Astrophysics Inc.: X-Ray Imaging System User's Manual
Astrophysics Inc.: X-Ray Imaging System User's Manual
Astrophysics Inc.: X-Ray Imaging System User's Manual
Revision A
Revision A
For XIS Application Software 1.0.x and 2.0.x
Document Number QM-75-13-01 Revision A.2
November 2007
This Manual is the property of Astrophysics Inc. It contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Astrophysics Inc… The information contained herein is
protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
TITLE XIS User’s Manual
DESCRIPTION User’s manual for the Astrophysics X-ray Imaging Systems.
RELEASE November 2007
1.1 F.Tamura Rewrite of XIS Operator’s manual for Software Rev All chapters,
Combined all XIS model manuals into a single common manual..
A F.Tamura Updated for XIS with LCD monitors, XIS Software Rev. 2.01 All chapters
Renamed User’s Manual Rev A
A.1 F.Tamura Added Screener Assist info, back belt info Chapter 4
A.2 F.Tamura Added XIS 100XDV Description Chapter 9
This manual is an operator’s guide for the Astrophysics X-ray Imaging System with XIS
Application Software 2.0.x* and 1.0.x*. It provides detailed instructions on using the
following Astrophysics XIS systems:
• Astrophysics XIS 5335
• Astrophysics XIS 5335-S
• Astrophysics XIS 6545
• Astrophysics XIS 7858
• Astrophysics XIS 100X
• Astrophysics XIS 100DX
Although they vary in x-ray tunnel size and image resolution, each member of the above
XIS Product Family behaves and operates essentially the same. The discussions and
instructions in this manual apply to all members of the above XIS Product Family.
This manual is intended for all operators of the Astrophysics X-ray Imaging Systems
including regular and supervisory users. It assumes that the operator is next to the XIS
system and that it is ready for use.
Notes *
XIS Application Software Version 1.0.x is inclusive of 1.0.1 through 1.0.9 (i.e. Version
1.0.1, Version 1.0.2, Version 1.0.3 etc.)
This Manual is the property of Astrophysics Inc. It contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Astrophysics Inc… The information contained herein is
protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................................... 4
LIST OF TABLES...................................................................................................................................... 4
CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL........................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER 1 - SAFETY INFORMATION................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................. 6
SAFETY FEATURES ..................................................................................................................................... 6
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS............................................................................................................................... 9
U.S. FEDERAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REGULATORY COMPLIANCE ......................................................... 10
LOCAL REGULATORY COMPLIANCE ......................................................................................................... 10
FACILITY SAFETY ...................................................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 2 - PRODUCT SUPPORT........................................................................................................ 11
CHAPTER OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 11
PRODUCT WARRANTY .............................................................................................................................. 11
TECHNICAL SUPPORT, FIELD SERVICE, AND TRAINING........................................................................... 11
REQUESTING PRODUCT ASSISTANCE ...................................................................................................... 11
ASTROPHYSICS BUSINESS CONTACT INFORMATION ............................................................................... 12
CHAPTER 3 – SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATIONS ................................................... 13
CHAPTER OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 13
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 13
XIS ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS ............................................................................................................ 17
CHAPTER 4 – USING THE ASTROPHYSICS XIS .................................................................................. 19
CHAPTER OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 19
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 19
SYSTEM STARTUP PROCEDURES................................................................................................. 19
LOGIN PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................................ 21
X-RAY IMAGE SCREENING PROCEDURES................................................................................... 24
SCREENER ASSIST ..................................................................................................................................... 48
THE CONVEYOR ASSEMBLY ..................................................................................................................... 50
THE FOOT MAT SWITCH........................................................................................................................... 50
CHAPTER 5 - THE ADVANCE OPERATOR CONTROL PANEL – REVISION 2 ................................ 51
AOCP REV 2 KEY-SWITCH Æ TURNING THE XIS ON .............................................................. 52
AOCP REV 2 KEY-SWITCH Æ TURNING THE XIS OFF ............................................................. 54
AOCP REV 2 EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON ................................................................................. 55
AOCP REV 2 STATUS CONTROL LIGHTS .................................................................................... 56
AOCP REV 2 DUAL FUNCTION BUTTONS.................................................................................... 57
AOCP REV 2 CONVEYOR CONTROLS - [LEFT], [STOP], AND [RIGHT]................................ 58
AOCP REV 2 NUMERIC BUTTONS ................................................................................................. 60
AOCP REV 2 SYSTEM CONTROL BUTTONS ................................................................................ 61
AOCP REV 2 IMAGE ADJUSTMENT BUTTONS ............................................................................ 63
AOCP REV 2 ZOOM & SCREEN CONTRAST CONTROL BUTTONS ......................................... 65
CHAPTER 6 – THE ASTROPHYSICS TIP SYSTEM .............................................................................. 66
CHAPTER OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 66
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 66
TIP PROCEDURES - USING TIP WITH THE XIS ............................................................................. 68
TIP PROCEDURES - HELPFUL HINTS ............................................................................................ 69
CHAPTER 7 - CBT OPERATION .............................................................................................................. 74
XIS Users Manual Rev.A Rel 2007.10 Page 3 of 113
This Manual is the property of Astrophysics Inc. It contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Astrophysics Inc… The information contained herein is
protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
CHAPTER OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 74
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 74
CHAPTER 8 -THE XIS SUPERVISOR ...................................................................................................... 76
CHAPTER OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 76
XIS SUPERVISOR ..................................................................................................................................... 76
TO ADD, EDIT, DELETE USER NAME LOGIN ACCOUNT PROCEDURES .................................................. 76
CHAPTER 9 - THE XIS 100XDV DUAL VIEW SYSTEM...................................................................... 85
APPENDIX A- SOME GUIDELINES ON WHAT CAN BE X-RAYED................................................... 97
APPENDIX B - QUICK STARTUP GUIDE............................................................................................... 98
APPENDIX C – ABBREVIATIONS AND GLOSSARY ......................................................................... 102
APPENDIX D – XKEYPAD OPERATOR CONTROL PANEL .............................................................. 103
APPENDIX E – AOCP REVISION 1........................................................................................................ 104
AOCP REV 1 - EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON ................................................................................. 105
AOCP REV 1 - STATUS CONTROL LIGHTS .................................................................................... 105
AOCP REV 1 - KEY-SWITCH ........................................................................................................... 106
AOCP REV 1 - CONVEYOR CONTROL KEYS [LEFT], [STOP], AND [RIGHT ............................. 107
AOCP REV 1 - NUMERIC BUTTONS ............................................................................................... 108
AOCP REV 1 - SYSTEM CONTROL BUTTONS................................................................................ 109
AOCP REV 1 - IMAGE ADJUSTMENT BUTTONS......................................................................... 110
AOCP REV 1 - ZOOM & SCREEN BRIGHTNESS CONTROL BUTTONS...................................... 111
APPENDIX F – SCREEN MENU MAP.................................................................................................... 112
INDEX ....................................................................................................................................................... 113
Figure 1 – XIS Safety Features.................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 2 - Please Log In Screen ............................................................................................................ 20
Figure 3 - X-ray Imaging Screen ............................................................................................................. 27
Figure 4 - B/W Images Adjustment Comparison..................................................................................... 44
Figure 5 - Color Image Adjustment Comparison..................................................................................... 46
Figure 6 - Foot Mat Switch ...................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 7 – AOCP Rev 2 - Advance Operator Control Panel – Keyboard Layout...................................... 52
Figure 8 - Add New User Screen ............................................................................................................ 77
Figure 9 - System Information Screen .................................................................................................... 82
Figure 10 - Report Generation Screen.................................................................................................... 83
Figure 11 - Tip Report Screen ................................................................................................................ 84
Figure 12 - Screen Menu Map .............................................................................................................. 112
Table 1 – XIS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................15
Table 2 – XIS ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS ..................................................................................17
Table 3 – XIS ACCESSORIES AND OPTION AVAILABILITY...............................................................18
Table 4 - XIS IMAGE COLORATION SCHEMA .................................................................................30
Table 5 – LIST OF COMMON Z-NUMBERS......................................................................................32
Table 6 - IMAGE ADJUSTMENT OPERATION WITH CONVEYOR STOPPED.........................................42
XIS Users Manual Rev.A Rel 2007.10 Page 4 of 113
This Manual is the property of Astrophysics Inc. It contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Astrophysics Inc… The information contained herein is
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Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
Table 7 - IMAGE ADJUSTMENT OPERATION WITH CONVEYOR RUNNING ........................................43
Table 1 – XIS 100XDV Technical Specifications ..............................................................................87
Operator console buttons are specified in “square” (“[“, “]”) brackets. For example, the
STOP button on the operator console is represented as [STOP]
Very important notices are highlighted by the “IMPORTANT NOTICE” text box.
These messages involve critical safety issues and deserve special attention.
The Operator Control Panel has a Cirque Glidepoint ™ Touchpad. The Touchpad replaces the
standard PC computer “mouse”. The touchpad allows users to simply glide a finger over the
touchpad surface and gently tap to perform input functions. Double tapping the touchpad is
equivalent to clicking the left PC mouse button in the Microsoft Windows Operating System. This
manual may refer to selecting and “clicking” on an icon, textbox, or other object on the screen. In
this case, the instruction to “click” refers to double tapping the touchpad.
This Manual is the property of Astrophysics Inc. It contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Astrophysics Inc… The information contained herein is
protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
The Astrophysics X-ray Imaging System produces and uses ionizing x-ray radiation. X-
rays can be harmful to human health. They cannot be directly detected by any of the
human senses. Please exercise the utmost safety and read this ENTIRE manual before
using the Astrophysics X-ray Imaging System.
