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Astat - CD Plus: User Manual

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GE Industrial Systems


1. Read this manual thoroughly before using the ASTAT®-CD Plus and store in a safe
place for reference.
2. Make sure that this manual is delivered to the end user.

3. CE Marking
When using ASTAT-CD Plus in the EU, compliance with EMC is required.
All ASTAT-CD Plus sizes comply with the generic EN 50081-2 and EN 50082-2

4. The policy of GE Industrial Systems is one of continuous improvement.

The right is reserved to alter the design on any structural details of the products at any
time without giving notice.

For Service Instructions, order publication DEH-40418.

ASTAT®-CD Plus Soft Starters


1. Disconnect power before installing or servicing.

2. Hazardous voltages are present in the motor circuit even when the starter is OFF. An
isolation contactor configured to provide automatic isolation when the motor is turned
OFF is recommended.

3. Unit may contain more than one live circuit. Disconnect both control and main circuits
before installing or servicing.

4. Soft stop should not be used as an Emergency stop.

5. Stopping mode must be set to meet applicable standards for operator safety.

6. Separate motor overcurrent protection is required to be provided in accordance with the

Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1. ASTAT-CD Plus provides separate motor protection.


1. Semi-conductor fuses specified may not provide branch circuit protection. Refer to local
applicable electrical codes.

2. Overload relay setting should be properly coordinated with motor.

3. Slow speed running will affect the motor thermal characteristic due to reduced cooling.
Care must be taken when operating motor under these conditions.

4 DC braking - braking current may cause motor overheating. Select the lowest braking
current and time.

5. DC braking must use additional (DC3) in the motor circuit. See wiring diagram page 6-1.

6. Abnormal starting times in excess of 30 seconds, or closely repeated operations of

acceleration ramp/deceleration ramp, slow speed, or DC injection braking may cause
motor damage. Contact motor manufacturer to ensure proper motor selection has been
made for these conditions.

7. If control power is lost between starts, the overload relay protection is reset to cold start
ASTAT®-CD Plus Soft Starters


1. Debranchez l'alimentation en courant électrique avant de raccorder ou d'intervenir.

2. Des tensions dangereuses sort présente dans le circuit moteur même si le soft starter
indique la position "arrêt". Un contacteur d'isolement assurant un isolement automatique
quand le moteur est arrête, est recommendé.

3. L'appareil peut renfermer plus d'un circuit sous tension de'brancher les circuits principaux
et les circuits de controle avant de raccorder ou d'intervenir.

4. Délestage "soft stop" ne devrait jamais être utilisé en lieu de délestage d'urgence.

5. Procédés de délestage doivent être conforme aux normes de sécurité des utilisateurs.


1. Les fusibles semi-conducteurs specifies ne protégent pas obligatoirement les circuits se

conformer aux codes locaux d'installations électriques.

2. Le relais de courant de surcharge doit être proprement coordonné avec la marche du


3. La marche en sous-régime agira sur les caracteristiques thermiques à cause de la

réduction de refroidessement. Opérez le moteur avec précaution dans en ce cas.

4. Ralentissement courant continu peut provoquer la surchauffe de moteur. Choisissez le

plus foible courant de décéleration et la durée de ralentissement la plus courte.

5. Pour freinage courant continu, un contacteur (DC3) additional est nécessaire dans le
circuit moteur, voir le schéma de raccordement page 6-1.

6. Les délais anormaux de mise en service d'une durée supérieure à 30 secondes, ainsi
que les montées/descentes en regime, les exploitations régime lent ou les freinages par
injection de courant continu répétés et rapportes sont suseptibles d'edommager le
moteur. Mettez-vous en rapport avec votre fabricant en ce qui concerne le choix du
moteur adéquat.

7. En cas d'interruption de l'alimentation entre deux dèmarrages, la protection assurée par

démarrage à froid.

8. Le moteur doit être muni d'une protection distincte contre les surintensites, et la
surchauffe conformement au code de l'electricite, premiere partie. ASTAT-CD Plus le
relais de courant de surcharge doit être proprement coordonne avec la marche du

Section 1. Overview ........................................................................................................................ 1-1

1-1 Applications ....................................................................................................................... 1-1

1-2 Features and benefits ........................................................................................................ 1-2

Section 2. Types and Ratings ........................................................................................................ 2-1

2-1 IEC Ratings ........................................................................................................................ 2-1

2-2 UL Ratings ......................................................................................................................... 2-2
2-3 Thermal characteristics ...................................................................................................... 2-3

Section 3. Technical Specifications ............................................................................................. 3-1

3-1 General specifications ....................................................................................................... 3-1

3-2 I/O Terminal board specifications ....................................................................................... 3-2
3-3 I/O wiring ............................................................................................................................ 3-3
3-4 Operating modes ............................................................................................................... 3-4
3-5 Programmable inputs and outputs ..................................................................................... 3-6

Section 4. Programming ................................................................................................................ 4-1

4-1 Keypad and display description ......................................................................................... 4-1

4-2 Parameter block configuration ........................................................................................... 4-2
4-3 Monitor block parameters .................................................................................................. 4-4
4-4 Calibration block parameters ............................................................................................. 4-5
4-5 Basic block parameters ..................................................................................................... 4-6
4-6 Advanced block parameters .............................................................................................. 4-7
4-7 Application and basic settings ........................................................................................... 4-9
4-8 Saving parameters to E2PROM ........................................................................................ 4-9

Section 5. Installation .................................................................................................................... 5-1

5-1 Equipment installation ........................................................................................................ 5-1

5-2 General .............................................................................................................................. 5-1
5-3 Fuses, contactors and supply wiring .................................................................................. 5-2
5-4 Start-up .............................................................................................................................. 5-3
5-5 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................. 5-3
5-6 Thyristor check .................................................................................................................. 5-4

Section 6. Appendix ....................................................................................................................... 6-1

6-1 Application diagrams ......................................................................................................... 6-1

6-2 Serial communications ....................................................................................................... 6-4
6-3 Dimensions ........................................................................................................................ 6-9
6-4 PCBs layout ....................................................................................................................... 6-10

1. Overview

1-1. Applications
There are numerous applications where soft starting and limited Advanced Features
current peaks are needed for the starting of squirrel cage induction The ASTAT-CD Plus incorporates many additional advanced features
motors. Traditionally reduced voltage starting was accomplished to insure suitability for most applications.
using electromechanical starters such as star delta starters,
autotransformer starters, stator resistance starters or by using part Monitoring
winding motors. These methods would provide a two, three or four • Motor Current
step torque change by switching the motor voltage from reduced • Line Voltage (1)
value to full voltage (in steps) after a preset time interval. • Line Power Factor
• Elapsed Time
ASTAT-CD Plus Solid State Reduced-Voltage Starters (also known • Fault History
as soft starters) use solid state devices to gradually increase the
voltage from an initial preset level (initial torque) to full voltage over a Protection
selected time period. The same solid state devices may also be used • Password
to reduce the voltage for the deceleration of the motor should this be • Lockout
required in the application. This starting and stopping method • Undervoltage (1)
provides smooth, stepless acceleration and deceleration of AC • Overvoltage (1)
squirrel-cage induction motors. The ASTAT-CD Plus control circuitry • Undercurrent
allows many additional functions to be accomplished, such as the • Overcurrent
monitoring, protection and secondary functions listed. • Long Start Time
• Stalled Rotor
Versatile Use
ASTAT-CD Plus Solid State Reduced-Voltage Starters offer Secondary Functions
customer-configurable functions, including pedestal voltage, kick start • Secondary Ramp Up
(selectable), acceleration ramp, current limit, and soft stop • Secondary Ramp Down
(selectable). Typical applications include the following: • Tachometer Feedback
• Dual Motor Switch
• Belted equipment • Centrifugal fans • Slow Speed (7&14%)
• Centrifuges • Compressors • Reverse Slow Speed (20%)
• Conveyors • Crushers • Retry
• Extruders • Fans and blowers • DC Injection Braking
• Mixers • Packaging equipment • Energy Saving
• Pumps • Textile machinery
The ASTAT-CD Plus also features two programmable inputs, three
programmable output relays and serial communications control.

Note: (1) Monitors L1

1. Overview

1-2. Features and benefits

An increase in productivity and reliability with the use of High level of immunity
static soft starters. The control signals are optoelectronically isolated. Various levels of protection
The ability to start and stop the motor without steps or transitions lengthens the have been set up in the circuits to immunize the equipment against external
life of power-driven machines’ mechanical parts, and it reduces stress on disturbances and their harmful effects.
transmission belts and coupling parts. Consequently, maintenance time is
reduced and machine/facility lifespans are lengthened. Easy to run and adjust
The ASTAT-CD Plus can be used for a wide range of applications. A keypad and
Improvement in acceleration / deceleration characteristics digital display make it easy to select options that allow the equipment capabilities
By starting with the voltage ramp or, alternatively, by starting current limitation, to be customized to application needs.
the acceleration and deceleration ramp more closely fits the load characteristics.
A kick start also may be selected in instances of high static friction load. Easy maintenance due to full monitoring
Advanced microprocessor technology allows starters to identify 21 different
Protected motor types of fault conditions. The last four errors are retained in memory to facilitate
The ASTAT-CD Plus protects the motor from overloads and from incorrect troubleshooting and minimize downtime.
operating conditions such as loss of an input or output phase, stalled rotor,
thyristor short circuit, etc. Pump control
The ASTAT-CD Plus includes a pump control function that is more effective in
Digital technology fluid systems than standard soft starting and stopping. The control reduces fluid
The control system is based upon the use of a highly specialized microcontroller surges and hammering in a pipeline system. This method controls the motor
that treats the signals digitally, thereby avoiding deratings and adjustments speed by monitoring the motor parameters with voltage control in a closed-loop
common to analog circuits. This type of control ensures excellent precision and system.
speed of execution. The control board uses surface-mounted devices (SMD) to
increase equipment reliability. Advanced functions
The ASTAT-CD Plus includes advanced functions, such as, linear acceleration
ramp, programmable I/O, and connection to a computer by serial communication
(RS 232).

2. Types and Ratings

2-1. IEC Ratings (1)

HEAVY DUTY (2) LIGHT DUTY Degree of Cat. No. Weight Cooled
Current 220V / 380V / 440V 480V / Current 220V / 380V / 440V 480V / protection
rating 240V 415V 500V rating (3) 240V 415V 500V

A kW(4) kW(4) kW(4) kW(4) A kW(5) kW(5) kW(5) kW(5) Kg. Lbs.

