Simulation of Extra High Voltage Long Transmission Lines
Simulation of Extra High Voltage Long Transmission Lines
Simulation of Extra High Voltage Long Transmission Lines
The electrical power system mainly consists of three principle divisions the generating
stations, y he transmission system and the distribution system. The transmission lines
are the connecting links between generating station and the distribution system and
lead to other power system interconnections.
Now a day, we are using Extra High Voltage (EHV) transmission lines for
transmission of power between the generating station and distribution system in India.
The simulation of transmission line using MATLAB helps us to analyze the behaviors
and parameters of transmission line under actual conditions. We are simulating a long
transmission line and analyze the waveforms at sending and receiving end.
The results obtained after simulation are used in the designing of Extra High Voltage
Long Transmission Line Model.
Electrical energy is generated in large hydro electric, thermal and nuclear super and
super critical power stations these stations are generally situated far away from the
load centers. This necessitates an extensive power supply network between the
generating station and consumer load. This network may be divided into two parts
transmission and distribution the main part of this transmission system. Transmission
line transmits bulk electrical power from sending end to receiving end stations without
supplying any consumer en route and it can be divided into two parts primary and
secondary. The transmission voltage is in India re 66kV, 110kV, 132kV, 220kV,
400kV and 765kV.
The more the voltages of transmission line the better the performance and efficiency
of the system. For this we use high voltage and extra high voltage transmission lines
to transmit electrical power from the sending end substations to the receiving end
substations. At the receiving end substations the voltage is stepped down to a lower
value of 66kV, 33kv or 11kV. The secondary transmission system forms the link
between the main receiving end substations and secondary substations. In the
transmission line the voltage can vary as much as 10% or even 15% DUE TO
variation in loads
The transmission line is the main energy corridor in a power system. The performance
of a power system is mainly dependent on the performance of the transmission lines in
the system. It is necessary to calculate the voltage current and power at any point on
the transmission line provided the values at one point are known. We are aware that in
3 phase circuit problem it is sufficient to compute results in one phase and
subsequently predict results in the other 2 phases by exploiting the three phase
symmetry. Although the lines are not spaces equilaterally and not transposed the
resulting asymmetry is slight and the phases are considered to be balanced as such
transmission line calculations are also carried out on per phase basis.
All these parameters are distributed over the length of the line. The insulation of a line
us seldom perfect and leakage currents flow over the surface of insulators especially
during bad weather this leakage is simulated by shunt conductance. The shunt
conductance is in parallel with the system capacitance. Generally the leakage currents
are small and the shunt conductance is ignored in calculations.
The transmission line may be classified as short, medium and long. When the length
of the line is less than about 80km the effect of shunt capacitance can be ignored and
the line is designated as a short line.
When the length is between 80 and 250km the shunt capacitance can be considered as
lumped and the line is termed as medium length line.
Lines more than 250km long require calculation in terms of distributed parameters are
knows as ling lines.
The parameters used in order to describe a two-port network are the following:
Z, Y, A , h and g. They are usually expressed in matrix notation and they establish
relations between the following parameters:
(1)Input voltage V1
(2) Output voltage V2
(3) Input current I1
(4) Output current I2
ABCD Parameters
Consider the power system shown above. In this the sending and receiving end
voltages are denoted by VS and VR respectively. Also the currents IS and IR are entering
and leaving the network respectively. The sending end voltage and current are then
defined in terms of the ABCD parameters as
This implies that A is the ratio of sending end voltage to the open circuit receiving end
voltage. This quantity is dimension less. Similarly,
i.e., B , given in Ohm, is the ratio of sending end voltage and short circuit receiving
end current. In a similar way we can also define
parameter D is dimension less.
1. Resistor
The Resistor block models a linear resistor, described with the following equation:
V Voltage
I Current
R Resistance
Connections + and – are conserving electrical ports corresponding to the positive and
negative terminals of the resistor, respectively. By convention, the voltage across the
resistor is given by V(+) – V(–), and the sign of the current is positive when flowing
through the device from the positive to the negative terminal. This convention ensures
that the power absorbed by a resistor is always positive.
2. Capacitor
The Capacitor block models a linear capacitor, described with the following equation:
I Current
V Voltage
C Capacitance
t Time
3. Inductor
The Inductor block models a linear inductor, described with the following equation:
I Current
V Voltage
L Inductance
t Time
4. Voltage Sensor
The Voltage Sensor block represents an ideal voltage sensor, that is, a device that
converts voltage measured between two points of an electrical circuit into a physical
signal proportional to the voltage.
5. Voltage Measurement
The Voltage Measurement block measures the instantaneous voltage between two
electric nodes. The output provides a Simulink® signal that can be used by other
Simulink blocks.
6. AC Voltage Source
The AC Voltage Source block implements an ideal AC voltage source. The generated
voltage is described by the following relationship:
Negative values are allowed for amplitude and phase. A frequency of 0 and phase
equal to 90 degrees specify a DC voltage source. Negative frequency is not allowed;
otherwise the software signals an error, and the block displays a question mark in the
block icon.
7. Scope
The Scope block displays its input with respect to simulation time.
The Scope block can have multiple axes (one per port) and all axes have a common
time range with independent y-axes. The Scope block allows you to adjust the amount
of time and the range of input values displayed. You can move and resize the Scope
window and you can modify the Scope's parameter values during the simulation.
