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Đà Nẵng, năm 2014




1.1. Present Simple Tense 1

1.2. Past Simple Tense 5
1.3. Future Simple Tense 8
1.4. Present Progressive Tense & Past Progressive Tense 11
1.5. Present Perfect Tense 17


2.1. Functions of a Noun 25

2.2. Noun Suffixes 26
2.3. Positions of a Noun 27
2.4. Types of Nouns 28
2.5. Some and Any + Nouns 29


3.1. Overview/Gist Questions 30

3.2. Information Questions 36
3.3. NOT/TRUE Questions 42
3.4. Inference Questions 48
3.5. Synonym Questions

Reference books 54
Present Simple Tense

The present simple tense is used to describe a habitual action, a general truth, or an existing
state at present.

The present simple tense is formed by using the bare infinitive, but if the subject is the third
singular person, -s/-(i)es must be added to the verb. The verb be is conjugated as am/is/are
depending on the subject.

They/start/their work/at 9 in the morning. (A habitual action)

Mr. Parker / is/ busy/ now. (A state at present)

The present simple tense expressing a future event

1. When referring to schedules (of films, events, matches, means of transportation, etc.), we
mostly use the present simple tense.

According to this schedule, the presentation starts at 7.

The workshop ends in an hour.

2. In adverb clauses of time (starting with when, before, etc.) and first conditional clauses
(starting with if), we also use the present simple tense.

Before you submit it, you should check it once again. (will submit: x)
If they complete the project tomorrow, they will have a party. (will complete: x)

I. Complete the following sentences with the present simple tense of the verbs given in

1. (get) He always ___gets_________ to work at 8 o’clock.

2. (work) They __work__________ as consultants
3. (go) The manager ___goes_________ on a business trip every month.
4. (reviews) When she ____________ the report, she will bring it to you.
5 (starts) My company’s Christmas party ____________ at 9 tonight.
6. (be) An analysis report on the stock market ___is_________ on your desk.

II. Complete the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. The sales meeting usually ____________ at 5.

A. begins B. begin C. beginning D. will begin
2. If he ____________ the team, we will start the project right away. = RIGHT NOW
A. join B. joins C. joined D. will join

I. Use the correct form of the verbs in the blanket
1) Anne _______my questions. (not/to answer)
2) ______they ______ tomatoes in this shop? (to sell)
3) This girl _______ trousers at school. (not/to wear)
4) _______ Mr Barker _________ Physics? (to teach)
5) The guinea pigs ________ under the desk. (not/to hide)
6) ________ Ken often __________ the school bus? (to miss)
7) The poster ________ on the wall anymore. (not/to hang)
8) _________ for the tickets? (you/to pay)
9) The boys __________ stones. (not/to throw)
10) ________ the bells of your church still __________? (to ring)

II. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence

1 - He ____ lemonade with milk at all.

A. don't like B. doesn't like

C. doesn't likes D. don't likes

2 - My dog ___ a lot of food when he's hungry.

A. don't eat B. doesn't eats
C. eat D. eats

3 - My brother's daughter ___ to a good school.

A. go B. goes
C. going D. don't go

4 - John ___ a lot of English movies in his free time.

A. watch B. watches
C. don't watch D. doesn't watches

5 - It _____ sense.
A. don't make B. doesn't makes
C. doesn't make D. don't makes

6 - I _____ as a manager of the restaurant.

A. work B. works
C. workes D. doesn't work

7 - You _____ to do it.

A. don't have B. doesn't has
C. doesn't have D. don't has

8 - She ____ any brothers.

A. doesn't has B. don't has
C. don't have D. doesn't have

9 - The flight from Da nang to Ho Chi Minh city _____ an hour.

A. take B. takes
C. taking D. taken

10 - I _____ to do my homework after school.

A. want B. wants
C. wanting D. wanted
11 - Peggy sometimes ____ to his relatives by bus.

A. come B. comes
C. coming D. comeing

12 - She ____ how to use the laptop.

A. don't know B. doesn't knows

C. doesn't know D. don't knows

13 - She ____ her ht to study well.

A. try B. trys
C. tryes D. tries

14 - They _____ football every weekend.

A. play B. plays
C. playes D. playing

15 - The exam on TOEIC _____ two hours.

A. last B. lastes
C. lasts D. lasting

Past Simple Tense

The past simple tense is used to describe an action, an event, or a condition that happened in
the past, sometime before the moment of speaking.

For regular verbs, it is formed by adding –(e)d to the bare infinitive.

I / received / your order sheet. (An action happened before the time of speaking)
The price / went up. (Go is an irregular verb.)

Common irregular verbs

Present Past Present Past Present Past Present Past

go went make made leave left give gave
Take took cut cut write wrote quit quit

Common expressions used in the past simple tense

Below are adverbs and phrases which are commonly used in the past simple tense.

Yesterday The audit ended yesterday

Number + day(s)/week(s)/month(s)/year(s) Thomas quit his job three months ago
+ ago, last + night/week/year He left the company last year

I. Complete the following sentences with the past simple tense of the verbs given in
1. (work) I ___________ all night long yesterday.
2. (give) The president ___________ a speech yesterday.
3. (close) They ___________ the deal.
4. (like) The executive board ___________ my suggestion.
5. (write) I ___________ a letter of complaint last month.
6. (start) The firm ___________ looking for workers three months ago.
II. Look at the hints printed in bold and choose the correct option to complete each
1. My boss ___________ on a business trip last Friday.
A. go B. went C. goes D. going

2. Last week, he successfully ___________ the project.

A. finishes B. finish C. finished D. will finish

I. Write the past forms of the irregular verbs.

Infinitive Simple Past

1. Meet
2. Drive
3. Speak
4. Put
5. Write
6. Sing
7. Do
8. Sit
9. Stand
10. Run

II. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence

1. Mozart ___________ more than 600 pieces of music.

   A. writes B. wrote

   C. write D. was wrote

2. We ___________ David in town a few days ago.

   A. didn't see B. was saw
   C. didn't saw D. seen

3. She ___________ too much chocolate one hour ago.

   A. didn't eated B. didn't ated
   C. didn't ate D. didn't eat

4. Who ___________ the match last 2 weeks?

   A. wan B. wun
   C. won D. winned

5. ___________ Tom ________ to the cinema three times last week?

   A. was/ go B. was/ went
   C. did/ go 1D. did/ goed

6. I __________ a lot of money yesterday. I __________ an expensive dress.

   A. spend / buy B. spent / buy

   C. spent / bought D. was spent / bought

7. It was cold, so I _____________ the window.

   A. shut B. was shut
   C. am shut D. shutted
8. What __________ you _________ last weekend?
   A. were / do B. did / did
   C. did / do D. do / did

9. He _________ very fast in the race this morning.

   A. ran B. run
   C. runs D. runned

10. She _________ the newspaper on the train when she came back from her trip.
    A. read B. readed
    C. red D. reads

Future Simple Tense

The future simple tense is used to express an action that will happen after the moment of

The structure of the future simple tense is will + bare infinitive.

Note that the structure be going to + bare infinitive is used to express a prediction or a
future plan.

They / will begin / the project.

He / is going to sign / the contract.

 Common expressions used in the future simple tense

Tomorrow He is going to attend the seminar tomorrow.

Next + week / month / year The price is going to increase next year.
In + duration The meeting will end in a few minutes.

I. Choose the correct option given in brackets to complete each sentence:

1. The show (began / will begin) tomorrow.

2. The president (is going to retire / will to retire) next year.
3. He (is going to join / are going to joining) the marketing team next month.
4. He (is going to visited / will visit) the L.A branch in a few hours.
5. At this rate, Luke is going to (completed / complete) the project next week.
6. The engineer (will drop / are going to dropping) by your office next Friday.

