Journal: A Microwave Power Meter With A Hundredfold Reduction of Thermal Drift
Journal: A Microwave Power Meter With A Hundredfold Reduction of Thermal Drift
Journal: A Microwave Power Meter With A Hundredfold Reduction of Thermal Drift
T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N F R O M T H E - h p - L A B O R A T O R I E S
12 No. 10
Fig. 1. New -hp- Microwave Power Meter has increased Fig. 2. Comparison of unleveled output of travel
sensitivity and stability, permitting measurements down ing-wave tube amplifier with output when leveled
to 10 microwatts full scale with accessory waveguide and
coaxial bolometer mounts. Instrument also provides out using new power meter in arrangement described
put for operating recorders or for leveling power sources. in text.
P R I N T E D I N U . S . A . C O P Y R I G H T 1 9 6 1 H E W L E T T - P A C K A R D C O .
Fig. 3. Basic circuit arrangement of -hp- occurs from use of double-bridge technique
431 A Power Meter. High thermal stability u'ith compensated thermistor mounts.
ternal strip-chart or X - Y recorder. range control may be the only con to be measured. The action of the
With this output it becomes con trol used. second thermistor is described below.
venient to obtain permanent rec The power meter circuitry con
ords of microwave power as a CIRCUIT DESIGN APPROACH sists of two bridges which are made
function of temperature, frequency, Fig. 3 shows the effective circuit to be self-balancing through the use
time, etc. In addition, the output arrangement when the new power of feedback loops. Each bridge in
enables the power meter to be used meter is operated with one of its corporates one of the thermistor
in leveling the power produced by companion bolometer (thermistor) elements as one of the bridge arms.
swept-frequency sources and in ob mounts. The mount includes two In loop #1 amplifier #1 supplies
taining a digital readout of power, thermistor elements, one of which 10 kc power to bias the thermistor
as described later. absorbs the rf or microwave power to the resistance necessary to balance
Several other interesting features
are included in the new instrument. THERMISTOR MOUNTS
It has an increased accuracy of ±3% FOR -hp- 431 A POWER METER
which can be made even higher by
a special technique described later.
It is transistorized, achieving re
duced size and weight and permit
ting operation from an optional
internal battery. The battery is re
chargeable in place when the in
strument is operated from a power
line. Finally, the instrument has
considerable convenience of opera
tion. For example, zero setting of
the lowest range carries over to all
higher ranges, while the only con
trols used in usual operation are
the fine zero and range controls.
Indeed, on the higher ranges the "1.3 from 20 me to 7 ge, 1.5 from 10 me to 10 gc.
bridge #1. An equal amount of this STABILITY sensitive (10 /xw) range of the new
10 kc power is supplied by ampli power meter for a six-hour period.
fier #1 to the second thermistor That there is very little drift of
For this whole period the total drift
through the two series-connected the power meter zero point when
excursion is only about 1 major
the ambient temperature changes
transformers. Bridge #2 is thus also meter scale division, i.e., about 1
can now be easily demonstrated.
balanced (assuming that the zero microwatt peak-to-peak. Even this
Assume, for example, that there is
control has been adjusted). small drift, since it is for the most
an increase in ambient temperature
When rf power is now applied to sensitive range, will be attenuated
at the thermistors. In such a case a
thermistor #1, an amount of 10 kc by the range factor on higher ranges
decrease in electrical power is needed
power equal to the rf is displaced with the result that it becomes vir
at the thermistors to maintain their
from the thermistor by the self- tually unobservable on any but the
operating resistance constant. This
balancing action of the bridge. Be most sensitive range.
decrease is automatically performed
cause of the series-connected trans
for both thermistors by loop #1 LINEAR OUTPUT
formers, an equal amount of 10 kc FOR RECORDING
which decreases the amount of 10 kc
power is also displaced from therm The recorder output provided at
power by the appropriate amount.
istor #2. Bridge #1 thus remains the back of the instrument produces
The amount of dc power in loop #2
balanced, but bridge #2 must be a current of 1 ma for a full scale
remains fixed, however, and since
rebalanced by its feedback loop. power reading. This current can be
this dc power is the power that is
This balancing occurs automatical delivered to loads of up to 2000
metered it can be seen that the tem
ly, but the balancing is performed ohms. It is linearly related to the
perature change has not affected the
with dc power instead of 10 kc power reading so that not only will
meter reading. This action assumes
power as in the first bridge and this recordings made from this output
that the two thermistors are identi
dc is applied only to bridge #2. The be direct- read ing in power but it
cal as to their temperature character
dc power applied to thermistor #2 also becomes easy to obtain a digital
istics. In practice, these are matched
to balance the bridge is thus equal readout of power. For example,
at -hp- so that the zero point change
to the microwave power originally placing a digital voltmeter shunted
with ambient temperature change is
applied to thermistor #1. The dc by a 1000-ohm resistor across the
extremely small.
