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Landis+Gyr AMI Solution: Advanced Metering Infrastructure

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Advanced Metering Infrastructure


Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Landis+Gyr AMI Solution

System Description

Date: 20.02.2008
New Functionality: Multi Energy Support
© 2008 Landis+Gyr AG

D 000 027 080 a en

2/83 Revision history

Revision history

Index Date Comments

a 20.02.2008 First Edition

Copyright © 2005-2008, Landis+Gyr. All rights reserved.

Subject to change without notice.

Landis+Gyr AG
Feldstrasse 1
CH-6301 Zug
Phone: +41 41 935 6000

© Landis+Gyr AG D 000 027 080 a en – Landis+Gyr AMI Solution – System Description

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Table of Contents

1 General _______________________________________________________________ 8
1.1 Scope ___________________________________________________________________8
1.2 About this document _______________________________________________________8
1.3 Terminology______________________________________________________________9
1.4 List of abbreviations ______________________________________________________10
2 Introduction to the system solution _______________________________________ 11
2.1 Solution overview ________________________________________________________11
2.2 Description of the main components _________________________________________12
2.3 Summary of all solution components _________________________________________17
3 Key Processes ________________________________________________________ 19
3.1 Installation of New Concentrator ____________________________________________19
3.2 Installation of new PLC meter_______________________________________________19
3.2.1 Linking of the readout data to the utility serial number___________________________20
3.3 Install new GPRS meter ___________________________________________________20
3.4 Install new slave meters connected via the OCR module _________________________21
3.4.1 OCR module connected to wired M-bus _______________________________________21
3.4.2 OCR module connected via radio ____________________________________________22
3.5 Collection of meter data ___________________________________________________22
3.5.1 Periodic readout of billing values ____________________________________________23
3.5.2 Periodic readout of periodic consumption values ________________________________24
3.5.3 Periodic readout of event logs ______________________________________________24
3.5.4 Instantaneous meter reading _______________________________________________24
3.6 Network quality information ________________________________________________25
3.7 Disconnect/connect with disconnector ________________________________________25
3.8 Change of contract _______________________________________________________26
3.8.1 Download tariff change ____________________________________________________26
3.8.2 Download of load switching time ____________________________________________27
4 Communication _______________________________________________________ 28
4.1 Communication architecture ________________________________________________28
4.1.1 Use of PLC ______________________________________________________________29
4.2 Interoperability __________________________________________________________29
4.3 Applied communication standards ___________________________________________30
4.3.1 Common data models _____________________________________________________30
4.3.2 PLC____________________________________________________________________30
4.3.3 GPRS __________________________________________________________________31

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4.3.4 GSM __________________________________________________________________ 31

4.4 Communication reliability__________________________________________________ 31
4.4.1 Reliability on PLC network _________________________________________________ 31
4.5 Security issues __________________________________________________________ 32
4.5.1 Protection of personal customer data ________________________________________ 32
4.5.2 Central System level______________________________________________________ 32
4.5.3 Concentrator level _______________________________________________________ 32
4.5.4 Meter level _____________________________________________________________ 33
4.6 Data integrity ___________________________________________________________ 33
5 AIM Central System ____________________________________________________34
5.1 General functionality _____________________________________________________ 34
5.2 Data acquisition _________________________________________________________ 35
5.2.1 General ________________________________________________________________ 35
5.2.2 Task management _______________________________________________________ 35
5.2.3 Network management ____________________________________________________ 36
5.2.4 Manual acquisition _______________________________________________________ 37
5.2.5 Transaction logging ______________________________________________________ 39
5.3 Data validation __________________________________________________________ 39
5.4 Data processing _________________________________________________________ 42
5.4.1 Reports and calculation ___________________________________________________ 42
5.5 Data exchange __________________________________________________________ 42
5.5.1 Import device information _________________________________________________ 43
5.5.2 Export metering data _____________________________________________________ 43
5.5.3 Command input _________________________________________________________ 43
5.6 Scheduling _____________________________________________________________ 44
5.7 Basic configuration _______________________________________________________ 44
5.7.1 User definition, access rights, segments ______________________________________ 44
5.7.2 Meter/register configuration _______________________________________________ 44
5.7.3 Unique identification _____________________________________________________ 45
5.8 System platform _________________________________________________________ 46
5.8.1 Database ______________________________________________________________ 46
5.8.2 Operating system ________________________________________________________ 47
6 Data Concentrator______________________________________________________48
6.1 General ________________________________________________________________ 48
6.2 The Data Concentrator DC200______________________________________________ 48
6.2.1 DC200 as part of the AMR system___________________________________________ 49
6.2.2 Communication Options ___________________________________________________ 50
6.2.3 Communication interfaces to systems ________________________________________ 50

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6.2.4 Concentrator architecture __________________________________________________51

6.2.5 PLC architecture _________________________________________________________51
6.2.6 Mechanical Design________________________________________________________52
7 Electricity Metering Equipment___________________________________________ 55
7.1 Polyphase meter ZMF100AC ________________________________________________55
7.1.1 Meter configuration parameters _____________________________________________55
7.2 Single phase meter ZCF100AC ______________________________________________55
7.2.1 Meter configuration parameters _____________________________________________55
7.3 Disconnector ____________________________________________________________55
7.3.1 Safety requirements ______________________________________________________56
7.3.2 Electrical specification _____________________________________________________56
7.3.3 Environmental specification_________________________________________________56
7.3.4 Tamper protection________________________________________________________56
7.3.5 Functionality ____________________________________________________________56
7.4 Communication modules ___________________________________________________57
7.4.1 Metering registers ________________________________________________________57
7.4.2 Power quality registers ____________________________________________________58
7.4.3 Identification numbers ____________________________________________________58
7.4.4 Profiles _________________________________________________________________61
7.4.5 Switching table (for master meter only) _______________________________________62
7.4.6 Event logs (for master meter only)___________________________________________62
7.4.7 Quality of supply supervision (for master meter only) ____________________________63
7.4.8 Maximum demand/fuse supervision (for master meter only) ______________________65
7.4.9 Firmware download _______________________________________________________65
7.4.10 Interfaces ______________________________________________________________65
7.4.11 Error status _____________________________________________________________66
7.4.12 Disconnector status indicator _______________________________________________66
7.5 Specific features of the PLC communication module _____________________________67
7.5.1 PLC communication status indicators _________________________________________67
7.5.2 Power outages on the PLC module ___________________________________________67
7.5.3 Keeping system time synchronised for PLC module ______________________________69
7.5.4 Isolate part of the LV network for repair ______________________________________69
7.5.5 Switching part of the LV network to a different transformer _______________________69
7.6 Specific features of the GPRS/GSM communication module _______________________70
7.6.1 GPRS/GSM communication status indicators ___________________________________70
7.6.2 Power outages on the GSM/GPRS module _____________________________________71
7.6.3 Keeping system time synchronised for GSM/GPRS module ________________________71
8 Gas Metering Equipment ________________________________________________ 72

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8.1 Single Pipe Casework _____________________________________________________ 72

8.2 250mm Casework________________________________________________________ 73
8.3 Gas Smart Modules ______________________________________________________ 75
9 Inhome Display Unit (IHU) - ecoMeter ______________________________________76
9.1 Consumption indicators ___________________________________________________ 77
9.2 Default screens for electricity only___________________________________________ 77
9.3 Cost screens € __________________________________________________________ 78
9.4 Electricity screens________________________________________________________ 79
9.5 Gas screens ____________________________________________________________ 80
9.6 Eco screens ____________________________________________________________ 81
9.7 Message display _________________________________________________________ 82
10 Appendix: Communication Standards _____________________________________83

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8/83 General

1 General
1.1 Scope
Landis+Gyr provides a complete and modern end-to-end solution for
Advanced Metering Infrastructure projects. It has been designed to cater for
the special needs of liberalised energy markets and extends over the whole
value chain from the meter to the billing interface. It is also designed for
large-scale residential metering systems and provides all user friendly tools
you need for handling data for large numbers of customers.
The Landis+Gyr AMI solution revolutionises the traditional value chain of
the energy market and adds value to the utilities process for metering data
collection, supplier change, tariffication, meter management and energy
With this solution Landis+Gyr is not only addressing utilities acting in the
electricity market only, but also offers possibilities for integration of multi
energy metering in the gas, heat and water market.

1.2 About this document

This document describes the Landis+Gyr solution with key processes and
all major components involved for Advanced Metering Infrastructure.
New New functionalities are marked as new with the yellow sign.

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General 9/83

1.3 Terminology
Some terms used in this document have different meanings in the different
markets addressed by the system. The following list contains some of these

Term Similar Terms Meaning

Profile Interval data The contents of measurement registers (Energy or
Power) are periodically captured (typically at the full-
hour or at half-hour or at the quarter-hour) and stacked
in a “profile”. Each entry in this profile contains a time
stamp, a status word and several register contents.
Capture period Integration period, See above
Tariff Rate, TOU (time of use) According to the contract (tariff contract) between the
energy provider and the customer the energy is priced
differently over different time intervals (e.g. day tariff,
night tariff). For that purpose, the consumption is
measured in different registers (tariff registers). The
communication unit contains a tariff switching table
(schedule) which activates the different tariff registers
according to the tariff contract.
Tariff switching TOU table, tariff schedule, See above
table rate switching table
Daily Billing Daily values, billing values Typically rated registers which are captured and stored
Values daily at midnight in the daily values profile.
Periodic Hourly values, interval data Typically un-rated register values captured and stored
consumption periodically in the energy values profile.
Capture period Capturing period, Time interval for the periodic capturing of registers into
Registration period, the profiles (see above)
integration period,
registration interval

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1.4 List of abbreviations

AMR Automatic Meter Reading

AMM Advanced Meter Management
CS Central Station/ Central System
CS Current Loop interface
DA Data Acquisition
DC Data Concentrator
DLMS Distribution Line Message Specification
DP Data Processing
DST Daylight savings time (summer time)
EN Energy
FW Firmware
GPRS/ GSM Wireless technologies to transfer data/ voice information
GPS Global Positioning System (satellite based)
GUI Graphical User Interface
IHU Inhome Display Unit
MM MessageMax Module
MV Medium Voltage (in EU typically 3x 20kV, 3x 12 kV, …)
LV Low Voltage (in EU typically 3x230 V)
L+G Landis + Gyr Ltd
PDA Personal Digital Assistant, Pocket PC, Hand Held Computer
HW Hardware
PLC Power Line Carrier
PLAN Powerline Local Area Network
PQ Power Quality
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
SW Software
TCP/ IP Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol; Network protocol

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2 Introduction to the system solution

This section describes the functionality of the various components and their

2.1 Solution overview

Figure 1: Solution overview

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2.2 Description of the main components

The Solution system comprises the following main components and
communication channels:

1 – Central System The central system AIM is a powerful network management, data
acquisition and meter data warehouse application. Beside data collection
and control features, AIM has versatile data management and integration
The central system operates on the base of fully automatic scheduled tasks
as well as on manual human intervention via sophisticated graphical user
interfaces (GUI). Configuration data, register values and status information
acquired from the meters are historically stored in a relational database.
This database enables access from central system application software as
well as from external systems and programs.

2 – Operation Desk The Operation Service Desk is in charge of the daily operation of the whole
system in the operation phase. The Service Desk engineers have access to
the AIM central system.
The AIM central system provides a client-software with a graphical user
interface (GUI) to enable the operator to manage the system and visualize
any definitions and data within the system. The operator can access the
application from his standard workstation PC located within the company
network (intranet) or from external sites (internet). The access is protected
by standard security policy such as user name / password, VPN, RAS, etc.
In addition, the privileges to access functions and data can be managed by
a super user.
AIM has also application which is targeted to utility’s customer service or
similar internal user group. This application, AIM Dashboard (see separate
document AIM_2_3_Dashboard_ProductDescription_v100_EN.pdf), is ext-
remely easy to use and provides immediate access to collected infor-
mation, add-hoc readings and relay controls.

3 – AMR Module The data collection module AIM AMR communicates with data
concentrators (PLC connected meters) or directly with the meters
(GSM/GPRS connected meters) in order to acquire daily register values,
profile values and all other related data and passes data on for further
processing and presentation.The meters/adaptors are installed in private
households and small Industrial/commercial sites.

4 – Site Manager A Work Order Management system (WOM) is a software package for the
planning of the device installation. AIM has an application module for work
order management application, AIM Site Manager. For more detailed infor-

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mation, see separate document (AIM_2_2_SiteManager_ProductDescrip-

If utility’s or installation company’s own WOM is used, offers AIM interfacing
application AIMIA for importing and exporting installation information for
fluent setting up of devices in AIM (see separate document
AIM_3_0_AIMIA_ProductDescription_v230_EN.pdf for further information).
The planning is based on the geographical grid information as well as the
device and customer information delivered by the utility. After detailed
planning of installation times and sites, the specific work orders for the
various installers are downloaded to their Pocket PC (PDA). After
installation the installation reports are uploaded from every installer to the
WOM and verified and checked. Completed work orders and progress
reports can be sent to the utility daily. AIM Site Manager is able to keep
track on progress and status of all installation work and to manage all
planning changes, pending installation work and tracking incidents and
The WOM system may not only used during the installation but also during
operation. In this phase, the WOM is the tool that executes all types of field
services needed for the installed devices (e.g. manual connect/disconnect/
readout) and the tool for the change, installation and removal of meters.

