CPL Composite
CPL Composite
CPL Composite
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
and baggage: baggage must be included children it they occupy a seat infants being carried by an
Holiday Charter masses
apply to Table 1 and Table 3
When computing the mass of passengers Holiday flights and holiday Standard masses of male and if the charter is solely
and baggage for an aircraft with 20 seats charters attract the same mass female in Table 1 are intended as an element of a
21. or more: values. applicable. holiday travel package All the above
Table 2 masses vary with
If hand baggage is accounted both the gender (male or
When computing the mass of passengers for separately, 6 kg may be female) of the seat
and baggage for an aircraft with 19 seats The standard masses in Table deducted from the mass of occupant and the number
22. or less: 2 apply each male and female. of seats on the aircraft. All the above
When computing the mass of checked
baggage for an aircraft with twenty seats Mass is categorised by Mass is categorised by
23. or more: Mass is categorised by gender departure destination. None
On any flight identified as carrying a must determine the actual
significant number of passengers whose masses of such passengers need only determine the
masses, including hand baggage, are must add an adequate mass or add an adequate actual masses or apply an
expected to exceed the standard must determine the actual increment to each of such increment to each of such increment if the Take-off
24. passenger mass the operator: mass of such passengers passengers passengers. mass is likely to be exceede
If standard mass tables are being used for
checked baggage and a number of must determine the actual Must determine the actual
passengers check in baggage that is mass of such baggage by need may no alterations if mass of such baggage by
expected to exceed the standard baggage determine the actual masses weighing or by deducting an the Take-off mass is not weighing or adding an
25. mass, the operator: of such baggage adequate mass increment. likely to be exceeded. adequate mass increment
must include the name of
the person preparing the
document and must be
must enable the commander signed by the person
must be established prior to to determine that the load supervising the loading to
each flight and must include and its distribution is such the effect that the load and
the aircraft commanders that the mass and balance its distribution is in
signature to signify acceptance limits of the aircraft are not accordance with the data
26. Mass and balance documentation: of the document. exceeded. on the document. All the above
Once the mass and balance documented last minute acceptable last minute
documentation has been signed prior to no load alterations are changes to the load may be the documentation is not changes to the load must be
27. flight: allowed. incorporated. signed prior to flight. documented.
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
refer to CAP 696 (SEP 1) How far is the 0.7 inches behind the rear 0.7 inches forward of the rear 6.6 inches forward of the 9.3 inches aft of the rear
50. main wheel from the aft CG limit? datum datum rear datum datum
refer to CAP 696 (SEP 1) How fair is the
51. ifrewall from the fuel tank centroid? 36 inches 37 inches 38 inches 39 inches
refer to CAP 696 (SEP 1) If the total
moment is less than the minimum useful load items must be useful load items must be forward load items must be aft load items must be
52. moment allowed: shifted aft shifted forward increased reduced
refer to CAP 696 (SEP 1) The CG is on the at a mass of 2500 lb and at a moment of 175,000 lb in at a moment of 192,000 lb
53. lower of the fwd CG limits: moment of 185000 lb in and a mass of 2350 lb in and a mass of 2600 lb all the above
refer to CAP 696 (MEP 1) What
performance class does the aircraft belong
54. to? Performance class `A' Performance class `B' Performance class `C' Performance class `D'
78.4 inches forward of the
wing leading edge at the
refer to CAP 696 (MEP 1) Where is the inboard edge of the inboard 25.3 inches forward of the 109.8 inches forward of the
55. reference datum? fuel tank nose wheel main wheel all the above
19 inches forward of the fwd 27.8 inches behind the fwd 15.2 inches forward of the
refer to CAP 696 (MEP 1) The main wheel CG limit at the maximum take- CG limit at a take-off mass of rear CG limit at the
56. is off mass 3400 lbs maximum take-off mass all the above
56.7 inches forward of the fwd 65.5 inches forward of the 69.3 inches aft of the rear
refer to CAP 696 (MEP 1) The nose wheel CG limit at maximum take-off fwd CG limit at maximum CG limit at maximum take-
57. is mass take-off mass off mass all the above
refer to CAP 696 (MEP 1) What is the
minimum fuel mass that must be
consumed if the aircraft, having become
airborne at maximum weight, decides to
58. abort the flight. 1260 lb 280 lb 237 lb 202 lb
refer to CAP 696 (MEP 1) If the pilot has a
mass of 200 lb, what is the maximum
59. traffic load? 1060 lb 1600 lb 1006 lb 6001 lb
refer to CAP 696 (MEP 1) Assuming the
maximum zero fuel mass and maximum
take-off mass, what fuel load can be
60. carried? 38.9 Imperial gallons 46.6 US gallons 176.8 litres any one of the above
refer to CAP 696 (MEP 1) A box of mass all zones, both the mass and no zones, both the mass
100 lb is to be transportedThe box structural loading are within and structural loading no zones, the structural
61. dimensions are 9 x 9 x 12 inchesWhich limits zones 2 and 3 only would be exceeded. loading would be exceede
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
Main =5550 N Right Main = 5610 N inches forward of datum inches aft of the nose inches aft of datum 89.6 inches aft of the nose
Calculate the Basic Empty mass and CG
position for the MEP 1 shown above.
A twin engine aeroplane is certified for a
MTOM and a MLM of 58000 kg and 55000
kg respectfullyWhat is the limiting take-off
mass for the aeroplane? PLTOM 61000 kg
PLLM 54000 KG MZFM 36000 kg
Operating mass 55000 kg Trip fuel 30000
kg Contingency fuel 5% of trip fuel
Alternative fuel 500 kg Final reserve 500
kg Flight duration 3 hours Fuel
consumption 500 kg per hour per engine
83. Useful load 41500 kg 58000 kg 61000 kg 56145 kg 56545 kg
367.9 inches from the nose
With reference to CAP 696 figure 4.9, the half way between stations 228 314.5 inches forward of the 367.9 inches from the of the aeroplane. Refer to
84. centroid of the forward hold is and station 500 aft cargo bay centroid datum CAP 696
fixed by the physical size of variable and depends on
The maximum aircraft mass excluding all fixed and listed in the aircraft's variable and is set by the the fuselage and cargo the actual fuel load for the
85. usable fuel is: Operations Manual payload for the trip. holds. trip.
Just prior to take-off, a baggage handler
put an extra box of significant mass into
the hold without recording it in the
LMC'sWhat are the effects of this action? Stick forces at VR will increase
The aeroplane has a normal, tricycle if the box is forward of the The safe stopping distance
86. undercarriage. main wheels VMU will occur later will increase all the above
What is the maximum acceptable take-off
mass, given: MTOM 43,000 kg MLM
35,000 kg PLLM 33,000 kg MZFM 31,000
kg DOM 19,000 kg Total Fuel capacity
12,500 kg Maximum Trip Fuel 9,000 kg
Contingency fuel 1000 kg Alternate fuel
87. 500 kg Final reserve fuel 400 kg 43,000 kg 42,000 kg 41,000 kg 40,000 kg
What is the maximum mass an aeroplane
can be loaded to before it moves under its Maximum Structural Ramp Maximum Structural take-off Maximum Regulated Ramp Maximum Regulated Take-
88. own power? mass mass Mass off mass
The weight of an aircraft in all flight at right angles to the
89. conditions acts: parallel to the CG aeroplane's flight path always through the MAC vertically downwards
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
You have been given 16500 litres of fuel at heavier stick forces at rotation heavier stick forces on lighter stick forces on lighter stick forces on
SG 0.78 but written down is 16500 kgAs a and improved climb rotation and distance to take- rotation and calculated V1 rotation and V2 will be too
99. result you will experience performance. off increases. will be too high. low.
The weight of an aircraft fully equiped for
a particular flight excluding all payload is
100. called Operational weight Basic weight Operational empty weight Takeoff weight
Weight weight within its
Purpose of the weight and balance is to Center of graity within its maximum permissible empty Weight within its maximum
101. ensure limits weight permissible basic weight All above are correct
102. The distance from the datum to the CG is: the index the moment the balance arm the station
when the effects of with the hangar doors
Individual aircraft should be weighed in an on entry into service and modifications or repairs are closed and the air
103. air conditioned hangar subsequently every 4 years not known conditioning off. all the above.
If a compartment takes a maximum load
of 500 kg, with a running load limit of 350
kg/m and a distribution load limit of 300
kg/m2 maxWhich of the following boxes,
104. each of 500 kg, can be carried? 100 cm x 110 cm x 145 cm 125 cm x 135 cm x 142 cm 120 cm x 140 cm x 143 cm Any of the boxes
For a conventional light aeroplane with a
tricycle undercarriage configuration, the
higher the take-off mass (assume a stab Range will decrease but Stick forces at rotation and
105. trim system is not fitted): endurance will increase Gliding range will reduce Stalling speed will increase All are correct
Due to a mistake in the load sheet the
aeroplane is 100 kg heavier than you V1, VMU, VR will all occur
106. believe it to beAs a consequence: V1 will be later VMU will be VR will be later earlier
107. The CG position is: set by the pilot set by the manufacturer able to exist within a range fixed
An aircraft is about to depart on an
oceanic sector from a high elevation
airfield with an exceptionally long runway
in the tropics at 1400 local timeThe
regulated take-off mass is likely to be Maximum certified Take-
108. limited by MZFM Obstacle clearance off mass Climb gradient
An aircraft is flying at 1.3 Vs in order to
provide an adequate margin' above the
low speed buffet and transonic speedsIf 146.7 kts, drag will increase 191 kts, drag will increase 191 kts, drag will increase 147 kts, drag will remain
the l.3Vs speed is 180 kts CAS the mass and nautical mile per kg fuel and range nm/kg will and nm/kg fuel burn will the same and nm/kg fuel
109. increases from 285000 kg to 320000 kg, burn will decrease. increase. decrease. burn will increase
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
width, and clear of obstacles. width, disposed equally about m each side of the centre capable of supporting the
the extended centre line, with line and clear of obstacles. weight of the aircraft during
no obstacles protruding above an emergency stop.
a plane sloping upwards with
a slope of 1.25%
Gross landing distance is
Which of the following statements is Gross gradient is less than net Gross take-off distance is less greater than net landing Gross acceleration is less
122. correct gradient than net take-off distance distance than net acceleration
An aerodrome has a pressure of 1013 mb
and a temperature of 25°C, the (i)
pressure altitude and (ii) density altitude above sea level below sea below sea level above sea
123. are : Sea level Sea level level sea level above sea level level
Assuming that the acceleration is constant
during the take-off, if the take-off speed is
increased by 3%, the Take-off distance will
124. increase by 0.03 6 0.09 0.12
The forces acting on an aircraft during the Lift, weight, aerodynamic Lift, weight, aerodynamic
125. take-off run are Lift, thrust and drag drag, thrust drag, wheel drag, thrust Weight, thrust, drag.
Is decreased due to
reducing difference Is increased due to
During the take-off run the thrust of a jet Is increased due to intake between jet velocity and increasing intake ram
126. engine Is decreased due to ram effect momentum drag aircraft velocity temperature rise.
a constant thrust for a constant thrust for decreasing thrust as increasing thrust as
temperatures below a cut-off temperatures above a cut-off temperature decreases temperature increases
127. A "flat rated" jet engine will give value value below a cut-off value above a cut-off value
For a jet engine without limiters, thrust Increased ambient Decreased pressure Increased atmospheric
128. will increase as a result of Increased pressure altitude temperature altitude humidity
As speed increases the thrust of a fixed Decrease initially and then
129. pitch propeller will Decrease to a constant value Increase to a constant value increase Eventually decrease to zero
Depends on the total load on Depends on the wheel
The rolling friction drag of an aircraft's Depends on the aircraft weight the wheels and decreases bearing friction and Depends on tyre distortion
130. wheels during take-off and is constant during take-off during take-off increases with speed and increases with speed
For a given wind speed, the regulations on
wind factor give the least margin of safety if the wind is at 45° to the if the wind is at 90° to the if the wind is a pure
131. on takeoff: runway runway headwind if the wind is a pure tailwind
The take-off distance required will increasing mass, reducing flap decreasing mass, increasing decreasing mass, increasing increasing mass, reducing
132. increase as a result of below the optimum setting, flap above the optimum flap above the optimum flap below the optimum
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
increasing density setting, increasing density setting, decreasing density setting, decreasing density
If the flap angle is reduced below the
optimum take-off setting, the (i) field
limited take-off massand the (ii) climb
133. gradient limited mass are : (i) (ii) increase decrease decrease increase decrease decrease increase increase
If the flap setting for take off of a flight is increased with increased tail decreased with increased tail decreased with increased decreased with increased
134. maximum runway length required will be: wind wind head wind cross win
Which combination of forces on the
135. aircraft determine the climb gradient Lift, weight, thrust Lift, drag, thrust Thrust, drag, weight Lift, weight, thrust, drag
decrease due to increased increase due to increased
The effect of increased aircraft mass on decrease due to increased increase due to increased lift drag and reduced ratio of speed required at optimum
136. the climb gradient is drag required excess thrust to weight angle of attack
Maximum achievable speed Speed for best rate of climb Max. speed with flap Speed for best angle of
with max. continuous thrust and speed for best angle of extended and max. speed climb and speed for best
137. The speeds V_X and V_Y are, respectively and maximum take-off thrust climb with gear extended rate of climb
increases if flap angle decreases if flap angle increases if flap angle decreases if flap angle
For a given aircraft mass, the climb increases, and if temperature increases, and if temperature increases, and if increases, and if
138. gradient decreases. decreases. temperature increases. temperature increases.
