Course Sem/Ay Prepared by Prepared For Date: Laguna State Polytechnic University
Course Sem/Ay Prepared by Prepared For Date: Laguna State Polytechnic University
Course Sem/Ay Prepared by Prepared For Date: Laguna State Polytechnic University
1. How can the standards for professional teachers improve the quality of teachers in the
The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers, which is built on National
Competency – Based Teacher Standard, complements the reform initiatives on teacher
quality from pre-service education to in-service training. It articulates what constitutes
teacher quality in the K to 12 Reform through well-defined domains, strands, and
indicators that provide measures of professional learning, competent practice, and
effective engagement. This set of standards makes explicit what teachers should know, be
able to do and value to achieve competence, improved student learning outcomes, and
eventually quality education. It is founded on teaching philosophies of learner-
centeredness, lifelong learning, and inclusivity/inclusiveness, among others. The
professional standards, therefore, become a public statement of professional
accountability that can help teachers reflect on and assess their own practices as they
aspire for personal growth and professional development.
2. As education student, how can you prepare yourself for these professional standards for
The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers defines teacher quality in the
Philippines. The standards describe the expectations of teachers’ increasing levels of
knowledge, practice, and professional engagement. At the same time, the standards allow
for teachers’ growing understanding, applied with increasing sophistication across a
broader and more complex range of teaching/learning situations. I can prepare myself as
an education by:
Instructions: Study and analyze the following competencies of the teachers. Write, opposite
the item in each row, the domain, and the strands where each competency matches.
1. Careful about the effect Domain 2: Learning Environment Establish and maintains
of one’s behavior on consistent standards of
students. learners’ behavior.
2. Encourages learners to Domain 2: Learning Environment Creates an environment that
ask question. promotes fairness.
3. Handles behavior Domain 2: Learning Environment Establish and maintains
problems quickly and consistent standards of
with due respect to learners’ behavior.
children’s rights.
4. Design and utilizes Domain 4: Curriculum Selects teaching methods,
teaching methods that learning activities, and
consider the learning instructional materials or
process. resources appropriate to
learners and aligned to the
objectives of the lesson.
5. Delivers accurate and Domain 5: Planning, Assessing and Develops and uses a variety
updated content Reporting of appropriate assessment
knowledge using strategies to monitor and
appropriate evaluate learning.
approach and
6. Adopts strategies to Domain 3: Diversity of Learners Demonstrates concern for
address needs of holistic development of
differently abled learners.
7. Improves teaching Domain 5: Planning, Assessing and Monitors regularly and
performance based on Reporting provides feedback on
feedback from learners’ understanding of
students, peer and content.
superiors and
cooperating teachers.
8. Manifests personal Domain 1: Social Regard for Acts as a positive role
qualities such as Learning model for students.
enthusiasm, flexibility
and caring.
9. Involves community in Domain 6: Community Linkages Establishes a learning
sharing accountability environment that responds
for the learner’s to the aspirations of the
achievement. community.
10. Provides activities and Domain 7: Personal Growth and Reflects on the extent of the
uses materials which fit Professional Development attainment of learning goals.
the learner’s learning
styles, goals and