PR 1 - LP1 - Week 1
PR 1 - LP1 - Week 1
PR 1 - LP1 - Week 1
Prepared by: Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
AY 2020 – 2021
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #1
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
The Nature of Inquiry
1 and Research
Content Standards:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
a. the importance of research in daily life
b. the characteristics, processes, and ethics of research
c. quantitative and qualitative research
d. the kinds of research across fields
Performance Standards:
The learner is able to:
a. use appropriate kinds of research in making decisions; and
b. decide on suitable qualitative research in different areas of interest.
Learning Competencies: The learners…
1.1 share research experiences and knowledge
1.2 explain the importance of research in daily life
1.3 describe characteristics, processes, and ethics of research
1.4 differentiate quantitative from qualitative research
1.5 provide examples of research in areas of interest
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #1
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
little more than present information are essentially failing. Research is not just about finding
information no matter how difficult or impressive is the topic.
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
• demonstrate an understanding of research and its characteristics
• explain the importance of research in daily life
• describe the characteristics, processes, and ethics of research
• explore examples of research in various areas of interests
What is Research?
Research is “a systematic inquiry that explains or describes a phenomenon, predicts an
outcome, and poses questions for further studies. It involves looking into a phenomenon which
has not been investigated yet or is underexplored, gathering data to address and answer
problems, and reporting results to an audience. The two main purposes of research are to gather
evidence and to gain knowledge” (Barrot, 2018, p.3).
In this definition, you will notice that research goes beyond finding out something that
someone else knows – research means pushing forward the boundaries of human knowledge.
Research is an active task. It means doing something that will let you learn something that no one
else knows and then writing about it so you can tell others what you have discovered.
Since, we talked about how research is all about pushing forward the boundaries of
human knowledge, let us gain a deeper understanding of the concept of knowledge. Plato, a
philosopher who lived a long time ago, defined knowledge as ‘true justified belief’. Plato’s
definition of knowledge can be presented graphically using the illustration below:
In other words:
• There are many beliefs which are not necessarily all true
• There are many truths, not all of which are known or believed
• Among those beliefs which are true only a subset has been discovered and verified
and it is this subset that counts as knowledge
Thus, using Plato’s definition, we cannot say we know something unless we can justify this by
presenting an incontrovertible evidence.
It is important to put into perspective that if research is about pushing forward the boundaries
of human knowledge it must mean that research involves: a) discovering new truths and b)
finding evidence to verify these truths.
Characteristics of Research
Research may be done inductively or deductively. Research is done inductively if it starts
with analyzing a phenomenon and ends with identifying its underlying principles, theories, or
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #1
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
processes. On the otherhand, the deductive approach begins with specifying hypotheses and
continues with verifying these through evidence or data.
Effective research possesses the following characteristics:
1. RESEARCH is recursive because it involves performing steps in a cyclical and non-linear way.
This means that you can go back to earlier stages of writing to ensure that your ideas are
aligned with one another.
2. RESEARCH is empirical because it is based on verifiable evidences, measurement,
observation, or experiences.
3. RESEARCH is logical because it is based on sound principles and systematic procedure.
4. RESEARCH requires higher-order thinking skills. It involves interpreting data and drawing
conclusions from the gathered data.
5. RESEARCH is replicable. This means that it can be repeated by other researchers as long as its
methodology is sufficiently detailed.
6. RESEARCH is solution-oriented because it aims to address a particular problem.
7. RESEARCH is objective because it requires accurate recording of data through observation,
interviews, experiments, and other means. The researcher tries to avoid using any form of
subjective bias as this will invalidate the data and results.
8. RESEARCH is critical. The process of investigation must be foolproof and free from drawbacks
must be able to withstand critical scrutiny. ‘Critical’ in this context means ‘very important’ –
it does not mean criticize. Critical evaluation therefore means to judge the important aspects
of the work. Critical evaluation requires:
a) an evaluation of research methods
b) evaluating the discussion of results, and
c) evaluating the conclusions reached.