14 3 5.5 7.5 - 17 4 7.5 7.5 - IP-00 QC1FDP 4.3 9.48 Natural

3 5.5 7.5 7.5 4 7.5 7.5 11 IP-00 QC2FDP 4.3 9.48 Natural

17 4 7.5 7.5 - 21 5.5 11 11 - IP-00 QC1GDP 4.3 9.48 Natural

4 7.5 7.5 11 5.5 11 11 13 IP-00 QC2GDP 4.3 9.48 Natural

22 5.5 11 11 - 27 7.5 13 15 - IP-00 QC1HDP 4.6 10.14 Natural

5.5 11 11 15 7.5 13 15 15 IP-00 QC2HDP 4.6 10.14 Natural

32 7.5 15 18.5 - 38 10 18.5 22 - IP-00 QC1IDP 4.6 10.14 Natural

7.5 15 18.5 22 10 18.5 22 25 IP-00 QC2IDP 4.6 10.14 Natural

48 13 22 22 - 58 15 25 30 - IP-00 QC1JDP 12.5 27.56 By fan

13 22 22 30 15 25 30 37 IP-00 QC2JDP 12.5 27.56 By fan

63 15 30 37 - 75 22 37 45 - IP-00 QC1KDP 12.5 27.56 By fan

15 30 37 37 22 37 45 45 IP-00 QC2KDP 12.5 27.56 By fan

72 20 37 37 - 86 25 45 50 - IP-00 QC1LDP 17.0 37.48 By fan

20 37 37 45 25 45 50 50 IP-00 QC2LDP 17.0 37.48 By fan

105 30 55 55 - 126 37 63 75 - IP-00 QC1MDP 17.0 37.48 By fan

30 55 55 75 37 63 75 80 IP-00 QC2MDP 17.0 37.48 By fan

156 40 75 90 - 187 55 90 110 - IP-00 QC1NDP 45.0 99.20 By fan

40 75 90 110 55 90 110 132 IP-00 QC2NDP 45.0 99.20 By fan

240 63 110 132 - 288 80 150 165 - IP-00 QC1QDP 45.0 99.20 By fan
63 110 132 160 80 150 165 200 IP-00 QC2QDP 45.0 99.20 By fan

315 90 160 200 - 378 110 200 220 - IP-00 QC1RDP 55.0 121.3 By fan
90 160 200 220 110 200 220 250 IP-00 QC2RDP 55.0 121.3 By fan

370 110 200 220 - 444 132 220 250 - IP-00 QC1SDP 55.0 121.3 By fan
110 200 220 250 132 220 250 315 IP-00 QC2SDP 55.0 121.3 By fan

475 150 250 250 - 570 160 300 355 - IP-00 QC1TDP 80.0 176.4 By fan
150 250 250 335 160 300 355 400 IP-00 QC2TDP 80.0 176.4 By fan

610 200 315 400 - 732 220 400 450 - IP-00 QC1UDP 105.0 231.5 By fan
200 315 400 400 220 400 450 500 IP-00 QC2UDP 105.0 231.5 By fan

850 250 450 530 - 1020 300 560 600 - IP-00 QC1VDP 120.0 264.5 By fan
250 450 530 600 300 560 600 750 IP-00 QC2VDP 120.0 264.5 By fan

1075 355 600 670 - 1290 395 715 750 - IP-00 QC1XDP 150.0 330.7 By fan
355 600 670 750 395 715 750 850 IP-00 QC2XDP 150.0 330.7 By fan

Notes: (1) = Ratings in Amps. given for ambient temperature up to 40°C and 1000m altitude.
Derate output current by 1.5% / °C above 40°C.
Derate output current by 1% / 100m above 1000m.
(2) = Heavy duty ratings, IEC Class 10 and 20 protections allowed.
(3) = Light duty ratings, only IEC Class 10 protection allowed.
(4) = Maximum recommended Motor Power for IEC Class 20 protection. Set ASTAT-CD Plus's parameters "N" and "o" accordingly.
(5) = Maximum recommended Motor Power for IEC Class 10 protection. Set ASTAT-CD Plus's parameters "N" and "o" accordingly.

2. Types and Ratings

2-2. UL Ratings (1)

Current Max. HEAVY DUTY STANDARD DUTY Degree of Cat. No. Weight Cooled
rating starting 200V 230V 460V 200V 230V 460V protection


14 63 3 3 7.5 3 3 7.5 IP-00 QC2FDP 4.3 9.48 Natural

17 77 3 3 10 3 3 10 IP-00 QC2GDP 4.3 9.48 Natural

22 99 5 7.5 15 5 7.5 15 IP-00 QC2HDP 4.6 10.14 Natural

34 153 7.5 7.5 20 10 10 25 IP-00 QC2IDP 4.6 10.14 Natural

48 216 10 15 30 15 15 30 IP-00 QC2JDP 12.5 27.56 By fan

63 284 15 20 40 20 20 40 IP-00 QC2KDP 12.5 27.56 By fan

72 324 20 20 40 20 25 50 IP-00 QC2LDP 17.0 37.48 By fan

105 473 30 30 60 30 30 75 IP-00 QC2MDP 17.0 37.48 By fan

156 702 40 50 100 50 60 125 IP-00 QC2NDP 45.0 99.20 By fan

240 1080 60 75 150 75 75 200 IP-00 QC2QDP 45.0 99.20 By fan

315 1418 75 100 200 100 125 250 IP-00 QC2RDP 55.0 121.25 By fan

370 1665 100 125 250 125 150 300 IP-00 QC2SDP 55.0 121.25 By fan

500 2250 150 150 350 150 200 400 IP-00 QC2TDP 80.0 176.36 By fan

630 2835 200 200 400 200 250 500 IP-00 QC2UDP 105.0 231.47 By fan

850 3825 250 300 600 300 350 700 IP-00 QC2VDP 120.0 264.54 By fan

Notes: (1) = Ratings in Amps. given for ambient temperature up to 40°C and 1000m altitude.
Derate output current by 1.5% / °C above 40°C.
Derate output current by 1% / 100m above 1000m.

2. Types and Ratings

2-3. ASTAT®-CD Plus, Thermal characteristics

The ASTAT-CD Plus allows the user to select motor protection according to IEC Class 10, 20 and NEMA 10, 20 or 30, selectable by "o" -overload- parameter
IEC Class 10 IEC Class 20
Sec. Sec.



Multiples of motor FLA rating In Multiples of motor FLA rating In

Sec. Sec.



Multiples of motor FLA rating In Multiples of motor FLA rating In

Thermal memory:
If the control voltage is not removed, the unit has a cool down
characteristic. The time for cool down is 300 sec. after the overload trip.
If the control voltage is removed after tripping, you must wait at least 2
minutes before the unit can be restarted.

Operations per hour:

Using a cycle T, with starting time of t1, running time of T-2t1 at rated
current and OFF time of t1 sec. (minimum), the ASTAT-CD Plus allows
COLD the following operations per hour.

Starting Operations / Hour. Operations / Hour

Current Starting time t1= 10sec. Starting time t1=20 sec.
HOT 2 Ir 180 90
3 Ir 160 60
4 Ir 30 10

Multiples of motor FLA rating In

3. Technical Specifications

3-1. ASTAT®-CD Plus, General specifications

Voltage Ratings 3ph AC Systems Up to 500V, +10%, -15% for QC2xDP ASTAT-CD Plus series Abbreviations

Freq. Range 50/60 Hz Control range of 45-65 Hz I Actual measured motor current
Im Maximum starting current desired
Control Control system Digital system with microcontroller In Nominal motor nameplate FLA
Specifications Starting ramp with progressive increase in voltage and current limitation Ir ASTAT rated nameplate FLA
Initial voltage (pedestal) % 30 - 95 Un L Current limit for starting Im/Ir
Starting torque % 10 - 90 Mdirect start Lmax 450/N
Kick start % 95 Un (90% Mdirect start), adjustable 0 to 999 ms
Motor unit ratio (N) 0.4 - 1.2 Mdirect start Full voltage starting torque
Current limit (starting) 1 to 4.5 (Ir/In) Max 7.0 In N In/Ir
Acceleration ramp time s 1 to 99 (types: standard or linear ramp up) SF Service factor
Energy savings Output voltage reduction according to power factor Un Full line voltage
Override Fixed output voltage permanently equal to supply voltage
Bypass Direct control of a bypass contactor
Brake time by ramp s 1 to 120 (1 to 99 in secondary ramp) adjustable independently of starting ramp time (types: standard,
pump control or linear ramp down)
DC braking 0 to 99 s.; 0.0 to 2.5xIn
Slow speed Direct torque: 7% or 14% of nominal speed; reverse torque: 20% of nominal speed
Retry 0 to 4 attemps, and 1 to 99 sec. retry time
Monitoring Motor current, line voltage (1), power, power factor and elapsed time

Running External control Start - Stop

Acceleration phase Adjustable time
Permanent phase Energy savings / Override choice
Stop phase Power cut-off / Ramp / DC braking/Pump control

Inputs / Outputs Inputs 4 digital optocoupled. Two fixed (Start , Stop), and 2 programmable (I3, I4)
1 Analog 0-5VDC for Tachogenerator input feedback
Outputs 3 programmable relays (1r, 2r, 3r)
1 Analog 0-10VDC output for current metering

Protections Current limit Adjustable from 1 to 4.5 (Ir/In) Max 7.0 In

Overload IEC class 10 and 20 ; NEMA class 10, 20 and 30 all selectable
Cool-down time after
overload trip s 300 for reset
Loss on input phase s Trip at 3
Thyristor short circuit ms Trip at 200
Heatsink overheating ms Trip at 200
Motor thermistor ms Trip at 200 if thermistor impedance > response value
Loss on output phase s Trip at 3
Stalled rotor ms Trip at 200
Supply frequency error Hz If f < 45 or f > 65, will not start
Overcurrent 100 to 150% In; trip time adjustable from 0 to 99 sec.
Undercurrent 0 to 99% In; trip time adjustable from 0 to 99 sec.
Overvoltage (1) 100 to 130% Un; trip time adjustable from 0 to 99 sec.
Undervoltage (1) 0 to 50% Un; trip time adjustable from 0 to 99 sec.
Error (CPU) ms 60
Memory 4 former errors
Long start time s 2 x ta (ta = acceleration ramp time)
Long slow speed time s 120

Environmental Temperature °C 0 to +55 (derate output current by 1.5% / °C above 40°C)

conditions Relative humidity % 95% without condensation
Maximum altitude m 3000 (derate output current by 1% / 100m above 1000m)
Mounting position Vertical
Protection Degree IP00, UL Open

Standards CE, cUL, UL CE Conforming IEC 947-4-2; UL, cUL conforming to UL508
Conducted & radiated emissions Conforming IEC 947 -4-2, Class A
Electrostatic discharges Conforming to IEC 1000-4-2, level 3
Radioelectric interference Conforming to IEC 1000-4-6, level 3 and to IEC 1000-4-3, level 3
Immunity to fast trasients Conforming to IEC 1000-4-4, level 3
Immunity to Surge Voltage Conforming to IEC 1000-4-5, level 3
Note: (1) Monitors L1

ASTAT CD 9/13 10 11/2/01, 11:18 AM

3. Technical Specifications

3-2. I/O Terminal board specifications

Power I/O terminals
Terminal Function Description
1L1, 3L2, 5L3 Mains Input 3ph input voltage 200-480 volts QC2xxx type

2T1, 4T2, 6T3 Motor output Output terminals to 3ph AC motor

A1, A2, B1, B2 Input Control Voltage 110/120V AC, +10%, -15% 220/240V AC, +10%, -15%

Digital Inputs
Terminal Function Description
57 Common for digital inputs This is a common terminal for the digital input terminals specified below.

