Teixeira and of Lurdes Magalhães: Xeira, Born in The Parish of Borba Da Montanha, in The County of
Teixeira and of Lurdes Magalhães: Xeira, Born in The Parish of Borba Da Montanha, in The County of
Teixeira and of Lurdes Magalhães: Xeira, Born in The Parish of Borba Da Montanha, in The County of
University records, that Carla Isabel Cunha Teixeira, born in the parish of Borba da Montanha, in the county of
Celorico de Basto, in the district of Braga, daughter of José Inácio Coelho Teixeira and of Maria de Lurdes Magalhães
Cunha, obtained the following passing grades in the course units that constitute the Master in Food Science and
In order to establish the courses units’ grades for each group of the ECTS grading scale, the distribution of the students with passes in the previous five academic
years and/or in a total of at least thirty students is taken in consideration. When a cohort of this scale is impossible, the ECTS grading scale is replaced by the use of an
institutional conversion table based on all course units grades of all University of Minho’s Degree Courses from the previous five academic years. It is important to
notice that not all groups of the ECTS grading scale might be represented.
She also certifies that she completed the above-mentioned master’s degree on the 15th of February, 2021, with
the final grade of 17 (seventeen), which confers a master degree, awarded as part of the study cycle taught
jointly by the University of Minho and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto.
The Register,