4 - Ecological Niche 811
4 - Ecological Niche 811
4 - Ecological Niche 811
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Jitka Polechová & David Storch
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee, 37996 Knoxville,
BIOSS, King’s Buildings, EH93JZ Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (email: jitka@bioss.ac.uk)
Center for Theoretical Study, Charles University, Jilská 1, 110 00-CZ Praha 1, Czech
Republic (e-mail: storch@cts.cuni.cz)
Department of Ecology. Faculty of Science, Charles University, Viničná 7, 128 44-CZ Praha
2, Czech Republic
Ecological niche characterizes the position of a species within an ecosystem, comprising
species habitat requirements as well as its functional role. This century-old concept has
undergone several substantial transformations, but still represents a major heuristic tool for our
understanding of nature. Niches of distinct, even closely related species, tend to differ at least in
some aspects as interspecific competition minimizes their overlap. Interspecific differences in
abundance and distribution can be explained by different niche width and position. However,
species can locally coexist also due to processes other than simple niche separation - namely
due to stochastic spatiotemporal population dynamics. Species evolution always implies the
evolution of its niche. To some extent, we can predict niche evolution from the knowledge of
the environment and the trade-offs affecting possibilities of resource utilization of individual
species. In the course of evolution, species have tendency to narrow their niches due to
interspecific competition and intraspecific optimization. Consequently, niche widening often
occurs when the species is released from interspecific competition. Species do not passively
adapt to their niches but also actively modify them. Such a feedback leads to the coevolution
between species and their environment and the evolution of whole ecological communities.
Functional niche, fundamental niche, realized niche, competitive exclusion, limiting similarity,
species coexistence, species packing, trophic niche, species abundance, niche width, niche shift,
ecological release, taxon cycle.
Ecological niche is a term for the position of a species within an ecosystem, describing both the
range of conditions necessary for persistence of the species, and its ecological role in the
ecosystem. Ecological niche subsumes all of the interactions between a species and the biotic
and abiotic environment, and thus represents a very basic and fundamental ecological concept.
The tentative definition presented above indicates that the concept of niche has two sides which
are not so tightly related: one concerns the effects environment has on a species, the other the
effects a species has on the environment. In most of ecological thinking, however, both
meanings are implicitly or explicitly mixed. The reason is that ecology is about interactions
between organisms, and if persistence of a species is determined by the presence of other
species (food sources, competitors, predators, etc.), all species are naturally both affected by
environment, and at the same time affect the environment for other species.
If we want to treat both of these aspects of ecological niche within one framework, we
can define it more formally as the part of ecological space (defined by all combinations of
biotic and abiotic environmental conditions) where the species population can persist and thus
utilize resources and impact on its environment. It is useful, however, to distinguish three main
approaches to the niche. The first approach emphasises environmental conditions necessary for
a species presence and maintenance of its population, the second approach stresses the
functional role of species within ecosystems, and the third one a dynamic position of species
within a local community, shaped by species’ biotic and abiotic requirements and by
coexistence with other species.
Concepts of niche
requirements is essential for understanding and even predicting its geographic distribution; this
concept of the niche is thus more relevant in biogeography and macroecology than in
community or ecosystem ecology.
Fundamental and realized niche
blurred, as species’ interactions need not fit to our discrete categories - for example,
competitors may act also as predators.
Due to the difficulties with the concept, and for tractability, a considerable part of the
theory actually dealing with species coexistence works with a one-dimensional approximation
of the trophic niche, a resource utilization function – given by the frequency distribution of
an important characteristic of utilized resource (for example, a prey size).
Competitive exclusion
Historical development of the niche theory is very closely related to one of the most important
topics of ecology, i.e. the problem of species competition and coexistence. Since the beginning
of the ecological niche concept, it has been assumed that no two species sharing a single niche
could locally coexist. Originally, the later Volterra-Gause principle states that “under constant
conditions, no two species utilizing, and limited by, a single resource can coexist in a limited
system” and was formulated and proved by Vito Volterra, whilst Alfred Gause showed
experimental evidence of competitive exclusion in an undiversified environment. The
explanation of the competitive exclusion lies in the fact that utilization of a limited resource
leads to its depletion, and the population growth, therefore, necessarily leads to a moment when
the resource level is insufficient for further growth. If only one population utilises the resource,
this situation leads to simple negative feedback, causing the decrease of population growth rate
and thus a release of resource consumption, stabilizing the population size. However, in the
case of two species sharing the resource, there will likely exist a resource level when the first
species population can still grow up even if the second cannot, leading to further decrease of
population growth rate of the second species, and eventually to its extinction. Even if two
species sharing several resources have exactly the same requirements and ability to utilize them,
the coexistence of such species is not stable in a stochastic environment (if their total
population density is limited): one of the species would ultimately become extinct by chance
over infinite time (unless there is an advantage for the less abundant species).
