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I take advantage of some materials and workbooks that I had in house. I practice with some exercises
and remember some things that I didn´t have very presents.

1. VERB TO BE: (Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative or questions – Present and Past Tense).
Is an irregular verb in English used to describe the state or condition of someone or something,

1. Explanation and examples

I Yo Am-Was
You Tú/Ustedes Are-Were
He Él Is-Was
She Ella Is-Was
It Eso/Esa/Eso Is-Was
We Nosotros/Nosotras Are-Were
They Ellos/Ellas Are Were

Me Yo
You Tú/Ustedes
Him Él
Her Ella
It Eso/Esa/Eso
Us Nosotros/Nosotras
Them Ellos/Ellas
My Mi
Your Tu/Su (Tú/Ustedes)
His Su (Él)
Her Su (Ella)
Its Su (Eso/Esa/Eso)
Our Nuestro
Their Su (Ellos/Ellas)

Mine Mío
Yours Tuyo/Suyo (Tú, Ustedes)
His Suyo (Él)
Hers Suyo (Ella)
Its Suyo (Eso/Esa/Eso)
Ours Nuestro
Theirs Suyo (Ellos/Ellas)
Sujeto+verbo to be+complemento

Sujeto+verbo to be+not+complemento

verbo to be+sujeto+complemento+?

Afirmativas Negativas Interrogativas
I am in the school I am not in the school Am I in the school?
You are a student You are not a student am I in the school?
He is a Doctor He is not a doctor Is he a a doctor?
She is a teacher She is not a teacher Is she a teacher?
It is a pen It is not a pen Is it a pen?
They are in New York They are not in New York Are they in New York?

It may look a bit confusing and repetitive, but pronouns have different functions and rules within a
sentence, on the one hand we have:
 Personal pronouns: Which oversee substituting the subject of the sentence, that is, the one who
performs the action.
For example, *I* am running.
 Object pronouns: Which are differentiated by the fact that they serve as direct complements, i.e.,
they answer to whom the action falls on.
For example, Call *me* later.
 Possessive adjectives: They have the function to show something belongs to somebody.
For example, *my* mother is a doctor.
 Possessive pronouns: They serve to answer the question whose it is. They designate possessions.
For example, that book is *yours*.

2. Examples

Personal Object Possessive adjective Possessive pronouns
Afirmativa I like action movies. I have already My shirt is green. You picked up my
called her. keys instead of
Negativa She didn´t study a Don´t tell him any Your book isn’t new. My friends don´t like
lot for the exam. jokes. your hair.
Interrogativa Do you live nearby? Is Joe talking to Is our bird noisy? Did I accept their
you? invitation?
3. Paragraph

I am going to meet my friend at the park. Her name is Sarah, and she is bringing her dog with her. My
dog is excited to see hers because their friendship has blossomed over the years. I'll bring my frisbee,
and she will bring her picnic blanket. Our plan is to have a great time together, enjoying each other's
company in the beautiful autumn weather.

2. SIMPLE PRESENT AND SIMPLE PAST TENSE (Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative or questions).
Previously we were looking at personal pronouns and, now, they are indispensable for learning
how to use the grammatical tenses, especially the present simple.
The present simple and its rules:
- Verb (S - ES - IES)
Singular third person add the correspondent end to the verb in affirmative simple present.
She runs. (Run-s)
She flies. (Fly-ies)
What is simple present and past structure?
To form the present simple, we use the base form of the verb or the -s form. To form the past
simple, we use the -ed form of the verb or the irregular form. To form the negative and
interrogative forms, we use the auxiliary verb do.

- Auxiliaries (Do – Does) Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative or questions.

Singular third person uses Does and other pronouns use Do.
You do not look beautiful.
She does not look beautiful.
In past is just “did” as the auxiliary.

Simple present Simple past
S+am/is/are+predicate S+Was/Were
S+To be+object S+Verb+ed
I start the course. I started the course.
You do not deserve that. You did not deserve that.
Does my girlfriend show you my photo? Did my girlfriend show you my photo?

