Review of Related Literature
Review of Related Literature
Review of Related Literature
A. Theoretical Framework
1. Nature of Vocabulary
use words all the time, thousands of them. If we know a language well, we
know how to write the words and how to say the words.
language skills.
all language skills are concerned with words, in speaking we speak words, in
a. Listening vocabulary
vocabularies and the one upon which the others are built.
b. Speaking vocabulary
and effectively.
c. Reading vocabulary
students enter school with very few words in their reading vocabulary.
d. Writing vocabulary
write using only those words we can read and understand. Just like
2. Types of Vocabulary
vocabulary as the words known when the learner listens and reads. The
receptive vocabulary is also called a passive process because the learner only
vocabulary is defined as the words used when the learner speaks and writes.
Harmer (1998: 159) added that active vocabulary refers to vocabulary that
students have taught or learnt in which the students will recognize when they
meet then they will probably not be able to produce. Vocabulary is divided
a. Receptive Vocabulary
the learner hears or reads but does not use when he speaks or writes.
b. Productive Vocabulary
and writing. It involves what is needed for receptive vocabulary plus the
can produce the words to express their thought to others. So, we can
six aspects that must be taught namely form, grammar, collocation, aspect of
a. Form
need to make sure that both these aspect are accurately presented and
b. Grammar
c. Collocation
There are aspects of meaning that are important for the students to
How the meaning of one item relates to the meaning of others can
stagger, stroll, prance, and limp. These words share semantic feature
namely the action of alternating feet or walking, but they also have
f. Word formation
broken down into their components are put together is another piece of
important part of learning a language. The more words you know, the
more you will be able to understand what you hear and read and the
better you will be able to say what you want to when speaking or
that can ever be seen as fully mastered. The expansion and elaboration of
practice is that individuals have various types of vocabulary that they use for
different purposes.
4. Assessing of Vocabulary
levels of vocabulary knowledge. There are words we have never heard, there
are words we have heard but do not know the meaning of, and there are
words we know but have a limited understanding of, and so on. In other
words, as teachers, we need to evaluate not only what words the students
know, but also how well they understand those words. So, it naturally needs
Coombe (2013: 117) stated that there are various types of tests that
The teacher was furious when she heard the students talking
a. Angry
b. Calm
c. Happy
d. Delighted
b. Definition recognition
a. Unclear
b. Abnormal
c. Precise
d. Specific
c. Meaning in context (sentence and paragraph level)
about the lifestyle changes they want to make in the coming year.
a. Indications
b. Resolutions
c. Summaries
d. Obligations
the end of the school year is not a time to celebrate. I dread the dull,
humdrum existence of sitting at home and doing the same things day
a. Interesting
b. Exciting
c. Boring
d. Motivating
d. Matching formats
…. 2. To apologize to someone.
a. I’m sorry
b. Stop it
c. Nice to meet you
d. I’m just kidding
e. I give up
Bahasa Indonesia, 2008). The term curriculum is used to refer to the overall
plan or design for a course and how the content for a course is transformed
into a blueprint for teaching and learning which enables the desired learning
competencies (KDs) which support each other and consecutively for the
competencies cover the skill competencies to listen, speak, read, and write.
education, while competencies3 and 4 are different for each subject and each
concepts and, aid them in remembering and reinforcing new words them.
and remember new words. The rationale for using this strategy is based on
the idea that categorizing words will help students organize new words and
and categorizing activity that provide students with the opportunity to think
Words that students generate in the process of this activity can serve as an
concepts that are related to each other. Spending time of categorizing and
organizing what they know helps students process information more deeply
their prior knowledge and engage in thinking about word in different ways.
They connect their prior knowledge with new knowledge about word, by
adds the purpose of the List, Group is to assist students in learning new
instruction is more effective when students are active in their learning and
words along with other more familiar words. This helps connect the words
their prior knowledge with new words allow students to commit new words
the new words and talking about related concepts. This activates prior
The list, group, label strategy has several steps, According to Brunner
d. The teacher asks students to individually determine ways the words can
be grouped together and explains that they will be asked to share their
e. The teacher places students in groups of two to four, and asks them to
review the words. They should reach consensus as to how best to place
f. The teacher instructs students to label each listing of words, and indicate
g. After categories and labels have been assigned, the teacher facilitates a
h. Encourages collaboration.
B. Relevant Research
they are relevant to the research they are conducting. In this case, there are
two researches:
research was the the first year students of SMP Nasional Makassar.
And the object of this research was to analyze the use of List Group
action research method with cycle I and cycle II design, in which each
instrument. The findings indicated that the use of List Group Label
Pati. The aim of her study was to find out the effectiveness of
using a quasi experimental research. The results showed that there was
C. Operational Concept
analyzing the data. There are two variables, variable X and Y. Variable X is the
vocabulary mastery.
d. The teacher asks students to individually determine ways the words that
can be grouped together rand explains that they will be asked to share
e. The teacher places students in groups of two to four, and asks them to
review the words. They should reach consensus as to how best to place
f. The teacher instructs students to label each listing of words, and indicate
g. After categories and labels have been assigned, the teacher facilitates a
e. The students’ ability to know about the word formation of word (noun,
1. The Assumption
In this research, the researcher assumes that the students who are
2. The Hypothesis
formulated as follows:
pre-test and post-test mean score by using List, group, label strategy in