The Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa 20171011
The Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa 20171011
The Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa 20171011
“You swindle the king, beggar the rich, oppress the poor, and sacrifice
the whole future of the nation for your ruthless ambition. You
are no more than a fat hog with his snout in the trough. You are
a greater thief than I am. This Cimmerian is the most honest
man of the three of us, because he steals and murders openly.”
aizin Kaa claims to be the wealthiest merchant in
Zamora. And, if he isn’t quite the wealthiest, he can
reliably be called the most ferocious and protective
of his wealth. His Treasure House — an enormous
fortified mansion, heavily guarded and filled with the
collected loot from a lifetime of bartering and trading
— is among the most coveted prizes in the whole of the
Western kingdoms. This is partially due to the fact that
no one has ever managed to successfully steal from Jaizin
Kaa. It is said that no thief has ever managed to filch even
a single copper coin from the Treasure House’s vast stores.
The mangled corpses of more than a dozen unfor-
tunates whose heists failed offer a silent guarantee of
the treatment Jaizin Kaa reserves for those who abuse
his hospitality. Guards patrol the mansion’s walls and
the grounds beyond them, concealed lethality lurks
behind doors in the form of deadly traps, and, so it is
rumored, darker and deadlier things haunt the inner
reaches of the Treasure House.
And yet, the riches, which await those bold enough,
fast enough, clever enough, to reach them, are said to
be beyond even a master thief’s wildest imaginings.
Getting in and out might not be easy, but the rewards
— measured in gold and fame — are enough to seal a
young thief’s reputation or provide the means by which
an older thief might retire. All they have to do is survive.
2 The Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa
RUNNING THE However, the player characters are free to choose their own
path through the obstacles laid before them — the more
ADVENTURE creative their solution the better.
When Conan and Taurus of Nemedia attempt rob the
Tower of the Elephant, their methods are significantly dif-
The Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa is an adventure for thieves,
ferent from each other. Conan intends to simply stab anyone
using the material from Conan the Thief. While it may work
and anything that gets too close to him. Taurus has come
with player characters created as barbarians, warriors,
prepared with poisonous tinctures and grappling hooks.
priests, archers, or other archetypes, it works best with a
Both methods might have worked. The same is true here.
party composed of burglars, bandits, and house-breakers. It
The gamemaster should let the players be as imaginative
consists, predominantly, of a robbery approachable in any
as they want, countenancing the most outrageous means
way the player characters choose. There is no right way or
of overcoming every impediment thrown in their way, and
wrong way — each route is designed to have its own partic-
attempting to keep the tension high, even if things diverge
ular difficulties to overcome and, whatever the players and
wildly from the adventure described on these pages.
their characters opt to do, the heist is extremely dangerous.
bank, but moving it somewhere else wouldn’t be a strug- “THE GUARDS CHANGE
gle — whatever city the player characters might be living
in, Jaizin Kaa’s Treasure House is the biggest thing going.
If the player characters want to consider themselves the KNOWS THAT!”
greatest thieves in the city, they need to rob Jaizin Kaa. If The player characters aren’t alone in their interest in Jaizin
they want to impress the oldest, most seasoned, and most Kaa’s Treasure House. How could they be? Every thief in
skillful practitioners of the purse-lightener’s craft, they need the city dreams of emptying those unseen but obsessively
to rob Jaizin Kaa. If they want to convince the local thieves’ imagined vaults. This is an excellent way to sow the seeds
guild to trust them with a diplomatic message to a guild in of the adventure long before it starts. Or, if this is the first
Aquilonia, or with the theft of the Great Opal of Zembabwei, adventure of a proposed campaign, then chances are they’ve
they need to prove themselves by robbing Jaizin Kaa. heard of nothing else. Every tavern the player characters
In a thief campaign, a lucrative target like the Treasure enter is rife with discussion over the latest failed attempt
House of Jaizin Kaa can be used in a multitude of ways — the to alleviate Jaizin Kaa of his apparently burdensome wealth.
urban nature of thieving, in the main, means that there isn’t The conversation can be as specific or as vague as desired
the same randomness which might afflict other Conan games. — certainly, enough to whet the player character’s inter-
The terrain is fixed. Stealing past the Treasure House, day ests. The gamemaster should concentrate on the most
after day, should be a barb in even the most placid of thieving evocative of details initially, keeping in mind that at any
player characters’ souls. The player characters are also likely point in another planned adventure the player characters
to hear about Jaizin Kaa and his incalculable wealth on any may choose to detour and make a beeline for the Treasure
drunken evening. It’s a target for other thieves, after all. Yes, House. As noted above, if the players chose to play a thief
hundreds have failed. But that won’t prevent them from campaign, it’s because they want to be thieves. This hook is
trying again. Aren’t the player characters brave enough to try? more about opportunity than giving them a hard and fast
reason. Details such as: “I saw them moving in another chest
last night. You could hear the gold in it, clinking away. Reckon
you could buy yourself a country with that much,” or “I’ve seen
them… guards coming out and none going back in. I reckon
4 The Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa
there’s a mutiny or something. He’s not paying them enough. of the Elephant extended only as far as hopping over the
I’m thinking I might put together a few lads and see if we can’t wall with a sword and taking his chances. It is also true
exploit this little internal affair,” are perfect. that Taurus of Nemedia had been planning his heist for
If the player characters immediately take the bait and months. If the player characters do tend towards the Conan
begin to ask questions of those talking about the Treasure approach, then skip this section and proceed to the scene
House, their interlocutors are initially reticent. However, which details the appropriate means of breaking in. If, as
a Challenging (D2) Intimidate or Reassurance check con- is probable, the thieves decide to learn all they can of Jaizin
vinces the fellow thieves to share what they know. If the Kaa’s Treasure House, then detailed below are a series of
player characters are already members of the local thieves’ ideas for avenues they might pursue.
guild, then the test is reduced to a Simple (D0), but any The gamemaster is of course free to mix and match the
Momentum generated can be spent in order to procure information which the player characters discover and the
extra information. The details that these thieves know are location they discover it in.
a little scant. What the thieves tell the player characters, The Treasure House itself is a large, impressively forti-
however, is that the person they need to speak to is called fied building. It is three or four times the size of any other
Bortae (see Asking Around on page 5). Beyond this, building nearby. The walls are constructed from large stones
what they know are rumors: Jaizin Kaa has enough riches and are well ordered; a craftsman has clearly erected them
to cover the desert of Kush in diamonds. He keeps a team of with care. There are spaces between the stones where the
torturers on hand, specifically to inflict agony upon those mortar has worn away somewhat and where a knife might
who dare to rob him. Jaizin Kaa is more demon than a man, be braced to assist a nimble climber.
and he earned his riches through blasphemous pacts with While the Treasure House is roofed, there are large,
dark gods. Most of this is garbled rubbish, as an Average open portals which give way onto stairs leading into the
(D1) Lore check can ascertain. deeper recesses of the edifice. The guards use these to
If the player characters prefer to pursue other potential keep an eye on the streets below. Such portals are well
jobs for a little while, always have the lure of Jaizin Kaa’s guarded but can be accessed by those determined enough.
wealth hovering at the edges of their milieu. Perhaps the There are a number of windows cut into the walls. Some
fence they visit to move illicitly secured goods says that he these are large enough to fit a person through, although
heard that the plunder at Jaizin Kaa’s is especially tempting it might be something of a squeeze for any who are less
at the moment — an ivory chest marked with strange sigils than svelte.
was recently brought to the house. Perhaps a non-player Guards patrol the outside of the Treasure House, as well
character the player characters have grown to like and trust is as its interior. Two guards stand outside each of the doors
tempted to join a robbery and is found hideously murdered: opening onto the streets. The Treasure House has three
“Jingis got caught…he’s hanging from the walls now. Nasty.” large, reinforced doors built in dark, heavy oak. Battering
If the player characters are, quite rightly, wary of Jaizin them down is virtually impossible without access to a small
Kaa’s Treasure House, then the gamemaster might gradually army and a particularly effective battering ram. The locks
build a number of reasons for taking the risk. If they are on these doors are, conceivably, pickable but they are also
members of the thieves’ guild, perhaps there is pressure old, ornate, and clearly keep out most thieves — a dedicated
from those higher up the ladder to avenge their numerous lock-picker might be able to coax them into opening without
fallen comrades and prove that nothing is beyond the a key but not easily.
