Short Circuit Studies - ETAP
Short Circuit Studies - ETAP
Short Circuit Studies - ETAP
Short-Circuit Currents | 3-
Phase VS 1-Phase
Short-circuit calculations are performed because of several reasons. In
short-circuit studies, generally, different characteristic values of short-
circuit current e.g. peak short-circuit current (ip), equivalent thermal short-
circuit current (Ith), etc. are calculated. There is also often a need to
calculate various types of short-circuit currents e.g. symmetrical or
unsymmetrical. Each application uses a different value of short-circuit
current as input. For example, in grounding calculations, it is clear that
input value is single-line-to-ground short-circuit current. On the contrary,
generator circuit breaker selection and harmonic propagation analysis
demands three-phase short-circuit values as input.
Figure 1.
Single Line Diagram of the Electric Network
Figure 2.
Equivalent Sequence Network for the Three-phase Short-Circuit
In the second case, let us consider a core type transformer (T1), with a
zero sequence impedance, ZT0 = 0.85ZT1. Solving for the short-circuit
D or d – delta winding
N or n – neutral
Abstract: There are a lot of methods that can be used for short-circuit
current calculation. One method was previously discussed here and is
based on the guidelines presented in IEC 60909. This article deals with an
alternative method for the short-circuit current calculation so-called the
MVA method. This method is simple, quick, and easy to remember. It is
also sufficiently accurate for engineers in practice for basic estimation of
fault levels at any point in an electrical network.
Keywords: short-circuit current, the MVA method, calculation methods
The determination of the level of short-circuit current at any point of an
electrical network can be of interest because of several reasons, e.g.:
Numerical-Graphical Methods
Nomogram Method
This is a simple graphical method that consists of subtracting the
necessary parameters of the electrical system elements (impedances)
from the graphs that were pre-printed on the sheets, separately for each
voltage level. The disadvantage of nomograms is their limited use only for
radial networks and the fact that the method accuracy is directly
dependent on the accuracy of reading from the graphs drawn.
Numerical Methods
Ohmic Method
Also known as the Impedance Method. The disadvantage of this method
is it is cumbersome if the system under investigation contains several
voltage levels,
Per-unit Method
This method is no better in terms of manual calculations than the previous
method since it involves a number of relationships and bonds associated
with reference values, which can often cause errors in the calculation
Superposition Method
This method is used very often but requires knowledge of steady-state
conditions before the short-circuit occurrence, which reduces its
applicability for general and fast calculations.
As mentioned earlier, the first step is the calculation of the MVA level of
each component and converting the single line diagram to its equivalent
MVA diagram.
Now we can reduce the equivalent MVA diagram. For elements connected
in series the equivalent value of initial symmetrical short-circuit power is
equal to the sum of inverted MVA values of elements.
Finally, the initial symmetrical short-circuit current at the fault point can
be calculated from the equivalent network MVA.
Comparison to IEC 60909
In order to validate the accuracy of the MVA Method, we will calculate the
initial symmetrical short-circuit current at the fault point using the
calculation method based on IEC 60909. For simplicity, resistance will be
Finally, the initial symmetrical short-circuit current at the fault point can
be calculated from the equivalent network MVA.
If the value of initial symmetrical short-circuit current is known, the peak
short-circuit current can be determined using
Table 1.
Comparison of Short-circuit Values
It can be seen that the MVA method gives results with sufficient accuracy.
The methods calculation short-circuit currents vary in complexity and the
amount of effort put into. The MVA method is known to be simple, quick,
and easy, and is sufficiently accurate for engineers in practice for basic
estimation of fault levels at any point in an electrical network.
Practical Evaluation of a Power
Fuse Interrupting Capacity
The selection of the short-circuit rating of power fuses and low voltage
circuit breakers are treated differently than medium and high voltage
circuit breakers. According to ANSI/IEEE standards, these protective
devices respond to short-circuit instantaneously which means that at the
initiation of the fault, fuses or low voltage circuit breakers should not only
be able to withstand the magnetic and thermal forces resulting from the
magnitude of the short-circuit current but should also be capable to safely
interrupt the available short-circuit duty.
