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Introduction To Algebraic Topology: Martin Cadek

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2. CW-complexes
2.1. Constructive definition of CW-complexes. CW-complexes are all the spaces
which can be obtained by the following construction:
(1) We start with a discrete space X 0 . Single points of X 0 are called 0-dimensional
(2) Suppose that we have already constructed X n−1 . For every element α of an
index set Jn take a map fα : S n−1 = ∂Dαn → X n−1 and put
Xn = X n−1 ∪fα Dαn .

Interiors of discsDαn are called n-dimensional cells and denoted by enα .
(3) We can stop our construction for some n and put X = X n or we can proceed
with n to infinity and put

X= X n.
In the latter case X is equipped with inductive topology which means that
A ⊆ X is closed (open) iff A ∩ X n is closed (open) in X n for every n.
Example A. The sphere S n is a CW-complex with one cell e0 in dimension 0, one
cell en in dimension n and the constant attaching map f : S n−1 → e0 .
Example B. The real projective space RPn is the space of 1-dimensional linear sub-
spaces in Rn+1 . It is homeomorhic to
S n /(v ' −v) ∼
= Dn /(w ' −w), for w ∈ ∂Dn = S n−1 .
However, S n−1 /(w ' −w) ∼ = RPn−1 . So RPn arises from RPn−1 by attaching one n-
dimensional cell using the projection f : S n−1 → RPn−1 . Hence RPn is a CW-complex
with one cell in everySdimension from 0 to n.
We define RP∞ = ∞ n
n=1 RP . It is again a CW-complex.
Example C. The complex projective space CPn is the space of complex 1-dimensional
linear subspaces in Cn+1 . It is homeomorhic to
S 2n+1 /(v ' λv) ∼
= {(w, 1 − |w|2 ) ∈ Cn+1 ; kwk ≤ 1}/((w, 0) ' λ(w, 0), kwk = 1)

= D2n /(w ' λw; w ∈ ∂D2n )
for all λ ∈ C, |λ| = 1. However, ∂D2n /(w ' λw) ∼= CPn−1 . So CPn arises from CPn−1
by attaching one 2n-dimensional cell using the projection f : S 2n−1 = ∂D2n → CPn−1 .
Hence CPn is a CW-complex with one cell in every even dimension from 0 to 2n.
Define CP∞ = n=1 CPn . It is again a CW-complex.

2.2. Another definition of CW-complexes. Sometimes it is advantageous to be

able to describe CW-complexes by their properties. We carry it out in this paragraph.
Then we show that the both definitions of CW-complexes are equivalent.
Definition. A cell complex is a Hausdorff topological space X such that
(1) X as a set is a disjoint union of cells eα
X= eα .

(2) For every cell eα there is a number, called dimension.

Xn = eα
dim eα ≤n

is the n-skeleton of X.
(3) Cells of dimension 0 are points. For every cell of dimension ≥ 1 there is a
characteristic map
ϕα : (Dn , S n−1 ) → (X, X n−1 )
which is a homeomorphism of int Dn onto eα .
The cell subcomplex Y of a cell complex X is a union Y = α∈K eα , K ⊆ J, which
is a cell complex with the same characterictic maps as the complex X.
A CW-complex is a cell complex satisfying the following conditions:
(C) Closure finite property. The closure of every cell belongs to a finite subcomplex,
i. e. subcomplex consisting only from a finite number of cells.
(W) Weak topology property. F is closed in X if and only if F ∩ ēα is closed for
every α.
Example. Examples of cell complexes which are not CW-complexes:
(1) S 2 where every point is 0-cell. It does not satisfy property (W).
(2) D3 with cells e3 = int B 3 , e0x = {x} for all x ∈ S 2 . It does not satisfy (C).
(3) X = S{1/n; n ≥ 1} ∪ {0} ⊂ R. It does not satisfy (W).
(4) X = ∞ 2 2
n=1 {x ∈ R ; kx − (1/n, 0)k = 1/n} ⊂ R . If it were a CW-complex, the
set {(1/n, 0) ∈ R2 ; n ≥ 1} would be closed in X, and consequently in R2 .

2.3. Equivalence of definitions.

Proposition. The definitions 2.1 and 2.2 of CW-complexes are equivalent.
Proof. We will show that a space X constructed according to 2.1 satisfies definition
2.2. The proof in the opposite direction is left as an exercise to the reader.
The cells of dimension 0 are points of X 0 . The cells of dimension n are interiors of
discs Dαn attached to X n−1 with charakteristic maps
ϕα : (Dαn , Sαn−1 ) → (X n−1 ∪fα Dαn , X n−1 )

induced by identity on Dαn . So X is a cell complex. From the construction 2.1 it

follows that X satisfies property (W). It remains to prove property (C). We will carry
it out by induction.
Let n = 0. Then e0α = e0α .
Let (C) holds for all cells of dimension ≤ n − 1. enα is a compact set (since it is an
image of Dαn ). Its boundary ∂enα is compact in X n−1 . Consider the set of indices
K = {β ∈ J; ∂enα ∩ eβ 6= ∅}.
If we show that K is finite, from the inductive assumption we get that ēnα lies in a
finite subcomplex which is a union of finite subcomplexes for ēβ , β ∈ K.
Choosing one point from every intersection ∂enα ∩ eβ , β ∈ K we form a set A. A is
closed since any intersection with a cell is empty or a onepoint set. Simultaneously, it
is open, since every its element a forms an open subset (for A − {a} is closed). So A
is a discrete subset in the compact set ∂enα , consequently, it is finite. 

