X17Crni 16-2: C: 0,19 - 0,22 CR: 15,5 - 17,0 Ni: 1,5 - 2,5
X17Crni 16-2: C: 0,19 - 0,22 CR: 15,5 - 17,0 Ni: 1,5 - 2,5
X17Crni 16-2: C: 0,19 - 0,22 CR: 15,5 - 17,0 Ni: 1,5 - 2,5
800°C followed by a second tempering treatment Forging Test temperature ( C)
between 650 and 700°C) and QT900 (tempered
Care should be taken when forging since 1.4057,
between 600 and 650°C). The number behind
since gradual heating to a temperature of about
the designation QT relates to the minimum ten-
850°C is recommended prior to more rapid heat-
sile strength. In these conditions, the following
ing to a temperature of between 1150 and
mechanical properties can be expected:
1180°C. Forging then takes place between 1180
Property Spec. QT800 Typical - 950°C followed by slow cooling is an oven or in
- yield strength (N/mm2) Rp0,2 : ³ 600 620 dry ash or similar material to promote slow cool-
- tensile strength (N/mm2) Rm : 800 - 950 820 ing.
- tensile elongation (%) A5 : ³ 14 20
- impact energy (J) @ 25°C ISO-V : ³ 25 Machining
Property Spec. QT900 Typical The machinability of this grade of stainless steel
- yield strength (N/mm2) Rp0,2 : ³ 700 710 is directly related to its hardness. 1.4057 ma-
- tensile strength (N/mm2) Rm : 900 - 1050 920 chines similar to carbon steels of the same hard-
- tensile elongation (%) A5 : ³ 12 16 ness. Although it must be realised that the ma-
- impact energy (J) @ 25°C ISO-V : ³ 20
chining parameters will vary depending on the
† structure/hardness of the steel, the following pa-
Should the nickel content be on the lower end of the speci-
fication, then a simple tempering treatment at a temperature rameters can be used as a guideline when using
between 620 and 720°C will be sufficient. coated hardmetal cutting tools:
tensile strengths depth of cut (mm)
feed (mm/rev)
Welding Rm in N/mm2 6 mm 3 mm 1 mm
0,5 mm/r 0,4 mm/r 0,2 mm/r
When welding 1.4057 with a matching filler, the
annealed (700 - 800) 100 m/min 130 m/min 165 m/min
work piece is usually heated to a temperature of
between 100 and 300°C prior to welding and is
tempered as soon as possible after welding to
restore some ductility to the weld zone. For op-
timal properties, the entire work piece should be