power applied to thermistor #2 is recorder terminal will make the
then monitored by transistor B DRIFT CHARACTERISTICS digital voltmeter direct-reading in
which operates the meter circuit. A The practical result of the design power on the power meter's "1" -
squaring circuit makes the meter in approach described above is shown "10" - "100", etc., ranges except for
dication linear in power. The meter in the drift record of Fig. 5. This positioning of decimal point. Simi
circuit also includes an output for record shows the drift under typical larly, a 316-ohm resistor will make
operating an external recorder. laboratory conditions for the most the "3" - "30" - "300", etc., ranges
-hp- X486A waveguide mount for It is dc current applied to the therm  ± 5 % o f f u l l s c a l e ...n
0° to +52-C.
II ranges from
the new power meter is .97 or .98, istor and R, is the resistance of the Recorder Output: Phone jack on rear provides
1 ma maximum into 2000 ohms maximum.
although no efficiency specification thermistor (100 or 200 ohms, de Calibration and Substitution Input: Binding
posts on rear for calibration of bridge with
is quoted. All -hp- mounts are, how pending on the particular mount). precise dc standards or making accurate dc
substitution measurements.
ever, checked against a "house con The resistance of the mount is with Power Supply: 11 5/230 volts ±10%, 50 to 1000
cps, V/2 watts.
trol" mount and those that are in 1% of the nominal value and can Dimensions: óVÃ-z" high, 73/4" wide, 12" deep.
Weight: Net 6'/2 Ibs.; 9'/2 Ibs. with battery.
significantly low in efficiency are be determined to within a few tenths Accessories Furnished: 5-foot cable for -hp-
temperature compensated thermistor mounts
rejected. of a percent if desired. If the dc cur (-hp- 431A-16A).
7-foot power cord set (-hp- 8120-0078).
It is possible to obtain the cali rent is accurately measured this ar Accessories Available: Temperature compen
sated thermistor mounts: See below.
bration factor of an X-band mount rangement will thus give better than Rechargeable battery with installation kit
(-hp- 431A-95A): $100 either factory in
from the National Bureau of Stand 1% accuracy. stalled or as separate kit.
Price: Model 431 A Power Meter: $345.00.
ards to an accuracy of 1%. NBS does
not presently measure this factor in PORTABLE OPERATION -hp-
The optional internal battery is MODEL 478A
mounts in other than X-band nor in COAXIAL THERMISTOR MOUNT
coaxial mounts above 300 me. designed to give up to 24 hours of Frequency Range: 10 me to 10 gc (kmc).
SWR: Less than 1.5; less than 1.3 from 20 me
The fourth source of error is in portable operation without recharge. to 7 gc.
Power Range: 1 /¿w to 10 mw.
strumentation error. This is the The battery can be installed at any Elements: Permanently installed thermistors.
Operating Resistance: 200 ohms, negative tem
inability of the power meter to time and is designed to be recharged perature coefficient.
RF Connecfor: Type N, male.
accurately measure and interpret the in place when the instrument is con Bridge Connecfor: Mates with cable supplied
with -hp- Model 431 A.
information available at the therm nected to a power line. When the Dimensions: 3W long, 1^8" max. diameter.
Weight: Net 5'/2 oz.
istor element. In specifying the panel switch is in the "Charge" posi Price: $145.00.
accuracy of a power meter, instru tion, the battery is charged at a rate -hp-
mentation error is the figure usually (32 ma) that permits indefinite MODEL 486A
used. In the new power meter, this THERMISTOR MOUNTS
charging without damage. In nor Power Range: l^w to 10 mw with -hp- 431A
error is rated at 3% maximum but mal operation the battery, if present, Power Meter.
Elements: Permanently installed thermistors.
can be made smaller, as described receives a trickle charge to assure Operating Resistance: 100 or 200 ohms, de
pending on guide size; see table p. 2. Nega
next. maintenance of full charge. tive temperature coefficient.
Bridge Connecfor: Mates with cable furnished
with -hp- Model 431A Power Meter.
DC CALIBRATION The battery operation feature Price: -hp- Model X486A (8.2 to 12.4 kmc):
$145.00. Prices for other frequency ranges
For situations in which it may be combined with the low thermal drift on request.
For additional data see table elsewhere
desirable to minimize instrumenta of the new power meter make port in this issue.
tion error, the new power meter has able operation practical even under Prices f.o.b. Palo Alto, Calif.
Data subject to change without notice
been equipped with a dc calibration adverse environmental conditions.
MODEL 8-1003
DC Input Voltage Range: 12 to 24 vdc.