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Color Vision: William H. Swanson, PHD, Faao, Jay M. Cohen, Od, Faao

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Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179 – 203

Color vision
William H. Swanson, PhD, FAAOa,b,*, Jay M. Cohen, OD, FAAOb
Glaucoma Institute, State College of Optometry, State University of New York, New York, NY, USA
Department of Clinical Sciences, State College of Optometry, State University of New York, New York, NY, USA

The ability to distinguish a wide range of colors is for many years in European ophthalmologic clinics
often taken for granted, and children usually learn to but only more recently in North America and Great
use color names appropriately at an early age. Never- Britain, where studies of color vision have instead
theless, the fact that two people use color names in emphasized quantitative theories of color vision and
the same way does not mean that their color vision is congenital color defects [4,5].
identical. Approximately 4% of the population inher-
its some form of congenital color vision defect—
many of these people have learned to use color names Theory of color vision
in an acceptable way, yet their performance on color
vision tests is abnormal. Significant differences in Color is not a property that inheres in external
color vision can be detected among persons with objects but is rather an internal construct of the
normal color vision, and in some instances persons individual, dependent on the wavelength composition
with normal color vision may have significant inter- of light entering the eye and on the structure of the eye
ocular differences in color perception. and nervous system. The fact that the perceived color
Color vision defects have been recognized for at of a stimulus is related to the wavelength composition
least two centuries [1], and a range of tests have been was noted more than three centuries ago by Sir Isaac
used to study them. The most common color vision Newton [6], who constructed optical systems and
defects, commonly (and incorrectly) termed color performed basic color-mixture experiments. For ex-
blindness, are congenital. Routine color vision evalu- ample, mixtures of a long wavelength light and a
ation has become more common as technological middle wavelength light can appear as red, orange,
developments have necessitated color vision screen- yellow, or green, and all gradations in between, as the
ing for a number of occupations. Color vision defects ratio of intensities of the two wavelengths is varied.
can also be acquired and may be among the earliest The apparent color of a light may change if lights
symptoms of ocular damage from disease or toxicity. adjacent to it are altered, if it is presented immediately
In a number of visual disorders, color vision test- after the observer has looked at a brighter light, or if its
ing can be used for making differential diagnoses, brightness is varied. Therefore, a given wavelength of
observing progression, and evaluating treatment. light has no ‘‘color’’ on its own. Nonetheless, for
Acquired color vision defects [2,3] have been studied convenience, wavelength ranges in the visible spec-
trum are often referred to by the names of the colors
they most commonly appear as: short wavelengths as
Supported by National Institutes of Health grant
‘‘blue,’’ middle wavelengths as ‘‘green,’’ and long
* Corresponding author. Glaucoma Institute, State
wavelengths as ‘‘red.’’ Although ‘‘yellow’’ is often
College of Optometry, State University of New York, illustrated with a wide swath in the middle of the
33 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036, USA. wavelength spectrum, this is artistic license—color-
E-mail address: bswanson@sunyopt.edu normal observers identify only a narrow region of
(W.H. Swanson). wavelengths as yellow.

0896-1549/03/$ – see front matter D 2003, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
180 W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203

In 1802, Thomas Young [7] showed that his considerably from the standard observer. Represent-
analysis of Newton’s optical theories implied the ative transmittance profiles for macular pigment and
existence of a small number of receptors (Young crystalline lens are shown in Fig. 1 for the standard
suggested three) tuned to different ranges of the observer [5] and for extremes of density within the
visual spectrum. In fact, the nervous system only normal range [13,16]. At all ages the lens is transparent
has a few sources of information about the wave- at wavelengths of 650 nm and higher, but at shorter
length composition of a stimulus—the responses of wavelengths it becomes increasingly opaque, and the
the photoreceptors (rods and three types of cones). average effects of age are dramatic (Fig. 1A). For
For the stimulus to reach the photoreceptors, it must 450 nm, a relatively young (20-year-old) lens would
first pass through more distal parts of the eye, which transmit 59% of the light, whereas a 65-year-old lens
act as prereceptoral filters, changing the stimulus by would transmit less than half as much light; by age 90,
selective absorption of different wavelengths. The transmittance would be only one third of what it was at
response of an individual photoreceptor depends on age 65. Macular pigment is transparent for wave-
its absorption spectrum, which is in turn affected by lengths of 540 nm and above, but at 420 to
optical density of the photopigment. The responses of 500 nm transmittance for the standard observer drops
the photoreceptors are analyzed by postreceptoral below 50% (Fig. 1B). For the high end of the 95%
processing through color-opponent retinal cells. confidence limits for normal density [16], macular
Changes at any one of these three levels can cause pigment transmits less than 20% of the light at 450
color vision defects. Additional processing occurs at to 470 nm. When normal variations in macular pig-
thalamic and cortical levels, and central nervous ment density are combined with age effects on lens
system damage can also affect color vision. density, transmittance at 460 nm varies among observ-
ers with normal color vision from less than 5% to as
Prereceptoral factors high as 40% (Fig. 1C).

Three prereceptoral factors modify light within the Photoreceptors

eye before it reaches the photoreceptors: the pupil,
crystalline lens, and macular pigment. The size of the It is usually considered that only cones contribute
pupil controls the total amount of light reaching the to color vision, though rods have been shown to play
retina, the retinal illuminance, and has little affect on a role in color vision for some persons with congen-
the wavelength distribution, or spectrum. Color dis- ital color defect and for color-normal observers at
crimination is reduced at low retinal illuminances, so mesopic luminances (low background light levels at
variations in pupil size can affect performance on which rods and cones respond, but rods are not dark
color vision tests [8]. adapted). In the normal human retina there are three
The crystalline lens and the macular pigment classes of cones with distinct absorption spectra
primarily absorb short-wavelength light, as shown in (Fig. 2). One class of cones responds primarily to
Fig. 1. The crystalline lens affects light reaching all short wavelengths (blue light). The other two cone
parts of the retina, whereas the macular pigment is classes respond to a wide range of wavelengths, with
localized in the central 10°. The optical density of maximal absorption for middle wavelengths. One of
each of these filters determines the extent to which these cone classes is more sensitive to long wave-
they alter the wavelength of the stimulus. Macular lengths (red light) than the other. These three cone
pigment density varies considerably between persons classes are often referred to as the short-wavelength –
[9], changes little with age [10,11], and may vary sensitive (S-), middle-wavelength – sensitive (M-),
with diet [12]. Density of the crystalline lens shows and long-wavelength – sensitive (L-) cones. It is not
considerable between-subject variability and increases uncommon to hear the cones referred to as blue,
systematically with age; the yellowing of the crystal- green, and red cones, but such nomenclature is
line lens with age is caused by a selective increase in misleading because the L-cones are more sensitive
absorption at short wavelengths [13]. Patients with to blue lights than they are to red lights. Further, the
diabetes may have accelerated aging of the lens [14]. sensations of redness, greenness, and blueness are not
The crystalline lens (along with the cornea and fun- generated individually by the three cones but are
dus) can also produce scatter, reducing the total mediated by postreceptoral processes. The response
amount of light reaching the retina [15]. of a cone provides no information about which
Color vision science uses a ‘‘standard’’ observer wavelengths it has absorbed, only the total number
[5], with fixed density of lens and macular pigment, of photons absorbed. This is referred to as the
but persons with normal color vision may vary principle of univariance: when the number of pho-
W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203 181

Fig. 1. Representative transmittance profiles for macular pigment and crystalline lens, for the CIE standard observer [5], and for
examples of normal variation. (A) Transmittance of the crystalline lens for the standard [5] observer and for mean normal
transmittance at 20, 65, and 90 years of age [13]. The crystalline lens is transparent for wavelengths longer than 650 nm, but for
shorter wavelengths age can produce dramatic decreases in the amount of light transmitted. (B) Transmittance spectra of the
macular pigment for the standard density [5] and the 95% confidence limits for normal density [16]. Macular pigment is
transparent for wavelengths longer than 535 nm, but for shorter wavelengths transmittance can vary dramatically across persons.
(C) Transmittance spectra for combined effects of lens and macular pigment for three conditions: macular pigment density at the
low end of the 95% confidence limit for normal and crystalline lens with the average transmittance for a 20-year-old; standard
observer [5]; macular pigment density at the high end of the 95% confidence limit for normal and crystalline lens with the
average transmittance for a 65-year-old.
182 W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203