Dogs are wonderful creatures. They are known for their loyalty and affection. In the past, my family had
a Labrador named Max. Max was a playful and energetic dog. He loved to chase after tennis balls and
run around the park. Every morning, he used to wake me up with his joyful barking. He was a great
companion for our family. Sadly, he passed away a few years ago, but the memories of the happy times
we spent together with him still bring a smile to our faces. Today, we have a new dog, Bella. She is a
charming little pup, and we enjoy taking her for walks in the neighborhood. Dogs have always been a
source of joy in our lives, both in the past and the present.

- Regular and irregular verbs.

1. Add ed
Play – Played
2. Add d
Dance – danced
3. Add ied
Study – Studied
4. Double consonant+ed
Stop – Stopped

Wash -Washed Cry – Cried
Chop – Chopped Copy – Copied
Offer – Offered Jump – Jumped
Plan – Planned Try – Tried

4. PRESENT AND PAST CONTINUOUS/PROGRESSIVE (Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative or

Present Progressive:
The present progressive tense, also known as the present continuous, is used to describe actions
that are happening right now, at the moment of speaking, or actions that are currently in progress. It
is formed by using the present tense of the verb "to be" (am, is, are) and adding the present
participle of the main verb (usually ending in -ing). For example, "I am writing this explanation right
Past Progressive:
The past progressive tense, also known as the past continuous, is used to describe actions or events
that were ongoing or in progress at a specific point in the past. It is formed by using the past tense of
the verb "to be" (was, were) and adding the past participle of the main verb (-ing). For example,
"She was studying all night for her exam."
In summary, the present progressive is used to describe current or ongoing actions in the present,
while the past progressive is used to describe actions that were happening at specific moments in
the past. Both tenses provide a way to convey the idea of continuous or ongoing actions in different
time frames.

Afirmativa I am walking I was walking
Negativa I am not buying those things. I was not expecting that
Interrogación Are they walking to work now? Were you working hard yesterday-

As Sarah sat in her favorite chair, she was engrossed in a captivating novel, completely absorbed in
the story's twists and turns. The rain was falling outside, creating a soothing backdrop to her
reading. She had been reading for hours, and the characters in the book were coming to life before
her eyes. Sarah's phone buzzed, momentarily interrupting her reading. She paused and glanced at
the message, but then she resumed her reading. The evening was turning into a cozy and immersive
experience as she continued to lose herself in the book's pages, unaware of the passing hours and
the rain that had been falling steadily throughout the evening.

5. Routines and phrasal verbs.

- 10 Phrasal Verbs comunes para la rutina de la mañana en 1ra. y 3ra. Persona:
1st person
I wake up early every morning. After getting up, I brush my teeth and wash my face. Then, I get dressed
for the day. Before leaving for work, I make coffee and grab a quick breakfast. After work, I often hang
out with friends for some relaxation. When I get home, I wind down by watching TV. Later in the
evening, I work out at the gym to stay fit. After that, I clean up the house. Before bed, I read a book for a
while. Finally, I turn off the lights and go to sleep to start the routine all over again the next day.

3rd person
6:00 AM every morning. After hitting the snooze button a couple of times, he finally gets out of bed. He
quickly brushes his teeth, washes his face, and gets dressed for work. He heads to the kitchen to brew a
pot of coffee and whips up a simple breakfast. While eating, he often checks his emails and catches up
on the news. After that, he sets off for work. At the office, John dives into his tasks, deals with various
projects, and meets with clients throughout the day. By the time he leaves work in the evening, he's
ready to wind down. He usually hangs out with his colleagues for a while before heading home. Once
he's back home, John works out at his home gym to stay in shape. After that, he needs to tidy up his
living space and maybe fix something that's broken. Before bed, he reads a book to relax and winds
down. As the clock strikes midnight, he finally turns off the lights and goes to sleep, ready to start the
same routine all over again the next day.

5. Simple Future – will, won´t. (Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative or questions – My plans or

In English grammar, the future tense with "will" is used to express actions or events that will occur at
some point in the future, often based on a prediction, intention, or willingness. It is a simple way to talk
about future occurrences.
The structure of this tense is quite straightforward. You start with the auxiliary verb "will" followed by
the base form of the main verb. For example:
- "I will go to the store later." (Expressing a future intention)
- "She will probably arrive at 3 PM." (Making a future prediction)
- "They will help you with your project." (Expressing willingness or offering assistance)
This construction allows you to discuss future actions or events with ease, whether they are plans,
predictions, promises, or spontaneous decisions.

