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The Transportation Problem

Industries require to transport their products available at several
sources or production centers to a number of destinations or
markets. In the process of distributing to various destinations,
high transportation costs are involved. Minimizing the
transportation cost will benefit the organization by increasing
the profit. To analyze and minimize the cost of transportation,
transportation model is used.
There are two phases to solve the transportation problem:
The first phase: the initial basic feasible solution has to be
The second phase: involves optimization of the initial basic
feasible solution that was obtained in the first phase.

Three suppliers O1, O2 and O3, each produce a
Petroleum Engineering Equipment (PEQ) which has to
be delivered to the destinations D1, D2, D3, and D4.
The stock held at each supplier and the demand from
each dstination is known. The cost, in dollrs, of

transporting one unit of PEQ from each supplier to
each destination is also known.This information is
given in the f o l l o w i n g ( T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Step 1: Check whether the problem is balanced or not.
If the total sum of all the supply from sources O1, O2, and O3 is
equal to the total sum of all the demands for
destinations D1, D2, D3 and D4 then the transportation problem
is a balanced transportation problem.

Step 2: Finding the initial basic feasible solution. The North
West Corner Method (NWCM) will be used. The NWCM gives
the following initial basic feasible solution:
Initial Table

Now, the total cost of transportation will be:

(200 * 3) + (50 * 1) + (250 * 6) + (100 * 5) + (250 * 3) +
(150 * 2) = $3700

Step 3: Finding the optimal solution using the Multipliers (U-V)

For the U-V method the values ui and vj have to be found for the
rows and the columns respectively. As there are three rows so
three ui values have to be found i.e. u1 for the first row, u2 for
the second row and u3 for the third row.
Similarly, for four columns four vj values have to be found
i.e. v1, v2, v3 and v4. Check the image below:

There is a separate formula to find ui and vj,
ui + vj = Cij where Cij is the cost value only for the allocated cell.
Before applying the above formula we need to check whether m
+ n – 1 is equal to the total number of allocated cells or not
where m is the total number of rows and n is the total number of
In this case m = 3, n = 4 and total number of allocated cells is 6
so m + n – 1 = 6.
Now to find the value for u and v we assign any of the three (u)
or any of the four (v) as 0. Let we assign u1 = 0 in this case.
Then using the above formula we will get v1 = 3 as u1 + v1 =
3 (i.e. C11) and v2 = 1 as u1 + v2 = 1 (i.e. C12). Similarly, we
have got the value for v2 = 1 so we get the value for u2 =
5 which implies v3 = 0. From the value of v3 = 0 we get u3 =
3 which implies v4 = -1. See the Table below:

Now, compute penalties using the formula Pij = ui + vj – Cij only
for unallocated cells. We have two unallocated cells in the first
row, two in the second row and two in the third row. Lets
compute this one by one.
1. For C13, P13 = 0 + 0 – 7 = -7 (here C13 = 7, u1 = 0 and v3 =
2. For C14, P14 = 0 + (-1) -4 = -5
3. For C21, P21 = 5 + 3 – 2 = 6
4. For C24, P24 = 5 + (-1) – 9 = -5
5. For C31, P31 = 3 + 3 – 8 = -2
6. For C32, P32 = 3 + 1 – 3 = 1
The Rule: If we get all the penalties value as zero or negative
values that mean the optimality is reached and this answer is the
final answer. But if we get any positive value means we need to
proceed .
Now find the maximum positive penalty. Here the maximum
value is 6 which corresponds to C21 cell. Now this cell is new
basic cell. This cell will also be included in the solution.

The rule for drawing closed-path or loop. Starting from the
new basic cell draw a closed-path in such a way that the right
angle turn is done only at the allocated cell or at the new basic
cell. See the below Tables:

Assign alternate plus-minus sign to all the cells with right angle
turn (or the corner) in the loop with plus sign assigned at the
new basic cell.

Consider the cells with a negative sign. Compare the allocated
value (i.e. 200 and 250 in this case) and select the minimum (i.e.
select 200 in this case). Now subtract 200 from the cells with a
minus sign and add 200 to the cells with a plus sign. And draw a
new iteration. The work of the loop is over and the new solution
is shown below.
First iteration

Check the total number of allocated cells is equal to (m + n – 1).

Again find u values and v values using the formula ui + vj =
Cij where Cij is the cost value only for allocated cells.

Assign u1 = 0 then we get v2 = 1. Similarly, we will get
following values for ui and vj.
First iteration

Find the penalties for all the unallocated cells using the
formula Pij = ui + vj – Cij.
1. For C11, P11 = 0 + (-3) – 3 = -6
2. For C13, P13 = 0 + 0 – 7 = -7
3. For C14, P14 = 0 + (-1) – 4 = -5
4. For C24, P24 = 5 + (-1) – 9 = -5
5. For C31, P31 = 3 + (-3) – 8 = -8
6. For C32, P32 = 3 + 1 – 3 = 1

There is one positive value i.e. 1 for C32. Now this cell becomes
new basic cell.

Now draw a loop starting from the new basic cell. Assign
alternate plus and minus sign with new basic cell assigned as a
plus sign.

Select the minimum value from allocated values to the cell with
a minus sign. Subtract this value from the cell with a minus sign
and add to the cell with a plus sign. Now the solution is shown
in the following Table:
Second iteration

Check if the total number of allocated cells is equal to (m + n –

1). Find u and v values as above.

Now again find the penalties for the unallocated cells as above.
1. For P11 = 0 + (-2) – 3 = -5
2. For P13 = 0 + 1 – 7 = -6

3. For P14= 0 + 0 – 4 = -4
4. For P22= 4 + 1 – 6 = -1
5. For P24= 4 + 0 – 9 = -5
6. For P31= 2 + (-2) – 8 = -8

All the penalty values are negative values. So the optimality is

Now, find the total cost i.e. (250 * 1) + (200 * 2) + (150 * 5) +
(50 * 3) + (200 * 3) + (150 * 2) = $2450


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