B. Look at the hints printed in bold and choose the correct option to complete each

1. Helen is going to ________________ A &T Communications next week.

A leave B to leave C left D will leave

2. Hopefully, the package ________________ in a few days.

A arrive B arrived C will arrive D arriving

I. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence

1. You __________ (have) an excellent job.

won’t haves
will has
will have

2. Paul __________ (win) a fortune.

won’t wins
will won
’ll win

3. Everything __________ (be) perfect.

will been
’ll be
won’t been

4. They __________ (not have) any problems.

won’t have
won’t has
won’t haves
5. _____ he ________ (become) a smart man?
Will/ became
Will/ become
’ll/ become

II. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence

1. What __________ when you leave university?" "I want to go back to London."

A. do you do B. are you going to do

C. will you doing D. will you do

2.  If the plane takes off late, my colleague __________ her workshop.

A. am missing B. will miss

C. am going to missing D. will be missing

3.  It's half past eight and it takes twenty minutes to get to the station. My train leaves in
fifteen minutes. I __________.

A. am late B. am going to be late

C. was late D. will being late

4. I've had twenty replies to the invitations I sent out, so I know twenty people __________.

A. definitely come B. are definitely come

C. will definitely come D. are definitely going come
5. I'm sure you __________ a lot better after a good night's sleep.

A. feel B. are feeling

C. will feel D. will feeling

 6  "Oh no, I've spilt my wine." "Don't worry, __________ a cloth to wipe it up."

A. I get B. I'm getting

C. I'll get D. I'll be get

7. You ________________ and have 2 children!

A. will get married B. are going get married
C. getting married D. got married
8. I________________ another cup of coffee, please!
A. have B. will have
C. going to have D. had

9. Look at those clouds! It________________!

A. rain B. rains
C. will rain D. is going to rain

10. He ______________ hard to become a rock star!

A. go to practice B. is going to practice
C. will go to practice D. going to practice

The Present Progressive Tense & The Past Progressive Tense

The present progressive tense

The present progressive is used to describe an action, an event, or a condition that is

happening at present or at the moment of speaking, or to emphasize the continuing state of
an action, an event or a condition. It is occasionally used to indicate a future plan or event.

Its structure is am/is/are + bare infinitive + -ing.

The company / is recruiting / a few employees.
We / are conducting / research.
I / am meeting / my client / this evening.

The past progressive tense

The past progressive tense is used to talk about an action or a situation that lasted for some
time in the past and whose duration is unknown or unimportant.

Its structure is was/were + bare infinitive + -ing.

Mr. Kerr / was preparing / his speech.
They / were having / a sales meeting.

I. Choose the correct option given in brackets to complete each sentence.

1. I (am preparing / was preparing) a presentation at 9 last night.
2. The experts (discussing / are discussing) the master in detail.
3. The technicians (was fixing / were fixing) the computers.
4. The committee (is reviewing / be reviewing) his application form now.
5. Some of staff members (was participating / were participating) in the seminar.
6. They (had/ were having) a reception with their clients an hour ago.

II. Look at the hints printed in bold and choose the correct option to complete each

1 Sam __________ for a job, but there were not many.

A is looking B are looking C was looking D were looking

2 The executives _________ an argument at the moment.

A had B are having C were having D having

I. Change the verb into the correct form
I.I. Use present progressive tense
1. I _____________ (talk) on the phone at this moment.
2. They _____________ (help) the teacher right now.
3. We _____________ ( not bake) a chocolate cake at the moment.
4. Marta _____________ (drive), and Chris ______ (sleep).
5. ______ he __________ (work) on the new show now?

I.II. Use past progressive tense

1. They _____ (meet) with Smith and Co at exactly 2.35 pm yesterday.
2. Jason _____ (play) the piano at three o'clock yesterday afternoon.
3. What _____ (you do) when he arrived?
4. Tim _____ (study) German while they were studying French.
5. My cousin _____ (not have) a good time when I arrived.
6. _____ (she do) the housework when you telephoned?
II. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence

1. Michael_____________(run) at 7 a.m yesterday.

A. was runing B. were running

C. were run D. was running

2. Tina and Cindy_______________ (read) a newspaper at 2 p.m last week.

A. was read B. was reading

C. were readed D. were reading

3. While Karen ______________ (listen) to music, his younger brother was playing
soccer .

A. was listening B. was listened

C. were listening D. were listen

4. When Bill and Willy ____________ (play) computer games, it rained.

A. was played B. were playing

C. were plaing D. was playing

5. Barbara ____________ (decorate) a birthday cake at this time last week.

A. was decorateing B. was decorating

C. were decorated D. were decorateing

6. Kelly _______________ (sell) lemonade while her friends were selling apple juice.

A. was selling B. was sold

C. were selling D. were selled

7. David and Paul ______________ (make) a fire while their classmates were dancing.

A. was makeing B. were made

C. were making D. was making

8. Terry _____________ (not eat) a biscuit when his old mate came.

A. weren't eatting B. wasn't eaten

C. wasn't eating D. wasn't eatting

9. Mark _______________ (make) a phone call, the baby cried.

A. was makeing B. was making

C. were made D. were making

10. Kirk and Angelina ____________(sing) and_____________ (dance).

A. were singing, danceing B. were singing,dancing

C. was singging, dancing D. was singing,danceing

Present Perfect Tense

The present perfect tense is used to describe an action or state that began in the past and
continues to the present or has just been completed at the moment of speaking. It is often
used to suggest that a past action or state still has an effect upon the present.

It’s structure is have/has + past participle. This tense is usually accompanied by adverbs
or adverb phrases of time such as just, since, over the past year, for the past/last year, so
far, etc.

Uses of the Present Perfect Tense Examples

Expressing Describing an action that Johnson has worker for this

continuation began in the past and company for three years.
continues to the present
Expressing Describing an action that The accounting team has just
completion began in the past and has just finished the analysis.
been completed at present
Showing Describing a past action or The role of ream leader has changed
changes/results state which changes over the a lot over the past year.
time or still has an effect upon
the present
Expressing Describing an action that has I have visited the website to
Experiences taken place once or several download a new program before.
times from the past to the
present time.

I. Choose the correct option given in brackets to complete each sentence.

1. She (has just completed/ have just completed) the work.

2. Oil prices (increase / have increased) a lot for the past two years.
3. They (has already finalized/ have already finalized) the application.
4. We (visit / have visited) the city three times to attend conferences.
5. Pam International (increases / have increased) its workforce by 10 percent over the
last two years.
6. Since last summer, Daniel (has taken / took) three business trips Europe.

II. Look at the hint printed in bold and choose the correct option to complete each

1. Since last winter, they __________ financial difficulty

A. has experienced B. experienced
C. have experienced D. experiencing

2. Mr. Jackson __________ for the firm for ten years.

A. has worked B. have worked
C. works D. working

I. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence

1. Someone _______ my CD player.

A. have stole B. have stolen
C. has stole D. has stolen

2. _______ a teddy bear?

A. Have you ever seen B. Have you ever see

C. Has you ever seen D. Has you ever see
3. I _____ sky diving.

A. has never try B. never tried

C. have never try D. have never tried
4. He _______ hard recently at his job.

A. hasn't work B. haven't work

C. hasn't worked D. haven't worked
5. ______Bill ______ a new house?

A. Have/ just bought B. Have just/ bought

C. Has/ just bought D. Has just/ bought
6. That house _______ painted green for ten years.

A. have be B. have been

C. has be D. has been
7. _____ that bus _____ down since last week?

A. Have/ broke B. Have/ broken

C. Has/ broke D. Has/ broken
8. Susan ________ two pieces of cake so far.

A. have ate B. have eaten

C. has ate D. has eaten
9. I ____ three kilometers to get to work lately.

A. haven't rode B. haven't ridden

C. hasn't rode D. hasn't ridden
10. We ______ on the Glenmore river several times.
A. has sail B. has sailed
C. have sail D. have sailed


I. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1 We __________ for this seminar since last year.

  A. Wait
  B. Waited
  C. has waited
  D. have waited

2 I __________ my English a lot since the last seminar.

  A. Improve
  B. Improved
  C. have improved
  D. has improved

3 Which __________, this kind of seminar or computer based training?

  A. do you prefer
  B. did you prefer
  C. have you preferred
  D. has you preferred

4 __________ to one of these seminars?