5 – Site Manager PDA All work orders for installation or field service are downloaded from the
WOM system to the installers’ Pocket PC (PDA). A standard PDA is used
for the deployment support and service work. The PDA is equipped with all
necessary interfaces and tools such as optical head for local readout, bar
code reader etc. as well as with GPRS modem for the connection to WOM.
During installation and field service, all device specific information e.g.
device type, serial numbers, fuse size, antenna type etc. as well as site
information such as coordinates, addresses, containment type etc. are
managed, registered with the PDA and reported to the WOM.
Required software package for Windows Pocket PC based PDA-devices is
part of AIM Site Manager application.

6 – AIMIA Interfaces Both during the rollout phase and the operation phase, there is typically a
centralized interface in operation between the utility systems and AIM
central system. The interface provides the requested services for the
download and upload of device information, contract information, readout
requests, service requests, etc.
AIM has integration platform AIMIA (see separate document AIM_3_0_-
AIMIA_ProductDescription_v230_EN.pdf for further information) which
offers wide range of services for integrating external systems for 2-way
operation with AIM. AIMIA interfaces can be used through WEB-services,
XML-files and/or CSV-files.

7 – LAN / GSM / GPRS Communication between data concentrator and central system:
The central system (CS) communicates with a large number of data
concentrators (DC) using different channels and technologies. The
communication between CS and DC is based on public telecom network
(via GPRS) or Wide Area Network (via Ethernet). The use of naturally

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TCP/IP-based technologies like LAN or GPRS is recommended because in

residential full roll-out AMM environments the amount of GPRS connections
easily grows to substantial numbers.
The CS supports easy integration of future communication technologies.

Point-to-Point communication between meter and central system:

GSM/GPRS communication is used as an alternative solution when PLC is
not efficient due to technical or economic reasons. Also for direct point-to-
point communication with meters the GPRS communication is heavily
recommended for environments with large number of metering points.

8 – GPRS provider For the communication between the central system and devices typically a
service called “GPRS IP Connect” is used. This service offers a
GPRS/GSM based connection from the central system over the telecom
network to both the data concentrators and the meters equipped with the
GPRS/GSM module. The service provider assigns a fixed IP address for
each meter and concentrator. End to end security is achieved by means of
VPN tunnels.

9 – Data Concentrator The data concentrator is typically installed in the medium voltage (MV) / low
voltage (LV) transformer station and serves as a gateway between the LV-
PLC network and the public telecom network (via GPRS) or a Wide Area
Network (via Ethernet). He manages the PLC communication over the
power line.
The data concentrator performs scheduled or immediate readout tasks,
which have been downloaded from the central system. It stores the daily
billing values, hourly profile values and events locally and keeps them
available for transfer to the central system.
The concentrator polls the meters in regular intervals to supervise the
connection to the meters, to detect new meters and to gather registered
values and status information from all meters. Concentrators can exchange
data with the central system over different communication channels.
The main functions of the concentrator are:
• manage the inventory and the status of the connected meters
• execute jobs according to the defined task list
• periodically gather registered values and store them locally
• provide an interface to the central system for data exchange
• provide transparent access from the central system to a single meter

The communication between data concentrator and central system is

based on TCP/IP communication.

10 – E- Meters All meters/adaptors are equipped with Power Line Carrier (PLC) modules
or with GSM/GPRS modules that provide the communication interface to
the central system, either via concentrator (for PLC) or directly for
GSM/GPRS communication.

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The main functions of the master meters are:

• Periodically register the consumption values for electricity and store
these values into profiles.
• Register power outages for electricity.
• Register status and alarm information for electricity.
• Provide downloadable tables for tariff switching.
• Provide a disconnector which enables remote or local disconnection and
reconnection of the customer premises.
The registration of the measurement values (electricity) into profiles is fully
scheduled by the meter. The meter provides local storage for the profiles in
the non-volatile memory.
PLC communication between the meter/PLC-module and the data
concentrator is based on the standard protocols (IEC61334 series).
GSM/GPRS communication (IEC 62056 series) is used as an alternative
solution when PLC is not efficient (technically, economically).

11 – PLAN PLC Communication between meter and data concentrator

The PLC communication between the meter with PLC-module and the data
concentrator is based on standard protocols (IEC61334 series). As PLC
communication in the LV network is free of charge, the network is fully
available for advanced metering applications. Therefore, mission critical
communication tasks can be dispersed over time in order to achieve maxi-
mum reliability.
Thus PLC communication technology represents the best trade-off in the
context of conflicting technological and economic requirements.

12 – Multi Energy The modular meter concept offers new modules for support of multi energy
meter points.

New The electricity meters are the master meters providing the “gateway” to the
central system / data concentrator for all meters at the metering point. The
slave meters are connected to the master meters via the M-Bus interface.
A maximum of 4 salve meters can be connected to a master meter.

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The main functions of the master meters are:

• Periodically register the consumption values for electricity and the
connected slave meters and store these values into profiles.
• Register power outages for electricity.
• Register status and alarm information for electricity.
• Provide downloadable tables for tariff switching.
• Provide a disconnector which enables remote or local disconnection and
reconnection of the customer premises.
• Support the In-House-Display (ecoMeter) with near-time consumption
• Serve as a gateway to send messages from the utility to the ecoMeter.
• Provide a communication interface(s): to remotely read the consumption
values for electricity and for the slave meters, to remotely operate the
disconnector, to communicate with the In-House-Display.
The registration of the measurement values (electricity and of the slave
meters) into profiles is fully scheduled by the meter. The meter provides
local storage for the profiles in the non-volatile memory.
PLC communication between the meter/PLC-module and the data
concentrator is based on the standard protocols (IEC61334 series).
GSM/GPRS communication (IEC 62056 series) is used as an alternative
solution when PLC is not efficient (technically, economically).

13 – M-Bus meters Electronic meters for gas, heat and water can be connected over the M-
Bus wired interface to the master meter. Such type of meters must support
M-Bus protocol according to EN 13757-2. They are handled as M-Bus
New slave meters.
The readout of these meters is performed periodically by the E-meters (E-
meter acts as master). The E-meter stores the consumption data of the
slave meters and makes it available for the CS via PLC or GPRS/GSM.
Direct access from the CS to the slave meters is not foreseen.

14 – Wireless meters Landis+Gyr provide electronic meters for gas, heat and water that are able
to connect to the master meter over an RF module through a M-Bus/RF
converter. This M-Bus/RF converter is wired on the master meter side to
the M-Bus.
The readout of these meters is performed periodically by the E-meters (E-
meter acts as master). The E-meter stores the consumption data of the
slave meters and makes it available for the CS via PLC or GPRS/GSM.
Direct access from the CS to the slave meters is not foreseen.

15 – ecoMeter The ecoMeter is a comprehensive display of consumption data for the

energy consumer. The electricity master meter communicates via radio
with the ecoMeter. The master meter permanently transmits the current
New consumption values to the ecoMeter.

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16 – Mechanical Slave Meters with mechanical registers (e.g. existing gas meters) are
Meters integrated into the system via an OCR (optical character recognition)
device using the M-bus protocol wired or on a radio channel (868 MHz).
The readout of these meters is performed periodically by the E-meters (E-
New meter acts as master). The E-meter stores the consumption data of the
slave meters and makes it available for the CS via PLC or GPRS/GSM.
Direct access from the CS to the slave meters is not foreseen.

2.3 Summary of all solution components

Device Type
El. meter (residential) – single phase without ZCF120AC (class 2)
El. meter (residential) – single phase with disconnector ZCF120AB (class 2)
El. meter (residential) – poly phase without disconnector ZMF120AC (class 2)
El. meter (residential) – poly phase with disconnector ZMF120AB (class 2)

Communication unit (PLC) for ZMF, ZCF, each with and ZxF-Modul V3.0
without disconnector AD-xP
Communication unit (GSM/ GPRS) for ZMF, ZCF ZxF-Modul V3.0
each with and without disconnector control AD-xG

Concentrator for PLAN PLC meters (GPRS or LAN) DC200

Gas meter E6V+ single pipe casework LIBRA Single Pipe

Gas meter E6V+ 250mm casework LIBRA 250mm

The entire ZxD meter portfolio ZxD 300/400

GSM/GPRS communication unit for ZxD CU-P3x
PSTN communication unit for ZxD CU-M2x

Central system software with related applications AIM

The ZxF Module V3.0 is capable to communicate with the following

additional devices provided by 3rd party via M-Bus Interface

Vendor/Device Type
- Comet Optical Character Reader (wired) XMB-6x (wired)
- M-Bus / RF 868 MHz converter M-Bus / RF Converter
- Comet Optical Character Reader (wireless, RF 868MHz) XRS-6x (wireless)

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Key Processes 19/83

3 Key Processes
3.1 Installation of New Concentrator

The concentrator is installed in a standard configuration at the MV/LV

transformation station. The concentrator is normally communicating over
GPRS or via LAN.
During the installation process all necessary information like IP-addresses,
telephone numbers, identifications etc. is imported either from factory files
or from the installation system (WOM) to the central system. Concentrator
data objects are created automatically in the database and are now ready
for communication.
For GPRS communication two possible configurations are supported:
Direct access with fixed IP address (default case)
Typically, the GPRS service provider offers direct static access via fixed IP
addresses for each concentrator. The IP addresses are programmed onto
the SIM card. The SIM card is mounted during the production process of
the concentrator, therefore, a fixed link between the serial number of the
concentrator and its IP address is established during production.
No direct access available (optional case)
The telecom provider can only offer dynamic IP addresses. In this case
L+G provides a GRPS router software. The concentrator automatically
connects to the GPRS router via the Telecom Provider. The GRPS router
registers new concentrators and maps the dynamic IP address to a fixed
identification for the central system. Moreover, the GPRS router perma-
nently maintains the link to the concentrator.
The central system is now able to connect to the concentrator and reads its
serial number to clearly identify the equipment. Afterwards, the central
system can be used to download the data definition and all necessary
parameters to the concentrator. In addition, the standard set of tasks is
downloaded to the concentrator. It is now ready to start working and
detecting meters in its LV network. By doing so, the DC automatically builds
up the PLC communication network.

3.2 Installation of new PLC meter

Newly installed meters with PLC modules are automatically detected by the
concentrator and added to the list of “newly detected meters”. The
concentrator permanently updates its inventory of meters. For PLC meters
the LV network topology does not need to be known. The system configu-
ration is done automatically; i.e. after installation, the installer just checks
the LED on the communication unit showing synchronisation to the PLC
network and then leaves. Upon first detection of the communication
module, the concentrator sets the clock of the meter node and reads the
necessary identification numbers and parameters of the meter.

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The central system can periodically check the concentrator’s inventory list
and search for new meters in the list. A new meter is reported by the con-
centrator with its manufacturer serial number, the utility serial number, the
param_id (identifying the contract type) and the config_id (identifying the
type of meter
As soon as the new meter is introduced together with the according
information (e.g. contract, address, etc.) to the central system, the
attributes of the meter are updated in the database.

3.2.1 Linking of the readout data to the utility serial number

It is crucial that the readout data of the meter is strictly linked to the utility
serial number (USN). The USN is not read out explicitly with each meter
reading. The following procedure guarantees a fixed link of the reading data
with the USN without creating an undesired data overhead.
• When the meter is first installed in the network it is in the status NEW.
• Only NEW meters can be registered at a concentrator.
• During registration, the concentrator reads the USN of the meter and
assigns a fixed identification (MAC address) to the meter. The
concentrator keeps a reference list of the USNs, the MAC addresses
(plus manufacturer serial nr, parameter set identification, configuration
identification) of all its meters.
• With the assignment of the MAC address, the meter changes its status
from NEW to REGISTERED. From now on it can only be addressed by a
specific concentrator. Each data frame which is exchanged between the
concentrator and the meter contains the identification of the concentrator
and the identification of the meter (i.e. the MAC address that is linked to
the USN).
• Any exchange of concentrator or meter will automatically force the meter
to status NEW and therefore lead to a new reading of the USN and to an
update of the link between USN and MAC address.
• The concentrator keeps a separate data storage for each meter
(identified by MAC address, or by the USN).
Remark: A standardised EAN code or a utility specific number can be used
as USN.

3.3 Install new GPRS meter

During the installation process all necessary information such as IP-ad-
dresses, telephone numbers, identifications etc. is imported either from
factory files or from the installation system (WOM) to the central system.
Meter data objects are created automatically in the database and are now
ready for communication.
Two possible configurations are supported for GPRS communication:
Direct access with fixed IP address (default case)
Typically the GPRS service provider offers direct static access via fixed IP
addresses for each meter. The IP addresses are programmed onto the SIM
card. The SIM card is mounted during the production process of the meter,

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therefore, a fixed link between the serial number of the meter and its IP
address is established during production.
No direct access available (optional case)
The telecom provider can only offer dynamic IP addresses. In this case,
L+G provides a GRPS router software. The meter automatically connects to
the GPRS router via the telecom provider. The GRPS router registers new
meters and maps the dynamic IP address to a fixed identification for the
central system. Additionally, the GPRS router permanently maintains the
link to the meter.
The central system is now able to connect to the meters and reads the
manufacturer serial number, the utility serial number, the param_id
(identifying the contract type) and the config_id (identifying the type of
meter). The rest of the procedure is the same as for a meter with PLC
module (see above).
For GPRS/GSM the coverage must be ensured prior to the installation.
GPRS/GSM may be affected by the geographical topology and some other
factors. Sometimes, an external antenna must be used. Upon installation
the signal strength can be checked and the antenna position optimized with
the built-in LED.