sticky-fingered grasp of the guild. Perhaps they run into The streets around the Treasure House are fairly small
trouble with the authorities after a score, and their ill-got- and cramped. The location became somewhat squalid in
ten goods are taken to the Treasure House for safekeeping. recent times, and there are openings into darkened alley-
Alternatively, if the player characters wish to join a guild, ways in which fairly large numbers of people might conceal
a successful robbery might constitute the entrance exam — themselves. Having said this, however, the immediate area
in a manner of speaking. Whatever happens, the Treasure around the Treasure House remains clear — any trader who
House of Jaizin Kaa is a fixture in the player characters’ sets up a stall too close to the walls, or in such a way as it
world, in the fabric of the city they inhabit, and in which might impede the view of a watching guard, is moved on
they ply their acquisitive trade. quickly and none too gently.
time at which a shift changes. Player characters can also way of proceeding with the heist as a whole, it is
use their hard-earned expertise to analyze the height and worth noting that guards on the other side of the door
strength of the walls and scan the surrounding areas for will close it! A particularly benevolent gamemaster
alternative means of ingress. Anyone stealthy or reckless might occasionally allow for the player characters to
enough might also be able to examine the enormous, iron- lure idiot guards out and running past them, but this
forged locks on the Treasure House’s three enormous doors particular caper requires smarter tactics. Alternatively,
— all of them studded with hunks of blackened metal and distracting the guards using another, subtler, method
pitted with the marks of weapons, employed by the more should be fairly easy — whether staging a fight near
unimaginative of previous thieves. Information which can to the guards and drawing them away from the door,
be gathered from Observing the Treasure House is below: or through some other means that the players dream
up. The gamemaster may wish to make these tactics
■■ Watching the Guards Go By: If the player charac-
require Challenging (D2) or Daunting (D3) tests —
ters wish to analyze the rotation of the Guards and
whether convincing the guards to follow them using a
their relative strength at any particular time of day or
Persuade test or an Animal Handling test to convince a
night, have them make a Daunting (D3) Observation
pack of stray dogs to attack the guards.
test. Passing this permanently raises the Difficulty
of any Listen tests for a guard by one step during The above represents what is found out through a quick
the adventure. Additionally, if the player characters prowl around the Treasure House. If the player characters
decide to break into the Treasure House by climbing think of other angles of entry at this stage, and the game-
the walls, all climb tests automatically generate 1 master feels that they might reasonably discover the answers
point of Momentum. This effect only lasts while the at this point, then improvise as desired.
player characters are climbing the walls as part of
their initial entry. Asking Around
As thieves, the player characters have plenty of opportu-
■■ What About Those Walls?: Any player characters
nity to solicit news, advice, and information from others
wishing to study the walls of the Treasure House
experienced in the art of making things that belong to
should make a Challenging (D2) Insight or Craft test.
other people their own. This can be relied upon as a matter
Consult the Observation table (below) to determine
of course, if the player characters are already members of
what information is gained.
the city’s thieves’ guild. If the player characters are recent
■■ Just Who Picked Those Locks?: Examining the locks inductees into the ranks of the guild, they may need to
at close quarters requires stealth, speed, and a little offer a few pints of ale to those who will talk, or perhaps
bit of luck. The first thing that needs to be dealt with the odd coin, but nothing much. If the player characters
is the two guards positioned outside every entrance to are experienced guild members in good standing, then the
the Treasure House. The player characters can choose information is readily available. There are also rumors that
to do this in the form of a full-frontal assault. In which a high-ranking member of the guild ponders mounting his
case, four other guards come to their colleagues’ aid own raid on the Treasure House. If the player characters
immediately, and an additional two guards will join inquire who the guild member is, the answer is a resound-
the combat as frequently as the gamemaster wishes. In ing “no one knows.”
case the player characters think that this is a potential
Success What Can be Observed? Effect
One player character may re-roll one failed Athletics test if the
The walls are climbable, even without
1 player characters attempt to infiltrate the Treasure House by
scaling the walls.
The mortar used to bind these stones is
All Athletics checks are carried out at one step of Difficulty
2 old and flaking. A knife could be inserted
between them, easily.
There is a slight bulge which travels When interrogating non-player characters about possible ways
beneath two of the four walls. Does into the Treasure House, a non-player character offers the
a tunnel or a sewer run beneath the possibility of using the old sewer without the player characters
Treasure House? having to roll or spend Momentum.
6 The Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa
The rumor is, however, extremely widespread. Even if the Treasure House in the scraps the player characters have
the player characters have yet to join the guild, there are picked up earlier in the adventure. If the player characters
still hints that a powerful and important thief is considering ask the thieves they meet earlier in the adventure, they, too,
making a move on the Treasure House. The gamemaster refer them to Bortae.
should insinuate this subtly into any conversations the
player characters might have with thieves’ guild members. Getting to Bortae
Such questions aren’t welcome, as someone else plans to Bortae is one of the oldest and most successful thieves in
make a play for the stash the player characters earmarked the city. Originally from Argos, but having lived most of her
for their own. They might just have to pick up the pace. life in Zamora, she is as good and as experienced a thief as
Alternatively, if the player characters have yet to join they come. She has managed to stay alive this long through
the guild, don’t wish to join, or are otherwise unable to a combination of tactical ruthlessness, a consummate
draw on its resources, they must rely on luck and cunning ability to choose the right bodyguards, and excellence in
to get their questions answered. Even if they are members, her craft. Her inability to accept instructions from those
of course, the answers they get are a little guarded. The in the guild who are, at least nominally, higher than her
player characters get the feeling they aren’t being told the prevented her becoming a member of the ruling Council.
whole story — at least not quite. Bodyguards always accompany Bortae. One always walks
While there may be a guild tavern or inn, thieves also alongside her, looking menacing. However, at least two
congregate in other bars, brothels, and dives which might others will be hiding within eyeshot, posing as a normal
prove fruitful hunting grounds for information. While denizen of the city.
intimidating members of the guild in their own bar might be The likelihood is that the player characters find Bortae
a means of committing suicide by proxy, player characters in a tavern. Her fractious relationship with the guild means
have a much better chance of cornering an experienced, she rarely frequents their tavern, so the player characters
knowledgeable thief, or group of thieves, if they are pre- should be able to gain entry fairly easily. If visiting at night,
pared to be patient. If the player characters know who they when the inn is busy, the fact that they aren’t regulars might
are looking for — perhaps someone they have used for require a Challenging (D2) Persuasion test or a Daunting
information before — then the gamemaster should use (D3) Intimidation test — the player characters are likely to
that resource. If not, the player characters, on a successful be trying to intimidate experienced guild doormen, which
Challenging (D2) Craft, Lore, or Insight test know that the should be, at the very least, daunting! Once inside, Bortae
woman they are looking for is called Bortae. This name is easy to find, as she is the only seventy-year-old woman
was mentioned several times already in connection with performing knife tricks while swigging cheap ale. Her
The Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa 7
bodyguards lurk nearby, but picking them out of the crowd What Bortae Knows
of other large, dangerous looking men with accumulations Much of what Bortae knows she gleaned through sixty years
of stubble on their chins and mandalas of scars on their of experience as a cat-burglar, foot-pad, and cut-purse. She
cheeks requires a Dire (D4) Observation test. has known everyone in the guild’s annals at some point
Talking with Bortae is easy enough; getting her to reveal and she has helped plan several of the attempted raids on
any information considerably less so. Intimidating Bortae the Treasure House.
requires an Epic (D5) test. She’s old, tough, and stubborn,
■■ There is, Bortae can confirm, a sewer which runs
and long ago exceeded the life expectancy she had set for
directly beneath the Treasure House. It predates most
herself. Persuade tests, if carried out with enough passion
of the city, however, and is difficult to locate. She
and brio, should succeed on a Daunting (D3) test — Bortae
knows that a few of the bravest and smartest thieves
has half a mind to conclude her career as a thief with a last
tried that way many years ago: “They didn’t come
death-or-glory attempt at one impossible job: Jaizin Kaa’s
back. But they didn’t end up on the walls. Something
Treasure House. She speaks in a thick dialect native to the
else did for them.” She doesn’t know what might be
district, and may be hard to understand for non-natives, or
down there and what it’s capable of, but it is at least
even those from higher social classes.
one way of avoiding the outer defenses of the House.