  A. Do you ever come
  B. Did you ever come
  C. Have you ever come
  D. Has you ever come

5 No, but I __________ to a similar seminar in Europe last year.

  A. Go
  B. Went
  C. have gone
  D. has gone

6 __________ a lot at that seminar?

  A. Do you learn
  B. Did you learn
  C. Have you learnt
  D. Has you learnt
Not really, but I __________ many interesting people during that week in
  A. Meet
  B. Met
  C. have met
  D. has met

8 __________ this seminar until now?

  A. Do you take
  B. Did you take
  C. Have you taken
  D. Has you taken

9 No, but I __________ the introductory seminar last month.

  A. Try
  B. Tried
  C. have tried
  D. has tried

10 It was very good, but I __________ many things since then.

  A. Forget
  B. Forgot
  C. have forgotten
  D. has forgotten

II. Use the best choice to complete each sentence.

1. John __________ tennis once or twice a week.

A. is playing usually B. is usually playing
C. usually plays D. plays usually
2. Tom __________ his hand when he was cooking dinner.
A. burnt B. was burning
C. has burnt D. had burnt
3. Jim is away on holiday. He __________ to Spain.
A. is gone B. have been
C. has been D. was
4. Everything is going well. We __________any problems so far.
A. didn’t have B. don’t have
C. haven’t had D. hadn’t had
5. I think the weather __________ be nice later.
A. shall B. will
C. is going to D. can
6. Jane __________ just a few minutes ago.
A. left B. has left
C. leaves D. had left
7. Timpson __________ 13 films and I think her latest is the best.
A. made B. had made
C. has made D. was making
8. __________ Robert lately ?
A. Did you see B. Have you seen
C. Do you see D. Are you seeing
9. When I was a child, I __________the violin.
A. was playing B. am playing
C. played D. play
10. He __________ for the national team in 65 matches so far.
A. has played B. has been played
C. played D. is playing

Functions of a Noun

What is a noun?
A noun is a word used to name a person, place, thing, or an abstract idea.
E.g.: company, computer, puppy, Sam, the Republic of Korea, music, kindness, New Work,

Functions of a noun
In a sentence, a noun has one of the following functions:

Functions of a noun Examples

As a subject The seminar will end in a few minutes.
As an object of a verb I enjoyed his presentation.
As an object of a preposition There was a complaint from the customer.
As a complement Mr. Danes will become the next president.

I. Choose the correct noun in brackets for each sentence. Then, name its function.

1. The (meeting / meet) will be delayed. ____________

2. The event was a huge (success / succeed).__________
3. What we need now is your (cooperation / cooperate). _______
4. The (manager / manage) is not fulfilling his job. ________
5. We need to arrange a (gathering / gather). _________
6. My boss is satisfied with his (employ / employees). _____

II. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. Unfortunately, the Subject is out of order.

A. copier B. copy C. copying D. to copy
2. The R&D Department at Info Tech is looking for Object.
A. special B. specialize C. specializing D. specialists

delay huge cooperate
fulfill arrange be satisfied with

I. Find and underline every noun in the sentences. Then, name the function of noun
under each one.

1. The boss accepted your resignation.

2. You should talk to the boss about that issue.
3. He will become the boss of our company.
4. The class will finish at 5 o’clock.
5. He plays soccer everyday.

II. Name the function of noun underlined.

1. The children broke the window in the garage last night.

2. We are driving Elly to the store in the morning.
3. Usually Jason reads in the library.
4. The old courthouse became a shopping center.
5. For his birthday, Ralph made my brother a hat.
6. The boy’s mother is an engineer.
7. Do you have any money in the bank?
8. This evening, the president will read his speech to the public.
9. Monday remains the worst day of the week for me.
10. Last week, she went to the store with her husband.

Noun Suffixes

When a noun suffix is added to a verb or an adjective, a noun will be formed. Below are
some common noun suffixes.

Noun suffixes Examples Noun suffixes Examples

-ance /-ence /-ency importance -al propose-proposal
-ion/ -sion/ -tion decide- decision -sis analyze- analysis
/-ition/ -ation define- definition
-ment develop- -ness kind- kindness
-ty/ -ity/ -ety possible-possibility -ure fail- failure

Noun suffixes indicating occupations or people

When the suffix –ant, -or/-er, or –ee is added to a verb or an adjective, a noun which means
“a person who does an action” is formed:

-ant -or/ -er -ee

account- accountant supervise- supervisor employ- employee
participate- participant contribute- contributor train- trainee
apply- applicant contract- contractor interview- interviewee
assist- assistant interview- interviewer refuge- refugee

I. Choose the correct noun from the adjective or verb given.

1. significant: quan trọng -> (significance: tầm quan trọng/ significature)

2. fulfill: hoàn thành -> (fulfilltion/ fulfillment: sự hoàn thành)
3. invest : đầu tư -> (investition/ investment: sự đầu tư)
4. safe: an toàn -> (safety: sự an toàn/ safer)
5. arrive : đến -> (arrivence/ arrival: sư đến)
6. distribute: phân phối -> (distributor: nhà phân phối/ distributence)
7. conduct: hướng dẫn, chỉ đạo -> (conductor: người hướng dẫn/ conductant)
8. train: rèn luyện, huấn luyện -> (trainee: người tập sự/ trainment)
9. apply : xin việc -> (applicant: người xin việc, ứng cử viên/ applier)
10. supervise: giám sát, quản lý -> (superviser/ supervisor: người giám sát, quản lý)

II. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. _________ can get a brochure on the second floor.
A. To participate: tham gia B. Participate C. Participants
D. Participating

2. _________ in computer courses has increased for the past few years.
A. To enroll: đăng kí, ghi danh B. Enrollment C. Enrolls D. Enrolled

I. Make these adjectives or verbs become nouns using the above suffixes:


1. kind
2. Loyal
3. popular
4. Inform
5. Encourage
6. Appear
7. Agree
8. Happy
9. Treat
10. Honest

II. Choose the correct noun from the verb or adjective given

1. discuss: thảo luận

A. discussor B. discussant C. discussion: cuộc thảo luận

2. improve: cải thiện

A. improvance B. improval C. improvement: sự tiến bộ

3. govern: quản lý
A. governty B. government: chính phủ C. governer

4. organize: tổ chức
A. organizion B. organization: hiệp hội C. organizement

5. educate: giáo dục

A. education: sự/nền giáo dục B. educaty C. educatity
6. elect: bầu cử, lựa chọn
A. electal B. electness C. election: cuộc bầu cử

7. similar: tương tự, tương đồng

A. similarity : tính tương đồng B. similarence C. similarty

8. televise: phát sóng

A. televisis B. televisee C. television: ti vi

9. manage: quản lý
A. managety B. manager: người quản lý C. managence

10. arrange: sắp xếp

A. arrangement: sự sắp xếp B. arrangsis C. arrangency

III. Supply the correct word form for each gap.

1. _teaching_____ is a good career: nghề nghiệp. I want to be a _teacher____

2. That man is a famous ___ actor ____ in this country ().
3. He often writes stories. He is a ___________ writer.: nhà văn
4. We all believe in the ____ development ______ of our country ().
5. This stamp: tem thư __ collection : bộ sưu tập________ is valuable: có giá trị ()
6. Peter lost: thua the game because of his ______ carelessness: sự bất cẩn
7. He gave no __explanation_______ for his absence: sự vắng mặt
8. We didn't agree with his __ decision _________
9. She can't go to school because of her __________sickness: sự ốm đau
10. Don't leave the light on: đừng để điện sáng. It wastes: lãng phí __electricity: điện năng
Positions of a Noun

In a sentence, a noun is usually found after an article, an adjective, a possessive adjective, or a