3.4 Install new slave meters connected via the OCR module


3.4.1 OCR module connected to wired M-bus

The OCR modules are preconfigured during production. The following

parameters must be set locally (in the OCR modules) during installation:
• Utility Serial Number of the slave meter connected to the module.
• Manufacturing Serial Number of the slave meter connected to the
• M-bus address of the OCR module.
• ConfigID of the slave meter connected to the OCR module.

In addition, the following parameters must be set in the communication

module of the e-meter:
• Communication parameters (e.g. bus speed, data formats, M-bus
addresses) for the attached M-bus devices.
• Mapping of the slave data into standard registers according to IEC
62056-61 (OBIS identifiers).

NB: The correct installation of “slave meters” can only be checked by

calling the operator in the central system.

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3.4.2 OCR module connected via radio

In addition to the parameter settings described 3.4.1 the M-bus address of
the M-bus/RF converter (see Figure 17) must be set.

NB: The correct installation of “slave meters” can only be checked by

calling the operator in the central system.

3.5 Collection of meter data

Meter data is stored in all components of the system in a redundant way as
shown in Figure 2 below. The meter stores meter data for a predefined
period. For direct GPRS meters the central system collects the stored
meter data from all meters by periodically scheduled readout tasks.
In case of PLC meters the concentrator collects all meter data from all
attached meters periodically and stores them locally. Upon regular intervals
the DC pushes the collected data to the central system.
The central system transfers the required data to the IT system(s) of the

Meter Concentrator Central System ERP System

01.01.2000 12344 122343 4567 1010101
02.01.2000 12345 122343 4567 1010101
03.01.2000 12346 122343 4567 1010101
04.01.2000 12347 122343 4567 1010101
05.01.2000 12348 122343 4567 1010101
06.01.2000 12349 122343 4567 1010101
07.01.2000 12350 122343 4567 1010101
08.01.2000 12351 122343 4567 1010101
01.01.2000 12344 122343 4567 1010101
09.01.2000 12352 122343 4567 1010101
02.01.2000 12345 122343 4567 1010101
10.01.2000 12353 122343 4567 1010101
03.01.2000 12346 122343 4567 1010101
04.01.2000 12354
12347 122343
122343 4567
4567 1010101
05.01.2000 12355
12348 122343
122343 4567
4567 1010101
06.01.2000 12356
12349 122343
122343 4567
4567 1010101
07.01.2000 12357
12350 122343
122343 4567
4567 1010101
08.01.2000 12358
12351 122343
122343 4567
4567 1010101
09.01.2000 12344
12352 122343 4567 1010101
10.01.2000 12345
12353 122343 4567 1010101
11.01.2000 12346
12354 122343 4567 1010101
19.01.2000 12347
12362 122343
122343 4567
4567 1010101

13.01.2000 12348
12356 122343 4567 1010101

01.01.2000 12344 122343 4567 1010101

16.01.2000 12351
12359 122343
122343 4567
4567 1010101
02.01.2000 12345 122343 4567 1010101 01.01.2000 12344 122343 4567 1010101 01.01.2000
17.01.2000 12344
12360 122343
122343 4567
4567 1010101
02.01.2000 12345 122343 4567 1010101 02.01.2000
18.01.2000 12345
12361 122343
122343 4567
4567 1010101
03.01.2000 12346 122343 4567 1010101 03.01.2000 12346 122343 4567 1010101
19.01.2000 12354
12362 122343 4567 1010101
04.01.2000 12347 122343 4567 1010101 03.01.2000 12346 122343 4567 1010101 04.01.2000 12347 122343 4567 1010101
12.01.2000 12355
05.01.2000 12348 122343 4567 1010101 04.01.2000 12347 122343 4567 1010101 05.01.2000
13.01.2000 12348
12356 122343 4567 1010101
05.01.2000 12348 122343 4567 1010101 06.01.2000
14.01.2000 12349
12357 122343 4567 1010101
06.01.2000 12349 122343 4567 1010101 07.01.2000 12350 122343 4567 1010101
15.01.2000 12358 122343 4567 1010101
07.01.2000 12350 122343 4567 1010101 06.01.2000 12349 122343 4567 1010101 08.01.2000 12351 122343 4567 1010101
16 01 2000 12359
07.01.2000 12350 122343 4567 1010101


Daily Values Daily Values Daily Values Daily values
(1 year) (n days) (> 1 year)

Hourly Values Hourly Values Hourly Values Hourly Values

(90 days) (n days) (> 1 year)

Event Log Event Log Event Log Event Log

(200 entries) (n days) (> 1 year)

Figure 2: Redundant data storage

The basic metering needs are covered by three data entities measured in
the meter:

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For Electricity (master meter):

• Daily Billing Values: consisting typically of the rated register values

captured at midnight each day. The daily billing values are stored in data
structures called profiles (see chapter 7.4.4).
• Periodic Consumption Values: consisting typically of the un-rated
register values captured at periodic intervals (60 min, 30 min, 15 min,
capturing period). The capturing time-instances are synchronised to the
full-hour, half-hour or quarter-hour depending on the capturing period.
The periodic consumption values are stored in data structures called
profiles (see chapter 7.4.4).
• Events: are logged in a data structure called event log. The event logs
are typically used to supervise: the status of the meters, the status of
disconnector (if used) and the status of the electricity distribution
network (power down/restoration, over/under voltages)
• Monthly Billing Values: consisting typically of the rated register values
captured at midnight of the last day of the month. The Monthly Billing
New Values serve as emergency backup; they are not regularly readout (the
monthly billing value is included in the daily values). The monthly billing
values are stored in data structures called profiles (see chapter 7.4.4).

For slave meters (e.g. gas):

• Periodic Consumption Values : consisting typically of the un-rated
consumption values captured at periodic intervals (60 min, or daily). The
New capturing time-instances are synchronised to the full-hour. The periodic
consumption values are stored in data structures called profiles (see
chapter 7.4.4).

3.5.1 Periodic readout of billing values

The meter node stores daily billing values (registered every midnight, time
stamped with 00:00) for predefined registers. For PLC meters connected to
the concentrator the central system downloads a periodic task to the
concentrators to collect all daily billing values from their meters and to store
them locally for several tens of days (depends on the number of meters and
number of series).
For direct meters the central system periodically collects the data from all
meters. For PLC meters, the data concentrator autonomously collects the
data from all assigned meters and transfers the values on regular intervals
to the central system. Register values which are not yet available at that
point in time will automatically be re-fetched.
Register values are normally requested by the utility at the end of each
month for billing purposes. This requirement can actually be met by
establishing automatic tasks that transfer the data once per month from the
devices to the central system.

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In order to be flexible for any kind of data provision, daily readout of the
meters and data storage in the data base is preferred. Such daily readout
scenario allows for example easy provision of billing values upon request in
irregular cases such as change of supplier, moving customers, etc.) upon

3.5.2 Periodic readout of periodic consumption values

The meter node registers periodic consumption values and stores them
locally in the meter for a predefined period of time (e.g. 90 days). Local
storage depth depends on the register interval, which can be defined as 60,
30, 15 minutes. The consumption values are stored in the meter node
autonomously and time stamped at zero second of the interval. Daylight
saving times are indicated in the time stamps.
In case of PLC meters the periodic consumption values are collected by the
DC during the whole day and typically ready to be transferred to the central
system on daily interval.
Readout scenarios can be handled the same way as for billing values.

3.5.3 Periodic readout of event logs

The meter node registers meter specific events, events reflecting the
quality of the power supply (see chapter 3.6) and events for switches of the
disconnector (see chapter 3.7).
For PLC meters connected to the DC the central system downloads a
periodic task to the concentrators to collect all event log entries from
assigned meters and to store them locally. Events can be transferred by the
DC at the same time as measurement values or at independent intervals.
In case of direct meters the central system is responsible to collect events
automatically by scheduled tasks upon requested intervals.

3.5.4 Instantaneous meter reading

The instantaneous reading of meter values is mainly focussed on the
operator in the call centre that needs to directly connect to a single meter
and check its current or historical values. The operator can connect to the
meter online and interactively select the type of values for readout. The
results are displayed on the screen and stored in a database for further
usage. The reaction time is optimized so that the whole procedure can
usually be performed by the operator in the time frame of a telephone call.
The desired meter node can be selected through search filters using
different search criteria such as serial number, address information etc.
After selection the internal addressing is done with the serial number of the
meter node (see Figure 3).
Instantaneous meter reading is restricted to electricity (master) meters.

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Meter Concentrator Central System ERP System


DC executes Operator selects Optional: ERP

command meter and Sends request
2 1 activates request
Meter sends DC reports displays result
data back back to operator
3 4 Optional: CS
forwards result
to ERP

Figure 3: Instantaneous meter reading

Alternatively, requests for an instantaneous meter reading through an

electronic interface are possible.

3.6 Network quality information

The network quality information includes power failure information and
voltage information.
Power failures in the meter node are defined as “short power down” and
“long power down”. Both events are registered locally in the event log of the
meter node. The number of power down events is counted and stored in
specific registers.
The voltage level is checked in the meter node for each phase. Over
voltage and under voltage events are locally registered in the event log of
the meter node. The current value of the voltage level of each phase is
stored in specific registers (update period 1 minute).
The central system can periodically acquire the event log information and
specific registers.

3.7 Disconnect/connect with disconnector

The meter unit can be equipped with a disconnector that can be controlled
both locally and remotely to completely disconnect and connect the
electrical supply to the customer.
Upon a request from the utility the central system software is able to send
disconnect or connect commands to the meter node. Each remote
command is confirmed for successful execution. Further confirmation may
be given by reading the current logical status of the disconnector from the
meter unit. The status read from the meter unit contains specific information
on the disconnector, e.g. if the last switching was done locally or remotely.
Further, the meter unit provides a special disconnector event log, where the
last disconnector specific events are logged.

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3.8 Change of contract

3.8.1 Download tariff change

For each meter node the utility system (ERP system) must download the
valid contract information and activation time of the contract to the central
The download of tariff tables to the meters is defined as an action of a
central system task (scheduled task, ordered task or spontaneous task).
Such a task may be applied to one single meter or a group of meters. Upon
execution, the central system checks the current tariff table installed in the
meter by reading the current param_id in the meter. In case of directly
connected meters, this download is applied to the meter directly. In case of
meters connected to concentrators the download is done via an immediate
task defined for the concentrator:

Meter Concentrator Central System ERP System


DC distributes Reassign TOU Optional: ERP

TOU to meter (s) to meter (s) and sends contract
2 1 send TOU change Update info to CS
Meter (s) update request
TOU table and DC reports CS updates
send confirmation confirmation meter properties
3 4 Optional: CS
sends confirmation

Figure 4: Download tariff change

The new tariff table is stored in the meter node as a “passive table” without
interfering with the currently “active table”. The “passive table” becomes
active at the defined activation time. Together with the activation of the
“passive table” the param_id is updated. The central system is able to read
this new param_id upon next connection to the meter and hence can verify
that the switching to the new tariff table has happened correctly.
Simplifying the installation procedure
If the vast majority of the meters is operating under the same contract
(same tariffication scheme), installation can be simplified by pre-configuring
just one type of tariff table (all meters having the same param_id). After
installation and reporting of the meters to the central system, the
configuration is automatically checked and those (few) meters which need
re-configuration of the tariffication tables are treated according to the
procedure described above.

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3.8.2 Download of load switching time

The Time Of Use table (TOU) includes one definition for tariff switching and
one definition for switching the control output. The load switching is
therefore executed locally be the meter node independent of the current
connection to the central system or the data concentrator. The TOU table
for load switching will be defined at system configuration and pre-
configured in the factory for every meter.
If there is a need to change the load switching time during the operation
time, the TOU table can be changed in the central system and downloaded
to the respective meter nodes in the same way as the tariff switching time
(see chapter 3.8.1).

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4 Communication
4.1 Communication architecture
The meters are connected to the concentrators via PLC (power line carrier).
In cases where the installation of a concentrator is economically not
feasible, direct GPRS communication to the central system is used.

PLC metering device Uses the IEC61334-5-1 based communication stack with two major
applications running on it. The applications are modelled as “logical
devices” (LD) according to IEC 62056-62 and connected to their corre-
sponding Link Service Access Points (L_SAP). The LD “PLC Management”
handles the PLC communication processes, whereas the LD “Metering”
provides all metering functions and data. The “External Device Handler” is
an optional extension enabling the integration of external meters into the
AIM system.
NB: the LD “Metering” offers exactly the same functionality for PLC and
GPRS Metering devices.

GPRS metering device Uses the IEC 62056-46 link layer to communicate directly with the Central
System (CS) – either via GPRS or via GSM. The applications are modelled
as “logical devices” (LD) according to IEC 62056-62 and connected to their
corresponding Link Service Access Points (L_SAP). The LD “GPRS
Management” handles the GPRS and the GSM communication processes,
whereas the LD “Metering” provides all metering functions and data. As an
option, transparent communication to external metering devices (via a
Current Loop Serial bus) is possible. In this case the external device is
addressed directly by the CS using the HDLC addressing capabilities.

PLC concentrator Serves as a gateway between the public WAN (GPRS, GSM/PSTN) and
the LAN (PLC). In order to increase the system’s reliability and the
communication efficiency, the concentrator autonomously performs data
collection and data distribution tasks within the PLC network. Tasks are
typically defined in the CS and downloaded into the concentrator. The
communication with the CS is based on TCP/IP.