1 Run Run order. Command signal may be provided by one NO dry momentary contact to terminals 1 and 57.
2 Stop Stop order. Command signal may be provided by one NC dry momentary contact to terminals 2 and 57.

NOTE: Run/Stop permanent command allows linking 1-57 and using one dry NO contact to 2-57

3 Programmable input I3 These two inputs are programmable. They can be assigned to the following internal functions:
4 Programmable input I4
-soft stop -DC brake -Linear ramp
-pump control -slow speed control -dual ramp selection
-kick start -reverse slow speed -bypass function
-override -local / remote control

Command signal should be provided by one NC dry contact to terminals 57-3 or terminals 57-4. By switching
this contact ON / OFF it is possible to enable or disable the assigned function.

Digital Outputs
Terminal Function Description
11, 12, 14 Programmable relay 1r 11-12 = NC, 11-14 = N.O. dry contacts. This relay can be assigned to several internal output functions (p. 3.6).
As default assigned to function RUN
23, 24 Programmable relay 2r 23-24 = N.O. dry contact. This relay can be assigned to several internal output functions (page 3-6).
As default assigned to function EOR
33, 34 Programmable relay 3r 33-34 = N.O. dry contact. This relay can be assigned to several internal output functions (page 3-6).
As default assigned to function DC BRAKE
Common for all relay output contacts Maximum usage voltage: 380VAC (B300-UL)
Thermal current: 8A
AC-15 use: 220V / 3A, 380V / 1A
DC-15 use: 30V max/ 3.5A

Analog I/O
Terminal Function Description
8 Analog input common (-) This is a common terminal for the analog input terminal number 7 and analog output terminal number 9.
7 TG feedback input (+) 0-5V analog input for speed feedback. It should be provided by a DC tacho-generator coupled to the motor.
This speed feedback signal is required when the "linear ramp" function is used.
9 Current output (+) 0-10V DC analog Output for current measurement purpose. (1 x Ir = 2V DC output)
Load Impedance 10KΩ or higher.

Motor thermistor terminals

Terminal Function Description
5,6 Motor thermistor input This input allows a motor thermistor with a response value from 2.8 to 3.2KΩ , and a reset value from 0.75 to
1KΩ to control motor temperature.
When the motor thermistor is not used, a link must be used between terminals 5-6.

Terminal Function Description
TD, RD, SG Tx, Rx, Gr data RS232C, 3 wires, half duplex. Maximum cable length 3meters (10 feet).
Asynchronous data transmission, 9600 Bauds, 1 bit start, 8 bits data, 2 bits stop, no parity.

3. Technical Specifications

3-3. I/O wiring

ASTAT-CD Plus terminal layout and wiring configuration is shown in the diagram below

L1 L2 L3
Control Voltage
110 / 120V AC (1*)

Serial Comm. (1*)

A1 A2 B1 B2 RS232C

Control Voltage Tx Rx Gr
220 / 240V AC

12 11 14 23 24 33 34 TD RD SG
1 L1 3 L2 5 L3
A1 A2 B1 B2

1r 2r 3r
Programmable Relay Outputs (3*)

Programmable Inputs (2*)

I3 I4
2 T1 4 T2 6 T3
1 57 2 57 3 57 4 5 6 7 8 9

Start /Stop - +
(Permanent Command)
+ -

1 57 2 57

Motor Thermistor

Tacho feedback
Analog Input

Analog Output


Start Stop
(Command by push-buttons)

Notes: (1) Control and Mains wiring recommendations are given in chapter 5.

(2) The programmable inputs I3, I4 are not assigned to any function as default. Check pages 3-6 prior to using these inputs.

(3) The programmable relay outputs are assigned to the following functions as default:
Relay (1r): RUN, (RUN status)
Relay (2r): EOR, (End of Ramp)
Relay (3r): DCBR, (DC Braking control)

(4) Important: Use dry contacts only

3. Technical Specifications

3-4. Operating modes

Starting and Stopping

Initial ramp 1 5 main frequency cycles
Initial voltage (pedestal) 1a 30 to 95% Un (adjustable via initial torque setting T)
Kick start 2 95% Un. Enabled by parameter "Pxxx" to ON, 0-999 ms (adjustable)
Acceleration ramp 3 1-99 sec (adjustable). Dual ramp option.

Linear speed ramp by tacho feedback also possible

3a Fast ramp (if motor is up to speed before end of normal ramp time )
Current limit 4 100% to 450% x Ir/In Max 700% In
Permanent state 5 Rated voltage (override)
5a Rated current
6 Energy savings. Enabled by "Fxxx" to OFF
Stopping modes (All selectable) 7 Motor power cut-off. "Sxxx" to OFF, "Cxxx" to OFF
8 Deceleration ramp 1-120 sec (adjustable). Secondary ramp 1-99 sec

Ramp down modes available are:

- Soft Stop -Voltage ramp down-. Enabled by "Sxxx" to ON

- Pump control. Selectable by "Sxxx" to ON and "Cxxx" to ON

- Linear ramp down (Tacho feedback needed)

8a Evolution of current in deceleration ramp mode

9 DC brake (0-99 sec adjustable). Enabled by "Bxxx" to ON

Starting by voltage ramp Starting by current limitation

Override Override
U/Un l/ln
5 4
8 8a
3A 5a
3 7
9 9 1 9
1 t

Energy savings Energy savings

U/Un l/ln
1 4

2 3A
3 6
3 6
8 9
7 7 9
1A 9
1 t

3. Technical Specifications

Jog and linear ramp

Linear acceleration and deceleration ramp 1 1a Ramp time adjustable (Selectable by parameter "Dxxx" to ON

Low slow (7%) and High slow (14%) speeds 2 3 Enabled by parameter "Jxxx" to ON and "jxxx" to LO or HI

Reverse slow speed (20%) 3a Enabled by parameter "Jxxx" to ON and "rxxx" to ON

Slow speed (7% or 14%) 4 Enabled by parameter "Jxxx" to ON

Acceleration ramp 5 Ramp time adjustable

Soft stop (deceleration ramp) 6 Ramp time adjustable

Slow speed (7% or 14%) 7 Enabled by parameter "Jxxx" to ON

DC Brake 8 Current and time adjustables, Enabled by parameter Bxxx to ON, and bxx, Ixxx adjustments

Linear ramp with T.G. feedback Slow speed. Basic diagram


% of motor full load speed

% of motor full load speed

1 1a

Slow speed. Full diagram

% of motor full load speed

5 6

4 7





3. Technical Specifications

3-5. Programmable Inputs and Outputs

Programmable inputs and functions
The ASTAT-CD Plus functions such as soft stop, kick start, etc., can be enabled (ON) or disabled (OFF) in their dedicated parameters by using the keypad.
Most of these functions can be enabled or disabled remotely as well, through the programmable inputs I3 or I4 (terminals 3-57 and 4-57).

Function Parameter

Soft Stop S x x x Set Value <Remarks>

Pump Control C x x x
_ O F F The function is permanently disabled
Kick Start P x x x
Override F x x x
_ O N The function is permanently enabled
By-pass z x x x
DC Brake B x x x The status of the function depends upon I3 input
_ I 3
Linear Ramp D x x x
(Jog). Slow Speed J x x x The status of the function depends upon I4 input
_ I 4
Reverse Jog r x x x
Dual Motor A x x x
Remote Control X x x x NOTE: One programmable input may enable or
disable more than one function

More than one function can be enabled in the ASTAT-CD Plus, either by the keypad or through the programmable inputs I3 and I4, but there are some functions
which may not work as expected during stopping, such as when they are simultaneously enabled. When two or more of the below functions are simultaneously
enabled, the priority is defined in the following table:

Condition Action

DC Brake (B=ON)  a b c a The unit stops by Linear Ramp

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Linear Ramp (S, D=ON) a  a a b The unit stops by DC brake after the Soft Stop is completed.

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Soft Stop (S=ON) b a c c The unit stops by Pump Control

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Pump Control (S, C=ON) c a c 














ft S






Programmable Relay Outputs

The ASTAT-CD Plus includes three programmable relays 1r, 2r and 3r (dry contacts). ASTAT-CD Plus terminals are 11-12-14, 23-24 and 33-34
These relays can be assigned to several functions, as shown below.

Set Value <Remarks>

20 EOR Detects end of voltage ramp. -This function can only be assigned to relay 2r-
21 DC Brake DC Brake command -This function can only be assigned to relay 3r-
Relay N# Parameter 22 Fault Detects ASTAT-CD Plus fault status
Relay 1r 1 r x x 23 Undervoltage Detects limit set in parameter UVxx (1)
24 Overvoltage Detects limit set in parameter OVxx (1)
Relay 2r 1 r x x 25 RUN Detects ASTAT-CD Plus run status
26 JOG Detects Jog (slow speed) status
Relay 3r 3 r x x
27 Undercurrent Detects limit set in parameter UCxx
28 Overcurrent Detects limit set in parameter OCxx
29 Disabled Disables the relay function
30 Future use

Note: (1) Monitors L1

4. Programming

4-1. Keypad and display description


Display 1 Displays monitoring, status indications, error messages and function set values

Display Structure F V V V Status code F V V V Error code F F/V V V Function code (*)

O N Equipment is E 0 1 0 Frequency out of range M x x x Motor current

Function code connected E 0 1 1 Overload trip v x x x Software version
to main supply E 0 1 3 Loss of synchronism . .
Data (equipment is ON) E 0 1 4 Phase U scr . .
S T O P Stop E 0 1 5 Phase V scr P F x x Power factor
L O C K Remote stop E 0 1 6 Phase W scr . .
P U L S Kick start E 0 1 7 Heatsink overtemperature . .
R A M P Acceleration ramp E 0 1 8 Motor thermistor L x x x Current limit
F V V V F U L L Full conduction or E 0 1 9 Phase U lost T x x x Starting torque
Override E 0 2 0 Phase V lost a x x x Ramp up time
S A V E Energy saving E 0 2 1 Phase W lost d x x x Ramp down time
S O F T Soft stop E 0 2 2 Stalled rotor S x x x Soft stop selection
P U M P Pump control E 0 2 3 Internal error . .
D C B K DC braking E 0 2 5 Long start time . .
I N C H Inching / slow speed E 0 2 6 Long slow speed time L K x x Lock out
T A C H Linear ramp (tacho) E 0 2 7 Lock-out . .
E 0 2 8 Undervoltage . .
E 0 2 9 Overvoltage
E 0 3 0 Undercurrent (*) These are examples. Full details in sections
E 0 3 1 Overcurrent 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5 and 4-6
E 0 3 2 Retry, attempts exceeded

Keypad 2 Allows setting of parameters and functions

Use with or to select the parameter or function code to
Decreases the value of the selected parameter
be displayed and/or modified


Increases the value of the selected parameter - Introduces the new parameter value into memory
- Updates the selected parameter value with the
displayed value

4. Programming

4-2. Parameter block configuration

Mode Selection
Monitoring G ALL
The ASTAT-CD Plus includes a large number of parameters which are divided in four Parameters
blocks: Monitor, Calibration, Basic and Advanced. The parameters of each group can be
displayed or skipped according the selection done in parameter "G". G CAL Calibration
The monitor parameters are always displayed regardless of the mode selected Parameters

Settings in parameter "G" GCAL The Calibration parameters are displayed

GBAS The Basic parameters are displayed G BAS Basic
GADV The Advanced parameters are displayed Parameters
GALL All parameters are displayed
G ADV Advanced

Searching and Setting Parameters

The ASTAT-CD Plus displays the parameters sequentially while depressing the key and pushing repeteadly or keys. Proceed in this way
untill the parameter "G" is displayed.