A sufficiently convincing, sufficiently flattering appeal
to her finely honed survival instinct might convince her ■■ The guards are Stygian mercenaries, hired in by Jaizin
to let others into her confidence. A promise of a share in Kaa or one of his agents, and are thoroughly vetted.
whatever rewards the player characters might obtain also Killing one and taking their place would be difficult
helps — should the player characters offer this inducement, but not impossible. There are passwords that must be
award them a free point of Momentum for this scene. A learned, and the player characters would have to be
Dire (D4) Society test might also work, reminding Bortae quick and lucky, but it is possible that ingress could
of the much fabled “honor amongst thieves” and other be made that way. No one has yet managed it, though
such nonsense. If the player characters are members of the she doesn’t know many who have had the courage
thieves’ guild, the gamemaster should reduce the Difficulty to try it. Attempting such a plan requires a Daunting
of this test by one step. (D3) Observation test to identify the right guard to
Even if the player characters are unable to persuade try and pick off. Dissembling convincingly enough
Bortae to aid them with information, as long as they are to pass muster as a new guard requires a Dire (D4)
civil, she wishes them luck and suggests that they try watch- Command test, followed by a Dire (D4) Society test —
ing the outside of the Treasure House and do things “the along with some extremely good roleplaying. These
old-fashioned way.” Only naked threats of violence seri- guards are, as Bortae reminds the player characters,
ously irritate her, and her reaction is swift and brutal. She tough, well-paid, and highly competent. “They aren’t
immediately attacks with her daggers, as will her closest young know-nothings with as little between their
bodyguard. These attacks are followed up by further attacks legs as they have between their ears, follow?”
from the men and women she has stationed in and around
■■ Inside the House, she only knows the merest frag-
the tavern. If the player characters attempt to pursue this
ments. There are traps, regular patrols, and some-
course of action, most of the tavern sides with Bortae —
where at the center of the Treasure House lies the
she’s a damned good customer, after all, and well-liked in
treasure of Jaizin Kaa himself. She has also heard,
the community. Killing Bortae in this manner reduces the
herself, the howls of hunting dogs rising clear and
player character’s Renown by −1 immediately, irrespective
savage from the House. The corpses which are hung
of the level it might have been before now.
from the side of the House every few months, are
If the player characters manage to win over Bortae,
usually studded with teeth marks. “Dirty, great beasts
however, then she proves to be an invaluable source of
I’ll be bound. You’ll want to prepare for them. And
knowledge. Detailed below is the information which Bortae
prepare for those things that no one knows about.
has on the Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa and its assortment
That’s what you’ve got to prepare for.”
of dangers. Of course, the player characters won’t be able to
assess its veracity until they are inside the Treasure House’s ■■As to what Jaizin Kaa keeps in his vault, even
walls. An Average (D2) Insight test is enough to establish Bortae has little idea. Beyond his extraordinary
that Bortae, at least, believes everything she says to be true. wealth, Jaizin Kaa is a mystery. He is a merchant,
Exactly how it is that she came by the information is also he is Zamorian, and his Treasure House has never
touched on below, if this will help to assuage any doubts been robbed. She knows nothing beyond this. She
the player characters might have. can repeat rumors: dark pacts with ancient gods,
magic sigils on arcane items of impossible age, and
8 The Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa
■■ This is all Bortae can tell the player characters, SPECIAL ABILITIES
although the gamemaster should feel free to impro- ■■ No Substitute for Experience: Bortae is a hard-
vise answers to further questions, wherever she ened fighter and uses every situation to her best
feels appropriate. Once the discussion is concluded, advantage. Whenever engaged in a melee, Bortae
Bortae wishes the player characters the best of luck automatically generates 1 point of Momentum
and offers them drink, food, and merriment. After all, each time she attacks.
she reasons, either the player characters will be dead
within a week, in which case she will be seen as a gen- DOOM SPENDS
erous soul, or the player characters will be the first ■■ If You Want Something Done…: When alongside
to steal from Jaizin Kaa — and she will seem to have one of her Bodyguards, if the bodyguard misses an
been integral to the plan. Bortae is wily and her plans attack or fails a test, the gamemaster may spend 1
are highly effective. If the player characters have Doom point to have Bortae attempt the same
been polite to her, she may become a useful source attack or challenge immediately, without the need
of further information and tip-offs should a particu- to wait for her turn. This supersedes the normal
larly lucrative job come up. She knows everyone and turn order, though Bortae cannot have two turns
everything; she is also unlikely to betray the players in one round.
to the Guild if things were to go poorly. She is a useful
contact in every sense of the word.
Once the player characters assemble all of the above infor-
mation, or as much of it as they choose to pursue, the next
stage is preparing for the heist itself. As noted elsewhere
BORTAE (TOUGHENED) in this adventure, the player characters can eschew such
long-winded methods and simply hack their way to the
A thief of vast experience and an inability to concede defeat, treasure. Indeed, if a gamemaster wishes to repurpose
Bortae is covered with the scars of her victories and her this adventure for use with a non-thief group of player
failures. She is handy in a fight — and has little concept characters, this approach should work well. However, if it
of a so-called “fair” fight — and her unwillingness to com- is being run as a thief adventure, the details and guesswork
promise with the city’s powerful Thieves’ Guild is the only they managed to assemble likely forms the basis of their
reason she is not called its Queen of Thieves. rough plan. Enacting such plans usually requires some
The Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa 9
CHAPTER TWO: into the ongoing narrative, and any Complications that
ensued can be introduced at opportune moments, such
BREAKING AND as the aforementioned guard falling so loudly off their
stool that they alert others, or the key-holding guard
suddenly noticing that the keys were in the wrong order
on the ring.
All the preceding scenes have led to this moment. Whether This sort of entry is excellent for game sessions where
the player characters have carefully, studiously gathered the players (and player characters) are quick-moving and
every ounce of information they can find about Jaizin Kaa’s not interested in extensive set-up, but is not generally
Treasure House, or whether they have simply shown up with recommended for inexperienced gamemasters, or for
their swords at the ready is immaterial. All that matters now games where the players are not very familiar with the
is breaking into the Treasure House and getting out alive Hyborian Age setting
again. As noted elsewhere, whatever approach the player
characters opt to pursue, let them try it out. A number of
the most likely methods of gaining entry are touched on
below, but if the player characters come up with something
outlandish, give it a go. After all, what do they have to lose
except their lives? The other thieves have greater resources. Waiting might
see the Treasure House emptied and the glory of doing so
HOW ARE WE GETTING passing to someone else — someone other than the player
IN AGAIN? characters. The gamemaster should strive to keep things
moving, as frantic and urgent as possible.
No more time for deliberating or procrastinating. It’s time The default assumption is that the player characters
for the player characters to put their lunas where their make their attempt to break in to Jaizin Kaa’s property once
mouths are. Or more appropriately, it is time for them to night has fallen. This, of course, makes sense with regards to
attempt to put someone else’s money in their pockets. If sneaking past guards and infiltrating a protected mansion.
at any point the player characters seem content to simply However, the player characters are under no obligation to do
debate possible strategies over and above implementing so — it is their choice. And there are possible advantages;
them, the gamemaster should remind them that a second the gamemaster might wish to suppose that, given it’s
group of thieves also plots to redistribute Jaizin Kaa’s wealth. daylight, there will be fewer guards on duty. Nevertheless,
What the player characters have is the element of surprise all Stealth tests are made at two steps of Difficulty higher
and the information they were able to secure from Bortae. than would typically be the case.
10 The Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa
Dealing with these matters is what being a thief is all guards arrive, their attention roused by the distinctive
about — taking challenges as they come and making the sounds of combat.
best of the situation! The player characters then have three rounds of combat
to dispose of these guards before another three guards show
Via the Walls up. If they cannot dispose of these three guards within
The most obvious way in is to scale the walls of the Treasure three rounds of combat, then the alarm is raised completely
House. This won’t be easy, nor should it be. The initial diffi- and all further stealth checks are raised by two steps of
culty is the constant guard patrols. If the player characters Difficulty — at all times for the duration of the adventure.
managed to observe the various shift rotations of Jaizin Kaa’s If the player characters decide to climb the walls using
mercenaries, then they earn the appropriate bonuses. If the hands and feet, this requires a Daunting (D3) Athletics test.
player characters decided to use a rope — perhaps with a However, if a character decides to use a knife or other, similar
grappling hook or something similar — then the throw piece of equipment, then the test remains Daunting (D3),
requires a Challenging (D2) Ranged Weapons or Athletics but all tests automatically generate 1 point of Momentum.
test in order to cast it through one of the windows which Failing an Athletics test when climbing the wall can
open on to the street and have it fix in place. Casting a rope have one of two effects — the choice of which is left to the
so that it reaches one of the open portals at the top of the gamemaster. A player character can fall from the wall, or
Treasure House requires a Daunting (D3) test.
