Ebook - Prescription For Disruption
Ebook - Prescription For Disruption
Ebook - Prescription For Disruption
Prescription AGNO S I S
for disruption
electing to postpone well visits COVID-19 has forever changed the healthcare
and preventative care and procedures. landscape, with lasting effects on how
healthcare moves forward — and they all
in telehealth and virtual care. come with significant costs. Yet, even before
the pandemic, the industry was already
shortages with COVID-posi-
experiencing disruption. Multiple challenges
tive employees or forced quarantines
already facing the healthcare industry prior
due to exposure and staff burnout.
to COVID-19 are compounding the strain on
struggle for health systems to stand resources, and are all contributing factors
up support services for their workers, like to a growing tax on the entire system.
mental health programs and childcare.
demand on payers to
address members’ immediate needs and
coordinate in real-time with providers.
Increased expenses on healthcare workers’ time, diminishing lower-cost products and services to
the ability to deliver quality care. One study patients, members, and doctors, thereby
Both a growing and aging population found that 1/3 of physicians spend 20 hours encroaching on traditional healthcare
contribute to the rise in healthcare costs. or more per week charting EHR data entry organizations’ market share.
A recent report pointed to the increase in and other administrative tasks, rather than
disease prevalence, service price, utilization direct patient care. With less time to meet Strategic acquisitions
of services enabling prices to balloon. with patients, waiting times have increased,
Additionally, specialization within the while time spent treating patients has Mergers & acquisitions (M&A) has become
healthcare system — which carries hidden decreased, resulting in frustration and less a favored strategy for large healthcare
costs related to the exchange of information favorable patient and member outcomes. organizations to develop the scale needed
between different stakeholders across the to better address patient needs. This gives
continuum of care — can lead to greater health systems the ability to expand their
New market entrants
overall expenses. physician network, enabling payers to
Unaddressed patient needs have negotiate lower rates. Despite the global
Decreased level of care incentivized new market entrants who pandemic, M&A topped $338 billion
see an opportunity to succeed where globally in 2020.
A growing amount of data and bureaucracy, incumbents have struggled. Their aim
coupled with the increased caseload from is to unseat established organizations
the COVID-19 pandemic, have put a strain by leveraging agility in delivering better,
The many challenges healthcare and life holding patient medical data to be useful. The
sciences organizations are facing are putting number of systems containing vital patient
a strain on the current system, and patient or customer data has sharply increased, with
satisfaction has suffered. At the heart of a recent Health Informatics study finding
Percentage of hospitals with
many of these challenges is that the status- that 75% of hospitals had over 10 EHR
10+ EHR systems.
quo business model no longer fits the needs systems. Yet, IT teams resources are already
of today’s healthcare industry. Organizations overburdened, and these growing connectivity HEALTH INFORMATICS
across the care continuum are increasingly costs — and the need for interoperability — are
turning to modern technologies to address hindering the successful adoption of these
patient dissatisfaction, meet government new technologies and services.
regulations, reduce staff burnout, and
ultimately improve care outcomes. Only by resolving the challenges associated systems will bring healthcare payers, providers,
with connected data into a single source can and life sciences organizations together to
However, adopting each of these technologies organizations unlock the potential of new improve care outcomes.
and services carries a connectivity cost — one systems and applications to address the root
typically absorbed by IT. For example, a CRM causes of patient dissatisfaction and bypass
designed to improve how doctors interface their competition. This eBook will discuss
with patients must be connected to the EHRs why creating a single network of connected
The diagnosis:
Industry disruption
Patient dissatisfaction with the healthcare system has reached a tipping
point. In response to increasing costs and an antiquated care experience,
legislatures have passed bills to transform the healthcare operating model,
and new competitors have emerged to satisfy previously unmet patient needs.