With a headwind, compared to still air
conditions, the (i) rate of climb (ii) climb remain the same remain
139. angle relative to the ground will : (i) (ii) remain the same increase increase increase increase remain the same the same.
140. The rate of climb depends on the excess thrust available the excess power available the excess lift available the CLmax of the wing.
The speed to give the maximum rate of always the same as the speed as close to the stalling speed higher than the speed for lower than the speed for
141. climb will be for best angle of climb. as possible best angle of climb best angle of climb.
decreases because power decreases because power decreases because power
available decreases and power increases because density and available decreases and available is constant and
142. With increasing altitude, the rate of climb required is constant. drag decrease. power required increases. power required increases.
at a speed corresponding to
at a speed close to the stalling at VMO with all permissible maximum L :D with the
speed with all permissible drag drag producing devices at VMO with the aircraft in aircraft in the clean
143. The maximum rate of descent will occur producing devices deployed. deployed. the clean configuration. configuration.
In a power-off glide in still air, to obtain
the maximum glide range, the aircraft at a speed corresponding to at a speed corresponding
144. should be flown: maximum L : D at a speed close to the stall. to minimum CD at a speed close to VNE
For a given aircraft mass the climb
145. gradient is determined by lift - weight thrust - drag lift - drag thrust - weight.
146. For a given aircraft mass, the climb increase if the aircraft is decrease if the aircraft is increase if the aircraft is decrease if the aircraft is
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
tradient accelerating and if the accelerating and if the accelerating and if the accelerating and if the
temperature increases. temperature increases temperature decreases temperature decreases.
With the flaps in the take-off position,
compared to the aircraft clean, the (i)
climb gradient (ii) speed for best climb
147. angle will : (i) (ii) decrease increase increase decrease decrease decrease increase increase
high pressure altitude, high temperature, high
high mass, low temperature, turning flight, low pressure altitude, low pressure altitude, high
148. The climb gradient will be reduced by high flap angle temperature contaminated airframe. mass, high temperature.
it will have a small positive the rate of climb will be the lift will be insufficient to
149. When an aircraft reaches its service ceiling the excess power will be zero rate of climb zero support the weight.
If the speed brakes are extended during
the descent while maintaining a constant
speedThe rate of (i) descent (ii) angle of
150. descent will : (i) (ii) increase remain the same remain the same increase increase decrease increase increase
increase the glide angle and not affect the glide angle, but increase the glide angle, but not affect the glide angle,
In a power-off glide, an increase in aircraft increase the speed for increase the speed for not affect the speed for and not affect the speed for
151. mass will minimum glide angle. minimum glide angle. minimum glide angle. minimum glide angle.
For a jet aircraft, the speed to give the the speed corresponding to the speed corresponding to a speed greater than that a speed less than that for
152. maximum rate of climb will be maximum L :D minimum L:D for maximum L :D maximum L :D
In which document would you find
information on known short-term Aeronautical Information
153. unserviceability of VOR TACAN, and NDB? NOTAM Publication (AIP) SIGMET ATCC
NOTAM and Aeronautical
Where may details of temporary Danger Aeronautical Information Information Publication
154. and Restricted Airspace be found? SIGMETs Circulars (AIC) (AIP) ATCC
Details of temporary danger areas are
155. published: in AICs on the appropriate chart by VOLMET in NOTAMs
Temporary, short-notice, NOTAMN, NOTAMR,
156. What are the types of NOTAM? permanent A, B, C NOTAMC A, E, L
Where would you find information
regarding temporary un-serviceability of
157. any facility ? AIP NOTAM AIC ATCC
Given: Dry Op Mass = 33510 kg Load =
7600 kg Final reserve fuel = 983 kg
Alternate fuel = 1100 kg Contingency fuel
158. = 102 kg The estimated landing mass at 42312 kg 42093 kg 42210 kg 42195 kg
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
Given: Dry Op Mass 33510 kg Load 7600kg
Final reserve fuel 983 kg Alternate fuel
1100 kg Contingency fuel 102 kgThe
estimated landing mass at the alternate
214. should be: 42312 kg 42093 kg 42210 kg 42195 kg
Given: Dry operating mass 33 500 kg Load
7 600 kg Maximum allowable take-off
mass 66 200 kg Standard taxi fuel 200 kg
Tank capacity 16 100 kg The maximum
215. possible take-off fuel is: 15 900kg 16 300kg 17 100kg 17 300kg
Given : MTOM 64 400 kg MLM 56 200 kg
MZFM 53 000 kg DOM 35 500 kg Load 14
500 kg Trip fuel 4 900 kg T/O fuel 7 400 kg
216. Maximum additional load is ? 3 000 kg 4 000 kg 5 600 kg 7 000 kg
Given : MTOM 64400 kg MLM 56200 kg
MZFM 53300 kg DOM 35500 kg Traffic
load 14500kg Trip fuel 4900kg Minimum
takeoff fuel 7400kg What is the maximum
217. allowable takeoff fuel ? 11400 kg 14400 kg 8600 kg 11100 kg
Planning a flight from Paris (Charles-de-
Gaulle) to London (Heathrow) for a twin
jet aeroplanePreplanning: Maximum take-
off mass 62 800 kg Maximum Zero Fuel
Mass 51 250 kg Maximum Landing Mass
54 900 kg Maximum Taxi Mass 63 050 kg
Assume the following preplanning results:
Trip fuel 1 800 kg Alternate fuel 1 400 kg
Holding fuel ( final reserve) 1 225 kg Dry
Operating Mass 34 000 kg Traffic Load 13
000 kg Catering 750 kg Baggage 3 500 kg
218. Find the Take-off Mass 55 765 kg 51 425 kg 52 265 kg 51 515 kg
Reference computer flight plre they able can automatically divert
to account for bad weather in calculating can automatically allow extra route around forecast can automatically allow for
219. fuel required? consumption for anti-icing use thunderstorms no poorly maintained engines
Which statements are correct about
220. computer flight plans? 1)They can file the 1 only 2 only Neither Both
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
by RT communication with
Information on Search and Rescue (SAR) from the Aeronautical the FIR within which the
267. procedures may be obtained: from NOTAMs. from the latest AIC. Information Publication. aircraft is operating. 1
Refer to CAP697 SEP Figure 2.1Given :
Airfield elevation 6000ft OAT 15°C Initial
Weight 35251b Cruise altitude 14000ft
OAT -13 °C Wind component 60kt tail The
time, fuel and ground nautical miles to
268. TOC are: 16 min 5 gall 31 nm 15 min 6 gall 18 nm 17 min 7 gall 46 nm 16 min 5 gall 52 nm
Refer to CAP697 SEP Figure 2.2Given:
Pressure Altitude 10000ft OAT -15°C
Power 23IN HG at 2300RPM The fuel flow
269. and KIAS are: 67.3 PPH 140 kt 67.3 GPH 157 kt 11.4 GPH 139 kt 66.2 GPH 137 kt
Refer to CAP697 MEP Figure 3.4An aircraft
is flying at a High Speed Cruise at a
pressure altitude of 12000ft, temperature
270. ISA +15°C The TAS is: 189 kt 186 kt 183 kt 182 kt
Refer to CAP697 MEP Figure 3.5 The
endurance With 45 MinReserve at 45%
Power for an Economy Cruise at 13000ft
271. is: 4 hr 25 min 4 hr 04 min 4 hr 57 min 6 hr 18 min
The air distance and time to climb is 197
nm and 33 min respectivelyWhat is the
required ground distance with a 40 kt
272. headwind component ? 222 nm 184 nm 157 nm 175 nm
Given: Trip time 3hr 06min Block fuel
118kg Taxi fuel 8kg If the aircraft is
required at any time during its flight to
have a minimum reserve fuel of 30% of
trip fuel remaining, the minimum fuel
273. amount after 2hr is: 39 kg 55 kg 42 kg 45 kg
An aircraft is airborne from an airfield,
elevation 1560ft amsl, on a QNH of
986mb/hPaOn its track of 269°(M) there is
a mountain 12090ft amslTo clear this
obstacle by a minimum of 2000ft its
correct ICAO VFR Flight level is: (1 mb/hPa
274. = 30ft) FL145 FL155 FL160 FL165
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
Henry's Law has application in Human Carbon Monoxide Partial pressure in the
24. Performance to Otic Baratrauma DCS poisoning alveloi
In the event of decompression the aircraft Descend to below 10,000
25. must Descend to MSL Descend to 10,000 ft. Land as soon as possible ft.