Positions of a noun Example

After an indefinite article (a, an) or a I am looking for a chair. (Article +
definite article (the) noun)
After an adjective (nice, hard, etc,) It is not an effective way. (Adjective +
After a possessive adjective (my, his, her, James is my coworker. (Possessive
etc,) adjective + noun)
After a preposition (of, at, in, etc,) They offer a variety of services.
(Preposition + noun)

I. Look at the following sentences and place the nouns in brackets in the correct
position – (A), (B), (C), or (D).

A1. (applicant: ứng cử viên) The (A) is not (B) qualified (C) for (D) the job.
Be qualified : có đủ năng lực cho …..
B2. (supervisor: người giám sát, quản lý) (A) your (B) will inform: thông báo (C) you (D)
next week.
A3. (campaign: chiến dịch) An (A) aggressive: mạnh mẽ, có nội lực (B) will (C) be
effective: có hiệu quả (D).
D4. (renovations: sự nâng cấp, tu sửa, cải tạo) The (A) shop (B) is closed (C) for (D).
A5. (accountant: kế toán viên) An (A) experienced: có kinh nghiệm (B) will (C) be hired:
thuê, mướn, tuyển dụng (D) soon.
D6. (satisfaction: sự hài lòng, thỏa mãn) We will try (A) to solve: giải quyết your (B)
problem (C) to your (D).
II. Look at the hints printed in bold and choose the correct option to complete each
B1. An early ______ is required, especially: đặc biệt là…. in this kind of situation.: tình
huống, tình hình, bối cảnh
A. decide: quyết định B. decision: sự quyết định C. to decide D.

C2. We are looking for: tìm kiếm someone with two years of ______ in the marketing
field.: lĩnh vực
A. experiencing B to experience: đương đầu, gặp phải(verb) C. experience:kinh
nghiệm(noun) D. experienced: có kinh nghiêm (adjective)

I. Finding the nouns and point out their position

1. I like to look at funny clowns.

2. The game makes them excited.
3. He seems tired of books.
4. They make us proud of their achievement.
5. My uncle is riding a brown horse.

II. Quiz: Answer the following sentences

1. Find the nouns in the sentence and point out their positions.
His family is eager to move to a modern house
2. Place the noun in bracket in the correct position
They played beautiful in the party. (music)
3. Place the nouns in brackets in the correct blank
Her family (A) always (B) helps her with (C) her difficult (D). (tasks)
4. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence
The book provides general.................. on health.
A. inform B. informer C. informative D. information
5. Arrange the words in the correct order to make a meaningful sentence
her/ anxious about/ Jane / on/ grade/ the test/ is.
6. Complete the gap with the suitable noun
The research shows that these............ can cause big noise.
A. mechanic B. machines C. machinery D. a machine
7. Place the noun in bracket in the correct position
There is a very new in Da nang city. (bridge)
8. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence
You need to wear protective................at the construction site.
A. cloth B. clothe C. clothings D. clothing
9. Arrange the words in the correct order to make a meaningful sentence
laptop computer/ the/ a blue screen/ has.
10. Place the noun in bracket in the correct position
He…. practices…. with his….. every day…... (balls)
Types of Nouns

There are two types of nouns: countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

Countable nouns are people or things that can be counted. They include common nouns
(referring to a person or thing in a general sense, e.g. article, company, discount) and
collective nouns (naming a group of people or things, e.g. family, committee).

Uncountable nouns are people or things that cannot be counted. They include concrete
nouns (naming anything that you can perceive by your physical senses: touch, sight, taste,
hearing, or smell, e.g. air, salt), abstract nouns (opposite to concrete nouns, e.g. advice,
satisfaction, diligence), and proper nouns (naming a specific person, place, or thing, e.g.
America, Monday, Mr. Johnson).

Countable nouns are used in the structures a/ an/ the + singular noun and (the +) plural
Uncountable nouns cannot follow the article a/ an and cannot be used in the plural form.
Its structure is (the +) singular noun.

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

An/ the office- (the) offices (the) information (o)- an information (x)- informations (x)
a/ the discount- the discounts (the) diligence (o)- a diligence (x)- diligences (x)

Confusing countable nouns and uncountable nouns

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
Purpose: mục đích Challenge: thách Machinery: máy Advice: lời khuyên
thức, khó khăn móc (từng thiết bị
riêng lẻ)
Attempt: nổ lực Agreement: hợp information Clothing: quần áo
Day: ngày Survey: bảng khảo Luggage: hành lý Furniture: đồ đạc,
sát vật dụng
Meeting: cuộc họp Problem: vấn đề, Research: sự nghiên Equipment: trang
khó khăn cứu thiết bị
I. Choose the correct noun in brackets for each sentence.
1. The book provides general (information/ informations) on health.
2. Your country should sign (agreement/ an agreement).
3. My boss is always late for (meeting/ meetings).
4. You cannot carry a lot of (luggages/ luggage).

II. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. You need to wear protective ______ at the construction site.

A. cloth B. clothe C. clothings D. clothing

2. The research shows that this _____ can cause big noise problems.
A. some machineries B. machineries C. machinery D. a machinery

I. Decide whether these nouns are countable (C) or uncountable (U)
1. The children are playing in the garden.                                           
2. I don't like milk.                                          
3. I prefer tea.                                          
4. Scientists say that the environment is threatened by pollution.                                     
5. My mother uses butter to prepare cakes.                                          
6. There are a lot of windows in our classroom.                                          
7. We need some glue to fix this vase.                                          
8. The waiters in this restaurant are very professional.                                          
9. My father drinks two big glasses of water every morning.                                          
10. The bread my mother prepares is delicious.                                          
11. Drivers must be careful; the road is slippery.                                          
12. Some policemen are organizing road traffic to avoid any accidents.                             
13. I bought three bottles of mineral water for our picnic.                                          
14. I'd like some juice please!                                          
15. Successful candidates will join the camp later this year. 

II. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. He did not give me _____.
A. much informations
B. much information
C. many informations
D. many information

2. They don't have _____ in their new house.

A. many furniture
B. many furnitures
C. much furniture
D. much furnitures

3. I do not have _____.

A. much breads
B. much bread
C. many breads
D. many bread

4. I haven't got _____.

A. many times
B. many time
C. much time
D. much times

5. He hasn't got _____ about economics.

A. many knowledge
B. many knowledges
C. much knowledge
D. much knowledges

Some and Any + Noun

Some and any are quantifiers used to refer to an indefinite quantity. Some and any
have the following features:
1. Some and any come before a noun and function as an adjective indicating an
indefinite quantity.
Some and any + NOUN
Ex: Some people complained about overtime work.
If you need any help, e-mail me.

2. Some and any can be used with both countable nouns and uncountable nouns.
Some and any + Countable nouns or Uncountable nouns
Ex: Some candidates were not present at the campaign event.
I need some advice from you.
You cannot use any services without my permission.

3. Some is mostly used in positive sentences, in offers,  requests, while any is used in
negative, question, and conditional sentences.
Some in positive, offers, requests
Any in negative, question, and conditional.
Ex: I have some questions to ask you.
Would you like some tea?  (an offer)
Could you give me some advice, please? (request)
I don’t have any questions.
If you have any problems, let me know.

I. Fill each gap with some or any.

1. __some____ companies make a lot of profits: đạt lợi nhuận in this economic situation
2. The manager doesn’t want to fire: sa thải ___any___employees next year.
3. Do you have __any____ concerns: sự quan tâm about your new job?
4. Our office needs __some____ equipment before we start a new project.
5. You should not touch : đụng, chạm vào__any____ furniture in this lobby: phòng thí
6. Mr. Norris found __some____mistakes: lỗi sai in the final report.

