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Water Supply and Sanitation in India

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Water and sanitation access in India has increased but still lags behind international standards. Local government institutions are seen as weak and lack resources while major cities still do not have continuous water supply. Access to improved sources has grown significantly but sanitation access remains low.

None of the major Indian cities distribute water for more than a few hours per day despite sufficient infrastructure. Inadequate pressure means people struggle to collect water when it is available. Service quality is generally poor with intermittent supply in urban areas.

Access to improved water sources increased from 72% to 88% while access to improved sanitation increased from 18% to 31%. Rural water access grew from 72% to 84% and rural sanitation from 1% to 21%. However sanitation access remains significantly lower than water access.

Water supply and sanitation in India

Water supply and sanitation in India continue to be inadequate, despite longstanding

efforts by the various levels of government and communities at improving coverage. The
level of investment in water and sanitation, albeit low by international standards, has
increased during the 2000s. Access has also increased significantly. For example, in 1980
rural sanitation coverage was estimated at 1% and reached 21% in 2008. Also, the share of
Indians with access to improved sources of water has increased significantly from 72% in
1990 to 88% in 2008. At the same time, local government institutions in charge of operating
and maintaining the infrastructure are seen as weak and lack the financial resources to carry
out their functions. In addition, no major city in India is known to have a continuous water
supply and an estimated 72% of Indians still lack access to improved sanitation facilities.

A number of innovative approaches to improve water supply and sanitation have been tested
in India, in particular in the early 2000s. These include demand-driven approaches in rural
water supply since 1999, community-led total sanitation, a public-private partnerships to
improve the continuity of urban water supply in Karnataka, and the use of micro-credit to
women in order to improve access to water.

Urban Rural Total
Improved water supply 96% 84% 88%
Improved sanitation 54% 21% 31%

In 2008, 88% of the population in India had access to an improved water source, but only
31% had access to improved sanitation. In rural areas, where 72% of India’s population lives,
the respective shares are 84% for water and only 21% for sanitation. In urban areas, 96% had
access to an improved water source and 54% to improved sanitation. Access has improved
substantially since 1990 when it was estimated to stand at 72% for water and 18% for

According to Indian norms, access to improved water supply exists if at least

40 liters/capita/day of safe drinking water are provided within a distance of 1.6 km or
100 meter of elevation difference, to be relaxed as per field conditions. There should be at
least one pump per 250 persons.

Service quality
Water and sanitation service quality in India is generally poor, although there has been some
limited progress concerning continuity of supply in urban areas and access to sanitation in
rural areas.

Water supply

Challenges. None of the 35 Indian cities with a population of more than one million
distribute water for more than a few hours per day, despite generally sufficient infrastructure.
Owing to inadequate pressure people struggle to collect water even when it is available.
According to the World Bank, none have performance indicators that compare with average
international standards. A 2007 study by the Asian Development Bank showed that in 20
cities the average duration of supply was only 4.3 hours per day. No city had continuous
supply. The longest duration of supply was 12 hours per day in Chandigarh, and the lowest
was 0.3 hours per day in Rajkot. In Delhi residents receive water only a few hours per day
because of inadequate management of the distribution system. This results in contaminated
water and forces households to complement a deficient public water service at prohibitive
'coping' costs; the poor suffer most from this situation. For example, according to a 1996
survey households in Delhi spent an average of 2,182 (US$ 49.5) per year in time and
money to cope with poor service levels. This is more than three times as much as the 2001
water bill of about US$18 per year of a Delhi household that uses 20 cubic meters per month.

Achievements. Jamshedpur, a city in Jharkhand with 573,000 inhabitants, provided 25% of

its residents with continuous water supply in 2009. Navi Mumbai, a planned city with more
than 1m inhabitants, has achieved continuous supply for about half its population as of
January 2009. Badlapur, another city in the Mumbai Conurbation with a population of
140,000, has achieved continuous supply in 3 out of 10 operating zones, covering 30% of its
population. Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of Kerala state with a population of 745,000 in
2001, is probably the largest Indian city that enjoys continuous water supply.