There is a quick way to search automatically the parameter "G" by pressing and Keys. "Gxxx" will be shown on the display.

Once the parameter "G" is displayed, choose the value desired by pressing or Keys. The display will sequence "GBAS", "GCAL", "GADV" and

"GALL" values repeatedly. The actual value displayed can be stored in a temporal memory buffer by pressing key.

Values stored in the temporal memory are lost upon control power loss, unless saved in the permanent E2PROM memory through parameter "W". Additional
instructions are given on page 4-9.

The above is an example given for parameter "G", but all ASTAT-CD Plus parameters can be modified from its default factory value in a similar way.

Parameter layout

Monitor parameters

Status Shown automatically ON, STOP, LOCK, PULS, ...

(see page 4-4)
M Motor current
v Software version

V Line voltage
C/V Calibration parameters
PF Line power factor
w Line power U Line voltage 100-500
E Elapsed time
t Voltage calibration 0-600
e Fault history buffer e0, e1, e2, e3
UF Unit frame F,G ,H , ... ,X
K Password
m Current calibration 0-1300
W E2PROM writing
N Motor unit ratio 40-120
G Parameter block selector
o Overload protection 0, N1, N2, N3,C1,C2

GBAS GADV GALL GCAL f Service factor 100-130

1 2

4. Programming

1 2

Basic Parameters Advanced Parameters

Unit Range Unit Range

L Current limit % 100-700 (1) LK Lock-out minutes 00-45
T Starting torque % 010-090 R E2PROM reading ON, OFF

a Ramp up time sec. 01-99 Q Factory settings ON, OFF

d Ramp down time sec. 01-120 Y Retry n. attempts 000-004
p Kick start ms 000-999 y Retry time sec. 001-099
b DC brake time sec. 000-099 UV Undervoltage % 00-50

I DC brake current % 000-250 uv Undervoltage trip time sec. 00-99

S Soft stop switch OFF, ON, I3, I4 OV Overvoltage % 00-30

C Pump control switch OFF, ON, I3, I4 ov Overvoltage trip time sec. 00-99

ST Pump curve selection UC Undercurrent % 00-99

uc Undercurrent trip time sec. 00-99
SP Pump curve selection 00-05
stopping OC Overcurrent % 00-50

P Kick start switch OFF, ON, I3, I4 oc Overcurrent trip time sec. 00-99

F Override switch OFF, ON, I3, I4 2a Secondary ramp up sec. 01-99

z By-pass switch OFF, ON, I3, I4 2d Secondary ramp down sec. 01-99

B DC brake switch 2t Secondary starting torque % 10-90

OFF, ON, I3, I4
PON, PI3, PI4 D Tacho control switch ON, OFF, I3, I4

J Slow speed switch OFF, I3, I4

(1) 100-450 (Ir/In) ; 700 max.
j Low / High slow speeds LO, HI

r Reverse slow speed OFF, ON, I3, I4

A Dual motor switch OFF, ON, I3, I4

X Remote control switch OFF, ON, I3, I4

XP Comm protocol selection 00-02

s Station number 001-247

1r Output relay 1r 22-30

2r Output relay 2r 20, 22-30

3r Output relay 3r 21, 30

4. Programming

4-3. Monitor block parameters

Display Function Default Range Unit Description

O N Status O N ON - Switch on time. Equipment is connected to main supply

STOP - Stop
LOCK - Remote control through serial port
PULS - Kick start
RAMP - Acceleration ramp
FULL - Full conduction / Override (full voltage)
SAVE - Energy saving
SOFT - Soft stop
PUMP - Pump control
DCBK - DC braking
INCH - Inching / slow speed
TACH - Linear ramp (tacho feedback needed)

M x x x Motor current 000-999 A Displays motor current in Amps.

1.0-9.9 kA Current higher than 999A is displayed in kA.
% If parameter UFxx is not calibrated, the motor current is
displayed in % In

v x x x Software version - - xxx = Version number.

V x x x Main source voltage (1) - V Displays line voltage in Volts.

P F x x Power factor 00-99 % Displays line Power Factor.

w x x x Line power - kW Displays Line Power.

E x x x Elapsed time - Hrs Displays RUN time in Hours (x 1000)

e x x x Error trace buffer e0xx-e3xx - Saves the last four errors:

e0xx: Fault 1 -Latest fault- xx: Fault code error
e1xx: Fault 2
e2xx: Fault 3
e3xx: Fault 4

K x x x Password K 0 0 0 000-999 - = 69 allows E2PROM writing operation

= 10 Key lock enabled
= 20 Key lock disabled

W x x x E2PROM writing W O F F ON, OFF - Saves the unit current parameters to the E2PROM.
This rewrites the last values saved. (Password 69 required)

G x x x Parameter display G B A S CAL, BAS, ADV, - CAL: Displays Calibration Parameters

selection ALL BAS: Displays Basic Parameters
ADV: Displays Advanced Parameters
ALL: Displays All parameters

Note: (1) Monitors L1

4. Programming

4-4. Calibration block parameters -CAL-

Display Function Default Range Unit Description

U x x x Line voltage setting U 4 8 0 100-500 V Line Voltage from 200 to 500V. Set rated value.

t x x x Voltage calibration t 4 8 0 000-600 V Setting of this parameter allows better accuracy in

monitoring and voltage protections (see the voltage
calibration procedure).

U F x Unit frame U F 0 F, G, H, I, J, K, L, - Unit frame rating (F,G,H,...X).

M, N, Q, R, ...X Setting “0” disables current calibration.

m x x x Current calibration m 0 0 0 000-1300 A Setting of this parameter allows better accuracy in

monitoring and current protections (see the current
calibration procedure).

N x x x Motor rated current N 1 0 0 040-120 % 100 x (In/Ir)

When this parameter is adjusted at a value higher than
105% the overload protection curve is automatically
adjusted to Class 10. "C1" if Cx was selected, or to NEMA
20 "N2" if Nx was selected.

o x x x Overload protection o N 2 OFF - Selects either the following overload curves:

N1, N2, N3, OFF: Overload protection disabled
C1, C2 (external overload relay must be used)
N1: NEMA 10
N2: NEMA 20
N3: NEMA 30 - (not available if N ≥ 105)
C1: Class 10
C2: Class 20 - (not available if N ≥ 105)

f x x x Service factor f 1 0 0 100-130 % Motor service factor.

Voltage calibration procedure

When the ASTAT-CD Plus is installed on site for the first time or after the logic printed circuit board is replaced, the voltage measurements will have
an accuracy of ±10%. To improve the voltage measurement accuracy up to ±3%, proceed as follows:
1. Turn the ASTAT-CD Plus ON and measure the RMS voltage on phases 1L1-3L2 using a calibrated voltmeter.
2. Search for the parameter “txxx”, set the measured voltage, and save this value by depressing the enter key. It is not necessary to save
this to the E2PROM, as the ASTAT-CD Plus does this automatically. NOTE: Set the actual, measured voltage while the ASTAT-CD Plus is
ON. DO NOT enter the motor nameplate voltage rating.
3. Once the ASTAT-CD Plus has been calibrated, this operation does not need to be repeated unless the logic printed circuit board has
been replaced or the ASTAT-CD Plus has been installed into a new application. NOTE: The parameter “txxx” will show the latest
calibration entry, which may differ from the actual voltage value.

Current calibration procedure

When the ASTAT-CD Plus is installed on site for the first time or after the logic printed circuit board is replaced, the current measurements will have
an accuracy of ±10%. The internal electronic overload protection is also affected by this procedure. To improve the current measurement accuracy
up to ±3% and to improve the accuracy of the motor overload protection, proceed as follows:
1. Search for the parameter “UF_ x” and enter the correct ASTAT-CD Plus frame type letter (“F”,”G”,”H”,..etc.).
2. Start the motor and measure the rms motor current using a calibrated ammeter. This measurement should be done at full load and full
speed and after the motor current has stabilized.
3. Search for the parameter “mxxx”, set the measured current and save this value by depressing the enter key. It is not necessary to save
this to the E2PROM, as the ASTAT-CD Plus does this automatically. NOTE: Set the actual rms measured current while motor is running
at full speed and under full load. DO NOT enter the motor nameplate current rating.
Once the ASTAT-CD Plus has been calibrated, this operation does not need to be repeated unless the logic printed circuit board has been replaced or
the ASTAT-CD Plus has been installed into a new application. NOTE: The parameter “mxxx” will show the latest entry, which may differ from the
actual current value.

4. Programming

4-5. Basic block parameters. -BAS-

4-5-1. Basic Functions

Display Function Default Range Unit Description

L x x x Current limit L 4 0 0 100-Lmax % Sets Device current limit. Sets motor starting current limit
if parameter "N" is properly adjusted.

The maximum range setting is automatically calculated

by the unit according the following expression:
Lmax=450 (Ir/In); Max. 700

T x x Starting torque t 2 5 10-90 % Sets the initial voltage applied to the motor.

a x x Ramp up time a 1 5 01-99 sec. Sets Voltage ramp up time. Motor acceleration time will
depend of load conditions.

d x x x Ramp down time d 0 2 0 001-120 sec. Sets Voltage ramp down time. Motor deceleration time
will depend of load conditions.
Enabled only if the parameter "Sxxx" is ON.

p x x x Kick start (1) p 0 0 0 000-999 ms. During the time adjusted, provides 95% of full voltage to
motor at starting time. Useful for high static-friction loads
Enabled only if the parameter "Pxxx" is ON.

b x x DC Brake time (1) b 0 0 00-99 sec. Provides DC braking at stopping time.