II. Look at the hints printed in bold and choose the correct option to complete each

1. The trainees: người thực tập, tập sự didn’t have _B_____ questions about the new
A. theirs B. any C. some D. a

2. The engineers reported that __B____ machinery has critical: đáng lên án, phê phán, chỉ
trích problems.
A. they B. some C. any D. a

I. Fill in Some or Any.
1. I’m going to buy ___some___ eggs. 
2. They didn’t make ___any___  mistake. 
3. I can’t pay. I haven't got _any_____ money. 
4. There aren’t __any____ shops in this part of the town. 
5. I’m thirsty: khát nước. Can I have __some____ water, please?
6. Have you got _any_____ brother or sister? 
7. There are  __some____ beautiful flowers in the garden. 
8. Are there ____any__ letters for me? 
9. I haven’t got ____any__ stamps but Ann has got __some____. 
10. Do you know _any_____ good hotels in London? 
11. Would you like _some_____ tea? 
12. Did you buy ___any___ rice? No, we don’t need __any____. 
13. We haven’t got __any____ bread, so I’m going out to buy __some____. 
14. During our holidays we visited __some____ very interesting places. 
15. I went out to buy __some____ milk but they didn’t have ____any__ in the shop.

II. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

A1. He is ___ social boy.
   A. a   B. an
   C. some   D. any

A2. I have ___ new umbrella.

   A. a    B. an
   C. some    D. any

C3. I have ___ apples in my bag.

   A. a    B. an
   C. some    D. any

A4. John doesn't have ___ dictionary.

   A. a    B. an
   C. some    D. any

D5. There aren't ___ eggs.

   A. a    B. an
   C. some    D. any

B6. That's ___ hour we've been waiting!

  A. a    B. an
  C. some    D. any
D7. Do you have ___ brothers and sisters?
   A. a    B. an
   C. some    D. any

A8. I bought ___ new car yesterday.

   A. a    B. an
   C. some    D. any

C9. There are ___ pens in that drawer.:ngăn kéo

  A. a    B. an
  C. some    D. any

A10. Do you have to wear ___ uniform at school?

   A. a     B. an
   C. some     D. any

Overview/ Gist Questions

In Part 7, overview/ gist questions are frequently tasted. These are the questions that
require readers to find out the main idea, the topic, or the purpose of a reading passage.

Questions Types

Questions about the main idea or purpose of a reading passage usually contain WH-
words such as What, Why together with topic, discuss, about, purpose, written, etc. Below
are some typical questions for the main idea/ purpose.

Topic: What is the main topic of this notice?

What does this article discuss?
What is this letter about?

Purpose: What is the purpose of the advertisement?

Why was this memorandum written?

Reading Strategy

Step 1: Read the question to identify whether it is an overview question

Questions which include topic, discuss, purpose, etc. are overview
Step 2: Locate the main idea/ purpose at the beginning of a reading passage
Find out the topic sentence showing the main idea or purpose of a
reading passage. The topic sentence usually appears at the beginning of a
reading passage and contains information to be developed later.

Step 3: Find out the correct answer

The correct answer is often the paraphrased topic sentence.

Strategy Application

The question below refers to the following memo.

Dear Mr. Hirosi,

We might probably reschedule the meeting this Thursday about company alliance. I
was unexpectedly requested to attend another project conference that I have been
conducting with my colleagues. Would you mind if our meeting would be held on
Monday, because I would like to spare time for the reports before the meeting? I
really apologize for the delay. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


What is the purpose of this memo?____ Step 1: Read the question to identify
whether it is an overview question
Step 2: Locate the topic sentence
(A) To assign tasks related to the meeting

(B) To change the meeting time ______ Step 3: Find out the correct answer, which
paraphrases the topic sentence

Analyzing: Step 1: Read the question. From the word purpose, it can be
inferred that the question is about the main idea/
purpose of the memo.

Step 2: The main idea/ purpose is often discussed at the

beginning; the topic sentence is therefore stated at the
beginning of the memo. The memo starts with "We
might probably reschedule the meeting this Thursday
about company alliance"; later, it explains the reason
more detail.

Step 3: The topic sentence is "We might probably reschedule

the meeting this Thursday about company alliance". So,
choice (B) To change the meeting time is the correct
answer. Reschedule the meeting is paraphrased as
change the meeting time.

Paraphrasing Practice: Practice paraphrasing the following sentences by

choosing the correct option.

01 The meeting was held as scheduled.

= The meeting………….as arranged.
(A) took place (B) took action

02 The hotel's safety devices are inspected once a year.

=…………safety checks are performed at the hotel.
(A) additional (B) annual

03 People entering the contest can win a new car.

= The……….for the contest is a new car.
(A) winner (B) prize

04 The purpose of this message is to notify you that we received the delivery.
= The point of this note is to………receipt of the shipment.
(A) acknowledge (B) attempt

05 It is illegal to transport more than four people in the taxi.

(A) The taxi is not big enough for more than four people.
(B) The maximum capacity for the taxi four people.

06 While the roads are under repair, access to certain districts will be restricted.
(A) Once the roadwork has been completed, access will be given to some vehicles.
(B) Some areas will be temporarily closed to vehicles until the repair has been completed.

07 Please bring this entire page to the bank when you apply for a loan.
(A) You must present this whole page of information to request a loan application.
(B) To apply for a loan, please submit a paper with your personal information.

08 This seminar is designed to teach students interviewing skills.

(A) The seminal is focused on public speaking.
(B) The seminal is intended to improve the communication abilities of students.


05 07
illegal apply
transport loan
maximum present
capacity application
06 submit
under repair 08
access focus
district public speaking
restrict intend
complete communication

Question 9 refers to the following letter.
The Lansdowne Community Center would like to thank you for your generous gift
of $1,000. As you Requested, your donation will be used to create an after- school
sports program for teenagers. Together with citizens like you, we have been
providing the neighborhood with excellent recreational program for the past 25
years. Your sponsorship enables us to offer many services and helps ensure a bright
future for our city.

09 Why was this letter written?

(A) To request donations for community programs

(B) To express gratitude to a donor for financial support
(C) To encourage sponsors to continue donating

Question 10 refers to the following advertisement.

The Conrad Regence Hotel is seeking a full- time chef to start November 1. We
would like him or her to join the kitchen team at our new location in Hong Kong.
Applicants must have graduated from a licensed culinary institute and have a strong
background in Chinese cuisine. A minimum of five years of experience in the field
is preferred. Applicants will also need to prepare several sample dishes for the final
interview. Salary and benefits are negotiable.

10 What is the purpose of this advertisement?

(A) To advertise the opening of a new branch

(B) To recruit cooks from China
(C) To announce a job opening


09 10 benefit
generous seek negotiable
donation applicant opening
neighborhood licensed recruit
sponsorship culinary
enable institute
ensure minimum
express field
gratitude preferred

Actual Questions:
Question 11 refers to the following memorandum

To: All staff

From: Brian Bean, Manager of the Human Resources Department
Subject: Regulations for leave of absence
I am pleased that we have fifty new employees this month. In light of this, it seems
like a good time to review the leave policy. Annual leave can be used for vacation
or personal reasons. Employees should request leave from their supervisor in
advance. Employees with fewer than three years of service receive seven days of
annual leave. Staff with three to fifteen years receive ten days. Employees who
have served fifteen or more years get thirteen days of annual leave.
If you need further information regarding this policy, please call me at extension

11 What is the memorandum mainly about?

(A) The hiring process

(B) The vacation policy
(C) The benefits package
(D) The new employees


11 policy regarding
human Resources department annual extension
regulation supervisor mainly
leave in advance hiring
leave of absence service process
in light of serve benefits package
Information questions

In Part 7, information questions beginning with What, Where, Who, When, Why, Which,
and How mainly focus on specific information in a reading passage.

Question types:

Information questions beginning with What, Where, Who, When, Why, Which,
and How ask about specific details in a reading passage. Here are some typical information

What: What is scheduled for April?

Where: Where was the conference first held?
Who: Who will be the new marketing director?
When: When will the training course take place?
Why: Why is Ms. Jones offered a discount?
Which: Which building was recently renovated?
How: How can tickets for the show be obtained?

Reading Strategy:

Step 1: Find out key word(s) in the question

Read the question and identify the key word(s) including the question word.
For instance, in the question What is scheduled for April?, April is the key
word and What is the question word.