9. RESEARCH requires sufficient sources of data
Our world cannot advance without research. Its importance transcends even to the
smallest detail of our everyday lives. Research is critical to our economic, sociopolitical,
environmental, and medical development. Economically, research can be used in developing
human capital, new products, technology, and services. As a result, these can improve the quality
of life. In terms of sociopolitical development, research can provide information relevant to policy-
making and governance, as well as the improvement of relations among people. Research can
also help us better understand our culture and values, as well as those of others. From an
environmental perspective, research findings provide necessary information on how to attain
sustainable development without degrading our natural resources. Finally, there are research
studies that promote a better understanding of health issues and lead to advancements in medical
Furthermore, here are some important roles that research plays in various aspects of
human life.
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #1
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
operation and all the stakeholders of an institution or organization are at stake. Without
scientific basis, someone may be affected or may suffer.
2. Research is undertaken for the continuous development and further productivity in any
field. Simply, research is the result of advancing knowledge from the past.
3. Research helps develop tools for assessing effectiveness of any practice and
operation. This importance of research is observed in behavioral science,
physical science, and others as well.
4. Research helps develop tools for assessing effectiveness of any practice and operation.
Psychological tests, intelligence quotient tests, psychological assessments, scientific tools,
etc. are also products of research.
5. Research provides solutions to problems concerning almost all issues encountered in the
different areas of work. Some issues include the tardiness of employees, incentives given
to the staff, sportsmanship among school athletes, and implementation of a “clean and
green” program in school. This also applies to higher level problems.
6. Research impacts decision-making. It is a common mistake for people to make
decisions without solid information to back them up. It requires time, effort,
and sometimes money to gather the evidence needed for making a sound
We have discussed in the previous section how the goal of research is geared towards expanding
the boundaries of human knowledge. This also leads us to ask the question, “How could we arrive
by this knowledge?” The answer is, we came by this knowledge by following a process of scientific
discovery – commonly called research.
As STEM students you are all familiar with the concept of scientific method. This is a process which
outlines several steps to explain, predict, and/or control a phenomenon. In the table below, a
simplified version of the scientific method to help you recall this concept.
Likewise, since research is described as a recursive and complex process, this means it also
involves a series of steps as outline below.
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #1
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
5. Gather Additional References
• FREE WRITING: randomly
write your research ideas
6. Write the Introduction and Literature Review on a sheet of paper.
• CLUSTERING: involves
generating ideas through
7. Plan the Research Methodology visuals.
• LISTING: involves
enumerating concepts
related to your topic.
8. Develop/Adopt/Modify your Research Instrument
Modify your Research Instrument CONDUCTING PRELIMINARY
• Consult updated and
9. Gather and Analyze Data
reliable sources such as
scholarly books and
10. Revisit and Revise the Introduction & Literary Review • Information you will get will
be useful in formulating
your thesis statement and
research questions.
11. Write the Results and Discussion
12. Write the Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations • THESIS STATEMENT: central
idea of your research
specific inquiries that you
13. Consolidate the paper and add a reference list would like to investigate on.
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #1
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
14. Disseminating Paper Findings
• Use it as a guide in gathering
additional references
In his research class, Dane submitted to Teacher Joy a research paper on the music
preferences of teenagers. This was how Dane wrote his paper. First, he went to the gym
and interviewed students without telling them that he was conducting a research. Third, for
other sources, he only directly quoted information from them without analyzing it. Lastly
Dane only crammed his paper in a week. After Teacher Joy read Dane’s paper, she called
him and returned his work commenting, “This is not a research paper.”
the failed
scenario presented above,
to acknowledge there are
the sources he plenty
used inofhis
things that went wrong with Dane’s
work. In general, he failed to follow the rules in writing a research paper. Like him, it is possible
that you might overlooked some important rules in research writing, especially if you lack the
awareness of what is research ethics.
Fifth, he added personal comments without any supporting evidence from other
Research ethics refers to the moral principles and code of conduct that define what good
and acceptable research practice is. When conducting research, you have to conform to ethical
standards to uphold integrity and maintain the good reputation of your name and your school.