Chapter Overview
This chapter provides important safety information on operating the Astrophysics X-ray
Imaging System (XIS). It is intended for all users of the XIS.
Safety Features
The Astrophysics X-ray Imaging System (hereinafter referred to as the XIS) has many
safety features to protect the operator and others including:
• Lead fabric curtains at the inspection tunnel openings to help block scattered
x-rays from escaping the tunnel.
• Interlock switches that stops (power off) the x-ray generator and conveyor
belt when an access panel is opened or removed.
• Steel frame and heavy gauge steel panels that reduce any residual external
x-ray radiation emissions.
• Infrared Photocells inside the inspection tunnels that senses when objects
entering and exiting the inspection tunnel. The x-ray generator is activated
only for the minimum amount of time necessary to image items traversing the
inspection tunnel.
• Green Power-ON LED lamps at each end of the x-ray tunnel and on the
control panel to indicate when the system is powered on and ready for use. A
Power-ON LED light is also located on the main operator control panel.
• Red warning X-ray ON LED lamps at each end of the x-ray tunnel and on the
control panel to indicate when x-rays are being generated. An X-ray ON LED
light is also located on the main operator control panel.
• Circuit breakers that disconnect power from the main AC input into the XIS if
the unit becomes overloaded.
• A key-switch that requires that a key be inserted and turned to the “ON”
position to power up and operate the XIS unit.
XIS Users Manual Rev.A Rel 2007.10 Page 6 of 113
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• An optional foot-mat switch that requires the continuous presence of an
operator, manning the controls, while the conveyor and x-ray generator are
being used.
• Prominent labels that warns users to not insert any part of their body when
the x-rays are produced.
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protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
The diagrams describes identifies the various safety feature on a typical Astrophysics X-ray
Imaging System.
This Manual is the property of Astrophysics Inc. It contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Astrophysics Inc… The information contained herein is
protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
Safety Precautions
The Astrophysics X-ray Imaging System (XIS) is designed to be safe and easy to use.
However, all major electromechanical devices can be hazardous and should be treated
with care and respect.
• Do NOT operate the unit outdoors. The XIS must be protected from moisture,
precipitation, and extremes of temperature.
• Connect the unit to a well grounded power outlet. The XIS requires a reliable
protective earth ground to operate.
• Do NOT operate the unit when the x-ray curtains are torn or missing.
• Clear the x-ray tunnel of all items before starting the unit.
• Do NOT insert any part of the body into the inspection tunnel while x-rays are
energized. Avoid all unnecessary radiation exposures. If an item becomes
jammed in the inspection tunnel, either (1) press [STOP], or (2) press the
Emergency Stop button , or (3) turn the main AC switch to the OFF position, or
(4) turn the key-switch to the OFF position BEFORE attempting to clear the
• If required, post appropriate signs around the XIS to warn people that they are in
the vicinity of a device that produces and uses x-ray radiation.
• Check the Power ON and the X-ray ON lights for proper operation before
screening items. The Power ON light becomes lit when the key-switch is turned
to the ON position. The X-ray ON light will momentarily turn on and off when the
conveyor belt is just started. The X-ray ON light becomes lit again when the x-ray
generator is producing x-rays for imaging. This occurs when objects are carried
through the x-ray tunnel by the conveyor.
• The XIS internally uses high voltages. All cover panels must be closed and
securely fastened before system operation.
• Keep fingers away from the edges of the conveyor belt and end rollers.
• Do NOT allow the entry of open containers of liquid into the inspection tunnel.
• The XIS is recognized by the U.S. FDA as a cabinet x-ray device. The XIS
should ONLY be installed, relocated, and serviced by an Astrophysics certified
technician. There are no user serviceable parts inside the machine. If you need
product support, contact the Astrophysics Customer Service Department. See
the Astrophysics Business Contact Information section on page 10 of this manual
for the address and telephone number.
This Manual is the property of Astrophysics Inc. It contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Astrophysics Inc… The information contained herein is
protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
U.S. Federal Health and Safety Regulatory Compliance
The XIS is classified as a Cabinet X-ray Device by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration. It complies with U.S. Federal Health and Safety Regulations including:
XIS users are responsible for their compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local
laws. Failure to comply may result in substantial penalties.
Facility Safety
During security screening operations you may identify hazardous contraband, weapons,
explosives, and other threats in the bags, packages, and articles that you are examining
with your XIS. Plan ahead. Have your facility security manager prepare clear and concise
instructions for handling these situations. Be prepared to follow them.
This Manual is the property of Astrophysics Inc. It contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Astrophysics Inc… The information contained herein is
protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
Chapter Overview
This chapter provides product support, warranty, training, and business contact
information for Astrophysics Inc. This information is intended for the all users of the XIS.
Product Warranty
Per the terms of your sales contract, Astrophysics Inc. warrants the XIS to be free of
defects for the warranty period. Under the parts warranty, Astrophysics Inc. will replace
defective parts that are returned freight prepaid to Astrophysics Inc. within the warranty
period. Astrophysics Inc. shall not be liable for other consequential, economic, or
contingent damages. The parts warranty does not apply to any parts or material that has
been damaged as a result of accident, misuse, neglect, improper installation or operation
in a manner not set forth by this manual.
For further information on the above services please call the Astrophysics Customer
Service Department. See the Astrophysics Business Contact Information section on the
following page for the telephone number.
Note: The Serial Number of the XIS is usually located under the conveyor
bed next to AC power cord connection.
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2. A description of the problem and any error messages that were displayed.
Please note the circumstances that preceded your problem.
• Your Name (or the name of someone who we can call back)
• Your Company’s Name
• Your Telephone number
• Your E-Mail address
• Your (shipping) Address
Astrophysics Inc.
21481 Ferrero Parkway
City of Industry, California 91789-5233
United States
Telephone: (909) 598-5488
Fax: (909) 598-5466
Web Page:
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protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
Chapter Overview
This chapter is an overview of the Astrophysics X-ray Imaging System and its technical
The XIS is a sophisticated computer based dual energy** x-ray imaging system for
screening baggage and cargo.. X-ray imaging allows the internal inspection of enclosed
items without the need for opening the enclosing container. The XIS thus provides fast
unobtrusive inspection of hand carried bags, packages, and other articles.
It is designed to meet the screening needs of airport security checkpoints, court houses,
prisons, corporate mailrooms and other areas requiring controlled access. The XIS
combines simplicity of operation with state of the arts image clarity and resolution.
This manual covers the following Astrophysics X-ray Imaging System models:
• XIS 5335
• XIS 5335-S
• XIS 6545
• XIS 6545-SC
• XIS 7858
• XIS 100X
• XIS 100XD
Each member of this XIS Product Family shares the following attributes:
• A common hardware design with common components,
• A common operating system with common operating features, and
• A common set of operating instructions.
Although the different XIS models vary in x-ray tunnel size (which sets the size of largest
bag or package that the system can inspect) and image resolution, each member of the
above XIS Product Family nevertheless behaves and operates essentially the same. The
discussions and instructions in this manual apply to all members of the above XIS
Product Family except where noted.
** Dual Energy – The XIS measures, and compares the transmission of High Energy
(high frequency) and Low Energy (low frequency) x-rays through
items that are being imaged. From this comparison, the XIS is able to
determine approximate material composition.
