantity
Stock Verification of coal is done on sis monthly/annually basis as per the guidelines issued by
the corporate centre. Actual quantity of stock is compared with book stocks and adjustments are
made in the books of account after the approval of the competent authority.
Coal cost is received through tariff under two heads: Basic cost recovery and fuel price adjustment.
Basic coal recovery is built into notified tariff on the basis of coal price and Gross Calorific value
calculation of basic tariff. Fuel price adjustments are billed on monthly basis by taking into account
the weighted average cost of coal and actual GCV in that particular month. In the consumption of the
weighted average cost of coal for a particular month, all cost that are attributable to the purchase of
coal are taken into account in the price store ledger (PSL). Such cost includes basic price, royalty,
excise duty, surface transportation charge, sales tax, railway freight, debit, credit note etc.
Similar to the case of coal, gas linkage are also linked up with the source at the time of project
identification itself. Daily availability of gas is intimated in advance. Gas Price is fixed by the Govt.
of India whereas the Commercial terms and conditions of supplies are laid down in the Gas supply
agreement entered into with GAIL. However, if the actual calorific value of the Gas supplied is less
than the specified GCV in the agreement, a rebate proportionate to the difference between the actual
and standard calorific value is given to NTPC. In the same fashion, a premium proportionate to the
difference between the actual & standard calorific value is payable by NTPC.
In accordance with the terms of the Gas supply agreement, billing for gas is fortnightly and payments
are to be made within three working days of presentation of invoice. In case of discrepancy/dispute, a
claim is to the lodged with the seller within fourteen days of receipt of the invoice under question.
Basic Gas Recovery and Fuel Price Adjustment. Basic Gas Recovery is built into notified tariff on
the basis of Gas Price and Gross calorific value (GCV) at the time of computation of basic tariff.
Fuel Price Adjustments are billed on a monthly basis by taking into account the weighted average
cost of gas and actual GCV in that particular month. In the computation of weighted average cost of
gas for a particular month all costs that can be attributed to the purchase of gas are taken into
Fuel is the single largest item of expenditure for NTPC as a whole, as well as individually for the
stations. Fuel is presently procured from Government Companies / Undertakings. The prices of some
fuels are already decontrolled. It is essential to implement the provisions of Fuel Supply Agreements
The following types of fuel are used in a coal fired power plant:
In a gas fired power plant, the following types of fuel are used:
NTPC coal fired stations are classified as pit-head and non pit-head based on their proximity to the
coal mines.At pit-head stations, the bulk of the coal is transported by NTPC owned rakes on its own
MGR system from the mines to the stations. In case of non pit-head stations, coal is transported by
Railway owned rakes from the mines to the power stations. In the former case, accounting is simpler
The fuel cost to include all elements of expenditure that are directly related in bringing it to its
present location and condition. The cost of fuel should include the following (as applicable):
Cost of fuel / other costs as per the provisions of Fuel Supply Agreements
Freight (in case of transportation by owned rakes through MGR, diesel used in locos)
Customs duty, port handling charges, ocean freight and insurance in case of imports
Any other operating expenditure incurred in connection with transportation and handling of
Northern Railway
- C&M
- P&S
- HR
- TS
- TA
- ED Report
- FFR Report
Sales Reconciliation with Regional Office/Corporate Office for Sale of Electricity to different
Whenever purchases are made payments are to be released against them. And the modes adopted by
All the pre-requisites as per the terms of the PO are met prior to release of payment
Vendor’s account is credited only at the time of actual bill processing and not at the time of
creation of provision. The stores liability account is credited till such time.
The relevant sales tax forms are issued and the sales tax register is updated for the same.
Provisions for entry/purchase tax /other municipal taxes etc., wherever applicable, are made and
At the time of releasing Security Deposit the amounts due from the same vendor in respect of any
other transaction is ascertained and approval is taken from the HOD (Finance) for making
adjustments, if any.
For payments through LCs, deviations, if any, in the documents vis-à-vis the terms of the LC, the
Un-adjusted advances are reviewed periodically and age analysis is prepared, to ascertain action
Confirmation of balances is obtained from the vendors periodically.
Once LC is opened all payments are made through LC only unless the LC is closed with the
Stores Bill
Purchase department
Accounting Entries:
To Bank A/ c Cr.
To Advance to Suppliers-GOI/Others/MIT Cr
To Retention money/SD Cr
To Entry tax/Purchase tax payable A/c Cr
3. Payment to suppliers
Inventory control and maintenance has always been a crucial part of any firms productivity as it
helps to maintain an adequate level of inventory so that the operations at the plant level don’t get
At NTPC there is no inventory management as NTPC does not have the conventional inventory, i.e.
raw material, semi-finished goods or finished goods. NTPC’s finished product is electricity which
cannot be stored, it has to be transmitted immediately. But at NTPC one can find an effective and
efficient inventory control, this is because maintaining adequate level of inventory is very crucial as
lack of inventory will hamper generation of electricity and excess of inventory will unnecessarily
Main fuel used at NTPC-Dadri is coal and as the station is very far from the coal pit head it has to
maintain an adequate level of inventory, and hence inventory control becomes very important and its
two sections – PSL & Store Bills and Commercial control inventory very efficiently.