Enabled only if the parameter "Bxxx" is ON.
I x x x DC Brake Current (1) I 0 5 0 000-250 % % In
Note: (1) Parameters "p ", "b " and "I " are disabled while "C" is ON.

4-5-2. Programmable basic functions

Display Function Default Range Description

S x x x Soft stop selector S O F F OFF, ON, I3, I4 Enables or disables all modes of Soft stop.

C x x x Pump control selector C O F F OFF, ON, I3, I4 Enables the Pump control function. Usefull to limit fluid hammering.
The parameter "Sxxx" must also be enabled.
NOTE: Parameters "p ", "b " and "I " are disabled while "C" is ON

S T X X Pump curve selection S T 0 2 00-03 Choice of various pump control algorithms for starting:
at starting phase 0: Voltage ramp up 01-03: Various pump algorithms

S P X X Pump curve selection S P 0 2 00-05 Choice of various pump control algorithms for stopping phase:
at stopping phase 0: Voltage ramp down 01-05: Various pump algorithms
- Curve 0 (both ST00, SP00): Standard voltage ramp up -starting- and ramp down -soft stop-
- Curve 1 (both ST01, SP01): Pump Algorithm based on estimated average PF -power factor- , with large sampling period.
- Curve 2 (both ST02, SP02): Pump Algorithm based on instantaneous PF with short sampling period.
- Curve 3 (both ST03, SP03): Pump Algorithm based on estimated average PF with short sampling period. Application: low pressure
system/low flow rate change.
- Curve 4 (SP04): Same as Curve 3, but with higher accuracy on PF average estimation. Application: high head pressure/low flow rate change.
- Curve 5 (SP05): Pump Algorithm based on former ASTAT-CD.

P x x x Kick start selector P O F F OFF, ON, I3, I4 Enables or disables the Kick start function.
If Pump control function “C” is enabled, both Kick start and DC Brake
functions are internally disabled.

F x x x Override selector F O F F OFF, ON, I3, I4 When this function is enabled, the unit provides constant full voltage
after starting, producing the lowest harmonic distortion. Note that the
energy saving function is disabled when Override is enabled.

4. Programming

Programmable Basic Functions (follow from previous page)

z x x x By-pass selector z O F F OFF, ON, I3, I4 This function provides control of an external by-pass contactor,
significantly lowering heating losses and eliminating harmonics.
When the By-Pass function “z” is enabled, the programmable relay
output 2r is automatically assigned to this function, and must be used
to control the external by-pass contactor.

B x x x DC Brake selector B O F F OFF, ON, I3, I4, Enables or disables the DC brake function.
PON, PI3, PI4 When the DC Brake function “B” is enabled, the programmable relay
output 3r is automatically assigned to this function.
PON, PI3 or PI4 settings enable the DC Brake function just before
starting the motor. This is usefull to stop a fan which is rotating in
reverse at the starting time.

4-6. Advanced block parameters -ADV-

4-6-1. Advanced functions

Display Function Default Range Unit Description

L K x x Lock-out L K 0 2 00-45 min. Sets time between consecutive starts. Setting "0" disables
this function.

R x x x E2PROM reading R O F F ON, OFF - Loads the parameters from the E2PROM to the temporal

Q x x x Factory settings Q O F F ON, OFF - Loads default factory settings to the temporal buffer.
Resave to E2PROM if default settings are desired.

Y x Retry Y 0 0-4 - Allows up to four tries of automatic restart after a fault.

Setting “0” disables this function.
y x x Retry time y 1 0 01-99 sec. Time between retries.

U V x x Undervoltage (1) U V 0 0 00-50 % The unit trips if the line voltage decreases below the
percentage set. Setting “0” disables this protection.
NOTE: Perform voltage calibration procedure on page
4-5 before enabling this protection.
u v x x Undervoltage trip time u v 2 0 00-99 sec. Delay trip time.

O V x x Overvoltage (1) O V 0 0 00-30 % The unit trips if the line voltage increases above the per-
centage set. Setting “0” disables this protection.
NOTE: Perform voltage calibration procedure on page
4-5 before enabling this protection.
o v x x Overvoltage trip time o v 2 0 00-99 sec. Delay trip time.

U C x x Undercurrent U C 0 0 00-99 % The unit trips if the current decreases below the percent-
age set. Setting “0” disables this protection.
NOTE: Perform current calibration procedure on page
4-5 before enabling this protection.
u c x x Undercurrent trip time u c 2 0 00-99 sec. Delay trip time.

O C x x Overcurrent O C 0 0 00-50 % The unit trips if the current increases above the percent-
age set. Setting “0” disables this protection.
NOTE: Perform current calibration procedure on page
4-5 before enabling this protection.
o c x x Overcurrent trip time o c 2 0 00-99 sec. Delay trip time.

2 a x x Dual ramp up 2 a 1 5 01-99 % These are a secondary set of ramp up, ramp down and
2 d x x Dual ramp down 2 d 2 0 01-99 % starting torque parameters, which take over the primary
2 T x x Dual starting torque 2 T 2 0 10-90 % "a", "d" and "T" when the programmable function “A” is
Note: (1) Monitors L1 4-7
4. Programming

4-6-2. Programmable advanced functions

Display Function Default Range Description

D x x x Linear ramp D O F F OFF, ON, I3, I4 This function provides linear acceleration and deceleration ramps in
a wider range of load conditions using tachogenerator feedback.
A DC Tacho-Generator coupled to motor must be used to provide an
analog signal feedback of 0-5VDC to terminals 7 and 8.

J x x x Slow speed J O F F OFF, I3, I4 This function enables slow speed operation
Maximum operation time 120sec.
j x x Speed changeover j L O LO, HI LO: Low Speed, 7% of rated speed.
HI: High Speed, 14% of rated speed.
r x x x Reverse r O F F OFF, ON, I3, I4 Reverse direction is allowed in "High slow speed" mode only.
It provides 20% of rated speed.

A x x x Dual motor selector A O F F OFF, ON, I3, I4 This function allows dual motor control settings of acceleration,
deceleration and starting torque, and is useful to start or stop a motor
in diferent load conditions.
When this function is enabled, the parameters 2a, 2d and 2T take
over the parameters a, d and T. It allows dual motor control settings.

X x x x Remote control selector X O F F OFF, ON, I3, I4 Allows serial communication control by SG, TD and RD terminals.
Check Appendix section for more details
X P x x Comunication protocol X P 0 0 00-02 Sets serial communications protocol
0: ASCII 1: Future use
2: Future use

s x x x Station number s 0 0 1 001-247 ASCII protocol allows a maximum of 90 stations only.

4-6-3. Programmable relay output functions

Display Function Default Range Description

1 r x x Output relay 1r 1 r 2 5 22-30 This is a programmable relay with one NO / NC dry contact to
(RUN) ASTAT-CD Plus terminals 11-12-14.

2 r x x Output relay 2r 2 r 2 0 20, 22-30 This is a programmable relay with one NO dry contact to ASTAT-CD
(EOR) Plus terminals 23-24.
This relay is automatically assigned to BY-Pass control if the function “z”
is ON. Any other assignment by the user is overwritten in this case.

3 r x x Output relay 3r 3 r 2 1 21-30 This is a programmable relay with one NO dry contact to ASTAT-CD
(DC Brake) Plus terminals 33-34.
This relay is automatically assigned to DC-Brake control if the
function “B” is ON. Any other assignment by the user is overwritten in
this case.

The programmable relays can be set to the functions shown in the following table:
Range Function Remarks
20 EOR Detects end of voltage ramp. -This function may only be assigned to relay 2r-
21 DC Brake DC Brake control command -This function may only be assigned to relay 3r-
22 FAULT Detects unit Fault status. ON is normal status and switches OFF if a fault occurs
23 Undervoltage Detects Undervoltage according limit adjusted in function “UV”
24 Overvoltage Detects Overvoltage according limit adjusted in function “OV”
25 RUN Detects unit RUN status
26 Slow Speed Detects slow speed status
27 Undercurrent Detects Undercurrent according limit adjusted in function “UC”
28 Overcurrent Detects Overcurrent limits as adjusted in function “OC”
29 Disabled Disables the relay function
30 Future use

4. Programming

4-7. Application and basic settings

Different applications will require different characteristics and settings for the ASTAT-CD Plus. The table below lists typical settings for
various applications.
Settings (X X X)
Display Factory Machine Pump
Parameters (1) Parameter Default Compressor Mill Fan Tool Control
Nominal motor current Nxxx 100

Current limit Lxxx 400 375 400

Initial torque Txxx 025 030 035 020 020

Acceleration ramp time axxx 015 015 030 030 015

Deceleration ramp time dxxx 020 040

Kick start time (2) pxxx 000 100

Soft stop Sxxx OFF ON

Pump control Cxxx OFF ON

Pump curve starting STxx 02 02

Pump curve stopping SPxx 02 02

Kick start Pxxx OFF ON

Overload trip curve(3) oxxx ooN2 ooN2 ooN2 ooC2 ooC1 ooC1

Service Factor(3) fxxx 100

Notes: (1) = GBAS Block Parameters unless noted(2)(3)
(2) = Parameter “p” is disabled while “C” is ON.
(3) = GCAL Block Parameters

4-8. Saving parameters to E2PROM Display will show SET momentarily

and then display K ON.
Advance the display to K000 with
the C/V and up arrow button.

Advance the display to WOFF with

the C/V and up arrow button.
Change the parameter to K069 with
the up arrow button.

Change parameter to W ON by using

the up arrow button.
With K069 displayed, press the
enter button. With W ON displayed, press the
enter button.

Display the show SET momentarily

and then display WOFF.

5. Installation

5-1. Equipment installation






5-2. General
Terminal Connections
Use minimum of 75°C copper wire only for connections to ASTAT-CD Plus terminals. The minimum wire size must conform to the 75°C
table according to applicable electrical codes. Tighten connections to the torque values given below. Supply conductors should have, as
a minimum, the same cross section as a full voltage starter.
Catalog Numbers Wire Range Torque, in-lb
QC*FDP - QC*KDP #14 - #3 AWG 40
QC*LDP - QC*MDP #14 - #2 AWG 125
QC*NDP - QC*QDP #6 AWG - 350kcmil 275
QC*RDP - QC*SDP #2 AWG - 2x250 or 1x600kcmil 550
QC*TDP #4 AWG - 6 x350kcmil 275
QC*UDP #4 AWG - 4x250 or 2x600kcmil 550
QC*VDP #4 AWG - 3x600kcmil 500
Signal Wiring Coil Surge Suppression
Signal wiring should be no longer than 18 feet (up to 80 feet when Relays and contactors located in the same housing as the equipment
using shield cable). It must be separated from power wires (line, should have an RC suppressor parallel to the coil (or a reverse
motor, commands relays, etc.) by at least four inches and, if they diode, if controlled by DC).
cross, they should do so at a 90° angle.
10 cm 8 cm




Power Factor Capacitors

Do not install capacitors to correct the power factor between equipment output and motor.

