The Haring-Blum Cell: Transactions of The IMF
The Haring-Blum Cell: Transactions of The IMF
The Haring-Blum Cell: Transactions of The IMF
To cite this article: M McCormick & A T Kuhn (1993) The Haring-Blum Cell, Transactions of the
IMF, 71:2, 74-76, DOI: 10.1080/00202967.1993.11870992
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Anode (+ve)
Cathode (-ve)
p = density of material being Table 1 Primary Current Densities Used in Estimating Throwing Power
deposited <kilograms per Distance Thick- Average Current Density
cubic metre) from High ness of (A/ftl)
Current Deposit
A = active surface area of Density 2 10 24 40 100 150 250
cathode (metres squared) End (in)
0.26 t,, 5 25 60 100 250 375 625
The geometry of the Haring-Blum Cell 0.52 t, 3.6 IR 43 72 180 270 450
ensures that the current density distribution 1.02 t, 2.6 13 31 52 130 195 325
over the surface of each cathode is uniform. 3.05 t,, 0.52 2.6 6.2 10.4 26 39 65
This situation is achieved as the current flow 3.45 t, 0.3 1.5 3.6 6 15 22.5 37.5
is constrained within the cell and no non 3.63 t, 0.2 I 2.4 4 10 15 25
uniform edge effects are possible. The t./t, = 25: I t,A= 12:1 tJto~=5:1
Haring-Blum Cell may be considered as two
separate cells each with near perfectly sym-
metrical current and potential distributions entially on surfaces near to and remote from ALTERNATIVE CELL DESIGNS AND
and this results in the formula in equation I. an anode is valuable when considering FORMULAE FOR 'THROWING
giving an accurate thickness value. plating configurations and jig placements in POWER' MEASUREMENTS
a plating bath. Though the Haring-Blum Cell is over-
'THROWING POWER' FORMULA whelmingly the most widely used cell for
The results obtained from the Haring-Blum CRITICAL EVALUATION OF THE 'throwing power' measurements, it is by no
Cell experiment lead to a value for 'throwing HARING-BLUM CELL means the only one. and alternative designs
power'. One of the longest established of The Haring-Blum Cell presents an attrac- are described here.
equations in use is the Field' formula. tively simple method for the measurement of The Hull Cell described in Tutorial Note
'throwing power'. however. the validity of 10 has been used for 'throwing power· deter-
'Throwing Power'= (L-Ml x 100/(L+M-2) (2) the results needs to be understood to allow minations. This approach has the merit that
correct judgments to be made and translated such cells are available in most plating shops.
In this expression L is the ratio of the into practical applications. Gardam shows One of the best studies of the Hull Cell's use
lengths L, and L~ into which the cell is that 'throwing power' as measured in the is that by Watson".
divided (see Figure I). while M is the ratio of Haring-Blum Cell depends not only on the The work is based on an 'open· Hull Cell.
the masses of metal deposited from the two solution properties but also the absolute ie., one from which the floor has been
cathodes. In practice. the Field formula dimensions of the cell. In Figure 2. removed. The Cell was mounted in a larger
produces numerical results between + I 00 'throwing power' is plotted against current plating bath so that air agitation and tem-
and - 100%. and some have found the density for five different ratios of L, to L~ perature control conditions in the larger tank
negative values confusing. For this reason an with L~ being 2cm and I Ocm respectively in applied equally in the Hull Cell. The solution
alternative formula has been offered by two sets of experiments. The outcome to be tested was plated onto the Hull Cell
Luke~. clearly shows that the results do not depend cathode. which was then sawn into a series of
upon the linear ratio chosen. but do depend vertical strips and the metal thickness on each
'Throwing Power'= L x 100/(L+M-1 l {3) upon the scale of the experiment and strip was measured by an optical microscope.
although the 'throwing power' decreases To calculate the 'throwing power', this
As can be tested a 'throwing power with increasing current density. this effect is data was used in conjunction with the pre-
number of II% from the Field formula will outweighed by the absolute dimensions of viously determined measurements of primary
result in a value of 61% using the Luke the cell itself. The explanation for this is current density distribution in the Hull Cell.