The goal of ethics in research is to ensure that no one is harmed or suffered adverse consequences
from research
Second, activities.
he merely Below arethe
summarized some of the
articles ethical
related tostandards thatincorporated
his study and you need to comply
them with.
into hisResearch
General paper. Practice:
1. BE OBJECTIVE IN YOUR RESEARCH. Do not let your personal biases cloud your judgment
2. DISCLOSURE. Discuss any potential conflict of interest.
1. Inform and ask permission from the people who will be the subject of your research. This can
be done by using an informed consent form, a document tha gives the participant information
regarding the study and ensures confidentiality of data.
Sample Informed Consent Form:
I willingly and fully agree to be a participant/respondent in the research on ____________ provided
that this participation will not harm me or intrude into my privacy for which I know the very
purpose of the research, and I promise to be true and honest in providing all necessary information,
without being forced and pressured to take part in the study.
______________________ ________________
Signed by Participant Date
Basic research does not mean ‘simple’ research. It is sometimes called pure or theoretical
research and is research that is being done to understand fundamental principles or the
phenomena of a subject. In short, its primary aim is to expand knowledge and satisfy curiosity.
Hence, this type of research ahs no immediate application to the real world; however, one should
note that it can still fuel innovation and technological breakthrough.
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #1
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
Applied research on the other hand is very much focused on solving practical problems or
considering the practical application of theory. These cannot be studied without considering
issues to do with the implementation of the theory and are often therefore tested by
apply the theory to a specific problem or product.
Action research focuses on solving problems within the organization or community. Collection
and analysis of data is done to provide a solution to the practical, valued problems of researchers
within their own community or organizations. Findings from this type of research should be
interpreted with caution as they are intended for local and not universal applicability.
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #1
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
Although quantitative and qualitative studies can exist on their own, these two typically
complement each other. This means that the strength of one makes up for the limitations of the
other. For example, we could undertake research to develop more fuel efficient car engines
and we can take clear measurements to assess efficiency (e.g. we can measure the distance a
car can travel at a specified speed for a given quantity of fuel) – an aspect of quantitative research.
However, it is also equally important to get the perceptions of numerous people, in terms of
determining what makes a car engine more fuel efficient based on their experiences; this can be
addressed by conducting in-depth interviews with participants – a tool in qualitative research.
Writing a research paper is an opportunity to contribute to knowledge which may have an impact
on one aspect of a changing world.
Listed below are a collection of short videos that highlight practical examples of current research.
The passion of the researchers and the impact this research could have on changing our world is
evident in many of these videos.
Watch whichever videos are of interest to you (at least one video) – I would encourage you to
watch them all – and while doing so think about the researchers, who are intelligent passionate
human beings, and their vision for a changing world.
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #1
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
As mentioned above you don’t need to watch all of the videos and you can skip some areas of
interests and just proceed to watch videos under a category which you find interesting.
Astronomy Research
3. Large Hadron Collider at CERN Testing the Origins of Dark Matter (3 minutes).
4. Astronomers have discovered a ring system of enormous proportions, much larger and
heavier than the ring system of Saturn (2 minutes).
Business Research
1. Professor Miller discusses research being done to make tourism destinations more
sustainable and competitive and develop a system of tourism indicators (2 minutes).
2. Professor Dibben discusses research being done to support vulnerable workers (1 minute).
3. Professor Robinson discusses research being done to improve the way institutions are
managed in a responsible way (1 minute).
4. Professor Romero-Morales discusses research being done to help businesses manage big data
to make more informed decisions and improve customer satisfaction (4 minutes).
Computing Research
1. Professor Warwick, the world’s first human cyborg, discusses the impact cybernetic research
can have on patients with dementia or patients who are paralysed (7 minutes).
2. Staff from IBM research discuss ‘Watson’ a computer with stunning levels of human like
intelligence (6 mins).
3. Forward Thinking discusses research being done allow people to control computers with their
minds (4 minutes).
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #1
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
4. Professor Bethel discusses research being done to improve human-robotic interaction to help
humans in risky law enforcement situations (4 minutes).
5. In today’s world security is a critical subject and Dr Foo discusses research to enhance the
security of industrial control systems by protecting them against cyber attacks (2 minutes).
6. Dr. Cheung discusses research that aims to ensure online security without compromising
privacy (3 minutes).