Additionally, getting close enough to the walls without
rope, in which case they take 3 § physical damage and
must begin the climb anew. Alternatively, the gamemaster
being spotted by a guard requires a Challenging (D2) Stealth can choose to interpret the failure as a momentary slippage
test. A failure draws two guards to the spot — if the player and have a guard make a Challenging (D2) Senses test to
characters manage to kill the guards, or otherwise render notice the player character shinning up a rope. The test is
them unconscious within two rounds of combat, then the Daunting (D3) if the player character is free-climbing the
guards are unable to raise the alarm. If, after two rounds of wall or takes a Doom point.
combat, one or both of the guards is alive, then three more Remember, while it may be tempting to have the player
characters plunge from the walls, the adventure may be
best served by delaying such effects and letting the ascent
GAMING HOWARDIAN THIEVES continue — of course, the gamemaster gets to take a Doom
The Howard stories that inspired this adventure and point in return; it is less a case of the player characters “get-
inform the Conan the Thief sourcebook as a whole are ting away with it” than them deferring their comeuppance!
extremely dynamic and fast-paced. While the first chapter
of this adventure is a slower, more deliberate approach
that may not seem in keeping with the Conan stories,
this structure has been chosen for a reason.
By having the player characters gather the informa-
Via the Sewer
tion before embarking on the heist, they not only have a
Finding the sewer’s entrance isn’t difficult. It’s pretty much
better chance of succeeding, it also means that the pace
a case of “follow your nose” and it’s as unpleasant as that
of the latter half of the adventure can be dramatically
sounds. The Treasure House is surrounded by the endless
increased. After all, the player characters have had plenty
flurries of life and activity which all conurbations abound
of opportunity to gather details and decide their tactics.
in; this includes, of course, the inevitable effluvia. The
For the gamemaster, is the time to up the tempo, to
city has extensive sewers but they are hardly miracles
harry them for decisions. At every stage, the gamemaster
of smooth-flowing engineering. Much of the air is stag-
should urge them toward taking a decision and sticking
nant and the aroma is potent. Entering the sewer tunnels
to it. Should they stand around in a corridor within the
requires a Challenging (D2) Resistance test, or else the
Treasure House, remind them of both how risky such
behavior is, and of the fact that they can hear a heavily
player characters take 1 § in Fatigue as they are assailed
by the dreadful stench and empty their stomachs into the
armed patrol approaching around the corner.
rancid filth swimming alongside them.
This is the stage of the adventure that matches the
The sewers are dark and lighting torches, while allowable,
frenetic pace of Howard’s tales. Leave the players tense
is somewhat risky; the mounds of human and animal waste
and on edge… they’re breaking into dangerous places to
generate a lot of methane and naked flames are liable to
steal expensive items. Make them work for it!
explode! If the player characters don’t use a torch, then all
Difficulty tests are automatically raised by two steps. If a
torch is ignited, then one of the player characters should
The Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa 11
is a sound like a barnacle being ripped from a ship’s hull SPECIAL ABILITIES
only louder. The darkness disgorges the seething mass of
■■ Only Forward: The creature always attacks the
Jaizin Kaa’s pet.
player character in front of it. Slipping behind
The creature is large, about eight feet tall and broad. It
the creature grants any successful attacks made
is roughly anthropoid in shape, though its head is a curved,
tongue-like proboscis which writhes and laps at the air. It
against it +1§ damage
the point where the sewer ends and becomes merely a THE PATH TO THE VAULT
filthy street.
Jaizin Kaa’s Treasure House is a dangerous place. Even
Then, alarmed by the sounds of the outside world, it
though the player characters might have managed to avoid
slinks back to its lair and awaits the next group of thieves
detection — at least by human senses if they ventured
unwise enough to disturb it. Successfully defeating the
through the tunnels — they are still some way from the
creature, however, should leave the player characters only a
vault in wherein lies a thief’s only heart… gold.
short distance away from a point which is illuminated quite
The Treasure House itself is luxuriously appointed with
brightly compared to the rest of the tunnel so far. This is
tapestries adorning the walls and ornately patterned rugs
the bottom of what used to be an old well.
across the floors. The place is ostentatiously wealthy; Jaizin
The tunnel was built here once the water dried up, and
Kaa has sufficient money to make even his private bank a
Jaizin Kaa has been using this place ever since to keep his
testament to his success as a merchant. If the player char-
monstrous pet. Ascending the well wall shouldn’t be too
acters ask, there are a few jeweled trinkets in the hands of
difficult. Casting a rope up the well requires a Challenging
statues and used as the eyes of holy icons to earn anyone
(D2) Coordination test or free climbing requires a Daunting
pocketing them a few Gold back in the markets (see page
(D3) Athletics test. Once the player characters have clam-
302–303 of the Conan corebook for advice on awarding gold).
bered this short way, they can proceed to the next scene.
Rather than exhaustively detail the events encountered
during their passage through the Treasure House, the
Via the Door
gamemaster is encouraged to roll on the Treasure House
It should be quite possible for the player characters to get in
Encounter table at least once, more often as Complications
by sneaking through one of the main doors to the Treasure
ensue, incorporating the resultant event into the player
House. Obviously, this should not be easy. Distracting the
characters’ movement toward their final goal. To ensure a
guards from the door is quite tricky, and then picking one of
sufficiently tense atmosphere, the gamemaster is encour-
the locks requires a successful Dire (D4) Thievery test, unless
aged to roll between three and five times during the course
the thief already surveyed the lock. In this case, the player
of the adventure, and if the player characters are especially
character can apply the appropriate bonus mentioned on
clumsy, loud, or brash… more rolls are warranted.
page 4. The central difference to attempting to break
The gamemaster should use discretion at this point. The
into the Treasure House this way is that there are more
player characters may have had to fight their way past Jaizin
guards near to the doors than there are anywhere else. This
Kaa’s pet and, potentially, through dozens of guards. If an
increases the Difficulty of all Stealth tests conducted in the
encounter is liable to kill off a number of player characters,
following scene by one step.
then scale it back slightly, removing as many opponents as
necessary to make things challenging but not too deadly.
Via Another Path
The same rule should be applied to the Difficulty of any
If the player characters come up with a brilliant plan for
tests. The end of the adventure is near, and the tension
breaking into the Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa, the gam-
and engagement should be high, rather than frustration
emaster should let them run with it, using the rules and
at impassable obstacles and challenges.
Difficulty test increases and decreases referenced above.
Large Patrol! Six guards emerge from the nearest doorway. They are clearly alert and well armed. Hiding
from the guards requires a Daunting (D3) Stealth test. Any failures immediately draw the guards. Fighting
the guards is difficult and should use the same rules with regards to summoning reinforcements as detailed
above (see page 10).
Watch Dogs! Three watch dogs with one handler stroll down the corridor (use the statistics for dogs found
5–6 on page 326 of the Conan corebook). Distracting them requires a good idea and an appropriate Daunting (D3)
test. Hiding requires a Dire (D4) test, as the dog’s sensitive noses make concealment no guarantee of evasion.
Watch Out! The rich Shemitish rugs which decorate Jaizin Kaa’s floors are suitably luxurious; however, they
do have a tendency to slip away from underfoot. The gamemaster should pick the player character with
7–8 the lowest Agility score (obviously, it is the clumsiest thief who slips) and have him roll to pass a Dire (D4)
Athletics test in order to prevent himself from collapsing. If he fails, two guards approach, attracted by the
noise. Again, the same rules for attracting reinforcements apply.
Shiny! Something catches the player characters’ eyes, a small statuette apparently made entirely from
gold and bronze. It must be worth a great deal. If anyone attempts to take it from its place on a nearby
9–10 pedestal, he should immediately make a Dire (D4) Thievery test to recognize that the statuette is attached
by a silken thread to an alarm located some distance away. Triggering the alarm draws the attention of four
guards. The same rules for reinforcements apply.
Patrol! Four guards emerge from the nearest doorway. They are clearly not as focused as they might be
— tiredness creeps in, perhaps — but they are still well armed and likely to provide formidable opposition,
especially if they have time to summon additional assistance. Use the same rules for these reinforcements
as before.
Nothing There. A cunningly disguised tripwire stretches across the corridor, painted exactly the color
of the floor, and lit well enough that it casts no obvious shadow. Spotting it requires a Daunting (D3)
Observation test. Any failing the test are tripped and crash to the floor. Allow each to make a Daunting (D3)
Athletics test to see if they can prevent themselves from hitting the floor and taking 2 § damage from the
fall. If anyone does fall to the floor, two guards are attracted by the noise. Use the same rules for reinforce-
ments as before.
Tracked! A guard with a watch dog turns the corner ahead. The dog’s hackles immediately rise; it has the
player characters’ scents! Avoiding the dog requires either an Epic (D5) Stealth test to hide, or a Dire (D4)
15–16 Animal Handling test to convince the beast to turn on its owner. The player characters can also attempt to
put the animal and its owner down; if so, they have two rounds of combat to do so before the dog’s barking
draws six extra guards.