Central system (CS) Supports direct communication to the GPRS/GSM meters and communica-
tion with the PLC meters via the concentrators. For internet communication
via GPRS a “meter gateway” is foreseen. Typically, a “meter gateway”
function is provided by a corresponding service from the network operator.
Communication between AIM system and certain devices can now also be
handled through Landis+Gyr s advanced communication platform,
MessageMax is designed to make communication in a metering system
more efficient, flexible and reliable. Instead of the traditional request-reply
communication between system and devices, metering devices operating
with MessageMax actively push their data to the system. Since

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MessageMax does not need to send reading requests to all the devices, it
can handle more devices reliably and effectively.
When MessageMax receives readings it makes sure that the data is
complete and stores it to the metering system database. Only if necessary,
for example if a special reading is needed, AIM system will send a request
to the metering device. This means fewer and shorter GPRS connections
and more efficient communication.
MessageMax can even use the public GPRS network for communication
because connections can be authenticated and communication is
encrypted using SSL. In high volume installation, it is recommended to use
separated networks offered by operators.
Installation and management of the metering system is also easier with
MessageMax. Devices can be pre-configured in production to contact the
metering system after they have been installed. MessageMax then
automatically recognises and registers them and communication to the
device is immediately available.

4.1.1 Use of PLC

The PLC network is autonomously managed by the concentrator; i.e. it
automatically detects new PLC meters, administrates network addresses,
and manages packet routing. Required minimal network quality

In order to use the distribution network for PLC communication, the network
operator must ensure a minimal quality level, i.e.:
The voltage in the distribution network must fulfil the European standard EN
50160 (Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public distribution
system). Particular attention must be drawn to section 2.11.

4.2 Interoperability
The AIM architecture is based on international standards. Third party
meters conforming to following specifications can be integrated without too
extensive integration work:
On central system level
• Meter connected via a public telecom network or internet and confor-
ming to DLMS/COSEM and HDLC, IEC 62056-46/53/61/61. Short name
addressing as well as logical name addressing is supported.
• Meter connected via a public telecom network or internet and conform-
ing to “IEC 1107”, IEC 62056-21.

On meter node level
• PLC meter node (optional extension):
Meters connected via CS bus and conforming to “IEC 1107”, IEC 62056-
21 and using the OBIS identifiers (IEC 62056-61). The meters must be
configured considering the limited data transport capabilities of the PLC

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• GPRS/GSM meter node (optional extension):

For meters connected via CS bus and conforming to DLMS/COSEM and
HDLC, IEC 62056-46/53/61/61, transparent communication to the
central system is provided.

4.3 Applied communication standards

4.3.1 Common data models

Data is modelled independently of the communication channel and of the
communication protocols.
Data models: (IEC 62056-61/62)
All metering data objects conform to the COSEM standard. Data objects
are identified by their OBIS codes. For transmission the standardised data
structures are A-XDR encoded, according to IEC 61334-6.

4.3.2 PLC
There are no proprietary rights involved in the described Landis+Gyr PLC
solution; i.e. all procedures and protocols conform to published IEC
standards and can therefore be provided by any manufacturer.
Network management
(Registration process according to IEC 61334-511/512)
The concentrator periodically issues a “discover report request” service
(e.g. every hour, configurable). If the meter node is in the status “new”,
upon receiving the “discover report request” service, it transmits its serial
number to the concentrator and obtains a network address. Collision on the
reporting back process is avoided by randomly choosing a time slot for
transmission. The number of available time slots for the registration
process is dynamically assigned by the concentrator and optimised
according to the channel conditions.
A compressed 3 layer communication architecture (according to IEC
61334-4-1) is used for PLC communication.
Application layer (IEC 61334-4-41)
DLMS is used in the application layer. Short name addressing is used for
efficiency reasons. The supported data services are:
• ReadRequest
• ReadResponse
• WriteRequest
• WriteResponse
• UnconfirmedWriteRequest
LLC sub-layer (IEC 61334-4-32)
A very compact Logical Link Control layer which provides addressing
capabilities within the physical metering device. Different logical devices
can be addressed via link service access points (L-SAP).
MAC sub-layer (IEC 61334-5-1)
Every meter node can be used as repeater. The “repetition with credit
scheme” defined in IEC 61334-5-1 allows optimal routing of the messages

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through the PLC network. No prior knowledge of the network topology is

required. The initial repetition credits are permanently supervised by the
concentrator and adapted to the current transmission conditions on the LV-
network. In case of a communication problem, the concentrator resends the
message with maximum repetition credit of 7. Under good channel
conditions, the credits are decremented down to its optimal values.
Error control is done by means of a 24-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check code.
With a minimal Hamming distance of 6, this code can detect communi-
cation errors even under very bad channel conditions.
Physical layer (IEC 61334-5-1)
Spread Frequency Shift Keying (S-FSK) is chosen because it offers the
best robustness/cost relation. Further, S-FSK is the only modulation
scheme which is standardised and published. There are no property rights
attached to this standard.

4.3.3 GPRS
The following well-established protocol standards are used:
Application Layer: DLMS, IEC 61334-4-41, IEC 62056-53
Link layer: HDLC, IEC 62056-46
Transport Layer: TCP
Internet: IP
Access: PPP
Service: GPRS

Authentication for GPRS network login: PAP, CHAP

GPRS transmission: multi slot class 12, class B mobile station, PBCCH,
coding scheme 1.
The GPRS modem is upgradeable over the air.

4.3.4 GSM
The following well established protocol standards are used:
Link layer: HDLC, IEC 62056-46
Service: GSM

4.4 Communication reliability

4.4.1 Reliability on PLC network

The PLC channel is an unprotected communication channel; i.e. there is no
authority enforcing rules which regulate the interferers on this channel. For
unprotected channels no guarantee on the channel availability can be
given. However the following measures guarantee optimal performance
under the given conditions:
• The S-FSK modulation scheme permanently audits the channel
conditions and adapts its demodulation strategy accordingly. Thus

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optimal robustness against wide-band and narrow-band interferers is

• An error resistant preamble sequence provides a robust synchronisation
of the data frames.
• Error rates under defined channel conditions – for additive white
Gaussian noise, for narrow band interferers and for impulsive noise –
can be found in IEC 61334-5-1 sect. 2.4.
• The adaptive repetition with credit scheme makes optimal use of every
metering node as repeater and thus routes the message optimally
through a heavily disturbed environment.
• On MAC level the frame headers are protected with their own error
correcting code. Data is secured with a 24 bit CRC which makes sure
that erroneous data is identified and can be rejected.
• The task manager in the data concentrator makes sure that only small
LLC frames are transmitted via the PLC network, thus reducing the
probability of a frame error.
• Time diversity of the transmission: The tasks in the data concentrator
are set up so that the concentrator constantly tries to keep a current
copy of the last few days of billing data (hourly profile and daily profile) of
all its meters. The PLC channel’s permanent availability is optimally
used to recollect any missing values of the most critical data. Due to the
time diversity of the collection process limited time intervals of channel
disturbances cannot harm the data acquisition.
• Repeater failure: Any meter node can act as a repeater. Therefore, a
failure results in an appearance in the list of “lost meter points”. The
failure of a repeater generally does not have any consequence on the
PLC communication, since another meter node will automatically take
over the role of the faulty repeater.

4.5 Security issues

4.5.1 Protection of personal customer data

Within the AIM system, all data is referenced by the serial number of the
measuring source (the meter). The serial number of the meter is defined by
the manufacturer and there is neither a link to the customer nor to the
location of the installation. The link to customer data is only made in the
utility system or in the Central System.

4.5.2 Central System level

Multi user access on different security levels is possible. Additionally,
remote access can be protected by VPN tunnelling.

4.5.3 Concentrator level

Typically, the connection between the CS and the concentrator uses VPN
via GPRS. In addition, access to the concentrator is secured via a

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4.5.4 Meter level Security
AIM uses the security mechanisms provided by DLMS/COSEM and
described in IEC 62056-62/53/46; in particular:
• The application association concept: providing the possibility to define
access rights for each user group on attribute level (read access, write
access, no access).
• Client identification with each link layer frame (LLC for PLC, HDLC for
GPRS/GSM). Extended security

For the firmware download to the communication unit additional security by
means of a keyed-hash message authentication code (K-MAC) is provided.
SHA-1 is used as hash algorithm. (See FIPS 180-1, FIPS 198).

4.6 Data integrity

On data level
The COSEM data models define the structure of the data. Modifications on
the data would lead to inconsistencies with the standardised models and
are detected by the Data Acquisition system.
On application level
The DLMS pdus are encoded using A-XDR encoding (a compact form of
BER). The encoding of the data block contains the encoding of the data
type. Modifications of the data would lead to inconsistencies between type
and data and are detected by the Data Acquisition system.
On PLC communication level
The MAC layer protocol contains a Cyclic Redundancy Check Code (CRC)
of 24 bits. Considering the fact that the code guarantees a minimal
Hamming distance of 6 and that the MAC layer frames can have a
maximum length of 242 data Bytes, the probability of undetected errors is
kept at a minimum.
The robustness of the Spread Frequency Shift Keying modulation provides
addition protection against communication errors.
On GPRS communication level
The HDLC layer protocol is equipped with a 16 bit CRC. Together with the
16 bits of CRC in the IP layer, the probability of undetected errors is kept at
a minimum.
Further, the GPRS channel is protected with error control mechanisms by
the GPRS provider.

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5 AIM Central System

5.1 General functionality
The AIM central system has the following general functions:
• Data acquisition for following set of data (incl. similar data from multi
energy meters, i.e. gas, water, district heating)
• Meter values
• Monthly values
• Daily values
• Profile data
• Status data
• Events
• Delivery quality
• Outage statistic
• Data validation
• Data integrity
• Data correction
• Time and status
• Estimation
• Tariff calculation & Mgt
• Profile calculation and aggregation
• Missing value handling with re-reading
• Data exchange
• Alarm Handling
• Scheduling with Task Flow -concept
• Basic Configuration

Based on this platform a number of functions were specifically implemented

for the handling of devices and measurements in residential metering and
are discussed in more detail in the following section.
Graphical User The graphical user interface (GUI) enables the operator of the system to
Interface display, edit and manage all relevant functions and definitions within the
system. Powerful search filters can be used to directly access groups or
individual data objects in order to display metering values, present and
modify object properties, parameters etc.
The administrator can define automatic tasks and schedules according to
needs of the daily operation. Spontaneous tasks, functions and actions can
be executed manually or as a background job.

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Multi user system The system is built as a multi user system. Each user must log on with his
username and password. Every user is assigned to a user group.
Privileges to access data and functions can be defined for such user
groups. Typical privileges are functions like view, create, modify and delete,
which can be individually assigned to groups of data objects.

5.2 Data acquisition

5.2.1 General
The central system supports direct communication to meters connected
over GPRS/GSM using the standardized dlms protocol or to meters
connected to concentrators over PLC. The communication to concentrators
is done over GPRS/GSM based TCP/IP.
Metering data is stored in the database in a normalized format. All meter
nodes are identified by the manufacturer serial number the utility serial
number (EAN Code). The values can be identified by their OBIS Code.
The data acquired and further processed from category 1 and 2 electricity
meters, gas and heat meters corresponds to the tables listed in the
chapters describing the meters.

5.2.2 Task management

The system includes a set of predefined tasks for automatic acquisition of
metering data and device information by the central system. All parameters
of these tasks can be modified by the operator to achieve maximum
efficiency for the specific need, of each system or part of the system.
Individual tasks can be joined into task flows which can be run
automatically from start to end.
Tasks are needed for automatic operation, manual execution (spontaneous
readout) as well as for ordered readout. Automatic task execution can be
predefined for different intervals (daily, weekly, monthly) and specific start
times. They can be defined for groups/types of meter nodes as well as for
individual lists of meter nodes.
Tasks are also used to download schedules to the concentrators, setting
parameters to the devices, download time of use table or download new
firmware versions to devices.

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Figure 5: Task Flows for Data Management

5.2.3 Network management

A major challenge of residential metering is the administration and
management of a high number of concentrators and meter nodes. This
core functionality of the central system is based on its highly efficient and
powerful network management offering the following tools:
• Visualisation of the network structure with regions and concentrators.
• Search filter for quick access to all communication and meter nodes.
Search criteria and attributes of the nodes can be predefined at system
setup and modified by the operator.
• Display of parameters, attributes, statistics, status etc. of all
communication and meter nodes.
• Summary reports of new, failed, lost etc. communication and meter
• Summary reports of statistic information, status of communication and
meter nodes.
• Search for nodes with different criteria such as gaps, failed, specific

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5.2.4 Manual acquisition

The central system software allows direct interactive connection to a single
meter node or to the data concentrator. Two different modes are available:
Call centre mode This mode is used by the operator to quickly display the measurements of
a meter node and optionally to actualize periodic meter data or sponta-
neously acquire the current register values of the device. This mode also
allows controlling of relays and power quality information viewing.

Figure 6: Call Centre mode – AIM Dashboard Application

In the Call Centre mode the operator selects a specific meter and the
software retrieves the current measurements stored in the data base such
• Daily billing values
• Current register values
• Profile values
• Event Logs
• Power Quality and power break information
• Immediate and scheduled reading of previous data
• Immediate and scheduled controlling of relays
• Basic device and contract information
If the operator needs more recent values he can easily establish an on-line
connection to the selected meter device and interactively retrieve the
necessary data by actualizing the periodic measurements or retrieve the
current values of pre-defined register sets.