A distinction between fused and unfused low voltage circuit breakers with
regards to the evaluation of their short-circuit ratings is specified in IEEE
C37.13. For fuses and fused low voltage circuit breakers, the evaluation is
based on the total asymmetrical RMS first cycle currents whereas for
unfused low voltage circuit breakers, the basis of evaluation is the peak
first cycle currents.
I’sym = 12.786kA
with an X/R ratio of
X/R = 9.683
To illustrate this, let us evaluate the multiplying factor using the fault
point X/R ratio and the fuse test PF.
From the fuse technical data specification on the test PF, we can calculate
the test X/R ratio.
From this, we can calculate the multiplying factor and ultimately the total
asymmetrical RMS first cycle current.
The above calculation confirms that for a fault point X/R ratio that is less
than the protective device test X/R ratio, the maximum available short
circuit current can be used directly to determine the power fuse short
circuit interrupting rating.
Figure 3.
Equivalent Circuit of a Faulted System
Similarly, the maximum rms fault current can be determined using
Circuit Breaker. While the determination of the closing and latching duty is
fairly a straightforward process, the calculation of the interrupting duty for
medium- and high-voltage circuit breakers is a bit trickier. There are a few
more things to consider in the calculation such as circuit breaker
interrupting time and contact parting time, remote and local short circuit
current sources (for Synchronous Generators), and circuit breaker rating
Remember that the closing and latching duty calculations are based on
symmetrical short circuit current from the 0.5 cycle network (also referred
to as the subtransient network). The multiplying factors were derived from
the ‘half-cycle’ current assumption. The calculation of the medium- and
high-voltage circuit breaker interrupting duty, on the other hand, is based
on its contact parting which ranges from 1.5 to 4 cycles as shown in table
Figure 4. Impedance
Both rating structures quantify the DC decay by applying local and remote
multiplying factors. The difference between these rating structures is that
symmetrically rated circuit breakers already have an embedded
asymmetry factor, S. This asymmetry factor is based on a required
percent value of the DC component on a standard time constant of 45ms
corresponding to an X/R ratio of 17 for 60Hz system.
Figure 9 shows the required %dc component for different circuit breaker
contact parting times.
Adjust both the calculated remote multiplying factor and local multiplying
factors obtained from the local curve to account for this embedded
asymmetry using,
Calculate the circuit breaker interrupting duty using the ‘No AC Decay’
approach as recommended in IEEE Std 551.
kAIC Rating of Circuit Breakers
| Calculation in Low Voltage
This multiplying factor is also applicable to fuses. If the fault point X/R is
not available, IEEE Std C37.13 recommends an X/R ratio of 20. It also
important to note that small impedances such as cable impedances
should be taken into account because their effect to the calculation of
circuit interrupting duty is very significant.
The kAIC rating for circuit breakers depends on the manufacturer test
power factor. The following table shows maximum test power factor for
each type of low voltage circuit breakers.
Motor Contributions
The following recommendations were provided by IEEE Std C37.13 for
motor contributions.
For induction motors, if impedance is not known, use 3.6 times FLC.
For synchronous motors, use 4.8 times FLC.
If motor load installation is not known,
System voltages of 120V and 208Y/120V, assume 50%
lighting and 50% motor load. Translates to 2 times FLC.
System voltages of 240V to 1000V, assume 100%
motor load, 25% synchronous, 75% induction motors.
Translates to 4 times FLC.
Circuit Breaker Sizing
Calculation: A Step-by-Step
*Note: The values presented in this example are overly simplified. Highlight is given to the calculation process instead.
Alternatively, you may use the equivalent impedance calculated using the
separate X and R networks. This approach is generally conservative.
where Vpre-fault is the line-to-line fault point voltage and is equal to the operating voltage under
actual service conditions.