Fig. 2. Relative absorbances of S-, M-, and L-cone photoreceptors [18], expressed in terms of the amount of light entering the
cornea, relative to the amount absorbed by the standard photoreceptor at its peak wavelength. Panels show absorbances for the
three types of observers illustrated in the bottom panel of Fig. 1: standard [5] (A); low density (B); and high density (C). Because
transmittances of lens and macular pigment show the greatest variation at short wavelengths, the S-cone peak absorbance varies
by more than 8-fold across the extremes for observers with normal color vision, whereas peak absorbances for the L- and M-
cones remain relatively unchanged.

tons absorbed by a cone is equated for lights of two transmittances of macular pigment and lens, and for
different colors, the cone has an identical response to relatively high and low densities within the normal
both colors. range used in Fig. 1. The decrease in transmittance
Almost 30 years ago psychophysical estimates of for short wavelengths causes the most dramatic
the photopigment absorption spectra were derived effects for the S-cones: for the observer with ‘‘clear’’
from comparisons between results of color vision prereceptoral filters, S-cone absorbance is increased
tests on patients with congenital color defects and to more than twice the standard absorbance, and for
on color-normal observers [17,18]. Numerous tech- the observer with ‘‘dense’’ prereceptoral filters,
niques have subsequently been developed to measure S-cone absorbance is reduced to less than one tenth
cone absorption spectra, and it has been possible to the standard absorbance.
directly measure the responses of individual cones. In addition to differences between persons be-
These measurements have confirmed the psycho- cause of prereceptoral filters, there are also normal
physical estimates of cone absorption spectra, and genetic variations in photopigment spectra among
remaining discrepancies among different methods are color-normal observers that shift the peaks of the
relatively minor [19]. Fig. 2 shows absorption spectra curves by a few nanometers [20]. Genetic studies
for the S-, M-, and L- photopigments, for the standard have found that many people carry multiple copies of
W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203 183

the L- and M- cone genes, and it may be common photon will be absorbed while passing through the
for people to express more than three distinct photo- photoreceptor. Parafoveal and peripheral cones are
pigments [21]. Standard L-, M-, and S- cone shorter than foveal cones and have lower optical
photopigment spectra [17], however, give good density than foveal cones [28]. Decreases in optical
approximations for color-normal observers once indi- density reduce absorbance at all wavelengths, as
vidual differences in prereceptoral filters are ac- shown in Fig. 3A. For the L-cones, the reduction in
counted for. photopigment optical density from the fovea to the
The peak density of the L- and M-cones is in the parafovea reduced parafoveal absorbance to one fifth
center of the fovea and decreases with eccentricity. of foveal absorbance. Reduction in optical density has
S-cones have their greatest density at an eccentricity of a slightly greater effect for wavelengths that are poorly
approximately 1°, appear to be absent in the central absorbed than for wavelengths near the peak absorb-
25W, and comprise less than 10% of the total number of ance, as shown in Fig. 3B, where the spectra are shown
cones [22,23]. It has long been thought that the relative to their own peak absorbances. Decreases in
peripheral retina is relatively insensitive to color, but effective optical density make the relative absorption
systematic research has shown that this is not the case spectra slightly narrower, decreasing sensitivity
[24,25]. When the size of the test stimulus is increased, to long-wavelength (red) light compared with mid-
the peripheral retina remains sensitive to color, but red- dle-wavelength (green) light. The effect of reduced
green sensitivity declines more rapidly than S-cone photopigment optical density is large enough that
sensitivity [26]. Midget retinal ganglion cells that anomaloscopy can be used to measure the change
appear to mediate red-green sensitivity show no such from foveal to parafoveal optical density [28,29] and
decline in red-green sensitivity [27], so the loss in red- to detect reduced optical density in patients with
green sensitivity may have a cortical origin. photoreceptor degeneration [30].
An additional factor, photopigment optical density,
has subtle but detectable effects on color vision, Postreceptoral processes
particularly with anomaloscopy. Optical density of a
photopigment determines the total number of photo- It is now widely accepted that human color vision
pigment molecules in the path of a photon and, can be modeled in terms of several different post-
therefore, determines the overall probability that the receptoral processes, referred to as channels [31].

Fig. 3. Effects of reduction in photopigment optical density on cone absorbance. For clarity, prereceptoral filters have been
removed. (A) Cone absorbance is shown as a thick curve for the standard L-cone optical density (0.4) and as thin curves for
reduced photopigment optical density. Absorbance decreases dramatically with reduction in optical density. (B) Curves from the
left panel are shown normalized to peak absorbance. Subtle narrowing results from a reduction in photopigment optical density,
which can be detected by anomaloscopy.
184 W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203

There are three relatively independent types of chan- spectral luminous efficiency function reflects the
nels: a red-green channel, an S-cone channel, and a absorption spectra of the rods, with peak sensitivity
luminance channel. The luminance channel responds near 507 nm. For observers with normal color vision,
to changes in retinal illuminance and is relatively at sufficiently high luminance levels (such as day-
insensitive to changes in color. The red-green and light), only the cones mediate detection; the resultant
S-cone channels respond more strongly to changes in photopic spectral luminous efficiency function is an
color than to changes in retinal illuminance. Channels additive combination of the absorption spectra of the
can be described in terms of combinations of cone L- and M-cones, with peak sensitivity near 555 nm.
responses, and their properties are similar to the Both functions vary from one color-normal observer
properties of different types of retinal ganglion cells. to another because of differences in prereceptoral
Many studies of the neural pathways for these filters and photopigment polymorphisms. At high
channels have been discussed in recent reviews luminances they also vary with mean chromaticity.
[32,33]. Single-unit recordings from retinal ganglion At intermediate luminance levels (such as twilight),
cells and thalamic cells in macaque monkeys (which rods and cones contribute to detection; at these
have color vision comparable to that of humans) mesopic light levels, the spectral luminous efficiency
have revealed that many of the cells are spectrally function is a mixture of the scotopic and photopic
opponent—they respond to one part of the spectrum functions. Persons with normal color vision have
with an increase in firing rate and to other parts of optimum performance on color vision tasks under
the spectrum with a decrease in firing rate. When photopic conditions, mild color vision defects under
there is no stimulus, these cells have a baseline rate mesopic conditions, and severe color vision defects
of spontaneous firing; excitation increases the firing under scotopic conditions [36,37].
rate, and inhibition decreases it. The red-green Three interrelated terms have been introduced in
channel appears to be mediated by the midget reti- the study of acquired color vision defects: mesopiza-
nal ganglion cells of the parvocellular pathway, tion, scotopization, and eccentration [3]. Mesopiza-
which produce a signal based on the difference in tion refers to color defects that occur when photopic
responses of the L- and M-cones. Midget retinal thresholds are increased. This is qualitatively like a
ganglion cells can be divided into four distinct decrease in effective retinal illuminance, and it pro-
classes, based on how they combine the responses duces color vision similar to that found in persons
of the L- and M-cones. Parasol retinal ganglion cells with normal vision under mesopic conditions. Sco-
of the magnocellular pathway can be considered a topization refers to rod activity affecting performance
single class in that all have photometric properties on color vision tests performed under nominally
similar to those of the luminance channel and that photopic conditions. In patients with scotopization,
they vary along a continuum. However, the lumi- the spectral luminous efficiency function is inter-
nance channel also has contributions from the par- mediate between the photopic and scotopic functions,
vocellular pathway [34]. Small bistratified retinal and in extreme cases it may be completely scotopic.
ganglion cells may mediate detection of S-cone Color vision tests evaluate foveal function in observ-
increments, and a less well-understood cell type ers with normal color vision, but in some patients
may mediate detection of S-cone decrements [35]. foveal function may be disrupted and some aspects of
Hence, for each of the three channels, several types scotopization may be caused by the use of the
of ganglion cells appear to be involved. parafovea to perform the test. Eccentration refers to
color vision defects resulting from use of the para-
Photopic and scotopic spectral luminous fovea; some strabismic amblyopes have been shown
efficiency functions to have color vision defects caused by eccentration.

