Johnson Newport 1989 Cog Psy
Johnson Newport 1989 Cog Psy
Johnson Newport 1989 Cog Psy
University of Illinois
Lenneberg (1967) hypothesized that language could be acquired only within a
critical period, extending from early infancy until puberty. In its basic form, the
critical period hypothesis need only have consequences for first language acqui-
sition. Nevertheless, it is essential to our understanding of the nature of the
hypothesized critical period to determine whether or not it extends as well to
second language acquisition. If so, it should be the case that young children are
better second language learners than adults and should consequently reach higher
levels of final proficiency in the second language. This prediction was tested by
comparing the English proficiency attained by 46 native Korean or Chinese speak-
ers who had arrived in the United States between the ages of 3 and 39, and who
had lived in the United States between 3 and 26 years by the time of testing. These
subjects were tested on a wide variety of structures of English grammar, using a
grammaticality judgment task. Both correlational and r-test analyses demon-
strated a clear and strong advantage for earlier arrivals over the later arrivals. Test
performance was linearly related to age of arrival up to puberty; after puberty,
performance was low but highly variable and unrelated to age of arrival. This age
effect was shown not to be an inadvertent result of differences in amount of
experience with English, motivation, self-consciousness, or American identifica-
tion. The effect also appeared on every grammatical structure tested, although the
structures varied markedly in the degree to which they were well mastered by
later learners. The results support the conclusion that a critical period for lan-
guage acquisition extends its effects to second language acquisition. 8 1989ACT-
demic Press, Inc.
which may be relatively early in life, and then declines when this period
is over. For example, in the development of early visual abilities, the
development of attachment, or-in the case considered here-the acqui-
sition of language, it has been suggested that learners are best able to
achieve the skill in question during a maturationally limited period, early
in life. Elsewhere we have presented evidence that first language learning
is indeed limited in this way (Newport & Supalla, 1987). The present
paper focuses on the acquisition of a second language, asking whether this
type of learning, undertaken only after a native language is already ac-
quired, is nevertheless still maturationally constrained.
We will begin by reviewing prior evidence on this hypothesis, for both
first and second language learning, and will then present a new empirical
study which we believe shows evidence for a maturational function in
second language learning. Such evidence leaves open, however, whether
the underlying maturational change occurs in a specific language faculty,
or rather in more general cognitive abilities involved in language learning.
We will conclude by considering the types of mechanisms which are
consistent with our findings,
changes over maturation in the ability to learn (in the case under consideration in this paper,
to learn language). We therefore include within this term maturational phenomena which
other investigators have called sensitive, rather than critical, periods. By using the term in
this broad fashion, we mean to avoid prejudging what the degree or quality of such matu-
rational change may be (e.g., is it a sharp qualitative change vs. a gradual quantitative one?)
and what the nature of the underlying maturational mechanism may be (e.g., is it a change
in a special language faculty vs. a more general change in cognitive abilities?). These further
questions will be addressed in part by the nature of our findings, and in part by future
What it can and cannot tell us about the critical period. Given the early
difficulties of performing a direct test of the critical period hypothesis on
first language acquisition, many researchers undertook studies of second
language acquisition over age as a test of the hypothesis. Some investi-
gators have suggested that a critical period theory must predict that chil-
dren are better than adults at learning second languages, as well as first
languages. Consequently, they have viewed any evidence to the contrary
as evidence against the critical period hypothesis (cf. Snow, 1983, for
In our opinion, data on this issue do have an important consequence for
a critical period theory of language acquisition. However, it is not that the
critical period hypothesis could be rejected on such evidence, but rather
that it can be refined or clarified by such evidence. A critical period
theory for language acquisition would have quite a different character
depending upon whether second language acquisition were included in its
To capture this distinction there are two different ways we can state the
critical period hypothesis, one which does not include second language
acquisition in its effects and one that does:
Version One: The exercise hypothesis. Early in life, humans have a
superior capacity for acquiring languages. If the capacity is not exercised
during this time, it will disappear or decline with maturation. If the ca-
pacity is exercised, however, further language learning abilities will re-
main intact throughout life.
Version Two: The maturational state hypothesis. Early in life, humans
have a superior capacity for acquiring languages. This capacity disap-
pears or declines with maturation.
Notice that, although very different in character, the two versions make
the same predictions with regard to first language acquisition. They differ,
however, in their predictions for second language acquisition.
The exercise hypothesis predicts that children will be superior to adults
in acquiring a first language. By this account, if learners are not exposed
to a first language during childhood, they will be unable to acquire any
language fully at a later date. However, as long as they have acquired a
first language during childhood, the ability to acquire language will remain
intact and can be utilized at any age. On such a hypothesis, second lan-
guage learning should be equivalent in children and adults, or perhaps
even superior in adults due to their greater skills in their first language as
well as in many related domains.
This hypothesis is not unlike the conception of the visual critical period
described for cats (Hubel & Wiesel, 1963), where early visual experience
is required to maintain and refine the structure of the visual cortex, or the
conception of the critical period described for attachment in dogs (Scott,
1980), where early attachment to one dog is required for subsequently
normal socialization and permits unlimited later attachments to other
members of the same species. Indeed, as will be discussed below, some
of the current evidence on second language learning could be interpreted
to support an exercise hypothesis.
In contrast, the maturational state hypothesis claims that there is some-
thing special about the maturational state of the child’s brain which makes
children particularly adept at acquiring any language, first as well as
second. This hypothesis predicts that language learning abilities decline
with maturation, regardless of early linguistic experience: acquiring a first
language early in life will not guarantee the ability to acquire a second
language later in life. In this version, then, children will be better in
second language learning as well as first.
