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PC Card Manufacturer Tenow, China: Company Report

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COMPANY REPORT PC Card Manufacturer Tenow, China

ë Shenzhen

82 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 — www.TELE-satellite.com

■ Tenow is in the process of
setting up new offices on the
second floor in this new office Innovative PC Cards
from China
complex in Shenzhen’s High-
Tech Park. These offices will give
Tenow room to expand.

One company that is fully concentrated on the

development of their products is the young firm Tenow
from Shenzhen, China. PC cards are manufactured
although the actual production process is outsourced
allowing Tenow to focus their efforts on Development
and Marketing. Also interesting to note about Tenow:
the company is run by four partners and all four of them
work together as a team to further expand their young
company. Tenow is in the process of setting up a new
office in Shenzhen’s large High-Tech Park. When we paid
them a visit, we went to their old office located directly
next to the Shen Da Metro Station on route 1.

■ Tenow’s four partners: they

founded the company in 2005. From
left to right: Richard Zhang, Bob Liu,
Eric Deng and James Liu

Two of the founders, James Liu, Eric Deng, who is also involved with to become popular and they distributed
in charge of Marketing, and Bob Liu, Software Devlopment. All four of them DVB-T demodulator chips to local manu-
responsible for Software Development, founded the new company in 2005 facturers in Shenzhen.
met each other while studying at Wuhan using a starting capital of 500,000 RMB
University. The two other partners, both (roughly 50,000 Euros). Then, as a design house, Tenow devel-
of whom previously worked at a receiver oped complete applications for manu-
manufacturer, are Richard Zhang, in Tenow then operated as a commer- facturers. One success story involved
charge of Hardware Development, and cial enterprise: DVB-T was just starting DVB-T USB sticks: Tenow developed the

www.TELE-satellite.com — 02-03/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine 83


TENOW Company Details

PC Card Manufacturer, China www.tenower.com
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees
▼ ▼
0................................ 12 .................................. 25
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0............................... 1.5 .....................3 Mio €uro

Production Certificates
Main Products
PC-Cards for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/T2, DVB-C with single, dual and
quad tuner, CAM Box for DVB-S2, USB-Stick for DVB-S/S2, DVB-
C and ISDB-T


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Available online starting from 28 January 2011 3

application which was then acquired by card in 2009 which was introduced by 1. Irene Jiang is responsible for International
a local manufacturer who then marketed TELE-satellite in the 12-01/2011 issue. Sales
the completed sticks. But now it’s 2011 and the four partners 2. Susanna Zhao is responsible for International
are really giving it all they’ve got: by the Sales. She speaks English and German
That was actually the trigger that com- time this issue reaches your hands, there
3. Lucky Lu is a Software Engineer. She is
pelled the four founders to reorganize will be a firestorm of innovative new PC currently working on an application for DVB-T2
their business model: instead of design- cards as well as boxes that can be con-
ing solutions for other manufacturers nected to a laptop: DXers will appear in the third quarter of
who then ended up profiting from the 2011:
sales, the four partners decided to take - a CAM Box in DVB-S2 with the
their designs and manufacture and dis- ST0903 chip - a PCIe Card with 4 x DVB-S2 and
tribute them themselves. - a PCIe Card with 4 x DVB-S2 with the NXP 10074 chip
the CX24117 chip
For Tenow though, the DVB-T stick was - a PCIe Card with 1 x DVB-T2 with a It’s special because this chip permits
old news; the prices for this product seg- Samsung tuner Blindscanning! Bob Liu, in charge of Soft-
ment were already too low to continue - a PCIe Card with 2 x DVB-T2 ware Development, reveals a few other
with that product. A new idea had to - a professional PCIe Card with the features to us regarding Blindscan: “Our
be found; it didn’t take long: a PCI card ST0900 chip supporting VCM/ACM/CCM CAM box with the ST0903 chip comes
for DVB-S that was marketed under the and multi-stream-input with the Blindscan function as does our
brand name Tenow at the end of 2006. data card with the ST0900 chip.” But for
The second quarter of 2011 should see feed hunters and satellite Dxers it’s the
Then each year after that it was some- other highlights: card with the NXP 10074 chip that brings
thing new: in 2007 there was the new with it the long-awaited all-around solu-
DVB-S2 PCI card and then in 2008 the - a double PCIe- Card with 2 x DVB-S2 tion to Blindscanning.
time was right for cards with a PCI and 2 x CI
Express slot. The first of those was a Software Developer Eric Deng explains
DVB-S2 card followed by a dual DVB-S2 An especially tasty treat for satellite a few more features to us: “Our target

84 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 — www.TELE-satellite.com

Inside Europe, 40% of sales each go to
Germany and England with the remain-
ing 20% going to countries like Poland,
France, Italy and Sweden.”