The concept of luminance, introduced above in

terms of the luminance channel, refers to sensitivity Congenital color vision defects
of the visual system to the amount of light present.
This sensitivity varies with wavelength and with the In clinical evaluation of color vision it is impor-
overall amount of light present. When sensitivity to tant to distinguish between acquired and congenital
monochromatic lights is measured with flicker pho- defects. Congenital color vision defects are stationary
tometry across the spectrum in observers with normal and usually affect both eyes equally. Acquired color
color vision, the resultant function is called a spectral vision defects are frequently progressive and may
luminous efficiency function. At low light levels the affect one eye more than the other. Color vision loss
rods mediate detection, and the resultant scotopic from a hereditary disease (such as retinitis pigmen-
W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203 185

tosa or dominant optic atrophy) is considered to be an but when negative amounts of primaries are allowed,
acquired defect, even though the disease is hereditary. any three primaries can be matched to a complete
Congenital color vision defects have been studied for range of colors.
almost two centuries, and their causes are well An anomalous trichromat requires three primaries
understood. A background in congenital color defects to make color matches but uses these in different ratios
is useful not only for distinguishing congenital from than do people with normal color vision because one of
acquired defects but also for understanding color the photopigments has an abnormal absorption spec-
vision theory and appreciating the types of problems trum [17]. A dichromat requires only two primaries to
that patients with color vision defects may encounter. make foveal color matches. It has traditionally been
The most common form of color vision defect is assumed that an anomalous trichromat has three cone
an inherited X-chromosome – linked red-green defect, photopigments, one of which has an abnormal absorp-
affecting approximately 8% to 10% of males and tion spectrum, whereas dichromats only have two cone
0.4% to 0.5% of females (these statistics are for photopigments. Recent studies of the genetic basis of
Northern European populations; for Asian and Afri- the visual photopigments have located the genes for
can populations, the incidence is slightly lower) the L- and M-cone photopigments on the X chro-
[3,38]. These defects are of two general classes: mosome and have found a range of genetic variations
dichromacy, in which either the L- or M-cone photo- in normal trichromats, anomalous trichromats, and
pigment appears to be missing, and anomalous tri- dichromats [39]. The traditional view, however, is
chromacy, in which both the L- and the M- cone still valid and is illustrated in Fig. 4 with absorption
photopigments are present but one of them has an spectra for anomalous trichromacy and dichromacy.
abnormal absorption spectra that reduces the differ- Defects of the L-cone photopigment are referred to as
ence between L- and M- spectra. Congenital defects protan defects, those of the M-cone photopigment as
in which the S-cone photopigment is affected, tritan deutan defects, and those of the S-cone photopigment
defects, are autosomal rather than X-chromosome – as tritan defects. Response of the red-green channel is
linked, and they occur in approximately 0.005% of reduced in anomalous trichromats because the absorb-
the population. Complete and incomplete achroma- ance spectra of the two photopigments are more
topsias, which are more profound disorders of color similar than they are for normal trichromats [40]. For
vision (X-chromosome – linked and dominant inher- dichromats the red-green chromatic channel is absent
itance patterns are found), occur in approximately because there is only one cone photopigment that
0.003% of the population. Most women who are absorbs a significant amount of light at middle and
carriers for X-chromosome – linked red-green defects long wavelengths.
have clinically normal color vision, but subtle abnor-
malities have been reported for some tests. Statistics Anomalous trichromacy
suggest that 15% to 20% of women may be carriers
of X-chromosome – linked red-green defects. Approximately 5% to 6% of males are anomalous
The names for the different types of congenital trichromats, which means that they have three distinct
color defects and for the classification schema derive cone types (Fig. 4A – C) but that one of the cones has
from experiments in color matching. A person with an abnormal absorption spectrum [3]. In approxi-
color vision mediated by three cone types is referred mately 4% of males, the M-cone photopigment has
to as a trichromat. Given any three different colored an abnormal absorption spectrum closer to the L-cone
lights (used as primaries), a trichromat can make a absorption spectrum than is that of the normal M-cone;
color match to any test light, as long as no mixture of these are deuteranomalous trichromats. In approxi-
two primaries can match the third. The test light mately 1% of males, the L-cone photopigment has an
stimulates the three cones in a given ratio. To abnormal absorption spectrum closer to the M-cone
reproduce this ratio exactly (and to make a color absorption spectrum than is that of the normal L-cone;
match), three variables (the primaries) are required. these are protanomalous trichromats.
The most familiar example of this is a color television Considerable variability exists in the color vision
set, which uses three light sources (red, green, and performance of anomalous trichromats, and a few are
blue phosphors) to produce a wide range of colors. able to pass conventional plate and arrangement color
Color matching is slightly more complicated in that vision tests. Accurate diagnosis of color vision can
‘‘negative’’ amounts of a primary can be used, in only be made using a device referred to as an
which light from one or two primaries is added to the anomaloscope. Anomalous trichromats are often
test color. The reason for this is that no three divided into two subclasses, simple and extreme,
primaries can produce a complete range of colors, based on their performance as assessed with an
186 W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203

Fig. 4. Photopigment absorption spectra for congenital color vision defects [17], for standard density of lens, and for macular
pigment. (A – C) Cone photopigment absorption spectra for trichromats: protanomalous, L-cone peak shifted to lower
wavelengths (A); normal (B); deuteranomalous, M-cone peak shifted to higher wavelengths (C). (D,E) Cone photopigment
absorption spectra for dichromats: protanopes with no L-cone photopigment (D) and deuteranopes with no M-cone
photopigment (E).

anomaloscope. Most protanomalous and deuteranom- Dichromacy

alous trichromats fall in the category of simple
anomalous trichromacy and may be unaware that Approximately 2% of males are dichromats, 1%
they have unusual color vision until they encounter are protanopes (L-cones affected), and 1% are deu-
color vision screening. Extreme anomalous trichro- teranopes (M-cones affected). It is commonly as-
mats have poor color discrimination and may appear sumed that dichromats are completely missing
to be dichromats on some tests. The difference either their L- or M-cone photopigments. Dichromats
between extreme and simple anomalous trichromacy may actually have three cone photopigments, with
does not appear to be attributed to differences in the one of the three anomalous and in greatly reduced
anomalous photopigments themselves, and it is con- numbers (especially in the fovea) [42]. For the
sistent with the variation in postreceptoral processing purposes of this chapter, dichromats will be discussed
found in normal trichromats [40,41]. as if they were completely missing one photopigment
W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203 187

type (L-cone for protanopes and M-cone for deuter- for conditions in which two or more adjacent colors
anopes), but it should be kept in mind that this may differ in brightness. Persons with color defects rely
only be true for the fovea. more heavily on brightness cues to distinguish
In foveal color matches, a dichromat requires only between colors than do trichromats and sometimes
two primaries to match a full range of colors because end up using the term brown inappropriately.
only two cone types are used to make the match, but In 1798, John Dalton, who was apparently a
with large fields a dichromat may use rods for the deuteranope [44], published a detailed description of
color match [43], in which case three primaries his color perceptions. In botany and other studies he
become necessary. For foveal stimuli, what is essen- learned how his use of color names differed from
tially a two-dimensional color space for observers conventional use: ‘‘I have often asked a person
with normal color vision (a plane with a red-green whether a flower was blue or pink but was generally
axis and an S-cone axis) becomes a one-dimensional considered to be in jest . . . blood appears . . . to me not
color space for dichromats (a single color-axis). For unlike that colour called bottle-green’’ [1]. He gave the
dichromats, all wavelengths that are minimally following description of how the visual spectrum
absorbed by the S-cones (reds, oranges, yellows, appeared to him: ‘‘I see only two or at most three
and yellowish greens) can be matched in color by distinctions . . . those which I should call yellow and
adjusting their relative luminances because of the blue; or yellow, blue and purple . . . orange, yellow and
principle of univariance. For any given color, there green seem one colour which descends pretty uni-
are sets of colors that will all provide a match for a formly from an intense to a rare yellow’’ [1].
dichromat once the relative luminance is adjusted Persons with color defects frequently report dif-
appropriately—one set of luminances for protanopes ficulties with traffic lights. For deutan defectives, the
and another set of luminances for deuteranopes. In red and yellow lights may look identical, and the
particular, there will be one wavelength (which green light may appear to be white. For protan
appears as green or blue-green to a color-normal defectives, the red light is often correctly identified
observer) that is indistinguishable from white; this because it appears to be much dimmer than yellow or
is called the dichromat’s neutral point. For a normal green, but as a result an isolated red light seen at night
trichromat, the percept white is generated when all may be mistaken for a yellow light. In addition, for
three cones respond approximately equally, which no those with protan defects, brake lights appear dim,
single wavelength can cause. For a dichromat, only and the time required to act when a brake light is
two cones must be equated to generate the percept of flashed can be twice as long as for observers with
white, and the neutral point is the wavelength that normal color vision [3]. They also may have dif-
does this. ficulty reading under red light or operating under red
light in darkrooms. Some heterozygous carriers of
Protan and deutan defects in daily life protan defects (that is, women with a normal L-cone
gene on one X-chromosome and a dichromatic gene
In treating patients, the most common use of color on the other X-chromosome) also have decreased
vision tests is to assess the degree of visual loss. Loss sensitivity to red light [45].
of color vision can have significant effects on the Color is often used to provide important distinc-
quality of a patient’s life. The types of difficulties that tions when complex information is presented in
congenital color defectives experience in daily life maps, computer displays, diagrams, and charts. When
serve to illustrate some of the problems that can result color differences are large, few other cues may be
from color vision loss. used; this puts color defectives at a disadvantage.
Protan and deutan color defects are often referred Different routes in a subway may be distinguished as
to as red-brown and green-brown confusions, respec- red, yellow, orange, and green by those with normal
tively. This nomenclature stems from the fact that vision but may appear nearly identical to some
these confusions are commonly made in daily life. persons with color defects. Adjacent regions in a
Both types will have a range of color confusions, geographic map are often separated by a thin line
such as confusing blues and violets. However, in and are filled with different colors. If the colors
daily life the confusion with brown is often the most appear identical for someone with a color defect,
marked. This may be in part because the color name the separation between the regions may not be
‘‘brown’’ has a unique role. For persons with normal noticed. In the transportation industry, congenital
color vision, there is no combination of wavelengths color defectives may be disqualified for safety reas-
of light that, when presented in isolation, appears as ons because they are more likely to make errors in
brown; the color name ‘‘brown’’ is usually reserved identifying colors, may have longer reaction times to
188 W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203