7. Researchers combine virtual reality with gesture control devices to make more immersive
gaming environments (2 minutes).
Construction Research
1. Professor Cooper, Dr Paine and Dr Sharma discuss the use of bacteria to make self-healing
concrete (4 minutes).
2. Dr Buswell, Professor Austin and other scientists explore 3D Concrete Printing the
Future of Construction (3 minutes).
4. Associate Professor Kamat and other researchers explore the use of augmented reality to
improve construction safety (3 minutes).
Engineering Research
1. Professor Lin and her team discuss research to produce a more efficient method for making bio
fuels or other chemicals (3 minutes).
2. Professor Karnik discuss research in nanoscale fluid engineering that could produce
extremely cheap drinking water which and could save a million lives each year (4 minutes).
3. Professor Naito helps re-create tsunami debris impacts to establish new design standards and
building codes in the hope that, in the future, tsunamis will be less destructive (3 minutes).
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #1
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
1. Professor Richard Muller a global warming sceptic undertakes research to try and prove
that climate change is a hoax (5 minutes).
3. Researchers use flying lab to study the atmosphere and develop prediction models for
severe weather events to save lives (3 minutes).
4. Professor Alam and his team discuss renewable energy research which aims to convert
ocean wave power into useable energy (3 minutes).
6. Dr. O’Keefe, an Associate Professor, and Julie Meachen an assistant professor discuss
research that shows the link between climate warming and the evolution of Ice Age
predators (3 minutes).
Humanities Research
1. Professor Laurie discusses research being done to help understand society and how family’s
lives change (3 minutes)
2. Professor Slater tests virtual reality as a mechanism to tackle racism and implicit
human bias (3 minutes).
3. Professor Gentzkow discusses research on the impact of the internet on human beliefs
(1 minute).
4. Professor Warren discusses virtual reality crowd behaviour modelling to understand the
behaviour of individuals within the crowd (1 minute).
5. Dr Garvey discusses a seven-year project to find out more about the indigenous
Australian communities who lived more than 15,000 years ago (3 minutes).
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #1
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
Medical Research
2. Dr Goldstein discusses stem cells research, making the impossible possible (16 minutes).
3. A patient’s family discuss their involvement in a research project and explain the importance
of this for them and their daughter (4 minutes).
4. Dr. Parr discusses autism research and the use of virtual reality to treat patients (2 minutes).
5. Various researchers discuss work on smart medicines and tiny nanobots, built from human
DNA, to treat cancer (2 minutes).
6. Human brain research aims to provide a better understanding of brain disease and
personalised patient treatments (2 minutes).
Military Research
1. Dr. Glaz discusses research into carbon nanotubes to improve the structure of military
helicopters (2 minutes).
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #1
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
Reflect on what you have learned from this lesson by answering the following questions.
II. Determine what characteristics of research is being described in the given situations
below. Indicate your answers on the worksheet provided.
1. Rino’s research methodology was very detailed and inspired other researchers to
conduct the same study.
2. When writing the discussion section of his paper, Rino realized that he lacked additional
references. So, he reviewed and further polished his literature review.
3. Rino’s research is based on his observation that most students use Facebook merely for
entertainment and not for educational purposes.
4. Rino refrained from adding any personal comments during the reporting and
interpretation of data.
5. Rino provided transcripts from his interviews with 100 students to prove the validity of
his model.
6. Rino reviewed references available to him and excluded those that were not relevant to
his research.
7. After identifying his research questions and research design, Rino continued the
research process by collecting data.
8. Rino used as many references as possible as he completed his paper.
I. Sequence the following statements in order based on how research should be done
according to the discussed research process. Write your answer on the the worksheet
1. I developed a questionnaire as the tool for my data collection and asked experts for help
in validating it
2. I drafted my thesis statement and research questions.
3. I drafted the summary, conclusions, and recommendations of my study.
4. I polished my whole paper for submission.
5. I prepared a tentative outline for my paper.
6. I published my study in the school journal.
7. I reread my literature review so I can substantiate my discussion
8. I identified the students whom I will interview and the tool I will use in gathering the
9. I started gathering data using the questionnaire I developed.
10. I transcribed and analyzed the data that I collected.
11. I visited Google Scholar and downloaded papers similar to my own.
12. I visited other websites to get additional studies and articles about absenteeism.
13. I wrote the introduction and literature review of my paper
14. Since some students in our school have problems in their attend I decided to conduct a
study on the reasons behind the absenteeism of students.
