Step 1: The Bill Is Drafted: Representatives - Who Has An Idea For A Law Can Draft A Bill. These Ideas Come From
Step 1: The Bill Is Drafted: Representatives - Who Has An Idea For A Law Can Draft A Bill. These Ideas Come From
Step 1: The Bill Is Drafted: Representatives - Who Has An Idea For A Law Can Draft A Bill. These Ideas Come From
Once the bill is drafted, it must be introduced. If a Representative is the sponsor, the
bill is introduced in the House. If a Senator is the sponsor, the bill is introduced in the
Senate. Once a bill is introduced, it can be found on, which is the official
government website that tracks federal legislation.
When the hearings and subcommittee review are completed, the committee will meet to
"mark up" the bill. They make changes and amendments prior to recommending the
bill to the "floor". If a committee votes not to report legislation to the full chamber of
Congress, the bill dies. If the committee votes in favor of the bill, it is reported to the
floor. This procedure is called "ordering a bill reported".
Once the bill reaches the floor, there is additional debate and members of the full
chamber vote to approve any amendments. The bill is then passed or defeated by the
members voting.
When the House or Senate passes a bill, it is referred to the other chamber, where it
usually follows the same route through committees and finally to the floor. This chamber
may approve the bill as received, reject it, ignore it or change it. Congress may form
a conference committee to resolve or reconcile the differences between the House
and Senate versions of a bill. If the conference committee is unable to reach an
agreement, the bill dies. If an agreement is reached, the committee members prepare a
conference report with recommendations for the final bill. Both the House and Senate
must vote to approve the conference report.
After both the House and Senate have approved a bill in identical form, the bill is sent to
the President. If the President approves of the legislation, it is signed and becomes law.
If the President takes no action for ten days while Congress is in session, the bill
automatically becomes law. If the President opposes the bill, they may veto the bill. In
addition, if no action is taken for 10 days and Congress has already adjourned, there is
a "pocket veto" .
Step 9: Overriding a veto
If the President vetoes a bill, Congress may attempt to override the veto. If both the
Senate and the House pass the bill by a two-thirds majority, the President's veto is
overruled, and the bill becomes a law.