colored lights, and, if they are protanopes, may fail to few affected members are trichromats; these mem-
see red signal lights [46]. In science and medicine, bers have been referred to as incomplete tritanopes
problems from congenital color defects can often be because there is no evidence of an anomalous S-cone
overcome with the use of instrumentation or assist- photopigment in them. It has been much more dif-
ance from colleagues. ficult to confirm the existence of tritananomalous
Over the years, many attempts have been made to trichromacy, which appears to be even rarer, if in fact
improve color vision through the use of tinted lenses it actually exists. Tritan defects may be confused with
(glasses or contact lenses), on either a monocular or dominant optic atrophy, an autosomal dominant dis-
a binocular basis. Although some of these lenses ease that causes a similar color defect.
allow patients to miraculously ‘‘pass’’ pseudoiso-
chromatic plate tests, it must be understood that this Complete and incomplete achromatopsias
is because the lenses corrupt the equiluminance of
the test design rather than improve color discrimina- Congenital achromatopsias are photoreceptor dis-
tion (ie, greens may become darker than oranges). orders in which visual loss is more severe than in
These lenses create severe color distortions, and dichromacy or anomalous trichromacy. Unlike protan
users are still unable to pass arrangement tests, and deutan defects, in which acuity is normal, most
lantern tests, or anomaloscopes. achromats have reduced acuity (in some extremely
Tinted lenses (usually either red or magenta) rare cases acuity is normal). Achromatopsias are
do have limited applications for color discrimination usually considered to be stationary, but some research-
in tasks with fixed color palettes, such as electronic ers have reported cases that appear to be progressive.
wiring. When faced with a pair of confusion colors, Care must be taken to make a correct diagnosis
the lenses provide luminance cues to differentiate the because congenital achromatopsias can be confused
colors as distinct entities; color recognition skills are with cone and cone – rod degenerations.
not necessarily better and are often worse with the The most severe achromatopsia, and the only
lenses. Tinted lenses are most effective when alter- congenital color defect producing total color blind-
nated with habitual color vision; the difference ness, is complete achromatopsia with reduced visual
between the two viewing conditions provides suf- acuity. The incidence is approximately 1 in 30,000. It
ficient additional cues to improve performance. is generally considered that these achromats com-
There is a prolonged learning curve, and proficiency pletely lack cones, and they are sometimes termed
increases with increased experience. rod monochromats, but some studies have indicated
Tinted lenses are generally not effective in the that rod monochromats may have residual cone
open environment because confusion pairs are less function. During infancy and early childhood, these
identifiable and the filters themselves distort colors patients may have obvious pendular nystagmus and
and induce new confusion pairs. A small number of stable low vision. Nystagmus is gradually suppressed
patients report subjective enhancement of color during development, and acuity is approximately
vision using tinted lenses, with greater appreciation 20/200, similar to rod-mediated acuity in observers
of the number of colors and nuances of colors with normal color vision. They often have photopho-
perceived in the environment. These lenses can be bia, and rod monochromats may prefer orange or red
prescribed for quality-of-life issues, though long-term sunglasses. Rods are less sensitive to orange and red
satisfaction is not well-established. light than are the L- and M-cones, so for rod mono-
chromats orange sunglasses are nearly as effective as
Tritan defects traditional sunglasses, yet they allow color-normal
persons to see the monochromat’s eyes (making
A much rarer form of congenital color defect is social interactions easier).
the autosomal dominant tritan defect, which has an Less severe are incomplete achromatopsias, which
incidence of one in several tens of thousands. This is can be X-chromosome – linked or autosomal reces-
an autosomal dominant defect, with approximately sive. The more common is the X-chromosome – linked
50% of the offspring (both male and female) of an form. It is generally considered that incomplete ach-
affected individual showing the defect. The defect romats have normal rods and S-cones and are missing
can vary considerably in severity from one family the M- and L-cones, so these patients are sometimes
member to another. A dichromatic state, tritanopia, called blue cone monochromats, but some studies
has been found, in which two primaries are sufficient have shown evidence of residual L- or M-cone func-
to allow color matches, suggesting that S-cones are tion in some blue cone monochromats [47]. Acuity is
absent. In some families containing tritanopes, a reduced, ranging from 20/60 to 20/200. The variabil-
W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203 189

ity in acuity is consistent with the range of S-cone – blue light reaching the photoreceptors [13], and
mediated acuities in observers with normal color pupillary miosis can reduce retinal illuminance to
vision [48] and with the variability in density of the point that color vision performance is degraded.
S-cones reported in histologic studies. These patients Some disorders of the pigment epithelium and
often have pendular nystagmus in childhood and may choroid can produce a red-green color vision loss with
have high myopia, photophobia, or both. little acuity loss, referred to as a macular color defect
Autosomal recessive incomplete achromatopsia [49]. One cause of macular color defects is a misalign-
has a variety of forms. In all forms, rod function ment of photoreceptors that reduces the length of the
appears to be normal and there is reduced visual path that light follows through the photoreceptor. This
acuity; the different forms vary in their expression of results in decreased effective cone photopigment
the different cone classes. Some appear to have only optical density and consequent narrowing of the
M-cones, others only L-ones, others L- and M-cones, absorption spectra (Fig. 3) that is detectable with an
and still others S- and L-cones. The incidence is anomaloscope as pseudoprotanomaly.
unclear, because detailed testing of putative complete Another mechanism of color vision loss may be
achromats often reveals incomplete achromatopsia. selective damage to specific cone classes. It is clear
that some photoreceptor degenerations can have the
Carriers of X-chromosome – linked congenital strongest impact on a single class of photoreceptors
color defects because some degenerations primarily affect cones
while others primarily affect rods. Among the cones,
Because 8% to 10% of males have X-linked the S-cones are morphologically and electrophysio-
congenital color vision defects, it is expected that logically distinct from the L- and M-cones. Kollner
16% to 20% of women may be carriers of congenital noted in 1912 that blue color vision defects are
color vision defects. Although less than 4% of these common in retinal diseases. It has since been found
women express anomalous trichromacy or dichro- that in some diseases color vision defects reflect
macy, minor abnormalities in color vision have fre- greater damage to the S-cones than to the L- and
quently been reported in carriers of congenital color M-cones [50]. In some patients, however, acquired
vision defects. Female carriers of X-chromosome – tritan defects may be caused by the use of color
linked congenital color defects are heterozygous for vision tests for which performance is more strongly
the genes producing cone photopigments, unless they affected by a loss in sensitivity of S-cones than by a
have inherited the same defective gene from each loss in sensitivity of L- and M-cones [51]; for
parent. It appears that in each cone only one of the instance, reduction in retinal illuminance can cause
two X chromosomes is used to produce the photo- selective tritan defects on the FM 100-hue test [36].
pigment, so that a heterozygous carrier’s retina will Disruption of postreceptoral processing is yet
have to be a mosaic for the two types of genes. When another mechanism of color vision loss. Damage
one of the genes is for a normal photopigment, some at the level of the inner retina, optic nerve, optic
patches of the retina should be like the normal radiation, or cortex can cause color vision defects. In
trichromatic retina and allow normal color vision. persons with normal color vision, hypoxia can induce
Carriers of anomalous trichromacy may actually have a loss in sensitivity to blue light at low photopic
four distinct cone types (the three normal ones plus luminances, so vascular disturbances that cause tissue
the anomalous one they carry) [45]. Carriers normally anoxia or hypoxia may produce blue defects by a
appear as dichromats or anomalous trichromats only similar mechanism.
if both X chromosomes have a defective gene, and
they then tend to express the milder defect. Classification of acquired color vision defects