26. The "chokes" are associated with NIHL DCS Blockage of the alveoli Oxygen loss
The outer, middle and inner ear are filled
27. with Air Air Liquid Air Liquid Liquid Liquid Air Air Liquid Liquid Air
To pass sound waves across To allow ambient pressure to To allow ambient pressure To allow ambient pressure
What is the purpose of the Eustachian tube the middle ear to the Auditory equalise on both sides of the to equalise on the middle to equalise on both sides of
28. ? nerve ear drum ear side of the ear drum the Vestibular apparatus
Damage to the ossicles or
29. What causes conductive deafness ? Damage to the outer ear Damage to the pinna the eardrum Damage to the middle ear
Loss of hearing due to
Loss of hearing due to damage damage to the Vestibular Loss of hearing due to Loss of hearing due to
30. What is noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) ? to the ossicles apparatus damage to the middle ear damage to the cochlea
What is the most important sense for All senses play their part in
31. spatial orientation ? Hearing and balance Sight "Seat of the pants" situation awareness
That the aircraft nose is That the aircraft is turning; That the aircraft is climbing That the aircraft is pitching
pitching down; this feeling will this feeling will be re-enforced and turning; this feeling will up; this feeling will be re-
If an aircraft accelerates, what do the be re-enforced by an air driven by an air driven artificial be re-enforced by an air enforced by an air driven
32. otoliths indicate to the brain ? artificial horizon horizon driven artificial horizon artificial horizon
33. When can a pilot experience the "leans" In all flight conditions In the climb In the descent In the climb or the descent
What should a pilot rely on if disorientated Turning head to recover from
34. in IMC? Vision disorientation Sense of balance Instruments
The frequency band that a healthy young 500 - 15,000 cycles per 20 - 20,000 cycles per
35. person can hear is 70 - 15,000 cycles per second 80 - 20,000 cycles per second second second
36. Decibels increase Linearly In terms of a logarithm In terms of increments In terms of integrals
Presbycusis is an impairment of hearing Damage to the semi-circular
37. due to Damage to the cochlea canals Age Smoking
The Vegetative System is another name for Noise Induced Loss of Hearing Autonomic Nervous
38. the Central Nervous System (CNS) (NILH) Sense Receptors System (ANS)
The otoliths detect and acceleration
39. greater than 0.001 m/s z 0.01 m/s z 0.1 m/s 2 1.0 m/s z
40. What part of the eye bends the most light ? The cornea The lens The pupil The retina
Which part of the eye has the best visual
41. acuity? The retina The fovea The lens The cornea
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
it likely to occur ? tube which is most likely to tube which is most likely to tube and around the tube and around the
occur in the descent occur in the climb eardrum which is most eardrum which is most
likely to occur in the likely to occur in the climb
The human body can tolerate a maximum
of short duration g force ............in the
61. ...............axis 25G vertical 45G vertical 25G fore/aft -3G fore/aft
High frequency and Low
62. The two types of radiation are Galactic and Sun Spots Galactic and Solar Frequency Solar Flares and Galactic
To remove mercury spillage
63. .........................must not be used Water White spirits Acid Compressed air
The use of appetite
64. The best method for losing weight is suppressants Plenty of exercise Crash diets Exercise and diet
65. Hypoglycemia can be caused by Not eating regularly or fasting Too much sugar in the blood Excessive g forces Stress
How is performance effected by over and It will depend on the
66. under arousal? It is improved There is little difference It is degraded individual
To control the emotional
What is the purpose of the "sympathetic" response under stressful To control the effects of To return the body after To prepare the body to
67. nervous system? conditions adrenalin the "fight or flee" syndrome "fight or flight"
To prolong the bodies To return the body to
mobilisation and return the To direct the adrenalin to normal after an emotional
What is the purpose of the body to normal after the "fight To prepare the body to "fight the correct organs of the response under stressful
68. "parasympathetic" nervous system ? or flight" syndrome. or flee" body conditions
What part of the body is effected with the
vibration in the 4 to 10 Hz frequency The brain plus there will be a The chest plus there will be an The respiration plus pains
69. range? headache abdominal pain in the chest The pulse rate
Which shaped graph shows the relationship
70. between arousal and stress ? A U shaped graph An inverted U shaped graph A straight 45 'line An M shaped graph
Death of a spouse, partner
71. Which stressor will cause the most stress ? Home/work interface Divorce Death of a family member or child
Broadly speaking the GAS Syndrome Physiological,
consists of three categories of reactions. Somatic, Psychosomatic, Psychosomantic, Somatic, Physiological, Somatic, Psychosomatic,
72. These are Physiological Psychological Psychological Psychological
73. Stress factors are Non-cumulative Cumulative Stress reactions Stress co-actions
The Autonomic Nervous system comprises Sympathetic, Neo-sympathetic Sympathetic and Neo-sympathetic and
74. of and Parasympathetic systems Parasympathetic systems Parasympathetic systems None of the above
75. Define three methods of coping with stress Action coping, Forced Coping, Action coping, Cognitive Slip coping, Cognitive Slip Coping, Action Coping,
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Question Bank of CPL (Composite)
Symptom Directed Coping Coping, Symptom Directed Coping, Symptom Directed Symptom Directed coping
coping coping
Planning, experience and self-
Most successful weapons against high control (fewer unexpected Learning, experience and Learning, experience and Planning, experience and
76. stress levels are situation) Anticipation CRM CRM
A comfortable humidity for most people in
77. normal clothing is 40%-50% 30%-40% 20%-50% 40%-60%
They are stored in the short They are stored in the
Where are visual and auditory stimuli term/working memory for a They are stored in the short They are stored in the Semantic and Episodic
78. initially stored ? period of time term memory for a short time Echoic and Iconic memory memory
How long will the iconic memory store 7 seconds t2 seconds
79. information ? l - 2 seconds 2 - 3 seconds 0.5 - 1 second maximum
How long will the Echoic memory store
80. information ? 2 - 8 seconds 10 - 15 minutes 10 - 20 seconds Normally up to 15 minutes
We are easily swayed by
Having created a mental model, what is the To only seek information which Other clues outside do not tie We need confirmation outside influences
81. danger ? supports it (Confirmation Bias) up (Environmental Bias) (Confirmation Bias) (Environmental Bias)
How many separate items can be held in
82. the short term memory ? 8±2 9±2 7±2 6±2
Skilled based behaviour not
What is the main feature of a fully easily explained to other Skilled based behaviour not Skilled based behaviour Skilled based behaviour
83. developed motor programme ? people requiring conscious thought slowly learned quickly learned
Performance is increased by Performance is degraded
What is the relationship between arousal Performance is increased at both low and high arousal by both low and high Performance is increased
84. and performance ? high levels of arousal levels arousal levels at low levels of arousal
When the amount of
information is perceived to be
When there are too many beyond the attentional When responses get
responses to be made in the capacity and the task is too When too many responses transposed due to overload
85. What is qualitative overload ? time available difficult are required of work
86. What are the two types of attention ? Cognitive and Intuitive Intuitive and Behavioural Divided and Intuitive Selective and Divided
Two of the factors effecting Long Term
87. Memory are Expectation and Suggestion Repetition and Echoism Amnesia and anxiety Anxiety and concentration.
Generally human error can be split into two
88. categories Faults and static errors Static errors and faults Dynamic and static errors Faults and slips
Information retention can be increased by Mnemonics and Memory
89. the use of: Study and Rote Learning Instinct Training Tertiary Education
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when searching for an aircraft ? the eyes covering the whole portion starting on the left the sky and confirm before and rapid eye movements
field of vision passing onto another
Refraction, due to rain on the windscreen,
106. makes the approach Steeper Flatter Faster Slower
What are the laws that the Gestalt Theory The laws of Perceptual The laws of Perceptual The laws of Perceptual
107. propose ? The laws of Perception Illusions Reception Organisation
A visual scan should cover the sky in
108. overlapping sections of 5° 10° 15° 20°
How long is a free running circadian rhythm
109. ? 24 hours 48 hours 25 hours 29 hours
When is the circadian cycle of temperature
110. at its lowest ? At about 0500 hrs At about 0 100 hrs At about 0300 hrs Varies from day to day
What does the duration of sleep depend on The mental and physical The number of hours awake Timing i.e . when the body The quality of the REM
111. ? exercise taken prior to sleep prior to sleep temperature is falling sleep
It occurs early in the sleep cycle It occurs early in the sleep It occurs early in the sleep It occurs late in the sleep
When does orthodo(slow wave sleep) - stages 3 & 4 and it restores cycle - stages 3 & 4 and it cycle - stages 1 & 2 and it cycle - stages 3 & 4 and it
112. occur and what does it restore ? the body restores the brain restores the body restores the brain
How many stages are there in a sleep cycle
113. ? 3 stages plus REM 4 stages plus REM 3 stages including REM 4 stages including REM
114. What will an EOG trace during REM sleep ? Little activity A lot of activity Intermittent activity No activity
To assist in the organisation
To refresh the body and brain of memory and helping to
To refresh the body after following physical and mental co-ordinate and assimilate To exercise the brain so it is
115. What is the function of REM sleep ? exercise activity new information learned prepared for the next day
How long does it take for the circadian
rhythm to re-synchronise to local time after Approximately 2 days per 1 to Approximately 1 day per 1 to Approximately 2 days per 1 Approximately 1 day per 1
116. crossing time zones ? 2 hours of time change 2 hours of time change to ½ hours of time change to ½ hours of time change
When suffering from sleep deprivation, will
performance be further decreased by Under certain
117. altitude ? No Yes Sometimes circumstances
Psychological and
118. The two forms of fatigue are Mental and physical Short-term and chronic Mental and body physiological
119. Insomnia is divided into Psychological and physiological Mental and physical Clinical and situational Clinical and physiological
Under the strict supervision of Sometimes - it depends on
120. Can you fly suffering from narcolepsy ? an Aviation Medical Specialist the degree Never By day only
How would a person who is aggressive and
121. changeable be described ? Aggressive extravert Unpredictable extravert Unreliable extravert Anxious extravert
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faulty component/system
Important controls must be
What is the most important feature of Escape and emergency exits The Design Eye Point must be located in easily reached Control and indicators
149. flight deck design ? should be clear of obstructions clearly marked and unobstructed positions should be standardised
What instrument is best for showing small A mixed digital/analogue Ultra/high-precision gyro
150. change ? A digital display An analogue display display instrument
What colour should the `Alert' warning be
151. on a CRT ? Bright red and flashing Steady Red Flashing yellow/amber Steady yellow
A manually operated valve should be Depends on the system it
152. opened by Turning it clockwise Turning it anti-clockwise Turning either way operates
153. In the Shell Model L stands for Latent errors Long-termed errors Lengthy errors Liveware
Protected and semi-protected Protected and endangered Protected and vulnerable Protected and quasi-
154. System Tolerance can be sub-divided into systems systems systems protected systems
A flashing red warning light on a CRT There is a fault in a critical
155. normally indicates system Emergency Alert Danger
Overconfidence in the
Overconfidence in the handling handling capability of the pilot Over-reliance on The blind belief in
156. Automation Complacency is capability of the pilot of computers automation automation
157. Mode error is associated with Automation Hardware INS Software
Objective/Sudden and Sudden/Impromptu and External/Objective and Impromptu/Objective and
158. What are the categories of risk ? Subjective/Gradual Gradual/Planned Internal/Subjective Planned/Subjective
If a person will tend to overestimate the A common but negative A common but beneficial A rare but beneficial A are but negative
159. frequency of occurrence occurrence occurrence occurrence
Risky loss rather than a Risky loss rather than a Risky loss rather than a
Risky loss rather than a certain certain loss even if the certain loss even if the certain loss even if the
loss even if the expected loss expected loss from the former expected loss from the expected loss from the
160. People tend to be biased to make a from the former is greater is less latter is greater latter is far greater
Common dilemma faced by all Is only experienced by skilled Only happens to Is rarely faced by good
161. Press-on-tis is a pilots pilots inexperienced pilots pilots
in chemical combination with in combination with
haemoglobin in the white as microscopic bubbles haemoglobin in the red
162. Oxygen is transported in the blood: dissolved in the blood plasma. blood cells. linked to blood platelets. blood cells.
increasing each year, due to
is better than road safety, but though effective, lagging the increasing automation better than road safety and
163. Safety in commercial air transport: not as good as rail safety. behind road and rail safety. of modern aircraft. rail safety.
The General Adaptation Syndrome has in alarm phase - denial phase - alarm phase - resistance stressor - resistance phase - resistance phase -
164. sequence the following phases: acceptance phase. phase - exhaustion phase. adaptation phase. exhaustion phase - recovery
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so that the pilot can maintain to determine the eventual
an adequate view of all the size of the flight deck and
important displays inside, and to enable the pilot to see all where the window frames
of the world outside with his flight instruments within at the centre of the artificial will be positioned so as to
The eye datum or design eye position in the minimum head or body minimum scan movements of horizon or flight director give minimum interference
165. cockpit is established: movements. the head. indicator. to the pilot's field of view.
Which of the following is NOT one of the 5
166. hazardous attitudes? Macho. Anti-authority. Impulsivity. Domination.
Following a flight that transits numerous 1 hour per day if the flight
time zones, the associated shifting of has been westward and 2
Zeitgebers helps resynchronization to the hours per day if the flight
167. new local time at the average rate of: 2.5 hours per day. 1.5 hours per day. 4 hours per day. has been eastward.
A man is considered to be obese if his Body
168. Mass Inde(BMI) is over: 18 25 22 30
makes it possible to detect
abnormal values for flight makes it possible to
is a fallacy, a pilot can only parameters even though they increase the number of makes it possible to carry
concentrate on one thing at a are not the pilot's immediate simultaneously managed out several cognitive
169. Divided attention: time. concern. tasks in safety. processes at the same time.
Barotrauma of the cranial sinuses is most In persons with a history of
170. likely to occur; during the descent. among elderly passengers. In the climb. cardio-vascular problems.
During visual scanning the eye movements
171. should be: large and frequent. Small and infrequent. Small and frequent. Large and infrequent.
variable, depending on the
During scanning of both the instruments angular difference between
and the exterior, the approximate duration the two objects to be
172. of a saccade is: 0.1 seconds. 1/3 second. 1.0 second. scanned.
as rule giving automatic
linkage between the
Rule based behaviours are stored in the as sets of rules in long term as `bits' in the working as conditioned responses in semantic and working
173. brain: memory. memory. motor programmes. memories.
the pilot keeps `head in the pilot is unable to the fact of being at a
the pilot becomes fixated on cockpit' to an extreme degree allocate priorities between particular stage of flight
the outside environment and and may therefore miss vital the exterior and interior may cause an automatic
`Environment capture' is the process neglects to monitor the cues from the external environments causing response to checks when
174. whereby: instruments in the cockpit. environment. confusion and the the actions have not
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enhance hearing ability,
assist in maintaining spatial especially at high
199. A function of the vestibular apparatus is to: orientation. control motion sickness. maintain visual orientation. frequencies.
If a pilot's seat is set too low on the obscure the flight
200. approach, the effect would be to: obscure the overshoot. instruments. obscure the undershoot. all of the above.
Which of the following graphs represents
the relationship between arousal and Straight line rising at 45° Straight line descending at
201. performance? Inverted "U" U shaped angle 45° angle
one that is learned by
one that requires conscious practice and repetition and
one that is based on the way that a checklist is thought throughout its which may be executed
202. A motor programme is: knowledge and experience. actioned. action. without conscious thought.
The main factor in the focussing of the the internal fluid in the
203. human eye is: the cornea. the lens. the iris. eyeball.