The “competitive exclusion principle” is the core principle in community ecology, and
much of this field has been devoted to study how species with similar ecological requirements
can coexist. This question has transformed into the problem of “limiting similarity”: how
similar can ecological niches be to still ensure local coexistence.
Limiting similarity, species packing – how close can species be to each other?
Hutchinson states that a species’ realized niche is exclusive, i.e. no two species can share a
single niche and no overlap in the realized niches is possible in a stable environment. In other
words, were there to be an overlap in, say, the trophic “dimension” of the niche, species would
differ in other dimensions - for example in their tolerance to abiotic factors, or avoidance of
predators. Now, the (rather vague) consensus is that a little overlap between niches is consistent
with coexistence, whereas somewhat larger overlap is not. The theory of limiting similarity,
formalized by Robert MacArthur and Richard Levins, predicts the minimum permissible degree
of overlap in the resource utilization curve. They showed that coexistence between species
utilizing a continuous resource is possible when the ratio between the niche width (see Box 1)
and the distance between species’ optima is approximately unity or smaller. (This has been
derived using the Lotka-Volterra equations describing the growth rates and hence stability of
populations of competing species, where the competition coefficients were determined by the
proximity of species’ bell-shaped utilization curves.) However, the result is sensitive to the
assumptions about the form of the resource utilization function and population growth rate:
notably, highly peaked resource utilization functions show actually almost no limits to
coexistence (as their overlap is always minute) and niches can overlap broadly when fitness
increases as the frequency of individuals carrying the respective trait decreases (negative
frequency-dependence). Also, coexistence between species can be facilitated by fluctuations in
the environment generating frequency or density dependent selection, or when the response of
competitors to the common fluctuations is nonlinear. Note that the predictions of the theory of
limiting similarity cannot be directly corroborated by observation: by definition, the population
density of one of the species is close to zero if the species pair is close to limiting similarity,
and thus the utilization functions are not observable in such a situation. On the other hand,
finding a similarity higher than predicted would clearly indicate that some of the assumptions of
the model are violated.
The spacing between species in niche space, resulting from partitioning the available
resources (species packing), differs considerably between sexually and asexually reproducing
species. In asexual species, clones bearing favourable combinations do not recombine, and
therefore those adapted to the various resource combinations can be arbitrarily spaced in the
niche space. In sexual populations, individuals share common gene pool which does not allow
divergence in adaptive response to varying resource combination. (Over time, of course, trade-
offs in utilizing the resource spectrum can lead to disruptive selection strong enough to drive
evolution of reproductive isolation and evolution of distinct species.) Due to the necessity of
finding a mating partner, population growth rate of sexual populations can sharply decrease at
low densities (Allee effect), limiting both adaptation to marginal conditions and invasion to a
new area. Both these effects contribute to discontinuities in distribution of resource use of
sexually reproducing species.
Species coexistence is often ensured by niche separation. The niche shift can follow from the
competitive exclusion of one species from the part of ecological space where the niches
overlap, or from coevolution of competing species, favouring in each species phenotypes
differing from the phenotype of the competitor. The latter case is often referred to as the ghost
of competition past, emphasizing that current niche segregation can be due to the processes
that took place in distant evolutionary past. If morphological differences arose due to divergent
evolution of sympatric competitors, we speak of character displacement. Typically, sympatric
populations of competing species evolve towards more different sizes of characters associated
with food consumption (beaks, teeth) than allopatric populations – if there is only one species
of Galapagos finches on an island, it has an intermediate beak size enabling to utilize wide
spectrum of seed sizes, whereas if there are two species, one has bigger and the other smaller
beak than the species occurring without competitors. If there are more than two locally
coexisting species, we often observe regularly spaced sizes of morphological characters, again
indicating past competition leading to maximum niche separation.