If the equipment is fed by a line transformer, its rated power should be at least 1.5 times, but less than 10 times, higher than equipment supply.
When installing equipment, keep the following points in mind:
- The equipment should be installed vertically and hang over a
platform or bars. The vertical position is essential for proper cool air
- Environmental conditions are in accordance with the following 150mm
ranges and maximum values:
- Operating temperature: 0°C to +55°C 50mm 50mm
- Relative humidity (without condensation): 95%
- Maximum altitude: 3000m
Reduce rating by 1.5% / °C from 40°C and 1% / 100m from 1000m
- Do not install equipment in environments containing explosive or
flammable gases, or near important heat sources.
- Equipment should be well ventilated, with minimum keeping
clearances as indicated in the illustration.
- When equipment is to be mounted on a platform subject to strong
vibrations, there should be an elastic base to protect the equipment.
- When mounted in an enclosure, the temperature inside the enclosure
must be kept within the range of 0-45°C (32-113°F). 5-1
5. Installation

5-3. Fuses, contactors and supply wiring

IEC Class 10 In Total Fuses Fuses Fuses Control voltage Contactor Contactor Conductor
losses aM FERRAZ type BUSSMANN type DC 1 DC 3 section
Ratings 100% In (F1) (XX=according (Typower Sicu 660V~) Fuse Consumpt. (2)
Cat Number A W A mech. design) Size In A VA mm
QC _ F DP 17 67 25 6,600 CP URC 14.51/40 00 40 1 18 CL02 CL02 4
QC _ G DP 21 78 32 6,6 URD 30 XX 0063 00 50 1 18 CL03 CL03 4
QC _ H DP 27 88 40 6,6 URD 30 XX 0080 00 80 1 18 CL04 CL03 6
QC _ I DP 38 116 63 6,6 URD 30 XX 0100 00 100 1 18 CL45 CL04 10
QC _ J DP 58 208 80 6,6 URD 30 XX 0125 00 125 2 55 CL07 CL45 16
QC _ K DP 75 277 100 6,6 URD 30 XX 0160 00 160 2 55 CL08 CL06 25
QC _ L DP 86 302 125 6,6 URD 30 XX 0160 00 200 2 55 CL09 CL06 35
QC _ M DP 126 389 200 6,6 URD 30 XX 0250 00 250 2 55 CK75 CL07 50
QC _ N DP 187 719 250 6,6 URD 30 XX 0315 00 315 2 78 CK08 CL10 95
QC _ Q DP 288 1097 400 6,6 URD 31 XX 0500 2 550 2 78 CK95 CK85 185
QC _ R DP 378 1286 500 6,6 URD 31 XX 0630 2 630 4 118 CK10 CK85 240
QC _ S DP 444 1374 630 6,6 URD 32 XX 0800 2 800 4 118 CK11 CK95 Bus bar (1)
QC _ T DP 570 2086 800 6,6 URD 33 XX 1000 3 1000 4 118 CK12 CK10 Bus bar (1)
QC _ U DP 732 2352 1000 6,6 URD 33 XX 1250 3 1250 4 248 CK12 CK10 Bus bar (1)
QC _ V DP 1020 3000 1250 6,6 URD 233 XX 2000 - - 4 248 CK13 CK11 Bus bar (1)
QC _ X DP 1290 3839 2x800 6,6 URD 233 XX 2000 - - 4 248 CK13 CK12 Bus bar (1)

IEC Class 20 In Total Fuses Fuses Fuses Control voltage Contactor Contactor Conductor
losses aM FERRAZ type BUSSMANN type DC 1 DC 3 section
Ratings 100% In (F1) (XX=according (Typower Sicu 660V~) Fuse Consumpt. (2)
Cat Number A W A mech. design) Size In A VA mm2
QC _ F DP 14 56 20 6,600 CP URC 14.51/40 00 40 1 18 CL01 CL01 4
QC _ G DP 17 65 25 6,6 URD 30 XX 0063 00 50 1 18 CL02 CL02 4
QC _ H DP 22 74 32 6,6 URD 30 XX 0080 00 80 1 18 CL03 CL03 4
QC _ I DP 32 99 63 6,6 URD 30 XX 0100 00 100 1 18 CL04 CL04 6
QC _ J DP 48 178 80 6,6 URD 30 XX 0125 00 125 2 55 CL06 CL04 10
QC _ K DP 63 236 80 6,6 URD 30 XX 0160 00 160 2 55 CL07 CL04 16
QC _ L DP 72 257 100 6,6 URD 30 XX 0160 00 200 2 55 CL08 CL06 25
QC _ M DP 105 325 160 6,6 URD 30 XX 0250 00 250 2 55 CL10 CL06 35
QC _ N DP 156 591 200 6,6 URD 30 XX 0315 00 315 2 78 CK75 CL07 70
QC _ Q DP 240 901 315 6,6 URD 31 XX 0500 2 550 2 78 CK85 CK75 120
QC _ R DP 315 1063 400 6,6 URD 31 XX 0630 2 630 4 118 CK95 CK85 185
QC _ S DP 370 1136 500 6,6 URD 32 XX 0800 2 800 4 118 CK10 CK85 240
QC _ T DP 475 1721 630 6,6 URD 33 XX 1000 3 1000 4 118 CK11 CK95 Bus bar (1)
QC _ U DP 610 1950 800 6,6 URD 33 XX 1250 3 1250 4 248 CK12 CK10 Bus bar (1)
QC _ V DP 850 2491 1000 6,6 URD 233 XX 2000 - - 4 248 CK13 CK10 Bus bar (1)
QC _ X DP 1075 3168 1250 6,6 URD 233 XX 2000 - - 4 248 CK13 CK12 Bus bar (1)
(1) As per IEC 947 (2) The 3 contacts of DC3 must be connected in parallel

Branch circuit protection, UL

Gould-Shawmut, semi-conductor fuses Short-Circuit Rating Max @480V
Max. Fuse Max. Circuit
Type Type Rating Class Breaker Non-
Cat Number A50QS 1 A50P2 RK5 & J Size Combination Combination <Remarks>
QC _ F DP 50A - 30A 35A 25KA 5KA 1
( ) Suitable for use on a circuit capable of
QC _ G DP 60A - 35A 40A 25KA 5KA delivering not more than 100KA RMS
QC _ H DP 80A - 40A 50A 25KA 5KA symetrical amperes, for 208V, 240V and up to
QC _ I DP 100A - 70A 80A 25KA 5KA 480V maximum, when used with the semi-
QC _ J DP 150A - 100A 125A 25KA 10KA conductor fuse for short-circuit protection. Listed
QC _ K DP 200A - 125A 150A 25KA 10KA with Gould Shawmut Form 101, Type A5QS
QC _ L DP 225A - 150A 150A 25KA 10KA or A50P.
QC _ M DP 350A - 200A 250A 25KA 10KA
(2) Suitable for use on a circuit capable of
QC _ N DP 450A - 350A 350A 65KA 25KA
delivering not more than 65KA RMS symetrical
QC _ Q DP 600A - 500A 600A 65KA 25KA
amperes, for 208V, 240V and up to 480V
QC _ R DP 2X500A in parallel - 600A 700A 65KA 25KA
maximum, when used with contactors (isolation
QC _ S DP 2x600A in parallel - 600A 800A 65KA 25KA
*2 or by-pass) that are also rated for 65KA
QC _ T DP - 2x1000A in parallel - 800A 65KA 30KA withstand.
QC _ U DP - 2x1200A in parallel - 1000A 65KA 30KA
QC _ V DP - 2x1600A in parallel - 1200A 65KA 65KA

NOTE: When ASTAT-CD Plus reduced voltage starters are used in conjunction with semi-conductor fuses, Type 2 Coordination to IEC 947-4 is attained. These
fuses are recommended for best overall short-circuit protection. The semiconductor fuse specified may provide branch circuit protection. Refer to local applicable
electrical codes.
5. Installation

5-4. Start-up
- Make sure equipment wiring corresponds to one of - If the motor has thermal protection sensor, remove the link between
the recommended routing diagrams or equivalent. terminals 5 and 6 prior to wire the sensor
110/120V ac 220/240V ac
- Make sure the control wire harness corre-
sponds to the control voltage used.
A1 A2 B1 B2 A1 A2 B1 B2

- Adapt equipment rated current to motor, setting 1. Enter the motor nameplate full load amperes: (In) _________ Factory setting
the motor current In. 2. Enter the ASTAT-CD Plus nameplate full load amperes: (Ir) _________
3. Divide Line 1 by Line 2 and multiply by 100. This is your N parameter value. _________ N100
In 4. Enter the facility or installation maximum allowable amperes: _________
Nxxx; xxx= x 100
Ir 5. Divide Line 4 by Line 1 and multiply by 100. This is your maximum allowable
L parameter value governed by facility limitations. _________
6. Divide 450 by Line 3 and multiply by 100. If the result is greater than 700, enter 700.
This is you maximum allowable L parameter value governed by ASTAT-CD Plus limitations. _________
7. Enter the value of Line 5 or Line 6, whichever is lower. This is your maximum
allowable L parameter value. _________
- Set starting parameters as needed: Factory setting
L x x x = 450/N Starting torque T_xx T_25
Im (start) Acceleration ramp time axxx a_15
Lxxx = x 100 Kickstart P ON/OFF/I3/I4 P OFF
In (motor)
Kickstart time p x x x (if P enabled) p000
Current limit Lxxx L400
- Set overload trip curve as needed: oxxx ; xx x OFF = disabled (extermal overload relay must be used Factory setting
C1/C2 = IEC Class 10 or Class 20
o N2
N1/N2/N3= Nema 10, 20 or 30
- Set braking parameters as needed: Factory setting
Soft stop S ON/OFF/I3/I4 S OFF
Decceleration ramp time dxxx d_20
DC injection brake B ON/OFF/I3/I4 B OFF
DC braking time b _ x x (if B enabled) b000
DC braking current I x x x (if B enabled) I050
If you change the default configuration and wish - Set parameter K to ON (ON = 69 + )
to keep it, remember to rewrite the parameters
- Set parameter W to ON
in E2PROM as follows:
(See page 4-9 for details) - Press (parameter W is set to OFF automatically)

- Send run command to equipment and make sure that operation is correct.
5-5. Troubleshooting
Symptom or Error & (Error Code) Possible Cause Measures to be taken