Early efforts to classify acquired color vision

Acquired color vision defects defects suggested that blue defects reflected damage
to the outer retina layers while optic nerve damage
Mechanisms of color vision loss produced progressive color vision defects that began
as red-green defects. It is now known that outer retinal
Changes in prereceptoral filters usually result in damage can also cause red-green defects and that blue
decreased sensitivity to blue light, causing blue defects can also result from changes in prereceptoral
defects. Yellowing of the crystalline lens during filters or to diseases of the optic nerve. Verriest [52,53]
normal human aging results in an increase in absorp- proposed a classification of acquired color vision
tion of blue light by the lens and subsequently less defects using four categories: two types of red-green
190 W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203

defect, a blue-yellow defect, and a nonspecific defect. used when they are available. If possible, it should be
The red-green defects are referred to as types 1 and 2, determined whether the patient’s color vision defect
and the blue-yellow defect is referred to as type 3. The was present in childhood and whether any family
term blue-yellow defect is in fact misleading because members are known to have a color vision defect.
tritan defects result in blue-green and yellow-violet A family history of X-linked color vision defects
confusions rather than in blue-yellow confusions. increases the likelihood that the patient has a con-
Therefore, the term blue defect has been introduced genital color vision defect. Some acquired color
instead for acquired type 3 defects [54]. vision defects are caused by diseases that are either
When the primary defect is red-green there is X-linked (for example, retinitis pigmentosa) or dom-
usually a progressive loss, either moderate or severe. inant (for example, dominant optic atrophy), so a
At advanced stages there may be an acquired achro- family history of color vision defect does not neces-
matopsia in the affected retinal region. It is assumed sarily mean that the defect is congenital. Color vision
that the type 1 red-green defect is caused by macular testing of family members who report color vision
cone damage, and that the type 2 red-green defect is defects can be useful.
caused by optic nerve involvement. The distinction Given that the term color-blindness suggests a
between the two types is based on the spectral lumi- complete loss in sensitivity to color, it is best to avoid
nous efficiency function. In the type 1 defect there is a the term when inquiring into family history. Exam-
scotopization of the photopic spectral luminous effi- ples can be given: confusing red and brown, green
ciency function, whereas in the type 2 defect the shape and brown, green and gray, green and white, blue and
of the photopic spectral luminosity efficiency function purple, red and yellow, or red and green. It should be
remains approximately normal, and there may also be made clear to the family that someone with unusual
a blue defect. The color defect may sometimes be color vision may sometimes use color names properly
called protanopic for type 1 and deuteranopic for type and that even occasional color confusions are of
2 because protanopes have reduced sensitivity to red interest. Difficulties with traffic lights are common
light but deuteranopes do not. This terminology is in congenital color defects, but lack of such difficul-
misleading, however, because the cause of the abnor- ties does not rule them out.
mal color vision is different for congenital defects than Because of the high incidence of congenital color
it is for acquired defects. vision defects, the X-linked inheritance pattern can
The type 3 acquired blue defect can be caused by appear in a number of forms. It is possible to have
increased density of prereceptoral filters or by cho- affected women in the pedigree because 0.4% to
roidal, pigment epithelial, retinal, or neural disorders. 0.5% of women are anomalous trichromats or dichro-
It is the most common form of acquired color vision mats. If the patient is female, she should express a
defect. Blue defects also occur with aging, so age- congenital color defect only if her father has a
matched norms are useful for interpreting test results congenital color defect and her mother is a carrier,
[55]. The type 3 defect may occur with mesopization so testing both parents is useful (particularly the
or scotopization (as in retinal vascular disease), with father because his status can be more readily eval-
pseudoprotanomaly (as in central serous retinopathy), uated). If the patient is male, only his mother’s family
or with a normal spectral luminous efficiency func- is of interest. If the defect includes decreased sensi-
tion (as in glaucoma). tivity to red, it is useful to test the mother to look for
evidence of the carrier state of a congenital protan
Distinguishing between congenital and defect. If a maternal grandmother, grandfather, or
acquired defects aunt had a congenital color defect, then the patient’s
mother must be a carrier, giving the patient a 50%
The fact that a patient with obvious ocular damage chance of inheriting a defective gene. If the mother
fails a color-screening test is not in itself evidence has an X-linked congenital color vision defect, then
that the color vision defect was acquired—the failure the mother must have two defective genes and the
could have been the result of a congenital color patient must have inherited one of them.
defect. Because tritanopia is rare, blue defects are Congenital color defects produce systemic and
unlikely to be congenital. For red-green defects, consistent errors on color vision tests. If a patient fails
however, the possibility of a congenital color defect a rapid color vision screening, a longer battery of tests
should be considered, especially for males. Some should be used to determine whether the defect fits a
tests (FM 100-hue and anomaloscope, described typical congenital pattern. Arrangement tests and
below) show different patterns for congenital defects anomaloscope testing can be useful for characterizing
than for acquired defects, and these tests should be the pattern of loss and comparing it with patterns
W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203 191

typical of congenital defects. Type 1 red-green defects Rod dystrophies have the greatest impact on rods
involve mesopization or scotopization, but congenital and the peripheral retina, whereas color vision tests
red-green defects do not. In type 2 red-green defects usually evaluate foveal cones. A variety of color
there can be a range of wavelengths that are identical to vision tests can reveal foveal color vision defects in
white (a neutral range), whereas in congenital red- rod dystrophies, with performance ranging from nor-
green defects there is essentially only one wavelength mal color vision to acquired achromatopsia. Some-
(the neutral point for dichromats) or no wavelength (in times color vision defects are found while acuity is
many anomalous trichromats) that matches white. still normal; these are primarily type 3 blue defects. In
When both red-green and blue defects are present, retinitis pigmentosa the severity of color vision defect
it is reasonable to suspect acquired achromatopsia. In can vary with different subclasses of the disease [50].
these patients it is important to look for possible Cone dystrophies often produce type 1 acquired
contributions of a congenital defect because the patient red-green defects. In many patients with diffuse cone
may have a mild acquired blue defect and a congenital dystrophy, color vision tests and electroretinography
red-green defect. For example, a protanope with dom- indicate cone disturbance, but in some patients with
inant optic atrophy may have both red-green and blue diffuse cone dystrophy there is either a normal ERG
defects and may be misdiagnosed as having a disease and abnormal color vision or an abnormal ERG and
producing acquired achromatopsia, though in actuality normal color vision. Macular cone dystrophies usu-
the prognosis is not so poor. Regardless of the cause of ally show more pronounced color defects, including
a color vision defect, any change in performance acquired achromatopsia restricted to the macula. Type
between visits should be investigated. Tests used with 3 blue defects are more often found in other dystro-
standard methods [56] that provide quantitative results phies, such as drusen, butterfly-shaped dystrophy,
are therefore more useful than screening tests for myopic degeneration, autosomal dominant macular
following up patients, even when the original defect degeneration, choroidal dystrophy, and age-related
appears to be congenital. macular degeneration.
In evaluating performance on color vision tests, it Acquired color vision defects have been fre-
is good to include information from other tests of quently reported in glaucoma. Two decades ago it
visual function. If acuity is reduced, test stimuli may was suggested that color vision loss may be one of
be too small to be seen clearly. If contrast sensitivity is the earliest signs of glaucomatous damage [57]. For
reduced, performance on plate tests may be reduced studies using the FM 100-hue test, a type 3 blue
because plates are not at 100% contrast rather than defect has often been reported, with red-green defects
because of a color defect. If color vision testing developing at more advanced stages. Results of these
indicates achromatopsia and the dark-adapted ERG studies paved the way for the study of short-wave-
shows reduced rod sensitivity, then the achromatopsia length automated perimetry (SWAP) for detecting
is likely to be acquired rather than hereditary. Sim- glaucomatous damage, now a method with widespread
ilarly, results of color vision tests should be consid- application that is discussed by Racette and Sample
ered in analyzing other types of clinical data. A elsewhere in this issue. Studies in which the adaptation
congenital protan defect could reduce the cone ERG state was carefully controlled have failed to find a
to red light but not to white light because of the selective loss of foveal short-wavelength sensitivity in
decreased absorption of red light. patients with glaucoma [58 – 61]. Early reports of type
3 blue defects in patients with glaucoma might have
been attributed in large part to adaptation character-
Examples of acquired color vision defects istics of the FM 100-hue test interacting with patient
variables rather than to selective neural loss. One study
Acquired color vision defects of retinal origin can that evaluated the effect of pupil size found that the FM
result from disruptions of the choroid, retina, or pig- 100-hue blue defect resulted from miotic pupils in the
ment epithelium, whether because of inflammation or patients [62]. Systematic analysis of the effects of
detachment [3]. Type 3 blue defects are the most adaptation state on FM 100-hue performance [63]
common, though type 1 red-green defects have some- has demonstrated that decreased retinal illuminance
times been reported. Color vision evaluation has been (pupillary miosis, yellowing of the lens, lens scatter)
used to observe recovery after successful retinal causes the type 3 blue defects.
detachment surgery, and in central serous retinopathy Optic atrophies can produce either type 2 red-
there is a temporary pseudoprotanomaly (apparently green defects or type 3 blue defects. For example,
caused by receptor disorientation) that disappears as Leber’s optic atrophy often produces a type 2 red-
the serous fluid is resorbed [49]. green defect, whereas autosomal dominant optic
192 W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203

