Celon - Art of Precision
Celon - Art of Precision
Celon - Art of Precision
The generator and ProCurve V applicator of the Precision System allow highly accurate and customized varicose vein - Short electrode tip of 18 mm (enabling treatment of short vein segments e.g. perforators)
treatments. Using bipolar radiofrequency technology, the “Pulse RFITT” mode (radiofrequency induced thermotherapy), - May be positioned up to 1cm inferior of the saphenous junctions
occludes veins gently and efficiently. - Tissue heated up to about 100° C
- Protects against thermal damage to the introducer sheath
- Visual and audible feedback of ablation progress
- Auto-Stop feature for increased safety and prevention of overtreatment
- Bipolar and monopolar standard modes with inpatient and outpatient settings for standard electrosurgical instrumentation
“ RFA was less painful for patients than EVLA and produced less bruising in
the postoperative period with comparable success rates [...]
Goode SD et al. [Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2010 Aug]
“ Complete occlusion rates of 98.4 % were achieved [...]
Braithwaite B et al. [Phlebology. 2013 Feb]
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While the RF energy is applied to the adjacent Once the vein is occluded or the tip is
tissue, the power is continuously adapted to within an introducer sheath, the impedance
the state of ablation. rises rapidly.
The impedance is shown visually and audibly If the impedance rises beyond a preset
throughout the whole ablation procedure in value, the power output is reduced to a
real-time. minimum (Auto-Stop function).
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The radiofrequency current does not heat the electrode tip itself, but only the adjacent tissue. Once the generator is deactivated
The bipolar applicator tip can be easily seen on
by releasing the foot switch, the treatment stops immediately and there is no risk of thermal injury. Additionally, the Auto-Stop
ultrasound and positioned 1 cm below saphenous
function prevents overtreatment of the vein and damage to the introducer sheath.
junctions. During ablation, the continuous pull back
speed is determined by the characteristics of the vein
An ellipsoid coagulation volume is generated around the tip of the bipolar electrode. This ensures that only little heat is delivered
being treated.
beyond the spherical electrode tip. The applicator may be placed closely distal to the saphenous junctions.
Benefits at a Glance ∙S
hort electrode tip of 18 mm (enabling treatment of short
∙ Slender diameter of 1.8 mm (5 Fr/6 Fr) vein segments e.g. perforators)
∙ Flexible shaft for easy insertion ∙M
ay be positioned up to 1 cm inferior of the saphenous
entimeter markings for precise placement junctions
(Rubber ring-positioning guide) ∙ Tissue heated up to about 100° C
∙ Clear tip visualization on ultrasound for easy positioning ∙P
rotects against thermal damage to the introducer sheath
∙ Continuous withdrawal with inbuilt auto-feedback control
Centimeter markings
Rubber ring
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All-in-One: A Single Generator for Varicose Veins and Standard Electrosurgical Procedures Benefits at a Glance
The Precision Generator is a radiofrequency-based platform comprising a variety of functions in one unit. In addition to
the “Pulse RFITT” mode for the treatment of varicose veins, the generator may also be employed in standard inpatient and
outpatient surgical procedures: The bipolar “SoftCoag” mode has an optional Auto-Start feature which activates the power Smart Gentle Efficient
output whenever the bipolar forceps touches the tissue to be coagulated. This does not require activation with the foot switch. ∙D
isplay of power, energy ∙R
FITT modes for less ∙ Bipolar and monopolar standard modes
During monopolar cutting, the “Fast Spark Monitor” ensures constant spark intensity to produce a good, even, cutting quality. output, and duration of postoperative pain and hematoma ∙ Automatic applicator detection
ablation due to lower temperatures ∙ Simple touchscreen operation
In monopolar procedures, the contact of the neutral electrode to the patients skin is continously monitored, improving safety ∙ Visual and audible (~100° C) uto-Start feature (with bipolar forceps)
and control. As soon as the neutral electrode is slightly loose, this feature triggers an alarm, thereby protecting the skin against feedback of ablation ∙ Auto-Stop feature for more safety “Fast Spark Monitor” for constant cutting
thermal injury. Operation of the user-friendly touchscreen is intuitive. Saving custom procedure settings simplifies the daily progress and prevention of overtreatment quality in different tissues
routine of healthcare professionals. ∙ Saving of custom ∙ Monitoring of the tissue change ∙C
ontinuous monitoring of neutral electrode
procedure settings through impedance feedback contact for safer monopolar application
Pulse RFITT for Treatment of Varicose Veins Bipolar and Monopolar Modes for Standard
Electrosurgical Procedures
Procedure Names Little carbonization and
adhesion, Auto-Start
Bipolar RFA mode: selectable
Neutral Electrode
High spark intensity for large
Energy Output
thermal effects
Effective coagulation with less
carbonization and adhesion
Visual Feedback
of Tissue Changes
(impedance display) ForceCoag:
Rapid and effective
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Burns are less likely for RFITT due to its automatic, impedance-feedback
cut-off when the treatment sheath is entered. No instances of skin burns
occurred [...]
Goodyear SJ, Nyamekye IK. Radiofrequency ablation of varicose veins: Best practice techniques and evidence. [Phlebology
2015 Nov;30(2 Suppl):9-17.]
“ Complete occlusion rates of 98.4 % were achieved [...]
Braithwaite B et al.. Radiofrequency-induced thermal therapy: results of a European multicentre study of resistive ablation of
incompetent truncal varicose veins. [Phlebology. 2013 Feb;28(1):38-46.]
“ RFA was less painful for patients than EVLA and produced less bruising in
the postoperative period with comparable success rates [...]
Goode SD et al.. Laser and radiofrequency ablation study (LARA study): a randomised study comparing radiofrequency
ablation and endovenous laser ablation (810 nm). [Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2010 Aug;40(2):246-53.]
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Product Information
Part Number
WB990207 Bipolar RF applicator “CELON ProCurve V” (5 units/box)
WA90008A Electrosurgical generator “CELON Precision” (Erbe Standard/Type E), incl. foot switch
WA90009A Electrosurgical generator “CELON Precision” (Bovi Standard/Type B), incl. foot switch