For the purpose of indenting materials planning is done on the basis of the following groups:-
5. Other non-stock items (Not falling under any of the above ref\erred category) (O)
Indent Type:-
Brief Description:-
SL. Material Material UM Qty Reqd. Estimated Delivery Schedule
FAQ Remarks :
Authority (Budget)
List of Enclosures
1. List of Vouchers
2. Quantity Plan
ABC analysis is a technique by which selective control can be exercised on all Materials
Management Activities.
A – Class Items: Items having Annual Consumption over Rs. 1 lakh are classified as ‘A’ Class.
B – Class Items: Items having Annual Consumption over Rs. 10,000/- and up to Rs. 1 lakh are
C – Class Items: Items have Annual Consumption up to Rs. 10,000 are classified as ‘C’ Class.
Mode of Indenting:-
A) For ‘A’ Class items of spares in nature, indenting is done equipment wise and ‘A’ Class
consumables are clubbed in similar type of items. For ‘B’ & ‘C’ Class of items, indenting is
done on the basis of the main group and each indent contains items of same main group. The
list of such items is generated by EDP/ MIS Department at the beginning of each financial
B) The indent as per prescribed format is complete in all respects with the following
I. Description of the item with detailed specifications including the relevant IS/ BS
standard or any other acceptable standard drawing details etc. so that the calling of
II. Quantities indented item wise depend on past consumption, anticipated consumption in
future, nature of the item including shelf life & classification of items as above.
Moreover indent is raised atleast one lead time in advance of the expected date of use.
III. Estimated Value of the indent. Last purchase price with escalation or market trend or
Standardization Certificate
V. Indent is raised only when the budget is allocated to that particular section/ group. But
in case of extremes emergencies indent is raised even when the budget is not allocated
VI. Approval of the Indents is done as per the existing Delegation of Power issued from
time to time and in accordance with the provision of works and procurement policy.
VIII. Scrutiny of Indents by Purchase: Before registration of indent, purchase section
scrutinizes the indents with regard to various points like completeness of specification,
IX. Registration of the Indents: The indent is registered in purchase section through
computer and a 6 digit number is given to it. (The first 2 digits are for the Main Group/
Cell Number & the balance 4 are the running serial numbers).
X. Regulation of Indents by Stores: All indents (other than the capital items and those
raised by Stores Wing for items on automatic recoupment) are forwarded by the
2. Stock availability and expected deliveries, if any, consumption user wise if needed
in the last 3 years; last purchase price with Purchase Order details and other relevant
5. Correctness of the data furnished in the indent, which is essentially required (as per
past requirements) for tender finalization without resorting to another reference after
towards the rising inventory, the review of indents by higher authorities is envisaged
Wherever the indent estimated value is more than Rs. 2 lacs and up to Rs. 5 lacs, a
indenting department reviews the indented quantity on the basis of the past data as
mentioned below.
In cases where the indent estimated value is Rs. 5 lacs or more the indent is reviewed
Fax :
Dated : E-mail :
Dated : Dated :
Vendor Code :
Brief Description:
Dear Sirs,
Please arrange to deliver the materials specified subject to conditions specified herein and our
General Purchase Conditions and other specification and requirements. Duplicate copy may please
be signed and returned back to us within 10 days of its receipt as token of acceptance of the same.
Total Value :
Price Basis :
Excise Duty :
Sales Tax :
Inspection :
Place of Despatch :
Mode of Transport :
P&F Charges :
Payment Terms :
Insurance :
Bank Charges :
Warantee/ Guarantee :
LD Clause :
Price Variation :
Octroi :
Special Instruction :
The following are the modes of tendering which are adopted for the purpose of procurement:
1) Open tender: Through public advertisement in the most open manner as per Works and
Procurement Policy (normally for indent value of Rs. 5 lacs and above)
2) Limited tender: By invitation to sources already registered with NTPC or having proven
performance in past or any reference documents as per Works and Procurement Policy (for
3) Single tender: By invitation to single source who may be OEM/ OES or on the basis of
proprietary article certificate or on the grounds of urgency or any other grounds as per Works
4) Spot tender: By visiting market and issue of spot enquiry through representatives to the
Tender Documents
ii) Qualifying requirements carefully designed to permit entry only to tenderers who posses
iii) Reference to the General Purchase Condition (GPC) applicable to the transaction.
v) Quantity schedule.
viii) Proforma and guidelines for submission of EMD in the form of BG.
