The Tableau Interface
The Tableau Interface
The Tableau Interface
Once we connect to data, we’ll click on a sheet tab. Sheets are where we can build visualizations. Let’s go over some
of the various areas of the screen.
Below is the toolbar, with buttons like undo and save – there’s no automatic save in Tableau, so make sure to save
your work periodically. These buttons are contextual to what’s going on in the sheet. For example, if we have a sheet
that has data, the clear sheet button is no longer greyed out.
The logo button here brings us back to the start experience, where we can access saved data sources, recently
opened or pinned workbooks, etc.
Data Window
To the left of the screen is the data window. If we’re on the data tab, the top lists all open data connections, and
depending on which one is selected, the fields from that data source are listed below, broken out into dimensions and
measures. The data window will also show any sets or parameters you may have.
• If we open the map options or the format pane, these temporarily cover the data window. To get back to the
data window, simply close the other pane.
• The data window can also be minimized like so, and then re-expanded.
• Down here at the bottom is the status bar. This shows the number of marks in the view as well as other
summary information.
Analytics Pane
If we click to the Analytics tab, here, we’re brought to an entirely new pane. Here we can bring out pieces of our
analysis directly as drag and drop elements. If they’re not relevant to the type of view, certain elements will be greyed
out, such as totals on a timeline.
If we select something like a trend line, we can bring it to any of these drop areas to control aspects of its properties,
like model type and which measure it should apply to.
Sheet Tabs
New sheet tabs are found here at the bottom. We can create sheets, dashboards, and stories with these tabs. Do
thing like rename the sheets, drag to rearrange them, duplicate sheets, copy formatting, and many other things. If the
workbook has a lot of sheets, we can navigate easily with these controls.
• Filter shelf,
It’s also possible to type directly into the Columns or Rows shelf if you know the name of the field you want to use. We
can also write a calculation directly the same way.
Marks Card
The Marks Card is made up of several other shelves, each of which can have fields placed on them and can be
clicked on to edit their characteristics, such as label.
• Changing the mark type can change the shelves on the marks card, such as selecting shape brings up the
shape shelf.
• Depending on the composition of the view, there can be multiple marks cards, one for each measure.
Legends, such as for color, size, and shape, will automatically be created when a field is placed on the color, size or
shape card. However, legends can be removed by clicking on the menu, and selecting hide card. To bring a legend
back, either right click in the space under the marks card, select Legend and choose which legend to bring back, or
use the Analysis menu.
Thank you for watching this video on the Tableau Interface. We invite you to continue with the On Demand Training
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