T&D 2021 - QUES.: Preventive & Social Medicine
T&D 2021 - QUES.: Preventive & Social Medicine
T&D 2021 - QUES.: Preventive & Social Medicine
1. Match the mortality indicators wrt their d. Describes the balance between incidence, mortality
denominator used : and recovery
A: CDR I: Total deaths
B: Age specific death rate II: Total cases 5. A new combined chemo & immune therapy
C: Proportional mortality III : Mid year regimen has been shown to significantly prolong
rate population survival in patients with metastatic melanoma but
D: Case fatality rate IV : Agewise population not curing. If widely implemented, which of the
changes in disease occurrence measures would you
a. A-I B-II C-III D-IV most expect?
b. A-I B-III C-II D-IV a. Incidence increases, prevalence increases
c. A-III B-IV C-I D-II b. Incidence decreases, prevalence decreases
d. A-IV B-II C-III D-I c. Incidence increases, prevalence decreases
d. Incidence doesn’t change, prevalence increases
2. Match the corresponding mortality indicators wrt
their use : 6. Dimensions included under HDI are all except :
a. Knowledge
1. To indicate burden of mortality b. Income
2. To compare mortality of two populations with c. Longevity
different age strucuture d. Lifestyle
3. To compare mortality between coal miners and
general population 7. Match the following indicators wrt their
a) 1: Proportional mortality rate , 2 : Standardised A: Population bed ratio I: Health Care Delivery
mortality ratio , 3: Age standardised death rates B: Bed turn over ratio II: Disability indicator
b) 1: Proportional mortality rate , 2 : Standardised C: Bed disability days III: Health Care
mortality ratio , 3: case fatality rate utilization
c) 1: Proportional mortality rate , 2 : Case fatality D: % GNP spent on IV: Health policy
rate , 3: Age standardised death rates health indicator
d) 1: Proportional mortality rate , 2 : Age
standardised death rates , 3:Standardised mortality a) A-I B-II C-III D-IV
ratio b) A-I B-III C-II D-IV
3.Which of the following is false regarding incidence : d) A-IV B-II C-III D-I
a) It measures Rate at which new cases are
occurring. 8. Match the following terms with their definitions
b) It represents risk of developing disease given below :
c) Used for etiological purpose 1) The time taken for 50% of patients to develop
d) Not useful to take action the disease following exposure
2) Time between exposure and maximum infectivity
4. Which of the following is true regarding 3) Gap between primary and secondary case
Prevalence of a disease:
a. Is the best measure of disease frequency in a. 1: serial interval 2: Generation time 3: Median
etiological studies incubation period
b. Can only be determined by a cohort study b. 2: serial interval 3: Generation time 1: Median
c. Is the number of new cases in a defined population incubation period
c. 3: serial interval 1: Generation time 2: Median c. 1: Point source 2: Propogated epidemics 3: Single
incubation period exposure
d. 3: serial interval 2: Generation time 1: Median d. 1: Propogated epidemics 2: Continuous source 3:
incubation period Single exposure
9. Which of the following is/are true statements : 13. Which of the following is true as per the table
1. Irregular and haphazard frequency of cases is : shown below :
Sporadic Ate the food Did not eat the food
2. Cyclical trend in measles is due to variation in : (exposed) (Not exposed)
Herd immunity Ill Well TOTAL Ill Well TOTAL
3. Breaking the chain of transmission is : eradication 25 25 50 20 60 80
a. A-I B-II C-III D-IV 25. Which of the following is/are true statements :
b. A-I B-III C-II D-IV 1. Temperature within deep freezer : -15 to -25
c. A-III B-IV C-I D-II degree
d. A-II B-I C-IV D-III 2. Catch up age for MR campaign : 9 month to 15 year
3. Polysaccharide vaccines are highly effective in less
21. Which of the following is true regarding than 2 years
administration of vaccines : a) 1,2,3
a. PCV : 0.5 ml , intramascular ,deltoid , 2 doses at 6 b) 1,2 only
and 14 weeks c) 1,3 only
b. fIPV : 0.1 ml, intramascular , right deltoid , 2 doses d) 3 only
at 6 and 14 weeks
a. Beta Carotene is protective in lung cancer 37. All the following are true in a randomized
b. Beta carotene is risk factor for lung cancer control trial (RCT) except :-
c. Beta carotene is neither protective nor a. Baseline characteristics of intervention are similar
carcinogenic in both arms
d. Beta carotene is carcionogenic. b. Investigator’s bias is minimized by double blinding
c. Results of attrition can be included in the analysis
33. The incidence of carcinoma cervix in women with d. Randomisation is done while selection subjects for
multiple sexual partners is 5 times the incidence seen
the study
in those with a single partner. Based on this, what is
the Proportionate attributable risk?