Won’t Will
Afirmativa He won’t pay that. If it rains, I will bring an umbrella.
Negativa She won’t graduate from college next He will probably finish the report by
year. tomorrow.
Interrogación Won’t you buy a lot of mask. Will you join us for the party on

In the ever-evolving world of technology, the role of a systems engineer will continue to be
indispensable. A systems engineer will be at the forefront of designing and implementing complex
systems that power our future. They will play a crucial role in integrating various components, ensuring
seamless functionality, and adapting to emerging technologies. With their expertise, a systems engineer
will be instrumental in creating robust, efficient, and innovative solutions for industries such as artificial
intelligence, autonomous vehicles, and renewable energy. Their work will be a driving force in shaping
the future of technology, and they will undoubtedly remain in high demand as they navigate the
complex landscape of tomorrow's interconnected systems. That is why I want to study that.
6. Future with Be + going to… (Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative or questions - My plans or
The "future with 'be' + going to" is a verb tense used to express future plans, intentions, or
predictions based on present evidence or circumstances. It is often used when we have a clear idea of
what will happen in the future. The structure is straightforward:

- Subject + "am," "is," or "are" (conjugation of "be") + "going to" + base form of the verb

1. I am going to attend a conference next week.
- Here, the speaker has a clear plan to attend a conference in the future.
2. They are going to buy a new car this year.
- This sentence expresses the intention or plan to purchase a new car.
3. She is going to meet her friends for dinner tonight.
- The speaker has a plan to meet friends for dinner in the near future.
4. The weather forecast says it's going to rain tomorrow.
- This example shows a prediction based on current information (the weather forecast).
5. We are going to start a new project after the holidays.
- The speaker intends to begin a new project after the holidays.
In summary, the "future with 'be' + going to" is used when discussing future events that are planned or
expected to happen based on present circumstances, evidence, or intentions.

8. Frequency adverbs: Always, ever, never, seldom…

Frequency adverbs are words or phrases used in English to describe how often an action or event
occurs. They help provide more information about the frequency of an action. Here are some common
frequency adverbs and examples of their use:
1. Always: This adverb indicates that the action happens all the time without exception.
 She always arrives early for class.
2. Usually: It suggests that the action is typical or habitual.
 They usually go to the gym in the evenings.
3. Often: This adverb indicates that the action happens frequently, but not all the time.
 He often takes short breaks during work.
4. Sometimes: It suggests that the action happens occasionally or at irregular intervals.
 Sometimes I like to relax and watch TV.
5. Rarely: This adverb indicates that the action doesn't happen very often.
 She rarely eats fast food.
6. Hardly ever: Similar to "rarely," it suggests an extremely low frequency.
 I hardly ever visit that part of town.
7. Never: This adverb means that the action does not occur at any time.
 They never miss their morning jog.
Frequency adverbs are useful for providing context and describing routines or habits. They help in
expressing how regularly something happens in daily life.