atrophy usually produces a type 3 blue defect that is working conditions but do not accurately identify
sometimes severe. There are, however, reports of a few color vision defects. The most common clinical tests
patients with autosomal dominant optic atrophy with a are plate tests, which provide a basic screening
type 2 red-green defect without a type 3 blue defect, method for detecting congenital color defects. More
suggesting that there may be more than one genetic demanding than these are arrangement tests, which
entity. In chronic optic neuritis, type 2 red-green provide a quantitative analysis of color vision. The
defects are predominant; acute optic neuritis is gen- most complicated clinical tool is the anomaloscope,
erally considered to produce a type 2 red-green defect, which is required for accurate diagnosis of congenital
though some researchers have reported type 3 blue color vision defects. For all types of tests, proper
defects [3]. Papilledema and ischemic optic neurop- testing conditions are crucial. No single test is ideal,
athy frequently produce type 3 blue defects. Color and for color vision evaluation a battery of tests is
vision defects are also common as a result of damage to recommended [3,38,56].
the optic chiasm, optic tract, and optic radiations.
Toxic agents can produce acquired color vision Testing conditions
defects that may be reversible but are sometimes
irreversible. Given that the visual system is often As discussed above, color is a construct of the
susceptible to drug side effects, it can be useful to nervous system and the psyche. External objects emit a
reevaluate the color vision of medicated patients on a variety of wavelengths, and the observer constructs a
regular basis to determine whether there is visual color percept based on photoreceptor responses to this
impairment. Type 1 red-green defects are produced wavelength distribution. Color vision tests evaluate
by macular cone damage, from agents such as digitalis the ability of the observer to discriminate different
or quinine. Type 2 red-green defects are produced by wavelength distributions. Therefore, for a color vision
toxic optic neuropathy, from agents such as antibiotics test to have validity, the wavelength distributions of
and chemotherapeutics. Type 3 blue defects can be the test stimuli must be carefully controlled. Normal
produced by toxic maculopathy (eg, chloroquine) indoor lights and ordinary window light are not suit-
or by toxic optic neuropathy. Hypovitaminosis A, able illuminants for most color vision tests [56].
chronic liver disease, and alcohol liver cirrhosis can An international commission on lighting (Commis-
cause color vision defects that are often reversible. sion Internationale de l’Eclairage [CIE]) has provided
Color vision defects arising from cortical damage a basic classification of standard forms of illumination
are rare but have been reported since the nineteenth [5], and most color vision tests have subsequently been
century. Causes include vascular lesions of the cerebral designed to be used under one of these, referred to as
cortex, concussion injuries, and specific lesions from CIE Standard Illuminant C. CIE Standard Illuminant
gunshot wounds or tumors. Three types of loss are D65 provides a more modern definition of the standard
reported, either singly or in combination. The first type illuminant; these two illuminants are essentially equiv-
of loss is a specific color defect similar to the congen- alent for use in color vision tests. These illuminants are
ital or the acquired defects described above; most closely approximated by northern skylight in the
frequently these are either severe type 3 acquired blue Northern hemisphere, so tests may refer to use of
defects or acquired achromatopsia. The second type of natural daylight. Brightness and spectral distribution
loss is an inability to detect small changes in wave- of natural daylight can be variable. When nonstandard
length over the entire visual spectrum. The third type is illuminants are used, observers with color vision
color agnosia, in which the patient is unable to cor- defects can sometimes pass a test they would fail under
rectly use color names, though testing may show no a standard illuminant [64] or fail with a different
color defect and normal wavelength discrimination. pattern of results than would be obtained under a
standard illuminant. When illumination is too dim,
observers with normal color vision may fail a color
Tests of color vision vision test that they would pass under adequate illu-
mination. To use color vision tests for diagnosis, after
Specialized color vision tests used in basic re- progression, and for evaluation of treatment, it is
search laboratories are time consuming, make essential to use a standard illuminant.
complex demands on the observers, and require There are a number of ways to obtain a standard
calibration. For routine clinical use, simpler tests illuminant [56]. Several manufacturers produce illu-
have been developed that can be rapidly administered minants that closely approximate the CIE standard
and easily interpreted. The simplest tests are lantern illuminant. For example, the MacBeth Easel Lamp
tests, which simulate color vision demands under was specifically designed for use with screening tests,
W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203 193

and color screening glasses have been produced that standardized. To allow comparison of results between
convert light from a normal tungsten light bulb to a different clinics, it is necessary to follow the recom-
good approximation of the standard illuminant [65]. mendations in the manuals. When a complex apparatus
The quality of an illuminant is quantified by its color- such as an anomaloscope is used, established proce-
rendering index, which specifies how closely it ap- dures should be followed by a trained tester [56].
proximates the CIE standard illuminant; a score of
100 is perfect. Commercially available illuminants for Lantern tests
color vision testing have color-rendering indices bet-
ter than 90, but some conventional ‘‘daylight’’ fluo- In marine, rail, and airline transportation, and in
rescent lamps have lower color-rendering indexes. the military, it is often necessary to correctly identify
Many people wear tinted contact lenses or tinted signals and navigational aids that make extensive use
glasses. These tints may alter the spectral properties of color. Lantern tests are performance-based, and
of the stimuli, confounding the interpretation of test they do not diagnose, classify, or grade the level of
results. It is also possible to purchase a tinted contact color vision defect. Rather, they attempt to determine
lens designed to allow patients with congenital color whether the person is capable of performing the color
defect to pass some plate tests using brightness cues signal recognition tasks with adequate proficiency to
rather than color vision (the lens does not correct the maintain safety standards.
color vision defect). It is, therefore, essential that There are two types of lantern tests, those that use
observers not wear tinted lenses during a color vision actual signal light filters and those that use simulations
examination. If necessary, the observer can be of signal lights. In the United States, the Farnsworth
refracted with a trial set of achromatic lenses. Lantern (Falant) is the standard lantern test and is
Acquired color vision defects may not be identical pretty much the only test in use. It simulates marine
in the two eyes, so each eye should be tested sepa- signal lights under a variety of atmospheric conditions.
rately. If the difference between the two eyes is large Two lights are presented in a vertical display in any of
enough, some patients with color defects in each eye the nine possible combinations of three colors—red,
may pass the tests binocularly but fail monocularly. green, and white—in the two positions. A patient must
Interocular differences may provide cues that enable average eight of nine correct responses to pass the test.
the observer to pass a test despite a color vision defect. White lights are particularly problematic, especially
In patients with unilateral aphakia or pseudophakia, for milder color defects. Patients report that the test is
there may be a large difference in the effect of not representative of actual field conditions.
prereceptoral filters resulting in significant interocular
differences in spectral properties of the stimuli. Plate tests
Color vision abilities can be strongly affected by
the size of the stimuli. In general, the larger the Plate tests have been used for more than a century
stimuli, the better the color discrimination. To provide to separate color-defective from color-normal observ-
a standard evaluation, a fixed distance should be used ers. The most common plate tests are pseudoisochro-
(usually 0.75 m for plate tests, 0.5 m for arrangement matic plates, in which symbols (numbers, letters, or
tests). When testing patients with reduced acuity, it is geometric figures) composed of colored dots are
sometimes useful to test color vision with small and presented on a background of colored dots. The colors
large stimuli to determine the extent to which field are chosen so that the symbol and background color
size affects performance. are distinct for those with normal color vision but are
Color vision tests can be influenced by emotional more similar (pseudo-isochromatic) for color-defec-
and cognitive factors, which can increase variability. tive persons. In some cases, the color-defective person
Several steps can be taken to reduce this variability is unable to see any pattern whereas color-normal
[3]. First, establish rapport with the patient, under- persons readily identify the figures. At other times,
standing that the testing situation is unfamiliar and two different figures are seen, one by color-normal
may produce anxiety. It is important to explain why persons and another by color-defective persons (ach-
the tests are being administered and to put the patient romats may not be able to see even the defective
at ease in the presence of the tester. If a difficult test figure). Sometimes only the person with the color
such as an anomaloscope is to be used, it is a good defect is able to identify the figure correctly. In other
idea to begin with a simpler test that the patient can plate tests the observer is shown a plate containing two
understand more readily, such as an arrangement test. or more colors and is asked to select the plate that
Variations in the instructions given to patients can meets certain criteria—most similar to a standard (City
affect performance, so testing conditions must be University Test), matching a gray rectangle (Sloan
194 W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203