*Note: The solution for the symmetrical RMS current is calculated from the actual voltage and ohmic value of the
impedances. For more systems with two (2) or more voltage levels, use per unit approach.
4. Calculate the fault point X/R ratio using the separate X and R reduction
In our example, the remote contribution to the fault comes from the utility
source. Using common circuit analysis technique such as current division
and/or superposition theorem, the remote contribution can be easily
calculated to be
Verify circuit breaker rating structure. For totally rated circuit breakers
use S = 1. For symmetrically rated circuit breakers use the S-factor
indicated on the nameplate. If not available, use the S-factor provided in
C37.010-1979. You can access this table here.
4. The local multiplying factor can be derived from the local curves
provided in IEEE Std C37.5 for totally rated circuit breakers and IEEE Std
C37.010 for symmetrically rated circuit breakers.
In our example, the fault point X/R ratio was calculated to be 13.29.
Selecting the multiplying factor for a CB interrupting time of 3 cycles (CPT
= 2cycles), we get
Again, adjust MF for symmetrically rated circuit breaker.
Since reactances for ½ cycle and 1.5 – 4 cycle network are the same for
both utility and generator,
*Note: In calculating for the interrupting RMS symmetrical current, use reactances on the 1.5 – 4 cycle network.
Before we start our discussion on IEC 60909, let us first review the
concepts in ANSI/IEEE C37 series on short-circuit study.
Table 1. Voltage
In ANSI/IEEE standards, prefault load currents are neglected since they are
assumed to be of much smaller magnitude than the short-circuit currents.
Therefore, prefault voltages are assumed to be rated system voltages. In
other words, ANSI/IEEE standard assumes a voltage factor of 1.0.
However, IEEE Std 551 allows the use of the operating voltage under
actual conditions as the prefault voltage which could exceed the
customarily assumed 1.0 pu.
Figure 2. ‘Non-meshed’
Current Path
Before we end…
The determination of the crest factor rests on whether the fault is coming
from ‘non-meshed’ or ‘meshed’ current paths. Click here to review the
concept of current paths.
The crest factor is dependent on the X/R ratio of the impedance of the
between the source and the fault.
Equivalent Frequency
The X/R ratio is calculated according to the following
Xc, Rc, and fc are based on 20Hz for a 50Hz system, or 24Hz
for a 60Hz system.
The total peak short-circuit current is the sum of the contribution from
individual sources,
We talked about the ‘Far from’ generator short circuit calculation in our
previous article but we never mentioned the conditions to consider a short
circuit to be ‘far from’ or ‘near’ generator.
The calculation of the initial and peak short circuit currents for ‘near’
generator short circuits is the same as the ‘far from’ generator short
circuits. In determining the breaking and steady-state short circuit
currents for ‘near’ generator short circuits, additional steps are required
unlike ‘far from’ generator short circuits were initial, breaking, and steady-
state short circuit currents are equal (I”k = Ib = Ik). It is important to
determine which generators are ‘far from’ or ‘near’ the fault so that the
additional steps in the calculation of the breaking and steady-state
currents are only left to ‘near’ generator short circuit.
Multiplying Factor µ
The total symmetrical short circuit breaking current is the sum of the
contribution from individual sources,
It is also possible to use the above techniques in cases where the short
circuit is fed through a transformer by introducing the transformation ratio
such that
Synchronous Generators
For synchronous generators, the following information is usually available.
Two-Winding Transformers
The impedance of two-winding transformers are calculated as follows:
Sample Network
Figure 1 shows a network with two sources, one is network feeder through
a transmission line and the other is a synchronous generator. Our faulted
point is the bus where the synchronous generator is directly connected.
Figure 1. Sample Network Diagram
Calculation of Short-Circuit
We will start by creating an impedance diagram using the concepts that
we learned from our previous discussions.