On the Precipice! One of the stones in the floor suddenly gives way, threatening to plunge the player char-
acters into the dark tunnels beneath the house. Avoiding falling requires a Daunting (D3) Athletics test. If a
player character only achieves two successes, then he is suspended over the edge, clutching by his finger-
17–18 nails. Climbing out, once in this position, requires a Challenging (D2) Brawn test. If the player characters fall,
he finds himself in the tunnels beneath the Treasure House. If they entered this way, then the threat has
been eliminated already, however the fall causes 2 § of damage. If they haven’t, however, then Jaizin Kaa’s
pet is only too happy to see him! (See page 12 for more information on this loathsome creature).
Nowhere to be Found. The player characters are able to sneak through this part of the Treasure House
with astonishing ease. The more paranoid amongst them might say it’s too quiet… in which case, the
gamemaster should probably roll again on the table and prove them player characters right! Perhaps the
encounter is stealthier than described.
The Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa 15
frame is not an option, as it is embedded deeply into the her husband is away, the tale of a priest who steals from the
surrounding marble walls. poor who come to worship at his temple — these tales, and
The first stage of picking the locks requires each of thousands more like them, are collected here. The images
the three thieves to make a Daunting (D3) Thievery test seem to be drawings of other, similar events. What the player
to attempt to pick the three major locks located at vari- characters stumbled upon is Jaizin Kaa’s real treasure: the
ous points on the door. Each thief must pass at the same knowledge he uses to blackmail the powerful.
time for this to work. The lock is carefully calibrated and Jaizin Kaa is a broker of knowledge; his wealth is in those
needs the three locks to turn at the same time. If two player he can blackmail and extort, both to keep himself wealthy
characters pass and one fails, the process is not completed and alive. The mercenaries he employs and the measures
and the thieves must attempt it again. However, there are he is prepared to go to in order to preserve his knowledge
a finite number of times this can be tried before the lock have made him, in essence, untouchable. What the player
simply ceases to work. After two attempts the lock seizes characters can hope to gain from the situation is up to them;
and can no longer be picked. The player characters simply if they grab handfuls of parchment, the likelihood is they
have to escape and try again another time. Jaizin Kaa will will find little which can benefit them.
discover that the lock was tampered with and will re-set However, a more careful scrutiny of the shelves, and a
it, and redouble his guards. This allows another attempt, Daunting (D3) Society test, reveals two parchments which
but the effort to get there will be all-the-more challenging. concern people in positions of some authority in the city
If, however, the player characters manage this feat, then they inhabit. How the player characters choose to use this
the next stage is for one final Dire (D4) Thievery test to information is entirely up to them — whether they exploit
unpick the central lock. Once this is done, the player char- it for financial gain, political sway, or as a “get out of jail
acters can drag the enormous door open with a Daunting free card” is their choice — however, possessing this infor-
(D3) Brawn test. mation is, in itself, dangerous. There is a reason Jaizin Kaa
As the door opens, there is a powdering of dust, the has had to construct a deadly, trap-filled Treasure House
susurration of insect carapaces dislodged and falling to to keep it all secure. He promises his blackmail subjects
the ground, the flailing threads of severed spider webbing, protection from exposure, and he must back it up with
and… what else? adequate reputation for security.
At this point, the player characters should make a Dire
IN THE BELLY OF THE BEAST (D4) Observation test. If any of the player characters pass,
then they hear the sounds of extremely soft footsteps
The Treasure Vault is not stuffed with gold and gems. It is approaching the vault, the faint murmur of breath, and
an enormous room, however, stuffed with endless reams the readying of weapons. If they all fail the Observation
of paper. Sheaves of paper cover the floor, the tables, and test, then what happens next should come as a complete
every available surface. The paper is of different color and surprise — if this is the case, the gamemaster is allowed to
styles; some is primitive papyrus, already flaking. Some is have his foes attack ahead of the player characters without
the paper used by the finest scribes on the continent. All of having to expend any Doom points. This effect, however,
it is covered in writing, in all the different languages of the lasts only for the first turn of combat. After this, the gam-
world. Some contain images — maps, drawings of exotic emaster must spend Doom as normal.
creatures, and, sometimes, men and women in the midst
of the most extravagant of activities. The only thing which THE DOUBLE CROSS
looks remotely like it might belong in a typical treasure vault
is an enormous chest — four or five feet tall and made of Someone enters the room. Who this is depends upon the
white wood reinforced with iron rivets. player characters’ decisions earlier in the adventure. If
If the player characters examine the vast number of they visited Bortae, then it is she and her bodyguards who
parchments which adorn the room, they need to pass a enter the Treasure Vault — weapons drawn. If they did not
Challenging (D2) Lore test to have any chance of reading and visit her in search of advice, then the small party of thieves
understanding it; this test is to see if the player characters whom the player characters encountered plotting their own
pick up a parchment with writing they recognize. raid upon the Treasure House are the ones who swagger
The texts are all accounts of the comings and goings in, faces plastered with self-satisfied smirks. The following
of men and women with a particular focus on the sexual details presume that Bortae is the leader of the late arrivals,
predilections and vices in which these same men and though this can be easily altered where required.
women indulge. Accounts of local luminaries and their Whomever enters, the result is, in essentials, the same.
tastes for nubile servants, details of a noble woman (the There is a sudden wash of incomprehension across their
wife of a prince of the city) and her dalliances whenever faces as they are confronted, not by piles of gold and precious
16 The Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa
stones, but by sheaves of parchment, all inscribed with piled up in this vault to be destroyed, quickly and perma-
cramped handwriting in a thousand different languages. nently, Jaizin Kaa had procured a means to do so. The chest
Bortae attempts to hide her disappointment, feigning that contains a djinn — a spirit of flame and anger — which
she had long known of the true contents of the vault. She immediately attacks the nearest player character. At this
hadn’t, of course, and is as shocked by this development point, things descend into an anarchic mass of violence. The
as anyone else in the room. She quickly and decorously guards attack, Bortae screeches in frustration, and, with
thanks the player characters for their help in breaking in her bodyguard, attempts to hack her way clear.
and explains that she has sent a number of groups into the The player characters are stuck in the middle and must
Treasure House before — she is impressed that this group extricate themselves, one way or another.
managed to get so far.
Now, however, she plans to open the chest herself, claim- DJINN (TOUGHENED)
ing whatever is inside it and leaving. She adds that, unfor-
tunately, she must leave the player characters here: trapped In the deserts of Shem and Koth, there are places where the
in the vault. She nods solemnly at this point, acknowledg- fire leaps from the ground despite there being no kindling,
ing her regret at having to do so, and, again, saluting the no means of igniting flame whatsoever. Some of the desert
group’s skill. However, if Jaizin Kaa doesn’t have someone peoples have ventured too near to these impossible flames
to pin the blame on, he may come after her: this is her in the past, seeking to find what causes them to explode
retirement fund and she has no intention of having her forth with such desperate energy. Many have died trying
retirement interrupted by an assassin’s knife. If the player to answer to such a sinister mystery. And yet they do not
characters did not visit Bortae, then the motive is simply die. For this flame is not the fire of man, but is the fire of
greed, though the reason for trapping the player characters the gods; it produces no smoke, no scent. It simply leaps
remains the same. from the earth, an expectoration of heat and light and
If the player characters attempt to attack Bortae now, she energy. And those it touches, it consumes, or seems to. It
gestures to one of her bodyguards who quickly intercepts wreathes them in bright flame, scouring flesh and leaving
the attack. The number of bodyguards Bortae has with her behind a husk — a stumbling, shambling mass of charcoal
is equal to the number of player characters plus two. Any which soon collapses into nothing. And yet something
attempt to kill Bortae is blocked by a bodyguard — up to remains — a pertinacious essence which cannot be so easily
and including an arrow, although the gamemaster needs eradicated. Whether it is the soul of the person burnt alive
to spend a Doom point to enable this. Bortae gestures to by the dancing flames, or the spirit of the fire itself none
the player characters that she intends to open the chest and know — but the remaining specter is strange, powerful,
announces that they are welcome to live a little longer and and deadly.
at least see what is inside or, if they prefer, they can fight It stalks the desert, appearing as a tall person wreathed
her bodyguard and die now. in a dark cloak. Only the closest examination will reveal
If the player characters choose to fight, Bortae dispatches that the dark cloak cannot be removed from the person;
her men to engage them while she heads toward the chest. it is not a garment, it is the smoke which forms their very
One of the bodyguards remains with her at all times in order being and, when touched, it slips between even the tightest
to protect her; should the player characters break through of grips — leaving behind only an ashy residue on grasping
the other bodyguards, Bortae uses uses her wits or decep- fingers. This strange and terrible being is a djinn, a living
tion to distract them and give her time to open the chest. spirit of flame.
