Bivariate Extreme Statistics, Ii: Authors: Miguel de Carvalho
Bivariate Extreme Statistics, Ii: Authors: Miguel de Carvalho
Bivariate Extreme Statistics, Ii: Authors: Miguel de Carvalho
Alexandra Ramos
– Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Economia, Portugal
• We review the current state of statistical modeling of asymptotically independent
data. Our discussion includes necessary and sufficient conditions for asymptotic inde-
pendence, results on the asymptotic independence of statistics of interest, estimation
and inference issues, joint tail modeling, and conditional approaches. For each of
these topics we give an account of existing approaches and relevant methods for data
analysis and applications.
• 60G70, 62E20.
84 M. de Carvalho and A. Ramos
Bivariate Extreme Statistics, II 85
Intuitively, condition (1.1) implies that given that the decay of the joint distribu-
tion is faster than the marginals, it is unlikely that the largest values of X and Y
happen simultaneously.1 Whereas independence is unrealistic for many data ap-
plications, there has been a recent understanding that when modeling extremes,
asymptotic independence is often found in real data. It may seem surprising that
although the problem of testing asymptotic independence is an old goal in statis-
tics (Gumbel & Goldstein, 1964), only recently there has been an understanding
that classical models for multivariate extremes are unable to deal with it.
The title of this paper is based on the seminal work of Sibuya (1960), enti-
tled “Bivariate Extreme Statistics, I” which presents necessary and sufficient con-
ditions for the asymptotic independence of the two largest extremes in a bivariate
distribution. Sibuya mentions that a practical application should be “considered
in a subsequent paper” which to our knowledge never appeared.
C(p, q) 1 + C(p, q) − p − q
(2.3) lim = lim = 0.
p,q ↑1 1 − C(p, q) p,q ↑1 1 − C(p, q)
and the copulas of the bivariate exponential and bivariate logistic distributions
(Gumbel, 1960, 1961), respectively given by
Cθ (p, q) = p + q − 1 + (1 − p) (1 − q) exp −θ log(1 − p) log(1 − q) , θ ∈ [0, 1] ,
C(p, q) = , (p, q) ∈ [0, 1]2 .
p + q − pq
Bivariate Extreme Statistics, II 87
C(q, q)
(2.4) lim =0,
q ↑1 1−q
and showed that this is necessary and sufficient for asymptotic independence.
Condition (2.4) is simply a reformulation of (1.1) which describes the rate at
which we start lacking observations in the joint tails, as we move towards higher
quantiles. Sibuya used condition (2.4) to observe that bivariate normal dis-
tributed vectors with correlation ρ < 1 are asymptotically independent, and sim-
ilar results are also inherited by light-tailed elliptical densities (Hult & Lindskog,
d X
X d
C ij (q, q)
lim = 0, C ij (p, q) ≡ 1 + Cij (p, q) − p − q , (p, q) ∈ [0, 1]2 ,
q ↑1 1−q
i=1 j=1
Remark 2.1. The function ℓ(a, b) is the so-called stable tail dependence
function, and as shown in Beirlant et al. (2004, p. 286), condition (2.6) is equiv-
alent to
ℓ(a, b) = a + b , (a, b) ∈ [0, ∞) .
Since the rescaled variables have the same marginal distribution, any remaining
differences between distributions can only be due to dependence features (Em-
brechts et al., 2002). A natural measure to assess the degree of dependence at an
arbitrary high level τ < ∞, is the bivariate tail dependence index
(2.8) χ = lim pr X > u | Y > u = lim pr X > FX−1 (q) | Y > FY−1 (q) .
u→∞ q ↑1
This measure takes values in [0, 1], and can be used to assess the degree of de-
pendence that remains in the limit (Coles et al., 1999; Poon et al., 2003, 2004).
