CAD Manual: SPU/SDOT Inter-Departmental CAD Standard
CAD Manual: SPU/SDOT Inter-Departmental CAD Standard
CAD Manual: SPU/SDOT Inter-Departmental CAD Standard
CAD Manual
Table of Contents
Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 1
SPU/SDOT CAD Requirements for Consultants......................................................................................... 1
Supported Software Version ................................................................................................................. 1
Legal Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Tracking Numbers ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Obtaining a Project Tracking Number (PTN) for SPU Projects .............................................................. 2
Obtaining a Project Tracking Number (PTN) for SDOT Projects ........................................................... 2
Obtaining Vault Plan and Serial Numbers ............................................................................................. 2
Common Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................ 3
The Highlights ........................................................................................................................................... 3
SECTION 1: Workflow for Civil Projects ................................................................................................ 4
Base Map Creation Workflow ................................................................................................................... 5
Design Drafting Workflow ......................................................................................................................... 6
Record Drawing Workflow ........................................................................................................................ 7
SECTION 2: Support Files ...................................................................................................................... 8
Support Files Disclaimer of Warranties .................................................................................................... 8
Templates.................................................................................................................................................. 8
AutoCAD® Civil 3D® Templates .............................................................................................................. 9
Title Block Template............................................................................................................................ 10
Additional Support Files .......................................................................................................................... 15
Hatch Patterns .................................................................................................................................... 15
Civil 3D® Pipe Network Catalog ........................................................................................................... 15
Plot Style Table (.CTB) Files ................................................................................................................. 15
Fonts.................................................................................................................................................... 15
Linetypes ............................................................................................................................................. 15
Blocks .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Reference Drawings ............................................................................................................................ 15
The SPU/SDOT Inter-Departmental Computer-Aided-Drafting (CAD) Standard was set in place to ensure
that all CAD drafting work performed in house or by a city-hired consultant could be readily used by
various city departments and easily translated into the city’s GIS network.
Contract plans result from the work of many specialists and engineers. A base map may be used
simultaneously by disciplines such as water design, drainage design, sewer design, roadway design,
landscaping design, etc. All the disciplines of a project fit against the base map, making it possible to
compare and complete various design elements in tandem. This ability to work concurrently depends on
developing, maintaining and employing CAD standards. The goals of maintaining coherence, minimizing
wasted effort in recreating design, and maximizing the effectiveness of a project team are all best served
by adhering to the CAD standard.
Survey Base
Map & Data
GIS Drawings &
Record Survey
Drawings & Staking for
Data Construction
Drawings &
Legal Disclaimer
This CAD Manual (“Document”) should not be used as a substitute for codes and regulations. The
applicant is responsible for compliance with all code and rule requirements, whether or not described in
this Document.
This Document contains Autodesk® AutoCAD® and Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® usage tips and
instructions which are for reference only and are not a replacement for formal training. Contact an
Autodesk® Certified Instructor for training opportunities.
Tracking Numbers
A project tracking number is a unique tracking number used for file-naming (see SECTION 3: Project Data
Sharing) during and after the pre-construction phase of a project. Once a drawing set has entered the
60% design phase, Vault Plan and Serial numbers are also obtained and added to the title blocks via
Sheet Set Manager.
Common Abbreviations
CAD.......................................................... Computer-Aided-Drafting
COS .......................................................... City of Seattle
SDOT........................................................ Seattle Department of Transportation
SPU .......................................................... Seattle Public Utilities
GIS ........................................................... Geographic Information System
ERC .......................................................... Engineering Records Center (Vault)
VPI ........................................................... Vault Plan Index
PM ........................................................... Project Manager
SSM ......................................................... Sheet Set Manager
XREF ........................................................ External Reference
DWF......................................................... Design Web Format
PTN .......................................................... Project Tracking Number (unique number for each project)
The Highlights
To help you navigate this document easier, here are the highlights:
THE SETUP: For information on downloading templates and supporting files, see page 8.
THE BASICS: For basic drawing and planning guidelines, see pages 29 and 30.
FILE NAMING: Our file-naming conventions are described on pages 17, 19, 23 and 28.
TITLE BLOCKS: Instructions on setting up title blocks and views start on pages 10 and 17.
LAYERS: A list of common layer names is found on page 48.
LINEWORK: Guidelines for drafting features can be found on page 68.
ANNOTATION: Text, dimensions, leaders and table settings are found on pages 80-86.
PLOTTING/PRINTING: Requirements for printing drawings are found on page 87.
CHECKING: Use the checklist on page 91 to check your work.
FINAL PRODUCT: A description of the final product is found on page 92.
Notify Design
Drafting Group
that Base Map is
Archive drawings
and store Mylars
in ERC
Upload Design to
GIS Database
We periodically update this web page with the latest documentation (CAD Manual, CAD Manual
Appendices and Sample Drawings), templates and support files (blocks, fonts, linetypes, and more).
Standard SPU/SDOT Civil 3D® templates are available online (see link above). Once you have
downloaded the templates, make sure AutoCAD® Civil 3D® template settings point to where the
templates are stored. Type OPTIONS on the command line, click on the “Files” tab, and then expand the
“Template Settings” section:
The drawing units are set to “feet” and the coordinate system is “HPGN (HARN) Washington State
Planes, North Zone, US Foot” (code: HARN/WO.WA-NF).
To verify these settings, first run the UNITS command to verify the insertion scale. Then run the
EDITDRAWINGSETTINGS command to verify the drawing units and coordinate system.
Use the SSM command in AutoCAD® Civil 3D® to open the Sheet Set Manager palette. From there you
can use the drop-down to open or start a new Sheet Set:
Before you use the Sheet Set Manager template, you will need to make a few changes to the .DWT
and .DST files. Open the .DWT file and modify the page setups to work with your plotters and printers.
You will also need to modify the .DST file (see tips on the next couple of pages).
Tip: Setup Sheet Set Manager .DST File Outside the City Network
Before you start using Sheet Set Manager, you need to make a few changes to the .DST file.
To do this start up Sheet Set Manager (command: SSM) and open the COS_SheetSet.DST
file through SSM.
Click the ellipsis (…) button next to the “Page setup overrides file” field .
Click on the ellipsis (…) button next to the “Sheet creation template” field.
Then click on the ellipsis button in the next dialog box to browse to the location where you
stored COS_SheetSet.dwt.
Click Open.
Click OK.
Tip: Setup Sheet Set Manager Callout Blocks Outside the City Network
There are callout blocks associated with the City of Seattle SSM template and in order to
use them you need to download the blocks and save them in a folder on your network or
computer. Once you have done this you will need to tell SSM where to find them.
To do this start up Sheet Set Manager (command: SSM) and open the COS_SheetSet.DST
file through SSM.
First click on the ellipsis (…) button next to the “Label block for views” field.
In the resulting dialog box click on the next ellipsis (…) button.
Browse to the folder where you saved the SSM callout blocks and select
C-view_name.dwg. Click Open. Click OK in the “Select Block” dialog box.
Then select the ellipsis (…) button next to the “Callout blocks” field (see following picture).
You will find a list of paths pointing to blocks. Delete all of them. You will then need to add
the folder paths for all the blocks (except the C-view_name.dwg block) so SSM knows
where to find them on your network or computer.
Click the “Add…” button. Then click the ellipsis (…) button in the “Select Block” dialog box.
Select a block (not the C-view_name.dwg block) and click “Open”. Repeat this for all blocks
except the C-view_name.dwg block.
Click OK.
Click the “Sheet Set Properties” button to edit the values of fields for the entire sheet set (“Sheet Set
Custom Properties”) and the default values of fields for individual sheets (“Sheet Custom Properties”).
See page 17 for a visual of where these fields are located in the title block.
Project Control
Fill in the project number, name, phase and milestone (if applicable). The milestone field will be
displayed on the lower left corner of every title block in the sheet set. For example, when your project is
approaching the 60% design milestone, in the milestone field type 60% SUBMITTAL (NOT FOR
CONSTRUCTION) and every sheet will display this label.
Sheet Creation
This section should be filled in for you already. You can skip this section.
Creating Sheets
To create a new sheet, right-click on the sheet set and select “New Sheet…”
Fill in the “Number” and “Sheet Title” fields. Together the “Number” and “Sheet Title” fields are the
same as the file name of the sheet drawing (see page 20 for sheet file-naming convention).
When you create a new sheet with the SPU/SDOT Sheet Set Manager template, you are given the
opportunity to select either the SPU or SDOT title block:
1. You will see this: 2. Click on it to reveal hidden grip: 3. Click the grip to select title block:
See pages 24, 38 and 86 for information about using Sheet Set Manager for detail/section referencing.