Simple separation of niche optima is not, however, the only way that stable local
coexistence of species is attained. Many species pairs, for instance, consist of one species which
is competitively dominant, and the other species which is less specialized and can thrive in a
broader range of ecological conditions. An example is the pair of two closely related species of
redstarts, where the black redstart Phoenicurus ochruros is bigger and more aggressive, but the
common redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus can utilize a wider spectrum of habitats, such that it
has always an option to thrive out of the range of conditions preferred by black redstart. Such
niche division between dominant aggressive specialist and subordinate generalist has also been
observed in many mammal species, and is apparently stable. In plants, competitively inferior
species are often those with higher rate of spreading and growth, which enables them to quickly
occupy empty places before arrival and eventual overgrowth of competitively superior species.
In this case we speak about regenerative niche, representing a time window for competitively
inferior, but fast spreading and fast growing species, thus ensuring long-term coexistence of
competitors in the same habitat.
If species are very similar to each other, such that they do not differ substantially in their
utilization of resources, the competitive exclusion can take a very long time. If the replacement
of old individuals by young ones is basically a random process, i.e. all individuals regardless of
species identity have equal chances to give birth to their descendants within an environment,
populations of all involved species will fluctuate randomly and the prevalence of a particular
species is just a matter of chance. However, due to these stochastic fluctuations and due to the
fact that the species which incidentally prevails in a time step will have higher probability to
further increase its abundance, this process will finally lead to apparent competitive exclusion.
This process, called community drift, can be relatively slow and may be further slowed down
by dispersal limitations (leading to random prevalence of different species in different local
communities isolated by migration barriers) and balanced by the emergence of new species (i.e.
speciation or migration from elsewhere).
Communities where dispersal limitation and community drift play a major role are
called dispersal-assembled communities, in contrast to niche-assembled communities where
niche differences play a major role in determining species distributions and abundances. Trees
in tropical forests represent a very good candidate for dispersal-assembled communities. Most
tropical tree species are very similar in terms of their ecology and growth characteristics, and it
has been documented that for their recruitment the proportion of parent individuals in a given
locality (i.e. dispersal limitation of more distant individuals) is much more important than any
habitat characteristics. Still, an incredible number of species can coexist locally. It is hardly
believable that there are several hundreds of different narrow ecological niches (i.e.
combinations of environmental characteristics) on a hectare of tropical forest to enable
coexistence of several hundreds tree species on the basis of their niche differences – the
dispersal assembly and coexistence without significant niche differentiation seems more likely.
However, an unusual aspect of niche differences can still be involved in this classical case of
species coexistence. It has been demonstrated that coexistence of tropical trees is facilitated by
frequency-dependence, where relatively rarer species have an advantage of not being so
severely attacked by natural enemies which strongly limit recruitment of more common species
on which they specialize. In a sense, all species compete for “enemy-free space”, and this
“niche” for a given species is open only if the species is not too abundant to allow population
growth of specialized natural enemies. Separation of “niches” of tropical trees seems thus to be
determined by the community of species-specific pathogens.
In conclusion, coexistence among species can be certainly maintained both by niche
differences and – at least in a non-equilibrium world – by niche similarity. Coexistence of
species with similar niches maintained by dispersal-assembly processes could be a reason why
we often observe that species are not regularly distributed in a niche space, but form clumps of
species whose niches are closer to each other than to other species.
The notion that ecological niches cannot be infinitely similar to each other, and the knowledge
that ecological space is heterogeneous and that total number of resources available to a
community is always limited, has led to an idea that for a given environment there is a limited
number of available niches which could be potentially occupied. An environment then could be
seen as a set of empty niches, which could – but may not – be filled with species. Consequently,
we might ask whether in a particular case the niche space is or is not saturated with species.
There are two facets of the problem, which are sometimes confused. First, there is no
doubt that the limited amount of resources in an ecosystem can sustain only limited total
number of individuals (assuming a given body size distribution). Therefore, there is always a
limited potential for the whole community size determined by total amount of resources, and
thus also for a limited number of species (given that each species needs some viable population
size). If this potential is fully utilized, we speak about biotic saturation of the community.
However, biotic saturation does not imply that the number of ecological niches is fixed and that
all possible niches are occupied. Such a statement would be much stronger and would require at
least some level of discreteness of ecological niches, i.e. that ecological space cannot be divided
into an infinite number of subtly different niches with arbitrary positions. Is there any reason to
believe that niches are discrete and their number within an environment is limited?
