NBS Guide To The Eurocodes
NBS Guide To The Eurocodes
NBS Guide To The Eurocodes
April 2011
Eurocode National Annexes include reference to a wide following Introduction to the Eurocodes articles, which
variety of Non Contradictory Complementary Information are available through the service:
(NCCI) drawn from a variety of sources, but mainly Part 1 – The basics
standards. Part 2 - ENs and National Standards
The following tables give an NCCI list currently in force Part 3 – Non-Contradictory Complementary Information
in the UK NAs, as of April 2011. It gives the Eurocode (NCCI)
number, NCCI, publisher, and where possible a link to Part 4 – Background documents
the document or details of its availability. At the foot of
each table this guide also gives the titles of suggested Note: the Steel Construction Institute documents in the
background reading, available through the service, for tables are available from the Access Steel website. The
each Eurocode. information is freely available to all registered users;
For a fuller guide to the Eurocodes, from the basics to registration is also free (http://www.steel-ncci.co.uk).
NCCIs and full background coverage, see also the
Background reading
Purkiss, J. A. Fire safety engineering - Design of structures. (2nd edition). Elsevier Press, 2007
Background reading
Purkiss, J. A. Fire safety engineering - Design of structures. (2nd edition). Elsevier Press, 2007
Background reading
Companion Document EN 1992-1-1: Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures - Part 1: General rules and rules
for buildings
The Companion Document seeks to identify and discuss; Differences between EN 1992-1-1 and BS 8110; Philosophical
similarities between EN 1992-1-1 and BS 8110; Changes in design principles; Process change/design impact; and
Application within the UK together with the BSI National Annex.
Purkiss, J. A. Fire safety engineering - Design of structures. (2nd edition). Elsevier Press, 2007
Guide to the design and construction of reinforced concrete flat slabs. Concrete Society, 2007.
Provides information and current best practice on the design and construction of reinforced concrete flat slabs in
accordance with Eurocode 2 and the National Structural Concrete Specification. [Availability details only]
Pike, D. et al. Manual for the design of concrete building structures to Eurocode 2. ISE, 2006.
Offers an introduction to the general principles including stability, robustness, movement joints, fire resistance and
durability. Covers the design principles of loads and limit states
Background reading
Plastic design of single-storey pitched-roof portal frames to Eurocode 3. SCI Report - P170, 1995.
Will enable those already familiar with portal frames to design structures that comply with Eurocode 3: Part 1.1. It is
intended, however, to be a discussion document to help engineers understand the implications of EC3 on the plastic
design of portal frames.
Design of steel portal frames for Europe. SCI Report - P164, 2001.
Provides guidance on the design of steel portal frame buildings to both the specifier and the designer. It is targeted at the
single-storey construction market in continental Europe, where there is considerable potential for increasing the use of
steel portals with steel intensive cladding systems.
Purkiss, J. A. Fire safety engineering - Design of structures. (2nd edition). Elsevier Press, 2007
Section properties and member resistances to Eurocode 3 (UB, UC and hollow sections). SCI Report – P158,
Presents tables for column and beam design to Eurocode 3: Part 1. 1. Design tables are presented for universal beams
and universal columns and for structural hollow sections. Explanatory notes are presented, giving the background to the
classification and the properties and resistances in the design tables.
Background reading
Purkiss, J. A. Fire safety engineering - Design of structures. (2nd edition). Elsevier Press, 2007
Background reading
Purkiss, J. A. Fire safety engineering - Design of structures. (2nd edition). Elsevier Press, 2007
Manual for the design of timber buildings structures to Eurocode 5. ISE, 2005.
Offers design guidance for structural timberwork in single-storey and medium-rise multi-storey buildings. Considers two
types of timber structure, open frame buildings and platform frame buildings with a maximum height of 18m to the finished
floor level of the top storey. Also considers the design aspects for roofs, floors and walls, flexural, tension and
compression members, diaphragms and flitch beams, mechanically fastened and glued connections and load duration,
service class, creep, durability and fire resistance.
Background reading
Design Handbook for EN 1996 - Design of Masonry Structures. DCLG, 2006.
Aims to highlight the differences between EN 1996 and the corresponding UK codes for designers.
Purkiss, J. A. Fire safety engineering - Design of structures. (2nd edition). Elsevier Press, 2007
Manual for the design of plain masonry in building structures to Eurocode 6. ISE, 2008.
Supports the design of structures to BS EN 1996 for construction in the UK; however, it limits its scope to building
structures that do not rely on bending in masonry for their overall stability. Covers; choice of structural form and materials,
general principles of limit state design for masonry walls and columns, design of load bearing and laterally loaded
masonry, details and construction, and design for fire.
Background reading
A Designer's Simple Guide to BS EN 1997. DCLG, 2006.
Introduces BS EN 1997-1 covering geotechnical design parameters, design calculations for foundations and retaining
structures, geotechnical design and construction matters.
The Observational Method in ground engineering: principles and applications. CIRIA Report R185, 1999.
Provides guidance on the use and management of the Observational Method; covering historical background, concepts,
technical and management considerations, and contractual implications. The method's practical application is considered
in more detail for tunnelling, excavation work, ground treatment, embankment and reclamation works, environmental
geotechnics and structures.
Background reading
No suggested background documents available through the service.
Background reading
Purkiss, J. A. Fire safety engineering - Design of structures. (2nd edition). Elsevier Press, 2007
April 2011
Michael Smith is a member of the CIS editorial team. He is a building and mechanical services specialist, chartered
information specialist (MCLIP) and chartered environmentalist (CEnv).
Ruth Wilkinson is a chartered information professional (MCLIP) and coordinator of the CIS editorial team.