To edit the properties of an individual sheet, right-click on it in the “Sheet List” tab of Sheet Set Manager
and select “Properties…” After you make changes to sheet properties you will need to run the “REGEN”
command in the drawing to see the fields update with the changes. If this does not work, set the
FIELDEVAL system variable to 31 to make fields update when you open, save, plot, eTransmit and regen.
Hatch Patterns
Standard hatch patterns that match STANDARD PLAN NO 003 are available as a downloadable .PAT file.
Non-standard printing:
Standard “SHX” and “FMP” files are available online. AAA.SHX is used to generate custom SPU/SDOT
linetypes. To make sure the barcodes on the plan sheets appear correctly, install the fre3of9x.ttf font
natively to your PC.
Standard linetypes that match STANDARD PLAN NO 003 are available online as a downloadable .LIN file.
Standard blocks that match STANDARD PLAN NO 003 are available online.
Reference Drawings
You can download a reference drawing containing a legend of common layers, linetypes, hatch patterns,
text and blocks that you can use in your drawings to match properties to.
Object Classification
TR-Object-Classification.xml is available online which is used for attaching “Object Data Tables” to 2D
utility pipes (“Polylines” and “Multilines”) and structures (polygons and blocks). See page 78 for more
Civil 3D® Data XREFs Presentation XREFs Detail XREFs Sheet Drawings (Paper
•Corridors/Grading •named plan, profile & •named detail & Space) via SSM
Objects/Feature Lines civil section views section views •project data (via DST file)
•Alignments •Data References •linework •title block w/ fields
•Surfaces •classified linework w/ •annotation* & SSM •profile/section grids
•Pipe & Pressure data filled in reference callouts •viewports added via SSM
Networks •annotation* & SSM •detail & section titles "Model Views" tab
•Data Shortcuts reference callouts inserted via SSM •street names
"Sheet Views" tab
•north arrows & bar scales
*See Section 7 for more information on annotation and SSM reference callouts.
There are three types of XREF drawings: 1) “Civil 3D data XREFs”, 2) “presentation XREFs” and 3) “detail
XREFs”. In some cases, Civil 3D® data and 2D presentation linework can be in the same drawing(s).
Civil 3D® data is added to Civil 3D data XREF drawings and data shortcuts are created. Presentation XREF
drawings containing views connect to the data shortcuts by creating a reference. Detail XREF drawings
contain views and display even more information about the design. Plan, profile,
civil section and detail XREF views are added to sheet drawings via Sheet Set
Manager (other XREF drawings may be overlaid in sheet drawings but care must be
taken to ensure that the primary XREF is on top of the others). Sheet Set Manager
fields can then be used in any drawing to reference sheet numbers, details and
Folder Structure
Having an agreed-upon folder-structure allows all CAD Technicians to work in one
place; all XREFs, Data Shortcuts, and Sheets for the project reside in the same place
and are available for all to reference. Project folders are named in this format:
project tracking number (see page 2 for information on project tracking numbers).
Each project folder contains sub-folders (example shown in the image on the right)
including the “_Shortcuts” folder which contains data shortcuts for the project.
The .DST file name shall be the project tracking number followed by an underscore and the project
name (words separated by underscores). For example: [PTN]_Project_Name.dst
“Sheet Set Custom Properties” fields: Vault Plan Number Vault Serial Number
Sheet Numbers
Sheet # of # should be shown here. The sheet number is linked to the barcode. Right-click on a sheet in
SSM and select “Rename & Renumber…” to renumber it.
Job Numbers
Enter the work authorization number(s) provided by the project manager.
“Sheet Set Custom Properties” fields: Job Number – CO Job Number – PC Job Number – R/W
Project Title
This space is reserved for the project title only.
Sheet Titles
Lines 1 and 2 are optional; line 3 is required (bottom to top). These fields are embedded within MTEXT
so that the text can wrap if needed.
“Sheet Custom Properties” fields: Line 1: Sheet Custom Title Line 2: Sheet Custom Title Line 3: Sheet Custom Title
The title block scale should be in one of these formats:
Professional Seal
Insert or XREF professional seal in this location. If multiple seals are needed, they may be stacked above.
“Sheet Custom Properties” fields: Design Checker Initials Designer Initials Drafter Initials Drawing Checker Initials
Revised As-Built
The project milestone label is meant to be temporary; remove before completion (ALT+032).
Every sheet includes a barcode on the lower left corner of the sheet that is automatically generated
based on the Vault Plan Number and sheet number fields. As a part of an established business process,
after the engineering plan sets are signed, they go to the Engineering Records Center (ERC) where they
are processed (scanned) into the Virtual Vault, and physically archived.
In order for this barcode to display correctly, you need to download and install the proper font
(fre3of9x.ttf - see SECTION 2: Support Files). The barcode utilizes the “3 of 9” barcode format. For more
information on the “3 of 9” barcode format, see:
“Sheet Set Custom Properties” field: Barcode Modifier (contains a hyphen during design phase)
The revision block is located on the left-hand side, just outside of the title block. There is room for about
three lines of text (layer G-ANNO-REVS, 0.08 text height, color red) in the revision block. Revision clouds
(command: REVCLOUD) shall be placed in paper space on layer G-ANNO-REVC, set to the “normal” style
with 0.125 arc length. Revision triangles shall use the “_TagTriangle” block on layer G-ANNO-REVS.
North Arrow
North arrows should be oriented up, to the left or aligned within the area shown on page 29.
Bar Scale
The appropriate bar scale block should be inserted into the sheet under the North arrow.
Profile Grid
The profile grid block is on layer G-ANNO-GRID, can be turned on and off as needed and can be
dynamically sized. The grid block contains elevation attributes (double-click to edit). Align the elevations
shown in the viewport with the elevations shown on the grid. XREF’d grid line and elevation layers in
model space should be set to not print when overlaid through a viewport on this grid block.
The SIP signature box (layer G-ANNO-SIGS) and DPD stamp also appear in this area; plan accordingly.
Tip: Remove Dashes from Sheet Set Manager Fields with ALT+032
When you erase data in a Sheet Set Manager field, it will appear as four dashes in the drawing. To
avoid this, click in the field, delete the contents (if not already deleted), hold down the ALT key,
type 032 and then let go of the ALT key. This will force a space in that field and the dashes will
disappear in the drawing.
Cover: # [PTN]_P-COVR-[description].dwg
Site: # [PTN]_P-SITE-[description].dwg
Notes: # [PTN]_P-NOTE-[description].dwg
Water: # [PTN]_P-WATR-[description].dwg
Drainage: # [PTN]_P-STRM-[description].dwg
Sewer: # [PTN]_P-SSWR-[description].dwg
Combined Sewer: # [PTN]_P-CSWR-[description].dwg
Water Bodies: # [PTN]_P-CHAN-[description].dwg
Rivers and Creeks: # [PTN]_P-RIVR-[description].dwg
Ponds: # [PTN]_P-POND-[description].dwg
Landscape: # [PTN]_P-VEGE-[description].dwg
Paving: # [PTN]_P-ROAD-[description].dwg
Channelization: # [PTN]_P-MRKG-[description].dwg
Traffic Signals: # [PTN]_P-SIGL-[description].dwg
Structural: # [PTN]_P-STRU-[description].dwg
Details: # [PTN]_P-DETL-[description].dwg
Right-of-Way: # [PTN]_P-RWAY-[description].dwg
Temporary Erosion & Sediment Control: # [PTN]_P-EROS-[description].dwg
Removal: # [PTN]_P-DEMO-[description].dwg
Protection: # [PTN]_P-PROT-[description].dwg
Irrigation: # [PTN]_P-IRRG-[description].dwg
SCL Power/Electrical Conduits: # [PTN]_P-POWR-[description].dwg
Mechanical: # [PTN]_P-MECH-[description].dwg
Architectural: # [PTN]_P-ARCH-[description].dwg
*for As-Built Drawings add AB- to the front of the PTN; for Record Drawings add RD- to the front of the PTN.
View Planning
It is important to plan your design views to fit inside the SPU/SDOT title block. The total drawing space
within the title block is 32”x19”. The profile grid takes up 30”x9”.
When planning for drawing views make sure to leave about ½ inch space on every side that has a match
line and about 1 inch of space under profile views for station labels. Also if a legend or notes will appear
on the sheet, leave about 5 or 6 inches on the right hand side.
Use the image on page 22 as a planning tool to estimate the approximate number of sheets required for
a project. This tool allows you to plan drawing views using common engineering and architectural scales.
The drawing area in the image reflects useable drawing area of the title block. Inside the drawing area is
a grid which contains representations of 1”x1” squares. A graphic component 100 ft. x 40 ft. drawn at a
1”=20’ scale would be approximated by counting five squares over and two squares down.