Referring to the Body Mass Index, a man
weighing 81 kg. Who is 175 cm tall would considered to be within the considered to be
204. be: normal weight range. considered to be overweight. considered to be obese. underweight.
give too much weight to give equal weight to give insufficient weight to give too much weight to
Once an individual has made a decision information that tends to information that confirms or information that confirms information that goes
205. regarding a situation, he is most likely to: confirm the original decision. contradicts that decision. the original decision. against the original decision
206. Hypertension is: a high level of stress. low blood pressure. a high workload. high blood pressure.
rely on the vestibular Rely on his somatosensory Line up with a visual Re-erect the flight
207. A pilot suffering disorientation should: apparatus. system (`seat of the pants'). reference (e.g. horizon). instruments.
the avoidance of
During a general briefing at the preflight the complete delegation of all the importance of crew the priority of departing on inadequate handling of
208. stage the captain should emphasise. duties. coordination. schedule. controls.
Gastro-enteritis would prevent an if not treated by an aviation
209. individual from flying as a crew member: always. possibly, if severe. specialist doctor. never.
neither goal nor person
goal directed and person directed, but moderate and
210. An ideal leader would be: directed. goal directed only. person directed only. accommodating.
a break down in the
The severity of noise induced hearing loss the volume of noise the duration of high noise conducting system of the the volume and duration of
211. (NIHL) is determined by: experienced. levels experienced. ear. the noise experienced.
Which of the following diseases causes the
212. greatest number of deaths each year? Bubonic plague. Malaria. AIDS. Smallpox.
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in combination with
haemoglobin in the white as microscopic bubbles
226. Oxygen is carried in the blood: blood cells. dissolved in the plasma. attached to blood platelets. within the red blood cells.
a large selection of the general a large selection of the a specific population using
Anthropomorphic data table population static and dynamic a specific population using general population using dynamic and static
227. measurements should be taken from: measurements. static measurements. static measurements. measurements.
occurs when an individual
occurs more often in older cannot prevent falling asleep most often occur during is a cessation of breathing
228. Sleep apnoea: individuals. even when in sleep credit. REM sleep. whilst asleep.
rotate clockwise if used
from the left hand seat and
In standardised controls a handle used to always rotate in an anti- only rotate anti-clockwise if anti-clockwise if used from
229. open a valve should: clockwise direction. placed on an overhead panel. the right hand seat. always rotate clockwise.
only when a pair of bi-focal
A pilot is permitted to use bi-focal contact only during the cruise stage of spectacles are carried for only when flying in daylight
230. lenses: the flight. never when flying. emergency use. hours in VNIC conditions.
only permitted within 12
permitted, subject to at least hours of one's next flight allowable with no
Donating blood by an operating flight deck 24 hours elapsing before one's not permitted for aircrew who when cleared by a qualified restrictions on subsequent
231. crew member is: next flight. are actively flying. aviation doctor. flying.
highly sensitive to colour sensitive to much lower
changes particularly those at light levels than the cone concentrated in the area of
232. On the retina of the eye, the rod cells are: used primarily during daylight. the blue end of the spectrum. cells. the fovea.
the eyeball being shorter than the eyeball being longer
233. Long sightedness is normally caused by: normal. the retina being too concave. than normal. the retina being too convex.
The most obvious sign of an individual
suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning cyanosis of the lips and sensory loss, particularly cherry red lips and flushed
234. is: muscular impairment. fingernails. tunneling of vision. cheeks.
When on a collision course with an aircraft increases only slowly and is easier to detect if the
on a reciprocal track, the apparent size of moves only slowly across the pilot continually moves increases very rapidly just
235. the approaching aircraft: does not change. windscreen. his/her head. prior to impact.
enhance hearing ability,
236. A function of the vestibular apparatus is to: especially at high frequencies. control motion sickness. maintain spatial awareness. maintain visual orientation.
A trained pilot, observing an aircraft automatically discount any
accident, will, in comparison to a lay have a much better be a reliable expert witness at have stronger expectations any previous accident
237. observer: recollection of the events. any accident inquiry. about likely set of events. experience.
238. The amount of stress experienced with a the actual demands of the task the perceived demands of the the actual demands of the the perceived demands of
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particular task is dependent on: and the pilot's perception of task and the pilot's actual task and the pilot's actual the task and the pilot's
his ability. ability. ability. perception of his ability.
about every 90 minutes with about every 90 minutes about every 90 minutes
REM sleep and slow wave with the majority of REM with the majority of slow
The cycle of REM sleep and stages 1 to 4 sleep equally balanced in each sleep taking place in the wave sleep taking place in
239. sleep occurs: about every hour. cycle. early cycles. the first two cycles.
Situational awareness may well be pre-recorded voice
240. inhibited by the introduction of: computer generated checklists. `intelligent' flight decks. warnings. moving tape displays.
With no visual references outside the
cockpit the human eye will normally adjust
241. to a focal length of: infinity. less than 2 metres. about 5 metres. a few centimetres.
The greatest source of incapacitation in
242. flight is: acute gastro-enteritis. angina. malaria. heart attack.
It can be a major factor in the It can reduce the ability of It encourages the formation
Low blood pressure (hypotension) can have it can increase the chances of development of a heart an individual to withstand of cholesterol within the
243. the following harmful effect: developing a stroke. attack. high positive G forces. blood.
In communications one `bit' is the quantity can be contained in one can be transmitted by verbal reduces the uncertainty of can be transferred by non-
244. of information which. sentence. communication only the receiver by 50%. verbal communication only.
where the group
performance is dependent of increase in reasoning
where the individual where the group performance on the leadership style of power when extra oxygen is
performance exceeds the exceeds the sum of the individuals within the supplied at a time of
245. The term `Synergy' is the state: performance of the group. individual performances. group. emergency.
Aircrew, Groundcrew and
246. Who is responsible for Air Safety Aircrew and Ground Crew Management Everyone involved Aircrew only
The body get its energy from 1) Minerals 2)
247. Carbohydrates 3) Protein 4) Vitamins 1 & 4 only 2 & 3 only 1,2 & 4 3 & 4 only
248. Haemoglobin is Dissolved in the blood In red blood cells In white cells of the blood In the platelets
rest supine for at least 1 hour, rest supine for about 15 - 20
drink plenty of fluids and not minutes, drink plenty of fluids Aircrew are prohibited from Aircrew are not encouraged
249. Having donated blood aircrew should fly for 48 hours and not fly for 24 hours donating blood to give blood
CO gets trapped in the
Smoking reduces the blood's ability to carry The inspiratory tract becomes CO2 takes a larger lung Haemoglobin has a greater alveoli and restricts internal
250. oxygen because obstructed volume affinity for CO respiration
251. A person is suffering from anaemia when Lacking haemoglobin b Lacking platelets Lacking blood plasma Lacking white blood cells
252. The average heart beat is 30 - 50 beats a minute 70 - 80 beats a minute c 90 - 95 beats a minute 100 - 1 10 beats a minute
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hazardous if flying solo ? first symptoms of hypoxia for manage the oxygen systems control once the symptoms
a pilot in initial training on your own of hypoxia appear
You have been scuba diving below I Om.
270. When can you next fly after 12 hours after 24 hours after 48 hours Whenever you wish
As the body ascends, the partial pressure of decreases at a rate of 3 times decreases at the same rate as
271. oxygen within the lungs the atmospheric rate that of the atmosphere stays the same increases
bluish tinge under the nails
spasms in the muscles and of the fingers and the lobes
272. Hyperventilation can cause too much oxygen to the brain possible unconsciousness of the ears a feeling of euphoria
almost equal to the
The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in lower than the partial pressure higher than the pressure of lower than the pressure of pressure of C02 in the
273. the lungs is of C02 in the atmosphere C02 in the blood C02 in the blood atmosphere
How much air is inhaled and exhaled in one
274. breath ? 70 mls 150 mls 350 mls 500 mls
talk through the procedure
out loud and
If you are suffering from hyperventilation, simultaneously control rate
275. what should you do close your eyes and relax breathe 100% oxygen and depth of breathing make an immediate landing
the body compensates for
Hyperventilation can, after a long period of high level of carbon dioxide low partial pressure of oxygen low partial pressure of
276. time, lead to unconsciousness due to due to hypoxia to the brain oxygen prolonged anxiety/stress
What is the percentage of oxygen at 18,000
277. ft ? 0.05 0.1 0.070 0.21
One of the results of DCS is the "Chokes".
278. The chokes causes problems in the joints lungs brain heart
Carbon monoxide increases
Which of the following is a correct Haemoglobin has an affinity the altitude at which
statement with regards to carbon Breathing pure oxygen reduces to carbon monoxide over Carbon monoxide poisoning hypoxia is experienced
279. monoxide'! the effects of carbon monoxide oxygen of 5 times can result from nicotine prevalent
only occurs at altitudes over
approximately 10,000 ft. in is caused by the inability of
the case of a healthy the blood to carry sufficient
280. Hypoxic Hypoxia can occur at any altitude. individual oxygen is not affected by smoking
One of the outcomes of rapid A collapse of the of the
281. decompression is Regression middle ear Cyanosis Fogging/Misting
Which gas diffuses from the blood to the
282. lungs during external respiration ? Nitrogen Air Carbon dioxide Nitrogen
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Tuned resonance of the body parts, Acceleration along the Resonance between 150 - 250 Resonance between 16 - 18 Resonance between 1 - 100
332. distressing the individual can be caused by horizontal flight path Hz Ghz Hz
If in a state of stress which is impossible to
333. overcome, the pilot will be in a state of Eustress Hypertension Distress Regression
A person that is exposed to extreme or
334. prolonged stress factors can perceive: Distress Eustress Coping stress Stressors
What is the relationship between stress No stress and no fatigue is Stress can be good, fatigue No stress and some fatigue
335. and fatigue ? good All stress and fatigue is good is always bad is good
336. Extreme cold may be associated with Aggression Aggression and anxiety Anxiety Contentment or apathy
is the subjective evaluation
is the objective evaluation of of a situation and the
depends on the current a situation and the perceived perceived ability to cope depends on the individual's
337. An individual's perception of stress situation only ability to cope with it with it arousal
Stress Management strategies normally the prevention and the
338. involve Only the prevention of stress Only the removal of stress the use of drugs removal of stress
are stored as rules in the long require conscious though to
339. Motor programmes term memory are behavioural sub-routines engage are natural reactions
What error rate can be expected to be
340. given reasonable training ? 1 in 100,000 1 in 10,000 1 in 1,000 1 in 100
What human error rate is considered to be
341. the norm ? 1 in 10 1 in 100 1 in 1,000 1 in 10,000
generally increases
generally has little effect on performance until
pilots' performance since it approximately the age of 32
generally decreases pilot's generally increases pilot's is compensated for by and therefore generally
342. Age performance performance experience decreases performance
It has been accepted that Human error can be
human error will always be avoided through vigilance
The thinking concerning human error has Human error is inherent and made but can be decreased Error can be eliminated and expansion of
343. changed recently to inescapable by training and technology. completely in the future knowledge
past experiences and sensory past experiences and motor
344. Mental models of the world are based on information past xperiences only programmes (skills) only sensory information
only for pilots with a
345. Mental rehearsal is useful for all pilots instructor pilots only specific level of experience student pilots only
When problem-solving, what determines
the transition from rule-based activities to Knowledge of rules that apply Unsuitability of automated Unsuitability of known rules Lack of knowledge of the
346. knowledge-based activities for the problem actions for the problem posed rules
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When do we change from Rule Based When we do not know the When we become highly
347. Behaviour to Knowledge Based Behaviour ? When we choose to do so rules When rules do not apply experienced
Very high ambition and drive for success a "laiser faire" cockpit improved cohesion and
348. can lead to conflict in the cockpit improved performance situation mutual consideration
Motives in the middle of Any level may be aroused
Motives lower in the hierarchy Motives higher in the the hierarchy are aroused and there is no significance
With respect to Maslow's hierarchy of are aroused first and must be hierarchy are aroused first first and must be satisfied as to which must be
349. needs (1943) he expounded that satisfied first and must be satisfied first first satisfied first
With respect to the subcutaneous pressure Spatial orientation of the Pressure on the body
350. receptors, they sense The condition of the body body indicating true vertical Environmental conditions
A pilot is accustomed to a runway with a
width of 27m and lands on an unfamiliar
runway with a width of 42m. The pilot will Fly a too high an approach and Fly a too low an approach and Fly a too high an approach Fly a too low an approach