8. Solver Configuration
Each topologically distinct Simscape block diagram requires exactly one Solver
Configuration block to be connected to it.
9. Breaker
The Breaker block implements a circuit breaker where the opening and closing times
can be controlled either from an external Simulink signal (external control mode), or
from an internal control timer (internal control mode).
10. Ground
11. Add
The Add block performs addition or subtraction on its inputs. This block can add or
subtract scalar, vector, or matrix inputs. It can also collapse the elements of a signal.
The Sine Wave block provides a sinusoid. The block can operate in either time-based
or sample-based mode.
13. Fcn Block
The Fcn block applies the specified mathematical expression to its input. The
expression can be made up of one or more of these components:
* u — The input to the block. If u is a vector, u(i) represents the ith element of the
vector; u(1) or u alone represents the first element.
* Numeric constants
* Arithmetic operators (+ - * /^)
* Relational operators (== != > < >= <=) — The expression returns 1 if the
relation is true; otherwise, it returns 0.
* Logical operators (&& || !) -The expression returns 1 if the relation is true;
otherwise, it returns 0.
* Parentheses
* Mathematical functions — abs, cos, sin, exp, log, pow, tan, sinh, sqrt etc.
* Workspace variables — Variable names that are not recognized in the
preceding list of items are passed to MATLAB for evaluation.
For a transmission line, the resistance, inductance, and capacitance are uniformly
distributed along the line. An approximate model of the distributed parameter line is
obtained by cascading several identical PI sections, as shown in the following figure.
Unlike the Distributed Parameter Line block, which has an infinite number of states,
the PI section linear model has a finite number of states that permit you to compute a
linear state-space model. The number of sections to be used depends on the frequency
range to be represented.
The Output signal unit parameter lets you specify the desired units for the output
signal. These units must be commensurate with the units of the input physical signal
coming into the block. The Simulink output signal is unitless, but if you specify a
desired output unit, the block applies a gain equal to the conversion factor before
outputting the Simulink signal. For example, if the input physical signal coming into
the block is displacement, in meters, and you set Output signal unit to mm, the block
multiplies the value of the input signal by 10e3 before outputting it.
16. Display
The Display block shows the value of its input on its icon. You control the display
format using the Format parameter:
* bank — displays a value in fixed dollars and cents format (but with no $ or
* hex (Stored Integer) — displays the stored integer value of a fixed-point input in
hexadecimal format
* binary (Stored Integer) — displays the stored integer value of a fixed-point input
in binary format
* octal (Stored Integer) — displays the stored integer value of a fixed-point input
in octal format
First Simulation Model
In this we tried to implement the simulation of the transmission line by using its
equivalent diagram.
+ - + - + - + - + - + -
Resistor Inductor Inductor 1 Inductor 2 Inductor 3 Inductor 4
VS 1
AC Voltage Source
Electrical Reference
Although there were no errors but the simulation was not showing desired results.
There was also no consideration of length and solver configuration block was not
implemented correctly.
For the simulation of the voltage response of the transmission line, the voltage V1
across the capacitor in the first loop (which includes the voltage source in Fig. la) can
be written in terms of the voltage source, Vs, and the voltage in the second loop V2 as
Where, Zs is the source impedance. In the transmission line, the elements L and C are
the inductance per unit length, and the capacitance per unit length, respectively. The
voltage across the capacitor in an intermediate loop, n, can be written in terms of the
similar voltage Vn-1 in the previous loop (n-l), and the voltage V n+1 in the following
loop (n+1).
A load impedance, ZL, is in parallel with the capacitor in the final loop, k. The load
impedance can be linear or nonlinear.
We define the current in the load impedance at the end node, k, via the relation
For purposes of simulating the current response of the transmission line, the current
in the first loop (which includes the voltage source in Fig. 1 b) can be written in terms
of the voltage source V, and the current in the second loop i2.
The current in an intermediate loop, n can be written in terms of the current in the
previous loop (n-1) and the following loop (n+1):
For the case of linear load impedance, i = V/ ZL, the load impedance ZL is in parallel
with the capacitor in the final loop, k. The current in this loop is written in terms of the
current in the previous loop (k-1)
Equations 5-7 determine the elements of a second transmission line. In Fig, 2, the
critical Simulink elements are shown for the elements specified with Equations 1-4. A
dialog menu with Simulink allows all parameters of the polynomial to be specified.
We specify the voltage source, Vs, as a half sine wave generator, which acts as a pulse
generator in the simulation. The amplitude and width were controllable parameters. In
our application, fifteen identical intermediate elements were used. Although we will
use only a Limited number of sections in our transmission line model, it can
be generalized to include as many as desired.
In addition, the user can specify numerical values for the circuit elements L, C, Zs, and
ZL. For clarity of presentation, we include a sequentially increasing “dc offset” to each
section. Both linear [ik=g(Vk) = constant* Vk] and nonlinear [ik=g(Vk)] load
impedances are described with this model.
Add 5
RMS Display
Transfer Fcn 4 1
L*C.s2 +1
1 Vr Fcn
L*C.s2 +2 Transfer Fcn 5
+ -
iline PI Section Line
close at 0.02 sec.
V + Vout (v ) +
v v -
- Vin (v )
vin vout