38. A Biotech company is studying a new vaccine for
a. 20% b. 40%
c. 50% d. 80% prevention of anal cancer. They recruited total 1000
study subjects by non-random sampling and then
34. Which of the following is/are false statements : randomized 500 of them into experimental group
1) Cohort studies are preferred for rare disease (receiving new vaccine shot) and rest into control
2) Odds ratio of 0.8 indicate no association group (not receiving vaccine shot). Of those who
3) Temporal association is proved in case control received the new vaccine, 10 got anal canal cancer
study and of those who didn’t get vaccine 50 got anal canal
a. 1,2,3 cancer. Which of the following is correct?
b. 1,2 only a) High external validity, low internal validity
c. 1,3 only b) Low external validity, low internal validity
d. 1 only c) High external validity, high internal validity
d) Low external validity, high internal validity
35. The systematic distortion of retrospective
studies that can be eliminated by a prospective 39. A new chemotherapy regimen used in patients
design is : with ovarian carcinoma is tested in a small clinical
(a) Confounding trial. Out of 50 patients treated with the new
(b) Effect modification regimen, 25 survive 5 years without relapse. Out of
(c)Recall bias 100 patients treated with the conventional regimen,
(d) Measurement bias
25 survive 5 years without relapse. How many
patients need to be treated with the new regimen as
36. A pharmaceutical company develops a new anti-
opposed to conventional regimen in order for 1 more
hypertensive drug. Samples of 24 hypertensive
patient to survive 5 years without relapse?
patients, randomly selected from a large population
of hypertensive people, are randomly divided into 2 a. 2
groups of 12. One group is given the new drug over a b. 4
period of 1 month; the other group is given a placebo c. 6
according to the same schedule. Neither the patients d. 8
nor the treating physician are aware of which
patients are in which group . At the end of the month, 40. Association of high altitude areas with goiter is
measurements are made of the patient’s blood example of :
pressures. This study- a. Causal association
(a) Is a randomized controlled clinical trial
b. Direct association
(b) Uses a crossover design
c. Temporal association
(c)Is a single blind experiment
d. Indirect association
(d) Is a retrospective study
51. Which of the following is/are true statements : c. Chemoprophylaxis is necessary in Bubonic plague
1: Secondary attack rate of chicken pox : 60% d. Yersinia pestis is category A bioterrorism agent
2: Efficacy of single dose of RA 27/3 vaccine : More
than 95% 57. Patients initially presented with symptoms of
3: Carrier:Case ratio in diphtheria is - 95:5 fevers, chills, cough, and myalgias, however,
a) 1,2,3 progressed to significant respiratory distress and
b) 1,2 only hemodynamic compromise. An early case-control
c) 2,3 only study identified exposure to rodent feces as a risk
d) 1 only factor for disease, thus a rodent-trapping operation
was initiated. The likely source of infection is :
a. Nipah virus
52. VDPV s are most commonly due to which
b. Hanta virus
component of OPV :
a. Type 1
d. COVID 19
b. Type 2
c. Type 3
58. Which of the following is a true statement
d. All of these
regarding emerging infections :
(a) Vector of Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever :
53. Rabies vaccine for pre-exposure prophylaxis is Trombiculid mite
given at : (b) Reservoir of Nipah : Birds
a. 0, 3, 7 days (c) Reservoir of MERS Corona virus: Camel
b. 0, 3, 7, 14 days (d) Vector for Zika transmission : Hard tick
c. 0, 3, 7, 14, 30 days
d. 0, 7, 21/28 days 59. Which of the following is correctly matched :
a. 99 DOTS : Online notification of TB cases.