Maintenance mode This mode is used to interact with the meter or the concentrator for detailed
maintenance and administration purposes.

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The Maintenance Mode offers detailed administration and analysis

functions for the interactive maintenance of both the data concentrator and
the directly connected meter. Functions include:
• Display and update of current device settings and parameters
• Remote update of firmware versions
• Manage different meter lists in the concentrator
• Parameter check and download of parameters
• Read status, event log and communication statistics
• Download time of use tables for tariff switching and load shedding
• Check and download periodic tasks to the concentrator
• Initialize concentrator by downloading data dictionary, basic and time

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5.2.5 Transaction logging

The acquisition job processing is logged in detail. The individual actions
can be sorted hierarchically and presented for each job. This provides a
quick overview of events that have already been processed or are still

5.3 Data validation

The central system features a range of different validation functions that
can be individually applied to metering data. Both periodic and profile data
can be validated using AIM validation functionality.
Values which fail validation checks are marked with the according status
information and can be monitored and possibly corrected by manual substi-
tution of values or sophisticated automatic interpolation of values.
Data validation is indispensable, because only verified data can be further
processed. The central system provides comprehensive data validation and
substitute value generation features.
The central system includes a range of different validation functions and
plausibility checks that can be individually applied to meter data.
The checks and available actions for profile meterings are:

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The checks and available actions for periodic meterings are:

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Identification and reporting of missing meter data.

• Identification and reporting of gaps in meter values.
• Checking of consumption values for non-zero, non-negative and
continuously increasing values.
• Comparing meter values with maximum.
• Identification and reporting of any communication error.
• Identification and reporting of status of meter (event logs).
Meter data which fail validation checks are marked with the according
status information and can be monitored and possibly corrected by manual
intervention, repetition of query, substitution of values or sophisticated
automatic interpolation of values. Meterings detected by validation can be
directed to different groups which can be used further in other data
management or reporting operations or as input for the next steps in the
task flow.

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5.4 Data processing

5.4.1 Reports and calculation

The data processing functionality offers a wide range of reporting and
calculation functions to monitor and process metering data. Two of the
most extensive calculation applications are Profile Calculation and Tariff
AIM Profile Calculation is a tool for calculating new profile metering
(typically with periodicity of 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes) values from existing
profile values already stored in the AIM system. Calculation is performed
according to a specified calculation formula (wide variety of arithmetic
operations available).

Calculations can be launched manually or as scheduled tasks and results

(new profile metering) are saved into the AIM database and can be used for
reporting or as a basis for new calculations. For example, they can be used
for data aggregation purposes like combining the hourly profiles from all the
metering points of a supplier.

AIM Tariff Calculation application is a versatile tool for converting profile

metering data into periodic metering data to be used as the basis for billing.
Different periodic meterings can be generated from the same source profile
meterings. When hourly (or with other periodicity) profile data is available,
with AIM Tariff Calculation Time Of Use (TOU) tariffing can be done flexibly
on the system levels without any limitations of nr of used tariff components,
switching times or nr of special days.

From the same raw profile data can even multiple tariffs be calculated for
totally unbundled market situation, like different tariff for energy sales
company and another for distribution company needs. It is also useful when
planning new products and estimating the revenue incomes the new
products would generate with the current consumption.

Reports can be generated manually or automatically. Output can be

directed to the GUI, e-mail, printer or export file. The format of the output
varies from HTML, Excel Workbook to Text-format.

5.5 Data exchange

AIM has very versatile interfacing with other systems. Besides the
traditional making of flat files of data, there is AIMIA integration platform
which offers full 2-way integration between AIM and other systems based
on XML-files and WEB-services architecture. If needed, other file formats
can also be supported through adapter services of AIMIA.

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Figure 7: Data Exchange structure

See separate Product Specification (AIM_3_0_AIMIA_ProductDescription_-

v230_EN.pdf) for more detailed description.

5.5.1 Import device information

Residential metering usually comes along with large numbers of devices.
The aim is to import device information from factory information files or
deployment tools rather than to enter all information manually.
The central system software includes an import interface for device
information of data concentrators and meter nodes (PLC or direct meters).
Device information includes identification numbers (manufacturer/utility
serial number, parameterization, etc.), device info (device type, configu-
ration, antenna type, etc.), location info (location name, address, coordi-
nates, etc.) and any other customer information needed on the central
system to clearly identify and manage this number of devices efficiently.
Import can be performed automatically by the scheduler or executed

5.5.2 Export metering data

Metering values can be exported to different destinations in different
formats, with different content and in different schedules. When flat files are
there preferred approach, AIM offers special tool application (AIM Data File
Tool) for creating new flat file data formats for different purposes.
For each destination the respective metering values can be assigned

5.5.3 Command input

There are several functions that need to be initiated by the overlaying
system, most probably the billing system. Changes of contract, changes of
tariffs, spontaneous readout of current registers for customers that move
in/out or change supplier, remote change of parameters etc. are examples
of such functions.

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With the AIMIA integration platform AIM offers an interface for an external
system to trigger such functions and receive the according feedback (meter
values, execution status,…). As far as the other interfaces are concerned,
there are several standard interfaces available based on file exchange (text
and xml format) that can be customized to the project needs.

5.6 Scheduling
All major function to support the daily acquisition and processing within the
central system can be automatically executed by the scheduler. For the
acquisition the scheduler is based on the functionality of the task
management (see above). For the other functions, such as processing
reports and calculations or import / export the standard scheduler function
can be used.
The scheduler offers time definitions to execute jobs daily, weekly, monthly
or at predefined start times. Besides scheduling, different tasks can be
combined into Task Flows, where execution of different tasks can follow
each other in fluent flow.

5.7 Basic configuration

There are several basic configurations used by the system administrator to
customize the system to the specific needs of the utility. Some
configuration examples are described in the following chapters.

5.7.1 User definition, access rights, segments

Every user is defined with username, password, language and other
attributes and belongs to a user group. For each user group, the system
administrator can define individual access rights to the different functions.
Every access to a data object can be restricted to create, view, modify,
delete. These access rights can be applied individually to all types of data
objects in the system. For specific functions, the administrator can assign
execution privileges to user groups. The graphical user interface is auto-
matically adapted to the user’s individual access rights.
In addition, data objects can be assigned to different data segments. Users
can be assigned to a number of data segments so that the user can only
access data he is authorized to.

5.7.2 Meter/register configuration

All metering values can be normalized to OBIS Code. The different
registers and their individual naming can be customized by the system
administrator. For each meter type it is possible to define which registers
are delivered and handled in the central system. There are different register
sets for identification numbers, network management, billing registers etc.
that can be configured to the needs of the utility.
For each data object such as a concentrator or a meter the necessary
customer specific attributes can be defined on a basic level. User defined
attributes can vary from individual address information up to specific device
or contract information that needs to be monitored within the system.

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5.7.3 Unique identification

The unique identification of a meter node and its values is a requirement
throughout the whole system. There is both a unique manufacturer serial
number and a unique utility serial numbers referenced from the meter node
up to the central system and used to identify the meter values in the export
to the billing system.
The following description shows the usage of EAN code as an example. Of
course, it is also possible to use a “conventional” utility serial number
defined by the utility.
Cross-references between databases, concentrators and metering unit are:
• Utility serial number of meter
• Timestamp

Utility serial number Utility’s serial number of metering unit: This unique number allows an
of meter explicit identification of the metering unit. This number is the link between
the meter data and the consumer. It is owned by the utility. The value is set
in the meter during manufacturing according to the data given by the utility.
The number is taken from the readout of the meter and updated in the
module after every successful communication. The two meter registers
'Customer ID' (display code 0.0) and 'Manufacturer ID' (display code C.1.1)
are added to a register in the module.
The utility serial number is typically defined as an EAN number, see
following example. The number is represented differently on the bar code
sticker, the meter plate and the readout:
Bar code: 80047350028740014881
Clear view: (8004)7350028740014881
Readout: 735002874840014881

(8004) Application Identifier: 4 digits defining the type of number. The AI is shown
inside brackets in the clear view but not in the barcode.
73 Country code: 2 digits defining the registration country of this EAN/UCC
Company Prefix. No indication as to where the meters are being produced
or where the company is located. 73 represents Sweden.
1…7 Company Prefix: Registration # from EAN. The company prefix can be
provided by the customer. The Landis+Gyr Company Prefix is: 5002874
1…6 Individual Asset Reference: Unique Number defined by supplier during
P Test Digit over the code without Application Identifier (8004). L+G offers
different ways for the calculation of this Test Digit, all of them standardised
and approved.
Modulo 10/3; Modulo 43; Modulo 11
OBIS The OBIS code identifies the type of measurement (e.g. energy
consumption high tariff)
Timestamp Assigns date and time to each meter reading.

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Each meter reading data is clearly assigned to all three cross references
from its generation in the meter until its storage in the database. Therefore,
it is always ensured that the correct metering unit is controlled on the base
of these cross-references.
Each concentrator is identified by its unique manufacturer serial number.

5.8 System platform

The AIM central system is based on Oracle technologies for database and
applications servers. Application servers are running J2EE-based
application logic and user interfaces are based on Java and C++.

5.8.1 Database
The AIM central system employs an Oracle database for data storage. All
data such as measurement values, status and event logs etc. remain in the
database until the system administrator deletes them explicitly. AIM system
is designed to for storing the data for years. The storage capacity can
easily be expanded by adding additional disk space to the database server.

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5.8.2 Operating system

The operating system for communication processes (Communication
Servers) is Windows Server 2003. Database and Application servers for
data management applications can be run on operating systems supported
by Oracle. Dedicated servers are used for database, data acquisition, data
processing and user interface services. Standard Windows PCs can be
used for operators of the system. All definitions and data are stored in an
Oracle database. Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) technology is
available for guarantying high availability and scalability.

AIM Web User

AIM User

Service Person PDA 1


Information Services
AIMIA Metering Data Services
Value Added Services

Site Manager CIS

Service Person PDA N AIM Ware

... EDMS


... BSS

System NN
Communication Communication
Server Server

Figure 8: System Configuration

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48/83 Data Concentrator

6 Data Concentrator
6.1 General
The concentrator is typically installed in the MV/LV substation/transformer
station. It could also be mounted anywhere in the LV network i.e. at the
customer’s premises (together with the meter).

Figure 9: Data Concentrator DC200

By default, GPRS is used to communicate with the Central System.

Alternative media: direct Internet connection via Ethernet. The concentrator
is equipped with an Ethernet controller and a RJ45 socket.
The Software of the concentrator can be downloaded remotely from the

6.2 The Data Concentrator DC200

This chapter describes the new DC200 intelligent concentrator for large
scale meter reading and controlling. DC200 is the product name for the
Landis+Gyr Data Concentrator. It is developed in a hardware- and
software-wise modular design so that it delivers maximum flexibility. This
modularity will make it possible to add new functions as well as new
technologies and protocols to ensure best possible solution also in the
future and therefore satisfy future market demands with a flexible approach.
The basic device functionality is to collect data from metering devices, store
collected data and process that data through AIM Message Max platform or
through direct Ethernet connection to upper level applications. Message
Max platform is the Landis+Gyr interface for GPRS connected DC’s and
meters using push technology to send the data to the AIM AMR system or
directly to an external AMR system.
This new concentrator communicates with the AMR system using TCP/IP in
different media like GPRS or LAN.

The DC200 will provide all basic functions and supports fully all the existing
PLAN based meters.

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The concentrator acts as master of the underlying PLC network. For that it
• The fully automatic detection of newly installed meters and PLC
communication units (plug and play).
• The fully automatic switching-over process in case of a feeder change in
the LV network; the PLC units are released from one concentrator and
re-registered at the new concentrator.
• Supervision and optimisation of the PLC communication network by
computing performance statistics and by optimising the repetition credits
in order to achieve maximal channel capacity.
• Automatically synchronising the clocks of the communication units in the
LV network.
Besides the basic tasks which support the maintenance of the communi-
cation network, all tasks for the data exchange with the meters are
programmed by the CS.

6.2.1 DC200 as part of the AMR system

DC200 is targeted to function with Landis+Gyr’s Advanced Metering
Infrastructure solution. It communicates with the central system through
TCP/IP based communication networks. The connection to third party
systems is possible through DC200 ODEP2 interface. By using the
definition of this interface, it should be possible to take in use the DC200
with other systems.

Figure 10: DC200 in AIM system

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6.2.2 Communication Options

One concentrator type will be created with two communication options.
Upper communication options:
PLC communication options:
• PLAN based

6.2.3 Communication interfaces to systems

DC200 has several different interfaces to upper level systems components.
Main parties are AMR, MessageMax and Configuration tool.
Message Max will handle push data according the schedules set in the
DC200. Only predefined data will be sent from concentrator to MM
AMR will handle add hoc readings direct controls and other additional
commands that are not defined in push data context.
Configuration tool will be used for DC200 configuration and installation as
well as software updates.