formula. Other expressions have been sug- that while the overpotential at the cathodes The relevant values of primary current distri-
gested by Hart and Heatly which are given is singularly dependent upon current density bution were obtained by 'mapping' a
by Gardam-'. It is worth emphasising that for a given solution. the ohmic drop through simulated Hull Cell on conductive paper, a
such formulae have no theoretical basis and the solution from anode to cathode is a technique described in a number of text
serve only to allow a quantitative assessment function of the absolute length of the cell. books 7 • The results of this exercise allowed
of an electrolyte or of different plating As both cathodes are at the same potential Watson to formulate a table (Table I).
solutions. However. the concept of 'throwing relative to the anode then in each case the The table shows, for a given average
power· is simple, and the information gained equation current density (total current divided by the
on the ability of a solution to deposit differ- surface area of the Hull Cell cathode panel)
E"" = E,. -E.,= a+blogi+iR (4) the way in which the current is distributed
along the cathode. It will be noticed that.
50 holds. Equation 4 has been fully dealt with in comparing any of the vertical columns, the
a previous Tutorial Paper No. 2. Equating ratios of currents at any two set distances is
45 11Llaoor Aolla L•i
c Lln11r Aolla L•4
the expression for each cathode and using always the same. The author selected. on an
• Lln11r Aolla L•S appropriate subscripts. that is subscript I for arbitrary basis. current density ratios of 5: I.
40 • Llnllr Aolla L•Z the standard Haring-Blum Cell 60cm x IDem 12: I and 25: I as being representative of
= Lln11r Aotla L•1.1
x IDem and linear ratio 5: I and subscript 2
35 actual plating conditions. The thickness of
for a modified cell reduced in scale by a deposited metal at these locations was
factor of 5. with identical linear ratio leads to determined and the values inserted into
.!: a._ 30
Field's formula to obtain the 'throwing
ae• (5)
= 25
u power'. The formula used in this case was
Note that the a and b terms cancel out. written somewhat differently from that pre-
20 viously given, namely:
From Equation 5 it is seen that there is no
15 = II simple relationship between i 1 and i~ as an
idealised view of the Haring-Blum Cell might . (P-M) X 100
Throwmg Power= (6)
10 suggest. The consequence of this is that (P+M- 2)
'throwing power' as determined in such a cell Where P is the ratio of primary currents.
5 is a function of the cell geometry itself. In Comparison of equations (2) and (6) reveals
addition the Field formula and others like it that P is synonymous with the ratio of path
assume that only primary current distribution lengths L( 1.2). The Hull Cell is asymmetric.
5 10 15 20 is important~ 5 • a condition which is rarely therefore the current distribution pattern bears
true. Therefore the purpose of the Haring- no simple relationship to anode-cathode
Current Dnally 1rapa per aq em Blum Cell and others like it is for the distance.
Fig. 2. Test results for scaled Haring-8/um cell comparison of different solutions. Many other authors have used the Hull
Cell to determine 'throwing power' or related However, when the cathode efficiency of the
factors. One of the fullest treatments is due to deposition process is not close to the theo-
Mohler<-w, who summarised the early work retical value, both the Hull formula and
of Hull himself 11 • The Hull-Rubensaal primary current distribution values can give a
formula is an empirical expression for sec- misleading picture and Figure 3 shows, in the
ondary current distribution in Hull Cells. It same format, the ECD (Effective Current
can be written as Distribution) which is usually obtained from
the measurement of the actual amount of
C = ( 1.96 - log L)/0.389 (7) metal deposited. The curve is, in fact, the
only one directly to concern the metal
Where C = 'the average current density in finisher. The steeper it is, falling from left to
the cell'. L = percentage length along the right, the poorer the 'throwing power'. In a
cathode from the high current density end. few cases, for example hexavalent chrome
The authors found this expression to hold at baths, cathode efficiency increases with
current densities used in conventional electro- increasing current density and this may give
plating for a number of baths with reasonable rise to ECD plots which are horizontal, at
accuracy at lower current densities. Figure 3 least over a portion of the graph.
shows primary current distribution from the Many other authors such as Wernick I.\ and b
Hull-Rubensaal equation. The secondary Mohler 14 , have reported on modifications and
current density is determined by taking into sophistications to cell design and mea- Fig. 4. Tena cell utilised as Haring cell
account the activation or charge overpotential surements. Other cells have been
(the overpotential associated with electron developed, 1j 16 (for example see Figure 4), * 'Throwing Power' decreases with current
transfer) in the overall potential equation for however, the Haring-Bium and Hull Cells density due to overpotential effects.
the Cell. This has the effect of reducing the still represent the major way in which values
magnitude of the current variation over the for 'throwing power' are obtained. * There is no such thing as an absolute value
electrode surface. In simple terms, the current of 'throwing power'.
tends to decrease in the high current density CONCLUSION
regions and increase in the low current This Tutorial Note describes how 'throwing * Careful interpretation of the results is
required if the information is to be used for
14 practical purposes.