2.4. Compact sets in CW complexes.

Lemma. Let X be a CW-complex. Then any compact set A ⊆ X lies in a finite
subcomplex, particularly, there is n such that A ⊆ X n .
Proof. Consider the set of indices
K = {β ∈ J; A ∩ eβ 6= ∅}.
Similarly as in 2.3 we will show that K is a finite set. Then A ⊆ β∈K ēβ and every
ēβ lies in a finite subcomplexes. Hence A itself is a subset of a finite subcomplex. 

2.5. Cellular maps. Let X and Y be CW-complexes. A map f : X → Y is called

a cellular map if f (X n ) ⊆ Y n for all n. In Section 5 we will prove that every map
g : X → Y is homotopic to a cellular map f : X → Y . If moreover, g restricted to a
subcomplex A ⊂ X is already cellular, f can be chosen in such a way that f = g on

2.6. Spaces homotopy equivalent to CW-complexes. One can show that every
open subset of Rn is a CW-complex. In [Hatcher], Theorem A.11, it is proved that
every retract of a CW-complex is homotopy equivalent to a CW-complex. These
two facts imply that every compact manifold with or without boundary is homotopy
equivalent to a CW-complex. (See [Hatcher], Corollary A.12.)

2.7. CW complexes and HEP. The most important result of this section is the
following theorem:
Theorem. Let A be a subcomplex of a CW-complex X. Then the pair (X, A) has the
homotopy extension property.

Proof. According to the last theorem in Section 1 it is sufficient to prove that X ×

{0} ∪ A × I is a retract of X × I. We will prove that it is even a deformation retract.
There is a retraction rn : Dn × I → Dn × {0} ∪ S n−1 × I. (See Section 1.) Then
hn : Dn × I × I → Dn × I defined by
hn (x, s, t) = (1 − t)(x, s) + trn (x, s)
is a deformation retraction, i.e. a homotopy between id and rn .
Put Y −1 = A, Y n = X n ∪ A. Using hn we can define a deformation retraction
Hn : Y n × I × I → Y n × I for the retract Y n × {0} ∪ Y n−1 × I of Y n × I. Now define
the deformation retraction H : X × I × I → X × I for the retract X × {0} ∪ A × I
succesively on the subspaces X × {0} × I ∪ Y n × I × I with values in X × {0} ∪ Y n × I.
For n = 0 put
H(x, s, t) = (x, s) for (x, s) ∈ X × {0} or t ∈ [0, 1/2],
H(x, s, t) = H0 (x, s, 2(t − 1/2)) for x ∈ Y 0 and t ∈ [1/2, 1].
Suppose that we have already defined H on X × {0} ∪ Y n−1 × I. On X × {0} ∪ Y n × I
we put
H(x, s, t) = (x, s) for (x, s) ∈ X × {0} or t ∈ [0, 1/2n+1 ],
H(x, s, t) = Hn (x, s, 2n+1 (t − 1/2n+1 )) for x ∈ Y n and t ∈ [1/2n+1 , 1/2n ],
H(x, s, t) = H(H(x, s, 1/2n ), t) for x ∈ Y n and t ∈ [1/2n , 1].
H : X×I×I → X×I is continuous since so are its restrictions on X×{0}×I∪Y n ×I×I
and the space X × I × I is a direct limit of the subspaces X × {0} × I ∪ Y n × I × I.

X × {0} ∪ Y 2 × I

X × {0} ∪ Y 1 × I
X ×I
X × {0} ∪ Y 0 × I

X × {0} ∪ A × I
1 1 1
t=0 t= 8
t= 4
t= 2

Figure 2.1. Image of H depending on t

2.8. First criterion for homotopy equivalence.

Proposition. Suppose that a pair (X, A) has the homotopy extension property and
that A is contractible (in A). Then the canonical projection q : X → X/A is a
homotopy equivalence.

Proof. Since A is contractible, there is a homotopy h : A × I → A between idA and

constant map. This homotopy together with idX : X → X can be extended to a
homotopy f : X × I → X. Since f (A, t) ⊆ A for all t ∈ I, there is a homotopy
f˜ : X/A × I → X/A such that the diagram
X ×I / X
q q
X/A × I / X/A

commutes. Define g : X/A → X by g([x]) = f (x, 1). Then idX ∼ g ◦ q via the
homotopy f and idX/A ∼ q ◦ g via the homotopy f˜. Hence X is homotopy equivalent
to X/A. 
Exercise A. Using the previous criterion show that S 2 /S 0 ∼ S 2 ∨ S 1 .
Exercise B. Using the previous criterion show that the suspension and the reduced
suspension of a CW-complex are homotopy equivalent.

2.9. Second criterion for homotopy equivalence.

Proposition. Let (X, A) be a pair of CW-complexes and let Y be a space. Suppose
that f, g : A → Y are homotopic maps. Then X ∪f Y and X ∪g Y are homotopy
Proof. Let F : A × I → Y be a homotopy between f and g. We will show that X ∪f Y
and X ∪g Y are both deformation retracts of (X × I) ∪F Y . Consequently, they have
to be homotopy equivalent.
We construct a deformation retraction in two steps.
(1) (X × {0}) ∪f Y is a deformation retract of (X × {0} ∪ A × I) ∪F Y .
(2) (X × {0} ∪ A × I) ∪F Y is a deformation retract of (X × I) ∪F Y .

Exercise. Let (X, A) be a pair of CW-complexes. Suppose that A is a contractible
in X, i. e. there is a homotopy F : A → X between idX and const. Using the first
criterion show that X/A ∼= X ∪ CA/CA ∼ X ∪ CA. Using the second criterion prove
that X ∪ CA ∼ X ∨ SA. Then
X/A ∼ X ∨ SA.
Apply it to compute S n /S i , i < n.

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