With certain qualifications, the critical period hypothesis that Lenne-
berg put forth can be subsumed under either version. In fact, it is not
absolutely clear which version he would have favored. Some comments
he made suggest that he thinks the young learner has a superior capacity
for acquiring second languages, and therefore that he would favor the
maturational state hypothesis:
. . . the incidence of “language learning blocks” rapidly increases after puberty.
Also automatic acquisition from mere exposure to a given language seems to dis-
appear after this age and foreign languages have to be taught and learned through
a conscious and labored effort. Foreign accents cannot be overcome easily after
puberty. (Lenneberg, 1%7, p. 176)
However, other comments within the same paragraph sound as if he
would have favored the exercise hypothesis:
. . . our ability to learn foreign languages tends to confuse the picture. Most indi-
viduals of average intelligence are able to learn a second language after the begin-
ning of their second decade . . . a person can learn to communicate in a foreign
language at the age of forty. This does not trouble our basic hypothesis on age
limitation because we may assume that the cerebral organization for language
learning as such has taken place during childhood, and since natural languages tend
to resemble one another in many fundamental aspects the matrix for language skills
is present. (Lenneberg, 1967, p. 176)
Since Lenneberg’s was one of the first proposals in this area, it is not
surprising that he did not take a definitive stand on this issue, particularly
since there were at that time few data to support either view. Neverthe-
less, it is a crucial distinction that should be made in any subsequent
account of a critical period.
less able to achieve the open attitudinal and affective state required for
language acquisition to take place (for reviews of this view, see Schu-
mann, 1975; Krashen, 1982). To test these claims, Oyama measured each
of these variables, plus other candidate predictors, using interview and
questionnaire material. Simple correlations showed a good association
between these variables and test score; however, partial correlations re-
moving the effects of age of arrival became essentially zero. In contrast,
when the reverse procedure was performed, removing each of these vari-
ables from the relationship between age of arrival and test score, the
partial correlation remained large and significant. In short, age of arrival,
rather than the attitudinal variables, predicted language performance.
These are important findings, for they support the view that age effects
are not simply an artifact of child-adult differences in affective conditions
of learning. However, a more rigorous test of this question could be
performed. Nonmaturational hypotheses do not typically propose that
one attitudinal variable, for example, self-consciousness, will alone pre-
dict performance; rather, they propose that the combination of all of these
variables favors children over adults. Thus a more stringent test would
involve partialling out all of the attitudinal variables together from age of
arrival, and then determining whether there is any predictive power left.
The study we present in the present paper is an attempt to supplement
the findings of these earlier studies. It is similar to the two studies dis-
cussed above, in that the focus is on ultimate command of the grammar of
the second language as a function of age of exposure to that language. It
differs from previous studies, however, in the way subjects’ proficiency
in the language is assessed and in the types of analyses performed. First,
a detailed evaluation of subjects’ knowledge of numerous aspects of En-
glish morphology and syntax is performed. This allows us to examine the
relationship between age of exposure and an overall measure of English
proficiency, as well as the possible differential effects of age of exposure
on various aspects of grammatical structure. Second, a wide range of ages
of exposure is examined, so that the precise shape of the function relating
age to proficiency can be determined. Third, multivariate analyses are
used to evaluate the relative contributions to proficiency of age as well as
a number of affective, sociological, and environmental conditions of
In detail, the primary questions that we address are as follows:
Subjects were 46 native Chinese or Korean speakers who learned En-
glish as a second language. Chinese and Korean were chosen as the native
languages because of their typological dissimilarity to English. (For con-
sideration of the effects of the first language on the second, see Discus-
sion.) No differences were found in the results for the two language
groups, so they will be presented together throughout the paper.
The primary criterion for selecting subjects was that they vary in the
age at which they moved to the United States and thereby first became
immersed in English. All subjects were exposed to English by native
speakers in the United States. In addition, to be sure that subjects had
sufftcient experience with English to be considered at their ultimate at-
tainment in the language, every attempt was made to obtain subjects who
had lived in the United States for many years. Minimum criteria were as
follows: all subjects had to have at least five years of exposure to English
and had to have lived in the United States for an unbroken stay of at least
three years prior to the time of test. Finally, to ensure ample exposure to
English and to ensure some homogeneity of social background, all sub-
jects were selected from the student and faculty population at an Amer-
ican university (University of Illinois). Subjects were recruited through
posted sign-up sheets, letters, and by word of mouth.
The resulting 46 subjects varied in age of arrival in the United States
from ages 3 to 39; throughout that range there was a fairly even distribu-
tion of ages of arrival. Age of arrival was considered the age of first
exposure to English. Three additional subjects were tested but eliminated
from data analysis when our posttest interview revealed that they did not
meet the above criteria: One did not have an unbroken stay in the United
States for three years prior to test; the second did not arrive in the United
States until adulthood but was immersed in English through attending an
all-English-speaking school in a foreign country. For both of these sub-
jects, then, age of immersion could not be determined unambiguously.
The third subject was eliminated because her early exposure to English
was from her Chinese parents, who had no prior experience with English
but nevertheless decided to speak only English in the home upon their
arrival in the United States. Most of her early exposure to English was
therefore not to standard English.
Additional experiential characteristics of the subjects varied for sub-
jects arriving in the United States early vs. late in life, and will be dis-
cussed separately for these two groups. In all cases, these experiential
characteristics, as well as age of arrival, will be evaluated for their rela-
tionship to performance in English.