351. tend to overshoot overshoot and undershoot and undershoot
352. The Gestalt Theory relates to Motivation Perception and organisation Personality traits Faults and slips
When staring at an isolated light at night,
353. the light may appear to vary in size move vary in colour vary in intensity
Illusions that pilots experience in conditions Objects appear further away Objects appear closer than Objects appear to move Objects appear to move
354. of fog, snow or mist are that than they really are they really are slower than they really do faster than they really do
Erroneous mental model
resulting from a
Poor interpretation of cockpit Lack of external reference Conflict between different misinterpretation of
355. Cognitive illusions are caused by: instruments points senses sensory inputs
What should you do if disorientated at
356. night: Ignore your instruments Look at the horizon Descend Rely on your instruments
357. Where are the Pressoreceptors located ? In the heart In the skin In the carotid sinus In the intestines
A unaccustomed high
The illusion that the aircraft is taxiing too distance of the cockpit from
358. fast can be caused by Snow and a tailwind Snow and a tail wind Rain and a headwind the ground
Errors in the judgment of height on an
359. approach are more likely over snow mountains jungle rough seas
Look for other references
inside and outside the
First focus on the light with the Shake the head and turn Look at the light out of the cockpit and use peripheral
360. To cure Autokinesis right eye and then the left down the cockpit lights corner of your eye vision
The Seat-of -the-Pants sensation emanates muscles and joints sensitive
361. from receptors in the Utricles and Saccules Semi-circular canals to the movement and skin
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They form general They form information
To allow individual crew information about the flight about the flight and allocate
member to prepare their own but they contain no specific responsibilities and
What is the main purpose of pre-flight To allow the Captain to assert responses to likely or reference to likely or reactions to likely or
374. briefings ? his/her authority problematic events problematic events problematic events
be able to understand key be able to have a command
words and phases only of a local language since
have a good command of the have at least a limited English since these are sufficient to this is sufficient and legal in
375. Pilots should English language vocabulary sufficiently impart meaning an emergency
Which of the following elements of
communications is most likely to lead o Coding and decoding a Expectation (What you
376. misunderstanding ? message The Receiver’s mood expect to hear ) The Sender’s nationality
In communication which element shows
that information has been received and
377. understood ? Encoding Decoding Feedback Synchronization
mishearing the contents of an
air traffic controller's non-
With regards to anticipation, which of the standard clearance when a
following would most likely to result in the standard procedure was anticipation of a longer
378. occurrence of a hazardous situation ? anticipated. anticipation of a check list anticipation of weather flight time than expected
Enables the pilot to respond
to unusual situations better Reduces pilot's attention
Which of the following statements are Automation increases since there is no need to since they can be out of the
379. correct with reference to automation ? Situational Awareness monitor automatics. loop Saves time
If a system can be operated
Even if a system can be If a system can be operated If a system can be operated incorrectly it should be
designed correctly, it will incorrectly, sooner or later it incorrectly it should be backed up by a second
380. Murphy's Law states that always be mis-used will be guarded system
The alerting system for an important a flashing visual signal - a steady visual signal -
381. system failure should be preferably red a doll's eye indicator an audio warning preferably red
can sometimes be detrimental
to performance as some give better communications in improve man/machine almost completely remove
The introduction of automation and systems provide poor quality the cockpit, as pilots have interface due to artificial the need to communicate
382. improvements in glass cockpit designs feedback to pilots more time to communicate intelligence in modern FMS with ATC
flying an aircraft which you flying an aircraft with which flying an aircraft in which
383. Check lists are most important when have flown many times before. you are not familiar and when conducting a long flight you are current
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under stress
Errors resulting from a bad indexing system
in a checklist or manual are related to a
384. mismatch between Software to Hardware Liveware to Software Liveware to Environment Liveware to Liveware
be shared by the members
follow implicitly the of the crew and
only be tailored to the type of manufacturer's suggestions modified/updated so as to be tailored to the individual
aircraft regardless of current and not reflect the Operator's maintain as much synergy pilot's needs and
385. SOP's in the cockpit must MCC procedures cockpit procedures as possible requirements
synergy between the co-pilot
and the Commander physiological problems unjustified self-confidence
to query and double-check emanating from CRM resulting from the fear of resulting in careless
386. The term `complacency' means possible solutions procedures flying negligence
Conscious and voluntary after A systematic and analytical
387. With reference to decision-making, it is An automatic function assessing the options An arbitrary decision process
respect each other's
respect each other's decision political and religious
388. A efficient flight deck crew is one which and views is a constituted crew persuasions is laiser faire
To ignore information which Not to look for information To look for facts that
Confirmation Bias of the decision-making indicates that a hypothesis or Not to seek information which which would reassure the confirm expectations before
389. process is decision is poor confirms the decision correct decision making a decision
390. The semi-circular canals react to Linear acceleration Heat Temperature Angular acceleration
391. With what is "Mode Error" associated ? Leadership Motivation Automation Homeostasis
The brain controls breathing rate based The amount of oxygen required
392. upon the at the capillaries The acidity of the blood Pulse rate Sweat glands
Why is it essential to ensure that the To prevent carbon dioxide
combustion heater is serviceable in an To prevent carbon dioxide poisoning, possible fire or To prevent carbon dioxide To prevent carbon
393. aircraft ? poisoning and possible fire explosion poisoning monoxide poisoning
Short term memory (Working Memory) can
394. be improved through practice and retrieval chunking and association rehearsal and practice rehearsal and retrieval
b that can still be exhaled by that can still be inhaled over
remaining in the lungs after the forceful expiration after the and beyond the normal inhaled and exhaled with
395. Tidal Volume is the volume of air most forceful expiration normal tidal expiration breath each normal breath
Approximately ..............% of all accidents
396. are caused by Human factors 50 95 20 70
Linear acceleration may give a false
397. impression of a Climb Descent Turn Spin
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a ridgean extension or
elongation of a low pressure
a trougha small low established system along an axis on each a centre of pressure an area where the pressure
within the circulation of side of which pressure surrounded on all sides by is lower than anywhere else
27. A trough of low pressure is: another low increases higher pressure in the area
The name given to the lowest forecast
28. mean sea level pressure in an area is: QFE Regional QNH QFF QNE
With airfield QNH set the
With 1013 set the altitude height above the airfield The vertical distance above the correct flight level with
29. The Altimeter will always read above MSL datum the pressure level set regional QFE set.
QNH at Johannesburg is 1025 hPa,
elevation is 1600m amsl. What is the QFE.
30. (Assume I mb = 8m) 1000.8 hPa 830.6 hPa 1002 hPa 825 hPa
The measurement of surface temperature at approximately 10 metres at approximately 4 feet at approximately 4 metres
31. is made: at ground level from ground level above ground level above ground level
If temperature remains constant with an
32. increase in altitude there is: an inversion an inversion aloft uniform lapse rate an isothermal layer
33. The surface of the earth is heated by: convection conduction long wave solar radiation short wave solar radiation
Diurnal variation of the surface be unaffected by a change of decrease as wind speed increase as wind speed be at a minimum in calm
34. temperature will: wind speed increases increases conditions
Most accurate temperatures above ground
35. level are obtained by: tephigram aircraft reports temperature probe radio sonde
greater over the sea than less over desert areas then reduced anywhere by the increased anywhere as wind
36. The diurnal variation of temperature is: overland over temperate grassland presence of cloud speed increases
there is an increase of there is a decrease of
there is no horizontal gradient there is no change of temperature as height temperature as height
37. An inversion is one in which: of temperature temperature with height increases increases
The sun gives out _____ amount of energy
38. with_____ wavelengths. Large, large, small, small. Small, small, large, large. Large, large, small, large. Large, small, small, large.
Over continents and oceans, the relative Warmer in winter over land, Colder in winter over land, Cold in winter over land and Warmer in summer over
39. temperature conditions are: colder in summer over sea. warmer in winter over sea. sea. land and sea.
During a night with a clear sky, surface
temperature will -----------RH will --------------
40. ---and Dewpoint will---------------? Fall, Rise, Rise. Rise, Rise, Fall. Fall, Rise, Remain the same. Fall, Fall, Remain the same
A change of state directly from a solid to a
41. vapour or vice versa is: insolation condensation evaporation sublimation
42. The process of change of state from a gas evaporation in which latent evaporation in which latent condensation in which condensation in which
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to a liquid is: heat is absorbed heat is released latent heat is absorbed latent heat is released
The process of change of state from a liquid condensation in which latent evaporation in which latent condensation in which evaporation in which latent
43. to a gas is: heat is released heat is released latent heat is absorbed heat is absorbed
the maximum amount of
the actual amount of water water vapour that a sample
vapour in a sample of air of air can contain over the
over the maximum amount actual amount of water
air temperature over wet bulb air temperature over dew of water vapour that the vapour the sample does
44. Relative humidity is: temperature x 100 point temperature x 100 sample can contain x 100 contain x 100
is the minimum
temperature reached by the
is the minimum temperature surface of the earth as
to which a thermometer bulb measured by a
is measured using a can be cooled by the measures the dew point of thermometer placed 1.2
45. The wet bulb temperature: hydrometer evaporation of water the air metres above the ground
46. When water vapour changes to ice: Latent heat is absorbed. Specific heat is released. Latent heat is released. Specific heat is absorbed.
Atmosphere is conditionally Atmosphere is stable when
47. If the ELR is 0.65°C/ 1 00m stable Atmosphere is stable Atmosphere is unstable dry
48. ELR is 1°C/100m Neutral when dry Absolute stability Absolute instability Conditional stability
The air is colder at higher The air is colder at higher
49. Why does air cool as it rises? It expands It contracts latitudes altitudes
From which of the following can the
50. stability of the atmosphere be determined? surface pressure surface temperature DALR ELR
Wind speed will always
decrease with increase in
When the upper part of a layer of warm air Stability increases within the Stability decreases within the height in the Northern
51. is advected: layer layer Hemisphere Both A & B
Which of the following gives conditionally
52. unstable conditions? 1°C/100m 0.65°C/100m 0.49°C/100m None of the above
What happens to stability of the
atmosphere in an isothermal layer? (Temp
53. constant with height) Absolutely stable Unstable Conditionally stable Conditionally unstable
What is the effect of a strong low level
54. inversion? Good visibility Calm conditions Turbulence Unstable conditions
In still air a lapse rate of 1.2°C/I00m refers
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mountain. the mountain and is heated at increasing with height and the mountain and is heated
the SALR on the downwind maintaining direction. mainly at the DALR on the
side. downwind side.
When the coriolis force and
When pressure values are In a tropical revolving pressure gradient force are
68. The geostrophic wind blows: Parallel to curved isobars. changing rapidly. storm. equal.
A strong wind that rises suddenly, last for
some minutes and dies comparatively
69. suddenly away is called: a gust a squall a gale a blast
The force which causes the air to flow
70. parallel to the curved isobars is called: pressure force centrifugal force coriolis force gradient force
The deflection of the surface wind direction over the land by night - 35 ° in over the land by day - 35' in over the sea - 10°, veered in
71. from the geostrophic is, on average: cloudy conditions cloudy conditions over the sea - 30° the southern hemisphere
Is a wind blowing at
Is a wind blowing at increased Is a wind blowing from a hill Is a wind blowing up a hill reduced speed along a
72. A ravine or valley wind: speed along a valley. to a valley below. from a valley. valley.
The size of raindrops from a cloud is Air is stable and cloud is layer Air is unstable and cloud is The relative humidity is
73. greater if: type. heap type. Cloud type is AC or NS. high.
Which piece of equipment is used to
74. measure cloud base: barograph hygrometer alidade barometer
the height above the
In aerodrome reports and forecasts the the height above mean sea the height above aerodrome the pressure altitude of the average ground level for the
75. height of the cloud base refers to: level elevation cloud base area
Low cloud in temperate climates, excluding
76. heap are those existing from: the surface to 6500 ft 1000 ft to 6500 ft the surface to 7500 ft the surface to 7500 metres
77. Lumpy or heaped white cloud is: altocirrus cumulus cumulonimbus nimbostratus
In temperate latitudes which statement is Ci only occurs above 25000 Ci only occurs above 30000
78. correct: Ci only occurs above 15000 ft Ci only occurs above 16500 ft ft ft
The turbulence associated with cumulus
79. cloud is: Moderate. Slight to nil. Nil. Moderate possibly severe.