Before you create XREF drawings, it is recommended that you create a “Plan Views” XREF (see file
naming convention on page 23) and in model space add overlapping rectangles (for civil drawings put
the rectangles on layer C-VIEW-FRME) representing the limits of sheet viewports with match lines inside
the overlap areas. These rectangles are scaled by the planned viewport scale factor (for example, a
5”x2” rectangle in paper space equals 100’x40’ in model space at 1”=20’). Then create a named view for
each rectangle. To do this, align your UCS (command: UCS) with the rectangle so the Y direction is
aligned along the narrow edge of the rectangle, orient the drawing space to align with your UCS
(command: PLAN; use “current” option) and create a named view (command: VIEW) that matches the
limits of the box. Repeat this for every rectangle. When you are finished setting up the plan view
drawing set the UCS back to World and copy and rename the drawing file to create every other plan
External Referencing, or XREF’ing, has been a standard procedure for concurrent engineering for a long
time. The base map drawing should be XREF’d into design drawings as a basis for the design. Every
design discipline (plan view) should be a separate XREF drawing.
Sheet drawings (paper-space layouts) should XREF the base map and design drawings into model-space
and display all or a portion of the composite plan view with viewports. Overlay the primary XREF last so
it is on top of all other XREFs. To put the primary XREF back on top, use the COPYBASE command with a
base point of 0,0,0 and erase the XREF. Then use the PASTECLIP command with the insertion point 0,0,0.
The XREF type should always be “overlay”. The path type should always be “relative path”.
Survey: [PTN]_X-TOPO-[optional_description].dwg
Right-of-Way: [PTN]_X-RWAY-[optional_description].dwg
Base Map: [PTN]_X-BASE-[optional_description].dwg
Water Design: [PTN]_X-WATR-[optional_description].dwg
Drainage Design: [PTN]_X-STRM-[optional_description].dwg
Sewer Design: [PTN]_X-SSWR-[optional_description].dwg
Combined Sewer Design: [PTN]_X-CSWR-[optional_description].dwg
Mechanical Design: [PTN]_X-MECH-[optional_description].dwg
River and Creek Design: [PTN]_X-RIVR-[optional_description].dwg
Pond Design: [PTN]_X-POND-[optional_description].dwg
Landscape Design: [PTN]_X-VEGE-[optional_description].dwg
Paving Design: [PTN]_X-ROAD-[optional_description].dwg
Channelization Design: [PTN]_X-MRKG-[optional_description].dwg
Traffic Signals Design: [PTN]_X-SIGL-[optional_description].dwg
Structural Design: [PTN]_X-STRU-[optional_description].dwg
Details: [PTN]_X-DETL-[optional_description].dwg
Temporary Erosion & Sediment Control: [PTN]_X-EROS-[optional_description].dwg
Removal: [PTN]_X-DEMO-[optional_description].dwg
Protection: [PTN]_X-PROT-[optional_description].dwg
Irrigation: [PTN]_X-IRRG-[optional_description].dwg
Plan Views: [PTN]_X-VIEW-[optional_description].dwg
Miscellaneous: [PTN]_X-MISC-[optional_description].dwg
Architectural Design: [PTN]_X-ARCH-[optional_description].dwg
SCL Power/Electrical Conduit Design: [PTN]_X-POWR-[optional_description].dwg
Site: [PTN]_X-SITE-[optional_description].dwg
Type the view name using the %% codes if necessary. For example, if the title of the view is
24” BFV DETAIL you should type 24%%34 BFV DETAIL in the View Name field.
If information is not visible through a viewport, make model space of the viewport active, open Layer
Manager, check the “VP Freeze” column for frozen layers and thaw them if necessary. After doing this, if
linework appears but annotation is still invisible, set ANNOALLVISIBLE to 1 to see annotation not
associated with the viewport scale (see page 82 for more information on adding scales to objects).
XREF Aliases
An XREF “Alias” is also known as an XREF “Reference Name”; the layer prefix (followed by the | symbol)
for the XREF layers. This allows users to easily filter layers based on individual XREF names (or aliases)
using Layer Filters and Layer States. Additional XREF aliases may be created by typing an “X-“ followed
by a major layer field (see page 41). Here are some common XREF alias names:
Survey: X-TOPO
Right-of-Way: X-RWAY
Base Map: X-BASE
Water Design: X-WATR
Drainage Design: X-STRM
Sewer Design: X-SSWR
Combined Sewer Design: X-CSWR
Mechanical Design: X-MECH
River and Creek Design: X-RIVR
Pond Design: X-POND
Landscape Design: X-VEGE
Paving Design: X-ROAD
Channelization Design: X-MRKG
Traffic Signals Design: X-SIGL
Structural Design: X-STRU
Details: X-DETL
Temporary Erosion & Sediment Control: X-EROS
Removal: X-DEMO
Protection: X-PROT
Irrigation: X-IRRG
Plan Views: X-VIEW
Miscellaneous: X-MISC
Architectural Design: X-ARCH
SCL Power/Electrical Conduit Design: X-POWR
Site: X-SITE
All Civil 3D® label styles must meet our annotation standards (see SECTION 7: Annotation).
Points may be used to display features, modify/define a surface or be used as key notes.
The finish grade surface is created in the X-GRAD drawing and should be displayed as labeled contours
via external reference on the sheet drawing(s). Civil 3D® “grading” objects such as Corridors, Feature
Lines and Grading Objects are intended to be flexible tools for building surfaces but these objects should
not be printed on the sheets.
Existing alignments should be labeled according to our presentation standards (see page 32) with 100-
foot tics.
Proposed alignments should reside in the XREF drawing they are associated with. For example, a water
main alignment should be created in the X-WATR drawing.
The Profile Views in model space is for design purposes only and used to align with the grid provided in
paper space in the sheet drawing(s) through a viewport (by default the Profile View layers are set to not
Pipe Networks
Pipe Networks should reside in the XREF they are associated with (see page 28 for more information)
and are used for design. Polylines, Multilines and Blocks are used for accurate presentation (see
SECTION 6: Linework and Data).
Other Objects
Other Civil 3D® objects may be utilized as needed to support the creation of drawings, but care must be
taken to ensure presentation standards are met.
Because of some limitations View Frame Groups are rarely used for typical City of Seattle projects.
Terminology: “Create Data Shortcut” means to share the Civil 3D® data with others (publish XML to
_Shortcuts folder). “Create Reference” means to bring shared Civil 3D® data into your drawing.
One person can create a data shortcut of data they have created and another person can create a
reference to that shared data. For example, the survey technician will create data shortcuts of
alignments, existing ground surfaces and pipe networks. The design technician will XREF the base map,
freeze the alignment, surface, and pipe layers, and create data references of the alignments, existing
ground surfaces, and pipe networks to use as the basis for the design.
Remember, when referencing data shortcuts into your drawing, also XREF the source drawing. There are
two benefits to this: 1) you will get notifications every time the source drawing gets a change and 2)
when you eTransmit a drawing, the data shortcut source file will automatically come along with it.
Design Data Shortcut Source File Naming Convention (Civil 3D Data XREFs)
Here are standard file naming conventions for some data sources:
Tools to manage your data shortcuts can be found in the “Manage” tab of the ribbon:
Special Cases
Channelization & signage plans: 1” = 20’ or 1” = 40’
Intersection plans: 1” = 10’ or 1” = 5’
Title Blocks
The SPU/SDOT Sheet Set Manager template shall be used to create title block drawings (see page 8 for
more information on downloading and setting up the SPU/SDOT Sheet Set Manager template). Title
blocks shall contain the following:
Project title
Sheet numbers (sheet # of #)
Job numbers (work authorization numbers)
Vault plan number
Vault serial number
Sheet titles
Professional stamp (stamp must be signed if plans are complete)
Designer, drafter and checker initials
Scale (horizontal and vertical if applicable; for example: H. 1” = 20’, V. 1” = 10’). If drawing has no
scale, write NONE. If drawing has various scales, write AS NOTED in title block and write the scales
under the view titles.
Department of Finance & Administrative Services (FAS) signature box.
Street Improvement Permit (SIP) signature box (only applies to sheets submitted for the SIP).
Barcode (lower-left, just outside of title block)
Hansen numbers for SIP and DPD permits (0.125 text height shown vertically within the title block
on the inside right edge above the sheet title).
NOTE: Do not explode title blocks or overwrite fields with text. To add something to the title block (such
as a company logo or professional engineer’s seal) XREF or insert a drawing into the layouts.
Street names.
Description of every monument (cased, buried, surface brass cap, etc.).
Coordinates for each monument, which must include Northing and Easting.
Bearing and distance on each street between each two monuments, and distance from offset
monument (if any) to intersection.