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XIS Product Line
This Manual is the property of Astrophysics Inc. It contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Astrophysics Inc… The information contained herein is
protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
XIS 5335 XIS 5335-S XIS 6545 XIS 7858 XIS 100x
(Other languages supported on special request)
Resolution 40 AWG 40 AWG 42 AWG 42 AWG 36 AWG
guaranteed guaranteed guaranteed guaranteed guaranteed
Sensitivity 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm
Steel 10 mm 29 mm 29 mm 29 mm 22 mm
Penetration guaranteed guaranteed guaranteed guaranteed guaranteed
12 mm typical 31 mm typical 31 mm typical 31 mm typical 24 mm typical
4096 gray levels
Contrast with 24 distinct visible levels as measured with step wedge
Image Up to 32x Zoom In Image Magnification
Z-Number On-demand Z-number display
Image Archive Automatic storage and on-demand retrieval of last 20,000+ images
This Manual is the property of Astrophysics Inc. It contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Astrophysics Inc… The information contained herein is
protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
XIS 5335 XIS 5335-S XIS 6545 XIS 7858 XIS 100x
Number 512 High Energy 512 High Energy 640 High Energy 832 High Energy 1152 High
& & & & Energy &
512 Low Energy 512 Low Energy 640 Low Energy 832 Low Energy 1152 Low Energy
Geometry L-Shape array
Dose Per Pass 0.2 mR typical
Film Safety ISO 1600 / 33 DIN (or slower speed) film safe
110 VAC 110-120 VAC 15 Amp (max)
220 VAC 220-240 VAC 10 Amp (max)
Filtering Inline AC Noise Filters
Weight (uncrated) Approx 400 Kg Approx 500 Kg Approx 590 Kg Approx 1250 Kg Approx 1400 Kg
(880 lbs) (1100 lbs) ( 1298 lbs) (2750 lbs) (3090 lbs)
Weight (crated) Approx 525 Kg Approx 553 Kg Approx 761 Kg Approx 1361 Kg Approx 1361 Kg
(1160 lbs) (1220 lbs) (1680 lbs) (3000 lbs) (3000 lb)
Overall Height 123 cm (48.5 in) 123 cm (48.5 in) 131 cm (51.5 in) 145 cm 196 cm (77.2 in)
(57.0 in)
Overall Width 76.2 cm (30.0 in) 76.2 cm (30.0 in) 87.3 cm (34.4 in) 112 cm (44.0 in) 137 cm (54.0 in)
Overall Length 132 cm (52.0 in) 132 cm (52.0 in) 252.7 cm (99.5 in) 284 cm (112 in) 418 cm (163 in)
Height 73.7 cm (29.0 in) 73.7 cm (29.0 in)
73.2 cm (28.8 in) 73.2 cm (28.8 in) 76 cm (29.9 in)
Speed 13.7 m/min (45 ft / min)
Bag Screening Approx 24 20” (0.5m) wide bags per min with a 2” (0.8cm) interbag spacing
Load Capacity 140 kg ( 308 lb) 140 kg ( 308 lb) 140 kg ( 308 lb) 140 kg ( 308 lb) 200 kg ( 441 lb)
Distributed load Distributed load Distributed load Distributed load Distributed load
Std entry bed length 27.9 cm (11.0 in) 27.9 cm (11.0 in) 64.8 cm (25.5 in) 66.0 cm (26.0 in) 100 cm (39.4 in)
Standard exit bed
length 27.9 cm (11.0 in) 27.9 cm (11.0 in) 64.8 cm (25.5 in) 66.0 cm (26.0 in) 100 cm (39.4 in)
Temperature 5o C to 40 o C (32 o F to 104 o F)
Relative Humidity 5% to 85% Non-condensing atmosphere
CPU Intel 2 Core Duo (E6000 Series) or faster
RAM 1GB or greater
Operating System Microsoft Windows XP™ or later release
Video ATI Chipset with 256 Mb Video RAM or greater
LCD Displays One standard (Dual monitors are Dual 43.2 cm (17 In) diagonal, flicker free monitors. Color
optional) 43.2 cm (17 In) diagonal and B/W display with automatic brightness and contrast
flicker free LCD displays. Automatic adjustment
brightness and contrast adjustment
Disk Storage 80 GB or greater capacity
UPS Protection Line Interactive UPS
This Manual is the property of Astrophysics Inc. It contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Astrophysics Inc… The information contained herein is
protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
XIS Accessories and Options
The XIS product line can be customized for specific applications and environments with
the addition of following options and accessories. To order these options, please call the
Astrophysics Sales department. Contact information for the Astrophysics Sales
Department is located in the Astrophysics Business Contact Information Section of this
Entry Roller Extension The Entry Roller Extension Table adjoins the entry end of the XIS. It allows
Table more space for users to prepare items for entry into the x-ray tunnel.
Exit Roller Extension The Exit Roller Extension Table adjoins the exit end of the XIS. It protects
Table items from immediately dropping to the floor when they exit the x-ray tunnel.
Mobility Kit The Mobility Kit replaces the small plastic caster wheels on the frame with
larger rubber wheels. The rubber wheels allow easier movement of the XIS
Foot-Mat Switch The Foot Mat Switch insures that an operator is manning the XIS when
conveyor and x-ray generators are running. Many organizations and
jurisdictions require the usage of an operator presence control device, like
the foot mat switch, when using equipment that produces ionizing radiation.
Constant Voltage The Constant Voltage Stabilizer (CVS) is an external device that protects the
Stabilizer sensitive electronics in the XIS from momentary damaging spikes and sags
in electrical power. The CVS is placed between the incoming wall power
outlet and the XIS system. The CVS plugs into the wall outlet and the XIS
plugs into the CVS.
TIP refers to Threat Insertion Projection. The TIP Software option provides
TIP Software the XIS operator online training and testing in “threat” recognition during
regular screening operation. TIP also enhances operator alertness and
vigilance through constant performance monitoring and reporting.
Computer Based Training The Computer Based Training (CBT) system allows operators to train on the
Software XIS system without the need to run parcels through the XIS. The CBT
emulates the full functionality of the XIS system. The XIS or a standalone
configured PC can be used as training terminal.
Remote Console Table The Remote Console Table (RCT) is a separate table that holds the display
monitor(s), the operator control console, and the key-switch. The RCT allows
users to conveniently and comfortably locate their work station in proximity to
the XIS.
This Manual is the property of Astrophysics Inc. It contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Astrophysics Inc… The information contained herein is
protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
Availability of the various XIS accessories and options.
This Manual is the property of Astrophysics Inc. It contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Astrophysics Inc… The information contained herein is
protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
Chapter Overview
This chapter describes how to use the Astrophysics X-ray Imaging System (XIS). It is
intended for all XIS users.
The XIS has four phases of operation:
(2) Login
• The XIS AC power cord should already be “plugged-in”. If it not plugged in, plug it in
NOTE: The AC power cord is located under the exit end conveyor bed.
• The main AC switch should already be turned to the ON, or up position. If it is not in
ON position, turn it to the ON position now.
NOTE: The main AC switch is located under the exit end conveyor bed.
NOTE: Always leave the main AC switch in the ON position. This allows
the batteries in the internal UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)
to remain fully charged. The UPS battery slowly discharges on
its own if the XIS is not plugged in and turned ON. If the UPS
battery becomes fully discharged, it may require up to eight
hours to fully recharge.
This Manual is the property of Astrophysics Inc. It contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Astrophysics Inc… The information contained herein is
protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
STEP 2 - Turn the key-switch 90 degrees clockwise from the vertical
“OFF” position to the horizontal “ON” position. .
• Leave the key-switch in the “ON” position until you have finished using the
This Manual is the property of Astrophysics Inc. It contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Astrophysics Inc… The information contained herein is
protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
STEP 1 – Using the touchpad, position the cursor over the [Operator]
button and double tap the touchpad.
• The Touchpad allows users to simply glide a finger over the touchpad
surface and gently tap to perform input functions of a regular PC mouse.
• Double tapping (i.e. tapping the touchpad twice) is equivalent to clicking the
left mouse button in the Microsoft ™ Windows operating system.
STEP 3 – Position the cursor over your User Name in the drop down
list and double tap the touchpad.
• In other words, click on your User Name.
• You must select your User Name from the drop down list. You cannot add a
new User Name if it does not appear on the drop down list.
• Contact your supervisor if you need to change or add a new User Name and
Password for yourself.
• All passwords are four characters long. Shorter or longer password entries
are NOT allowed.
• To enter alpha characters, press the [ALPHA] shift button to enter alpha
entry mode. In alpha entry mode, the XIS recognizes the alpha (i.e. upper
shift) characters of each button. Alpha shift characters are labeled on the
operator control panel. The ALPHA status light will be lit when you are in
alpha entry mode.
• Pressing [ALPHA] shift button again will toggle you into numeric entry mode.
The ALPHA status light will be off (unlit) when you are in numeric entry
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• You can also enter your password numbers by positioning the cursor over the
digits on the bottom of the screen and then double tapping the touchpad.
• If a PC keyboard is available, you can also enter your password by typing the
characters in and pressing the [Enter] key. All alpha character entries are
automatically shifted into upper case characters for entry.
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Move the cursor
over the
Operator button
and tap the
Move the cursor
over the User
Name drop
down list button.
and tap the
Move the cursor
over your User
Name and tap
the touchpad.
Enter your
Wait for the
System Ready
Screen to
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Successful x-ray imaging security screening requires:
• knowledge of how to operate the x-ray imaging system and
• knowledge of how to interpret the x-ray images.
This manual provides you with detailed instructions on how to operate the Astrophysics
X-ray Imaging System. However, because the security needs of each user differs, it is
beyond the scope of this manual to provide specific instructions on how to analyze and
interpret x-ray images for every situation. Contact the Astrophysics Sales Department for
further information and referrals on training on x-ray imaging security image analysis.
In X-Ray Screening Mode bags, packages, and other articles are placed on the conveyor
belt and are carried through the inspection tunnel by the conveyor belt. Inside the x-ray
tunnels, items are exposed to penetrating x-rays. The XIS then generates and displays a
scanned “x-ray” image revealing the internal contents of each item.
STEP 1 Press the [LEFT] button to start the conveyor in the left
(forward) direction.
NOTE: Make sure the foot-mat is properly plugged into the XIS and placed near
the operator control console.
Pressing the [LEFT] key, commands the conveyor to move in the left (forward)
direction (moving from entry end to exit end)
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STEP 2 Place the articles that you want inspected on the conveyor
so that they are carried into the x-ray inspection tunnel.
Items carried into the inspection tunnel are automatically x-ray scanned and
imaged. The resulting x-ray image is displayed on the computer monitors.
Scanned bag images remain on the screen (i.e. do not scroll off) until another item is
scrolled on to the screen.
• Do NOT manually (hand) open the x-ray curtains while the conveyor
belt is moving.
• Do NOT place sharp objects on the conveyor that can puncture the
conveyor belt or cut the x-ray curtains.
• Be careful when objects exit the x-ray tunnel. They may drop onto
the floor.
• Although pets are not harmed by the XIS, please be sensitive to the
pet and its owner. The TSA (Transportation Security Administration),
for example, requires metal detector, visual, and physical inspection
of pets. Request that the pet owner remove the pet from its carrier.
Pet carriers should be inspected separately using the XIS.
• Foods and drinks (in closed containers) are not affected by x-rays
from the XIS. They can be safely inspected using the XIS. However,
do NOT allow the entry of open containers of liquid into the x-ray
tunnel. They may spill and damage the electrical components inside
the XIS.