Apparently, there is a considerable level of environmental heterogeneity in resource
distribution and abundance; resources are more abundant for some combinations of parameters
than for other. Environmental heterogeneity would not be, however, a sufficient condition for
discreteness of ecological niches if species could utilize equally easily several different
resources. The discreteness of ecological niches comes out from the existence of trade-offs in
resource utilization: resources can be always potentially utilized by many ways, but some ways
are mutually exclusive. A Galapagos finch from the genus Geospiza can have either a big beak
appropriate for cracking big seeds, but then it can crack small seeds with much more difficulty -
and vice versa. A plant can either invest to its rapid growth and so quickly utilize resources, or
it can invest into woody trunk which enables it to grow higher and sustain longer – but at a cost
associated with a slower growth. Moreover, some methods of resource utilization are less
effective than others and natural selection supports phenotypes better utilizing available
resources, some phenotypes being sub-optimal. Consequently, evolution leads to utilization of
only a restricted spectrum of resources.
In the presence of trade-offs, there is only a limited number of mutually exclusive ways
to utilize resources, and thus a limited number of available niches. However, as the discreteness
of niches follows from the trade-offs between adaptations, and since all the trade-offs are
determined by unique properties and constraints of given organisms, it makes sense to speak
about available niches only in relation to organisms which already inhabit the environment. A
habitat without its inhabitants can provide a potentially infinite number of opportunities for
existence, and this landscape of opportunities changes with each new inhabitant. For the
organism in an environment, the number of possible niches is determined by the number of
possible ways to utilize the resource - with all constraints and trade-offs of the given organism.
Therefore, it is likely that there are always more niches than the current number of species,
because each species has several mutually exclusive possibilities of future adaptive evolution
arising from the trade-offs - unless all niche changes require a corresponding niche change in
other species.
In some cases, the number of available niches can be predicted from the knowledge of
resource heterogeneity and the possibilities of resource utilization for given taxon. The number
of Galapagos finches occurring on each island is reasonably well predicted by the number of
peaks of the “landscape” constructed using the knowledge of frequency distribution of seed
size, the general relation between finch and seed biomass, and the relation between preferred
seed size and beak depth (Figure 2). Similarly, using the knowledge of the relationship between
beak shape of crossbills (Loxia curvirostra) and their foraging efficiency in obtaining cone
seeds from cones of various coniferous tree species, it is possible to construct a resource
utilization function related to different morphologies, and find out how many optimal shapes do
exist. And again, it has been found that there are several ecomorphs of crossbills, each of them
occupying one adaptive peak (optimum) in the morphological space.
There is other evidence that ecological niches are partially predictable – the
phenomenon of community convergence. Animal or plant communities occurring on different
continents or biotic provinces often comprise similar morphological types utilizing similar
types of resources. Anolis lizards, for instance, have evolved independently into several well-
recognizable ecomorphs on each Caribbean island, with known sequence of this evolution,
repeated on every island. However, there can be more than one species within each ecomorph,
and thus this convergence does not imply that the number of species-specific niches is
predictable. This is quite typical for most cases of community convergences: they provide a
clue to our understanding of how many possibilities are there for utilizing resources within
given habitat and for given taxon, but not to the prediction of how many species can actually
coexist there. The total potential number of species within an environment is given by the total
amount of resources determining the total number of all individuals, regardless the level of
discreteness of ecological niches.
Species spatial distributions as well as their abundances are often attributed to the breadth and
position of their niches. A species occurs in places where its requirements are fulfilled, i.e.
where it finds its niche. However, the “presence of the niche” is not a sufficient condition for
the presence of a species, and in a special case it may not be even the necessary condition.
Spatial population dynamics driven by dispersal and spatial distribution of available habitat
patches is equally important. Consequently, species may be absent even in sites containing
habitat that fulfils its niche requirements if the site is far away from other occupied sites and the
dispersal distance of the organism in concern is relatively small for the immigration into the
site. On the other hand, a species may be present even in a site where its niche requirements are
not fulfilled and population growth is negative if the population is maintained by a continuous
supply of individuals from neighbouring sites with positive population growth (so-called
source-sink population dynamics). Therefore, species spatial distributions are determined by
species niches and available habitat distributions, as well as by spatial population dynamics and
dispersal limitation.