Early arrivals. There were 23 subjects, 12 males and 11 females, who
had arrived in the United States before age 15. These early arrivals were,
at the time of test, for the most part freshman or sophomore undergrad-
uates who received money or class credit for their participation. All of
these subjects, from the time of arrival until college, lived in an environ-
ment where their native language was spoken in the home and English
spoken outside of the home. Once they entered college, all lived predom-
inantly in an English-speaking environment.
Late arrivals. The remaining 23 subjects were 17 males and 6 females
who had arrived in the United States after age 17. Prior to coming to the
United States, all of these subjects had had between 2 and 12 years of
mandatory formal English instruction in their native country. This raised
two possible concerns: One, the classroom experience might reduce the
effect of age of arrival on learning, since age of first exposure to English
for these subjects is earlier than age of arrival. Two, “age of learning”
may turn out to be better defined by age of starting classes rather than age
of arrival, which would result in a narrower range of ages than desired.
Whether point 2 is true is an interesting question itself and will be exam-
ined empirically in the results section.
At the time of test, these subjects were primarily professors, research
associates, and graduate students. All subjects, in both the early and late
arrivals groups, had at least some years of schooling while in the United
States. Within the late arrivals, the smallest number of years of school in
the United States was 3 years, the largest 10, with an average of 6 years
for the group.
For some of the subjects, the language environment was analogous to
that of the early arrivals, in which the native language was spoken in the
home and English spoken at school and work; for others, particularly
those that were unmarried, the language environment was almost all En-
glish. Thus in terms of exposure on a day to day basis, it does not appear
that the early arrivals have any advantage over the late arrivals.
In terms of years of exposure in the United States the late and early
arrivals also are fairly even. See Table 1. The average number of years in
the United States for early and late arrivals is 9.8 and 9.9, respectively.
The Distribution of Early and Late Arrivals in Terms of the Number of Years They
Lived in the U.S.
Age of arrival
Years in the U.S. 3-15 17-39
3-6 4 7
7-10 10 11
11-15 9 3
23-26 0 2
The main difference between the two groups is that the late arrivals have
a larger range of years in the United States.
To provide a baseline performance on tests of English, 23 native speak-
ers of English were run. Two additional native subjects participated but
were not included in the analysis, one because the posttest interview
revealed that he acquired English outside of the United States, and one
because she spoke a nonstandard dialect of English.
The subjects were tested on their knowledge of English syntax and
morphology by being asked to judge the grammaticality of spoken English
sentences of varying types (see Materials). While such a task, of course,
in principle requires metalinguistic skills in addition to knowledge of the
language, virtually perfect performance is shown on the same task by 6-
and 7-year old native speakers in subsequent studies (Johnson, Newport,
& Strauss, in press). This suggests that the metalinguistic skills necessary
for our task can only be minimally demanding for an adult and that any
variation obtained in performance on the task among adults must be due
to variation in knowledge of the language.
The test sentences were recorded on tape by a native American female
voice (E.N.). Each sentence was read twice, with a l-2 second pause
separating the repetitions. They were said clearly, with normal intonation
at a slow to moderate speed. The ungrammatical sentences were spoken
with the intonation pattern of the grammatical counterpart. There was a
3-4 second delay between the different sentences.
Subjects were tested individually in the laboratory. They were in-
structed to make a grammaticality judgment for each sentence, guessing
if they were not sure. It was made clear to the subject that if the sentence
was incomplete or otherwise wrong for any reason, they should regard it
as ungrammatical. The subject recorded yes/no responses on an answer
sheet by circling Y or N. To avoid giving cues to the subject, the exper-
imenter did not face the subject during the testing session while the tape
was going. Subjects were given a break halfway through the test, but were
told prior to starting that they should tell the experimenter to stop the tape
at any time if they need to break sooner, either if the tape was too fast for
them or if they were simply getting tired.
Following the grammaticality judgment test, subjects were interviewed
for approximately half an hour about their language background. Infor-
mation was gathered about the type and amount of exposure to English
they had, from when they were first learning the language until the time
of test. Motivational and additudinal measures were also taken, by having
the subjects rate themselves on a scale of 1 to 5 with regard to those
None of the subjects were blind as to the nature of the experiment.
They were told prior to participating that we were interested in determin-
ing whether children or adults are better at learning second languages;
they were not told, however, what type of results were expected.
The judgments of grammaticality test was modeled loosely after one
used by Linebarger, Schwartz, and Saffran (1983) in a study unrelated to
the present one. Our test, however, has a different set of English con-
structions and corresponding test sentences than those of Linebarger et
al., with the exception of two rule types which are noted.2
Our test was composed of 276 sentences.3 Of these, 140 were ungram-
matical. The other 136 formed the grammatical counterparts of these
sentences.4 The pairs that were formed, between the ungrammatical and
grammatical counterparts, were sentences that were exactly the same
except for one rule violation contained in the ungrammatical sentence.
The pairs of sentences were constructed to test 12 types of rules of En-
glish, listed in Table 2. The test contained between 6 and 16 pairs of
sentences testing each rule type. The members of a pair were, however,
not adjacent to each other, but rather were placed in opposite halves of
* We thank Marcia Linebarger for making these and other tests available to us.
3 An additional six sentences, three ungrammatical and three the grammatical counter-
parts of these, were included in the test but were eliminated from scoring because native
speakers of English made large numbers of errors in judging their grammaticality, due to
either auditory problems or dialect variations.
