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U n it 7

Contractions &
Negatives with BE
e t s

L arn!
Contractions with BE
Pronoun Be Contraction Example
I am I'm I'm a student.
are You're You're a boy.
She is She's She's my sister.
He is He's He's a teacher
It is It's It's a city.
are You're You're all great.
We are We're We're beautiful.
They are They're They're bored.

Negatives with BE
I'm not
You're not You aren't
She's not She isn't
He's not He isn't
It's not It isn't
We're not We aren't
You're not You aren't
They're not They aren't
L e t s


Contractions & Negatives with BE

Complete the sentences using contractions.

Ex) Owen won the game. He's excited.

1 John is a student. from another city.

2 Shawn has one sister. six years old.

3 I have a book. an old book.

4 She has six pairs of shoes. all new.

5 I love reading comic books. interesting.

6 Doris and Flora went to the zoo. friends.

7 Gordon is friendly. my classmate.

8 Shawn and I want to eat pizza. hungry.

9 Michelle likes music and sports. my sister.

10 Owen woke up at 11. late.

Circle the correct contraction.

1 Mike is my teacher. He's/

I'm/They're 30 years old.
2 Hamburgers are my
favorite foods.
They're / It's /I'm delicious.
3 Susan : She's/It's/
We're nice to meet you.
4 They're/He's/It's time for
class. Please take a seat.
Try More

Write sentences using negative contractions.

Movie/interesting That movie isn't interesting.

1 Europe/city

2 Susan/tall

3 My parents/lazy

4 Turtles/fast

5 The weather/cloudy

6 Cars and airplanes/slow

7 The policeman/a doctor

Use the words in the box to complete the sentences.

Contractions & Negatives with BE

painter driver
doctor photographer

1 Ann loves taking pictures.

She isn't a gardener. She is a .

2 Jim likes driving. He .

3 Sue works at a hospital. She .

4 My hobby is painting. I'm a .

5 Frank protects us. He .

U n it 5
Pronoun I
(Subject / Object / Possessive)
e t’s
L arn!
Subject Pronouns
Subject pronoun acts as the subject of a sentence
- it performs the action of the verb.

1st person I
Singular 2nd person You
3rd person He/She/It
1st person We
Plural 2nd person You
3rd person They

Object Pronouns
Object pronoun acts as the object of a sentence
- it receives the action of the verb.
Pronouns Object Pronouns
I me
You you
He him
She her
It it
We us
You you
They them
Possessive Pronouns

Pronoun I ( Subject /Object/ Possessive )

Possessive pronoun is a word that refers to
a specific person or thing.
Pronouns Possessive Pronouns
I mine
You yours
He his
She hers
It its
We Ours
You Yours
They Theirs

Pronouns can I read a book. It was good.

be used to refer
to singular or
plural nouns. I read some books. They were good.

Possessive pronouns are not followed immediately by a noun.

They stand alone.

This pencil is yours. Mine is over there.

Incorrect : That book is her's. Your's over there.

Possessive adjectives are followed immediately by a noun.

They do not stand alone.

Your books is here. My book is over there.

L e t s

Complete the sentences.
Use my, your, his, her, our or their.

1 Doris has a pen. pen is blue.

2 Owen has a dog. dog is cute.

3 Shawn and Owen have two beach balls.

beach balls are big.

4 I have long hair. hair is long.

5 You have a book. book is red.

Complete the sentences. Circle the correct word.

1 I have a dog. (my, your, his, her, our, their)

dog is small.

2 Tom has a pen. (my, your, his, her, our, their)

pen is blue.

3 You have a cat. (my, your, his, her, our, their)

cat is small.

4 Doris has a doll. (my, your, his, her, our, their)

doll is beautiful.

5 Owen and have beach balls

(my, your, his, her, our, their) beach balls are colorful.

6 Shawn and have books.

(my, your, his, her, our, their) books are red.
Fill in the blanks with the correct

Pronoun I ( Subject /Object/ Possessive )

possessive pronoun.

Ex) I own this book. This book is mine.

1 She owns the pen. This pen is .

2 We keep these cards. These cards are .

3 Doris and Penny own those toys.

Those toys are .