At a dramatically appropriate moment — perhaps just as The djinn is always seeking a means of quenching its
Bortae is about to open the chest — eight of the guardsmen thirst, of filling its stomach and becoming warm. Whatever
file into the room and surround the two groups of thieves. the touch of the flame might bring, in terms of power (and
Their leader shouts at everyone to drop their weapons. If the djinn has many) it takes much more. The djinn must
things have already descended into a brawl, then chances continue to walk, endlessly, across the empty spaces of
are this order will be ignored. If so, the guards ready them- the deserts they inhabit. Whatever magic colluded in the
selves for battle. If the player characters waited patiently creation of such creatures, it seems to prevent them from
for Bortae to open the chest, she does so now… leaving any place where there the sand stretches, infinitely
onward. It can manipulate the sand however, using it as a
THE UNTETHERED BEAST means of concealing themselves and shielding their ethe-
real forms from the touch of steel. The djinn is impossibly
The chest is not, as Bortae and perhaps the player characters fast, vanishing and reappearing at will, and it can summon
suspected, a repository for gold or jewels. It was Jaizin Kaa’s fire from the sand which ravages flesh and melts weaponry.
failsafe. If ever it had been necessary for the information This strange entity is feared by all those who have cause to
The Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa 17
wander the vast deserts of the continent, for it transforms DOOM SPENDS
every foot of sand into a trap, waiting to be triggered. ■■ Summon Fires from the Sand: By spending 2
How Jaizin Kaa’s unnamed sorcerer ally managed to Doom, the djinn can use its Incinerate attack.
successfully bind and trap this djinn is not apparent, and if ■■ As Wind Across the Sand: The djinn can
confronted, the old man will volunteer no answers. spend 1 Doom to gain the Flight special ability and
instantly move to Extreme range.
Awareness Intelligence Personality Willpower CURSES
10 10 9 12 ■■ Bound to the Sands: The djinn is unable to leave
Agility Brawn Coordination its home within the sands. Should it wish to travel,
12 13 12 it must possess a body of sand equal in size to a
person and then have this sand sealed within a
FIELDS OF EXPERTISE large urn. Once this is accomplished the djinn is
Combat 2 Movement — afforded the ability to travel for the distance of 1
Fortitude 2 Senses 1 mile from the source of the sand. Unscrupulous
sorcerers have been known to scatter these sands
Knowledge 1 Social —
as the djinn sleeps leaving it bound to a tiny por-
STRESS AND SOAK tion of the sand it would have used to form a body.
These small, easily-carried portions of sand can be
■■ Stress: Vigor 13 Resolve 12
placed within jewellery, lamps, or weapons where
■■ Soak: Armor 4 (Cloak of Sand), Courage 2
the threat of destruction keeps the djinn tethered
to the whim of its master.
ATTACKS ■■ Water is Pain: Should the djinn or the sand it
■■ §
Mighty Fists (M): Reach 1, 5 , 2H, Stun, inhabits come into contact with water, the djinn
Knockdown automatically suffers 1§ of damage for each cup
■■ §
Incinerate (R): Range C, 8 , Burning 2 of water. The djinn gets no armor Soak against this
■■ Roar of the Desert Wind (T): Range M, 5
mental, Vicious 1, Stun
§ damage.
they accept this deal, then Bortae is as good as her word; He is completely unconcerned by the loss of his “treasure”
she will indeed lead them quickly and quietly out of the and by the player characters’ presence; indeed, he seems
Treasure House — the gamemaster may wish to introduce more delighted by the thought of Kallian Publico’s irritation
a little extra drama to this escape by rolling on the Treasure than anything else. If the player characters threaten him or
House Encounter table on page 14. demand to know where his gold is, he smiles and laughs:
What happens once the player characters and Bortae have
escaped is up to the gamemaster; does she pay the player
“Oh no. Don’t kill me. Very unwise. I have a dozen assassins
characters as she promised, or does she betray them once
that will hunt down the person that murders me and kill
again? Bortae could well become a recurring non-player
them in most unpleasant ways. I tell you what… you leave
character: never trustworthy, but worth tolerating for the
me alone, I’m an old man after all, and I won’t have you
information and the connections she is prepared to share.
killed. How’s that? It’s a shame to have lost all that infor-
It’s a risk, but it might just be worth it.
mation, but none of it was really important. Everything of
If the player characters take the more immediate path of
worth is kept elsewhere. Don’t go looking for that, though;
attacking Bortae — whether outside of the Treasure Vault,
then we wouldn’t be able to meet on such friendly terms.
or inside it if they have decided to fight it out — then she
I have enjoyed meeting you. It’s been a long time since I
and her bodyguard(s) fight to the death. Bortae tries to use
met good thieves — indeed, if you ever feel like robbing a
any event as a sufficient distraction to escape.
certain museum in Numalia, do let me know. I may see my
If she manages this, then she may still become a future
way to financing you.”
character of note. Such an incarnation is far more likely to
seek vengeance on the player characters, however perverse
And, with that, he ambles off. If the player characters
the reasoning behind this hatred of them might seem.
do choose to kill Jaizin Kaa, they can do so easily. He is
Once this is settled, the player characters can make good
an old man and will only require one successful blow to
their escape. The presence of the djinn ensures that any
kill. However, he is as good as his word and assassins will
escape takes place through corridors suddenly ablaze with
hound the murderers to the ends of the Earth. If the player
flame. However, this is smokeless flame and so, while the
characters leave him be, however, he is equally true to his
player characters may still suffer burns (see page 121 of the
promise. No one will pursue them — at least, no one sent
Conan corebook for details on damage from fire), there is
by Jaizin Kaa. He may even offer them work in the future,
no commensurate loss of sight or death from inhalation.
though such work is of the most disreputable and dangerous
kind. Then again, what thief would want anything less?
THE FINAL ENCOUNTER Once this has been concluded, the player characters
can emerge into the fresh air of the outside world, having
As they flee through the Treasure House’s corridors, the
accomplished the impossible: robbing the Treasure House
gamemaster may wish to consider throwing in a few traps
of Jaizin Kaa.
to keep the player characters alert and conscious of the fact
that, while they might be running towards safety, they aren’t
there yet. As they near the point of exit — whether out of THE CHAOTIC FRAY
a window, back into the tunnels, or straight through the
Orchestrating this muddle of conflicting motives and forces
front door — have the player characters encounter a small,
might at first seem daunting, but it needn’t be. There is
wiry old man. He is approximately seventy years old, wears
no need to keep track of every little combat carried out
a kaftan-like dressing gown, and has shoulder-length white
between guards and Bortae’s bodyguard. The gamemaster
hair. He rubs his hands together a great deal, as though
should focus attention on the player characters and simply
constantly cultivating warmth, and he has a conciliatory,
make references to the chaos going on around them. To
though unnerving, smile. This is Jaizin Kaa.
simplify things further, the gamemaster should have the
As they near him, he nods pleasantly to himself
player characters’ main problem be the djinn.
and smiles.
Jaizin Kaa’s guards and Bortae’s men avoid the djinn,
but if it manages to set the room alight, then getting
“Thieves,” he says “And good ones. I remember thieves away from the raging fire it starts may prove difficult.
like you. Clever, resourceful thieves. Don’t get many of you Once the djinn is dealt with, the gamemaster should
nowadays. Did you see the djinn? Is the paper burning? engineer a climactic showdown with Bortae, two of her
Shame… Still, at least that bastard Kallian Publico didn’t men, and two guards. Perhaps detail the slaughter going
get his hands on my treasure, eh?” on elsewhere in the room, but make this your main scene.
The Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa 19
There are a number of possible directions a gamemaster Successful completion of the adventure — including the
might take subsequent adventures after this. Do the player discovery of the true contents of Jaizin Kaa’s vault — should
characters engage in a battle of wits with Bortae — if she be worth roughly 200 experience points for each player
survived — across the city, enlisting the help of the Thieves’ character, adjusted by the gamemaster based on roleplaying,
Guild or other forces in order to triumph? Does Jaizin Kaa’s problem-solving, and other factors.
threat about what should happen if they go hunting for There are many items that can be looted aside from that
his other Treasure Houses fail to dissuade them from the described in the vault, and the gamemaster may choose
promise of an actual payday? Do the player characters
decide that things are too hot for them in this city now and
to award each thief anywhere between 2 and 10 § apiece
in Gold’s worth of items, if they are aggressively looting
head out, to find a new place to ply their criminal trade? everything not nailed down.