10. Connectors:
But, Because, Therefore, later, after that, however, As a result, Although, Even though, as well, as well
as, such as, for instance, moreover, unless, finally, in conclusion, to summarize, whereas, as a matter of
fact, in fact, actually, like, likewise…
can be generally categorized as follows
Addition connectors: They simply add either information or bring out a factor of continuation.
Examples: and, also, in addition, furthermore, moreover, moreover.
Adversative connectors: They express a relation of contrastive or conflictive between ideas.
Examples: but, however, although, despite.
Causal connectors: These are used for showing a cause or reason.
Examples: because, since, as.
Comparative connectors: Used to denote comparison.
Examples: more than (more than), less than (less than).
Concessive connectors: They aim to express an idea, which is as a concession, an idea that diminishing
to the main idea.
Examples: although, even though.
Concluding connectors: They are used in order to indicate a conclusion or a summary.
Examples: so (so that), therefore (therefore), hence (therefore).
Conditional connectors: They are used in denoting condition.
Examples: if, unless, provided that.
Continuative connectors: They are used in continuing the same line of thought.
Examples: then, next.
Copulative connectors: Used to join two ideas which are similar or same.
Examples: and (et)
Disjunctive connectors: They are used to present a choice problem.
Examples: or (ou)
Rules of Use
Position: Connectors can occur either in sentence-initial position, clause-final position, or median
position when they separate the two elements that they conjoin.
Nouns and verbs: After a connector we can find a noun or a gerund.
Agreement: It is important to use connectors apt to the class text that we are writing.
11. Modal verbs: can, could, may, might, should, shall, ought to… (escribir oraciones y uso correcto de
cada uno).
11.1 - When planning your graduation party, it's essential to consider your guests and their preferences.
Ensure that the venue is convenient for everyone and that you have a variety of food and drinks to cater
to different tastes. A good music playlist and some fun activities or games can liven up the atmosphere.
Don't forget to capture memories with photos or a photo booth, and perhaps share a few words of
gratitude for the support you've received throughout your academic journey. Ultimately, the key to a
successful graduation party is creating a joyful and memorable experience for everyone to celebrate
your achievement.
11.2 - In Colombia, there are several common prohibitions that you'll come across. One of the most
significant is the prohibition of public smoking in many areas to promote better public health.
Additionally, there are strict rules against driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs to ensure road
safety. Graffiti on public property is also widely prohibited to maintain the cleanliness of the streets.
These are just a few examples of the more common prohibitions in the country.
11.3 - Daily life in Colombia involves a mix of various activities. Many people start their day with a
traditional Colombian breakfast, which often includes arepas, eggs, and coffee. Work and school are
typical daily activities, with a strong emphasis on family time in the evenings. In their free time,
Colombians enjoy watching or playing soccer, going to the movies, or enjoying the vibrant local music
and dance scenes. The beautiful natural landscapes also offer opportunities for outdoor activities like
hiking and exploring the diverse flora and fauna.
11.4 - I recently watched the movie "Inception," and I highly recommend it. This mind-bending thriller,
directed by Christopher Nolan, delves into the world of dreams and subconsciousness. The film is a
captivating blend of science fiction, action, and psychological drama. It explores the concept of entering
and manipulating dreams, creating a complex and visually stunning narrative. With an outstanding cast
and a thought-provoking storyline, "Inception" keeps you on the edge of your seat while challenging
your perception of reality. If you enjoy movies that make you think and offer a unique cinematic
experience, "Inception" is a must-watch.
12. Conditionals: identifique, escriba e interprete las 4 tipos de condicionales: 0, I, II y III.
NOTA: para los alumnos de XI – 22 y 23, identificar solo los condicionales tipo 0 y I.