achromatopsia test), or different from the other colors Although this test is still sometimes used with
(Berson blue cone monochromatism plates [66]). children [67], it is generally recognized to be a
The most common use of plate tests is to identify highly inaccurate test based on erroneous concepts
persons with congenital color defects. Pseudoisochro- of color vision [56].
matic plates (for example, AO-HRR, Ishihara, Dvor-
ine, Tokyo Medical College, SPP-1) provide efficient
screening of congenital red-green defects (efficiency, FM 100-hue test
90%-95%). Other tests have been designed to detect The FM 100-hue test was originally presented in
achromatopsia (Sloan Achromatopsia test), to differ- 1943 as a test to evaluate the color abilities of color-
entiate incomplete achromatopsia from complete normal and congenital color-defective persons [68].
achromatopsia (Berson blue cone monochromatism In practice, only 1% to 2% of the color-normal
plates [66]), to detect acquired defects (SPP-2), or to population is able to perform the FM 100-hue test
detect color confusion (City University Test). Plate with no errors, and the average number of errors
tests have the advantages of being relatively inex- made by the color-normal population is a function of
pensive, easily available, simple to use, and appro- age. Therefore, performance is evaluated by compar-
priate with children and persons who are illiterate. ison with age-matched norms [69,70]. In the 1950s
They are only suitable for screening purposes, how- and 1960s, Verriest et al [52,53] showed that the FM
ever, because they neither provide a quantitative 100-hue test is also useful in evaluating acquired
evaluation of color vision nor distinguish the type color vision defects. Unlike laboratory tests of color
and severity of the color vision defect. Plate tests are discrimination, the FM 100-hue test can be performed
designed to distinguish congenital color-defective by untrained observers, is easily transported, and is
from color-normal observers, but they do not evaluate suitable for mass production, making it useful for
the wide range of abilities and aptitudes of observers routine clinical use. The FM 100-hue test consists of
with normal color vision to distinguish colors. Given 85 color chips, arranged in four separate trays (there
individual differences in prereceptoral filters and were 100 hues in the initial version, and the name
normal photopigment polymorphisms, no plate test was retained in subsequent versions). One tray has
can be 100% effective in screening. When used shades from red through orange and yellow, a second
improperly (nonstandard illuminant, binocular view- from yellow through blue to blue-green, a third from
ing, colored lenses not removed from observer), their blue to purple, and a fourth from purple back to red.
efficiency can diminish dramatically. The FM 100-hue test takes from 15 to 30 minutes
to perform, and when the error score is high the data
Arrangement tests require detailed analysis to determine the pattern of
errors. Each colored chip is given an error score, and
Arrangement tests were introduced 60 years ago as error scores for the 85 chips are plotted in a color
a way of grading the color abilities of observers with circle. Tests are designed so that the highest error
normal color vision, and they have also been used to scores will be in the region of poorest discrimination,
provide a quantitative evaluation of color abilities in and in most congenital color defects one of three axes
color-defective observers. In an arrangement test, the is seen: protan, deutan, or tritan. In acquired defects
observer is presented with a randomly arranged set of one of these axes may be seen, or there may be a
colored samples and is asked to arrange them in diffuse loss of discrimination. Illustrative examples of
sequence. The number of errors provides a measure FM 100-hue test results are shown in Fig. 5.
of overall chromatic discrimination, and analysis
of the pattern of the errors determines whether D-15 test
there is a red-green, blue, or indeterminate defect. The D-15 test contains a single fixed chip and 15
Four different arrangement tests are used in clinical movable color chips sampling a complete color circle,
color vision testing: the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue and it is designed to distinguish observers with mod-
test, the Farnsworth Dichotomous Panel D-15 test, the erate or severe color defects from those with milder
Lanthony Desaturated Panel D-15, and the Lanthony defects. Approximately half of persons with congenital
New Color Test. color defects (primarily anomalous trichromats with
Before the Farnsworth tests were introduced, good discrimination) are able to perform the test with
less precise tests were used that involved sorting no errors. When an observer makes one or more errors,
colored samples. For more than a century a ‘‘wool the eye is retested.
test’’ has been used in which the observer is asked The pattern of errors is analyzed graphically in
to sort colored wool samples into different piles. terms of protan, deutan, and tritan axes; test and retest
W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203 195

patterns are compared to determine the reliability of usually similar, whereas for those with acquired
the pattern. Protan and deutan axes are common for defects there may be considerable interocular differ-
the two classes of congenital color-defectives, and ences in performance.
tritan axes are a sign of an acquired type 3 blue The D-15 test usually requires less than 5 minutes
defect. Achromats tend to have a scotopic axis half- to complete, and errors are scored in a simple graphic
way between the deutan and tritan axes. For congen- manner as illustrated in Figs. 6 and 7. The score sheet
ital color-defectives, results for the two eyes are has 16 dots (including the fixed chip, labeled 0 in the

Fig. 5. FM 100-hue test results from four subjects with congenital color defects. (A) Deutan defects. (B) Protan defects.
196 W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203

Fig. 5 (continued).

figures) arranged in a color circle. Points on the color (single reversals) are often allowed if no more sen-
circle are connected according to the sequence in sitive clinical instrument is available. Children may
which the patient arranged the chips. Results for make a few errors because of incomplete cooperation,
normal trichromats will form a circle in ascending but such errors tend to have no primary axis, and the
numerical order. Although formally a single repeat- precise pattern is not repeated on retest.
able error (chip out of order) constitutes a failure of D-15 test results are shown in Fig. 6 for three
the test, in clinical use two or fewer minor errors congenital color-defectives (two dichromats and an
W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203 197

Fig. 6. D-15 test results for three congenital color-defectives. Protan, deutan, and tritan axes are indicated by thin lines labeled P,
D, and T, respectively. Thick lines show the chip sequence chosen by each observer; normal performance is a circle, with chip
numbers in ascending order. Results for dichromats were typical, clearly showing protan and deutan axes. The protanomalous
trichromat had fewer errors and a less clear axis.

anomalous trichromat). Dichromats usually have a Lanthony tests

pattern with a clear axis, with repeatable test results The two Lanthony tests are new tests based on
and nearly identical performance in each eye. These Farnsworth’s ideas, but they are designed specifically
patterns are illustrated for a deuteranope and a prota- for acquired color vision defects. The desaturated
nope; the exact sequence may differ from one dichro- D-15 test is used in conjunction with the standard
mat to another, but there is always a clear axis, either D-15 test and has the same format. Color samples are
deutan or protan. Anomalous trichromats with good lighter and paler than those of the D-15 test, and
discrimination may make few or no errors. An observers with acquired color vision defects who pass
example is shown for a protanomalous trichromat; the standard D-15 may make a number of errors on
this pattern changed only slightly on retest and was the desaturated D-15.
similar for each eye.
D-15 test results are shown in Fig. 7 for four The New Color Test
patients with retinal diseases. These are illustrative The New Color Test determines neutral zones
examples and do not attempt to convey the consid- (colors confused with gray), using four boxes that
erable variation possible within a population having a contain 15 colored chips each. The 15 hues are the
given disease or for a single patient at different stages same in the four boxes but decrease in saturation
of progression. The top panel illustrates type 3 defects (become closer to white) as the box number in-
with results for a patient (ID 1020) with dominant creases. There are also 10 gray chips of different
macular degeneration. This patient had a tritan axis, lightness. For each box, the gray chips are mixed
with an interocular difference in severity. For more with the colored chips, and the observer is required
than a decade he had known that he made blue-green to separate the chips into two groups, colored and
confusions. A younger patient with the same disease gray. Then the observer orders the chips in each of
(ID 2032) had a single error that was consistent on the two groups: the gray chips by lightness and the
retest and in each eye. It is not uncommon to find this colored chips by color. Scoring of test results
type of error somewhere in the range of chips 10 to 15 determines the neutral zone and evaluates chro-
when testing patients with macular degeneration. The matic and brightness discrimination. Subjects with
bottom panel shows results for two patients with normal color vision may make minor errors at the
widespread retinal dystrophy. The errors for a patient lowest saturation.
(ID 151) with isolate retinitis pigmentosa were many
but had no clear axis; on retest, the number of errors Anomaloscopes
was large but in a different pattern and again showed Anomaloscopes provide the most sensitive color
no clear axis. A patient (ID 104) with cone-rod vision test commercially available for diagnosis of
degeneration had a primarily deutan axis. congenital color vision defects. Unlike the tests
198 W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203