4 The numbers of ungrammatical and grammatical sentences are unequal because some
rule types have more than one grammatical sentence, or more than one ungrammatical
sentence, within each set of counterparts (see, for example, the section on particle move-
ment). For the most part, however, the grammatical and ungrammatical sentences form
pairs, and for ease of presentation they will be referred to as “pairs” throughout the paper.
12 Rule Types Tested in Grammaticality Judgment Task
1. Past tense 7. Particle movement
2. Plural 8. Subcategorization
3. Third person singular 9. Auxiliaries
4. Present progressive 10. Yes/no questions
5. Determiners 11. Wh-questions
6. Pronomhlization 12. Word order
the test.’ Within each half, sentences were presented in random order (see
Design for further details.)
To ensure as much as possible that the sentences tested the rules under
study and not extraneous factors, sentences were constructed to contain
only relatively high frequency words, most of which were only one or two
syllables in length. The location of the grammatical error (at the begin-
ning, middle, or end of the sentence), the basic phrase structure of the
sentence, and the sentence length (ranging from 5 to 11 words per sen-
tence) were balanced across pairs of sentences testing each rule type, so
that each rule type was tested by a set of sentences comparable in all of
these regards.
The 12 rule types we tested were chosen to represent a wide variety of
the most basic aspects of English sentence structure. (Indeed, according
to our expectations, native speakers of English found the test very easy,
with ungrammatical sentences producing strong feelings of ungrammati-
cality.) Within the 12 rules types, there were four rule types which dealt
specifically with English morphology: past tense, plural, third person
singular, and present progressive. They will be discussed together since
many of the violations were constructed along similar lines. The other
eight types involved various rules of English syntax. Within each rule
type, the violations were formed on the basis of a few basic formats, with
several pairs of sentences (typically 4) using each format. These are dis-
cussed in more detail, with examples of the structure of the pairs, below.
Morphology: Past tense, plural, third person singular, and present pro-
gressive. For morphology, the grammatical sentence always contained
the target morpheme in a required context, while the grammatical viola-
tion was created using one of four formats:
(1) by omitting the required morpheme;
(2) by replacing the required morpheme with an inappropriate mor-
pheme from a different class;
(3) by making an irregular item regular;
(4) by attaching a regular marking to an already irregularly marked
The first format was used to make ungrammatical sentences for all four
types of morphology. The sentence pairs were constructed so that the
grammatical context required the target morpheme, making it a grammat-
ical violation when the morpheme was omitted in one of the sentences of
the pair. For example, in sentences (la) and (lb), a plural marker is
required on the noun “pig,” and is present in (la) but is omitted in (lb).
In sentences (2a) and (2b), the present progressive ending is required on
the verb “speak”; it is present in (2a) but omitted in (2b).
(la) The farmer bought two pigs at the market.
*( 1b) The farmer bought two pig at the market.
(2a) The little boy is speaking to a policeman.
*(2b) The little boy is speak to a policeman.
Sentences were structured similarly for the other classes of morphemes.
The second format applied only to the verb morphology. One sentence
of the pair was correct; the other had an inappropriate tense marking for
the context. Consider, for example, sentences (3a) and (3b).
(3a) Yesterday the hunter shot a deer.
*(3b) Yesterday the hunter shoots a deer.
In (3a), the verb is in the past tense form as required, while in (3b) the verb
“shoot” occurs in present tense form in a past tense context.
The last two formats for creating the ill-formed sentences could be used
only for past tense and plural forms. An ill-formed sentence created by
making an irregular item regular is exemplified in sentence (4b), with its
grammatical counterpart in (4a). Similarly, the ungrammatical sentence
(5b) has a regular marking added on an already marked irregular.
(4a) A shoe salesman sees many feet throughout the day.
*(4b) A shoe salesman sees many foots throughout the day.
(5a) A bat flew into our attic last night.
*(5b) A bat flewed into our attic last night.
The test was constructed so that there was an equal number of sentence
pairs (4) in each format used for each type of morphology. However, due
to the nature of the morphemes, it was impossible for all of the formats to
be applied to all of the four rule types. Therefore the past tense and plural
are tested by more sentence pairs than are the third person or the present
Determiners. To test subjects’ knowledge of determiners, the grammat-
ical member of the sentence pairs was constructed so that a determiner in
a particular position was either necessary or not allowed. The ungram-
matical counterparts were then formed by one of three methods: (1) by
omitting them in required contexts, as in sentence (6b); (2) by substituting
the indefinite for the definite, as in (7b); and (3) by inserting them where
neither article is allowed, see(8b). These examplescan be contrasted with
their grammatical counterparts (6a), (7a), and @a), respectively:
(6a) Tom is reading a book in the bathtub.
*(6b) Tom is reading book in the bathtub.
(7a) The boys are going to the zoo this Saturday.
*(7b) A boys are going to the zoo this Saturday.
@a) Larry went home after the party.
*(8b) Larry went the home after the party.
In many cases, there are other ways of construing the errors; for ex-
ample, (6b) may be construed as a plural error, instead of a determiner
error, for not having the plural marking on the noun “book.” In caseslike
these, where the error classification was ambiguous, the semantic con-
texts were created to try to bias the listener into the preferred reading.
For example, in (6) the reason Tom is in the bathtub is to sway the subject
into expecting that he is reading only one book rather than many.
Pronominalization. The sentence pairs for this rule type contain some
type of pronominal. The ungrammatical sentenceswere formed to include
one of the following violations: (1) the wrong case marking on the pro-
noun; (2) an error in gender or number agreement for the pronoun; or (3)
an erroneous form of the possessiveadjective.