Display OFF No control voltage Check wire harness and control voltage
Main breaker tripped or fuse blown
F1 fuse blown on power supply PCB Check and change, page 6-10
Bad connection of flat ribbon wire joining Verify connectors
power supply PCB to control PCB Check Power Supply Board and Logic Board
for 5VDC. Use a DC voltmeter on the Power
Supply Board, (-) lead of voltmeter on the top
lead of C6 (located next to the black heatsink
on the right edge of the Power Supply Board)
and the (+) lead of voltmeter on top lead of
Diode AD21 or R25 (located on the upper
right corner of the Power Supply Board).
Fans not running No voltage to fans Verify voltage and connections
Equipment does not respond to F2 fuse blown on power supply PCB Check and change, page 6-10
STOP / START controls
Motor will not start but display shows – No power to gate circuits Check 12VDC on Power Supply Board. Use a DC
Ramp, Full, etc. voltmeter on the Power Supply Board, (-) lead of
voltmeter on the top lead of C6 (located next to the
black heatsink on the right edge of the Power Supply
Board) and the (+) lead of voltmeter on bottom lead
of Diode AD20 (located near the lower left corner of
the black heatsink on the Power Supply Board).
5. Installation

Symptom or Error & (Error Code) Possible Cause Measures to be taken

Frequency error (Ex10) No 1L1 phase or frequence is out of range Check 1L1 phase and/or mains frequence
(admits 45Hz ≤ f main ≤ 65Hz)

Overload trip (Ex11) Excessive load or excessive current during Verify overload conditions during starting time and
starting steady state.
Check settings in parameters "Nxxx", "Lxxx", and "oxxx"
Synchronism loss (Ex13) Phase 1L1 lost Check 1L1 phase
Phase A, B, C thyristor (Ex14) Short circuited thyristor Check thyristor module
(Ex15) Check ground connections and voltage to ground
(Ex16) Poor ribbon cable connection

No output phases Check 2T1, 4T2 and 6T3 phases

Heatsink thermostat (Ex17) Heatsink thermostat tripped by overheating or Check for adequate ventilation
defective Check thermostat and wiring

Motor thermistor (Ex18) Motor thermistor tripped by overheating or defective Check thermistor and wiring, if no thermistor
terminal 5 and 6 must be jumpered

Phase A, B, C loss (Ex19) No input / output phases Check power wire harness for 1L1, 3L2, 5L3,
(Ex20) 2T1, 4T2 and 6T3
Defective thyristor or ribbon wire harness Verify gate and cathode wire
loose or defective harness. Verify thyristors

Stalled rotor (Ex22) Equipment detected stalled motor rotor Restart equipment and check for an appreciable loss in
motor speed at any time

Internal error (Ex23) Micro-controller malfunction Check IC1 and IC8 are correctly inserted in their sockets.
Check for noise on control voltage power or line

Long start time (Ex25) Current limit condition present more than Increase current limit and / or acceleration
2 x ta sec. or 240 sec. ramp time
(ta = acceleration ramp time)
Long slow speed time (Ex26) Equipment has been in slow speed mode more Reduce time slow speed is engaged
than 120 sec.
Lock-out (Ex27) The time between startings is less that the Check if settings are correct
adjusted in parameter "LKxx" This protection may be disabled
Undervoltage (Ex28) The line voltage exceeds of limit set in Check if settings are correct.
Overvoltage (Ex29) parameters "UVxx" or "OVxx" This protection may be disabled
Undercurrent (Ex30) The motor current exceeds of limit set in Check if settings are correct.
Overcurrent (Ex31) parameters "UCxx" or "OCxx" This protection may be disabled
Retry (Ex32) The retry feature could not re-start the motor Check last message "e1xx" and correct.
after a fault Be sure that retry settings are correct as well.

5-6. Thyristor check 1L1 (3L2 or 5L3)


Use a testing lamp to check the defective power module between input and output phases. Testing
If the lamp goes on, at least one of the thyristors has a short circuit.
With a tester, check the value or the R resistance between input and output of the same phase
3 to 6V
(connector B on main PCB must be previously removed).
If R < 50KΩ, at least one of the thyristors is defective.
2T1 (4T2 or 6T3)

Open thyristor L
With the simple assembly shown, the lamp should light when the S switch is closed and remain lit when open.
If not, the thyristor is defective. 10 ohms 3 to 6V

6. Appendix

6-1. Application diagrams

Basic diagram
(1) The isolation contactor DC1, is not required to perform
L1 L2 L3 operation to the motor.
Control Voltage
Be aware however that DC1 provides galvanic
110 / 120V AC isolation from the incoming line increasing the safety.
(2) In this example, Start and Stop command is enabled
DC1 (1) by push-buttons. Permanent command is allowed as
A1 A2 B1 B2
well, wiring 1, 2 and 57 terminals as shown on
Control Voltage
page 3-3.
220 / 240V AC (3) The output relays allow for direct action on contactors
12 11 14 23 24 33 34 TD RD SG according to ratings specified on page 3-2 of this
1 L1 3 L2 5 L3
A1 A2 B1 B2 manual.
(4) The ASTAT-CD Plus is provided with an electronic
motor overload protection, which should be adequate
protection for most of the applications.
1r 2r 3r
Programmable relay Outputs An external overload should be used if required by
local codes or to protect the motor against current
Programmable Inputs unbalance.
I3 I4
2 T1 4 T2 6 T3
1 57 2 57 3 57 4 5 6 7 8 9

FLT (4)

Start Stop Motor Thermistor 3~
Push-Button command (2)

Basic diagram with by-pass control

L1 L2 L3 (1) The isolation contactor DC1, is not re-
Control Voltage quired to perform operation to the motor.
110 / 120V AC
Be aware however that DC1 provides gal-
Control Voltage
Serial Comm. vanic isolation from the incoming line in-
A1 A2 B1 B2 creasing the safety.
DC1 DC2 Tx Rx Gr (2) In this example, Start and Stop command
Control Voltage
220 / 240V AC is enabled by permanent command. Push-
12 11 14 23 24 33 34 TD RD SG
button control is allowed as well, wiring 1,
A1 A2 B1 B2
1 L1 3 L2 5 L3
2 and 57 terminals as shown on page 3-3.
(3) The output relays allow for direct action on
contactors according to ratings specified
in page 3-2 of this manual.
1r 2r 3r
Programmable Relay Outputs (4) CAUTION:
In by-pass mode an external overload
Programmable Inputs
I3 I4
2 T1 4 T2 6 T3
relay must be used.
1 57 2 57 3 57 4 5 6 7 8 9 (5) By-pass control using function "zxxx" and
external contactor DC2. Details given bel-
- +
Start /Stop
(Permanent Command)
+ -
3~ By-pass control. Programming steps
1 57 2 57 1. The by-pass function may be enabled by

Motor Thermistor

Tacho feedback
Analog Input

Analog Output

setting "zxxx" to ON. In this case the by-

pass is automatically done after starting.
An alternative, if "zxxx" is set to one of the
programmable inputs "I3" or "I4", the by-
Start Stop
(Command by push-buttons) pass may be controlled by one remote
signal (5). Check section 4-5-2 for more
2. Once this function is enabled, the relay 2r
is automatically assigned to this function
(check section 4-6-3). This relay must be
6-1 used to control the by-pass contactor.
6. Appendix

6-1. Application diagrams

Basic diagram with jog (slow speed) function
L1 L2 L3
(1) The isolation contactor DC1, is not required to perform
operation to the motor.
Control Voltage
110 / 120V AC
Be aware however that DC1 provides galvanic isolation
from the incoming line increasing the safety.
(2) In this example, Start and Stop command is enabled by
DC1 (1)
A1 A2 B1 B2 push-buttons. Permanent command is allowed as well,
wiring 1, 2 and 57 terminals as shown on page 3-3.
Control Voltage (3) The output relays allow for direct action on contactors
220 / 240V AC
according to ratings specified on page 3-2 of this manual.
12 11 14 23 24 33 34 TD RD SG (4) The ASTAT-CD Plus is provided with an electronic motor
1 L1 3 L2 5 L3
A1 A2 B1 B2 overload protection, which should be adequate protec-
tion for most of the applications.
You should use an external overload protection if
required by local codes or to protect the motor against
1r 2r 3r
Programmable relay Outputs current unbalance.
(5) Slow Speed for Jog forward or reverse using program-
Programmable Inputs mable inputs I3, I4. Details given bellow.
I3 I4
2 T1 4 T2 6 T3
1 57 2 57 3 57 4 5 6 7 8 9
Jog (Slow Speed) function. Programming steps
1. The slow speed function may be enabled by setting
FLT (4) "Jxxx" to I3. In this case Slow Speed is allowed by a push-
button wired to ASTAT-CD Plus's terminals 3-57.
Start Stop Forward Reverse Motor Thermistor 3~ Reverse jog is also possible by setting "rxxx" to ON. As
Push-Button command (2) Jog (Slow Speed) alternative, if "rxxx" is set to programmable input I4,
forward or reverse may be controlled by remote push-
button signal (5). Check section 4-6-3 for more details.
2. Slow Speed can be effected with ASTAT-CD Plus in stop
status. Slow speed and normal run commands are
internally interlocked.