In case of single and limited tendering where tender enquiries are required to be issued regularly to
registered vendors or vendors having proven performance in the past, qualifying requirements and
general purchase conditions are not required to be included in each of the invitations of the tenders,
but reference to GPC/ & Instructions to bidders are required in each and every invitations to the
Tender Committee
As per delegation of Powers, beyond certain value of procurement, a tender committee consisting of
The Tender Committee considers and recommends all the terms and conditions, prices, QAP and
Qualifying Requirement
The Qualifying Requirement (QR) is required for open tenders only and is prepared on case to case
basis depending on various factors like cost of package, technical importance, time frame for
implementation and quality plan requirements etc. The primary purpose of QR is to access the
financial and technical capability of the bidders who can deliver goods and services as per the
A committee is constituted at the projects with the representatives of the site Materials, Finance and
Indenting departments at the appropriate level for the formulation of the QR and the QR is approved
by the Head of the Project. QR once stipulated is not allowed to be altered but in the case of poor or
In case of the open tenders the tender document fees is decided on the basis of the estimated value of
the indent before going for advertisement. Cost of tender documents is fixed on the basis of the
following guidelines:
1 Up to Rs 10 lacs Rs. 200/-
2 Above Rs. 10 lacs and up to Rs. 25 lacs Rs. 300/-
3 Above Rs. 25 lacs and up to Rs. 50 lacs Rs. 500/-
4 Above Rs. 50 lacs and up to Rs. 100 lacs Rs. 750/-
5 Above Rs. 100 lacs and up to Rs. 500 lacs Rs. 1500/-
6 Above Rs. 500 lacs Rs. 3000/-
Comparative statement is prepared as per proforma and the loading factors used for loading are
P & F Charges 2%
300 kms to 500 kms 3%
Insurance 0.15%
1.5% per month (whenever parties have quoted 100% through bank/ advance against NTPC’s
standards and payment terms of 100% after receipt and acceptance of materials within 30 days)
In case of payment through bank loading for a period of 30 days and in case of advance payment
along with Purchase Order the loading for the period of delivery period plus 30 days is taken.
In case of 90% through bank & 10% within 30 days after receipt and acceptance of the materials, the
The entire cost of the material purchased or we can say the loading cost of the material consists of
1. Basic Price
4. Sales Tax on (Basic + P & F + ED)
In case of variable prices, variable excise duty etc. the following norms/ systems are taken into
a) In case of price variation clause (without specific mention of quantum), 10% price escalation per
annum is presumed and accordingly on the basis of delivery period the same is proportionately
b) In case the bidder stipulate the Excise Duty as applicable at the time of dispatch and specifies the
present rate of Excise Duty (a numeric percentage or nil), in such case the offer is evaluated
considering the maximum rate of Excise Duty applicable for the product as per Excise Tariff of
Government of India.
However the liability of NTPC is as per actual Excise Duty applicable at the time of dispatch, subject
to production of Excise invoice. Further the rate of Excise Duty is restricted to as applicable within
the contractual delivery period. In case bidders quote with ‘Fixed Rate’ of Excise Duty or specify
Excise Duty as NIL then the offer is evaluated accordingly and even the payment is restricted
accordingly. Increase in Excise Duty rate due to delay in supply beyond the contractual delivery
period is not payable by NTPC , however NTPC gets the benefit of any decrease in Excise Duty.
Comparative statement is prepared and checked by material (Purchase Section) and is subsequently
vetted by Finance.
Negotiation must be placed high on the accomplishment list for the success of management. Some of
Initial price for complex new items which has to be manufactured specially.
Price and terms when there is little choice of contractors and completion is not sufficient.
Special arrangement of all kinds, for example transport, tooling, scrap disposal and inspection
1. An introductory part during which issue is presented. Here the Factors, where agreement exists
are defined and those around which the negotiation is to take place are clarified.
2. The second stage involves the discussion/arrangement and the movements by both
3. The third stage is stating the agreement which has arrived by the parties to the negotiation.
Most important of all these phases of negotiation is time; careful consideration of time scales of
the right moment to make a particular move or to bring in a new proposal, of the time to draw the
exists. However if it is found that the prices are unreasonably high/low as compare to last
Negotiation should be held with technically and commercially evaluated lowest (L1) vendor
However if situation warrants, the negotiation may also be carried out with more than one party
with the approval of competent authority provided there is an stipulation in the bid documents for
keeping one or more sources to ensure reliability/uninterrupted supply for critical item/services.
Successful negotiation depends on advance planning and analysis. How much of these are worth
doing depends of course how important negotiation is. Much less time will be spent on
Each and every tender contains a certain amount of security deposit which guarantees vendors
performance and credibility. For the process of registration of supplier apart from cost of documents
and registration fees, a security deposit of Rs. 10,000 is furnished by the vendor on being registered.
By sending enquiry to the parties the clause of earnest money (earned by the vendor himself) may
not be insisted in case of limited tender/ single tender, for the package of estimated value up to Rs. 2
However in such case for orders up to Rs. 50,000, security deposit clause is not stipulated and
may be (is usually) waived. For orders above Rs. 50,000 security deposit is specified mainly
For cases of estimated value 2% of estimated value
a) Call deposit receipt fully pledged in favour of NTPC or Par Order or Demand Draft.
b) Bank Guarantee from a Nationalized Bank/ Foreign Banks (as per the approved list)
irrevocable and operative till the validity of the offer as per standard performa.
c) Post Office/ National Saving Scheme/ National Defense Deposit Certificate duly endorsed in
favor of NTPC.
d) Fixed deposit receipt issued by Nationalized Bank endorsed ion the favour of NTPC.
e) Certified Cheque in favour of NTPC duly endorsed by the Bank on whom it has been drawn.
