The Pronoun: Nominative Case
The Pronoun: Nominative Case
The Pronoun: Nominative Case
(1. Personal Pronoun, 2. Reflexive Pronoun, 3. Emphatic Pronoun, 4. Demonstrative Pronoun, 5. Relative Pronoun, 6.
Interrogative Pronoun, 7. Indefinite Pronoun, 8. Distributive Pronoun)
Definition :
A pronoun is a word used instead of a comm on nou n or a proper noun. The word pronoun means for a noun
and it called a noun’s deputy.
"Pro" + "noun" typicall y means "in place, of, i nstead of" a noun or a noun phrase. Pronouns, then, replace
nouns (David met Joe; he [Joe] talked for an hour) and can also refer back to nouns (David is absent, because
he is ill).
Nominative Case
I We You
He She It
Accusative Case
Me Us You
Instrumental Case
With me By me
With it By it
With us By us
Dative Case
To me To us To you
To it
Ablative Case
From it
Genitive Case
My Our Your
Locative Case
in me with me
in it with it
in us with us
Tom eats
PRONOUN TAKES the place of a noun in a sentence when the noun repeated more than once.
we you
you them
he his
she her
it it
they him
who whom
Singular Plural
I we
you you
it they
2. Object Pronouns
Definition :
Object pronouns are anot her type of pron oun. These are pronouns that replace nouns or noun phrases in object
positi on in the sentence. Object position means that the noun or noun phrasereceives the action of the verb.
Phrase Function
I, me we, us any
it these most
one any
another many
everything few
mine several
Definition :
Personal Pronouns which stand for the names of persons. The y take the place of nouns and are used as the
subject of the verb in a sentence.
Personal pronouns have three persons such as : First person; Second Person; Third Person.
Singular Plural
I We
My Our
Mine Ours
Me Us
Singular Plural
You You
Your Yours
thou, thy, thine, thee, ye are also Second Person. These are archaic and used in poetry or when referring to God,
the angels, etc.
He He is my brother
it It is my pet dog
Plural Examples
Possessive Pronoun
Definition :
Possessive Pronou n stands for the possessive noun of the personal pronoun. These pronouns are used to talk
about things t hat belong to people. The words mine, yours, his, hers, ours and theirs are possessi ve pronouns.
Singular Personal Pronoun Possessive Pronoun
I, me mine
you yours
we, us ours
you yours
The dog lost its tail (‘Its’, as a possessive pronoun hardly ever occurs.)
Definition :
Reflexive Pronouns, which are objects and which refer to the same persons as the subjects of the verbs.
Reflexive pronouns are pronouns that end in self and selves. That means A class of pronouns beginning with the
form of personal pronouns and ending with -self / -selves.
Singular Personal Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun
it itself
Reflexive pronouns typically occur later than the s ubject and verb in a clause or sentence and are identical in
reference to the subject
I washed myself
Note : Never say or write hisself, themself, or theirselves. These words are not part of standard English usage and
are therefore unacceptable.
Definition :
Emphatic pronoun emphasizes the noun.
It will be seen that here Compound Personal Pronouns are used for the sake of emphasis, and are therefore called
Emphatic Pronouns
Definition :
Demonstrative Pronouns, which point out things, as this, these, that and those. Because they conve y a high
degree of specificity and distinctiveness in pointing out ("demonstrating") a referent ; They are showing
They can be either a subject or an object in a sentence. We know which one to use by looking at the number of and
distance of the thing(s) we are referring to. Use this and thes e when you are talking about things near you.
Use that and those when you are talking about things farther away.
In writing, the demonstrative pronouns may take antecedents, but there is no fixed rule. The pronoun may point
This is my answer
Definition :
Reltive Pronouns, whi ch relate to some noun going before in the sentence as who, whose, whom, which, what,
A relative pronoun does the work of a conjunction as well as a pronoun.
I know the man. The man lives here. I know the man who lives here.
Relative Pronoun
The happy laughter that made me smile came from the three-year-old who lives next door
The Relative Pronoun who has different forms for Accusative and Genitive
These are the boys / girls whose exercises are done well
It will be noticed that the forms are the same for singular and plural, masculine and feminine.
Rules 1 : In informal usage, a relative pronoun is optional when it is followed by a subject; it’s required in formal
Rules 2 : When the relative pronoun is not followed by a subject, it must be included.
Hussy is a boy who loves to play video games
Definition :
Interrogative Pronouns, which ask questions, as, who, which, what, whom, whose.
They are here used for asking questions, and are, therefore, called Interrogative Pronouns.
Who built that house?
Note :
Who can be used as the object of a verb as well as the subject.
Whom is used only as the object.
If we put the preposition before the interrogative pronoun, you must use whom.
The Interrogative Pronouns are used in asking indirect questions.
Definition :
Indefinite Pronouns, which refer to persons or thi ngs in a general or indefinite way.
Pronoun that typically indicates an unspecified, even generic, person or thing. A pronoun or determiner with
indefinite meaning; a quantifier. The indefinite pronouns and determiners are :
alan every no
Indefinite pronouns are divided into two categories :
(i) The Antecedent-Bearing Indefinite Pronoun . (ii) The Antecedentless Indefinite Pronouns.
e.g: I like this house better than the other one .
some where
any where
none one
The Plural Indicators are used with things that can be counted.
e.g.: All of the chairs are broken.
The Portion Indicators are singular, and are used with things that cannot be counted.
e.g.: All of the water is pure.
Common e.g.
Do good to others
Definition :
Distributive Pronouns, which refer to persons or thi ngs taken one at a time, as each, either, neither. For this
reason the y are always singular and as such followed by the verb in the singular.
An equal relationship with one another.
3. Will you let John and (I, me) go to the cinema? Answer
4. Mother gave (we, us) more mangoes than she gave to Antony and Rosy. Answer
Exercise -2
Fill each blank with he, him, she, her, they or them :
Exercise -3
Supply personal pronouns in agreement with their nouns in the following sentences :
Exercise -4
Fill up the blanks with the proper form :
5. These are their pencils; they are not . (our, ours) Answer
Exercise -5
Fill up the blanks in the following sentences by using w ho , whom or w hose :
Exercise -6
Fill up the blanks in the following sentences with suitable relative pronouns (which or w ho ):
Exercise -7
Fill up the blanks in the following sentences with suitable Demonstrative pronouns ( this, these, that, or
those ):
2. What is ? Answer
3. Give me one of . Answer
Exercise - 8
Fill up each blanks with an appropriate Interrogative pronoun:
1. is my cricket-bat?. Answer
Exercise - 9
Fill each blank with the proper form of a Reflexive Pronoun:
Exercise - 10
Fill in the blanks using relative pronoun:
13. The snake bit the little boy has been killed. Answer