4 You own this room. This room is .

Try More

Complete the sentences with the correct pronouns.


1 Doris : This shrimp is .

I : That shrimp is Doris'.

Doris : . shrimp is big.

I: is big.


2 We : These dolphins are .

They : Those dolphins are .

We : dolphins are white.

They : are gray.

Pronoun I ( Subject /Object/ Possessive )
Choose the correct word and fill in the blank.


1 Is it rubber duck?


2 Is this umbrella?


3 That's not hat.

is blue.
U n it 6
Pronoun II
( Demonstrative / Indefinite pronouns)

e t s

L arn!
Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronoun - Singular

This is a cat.

That is a cat.

Demonstrative pronoun - Plural

These are cats.

Those are cats.

Indefinite Pronouns

Pronoun II ( Demonstrative/Indefinite pronouns )

Does not refer to a specific person or thing.

Single word Compound Ex.

word This is all she wrote.
all neither
Did somebody say
another nobody anybody
something to you?
any none anyone Nobody comes to school
both nothing anything on Sunday.

each one everybody


few other everyone Sunday

many such everthing

either some someone

Refers to
For singular
Each person is responsible for his own work.
Nobody knows where my dog has gone. another, each,
nobody, nothing

For plural
Many have heard this story before.
Few like to study overnight. both, few, many,

For both singular

Ex) and plural
None is expected to come to the party.
All are taking a test today. all, any,
none, such
L e t s

Complete the sentences with the correct
demonstrative pronoun.

1 is a dog.

2 is an apple. 2
3 are trees.
4 are cats.

Fill in the blanks with the correct

indefinite pronoun.

Ex) Penny bought something at the store.

hint : someone / something/anyone

1 Gordon talked to
after class.
2 Did give you my bag?

3 This is I know.

Choose the correct answer and complete the sentence.

Pronoun II ( Demonstrative/Indefinite pronouns )

1 I can't see him. Is him?

A those B these C that 1

2 is a pen. I like the blue pen.

A this B those C these

3 are beautiful flowers.

A that B this C those

4 are cute ducks. I like ducks. 2

A that B this C these

5 is my dinner. I'm so hungry.

A those B these C this


Try More

Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.

some/ anything /any/ nothing/ anyone

1 Penny doesn't know

about my hobby.

2 Mrs. Harris didn't tell

about her secrets.

3 There is in my bag. It's empty.

4 Where is my candy? Uh oh!

There isn't left.

5 This is my cake. I will eat today.

4 5
Choose the correct word and complete the sentence.

Pronoun II ( Demonstrative/Indefinite pronouns )

1 of the boys can play basketball well.

A all B who C either

2 saw the tigers yesterday. 1

A such B no one C nothing

3 like to eat rice

and like to eat noodles.

A such B who C some

4 understands my sadness.

A who B either C nobody

5 person has a job to do tomorrow.

A nothing B each C any

U n it 2
Indefinite &
Definite Articles
e t’s
L arn!
Indefinite Article a/an
The indefinite article a/an is used when you are talking
about things in general.
a is used before a consonant.
an is used before a vowel.
Indefinite article a/an Definite article the
It is a book The book is red.

an is used before a She has an apple.

a word that begins
with the vowels a, e, i, o, u e It is an egg.

i It is an insect.
o Gordon saw an owl.
u Doris has an umbrella.

vowels a e i o u

Remember! b c d f g h j k
consonants l m n p q r s
t v w x y z
Definite Article the

Indefinite & Definite Articles

The definite article the is used when you are talking about
a specific thing.

When talking about musical instruments, use

the definite article 'the'.
✽She plays the piano
✽My brother plays the violin every day.

Use the
A : Where is mother?
B : She is in the kitchen.

When people are thinking

A : I have an apple and
about the same thing or
an orange.
person, the shows the
Which one do you want?
specific noun.
B : I want the orange, thank you.

Gordon has a book and a pen. A pen and a book have

The book is red. been mentioned before,
The pen is blue. so we know they are
thinking about
the same thing.
L e t s

Complete the sentences using the or an/a.

1 Flora has doll and book. doll is cute,

and book is red.