The violations of case involved using nominative pronouns in objective
positions (see (9a) and (9b)), and objective pronouns in nominative posi-
(9a) Susan is making some cookies for us.
*(9b) Susan is making some cookies for we.
Gender and number were tested by capitalizing on the fact that reflex-
ive pronouns have to agree with the noun they are coindexed with. Sen-
tence (1Oa)is an example of correct gender agreement, while (lob) shows
a gender agreement violation:
(1Oa) The girl cut herself on a piece of glass.
*(lob) The girl cut himself on a piece of glass.
For possessiveadjectives, the error is in the form the word takes. So,
for example, some ungrammatical items have a possessiveadjective with
the possessive marker added, as in (llb). Compare this to the correct
form in (lla):
(1la) Carol is cooking dinner for her family.
*(l lb) Carol is cooking dinner for hers family.
Particle movement. With some minor changes, all of the items in this
rule type are from Linebarger et al. (1983). Here the sentences take ad-
vantage of the differences between particles and prepositions. The ill-
formed sentences were created by treating prepositions as particles, that
is, by moving the preposition to the right of the object NP as in (12b), as
compared to the correct form in (12a). These were contrasted with gram-
matical sentences with particles in their moved and unmoved positions, as
in (13a) and (13b). Additionally, other sentences were ill-formed by mov-
ing the particle outside its own clause as in (13~). Notice that, for this rule
type, the sets of counterpart sentences are not pairs but triples:
Subcategorization. The items in this rule type are also from Linebarger
et al. (1983). These items test subjects’ knowledge of the subcategoriza-
tion frames of various verbs. In English, individual verbs determine the
type of syntactic frames that may follow them. For example, some verbs
require a direct object, while others require prepositional phrases. Be-
cause the details of these frames are lexically determined, ill-formed sen-
tences could be created by changing the structure of the required frame
for a particular verb while keeping the meaning intact. Thus, the change
in these sentences involved using the subcategorization frame of a seman-
tically similar verb. See, for example, the contrasts below.
Following any form of “be,” the main verb must take the progressive.
(17a) Fred will be getting a raise next month.
*(17b) Fred will be get a raise next month.
Only the first element of Aux is tensed.
(Ma) Leonard should have written a letter to his mother.
*(18b) Leonard should has written a letter to his mother.
Yes/no questions. For this rule type, the ungrammatical sentencescon-
tain primarily errors in subject-aux inversion. The errors are of three
types. In one, two auxiliaries are moved in front of the subject, as in
(19b). In another, both the auxiliary and the verb are fronted (20b); and in
the third, the verb is fronted in a sentence where do-insertion would
normally occur, as in (21b). The grammatical counterparts are (19a),
(2Oa),and (21a), respectively.
(19a) Has the king been served his dinner?
*(19b) Has been the king served his dinner?
(20a) Can the little girl ride a bicycle?
*(2Ob) Can ride the little girl a bicycle?
(21a) Did Bill dance at the party last night?
*(21b) Danced Bill at the party last night?
Additionally, there were some ungrammatical sentencesformed by copy-
ing, instead of moving, the auxiliary verb, the difference being shown in
(22a) and (22b):
(22a) Can the boy drive a tractor?
*(22b) Can the boy can drive a tractor?
M-questions. The ungrammatical wh-questions have three forms, two
of them also dealing with aux. In one form, no subject-aux inversion
occurs, as in (23b) as compared with (23a); in the other, do-insertion is
omitted, as in (24b) compared to (24a):
(23a) When will Sam fix his car?
*(23b) When Sam will fix his car?
(24a) What do they sell at the comer store?
*(24b) What they sell at the comer store?
The third form of the ungrammatical wh-questions was lexical. A ques-
tion was ill-formed by substituting an incorrect wh-word for a correct one.
In sentence (25b), for example, “why” cannot be used unless the sub-
categorization frame of the verb “put” is satisfied by supplying a loca-
tive. Sentence (25a) satisfies this restriction by replacing the locative with
a locative wh-word.
The test was divided into two halves. An equal number of exemplars of
each rule type and subrule type were represented in each half. The gram-
matical and ungrammatical members of a pair were in opposite halves of
the test. Within each half, sentences were randomized in such a way that
no rule type was concentrated in one section of the test, and no run of
grammatical or ungrammatical sentences was longer than four.
Age of Acquisition
Age of acquisition and ultimate performance. The primary question of
this study involved examining the relationship between age of learning
English as a second language and performance on the test of English
grammar. The results show a clear and strong relationship between age of
arrival in the United States and performance. Subjects who began acquir-
ing English in the United States at an earlier age obtained higher scores on
the test than those that began later, r = - .77, p < .Ol.
A more detailed understanding of this relationship can be gained from
Table 3 and Fig. 1. Subjects were grouped by age of arrival into categories
similar to those used in past research (e.g., Snow & Hoefnagel-Hohle,
1978). Table 3 presents the mean score, standard deviation, and the
ranges of the number of correct responses and the number of errors for
each group and for the native English comparison group. The means are
also presented graphically in Fig. 1. The adjacent age groups were com-
Mean Scores of Nonnative and Native Speakers of English
Age of arrival
Natives 3-7 8-10 11-15 17-39
(n = 23) (n = 7) (n = 8) (n = 8) (n = 23)
Means 268.8 269.3 256.0 235.9 210.3
SD 2.9 2.8 6.0 13.6 22.8
Raw 275-265 272-264 263-247 251-212 254-163
(Errors) (l-11) (4-U (13-29) w-64) (22-l 13)
5 Using a two-sample t statistic where the variance of each group is estimated separately
is appropriate whenever the population variances are not assumed to be equal, as is the case
6 It is always possible,,however, that the equivalence in performance between natives and
the 3-7 group is due to a ceiling effect on our test, and that tests of more complex aspects
of English syntax would show differences even between these groups.
