AN9003 - A Users Guide To Intrinsic Safety: Reasons For Selecting The Intrinsically Safe Concept
AN9003 - A Users Guide To Intrinsic Safety: Reasons For Selecting The Intrinsically Safe Concept
AN9003 - A Users Guide To Intrinsic Safety: Reasons For Selecting The Intrinsically Safe Concept
to Intrinsic Safety
MTL4500 Installation.
Level of Protection Countable Faults ATEX Category IEC EPL Normal Zone of Use
ia 2 1 0 0
ib 1 2 1 1
ic 0 3 2 2
The compatibility of two pieces of apparatus should be established parameters should not exceed the relevant input parameters.
by comparing the data of each apparatus. The sequence is usually Occasionally the safety of the field device is completely
as follows. specified by only one of these parameters (usually Ui). In these
circumstances the unspecified parameters are not relevant.
a) Compare the levels of protection. If they differ then the
system takes the least sensitive level. For example if one device f) Determine the permitted cable parameters.
is ‘ia’ and the other ‘ib’ then the system becomes ‘ib’. The permitted cable capacitance (Cc) is derived by subtracting
A source of power that is certified ‘ib’ will have permitted output the input capacitance of the field device (Ci) from the permitted
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parameters for use in ‘ic’ circuits. If these higher values are output capacitance of the source of power (Co), that is Cc =
used in the system design then the system becomes ‘ic’. Co – Ci. The permitted cable inductance (Lc) is derived by
subtracting the input inductance of the field device (Li) from the
b) Compare gas classifications. If they differ then the system permitted output inductance of the source of power (Lo), that is
takes the least sensitive classification. For example if one device Lc = Lo – Li.
is IIC and the other IIB then the system becomes IIB. Determining the permitted L/R ratio of the cable (Lc/Rc) is very
It is usual for a source of power certified as IIC to have easy if the input inductance of the field device is negligible, i.e.
permissible output parameters (Lo, Co and Lo/Ro) for IIB and IIA if Li less than 1% of Lo. In this case, Lc/Rc is considered equal
gas groups. If these larger values are used then the parameters to Lo/Ro. However, if the inductance of the field device is more
used determine the system gas group. significant then the equation included in IEC 60072-26 can be
used to calculate the permitted Lc /Rc. Fortunately this is not a
c) Determine the temperature classification of the field mounted frequently occurring requirement.
equipment. Apparatus may have different temperature Recently there has been increasing concern about the interaction
classifications for different conditions of use (usually ambient of system inductance and capacitance increasing the risk of
temperature) and the relevant one should be selected and recorded. ignition capable sparks.
It should be noted that it is the apparatus that gets temperature
classified not the system.
“The safety technique relies on the system being correctly designed and
intrinsic safety becomes a system concept”
Sequence Parameter Interface Temperature transmitter System
a) Level of protection ia ia ia
b) Gas group IIC IIC IIC
c) Temperature classification T4
d) Ambient temperature - 20°C to +60°C - 40°C to +80°C
e) Parameter comparison
Voltage Uo: 28V Ui: 30V
Current Io: 93mA Ii: 120mA
Power Po: 650mW Pi: 1W
f) Cable parameters
Capacitance Co: 83nF Ci: 3nF Cc: 80nF
Inductance Lo: 3.05mH Li: 10µH Lc: 3mH
L/R ratio Lo/Ro: 55µH/Ω Lc/Rc: 55µH/Ω
g) Isolation isolated isolated isolated
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