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Report Intern

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Hosting Company: Ethio-Engineering Group Power Equipment

Manufacturing Industry (EEGPEMI)

Names of Intern ID

1. Gebre Takele…………………………………………….ETS0446/09
2. Getachew Amare………………………………………..ETS0945/09
3. Natnael Asefa…………………………………………...ETS0770/09
4. Tewodros Tadesse………………………………………ETS0939/09
5. Tilahun Habte…………………………………………...ETS0946/09

Company Supervisor: Melkamu Tsegaye

Academic Supervisor: Shegaw F. and Wendwosen W.

July 2021 G.C.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Declaration and Copy Right
We, students at Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Department of
Electromechanical Engineering declare that this report is written to show our works and
experiences at Ethio-Engineering Group Power Equipment Manufacturing Industry (EEGPEMI)
from April 15, 2021 – July 8, 2021. We declare that this report is not written for any other
company nor was it copied from other reports. This is to show that the report is legitimate and
was only written for the purpose of narrating the internship program.

Name of reporter: Group members

Address: Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

Phone number: +251930834670/+25165182925

Signature: ________________

Name of mentor: Mr. Shegaw F. and Mr. Wendwosen W.

Address: Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

Phone number: +251911195163/+2519

We would like to thank the Addis Ababa Science and Technology University Department of
Electo-Mechanical Engineering for arranging this much needed internship experience through
the University- Industry linkage. We would also like to thank our supervisor Mr. Melkamu
Tsegaye for his incredible support, hospitality and direction at intern. My gratitude in addition
extends to HRO Endashaw, APFC operators Mr. Getachew and Ms. Masresha, Senior electrician
Getnet, Eng. Tesfaye and Division Manager Mr. Shushay G/Michael for their unwavering
consultation and cordiality throughout our internship program.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................2

CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................3

1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................3

1.1. Background of the Organization.......................................................................................................3

1.2. Mission of the companies.................................................................................................................4

1.3. Value of the company.......................................................................................................................5

1.4. Vision of the company......................................................................................................................5

1.5. Objective of the company.................................................................................................................5

1.6. Products and Services by the Company............................................................................................6

1.7. Stakeholders of the Company...........................................................................................................6

1.8. Customers of the Company..............................................................................................................6

CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................7

2. Internship Experience..............................................................................................................................7

2.1. Overall Internship Experience...........................................................................................................7

2.2. Objectives of the Internship.............................................................................................................7

2.3. Experiences in the company.............................................................................................................8

2.3.1. Switchgear ware house..............................................................................................................8

2.3.2. Compact distribution substation..............................................................................................16

2.3.3. APFC (automatic power factor corrector) warehouse.............................................................18

2.3.4. Testing shop.............................................................................................................................23

CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................29

3. Performance and Benefits.....................................................................................................................29

3.1. Our performance at the company..................................................................................................29

3.2. Benefit gained from the company..................................................................................................31

CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................34

4. Mini-project: MV Switchgear design using vacuum circuit breaker...................................................34

4.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................34

4.1.2 Statement of the problem........................................................................................................36

4.1.3 Objectives of the project..........................................................................................................36

4.2 Literature review.............................................................................................................................37

4.2.1 Significances of medium voltage switchgear using vacuum circuit breaker.............................38

4.3 Main Design calculations.................................................................................................................39

4.3.1 Design power circuit of switchgear...........................................................................................39

4.3.2 Short circuit current calculation................................................................................................39

4.3.3 Switchgear bus bar rating calculation.......................................................................................41

4.3.4 Vacuum circuit breaker rating calculation................................................................................43

4.3.5 Instrument transformers rating calculation..............................................................................45

4.3.6 Surge arrester protector rating calculation...............................................................................47

4.3.7 Disconnector and earthing switch rating calculation................................................................48

4.3.8 Design control circuit of switchgear..........................................................................................48

4.3.9 Closing –tripping Operating mechanism of VCB.......................................................................49

4.4 Result and discussion.....................................................................................................................55

4. Conclusion.............................................................................................................................................56