In a similar line, it has been argued that a significant proportion of the variation of
species’ abundances can be explained by the breadth of species’ niches (Box 1). It is reasonable
to assume that species which are able to utilize wider spectrum of resources can attain higher
population abundances and also can occupy more sites. Local population densities are mostly
positively correlated with species range sizes, which can be taken as an evidence of such niche
differences. However, patterns in species abundances can be often well explained by spatial
population dynamics – for instance species which were incidentally able to spread to more sites
have higher chance to colonize further sites and to further increase local population densities by
immigration (this is the non-linearity of the dynamics of metapopulations). Moreover, the
statistical relationship between niche breadth and abundance can have actually a reversed
causality, as abundant species are forced to utilize a wider range of resources due to
intraspecific competition. More abundant species can also be those that do not utilize a broader
range of resources, but are specialized on resources which are relatively more abundant, or may
simply have higher population growth and/or dispersal rate (although these features can be
understood as niche properties).
One of the most prominent ecological patterns is the frequency distribution of
abundance of individual species within local communities or regional species assemblages - the
so called species-abundance distribution. It is always highly unequal, the majority of species
having low abundance and only a few being common (the frequency distribution is often close
to lognormal, though other models may fit the observed species-abundance distribution better in
particular situations). This distribution has been modelled as a stepwise division of niche space,
where each newly arriving species obtains some (random) proportion of niche space previously
utilized by other species. One of these models, based on sequential resource partitioning,
predicts observed species-abundance distribution quite well (Box 2). However, models based
on spatial dynamics and dispersal limitations – especially those involving “community drift”;
see above – can provide equally good predictions of species-abundance distribution. This again
indicates the complementarity between niche-based and dispersal-based explanation of
ecological patterns, and supports our consideration of both niche differences and spatial
population dynamics as essential drivers of species distribution and abundance.
The diversity of ecological niches even among closely related species is enormous and demands
explanation. What is the reason for such diversity? We have already mentioned one of the most
important factors – interspecific competition, which pushes ecological niches of species far
away, to avoid niche overlap. More specifically, natural selection prefers such phenotypes of
competing species which utilize different resources than those which share them. Competition
thus leads to the increase of resource range utilized by a given taxon, and this process is faster
when other taxa do not constrain this diversification. Indeed, the increase of the breadth of
utilized resources in the course of evolution is fastest in such situations where other taxa with
similar requirements are absent. For example, ecomorphological diversification of Galapagos
finches and Hawaiian honeycreepers has been much faster than the diversification of related
taxa on the mainland, where the utilization of new resources was constrained by other taxa
already utilizing them. Availability of resources almost always increases diversification rate,
indicating the role of interspecific competition for this process.
Interspecific competition is not, however, the only force driving niche diversification.
Each species has its own evolutionary history, and thus can adapt to different resources by an
independent process of evolutionary optimization, as phenotypes which are more efficient in
transforming obtained energy into offspring are favoured by natural selection. If there are
several mutually exclusive ways to achieve this, it is likely that each species will go by a
different route due to evolutionary contingency, and niche diversification will follow without
competition. Notably, optimization does not lead to an advantage of the whole species in terms
of the resource utilization, but only to an individual advantage regardless of the evolutionary
fate of the whole species. As evolution is opportunistic, species can evolve to extremely
specialized forms in terms of either habitat utilization or food preference, which is apparently
disadvantageous for future species persistence in ever changing world.
Progressive specialization, i.e. narrowing of niche width in the course of evolution, is forced by
interspecific competition and intraspecific optimalization, and thus represents an expected
evolutionary trend. The opposite process, i.e. an extension of niche width, is observed mostly
after entering a new environment without competitors, allowing utilizaton of a wider spectrum
of resources. This process is called ecological release and may be underlined both by the
extension in within- and between- phenotype component of species ecological variation
(importance of the two contributing modes vary widely among species). Species niches can
widen also because of phenotypic plasticity (heritable genotype-environment interactions
directing the trait in the early ontogenesis), and can vary even purely behaviourally, as an
immediate response to an altered resources or species structure.
Although sometimes there is an obvious constraint on expanding a species’ niche - e.g.
physiological constraints like freezing of body fluids or presence of a competing species - we
often see no apparent reason why species niches stay restricted to a fraction of a resource which
continuously varies in space. One possibility is that gene flow from the central large population
adapted to average conditions restricts adaptation to marginal conditions: the alleles neutral or
nearly neutral in the main population which are deleterious in the marginal populations will
sweep through the small marginal population, thus preventing the adaptation. The argument,
however, does not extend to a population on a continuous gradient, as it requires significant
asymmetry in frequency and quality of the habitats. Often we actually do not have a good
understanding of why a species’ realized niche (and consequently its geographic range) stays
limited without adaptive response to the environmental variation. Constraints on genetic
variance or genetic drift leading to a weaker response to selection represent possible causes.
