Machine Learning For Wifi
Machine Learning For Wifi
Machine Learning For Wifi
Abstract—Wireless local area networks (WLANs) empowered (thanks to operating in unlicensed bands), as well as inexpensive
by IEEE 802.11 (WiFi) hold a dominant position in providing in manufacturing and highly interoperable devices.
arXiv:2109.04786v1 [cs.NI] 10 Sep 2021
Internet access thanks to their freedom of deployment and The 802.11 protocol family has received, in recent years,
configuration as well as affordable and highly interoperable
devices. The WiFi community is currently deploying WiFi 6 regular updates leading to performance improvements and new
and developing WiFi 7, which will bring higher data rates, features. These technical innovations provide a challenge: the
better multi-user and multi-AP support, and, most importantly, next-generations of WiFi are becoming exceedingly complex.
improved configuration flexibility. These technical innovations, Specifically, each new mechanism, designed to improve network
including the plethora of configuration parameters, are making performance, comes with a plethora of parameters which
next-generation WLANs exceedingly complex as the dependencies
between parameters and their joint optimization usually have a have to be configured. Additionally, there are new application
non-linear impact on network performance. The complexity is requirements: WiFi is no longer limited to broadband Internet
further increased in the case of dense deployments and coex- access, but is also being used in other situations, e.g., ultra-low
istence in shared bands. While classic optimization approaches latency communication for machine-to-machine communication.
fail in such conditions, machine learning (ML) is well known This multi-modal operation needs to be supported through
for being able to handle complexity. Much research has been
published on using ML to improve WiFi performance and proper configuration, which in most cases is left out of
solutions are slowly being adopted in existing deployments. In the standard. For example, depending on the combination
this survey, we adopt a structured approach to describing the of resource unit (RU) assignment in 802.11ax, the network
various areas where WiFi can be enhanced using ML. To this throughput may vary by more than 100% (i.e., between 100
end, we analyze over 200 papers in the field providing readers and 280 Mb/s in the scenario considered in [2]). In most
with an overview of the main trends. Based on this review, we
identify both open challenges in each WiFi performance area as cases, multiple parameters have to be jointly optimized, which
well as general future research directions. is a non-trivial task as the dependencies between parameters
and their joint optimization have a highly non-linear impact
Index Terms—WiFi, WLAN, IEEE 802.11, Wireless LAN,
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks. on network performance. For example, [8] shows that the
performance of overlapping 802.11 WiFi networks is not linear
with the sensitivity and the transmission power. The level
I. I NTRODUCTION of complexity is further increased in the case of coexisting
Wireless local area networks (WLANs), standardized in networks, where diverse parameters have to be set across
IEEE 802.11 and commercialized as WiFi, hold a dominant multiple nodes with a multi-modal operation in mind (i.e.,
position in providing wireless Internet access. According to with different applications having different quality of service
Cisco’s Visual Networking Index Forecast, WiFi’s share of (QoS) requirements).
Internet traffic will increase to 51% by 2022 [1]. Today, Up till now, the goal of the mainline 802.11 amendments was
WiFi 6 [2]–[4] has become state of the art for all new consumer to provide high throughput (802.11n, 802.11ac) and efficiency
products and WiFi 7 [5]–[7] is already under development. in dense environments through deterministic channel access
There are several reasons for the popularity of WiFi: well- (802.11ax). However, future WiFi generations are anticipated to
defined use cases, freedom of deployment and configuration accommodate also ultra-low latency and ultra-high reliability
traffic (802.11be). Hence, the proper and timely update of
S. Szott and K. Kosek-Szott are with AGH University of Science and
Technology, Kraków, Poland, e-mail: {szott, kks} the transmission settings for each class of traffic is of key
P. Gawłowicz, J. Torres Gómez, A. Zubow, and F. Dressler are with the importance. Meanwhile, finding adequate or even, in the best
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, TU Berlin, 10587 case, optimal configurations in an enormous search space using
Berlin, Germany, e-mail: {gawlowicz, torres-gomez, zubow, dressler}@tkn.tu- traditional algorithms is too time and computation resource
B. Bellalta is with the Department of Information and Communication consuming, i.e., by the time the proper configuration is found,
Technologies, UPF Barcelona, Spain, e-mail: it is already out-dated as the propagation characteristics have
This work was supported in part by the Polish Ministry of Science and
Higher Education with the subvention funds of the Faculty of Computer changed. Additionally, new WLAN mechanisms also bring
Science, Electronics and Telecommunications of AGH University. This work overhead in terms of additional measurements which provide
was supported in part by the German BMBF project OTB-5G+ under grant input to their respective control algorithms. In the past, with
agreement no. 16KIS0985. This work was supported in part by grants
WINDMAL PGC2018-099959-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER,UE) and SGR017- only a few possible modulation and coding scheme (MCS)
1188 (AGAUR). values (i.e., in early versions of 802.11), it was possible to