No bank guarantee is accepted for EMD amount up to Rs. 10,000, however EMD amount
Security deposit is furnished by the vendors at the rate of 5% of the order value in the form of
Demand Draft or in the form of Bank Guarantee as per standard performa. EMD (other than
Bank Deposits) of successful bidders is converted into initial security deposit and balance
amount is returned to them. EMD of unsuccessful bidders is immediately returned to them after
It comes under the scheme of lump-sum deposit which will be treated as Standing Deposit of
Earnest Money. It is allowed to registered suppliers only and the quantum of such EMD is based
on the monetary limit for which they are registered with NTPC. The schedule of such deposit is
as follows:
For cases valuing more than Rs. 50 lacs, the scheme of depositing Standing Earnest Money is not
The supplier/ tenderers who deposit the Standing Earnest Money are usually allowed to quote
against as many tenders as they desire, provided that the aggregate value of such tenders offered
does not exceed the monetary limit for which they have been registered. Few conditions related
1) Standing Earnest Money deposited by the contractor cannot be adjusted against the Security
Deposit. The Standing Earnest Money can be forfeited in case the contractor
a) Revokes the tender or increases the rates after opening the tender, but before the expiry of
b) Refuses to enter into a contract or accept the work order, after the award of contract/ work.
c) Does not commence the supply/ work after award in due time.
2) Standing Earnest Money can be refunded if so desired by the depositor, in which case the
contractor shall be required to deposit the requisite earnest money with each tender.
3) Standing Earnest Money deposited with NTPC does not entitle the supplier/ contractor to any
4) List of approved firms/ suppliers/ contractors, should be circulated in April every year to all
departments including Finance Money deposited, if any, and the value of the works/ supplies
for which they have been registered. At any time a new supplier or contractor is enlisted the
5) As soon as the name of any firm/ supplier/ contractor is removed from the approved list,
In case of purchase made on spot by a purchase committee and when payments are made after taking
the delivery of the materials, depositing of the Earnest Money is not called for.
There are many contract works which need to have regular inspection until they finished.
Procurement of plant/equipment are the example of such kind of job. Thus these kinds of works
requires bank guarantee of certain % of the total contract price. Contract up to Rs. 5 lacs and other
than procurement of plant/equipmentsare exempt from bank guarantee with the approval of
after dispatching the purchase order the executive officers of the store bill section take care of timely
follow up and expediting with the vendors till the material is received and accepted as per purchase
order and payment is release to the vendor. The executive officer is responsible for taking any short
of action regarding the payment to the vendor until he satisfied with the quality and quantity of the
material ordered.
Generally supplier’s delivers exact quantity as per purchase order but sometimes quantities dispatch
by the vendors are either in the excess or short. In such cases the variation up to +5% and -5% or Rs.
25000 which ever is less is automatically treated as amended quantity. In case of short supply the
executive officer ask to the vendor to dispatch supply but in the case of excess supply beyond 5% the
executive officer ask the indenting department whether the material is consumable within a one lead
time period and if they are the executive accepts the delivery and the vendor paid accordingly.
In case the material is not consumable within one lead time period, the purchase department ensures
that the holding cost of the inventory of the excess material should be less than combined ordering
cost of that particular purchase order. To ascertain the above the purchase section of the NTPC
works out the ordering cost against each mode of tendering( Open, Limited & Short tender on year to
year basis) as well as the inventory holding cost for the purpose of these estimates.
The inventory holding cost is 20% on an average based on the data of various sites. Similarly the
cost of placing order at present is around Rs.50000 for Open tender, Rs.10000 for Limited tender and
The purchase order is finally closed after the receipt and acceptance of the material. Immediately
when advice is received either in store receipt or in purchase section does not intend to make any
further supply.
This process deals with the release of payments to the vendors as per the Purchase Order. There are
various methods or we can say modes adopted by NTPC to make the payments to its vendors. The
most important thing about their payment system is that they maintain a credit period of 30 days i.e.
they make their payments to the vendors within 30 days of receiving the materials. The reason for
having a margin of 30 days for making the payments is that the processing of the bills and the release
of the payment takes approximately 30 days, so NTPC takes the margin of 30 days but usually it
makes the payment within 15 to 20 days. But within this period the vendor can always take the
purchase documents to his bank and get the payment, and in return his bank charges him some
commission (usually of 5% to 10%), which is the banks income. And to get its money back the bank
contacts NTPC’s bank which makes the payment in the form of demand draft. The vendor can even
contact NTPC’s bank directly instead of his bank for the payment. And there are times when NTPC
has to make the payment immediately after purchasing the materials; in this case the purchase officer
who goes to purchase the material carries an Advance Cheque with himself so that he can
immediately make the payment to the vendor. The payment made by NTPC to the vendors usually
contains the freight charges (for material supply) also. Though there are three options for freight
payments and any one can be chosen and accordingly the burden of freight cost shifts to that party.