Network Feeder
Network feeders are usually represented by the initial symmetrical short
circuit MVA, SkQ, or the initial symmetrical short circuit current, IkQ”. With
the nominal voltage UnQ, the impedance can be calculated as follows.
In this example, we will be calculating the maximum short-circuit duty.
Given this, we will set the voltage correction factor cmax = 1.1. Refer to
this link for the list of voltage correction factors used in IEC 60909.
Transmission Line
The method in calculation of transmission lines impedance was omitted in
our previous discussion since its determination is the same throughout
different standards and is available in different power system analysis
books. It is important to note, however, that since we are dealing with the
calculation of the maximum short-circuit currents, it is necessary to adjust
the transmission line resistance to a temperature of 20°C as prescribed in
IEC 60909.
The total impedance from the network feeder to the fault point can be
calculated from the sum of the feeder and transmission line resistance
and reactance, therefore,
and the R/X ratio
Synchronous Generator
The easiest way to determine the generator impedance is to start with the
calculation of its reactance using,
Network Feeder
The calculation of initial symmetrical short-circuit current contribution
from the network feeder through the transmission can be calculated
Synchronous Generator
The same process is done to calculate the initial symmetrical short-circuit
current contribution from the generator.
Total Initial Symmetrical Short-Circuit Current
The total initial symmetrical short-circuit current is calculated as follows,
Network Feeder
The calculation of the peak short-circuit current contribution from the
network feeder through the transmission can be calculated from
Network Feeder
Since network feeders’ short-circuit contribution are considered ‘far-from’
generator short-circuit, the symmetrical short-circuit breaking current is
equal to the initial symmetrical short-circuit current.
Synchronous Generator
For a synchronous generator, it is necessary to determine first whether
the short-circuit is ‘far-from’ or ‘near’ generator. We can check the ratio of
its initial symmetrical short-circuit current contribution to its rated current
if its greater than 2.
Synchronous Generator
For synchronous generators, the calculation of the aperiodic DC
component requires an X/R ratio provided by the manufacturer.
Unfortunately, the approximation of RG to get the X/R ratio cannot be
used. For this example, based on the manufacturer’s data, the X/R ratio
for the given generator is 19.
Network Feeder
Since network feeders’ short-circuit contributions are considered ‘far-from’
generator short-circuit, the steady-state short-circuit current is equal to
the initial symmetrical short-circuit current.
Synchronous Generator
Steady-state short-circuit current for ‘near’ generator short-circuits is
normally lower in magnitude than the symmetrical short-circuit breaking
current. The calculation of the steady-state short-circuit current is rather
straightforward in that it depends only on the generator rated current and
the excitation voltage.
Since the circuit breaker short-circuit duty is of interest here, the
maximum steady-state short-circuit current is calculated using,
In our next article, we’ll present the IEC 60909 analysis procedure using
ETAP software.
Short Circuit Analysis Using
ETAP | IEC 60909
Short circuit analysis using ETAP software based on IEC 60909 standard.
Verify that the following device parameters are consistent with your
model. These parameters are pre-requisite to running the short circuit
analysis using ETAP for IEC 60909.
Rated kV: 25
X/R: 17.887
Transmission Line
Synchronous Generator
kV: 25
MVA: 5.952
FLA: 137.5
Xd”: 19
Xd”/Ra: 19
Xd: 155
You can now close the ‘Study Case’ window by clicking ‘OK’. After setting-
up the study case, the short-circuit toolbar on the right side of your ETAP
window should look like the figure below.
Before running the Short circuit analysis using ETAP, it is important to
identify what equipment is to be specified. In this example, we are
interested in the circuit breaker. Double-click on the high-voltage circuit
breaker on the one-line diagram and navigate to the ‘Rating’ tab and click
on the ‘Library’. A new window should pop-out. Select the circuit breaker
as shown and click ‘OK’.