4. Reference...........................................................................................................................................57

List of tables
Table 1: megger test on transformer.........................................................................................................28
Table 2: transformer ratio test..................................................................................................................29
Table 3: winding resistance test................................................................................................................29
Table 4: transformer no load test..............................................................................................................29
Table 5: load losses....................................................................................................................................30
Table 6: power frequency withstand test..................................................................................................30
Table 7: induced over voltage withstand test............................................................................................31
Table 8: LV phase to earth insulation data................................................................................................31
Table 9: LV phase to phase insulation data...............................................................................................31
Table 10: LV loop circuit test induced current...........................................................................................32
Table 11: MV switchgear loop resistance test...........................................................................................32
Table 12: MV switchgear insulation test....................................................................................................32
Table 13: MV switchgear phase to phase insulation test...........................................................................33
Table 14: MV switchgear power frequency withstand voltage test...........................................................33

List of Figures

Figure 1: Switchgear warehouse................................................................................................................12

Figure 2: Low voltage Switchgear.............................................................................................................14
Figure 3: High voltage switchgear.............................................................................................................15
Figure 4: Circuit earth switch....................................................................................................................17
Figure 5: Indoor fuse assembly..................................................................................................................19
Figure 6: SF6 filling machinery..................................................................................................................20
Figure 7: Compact substation....................................................................................................................21
Figure 8: Pictorial example for power factor correction............................................................................22
Figure 9: APFC panels house ware............................................................................................................23
Figure 10: three phase single capacitor bank.........................................................................................25
Figure 11: 100KVAR capacitor bank........................................................................................................26
Figure 12: designed power circuit of switchgear.......................................................................................45
Figure 13: vacuum circuit breaker.............................................................................................................51
Figure 14: AutoCAD drawing of control circuit design.............................................................................56

Executive Summary
We recently have done our internship in the compact and power factor correction branch of the
Ethio-engineering group company which is one of the major innovative and modernized
company utilizing advanced engineering technologies in production of main electrical
components country wise, we described the main works on done during internship program. We
got training from each of its department, yet the internship basically revolved around the product
knowledge training. In this report we have given a very brief review of what we have observed
during our internship period. And also we have done a project that will be important for the
company to improve manufacturing of switchgear.


1.1. Background of the Organization

Ethio-Engineering Group previously named as the Metals and Engineering Corporation

(METEC) is a government owned industrial enterprise established under the laws of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia by the Council of Ministers Regulation No. 183/2002. It was
initiated in 2010 by government decree with an authorized capital of 10 billion Ethiopian birr.
Ethio-Engineering Group or formerly known as METEC is one of the institutions established to
enable the realization of the government’s Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) besides
accelerating the ongoing transition of Ethiopia into industrialization in order for the country to
line among the middle-income countries.

Due to the high import dependence of the country, import-substituting industries were given
priority in the first GTP (GTP I) that covers the period from 2010/11 to 2014/15. The metal
and engineering industry was identified as a priority sector not only for import substitution
but also support the export industry, develop local design and manufacturing capability, and
facilitate technology transfer. The development strategy cascaded from the GTP further lays
down the specific targets and strategies that the government sought to achieve at the sectorial
level towards this end, the government has taken various measures to meet the targets; one of
which is for the state itself to take the leading role in the sector development by creating a
military industrial complex which is Ethio-Engineering Group or METEC.

The corporation is a combination of industries with the main aim of fast-tracking the ambitious
industrial targets of the government sketched under the GTP. It is intended to be ‘a hub for
the nation’s factory production’ and accelerate technological transfer. Officials argued that
military industrial complex led by disciplined and committed people with a sense of national
pride would make an immense contribution in the alleviation of poverty which is seen as a
national security threat (July 20, 2017). Thus, one can safely conclude that the ideological factor
has been at play in the birth of military business in Ethiopia.