2 Gordon and Owen are playing with ball.

ball is big.

3 A : I have cake and piece of candy.

Which one do you want?

4 B : I want cake. Thank you.

5 There are three figures: circle, triangle,

and square.

A. circle is pink. triangle is green.

square is yellow. circle is next to triangle.

Look at the picture and fill in the blanks.

Indefinite & Definite Articles


1 Flora is girl.

2 She has umbrella.

3 dog is white.

4 Flora is wearing pink dress.

5 tree is behind Flora.

Circle the correct answer.

1 It is ( an / the / a / - ) cat.

2 I'm ( an / the / a / - ) Doris Lee.

3 My brother is playing ( an / the / a / - ) drums in the basement.

4 I forgot to take ( an / the / a / - ) umbrella.

5 Their schoolbags are big.

( An / The / A / - ) bags are heavy.

Try More

Look at the picture. What can you see?

Write 5 sentences using a/an/the.

Ex) There is a book on the bed.





Indefinite & Definite Articles
Write the words under the correct indefinite article.

girl umbrella uniform

arm octopus lamp

bicycle pencil tree

dress elephant eye

a an

a pencil an eye
Countable &
Uncountable Nouns
e t s

L arn!
Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns

a boy, a table, a book meat, oil, money, water,

3 hamburgers, 2 sisters milk, juice, bread

Countable nouns are things, people, and animals that we can count.
Uncountable nouns do not have a plural form.
They are grammatically singular.
We always use a singular verb for a noncount noun.

Rules of making countable nouns

Countable Nouns Rules Example
noun +s room rooms

noun ending with class classes

+ es
o, s, z, x,sh,ch dish dishes

nouns ending y + ies dictionary dictionaries

with -y +s key keys

nouns ending fe/f + ves knife knives

with -f/fe +s roof roofs

irregular singular plural goose geese

Uncountable nouns

Countable & Uncountable Nouns

Measurements with uncountable

a bag of rice a bunch of bananas

a bar of soap a tube of toothpaste

a bottle of beer a glass of water

a bowl of cereal a loaf of bread

a box of candy a piece of cheese

Singular sentences Plural sentences

This is my pen.

These are my pens.

That is your red book.

Those are your red books.

L e t s

Write the plural forms of the nouns.

1 teacher

2 sister

3 dog

4 friend

5 chair

6 baby

7 friend

8 class

9 cup

10 chair

11 family

12 box
Rewrite the sentences to make plural sentences.

Countable & Uncountable Nouns

1 This is my skirt.

2 That is not your cat.

3 It is his book.

4 That is a small box.

5 This is a big bus.

Try More

Choose the correct answers.

1. Doris : What are those?

Owen : are comic books.
A This B That C It D They

2. story books are great.

A A B They C It D Those

3. Those are .
A dolls B cakes C watches D cats

Circle the correct answers.

Today is my birthday. I have three ( gift / gifts ).

The first one is a small ( doll / dolls ).
The doll wears a red dress.
It's so pretty. The second gift is a box of
( candy / candies ). They are so sweet.
I like to eat candy very much.
The third gift is a puppy.
My mother gave the puppy to me.
It is a little white ( dog / dogs ). I'm so happy
today. Today is my birthday. Happy birthday to me.
Unscramble the words to make questions

Countable & Uncountable Nouns

about the picture.

1 in / the / there / some / Are / books / room?

A: Yes, there are.

2 some / want / milk/ you / Do?

A: No, I don't.

3 How / dolls / many / there / are?

A: There is a doll in the room.

U n it 4
e t s

L arn!

If there is more than one thing, but you don't know exactly
some how many, use 'some'.
Ex) I have some friends.

Can be used with countable and uncountable nouns.

a lot
Ex) There are a lot of dogs and cats.

Can be used with only plural countable nouns.

Ex) I don't have many coins.

Can be used with only uncountable nouns.

much Ex) How much are the roses?

Can be used only with plural countable nouns.

a few
Ex) My mom wants to buy a few clothes.