1 If she doesn't call you, you can call her. I Si ella no te llama, t[u puedes
2 If you heat ice, it melts. 0 Si calientas hielo, se derrite.
3 If he had more time, he would learn karate. 2 Si él tuviera más tiempo, aprendería
4 She would not talk to you, if she were mad 2 Ella no te hablaría si estuviera brava
at you. contigo.
5 If the teacher had explained the homework, I 3 Si el profesor hubiera explicado la
would have done it. tarea, yo la habría hecho.
6 If Susan studied harder, she would be 2 Si Susan estudiara más duro, le iría
better at school. mejor en el colegio.
7 If you hadn't been late, you would have 3 Si no hubieras llegado tarde, habrías
caught the six o'clock train alcanzado el tren de las 6.
8 If they don't want to go out, they can stay 1 Si ellos no quieren salir, se pueden
home. quedar en casa,
9 If John had learned more words, he would 3 Si John hubiera aprendido más
have written a good report. palabras, el habría escrito un buen
1 If he was my friend, I would invite him to 2 Si él fuera mi amigo, yo lo invitaría a
0 my birthday party mi fiesta de cumpleaños.
1 If you mix red and blue, you get purple. 0 Si tú mezclas rojo y azul, obtienes
1 morado.
1 Diana would spend a year in the USA if it 2 Diana pasaría un año en EEUU si fuera
2 were easier to get a green card más fácil sacar una tarjeta verde.
1 If you pay now, you'll get a discount 1 Si pagas ya, tendrás un descuento.
1 If the weather had been nice, they would 3 Si el clima hubiera estado agradable,
4 have played football ellos habrían jugado fútbol.
1 When you heat ice, it melts. 0 Cuando calientas el hielo, se derrite.
1 If I lived on a lonely island, I would run Mixe Si yo viviera en una isla desierta,
6 around all day. d correría de un lado a otro todo el día.
1 If they don't want to go out, they can stay 0 Si ellos no quieren salir, se pueden
7 home. quedar en casa,
1 If we hurried , we would catch the school 2 Si nos apurábamos, alcanzaríamos el
8 bus bus escolar.
1 People die if they don't eat. 0 La gente muere si no come.
2 If Alex had asked me, I would have emailed 3 Si Alex me lo hubiera pedido, yo
0 the documents habría enviado los documentos.
2 If the boys had taken the bus to school, 3 Si los niños hubieran tomado el bus
1 they would have arrived on time para la escuela, ellos habrían llegado a
2 If the banana is yellow, it is ripe and 0 Si el banano está amarillo, está
2 ready to eat! maduro y listo para comer.
2 If I study, I will pass the exams. 1 Si yo estudio, pasaré el examen.
2 The grass gets wet if it rains. 0 El césped se moja si llueve.
2 If the police had come earlier, they would 3 Si la policía hubiera llegado más
5 have arrested the burglar. temprano, ellos habrían arrestado al
2 Snakes bite you if they are scared. 0 Las serpientes te muerden si están
6 asustadas.
2 If they had enough money, they would buy 2 Si ellos tuvieran suficiente dinero,
7 a new car. comprarían un carro nuevo.
2 If it is cold, you must wear warm clothes. 1 Si hace frío, debes usar ropa cálida.
2 You will miss the bus if you don't hurry. 0 Vas a perder el bus si no te apuras.
3 If I felt better, I would go to the cinema with 2 Si me siento mejor, yo iría a cine
0 you. contigo.
3 You will get wet if it rains 1 Te mojarás si llueve.
3 We would help you if we knew how to do 2 Te ayudaríamos con la tarea si
2 the homework. supiéramos cómo hacer la tarea.
3 If you feel sick, you must stay in bed. 0 Si te sientes enfermo, debes quedarte
3 en la cama.
3 Plants die if they don't get enough water. 0 Las plantas mueren si no obtienen
4 suficiente agua.
3 I would have bought you a cake if I had 3 Yo te hubiera comprado un pastel si
5 known it was your birthday. hubiera sabido que era tu
3 If you spend more money than you earn, 1 Si gastas más dinero del que ganas, te
6 you'll become a poor man. convertirás en un hombre pobre.
3 If babies are hungry, they cry. 0 Si los bebés están hambrientos, ellos
7 lloran.
3 If they told their father, he would be very 2 Si ellos le dijeran a su padre, el estaría
8 angry. bastante furioso.
3 The accident wouldn't have occurred if the 3 El accidente no habría ocurrido si el
9 driver hadn't been driving fast. conductor no hubiera manejado tan
4 If Gregory doesn’t do his homework, he 1 Si Gregory no hace su trabajo, él no
0 cannot go to the concert. podría ir al concierto,
4 If you freeze water, it becomes a solid. 0 Si congelas agua, se pone sólida.
4 If I have time, I'll visit my parents this 1 Si tengo tiempo visitaré a mis padres
2 afternoon. esta tarde.