FOR Basis
Ex-works Basis
According to FOR basis the freight cost is borne by both the parties, according to Ex-Works the
Freight cost is entirely borne by NTPC and according to Door Delivery Basis the entire cost is borne
by the vendor. But whatever be the condition the entire cost of freight is borne by NTPC because
when the freight charges are borne by the vendor he includes the charges in the price of the material.
So in the end NTPC bears the cost of freight and that’s the reason why they can tell the vendors to
All the pre-requisites as per the terms of the PO have been met prior to release of payment
Vendor’s account is credited only at the time of actual bill processing and not at the time of
creation of provision. The stores liability account is credited till such time.
The relevant sales tax forms are issued and the sales tax register is updated for the same.
Provisions for entry/purchase tax /other municipal taxes etc., wherever applicable, are made and
The SRVs are linked to the Store purchase account head based on the nature of store
(construction / O&M stores), nature of item (stores, consumables, spares, etc.), material main
group (steel, cement, etc), rotational / other stores items etc. as per the chart of accounts. The bill
At the time of releasing Security Deposit the amounts due from the same vendor in respect of any
other transaction is ascertained and approval is taken from the HOD (Finance) for making
adjustments, if any.
For payments through LCs, deviations, if any, in the documents vis-à-vis the terms of the LC, the
Deductions for freight or any other incidental charges paid by NTPC on behalf of the supplier are
The details of deductions made from the vendor’s invoice are intimated to the vendor and
Purchase department.
Un-adjusted advances are reviewed periodically and age analysis is prepared, to ascertain action
Once LC is opened all payments are made through LC only unless the LC is closed with the
•Stores Bill
•Purchase department
For all its projects and plant related works NTPC requires various equipments and being an ISO
certified company NTPC requires good quality equipments with proven standards. For this process
they standardize various materials and also provide rating to supplier of that particular material.
The standardization of sources of different items is done on the basis past experience/data or
reference. The open tender response can also be utilized for this purpose:
First of all a committee of executives review the performance of different reputed venders
After review the committee done assessment of the vendor’s works for technical capability,
If the sources are more then multi-source standardization is to be done and if there is only one
All the standardization is valid for only the period of three years from the date of approval.
Rate contracts are finalized for those items whose requirements are continuous throughout the year
After standardization of sources a tender committee (materials, finance and user deptt.
In case of multi-source rate contract tenders may be invited on the basis of expected annual
consumption. Negotiation can also be done with the vendor and then rate contract is finalized.
In case of single source contract offer is asked from the party itself and after the process of
negotiation and finalization of terms and conditions the rate contract is finalized.
Rate contract may be finalized for not more than TWO years. Approval and other guidelines of rate
Every company irrespective of its working has to do some cash purchase for emergency
requirements, that’s why despite of having organized purchase management system, plant may
requires some emergency/spot cash purchase. For this process the purchase department has some
Each cash purchase goes through the route of stores except all cash purchase up to
Rs. 10000 but subject to item wise cost not exceeding Rs.2000. All these cash transactions
All cash purchase valuing more than Rs. 10000/- case wise and Rs. 2000/- item wise is routed
through stores as per their existing practice i.e. receipt through SRV, issue against SIV and
item wise index in the cardex . Similarly posting is done in the PSL.
All the cash purchase is done by material management department but in case of extreme
Cash purchase based on single source based on standardization certificate is carried out as per
All the purchase done by concern department is requires the approval of finance department for the
The various activities in the purchase function are evaluated and monitored periodically for
economy, efficiency and effectively. The parameters for such evaluation are:
2. Extent of rejection
3. Budget compliance
Adherence to Lead Time
Against each purchase order the supplies are affected as per the declared lead time with a cushion of
(+) 10%. Incase the actual lead time differs by more than 10% from the declared lead time then the
total lead time slippage is taken into account for rating calculation.
Extent of Rejection
Ratings are also provided to the vendors if their material is rejected and for how many times the
Budget Compliance
The purchase executive is responsible for keeping all the procurements within the allocated budget.
Budget Allocation
OVERALL PERCENTAGE RATING = Sum of Above Three Ratings x 100
This sub-system includes recording and submission of all expected future liabilities during current
financial year, the next (second) financial year, and the liabilities expected after the close of second
b) Above separately for each “A” items and for other than “A” items.
c) Both (a) and (b) above shall be separately broken down into
Revenue Indigenous
1. Spares
To meet estimated requirements for maintenance and operation of assets under each investment
“Capital Works” covers all orders placed for:
1. Loose Tools
2. Construction
Orders are also released against specific sanctions for plant betterment scheme, renovation schemes,
acquisition and installation and commissioning of balance equipments and similar works.