Figure 11: communication DC - system

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6.2.4 Concentrator architecture

The concentrator platform can be roughly divided in three different
platforms hardware, OS and Embedded SW and application software:

Figure 12: DC200 architecture

6.2.5 PLC architecture

The PLC architecture of the concentrator has a system component called
PLC Broker. PLC Broker communicates to other SW components through
the application interface. This interface hides all the PLC specific parts and
it looks similar for all PLC technologies.
PLAN is implemented in the PLC broker behind Application interface.
Development of PLC broker is made very modular so that it could be used
with other solutions as well. For example, the code could be implemented
into different vendor’s meters. Inside the PLC broker it is possible to
implement also different types of communication protocols and
The following standards are implemented:
• S-FSK + IEC 61334-5-1 as MAC & Physical layer for modulation,
repetition scheme & error control
• IEC 61334-4-32 as LLC for addressing & reporting mechanism

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• IEC 61334-4-511 for network management, detection of new stations,

• COSEM Green Book & Blue Book with additional PLC objects for
metering data models

PLC broker


Application interface

IDEP LON MIP driver PL3120

X Driver X PLC
X Protocol? X PLC?

Figure 13: PLC broker structure

6.2.6 Mechanical Design Case, Terminal Block and Terminal Cover

The case of the DC200 fulfils the requirements of IEC/EN 62053-21. The
case fulfils the requirements of protection class II and is protected against
the penetration of dust and water according to IP51. The entire meter’s
plastic material is UL94-V0 classified (non-burning).
The base is made of light grey polycarbonate (PC) reinforced with 20 %
glass fibre. The cover is made of transparent polycarbonate and fastened
on the base with two sealing screws. The inner cover, which is also made
of transparent polycarbonate, supports the electronic parts and acts as a
base for the nameplate sticker. The cover includes a separate sliding cover
for an auxiliary nameplate.
The cover is equipped with an adjustable metal fixing eye. The fixing eye
has three adjusting positions, which makes covered installation possible.
The terminal block fulfils protection requirements according to IP20. The
terminal block is made of glass fibre reinforced polycarbonate. The
dimensions of the current connectors are in accordance with DIN 43857 for
5.6 mm and 9.7 mm terminals.

Figure 14: Terminal Block Cover

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Data Concentrator 53/83 Buttons
The DC200 has one push button and a four direction button. The red button
is located under the sealable sliding cover. The four direction button is
located on the upper right corner of the front cover.
The red button is the activating button and the black buttons is 'browse'-
button. The two buttons in the DC200 are used to display the following
SW version: for example 1.0.0
HW version: 1.3
Serial number: 1234567
Time: 18022008 164318 (which means 18.02.2008, 16:43:18)
Uptime: xx days xx hours xx min xx sec
Temperature: Celsius
Voltage level: 231V
GPRS field: xxx dBm
Above all, it is even possible to activate functionalities like SW update with
the buttons. LED
The concentrator has six LED indicators that can be seen through the
transparent cover. The function and placement of the LEDs is printed on
the nameplate. Connectors
Both DC200 types have a power line, Twisted Pair RJ45 for the LAN, RS
interface, USB and digital input connectors. The DC200 type, which comes
delivered with an internal GPRS module, have an SMA connector for the

Figure 15: DC200 connectors

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54/83 Data Concentrator Meter data acquisition

In order to achieve maximum reliability, the concentrator keeps a copy of
the most recent part of the Daily Values Profile, of the Energy Values
Profile and of the event logs (see chapter 7.4 ff) in its buffer. Such a buffer
is kept for each meter node. In case of missing values in the buffer (due to
temporary communication problems) the concentrator automatically re-
fetches the missing values of the corresponding meters during the time of
good communication conditions. Whenever the CS contacts the
concentrator it has all the relevant data available; i.e. in general the CS
never needs to contact the meter directly for data required periodically.

Concentrator failure
In case of a concentrator failure, all meter nodes are no longer addressed
and will therefore change (after a timeout) into the status "New". From then
on, the meter nodes are ready to be rediscovered by a new concentrator.
Faulty concentrators are detected by the network supervision module in the
Central System.
For a fast re-configuration of the network, the Central system can download
the list of the meter nodes (together with the reading tasks) connected to
the concentrator.
Alternatively, a new installed concentrator can re-discover the meter nodes
while performing the standard “discovering new meters” process.

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Electricity Metering Equipment 55/83

7 Electricity Metering Equipment

7.1 Polyphase meter ZMF100AC
See Technical data sheet.

7.1.1 Meter configuration parameters

The meter configuration parameters are set during manufacturing. They
cannot be changed in the field.

7.2 Single phase meter ZCF100AC

See Technical data sheet.

7.2.1 Meter configuration parameters

The meter configuration parameters are set during manufacturing. They
cannot be changed in the field.

7.3 Disconnector
The single phase meter ZCF and the polyphase meter ZMF can be
equipped with an optional disconnector. Figure 5 shows the ZCF and ZMF
meters equipped with disconnectors. The switch for local disconnector
operation is integrated into the terminal cover. The design of the switch is
such that unintentional operation is avoided.

Figure 16: Single Phase and Poly Phase meter with Disconnector

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56/83 Electricity Metering Equipment

7.3.1 Safety requirements

The disconnector connects and disconnects the customer’s premises. The
disconnector does not provide any overload protection. Therefore,
installations that include a meter with a disconnector must be protected
either by a fuse of 80 Amps or lower, or by another protective device with
an equivalent characteristic (fuses according to EN62269-3).

7.3.2 Electrical specification

• Max. switched current up to 80 A per phase at nominal line voltage and
cos phi=1.
• Short circuit current of 3000 A for 10 ms, acc. EN62053-21
• Impulse voltage of 12 kV according SP-1618
• Mechanical life time is 10’000 switching cycles @ 80 A cos phi=1

7.3.3 Environmental specification

• Protection class IP52
• Operating temperature range –40 °C ... +70 °C

7.3.4 Tamper protection

Tamper Protection against magnetic DC fields according to EN 62053-21.

7.3.5 Functionality
Local operation mode
In the local operation mode, the customer can use the local button to
connect or disconnect his premises manually. Remote disconnection is
possible, remote connection is NOT possible in the local operation mode.
Remote operation mode
In the remote operation mode, local disconnection and connection is not
possible. In order to safely perform remote re-connection of a disconnected
customer, the “local connection enabled” function is provided. After local
connection is enabled the customer can re-connect his premises by
operating the local button. Once the premises are reconnected, local
disconnection is no longer possible.
Changing operation modes
The operation mode of the disconnector can be remotely changed from
“remote operation mode” to “local operation mode” and vice versa.
Default Operation mode on delivery: the disconnector is delivered in the
“Local operation mode”.
During a power outage, the disconnector remains in the same status as
before the outage.
After the power restoration, the disconnector remains in the same status as
before the outage.

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Disconnector status
• The disconnector status may be read.
• Every status change of the disconnector (locally or remotely triggered) is
registered in the “disconnector log-book”.

7.4 Communication modules

The communication modules make the metering data available to the user.
The data described below is presented remotely via a communication
channel or locally via the M-bus interface. The data structures and the
encoding follow the rules of IEC 62056-62 and are independent of the
communication channel used. The corresponding data object presentation
is provided by the communication modules based on data read out of the
meter (via an internal IEC1107 interface). The communication module
periodically reads out the meter every 60 seconds.

7.4.1 Metering registers

The communication modules provide access to metering objects (according
to IEC 62056-62).
The following energy registers correspond to those of the ZMF meter:
OBIS Code Content
1-0:1.8.0 Active Energy Import (+A)
1-0:2.8.0 Active Energy Export (-A)
1-0:15.8.0 Combined Total (|AL1|+|AL2|+|AL3|)

And the following rated registers correspond to those of the ZMF meter:

OBIS Code Content

1-0:1.8.1 Active Energy Import (+A), rate 1
1-0:1.8.2 Active Energy Import (+A), rate 2
1-0:2.8.1 Active Energy Export (-A), rate 1
1-0:2.8.2 Active Energy Export (-A), rate 2

All registers contain cumulative values in Wh with a resolution of 9 digits

(no decimal places).

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7.4.2 Power quality registers

The following registers support the supervision of the power quality.
OBIS Code Content
0-0:C.7.0 Total power failure counter (copy from ZMF)
counts the sum of all 3 phase power failures of the meter. A 3 phase power
failure is an event where the voltage of all 3 phases of the meter drops lower
than 120 V1 for more than 200 msec.
0-0:C.7.5 Long power failure counter (generated in comm. module)
counts the sum of all 3 phase power failures > N seconds. A 3 phase power
failure is an event where the voltage of all 3 phases drops lower than 150 V1.
N is configurable between 10 and 65536 seconds
1-1:32.7.0 Voltage in phase 1 (copy from ZMF), in ZMF: RMS over 5 seconds
1-1:52.7.0 Voltage in phase 2 (copy from ZMF)
1-1:72.7.0 Voltage in phase 3 (copy from ZMF)
1-1:31.7.0 Phase current A1= copy of the corresponding meter register (only available
in ZCF meters)

7.4.3 Identification numbers

The following information is available as “Register objects” according to
Identification numbers can be used for several purposes. Some of them
can be set by the utility for its own purposes (e.g. the utility IDs). Other
identification numbers are fixed and identify the hardware or the software of
the device (e.g. manufacturer serial number, firmware ID).
Identification numbers are alphanumerical strings that can be read via
communication. All identification numbers are given a code according to the
OBIS standard. Identification No. for the Electricity Meter and Communication Unit

Type, Size and OBIS Code and

Name Description
Access Name
Utility Serial This number is the link between the register with a 1-0:0.0
Number meter data and the consumer. It is maximum of 32 Electricity ID
(e-meter) owned by the utility. characters, Copy
The value is set in the meter during from Z.F max. 24
manufacturing process according to the characters
data given by the utility. Copy from ZxF. read only

The differences in the voltage levels are due to the fact that the meter and the communication unit have
different power supplies.

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Type, Size and OBIS Code and

Name Description
Access Name
Manufacturer This is a world-wide unique identification register with a 0.0:42.0.0
Serial Number number given by the manufacturer that is maximum of 16 Cosem Logical
Meter used to clearly identify every device in a characters Device Name
(e-meter) dlms system. Short Name
The value is set during manufacturing read only (base_name)
process of the meter and can't be 0xFD00
changed any more.
All Landis+Gyr devices contain "LGZ"
and the 8-digit serial number.
Copy from ZxF.
Manufacturer This is a world-wide unique identification register with a 0-1:C.1.9
Serial Number number given by the manufacturer that is maximum of 16 Device ID 10
Module used to clearly identify every device in a characters
dlms system.
All Landis+Gyr devices contain "LGZ" read only
and the 8-digit serial number
The value is set during manufacturing
process of the module and can't be
changed any more.
Firmware ID The firmware ID identifies the software register with a size 1-0:0.2.0
Meter version of the Landis+Gyr ZxF meter of 3 characters
(e-meter) (Mxx).
read only program version
The value is a read only part of the number
firmware code.
The value is taken from the identification
string of the meter and updated after
every communication with the meter.
Firmware ID The firmware ID identifies the software register with a size 1-1:0.2.0
Module version of the module (Txx). of 3 characters
read only program version
Short Name
Configuration ID The Configuration ID shows the current register with a 1-0:C.90
hard- and software configuration of the maximum of 16
device. It is used by external tools (e.g. characters
MAP), to adapt the functionality of the
tool to the functionality of the device.
The value is set during manufacturing read only
process of the module and can't be
changed any more.

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Type, Size and OBIS Code and

Name Description
Access Name
Parameterisation Identifies the set of parameters register with a 1-0:0.2.1
ID representing a specific consumer maximum of 3
contract. Devices with the same characters in the
record number
parameterisation ID belong to consumers range of '0' to '255'
with the same contract.
The value is set during the
parameterisation of the device.
In case of a AD-xP device, the PLC state
is set to 'NEW' and 'unlocked' if the value
is written (directly or via TOU).
Utility Serial General purpose registers with no register with a 0-0:C.1.0
Number 2.1 and special meaning. maximum of 8
2.2 characters
The registers are owned by the utility and
Device ID 1, 2
can be changed at any time.
This registers are available only in the
module and have no link to any data in
the meter. Identification Numbers for Slave Meters

The following table shows identification numbers for Slave Meters as Gas,
Water or Heat meter
Name Description Type, Size and OBIS Code
Access and Name
Utility Serial This number is the link between the slave registers with a A-B:0.0.0
Number meter data and the consumer. It is owned by maximum of 32
Slave the utility. characters Pos A: Medium
(1 to 4) read/ write 6 Heat
The value is/was given by the Utility and 7 Gas
posted at the installation point. Usually the 8 Water cold
number is the link to the customer. 9 Water hot
During installation this number must be set
in the OCR Module using the Xemtec’s PDA Pos B: Channel
deployment tool. 0 .. 3
Manufacturer This is a world-wide unique identification register with a A-B:0.0.9
Serial number given by the manufacturer that is maximum of 16
Number used to clearly identify every device. characters. Pos A: Medium
Slave 6 Heat
(1 to 4) The value is printed on the Slave face plate read/write 7 Gas
and set in the OCR Module during 8 Water cold
installation by using the Xemtec’s PDA 9 Water hot
deployment tool.
Pos B: Channel
0 .. 3
Manufacturer This is a world-wide unique identification register with a 0-B:96.1.0
Serial number given by Xemtec. maximum of 16
Number OCR The value is set during manufacturing characters. Pos B: Channel
Module process of the OCR module and can't be 0 .. 3
(1 to 4) changed any more. read/write

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Name Description Type, Size and OBIS Code
Access and Name
Config ID The Configuration ID shows the current register with a t.b.d.
Slave hard- and software configuration of the maximum of 16
(1 to 4) Slave device. It is used to do the grouping in characters
the data concentrator.
The value is set during installation of the M-
Bus Master and the Slave devices. read/write

7.4.4 Profiles
Consumption values of the master meter or of the slave meters are stored
(in the master meter) in “generic profiles” according to IEC 62056-62.
The profiles are generated in the communication modules with the energy
values read from the ZMF meter or from the slave meters.
All profiles have a common structure:

Timestamp Status Register 1 Register 2 up to 4

[kWh] [kWh] Registers
18.03.2005 00:00:00 0 930.184 22.154 …
19.03.2005 00:00:00 0 940.629 36.706 …
20.03.2005 00:00:00 0 951.012 51.165 …
… … … … …

Column 1, Timestamp: Time and date of register capturing

Column 2, Status: 8 bit or 16 bit status word (for OCR connected
meters the status word contains information
related to the connection between the master
meter and the slave meter)
Column 3 to 6, Register n Value of the register at the time of capturing.
Any of the registers listed in can be
captured. The choice of the registers is config-
urable. The captured registers’ resolution is in
kWh, with 3 decimal places. Up to 4 registers
can be captured.