Short-Circuit Analysis
To start the short circuit analysis using ETAP, click on the ‘Run 3-Phase
Device Duty (IEC 60909). If a new window will pop-out requiring you to
specify the report name. Enter the output file name of the report and click
Final Thoughts
Short-circuit analysis is a very important process in the planning and
design of any power system. There are different international standards
that address the method of calculation but among these, the most
common is the ANSI-approved standards and the IEC 60909 standard.
These standards have different approach in the calculation of short-circuit
currents and device duties with IEC 60909 more computationally intensive
and conservative. The choice regarding which standard to use depends on
the design engineer but more importantly should be based on the
standard to which the equipment to be acquired or assessed is certified.
Detailed Short Circuit
Calculation Using ETAP
Short circuit calculation using ETAP can be done through the ‘Short Circuit
Analysis’ module. This module allows the calculation of fault duties
according to the C37 Series of the ANSI/IEEE Standards and can be
accessed from the mode toolbar as shown in figure 1.
As with other study modes within ETAP, the short-circuit analysis mode
options or preferences can be accessed through the Study Case Toolbar
while various studies under short-circuit analysis mode can be accessed
through the Study Mode Toolbar.
You can also find from the Study Case toolbar a List of Output Reports
where results from previous studies can be viewed. A Report Manager
allows you to save the Output Reports in specific formats.
The Study Case Editor can be accessed by clicking the ‘Edit Study Case’
button. The Short-Circuit Study Case Editor contains preferences and
parameters in which you can specify the solution control variables, faulted
bus selection, applicable standards, and other options for output reports.
Under the ‘Standard’ tab, select ANSI to set your short-circuit study based
on the C37 series of the ANSI/IEEE standards.
Figure 4. Edit Study Case
For newer ETAP versions, creating a new study case is accessible in the
‘Edit Study Case’ pop-out menu as shown in the next figure.
Figure 5. Creating
New Study Case on Newer ETAP Versions
Application Example
This guide provides a step-by-step approach using the minimum input
required in order to run a short-circuit study on ETAP software.
Consider this very simple system composed of one utility source and one
generator source. The utility source represents a remote source short-
circuit current while the generator represents the local source of short-
circuit current.
Figure 7. Model One-Line Diagram
Model Parameters
Power Grid
There are only a few things to set-up the Power Grid model. The ID,
Operation Mode, Rated kV, and the Short-Circuit parameters. Double click
on the Power Grid to start filling-in the parameters.
Figure 8. Power
Grid Info Tab
In the ‘Info’ tab, you will find the ‘ID’ field. Type-in the name of the Power
Navigate to the ‘Operation Mode’ and verify if ‘Swing’ is ticked. Take note
that ETAP requires at least one swing source for all available study modes.
The ‘Rating’ tab allows you to input the Power Grid ‘Rated kV’ and
‘Generation Category’. There’s not much to do here than inputting rated
kV of the Power Grid.
Figure 9. Power
Grid Rating Tab
specify the 3-phase and 1-phase short-circuit kA and X/R while ETAP
calculates the rest
And your done setting-up the Power Grid model. Click the ‘OK’ button to
save the settings.
Synchronous Generator
Setting up the generator model can be quite complicated but again we are
only up to the minimum input required to run the short-circuit study.
Double click on the synchronous generator to start setting-up.
As with the utility model, fill in the ‘ID’ field with the name of the
generator. In the ‘Operation Mode’, you can leave at as ‘Voltage Control’.
As mentioned, ETAP only requires at least one swing source to be able to
run any of the study modes.
In the ‘Rating’ tab, you can specify the generator rated capacity, kV,
power factor, efficiency and more. For this example, fill in the parameters
as shown in the figure. These parameters were determined for
convenience’s sake and do not reflect real-world synchronous generators.
After inputting these parameters, move on to the next tab.
