1.EEE304 Power System Protection Techniques
1.EEE304 Power System Protection Techniques
1.EEE304 Power System Protection Techniques
3 0 0 3
This course enables the learners to
Familiarize the theory and working of protective relays and protection schemes for the
power system components and equipment
Acquire an insight into the operation of circuit breakers, arcing phenomena and its
consequences during the operation of circuit breakers
UNIT – I 10 Periods
Protective Relays
Characteristic functions of protective relays - Basic relay elements and relay terminology -
Electromagnetic attraction and induction type relays - Induction type non-directional over
current relay - Induction type directional over current relay / Earth fault relay - Universal torque
equations - Instantaneous and time over current relay - Current differential relay - Percentage
differential relay - Voltage balance differential relay -Translay relay.
UNIT – II 12 Periods
Power Apparatus protection
Generator protection: Short circuit protection of stator windings - Protection against inter-turn
faults - Field ground fault protection - Protection against loss of excitation, loss of prime mover
and unbalanced operations - Numerical Problems.
Transformer protection: Factors influencing differential protection - Percentage bias differential
protection - Percentage differential relay with harmonic restraint.
UNIT – IV 11 Periods
Circuit breakers
Theory and method of arc quenching - Circuit interruption in AC circuit breakers - Restriking
voltage - Recovery voltage - Current chopping - Capacitive current breaking - Resistance
switching - Circuit breaker ratings - Construction & operation of circuit breakers: Oil circuit
breakers - Minimum oil circuit breakers - Air blast circuit breakers - SF6 circuit breakers -
Vacuum circuit breakers - Characteristics of fuse wires and HRC fuses.
1. Sunil S. Rao. Switchgear Protection and Power Systems, 11th Edition, Khanna
Publishers, New Delhi, 1999.
2. Soni, M.L. Gupta, P.V. and U.S. Bhatnagar. Elements of Power Systems, 4th Edition,
Dhanpat Rai Sons, 1989.
3. Russell Mason, C. Art and science of protective relaying, 1st Edition, John Wiley and
Sons, New York,1956.
1. Paithankar, Y.G. and S.R. Bhide. Fundamentals of Power System Protection, 2nd
Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2010.
2. Lewis Blackburn, J. Thomas J. Domin. Protective Relaying: Principles and Applications,
3rd Edition, CRC Press, 2006.
3. Wadhwa, C.L. Electric Power Systems, 4th Edition, New Age International (P) Ltd.,
4. Badri Ram and D.N. Viswakarma. Power System Protection and Switchgear, 2nd Edition,
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1999.
1. NPTEL –https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/101/108101039/.
Upon successful completion of each unit, the learner will be able to:
Describe the working principle and operation of protective relays and justify their usage
under various fault conditions in power systems
Design the protective schemes for synchronous generator and transformer
Analyze the performance of distance relays for the protection of transmission lines
Describe the arcing phenomena, operation and application of different type of circuit