13. Reading: realice las actividades propuestas lecturas, practique la pronunciación y mecanice el
Youth: Responsibilities and Obligations in Colombia
Complete the passage using:
can, could, would, might, may, must, have to, be able to (have the ability - have the
opportunity) and ought to…

In today's Colombian society, the youth have a crucial role to play in shaping the future of our nation.
They ____Can______ influence positive change and contribute to the development of our country in
various ways.
One important responsibility that Colombian youth ____must ______ embrace is the commitment to
education. Education is the key to personal growth and national progress. Young people _____ought
to_____ strive to excel academically, as they are the future leaders, innovators, and professionals of our
Moreover, Colombian youth ____might______ actively engage in community service and volunteer
work. They _____may _____ participate in various initiatives aimed at improving the lives of the less
fortunate and addressing pressing social issues. By doing so, they _could__ make a meaningful impact
on their communities.
Colombian youth _should_____ also consider getting involved in environmental conservation efforts.
Our beautiful country faces environmental challenges, and young individuals ___should_______to
contribute by promoting sustainable practices and raising awareness about the importance of
preserving our natural resources.
While pursuing their goals, young Colombians _____may_____ encounter obstacles and setbacks.
However, they __must________ remember that resilience and determination are essential qualities.
They _are able to________ overcome challenges through hard work and perseverance.
Additionally, Colombian youth ___must _______ be aware of their rights and responsibilities as citizens.
They They have to_____exercise their right to vote and participate in the democratic process. By doing
so, would______help shape policies that reflect their values and aspirations.
In conclusion, the youth in Colombia ___have the opportunity _______to make a significant difference
in our society. They ___ought to_______take their responsibilities seriously, whether it's excelling in
education, giving back to their communities, protecting the environment, or participating in the
democratic process. By doing so, they could______ contribute to a brighter future for Colombia.
I. Look for unknown vocabulary and learn it by heart. Example: Convey: trasmitir, comunicar,
II. Complete the gaps using the Modal verbs given in the box.
III. Answer these questions – Give complete or full answers: (use your own words).
Here are eight questions based on the reading about the responsibilities and obligations of youth
in Colombia:
1. The general topic (theme) of the reading is the responsibilities and obligations of youth in
2. Education plays a pivotal role in the responsibilities of Colombian youth, as highlighted in the
reading. It is seen as a means to equip young people with the knowledge and skills necessary to
actively participate in their communities and society.
3. According to the reading, Colombian youth can contribute to their communities through various
means such as volunteering, participating in community development projects, and advocating
for social and environmental causes.
4. Environmental conservation is mentioned as an area of involvement for young Colombians
because it is an essential component of sustainable development and a global concern. Youth
engagement in environmental conservation helps protect Colombia's natural resources and
promotes a healthier and more sustainable future.
5. The reading emphasizes qualities such as perseverance, resilience, empathy, and a strong sense
of responsibility as essential for young Colombians to overcome challenges. These qualities are
deemed vital for addressing the social, economic, and environmental challenges facing the
6. Colombian youth have both rights and responsibilities as citizens, according to the reading. Their
rights include access to education, freedom of expression, and participation in the democratic
process. Their responsibilities encompass active engagement in their communities, respect for
the rights of others, and contributing to the betterment of society.
7. The reading conveys a message about the potential impact of Colombian youth in shaping the
nation's future. It suggests that if young Colombians embrace their responsibilities and actively
participate in various aspects of society, they can contribute to positive changes, address
important challenges, and lead the country toward a brighter future.
8. I learn from others how to improve my abilities and emotions and in that way I find calm and