And what about the parchments they snatched from the If word spreads of the player characters’ successful
Treasure Vault — how are they to be used, how much are break-in to Jaizin Kaa’s Treasure House, the gamemaster
they worth, and how much danger will using them bring should award each of them 3 points of Renown, even if the
down on the player characters’ heads? Who knows? lack of a pile of loot lessens the fame. This is a major accom-
The final rewards the player characters achieve for suc- plishment, and thieves across the whole of the dreaming
cessfully completing and surviving this adventure are left west will hear of this exploit.
to the gamemaster, though being betrayed by Bortae and Additionally, if the player characters remain in Zamora
managing to survive is certainly enough to earn consider- for their Upkeep phase, they will find all costs reduced by 1
able respect in the Thieves’ Guild, where she is regarded Gold and any relevant tests reduced by one step of Difficulty,
with awe and distaste in equal measure. as they are frequently bought drinks, meals, and offered
Having successfully broken into Jaizin Kaa’s Treasure other favors in return for the tale of their epic score.
House and survived is also worthy of note — though the Choosing to use the information in the vault, should the
lack of anything significant to show for it casts a little doubt player characters get hold of it, will likely bring them more
on their story. Not enough for active disbelief, perhaps, trouble than it is worth, though the gamemaster should
but just enough to tarnish the achievement slightly. The determine what secrets they are able to exploit, how much
player characters won’t become members of the Thieves’ the information is worth, and how far the concerned subjects
Council… just yet. will go to keep their secrets just that… secret.
His keen eyes, even in the dim starlight, showed him a strongly built man in the silvered armor and
crested helmet of the Zamorian royal guard. A shield and a spear lay near him, and it took but an
instant’s examination to show that he had been strangled. The barbarian glanced about uneasily.
He knew that this man must be the guard he had heard pass his hiding-place by the wall.
orn in a brothel and turned out when he had reached an age where he was able
to fend for himself, Hazir joined the street gangs of Zamora the Accursed, where
Skill TN Focus
every day was a test of wits and resourcefulness to survive. Trained in sleight-of-
Acrobatics 12 2 hand and pick-pocketing, Hazir manages to scrape by — if barely — and has joined a
Melee 11 1 group of thieves for one big score.
Stealth 13 3 Like most Zamorians, Hazir is dark of hair and eyes, sleight of build. He has a
wide smile and a fringe beard, and wears nondescript clothing to blend in with
AWARENESS 10 any crowd.
Skill TN Focus
Insight 10 —
Observation 14 4 ■■ Homeland: Zamora ■■ Story:Food and Rough Liquor
Survival 12 2
■■ Caste: Outcast ■■ Trait:Fond Regrets
■■ Nature: Sneaky ■■ War Story:Survived a Massacre
Thievery 13 3
■■ Education:Largely Absent ■■ Languages:Zamorian, Kothic
Skill TN Focus Soak Fortune Points
■■ §
Shortsword (M): Reach 1, 4 , 1H, Parrying Damage (Incl)
Skill TN Focus
■■ §
Throwing Daggers (×3) (R): Range C, 5 , 1H, Melee —
Alchemy 7 —
Steely Glare (T): Range C, 3
Ranged +2 §
Craft 7 —
■■ mental, Stun
Presence +1 §
Healing 7 —
Linguistics 7 —
Lore 7 — ■■ Sharp Senses: Hazir may re-roll 1d20 on
Warfare 7 — Observation tests, but must accept the new result.
■■ Thief: Hazir may use Thievery in place of Society
PERSONALITY 9 when dealing with criminals. When he generates
at least 1 success on a Persuade or Lore test with
Skill TN Focus
criminals, he may immediately roll +1d20 and add
Animal Handling 9 —
the result to the test.
Command 9 — ■■ Agile: Hazir may re-roll 1d20 on Acrobatics tests,
Counsel 9 —
but must accept the new result.
Persuade 10 1 ■■ Living Shadow: When attempting to remain unseen
Society 9 — or unnoticed, Hazir gains 1 bonus Momentum.
Other Belongings
Skill TN Focus
Toolkit (3 resources); good luck charm; climbing kit (3
Discipline 9 1
Sorcery 8 —
atara had her life planned by her parents: apprenticeship in the family trade in
Shadizar, working for her lecherous uncle, and an arranged marriage with the
Skill TN Focus
scion of business partners. Her opinion on this was inconsequential. What her
Acrobatics 11 3 parents didn’t expect was that Natara had a mind of her own. She stole her own dowry
Melee 9 1 and made her way to Zamora. Since then, she’s become a charming scoundrel, a grifter,
Stealth 9 1 and a swindler, using her charm and quick wits to part the unwary from their gold. She’s
thrown her lot in with this crew to make one big heist that will set her up for years.
AWARENESS 8 Natara is dark-haired and brown-eyed, with a thick mane of hair. She wears fine cloth-
Skill TN Focus ing, best to convince others that she’s a person of means and has no need of their money.
Insight 9 1
Observation 10 2
■■ Homeland: Zamora ■■ Story:The Lash of Taxation
Survival 8 —
■■ Caste: Merchant ■■ Trait:Witness to Brutality
Thievery 8 —
■■ Nature: Inspirational ■■ War Story:Gained the Favor of a Local
■■ Education:Elder Mentor Noble
BRAWN 8 ■■ Languages:Zamorian, Brythunian
Skill TN Focus
Athletics 9 1
Soak Fortune Points
Resistance 8 —
Armor 1 (Heavy Clothing; All Locations)
Courage 1
Skill TN Focus
Parry 11 2
Vigor Wounds
Ranged Weapons 10 1
Resolve Trauma
Sailing 9 —
Crossbow (R): Range M, 3 , Unb, Unforgiving 1,
Ranged —
Healing 9 —
Linguistics 9 — ■■ Steely Glare (T): Range C, 5§ mental, Stun Presence +3 §
Lore 10 1
Warfare 9 — Talents
■■ Agile: Natara may re-roll 1d20 on Acrobatics tests,
but must accept the new result.
Animal Handling
■■ Force of Presence: +1
damage bonus.
§ to Natara’s mental attack
ife in a border village in northern Koth was comfortable, if dull. There was little to
do but farm and drink with whatever the king’s tax-men left. And drink Lothar did
Skill TN Focus
in quantity. One day, when Lothar was deep in his cups, the tax-man said the wrong
Acrobatics 12 2 thing, and after that, Lothar was an exile and an outlaw, forced to survive by banditry. He
Melee 14 4 made his way along the northern mountains, preying on merchant caravans, until he
Stealth 11 1 reached Zamora, where his strength and size are assets. He has thrown in with a local
band of thieves seeking some muscle for a big score.
AWARENESS 7 Lothar is a strapping son of the countryside, broad of shoulder and arm, with light
Skill TN Focus brown hair and dark green eyes. His garb is rough-spun linen and leather, well-worn and
stained from the prior owners.
Insight 7 —
Observation 8 1 Background
Survival 8 1 ■■ Homeland: Koth ■■ Story:Hunted by the Law
Thievery 8 1 ■■ Caste: Outcast ■■ Trait: Hunted!
■■ Nature: Wrathful ■■ War Story:Survived a Duel
BRAWN 12 ■■ Education: Traditional ■■ Languages:Kothian, Zamorian
Skill TN Focus
Soak Fortune Points
Athletics 14 2
Armor 2 (Brigandine; all locations)
Resistance 14 2
Courage 1
■■ §
Dagger (M): Reach 1, 6 , 1H, Hidden 1, Parrying, Damage (Incl)
Skill TN Focus ■■
Thrown, Unforgiving 1
Staff (M): Reach 2 or 3, 7 , 2H, Knockdown
Melee +3 §
Alchemy 7 — ■■ §
Broadsword (M): Reach 2, 8 , Unb, Parrying Ranged —
■■ §
Steely Glare (T): Range C, 2 mental, Stun Presence —
Linguistics 7 — Talents
■■ No Mercy: Lothar may re-roll 1
but must accept the new result.
§ for Melee attacks,
orn in Turan, Zehra had little choice in life, conscripted as a child into King Yildiz’
great army, hell-bent on expanding Turan’s borders across the steppes into Zamora,
Skill TN Focus
and eventually the dreaming west. A horse archer, her company was ambushed
Acrobatics 13 3 by Gunderland mercenaries while camped. Zehra escaped and made her way to Zamora,
Melee 12 2 her fate finally her own. She has joined with a crew of thieves seeking to make names for
Stealth 12 2 themselves with a daring raid. Perhaps this will be the gate to a better life.
Zehra has dark skin and deep brown eyes, black hair worn coiled and braided. Her
AWARENESS 10 cavalry garments are well-cared for and show the distinctive patterning of her homeland.