90 M. de Carvalho and A. Ramos
log C(q, q)
(2.9) χ = lim χ(q) , χ(q) = 2 − , 0<q<1.
q ↑1 log q
Thus, the function C ‘couples’ the joint distribution function and its correspond-
ing marginals, and it also provides helpful information for modeling joint tail
dependence. The function χ(q) can be understood as a quantile dependent mea-
sure of dependence, and the sign of χ(q) can be used to ascertain if the variables
are positively or negatively associated at the quantile q. As a consequence of
the Fréchet–Hoeffding bounds (Nelsen, 2006, §2.5), the level of dependence is
log(2 q − 1)+
(2.10) 2− ≤ χ(q) ≤ 1 , 0<q<1,
log q
which takes values on the interval (−1, 1]. The interpretation of χ is to a certain
extent analogous to that of the Pearson correlation: values of χ > 0, χ = 0
and χ < 0, respectively correspond to positive association, exact independence
and negative association in the extremes, and if the dependence structure is
Gaussian then χ = ρ (Sibuya, 1960). This benchmark case is particularly helpful
for guiding how does the dependence in the tails, as measured by χ, compares
with that arising from fitting a Gaussian dependence model.
Tawn (1988) and Ledford & Tawn (1996) proposed score statistics for exam-
ining independence within the class of multivariate extreme value distributions.
Ramos & Ledford (2005) proposed modified versions of such tests which solve the
problem of slow rate of convergence of such tests, due to infinite variance of the
scores. Consider the following partition of the outcome space R2+ , given by
n o
Rkl = (x, y) : k = I(x > u), l = I(y > u) , k, l ∈ {0, 1} ,
where u denotes a high threshold and I denotes the indicator function. The
approach of Ramos and Ledford is based on censoring the upper tail R11 for a high
threshold u, so that, using the logistic dependence structure, the score functions
at independence of Tawn (1988) and Ledford & Tawn (1996) are respectively
given by
Un1 = ∆1 (Xi , Yi ) + Λ , Un2 = ∆2 (Xi , Yi ) + Λ ,
(Xi ,Yi ) ∈R
/ 11 (Xi ,Yi ) ∈R
/ 11
∆1 (Xi , Yi ) = (1 − Xi−1 ) log Xi + (1 − Yi−1 ) log Yi
+ (2 − Xi−1 − Yi−1 ) log(Xi−1 + Yi−1 ) − (Xi−1 + Yi−1 )−1 ,
∆2 (Xi , Yi ) = I (Xi , Yi ) ∈ Rkl Skl (Xi , Yi ) ,
The modified score functions Un1 and Un2 have zero expectation and finite second
moments. The limit distributions under independence are then given as
Uni d
−n−1/2 −→ N (0, 1) , n → ∞ , i = 1, 2 ,
where −→ denotes convergence in distribution and σi denotes the variance of the
corresponding modified score statistics; we remark that these score tests typically
reject independence when evaluated on asymptotically independent data.
Bivariate Extreme Statistics, II 93
Falk & Michel (2006) proposed tests for asymptotic independence based on
the characterization
(X ∼ Y ) ≡ Fδ (t) = pr X −1 + Y −1 < δ t X −1 + Y −1 < δ −→ t2 , t ∈ [0,1] .
a. ind.
n qu,n −→ Γ 2, 1 − exp(−1/u) .
A large value of qu,n is indicative of tail dependence and thus leads to a smaller
p-value. If H0 is rejected, we can use qu,n as measure of extremal dependence.
94 M. de Carvalho and A. Ramos
Although it might seem that the tail quotient correlation increases as u increases,
this is not the case as an increase in u leads to a decrease in the scale parameter
1 − exp(−1/u), leading to a larger α-percentile.
based test by Deheuvels (1980), a test based on the number of points below certain
thresholds by Dorea & Miasaki (1993), the dependence function approaches of
Capéraà et al. (1997). The behavior of Kendall’s-τ as a measure of dependence
within extremes has been also examined; see Capéraà et al. (2000) and Genest
& Rivest (2001). An alternative likelihood-based approach that uses additional
occurrence time information is given in Stephenson & Tawn (2005), and Ramos &
Ledford (2009) propose likelihood ratio-based tests for asymptotic independence,
asymmetry, and ray independence, resulting from a joint tail modeling approach
which we describe in §4.2.