their care experience. A recent poll found by providing real-time data access via a mobile
that 26% of healthcare consumers are even or web application. Similarly, big data confers
willing to switch to a new provider for high- big benefits for patients by giving payers and
Percentage of healthcare consumers
quality digital services. This desire for greater providers the power to offer personalized
willing to switch to a new provider for
visibility into care plans — as well as legislation care recommendations based on analysis of
high-quality digital services.
and new regulations — has forced healthcare outcomes data.
organizations into digital transformation ACCENTURE
to better handle data and competitively However, the introduction of new patient-
differentiate themselves in the market. focused healthcare technologies has produced
a more proactive generation of patients. done. This often requires organizations to
One example is the passage of the 21st They can procure better outcomes by being extract and orchestrate data from a wide
Century Cures Act that went into effect more connected, yet they also generate range of systems and applications that were
in November 2020 and mandates that more medical data which they expect their not designed to meet modern demands.
healthcare providers give patients access to care teams to leverage to provide a superior Healthcare organizations must adapt or
clinical notes. Additionally, HIPAA-compliant healthcare experience. risk losing market share to those who are
cloud applications can enable real-time access more capable of moving quickly, leveraging
to visit history, lab records, outstanding claims, Delivering real-time, accessible, yet secure innovation to serve an increasingly proactive
and other relevant healthcare data. Connected access to healthcare data is easier said than patient population.
The healthcare IT
delivery gap
Modern technologies such as cloud, mobile,
and IoT, and big data provide the means
for healthcare organizations to respond to
industry disruption. However, realizing value
from these technologies requires connecting
them to other sources of data within the
healthcare enterprise, which is a tenuous, IOT
time-consuming process. It is not enough
for organizations to move to the cloud since MOB
connectivity challenges and data silos that information resides in more places than ever
already exist. before, and IT developers are spending more Point-to-point connectivity:
time creating custom code to bring these An unsophisticated and dated answer
Incorporating IoT technologies in healthcare systems together, rather than being able to to connectivity challenges.
also poses challenges. After all, there is no focus on what the end-user needs.
point in using a wearable device to monitor
patient data if the clinician or patient Given a finite amount of time and resources
cannot access the relevant data. Big data and an increasing number of projects required
platforms, naturally, necessitate connectivity by the business in response to healthcare
across different data sources for healthcare industry disruption, this gap will continue to
organizations to realize their benefits. widen, putting even greater strain on IT.
The prescription:
API-led connectivity
APIs enable a new approach to closing the IT delivery gap. By seamlessly
integrating systems, data can flow from one to the other securely, enabling
quick and easy access. APIs provide a means through which healthcare
organizations can achieve interoperability and provide a connected
care experience.
EXPERIENCE Configure data making it easily consumable by its intended audience. An EHR, a CRM
APIS application, and a mobile app, for instance, may require access to the same patient
and member data, but require it in very different formats. Experience APIs enable IT
to provide access to different audiences without needing to set up separate point-to-
point integrations for each channel.
API-led connectivity has the potential to drive key benefits to healthcare organizations. By increasing project delivery speed and
closing the IT delivery gap, you can better serve patients and members while increasing clinician and staff satisfaction. The potential
benefits of this model are enormous, with MuleSoft research showing that organizations can realize a 2-5x increase in project
delivery speed. To close the IT delivery gap and enable the organization to successfully meet patient and member expectations
while delivering the best employee experience, the industry must increase productivity. Advantages to this approach include:
IT as a platform for innovation Increased developer productivity Predictable and controllable change
Through exposing data assets as services to API-led connectivity reimagines the central By ensuring modularization of integration
a broad audience, IT can be a platform that tenets of SOA, which means that logic is logic and providing a logical separation
allows lines of business within healthcare distilled to its constituent parts and reused between modules, IT leaders within
organizations to self-serve on their own across different applications. This approach healthcare organizations can better
projects and accelerates innovation in prevents duplication efforts and allows estimate, plan, and ensure changes to code
the process. developers to build on each other’s efforts, with minimal testing and downstream work.
as opposed to building from the ground up.