Purchase Accounting System includes accounting of all monetary transactions from the point of
and final settlement of vendor’s bill and closure of Purchase Order/ Contracts. The following output
report is generated:
This account enables the reconciliation of payments made for local transportation from the railway
siding to project’s stores premises and from the posts of entry of inland dispatch to the point of
loading to the various agencies for rail and transport with its allocation on the various Store Receipt
Vouchers that covers the stores and equipments so received and accepted. The freight liability
control account is maintained party wise. Following document serves as input documents for
Claim Voucher
Freight Payment Advice/ Freight Accounting Report from financial accounting system
The cumulative figures of the values of the orders placed are compared with:-
a) Payments made
Deviation by more than 20% is investigated by Purchase Section and remedial action is taken into
following forms:
Like all other departments purchase department also has an effective Budgeting control system
where it plan out all its requirements by receiving the indents from various departments and form a
consolidated budget for all those purchase requirements. In purchase management system budgeting
1. An effective coordination between activities essential to meet the future expected usage and the
corresponding and consequent needs to make present commitment (allowing for appropriate lead
time) in the background of commitment already existing with a view to make optimum of use of
2. The basic objective of material management function is high service level concurrent with the
conflicting concern to minimize inventory is fully achieved with appropriate function of storage
forecasting, recoupment and control. The participation for individual “A” class items involves
frequent review vis-à-vis latest expectation of physical uses during the succeeding two to three
months. Any stiff fall in expected future uses is met by corresponding request to suppliers to
quantum of supply keeping in view the stock available on the date of review. Such regulations
are not possible for large number “B” and “C” items.
3. A continuous regulation on the quantum of supply helps to maintain constant supply level so that
payments are kept within the sanctioned limit. While at the same time it is also assured that these
sanctioned limits or budgetary regulations wont affect the users planned material requirement.
Sl. Material Unit Opening Material Material Closing Closing
a MT
B. akh
Total 1 Rs/L
A. Chemicals Rs/L
B. Consumable akhs
C. s Rs/L
D. Spares akhs
E. Lubricants Rs/L
Total 2 Rs/Lakhs
Total 1+2 Rs/L
NTPC as whole believes in quality at all stage of activities. During construction as well as in
operation/ maintenance phase of NTPC power station, a large number of items ranging from 50,000
to 60,000 are required. For quality procurement the services of reliable and quality source of supplies
NTPC follows certain policies and guidelines for the process of registration of quality vendors or
a. Vendors for items falling under class “A” by annual usage value is to be enlisted item
b. Vendors for items falling under class “B” and “C” is to be listed trade group wise.
c. The parties who had responded against earlier open tender and advertisement for
procurement of specific items can also be recommended for registration after evaluating
their credentials. NTPC has provided special clause in all its open tender advertisements
so that the vendor could use this tender notice for future enlistments.
2. Screening of Applications
information provided in the prescribed formats. All applications are grouped on the basis of
following criteria:
b. Manufacturers
2. Suppliers
a. Agent/ Dealers
b. Local Suppliers
c. Others.
As soon as the vendor ulfils all the conditions for investment he is awarded with the registration
certificate. It is valid for the period of three years from the date of approval. The renewal of
registration can be done for a further period of three years based on the performance of the vendor
during the last three years but it also requires submission of fresh application.
Business dealings with registered vendors can be suspended for a particular period if prima-facie it is
found on the basis of evidence that the firm is involved in offence or unethical business dealings
investigating the matter then the vendor can be suspended for a specific period.
The revocation order is issued to the vendor after the expiry of suspension/ banning period or
completion of investigation period (in which vendor is not proved to be guilty) whichever is earlier.
The following major parameters are considered for the purpose of vendor performance evaluation
system and vendor ratings are calculated on the basis of the following weightage:
b) Delivery Performance
Delivery in weeks
d) Commercial and Contractual Pre-post Award 2
Performance Performance
Quantity Supplied
On the basis of score against each parameter vendor rating is calculated and percentage is as
Quality 70%
Delivery 50%
Commercial/ Contractual terms 50%
On the basis of points scored against each parameter categorization of the vendors is done as given
Unlike all other sections book section has unique importance as it is responsible for preparation of
periodic and annual accounts at the unit level.The main jobs of Books section are generation and
updation of the JVs by the concerned sections through the sectional day books and online updation of
the General/Subsidiary ledgers and the Trial Balance. Monthly reconciliation of inter unit balances
and closing of accounts is also comes under their functions. All the provisions at the month end are
passed through Memorandum JVs (MJV) and no changes are made to the MJVs after the closing of
accounts.In the process of making the final accounts the Books section follows following
The process deals with the procedures adopted for preparation, verification and updation of the JVs
in the day books, journal, sub-ledgers and general ledger.The concerned sections generate the JVs
through the section day books. (Non-day book JVs is prepared only in exceptional cases).The
concerned sections update and retain custody of the JVs and the supporting documents. The
subsidiary and the general ledgers are automatically updated with each transaction.
While updating the JVs the concerned sections follow following regulations:-
All JVs are adequately supported and authorized as per the Internal Working
The subsidiary, general ledger and Trial balance are updated simultaneously after
authorizations of the JV
Monthly Accounts:
Balance Sheet
PSL for the month has been processed and reconciled with the GL
The GL is closed by the 7th of each month so before that all the entries are completed
The provision entries (on an estimated basis) have been processed through Memorandum JVs
Books section completes all its entries carefully as no changes are made in the Memorandum entries
Quarterly Accounts
Quarterly accounts are prepared for the quarter ending June, September, December and March.
Trial balance
Balance Sheet
The procedure for preparation, review and approvals of the accounts are same as the procedure
followed for monthly accounts. However, the entries for provisions are made in the books of account
and not through memorandum entries. Variance analysis is also carried out for all Profit and loss
account heads. The accounts at the unit level and consolidated accounts are also audited. The
procedure for consolidation and audit is same as the procedure for consolidation of final accounts.
Consolidation of accounts:
This process provides the procedure for consolidation of the accounts for the company at the year-
Trial Balance
Balance Sheet
Additional Information
On receiving the accounts from the units the following steps are taken:-
Accounts have been prepared in accordance with the accounts closing circular/guidelines.
This process provides the procedure followed for any amendment to the chart of accounts. Though
no amendments (additions/deletions) to the Charts of Account is carried out by any unit without due
approvals from Corporate Centre. Further, any amendment in the system is effected by the Books
Section of the units only. Any amendment to the chart of accounts is effected by all units. The dates
from which the account codes (as amended are operational) is specified by CC. Further, the
treatment of the balance in the existing account code is provided (in case of deletion of an account
code) by Corporate Centre.The chart of accounts must be linked with the P&L account and the
Balance Sheet
Certain facts about individual stations as well as NTPC’s consolidated balance
The Reserves & Surpluses shown in the consolidated balance sheet of NTPC is reached at by
The Stations balance sheet does not have any loan funds, this is so because they get a certain
budgeted amount of funds from the Corporate Office and all the loans taken are only shown in
the consolidated balance sheet. But still the interest which has to be paid on the loan taken by the
Corporate Office is born by the stations in the proportion of the amount taken by them for their
functioning. That’s the reason why the stations balance sheets have an item called Interest and
Finance Charges which depicts the amount of interest paid on the funds taken by the station.
Cash Credit Fund Account shows the amount which is sanctioned to the station and which can
be withdraw any time as per the needs of the station. Hence this amount is also a Current Asset
Another important fact about the electricity generating units is that they can charge back the tax
payable by them from their customers, so it can be said that the tax paid by the stations is almost
nil. As it can be seen in the individual stations balance sheet that PBT and PAT are always the
same, provision for current tax is deducted from PBT but the Income Tax Recoverable is same as
Insurance plays a very vital role in any manufacturing firm, insurance provides a cushion against any
kind of mishappenings, it helps in the prevention of losses of any kind which might happen during
loading or transportation or unloading of the material. The Insurance Claim System followed by
1. Claim Lodging
4. Reports
5. Queries
Claim Lodging
This option provides facility for printing letter for lodging claims for following types of claim with
Initial Claim
Marine Claim
Motor Claim
Machinery claim
After lodging claim, the Insurance Company allots a registration number and date to the claim. When
the claim is settled either fully or partially, settlement details are updated . If
the claim is not settled fully in the first instance then there is a provision for feeding second, third
settlement details.
Main purpose of this option is to store details of insurance policies, which NTPC is taking from
insurance companies to cover various types of risks and also details of adhoc/ final premium paid to
2. Premium price
6. Pending Claims
7. Settled Claims
Insurance/ Risk Management Group is a part of Receipt Section and looks into the areas of risk
involved in materials in transit and of fixed assets of the corporation. It even deals with all types of
rejection cases and strives for repair/ replacement and final settlement of disputes with underwriters,
suppliers & carriers. The main activities of Insurance/ Risk Management Group are given below:-
This group procures insurance policies for material in transit and fixed assets of the corporation
so as to cover the risks as per guidelines given by corporate materials (Insurance Group) from
time to time.
2. Payment of Premium:
This group is responsible for arranging payment of premium on due dates to the insurance
companies, so as to keep the insurance policy valid for its tenure such that all the claims are
The Risk Management Group of respective power station negotiates with the insurance
companies for availing discounts like Fire Extinguishing Appliance (FEA) discounts, Good
Performance of the underwriters is evaluated by the Risk Management Group with respect to the
a. Claims settled/ Premium paid (in a particular period)
This fact helps the company in evaluating the performance of insurance company to some
extent and for negotiating better terms and conditions for the succeeding years.
b. Number & amount of claims settled/ No. & amount of claims lodged
This factor has direct bearing on the performance of the insurance company. Better the
c. Time Factor
Time factor is an important criterion for judging the performance of the insurance company.
The respective site Risk Management Group checks whether the claims lodged by the
The Risk Management Group at site interacts with the Risk Management Group at the Corporate
Material for any clarification of policies, tariff rates and discounts as and when required. Any
disputes arising with the insurance company are referred to the Corporate Materials by this group
for expeditious resolution of the dispute. Whenever any advantageous terms and conditions other
than the one currently existing are offered for Site Risk Management Group, then the same is
communicated to the Corporate Materials (Insurance Cell) so as to enable them to deal directly
The Risk Management Group is responsible for lodging the claims in time and in a manner
prescribed by respective insurance companies and follow up for settlement of claims at the
earliest possible.
Claims arise on account of shortages/ damages to the materials in transit and loss/ damage of
fixed asset of the company falling under the scope of the insurance policy taken.
obtained by clearance and dispatch group and passed o to the Insurance/ Risk Management
Group and in turn on the basis of these documents this group lodges the claim on the
c. In case of loss/ damages of the consignment which is covered by the insurance and that
comes to the notice, claims are lodged on insurance company and the details of the
These claims arise on account of non-delivery, in full or part of any consignment booked under a
between 15-60 days but when it doesn’t, it becomes the responsibility of the Risk Management
This cell is responsible for the safe custody of rejected material till the time of dispatch/ auction.
This cell is responsible for handing over of salvage if any to the underwriters and entering the
salvage details in the claim registers and/ or register for rejected materials.
After the formalities for the realization of the claims are fulfilled the case file is closed under the
approval of the competent authority. In case the claims are paid short or repudiated, the Insurance/
Risk Management Group obtains specific orders from the authority before accepting the repudiation
as per the relevant delegation of power and closing of the case. And in case if it is finally decided to
close the case the Insurance/ Bank Management Group informs all concerned and initiate write off
Chapter – 5
When i completed the analysis, i found every mechanism related to purchase management is quite
satisfactory except some minor problems. These can be removed by making certain improvements.
What i suggest for PURCHASE MANAGMENT in NTPC DADRI is-
In NTPC, payment tenure is of 30 days, that i think should be reduced because due to
A proper system for the evaluation of vendor’s performance must be there in the
avoid the problem of over stocking and stock outs. Supply of goods is something that
A purchase budget should be made before making any purchase and it should be made
Chapter - 6
Sample size is small , so the exploration of full information can not be done, the overall
The terminology used in the subject is technical in nature and creates a lot of ambiguity.
Some respondents are hesitant in revealing their opinion, so there is a biasness in the
Chapter - 7
Each and every organization requires a proper purchase management system to ensure two basic
things – first is right material at right place on right time and second is adequate payment to the
vendor without any useless expenditure. The responsibility of the purchase department does not end
with the buying of the right material but it also has to take care of timely payment to the vendor,
evaluation of vendor performance and other delivery related issues. NTPC has a well furnished
purchase management system, having proper regulations and guidelines according to current market
needs and requirements. But their payment tenure of 30 days should be reduced because in the phase
of growing competition among the companies they need to be very focused in terms of the efficiency
of their suppliers and that can be achieved by quick and timely payment to the vendors. It is supply
of goods which ultimately affect the production capability of any organization and it should be
Peter Baily/David Former/David Jassop/David Jones (2005) Purchasing Principles And Management
Don’t know
By cheque/draft
Can’t say
Low level
High level
No inventory
Two of the above
Open tender
Limied tender
Single tender
Spot tender
30 days
60 days
90 days
Only in emergency
Adherence to lead time
Extent of rejection
Budget compliance
Equipment wise
Q.13 – Rate contract are made for the items whose requirement are:-
Very rare
Q.14 –In a multi-source rate contract tenders are invited on the basis of:-
Annual consumption
Finance department
Extent of rejection
Budget compliance
Capital works
Both of these
By annual usage
2 years
3 years
5 years
Case study:-
The most important thing about their payment system is that they maintain a credit period of 30 days
i.e. they make their payments to the vendors within 30 days of receiving the materials. The reason for
having a margin of 30 days for making the payments is that the processing of the bills and the release
of the payment takes approximately 30 days, so NTPC takes the margin of 30 days but usually it
Within this period the vendor can always take the purchase documents to his bank and get the
payment, and in return his bank charges him some commission (usually of 5% to 10%), which is the
banks income. And to get its money back the bank contacts NTPC’s bank which makes the payment
in the form of demand draft. The vendor can even contact NTPC’s bank directly instead of his bank
The payment made by NTPC to the vendors usually contains the freight charges (for material supply)
also. Though there are three options for freight payments and any one can be chosen and accordingly
the burden of freight cost shifts to that party. These three options are:
FOR Basis
Ex-works Basis
According to FOR basis the freight cost is borne by both the parties, according to Ex-Works the
Freight cost is entirely borne by NTPC and according to Door Delivery Basis the entire cost is borne
by the vendor. But whatever be the condition the entire cost of freight is borne by NTPC because
when the freight charges are borne by the vendor he includes the charges in the price of the material.
1. All the pre-requisites as per the terms of the PO have been met prior to release of payment
2. Provisions for entry/purchase tax /other municipal taxes etc., wherever applicable, are made and
3. Vendor’s account is credited only at the time of actual bill processing and not at the time of
creation ofprovision. The stores liability account is credited till such time.
5. The relevant sales tax forms are issued and the sales tax register is updated for the same.
7. At the time of releasing Security Deposit the amounts due from the same vendor in respect of any
other transaction is ascertained and approval is taken from the HOD (Finance) for making
adjustments, if any.