54. Uses of chandler’s index for hookworm b. Nikshay : To improve treatment adherence
include all except : c. Daily regimen for new patients : 2 HRZE + 4 HRE
a. Assessment of endemicity d. Isoniazid preventive therapy: Used in all TB
b. Monitoring individual treatment patients.
c. Monitoring mass treatment of community
d. Comparison of worm load in different 60. Which of the following is correctly matched :
population (a) JSSK : Cash incentives for hospital delivery
(b) LaQshya: To promote exclusive breast feeding
55. Calculate the Annual Parasitic Incidence (API) (c) Maa: To improve labour room quality
for malaria per 1000 population for a rural subcentre (d) DAKSHATA: To train health care providers
population in plains where number of confirmed
cases were 100: 61. Which of the following is false regarding
a. 10 Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan
b. 100 (PMSMA) :
c. 20 (a) The free antenatal checkup will take place on 9th
d. 200 of every month.
(b) ANC will take place at government and private
hospitals and private clinics across the country.
56. All of the following statements about plague
(c) The scheme is applicable to the pregnant women
is false except :
in second or third trimester.
a. X.cheopis index should be more than 1.
(d) Green sticker on their MCP card indicates high
b. Pneumonic plague is the most common variety
blood pressure.
62. Which of the following is true regarding 67. Which of the following is false regarding targets
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) : under SDGs to be achieved by 2030:
a. To screen children for 40 diseases. (a) Reduce MMR to <70 per 1 lakh live births
b. Screening for children from 0-6 years only (b)Reduce NMR to 12 per 1000 live births
c. To screen for developmental delays (c) Reduce Under-5 mortality to 25 per 1000 live
d. PHC will be the referral centre after screening births
(d) To reduce premature mortality from NCDs by
63. Which of the following is true regarding the half.
sequence of strategies adopted for elimination of
Filariasis: 68. The specific goals for 2025 under the integrated
a. Transmission assessment survey ( TAS )--Mapping- Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of
-Mass drug administration (MDA) Pneumonia and Diarrhea (GAPPD) are all of the
b. Mapping -- TAS -- MDA following EXCEPT:
c. Mapping -- MDA -- TAS (a) Reduce mortality from pneumonia in children less
d. d. MDA -- Mapping – TAS than 5 years of age to fewer than 3 per 1000 live
64. A 32 year old truck driver is diagnosed as HIV (b) Reduce mortality from diarrhea in children less
positive and CD4 count is 650. Which of the following than 5 years of age to fewer than 1 per 1000 live
is true regarding his management: births
(a) No need of treatment since CD4 is more than 500 (c) Reduce the incidence of severe pneumonia by 90
(b) Start treatment with Zidovudine and Lamivudine
% in children less than 5 years of age compared to
(c) Start treatment immediately
2010 levels
(d) No need of treatment and repeat CD4 after 3
(d) Reduce incidence of severe diarrhea by 75 % in
children less than 5 years of age compared to 2010
65. Treatment for uncomplicated falciparum malaria
in second trimester pregnancy in north eastern states
69. The PEFR of group of 11 years old girls follow a
normal distribution with mean 300 1/min and
a. Artemether-lumefantrine
standard deviation 20 l/min. which of the following is
b. Artesunate-SP
true :
c. Chloroquine
a) About 95% of the girls have PEFR between 260
d. Mefloquine
and 340 l/min
b) About 5% of girls have PEFR below 260 l/min
66. Which of the following is true regarding National
Iron Plus Initiative (NIPI) : c) PEFR of all must be less than 340 l/min
a. Bi-weekly 20 mg elemental iron and 100 d) All of these
microgram (mcg) folic acid and weekly de-worming
for children of 6-59 months. 70. The incidence of malaria in an area is 20, 20, 50,
b. Bi-Weekly supplementation of 45 mg elemental 56, 60, 5000, 678, 898, 345, 456 which of these
iron and 400 mcg folic acid and biannual de-worming methods is the best to calculate the average
for children of 6 to 10 years. incidence?
c. Weekly dose of 60 mg elemental iron and 500 mcg a) arithmetic mean
folic acid with biannual de-worming in adolescents b) geometric mean
(10–19 years) c) median
d. All of these d) mode
71. Which of the following is a true statement : a. Outcome variable in the study is : use of antibiotics
(a) Higher the standard error lesser the width of b. Chi square test is used to analyse the statistical
confidence interval significance
(b) More the sample size : More the width of c. Degree of freedom for this table is 4
confidence interval d. All of these
(c) More the sample size: Lesser the width of
confidence interval 76. Which of the following is not true about
(d) All of these correlation?