• All developed film and printed pictures are unaffected by x-ray from
the XIS. They can be safely inspected using the XIS.
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Sample Of A Typical X-Ray Image Screen
Image Counter
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Figure 3 - X-ray Imaging Screen
• Logout also prevents unauthorized persons from using the system when it is
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Examining Images With The Operator Console Function Buttons
ZOOM-IN (i.e. Zoom In) Function Operation FOR COLOR & B/W
Use the [ZOOM IN] (i.e. zoom-in) function to magnify and more closely examine
areas of interest on the screen. To use the [ZOOM IN], i.e. ZOOM IN ) function:
• Then (using the touchpad) move the cursor over the area of interest on
the screen.
ZOOM-OUT (i.e. Zoom Out) Function (Button) Operation FOR COLOR & B/W SCREEN
The screen magnification can be reduced by pressing the Zoom Down [ZOOM
OUT] button.
The screen also immediately returns to normal magnification (1x) when the Forward or
Reverse button is pressed.
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Use the display colors on the color screen as guide to identifying materials and hence possible threats. The
XIS materially classifies and colorizes items on the color screen according the following schema:
Foods, paper, most
clothing, and the most
Organic dangerous military
explosives are
Inorganic Aluminum
Inorganic Steel
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Use the ORGANIC image function button to highlight organic material in the image. Pressing
the organic image function button “de-emphasizes” the presence of inorganic items on the
screen. This reduces distracting visual clutter.
NOTE: “Organic” items are of special interest because the most powerful and
dangerous (military) explosives are “organic” compounds.
NOTE: Organic items are also very common. All foods are organic. Most
clothing is organic. Papers and currencies are organic.
Use the INORGANIC image function button to highlight inorganic material in the
image. Pressing the [ INORG] image function button “de-emphasizes” the cluttering
presence of organic items in the screen.
Use the lightness and darkness of the image as a guide for identifying overall object
o Very dense objects are usually the most problematic in terms of security.
For example, guns and knives, are usually made of dense hardened steel.
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• The [LIGHT] and [DARK] buttons allows the screen to lightened five steps or
darkened five steps from the “normal” screen image brightness.
• Very dense objects are normally displayed in black or in very dark gray tones.
• Lightening a dark object may reveal hidden items (behind a dense object) and
critically important details.
• The [LIGHT] and [DARK] controls adjust the image “brightness” of the across the
entire screen. For example, moving the slide left 3 steps darken all objects in 3
“steps” darker.
Use the “B/W” Function button to select the default B/W display mode on the left
Black & White display screen. The B/W functions only affects the image on the Black
& White (i.e. left side) monitor.
• The B/W (Black and White) screen displays the scanned image in gray-tones
based on the density of the scanned item.
o Highly x-ray absorptive dense objects are displayed in dark black
o Lower densities are displayed in lighter tones.
o The lowest density, air, is displayed as white.
o Many users prefer using the B/W screen instead of the other pseudo
colorized screen.
Use the [B/W REVERSE ] button to invert the Black on White image to White on
Black. The [B/W REVERSE] function only affects the image on the Black & White
(i.e. right side monitor) display. Notice how the [B/W REVERSE] functions instantly
inverts the normal contrast perspective. The image may now show critically
important details that may have been previously overlooked.
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ATOM (Atomic Number) Button Function FOR COLOR SCREEN ONLY
Use the ATOM function to check the Z-Number of suspicious objects on the screen.
o Double tap the cursor. An expanding box will appear on the screen.
o Glide your finger (i.e. slide your finger while keeping it in constant
contact with the touchpad) across the touchpad and move the cursor
to expand the box to cover the area of interest.
The XIS only calculates and displays the Z-numbers between 6 and 26.
Material Z-Number
Graphite (C) i.e. carbon 7
Water ( H20 ) 8
(approximate, exact value is
determined by the container)
Aluminum (Al) 13
Steel (iron) 26
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The IMAGE ARCHIVE Button Function
Use the Image Archive feature to review and compare previously scanned images if
necessary. The Image Archive feature provides on-demand retrieval and review of the
last 50,000 previously scanned items on the color screen.
1. Press the [IA] button. The Image Archive Selection Dial menu screen will
now be displayed.
2. Position the cursor on the “selector” dial. Then double tap the touchpad.
NOTE: The Image Selector first points to the very right hand side of the
Dial Screen. This represents the most recently scanned image.
Other older scanned images are represented to the left of this
point on the dial. The earliest image is represented on the very
left most side of the dial
3. Using the touchpad, move the cursor to the left and select a starting point
where you will begin reviewing images.
NOTE: The date and time of each image referenced by the pointer is
displayed on the left bottom side of the screen.
4. Position the cursor to the [FORWARD] button on the screen and double tap
the touchpad to display bag images from oldest to most recent
NOTE: To review bag images that were scanned earlier than the one
currently referenced, move the cursor to the [REVERSE] button
on the screen and double tap the touchpad to display bags from
the most recent to older
5. To return to regular x-ray image scanning, press the Console’s [LEFT] (or
[RIGHT]) button.
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Printing the Current Color Screen Image
• If the conveyor belt is moving, press the [STOP] button to stop the
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Picture Perfect Imaging Mode
“Picture Perfect Imaging” Mode (PPIM) is an enhanced imaging mode that displays organic items
in much greater detail.
Organic items refer to things that are made from “non-metallic” materials. Organic
items encompass a large variety of things including all foodstuff, most clothing fabrics,
leather products, wood products, and all plastics. In contrast, items made of metals,
such as aluminum, steel, tin, copper, etc are classified as “inorganic”. Inorganic items
can also be imaged with PPIM, but they are not rendered in enhanced detail as
organic items are.
The XIS distinguishes between organic and inorganic items by color. The XIS displays
organic items in the hues of orange to reddish brown, while inorganic items displayed
in hues of green to blue. The specific color shade is determined by an item’s density.
Denser items are colored with darker shades. Very dense items (and x-ray opaque
items) are colored black.
• PPIM only displays the image of the LAST bag that was scanned.
• Pressing the [ F2 ] button “toggles” the XIS between “Normal” and PPIM mode.
• You CANNOT screen other bags in PPIM. To resume screening bags, you must first
exit PPIM by pressing [ F2 ].
• You can also exit PPIM and resume normal screening by pressing the following
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3. It displays organic items with enhanced “texture” and detail.
• Note, if there is no organic items in the x-ray image, the Picture Perfect
image of the last bag will appear the same as before without any change.
• If the last bag is exceptionally long, PPIM displays only the last part of the
bag. During imaging long bags are divided into 0.5 meter sections.
Picture Perfect Imaging “Sub-Mode” Displays Displays Displays organic Displays cluttered
thin objects thick objects items with images (with thick
well well enhanced Organic and thin objects)
“texture” and well
Picture Perfect Dual Energy Color
Imaging (PP DE Color) 3 3
Picture Perfect Single Energy Color
Imaging (PP SE Color) 3 3
Picture Perfect Dual Energy
“Organic” Enhanced Imaging 3 3 3
(PP DE Organic)
Picture Perfect Single Energy
“Organic” Enhanced Imaging 3 3 3
(PP SE Organic)
Picture Perfect Black/White Mode (PP The PP B/W mode is automatically displayed on the B/W screen when PPIM
BW) is first started (i.e. pressing [F2] ).
Picture Perfect Reverse Black/White This is the “Reverse video” version of PP B/W mode. (i.e. the image is
Mode displayed as white on a black background)
Picture Perfect Mode enhances BOTH the Color and Black/White Screen
The various PPIM modes can be selected by pressing the [ORG], [COLOR], [B/W], or
[REV B/W] button.
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The diagram below is a “State Diagram” of the various Picture Perfect Imaging Modes of
Display. The text in bracket [ ] indicates the button press necessary to select the specific
PPIM sub-mode.
PP DE COLOR Picture Perfect Dual Energy Color Imaging
PP SE COLOR Picture Perfect Single Energy Color Imaging
PP DE ORGANIC Picture Perfect Dual Energy “Organic” Enhanced Imaging
PP SE ORGANIC Picture Perfect Single Energy “Organic” Enhanced Imaging
PP BW Picture Perfect Black/White Mode Imaging
PP REV BW Picture Perfect Reverse Black/White Mode Imaging
o Pressing [ LOGOUT ] to logout and return to the “Please Log In” Screen.
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The following AOCP function buttons do NOT work with PPIM
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Operator Console Image Adjustment Button Operation When The Conveyor Belt
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Operator Console Image Adjustment Button Operation When The Conveyor Belt Is
(right (black on white)
B/W Display Reverse Video WHITE ON BLACK SCREEN [REV] Left [ NORM]
(right (white on black)
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The images below compare the effect of using the images adjustment “buttons” on the same bag
image. The images were obtained from the (left side) B/W (Black and White) Video Monitor.
B/W Image after the [DARK] contrast B/W Image after [REVERSE B/W] button was
adjustment button was pressed twice. pressed.
(Contrast level was adjusted two step darker) Note the enhanced image clarity.
(Black on White imaging was changed to White on Black)
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B/W Image after [PSEU] button was pressed.
(Contrast was adjusted two step darker)
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The images below compare the effect of using the images adjustment “buttons” on the same bag
image. The images were obtained from the (right side) Color Video Monitor.
Color image after the [INORG] button was Color image after the [LIGHT] button was
pressed. pressed twice.
