Las P.E 12 Week 1
Las P.E 12 Week 1
Las P.E 12 Week 1
I. Introduction
Modernization has been an influential factor in the evolution of
dances. Due to urbanization, industrialization, and secularization,
significant changes were evident in today’s society wherein new
beliefs and values were observed, science and technology develops,
and new standards were set in order to cope up in the society. In a
rural setting, dances were performed as observance to the culture,
celebrating beliefs, worship, and social expression.
As the time passes by, dancing has become a new way of
competition, as well as entertaining people. Styles also become more
complex, dynamic, fast, and kinesthetic which requires physical
III. Objectives
At the end of this learning activity sheet, you are expected to:
1. Discuss the history of Hip-hop and street dancing and its basic
2. Appreciate the skills (basic movements) and preparation for Hip-hop
and Street Dance
3. Perform varied activities suited Hip-hop and Street dance
The word Street Dance arrived in the Philippines from United States during
the 1980’s but only gained unparalleled popularity during the 1990’s. Accordingto
Dimalanta (2006), the word street dance is a “Filipinized version” of hip-hop dance
that was specifically used by Filipino dancers.
“Street Dancing was never ever ever to a count. You do not count a 1, a 2,
a 3, a 4, a 5, a 6 to hip hop. It should be a feeling by making noise like “ou” “aw”
“tsi” that’s how we count, right there”.
Timothy “popin’ Pete” Solomon;
The Electric Boogaloos
Breakdancing Locking
Popping Boogaloo
Lyrical Hip-hop
V. Activities
1. How will you do or what kind of strategies that you can think in order to dance the
modern and hip – hop during this time of pandemic?
VI. Application
Monitor the Level of your performance task 2 using task 1 form. Don’t forget your
safety protocol like dehydration etc.
TASK 1: My Target Heart Rate (to determine the intensity level target)
Directions: Go over your recorded fitness results from the self-testing activity as basis
in computing the target heart rate (THR) range. Compute you target Heart rate range in 4
steps. Fill in the blanks below.
Name: ________________________________Date:
1. Get the Maximum Heart Rate Example:
MHR = 220 - _____ (your age) Age: 15
RHR: 60
MHR = __________ MHR = 220 – 15
MHR = 205
4. Add each HRR to Resting Heart Rate (RHR) to obtain the Target Heart Rate
(THR) range.
a. 60% HRR 87 + 60
(RHR) = 147 beats per minute
Therefore, your target heart rate range is 147 to 176 beats per minute.
(4.a) (4.b)
(When performing physical activities, your heart rate is within the normal range
therefore, you have to select moderate- vigorous activities that will make your heart rate
pump within the THR range of from 147 to 176 beats per minute.)
TASK 2. (Don’t forget to fill up the information before, during and after the performance.)
Pretend that you are a leader in hip-hop for the incoming event in your school. Create
a 40 seconds to one-minute Hip-hop routine with a catchy music, and movements
that would highlight different movements. Record the routine and send via messenger.
VII. Assessment
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
10.A very loose and way type of dance that displays an illusion that a
performer has no bones.
a. Popping c. krumping
b. Locking d. boogaloo
VIII. References
Prepared by:
Maricar A. Santos
Honeylette G. Cuartero