Radius, delta angle, and arc length on any curving monument lines or baselines.
Bearing and distance and/or dimension from monumented line to construction baselines (if any).
Stations at intersections and all monuments.
Station numbering must be unique for each street. Come up with different starting stations for each
street alignment so that the numbers do not overlap (start with 10+00 and go up from there).
Stationing on North/South alignments must increase to the South to abide by city presentation
standard of north up or left. Stationing on East/West alignments must increase to the East to abide
by city presentation standard of north up or left.
Station at the beginning, end, at each intersection and at PCs and PTs of curving monument lines (no
stationing that starts at property line, end of existing paving, or other indeterminate point).
Description and elevation of any site BMs or control points with elevation (it is ok to use monuments
with elevations as site BMs).
Dimension from monument line to right-of-way line on each street; if variable, show dimension at
each end of block.
Washington State Licensed surveyor’s stamp (stamp must be signed if plans are complete).
Current contact information for the surveyor whose stamp appears on the drawing (name, address,
phone, and/or email).
Profiles should show callouts containing vertical information (such as invert and rim elevations),
including horizontal information only if it cannot represented in a plan view.
Plan views should have a North arrow with a bar scale under it.
For multi-discipline projects, show nearby improvements for context (such as showing water
improvements on a drainage plan) but freeze the annotation and change the linework to color 145.
To do this, overlay an XREF of the secondary improvement, viewport freeze (VP Freeze) secondary
improvement layers that don’t need to be shown (such as annotation) and change the viewport
color (VP Color) of the remaining secondary improvement layers to color 145.
Use standard COS detail and section referencing callouts (see page 38).
Proposed geo-referenced features and vertices of area limits must be labeled in such a way as to
easily locate in the field (such as station/offset labels, Northing/Easting labels or point labels
referring to a table containing station/offset data).
Match Lines
Adjoining sheets must use match lines at an even station with the sheet number referenced.
Dimensioning between features shown on separate sheets should be shown with double arrow-
heads at the match line.
The scale must not change across match lines.
Match lines may not be placed in intersections.
All other removal items should be shown on the sheets they are associated with in an existing
lineweight (color 125) with a proposed callout.
Station and offset (or station and pavement width) from monument line or construction baseline to
all beginnings and ends of curb and/or “match existing” points, angle points, and changes of curb
Intersection(s) shown on separate sheet(s) at 1”=10’ scale (show street names; no match lines
required) depicting curb returns and ADA ramps with the following information (may be shown in
Delta angle, radius, tangent and length on all curb returns and reverse curves, elevations at
PC’s, PT’s, PRC’s, quarter points and high and low points of curb returns (along flowline).
Elevations at all corners of each proposed ADA ramp (including top of curb at the start of
the wings).
Leader callout showing the identification of each structure (name/number in this format: MH-#,
VAULT-#, CB-#, INL-#, etc.) above the “type” as defined in the City of Seattle Standard Plans and the
station and offset from a monument line or construction baseline to:
center of structures (maintenance holes, cleanouts, hydrants, valves, etc.), except most
catch basins and inlets are stationed at the face of curb.
all horizontal break points and all connection points.
NOTE: if a structure is not shown in a profile, also include the rim elevation and invert elevation(s)
with compass direction(s) in parenthesis.
Each pipe run (between structures or maintenance holes) must have a loop-leader callout showing
the size, type of pipe and material in parenthesis.
Horizontal scale should match associated plan view scale. Vertical scales may vary.
Pipes are projected onto the profile view(s) aligned with existing street control stationing as a
general rule (exceptions: pipes in non-roadway sites such a parking lots, parks or hillsides may need
to be shown as true-length with for clarity).
Profiles are required for all sewer, storm drain, combined sewer and water mains and must include:
Vertical callout above each structure showing the structure’s identification (name/number)
on the left side and rim elevation on the right side (in this format: RIM ##.#’). Station and
offset callouts are not required in utility profiles unless not shown anywhere else.
Vertical callout below structures and pipes showing elevations at each invert, connection,
and/or grade break on each pipe (in this format: IE ##.##’).
Each gravity pipe run must have a horizontal dimension line below that goes from center of
MH to center of MH showing the length (linear feet), size (inches), type, material in
parenthesis, and slope (percentage). For example: 60 LF 12”PS (DIP) AT 2.00% SLOPE. Other
pipes connected to drainage structures are dimensioned from the inside face of structure
Each water pipe run must have a horizontal dimension line below showing the length (linear
feet), size (inches), type (W), material in parenthesis, class of bedding and type of
protection. For example: 60 LF 12”W (DIP), CLASS B SAND BEDDING, JOINT BONDING &
QC Markup Guidelines
Drawings can be plotted digitally or physically and marked up (see SECTION 8: Plotting/Printing). For
clear written communication, use one of the three options shown below to callout and illustrate with
the following colors:
Markups must be done with Autodesk Design Review on full-size drawings (at least 22”x34”).
Markups must be done in color with the markup tools located in the “Markup & Measure” tab.
Markups must be done with Adobe Acrobat (not reader) on full-size drawings (at least 22”x34”).
Markups must be done in color with the following “Comment & Markup” tools: Callout Tool, Text
Box Tool, Cloud Tool, Arrow Tool, Line Tool, Rectangle Tool, Oval Tool, Polygon Line Tool and/or
Polygon Tool (sticky notes are not valid).
Markups must be done on full-size (at least 22x34) or half-size (11x17) drawing prints.
Handwriting must be clearly written.
SECTION 5: Layers
The layer name format is organized as a hierarchy. This arrangement allows users to select from a
number of options for naming layers according to the level of detailed information desired. Layer names
consist of distinct data fields separated from one another by dashes. A detailed list of abbreviations, or
field codes, is prescribed to define the content of layers. Most field codes are mnemonic English
abbreviations of construction terminology that are easy to remember.
The layer name format, showing the Discipline Designator, the Major Group, two Minor Groups
(optional), and the Status (optional) fields looks like this:
C U - S S W R - P I P E - L R G E - 1
Below, and on the next few pages are lists of common layer fields. Not all field codes are represented –
refer to the National CAD Standards for layer field codes of disciplines not defined in this CAD Manual.