On weather charts, the station circle shows in metres above surface
80. the height of the cloud base: above ground level above mean sea level at a pressure altitude level
Which of the following clouds is never a
81. hazard to aviation: Nimbostratus Noctilucent cloud Cumulonimbus cloud Stratus cloud
If you observe drizzle falling, the cloud
82. above you is most likely to be: AS CU ST NS
83. Clouds formed by convection will always: Be layer clouds. Be CU CB or NS. Have a rising cloud base and Form only in Polar maritime
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accurate statement amongst the following under the cloud. accord with the wind at 10 temperature below 0°C flashes is directly
is: 000 ft. then freezing rain will proportional to the degree
occur. of turbulence.
Radiation fog is most likely at an inland
airfield in the UK with a relative humidity of Winter clear skies 15/20
99. 80% in the…… with……and a wind of….…….. Autumn clear skies 2-8 knots Spring 6/8 ST& SC 2-10 knots knots Summer clear skies no wind
Advection fog is formed when……… air
moves over a………….surface and is………… Warm moist cooler cooled warm moist warmer kept
100. its dewpoint:. humid cold kept above below dry frozen well below above
With a wind speed up to 15 kt, With a wind of 2-8 kt, a high
a clear sky and a high relative density and the summer
101. Radiation fog is most likely: humidity. season. In an anticyclone in winter. On a hill in autumn.
Changes of RVR are reported for 50 m between 300 m and 50 m between 500 m and
102. increments of: 25 m up to 250 m 25 m up to 200 m 800 m 800 m
form on a vigorous cold form to the rear of a warm
form ahead of a vigorous fast front and last for many front but only last for 1 to 2
103. Frontal fog is most likely to: moving cold front form ahead of a warm front hours hours
a reduction of visibility to a reduction of visibility to
a reduction of visibility to less a reduction of visibility to less less than 1500 metres due less than 1000 ft due to the
than 1000 metres due to the than 1000 metres due to the to the presence of water presence of water vapour in
presence of water vapour in presence of water droplets in droplets in suspension in suspension in the
104. Fog may be defined as: the atmosphere suspension in the atmosphere the atmosphere atmosphere
Only occurs at night and early Is most likely with Polar Can sometimes last for 24
105. Advection fog: morning. Maritime air. Will only clear by insolation. hours or more in winter.
In circumstances where there is a clear sky,
calm wind and a high relative humidity in Radiation fog is likely over Radiation fog is likely at
106. Autumn: night. Advection fog will form. sunrise after previous mist. Hill fog can be expected.
At a station equipped with IRVR, reports When the normal visibility is
107. are given: Every '/2hour. 1500 m or less. When there is mist. When there is haze.
the aircraft suddenly enters
the aircraft suddenly enters a the aircraft in sub zero clear the aircraft in sub zero clear a cloud which is at a higher
cloud at below freezing air suddenly enters a colder air suddenly enters a temperature than the
108. Hoar frost forms on an aircraft when: temperature region warmer moist region surrounding air.
Stratus cloud of limited depth at a
109. temperature of-5°C will most likely give: moderate to heavy rime ice moderate to heavy glaze ice light to moderate rime ice light to moderate glaze ice
large supercooled water ice pellets splattering on the small supercooled water water vapour freezing to
110. Clear ice forms as a result of. droplets spreading as they aircraft droplets splashing over the the aircraft
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freeze aircraft
At temperatures between -
111. Carburettor icing is unlikely: In cloud. 10°C and -30°C. In clear air. When the RH is 40%.
Mixed (rime and clear) icing is most likely in nimbostratus at a in stratocumulus cloud at a in fair weather cumulus at a in towering cumulus at a
112. to be encountered: temperature of -10°C temperature of-20°C temperature of -15 °C temperature of-10°C
Increase the risk of icing if it
Increase the risk of icing if it raises the airframe
raises the airframe temperature to just above Always increase the risk of Always decrease the risk of
113. Kinetic heating will: temperature to just below 0°C. 0°C. airframe icing. airframe icing.
An air mass that has travelled over an continental air and has a high continental air and has a low maritime air and has a high maritime air and has a low
114. ocean is known as: humidity humidity humidity humidity
If air in transit is heated from below it
115. tends to become more: stable neutrally stable unstable none of these
The weather associated with polar overcast moderate broken cloud, light, broken cloud, moderate
116. maritime air is: overcast, moderate drizzle intermittent rain moderate or heavy rain continuous rain
hot dry cloudless weather
warm weather with broken Cu on coasts but Cu building up
and showers on coasts, inland with rain showers,
Tropical continental air normally brings to hot dry cloudless weather with visibility very good except in warm dry cloudless weather visibility good except in
117. the UK: a thick haze showers with very good visibility showers
Referring to the area of the North Atlantic,
the mean position of the polar front in from Florida to south west from Newfoundland to the from Florida to the north of from Newfoundland to
118. January is: England north of Scotland Scotland south west England
Surface layer air will become Surface layer air will Surface layer air will
Surface layer air will become colder, the RH will rise and become warmer, the RH become warmer, the RH
When air from an air mass moves to a warmer, the RH will rise and the air will become more will fall and the air will will fall and the air will
119. lower latitude, it can be expected that: the air will become unstable. stable. become unstable. become more stable.
Greater in Tropical
Greater in Polar Maritime air Greater in Tropical Maritime Greater in Polar Continental Continental air due to the
It can be expected that the depth of the due to the instability and air due to the warm air due to the very low relatively high
120. Friction Layer over the UK will be: moderate wind. temperature. temperatures. temperatures in winter.
The airmasses involved in the development Polar Maritime and Polar Tropical Maritime and Polar Tropical Continental and Polar Maritime and Tropical
121. of a Polar Front Depression are: Continental. Continental. Polar Maritime. Maritime.
When a cold front passes a Station in the The wind veers and the The wind backs and the The wind veers and the The wind backs and the
122. British Isles: dewpoint falls. dewpoint falls. dewpoint rises. dewpoint rises.
The air ahead of the warm The warm sector remains on The cloud type is There is a risk of CB
123. With a cold occlusion: front is colder than the air the surface. predominately layer with a embedded in NS.
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winds is caused by: association with the Hadley force when crossing the the equatorial regions.
cells. geographic equator.
develop due to the high
pressure over continents in
winter and the subsequent low are from the southeasterly
pressure which develops over are never in combination with blow only in the southeast direction over the Indian
135. Monsoons are seasonal winds which: the same areas in summer. trade winds. Asia region. sub continent in summer.
The upper winds tend to be westerly the rotation of the earth is the thermal winds are surface winds are nearly jet streams are usually
136. outside the tropics because: west to east. westerly on average. always westerly. westerly.
in the warm air some 400 nm
ahead of a warm front and
in the warm air some 400 nm some 200 nm behind a cold in association with the polar
ahead of a warm or cold front front and near the sub only in association with the front and with mountain
137. Jet stream main locations are: and near the subtropical highs. tropical highs. polar front. waves.
at speeds greater than 60
138. Near the equator upper winds tend to be: easterly. westerly. kt. calm.
the boundary surface between
polar continental and tropical only apparent over the the region where warm
139. The Polar Front is: continental air. near the poles. Atlantic ocean. sector depressions develop.
in association with the sub in unstable air with low
140. Dust storms and haze are most common: tropical anticyclones over land. with the Haboobs in winter. pressure. in temperate latitudes.
over the sea in the region of
Newfoundland and the over Europe with high over central North America
141. The most notorious advection fogs occur: over southwest UK. Kamchatka peninsula. pressure to the north. in autumn and winter.
When would a rotor cloud be ahead of a Cb
142. ? Mature stage Cumulus stage Dissipating stage Initial stage
143. What cloud does hail fall from ? Cb Ns Cu Ci
Where are you most likely to find moderate In upper levels of
144. to severe icing ? Cumulonimbus Capillatus Nimbostratus Stratus Cirrus
145. Height of the tropopause at 50°N 11 km 16 km 05 km 20 km
Rising air slows down and
146. A characteristic of a stable air mass Lapse rate of 1oC / 100 m dissipates Lapse rate of 0.3°C/100m Good visibility and shower
Unstable moist air, speeds <5 Stable air, speed, >20 kts Unstable air, speed >20 kts Stable air, speed >30kts,
147. Which conditions lead to mountain waves ? kts across the ridge across the ridge across the ridge parallel to the ridge
At the junction of the
148. Where is the coldest air in a cold occlusion? Behind the cold front occlusion In front of the occlusion Behind the warm front
149. Where is the largest chance of squalls 1n front of an active cold front Above the occlusion along the Behind the cold front Above the occlusion along
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The layer between the The boundary between the Where temperature
168. What is the tropopause ? troposphere and mesosphere troposphere and stratosphere increases with height Upper boundary to C.A.T.
Where do you find the majority of the air
169. within atmosphere ? Troposphere Stratosphere Tropopause Mesosphere
What are Lenticularis clouds a possible Horizontal wind shear in the
170. indication of ? Mountain waves Instability Developing Cu and Cb upper atmosphere
171. When are cyclones most likely ? Mid Winter Late Autumn Late Summer Late Spring
In what cloud is icing and turbulence most
172. severe ? Cb Ns Sc Ci
173. What will snow most likely fall from ? Ns Ci Cs Ac
Large Super cooled water Small Super cooled water Slow freezing of water Rapid re-freezing of large
174. Rime ice is caused by: droplets droplets droplets onto the wing water droplets
175. What is the most severe form of icing ? Dry Ice Hoar frost Clear ice Rime ice
Air ahead of the warm front Air behind the cold front
undercutting the air behind undercutting the air in front
176. Cold occlusion is: Cold air undercutting warm air Warm air overriding cold air the cold front of the warm front
Air ahead of the warm front Air behind the cold front
over riding the air behind over riding the air in front
177. Warm occlusion is: Warm air undercutting cold air Warm air overriding cold air the cold front of the warm front
178. Duration of a microburst: 5 mins, 5 km 20 mins, 5 km 15 mins, 25 km 45 mins, 25 km
A METAR for Paris gave the surface wind at
179. 260/20 at 2000ft is most likely to be: 260/15 210/30 290/40 175/15
A pilot experiences severe turbulence and
180. icing. A competent met. man would issue: SPECI METAR TEMPO SIGMET
Which of these would cause your true
altitude to decrease with a constant
181. indicated altitude ? Cold/Low Hot/Low Cold/High Hot/High
Closely spaced isobars - low Distant spaced isobars - high Close spaced isobars - Close spaced isobars - light
182. A large pressure gradient is shown by: temperature temperature strong winds winds
In an air mass with cold air
183. Squall lines are encountered: properties Ahead of a cold front Behind a stationary front At an occluded front
Typical horizontal Always associated with CB
184. Microbursts: Only affect tropical areas Average lifespan 30mins dimensions 1 - 3km clouds
7Which of the following are described as
185. precipitation ? TS SQ SA DZ
186. Clouds classified as low level are 500 - 1000ft 1000 - 2000ft the surface - 6500ft 100 - 200ft
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temperature information
What is the technical term for an increase
224. in temperature with altitude ? Inversion Advection Adiabatic Subsidence
What units are used to measure vertical
225. wind shear ? m/sec kts kts/100ft kms/100ft
Using the temperature of the Using the temperature at
airfield and the elevation of the MSL and the elevation of
226. How is QFE determined from QNH ? airfield Using the temperature Using the elevation the airfield
227. Which cloud would produce showers ? NS AS CS CB
228. What clears radiation fog ? Temperature drop Wind speed decreases Wind speed increases Mixing
On a surface weather chart, isobars are
229. lines of QNH QFE QFF QNE
What is the effect of a strong low level
230. inversion ? Good visibility Calm conditions Turbulence Unstable conditions
A cold pool over land in summer would give Low stratus with intermittent A potentially very unstable
231. rise to: Clear skies rain atmosphere Extensive industrial haze
Upper level winds are forecast in significant
232. weather charts as: True/knots Magnetic/knots Magnetic/km/h True/km/h2
METAR winds are meaned over
the.............. period immediately preceding
233. the time of observation. 10 minute 30 minute 1 hour 1 minute
Main TAF's at large aerodromes are valid
234. for approximately: 1 hour 2 hours 6 hours 24 hours
When would you mostly likely get fair
235. weather Cu ? 15 Hrs 12 Hrs 17 Hrs 07 Hrs
The maximum distance a pilot
in the threshold area at 15ft The maximum distance in The distance it would be
above the runway can see metres a pilot 15ft above possible to see an observer
The maximum distance an marker boards by day or the touchdown zone can 15ft above the runway
observer on the runway can runway lights by night, when see marker boards by day when standing in the
see marker boards by day and looking in the direction of and runway lights by night direction of take-off or
236. RVR is defined as being runway lights by night take-off or landing. in the direction of take-off landing.
What type of cloud extends into another
237. level ? As Ace Ns Ci
238. Ceilometers measure RVR Cloud height Met Vis Turbulence
239. In a METAR, the pressure group represents QFE rounded up to the nearest QFE rounded down to the QNH rounded up to the QNH rounded down to the
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325. In Horse latitude weather is :- a)Cold Clear and fresh Rain and thunderstorm Squally wind
Most of the active western disturbance
326. that comes towards Bangladesh are :- Primary Secondary Tertiary None of the above
Western disturbance do not precisely travel
west to east but their normal track is
327. slightly :- N/NE-ward South-SE ward E/NE-wards North to South ward
On set date of SW monsoon in Bangladesh
328. is :- 1st week of July 1st week of June 1st week of October 1st week of May
329. Pre-monsoon season in Bangladesh is :- June to September March to May December to February October to November
A mamatus sky often gives warning for the
330. formation of :- a)Cyclone Tornado Monsoon Western disturbance
331. Tornado often travels in a :- Straight way Horizontal way Erratic and skipping way North to south way
332. The SW monsoon reach up to :- Delhi China Persian gulf Baluchistan.
All charts, Satellite data,
Before issuing forecast a Meteorological significant weather chart
333. officer follows :- Only TAF TAF and METAR etc None of the above
Bangladesh is Charecterize by High
334. Pressure during: Pre-monsoon season NE monsoon season SW monsoon season Retreating monsoon season
When would a SIGMET be issued be for
335. subsonic flights. Thunderstorms and fog. Severe mountain waves . Solar Flare activity. Moderate turbulence .