a) It indicates degree of relationship between two
72. Which of the following is a false statement: quantitative variables
(a) Box-whisker plot is used to represent quartiles b) correlation coefficient of 1 mean that the two
(b) Inter-quartile range will cover 75% of values variables exhibit perfect linear relationship
(c) Median corresponds to second quartile c) correlation means causation
(d) The distance between Q1 and Q3 is not range d) causation implies correlation
73. Which of the following is a true statement: 77. The error of rejecting true null hypothesis is :
(a) Probability sampling will not ensure equal chance a) Type 1 error
of selection b) Type 2 error
(b) Sampling fraction is calculated in simple random c) Beta error
sampling d) Power
(c) Stratified random sampling ensures proper
representation of different subgroups proportion to
78. A prospective study is designed to assess the
it's size
association between arsenic and the risk of cancer.
(d) Snow ball sampling is a type of probability
Small studies conducted earlier suggest a possible
association. This study intends to find the significant
association. Which of the following is most important
74. Which tests are used in following situations : to not commit type 2 error ?
1-Compare mean weights between intervention vs a. Decrease type 1 error
placebo group
b. Increase sample size
2-Mean blood sugar levels were compared before and
c. Decrease sample size
after administering a new drug
d. Decrease Power of study
3-Association between obesity and diabetes
80. Which of the following is correctly matched (c) Softening of water is recommended when the
regarding adulterants : hardness exceeds 3 mEq / l
a. Ergotism: crotolaria seeds (d) Boiling can remove both temporary and
b. Endemic ascites : Argemone oil permanent hardness
c.Epidemic dropsy : claviceps pupura
d. None of these 86. Which of the following is a true statement:
(a) Silicosis is rare in mica miners
81. RDA of iodine during lactation as per new (b) Silicosis is not notifiable under factory act
guidelines : (c) 2% propionic acid is used in the control of
a. 200 microgram byssinosis
b. 220 microgram (d) Asbestos is used in the manufacture of fire proof
c. 250 microgram textiles
d. 280 microgram
87. Which of the following is true regarding the
82. Mission 25 by 2022 under Poshan abhiyan is management methods :
related to : (a) System analysis : Graphical plan of events to
a) Wasting complete the project .
b) Stunting (b) Work sampling : To choose the best solution out
c) PEM of available alternatives
d) Obesity (c) Network analysis : Systematic observation and
recording of activities at random intervals
83. Global hunger index considers all of the (d) None of these
following except :
(a) Proportion of undernourished population 88. Economic benefit of any programme compare
(b) Proportion of underweight children ( less than with cost of that programme and benefits are
5yrs ) expressed in monetary terms. This is-
(c) Child mortality a) Cost benefit analysis
(d) Maternal mortality b) Cost Effectiveness analysis
c) Cost carry forward analysis
84. Based on the given data , calculate IMR : d) None of these.
• Population : 10000
• CBR : 20 per 1000 89. Which of the following is a true statement
• Neonatal deaths : 10 regarding IPHS-2012 guidelines :
• Post neonatal deaths : 2 (a) 1 ophthalmologist should be there for 1 CHC
(b) Number of inpatient beds in PHC : 10 -12
a. 50 per 1000 live births (c) Health assistants are at PHC level
b. 60 per 1000 live births (d) Subcentre A conducts deliveries
c. 70 per 1000 live births
d. 80 per 1000 live births 90. Which of the following is correctly matched wrt.
Biomedical waste management guidelines :
85. Which of the following is true regarding a. Urine bag: Yellow
hardness of water : b. Metallic implants : White
(a) " Permanent hardness " is due to bicarbonates c. Metallic sharps : red
(b) Drinking water should be hard
d. Throat swab : Yellow
91. Identify the correctly matched set related to 94. Which of the following is true in the image
these guidelines : shown below regarding performance of diagnostic
A: SPIKES protocol I:Ethics in trial tests :
a. A<B<C
b. A>B>C
c. It is a ROC curve
d. Both b and c are true.
a. It is forest plot
b. Used for meta analysis 95. Shown below is hypothetical findings of a
c. All studies are showing significant finding screening test. Which of the following is true
d. All of these regarding the findings as per the image :
a) Ionising radiation
b) Non-Ionising radiation
c) Cytotoxic waste
d) Biomedical waste