Course Objective:
This course is designed to familiarize the learners with important economic terminologies
and key industrial concepts and to create awareness about functions of Industrial
management and the concept of marketing and financial management.
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand the concept of demand and supply and its relationship with the
CO3 Analyze the causes and effects of inflation and understand the market
CO5 Perceive the concept of financial management for the growth of business.
1. Modern Economics, H. L. Ahuja, S.Chand Publishers
2. Modern Economic Theory, K. K. Dewett., S. Chand Publishers
3. Engineering Economics, D. N. Dwivedi, A. Dwivedi, Vikas Publishing House
4. Industrial Management I.K. Chopde, A.M. Sheikh
5. Business Organization and Management S.A. Sherlekar
RTM Nagpur University – Electrical Engineering
6TH SEM B. Tech. – Computer Applications in Power System ( BTCHEE602T)
Syllabus (Theory)
Course Outcomes
After successful completion of this course students will be able to
Students will be able to determine bus Impedance & Admittance matrix by singular
transformation for power system.
Determine bus Impedance & Admittance matrix by inspection and building algorithm
and able to accommodate changes in Power System
Do the Short circuit calculation for symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault using bus
impedance and admittance matrix.
CO4 Do the load flow analysis by N-R method and Transient stability analysis by Modified
Eulers method.
SYLLABUS - Computer Applications in Power System
Contents No. of
UNIT 1:- Power System Network Matrices -1 :- 7
Definitions of Graph theory, Incidence Matrices, Primitive matrices, calculation of
Network matrices by singular Transformation Methods.
UNIT 2:- Power System Network Matrices -2:- 9
Derivation of addition of branch and addition of link. Formation of ZBUS &YBus by
algorithms. Modification of ZBUS for changes in power system.
UNIT 3:- 10
Three Phase Network Matrices:-
Three phase balance and unbalanced network elements for balance and unbalance
excitation. Formation of sequence impedance matrix.
Short circuit studies:
Short circuit calculation for Balance three phase network using ZBUS (Three phase
to ground fault and Line to ground fault).
UNIT 4:- 10
Load Flow Analysis:
Power system load flow equation, solution technique: Newton Raphson method in
rectangular form without PV bus.
Transient stability studies:
Modelling of synchronous machine, power system network for transient stability
studies. Numerical solution of swing equation by modified Euler method.
Books Recommended
1. Computer Method in Power system Analysis by Stagg & El-Abaid, McGraw Hill
2. Computer Techniques in Power System Analysisby Dr. M. A. Pai, McGraw Hill
Education(india) Pvt. Ltd.
RTM Nagpur University – Electrical Engineering
Syllabus (Theory)
2 To introduce the students with the basic terminology of protective relaying, types of faults
and different components used in power system protection.
3 To make the students to understand different types of Relays and Protective Schemes used in
power system protection.
Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand basic terminology of Protective Relaying, different types of faults and
components used in Power System protection.
CO3 Apply various distance protection schemes for High voltage lines.
CO4 Understand differential and other protections used for Generator, Transformer and Motors
CO5 Comprehend switching phenomenon and working of various types of circuit breakers.
Contents No. of
UNIT I –General Philosophy of Protection:
Necessity of protection, Nature and causes of faults, Types and effects of faults, Fault
Statistics, Protective zones, Primary and Back up protection, Essential qualities of 10
Protection, Basic trip circuit.
Introduction of Fuses, MCB, ELCB and their comparison. Classification of relays.
Introduction, working principal and comparison of Electromechanical, Static and
Numerical relays.
UNIT V –Switchgears: 8
Arc interruption theory, recovery and Restricting voltages, RRRV, breaking of inductive
and capacitive currents, different media of arc interruption, Construction and operation of
Air blast, SF6 and vacuum circuit breakers.
Books Recommended :
Text books
Title of book Name of Author/s Edition & publisher
Switchgear and protection Sunil S. Rao Khanna publication, 1992. New
Power system protection and B. Ravindranath, M. Chander New age International
Power system protection and B. Ram Tata McGraw Hill
Fundamental of power system Y. G. Paithankar, S. R. Bhide Prentice hall, India, second
protection edition, 2010
Reference books
The art and science of C. Russell Mason Willey, 1956
protective relaying
Protective Relaying Vol. I & II Warrington Springer
Switchgear Handbook R. T. Lythall J and P Newness Butterworth,
RTMNU, Nagpur University-Electrical Engineering
5 Sem B.Tech. Semester- Open Elective-I: PLC and SCADA System-BTCHEE504T
Syllabus (Theory)
Books Recommended:
Reference Books:
1. Programmable Logic controllers and Industrial Automation: Madhuchhanda Mitra, SamarjitSen Gupta,
Penram International Publishing India Pvt. Ltd
2. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition: S.A. Boyar, ISA Publication.