Master Meter The daily billing values profile

• Consists of 366 rows

• Each row contains up to 4 registers
• Values are captured at midnight (00:00) with a capturing period of 24

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The periodic consumption values profile

• Consists of 2160 rows.
• Each row contains up to 4 registers.
• Values are captured with a period of 15 min, 30 min or 60 min.
The monthly billing values profile
• Consists of 13 rows.
• Each row contains up to 4 e-registers and 1 total energy register for
New up to 4 slaves.
• Values are captured at the first day of the month at 00:00.
NB: the monthly billing values are not regularly read out. It serves fro
emergency purposes only. For the regular readouts the daily profiles (or
hourly profiles for the slaves) are used.

Slave Meter For each slave meter (up to 4) the following profile is available:
The periodic consumption values profile
• Consists of 240 rows.
• Each row contains 1 register
• Values are captured with a period of 1 hour (if hourly profiles are
available in the slave, the profiles are fetched by the master once a day
for battery saving reasons) or 1 day.

7.4.5 Switching table (for master meter only)

The switching table is structured according to IEC62056-62 “Activity
calendar”. In particular, it consists of up to
• 4 seasons (week tables).
• 8 days tables with up to 4 switching points per day.
• 50 special days.
The switching table can control the tariff registers in the meter and the
control output.
The switching tables are stored and processed in the communication

7.4.6 Event logs (for master meter only)

The communication unit provides two event logs:
• Standard Event Log with up to 200 entries:
Containing general meter events (e.g. clock adjusted, daylight saving
enabled, firmware updated, error events, …) and events related to the
quality of supply (comp. 7.4.7).
The registration of power quality information can be enabled or disabled
locally or remotely.

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• Disconnector Event Log with up to 20 entries.

Only for meters with disconnectors. Containing information on
disconnector status changes due to local and remote operations.
Typically the disconnector event log is read out with each remote
switching command.
The event logs are generated in the communication module.
An event log has the following structure:
Timestamp Module Device status Event number
27.01.2005 01:32:07 0 23

27.01.2005 02:13:43 0 24

29.01.2005 03:00:00 0 11

… …

The timestamp defines time and date when an event occurred. The status
word contains information on the status of the meter and the communi-
cation device at the time of the event. The event number identifies the
actual event.
When the event log is full the oldest event is overwritten.

7.4.7 Quality of supply supervision (for master meter only)

The metering units support quality of supply supervision by means of:
• Counters for different power outage events as described in 7.4.2
• Registration of power outage events in the event log as described in
The following events may be registered in the event log:
• Total power down of the meter when the voltage of all 3 phases drops
below 120 V.
• Power restoration after a “short power down” event. Indicating that the
power returned before the “long power down” threshold has been
• Power restoration after a “long power down” event. The threshold of the
“long power down” can be configured between 10 sec and 65535 sec.

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• Undervoltage of phase 1, if the voltage of phase 1 drops below x% of the

nominal voltage for at least xx minutes (xx > 1 minute). Where x and xx
is configurable. The event “return to nominal voltage” is also registered.
X has to be > 80 % of the nominal voltage for single phase meters.
• Undervoltage of phase 2, if the voltage of phase 2 drops below x% of the
nominal voltage for at least xx minutes (xx > 1 minute). x and xx are
configurable. The event “return to nominal voltage” is also registered.
• Undervoltage of phase 3, if the voltage of phase 3 drops below x% of the
nominal voltage for at least xx minutes (xx > 1 minute). x and xx are
configurable. The event “return to nominal voltage” is also registered.
• Overvoltage of phase 1, if the voltage of phase 1 exceeds y% of the
nominal voltage for at least yy minutes (yy > 1 minute). Y and yy are
configurable. The event “return to nominal voltage” is also registered.
• Overvoltage of phase 2, if the voltage of phase 1 exceeds y% of the
nominal voltage for at least yy minutes (yy > 1 minute). Y and yy are
configurable. The event “return to nominal voltage” is also registered.
• Overvoltage of phase 3, if the voltage of phase 1 exceeds y% of the
nominal voltage for at least yy minutes (yy > 1 minute). Y and yy are
configurable. The event “return to nominal voltage” is also registered.
• “Single phase outage”, if the voltage of phase n drops below y% of the
nominal voltage (e.g. 70% of nominal voltage whereby x has to be >
80% for single phase meters) for at least xx minutes (xx > 1 minute). xx
is configurable. The event “phase n restored” is also registered.

• In case of a “3 phase power outage” event, no “single phase power
outage” event and no “under voltage” event is registered.
• In case of a “single phase power outage” event no “under voltage” event
is registered.
The power outage supervision events are stored in the event log. The
registration of the events listed above is configurable.
Remark: The voltage measurement accuracy is ±2%.

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7.4.8 Maximum demand/fuse supervision (for master meter only)

The maximum subscribed demand/fuse type can be limited and any
crossing of this limit can be registered in the standard log book. This
feature can be used to detect if a customer has exchanged the current
limiting fuses that are prescribed by its contract.
• An over-demand event is registered if the average demand over the last
hour exceeds the parameter “maximum demand”. The value of
“maximum demand” is configurable between 1 and 256 kW.
• Information about the fuse (type, current) is provided by the utility.
• A margin factor is to be agreed upon.

7.4.9 Firmware download

The firmware of the Communication Units (in the meters; only on master
meter) can be downloaded via GPRS, GSM and PLC. Misuse is prevented
by Keyed Hash Message Authentication according to FIPS 180-1, FIPS

7.4.10 Interfaces
The following interfaces are available for local access:
• M-Bus interface to connect up to 4 slave meters using (comp. Figure 17)
The M-bus/RF converter connected to the M-bus to communicate with:

New - the ecoMeter,

- via the OCR module with a meter with mechanical registers
or directly via an wire based M-bus
NB: the M-bus master delivers max 16 mA.
• The M-bus interface can also be used for local communication with the
communication module.
• Optical interface (according to IEC 62056-21) for local readout of basic
meter data (as described in the ZMF documentation).
• Configurable (upon ordering) interface:
EITHER: a rate control input (240 V)
OR: a combined solid state relay output or S0 pulse output (type A)
The functionality is configurable, either as a solid state relay (240 V,
100 mA) for local load control or S0 output with a pulse constant of
500 imp/kWh.
NB: remote configuration is not supported because re-configuration
of the interface implies changing of the local installation.

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• For GSM/GPRS module only (configurable upon ordering) alert input or

S0 input.

Figure 17: Connecting slave meters to the master meter

7.4.11 Error status

A red LED named 'ERR' is used to indicate the following error states:
Name State Description
off No error
ERR on Fatal error in the module
flashing (1 Hz) Critical error in the module
In case of a fatal error all others LED's have no meaning to the user and
must be ignored.

7.4.12 Disconnector status indicator

A yellow LED named 'Relay off' is used to indicate the current state of the
disconnector output, i.e. if the premises are connected or disconnected:
Name State Description
flashing fast Premises connected
(2 Hz)
Relay off flashing slowly (0.5 Premises disconnected
off Defective LED, status unknown

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7.5 Specific features of the PLC communication module

In addition to the functionality described in 7.4 the PLC module supports
PLC communication and fully automatic installation (plug & play).

7.5.1 PLC communication status indicators

The AD-xP module features 4 LED's to visualise the PLC communication

Name Colour Description
Rx yellow Receive data
Tx yellow Transmit data
NEW green PLC operating mode
SYN green 50 Hz synchronisation

The various operating states are shown in the following table:

Name State Description
flashing (0.5 Hz) Waiting for 50 Hz mains detection
Waiting for synchronisation with data
Rx concentrator
off Ready to receive data
flashing (3.3 Hz) Receiving data
Tx flashing (3.3 Hz) Transmitting data
Module not registered at data concentrator,
data concentrator unknown (unlocked)
NEW Module not registered at data concentrator
flashing (0.5 Hz)
but data concentrator known (locked)
off Module registered at data concentrator
on Module is synchronised to the 50 Hz mains
SYN Module is not synchronised to the 50 Hz

7.5.2 Power outages on the PLC module

In all cases: the power down/up events are registered by the meter node in
the daily/hourly-profiles and in its event-log. The event-logs are reported to
the Central System
If the clock status is desynchronised, the daily values profile and the hourly
values profile between power up and synchronisation time will be marked.
The tariff is set to LT until time is re-synchronised.
The table below summarises the processes which will be automatically
triggered to handle power down/resume events with the PLC module.

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Power down Status meter meter status at action

time T clock concentrator
T < 6h synchronised registered No action for the meter node required.
(configurable) The power down/up is registered in the
event-log and transmitted to the Central
6h< T< 7 days synchronised new Meter node registers at next “discover
request” from concentrator. With the
registration, the meter is synchronised
by the concentrator.
The concentrator adds the meter into
the list of “new” meters and makes this
list available to the Central System.
The Central System compares the “new”
configuration with its DB and checks its
The power down/up is registered in the
event-log and transmitted to the Central
T > 7 days de-synchronised new Meter node registers at next “discover
request” from concentrator. With the
registration, the meter is synchronised
by the concentrator.
The concentrator adds the meter in the
list of “new” meters and makes this list
available to the Central System.
The Central System compares the “new”
configuration with its DB and checks its
The power down/up is registered in the
event-log and transmitted to the Central

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7.5.3 Keeping system time synchronised for PLC module

The Central System keeps the system time (GPS).
• Central System > concentrator: The clock in the concentrator is
synchronised with every communication (at least once a month).
• Concentrator > meter node: whenever the concentrator is synchronised
from the Central System, it broadcasts the time to all meter nodes,
synchronising their clocks.
• Concentrator > meter node: after a power up of the concentrator, it
broadcasts the time to all meter nodes, synchronising their clocks.
• Concentrator > meter node: the concentrator periodically (typically once
an hour) broadcasts the time to all meter nodes synchronising their
• Meter node: upon receiving the time from the concentrator, the meter
corrects the time information considering the number of repetitions that
were used to reach the meter and sets the clock accordingly. If the time
deviation is larger than “sync_limit” (configurable), an entry into the
event-log is created. In the profiles the “time change flag” is set for the
current registration period. If the time deviation is smaller than
“sync_limit” (configurable), nothing is registered. However, multiple small
time shifts are not accepted.

7.5.4 Isolate part of the LV network for repair

Grid work is normally done by isolating a section of the network from the
feeding transformer and then – after completion of the work – reconnecting
it. If the disconnection lasts for less than 6 hours (configurable), then the
system continues to work normally. If the disconnection lasts for more than
6 hours, then the metering nodes go to status “new” and will – after the re-
connection – be rediscovered and re-registered. Then the system continues
its normal operation.

7.5.5 Switching part of the LV network to a different transformer

If part of the network is switched to another transformer, the following
procedure is initiated:
After 6 hours the meters affected by this switching will detect that they can
no longer communicate with their concentrator. Therefore, they change
their status to “new” and wait for a new concentrator to detect them. The
new concentrator periodically issues a “discover request” service to detect
new meter nodes. The new meters declare themselves and are registered
by the new concentrator. In the old concentrator, the transferred meters
appear in the “lost meters” list. In the new concentrator the transferred
meters appear in the “new meters” list. These lists are made available to
the Central System. The Central System then updates its DB with the
communication paths of the meters. The operator is informed of this
process. See also Chapter 3.2.

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7.6 Specific features of the GPRS/GSM communication module

In addition to the functionality described in 7.4 the GPRS/GSM module
supports GPRS/GSM communication.

7.6.1 GPRS/GSM communication status indicators

The AD-xG module features 6 LED's to visualise the GSM and GPRS
communication state:
Name Colour Description
Tx yellow Transmit data
Rx yellow Receive data
GPRS green GPRS operating mode
GSM green GSM operating mode
RSL yellow Receive signal level (field strength)
Internal operating mode of GSM/GPRS module (SYNC
OPM yellow

With these 6 LED's it is possible to operate and install a GSM/GPRS

module without additional software tools. All information e.g. regarding the
positioning of an antenna is given via the LED's:
Name State Description
Tx on for 200 ms Character transmitted
Rx on for 200 ms Character received
off GPRS not logged in
GPRS flashing GPRS logged in, TCP/IP listening
on GPRS logged in, TCP/IP open
off GSM disabled (e.g. outside time window)
GSM flashing GSM listening
on GSM connected
off GSM/GPRS module not ready
Receive signal level low (≤ -113 dBm) or no signal
(600 ms on /
600 ms off)
(75 ms on / 3 s Receive signal detected, level is shown via RSL
on Call in progress
Receive signal level 1
(RS value 0 -10 equals –110 dBm ... –100 dBm)
Receive signal level 2
flashing slowly
(RS value 11 -20 equals –99 dBm ... –90 dBm)
Receive signal level 3
flashing fast
(RS value 21 -30 equals –89 dBm ... –81 dBm)
Receive signal level 4
(RS value 31 – 63, ≥ –80 dBm)

No SIM-Card If no SIM-Card is inserted all communication status LED's are switched off.
From time to time the Rx LED flashes shortly.