On the other hand, asexual reproduction or self-fertilization can provide an advantage in
adapting to marginal conditions – both because small populations are still viable (as there is no
need to find a mating partner) and because gene flow does not restrict adaptation to marginal
conditions. Indeed, it is found in many plants and animals adapting to extreme, marginal
habitats (classic animal examples are Daphnia pulex or fresh water snail Campeloma).
However, although lack of recombination in asexuals means that locally favourable gene
combinations are maintained, adaptive evolution in asexual species is significantly slowed
down as beneficial combinations have to arise in each strain independently. It appears that high
levels of, but not obligatory, self-fertilization or asexual reproduction (parthenogenesis and
vegetative reproduction) are commonly advantageous for adaptation to marginal habitats.
In some cases, we observe an apparent regularity in the evolution of niche width and
position. The classical example represents cycles of species dispersal, specialization and local
adaptation (and eventual extinction) observed on various archipelagoes, called taxon cycles.
They were originally described by Edward O. Wilson on Melanesian ants, but were best
documented by Robert Ricklefs and his coworkers on Caribbean birds. In the first stage, an
immigrant, which is mostly a species with a high dispersive ability, colonizes coastal or
disturbed areas. Then the species spreads across the island, adapting to the new resources and
expanding its niche (quite likely as a consequence of a release from competitors, predators and
parasites). In the next step the species becomes more specialized, and its distribution becomes
spottier. The narrowing of its niche may be driven by an immediate advantage of an adaptation
to a local resource or immigration of new generalist competitor. Finally, species distribution
becomes very fragmented, ending in local endemism, and ultimately extinction.
Both environment and species change in the course of time, and thus ecological niches are not
stable and given forever. Species not only respond to environmental changes, but also actively
change their biotic and abiotic environment, affecting both their own niche and the niches of
other organisms. The importance of competition, predation or mutualism has been already
stressed. Moreover, organisms often make niche space for other organisms available in the
environment – think of successive colonization of an island where first colonizers modify
environment for their successors, internal (endobiotic) organisms or emerging tree. Some
organisms strongly directly affect abiotic environment, determining possible niches for a whole
community of species - beavers building dams, earthworms altering soil structure or, on a larger
scale, plants providing oxygen are classical examples. Organisms substantially affecting abiotic
environment are often called ecosystem engineers and the process in which an organism
systematically modifies its own niche (both biotic and abiotic components), is called niche
construction. Obviously, this process is most pronounced in Homo sapiens, which is currently
the most conspicuous ecosystem engineer.
If a species can change its environment as well as to adapt to it, a coevolution between a
species and its niche can follow, based on the continuous feedback between a species’ niche
construction and its adaptation. Since species continuously change the environment for
themselves as well as for other species, species’ niches could be very dynamic. Often, however,
species’ ecological requirements are quite stable over evolutionary time, so that it is even
possible to reliably reconstruct an ancient environment on the basis of presence of particular
species in the fossil record and the knowledge of their contemporary ecological niches. This can
be attributed to the fact that it is often easier to search for appropriate habitat elsewhere if an
environment within a locality is changing than to adapt to it. All species have some dispersal
abilities, and are thus able to track spatiotemporally changing habitat availability by migration
rather than adapt to different conditions by mutation-selection process. The other reason for the
apparent niche conservatism is the existence of evolutionary constraints and consequent trade-
offs: species often cannot easily change their traits in a particular direction if these traits are
associated with other traits whose change is not advantageous.
As species undertake evolutionary changes, their functional niches can change, leading
to changes in the overall “ecological space” in an ecosystem, and promoting further changes in
species traits. On the other hand, some functional niches, i.e. particular ecological roles, could
be rather stable even if species evolve, go extinct and new species emerge - similar functional
role can be progressively fulfilled by different species. Community evolution can be therefore
viewed as a coevolution of ecological niches rather than of species themselves.
Further reading
Abrams, P. (1983). The theory of limiting similarity. Ann.Rev.Ecol. & Syst. 14, 359-376.
Elton, C. (1927). Animal Ecology. London: Sidgwick & Jackson.
Grinnell, J. (1917). The niche-relationships of the california thrasher. Auk 34, 427-433.