Most health systems utilize several different API-led connectivity enables composability,
systems to manage day-to-day operations where APIs are reused across applications,
reducing the amount of custom code and providers must adapt to address patient
point-to-point connections. Unlocking dissatisfaction. API-led connectivity provides As the need to unlock core systems
these EHRs with APIs allows teams to the foundation necessary to accommodate expands from traditional clinical
orchestrate that data into units of business these technologies, thereby enabling systems to non-clinical systems, the
value that can be repurposed in various improved care outcomes, reduced costs, benefits of an API-led approach will
parts of the organization, delivering massive and a better patient experience. only increase.
productivity gains across the entire health
system. Additionally, as the need to unlock
core systems expands from traditional
clinical systems such as EHRs and LIMS
to non-clinical systems such as Workday
or Salesforce, the benefits of an API-led
approach will only increase.
Health payers
Increasing client satisfaction through EBMS now has a real-time view of critical
API-led integration approach moments that happen in the insurance
member journey and can now easily connect
As a third-party administrator of health to new systems that their clients or employers
plans, Employee Benefit Management have — getting employers onboarded
Services (EBMS) administers health in just two days instead of 15 days.
insurance for 300 employers.
Prior to MuleSoft, EBMS had to manually Learn more about the EBMS journey
create up to 80,000 files per day to
send to clients, with each using 10-
to increase customer satisfaction. 50% REDUCTION IN CUSTOMER
Life sciences
Life sciences companies form a vital part of which leads to technical debt impacting
the healthcare continuum, developing and core products’ time to market (e.g., drugs,
distributing drugs, devices, and services to devices). Traditional SOA — designed to
improve care outcomes. Yet, with increasing resolve some of the issues that result from An API-led approach allows us to
pressure from governments, consumers, and a proliferation of point-to-point code — seamlessly flow complex information
competitors to provide superior products at cannot move at the pace at which today’s across our enterprise.
a lower price, these organizations are being new systems and applications evolve and
forced to digitally transform their operations change. With an ever-increasing number
to reduce internal costs, improve customer of projects to deliver, greater agility and CINDY HOOTS, CHIEF DIGITAL OFFICER AND CIO,
and patient engagement, and accelerate flexibility are necessary to keep up with ASTRAZENECA
the development of new products. the evolving needs of the business.
can launch projects where these assets the go-to-market for new treatments.
are accessed more easily and leveraged API-led connectivity transforms life As therapies and devices grow
multiple times faster than before. sciences IT teams from a bottleneck to more complex, API-led connectivity
a springboard for exponential growth. can help IT teams be faster and
As therapies and devices evolve, there more agile.
is increased complexity, requiring more
R&D dollars to bring drugs and products
to market. API-led connectivity can help
IT teams manage this complexity by
enabling greater speed and agility. As a
result, IT teams can have a direct impact
on development costs by streamlining
operational efficiencies, drive competitive
differentiation through superior patient
and clinician engagement, and accelerate
Delivering 360-degree Platform, the Hologic team has been able to
customer views 3x faster increase the overall speed of development
through their adoption of API-led connectivity.
Hologic is an innovative healthcare
company with market-leading products As a result, in the first four months
for early detection and intervention. Their of use, the team produced 25 end-
goal: provide their growing sales and to-end, real-time integrations, and to
support teams with 360-degree customer date, MuleSoft’s has enabled Hologic
views populated with real-time data. to build and launch integrations three
stack that slowed development time, the Find out how Hologic is further investing
Information Systems (IS) team needed a in improved customer experiences. “No matter what new solutions
faster way to deliver integrations to keep pace
our executives want to bring on,
with the growing needs of the business.
now that we have MuleSoft, we
know we’ll be able to integrate
To be successful, they needed a new
them easily.”
integration platform that could support real-
time data transfer across a variety of enterprise VASIL VALKOV, SYSTEMS INTEGRATION AND
applications. Powered by MuleSoft’s Anypoint SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT MANAGER, HOLOGIC
S EC T I O N 0 3
A modern solution
API-led connectivity provides a proven methodology for healthcare organizations to increase IT project delivery speed and close the IT delivery
gap, helping payers, providers, and life sciences organizations address unmet patient and member expectations, increase employee satisfaction,
respond to evolving government regulations, and drive massive competitive differentiation.