Basic diagram with DC brake injection

(1) The isolation contactor DC1, is not required to perform
L1 L2 L3 operation to the motor.
Be aware however that DC1 provides galvanic isolation
Control Voltage
110 / 120V AC from the incoming line increasing the safety.
(2) In this example, Start and Stop command is enabled by
DC1 (1) permanent command. Push-buttons control is allowed
A1 A2 B1 B2 as well, wiring 1, 2 and 57 terminals as shown on
DC1 DC3 page 3-3.
Control Voltage
220 / 240V AC (3) The output relays allow for direct action on contactors
according to ratings specified in page 3-2 of this manual.
12 11 14 23 24 33 34 TD RD SG
1 L1 3 L2 5 L3 (4) The ASTAT-CD Plus is provided with an electronic motor
A1 A2 B1 B2
overload protection, which should be adequate protec-
tion for most of the applications.
An external overload relay should be used if required
1r 2r 3r by local codes or to protect the motor against current
Programmable relay Outputs unbalance.
(5) DC brake at stopping time is provided by the DC brake
Programmable Inputs
I3 I4 function and external contactor DC3.
2 T1 4 T2 6 T3
1 57 2 57 3 57 4 5 6 7 8 9 CAUTION:
DC3 The 3 contacts of DC3 must be connected in parallel.
Mandatory between 2T1 and 4T2 phases, otherwise a
FLT (4)
Start /Stop (2) short-circuit can occur
(permanent Command)
Motor Thermistor 3~ DC brake function. Programming steps
1. The DC function may be enabled by setting "Bxxx" to ON.
2. Once this function is enabled, the relay 3r is automatically
assigned to this function. This relay must be used to
control the DC brake contactor.
Check section 4-5-1 and 4-5-2 for more details
6. Appendix

6-1. Application diagrams

Basic diagram with linear ramp
(1) The isolation contactor DC1, is not required to perform
L1 L2 L3 operation to the motor.
Control Voltage Be aware however that DC1 provides galvanic isolation
110 / 120V AC
from the incoming line increasing the safety.
(2) In this example, Start and Stop command is provided by
DC1 (1)
push-buttons. Permanent command is allowed as well,
A1 A2 B1 B2
wiring 1, 2 and 57 terminals as shown on page 3-3.
Control Voltage
(3) The output relays allow for direct action on contactors
220 / 240V AC according to ratings specified in page 3-2 of this manual.
12 11 14 23 24 33 34 TD RD SG (4) The ASTAT-CD Plus is provided with an electronic motor
1 L1 3 L2 5 L3
A1 A2 B1 B2 overload protection, which should be adequate protec-
tion for most of the applications.
An external overload relay should be used if required
by local codes or to protect the motor against current
1r 2r 3r unbalance.
Programmable relay Outputs
(5) Linear ramp provided by "Dxxx" function. A tacho
Programmable Inputs generator must be used as feedback. Details given
I3 I4
2 T1 4 T2 6 T3 bellow.
1 57 2 57 3 57 4 5 6 7 8 9

Linear ramp function. Programming steps

FLT (4)
1. The linear ramp function may be enabled by setting
"Dxxx" to ON. In this case, linear ramp is independent of
M the load.
Start Stop Motor Thermistor 3~
Push-Button command (2)
This function needs the speed feedback provided by an
external tacho generator. Check section 4-6-2 for more

6. Appendix

6-2. Serial communications

ASTAT-CD Plus is able to send and receive data through a serial RS232 port. Within this port ASTAT-CD Plus communicates with a host PC.

For RS232 ASCII communications, parameter "XP" must be set to 0.

6-2-1. RS232 port, wiring and communications settings

RS232 is an operating standard of communication only in terms of electrical characteristics (voltage, timing, etc.) while the communication
procedures are defined by ASCII.
The maximum allowed RS232 cable length is 3 meters. ASTAT-CD Plus uses a connector with only 3 pins: TD, RD, SG.

Astat Terminal Name

TD Transmit Data
RD Receive Data
SG Signal Common

Computer 2 TD ASTAT-CD Plus
RS232 connector 3 RD

RS232 cable

The following table indicates the communications setting used by ASTAT-CD Plus to perform data communication via its serial port.

Name Setting Description

Baud Rate 9600 bps Bits per second transmission rate
Parity None Data error checking method
Data Bits 8 Number of data bits in each transmission
Start Bits 1 Number of bits to indicate beginning of transmission
Stop Bits 2 Number of bits to indicate ending of transmission
Data ASCII Communications protocol used
Handshaking None No need to request to send or clear to send

6. Appendix

6-2-2. ASCII protocol

To select this communications protocol, XP must be set to 0.

It is possible to operate the ASTAT-CD Plus from a host using standard ASCII characters. Two functions are available to be able to READ and
WRITE parameters.

Write Parameters to ASTAT-CD Plus:

To write data into a parameter, the command format is the following:

Request from host : :ssWxxxyyy➥

Response from the ASTAT : :ssWxxxyyy➥

where ‘:’ is a char to indicate the command start, ‘ss’ is the station address, ‘xxx’ (3 bytes needed) is the parameter number, and
‘yyy’ (3 bytes needed) is the value to write into the parameter. The ‘➥‘ is the return key to indicate the command stop.

Note: the parameters modification is not allowed while the motor is operating.

Read Parameters from ASTAT-CD Plus:

To read a parameter, the command format is the following:

Request from host : :ssRxxx➥

Response from the ASTAT : :ssRxxxyyyyy➥

where ‘:’ is a char to indicate the command start, ‘ss’ is the station address, ‘xxx’ (3 bytes needed) is the parameter number, and
‘yyyyy’ (5 chars response) is the value of the parameter. The ‘➥‘ is the return key to indicate the command stop.

If we are trying to communicate with station 2:

- to start the unit, the command will be: :02W060000➥

- to stop the unit, the command will be: :02W060001➥
- to set the acceleration ramp time to 35 sec., the command will be: :02W005035➥
- to know which overload curve is selected, the command will be: :02R016➥ ; ( if, for instance the response is :02R01600004➥,
this means that the overload curve selected is IEC class 10 ).

The Table shown in 6-2-3 provides a complete reference for the parameters that can be controlled by the serial interface.

6. Appendix

6-2-3. List of parameters that can be controlled by the serial interface

Parameter Parameter Function Read/Write Range Comments

number name (R/W)

0 Status Soft starter status R/- 0 - 14 0: ON

3: Alarm (errors)
10: FULL (override)
11: Not used
12: INCH
13: TACH
14: PUMP
1 M Motor current R/-
% In or Amps depending on UF parameter
2 N Nominal motor current (% In/Ir) R/W 40-120
3 L Current limit (% Im/In) R/W 100-700
4 T Starting torque (% DOL torque) R/W 10-90
5 a Acceleration ramp time (sec) R/W 1-99
6 d Deceleration ramp time (sec) R/W 1-120
7 p Kick start time (msec) R/W 0-999
8 b DC brake time (sec) R/W 0-99
9 I DC brake current (% In) R/W 000-250
10 S Soft stop control R/W 0-3 0: OFF
1: ON
2: I3
3: I4
11 C Pump control R/W 0-3 0: OFF
1: ON
2: I3
3: I4
12 P Kick start control R/W 0-3 0: OFF
1: ON
2: I3
3: I4
13 F Override R/W 0-3 0: OFF
1: ON
2: I3
3: I4
14 B DC brake control R/W 0-6 0: OFF
1: ON
2: I3
3: I4
4: PON
5: PI3
15 LK Lockout (min.) R/W 0-45
16 o Overload trip curve R/W 0-5 0: OFF
1: N1
2: N2
3: N3
4: C1
5: C2
17 internal use
18 W Write EEPROM -/W 1
19 R Read EEPROM -/W 1
20 —- internal use
21 v Software version R/- xxx vxxx
22 —- internal use
23 —- internal use

6. Appendix

Parameter Parameter Function Read/Write Range Comments

number name (R/W)
24 1r Programmable relay 11-12-14 R/W 22-30 See programmable
relays functions in page 3-6

25 2r Programmable relay 23-24 R/W 20,22-30

26 3r Programmable relay 33-34 R/W 21-30
27 OC Overcurrent (%In) R/W 0-50 0: OFF
28 oc Overcurrent time (sec) R/W 0-99
29 r Reverse slow speed R/W 0-3 0: OFF
1: ON
2: I3
3: I4
30 Y Retry attempts R/W 0-4
31 y Retry time (sec) R/W 1-99
32 UV Undervoltage (%U) R/W 0-50 0: OFF
33 uv Undervoltage time (sec) R/W 0-99
34 OV Overvoltage (%U) R/W 0-30 0: OFF
35 ov Overvoltage time (sec) R/W 0-99
36 UC Undercurrent (%In) R/W 0-99 0: OFF
37 uc Undercurrent time (sec) R/W 0-99
38 PF Power factor (%) R/- 00-99
39 U Nominal voltage (volt) R/W 100-500
40 V Line voltage (volt) R/-
41 w Power (KW*10) R/-
42 X Local/remote control 0-3 0: OFF
1: ON
2: I3
3: I4
43 D Linear ramp control R/W 0-3 0: OFF
1: ON
2: I3
3: I4
44 J Slow speed control R/W 0-2 0: OFF
1: I3
2: I4
45 j Slow speed type R/W 0-1 0: HI
1: LO
46 2a Secondary acceleration ramp time (sec) R/W 1-99
47 2d Secondary deceleration ramp time (sec) R/W 1-99
48 A Dual ramp selection R/W 0-3 0: OFF
1: ON
2: I3
3: I4
49 UF Unit frame R/W 0-16 0: not defined
1 to 16: F to X frames
50 E Elapsed time (hours) R/-
51 —- internal use
52 Q Recall factory settings -/W 1
53 2T Secondary starting torque (%DOL torque) R/W 10-90
54 m Current calibration R/-
55 —- internal use
56 z Bypass function R/W 0-3 0: OFF
1: ON
2: I3
3: I4
57 —- internal use
58 f Service factor (%In) R/W 100-130
59 t Voltage calibration R/- 000-600
60 RUN/STOP RUN/STOP order -/W 0: RUN
61 —- internal use
62 —- internal use
63 —- internal use
64 —- internal use

6. Appendix

Parameter Parameter Function Read/Write Range Comments

number name (R/W)
65 —- internal use
66 —- internal use
67 —- internal use
68 —- internal use
69 —- internal use
70 ST Pump Control selection curve R/W 0-3 0 : standard voltage ramp
1-3 : Pump algorithms

71 —- internal use
72 —- internal use
73 SP Pump Control selection curve R/W 0-5 0 : standard voltage ramp
1-5 : Pump algorithms
74 —- internal use
75 —- internal use
76 —- internal use
77 —- internal use
78 —- internal use
79 —- internal use
80 —- internal use
81 —- internal use
82 —- internal use
83 XP Communication protocol R/W 0-2 0 : ASCII
1 : Future use
2 : Future use
84 s Station number for communication R/W 1-247
85 e0xx error e0 R/- xx: error code
86 e1xx error e1 R/- xx: error code
87 e2xx error e2 R/- xx: error code
88 e3xx error e3 R/- xx: error code

6. Appendix

6-3. Dimensions


QC_FDP 200 160 6

QC_GDP 200 160 6
QC_HDP 200 160 6
QC_IDP 250 200 31


6. Appendix

6-3. Dimensions

Terminal detail


Terminal QC _ UDP 6
details QC _ VDP 10


QC_NDP 510 490 305 460 465 9 53 106 54 259 70 168

QC_QDP 510 490 305 460 465 9 53 106 54 259 70 168
QC_RDP 550 540 317 480 495 9 59 118 54 275 78 168
QC_SDP 550 540 317 480 495 9 59 118 54 275 78 168
QC_TDP 590 685 317 520 640 9 59 118 64,5 270 100 168
QC_UDP 790 850 402 700 805 11 60 120 120 352 120 175
QC_VDP 790 850 402 700 805 11 60 120 120 352 120 175
QC_XDP 810 1000 407 720 955 11 70 140 110 357 120 175


6-4. P.C.B.s layout

Supply Control


F2 F1



GE Industrial Systems
General Electric Company
41 Woodford Avenue, Plainville,CT 06062
DEH-40397A 1101 ©2001 General Electric Company

ASTAT CD 9/13 40 11/2/01, 11:18 AM

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