Skill TN Focus
Insight 10 —
Observation 11 1
■■ Homeland: Turan ■■ Story:Glorious Battle
■■ Caste: Warrior ■■ Trait: Hunted!
Survival 12 2
■■ Nature: Stoic ■■ War Story:Survived a Massacre
Thievery 10 —
■■ Education: Traditional ■■ Languages:Turanian, Zamorian
Soak Fortune Points
Skill TN Focus
Armor 2 (Brigandine; Torso/Arms/Legs)
Athletics 9 —
Courage 1
Resistance 10 —
Hidden 1, Volley
Throwing Knives (×3) (R): Range C, 5 , 1H, Melee +1 §
Alchemy 8 — ■■ §
Shemite Bow (R): Range L, 5 , H, Piercing 1
Ranged +2 §
Craft 9 1 Volley Presence —
Healing 9 1 ■■ Steely Glare (T): Range C, 2§mental, Stun
Linguistics 8 —
Lore 9 1 Talents
Warfare 8 —
■■ Accurate: Zehra may re-roll 3 § for Ranged
Weapon attacks, but must accept the new results.
PERSONALITY 8 ■■ Courageous: Zehra may re-roll 1d20 on Discipline
Skill TN Focus tests, but must accept the new result. She has
Animal Handling 10 2 Courage Soak 1.
Command 8 — ■■ Marksman: If Zehra spends a Minor Action before a
Counsel 8 — Ranged attack, she gains 1 bonus Momentum.
Persuade 8 — ■■ Shoot for the Horizon: When using Ranged
Society 8 — Weapons at other than the weapon’s optimal range,
Zehra reduces the penalty by one step (minimum 0).
Skill TN Focus Other Belongings
Discipline 9 1 Quiver of arrows (3 reloads); helmet (Armor 3; Head);
Sorcery 8 — scroll displaying family heraldry; silken kerchief.
aptured as a child by Hyperborean slavers, Haakon endured a brutal life of servitude
and punishment, forced to labor in their quarries. One day his master noticed the
Skill TN Focus
breadth of his shoulders and the fire that had not faded from his bright blue eyes,
Acrobatics 12 3 and Haakon was taken to the fighting pits, learning the arts of combat and death, pitted
Melee 12 3 against other slaves and professional fighters. Whether quarry or pit — a cage was a
Stealth 9 — cage — and Haakon escaped, strangling his master and making his way south, the ways
of the city to his liking. Newly arrived in Zamora, he has thrown his lot in with a group
AWARENESS 8 of thieves, which is enough for now.
Skill TN Focus Haakon is a son of Asgard, tall and pale-skinned, with bright blue eyes and a blonde
beard. His clothes and armor are newly purchased and fine, and he is quite proud of them.
Insight 8 —
Observation 8 — Background
Survival 12 4 ■■ Homeland: Asgard ■■ Story:One of the multitudes
Thievery 8 — ■■ Caste:Escaped Slave ■■ Trait:Marked by the Pit
■■ Nature: Stoic ■■ War Story: Dispossessed
BRAWN 12 ■■ Education:Educated on the ■■ Languages:Nordheimer, Zamorian
Skill TN Focus Battlefield
Athletics 14 2
Resistance 14 2 Soak Fortune Points
Armor 3 (Mail; Torso/Arms)
Courage 1
Skill TN Focus
Parry 11 3
Vigor Wounds
Ranged Weapons 9 1
Resolve Trauma
Sailing 8 —
Skill TN Focus ■■ §
Broadsword (M): Reach 2, 8 , Unb, Parrying Damage (Incl)
Alchemy 7 —
■■ §
Dagger (×2) (M): Reach 1, 1H, 6 , Hidden 1,
Parrying, Thrown, Unforgiving 1
Melee +3§
Ranged —
■■ Steely Glare (T): Range C, 2 § mental, Stun
Presence —
Linguistics 7 —
Lore 8 1
Warfare 7 — ■■ No Mercy: Haakon may re-roll up to 3 §
attacks, but must accept the new results.
for Melee
orn to a noble estate in Nemedia, Veleda was trained in etiquette and courtesy,
towards a political marriage. Her twin brother Atallus was the heir. Her joy was
Skill TN Focus
swordplay, though, taught by a friendly guard-captain. When plague killed her
Acrobatics 13 2 family, Veleda tried to keep her estate by posing as her dead brother Atalus. The ruse
Melee 14 3 was successful, but she was betrayed, and rivals seized her family’s “heirless” estate.
Stealth 13 2 Veleda fled and continued the ruse, earning a place among other landless knights and
mercenaries in the Nemedian Adventurers. “Atallus” has returned to Zamora, hoping to
AWARENESS 9 earn enough to take back was stolen from her.
Skill TN Focus Slender and handsome, with a mop of short curly hair and green eyes, “Atallus” wears
well-made garments and war-gear befitting status as an Adventurer.
Insight 9 —
Observation 12 3 Background
Survival 9 —
■■ Homeland: Nemedia ■■ Story:Blood Feud
Thievery 10 1
■■ Caste:Petty Noble ■■ Trait: Feud
■■ Nature: Curious ■■ War Story:Defeated a Savage Beast
BRAWN 9 ■■ Education:Elder Mentor ■■ Languages:Nemedian, Zamorian
Skill TN Focus
Athletics 14 5
Soak Fortune Points
Resistance 9 —
Armor 3 (Mail; Torso/Arms)
Courage 1
Skill TN Focus
Parry 14 3
Vigor Wounds
Ranged Weapons 13 2
Resolve Trauma
Sailing 11 —
Vicious 1
Polearm (M): Reach 3, 5 , 2H, Knockdown, Melee +1 §
— ■■ §
Sling (R): Range M, 4 , 1H, Stun, Volley
Ranged +1 §
Linguistics 7 — ■■ Steely Glare (T): Range C, 2 §mental, Stun Presence —
Lore 9 2
Warfare 7 — Talents
■■ Strong Back 1: Veleda gets 1 bonus Momentum on a
successful Athletics test.
Skill TN Focus ■■ Sharp Senses: Veleda may re-roll 1d20 on
Animal Handling 11 3 Observation tests, but must accept the new result.
Command 9 1 ■■ Courageous: Veleda may re-roll 1d20 on Discipline
Counsel 9 — tests, but must accept the new result. She has
Persuade 9 — Courage Soak 1.
Society 9 — ■■ Accurate: Veleda may re-roll 1§ for a Ranged
Weapon attack, but must accept the new result.
Skill TN Focus Other Belongings
Discipline 9 1 Courtly clothing (Atallus and Veleda); father’s signet
Sorcery 8 — ring; sling stones (3 loads).
anthes began life as gutter-urchin, sleeping in alleys, abandoned by the world.
Every day was a desperate gamble — could he steal enough to survive, and would
Skill TN Focus
he wake the next morning? One day, as a parade of the Spider God’s disciples dis-
Acrobatics 12 2 tracted the market vendors, Xanthes tryed to steal a pomegranate. He was caught, and a
Melee 10 — market guard made to hack off his hand for thievery. A Spider priest intervened, taking
Stealth 12 2 Xanthes to serve in the temple. He eventually became an acolyte. He learned the Spider
God’s ways, and is now a fervent believer. He has come to Zamora to spread the word of
AWARENESS 11 his god, and to show the Bel-worshippers a thing or two about thieving.
Skill TN Focus Pot-bellied but possessing a surprising quickness, Xanthes is shave-pated and short,
clad in a fur-trimmed robe of black and grey. Upon the back of his head is tattooed an
Insight 12 1
eight-lobed arrangement reminiscent of a spider’s eyes.
Observation 12 1
Survival 11 — Background
Thievery 14 3 ■■ Homeland: Zamora ■■ Story:The Charity of Priests
■■ Caste: Outcast ■■ Trait: Thief!
BRAWN 8 ■■ Nature: Sneaky ■■ War Story:Survived Sorcery
Skill TN Focus ■■ Education:On Your Own Terms ■■ Languages:Zamorian, Corinthian
Athletics 10 2
Resistance 8 — Soak Fortune Points
Armor 1 (Heavy Clothes; All Locations)
Skill TN Focus
Ranged Weapons 8 — Vigor Wounds
Sailing 8 — Resolve Trauma
Melee —
Hidden 1, Volley
Throwing Knives (×2) (R): Range C, 5 , 1H,
Ranged +2§
■■ Steely Glare (T): Range C, 2§ mental, Stun Presence —
Warfare 7 —
Quiet Wisdom: Xanthes may re-roll 1d20 on Counsel