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SIM-Card Error If a wrong SIM-Card inserted or if a wrong PIN-Code is programmed the

module shows an error with RSL = off but GPRS = on and GSM = on.

7.6.2 Power outages on the GSM/GPRS module

In all cases: the power down/up events are registered by the meter node in
the daily/hourly-profiles and in its event-log. The event-logs are reported to
the Central System
If the clock status is desynchronised, the daily values profile and the hourly
values profile between power up and synchronisation time will be marked.
The tariff is set to LT until time is re-synchronised.
The table below summarises the processes which will be automatically
triggered to handle power down/resume events with the GSM/GPRS

Power down Status meter action

time T clock
T < 7 days synchronised No action for the meter node required.
The power down/up is registered in the
event-log and transmitted to the
Central System.
T >= 7 days De-synchronised The meter node is synchronised by the
Central System with the next
communication (typically once a day).

7.6.3 Keeping system time synchronised for GSM/GPRS module

The Central System keeps the system time (GPS).
• Central System > Meter node: The clock in the meter node is
synchronised with every communication (at least once a week).
• Meter node: upon receiving the time from the Central System, the meter
sets the clock accordingly. If the time deviation is larger than “sync_limit”
(configurable), an entry into the event-log is created. In the Profiles the
“time change flag” is set for the current registration period. If the time
deviation is smaller than “sync_limit” (configurable) nothing is registered.
However, multiple small time shifts are not accepted.

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8 Gas Metering Equipment

The Landis+Gyr E6V+ gas meters are designed for household gas
metering where an internal gas shut off valve and communication port is
New required.
The new LIBRA family for smart metering purpose consists of new single
pipe casework and 250mm casework meters for the European gas market.
These meters can be enhanced with different modules for communication,
prepayment and the meter viewing index. They are based upon the proven
E6V meter technology and provide a stable and accurate metering

8.1 Single Pipe Casework

The LIBRA Single Pipe meter is connected to the gas pipes by the
DIN3376-2 standard DN25 connection.
The LIBRA Single Pipe meter module provides Smart metering
functionality. When fitted to a meter the module will account for gas
consumption on a block tariff, provide detailed information via its flexible
LCD display and provide communication to a suitable M-Bus wireless
The LIBRA Single Pipe meter provides advance metering information that
can enable the analysis of energy usage patterns, equivalent carbon
loading, provide control of the installation is designed to satisfy AMM / AMR

Figure 18: Single pipe casework

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Specifications for the Single pipe casework

Feature Description
Applicable Metering Standards: BS EN 1359:1999, EN14236
Maximum Operating Pressure: 100mbar
Maximum flow rate (Qmax) 6.00 m3 / Hr
Maximum flow rate (Qmin) 0.04 m3 / Hr
Pressure drop (max) < 2mB
Accuracy Better than ± 1.5% (0.6 m3 – 6 m3 / Hr)
Gas type Natural gas (consisting mainly of
methane) not LPG
Case construction Deep drawn coated steel
Gas connections DN25 to DIN3376-2
Measurement technology Ultrasonic time of flight
Shut off valve Internal electrically operated
Display: 2 line by 16 character dot matrix with
Battery type Lithium thionyl chloride 3.6v ‘D’ cell
Battery life > 10 years normal operation
Shock & Vibration (Transit) BS EN 1359:1999
Operating Temperature -10 ̊ C to 40 ̊ C
Water Resistance IP55
Humidity 95% non condensing
ESD BS EN 61000-4-2 Level 3
RF Susceptibility BS EN 61000-4-3 Level 3
RF Emissions BS EN 61000-6-3
RF Communications 868.0 to 870.0 Mhz
nominal range 30 metres
RF Approvals Meets requirements of R&TTE
Metrology Approvals MID
Weight Approximately 2.5Kg

8.2 250mm Casework

The LIBRA 250mm meter is connected to the gas pipes by the EN ISO228-
1 standard 1¼” connections.
The LIBRA 250mm meter module provides Smart metering functionality.
When fitted to a meter the module will account for gas consumption on a
block tariff, provide detailed information via its flexible LCD display and
provide communication to a suitable M-Bus wireless module.
The LIBRA 250mm meter provides advance metering information that can
enable the analysis of energy usage patterns, equivalent carbon loading,
provide control of the installation and is designed to satisfy AMM / AMR

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Figure 19: 250mm casework

Specifications for the 250mm casework

Feature Description
Applicable Metering Standards: BS EN 1359:1999, EN14236
Maximum Operating Pressure: 100mbar
Maximum flow rate (Qmax) 6.00 m3 / Hr
Maximum flow rate (Qmin) 0.04 m3 / Hr
Pressure drop (max) < 2mB
Accuracy Better than ± 1.5% (0.6 m3 – 6 m3 / Hr)
Gas type Natural gas (consisting mainly of
methane) not LPG
Case construction Deep drawn coated steel
Gas connections G1¼” to EN ISO228-1
Measurement technology Ultrasonic time of flight
Shut off valve Internal electrically operated
Display: 2 line by 16 character dot matrix with
Battery type Lithium thionyl chloride 3.6v ‘D’ cell
Battery life > 10 years normal operation
Shock & Vibration (Transit) BS EN 1359:1999
Operating Temperature -10 ̊ C to 40 ̊ C
Water Resistance IP55
Humidity 95% non condensing
ESD BS EN 61000-4-2 Level 3
RF Susceptibility BS EN 61000-4-3 Level 3
RF Emissions BS EN 61000-6-3
RF Communications 868.0 to 870.0 Mhz
nominal range 30 metres
RF Approvals Meets requirements of R&TTE
Metrology Approvals MID
Weight Approximately 2.5Kg

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Gas Metering Equipment 75/83

8.3 Gas Smart Modules

With this modular approach both gas meters are very flexible and deliver
the following functionality:
• Future proof through the modular approach
- Add modules as you go - Field changeable
- Smart metering enabled
- Advanced functionality – temperature compensation capability
• Supports Added Value functionality
- Prepayment
- 2 way communications
• Type of modules
- MBus wireless 868MHz.
- MBus wired

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76/83 Inhome Display Unit (IHU) - ecoMeter

9 Inhome Display Unit (IHU) - ecoMeter

The In-home Display Unit shows usage and supplier information to the
customer. Data is transferred from the electricity meter at a resolution and
New frequency to provide virtually instantaneous usage information to the
Features of the IHU include:
• Display of Electricity kW demand.
• Display of Cost per hour etc for electricity.
• Display of greenhouse gas emissions based on the electricity
• Graphical information of usage over various periods.
• Messaging from supplier.
• Demand indicators (green, amber, red).
• Display of time and room temperature.
The currency displayed by the IHU is Euro, the language is English.

Figure 20: Inhome Display Unit - ecoMeter

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9.1 Consumption indicators

The ecoMeter is equipped with 3 consumption indicators:

Normal consumption; i.e. the current consumption over the last 15 sec is
below threshold 1:

High consumption; i.e. the current consumption over the last 15 sec is
exceeding threshold 1 but below threshold 2.

Very High consumption; i.e. the current consumption over the last 15 sec is
exceeding threshold 2.

Thresholds 1 and 2 can be set via the electricity meter.

9.2 Default screens for electricity only

Remarks screen 1,2:

• This screen is updated every 15 secs.
• Cost per hour in either €/hr of Pence (representing €-cents !)/hour
• Bar graph: each bar representing on min of energy use over the last

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9.3 Cost screens €

Remarks to screen 1:
• If less that 4 rates are used, their values are set to 00000 kWh
• If the rate change is controlled externally then the time for the next
rate change shows:”Change to rate 1 on 01/01/3000 at 00:00”
• Rate now in €-cents/kWh (display: Pence/kWh)
• This screen is updated after a rate change, or every 30 min.

Remarks to screen 2:
• Rate now in €-cents/kWh (display: Pence/kWh)
• This screen is normally updated every 30 min.

Remarks to screen 3,4:

• Costs in €, display will show €
• This screen is updated every day.

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9.4 Electricity screens

Remarks to screen 1:
• This screen is updated every hour.
• The bar graph shows the energy consumption per hour for the
current day (starting at 00:00)

Remarks to screen 2:
• This screen is updated every day at 00:00.
• The bar graph shows the energy consumption per day for the last 7

Remarks to screen 3:
• This screen is updated every day at 00:00.
• The bar graph shows the energy consumption per day for the last
28 days.

Remarks to screen 4:
• This screen is updated at the end of every month.
• The bar graph shows the energy consumption per month for the last
12 months.

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9.5 Gas screens

Remarks to screen 1 (restricted use for battery operated meters):

• This screen is typically updated every hour. However, for battery
operated gas meters, for battery saving reasons, the readout period
may be restricted to one day. In this case this screen does not
contain relevant information.
• The bar graph shows the energy consumption per hour for the
current day (starting at 00:00)

Remarks to screen 2:
• This screen is updated every day at 00:00.
• The bar graph shows the energy consumption per day for the last 7

Remarks to screen 3:
• This screen is updated every day at 00:00.
• The bar graph shows the energy consumption per day for the last
28 days.

Remarks to screen 4:
• This screen is updated at the end of every month.
• The bar graph shows the energy consumption per month for the last
12 months.

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9.6 Eco screens

Display the emission of greenhouse gas (CO2) during the “production” of

the energy used. The equivalent of kg CO2/kWh is different for electricity
and gas. Even for electricity the CO2 equivalent may vary depending on the
mix of fossil-fuel and hydro electricity. The corresponding equivalents
(depending on the energy delivery contract) can be downloaded to the

Remarks to screen 1:
• This screen is updated every 15 secs.
• The bar graph shows the electricity consumption related CO2
emissions per minute over the last hour. The CO2 emission is
displayed in kg/hr based on the measured consumption over the
last 15 sec.

Remarks to screen 2:
• This screen is updated every 1 hour.
• The bar graph shows the electricity consumption related CO2
emissions per hour over the current day (starting at 00:00). The
numeric display shows the total emission of the current day.

Remarks to screen 3 (restricted use):

• This screen is updated every 1 hour. However, for battery operated
gas meters, for battery saving reasons, the readout period may be
restricted to one day. In this case this screen does not contain
relevant information.
• The bar graph shows the gas consumption related CO2 emissions
per hour over the current day (starting at 00:00). The numeric
display shows the total emission of the current day.

Remarks to screen 4:
• This screen is updated at the end of every day.
• The bar graph shows the total CO2 emissions over the last 7, 28
days and over the last 12 months.

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9.7 Message display

The ecoMeter can display messages sent by the utility. The messages are
sent via the electricity meter.

An incoming message is signalled by a flashing blue light. After pushing the

“message” button the message is displayed.

The messages are limited to 43 characters.

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Appendix: Communication Standards 83/83

10 Appendix: Communication Standards

CENELEC 50065-1/A1 Signals transmission on the low voltage electrical network in the frequency band
of 3 kHz to 148 kHz.
Part 1: General rules, frequency bands and electromagnetic disturbances
IEC 61334-4-1 Distribution Automation Using Distribution Line Carrier Systems
Part 4 : Data Communication Protocols
Section 1 : Reference Model of the Communication System
IEC 61334-5-1 Distribution Automation Using Distribution Line Carrier Systems
Part 5 : Lower Layer Profiles
Section 1 : The Spread Frequency Shift Keying (S-FSK) Profile
IEC 61334-4-32 Distribution Automation Using Distribution Line Carrier Systems
Part 4 : Data Communication Protocols
Section 32 : Data Link Layer
IEC 61334-4-41 Distribution Automation Using Distribution Line Carrier Systems
Part 4 : Data Communication Protocols
Section 41 : Application protocol
- Distribution Line Message Specification (DLMS)
IEC 61334-4-42 Distribution Automation Using Distribution Line Carrier Systems
Part 4 : Data Communication Protocols
Section 42 : Application Layer
IEC 61334-4-511 Distribution Automation Using Distribution Line Carrier Systems
Part 4 : Data Communication Protocols
Section 511 : Systems Management using profile CEI 61334-5-1
CIASE protocol
IEC 61334-4-512 Distribution Automation Using Distribution Line Carrier Systems
Part 4 : Data Communication Protocols
Section 512 : Systems Management using profile CEI 61334-5-1
MIB protocol
IEC 62056-21 Electricity metering – Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control –
Direct Local data Exchange
IEC 62056-46 Electricity metering – Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control –
Data link layer using HDLC protocol
IEC 62056-53 Electricity metering – Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control –
COSEM application layer
IEC 62056-61 62056-61 Electricity metering – Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load
control – Object identification system
IEC 62056-62 Electricity metering – Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control –
Interface classes
ISO 7498: 1984 Information processing systems – Open Systems Interconnection – Basic
Reference Model
FIPS 180-1 Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 180-1
1995 April 17, Secure Hash Standard, SHA-1
FIPS 198 Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 198, 2002, march 6,
Keyed Hash Message Authentication Code

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