0 * The Cell may be a useful artefact in com-
0" 12
paring the characteristics of different
solution compositions or solutions.
c. 10
E Fig. 3. Primary (I). Secondary (2) and In most modem texts the property
II 8 ejfecti1·e (3) current densities in Hull cell described is referred to as 'Macro Throwing
~ Power', the ratio of metal thickness distri-
"i bution in terms of various distances from the
c 6
0 anode. 'Micro Throwing Power' the extent to
c 4 which a deposition process can fill small
...GJ... recesses cannot be measured in the Haring-
0 Bium Cell.
0 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10
Thanks are due to Dr F C Walsh for his
helpful suggestions and critical review.
density regions. The vanatlon is non-linear power' is measured in practice and shows REFERENCES
and is therefore difficult to predict except some of the conceptual weaknesses of the I. S F Field Meta/Industry 37 ( 1930) 564
over a very small range of current density term used. Metal distribution over articles of 2. D A Luke Trans.IMF. 61 (1983) 64
known as the Tafel region where the variation complex shape is important to the electro- 3. G E Gardam J. Electrodepos. Tech. Soc.
is approximately linear. Further compli- plater. The concept of 'Throwing Power' and 25 ( 1949-50) 77
cations arise where significant concentration its determination using the Haring-Blum Cell 4. D Pletcher, F C Walsh. 'Industrial
variations in the electroactive species occur at and the Hull Cell has been critically Electrochemistry'. 2nd Edition. Chapman
the electrode surface. This creates a further evaluated. It has been shown that:- and Hall, London 1990.
overpotential which modifies the current and 5. F C Walsh 'A First Course in
the resulting distribution is termed tertiary. * 'Throwing Power' calculations assume Electrochemical Engineering'. The
primary current density conditions exist in Electrochemistry Consultancy, Romsey,
A table (Table 2) summarising the types of
the Cell. 1993 (in press). ·
current distribution and other important per-
formance parameters is produced from * 'Throwing Power' as measured by the 6. SA Watson Trans.IMF 37 (1960) 28
Pletcher and Walsh•. Haring-Blum Cell not only depends upon 7. G F Finney and J V Festa Plating 41
Other important parameters in all instances the solution properties but on the absolute (1954) 380
are cell geometry. electrolyte conductivity, dimensions of the Cell. 8. J B Mohler Metal Fin. 80(5) (1982) 55
chemical reaction, gas loading of electrolyte, 9. J B Mohler Metal Fin. 80(6) (1982) 71
solid products etc. 10. J B Mohler Metal Fin. 80(7) (1982) 63
Table 2. The Types of Current
Rousselot also expressed his results via an II. R 0 Hull Proc. American Elecrroplarers
equation very similar to that of Hull & Soc. 27 ( 1939) 52
Rubensaal, namely: Types of 12 R H Rousse lot Metal Fin. 57( 10) (1959)
Current Nature of the Overpotential
current density (Adm-') 13. S E Wernick J. Electrodepos. Tech. Soc.
= 3.96- 3.88 log L (cm- 2) (8) Charge Mass 25 ( 1949-50) 83
Transfer Transfer Others 14. J 8 Mohler Metal Fin .. April (1959) 55
Primary No No No 15. R Terakado, H Nagasaka, Metal Fin.
Plotting Hull Cell data in the form of such
Secondary Yes No No
a graph can be more informative than using (1979) (I) 17
Tertiary Yes Yes Yes
Haring-Bium Cell data since it allows the Practical Yes Yes Yes 16. L C Pan Trans. Amer. Elecrrochem. Soc.
effect of changing current density to be seen. 58 (1930) 271