Sheet Annotation
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-RWAY Right-of-way 185 Continuous Linework
[]-RWAY-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, 205 Continuous Annotation
[]-RWAY-CNTR centerline 125/1 CENTER3 Linework
[]-RWAY-CTLA controlled access 205/2 Continuous Linework
[]-RWAY-LINE lines 185 Continuous Linework
[]-RWAY-LMTA limited access 185 BUILDING Linework
[]-RWAY-MRKR marker 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-RWAY-STAN stationing 125/7 Continuous Annotation
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-ESMT Easements 125/7 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-ESMT-ACCS access (pedestrian only; private 205/2 EASEMENT Linework
[]-ESMT-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, etc. 205/2 EASEMENT Annotation
[]-ESMT-CATV utility - cable television 205/2 EASEMENT Linework
[]-ESMT-CONS conservation 205/2 EASEMENT Linework
[]-ESMT-CSTG construction / grading 53 DOT2 Linework
[]-ESMT-ELEC utility - electrical 205/2 EASEMENT Linework
[]-ESMT-FDPL flood plain 205/2 EASEMENT Linework
[]-ESMT-INEG ingress / egress (vehicles; 205/2 EASEMENT Linework
private access)
[]-ESMT-LSCP landscape 205/2 EASEMENT Linework
[]-ESMT-NGAS natural gas line 205/2 EASEMENT Linework
[]-ESMT-PHON telephone line 205/2 EASEMENT Linework
[]-ESMT-ROAD roadway 205/2 EASEMENT Linework
[]-ESMT-ROAD- roadway: permanent 205/2 EASEMENT Linework
[]-ESMT-ROAD- roadway: temporary 53 DOT2 Linework
[]-ESMT-RWAY right-of-way (public access) 185 Continuous Linework
[]-ESMT-SGHT sight distance 205/2 EASEMENT Linework
[]-ESMT-SSWR sanitary sewer 205/2 EASEMENT Linework
[]-ESMT-STRM storm sewer 205/2 EASEMENT Linework
[]-ESMT-SWMT storm water management 205/2 EASEMENT Linework
[]-ESMT-TRAL trail or path (public access) 205/2 EASEMENT Linework
[]-ESMT-UTIL- permanent utility easement 205/2 EASEMENT Linework
[]-ESMT-UTIL- temporary utility easement 53 DOT2 Linework
[]-ESMT-WATR water supply 205/2 EASEMENT Linework
Site/Topo Features
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Description Proposed Proposed Applies to
Colors Linetypes
[]-BLDG Buildings and primary structures 125/7 BUILDING Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-BLDG-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, etc. 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-BLDG-DECK Outdoor decks (no roof) 125/7 BUILDING Linework
[]-BLDG-OTLN Outline 125/7 BUILDING Linework
[]-BLDG-OVHD Overhead (overhang) 125/7 BUILDING Linework
[]-BLDG-PRCH Porch (attached, roof overhead) 125/7 BUILDING Linework
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-BORE Test borings 125/7 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-BORE-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, etc. 125/7 Continuous Annotation
Erosion Control
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-EROS Erosion and sediment control 125/7 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-EROS-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, etc. 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-EROS-CIPR culvert inlet protection 145 (50% Continuous Hatch
[]-EROS-CNTE- construction entrance outline 2 Continuous Linework
[]-EROS-CNTE- construction entrance hatch 7 Continuous Hatch
[]-EROS-DDIV drainage divides 125/3 Continuous Linework
[]-EROS-DVDK diversion dike 125/3 Continuous Linework
[]-EROS-INPR inlet protection 145 (50% Continuous Hatch
[]-EROS-SILT silt fence 125/7 CHAINLINK_1 Linework
[]-EROS-SSLT super silt fence 125/7 CHAINLINK_2 Linework
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-FENC Fences 125/7 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-FENC-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-FENC-GRAL guard rail 125/4 GUARD_RAIL Linework
[]-FENC-HRAL hand rail 125/4 HAND_RAIL Linework
[]-FENC-POST posts 125/4 Continuous Linework
[]-FENC-STEL steel (barbed wire and/or 125/4 CHAIN_LINK_ Linework
chain link) FENCE
[]-FENC-WOOD wood 125/4 WOOD_FENCE Linework
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-PLNT Plant and landscape material 125/7 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-PLNT-ANNO text, dimensions, leaders, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-PLNT-BEDS perennial and annual beds 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-PLNT-BUSH bushes and shrubs 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-PLNT-CONI coniferous trees 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-PLNT-CTNR container or planter 125/6 Continuous Linework
[]-PLNT-DECI deciduous trees 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-PLNT-EDGR planting bed edger 125/6 Continuous Linework
[]-PLNT-GRND ground covers 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-PLNT-PALM palm trees 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-PLNT-PLTS planting plants 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-PLNT-REMN material to remain 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-PLNT-REMV material to be removed 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-PLNT-SEED-PATT seeding areas 125/22 Continuous Hatch
[]-PLNT-SHAD-PATT shadow area 125/22 Continuous Hatch
[]-PLNT-SHRB shrub symbols 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-PLNT-TREE trees 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-PLNT-TURF-PATT lawn areas 125/22 Continuous Hatch
[]-PLNT-VINE vines 125/2 Continuous Linework
Major Water Bodies (navigable channels such as major rivers, lakes and the Puget Sound)
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-CHAN Major water bodies 125/7 Continuous Linework &
(navigable channels) Civil 3D® Object
[]-CHAN-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-CHAN-EDGE edge 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-CHAN-CNTR center of channel 125/1 CENTER3 Linework
[]-CHAN-TOEB toe of bank 125/2 PHANTOM2 Linework
[]-CHAN-TOPB top of bank 125/2 PHANTOM2 Linework
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-POND Ponds 125/2 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-POND-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-POND-EDGE edge 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-POND-SWAY spillway 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-POND-TOEB toe of bank 125/2 PHANTOM2 Linework
[]-POND-TOPB top of bank 125/2 PHANTOM2 Linework
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-TOPO Surfaces 125/7 Continuous Civil 3D® Object
[]-TOPO-ANNO Surface annotation 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-TOPO-MAJR Major contour lines 22/2 DASHED2 (0.75 Linework
LT scale)/
[]-TOPO-MINR Minor contour lines 125/7 DASHED2 (0.75 Linework
LT scale)/
[]-TOPO-TOPB Top of bank 125/2 PHANTOM2 Linework
[]-TOPO-TOEB Toe of bank 125/2 PHANTOM2 Linework
[]-TINN-BNDY Terrain Irregular Network 125/2 PHANTOM2 Linework
surface boundary
[]-TINN-VIEW Terrain Irregular Network 250 Continuous Linework
surface triangles
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-LOCN Limits of construction 3 PHANTOM2 Linework
[]-LOCN-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-SITE Site features 125/7 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-SITE-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-SITE-BARR barriers 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-SITE-BIKE bike racks 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-SITE-BNCH benches 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-SITE-COLS columns 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-SITE-EWAT edge of water 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-SITE-MAIL mail boxes 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-SITE-POST posts 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-SITE-POLE light poles 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-SITE-WEIR weirs 125/2 Continuous Linework
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-WALL Walls 125/7 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-WALL-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-WALL-CTLJ control joints 125/3 Continuous Linework
[]-WALL-NSBR noise barrier 125/3 Continuous Linework
[]-WALL-RTWL retaining 125/3 Continuous Linework
[]-WALL-SHEA structural bearing or shear 125/3 Continuous Linework
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-WETL Wetlands 125/1 Continuous Linework
[]-WETL-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-WETL-BUFF-PATT buffer 22 Continuous Hatch
[]-WETL-REPL-PATT replacement 22 Continuous Hatch
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Colors Proposed Applies To
[]-CSWR Combined sewer 125/7 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-CSWR-ANNO Text, dimensions, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
leaders, etc.
[]-CSWR-CNTR centerline 125/1 CENTER3 Linework
[]-CSWR-LATL storm drain 125/4 SD/ Linework
connection Continuous
[]-CSWR-MHOL maintenance hole 125/6 MH/ Linework
casting Continuous
[]-CSWR-PIPE pressure pipe 125/6 Continuous Linework
[]-CSWR-PIPE- piping: >/= 12" 125/3 PSS/ Linework
LRGE Continuous
[]-CSWR-PIPE- hatch patterns 3 Continuous Hatch
[]-CSWR-PIPE- piping: < 12" 125/6 PSS/ Linework
SMAL Continuous
[]-CSWR-STRC structures 125/6 MH/ Linework
[]-DTCH Ditches or washes 125/2 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-DTCH-ANNO Text, dimensions, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
leaders, etc.
[]-DTCH-BOTD bottom 125/2 ENDITCH/ Linework
[]-DTCH-EWAT edge of water 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-DTCH-TOPD top 125/2 WDITCH Linework
[]-SSWR Sanitary sewer 125/7 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Colors Proposed Applies To
[]-SSWR-ANNO Text, dimensions, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
leaders, etc.
[]-SSWR-CNTR centerline 125/1 CENTER3 Linework
[]-SSWR-LATL lateral line 125/4 SD/ Linework
[]-SSWR-MHOL maintenance hole 125/6 MH/ Linework
casting Continuous
[]-SSWR-PIPE pressure pipe 125/6 Continuous Linework
[]-SSWR-PIPE- piping: >/= 12" 125/3 PSS/ Linework
LRGE Continuous
[]-SSWR-PIPE- hatch patterns 3 Continuous Hatch
[]-SSWR-PIPE- piping: < 12" 125/6 PSS/ Linework
SMAL Continuous
[]-SSWR-STRC structures 125/6 MH/ Linework
[]-STRM Storm sewer 125/7 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-STRM-ANNO Text, dimensions, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
leaders, etc.
[]-STRM-CNTR centerline 125/1 CENTER3 Linework
[]-STRM-LATL storm drain 125/4 SD/ Linework
connection Continuous
[]-STRM-MHOL maintenance hole 125/6 MH/ Linework
casting Continuous
[]-STRM-PIPE pressure pipe 125/6 Continuous Linework
[]-STRM-PIPE- piping: >/= 12" 125/3 PSS/ Linework
LRGE Continuous
[]-STRM-PIPE- hatch patterns 3 Continuous Hatch
[]-STRM-PIPE- piping: < 12" 125/6 PSS/ Linework
SMAL Continuous
[]-STRM-STRC structures 125/6 MH/ Linework
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-FIRE-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-FIRE-HYDR hydrants and connections 125/6 Continuous Linework
[]-FIRE-INST valves 125/6 Continuous Linework
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-WATR-STRC water structures (casings, tie- 125/6 Continuous Linework
backs, vaults, etc.)
[]-WPZN Water pressure zone 53 DOT Linework
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-POWR Power 125/7 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-POWR-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-POWR-FENC enclosure fence 125/7 CHAIN_LINK_ Linework
[]-POWR-INST instrumentation (meters, 125/2 Continuous Linework
hand holes, transformers,
[]-POWR-MHOL castings/openings 125/6 Continuous Linework
[]-POWR-OVHD overhead lines 125/3 Continuous Linework
[]-POWR-POLE box / pole 125/3 Continuous Linework
[]-POWR-STRC structures 125/6 MH/Continuous Linework
[]-POWR-UGND underground lines 125/3 ECD Linework
[]-POWR-UGND-CONC concrete encasement 125/2 subbase Linework
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-FUEL Fuel gas 125/7 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-FUEL-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-FUEL-EQPM equipment (pumps, motors) 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-FUEL-INST instrumentation (meters, 125/7 Continuous Linework
valves, etc.)
