St. Paul University Philippines
St. Paul University Philippines
St. Paul University Philippines
School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences
College of Nursing
Goal: The workshops aims to reduce the burden of diabetes through self-care managemeny and improve quality of life for all people
who have, or are at risk for, diabetes.
Title: DM Awareness and Lifestyle Management Workshop
Theme: “Diabetes ko, Alaga Ko”
Rationale: The rationale of diabetes management is to keep blood glucose levels as close to normal as safely possible by managing at
home and in the community. Since diabetes may greatly increase risk for heart disease and peripheral artery disease, measures to
control blood pressure and cholesterol levels are an essential part of diabetes treatment.
Objectives: - To relieve symptoms through self-care managment
- To correct associated health problems and to reduce morbidity, mortality and economic costs of diabetes
- To prevent as much as possible acute and long-term complications; to monitor the development of such
complications and to provide timely intervention
- To improve the quality of life and productivity of the individual with diabetes
Participants: The participants will include patients with Diabetes Mellitus and community health workers.
Venue: Mamba Gymnasium
a) Explain the Definition and Purpose PowerPoint Presentation: 1-2 hours - PowerPoint
importance of DM of Stress Debriefing The presenter will set the Presentation
Awareness and Lifestyle Program tone of the workshop and be
Management Program 1. Diet Management able to explain the purpose of
2. Glucose Self- the activities that will be
Monitoring done.