In today's fast-paced digital world, young people have access to a group of technologies that can be
both empowering and challenging. Mobile phones, artificial intelligence (AI), and social media are at
their fingertips, offering incredible opportunities. However, along with these privileges come important
1. Responsible Mobile Phone Use:
Mobile phones have become an extension of us, and young people are no exception. It's crucial for
them to use their phones responsibly. This includes understanding that texting or talking on the phone
while driving can be dangerous, and it's a responsibility to prioritize safety over distractions.
2. Mindful Social Media Engagement:
Social media platforms provide young people with a platform to express themselves, connect with
others, and discover new ideas. Yet, it's equally essential to use social media mindfully. This involves
being responsible for the content they share, ensuring it is respectful and considerate of others.
3. Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence:
As AI becomes an integral part of our lives, young people must be aware of the ethical considerations.
Responsible use of AI involves understanding that it should not be used to harm or deceive others. It
should be used to enhance our lives, protect privacy, and make the world a better place.
4. Digital Footprint:
Young people should realize that everything they do online leaves a digital footprint. Every photo
posted, every comment made, and every search conducted can be traced back to them. This digital
presence can have a lasting impact on their reputation and opportunities in the future, so they should
be mindful of what they leave behind.
5. Cybersecurity Awareness:
With the growth of technology, cybersecurity becomes crucial. Young people should understand that
they have a responsibility to protect their personal information from potential threats and to be
cautious about sharing sensitive data online.
6. Media Learning (literacy):
The digital world is saturated with information, much of it misleading or false. It's the responsibility of
young people to develop strong media literacy skills, enabling them to discern credible sources from
7. Balance Screen Time:
While technology can be incredibly beneficial, too much screen time can have negative consequences
on physical and mental health. Responsible young people understand the importance of balancing
screen time with real-world interactions, physical activity, and sleep.
8. Respect for Privacy:
It's vital for young people to respect the privacy of others, including not sharing sensitive information or
personal content without consent. They should also respect the privacy settings and boundaries set by
friends and peers on social media.
9. Combat Cyberbullying:
Young people have a responsibility to stand against cyberbullying. They should support those who are
affected and report harmful behavior to the appropriate authorities.
10. Ethical AI Use:
In a world where AI can impact decisions and outcomes, young people have a responsibility to use AI in
ways that do not perpetuate biases, discrimination, or harm to vulnerable communities.
As young people navigate the digital age, they must understand that their actions online have real-world
consequences. By embracing these responsibilities, they can contribute to a safer, more positive, and
ethical digital environment for themselves and future generations.
Task # 1: Write a very good sentence with each underlined word you can see in the text.
 Empowering individuals to make a positive impact on their communities is a noble goal.
 Challenging situations can often lead to personal growth and development.
 Information is readily available at our fingertips in the digital age.
 Safety should always be a top priority when engaging in outdoor activities.
 It's essential to mindfully consider the consequences of our actions.
 Being respectful towards others is a fundamental aspect of building strong relationships.
 We should stay aware of our surroundings to ensure our safety.
 The intention is never to harm anyone; it's about fostering understanding and cooperation.
 Regular exercise can enhance physical fitness and overall well-being.
 Our digital footprint reveals a lot about our online activities.
 It's crucial to realize the impact of our choices on the environment.
 Technology is enabling new opportunities for communication and collaboration.
 Setting healthy boundaries in relationships is vital for mutual respect.
 Limiting screen time can lead to a more balanced and productive lifestyle.
 We should seek advice from peers when facing challenging situations.
 Harmful behavior towards others is unacceptable and should be addressed promptly.
Task # 2: Answer: These 10 questions based on the reading about Young people's responsibilities in
the age of technology:
1. Young people have access to a wide range of key technologies in today's digital world, including
smartphones, tablets, computers, the internet, social media, and various apps that facilitate
communication, learning, entertainment, and more.
2. Using mobile phones responsibly is important because it helps protect personal privacy, maintain
a healthy balance between online and offline life, and prevent issues like cyberbullying and
addiction, as highlighted in the reading.
3. Young people can demonstrate responsible social media engagement by avoiding hate speech,
cyberbullying, and sharing false information. They should respect others' privacy and use social
media platforms to promote positive content and discussions.
4. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) raises ethical concerns related to privacy, bias, and job
displacement. It's important for young people to be aware of these ethical considerations when
interacting with AI technologies.
5. A "digital footprint" refers to the trail of digital information left behind by a person's online
activities. It's important for young people to be aware of their digital footprint to protect their
online reputation and personal information.
6. Young people can contribute to cybersecurity awareness by educating themselves and others
about online threats, using strong and unique passwords, and being cautious about sharing
personal information online.
7. Media literacy in the digital age means the ability to critically analyze and evaluate media
content, including recognizing fake news and understanding the impact of media on society.
Young people can develop this skill by questioning information sources, verifying facts, and
consuming media mindfully.
8. Balancing screen time is important to maintain physical and mental health, promote in-person
relationships, and prevent issues like digital addiction and eye strain, as mentioned in the text.
9. Young people can demonstrate respect for privacy by carefully managing their own online
privacy settings and refraining from sharing others' private information without consent.
Respecting privacy is essential in building trust and maintaining healthy online relationships.
10. To combat cyberbullying, young people should report any instances of bullying, be supportive of
victims, and refrain from participating in or sharing hurtful content. Creating a safe and
respectful online environment is crucial in preventing cyberbullying.

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