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Tema 2

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Simple present tense verb to be / Verbo en presente simple to be

escuchar la siguiente canción e identificar

Listening: listen to the following song and identify the verb “to be” el verbo "to be"

The verb To Be Song Yeah

I am Well this is the
You are Verb to be
He is third person And my friend
She is You’re on your way
It is It´s easy as
We are awesome One two three
You are Just practice
They are Everyday
Subject pronouns When I say subject
With the verb to be You say pronoun
I am a teacher and Subject (pronoun)
You are the student Subject (pronoun)
He is a doctor and When I say verb to
She is intelligent You say be
It is the future Verb to (be)
That we are building Verb to (be)
Here today This is the future
You´ll show the That we´re building
Whole world Here today
They will be amazed


(Escribe el pronombre que corresponda sobre las negrillas)

Hello, I am Roger, my last name is Silva. Silva is a brazilian
name. My family and I are from Bolivia. Susan is my mother. My
mother is from a very nice town in La Paz. The town is very
small. Pedro is my father. My father is from Sucre. Sucre is a
beautiful city in the south of Bolivia.

My parents are in Brazil now. My parents are on vacation. I am at home with my sisters. My sisters
and I are not happy to be alone. My sisters are always with their friends. My brother is lucky. My
brother is not at home. My brother is at college. The college is down town.

Affirmative Statements with verb to be

1. El Sujeto de una oración puede ser un Pronombre o un Nombre. Los pronombres reemplazan a
los pronombres. Los pronombres son: “I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they”.
Susan is a teacher
She is a teacher
2. El tiempo presente del verbo “be” es: am – are – is
3. El verbo “to be” se escribe antes de los nombres en singular o plural.
I am a student
You are intelligent
Richard is in La Paz
It is a city
La Paz in Bolivia

We are teachers
Susan and I
You are in La Paz
You and Richard
They are students
Susan and Richard
They are
La Paz and Cochabamba departments

1. El verbo “to be” se escribe al inicio de la oración para oraciones interrogativas

(Are you a teacher?)
2. Usualmente se responde a las interrogantes con respuestas cortas.
Are you from La Paz? (Yes, I am) - (Yes)
3. No use contracciones en las respuestas cortas

Yes / No questions and short answers
Am I
Are You from Bolivia?
Is She
you are You are not
You aren´t
I am I´m not
Yes He is He´s not
No He isn´t
She is She´s not
She isn´t
It is It´s not
It isn´t

Are you from Bolivia?

Yes No
you are you´re not
you aren´t
Yes we are No we´re not
we aren´t
they are they´re not
they aren´t

Negative Statements with verb “to be”

I am not
1. Escriba primero el sujeto, el verbo “to be” y luego la palabra “not” they are not
2. Para crear contracciones puedes: hacer oraciones con el pron.+verbo+not+pred.
Unir el pronombre y el verbo “be” (you´re not a teacher) he isn´t a teacher.
Unir el verbo “be” con la palabra not. (you aren´t a student) I´m not
3. Sin embargo, para - I am not - hay solo una forma de contracción. (I´m not.)
I Am in La Paz
You Are a teacher
He not intelligent
She Is
It a city

We in La Paz
You are not teacher
They intelligent
They Cities

Complete the conversations with: “I am, you are, he is, she is, it is, we are, they are”.
Completa las conversaciones con:
How are you? Cómo estás?
I am…ok Estoy bien.

1. How are you and your brother? Cómo están tú y tu hermano?

We are Nosotros estamos bien.
2. How are your mother and father? ¿Cómo están tu madre y tu padre?
……………………..ok. ..........................bien.
3. Where are you? ¿Dónde estás?
……………………..in the school. ........................en la escuela.
4. Where is the sandwich? ¿Dónde está el sándwich?
……………………..on the table.....................................en la mesa.
5. Where is Mr. Perez? ¿Dónde esta el señor Pérez?
……………………..in the office. ..................en la oficina.
Correct the sentences / corrige las oraciones

La Paz is a state.
La Paz is not a state. It is a department

1. Oruro is a country. Oruro es un país.

Oruro isn´t a country. ……………………………………………………….
It is a
department. 2. Toyota and Suzuki are brands of airplanes. Toyota y Suzuki son marcas de aviones.
3. Peru and China are people.Perú y China son personas.

4. Cochabamba and Sucre are in Argentina. Cochabamba y Sucre estan en

Cochabamba and Sucre are not in Argentina. They are in Bolivia... Argentina.
5. Gun is a toy. Gun es un juguete.

Create sentences / Crea oraciones con “is, isn´t, are, aren´t”
Example: A sheet/light Una hoja / luz
tomar en cuenta el A sheet is light. Una hoja es luz.
siguiente ejemplo: Oranges /triangles Naranjas / triángulos
Oranges are not triangles.
Naranjas no son triángulos.
1. A sun / cold Un sol / frio
sun isn´t cold. un sol no es frío.
2. The earth / flat La tierra / plano
3. An iron bar / hard Una barra de hierro / dura
4. bricks / soft ladrillos / blando
5. Cellphones / expensive Celulares / caro

Read the short paragraph, then rewrite it with your own information
Leamos el párrafo y luego rescribamos con informacion propia
My family members

Hi, This is my family. My father is a policeman, he is tall, he isn´t from La Paz, he is from
Pando. My mother is nurse, she is short, she isn´t from Pando, she is from La Paz. I have two
sisters and a little brother. Mary is fifteen years old. Pamela is thirteen years old and the
littke boy is two years old. They are from Cochabamba and I am from La Paz. I am ten years
old. My family is funny. The aren´t bored. They like traveling. Tell me about your family…

Demonstrative pronouns this / that / these / those

These, that, these, those, English language song for kids

This, that, these, those

This, that, these, those
This is my ………. And that´s your ……….
This, that, these, those
These are my ………. And those are your ……….
This, that, these, those
That, this, those, these
That is your ………. And this is my ……….
That, this, those, these
Those are your ………. And these are my ……….
This, that, these, those
This, that, this, those

SINGULAR (affirmative)
This is my brother
That is my sweater

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