260 -
o 250-
ii 240 -
I” 230 -
220 -
210 -
Native 3-7 0-10 11-15 17-39
Age of Arrival
FIG. 1. The relationship between age of arrival in the United States and total score correct
on the test of English grammar.
2351 .
225 . l
215 I,, , , , ,
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Age of Arrival
240 - .
230 - l 8 . .
220 - .
210 - .
200-m ’ . -
l .
190 -
180 - . .
I I I I I I I I I I I ’
16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 38 38 40
Age of Arrival
FIG. 2. Scatterplots of test score in relation to age of arrival for subjects arriving in United
States before vs. after puberty.
and the SDS in Table 3, is the heterogeneous variance. For groups who
acquired English at early ages, the variance is very small; with increasing
age of exposure, variance gets larger, creating a megaphone shape, so that
for subjects exposed to English after 15 the variance is very large. Note
that it would have been quite possible to find that the means of these
groups increased but the variance stayed constant over the age groups.
The heterogeneity of variance obtained, and the relation between age of
acquisition and variance, is an independent result.
This heterogeneity of variance underscores two simple but important
(1) Before age 15, and most particularly before age 10, there are very
Age of exposure to formal instruction. It has been assumed thus far that
age of arrival in the United States is the best measure of age of exposure
to the language. For early arrivals it is the only measure available, since
these subjects had no prior experience with English at all. However, for
the late arrivals there are two measures possible: age of arrival in the
United States, or age of beginning English instruction in school within the
native country. There is already a high correlation between age of arrival
and test score for the subjects as a whole, r = - .77; if age of classes is
a better measure of first exposure for the late arrivals, then the correlation
should be even higher when using that as a measure of time of exposure.
This is not what was found. The correlation for the subjects as a whole
between age of exposure, defined as classes or immersion (whichever
came first), and test score is - .67. These correlations, however, are not
statistically different from each other, t(43) = 1.26, p > .05. This is not
surprising since, due to the early arrivals, half of the measurements are
exactly the same; moreover, most of the late arrivals are defined as later
learners (pubescent or postpubescent) either way they are measured. Be-
cause of this overlap in measurement, the best way to evaluate the effect
of age of classes is to do so using only the subjects who had classroom
instruction. For these subjects alone (N = 23), the correlation between
age of classes and test score is - .33, which is not significant, p > .05.
This result has two implications. First, it means that we are using the
right measure for “age of exposure”; age of arrival in the United States,
with its resulting immersion in English, is more strongly related to ulti-
mate performance in English than is age of beginning formal English
instruction. More profoundly, it means that the learning which occurs in
the formal language classroom may be unlike the learning which occurs
during immersion, such that early instruction does not necessarily have
the advantage for ultimate performance that is held by early immersion. It
should be noted, however, that this last conclusion may be limited by the
relatively narrow age range for formal instruction found in our subjects:
our subjects all began their English classes between the ages of 7 and 16,
with most subjects beginning at ages 12-15. This conclusion may also be
restricted to the type of formal instruction received in Chinese and Ko-
rean schools (and, of course, any other schools in which the instruction is
similarly forma& and should be less true the more formal instruction
approximates immersion in the United States. In any event, age of arrival
in the United States appears to be the better measure of age of acquisition
for the population we studied.
Experiential and Attitudinal Variables
Experiential variables. Years of exposure in the United States was also
a variable of interest in this study. First, careful attention was paid to
balance the years of exposure between early and late learners. This was
done in order to avoid the possibility that obtained age effects would be
due to differences in years of exposure, rather than to true differences in
age of exposure. That we were successful in controlling for years of
exposure between the early and late learners is apparent from the lack
of correlation between age of arrival and years in the U.S., r = - .09,
p > .os.
Beyond controlling for this potential confound, it is also important to
ask what effect years of exposure has on learning, independent of the age
effects. It is known that number of years has some effect on subjects’
competence during the initial stages of learning a second language (see,
for example, Snow & Hoefnagel-Hohle, 1978). At an extreme, people
who have been in a host country for 1% years must perform better than
those who have only been there half a year. The question here is, how-
ever, do people continue to improve over time through continued expo-
sure to the language, or do they reach an asymptote after a certain number
of years? To answer this question, a correlation coefftcient was computed
between years of exposure in the United States and test performance. The
resulting correlation, r = .16, is not significant, p > .05 (see also Table 4).
This is in agreement with other studies (Oyama, 1978; Patkowski, 1980),
also showing no significant effect of the number of years of exposure on
languageperformance for learners beyond the first few years of exposure.
In addition to years of exposure, Table 4 also presents other variables
which we considered possible experiential correlates with ultimate per-
Correlation Coeffkients of Experiential Variables with Score
Interview variable Correlation w/score
Length of exposure (years in the U.S.) .16
Amount of initial exposure (fEst year or two in U.S.) .03
Age of English classes” - .33
Years of English classes’ .25
Motivation to learn in classes” .05
LICorrelations for late learners only; measure not applicable to other subjects.