[]-FUEL-MHOL castings/openings 125/6 Continuous Linework
[]-FUEL-PIPE piping 125/6 Continuous Linework
[]-FUEL-TANK storage tanks 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-FUEL-UGND underground piping 125/6 Continuous Linework
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-NGAS Natural Gas 125/2 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-NGAS-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-NGAS-INST natural gas: meters, valves, 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-NGAS-PIPE natural gas: pipes 125/2 GAS Linework
[]-NGAS-TANK natural gas: tanks 125/2 Continuous Linework
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-COMM Communications 125 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-COMM-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, etc. 125 Continuous Annotation
[]-COMM-OVHD Overhead lines 125 oh_comm Linework
[]-COMM-POLE Box / pole 125 Continuous Linework
[]-COMM-UGND Underground lines 125 Tel Linework
[]-COMM-INST Instrumentation (hand holes, 125 Continuous Linework
[]-COMM-FIBR Fiber optic lines 125 Tel Linework
Roadway Paving/Channelization/Signals
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-ROAD Roadways 125/2 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-ROAD-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-ROAD-ASPH-OTLN asphalt hatch outline 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-ROAD-ASPH-PATT asphalt hatch 125/22 Continuous Hatch
[]-ROAD-CNTR centerline 125/1 CENTER3 Linework
[]-ROAD-CONC-OTLN concrete hatch outline 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-ROAD-CONC-PATT concrete hatch 125/7 Continuous Hatch
[]-ROAD-CURB curb 125/4 Continuous Linework
[]-ROAD-CURB-BACK curb: back 125/4 Continuous Linework
[]-ROAD-CURB-FACE curb: face 125/4 Continuous Linework
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-ROAD-FLNE fire lane 125/1 Continuous Linework
[]-ROAD-FLNE-MRKG fire lane: pavement markings 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-ROAD-FLNE-SIGN fire lane: signs 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-ROAD-GRVL-OTLN gravel hatch outline 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-ROAD-GRVL-PATT gravel hatch 125/22 Continuous Hatch
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-ROAD-SIGL-INST traffic signals: hand holes, 125/1 Continuous Linework
cabinets, etc.
[]-ROAD-SIGL-LOOP traffic signals: loops 125/1 Continuous Linework
[]-ROAD-SIGN signs 125/1 Continuous Linework
[]-ROAD-STAN stationing 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-ROAD-UPVD-PATT unpaved surface 125/22 Continuous Hatch
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-DRIV Driveways 125/2 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-DRIV-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-DRIV-ASPH-OTLN asphalt hatch outline 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-DRIV-ASPH-PATT asphalt surface 125/22 Continuous Hatch
[]-DRIV-CNTR centerline 125/1 CENTER3 Linework
[]-ROAD-CONC-OTLN concrete hatch outline 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-DRIV-CONC-PATT concrete surface 125/7 Continuous Hatch
[]-DRIV-CURB curb 125/4 Continuous Linework
[]-DRIV-CURB-BACK curb: back 125/4 Continuous Linework
[]-DRIV-CURB-FACE curb: face 125/4 Continuous Linework
[]-DRIV-FLNE fire lane 125/1 Continuous Linework
[]-DRIV-FLNE-MRKG fire lane: pavement markings 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-DRIV-FLNE-SIGN fire lane: signs 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-DRIV-GRVL-PATT gravel surface 125/22 Continuous Hatch
[]-DRIV-MRKG pavement markings 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-DRIV-MRKG-WHIT white paint 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-DRIV-MRKG-YELO yellow paint 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-DRIV-SIGN signs 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-DRIV-UPVD-PATT unpaved surface 125/22 Continuous Hatch
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-SWLK Sidewalks 125/2 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-SWLK-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-SWLK-ASPH-OTLN asphalt hatch outline 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-SWLK-ASPH-PATT asphalt 125/22 Continuous Hatch
[]-SWLK-CONC-OTLN concrete hatch outline 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-SWLK-CONC-PATT concrete 125/22 Continuous Hatch
[]-SWLK-RAMP curb ramps 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-SWLK-STEP stairs/steps 125/2 Continuous Linework
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-TRAL Trails or paths 125/2 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-TRAL-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-TRAL-ASPH-OTLN asphalt hatch outline 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-TRAL-ASPH-PATT asphalt hatch 125/22 Continuous Hatch
[]-TRAL-CONC-OTLN concrete hatch outline 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-TRAL-CONC-PATT concrete hatch 125/22 Continuous Hatch
[]-TRAL-GRVL-OTLN gravel hatch outline 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-TRAL-GRVL-PATT gravel hatch 125/22 Continuous Hatch
[]-TRAL-MRKG pavement markings 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-TRAL-SIGN signs 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-TRAL-UPVD-PATT unpaved surface 125/22 Continuous Hatch
Parking Lots
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-PRKG Parking 125/2 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-PRKG-ANNO Text, dimensions, leaders, 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-PRKG-ASPH-OTLN asphalt hatch outline 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-PRKG-ASPH-PATT asphalt surface 125/22 Continuous Hatch
[]-PRKG-CONC-OTLN concrete hatch outline 125/2 Continuous Linework
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-PRKG-CONC-PATT concrete surface 125/7 Continuous Hatch
[]-PRKG-CURB curb 125/4 Continuous Linework
[]-PRKG-CURB-BACK curb: back 125/4 Continuous Linework
[]-PRKG-CURB-FACE curb: face 125/4 Continuous Linework
[]-PRKG-FIXT fixtures (wheel stops, parking 125/1 Continuous Linework
meters, etc.)
[]-PRKG-FLNE fire lane 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-PRKG-FLNE-MRKG fire lane: pavement markings 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-PRKG-FLNE-SIGN fire lane: signage 125/1 Continuous Linework
[]-PRKG-GRVL-PATT gravel surface 125/22 Continuous Hatch
[]-PRKG-MRKG pavement markings 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-PRKG-MRKG-WHIT white paint 125/7 Continuous Linework
[]-PRKG-MRKG-YELO yellow paint 125/2 Continuous Linework
[]-PRKG-SIGN signs 125/1 Continuous Linework
[]-PRKG-STRP striping 125/7 Continuous Linework
Detail Drawings
Existing/ Existing/
Layer Name Layer Description Proposed Proposed Applies To
Colors Linetypes
[]-DETL Details 125/7 Continuous Linework &
Civil 3D® Object
[]-DETL-ANNO text, dimensions, leaders, etc. 125/7 Continuous Annotation
[]-DETL-ANNO- sub-title 145/2 Continuous Annotation
[]-DETL-ANNO- title 205/3 Continuous Annotation
[]-DETL-CNTR center lines 125/1 CENTER2 Linework
[]-DETL-BOLD continuous lines - bold 205/6 Continuous Linework
[]-DETL-MEDM continuous lines - medium 145/2 Continuous Linework
[]-DETL-FINE continuous lines - thin 125/1 Continuous Linework
[]-DETL-BOLD- hidden lines - bold 205/6 HIDDEN Linework
[]-DETL-MEDM- hidden lines - medium 145/2 HIDDEN Linework
[]-DETL-FINE-HIDD hidden lines - thin 125/1 HIDDEN Linework
[]-DETL-PATT hatch patterns 125/22 Continuous Hatch
[]-DETL-RBAR rebar 145/4 rebar101 Linework
Special Circumstances
Layer Name Layer Description Color Linetype Applies To
[]-NBLT Features/linework designed, 145 (matches original Linework &
but not constructed in the as- object linetype) Civil 3D® Object
designed location
[]-ANNO text, dimensions, leaders, etc. 37 Continuous Annotation
(also used to cross out features
and related annotation that
were not constructed)
External References
XREF Layers
Layer Name Layer Description Color Linetype Applies To
X-ARCH XREF: architectural 7 Continuous XREF
X-BASE XREF: base map 7 Continuous XREF
X-CHAN XREF: major water bodies 7 Continuous XREF
(channels, lakes & Puget
X-CLIP XREF clipping boundary 7 Continuous Linework
X-DEMO XREF: 7 Continuous XREF
X-DETL XREF: details 7 Continuous XREF
X-EROS XREF: temporary erosion & 7 Continuous XREF
sediment control
X-GRAD XREF: grading 7 Continuous XREF
X-IMGS XREF: images/photos 7 Continuous Images
X-IRRG XREF: irrigation 7 Continuous XREF
X-MECH XREF: mechanical 7 Continuous XREF
X-MISC XREF: misc. 7 Continuous XREF
X-MRKG XREF: channelization Continuous XREF
X-PERC XREF: Prelim. Engineering 7 Continuous XREF
Resource Composite
X-POND XREF: ponds 7 Continuous XREF
X-POWR XREF: SCL power design 7 Continuous XREF
X-PROT XREF: protection 7 Continuous XREF
X-RIVR XREF: rivers and creeks 7 Continuous XREF
X-ROAD XREF: paving 7 Continuous XREF
X-RWAY XREF: right-of-way 7 Continuous XREF
X-CSWR XREF: combined sewer 7 Continuous XREF
X-SIGL XREF: signals 7 Continuous XREF
X-SITE XREF: site 7 Continuous XREF
X-SSWR XREF: sewer 7 Continuous XREF
X-STRM XREF: drainage 7 Continuous XREF
X-STRU XREF: structural 7 Continuous XREF
X-TOPO XREF: survey 7 Continuous XREF
X-VEGE XREF: landscaping 7 Continuous XREF
X-VIEW XREF: view frames 7 Continuous XREF
X-WATR XREF: water 7 Continuous XREF
Not only is linework created for presentation purposes, but data is also created for construction and
exportation into SPU’s Geographic Information System (GIS). The chart below displays an overview of
typical data required:
Add numbered labels at critical spots Create proposed utility Profile (based
on Surface--add point numbers, on proposed utility alignment) drawn Fill in data for classified linework.