Can be used only with uncountable nouns.

a little
Ex) My brother ate a little cheese.

not Can be used with countable and uncountable nouns.

enough Ex) There is not enough food in the fridge.
L e t s


Singular or Plural?
Uncountable nouns are always
grammatically singular.

Cherries Carrot Flowers Cup Dog Spoon Boys

Lemon Meat Cheese Knives Bread Cat

Tea Vegetable Zoo Salt

Write the words under the correct category : singular or plural.

Singular Plural
Complete the questions with many or much.

1 How money do you have?

2 How comic books do you want to read?

3 How water do you need to cook?

4 How homework do you need to work on?

5 How dresses do you have?

Change some to a few or a little in these sentences.

Ex) I want some orange juice

(I want a little orange juice.)

1 I buy some snacks for my friends.

2 My brother wants to add some oil.

3 She brings me some water.

4 I usually get some letters.

5 My teacher gave me some homework to do.

Try More

Rewrite the sentences using 'not enough'.

1 There is + sugar

2 There is + water

3 The sandwiches + were

Rewrite the sentences with many or too much.

Ex) Shawn has a lot of robots.

=> Shawn has many robots.

1 Owen has a lot of toys.

2 The library doesn't have a lot of books.

3 I had a lot of vegetables yesterday.

4 My mom bought a lot of cheese.

5 Derick's little brother ate a lot of ice cream.

U n it 8
Positive and Negative
Sentences & Questions
e t s

L arn!
Positive and negative sentences
Basic sentence structures.

S+V Positive I can fly.

Subject + verb Negative I can't fly.

S+V+C Positive Mr. Anderson is a dentist.

Subject + verb + complement Negative Mrs. Anderson is not a dancer.

S+V+O Positive I like coffee.

Subject + verb + object Negative I don't like coffee.

Be verb question (yes/no question)

Be + S.....?
Positive Is he tall?
Yes, S + be..... Yes, he is tall.
No, S + be + not..... No, he is not tall.
Are you happy?
Yes, I'm happy.
No, I'm not happy.

Be + not + S.....?
Negative Isn't the book hard?
Yes, S + be..... Yes, it's hard.
No, S + be + not..... No, it's not hard.
Aren't you cold?
Yes, I'm cold.
No, I'm not.
L e t s


Positive and Negative Sentences & Questions

Rewrite the sentences to make negative sentences.

Ex) The cake is delicious. => The cake isn't delicious.

1 Dogs run.

2 Mr. Black is a police officer.

3 I clean my room.

4 I like juice.

5 She is my friend.

Choose the correct answers.

1 Do you like swimming?

A Yes, I like swimming. B Yes, I swim. C Yes, I.

2 He is a teacher. (negative)

A He don't a teacher. B He can't a teacher. C He is not a teacher.

3 Lucy walked. (negative)

A Lucy isn't walk. B Lucy didn't walk. C Lucy is walking.

Try More

Complete the sentences.

1 Is he your brother? 1

2 Isn't he tall?
Yes, 2
3 Are you hungry?

4 Aren't you angry at him?

5 Is she a beautiful girl?
Yes, 5

Choose the correct answers and fill in the blanks.

1 Is that your car? . It's Hank's car.

A Yes, it's. B No, it is not. C No, it is. D Yes, it is.

2 Isn't your father a doctor? 2

, he is a farmer.

A Yes B Not C Maybe D No

Read the story and answer the questions.

Positive and Negative Sentences & Questions

Bobby is a black dog. He lives in the forest alone.
He is lonely. He doesn't like running. He doesn't like eating.
He doesn't like to make any friends. He is always sleeping.
He sleeps all day long. One day, a white cat, Mini, comes to the forest.
Mini is a beautiful cat. She likes to run around. She likes to eat.
She likes friends. She laughs all the time.
Mini meets Bobby. She talks to him. She tries to play with him.
She invites him for lunch. Now, they are friends

1 Isn't the dog lonely?

A No, he is not. B Yes, she is. C Yes, he is lonely.

2 Is Mini a white cat?

A Yes, she is white. B Yes, he is white. C No, he is black.

3 Do Mini and Bobby both like to make friends?

A No, they don't. B Yes, they are.

C No, Mini likes to make friends, but Bobby doesn't.

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