METEC envisions prospering Ethiopia mainly in the industry & manufacturing sectors in order
to satisfy the country’s growing development demands in the public and private arenas by
dynamically and innovatively designing, building and integrating manufacturing industries. It
also works in the production of high value spare parts, machineries, industrial equipment and
vehicles geared towards meeting the country’s mounting needs in construction, agriculture and
transportation in addition to what it’s well-known for; upgrading, manufacturing and optimizing
of military equipment and armaments to be utilized by armed forces of the F.D.R.E.

Ethio-Engineering Group (METEC) is a base for industrial development (mechanical and

electromechanical equipment, agricultural machinery, transport equipment, etc.) in Ethiopia.
Industries incorporated under METEC are Bishoftu Automotive Industry (BAI), Hi-Tech
Industry (HTI), Ethiopian Power Engineering Industry (EPEI), Adama Garment Industry (AGI),
Hibret Manufacturing and Machine Building Industry (HMMBI), Adama Agricultural
Machinery Industry (AAMI), Dejen Aviation Industry (DAVI), Ethiopian Plastic Industry (EPI),
Homicho Ammunition Engineering Industry (HAEI), Metal and Fabrication Industry
(MFI),Akaki Basic Metal Industry (ABMI) and Gafat Armament Industry (GAI).

1.2. Mission of the companies

The broad mission of Ethio-engineering is developing and constructing industrial capability
on one hand and producing capital goods on the other, in favor of the private sector and the
public. It also create a dynamic company for the continuous exploration and development of
opportunities, locally and abroad, for growth within the field of electrical and mechanical
engineering though the maximization of added value from all its assets.

In addition to the above:

 To establish a power factor correction factory with a production capacity of 10,000 PFC
per annum
 To produce power factor correctors of various ratings with optimum cost
 To render 960 compact distribution substations annually.

1.3. Value of the company

The values of the company includes

 Integrity
 Honesty
 Professionalism
 Team worker
 commitment

1.4. Vision of the company

The main vision of the company is to prosper Ethiopia in industry by reducing wastage of
electric power from generation to transmission by manufacturing and distributing high-tech
power factor correctors and compact distribution substations thereby assisting in the
transformation of the country from agrarian to industry-led economy.

1.5. Objective of the company

Ethio-Engineering Group expands and enhances engineering and technological capability
though creating partnership for the integration and interfacing the industrial resource. It also runs
utilizing internal resources to reduce capital investment, developing skilled man power, saving
foreign currency and preventing power wastage encompassed in the general objective of
supporting the government’s growth and transformation plan predominantly through facilitating
a smooth and efficient power supply.

It also among others, to operate a profitable business in the manufacturing of engineering

products through the acquisition of existing firm and the establishment of services related to the
field of Electrical and mechanical engineering through, consulting, product development,
maintenance, and management contract.
The company objectively tries to improve the protection of power system in the country.
Protection scheme ensures fast and selective clearing of any fault within the boundaries of the
circuit element, that the zone is required to protect by manufacturing switchgears that allow high
efficient operation of fault clearance. And also to ensure reliability of the power system APFC is
the focus area of the company. The ability of the protection system to operate correctly, depend
on reliability of the protection equipment’s which are dependable and secure. The dependability
feature demands the certainty of a correct operation of the designed system, on
occurrence of any fault. Similarly, the security feature can be defined as the ability of the
designed system to avoid incorrect operation during faults.
In addition the objectives of the company includes
 Generating more than 100 MW electric power without using a hydro power station
 Saving the power of the country that is wasted without being used
 Smoothening the country’s power distribution
 Creating employment opportunities

1.6. Products and Services by the Company

The company, where we worked, power factor and compact distribution substation factory
produce different products to facilitate power system distribution at reliable and efficient

Some the product produced at the factory are:

 33/0.4KV, 1250KVA indoor substation

 33/0.4KV, 800KVA indoor substation
 15/0.4KV, 800KVA indoor substation
 15/0.4KV, 630KVA indoor substation
 75KVAR-500KVAR power factor corrector capacitor based on the customer demand.
 Equipment’s for replacement

When any customers buy products for this factory, they get the full service for installation,
testing and replacement of equipment when any failure occurs from the power factor and
compact distribution substation factory. The factory also gives service for advice related to
power system distribution.
1.7. Stakeholders of the Company
The Power Equipment Manufacturing Industry is wholly owned and managed by the
government of Ethiopia under the Metals and Engineering Corporation/ Ethio-Engineering
Group Enterprise. The company has gone through a major administrative reformation following
the recent unveiling of corruption scandals involving the general manager and other high-ranking
officials who had been running the organization. However, it did not really alter the existing
shareholder, the government, and the organizational structure.