Most Indians depend on on-site sanitation facilities. Recently, access to on-site sanitation
have increased in both rural and urban areas. In rural areas, total sanitation has been
successful (see below). In urban areas, a good practice is the Slum Sanitation Program in
Mumbai that has provided access to sanitation for a quarter million slum dwellers. Sewerage,
where available, is often in a bad state. In Delhi the sewerage network has lacked
maintenance over the years and overflow of raw sewage in open drains is common, due to
blockage, settlements and inadequate pumping capacities. The capacity of the 17 existing
wastewater treatment plants in Delhi is adequate to cater a daily production of waste water of
less than 50% of the drinking water produced. Of the 2.5 Billion people in the world that
defecate openly, some 665 million live in India. This is of greater concern as 88% of deaths
from diarrhea occur because of unsafe water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene.


As of 2003, it was estimated that only 27% of India's wastewater was being treated, with the
remainder flowing into rivers, canals, groundwater or the sea. For example, the sacred
Ganges river is infested with diseases and in some places "the Ganges becomes black and
septic. Corpses, of semi-cremated adults or enshrouded babies, drift slowly by". NewsWeek
describes Delhi's sacred Yamuna River as "a putrid ribbon of black sludge" where fecal
bacteria is 10,000 over safety limits despite a 15-year program to address the problem.
Cholera epidemics are not unknown.

Health impact
The lack of adequate sanitation and safe water has significant negative health impacts. It was
estimated in 2002 by the World Health Organisation that around 700,000 Indians die each
year from diarrhoea. The dismal working conditions of sewer workers are another concern. A
survey of the working conditions of sewage workers in Delhi showed that most of them
suffer from chronic diseases, respiratory problems, skin disorders, allergies, headaches and
eye infections.

Water supply and water resources

Depleting ground water table and deteriorating ground water quality are threatening the
sustainability of both urban and rural water supply in many parts of India. The supply of
cities that depend on surface water is threatened by pollution, increasing water scarcity and
conflicts among users. For example, Bangalore depends to a large extent on water pumped
since 1974 from the Kaveri river, whose waters are disputed between the states of Karnataka
and Tamil Nadu. As in other Indian cities, the response to water scarcity is to transfer more
water over large distances at high costs. In the case of Bangalore, the 3,384 crore
(US$ 768.2 million) Kaveri Stage IV project, Phase II, includes the supply of 500,000 cubic
meter of water per day over a distance of 100 km, thus increasing the city's supply by two

Responsibility for water supply and sanitation

Water supply and sanitation is a State responsibility under the Indian Constitution. States may
give the responsibility to the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI) in rural areas or municipalities
in urban areas, called Urban Local Bodies (ULB). At present, states generally plan, design
and execute water supply schemes (and often operate them) through their State Departments
(of Public Health Engineering or Rural Development Engineering) or State Water Boards.

Highly centralized decision-making and approvals at the state level, which are characteristic
of the Indian civil service, affect the management of water supply and sanitation services. For
example, according to the World Bank in the state of Punjab the process of approving designs
is centralized with even minor technical approvals reaching the office of chief engineers. A
majority of decisions are made in a very centralized manner at the headquarters. In 1993 the
Indian constitution and relevant state legislations were amended in order to decentralize
certain responsibilities, including water supply and sanitation, to municipalities. Since the
assignment of responsibilities to municipalities is a state responsibility, different states have
followed different approaches. According to a Planning Commission report of 2003 there is a
trend to decentralize capital investment to engineering departments at the district level and
operation and maintenance to district and gram panchayat levels.

Policy and regulation

The responsibility for water supply and sanitation at the central and state level is shared by
various Ministries. At the central level, The Ministry of Rural Development is responsible for
rural water supply through its Department of Drinking Water Supply (DDWS) and the
Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation is responsible for urban water supply.
However, except for the National Capital Territory of Delhi and other Union Territories, the
central Ministries only have an advisory capacity and a very limited role in funding. Sector
policy thus is a prerogative of state governments.