Step 2: Locate key word(s) and hints for the answer in a reading passage
Look for the information in a reading passage that has been paraphrased or
that exactly states the key word(s) of the question. Hints for the correct
answer can be found around that part.

Step 3: Identify the correct answer that paraphrases or exactly states the hint
Choose the correct answer that paraphrases or exactly states the hint in the
reading passage.

Strategy Application:
The question below refers to the following memo.

To: All employees

As the company has severely been damaged by the spread of computer viruses and
hacker’s attacking the server, the company has decided to upgrade the protection
system. All employees are requested to install an anti-virus program which is
readily available on the company’s website. Additionally, you are encouraged to
change your computer password every Monday. With an attempt to protect the data
on your PC, we are looking forward to your cooperation.

How often should a password be changed?
Step 1: Find out key word(s) in the question

Step 2: Locate key word(s) and hints

(A) Once a week (B) Twice a month

Step 3: Choose the correct answer that paraphrases or exactly states the hint in the
reading passage

Step 1: Read the question and identify the key word password together with the
question word How often.

Step 2: In the passage, the key word password is located in line 6. Looking
around the key word, we can see the sentence you are encouraged to
change your computer password every Monday; thus, every Monday is
the hint that helps you choose the correct answer.

Step 3: The answer choice (A) Once a week is the paraphrase of every Monday;
then, (A) is the correct answer.

Paraphrasing Practice: Practice paraphrasing the following sentences by choosing the

correct option.

01 The manager has asked me to set up the workshop.

= The manager wanted me to………the event.
(A) settle (B) organize

02 The delivery charges to the customer should be kept to a minimum.

= Delivery should be as……as possible for our customers.
(A) inexpensive (B) convenient

03 The Fusion Café’s distinct dishes have made the restaurant famous in town.
= The……….menu at the restaurant is why it is so popular.
(A) main (B) unique

04 FIC Shipping designed a new system to trace where all of its packages are.
(A) location (B) destination


01 famous
set up popular
settle pain
organize unique
02 04
delivery trace
charge package
minimum keep track of
convenient location
03 destination

05 Conference fees are due along with the registration.

(A) The registration fee must be paid before the start of the conference.
(B) payment must be made at the time of registration.

06 The concert is open to the public, and people will receive seats in the order they
(A) The seats of the concert will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
(B) Advance reservations are required to arrange a seat for the concert.
07 At least one year of related experience is required for the position.
(A) Prior experience in a relevant field is necessary.
(B) Applicants who have a related educational background are preferred.

08 KitchenArt appliances have become popular because of their easy-to-grip handles.

(A) Customers find KitchenArt products convenient to hold.
(B) It is easy to keep our customers because they like our appliances.


05 advance
fee reservation
due arrange
along with 07
registration related
at the time of prior
06 Relevant
public 08
order appliance
assign easy-to-grip
on a first-come, first-served basis convenient

Practice: Question 9 refers to the following announcement.

Due to the growing number of participants in the Independent

Businesswomen’s Conference, the venue has been changed. In order to
accommodate the large group of attendees, we have moved the
meeting from the Moonlight Hotel to the banquet room at the Sunshine
Coast Hotel. The price for this event remains the same, and includes a
meal and entertainment following our guest speaker’s talk. Please note
that event will still start at 9:30 a.m.

09 What has been modified about the event?

(A) The ticket price
(B) The time
(C) The location

Question 10 refers to the following notice.

Customers will be given a refund if the product is returned with the price tag
still attached and the original sales receipt within fourteen days of purchase.
The refund will be made in cash regardless of the initial method of payment.
Customers may be asked to provide an explanation as to why they were
dissatisfied with their purchase. We may also request that customers fill out a
short survey.

10 How will refunds be made?

(A) In cash
(B) In the initial payment method
(C) In store credit


09 guest speaker method

participant modify explanation
venue 10 as to
accommodate refund fill out
attendee attach survey
remain regardless of
include initial

Actual Questions: Questions 11-12 refer to the following letter.

Carol Burton
320 Kemmons Drive
Louisville, Kentucky, 40218
Dear Ms Burton,
Thanks to our valued customers’ support and patronage, Morrison will mark
its 15th anniversary on July 2. To celebrate the anniversary, we are rewarding
loyal customers who have placed more than three orders this year. So, we
would like to present you with a 15 percent discount on all goods from our
catalog, available for 30 days from the date of this letter. The enclosed
summer catalog contains a new line of energy-efficient refrigerators and air
conditioners from Morrison Joskin Co.
If you have any questions, please call Customer Service at the number listed
on the last page of the catalog.
Sharon Kim
Sales Department Manager

11 How long is the special offer valid?

(A) Only on July 2
(B) A month
(C) Six weeks
(D) A year

12 What goods does the company sell?

(A) Clothing
(B) Vehicle
(C) Furniture
(D) Home appliances


11 place an order listed

valued available offer
12 enclosed valid
patronage contain appliance
anniversary energy-efficient
loyal customer



In part 7, NOT questions are those that require you to choose an answer that is not
stated, not mentioned, or not true according to a reading passage.

Question Types:

NOT/TRUE question usually contain the word NOT/mentioned/stated/true/say/included.

Here are some typical NOT/TRUE questions.

NOT: What is NOT mentioned as a requirement for this job?

What is NOT included in the tour package?

TRUE: What is stated about the Cox City Herald?

What is true about O’KIMs Restaurant?
What does the letter say about Mr. Raymond?

Reading Strategy:

Step 1: Find out key word(s) in the question

Read the question. In case of NOT questions, words or phrase following NOT
mentioned (as) are the key words. In case of TRUE questions, the key word(s)
often follow(s) stated or about.

For example, in the question What is NOT mentioned as a requirement for this
job? requirement can be considered as the key word because it directly follows
NOT mentioned as.

Step 2: Check each of the given answer choices based on a reading passage.
In a reading passage, find out a sentence that contains the key word(s) or
paraphrased key word(s) of the question. Then compare the information around
that sentence with each given answer choice. In case of NOT questions, leave
out options that are true, mentioned, or stated in a reading passage; however,
in case of TRUE questions, leave out options that are not mentioned in a reading

Step 3: Pick out the correct answer that is similar to or not similar to a reading passage.
After comparing with the reading passage, choose the option that is relevant in
meaning to the reading passage in case of NOT questions.

Strategy Application:

The question below refers to the following advertisement.

Welcome to FiveStar Hotel. With a system of 500 comfortable and fully-

equipped first-class rooms, together with excellent service and well-trained
staff in our hotel, you can enjoy your stay with beautiful scenery,
unforgettable experience and the best comfort life can offer. In addition,
with our high-ranking restaurant and experienced chefs, we will bring you
the most delicious dishes from all corners of the world. Besides, a deluxe
spa and fitness center will give you complete refreshment. Furthermore, we
provide facilities, which are suitable for all kinds of conferences, from the
small meeting rooms to the large assembly rooms for international
conferences. We are now offering a bonus mileage program in order to
bring special benefits to foreign customers and free shuttle buses at the
airport every hour.

What is NOT mentioned as a facility in the FiveStar Hotel?

Step 1: Find out key word(s) in the question

Step 2: Compare each answer choice with information in the reading passage

(A) A restaurant
(B) An international meeting room
(C) Free shuttle buses
(D) An indoor golf course

Step 3: Choose the correct answer that is not mentioned in the reading passage


Step 1: Read the question and decide that this is a NOT question based on the word
NOT. The key word is facility following NOT mentioned as.

Step 2: Compare the information around the sentence containing the key word facility or
paraphrased key word with each of the given answer choices. As (A) A restaurant, (B)
An international meeting room, and (C) Free shuttle buses can be found in the reading
passage, eliminate those answer choices.

Step 3: (D) An indoor golf course is NOT mentioned in the reading passage, so
(D) is the correct answer.

Paraphrasing Practice: Practice paraphrasing the following sentences by

choosing the correct option.