Marketing Manager James Liu has

something else for us: “We’re in the
process of setting up a branch office in
Sophia, Bulgaria. We would then have
direct access to Europe making product
distribution much easier.”

This new branch office would not

only be a storage warehouse but also
a sales office for Europe from which
Tenow could support their customers in
Europe. Equally important according to
Bob Liu, “We would also use the Sophia
office as a test center for our PC cards.
We could then check the performance
of our cards on actual satellite signals.”
1 The branch office in Bulgaria is set up for

1. Steven Liu is also a software engineer and is

working on a DVB-S2 application

2. Tenow has outsourced the actual production

process but they still perform quality control
on the finished product: here we see engineer
Zhang testing product samples.

group for the 4 x DVB-S2 cards are actu-

ally the IPTV providers. They require
simultaneous reception from as many
sources as possible. At the same time
our data card with the ST0900 chip tar-
gets the professional market; it supports
CCM, ACM, VCM and multi-stream input
- a requirement for professional satellite
data download applications.” With these
new products, that currently are or soon
will be appearing on the market, Tenow
is clearly covering every possible appli-
cation. But now we want to get an idea of
how Tenow performed at the start.

Marketing Manager James Liu gives us

some insight: “In our first year in 2005
we were just able to cover our expenses.
We already began to show a profit in
2006: we managed sales of 5 million
RMB (about 500,000 Euros).” In 2010
sales reached 20 million RMB (about 2 of additional room so that Tenow could five employees; three would be from the
million Euros). “For 2011 we are expect- expand to 40 employees. local region while the other two would be
ing sales of about 30 million RMB (or 3 for software and hardware developers
million Euros).” If you take a closer look at Tenow’s from the main office in Shenzhen.
product palette, you might notice that
Software developer Bob Liu highlights they are focusing on DVB-S2 and DVB- This young team has managed to write
their employee numbers over the years: T2. Hardware engineer Richard Zhang an impressive success story in just a
“In 2005 it was just the four founders, in confirms this: “DVB-C doesn’t play a few years. With self-developed applica-
2006 we added two employees and now very big role; the sales numbers are tions and above all a focus on innova-
in 2010 we have 18 employees.” This rather low.” tive products, that is products that don’t
includes four software engineers, four yet exist, Tenow should have no trouble
hardware engineers, three sales man- Irene Jiang, responsible for interna- expanding its reach in the marketplace.
agers, one in accounting and three in tional sales, expands on this: “80% of
administration. our sales are in Europe, 15% go to the Tenow is a private company and it’s
Middle East and the remaining 5% to the remarkable how these four partners
In their new office there will be plenty rest of the world such as North America. have managed to work so close together

86 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 — www.TELE-satellite.com

over the years expanding and growing their
company and this not only in terms of prod-
uct development but also in the conquest of
new markets.

If you want to meet the Tenow four,

simply take a trip to the upcoming ANGA
show in Cologne, Germany: there they’ll be
introducing their newest products as well as
be open to meetings with new dealers and
distributors for their products.

Tenow is an excellent example of a com-

pany that knows how to develop exactly 2
those products that the market is looking
for. The trick is not showing up too late
with a product when price reductions have
already begun to take place, but rather to
market a product at a point when demand is
just beginning.

Tenow’s Newest Products

1. For connection to a laptop: a DVB-S2 CAM box
with USB. It would let you watch PayTV channels on
your laptop.

2. IPTV providers in particular are waiting for this 3

card: it offers 4 x DVB-S2; four channels can be
received at the same time from up to four different

3. One card for DVB-T2 reception with in/out IEC


4. A professional card for data reception. These 4

would be preferred by satellite data download

5. With this Samsung tuner two (!) DVB-T2 channels

can be received at the same time

88 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 — www.TELE-satellite.com

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