(Image now emphasizes INORGANIC MATERIAL Detail) (Image now shows greater detail for dense materials.)
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Color Image after the [DARK] contrast adjustment
button was pressed twice.
(Image now shows greater detail for the less dense materials.)
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Screener Assist
Screener Assist is an optional software feature that allows the XIS to highlight areas of special
interests to the user when the XIS is screening items such as luggage bags and parcels. When
the XIS detects a significant mass of organic material that has same Z-number* of military
explosives, it draws a highlighting ellipse around the area to alert the XIS operator. It is important
to note that many common organic items including certain foods, certain jells (i.e. shampoos,
toothpaste, etc), large pieces of plastic, certain batteries (from notebook computers, cameras, etc)
may also have the same Z-number as military explosives. Screener Assist may highlight these
items as well. It is up to the operator to differentiate between these items and real potential
threats by closely examining the screen and taking action when necessary. Action may include
alerting your supervisor, questioning the owner of the bag, re-screening the bag in another
orientation, opening the bag for direct visual examination, etc. Follow the security procedures in
your facility for handling these situations.
Screener Assist is an adjunct for detecting potential threats in the items that you are screening.
Screening Assist does not replace constant vigilance or common sense. Carefully inspect the ALL
x-ray images.
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Chapter Overview
This chapter briefly describes the various components that make up the XIS.
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The mainframe assembly is a rectangular box that houses x-ray inspection tunnel on the
top and the x-ray generator and controlling electronics below. Bag and packages enter
the x-ray tunnel where they are exposed to x-rays and are imaged.. The x-ray tunnel is
lined with lead and lead x-ray fabric “curtains” to prevent the escape of scattered x-rays.
NOTE: If a foot switch mat is present, make sure that it is plugged into the
XIS before use.
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The Advance Operator Control Panel (AOCP) Revision 2 is the latest operator control interface
for the Astrophysics X-ray Imaging System (XIS). The AOCP replaces the PC keyboard and
mouse for communicating with the embedded PC inside the XIS. The AOCP has six main
o A Emergency Stop Button,
o A TIP Threat Alert Button,
o A set of status control lights,
o A Key-switch,
o A set of operator control buttons, and
o A touchpad interface.
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Figure 7 – AOCP Rev 2 - Advance Operator Control Panel – Keyboard Layout
The AOCP Key-Switch is located in the upper right corner of the AOCP. The key-switch is used to
turns the XIS ON and OFF.
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AOCP Emergency Stop Button (ESB) provides for immediate and safe emergency shutdown of
the conveyor belt and x-ray generator. In emergencies, such as an item being wedged in the x-ray
tunnel or being snagged by the conveyor belt, press the ESB down immediately. Pressing the
ESB immediately powers down and halts the conveyor belt and x-ray generator. This brings the
XIS into a safe non-operational “EMEGENCY STOP” state. The XIS remains in this safe state
until the ESB is turned clockwise. This releases the ESB and returns the XIS to normal
The conveyor belt and x-ray generator are also immediately stopped when
o The KEY-SWITCH is turned to the OFF position.
o Or when the is the main breaker switch is turned to the OFF position
o Or when electrical AC power is disconnected from the XIS (i.e. pull out the power
cord plug).
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The AOCP has a set of eight system status lights. They are located at the top of the
panel. The status lights provide “real-time” operational information on the XIS. The function of
each status light is described in the table below.
Status Light Status when status light is lit (On). Status when status light is un-lit (Off).
ALPHA The ALPHABETIC characters are entered when The (Upper Case) function button entries
the buttons are pressed. are entered when the AOCP buttons are
• Pressing the ALPHA button (lower left pressed.
most button) sets the AOCP into • The Upper Case functions are
alphabetic character output mode. The indicated by the black text that
ALPHA output mode is indicated by the highlighted with white background.
upper ALPHA status light.
• Pressing the ALPHA button again returns
the AOCP to “default” numeric/function
L1 The Image Archive system is ON The Image Archive system is OFF
(I.e. IA is recording scanned bag images for (I.e. IA is NOT recording scanned bag
future retrieval.) images.)
L2 No function. No function.
(For future system implementation.) (For future system implementation.)
L3 No function. No function.
(For future system implementation.) (For future system implementation.)
SCREENER No function. No function.
ASSIST (For future system implementation.) (For future system implementation.)
TIP The TIP system is software is enabled (i.e. The TIP system is OFF
turned ON ) (I.e. No TIP images will be projected.)
• When the TIP system is ON, the TIP
system software will periodically blend in
threat images to test the operator.
X-RAY The X-ray generator is ON and producing x- The X-ray generator is OFF and NOT
rays. producing x-rays.
• Do NOT insert any part of the body into the
inspection tunnel when the X-RAY light is
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POWER The AOCP key-switch is turned ON. The XIS is turned OFF.
Most of the AOCP buttons have dual function outputs. The dual function outputs
are labeled on each key. For example, the [3 C] button outputs [3] in normal
(numeric) entry mode and [C] in “ALPHA” entry mode. The ALPHA entry mode is
selected by pressing the [ALPHA] button. The AOCP [ALPHA] status light
becomes lit when the AOCP is in ALPHA entry mode.
The AOCP remains in ALPHA entry mode until the [ALPHA] button is pressed
again, toggling the OCP back into normal entry mode.
On startup, the AOCP defaults to the normal function outputs that are labeled with a white
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[LEFT] Start conveyor moving in the (right-to) left direction.
• Left Tip Arrow Light becomes lit when conveyor is moving in the left direction.
• The LEFT conveyor direction is usually the Forward direction of the machine. Bags traversing the
inspection tunnel in the Forward direction enter from the Entry opening of inspection tunnel and
leave throught the Exit (end) opening.
o The Exit end of the XIS is the one with the power cord and main AC switch located on
the bottom of the XIS (underneath the conveyor bed).
o The Entry end of the XIS is opposite the Exit end.
• When you press the [LEFT] button, Forward is displayed on the bottom of the screen.
• When you press the [LEFT] button, the conveyor will momentarily, “back-belt”, (i.e. the belt will
momentarily move in the reverse (right) direction for 2 seconds to clear items that may be
blocking the x-ray window inside the inspection tunnel) and then the belt will continuously move in
the left direction.
• If you press the [LEFT] button when the conveyor is already moving in the right direction, the
conveyor will first stop and then move in the left direction.
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[0] , [1], …, [9] Enter number (for entering user password in “Please Log In” Screen).
[ENTER] Enter (when selecting username entry at “Please Log In screen”)
[DEL] Erase previous (character) entry (in NUM mode entry.
“Z” entry (in ALPHA mode entry)..
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[PRINT] Print the current screen image to the printer.
The print function only operates when a printer is installed, connected, and powered on.
[DIAG] Display Diagnostic Screen (Optional Feature)
[F1] Enable / Disable Continuous X-ray On (CXO) when conveyor belt is running. CXO allows imaging
of thin items. Exceptionally thin items may go under the x-ray inspection tunnel’s photocells that
trigger the x-rays to turn on. CXO allows imaging of these items. X-rays are ONLY generated
when the conveyor belt is running. Stopping the conveyor STOPS the production of x-rays.
• Pressing [F1] enables CXO imaging.
• Pressing [F1] again, disables (i.e. turns off) the CXO function.
• Note Æ after enabling CXO, you must start the conveyor to begin imaging. .
[F2] Enable / Disable Picture Perfect Imaging
“Picture Perfect “ imaging mode displays enhanced contrast imaging of organic items. To use
Picture Perfect :
• Stop the belt after imaging a bag. (i.e. Press [STOP] button.)
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• Press [F2] to display the same image with enhanced “Picture Perfect” detail.
• Press [F2] to resume normal imaging. (You can also press any other image adjustment
buttons to automaticallyexit “Picture Perfect” imaging mode. )
This key is unsued.
This XIS auto-saves all scanned bag images into the \Program\Files\XrayClient\XrayDoc
This key is unsued.
This XIS auto-saves all scanned bag images into the \Program\Files\XrayClient\XrayDoc
[ENTER] Performs as the [ENTER] key on a regular keyboard.
[LOG OUT] Exit x-ray image scanning screen and go to “Please Log In” screen.
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[ATOM] Calculate and display z-number
• Press the [STOP] button. (The conveyor belt must be stopped before
using the [ATOM] button.)
• Press the [ATOM] button.
• Using the touchpad, position the cursor to the upper left corner of the
area of interest.
• Double tap the touchpad.
• An expanding area selection box will appear on the screen. “Glide”
(slide your finger while keeping in contact with the touchpad) the
cursor to expand the box to cover the area of interest.
• Lift your finger from the touchpad and the Z-Number will be displayed
in the lower right corner of the screen.
[COLOR] Display the default color mode screen on the Color Screen.
• Press the [STOP] button. (The conveyor belt must be stopped before
using the [COLOR] button.)
• Press the [COLOR].
[EDGE TRACE] Edge Sharpen the image (i.e. increase the contrast between boundaries of
light and dark objects
• Press the [STOP] button. (The conveyor belt must be stopped before
using the [EDGE TRACE] button.)
• Press the [EDGE TRACE] to “edge sharpen” the image.
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[HIPEN] Lighten (screen gamma) the screen contrast two “steps”. This allows you to
see through dense (usually inorganic) objects.
• Press the [STOP] button. (The conveyor belt must be stopped before
using the [HIPEN] button.)
• Press the [HIPEN].
[INORG] Adjust the Color Screen to emphasize inorganic materials and de-
emphasize inorganic materials.