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #1
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
II. Read the scenario again below, discussing how Dane conducted his research. Identify
what mistakes against the outlined ethics of research was committed. Discuss your
answes in not less than 5 sentences. Write your answer on the the worksheet
In his research class, Dane submitted to Teacher Joy a research paper on the music
preferences of teenagers. This was how Dane wrote his paper. First, he went to the gym
and interviewed students without telling them that he was conducting a research. Third,
for other sources, he only directly quoted information from them without analyzing it.
Lastly Dane only crammed his paper in a week. After Teacher Joy read Dane’s paper, she
called him and returned his work commenting, “This is not a research paper.”
Dan#3failed to acknowledge the sources he used in his paper.
I. Consider the following problems, and categorize them as BASIC RESEARCH, APPLIED
RESEARCH, OR ACTION RESEARCH. Write your answer on the the worksheet provided.
Understanding the laws
he added personal of physicswithout
comments that govern the behaviour
any supporting of black
evidence holes.
from other
Developing new materials, stronger and lighter, to make cheaper rockets that can
transport humans to the moon.
3. Examining the interaction between socio-economic status and career choices of fresh
College graduates
he merelythesummarized
effectiveness ofarticles
the the “Bully Me Not”
related to hisCampaign
study andinincorporated
Lowering the
incidence of bullying
them into his paper. among the grade school pupils of St. Mark Academy.
5. The Effects of Problem-Based Approach on developing the critical thinking skills of
College students.
II. Consider the following research topics and categorize them as QUANTITATIVE
RESEARCH or QUALITATIVE RESEARCH. Write your answer on the the worksheet
1. The Relationship Between Obesity and the Length of TV Viewing among Filipino Women
2. The Effects of Online Data Management on Government Efficiency
3. Domestic Abuse Experiences of Filipino Women
4. Being Obese in Today’s World: The Lived Experiences of Obese Women in the
5. What is the relationship between National Achievement Test scores and freshmen
III. Among the various areas of interests in research, what area do you find most
interesting? Explain why. Discuss your answers in at least 5 sentences. Write your
answer on the the worksheet provided.
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #1
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
II. Determine what characteristics of research is being described in the given situations
below. Indicate your answers on the worksheet provided.
1. _________________________________________
2. _________________________________________
3. _________________________________________
4. _________________________________________
5. _________________________________________
6. _________________________________________
7. _________________________________________
8. _________________________________________
I. Sequence the following statements in order based on how research should be done
according to the discussed research process. Write your answer on the the worksheet
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________________________
11. ___________________________________________________________________________
12. ___________________________________________________________________________
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #1
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
13. ___________________________________________________________________________
14. ___________________________________________________________________________
II. Read the scenario again below, discussing how Dane conducted his research. Identify
what mistakes against the outlined ethics of research was committed. Discuss your
answes in not less than 5 sentences. Write your answer on the the worksheet provided.
II. Consider the following research topics and categorize them as QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH
or QUALITATIVE RESEARCH. Write your answer on the the worksheet provided.
1. _________________________________________
2. _________________________________________
3. _________________________________________
4. _________________________________________
5. _________________________________________
III. Among the various areas of interests in research, what area do you find most
interesting? Explain why. Discuss your answers in at least 5 sentences. Write your
answer on the the worksheet provided.
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #1
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT
Barrot, J. S. (2018). Practical Research 1 For Senior High School. C & E Publishing Inc.:
Quezon City, Philippines
Kendal, S. (2015). How to Write a Research Paper. Simon Kendal & ISBN
NOTE: When submitting your Learning Packets, return only the following:
1. The Cover Page of your Learning Packet (with necessary information filled out)
2. Worksheet with answers
Practical Research 1
Learning Packet #1
Cathy Joy C. Pagunsaran, LPT