336. The average eye of a tropical cyclone is : 30-40 miles 15-20 miles 10-15 miles 40-50 miles
A lantern attached to the
337. Ascent of balloon at night by observing : A torch light balloon A charger light A electric bulb
338. Which is likely to cause aquaplaning ? +RA SA FG DS
QNH decrease and QFE QNH increase and QFE
339. With the approach of a warm front ? QNH/QFE decreases QNH/QFE increase increases decreases
Heating the surface, this there Heating the water vapour
heats the air in the Heating the water vapour in directly unless there are
340. Solar radiation heats the atmosphere by- Heating the air directly atmosphere the atmosphere directly clouds present.
For carburetor ice to form , the outside air
341. must be - Bellow freezing Moist Dry Cold and moist
What happens to the stability of the
342. atmosphere in an inversion ? Absolutely stable Unstable Conditionally stable Conditionally unstable
If ice forms over the static vent of an
aeroplane and blocks it during the climb ,
343. the air speed indicator will read Zero Too fast Too slow Correctly
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target will always be an target will always be ground this target may be either an
aircraft. based. aircraft or a ground based
A VOR/DME share the same first two letters
of their respective identifiers; the last they are more than 600m they are widely separated
identifying letter of the DME is a Z. This apart but serve the same and do not serve the same they are a maximum
48. means that: they are co-located. location. location. distance of 30m apart.
The range indicated by DME is considered to +/-0.25 nm to +/-1.25% of
49. be accurate to within: 3% of range 1.25 % of range 0.5 nm range
it increases the number of it increases the receiver it goes into a selective
When a DME transponder becomes pulse pairs to meet the threshold to remove response mode of
50. saturated: it reverts to standby. demand. weaker signals. operation.
both beacons to have the
the aerial separation not to same first two letters for
the DME to transmit on the the aerial separation not to exceed 100 metres in a their ident' but the last
For a DME and a VOR to be said to be same VHF frequency as the exceed 100 feet in a TMA or TMA or 2000m outside a letter of the DME to be a
51. associated it is necessary for: VOR. 2000 feet outside a TMA. TMA. `Z'.
+ or - 3% of range, or 0.5nm, +/-0.25 nm to +/-1.25% of
52. The accuracy associated with DME is: whichever is greater + or - 1.25% of range + or - 3% of range range
For a VOR and a DME beacon to be said to
be associated the aerial separation must not
exceed in a terminal area andoutside a
53. terminal area. 100 m 2000 m 50 feet200 feet 30m 600m 50m 200 m
DME is a …… radar operating in the …… band
and usage …… in order to obtain range
information. The correct words to complete secondary SHF ”jittered
54. the above statement are: primary SHF CW signals secondary UHF twin pulses pulses” primary UHF pulse pairs
the aircraft receiver only
accepts reply pulses which
each aircraft has its own the reply pulses from the have the same time interval
unique transmitter frequency ground transmitter have the between successive pulses the aircraft receiver only
The receiver of airborne DME equipment is and the receiver only accepts same frequency as the as the pulses being accepts reply pulses which
able to “lock on” to its own “reply pulses” reply pulses having this incoming interrogation pulses transmitted by its own arrive at a constant time
55. because: frequency. from the aircraft. transmitter . interval.
the VOR transmitter is easily both ground transmitter
DME and VOR are "frequency paired" the same receiver can be used converted to the required "cockpit workload" is aerials can be placed on the
56. because: for both aids. DIVE frequency. reduced. same site if require
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The middle marker of an ILS system has an alternating dots and dashes at alternating dots and dashes at alternating dots and dashes
70. audible code which is: 400Hz. 1300Hz. at 3000Hz. high pitch dots.
an angle of 2.15° to an an angle of 1.00° to an
an angle of 1.35° to an angle of an angle of 1.85° to an angle angle of 5.75° above the angle of 6.0° above the
Accurate glidepath coverage in elevation is 5.25° above the horizontal, for of 4.75° above the horizontal, horizontal, for a 3° horizontal, for a 3°
71. provided for ILS installations between: a 3° glidepath. for a 3° glidepath. glidepath. glidepath.
only on the ground before on initial contact and when
departure of a flight into an entering an area where with the local ATCC before when crossing the coast
72. SELCAL functional check must be made: area where SELCAL is available SELCAL is available. take-off. inboun
When using an Airborne Weather Radar in areas where high
the weather mode the strongest returns on concentrations of large water areas of moderate or severe areas of probable areas of thunderstorm
73. the screen indicate: droplets exist. turbulence. windshear. activity.
precision instrument
approach and landing; DH; precision instrument ILS approach and landing;
precision instrument approach 60m (200ft) but not lower approach and landing; DH; DH; 60m (200ft) but not
Operational Performance Category 2 is and landing; MDH; 60m than 30m (100ft); not less 30m (100ft) or no DH; not lower than 30m (100ft);
74. awith a -lower thanand a RVR (200ft); not less than 300m. than 300m. less than 200m. not less than 300m.
In a conventional VOR the reference signal is
75. ...... and the variable signal is ...... . FM AM AM FM FM FM AM AM
The correct SSR code to indicate radio failure
76. is: 7700 7600 2000 7500
A primary radar has a PRF of 500 pulses per
second The maximum theoretical range,
77. ignoring all other factors, is: 300 nm 162 nm 600 nm 324 nm
VLF surface waves achieve greater range VLF diffraction is greater and VLF diffraction and VLF diffraction is less and VLF diffraction and
78. than LF surface waves because: attenuation is less. attenuation are less. attenuation is greater. attenuation are greater.
When using airborne weather radar to at ranges over about 50 nm
obtain a fix from a ground feature, the because the wider beam gives because greater power can
pencil beam is used in preference to the better definition of ground the angle of tilt is restricted in be concentrated in the because it overcomes the
79. mapping beam: features. the mapping mode. beam. problems of "hill" shadows.
A class B true bearing from a ground VDF
80. station isa ...... with an accuracy of ...... . QTE +/-5° QDM +/-5° QUJ +/-5° QDR +/-5°
50 ft above the plane
Category 2 ILS installation provides accurate 50 ft above aerodrome 200 ft above aerodrome containing the runway
81. guidance to: 100 ft on the threshold QFE. elevation. elevation. threshold
An apparent increase in transmitted the receiver moving towards the transmitter moving away the transmitter moving the transmitter and the
82. frequency, proportional to the velocity of the transmitter. from the receiver. towards the receiver. receiver moving away from
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mountain effect, station
Which of the following are all errors selective availability, coastal night effect, quadrantal error, interference, static selective availability, coastal
106. associated with ADF? refraction, night effect lane slip interference refraction, quadrantal error
Both the loop and sense
What action must be taken to receive a aerials must receive the
107. bearing from an ADF? BFO on Select the loop position signal Select the LOOP position
When is coastal error at its worst for an beacon inland at an acute beacon inland at 90° to the beacon close to the coast at beacon close to the coast at
108. aircraft at low level? angle to the coast coast an acute angle to the coast 90° to the coast
Which of the following is the most
109. significant error in ADF? quadrantal error coastal refraction precipitation static static from Cb
station interference, lack of failure warning,
Which of the following may cause static interference, height mountain effect, selective coastal refraction, slant station interference, static
110. inaccuracies in ADF bearings? effect, lack of failure warning availability range, night effect interference
The principle used to measure VOR bearings difference in depth of
111. is: phase comparison switched cardioids modulation pulse technique
When converting VOR and ADF bearings to
true, the variation at the ...... should be used
112. for VOR and at the ...... for ADF. aircraft, aircraft aircraft, station station, aircraft station, station
In a conventional VOR the reference signal
and the variable signal have a 30 Hz using Doppler techniques to
modulation. The variable signal modulation adding 30 Hz to the a 30 Hz rotation producing a varying the amplitude up produce a 30 Hz amplitude
113. is produced by: transmitted signal 30 Hz modulation and down at +/-30 Hz modulation
If the VOR accuracy has a limit of 1°, what is
114. the maximum cross track error at 200 nm? 3.0 nm 2.5 nm 2.0 nm 3.5 nm
What is the maximum distance apart a VOR
and TACAN can be located and have the
115. same identification? 2000 m 60 m 600 m 6m
The maximum range an aircraft at FL370 can
receive transmissions from a VOR/DME at
116. 800 ft is: 275 nm 200 nm 243 nm 220 nm
When tracking a VOR radial inbound the
117. aircraft would fly: a constant track a great circle track a rhumb line track a constant heading
Which of the following is a valid frequency
118. (MHz) for a VOR? 107.75 109.9 118.35 112.2
Using a VOR beyond the limits of the DOC loss of signal due to line of interference from other VOR's skywave contamination of
119. may result in: sight limitations operating on the same the VOR signal scalloping errors
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no DME identification, but if
the VOR identification is
When identifying a co-located VOR/DME the present and a range is
following signals are heard in the Morse 4 identifications in the same 4 identifications with the DME 4 identifications with the indicated then this shows
120. code every 30 seconds: tone at a higher tone DME at a lower tone that both are serviceable
What is the maximum range a transmission
from a VOR beacon at 169 ft can be received
121. by an aircraft at FL012 60 nm 80 nm 120 nm 220 nm
When tracking the 090 radial outbound from
122. a VOR, the track flown is: a straight line a rhumb line a great circle a constant true heading
On which radial from a VOR at 61N025E
(VAR 13°E) is an aircraft at 59N025E (VAR
123. 20°E)? 160 347 193 167
What is the minimum height an aircraft
must be to receive signals from a VOR at 196
124. ftamsl at a range of 175 nm? 26000 ft 16000 ft 24000 ft 20000 ft
For a conventional VOR a phase difference
of 090° would be achieved by flying ......