• Press the [STOP] button. (The conveyor belt must be stopped before
using the [INORG] button.)
• Press the [INORG].
[LOG OUT] Exit x-ray image scanning screen. Go to “Please Log In” screen.
[ORG] Adjust the Color Screen to emphasize organic materials and de-
emphasize inorganic materials.
• Press the [STOP] button. (The conveyor belt must be stopped before
using the [ORG] button.)
• Press the [ORG].
[REVIEW] Display Image Archive screen.
• Press the [STOP] button. (The conveyor belt must be stopped before
using the [REVIEW] button.)
• Press the [ORG].
[F1] No function. (For future implementation.)
[F2] Picture Perfect Function
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[DARK] Darken (gamma screen contrast of) bag image on scree to show greater detail for less
dense (usually organic) objects.
• The [DARK] button affects the “selected” screen.
• First press either [Screen 1] or [Screen 2] to select screen and then press [DARK]
[LIGHT] Lighten (gamma screen contrast of) bag image on screen to see through dense (usually
inorganic) objects.
• The [LIGHT] button affects the “selected” screen.
• First press either [Screen 1] or [Screen 2] to select screen and then press [LIGHT].
Left side [NORM] Display screen in Normal (1x magnification) zoom mode.
Right side [NORM] Display screen with Normal (default) screen brightness for selected screen
[SCREEN 1] Select B/W Screen (for [Light] and [Dark] screen controls)
[SCREEN 2] Select Color Screen (for [Light] and [Dark] screen controls)
[ZOOM OUT] Select Zoom Down (I.e. Zoom Out) mode.
[ZOOM IN] Select Zoom UP (I.e. Zoom In) mode.
Touchpad The Touchpad replaces the PC mouse.
• Move your fingers on the touchpad to position the cursor.
• Tap twice (quickly) to left click an entry.
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Chapter Overview
This chapter describes how to use the TIP (Threat Insertion Projection) System. It is
intended for all users of the XIS.
NOTE: TIP is an option for the XIS system and does not come with the basic
TIP is an abbreviation for Threat Image Projection. TIP was originally an initiative of the
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) to improve airport security. This initiative has been widely implemented by many of
x-ray imaging system manufacturers including Astrophysics Inc.
The Astrophysics TIP system operates as an adjunct to the regular XIS operating system.
When the Astrophysics TIP system is turned ON, threat images (i.e. discreet pictures of
guns, knives, and bombs) are periodically blended into the scanned images that are
being displayed on the video screen. The operator usually has no awareness of whether
the TIP projections are real or not. The operator is tested on whether he can rapidly
recognize and acknowledge the presence of the fictitious threat projections. If the
operator correctly acknowledges the TIP threat, he is immediately congratulated by a
“HIT” screen messages. If he fails, the TIP system highlights the presence of the TIP
projection on the screen and warns the operator with a “MISS” message. The TIP system
scores all of the test results and summarizes the performance of each operator. The
results are then reported to security supervisor and to the TSA/FAA. The typical security
screener rarely sees images of actual threats. The TIP system allows the operator to be
regularly exposed to a variety of different threats. The operator thus receives on the job
training with continuous performance monitoring. Another benefit of the TIP system is
that operators are continuously prodded be alert and vigilant when they are screening
bag images.
The TIP system blends in x-ray images of these items in various profiles. Some images
are easily recognized because they are presented in their most familiar characteristic
profile. Other images are less distinctive. For example, the x-ray image of a knife blade
taken from along thin blade edge is often difficult to discern and recognize.
Threat recognition is further complicated by the presence visual clutter of other innocuous
items in the enclosing bag.
• Use the [INORG] image adjustment button to de-emphasize the
presence of organic clutter, which is typically clothing, foods, and
• Use the [LIGHT] contrast adjustment button to “lighten” the image so
you can see behind dense objects.
• Use the [ORG] image to de-emphasize inorganic clutter, such as
electronics in the enclosing bag.
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Proficiency at threat recognition takes experience and practice.
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The Astrophysics XIS displays the status of its TIP system on the bottom right side of its
scanning screen.
• The TIP system will only project images when the TIP system is turned ON.
• When the TIP system is turned ON, a message “TIP ON” will be displayed. When
the TIP system is turned OFF, the message “TIP OFF” will be displayed.
• The TIP system is turned on and off by the supervisor and is not controlled by
regular operators. See your supervisor if TIP needs to be turned ON or OFF.
When a TIP “threat” image is being projected, a small picture of a threatening article on is
electronically blended into the current bag image as it is scrolled onto the screen.
The TIP projection schedule is partially randomized to prevent operators from guessing
when the next TIP projection will occur.
Press the [STOP] button to clear the congratulatory message from the screen.
• The TIP Projection image will be erased when the congratulatory
message is cleared from the screen.
• The TIP system will positively record your successful TIP threat
• The original scanned image without the TIP projection will then be
redisplayed on the screen.
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If bag still appears to have a real threat inside, follow your facility’s security
procedures for handling this situation.
If the TIP system indicates that you are NOT being tested, then Æ
If the bag appears to have a real threat inside, follow your facility’s security
procedures for handling this situation.
If you determine on further examination that there is NO real threat inside the
bag, then:
• Press the [STOP] button to clear the “False Alarm” message from the
After you login, check the TIP status. If the system indicates that TIP is turned ON, be
alert for possibly frequent TIP tests.
• It is important to remember that potential threats the screen can either be a real
or fictitious TIP. Act accordingly.
• If the image of the potential threat is a fictitious TIP, pressing the [STOP]
button will give you an extra 30 seconds to respond. Otherwise you will
have less than 3 seconds left to respond and press the [SUSPECT]
button. Repeatedly pressing the [STOP] button will not give you more
will need to quickly decide if the threat in the bag image “looks” real. Use
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the image adjustment buttons on the control keypad to carefully inspect
the bag image.
If you miss a TIP test, study the highlighted missed threat image. Learn from it.
The TIP system includes x-ray images of these items in various profiles. Some
mages are easily recognized because they display the item’s most characteristic
profile. Other images are less distinctive. For example, the x-ray image of a knife
blade taken along a thin blade edge is often difficult to recognize.
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The pictures below show the TIP System in action.
The picture directly below is an example of a typical TIP “Hit” Screen. A “HIT” occurs
when the operator correctly identifies and acknowledges the presence of TIP test image
on the screen within the allotted response time. The TIP is acknowledged by pressing the
[SUSPECT] key.
Note the presence of the IED (Improvised Explosive Device) TIP Threat.
In this case, after the TIP appeared in bag image, the operator correctly pressed the
[SUSPECT] button within the 3 seconds allotted response time.
You have CORRECTLY identified a fictional threat. Check the bag to make sure
that there are NO REAL threats. Press STOP Key to continue!
The whole message is important. It’s important to check the bag again to insure that
there are no real threats inside the bag. An actual real threat could have been
coincidentally hidden in the bag. In this case, there actually is another REAL THREAT in
the bag!
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The picture below is an example of a typical TIP “Miss” Screen.
Note the presence of the IED (Improvised Explosive Device) TIP Threat.
After the projection appeared the projection appeared, the operator did not press the
[SUSPECT] button and the TIP “timed-out”. A “Miss” was then reported.
You did NOT identify a fictional threat. Check the bag to make sure there are NO
REAL threats. Press STOP key to continue.
The whole message is important. It’s important to check the bag again to insure that
there are no real threats inside the bag. An actual real threat could have been
coincidentally hidden in the bag. In this case, there actually is another REAL THREAT in
the bag!
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The picture below is an example of a typical TIP “FALSE ALARM” Screen.
During regular screening operations, the operator pressed the [SUSPECT] button when
NO TIP was being displayed. A “False Alarm” warning was then immediately displayed.
False Alarm
A Fictional threat was canceled. Check the bag to make sure there are NO REAL
threats. Press FORWARD key to continue!
False Alarms messages are also very important. They indicate that you are not being
tested by the TIP System and that the threat that you have found on the screen may
actually be real.
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Chapter Overview
This chapter describes how to use the CBT (Computer Based Training) System. It is
intended for all users of the XIS.
CBT is an abbreviation for Computer Based Training. The Astrophysics CBT system
emulates the screening operation of the XIS system without the need to run bags through
x-ray tunnel. This allows the user to focus on learning to use the XIS without the
distractions inherent in running the XIS at an actual security checkpoint. CBT users, for
example, can concentrate on learning to use the XIS controls buttons without the worry of
missing real threats. CBT users can also set their own training schedule and learning
• When the CBT is turned ON, the XIS CANNOT be used for regular x-ray
screening because normal conveyor belt operation is disabled. \
STEP 2- Login as usual. The regular login procedures are described
in Chapter 3.
• Select your user name entry from the drop down.
• The bags will continuously scroll across the screen until the [STOP] button is
STEP 4 - CBT training is concluded when the users logs out. Press
the [EXIT] button to logout.
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• When TIP is turned ON, the CBT does NOT accumulate any statistics on
STEP 4 - Have your supervisor turn the CBT option OFF, when you
are ready to use the XIS for real screening operations, .
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Chapter Overview
This chapter is intended for Supervisory XIS users. It describes work instructions for
operations and task normally assigned to Supervisors.
XIS Supervisor
2. To enable or disable usage of the various XIS software options including: IA, CBT,
and TIP options.
4. To train their users on how to properly perform their security screening task with
the XIS. This task requires training users on threat identification and threat
handling procedures. This training instruction is beyond the scope of this manual.
Follow the procedures below for adding, editing, and deleting User logins.