Service provision
Urban areas. Institutional arrangements for water supply and sanitation in Indian cities vary
greatly. Typically, a state-level agency is in charge of planning and investment, while the
local government (Urban Local Bodies) is in charge of operation and maintenance. Some of
the largest cities have created municipal water and sanitation utilities that are legally and
financially separated from the local government. However, these utilities remain weak in
terms of financial capacity. In spite of decentralization, ULBs remain dependent on capital
subsidies from state governments. Tariffs are also set by state governments, which often even
subsidize operating costs. Furthermore, when no separate utility exists there is no separation
of accounts for different activities within a municipality. Some states and cities have non-
typical institutional arrangements. For example, in Rajasthan the sector is more centralized
and the state government is also in charge of operation and maintenance, while in Mumbai
the sector is more decentralized and local government is also in charge of planning and

Private sector participation. The private sector plays a limited, albeit recently increasing
role in operating and maintaining urban water systems on behalf of ULBs. For example, the
Jamshedpur Utilities & Services Company (Jusco), a subsidiary of Tata Steel, has a lease
contract for Jamshedpur(Jharkhand), a management contract in Haldia(West Bengal), another
contract in Mysore(Karnataka) and since 2007 a contract for the reduction of non-revenue
water in parts of Bhopal (Madhya Pradhesh). The French water company Veolia won a
management contract in three cities in Karnataka in 2005. In 2002 a consortium including
Thames Water won a pilot contract covering 40,000 households to reduce non-revenue water
in parts of Bangalore, funded by the Japan Bank for International Cooperation. The contract
was scaled up in 2004. The Cypriot company Hydro-Comp, together with two Indian
companies, won a 10-year concession contract for the city of Latur City (Maharashtra) in
2007 and an operator-consultant contract in Madurai (Tamil Nadu). Furthermore, the private
Indian infrastructure development company SPML is engaged in Build-Operate-Transfer
(BOT) projects, such as a bulk water supply project for Bhiwandi (Maharashtra).[33]

Rural areas. There are about a 100,000 rural water supply systems in India. At least in some
states responsibility for service provision is in the process of being partially transferred from
State Water Boards and district governments to Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI) at the block
or village level (there were about 604 districts and 256,000 villages in India in 2002,
according to Subdivisions of India. Blocks are an intermediate level between districts and
villages). Where this transfer has been initiated, it seems to be more advanced for single-
village water schemes than for more complex multi-village water schemes. Despite their
professed role Panchayati Raj Institutions currently play only a limited role in provision of
rural water supply and sanitation. There has been limited success in implementing
decentralization, partly due to low priority by some state governments. Rural sanitation is
typically provided by households themselves in the form of latrines.

Innovative approaches
A number of innovative approaches to improve water supply and sanitation have been tested
in India, in particular in the early 2000s. These include community-led total sanitation,
demand-driven approaches in rural water supply, a public-private partnerships to improve the
continuity of urban water supply in Karnataka, and the use of micro-credit to women in order
to improve access to water.
Community-led total sanitation

In 1999 a demand-driven and people-centered sanitation program was initiated under the
name Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) or Community-led total sanitation. It evolved from
the limited achievements of the first structured programme for rural sanitation in India, the
Central Rural Sanitation Programme, which had minimal community participation.
Community-led total sanitation is not focused on building infrastructure, but on preventing
open defecation through peer pressure and shame. In Maharashtra where the program started
more than 2000 Gram Panchayats have achieved "open defecation free" status. Villages that
achieve this status receive monetary rewards and high publicity under a program called
Nirmal Gram Puraskar.

Demand-driven approaches in rural water supply

Most rural water supply schemes in India use a centralized, supply-driven approach, i.e. a
government institution designs a project and has it built with little community consultation
and no capacity building for the community, often requiring no water fees to be paid for its
subsequent operation. Since 2002 the Government of India has rolled out at the national level
a program to change the way in which water and sanitation services are supported in rural
areas. The program, called Swajaldhara, decentralizes service delivery responsibility to rural
local governments and user groups. Under the new approach communities are being
consulted and trained, and users agree up-front to pay a tariff that is set at a level sufficiently
high to cover operation and maintenance costs. It also includes measures to promote
sanitation and to improve hygiene behavior. The national program follows a pilot program
launched in 1999.