01 The machinery at our plant is too old for us to remain competitive.

= We have……… equipment compared to other companies.
(A) outdated (B) former

02 Yearly pay raises will be determined after the employee evaluations.

= Employees will be………before receiving salary increases.
(A) interviewed (B) assessed

03 The hotel announced that it will reopen its newly improved restaurant next
= The hotel will reopen its………facility in the coming month.
(A) innovative (B) renovated
04 According to last month’s report, the sales department reached its monthly sales
= The sales goal was………last month.
(A) met (B) connected


01 02 innovative
remain raise renovate
competitive determine 04
equipment evaluation according to
compare assess target
outdated 03 meet
former announce connect

05 Children under ten must be accompanied by a parent.

(A) Seven-year-old children will not be charged admission.
(B) Seven-year-old children will be admitted only if they are an adult.

06 Only candidates who have been selected to be interviewed for the position will be
(A) Not all of the job applicants will be interviewed.
(B) Candidates need to confirm the date and time of the interview.

07 The management has not found a suitable person to take over Mr. Watson’s
(A) The replacement for Mr. Watson has not been appointed yet.
(B) The appointment of Mr. Watson has not been confirmed yet.

08 Room service delivered my breakfast late five times during my six-day stay.
(A) I did not receive most of my morning meals on time.
(B) I received the wrong order five times during my stay.

05 position appoint
be accompanied by confirm appointment
charge 07 08 on time
admission suitable
admit take over
06 replacement

Practice: Question 9 refers to the following information.

In order to request a Royal Bank credit card, please fax the completed
application form along with me following information: proof of identity
(such as a copy of your driver’s li-cense, birth certificate, or social
security card) and a recent bank statement. Confirmation of your
application will be made by e-mail within two business days after all the
required documents have been received.

09 What is NOT required to apply for a credit card?

(A) A piece of identification
(B) A current financial statement
(C) Proof of employment

Question 10 refers to the following notice.

The Weldon University Library is open to all members of the university
and is accessible with an active university identification card. Members of
the local community may also use the university library system. For an
annual fee of $49, residents are allowed to borrow library materials when
they present their photo IDs. A charge of $1 per day will be imposed on
late returns to all users.

10 What is stated about the library’s policy?

(A) Use of the library is restricted to members of certain departments.
(B) People not connected to the university must pay for a membership.
(C) The library is open on all public holidays.


09 bank statement allow

complete confirmation material
application form financial impose
along with employment restrict
proof 10 connect
identity accessible
license active
certificate fee

Actual Questions: Questions 11-12 refer to the following information.

How to Choose a Web Host

What are some of the things you should look for when choosing a free
web host? As a renowned web-hosting provider, we would like to help
you to find a web host suitable for your needs.

First, if someone tries to access your site but finds that it is slow, he will
simply go down the list to find another site. Slow access is very
frustrating for visitors. Try out the host you are considering over a period
of time to check its speed.

Second, most free web hosts put advertising on your website. Some hosts
require you to place a banner on your pages, and others display a window
that pops up every time your site opens. Some hosts add an advertising
page, which takes up space on your site. Whichever method is used,
check to see if you are comfortable with the method. Please send an e-
mail to us at customer@excelweb.com if you need any further
information about free web hosting.

11 According to the information, what should be first considered when choosing

a free web host?
(A) The amount of the web space
(B) The advertising method
(C) The access speed
(D) The security

12 What is NOT mentioned as a way of web advertising?

(A) A banner
(B) A pop-up window
(C) An advertisement page
(D) An e-mail

11 consider take up
look for period method
12 require further
renowned place A on B amount
suitable display security
access pop up
simply add
try out

Inference questions

In Part 7, Inference questions about a reading passage ask you to draw a conclusion about
something which is not directly mentioned in the reading passage.

Question types
Inference questions usually include words like suggest, most likely, imply, probably.
Here are some typical inference questions.

Making an inference from What does the article suggest?

the whole reading passage: For whom is this notice most likely intended?

Making an inference from What is suggested about the Monte residents?

a specific detail: What does the e-mail imply about Tommy?
How will Eva probably respond to the memo?
Reading Strategy:

Step 1: Identify key word(s) in the question

Questions such as What does the article suggest? Do not contain any key
word(s); there-fore, you need to make an inference from the whole reading
In case an inference question requires you to draw a conclusion about (a) specific
detail(s), (a)key word(s) usually follow(s) the words suggested about, imply
about. For example, in What is suggested about the Monte residents? The key
words of the question are the Monte residents.

Step 2: Find hints for the answer choices

Hints to help choose the answer to an inference question related to the whole
reading passage can be found in the whole reading passage. With an inference
question related to a specific detail, locate part of the reading passage that
contains the key word(s), then find hints for the answer.

Step 3: Find the correct answer based on hints:

Choose the correct answer based on the hints found in the Step 2. Inference
should be based on the details started in the reading passage.

Strategy Application:
The question below refers to the following advertisement

Quick Papa Transportation Company is recruiting part time staff working from
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. every other Saturday. Since work relates to data input for
transportation documents, good computer skills are required. You will be paid 12
dollars per hour. We are looking for applicants who can work for more than three
months. Bonuses will be given for extra hours. If you are interested in the job,
please contact us at 479-2180.

Question: What is implied about requirements for the job?

Step 1: Indentify key word(s) in the question

Step 2: Find hints for the answer choices

(A) Using computers at work (B) Transporting computers

Step 3: Choose the answer based on hints

Step 1: Read the question and indentify this is an inference question based on the
word implied. The key word is requirements.
Step 2: Find hints for the answer choices in the reading passage containing the
key word requirements. As stated in the reading passage, good
computer skills is the job requirements.

Step 3: Make an inference based on hints for the correct answer good computer
skills. According to the reading passage, it can be inferred that (A) Using
computers at work is a requirement. Therefore, the correct answer is (A)

Paraphrasing Practice: Practice paraphrasing the following sentences by choosing the

correct option.

1 The contract must be signed by both the tenant and the landlord.

= The building owner and the renter both need to sign the rental………………

(A) agreement (B) allowance

2 Candidates for the summer internship must submit their applications by June 30.

= The application …………….. for the summer internship is June 30.

(A) deadline (B) acceptance

03 Sale prices are valid from this Friday until next Friday.
= The special discount offer is ……………. for one week.

(A) alternative (B) effective

04 Room service for a complimentary beverage is available until 10 p.m at Bluesky Inn.
=The hotel provides ………….. beverages until 10 p.m.

(A) fresh (B) free


01 02 03
contract candidate valid
tenant submit alternative
landlord application effective
renter deadline 04 complimentary
rental acceptance available

05. Workers must wear clothes that are suitable for the laboratory
A. Appropriate attire must be worn in the laboratory.
B. People are asked to wear comfortable clothes in th laboratory

06. Successful applicants should speak a minimum of three languages.

A. Candidate who speak three languages will succeed in the company
B. candidate with fluency in a variety of languages will be hired.

07. Emporio’s furniture is handcrafted and can be tailored to suit any office.
A. Emporio specicalizes in customized furnishings.
B. Emporio’s specialty is designing and decorating offices.

08. Jan pal’s latest film is better than his previous works form a technical perpective.
A. Jan Pal’s newest movie is more technically accomplished.
B. Jan Pal’s most recent release uses more complex technology.


05 07 release
suitable handcrafted complex
laboratory tailor
appropriate suit
attire customize
06 08
successful latest
succeed previous
fluency perspective
a variety of accomplished
05. suitable
06. successful
A variety of
07. handcrafted
08. latest
Question 9 refers to the following information

There is a ninety-day warranty on all of our telephones. If there is a defect

with any of our products, you can receive a free replacement as long as you
have the original receipt. However, machines damaged by improper use,
such as incorrect installation or water damage, are not covered by this
guarantee. To request a replacement, you must first e-mail us at the address
listed below. Once we have received the e-mail and the defective product,
we will send you a replacement at no charge.

09 For whom is this information most likely intended?

(A) Employees of the manufacturer
(B) Telephone technicians
(C) Purchasers of phone

Question 10 refers to the following memorandum.