125. from the beacon: west north east south
at all times except dawn
126. The quoted accuracy of VOR is valid: at all times by day only at all times except night and dusk
Which of the following provides distance
127. information? DME VOR ADF VDF
Which of the following would give the best a DME on the flight plan a DME off the flight plan
128. indication of speed? a VOR on the flight plan route a VOR off the flight plan route route route
it stays in the search mode, but
reduces to 60 pulse pairs per it stays in the search mode, it alternates between
What happens when a DME in the search second (ppps) after 100 but reduces to 60 ppps after it stays in the search mode search and memory modes
129. mode fails to achieve lock-on? seconds 15000 pulse pairs at 150 ppps every 10 seconds
The most accurate measurement of speed
by DME for an aircraft at 30000 ft will be tracking towards the beacon at tracking away from the passing abeam the beacon
130. when the aircraft is: 10 nm overhead the beacon beacon at 100 nm at 5 nm
A DME beacon will become saturated when
more than about ...... aircraft are
131. interrogating the transponder. 10 50 100 200
132. The DME in an aircraft, cruising at FL210, the beacon is saturated the aircraft is beyond the the aircraft is beyond line of the aircraft signal is too
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fails to achieve lock on a DME at msl at a maximum usable range for sight range weak at that range to
range of 210 nm. The reason for this is: DME trigger a response
The aircraft DME receiver accepts replies to the pulse pairs from each the interrogation the interrogation and reply
its own transmissions but rejects replies to the PRF of the interrogations is aircraft have a unique frequencies are 63 MHz frequencies are separated
133. other aircraft transmissions because: unique to each aircraft amplitude modulation different for each aircraft by 63 MHz
When an aircraft at FL360 is directly above a
DME, at mean sea level, the range displayed
134. will be: 6 nm 9 nm 0 nm 12 nm
135. A DME frequency could be: 10 MHz 100 MHz 1000 MHz 10000 MHz
An aircraft at FL360 is 10 nm plan range
from a DME. The DME reading in the aircraft
136. will be: 8 nm 11.7 nm 10 nm 13.6 nm
A DME transceiver does not lock onto its the PRF of the pulse pairs is j the interrogation and reply the reflections will all fall
137. own reflections because: jittered it uses MTI frequencies differ within the flyback period
What information does military TACAN
138. provide for civil aviation users? magnetic bearing DME Nothing DME and magnetic bearing
The DME in an aircraft flying at FL430 shows
a range of 15 nm from a beacon at an
139. elevation of 167 ft. The plan range is: 13.5 nm 16.5 nm 15 nm 17.6 nm
the DME is receiving no
The DME counters are rotating continuously. the DME is trying to lock onto the DME is trying to lock response from the ground
140. This indicates that: the DME is unserviceable range onto frequency station
the DME is receiving no
On a DME presentation the counters are response from the The transponder is
141. continuously rotating. This indicates: the DME is in the search mode the DME is unserviceable transponder unserviceable
An aircraft at FL200 is 220 nm from a DME at
msl. The aircraft equipment fails to lock on The aircraft is too high to The aircraft is too low to
142. to the DME. This is because: DME is limited to 200 nm receive the signal receive the signal The beacon is saturated
On an ILS approach you receive more of the
90 Hz modulation than the 150 Hz
143. modulation. The action you should take is: fly left and up fly left and down fly right and up fly right and down
interference from other
The errors of an ILS localiser (LLZ) beam are spurious signals from systems operating on the
144. due to: emission sidelobes ground reflections objects near the runway same frequency
The amplitude modulation of the ILS outer
marker is ....... and it illuminates the ......
145. light in the cockpit. 400 Hz, blue 1300 Hz, amber 400 Hz, amber 1300 Hz, blue
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The principle of operation of the ILS localiser the same frequency with different frequencies with
transmitter is that it transmits two different frequencies with the same frequency with different amplitude different amplitude
146. overlapping lobes on: different phases different phases modulations modulations
reflections from obstacles
The ILS glideslope transmitter generates ground returns from the multiple lobes in the in the vicinity of the
147. false glidepaths because of: vicinity of the transmitter back scattering of the signals radiation pattern transmitter
A category III ILS system provides accurate
148. guidance down to: the surface of the runway less than 50 ft less than 100 ft less than 200 ft
A HSI compass rose is stuck on 200°. When
the aircraft is lined up on the centreline of
the ILS localiser for runway 25, the localiser centred with the fail flag
149. needle will be: left of the centre centred right of the centre showing
The coverage of the ILS glideslope with
150. respect to the localisercentreline is: +/-10° to 8 nm +/-10° to 25 nm +/-8° to 10 nm +/-35° to 17 nm
The sequence of marker colours when flying
151. an ILS approach is: white, blue, amber blue, white, amber blue, amber, white amber, blue, white
The sensitive area of an ILS is the area category 1 ILS operations are category II/III ILS operations the ILS is undergoing
152. aircraft may not enter when: ILS operations are in progress in progress are in progress calibration
153. The audio frequency of the outer marker is: 3000 Hz 400 Hz 1300 Hz 1000 Hz
An aircraft is flying downwind outside the
coverage of the ILS. The CDI indications will unreliable in azimuth and reliable in azimuth, unreliable reliable in azimuth and
154. be: elevation in elevation no indications will be shown elevation
155. The frequency band of the ILS glidepath is: UHF VHF SHF VLF
The coverage of MLS is ...... either side of the
156. centreline to a distance of ...... 40°, 40 nm 40° 20 nm 20°, 20 nm 20°, 40 nm
measuring the time taken for measuring the time taken for
the primary radar pulse to the secondary radar pulse to
travel from the MLS travel from the MLS phase comparison between
transmitter to the aircraft transmitter to the aircraft the azimuth and elevation
157. Distance on MLS is measured by: receiver receiver beams co-located DME
Which of the following is an advantage of can be used in inhospitable uses the same aircraft is not affected by heavy
158. MLS? terrain equipment as ILS has a selective access ability precipitation
159. The frequency band of MLS is: UHF VHF SHF VLF
160. Primary radar operates on the principle of transponder interrogation pulse technique phase comparison continuous wave emission
The definition of a radar display will be best narrow beamwidth and narrow narrow beamwidth and wide wide beamwidth and wide beamwidth and wide
161. with: pulsewidth pulsewidth narrow pulsewidth pulsewidth
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permits measurement of
The main advantage of a continuous wave more complex equipment but removes the minimum range smaller more compact Doppler in addition to
162. radar over a pulsed radar is: better resolution and accuracy restriction equipment improved range and bearing
To double the range of a primary radar, the
163. power must be increased by a factor of 2 4 8 16
In a primary pulsed radar the ability to
164. discriminate in azimuth is a factor of: Pulse width Beamwidth Pulse recurrence rate Rate of rotation
the number of cycles per the number of pulses per the ratio of pulse width to the delay known as flyback
165. What does pulse recurrence rate refer to? second second pulse repetition period or dead time
The maximum PRF required for a range of 50
166. nm is: 300 pulses per second (pps) 600 pps 1620 pps 3280 pps
The best radar for measuring very short a continuous wave primary a continuous wave
167. ranges is: radar a pulsed secondary radar a pulsed primary radar secondary radar
Which is the most suitable radar for
168. measuring short ranges? millimetric pulse continuous wave primary centimetric pulse continuous wave secondary
reduces sidelobes and directs can produce simultaneous
more energy into the main removes the need for azimuth map and weather
169. The main advantage of a slotted scanner is: beam slaving sidelobe suppression information
The maximum unambiguous (theoretical)
170. range for a PRF of 1200 pps is: 134 nm 180 nm 67 nm 360 nm
The PRF of a radar is 450 pps. If the speed of
light is 300000 kps, what is the maximum
171. range of the radar? 150 km 333 km 666 km 1326 kin
The best picture on a primary radar will be short wavelength, narrow long wavelength, wide
172. obtained using: low frequency, narrow beam beam high frequency, wide beam beam
Which of the following is a primary radar
173. system? SSR DME GPS AWR
ATC area surveillance radars will normally
174. operate to a maximum range o£ 100 nm 200 nm 300 rim 400 nm
An area surveillance radar is most likely to
175. use a frequency of. 330 MHz 600 MHz 10 GHz 15 GHz
Short range aerodrome radars will have ......
176. wavelengths. millimetric centimetric decimetric metric
The ASM Roperates in the ...... band, the
antenna rotates at ...... rpm can ......
177. distinguish between aircraft types. UHF, 120, sometimes SHF, 60, always UHF, 120, never SHF, 60, sometimes
178. The frequency band of most ATC radars and UHF SHF VHF EHF
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Which GPS frequencies are available for 1227.6 MHz and 1575.42 1227.6 MHz or 1575.42
222. commercial air transport? 1227.6 MHz only 1575.42 MHz only MHz MHz
In GPS on which frequencies are both the
223. C/A and P codes transmitted? both frequencies the higher frequency neither frequency the lower frequency
The orbits of the NAVSTAR GPS satellites are 55° to the plane of the 99° to the plane of the
224. inclined at: 55° to the earth's axis equator 99° to the earth's axis equator
determine position and
The function of the receiver in the GNSS interrogate the satellites to track the satellites to calculate track the satellites to assess the accuracy of that
225. user segment is to: determine range time calculate range position
Local area DGPS gives the same Wide area DGPS accuracy
improvement in accuracy DGPS removes SV ephemeris DGPS can improve the improves the closer the
Which of the following statements regardless of distance from the and clock errors and accuracy of SA affected aircraft is to a ground
226. concerning differential GPS (DGPS) is true? station propagation errors position information. station
The required accuracy of a precision RNAV 0.25 nm standard deviation or 0.5 nm standard deviation or 1 nm standard deviation or 1.5 nm standard deviation
227. (P-RNAV) system is: better better better or better
When using a two dot HSI, a deviation of
one dot from the computed track
228. represents: 2° 5° 5 nm 2 nm
In the NAV and EXP NAV modes one dot on
229. the EHSI represents: 2 nm 2° 5 nm 5°
The phantom station in a 2D RNAV system
230. may be generated by: VOR/DME Twin VOR Twin DME Any of the above
because the computer cannot
determine if the aircraft is because the computer cannot because the pilot cannot if the selected navigation
The operation of a 2D RNAV system may be within the DOC of the determine if the heading and verify the correct frequency facility is in excess of about
231. seriously downgraded: programmed facilities altitude input are in error has been selected 70 nm
altered by the pilots between altered by the pilots every
232. The FMS database can be: the 28 day updates read and altered by the pilots only read by the pilots 28 days
the actual aircraft track
over the ground, which will the aircraft actual track
coincide with the aircraft which will coincide with the
that a manual track has been that a manual heading has heading when there is zero planned track when there is
233. The track line on an EFIS display indicates: selected been selected drift zero drift
In an RNAV system which combination of
external reference will give the most
234. accurate position? GPS/rho Rho/theta Rho/rho GPS/theta
235. Which EHSI modes cannot show AWR FULL VOR/ILS/NAV and MAP PLAN, CTR MAP and EXP CTR MAP and PLAN PLAN and FULL
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by what is selected on the by selecting DMEs to give
pilots DME and hence is tuned automatically by taking pilot's suitable angle of cut to get by automatically selecting
249. In a RNAV system the DME is tuned: manually DME selection a fix automatically the nearest suitable DME
the metallic structure of the generative voltages caused by the electrical wiring running
250. Quadrantal error in the ADF is caused by: aircraft the rotation of the engines through the aircraft multipath reception
Which wavelength corresponds to a
251. frequency of 5035 MHz? 5.96 mm 5.96 cm 59.6 cm 5.96 m
The VDF term meaning `true bearing from
252. the station' is: QDM QDR QTE QUJ
QDM information to
ATC inform a pilot that they will provide headings and heights to fly to radar vectors to position on position overhead the Radar vectors to position
253. aQGHservice. The pilot can expect: arrive overhead the aerodrome final approach aerodrome overhead the aerodrome
The ADF error which will cause the needle to
`hunt' (ie oscillate around the correct
254. bearing) is: night effect Cb static station interference coastal refraction
The accuracy of ADF by day and excluding
255. compass error is: +/-1° +/-2° +/-5° +/-10°
A NDB has emission designator N0NA1A this identification and tuning, identification and
256. will require the use of the BFO for: tuning identification monitoring monitoring
bearing by frequency bearing by searchlight bearing by phase
257. The principle of operation of VOR is: bearing by lobe comparison comparison principle comparison
In a Doppler VOR (DVOR) the reference
signal is the variphase signal is and the
258. rotation is . FM, AM, clockwise AM, FM, clockwise FM, AM, anti-clockwise AM, FM, anti-clockwise
A pilot intends to home to a VOR on the 147
radial. The setting he should put on the OBS
259. and the CDI indications will be: 147, TO 147, FROM 327, FROM 327, TO
Flying an ILS approach the equipment senses
that the 90 Hz modulation predominates on
both the localiser and the glidepath. The
260. indications the pilot will see are: fly left and fly up fly left and fly down fly right and fly up fly right and fly down
A category 2 ILS facility is required to
261. provide guidance to: below 50 ft below 200 ft the surface below 100 ft
The coverage of the approach azimuth and
262. elevation of a MLS is: +/-20° to 40 nm +/-20° to 20 nm +/-40° to 40 nm +/-40° to 20 nm
263. A full MLS system comprises a DME and: 4 elements multiplexing on 2 4 elements multiplexing on 2 elements using 2 2 elements multiplexing on
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