Ledford & Tawn (1997, 1998) proposed the more flexible joint asymptotic
L(x, y)
(4.1) FX,Y (x, y) = pr X > x, Y > x) = , c1 + c2 = η ,
xc1 y c2
96 M. de Carvalho and A. Ramos
If g∗ (w) varies with w, we say that L(x, y) is ray dependent; if otherwise g∗(w) = 1,
w ∈ (0, 1), we say that is ray independent.
Ramos & Ledford (2009) base their analysis on the bivariate conditional
random variable (S, T ) = limu→∞ (X/u, Y/u) : (X > u, Y > u) , for a high thresh-
old u. The joint survivor function of the conditional random variable (S, T ) is
such that
FST (s, t) = pr S > s, T > t
pr X > su, Y > tu
= lim
(4.4) u→∞ pr X > u, Y > u
Z 1
w 1 − w 1/η
= η min , dHη (w) ,
0 s t
measure Hη is a particular case of the hidden angular measure, which has been
studied by Resnick (2002) and Maulik & Resnick (2004), but in these papers the
normalization constraint (4.5) has been omitted.
Using the joint tail specification (4.3) we can also relate the joint survivor
function of the conditional random variable (S, T ) with the ray dependence func-
tion g⋆ , as follows:
L(us, ut) g(s, t) g∗ s/(s + t)
FST (s, t) = lim = = .
u→∞ L(u, u)(st)1/(2η) (st)1/(2η) (st)1/(2η)
Treating the limit in (4.4) as an approximation in the joint tail, we have that for
a sufficiently large threshold u
(4.6) FX,Y (x, y) ≈ FX,Y (u, u) FS,T (x/u, y/u) , (x, y) ∈ (u, ∞)2 .
where λ denotes the probability of falling in R11 . Ramos & Ledford (2009) also
showed that for this approach to yield a complete joint tail characterization, the
marginal tails of the survivor function of S and T must satisfy certain monotonic-
ity conditions, implying that their marginal tails cannot be heavier than the unit
Fréchet survivor function. These conditions guarantee that a given function FST
can arise as a limit in equation (4.4).
Nρ = ρ−1/η + ρ1/η − ρ−1/α + ρ1/α , η, α ∈ (0,1] , ρ > 0 .
Qin et al. (2008) discuss a device for obtaining further parametric speci-
fications for the Ramos–Ledford model, using a construction similar to Coles &
Tawn (1991). Whereas Coles & Tawn (1991) propose a method that transforms
any positive measure on the simplex to satisfy the constraints (4.8), Qin et al.
(2008) propose a method that transforms any positive measure on the simplex, to
satisfy the Ramos–Ledford constraint (4.7). Qin et al. (2008) use their device to
produce a Dirichlet model for the hidden angular density hη . Ramos & Ledford
(2011) give a point process representation that supplements the model discussed
the Pickands and exponent functions for this setting, and propose the so-called
inverted multivariate extreme value distributions, which are models for asymp-
totic independence, having a one-to-one correspondence with multivariate ex-
treme value distributions; any construction principle or model generator for a
multivariate extreme value distributed X can thus be readily adapted to create
a inverted multivariate extreme value distributed Y . The link between multi-
variate extreme value distributions and their inverted versions allows the use
of approaches which are amenable to non/semi-parametric methods for a mod-
erate number of dimensions, and it also convenient for parametric modeling of
high-dimensional extremes; for example, the max-mixture max{aX, (1 − a)Y },
a ∈ [0, 1], can then be used as a hybrid model, and this principle is adapted for
spatial modeling of extremes in Wadsworth & Tawn (2012b).