Correlation Coeftlcients of Attitudinal Variables with Test Score and Age of Arrival
Attitudinal variables Test score Age of arrival
Identitication .63** - .55**
Self-consciousness - .36* .19
Motivation .39** - .48**
* p < .05.
** p < .Ol.
1. How strongly would you say you identify with the American culture? (subjects reply)
If 5 means you strongly identify with the American culture, that is, you feel like a complete
American, and 1 means not at all, how would you rate your identification?
2. Did you feel self-conscious while learning English in the United States? (Most often an
explanation was needed here). How would you rate that on a scale from 1 to 5, where 5 is
very self-conscious and 1 is not at all?
3. Motivation is a composite of two questions: (a) Is it important to you to be able to
speak English well? (subject’s reply) On a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 means very important and
1 means not at all, how would you rate it? (b) Do you plan on staying in the United States?
The composite was formed by adding one point to their importance rating if they planned on
staying in the United States, and by subtracting one point if they did not.
Partial Correlations of Age of Arrival and Attitudinal Variables with Test Score
* p < .05.
** p < .Ol.
ante not accounted for by the attitudinal variables combined. To test this,
a regression analysis was performed using the three attitudinal variables
together, which resulted in a regression coefficient of .47. This was com-
pared to the .69 regression coefficient obtained with the three attitudinal
variables plus age of arrival. The contribution made by age of arrival is
statistically significant F(1,41) = 28.1, p < .Ol. This shows that, inde-
pendent of any possible attitudinal effects, age of arrival has an effect on
learning a second language.
Of independent interest is whether the attitudinal variables can account
for any of the variance not accounted for by age of arrival. Even though
it is clear that age of exposure to a language is an important variable for
predicting ultimate performance, other variables may contribute to this as
well. Unlike previous studies (e.g., Oyama, 1978), we did find added
predictive value with two attitudinal variables: self-consciousness and
American identification. Each of the two makes a significant contribution
to a regression model including only age of arrival (F(1,43) = 5.6, p <
.05., for self-consciousness, and F(1,43) = 7.5, p < .05., for identifica-
tion), as well as a significant contribution to a regression model including
age of arrival and the other attitudinal variable (F( 1,42) = 5.0, p < .05, for
the addition of self-consciousness to age plus identification, and F(1,42)
= 6.9, p < .05., for the addition of identification to age plus self-
consciousness). Motivation, whether analyzed separately or in conjunc-
tion with the other two variables, failed to add significantly to the regres-
sion coefficient. Thus it appears at first glance that a model of second
language learning would have to include both age effects and the effects
of self-consciousness and identification, though not the effects of moti-
vation. Such a model might argue, for example, that while age of arrival
affects language learning, so does the self-consciousness and the cultural
identification of the learner.
At this time one might, however, be cautious about inferring a direct
causal link between self-consciousness and cultural identification to lan-
guage learning, until this result is corroborated in future studies. Not only
are the effects of self-consciousness and cultural identification not sup-
ported in other studies, but also possible mediating variables have not
been ruled out. For example, language performance may be correlated
with subjects’ evaluation of their performance, which may in turn affect
how self-conscious they are and how much they identify with the host
country. Thus poorer learners may, as a result of their performance prob-
lems, become more self-conscious and identify less with the United
States. In this account, greater self-consciousness and less identification
would be the result rather than the cause of the performance problems. In
any case, apart from whether attitudinal variables do or do not play a role,
there is a clear independent effect of age of arrival on ultimate perfor-
mance .
70 I 1 I I I I I I I I I
$... - Native
so - ‘\. ‘.... --3-l -
-..- 8-10
----- 11-15
-.- 17-24
. . . . . .. ... 25-39
Rule Type
.16, p > .05). While all of the remaining rule types receive scores signif-
icantly better than chance (t ranges from 3.46 to 26.1, p < ,Ol), they vary
widely in level of performance. Most notably, basic word order rules and
the present progressive are giving very few problems, with most subjects
getting virtually all of the items of these types correct.’
Why are subjects performing better on some rule types and worse on
others? One uninteresting possibility is that the items testing some rule
types are inherently easier than those testing other rule types, since in
some cases different rules are tested by quite different sentential varia-
tions, On the other hand, it is clear that this is not the whole account of
our effects. Rule types tested in very similar ways on our test (e.g., the
various rule types involving morphology) did not show similar degrees of
diflkulty for late learners, suggesting that these rule type effects are not
due to the difficulty of the format by which we tested the rules.
A second possibility is that the subjects suffered from phonological
difficulties which made the items for that rule type difficult to process.
Again, although we cannot definitely eliminate this possibility, we do not
believe it is the whole account of the rule type effects. Rule types with
exactly the same phonological form (e.g., plural and third person singular,
both -s) did not show similar degrees of difficulty for late learners. Also,
rule types testing forms which were phonologically more substantial and
s Some other rule type scores also benefited from subjects’ apparent ease with basic word
order rules. For example, those items testing yes/no question formation by presenting ques-
tions in a V-N-N order (e.g., “Learns Jane math from Mr. Thompson?“) were particularly
easy for subjects. This pattern tit in with a general tendency for V-first items to be easily
judged ungrammatical.
therefore easier to hear (e.g., rule types with whole words reversed or
eliminated) were not necessarily easier for late learners than those that
involved smaller phonological units.
A third possibility is that subjects suffered from interference from the
nature of their first language (Chinese or Korean), and so should show
special difficulty with rule types most different from the first language.