stations/offsets & elevations to table. at utility invert elevations.
All blocks provided by the city (see SECTION 2: Support Files) are designed to be inserted at a scale of 1.
Some blocks are not to scale and “annotative” (meaning they will scale up and down with the drawing
scale) and some are actual size and static. Many of the blocks have dynamic properties (look for “DB” at
the end of the block name which stands for “dynamic block”).
Blocks are more than just symbols – many are also exported into SPU’s GIS system (location, block name
and layer) so do not explode them. If it becomes absolutely necessary to explode a callout block that
contains attributes (such as a loop leader block or section referencing block), use the BURST command.
3D Utility Design
If drafting utilities in 2D at 1”=20’ scale, “Polylines” must be used to depict pipes less than 12” in
diameter and “Multilines” must be used to depict pipes greater-than or equal to 12” in diameter. This
rule applies to other scales and must be adjusted relative to 1”=20’.
Small Pipes: For pipes that are shown as single lines (less than 12” in diameter at 1”=20’ scale),
use the PLINE command to draw a “Polyline”. Because it is required to enter the start and end
invert elevations for each pipe run, draw each run of pipe (invert to invert) as a separate
Large Pipes: For pipes that are shown as double lines (equal-to, or greater-than 12” in diameter
at 1”=20’ scale), a “Multiline” will be used with an associated hatch pattern filling the pipe. Run
the MLSTYLE command to manage pipe sizes and set the proper pipe size current. There are a
few pre-defined “Multiline Styles” in the design template. Click OK to close the “Multiline Style”
dialog box, then type the MLINE command to draw a “Multiline”. Once the MLINE command has
been started type J, hit enter, type Z and hit enter again to set the justification to “Zero” (center
of the pipe). Draw “Multilines” in the same way you draw “Polylines”. To clean up one
“Multiline” connected to another (at a horizontal bend), run the MLEDIT command, choose the
“Corner Joint” option and select both “Multilines”. This way you have separate “Multilines” that
look joined together.
Elevations: For consistency, draw all 2D linework at elevation 0. To make sure this happens, set
the ONAPZ system variable to 1 to avoid snapping to another object’s elevation.
Layer Names: Make sure every object is on the correct layer and each layer is named correctly:
Water Lines
Water Blocks
Water Polygons
Sewer/Drainage Lines
Sewer/Drainage Blocks
Sewer/Drainage Polygons
Pipe Networks may be used to depict existing and proposed gravity storm, sanitary sewer and combined
sewer pipes during the design phase. Standard City of Seattle structure parts have been deployed in-
house and are available on the web (see SECTION 2: Support Files). You may create custom structures in
Civil 3D® Part Builder if so desired.
Structure names should follow this format: MH-#, CB-#, VAULT-#, etc. (the pound sign is a unique
number starting at 1 for each type of structure and increasing with each subsequent structure).
Limitations of Pipe Networks include: custom structure configurations may be difficult to define as a
part; structures must be shown as solids in profiles to account for rotation but then pipes inside
structures will no longer be masked.
1. Create Control Profile Grid: Create a profile view grid with a non-plotting profile grade line using
the right-of-way control alignment. The purpose of this profile view grid is to project the
pipeline features onto the grid so they align with the right-of-way stationing.
2. Create Pipeline Profile Grade Line(s): Draw a non-plotting alignment that matches the pipeline
geometry and create another profile view grid using the pipeline alignment. Existing and finish
profile grade lines may be shown on this profile view grid. This profile is simply source data for
the grade line(s) over the pipe geometry and may or may not be used for anything else.
3. Superimpose Pipeline Grade Line(s) onto Control Profile Grid: Superimpose the pipeline profile
grade line(s) onto the right-of-way control profile view grid (command: SuperimposeProfile) to
show the grade line(s) directly over the pipe. The end result is a hybrid profile showing grade
elevations over the pipeline and stationing along the street control line. Civil 3D® Pipe Network
parts and other 3D geometry (command: ProjectObjectsToProf) may be projected onto this
hybrid profile.
There are some cases where pipes are best shown as true length along the pipe alignment in profile
views. If the pipeline does not align horizontally with the plan view on a sheet, align one of the stations
(preferably a major station, if possible) from the plan vertically with the same station in the profile
(typically on the left-hand side of the sheet).
In profile views, draw the outside shape of maintenance holes and structures and draw pipes connected
to the outside walls. Double-line pipes are filled with hatch (see page 76) while maintenance holes and
structures are not.
Vertical pipeline data shall be accurately represented as a Civil 3D® Pipe Network or as a non-plotting
Civil 3D® Profile with PVIs matching pipeline elevation points (the Civil 3D® Profile name should indicate
the pipe location, size and if it represents the pipe’s invert or center line) for construction staking
Proposed grading shall be accurately modeled as one or more 3D surface(s). Proposed contours shall be
generated from the 3D surface as a style, labeled and shown to match existing surface contours where
the proposed and existing surfaces meet.
If the roadway is curved and does not align horizontally with the plan view on a sheet, align one of the
stations (preferably a major station, if possible) from the plan vertically with the same station in the
profile (typically on the left-hand side of the sheet).
Proposed grade shall be depicted with a profile grade line with station & elevation labels shown at grade
breaks, slope labels shown on profile line segments and vertical curve callouts shown on curves where
applicable. The existing grade profile line shall also be shown and labels (shown at 20 foot intervals, at
least) at the bottom of the profile showing existing and proposed elevations (stacked text at each
interval rotated 90 degrees with 0.125 plotted text height for proposed and 0.08 plotted text height for
Seattle Public Utilities exports CAD data to GIS during the 60%, 90%, 100% and Record Drawing phases.
1. Use the ATTACHDEF command to attach the object classification XML file (see SECTION 2:
Support Files).
2. Use the CLASSIFY command to classify water, sewer, drainage and combined sewer “Polylines”,
“Multilines” and blocks. Care must be taken to ensure each object has the correct classification.
3. Select classified objects and use the PROPERTIES command to fill in the correct data (the
Date_Created, User_ID, ACAD_Version and Milestone fields can be filled out by an SPU staff
member at time of export).
LINES: Water, sewer, drainage and combined sewer pipes (including mainlines, laterals, side sewers,
services, irrigation and ditches) must have the following object data attached and filled out:
o InsideDiameter (inches – a real number without any other characters)
o Material (common materials: CONC, RCP, DIP, CIP, STLP, HDPE, PVC, VCP)
o StartInvert (start pipe invert in decimal feet)
o EndInvert (end pipe invert in decimal feet)
o VPI (found in the VAULT PLAN NO section of the title block)
o PE_License (number found in the PE seal of the associated plan sheet)
POLYGONS: Water, sewer, drainage and combined sewer custom structures (closed “Polylines”, not
blocks, depicting outlines of encasements, tie-backs, tanks, vaults, custom structures, ponds, swales,
etc.) must have the following object data attached and filled out:
o Description (a short descriptive line of text)
o VPI (found in the VAULT PLAN NO section of the title block)
o PE_License (number found in the PE seal of the associated plan sheet)
BLOCKS: Water, sewer, drainage and combined sewer blocks must have the following object data
attached and filled out:
o VPI (found in the VAULT PLAN NO section of the title block)
o PE_License (number found in the PE seal of the associated plan sheet)
*on Record Drawings, features that were not built go on the CR-NBLT layer but have the same classification as the
original feature
Select the type of objects you are classifying (for example if you want to classify all the
water lines, select the “Water_Lines” classification name) and click OK and then select all
the water lines in your drawing. An even easier way is to select the same type of objects
first and then run the CLASSIFY command to classify them all at once.