MuleSoft provides unique capabilities that make it the optimal solution for realizing API-led connectivity across the healthcare industry. As the
only platform purpose-built to deliver API-led connectivity, Anypoint Platform combines all of the functionality required to deliver an unmatched
combination of capabilities that allow healthcare organizations to innovate faster in the service of better patient care.
API Support for the full API lifecycle Ubiquitous connectivity Flexible deployment
Anypoint Platform enables the modern API Anypoint Platform can connect to any source With the emergence of public and private
to be treated more like a product than just of data, enabling rapid implementation of clouds, deployment environments are
code by supporting the full API lifecycle, as API building blocks. The platform allows evolving. Anypoint Platform enables
well as the entire software development life users to connect any endpoint with pre- healthcare organizations to write once
cycle (SDLC) — from designing, collaborating, built generic protocol, transport and and deploy anywhere — in the cloud, on-
building, and testing to deploying, database, and application connectors. premises, or in a hybrid environment
publishing, versioning, and retiring APIs. — managing networks as a single fabric,
regardless of where API nodes are deployed.
With disruption coming from every direction, healthcare and life sciences organizations must not simply adapt, but
embrace disruption to thrive. The status quo IT operating model simply does not provide the agility required to adopt
the increasing number of technologies that are needed to respond to industry disruption, and therefore no longer
meets the needs of this rapidly changing industry. Healthcare organizations that continue along this path will be
consumed by the IT delivery gap, and find themselves unable to meet patient and member demands.
Healthcare and life sciences companies are adopting technologies to enable the faster
constantly evolving to best serve customers, development of life-saving drugs, a strategic
members, and patients, and those being roadmap built in partnership with IT will help
served are demanding a technology solution reduce costs, improve care outcomes, and
to consistently deliver the best care outcomes mitigate patient dissatisfaction.
possible. API-led connectivity provides a
means for organizations to transform IT from a The time to change is now. Across
bottleneck hindering progress into a platform every industry, from retail to banking to
that enables innovation. transportation, one trend has held constant:
the fast outcompete the slow. The stakes for
Whether it is by building portals to provide healthcare companies, however, are even
patients access to medical records, offering higher. IT innovation in healthcare does more
mobile applications that allow members than impact the bottom line; it can save lives.
to find tailored health insurance plans, or
Build a care plan for your digital innovation journey
Solve for interoperability challenges Deliver a better patient experience Improve data security for clinical trials
Learn how an API-led methodology Get an inside look at how MuleSoft Watch this on-demand demo to learn how
enables payers and providers to power EHR Accelerator for Healthcare provides one health system handled sensitive patient
connectivity and how MuleSoft Accelerator customers a simpler, faster way to develop data during a clinical trial using FHIR R4
for Healthcare can help organizations cope a 360-degree view of their patients, specification. Plus, discover how MuleSoft
with ever-changing regulations around inter- enabling them to provide a better patient Accelerator for Healthcare directly addresses
operability, like CMS and ONC mandates in experience and faster care coordination. the most pressing interoperability concerns.
this on-demand webinar.
MuleSoft, the world’s #1 integration and API platform, makes it easy to connect data from any
system—no matter where it resides—to create connected experiences, faster. Thousands of
organizations across industries rely on MuleSoft to realize speed, agility, and innovation at scale.
For more information, visit mulesoft.com
MuleSoft is a registered trademark of MuleSoft, LLC, a Salesforce company. All other marks are
those of respective owners.