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4. Enter the Administrator Password.
To ADD A User
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• Date of Birth (Optional information field)
• Gender (Optional information field)
• Phone Number (Optional information field)r
• Address (Optional information field)
• Social Security (Number) (Optional information field)
• Select Operator or Administrator (REQUIRED ENTRY FIELD)
• Confirm Password (REQUIRED ENTRY FIELD)
Each user must have a unique User Name field entry.
Carefully select whether the user is an Operator or Administrator.
4. When you are satisfied with your entries, click on [Save] button.
5. You will next return to the User Manager screen.
To Delete a User
1. From the User Menu screen, click on the User Name (from User Name List) that
you want to delete.
2. Click on the [Delete] button.
3. When the prompt “Are You Sure …” appears, click the [Yes] button.
4. You will next return to the User Manager screen.
1. From the User Menu screen, on the User Name (from User Name List) that you
want to delete.
2. Click on the [Edit] button.
3. Wait for the Edit Users Screen to appear
4. Edit the user’s profile.
5. Click on [Save] when you are finished.
6. You will next return to the User Manager screen.
To return to the Please Log In screen, click on the [EXIT] button.
1. You will next return to the Please Log In screen.
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4. At the User Manager screen, click on the bottom [Menu] button.
To Turn Tip On
o Check the Threat Project status
o If the TIP [Threat Project Disable] button is present, click on it to
change it to [Threat Project Enable]
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o Check the Threat Project status
o If the [IA Enable] button is present, click on it to change it to IA Disable
6. To save your changes and return to the User Manager screen, click on the
bottom [Save] button.
7. To the return to Please Log In screen, click on the bottom [Exit] button.
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1. At the Please Log In screen, click on the top [Supervisor ] button.
2. Click on the User Name Administrator
3. Enter the Administrator password.
4. Wait the User Manager screen to appear
The Report Generation screen itemizes the total daily login time by operator user name
for the current reporting week. ```````
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The XIS System Information Screen
4. To return to the Please Log In screen, click on the bottom [Exit] button.
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1. At the PLEASE LOG IN screen, click on the top ADMINSTRATOR label.
6. At the Report Generation screen, click on the upper right [Tip Report] Button.
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o The TIP Generation screen itemizes the total daily number of TIP Hits,
Misses, & False Alarms by number and percent for each operator user name
in the current week reporting period.
5. To the return to Please Log In screen, click on the bottom [EXIT] button.
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This chapter is discusses the XIS Model 100XDV, dual view x-ray imaging system.
If have a Dual View system, please read this chapter carefully.
The 100XDV Dual View is an enhanced x-ray imaging system that has two x-ray generators
instead of the usual one.
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Figure. A cross-section view of the Dual View X-ray Imaging System.
Bags and other items entering the Dual-View are scanned and imaged by both x-ray generators.
Both x-ray generator views are simultaneously displayed on separate monitors. The two views
complement each other. Together they provide a comprehensive internal image of the item being
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(Other languages supported on special request)
Wire Resolution 36 AWG guaranteed
Spatial Sensitivity 1 mm
Steel Penetration 22 mm guaranteed
24 mm typical
4096 gray levels
Contrast with 24 distinct visible levels as measured with step wedge
Image Display Three LCD Monitor Displays:
• Left and Center LCD displays Up-Shooter View
• Right LCD display shows Side-Shooter View
Image Magnification Up to 32x Zoom In Image Magnification
Color / B/W Imaging (Optional Dual Monitor) Selectable Color & B/W Imaging on-demand
Contrast Adjustments Simple 11 Step Density Imaging Adjustment
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Number Up-Shooter Detector set - 1152 High Energy & 1152 Low Energy
Side-Shooter Detector set - 1152 High Energy & 1152 Low Energy
Geometry Up-Shooter x-ray generator – oriented vertically up
Side-shooter x-ray generator – oriented horizontally
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The Dual View system has three separate display monitors. The left-side and middle monitors
displays the images from the “up-shooter” x-ray generator. The rightmost monitor displays
images from the side-shooter x-ray generator.
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• The up-shooter’s color view • The up-shooter’s B/W view is a The right side display initially defaults
is colorized according to “basic” x-ray image that is displayed to displaying the side-shooter’s
calculated material Z-number in gray-scale tones. The gray scale “Color” view. The right side display
and organic / inorganic tones are determined from the can also show the side-shooter’s BW
material classification. transmissive x-ray signal intensity. x-ray view.
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Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
Both views of the Dual View are controlled by the same operator control panel, the XIS AOCP
(Advance Operator Control Panel) Revision 2.
The control panel interoperates with all three display monitor. For example, pressing [LIGHT] (i.e.
the LIGHT button), causes the image on all three monitors to lighten.
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Control Up-shooter View Up-shooter View Side-shooter COMMENTS
Button (Left and Middle Middle Screen View
Screen Display) Display (Right Screen
[STOP] Displays normally. Displays normally. Displays normally. • The [STOP] button
stops the conveyor
Stop “Forward” and “Reverse” “Forward” and “Reverse” “Forward” and belt.
conveyor. messages, which indicate messages, which indicate “Reverse” messages,
that the conveyor is that the conveyor is which indicate that
moving, are cleared from moving, are cleared from the conveyor is
the screen to indicate that the screen to indicate that moving, are cleared
the conveyor has the conveyor has from the screen to
stopped. stopped. indicate that the
conveyor has
[RIGHT] Displays normally. Displays normally. Displays normally. • The [RIGHT] buttons
. . . starts the conveyor
Start • The message, • The message, • The message, moving from left to
conveyor in “Reverse”, is “Reverse”, is “Reverse”, is right.
right displayed on bottom displayed on bottom displayed on • The control panel is
direction. center of screen. center of screen. bottom center of usually oriented with
screen. the inspection tunnel
entry opening on right
and the exit opening
on the left.
• Hence, the Left
direction corresponds
to the Reverse
• If the conveyor belt is
already moving in the
left (Forward)
direction, the conveyor
belt will momentarily
stop and then proceed
in the right (Reverse)
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Most of the AOCP control buttons on the Dual View operates the same as on the regular XIS
“Single View” Systems. For example, pressing the [ORG] button operates the same on both
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Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
The startup procedure for the Dual View is essentially the same as in the other XIS models.
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Below are some general guidelines on what can be x-rayed with your XIS. See your facility’s
security manager for specific guidelines.
1. Water in a leak • Water is unaffected by x-rays.
proof container • Water (in a container) can be safely inspected with the XIS and is
safe to drink afterwards.
2. • Do NOT allow the entry of open containers of liquids into the x-ray
Open liquid tunnel.
container • They may spill and damage the electrical components inside the XIS.
3. • Foods are unaffected by x-rays from the XIS.
Foods • Foods can be safely inspected with the XIS and are safe to consume
• X-rays from the XIS do NOT cook or sterilize the food.
4. Cosmetics • Cosmetics are unaffected by x-rays from the XIS.
• Cosmetics can be safely inspected with the XIS and are safe to use
5. Electronics • Electronics are unaffected by x-rays from the XIS.
including • They can be safely inspected with the XIS.
calculators, cell
PDAs and IPods
6. • X-rays ONLY affects undeveloped film.
Camera Film • Developed film and printed pictures are unaffected by x-rays.
• Avoid x-raying undeveloped x-ray radiography film, scientific film, and
special high speed films.
• Most consumer photography film is low speed (i.e. between 25 to
1600 ISO) and is unaffected by x-rays.
7. Flowers and plants • Flowers and plants are unaffected by x-rays from the XIS.
• They can be safely inspected with the XIS.
8. • Please be sensitive to the pet and its owner.
Pets • The TSA recommends that you use a metal detector and visually and
physically inspect the pet.
• Have the owner remove his pet from its carrier and separately
inspect the carrier with the XIS.
9. • Be careful!
Sharp objects • Very sharp objects can cut the conveyor belt and the x-ray curtains.
10. • The vast majority of inanimate objects are unaffected by x-rays and
Bags, packages, can be safely inspected with XIS.
and other articles. • See your facility’s security manager for specific guidelines.
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TO LOGIN 1. At the Please Log In screen, move the cursor over the Operator icon and
double tap the touchpad.
2. Move the cursor to the down arrow [ À ] which is located on the right side of
the User Name entry box. Tap the touchpad to pull down the User-Name list.
3. Move the cursor over your User Name and double tap on the touchpad.
4. Enter your numeric password.
5. Wait for System Ready screen to appear..
TO TURN OFF 1. Turn the key-switch (90o counter clockwise) to the OFF (vertical) position.
SYSTEM 2. Wait for the PC monitor screen to turn off.
3. Remove the key from key-switch and safely store the key.
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[ATOM] Atomic Number Display Atomic (Z) number
[EXIT] Exit Exit and return to the “Please Log In” screen.
[IA] Image Archive Display Image Archive Menu
[LEFT] Forward Conveyor Run conveyor in the left direction.
[RIGHT] Reverse Conveyor Run conveyor in the right direction.
[STOP] Stop Stop conveyor.
[B/W] Black & White B/W Screen Display the default normal B/W (black on white) video on the
(Black on White) (Right Monitor) B/W Screen.
[COLOR] Color Color Screen Display the default color screen on the B/W Screen.
(Left Monitor)
[DARK] Darken Color Screen Darken (lower) the contrast on the screen.