I truly appreciate your taking my place at the conference in Las Vegas. I

have participated in the conference in the past and found the contacts I
made to be professionally reward-ing. All the travel arrangements are
prepared for you, including accommodations. Your flight, car rental, and
hotel have all been paid for in advance. If you have any extra business
expenses, please keep the receipts. You will be reimbursed.

10 What does the memo imply about the conference?

(A) It is a good place to form business relationships
(B) It will be held for the first time.
(C) It requires paying a registration fee.

09 guarantee rewarding
warranty defective accommodations
defect at no charge in advance
replacement intend expense
damage manufacturer reimburse
improper appreciate
installation participate

Actual Questions Questions 11-12 refer to the following notice.

Twenty-year Outstanding Service Award

The Missouri Literature Education Association (MLEA) is now accepting

nominations for its Twenty-year Outstanding Service Award. Each year, this award
is granted to educators who have devoted twenty years of their lives to teaching.
Nominees must have a minimum of twenty years of experience teaching literature
to qualify for the award. They should also be a current member of MLEA.

Members may nominate instructors who meet the requirements. In order to be

considered, the awards chairperson must receive your completed Outstanding
Service Award form by August 1. The awards chairperson will announce the
winner on October 1. The awards will be presented to award recipients at the
annual MLEA winter conference on December 15.

11 For whom is the notice most likely intended?

(A) Literature students in Missouri.
(B) The awards chairperson.
(C) Members of the association.
(D) The Missouri education board

12 What is implied in the notice?

(A) The association was founded twenty years ago.
(B) The chairperson is selected by teachers.
(C) The association runs on membership fees.
(D) The award has been presented in earlier years .


outstanding devote consider

award nominee present
association minimum recipient
accept qualify found
nomination current run

grant instructor
educator requirement

Synonym Questions

In Part 7, synonym questions ask you to choose the answer which is

synonymous with or similar in meaning to the one used in a reading

Question Types:
Here is a typical synonym question The word…..is closest in meaning to.
Example: The word “drew” in paragraph 1, line 4 is closest in meaning to

Reading Strategy:

Step 1: Read the question, then identify the word and its location in a reading passage
Read the question, then identify the word and locate it in a passage. For example,
with the question The word “drew” in paragraph 1, line 4 is closest in meaning to, we
can locate the word “drew” in line 4 of paragraph 1 in the reading passage.

Step 2: Identify the meaning of the word in context

Read the sentence containing the word carefully in order to understand its
meaning in context.

Step 3: Choose the synonym

Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to the word in the question.
Synonyms that do not fit the context are often used as distractors; therefore, the
answer should be both similar in meaning to the intended word and appropriate
in the context.

Strategy Application:

The question below refers to the following letter.

Dear Ms. Ralph,

I would like to congratulate on the grand opening of your company last September.
On November 3, under the sponsor of Trading Association, the 23 rd annual session of
the Trading Association will be held at the Crown Hotel. As this is the biggest annual
event of business community, many business leaders will attend, for example, last
year there were more than 3,000 people from in this annual session, please register as
soon as possible in order to improve your status and make chances to lengthen your
footsteps in the business world. Detailed information about the annual session is
available on the Trading Association website.

The word “footsteps” in line 9 is closest in meaning to

Step 1: Identify the word and its location

Step 2: Identify meaning of the word in context

(A) methods (B) range of activities

Step 3: Choose the synonym


Step 1: Identify the question type based on the phrase The word……closest in meaning
to, and the key word footsteps. The target word footsteps can be found in line 9
of the reading passage.

Step 2: Read the sentence that contains the word and try to figure out the meaning. The
phrase….make chances to lengthen your footsteps in the business world
means make chances to be known and expand the company’s range of activities.
Therefore, footsteps refers to range of activities.

Step 3: Choose the correct answer (B).

Paraphrasing Practice: Practice paraphrasing the following sentences by

choosing the correct option.

01 The study was interrupted because of a lack of money.
= The research was put on hold due to a shortage of………..
(A) wealth (B) funds

02 Regular maintenance can prolong the life of your equipment.

= inspecting equipment regularly can make it………longer.
(A) last (B) exist

03 The shopping mall will provide discounted children’s wear this weekend.
= The store will sell children’s wear at…..prices this weekend.
(A) reduced (B) cheap

04 We are excited about working with NeuTech to develop a word processing program.
= We look forward to…….with NeuTech on our joint software project.
(A) compromising (B) collaborating


01 02 03
interrupt maintenance provide
lack prolong wear
put on hold inspect 04
shortage last look forward to
wealth exist joint
fund compromise

05 A real estate agent must the contract in duplicate.

(A) Two copies of the contract are needed dealing with real estate.
(B) The signature of a real estate agent is needed when closing a contract.

06 Increasing health care costs impose a heavy burden on patients.

(A) Most patients are covered by medical insurance.
(B) Patients are put under pressure by rising medical expenses.

07 Tom McGuire helped open new locations for our company in the Asian market.
(A) Mr. McGuire has contributed to the expansion of our operations in Asia.
(B) To meet the market’s demands, Mr. McGuire extended the operation hours.
08 The hotel is popular with tourist because it is close to the shopping district.
(A) Guests like the hotel’s convenient access to shopping areas.
(B) Shopping is easy because of the hotel’s location in a shopping mall.


05 06 operation
real estate agent impose demand
prepare burden extend
in duplicate cover 08
deal insurance district
signature under pressure convenient
close a contract 07 access

Practice: Question 9 refers to the following memorandum.

This memo is to inform everyone that my office has been changed to Room
221, formerly Ms. Brown’s office. Ms. Brown has been approved for extended
vacation leave and will be away for six months. I am taking over her
responsibilities and office. My telephone number has also been changed, but
for the time being, calls made to my old number will be redirected to me by
the department secretary. In the future, please call me at extension 506.

09 In the memo, the word “leave” in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) departure
(B) absence
(C) removal

Question 10 refers to the following letter.

I am writing to thank Traveler’s Companion for its amazing service and the
superior quality of its products. Recently, I ordered several of your city guides to
help me plan a trip to Europe. After the prompt delivery, I found that your guide
books were even more useful and attractive than I had expected. They not only
cover all the famous tourist spots but also introduce some less popular places that
are worth visiting. 6
10 The word “cover” in line 4 is closest in meaning to
(A) protect
(B) hide
(C) include


09 for the time being prompt

inform extension cover
formerly departure tourist spot
approve absence worth + V-ing
extended removal protect
vacation leave 10 hide
take over superior
responsibility quality

Actual Questions: Questions 11-12 refers to the following notice.

Precautions for Laboratory Staff

Anyone entering a laboratory where infectious materials are handled or stored will
be subject to health risks. Employees are required to exercise caution to protect both
themselves and other whom their work might affect.
To prevent your clothing from becoming contaminated, always wear a protective
gown or coat in the laboratory. Never take personal items such as pens, pencils,
combs, cosmetics, or handbags into the laboratory. Leave them in the locker
provided for your use in the changing room.
If your equipment malfunctions or you spill materials that could be infectious,
report the incident to your supervisor at once. Do not attempt to do the
decontamination yourself if you are not sure the procedure.

11 The word “exercise” in paragraph 1, line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) train
(B) use
(C) adapt
(D) demand

12 What are employees expected to do if the equipment breaks down?
(A) Call the technical service center
(B) Decontaminate themselves
(C) Have an engineer look at it
(D) Report it to the supervisor


11 caution supervisor
precaution prevent A from + V-ing attempt
12 contaminate decontamination
infectious malfunction procedure
handle spill adapt
be subject to incident

1. ABC TOEIC, Park Hye Yeong & Jeong Ji Wong, NXB tổng hợp thành phố HCM
2. Hackers TOEIC, David Cho, NXB tổng hợp thành phố HCM
3. TOEIC Smart (red), NXB tổng hợp thành phố HCM, Công ty Nhân Trí Việt
4. Very Easy TOEIC, second edition, Anne Taylor & Garrett Byrne, NXB Trẻ
5. www.google.com

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