Consistency: Tandard Onstruction Specifications Oads Consistency: Tandard Onstruction Specifications Oads Consistency: Tandard Onstruction Specifications Oads
For slip-formed concrete, water may be added during placement but shall not exceed the maximum
water cement ratio in the mix design, and shall meet the requirements for consistency as described
in Article If water is added in concrete used in slip forming, an air and temperature test shall
be taken prior to resuming placement to ensure that specification conformance has been maintained.
Frequent tests, including the slump test, shall be carried out to ensure that consistent water content
is maintained. Consistency
Slump shall not exceed the allowable range identified herein. Slump tests shall be performed in
accordance with AASHTO T 119M or ASTM C143M. Maximum slump for concrete should be as
indicated in Table 4-26, unless otherwise approved by the engineer.
Table 4-26: Maximum slump for concrete
Concrete transport and placement equipment shall be shaded or wrapped, as necessary, to prevent
loss of slump and workability during high temperature conditions.
Time to discharge may be extended upon written request from the Contractor. This time extension
shall be considered on a case-by-case basis and requires the use of specific retardation admixtures
and the approval of the Engineer.
When conditions are such that the concrete may experience an accelerated initial set, the Engineer
may require a shorter time to discharge.
Precast concrete that is heat-cured per Article shall remain between 10° C and 32o C
while being placed.
Page 4-46
CHAPTER 4: CONCRETE WORKS Second Edition -SEP 2020