The models discussed in §4 focused on the joint tails, but under asymptotic
independence it may be restrictive to confine the analysis to such region. Heffer-
nan & Tawn (2004) propose conditional tail models, where the focus is on events
where at least one component of (X, Y ) is extreme, where here we now assume
Gumbel marginal distributions. We thus need to model the distribution of X | Y
when Y is large, and of Y | X when X is large; for concreteness we focus on
the latter. Analogously to the joint tail modeling, a limiting specification is also
needed here: we assume that there exist norming functions a(u) and b(u) > 0,
such that
Y − b(u)
(5.1) lim pr ≤ e | X = u = G(e) .
u→∞ a(u)
lim G(z) = 1 .
Y = a(X) + b(X)ε
= αX + X β ε , X>u ,
where ε has mean µε and standard error σε . Since the distribution of ε is unspec-
ified, the model is semiparametric, with the estimation targets of interest being
α, β and G. The variable ε is analogous to a standardized residual in a classical
regression context, but here µε need not equal zero in general, so the conditional
mean and standard errors of the responses Y are
µY |X= x = αx + µε xβ , σY |X= x = σε xβ .
The interpretation for the α and β are the following: the larger the α the
greater the degree of extremal dependence; the larger the β the greater the condi-
tional variance of Y | X = x. Asymptotic dependence occurs when (α, β) = (1, 0),
whereas asymptotic independence holds whenever α ∈ [0, 1), regardless of the
value of β ∈ (−∞, 1). Inference is often made assuming normality of ε so that
maximum likelihood methods can be used for the parametric part of the model,
and the empirical distribution function is often used to estimate G. Estimation
can thus be based on the k = ni=1 I(xi > u) conditional exceedances using the
following two-stage method (Keef et al., 2009a):
1 X
G(e) = I yi ≤ e xβi + α
b xi I(xi > u) .
Bivariate Extreme Statistics, II 101
with K denoting a kernel and h > 0 its bandwidth. This procedure suffers how-
ever from a weakness common to all two-stage approaches: uncertainty is under-
estimated in the second step.
The expression “asymptotic independence” did not appear for the first time
in the works of Geffroy (1958, 1959) and Sibuya (1960), in the context of statistics
of extremes. The concept was motivated by a conjecture that Gumbel made
on the joint limiting distribution of pairs of order statistics, in a one-sample
“In a previous article [1] the assumption was used that the mth obser-
vation in ascending order (from the bottom) and the mth observation in
descending order (from the top) are independent variates, provided that
the rank m is small compared to the sample size n.” (Gumbel, 1946).
Many papers that appeared after Gumbel (1946) focused on the analy-
sis of asymptotic independence of sets of order statistics (Ikeda, 1963; Ikeda &
Matsunawa, 1970; Falk & Kohne, 1986; Falk & Reiss, 1988).
102 M. de Carvalho and A. Ramos
Chow & Teugels (1978) studied the asymptotic joint limiting distribution
of the standardized sum and maximum
Sn − nbn Mn − dn n
(Sn∗ , Mn∗ ) = , , Sn = Xi , Mn = max Xi i=1 ,
an cn
for norming constants an , cn > 0 and bn , dn ∈ R. Their results, which only ap-
ply to the case where the Xi are independent and identically distributed, were
later extended to stationary strong mixing sequences by Anderson & Turkman
(1991, 1995), who showed that for such sequences, (Sn , Mn ) is asymptotically
independent, under fairly mild conditions; these results also allow us to charac-
terize the joint limiting distribution of (X n , Mn ), with X n = n−1 Sn . Hsing (1995)
extended these results further, and showed that for stationary strong mixing se-
quences, asymptotic normality of Sn is sufficient for the asymptotic independence
of (Sn , Mn ).
Assume that E(Xi ) = 0 and E(Xi2 ) = 1, so that the process of interest has
autocorrelation rn = E(Xi+n Xi ). Ho & Hsing (1996) obtained the asymptotic
joint limiting distribution of (Sn , Mn ) for stationary normal random variables
under the condition
(6.2) lim n−1 log n |ri − rn | = 0 .
James et al. (2007) study multivariate stationary Gaussian sequences, and show,
under fairly mild conditions, that if the componentwise maximum has a limiting
distribution, then (Sn∗ , Mn∗ ) is asymptotically independent.
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