Once again this did not appear to be the full account of our effects. Rule
types equally absent from Chinese and Korean (e.g., past tense and
present progressive) did not show similar degrees of difficulty for late
Most important, our rule type ordering corresponds in certain striking
ways to the order of difftculty obtained in studies of second language
learners from other first languagebackgrounds, as well as in studies of the
isolated girl Genie. In particular, the relative ease of word order and the
present progressive show up in all of these studies. We believe, then, that
the rule type effects we obtained are at least in part reflections of what is
generally difficult or easy for a late learner. We will return to this issue in
the Discussion section below.
One final question involved the relationship between age of arrival and
each of the individual rule types. Given that late learners’ competence
varies over rule types, it is of interest to know whether age of arrival
predicts performance on only certain selected rules of the second lan-
guage. The data show, however, that this is not the case. Table 7 presents
the correlations between age of arrival and the scores on each of the 12
Correlation Coefftcients between Age of Arrival and Rule Type”
0 These correlations, unlike others with age of arrival, are positive correlations, since they
relate age of arrival to number of errors.
* p < .os.
** p < .Ol.
rule types. Despite late learners’ proficiency on some rule types, all of the
rule types showed significant correlations with age of arrival. This result
shows that age of exposure to the language affects all of the structures we
examined, despite variations across rule types in the absolute level of
performance late learners achieved.
This study was designed to answer certain empirical questions about
critical period effects in second language learning, and thereby to clarify
and refine theoretical proposals regarding a critical period for language
acquisition more generally. We will begin our discussion by reviewing the
empirical findings, and then turn to the general theoretical issues.
The Basic Empirical Findings
Age of acquisition and ultimate performance. The first question we
asked was whether there was a relation between age of acquisition and
ultimate performance in the grammar of a second language. The results of
this study clearly show such a relation, and therefore support the notion
that children have an advantage over adults in acquiring a second lan-
guage. The overall correlation between age of arrival in the United States
and performance on our test of English grammar was - .77; and, for those
subjects arriving in the United States before puberty, this correlation was
- .87. Indeed, there was a significant correlation between age of arrival
and performance on every type of syntactic and morphological rule we
These findings are in accord with the results of the previous studies
which have tested asymptotic performance, despite the fact that these
studies used very different measures of English proficiency. (Oyama,
1978, measured number of words detected through white noise; Pat-
kowski, 1980, measured syntactic ratings of production). The present
study enhances the previous studies’ findings by providing a much more
detailed examination of English syntax and morphology. The three stud-
ies, however, complement each other well, for each emphasizes a differ-
ent aspect of language use. Oyama’s study, for example, taps some aspect
of on-line processing in comprehension, Patkowski’s measures free pro-
duction, and in our study we presume to be measuring underlying gram-
matical competence via sentence judgments. Because these studies com-
plement each other, the compatibility of the results is all the more im-
pressive. Together they provide a strong case for the conclusion that
children are indeed better than adults in their ultimate attainment in a
second language.
The effects of age of acquisition before vs. after puberty. The second
question we asked concerned the shape of the relationship between age of
9 One discrepancy between the Newport and Supalla results for fust language acquisition
and the present results for second language acquisition is in the level of performance at-
tained by subjects who began learning the language between the ages of 3 and 7. In the
Newport and Supalla data, the 4-6 age group performed consistently, although not always
significantly, below natives. In the present study, the 3-7 age group was entirely within
native performance. This difference will be discussed below, in the section entitled “The age
at which a decline in performance is first detected.”
hood; as long as this occurs, the capacity for successful language learning
will remain intact. Thus it predicts no differences between child and adult
learners, due to maturation itself, in the ability to acquire a second lan-
guage to native proficiency. In contrast, the maturational state hypothesis
says that any language, be it first or second, must be acquired during
childhood in order for that language to develop fully. Our results support
the maturational state hypothesis, and not the exercise hypothesis. Hu-
man beings appear to have a special capacity for acquiring language in
childhood, regardless of whether the language is their first or second.
The maturational state hypothesis is, however, not itself an explanation
of critical period phenomena in language; rather, it merely outlines a class
of explanations which would be compatible with our results (namely,
those which posit maturational changes in general language learning abil-
ities). In order to approach a more precise theoretical account of the
phenomena, our study has also provided additional information which
should aid in understanding the nature of the critical period: namely,
information about the shape of the function relating age of acquisition and
ultimate performance. Our results provide three sets of facts which any
theory regarding critical periods would have to account for: the gradual
decline of performance, the age at which a decline in performance is first
detected, and the nature of adult performance.
The gradual decline of performance. Lenneberg’s original proposal of
a critical period in language acquisition seemed to predict a rectangular
function in the relationship between age of acquisition and ultimate per-
formance. That is, Lenneberg hypothesized that “normal” language
learning was possible during the period from infancy to puberty, with a
loss of abilities after puberty. However, the data on second language
learning in the present study did not have this shape. We did not find a flat
relationship between performance and age of learning throughout child-
hood, with a sudden drop in performance marking the end of the critical
period; instead, performance gradually declined from about age seven on,
until adulthood. Insofar as such data are available from other studies of
first and second language acquisition, the same linear trend seems to
appear (Oyama, 1978; Patkowski, 1980; Newport, 1984; Newport & Su-
palla, 1987).
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function, it is in accord with results from other behavioral domains in
which critical periods have been hypothesized. As research accumulates
on critical periods, whether it be in imprinting in ducks (Hess, 1973),
socialization in dogs (Scott, 1978), or song learning in birds (Kroodsma,
1981), it is becoming apparent that most, if not all, critical periods con-
form to the more gradual function. This point has recently been noted by
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(Accepted April 22, 1988)