According to a 2008 World Bank study in 10 Indian states, Swajaldhara results in lower
capital costs, lower administrative costs and better service quality compared to the supply-
driven approach. In particular, the study found that the average full cost of supply-driven
schemes is 38 (US$ 0.9) per cubic meter, while it is only 26 (US$ 0.6) per cubic meter for
demand-driven schemes. These costs include capital, operation and maintenance costs,
administrative costs and coping costs incurred by users of malfunctioning systems. Coping
costs include traveling long distances to obtain water, standing in long queues, storing water
and repairing failed systems. Among the surveyed systems that were built using supply-
driven approach system breakdowns were common, the quantity and quality of water supply
were less than foreseen in designs, and 30% of households did not get daily supply in
summer. The poor functioning of one system sometimes leads to the construction of another
system, so that about 30% of households surveyed were served by several systems. Currently
only about 10% of rural water schemes built in India use a demand-driven approach. Since
water users have to pay lower or no tariffs under the supply-driven approach, this discourages
them to opt for a demand-driven approach, even if the likelihood of the systems operating on
a sustainable basis is higher under a demand-driven approach.

Achieving continuous water supply with the help of a private operator in


In the cities of Hubli, Belgaum and Gulbarga in the state of Karnataka, the private operator
Veolia increased water supply from once every 2–15 days for 1–2 hours, to 24 hours per day
for 180,000 people (12% of the population of the 3 cities) within 2 years (2006–2008). This
was achieved by carefully selecting and ring-fencing demonstration zones (one in each city),
renovating the distribution network, installing meters, introducing a well-functioning
commercial system, and effective grass-roots social intermediation by an NGO, all without
increasing the amount of bulk water supplied. The project, known by its acronym as
KUWASIP (Karnataka Urban Water Sector Improvement Project), was supported by a
US$39.5 million loan from the World Bank. It constitutes a milestone for India, where no
large city so far has achieved continuous water supply. The project is expected to be scaled-
up to cover the entire area of the three cities.

Micro-credit for water connections in Tamil Nadu

In Tiruchirapalli in Tamil Nadu, the NGO Gramalaya, established in 1987, and women self-
help groups promote access to water supply and sanitation by the poor through micro-credit.
Among the benefits are that women can spend more time with their children, earn additional
income, and sell surplus water to neighbors. This money contributes to her repayment of the
WaterCredit loan. The initiative is supported by the US-based non-profit Water Partners

The Jamshedpur Utilities and Services Company

The Jamshedpur Utilities and Services Company (JUSCO) provides water and sanitation
services in Jamshedpur, a major industrial center in East India that is home to Tata Steel.
Until 2004 a division of Tata Steel provided water to the city’s residents. However, service
quality was poor with intermittent supply, high water losses and no metering. To improve this
situation and to establish good practices that could be replicated in other Indian cities,
JUSCO was set up as a wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Steel in 2004.

Efficiency and service quality improved substantially over the following years. The level on
non-revenue water decreased from an estimated 36% in 2005 to 10% in 2009; one quarter of
residents received continuous water supply (although the average supply remained at only
7 hours per day) in 2009; the share of metered connections increased from 2% in 2007 to
26% in 2009; the number of customers increased; and the company recovered its operating
costs plus a portion of capital costs. Identifying and legalizing illegal connections was an
important element in the reduction of non-revenue water. The utility prides itself today of the
good drinking water quality provided and encourages its customers to drink from the tap. The
utility also operates a wastewater treatment plant that meets discharge standards. The private
utility pays salaries that are higher than civil service salaries and conducts extensive training
programs for its staff. It has also installed a modern system to track and resolve customer
complaints. Furthermore, it conducts independent annual customer satisfaction surveys.
JUSCO’s vision is to be the preferred provider of water supply and other urban services
throughout India. Together with Ranhill Malaysia it won a 25-year concession contract for
providing the water supply in Haldia City, West Bengal.

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