Anmol Merged
Anmol Merged
Anmol Merged
B.Tech(ECE) 6thSem
Completed under the kind guidance of Dr. Ramnish Kumar ( Assistant Professor )
This report focuses on the VERY LARGE SCALE
INTEGRATION(VLSI) SoCDesign using verilog HDL.
Very-large- scale integration (VLSI) is the
process of creating an integrated circuit (IC) by
combining thousands of transistors into a single chip.
VLSI began in the 1970s when
complex semiconductor and communication
technologies were being developed. The
microprocessor is a VLSI device.
The current cutting-edge technologies such as high
resolution and low bit-rate video and cellular
communications provide the end-users a marvelous
amount of applications, processing power and portability.
This trend is expected to grow rapidly, with very
important implications on VLSI design and systems
In this I have tried to explain briefly the basic VLSI
system on chip designing using verilog HDL. Starting
with the introduction to VLSI, we will see the overview of
semiconductor industry and trends in VLSI industry. Then
we will go through the one of the important part of this
i.e. SoC design. After that we will see the backbone of
VLSI which is MOORE’S LAW . After that we will go
through various topics such as ASIC vs FPGA, VLSI
Design flow, ASIC design flow, front and back end design
and then we will vonplete this report by verilog.
I also want to say thanks to my teacher and guide Dr.
Ramnish Kumar for his guidance and constant
support throughout my training.
Mail of maven silicon for Training
1. Abstract
2. Certificate
3. Introduction to VLSI
4. Semiconductor industry
5. VLSI industry trends
6. System on Chip(SoC)
7. Moore’s Law
8. ASIC and FPGA
9. VLSI design flow
10. ASIC design flow
11. Front end and back end design
12. Verilog
Introduction to VLSI
Advantages of SoC
1. Low power.
2. Low cost.
3. High reliability.
4. Small form factor.
5. High integration levels.
6. Fast operation.
7. Greater design.
8. Small size.
Disadvantages of SoC
1. Fabrication cost.
2. Increased complexity.
3. Time to market demands.
4. More verification.
NVIDIA Tegra 3
NVIDIA Tegra 3 is a SoC of the Tegra family
and this is used in various Android devices.
Some devices like Asus Eee Pad, HTC One X
and Google Nexus Tablet is using the Tegra 3
on the board. This comes with a CPU and five
cores. Each core is a Cortex A9 ARM chip,
while the fifth core is made of a low power
silicon process and has a speed of 500MHz.
Qualcomm Snapdragon S4
Qualcomm is important when Android smart
phones and tablets are being used. It has a
processor which is similar to the ARM Cortex
A15 CPU.
Samsung Exynos 4 Quad
This SoC is based on the ARM architecture. It
has a 1.4GHz ARM Mali-400 MP4 quad-core
GPU and Quad-core ARM Cortex – A9 CPU.
This processor
supports many applications like 3D gaming,
multi- tasking and video recording and
Intel Medfield
Medfield SoCs are not based on ARM
architecture. It uses the x86 technologies to
make these SoCs. Medfield SoCs can offer
OEMs a 1.6- 2GHz single-core processor and
PowerVR’s SGX540 GPU.
Texas Instruments OMAP 4
It is the fourth generation OMAPs where ARM
Cortex A9 45nm architecture is being used.
Some Android devices that use this SoC are
Motorola Atrix 2, Motorola Droid RAZR, LG
Optimus 3D and LG Optimus Max.
SoC design Challenges
Fabrication of SoC
Most common methods for fabricating SoCs are as
a standard cell, full custom designing or using
FPGAs. Full custom designing involves specifying
the layout of every component of hardware design.
Due to the labor intensiveness of this method it is
preferred only when large number of repetition is
needed. A more common method is the use of
standard cells which are libraries already written by
full custom designing. FPGAs allow implementation
of complex combinational logical functions by a
user with the help of programmable logic blocks
and interconnects.
Applications of SoCs
Most common use of SoCs has been found in the
mobile devices industry. The use of SoCs have
enabled manufaturers of such devices to come up
with devices good of very small form factor that
offer ample performance. It also enables them to
focus on features they project to the target
customers than relying on capabilities of chips
provided by some other company. SoCs also
brought about a revolution in embedded systems
by paving way for very small and portable single-
board computers.
Examples of SoCs
Most of the SoCs available in the market today are
ARM based. Some examples among SoCs in
smartphone industry are Qualcomm's Snapdragon
SoCs, Apple A4, and NvidiaTegra series.
Raspberry Pi 2 comes with Broadcom BCM2836
SoC. Several SoCs have been developed by the
Open Cores community.
What Is an ASIC?
Types of ASICs
What Is an FPGA?
Step 7. Placement
Placement is the process of placing standard cells
in row. A poor placement requires larger area and
also degrades performance. Various factors, like
the timing
requirement, the net lengths and hence the
connections of cells, power dissipation should be
taken care. It removes timing violation.
Frequently Asked Questions – ASIC-FPGA-SoC
and Solutions
Step 8. Clock tree synthesis
Clock tree synthesis is a process of building the
clock tree and meeting the defined timing, area and
power requirements. It helps in providing the clock
connection to the clock pin of a sequential element
in the required time and area, with low power
Behavioral level
Behavioral level
This level describes a system by concurrent
algorithms (Behavioural). Every algorithm is
sequential, which
means it consists of a set of instructions that are
executed one by one. Functions, tasks and blocks
are the main elements. There is no regard to the
structural realization of the design.
Register−Transfer Level
Designs using the Register−Transfer Level specify
the characteristics of a circuit using operations and
the transfer of data between the registers. Modern
definition of an RTL code is "Any code that is
synthesizable is called RTL code".
Gate Level
Within the logical level, the characteristics of a
system are described by logical links and their
timing properties. All signals are discrete signals.
They can only have definite logical values (`0', `1',
`X', `Z`). The usable operations are predefined
logic primitives (basic gates). Gate level modelling
may not be a right idea for logic design. Gate level
code is generated using tools like synthesis tools
and his netlist is used for gate level simulation and
for backend.
Lexical Tokens
Verilog language source text files are a stream of
lexical tokens. A token consists of one or more
characters, and each single character is in exactly
one token.
The basic lexical tokens used by the Verilog HDL
are similar to those in C Programming Language.
Verilog is case sensitive. All the key words are in
lower case.
White Space
Verilog Keywords
Gate Primitives
Relational Operators
~ (bitwise NOT)
^ (bitwise XOR)
~^ or ^~(bitwise XNOR)
Reduction Operators
| (reduction OR)
^ (reduction XOR)
~^ or ^~(reduction XNOR)