Hutchinson, G. E. (1958). Concluding remarks. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 22,
Hutchinson, G. E. (1959). Homage to Santa Rosalia, or why are there so many kinds of
animals? American Naturalist 93, 45-159.
Leibold, M. (2003). Ecological niches: linking classical and contemporary approaches.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Losos, J. (1992). The evolution of convergent community structure in Caribbean Anolis
communities. Systematic Biology 41, 403-420.
MacArthur, R. (1958). Population ecology of some warblers of northeastern coniferous forests.
Ecology 39, 599-619.
MacArthur, R. and R. Levins (1967). The Limiting similarity, convergence, and divergence of
coexisting species. American Naturalist 101, 377-385.
Odling-Smee, F.J., K.N. Laland and M.W. Feldman (2003): Niche construction: the neglected
process in evolution. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Ricklefs, R.E. and Bermingham, E. (2002): The concept of the taxon cycle in biogeography.
Global Ecology and Biogeography 11, 353-361.
Roughgarden, J. (1974). Niche Width: Biogeographic patterns among anolis lizard populations.
American Naturalist 108, 429-442.
Schluter, D. (2000). The ecology of adaptive radiation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Schluter, D. and P. R. Grant.(1984). Ecological correlates of morphological evolution in a
Darwin’s finch, Geospiza difficilis. Evolution 38, 856-869.
Schoener, T. (1989). The ecological niche. In Cherrett, J. (ed.) Ecological concepts. pp. 79-113.
Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
Tokeshi, M. (1999). Species coexistence: ecological and evolutionary perspectives. Oxford:
Blackwell Science.
Box 1 - Niche width
Niche width describes the dispersion of population resource use along a niche dimension. As
such, it is very laborious to measure: more often, we get estimates of niche width from the
morphological traits related to the resource use: for example beak dimensions, jaws or teeth
size. However, this measure delivers only a part of the information: both phenotypic variation
in the traits important for food gathering and the ability of an individual to exploit a range of
resources generally contribute to the niche width. For example, the niche breadth of Anolis
lizards, studied by Joan Roughgarden, is mostly determined by variation in jaw size within
species, but any individual still contributes to the total niche width, having its own range of
prey sizes. Importantly, Rougharden shows that a measure of the total niche width can be
calculated as a sum of a within-phenotype component, the average variance of the
individual’s utilization function, and a between-phenotype component, the variance in
population resource utilization function. Often, the range of two standard deviations (twice the
square root of the sum), comprising about 95% of resource used, is denoted as the niche width.
The related term niche breadth is originally due to Richard Levins. Levin’s measures of
niche breadth reflect the diversity of species’ use of available resources: niche breadth is
determined by the Shannon index (i.e. information entropy), or Simpson’s index (i.e. the
inverse of the sum of squared frequencies of the focal species over all resources). Although
niche breadth intuitively captures differences between generalists and specialists, the measure is
very sensitive to the categorization of resources and their frequency distribution.
Figure 1: A hypothetical example of species niches and their interaction. Two niche axes are
shown, pH and temperature. The two species of hypothetical protists have different optima, and
one (left) is adapted to wider range of conditions and has overall lower growth rate (measured
at a given low density). When the niches of the two species overlap, the growth rates are
expected to decrease, potentially to the point where the population cannot be sustained. Here,
one of the species if fully dominant in its niche. Therefore, the other species can sustain its
population only on a part of its fundamental niche, and its growth rate decreases at the
overlapping areas. The growth rate isoclines are shown, with the dashed lines depicting the
growth rate isoclines of the fundamental niche (i.e., had the other species been absent).
Figure 2: In this example of Galapagos finches on three different islands, the number of niches
can be predicted from the peaks in the expected finch density. The expected finch density is
calculated from distribution of seed biomass converted to finch numbers, using preferred seed
size estimated from the mean size of the beak. The beak depth of the finches occurring on each
islands corresponds well to the maxima of the curve. Position of the symbols marks mean beak
depth of male ground finch on each of the three islands: Geospiza fortis (□), G. difficilis (∆), G.
) and G. fuliginosa (
magnirostris ( ). The beak depth scale is kept the same for the three
pictures; the population density is scaled to the maximum. (Modified from Schluter & Grant
Biotope, habitat, microhabitat, character displacement, Shannon diversity index, Allee effect,
Figure 1
1.0 1.0
1.1 1.2
Figure 2