Contrast or B/W Screen
[INORG] Inorganic Color Screen Adjust the Color screen (the monitor on the right) by
(Left Monitor)) “subtracting” out organic items from the display
[LIGHT] Lighten Color Screen Lighten the contrast on the screen
Contrast or B/W Screen
[NORM] Normal Color Screen Resume normal contrast on the screen
Contrast or B/W Screen
[ORG] Organic Color Screen Adjust the Color screen by “subtracting” out the inorganic
(Left Monitor) items from the display
[PSEU] Pseudo Color B/W screen Display the B/W image in colors. The coloration is based
( White on Black) (Right Monitor) strictly on screen brightness, not on Z-number.
[B/W Reverse B/W screen “Invert” B/W screen display (to white on black). White is
REVERSE] ( White on Black) (Right Monitor) displayed as black and vice versa. Intermediate gray scales
are similarly inverted
[F1] Continuous X-ray Color Screen Enable / Disable Continuous X-ray On (CXO) when
ON & B/W Screen conveyor belt is running. CXO allows imaging of thin items.
Exceptionally thin items may go under the x-ray inspection
tunnel’s photocells that trigger the x-rays to turn on. CXO
allows imaging of these items. X-rays are ONLY generated
when the conveyor belt is running. Stopping the conveyor
STOPS the production of x-rays.
• Pressing [F1] enables CXO imaging.
• Pressing [F1] again, disables (i.e. turns off) the CXO
• Note Æ after enabling CXO, you must start the
conveyor to begin imaging. .
[F2] Picture Perfect Color Screen Enable / Disable Picture Perfect Imaging
Imaging & B/W Screen “Picture Perfect “ imaging mode displays enhanced contrast
imaging of organic items. To use Picture Perfect :
• Stop the belt after imaging a bag. (i.e. Press [STOP]
• Press [F2] to display the same image with enhanced
“Picture Perfect” detail.
• Press [F2] to resume normal imaging. (You can also
press any other image adjustment buttons to
XIS Users Manual Rev.A Rel 2007.10 Page 99 of 113
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automatically exit “Picture Perfect” imaging mode. )
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F1 [RIGHT] REVERSE Run conveyor belt in right direction
[B/W] Toggle Black & Adjust B/W screen. Toggle Black & White Screen (left side
White Screen
F4 [REV] monitor) from (1) normal B/W mode to (2) REVERSE VIDEO
Display Mode
[PSEU] and then to (3) PSEUDO COLOR mode.
[COLOR] Toggle Color Adjust Color screen. Toggle Color Screen from (1) (Normal)
Screen Display
F5 [INORG] COLOR To (2) ORGANIC display mode and then to (3)
[ORG] INORGANIC display mode.
F6 [DARK] DARKEN Adjust screen contrast to darken the image.
on both Color and B/W monitor screens.
F7 [LIGHT] LIGHTEN Adjust screen contrast to lighten the image
on both Color and B/W monitor screens.
This Manual is the property of Astrophysics Inc. It contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Astrophysics Inc… The information contained herein is
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Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
ASTM -American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). ASTM International, is an
organization focused on the development of technical standards for materials, products, systems,
and services.
DAS – Data Acquisition System. DAS is a PCI board that converts analog data
from the x-ray detectors into digital imaging data.
FAA – Federal Aviation Administration. The FAA was created by the Federal Aviation Safety Act
of 1958. The FAA is responsible for regulating civil aviation in the United States.
KV – Kilovolts
mA - milliampere
Roentgen – A unit of dose equivalence used to measure human radiation exposure, which
considers the biological effects of different types of radiations. Roentgen exposure is calculated
by absorbed dose in RADs multiplied by the quality factor.
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protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
The XKEYPAD is an early version of the XIS Operator Control Panel. It is shown below to assist
users of legacy XIS systems.
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protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
The section below describes the Advance Operator Control Panel (AOCP) . AOCP Revision 1 is
an earlier version of the current release AOCP Revision 2. Information on AOCP Rev 1 is
provided for “legacy” users of this control panel.
The AOCP Revision 1 replaces the PC keyboard and mouse for communicating with the
embedded PC inside the XIS. The AOCP has six main components:
o A Emergency Stop Button,
o A TIP Threat Alert Button,
o A set of status control lights,
o A Key-switch,
o A set of operator control buttons, and
o A touchpad interface.
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Appendix E - AOCP Revision 1.0 (continued)
The AOCP Emergency Stop Button (ESB) is for use in x-ray generator, rendering the XIS
into an absolutely safe state. The ESB stays activated case of emergencies. Pressing the ESB
immediately powers down and stops the conveyor belt and until the operator clears and releases
the ESB by turning it clockwise. The XIS will automatically re-start if the XIS is (1) powered up, (2)
the main breaker switch is turned ON, and (3) the key-switch is turned to the ON position.
The AOCP has a set of status control lights, located at the top of the panel. The status
provides real-time status information to the user.
Status Light Status when status light is lit (On). Status when status light is un-lit (Off).
TIP The TIP system is ON The TIP system is OFF
(I.e. TIP will periodically blend in threat (I.e. No TIP images will be projected.)
images to test the operator.)
Auto-Detect No function. No function.
(For future system implementation.) (For future system implementation.)
IA The Image Archive system is ON The Image Archive system is OFF
(I.e. IA is recording scanned bag images for (I.e. IA is NOT recording scanned bag
future retrieval.) images.)
Service The XIS has detected an internal problem The XIS has NOT detected an internal
and is prompting the user to contact the problem.
X-ray The X-ray generator is ON and producing x- The X-ray generator is OFF and NOT
rays. producing x-rays.
Power The XIS is powered up and turned ON. The XIS is turned OFF.
This Manual is the property of Astrophysics Inc. It contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Astrophysics Inc… The information contained herein is
protected by U.S. and international copyrights and patents. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission of
Astrophysics Inc. is prohibited.
To Turn XIS to ON
[LEFT] Starts conveyor moving in the (right-to-) left direction.
[0] , [1], …, [9] Enter number (for entering user password in “Please Log In” Screen).
[ENTER] Enter (when selecting username entry at “Please Log In screen”)
[CLEAR] Backspace (Backspace cursor when entering password in “Please Log In
[ACCEPT] No function. (For future implementation.)
[EXIT] Exit x-ray image scanning screen and go to “Please Log In” screen.
[IA] Display Image Archiving Menu Screen
[MENU] Displays Maintenance Menu Screen
[PRINT SCREEN] Print current screen image.
[REJECT] No function. (For future implementation.)
[SAVE SCREEN] Save current screen bag images to C:\Program\Files\XrayClient\XrayDoc
[SEND] No function. (For future implementation.)
[ATOM] Calculate and display z-number
[COLOR] Display the default color mode screen on the Color Screen.
[EDGE TRACE] No function. (For future implementation.)
[HIPEN] No function. (For future implementation.)
[INORG] Adjust the Color Screen to emphasize inorganic materials and de-
emphasize inorganic materials.
[LOG OUT] Exit x-ray image scanning screen. Go to “Please Log In” screen.
[ORG] Adjust the Color Screen to emphasize organic materials and de-
emphasize inorganic materials.
[UD1] No function.
[UD2] No function.
[DARK] Darken bag image on screen.
Affects “selected” screen. First press either [Screen 1] or [Screen 2] to select screen
and then press [DARK]
[LIGHT] Lighten bag image on screen.
Affects “selected” screen. First press either [Screen 1] or [Screen 2] to select screen
and then press [LIGHT].
Left side [NORM] Display screen in Normal (1x magnification) zoom mode.
Right side [NORM] Display screen with Normal (default) screen brightness for selected screen
[SCREEN 1] Select B/W Screen (for [Light] and [Dark] screen controls)
[SCREEN 2] Select Color Screen (for [Light] and [Dark] screen controls)
[ZOOM DOWN] Select Zoom Down (I.e. Zoom Out) mode.
[ZOOM UP] Select Zoom UP (I.e. Zoom In) mode.
Touchpad The Touchpad replaces the PC mouse.
• Move your fingers on the touchpad to position the cursor.
• Tap twice (quickly) to left click an entry.
Advance Operator Control Panel (AOCP), 55 Mobility Kit, 19, 21
Advance Operator Control Panel (AOCP) Revision 1.,
ASTM, 107
Astrophysics Business Contact Information, 9, 12, Operator Training Courses, 11
19 ORG image adjustment function button, 34
Organic, 16, 34, 46, 92, 104
CBT, 19, 78, 79
Constant Voltage Stabilizer, 19 PDA, 107
curtains, 6, 28, 54 Picture Perfect, 39, 40, 42, 65, 68, 104
PLC, 107
D Power-ON LED, 6
Programmable Logic Controller, 107
DAS, 107 Pseudo, 46, 104
dual energy**, 13
Remote Console Table, 19
Emergency Stop, 6 REV image adjustment button, 35
Entry Roller Extension Table, 19
Exit Roller Extension Table, 19
F Technical Support, 11
TIP, 19, 21, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 107
FAA, 70, 107 Title 14 Parts 108.17, 10
Foods - x-raying foods, 28 Title 14. Parts 129.26, 10
foot-mat switch, 7, 27, 54 Title 21 Parts 1020.40, 10
Foot-Mat Switch, 19 TSA, 28, 70, 107
Image Archive, 37, 104 UPS, 17, 22, 93, 107
Inorganic, 16, 34, 46, 92, 104
Interlock switches, 6
Ionizing radiation, 107
warranty, 11
key-switch, 7, 9, 19, 22, 23, 103
X-ray ON LED, 6
L x-ray tunnel, 2, 6, 9, 13, 19, 28, 54, 78, 102, 103