Figure 13. Generator
Imp/Model Tab
The last tab that we are concerned about is the ‘Imp/Model’ with so much
field to fill-up but we don’t have to do much here. Just click on the ‘Typical
Data’ and verify the values on the figure. Click the ‘OK’ button to save the
Transmission Line
There are lesser tabs here compared to the synchronous generator but
setting-up the minimum input requirement for the transmission line model
takes a bit more than the utility and synchronous generator model.
Fill in the name and the length of the transmission line on the ‘ID’ and the
‘Length’ field, respectively. Don’t forget to set the unit of measurement
for the specified length!
Figure 15. Transmission
Line Parameter Tab
The ‘Parameter’ tab allows you to specify the phase and neutral
conductors. To that, you can input the conductor parameters that you
have or you can refer to the ETAP library and select the conductors from
the list.
Figure 16.
Selecting Phase Conductor
Click on the ‘Conductor Lib…’ under the ‘Phase Conductor’ to access ETAP
Library Quick Pick for Transmission Lines. For this example, navigate to
‘EPRI/M.LAYER’ and select ‘Linnet’.
Figure 17.
Selecting the Ground Wire
For the Ground Wire, you can either choose from the available Ground
Wire Library or the Conductor Library. For this example, we will choose the
ground wire from the Conductor Library. Click on the ‘Conductor Lib…’ and
navigate to ‘EPRI/S.LAYER’. Select ‘Penguin’ from the available list.
Figure 18. Transmission
Line Configuration
The last tab to set-up is the ‘Configuration’ tab. In this tab, we specify the
transmission line configuration including the spacing and the height. Enter
the values as shown in the figure. Click the ‘OK’ button to save the
Study Case
To access the short-circuit module in ETAP, click on the ‘Short-Circuit’
button as shown in the figure.
Figure 19. Accessing the Short-Circuit Module
Navigate to the Study-Case toolbar and click the ‘Edit Study Case’ button.
A new window will pop-up where you can specify the study preferences
and parameters such as solution control variables, faulted bus selection,
applicable standards, and other options for output reports.
On the ‘Info’ tab, select the bus/busses to be faulted from the list of
available busses and click the ‘<< Fault’ button. The choice of the bus
depends on where the circuit breaker/s are planned to be connected. After
the bus selection, the faulted busses are moved from the ‘Don’t Fault’ to
the ‘Fault’ field of the ‘Bus Selection’.
Figure 21. Study
Case Faulted Bus Selection
You can also verify the faulted busses from the ‘One-Line Diagram’ since
they are highlighted red.
Figure 21. Faulted Bus 2
Next, navigate to the ‘Standard’ tab of the Short-Circuit Study Case. For
this example, select ‘ANSI’ from the ‘Standard’ field and ‘C37.010 – 1979
and Older’ for the ‘Device Duty’ field. Selecting ‘C37.010 – 1979 and
Older’ allows the selection of S-factor based on circuit breaker contact
parting time as shown in the table below.
Lastly, navigate to the ‘Adjustment’ tab and uncheck all checkboxes. This
is to verify the results later using manual calculations for learning
purposes. Click the ‘OK’ button to save the settings.
Click on the ‘ANSI 3-Phase Device Duty (ANSI37)’ to start the analysis.
Figure 23. Run ANSI 3-phase Device Duty (ANSI C37)
A new window will pop-out requiring you to specify the report name. Enter
the output file name of the report and click ‘OK’.
After clicking ‘OK’, the One-Line Diagram should look as shown in figure.
Figure 25. Simulation Results on One-
Line Diagram
Navigate through the different tabs in the ‘Report Manager’ to select the
information you want to view.
For this example, click on the ‘Summary’ tab and select ‘Summary’. Click
Figure 29. Momentary Duty Summary Report
Verify the results using manual calculations. Click here to access the step-
by-step guide to sizing circuit breakers using manual calculations.
You can also compare the results using our circuit breaker sizing
calculator available in the tools section.
You may also choose to print the results by clicking the ‘Print Report’