Fig. 7. D-15 test results for four patients with retinal diseases. (A) Blue defects for two patients with dominant macular
degeneration. (B) Poor discrimination with no clear axis in a patient with retinitis pigmentosa, and a red-green defect in a patient
with cone-rod degeneration. Scoring is similar to that in Fig. 6.

mentioned above, extensive training of the examiner red (670 nm) and yellow-green (545 nm) spectral
is required for the results to be valid. Nonetheless, the lights, whose ratio can be controlled by a knob.
advantages of anomaloscope testing outweigh the Adjusting the knob controlling the ratio of red to
inconveniences of training [3,56]. Note that training green light produces a continuous variation from red
is required for the tester, not for the observer, and that through orange to yellow to green. A color-normal
a wide variety of patients (including children) can observer can obtain a good match between the two
perform anomaloscope tests. The patient’s task is semicircles by adjusting the knobs controlling the
color matching: a circular field is divided into two red-green ratio in the top circle and the brightness in
semicircles, and the tester makes adjustments to the the bottom circle. The examiner determines the range
anomaloscope to cause the two semicircles to match of red-green ratios that produce an acceptable match,
in color for the patient. Typical patterns of results are the midpoint of the range, and the required brightness
shown in Fig. 8. of the lower field.
Examples of typical anomaloscope results for
Red-green defects congenital color defects are shown in Fig. 8. For
In most commercial anomaloscopes a red-green protanopes and deuteranopes, the matching range
measurement is made, evaluating the Rayleigh equa- spans the entire range of red-green ratios; the two
tion, named after Lord Rayleigh [71], who reported types of dichromats are distinguished by the bright-
on anomalous red-green matches in 1881. The lower ness settings required for matches at the different red-
semicircle is filled with a spectral yellow (589 nm), green ratios. Anomalous trichromats usually have
whose brightness can be controlled by adjusting a broader matching ranges than do color-normal ob-
knob. The upper semicircle is filled with a mixture of servers, and their matching midpoints are outside the
W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203 199

Fig. 8. Anomaloscope settings for congenital color defects. Solid symbols show settings for trichromats. Dichromats are able to
make matches for all red-green mixtures by adjusting brightness of the yellow. Lines show standard values for dichromats and for
rod monochromats. Although the slope of the line fit to an individual dichromat may differ from the mean slopes shown, the data
will still be fit with a straight line, and the slope will be close to the slopes shown. This is illustrated with the solid symbols,
which show matches for individual patients, fit with broken lines. Patients with scotopization may have slopes intermediate
between protanopic and scotopic.

normal range (more red for protanomalous, more of blue defects usually requires construction of a
green for deuteranomalous). Extreme anomalous tri- research anomaloscope. Three equations have been
chromats have larger matching ranges than simple used for this: the Engelking-Trendelenburg equation,
anomalous trichromats; if the full range of dichro- the Moreland equation, and the Pickford-Lakowski
matic matches is unavailable in a particular anomalo- equation. The Engelking-Trendelenburg equation was
scope (such as the Nagel model 1), some extreme developed in 1925 as a test for congenital blue defects,
anomalous trichromats may perform as dichromats, but it was found to be generally unsuitable, in part
accepting matches over the entire range. because of the range of normal settings produced by
Although the Rayleigh equation was originally variations in the transmittance of prereceptoral filters
devised for studying congenital color defects, it has (lens and macular pigment). The Moreland equation
been useful in examining acquired color vision for tritan defects is more useful and minimizes the
defects. Changes in the matching range and bright- effects of variation in transmittance of the macular
ness settings can quantify color defects, and pseu- pigment (but not the effects of lens changes caused by
doprotanomaly, mesopization, and scotopization can age). The Pickford-Lakowski equation matches white
be detected. to a mixture of blue and yellow; though designed for
evaluating yellowing of the lens, it is also useful for
Blue defects evaluating acquired color vision defects. The matching
A less common use of anomaloscopes is to evaluate range increases in acquired color vision defects.
blue defects. Most commercial anomaloscopes only Because the matching range also increases with age,
allow evaluation of the Rayleigh equation, and study age-matched norms are required.
200 W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203

New tests testing. The first is an international collaboration,

Congenital and Acquired Color Vision Defects [3].
A range of new color vision tests have been It includes an extensive summary of more than a
developed, but none have achieved widespread use century of research on acquired color vision defects,
or validation in very large trials. Two tests have a organized in terms of the Verriest classification, and
simple enough design to use with young children, background on color theory, color vision tests, and
who are typically difficult to test [72], and these tests congenital color defects. An invaluable reference, it is
seem to have good potential. One new test, Color perhaps the most thorough presentation in English on
Vision Testing Made Easy, is a set of pseudoisochro- acquired color vision defects. The second, Proce-
matic plates using shapes instead of letters [73]. The dures for Testing Color Vision [56], is the Report of
other test is a one-page disposable laser-printed Working Group 41 of the National Research Council,
pseudoisochromatic screening test for use under The United States National Academy of Science.
fluorescent lighting [74]; there are 3 different ver- This 120-page handbook is valuable for anyone using
sions to discourage students copying from each other. color vision tests. It is a publication-on-demand
It is designed for mass administration by the lay- service of the National Research Council and can
person in a classroom setting, and it tests for both red- be obtained from the National Academies Press, at
green and blue defects. Its goal is to identify students http://www.nap.edu/catalog/746.html, or by mail
who need further color vision testing by an eye care from National Academies Press, 500 Fifth Street,
professional. The test must be stored in light-tight NW Lockbox 285, Washington, DC 20055.
envelopes to prevent fading. Ongoing research on color vision deficiencies
A wide range of specialized psychophysical tests is presented periodically at a number of confer-
have been developed over the years to allow ences, but the only organization dedicated specif-
detailed examination of color vision defects, but ically to this topic is the International Colour Vision
these have been too complex for routine clinical Society (ICVS), known before 1997 as the Inter-
use. In recent years there have been efforts to national Research Group on Color Vision Defi-
produce new clinical tests for acquired color vision ciencies (IRGCVD). The ICVS is an international
defects by simplifying complex specialized tests. body of clinicians and scientists interested in color
Before such tests become clinically useful, there vision and color deficiencies; the Web site is http://
must be extensive evaluation of norms and age orlab.optom.unsw.edu.au/ICVS/.
effects and repeated use in clinical settings. The Inter-Society Color Council is a professional
To date, no specialized tests of color vision have society of persons from the arts, sciences, and indus-
received the same level of evaluation and adoption as try dealing with commercial aspects of color in the
the standard tests. A popular approach to computer- United States. Its Web site is http://www.iscc.org/.
ized color vision testing has been to produce stimuli The CIE is an international organization that sets
on high-resolution color monitors. Standard comput- standards for illumination, including standard color
er graphics systems provide three primaries with spaces and luminous efficiency functions. The CIE
only 256 intensity levels per primary. Careful cal- Web site is http://www.cie.co.at/cie/.
ibration and stimulus design are required to obtain
changes in color that are not at threshold for color-
normal observers. A commercial customized system, Summary
the VSG (Cambridge Research Systems, http://
www.crsltd.com/), provides finer control of the phos- Many visual disorders produce acquired color
phor intensities and has become widely used by color vision defects. Color vision theory emphasizes sev-
vision scientists. This system includes the Cambridge eral stages of visual processing: prereceptoral filters
Colour Test, a computerized test based on the prin- (lens, macular pigment, pupil), cone photopigments
ciples of plate tests to compensate for normal vari- (L-, M-, and S-cones), and postreceptoral processes
ation in the transmittance of lens and macular (red-green, S-cone, and luminance channels). Con-
pigment [75,76]. genital color defects, which affect 8% to 10% of
males and 0.4% to 0.5% of females, result from
alterations in the photopigment absorption spectra
Resources or the absence of one or more photopigments. The
most common defects are color vision deficiencies
Two classic books are recommended for anyone (protan and deutan defects), which are milder than the
wanting to delve further into clinical color vision rarer achromatopsias (complete loss of color vision).
W.H. Swanson, J.M. Cohen / Ophthalmol Clin N Am 16 (2003) 179–203 201

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