3. Programmable Logic controllers: V.R. Jadhav, Khanna Publications.
RTM Nagpur University-Electrical Engineering
5th Semester B.Tech (Electrical Engineering) (CBCS)-
Course Objective:
Students will be able to study:-
Text Book:
1. Solar Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications
by Chetan Singh Solanki, Prentice Hall India, 3rd Edition. ISBN
2. Gilbert M. Masters: Renewable and Efficient Electric Power
Systems. John Wiley & Sons, 2004
3. S. Sukhatme -Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and
Storage McGraw Hill
Reference Books:
1. Roger A. Messenger & Jerry Ventre: Photovoltaic Systems
Engineering. CRC Press, 2004, 2nd.
2. Trainers Textbook Solar Thermal Systems Module, Ministry of New
and Renewable Energy, Government of India
3.StuartBorlase , Smart Grid: Infrastructure, Technology and Solutions,
CRC Press 2012, ISBN 9781439829059.
4.Janaka Ekanayake, Nick Jenkins, KithsiriLiyanage, Jianzhong Wu,
Akihiko Yokoyama, Smart Grid: Technology and Applications, Wiley,
2012, Print ISBN:9780470974094 |Online ISBN:9781119968696.
5.Mini S. Thomas, John D McDonald, Power System SCADA and Smart
Grids, CRC Press, 2015, ISBN-13: 978-1482226744
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur
Evaluation Scheme:(70/30)
Objective: The objective of the course is to create awareness among learners about the
various essential aspects of organizational processes and structure and motivation in
Syllabus ( Theory )
Course Outcomes:-
After successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
CO1 Determine State Transition Matrix and solution of state equation for the given system.
CO2 Evaluate controllability, observability and design suitable state feedback vector for the given
control system.
Unit 3 Optimal Control System: Performance Index (PI). Desirability of single P.I. 06
Integral Square Error (ISE), Parseval’sTheorem, parameter Optimization with &
without constraints.
Unit 4 Non Linear Control Systems: Types of non – linearities, jump resonance. 08
Describing function analysis and its assumptions. Describing function of some
common non- linearities, Singular points, Stability from nature of singular
points. Limit cycles.
Books Recommended:
Text Books:
Reference Books :
3 Modern Control Engineering by D.Roy Choudhury publisher- PHI Learning Private Limited,
6 SEM,B.Tech.- Optimization Techniques (BTCHEE5O5T)
Books Recommended: -
Text Book
1. Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, S.S.Rao, New Age International Pub.2011.
2. Operations Research, H.A.Taha, Prentice Hall India Pub., 2007.
3. Operations Research-Theory and Applications, J.K. Sharma, Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi. -2009
Reference Book
1. Introduction Operations Research, Fredrick S.Hiller Gerald J.L. Lieberman Tata McGraw Hill Pub., 2004.
2. K. Deb, “Optimization for Engineering Design – Algorithms and Examples”, Prentice-Hall of India Pub., 1995.
RTM Nagpur University
Course Objective:
Starting, speed control, braking, heating, cooling characteristics of electric motors and
necessity of flywheel.
The basics of PLC, its programming , Digital Control of Electric motors and its
The motors used in Electric Traction, Electric Vehicles and its control strategies.
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to
CO2 Relate various factors of industries with reference to PLC, its programming
and Digital Control
CO3 Analyze the causes and effects of motor control used in Electric Vehicle
CO5 Perceive the concept of Electric traction and their control strategies used in
SYLLABUS - SUBJECT: Electrical Drives & Their Control
UNIT 2 08
PLC & Digital Control :
PLC, its Programming and its application in electrical
Brief idea about drives commonly used in industries. Digital
control of electric motor. Block diagram, comparison with other
methods of control
UNIT 3 08
Basics of Electric Vehicle ( EV) :
Definition of EV, Block diagram, Types of EV, Electric Motors
and speed control, Motors Controllers and battery Charging.
Reference Book:-
1. Fundamentals of electrical Drives, G.K.Dubey
2. Electrical Drives, Vedam Subramanyam