Once “Object Data Tables” have been added to the utility linework, fill in the tables with
real data. To add data to an object, simply select one or more objects and start the
PROPERTIES command. At the bottom of the “Properties” palette, you will see the object
data fields:
Simply type the data into the fields and hit ESC to deselect the linework. Repeat this until
all the linework have object data filled in.
Remember, you can select multiple objects at the same time. For example you could select
several or even all pipes that are the same size and material. Then you only have to enter
the object data for those pipes once, rather than individually for each object.
To see what objects have not yet been classified run the MAPSELECTUNCLASSIFIED
SECTION 7: Annotation
Annotation must go in model space (of XREF drawing files) with the linework it is associated with;
however there are cases in which annotation (such as notes, legends, etc.) may appear in paper space.
All annotation must be UPPERCASE.
Text Styles
For existing and proposed drawings the standard text style (command: STYLE) name is "COS" with the
“font name” set to RomanS.shx, the “paper text height” set to 0.00, and the “width factor” set to 1.00.
For As-Built and Record Drawings the standard text style name is set to "COS-Record" with the same
settings above plus the “oblique angle” set to 20.
Use MTEXT to create numbered notes. On the general notes sheet(s) every set of notes should have a
sub-title that says “UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED:”. The title shall be green, underlined and 0.25; sub-
titles shall be yellow, not underlined and 0.1875; and text shall be white and 0.125.
Notes and legends on all other sheets don’t need a sub-title and the title shall be yellow, underlined and
Dimension Styles
Here are a few important dimension style (command: DIMSTYLE) settings:
*use the same settings for As-Built and Record Drawings except that the text style is COS-Record (see page 80)
Multileader Styles
We recommend using the MLEADER command instead of the QLEADER command for drawing leaders.
Multileaders work much better than quick-leaders in most cases.
*use the same settings for As-Built and Record Drawings except that the text style is COS-Record (see page 80); a
Civil 3D® label (command: AeccLblDlgGeneralNote) with the same settings may be used instead of a multileader
Leaders on the right side should be aligned with the middle of the
bottom line of text.
Loop Leaders
Utility pipes in plan views must be called out with a loop leader callout. There are loop leader Pipe
Network label styles available in the design template and dynamic loop leader callout blocks available on
the web (see SECTION 2: Support Files): Loop-Leader-Proposed-L.dwg, Loop-Leader-Proposed-R.dwg,
Loop-Leader-Existing-L.dwg and Loop-Leader-Existing-R.dwg.
These blocks are not annotative because the loop needs to maintain a constant size but the text within
the blocks is. To add new scales to loop leader text, first set ANNOAUTOSCALE to 4 and then change the
drawing scale. This procedure applies the new scale to all annotative objects.
Ramp Grading: R#-X (i.e. R2-C in a rounded rectangle; for RAMP-2, point C)
Pond Grading: P#-X (i.e. P2-A in a rounded rectangle; for POND-2, point A)
Table Styles
Tables (command: TABLE) may be used for the sheet index, schedules, and other tabular information.
Here are a few important table style (command: TABLESTYLE) settings:
Reference Boxes
Use layer []-DETL-ANNO-REFR (color yellow, linetype PHANTOM2) to create a box that references to
another detail or sheet.
Then use Sheet Set Manager (via the “Sheet Views” tab, right-click on a view and select the “Place
Callout Block” flyout) to place detail and section referencing blocks (see SECTION 2: Support Files):
SECTION 8: Plotting/Printing
Page Setups
Common plot settings (set the resolution to 1200 dpi in your laser printer preferences for best results):
COS_CADD_Standard.ctb contains the standard pen and color assignments for contract drawings and
base maps:
Modifications to the .CTB files and using colors not defined in our plot style tables (see page 87) are
strictly prohibited. The quality of prints may be impacted by type of paper used and the resolution in the
printer settings. Contact the printer/plotter vendor to find out the optimum paper that should be used.
It is recommended to set the resolution to 1200 dpi in the printer/plotter settings if possible.
Paperless Plotting
Creating DWFs and PDFs is an important part of our work process. Not only does it save paper, but it
also allows us to electronically share drawings with people who do not have Civil 3D.
DWF Format
The DWF format is especially powerful because it can be marked-up electronically and DWF sheets can
be overlaid for comparison using Autodesk® Design Review. Download for free at:
PDF Format
The PDF format can be opened with Adobe Reader. Download for free at:
DWF: [PTN]_[milestone]-[project_name/description].dwf
PDF: [PTN]_[milestone]-[project_name/description].pdf
Example: 261-123_90%-1st_Ave_Watermain_SIP_Submittal.pdf
We prefer to receive the file package in .ZIP format (see following page for more information)
Make sure files follow our file naming convention (see SECTION 3: Project Data Sharing)
Use organized folder structure (proper file naming and relative XREF paths ensure smooth
Include files from data links (i.e. Excel files)
Include sheet set data and files (including .DST file, plot files, and XREFs)
Include data shortcut source files & LandXML files (you may need to manually include these)
Include DWF and PDF of the plan set (set PUBLISHCOLLATE to 1 before creating).
Click the “Transmittal Setups…” button in the “Create Transmittal” dialog box and click the
“Modify…” button in the “Transmittal Setups” dialog box:
Since Seattle Public Utilities operates the Engineering Records Center (Vault) which is an archive of City
infrastructure information, all 100% or conformed drawing set CAD files and data, addendum and design
change CAD files and data, as well as as-built drawings and data are required to be submitted to for archival.
Send the 100% or conformed drawing set CAD files and data, addendum and design change CAD files
and data, as well as as-built drawings and data to the email address for
Pre-Submittal Checklist
30% CAD Submittals
Use the Planning and Setup checklist on page 30 to get started. Check for the following items:
Sheet Set Manager was used to create sheets and barcodes are visible on all sheets
Complete Cover Sheet (vicinity map, location map, sheet index, and detail & section referencing)
Professional stamps, North arrows and bar scales where needed
Survey control drawing with PLS stamp, if required
XREFs are set to overlay and relative path and on the correct “X” layer
Layers are standard (names, colors and linetypes per SECTION 5: Layers)
Annotation formatting is standard (see SECTION 7: Annotation)
text style settings
all text is uppercase and set to the standard text height
MTEXT notes and legends formatting are consistent (text heights and colors)
dimension style settings
multileader and Civil 3D® label style settings
loop leaders around utilities
table formatting: table style (title, heading and data styles), fonts and text justification
match line formatting
profile grid stationing and elevations
use of detail/section title and referencing blocks (see SECTION 4: Drawing Guidelines)
Blocks (standard blocks must be used for water, storm, sewer and combined sewer)
Linework, annotation and blocks on correct layers
Title block scales are accurate
plan only format: 1”=20’
plan + profile format: H. 1”=20’, V. 1”=10’
details and cover sheet format: AS NOTED
notes, schedules, tables, etc. format: NONE
Station & offset labels are shown on all proposed features (may be included in tables)
Viewports are locked
VPI and Vault Serial numbers acquired and added to title blocks via Sheet Set Manager
Elevation labels are shown on all proposed features where required (may be included in tables)
Drawings conform to checklists in SECTION 4: Drawing Guidelines
Linework drawn and classified in accordance with SECTION 6: Linework and Data
Submittal Requirements
The following items are required for approval:
*Addendums and design changes must be incorporated into the CAD files and submitted to the email address for archival.
Plotted full-size (at least 22”x34”) drawing set using Record_Drawings.ctb (see SECTION 8:
Plotting/Printing) as DWF, PDF or hard-copy composed of color pigment-based ink on bond
paper with the AS-BUILT DRAWING or RECORD DRAWING stamp block affixed (see SECTION 2:
Support Files). Prior to plotting, the “Barcode Modifier” field in the Sheet Set Custom Properties
of Sheet Set Manager must be updated to: -A
AutoCAD® .DWG files, the Sheet Set Manager .DST file and LandXML files (see SECTION 9:
Electronic Transmittals) created according to the SPU/SDOT Inter-departmental CAD drafting
This document was written by Joshua Jones from Seattle Public Utilities with input and support from the
SPU/SDOT Inter-Departmental CAD Committee. Special thanks go to the following people who have
supported the CAD process: