A. Timelines: Month Timeframe Event Person's Involved
A. Timelines: Month Timeframe Event Person's Involved
A. Timelines: Month Timeframe Event Person's Involved
In crafting the School Calendar of Activities for S.Y 2021-2022, DepEd Order No.
029, Series of 2021, was the baseline in crafting a localized school calendar of activities of
Malativas National High School in accordance with the departments commitment to learning
continuity amidst health crisis.
August 2021 August 13 Start of Enrolment Period School Head, teachers, parents
& Barangay councils
1st – 4th Advocacy campaign thru posting School Head, teachers, parents
week of announcement through & Barangay councils
Facebook and Messenger
September 2021 September Brigada Eskwela and Oplan School Head, teachers, parents
1-30 Balik Skwela & Barangay councils
October 2021 1st Week Preparation of Reading Materials Reading Coordinator, School
for Reading program head
November 2021 1st week Preparation and distribution of School Head, Teachers
Summative Test for the first
February 2021 1st week Preparation and Finalization of School Head, teachers
Grades for the second quarter
February 2- Mid-Year Break ( Conduct of School Head, Teachers
5 LAC Sessions)
April 2021 1st week Administration of the summative School Head, Teachers
test for the third quarter
May 2021 1st to 2nd Preparation of WLHP, activity School Head, teachers
week sheets and summative test for the
4th quarter
June 2021 1st to 2nd Administration of the summative School Head, Teachers
week test for the fourth quarter
2nd Week Finalization of Grades for the School Head, teachers
Fourth Quarter