Application of The - Theory of Cathodic To Practical Corrosion Systems
Application of The - Theory of Cathodic To Practical Corrosion Systems
Application of The - Theory of Cathodic To Practical Corrosion Systems
A review of the theories of cathodic protection has shown that a gradual improvement has taken place in the
description of the fundamental principles. At the present time electrode kineticsprovide the most suitable basis
for further improvement of the theory. Experimental results show that 'jullprotection' cannot be achieved,
and so the criteria of protection have to be associated with a permitted value of corrosion rate. Criteria for
cathodic protection have been determined for corrosion systems of steel-potable water saturated with air,
steel-potable water saturated with hydrogen sulphide, and steel-potable water saturated with sodium
chloride. In practice the form of corrosion damage is very important and this depends on the formation of
corrosion cells. The operation of corrosion cells is incorporated in the improved theory of cathodic
M-4M++e- (1)
Z2+ + e--4 Z+ (2)
I Jo (Aim'} I
Reaction (1) represents metal atoms, M, which dissolve as
metal ions, M+, liberating within the metal an electron, e-. To
compensate, an electron is consumed simultaneously on the
surface by reaction (2), the reduction of some arbitrary ionic
species, Z2+ to Z +, ... 'The principle of cathodic protection is
evident from inspection of reactions (1) and (2). When the metal
potential is made more negative (cathodic polarisation) more
electrons are made available to both (1) and (2). By the law of
mass action, this higher concentration of electrons will· depress
the rate of (1) while accelerating (2). Thus the dissolution or
corrosion rate is lessened and the metal is 'cathodically
protected'. Although this theory is not suitable for describing the
role of the corrosion cell, its principle may be applied to Fig.1. Schematic diagram of the rates of electrode reactions
corrosion systems consisting of homogenous metallic surfaces representing corrosion
and homogeneous corrosive environments.
Unit of
Quantity measurement Min Max
l:sfee/+ wafer + air (94h)
+:sfee/ + wofer+ air + NoCI f166h J
Data characterising the conditions of cathodic protection of some corrosion systems
5 I
I JD( A 1m I 2
I ~ ~
II 1.0
}J = ~ -?J6.{)
I~ 0,1
-0,9 - Q8 -0,7 -Q6 -0,5 -at. -0,3 -0,6 -0,5 -0.4
Fig. 9. Polarisation curves of two corrosion systems Fig. 10. Corrosion rate-corrosion potential curves of two corrosion
current (I') is maintained· by the difference in the polarisation
potentials (~ - ~). At the same time this difference is equal to function of diameter is plotted in Fig. 13. It is important to note
U, which is the ohmic drop (I' (Ra + Rc)) within the cell. that the current density is inversely proportional to the diameter
The metallic structures buried in the soil are usually wrapped of the holiday, i.e., the smaller the holiday the higher the current
with a protective coating. The metal touches the soil through the density.
holidays in the protective coating. Each of these holidays may
be characterised as a corrosion system having a ground
Effect of Cathodic Polarisation
The current flowing through the holiday thus depends also on Where a coated metallic structure is. cathodically protected
the ground resistance. When the diameter of the holiday is the protective current is flowing through the holidays. The
greater than the thickness of the coating the holiday may be equivalent cathodic protection circuit may be seen in Fig. 14.
represented by a disc in contact with the soil· whose ground Applying Kirchhoff's law to any part of the closed circuit
resistance (R) can be calculated from the formula: shown in Fig. 14, the current density is given by:
where Uo = terminal voltage of the current source
where p = the resistivity of the soil Us = the ohmic drop on the ground resistance of the
and D = the diameter of the disc. anode (Rs)'
The current density on the disc may be calculated in the ~ depends on Jj, but when Uo-Us is· much higher than Ei, the
following way: current density is proportional to Uo'
Ei is the crucial parameter of corrosion and protection. Its
4' 4 U· 8U· changes may be easily followed. The free corrosion potential of
J=-I=-·-=-- the metal depends on the parameters of the corrosion system.
D27t D27t R, P 7tD The concentration of the reducing agent is one of the most
important parameters. Owing to the differences in free corrosion
where U· is the ohmic drop developed by the current flowing potentials, current is flowing through the holidays. Thus some of
through the ground resistance. The order of magnitude of the them are anodically polarised, and others are cathodically
ohmic drop (V· = I R) is 0·1 V. The current density as a polarised. The electrode potential of the metal at the holiday is
Fig..14. Equivalent cathodic protection circuit
~c I JpfAlm') I
steel., water.,. air
0,1 Q2 as 2 S 10
If the limitation of pitting is sufficient a higher value of corrosion
Fig. 13. Diagram ofcurrent density versus diameter of holiday potential may be sufficient. When the electrode potential of the
cathodic areas reaches the minimum free corrosion potential of
the anodic areas no current flows in the corrosion cells, thus:
usually shifted away from the free corrosion potential. When an
external source of current is connected to the metallic structure £prot 2 = min Ecorr'
and the anode, the currents flowing through the holidays are
changed and the electrode potentials of the metal are also
Thanks are due to the Ministry of Industry for financial
support and the Director of the Research Institute for Heavy
Improved Theory of Cathodic Protection Chemical Industries for permission to publish.
The mechanism of cathodic protection may be easily
understood from Fig. 15. Any spot of the protected structure References
may be treated as a corrosion system. Each spot is characterised 1. NACE RP-QI-69
by a polarisation curve which is determined by all the electro- 2. TGL 18 790-1972
chemical reactions proceeding on the metallic surface. The 3. BSI CP 1021: 1973
4. GOST 9.015-74
working point of a corrosion system is located at (Egom Ip = 0). 5. Logan, K. H., Trans. electrochem. Soc., 1933,64, 113
The operation of corrosion cells moves their working points to 6. Romanoff, M., 'Underground Corrosion', Bull. natn. Bur. Stand.
points denoted by O. When Uo-Us is greater than Ei, the Circular 579. 1957. p. 2(?(Washi..ngton:U.S. Printing Office)
cathodic polarisation of the areas begins and the working points 7. Kriviim, L., Korrozios Figyelo, 1980, 20, 201
8. Rogers, W. F., Ind. Engng Chem., 1938,30,1181
move along the polarisation curves towards the points denoted 9. Tomashov, N. D., Uspekhi Him;;, 1957,26, 139
by@. 10. Davy, Sir H., Phil. Trans.R. Soc., 1824,114,151
When the current density reaches the limiting current density 11. Kuhn, R. J., Proc. Am. Petrol. Inst. 1933, Sect. IV, p. 153
of the reducing agent the working point swiftly moves from the 12. Hoar, T. P., J. Electrodep. Soc., 1938, 14,33
right side to the left side. As the current density is inversely 13. Pourbaix, M., Corros. PrevoControl, 1960, 7(10),43
14. Jones, D. A., Corros. Sci., 1971, 11,439
proportional to the diame~er of the holiday, the smaller anodic· 15. Krivian, L., Korrozios Figyelo, 1981,21,8
areas are more easily polarised. 16. Krivian, L., 8th Int. Congr. metall. Corros., Mainz, 1981, p. 1153