1.8. Customers of the Company

The regular customers of the company include:

 Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation

 Ministry of Agriculture
 Sugar Factories
 Telecommunication Industry
 Ethiopian Electric Utility etc…

2. Internship Experience

2.1. Overall Internship Experience

The internship experience at power factor and compact distribution substation was really an eye-
opening experience for us. We get almost the whole operation of the power factor manufacturing
and applied machineries in a power equipment manufacturing industry. Although it spanned for
just a three months period of time, it was enough to obtain sufficient internship experience that
led to a better understanding of protection and compensation of power systems and generally
gaining a comprehensive understanding on the professional working principles of a company.

2.2. Objectives of the Internship

Internship is one method of presenting undergraduate students with opportunities for
exploring potentially valuable career avenues in addition to offering experiences at specific
companies producing or rendering services which will be educating to the intern’s field of
academic education. Such arrangement can provide the intern with valuable work experience and
an opportunity to possibly line up for a job before graduation in addition to securing good
workplace connections that might come in handy later somewhere in the intern’s professional
career. As a result, many business owners and managers realize that these internship programs
can provide them with an early opportunity to gauge the talents of a new generation of workers
and, in many cases, sell themselves as a conductive place for students to begin their vocational
journey after they graduate.

The purpose of industrial training is to expose students (us) to real work of environment
experience and at the same time, to gain the knowledge through hands on observation and job
execution. From the industrial training, we also develop skills in work ethics, communication,
management and others. Moreover this practical training program allows us to relate theoretical
knowledge with its application in the manufacturing industry.

The objective of industrial training for us is

 To provide the opportunity to test our interest in a particular career before permanent
commitments to be made.
 To develop skills in the application of theory to practical work situations.
 To develop skills and techniques directly applicable to our careers
 To develop wok ethics and sense of responsibility
 To enhance the ability to improve creativity skills and sharing ideas

2.3. Experiences in the company

We have been working in almost all the sections of the factory. The industrial unit had four
shops namely; Switchgear warehouse, Compact Sub-Station, Power factor correction (PFC) shop
and testing shop.

2.3.1. Switchgear ware house

The apparatus used for switching, controlling and protecting the electrical circuits and equipment
is known as switchgear. The switchgear equipment is essentially concerned with switching and
interrupting currents either under normal or abnormal operating conditions. The tumbler switch
with ordinary fuse is the simplest form of switchgear and is used to control and protect lights and
other equipment in homes, offices etc. In an electric power system, switchgear is composed of
electrical disconnecting switches and fuses used to control, protect and isolate electrical
equipment. Switchgear is used both to de-energize equipment, to allow work to be done and to
clear faults downstream.

Typically, switchgear in substations is located on both the high- and low-voltage sides of
large power transformers. For industrial applications, a transformer and switchgear line-up may
be combined in one house, called a Compact Sub-Station (CSS) which is the main product of the
company. Depending on the amount of voltage we have three types of switch gears High voltage
(HV), Medium voltage (MV) and Low Voltage (LV). Considering these the circuit breakers are
could be an air, oil or SF6 insulated switch gear. In the Switchgear warehouse, Medium voltage
(MV) and Low Voltage (LV) switchgear are bought and stored to be customized and finalized
before being fitted into the CSS. Gas insulated switchgear is used for MV substation for the
following advantages:

 Lower space requirement

 Smaller transportation size
 Increased reliability of operation due to hermetically sealed primary switchgear section
i.e from contamination, small animals, contacts, condensation etc.
 Maintenance free primary section i.e no lubrication and readjustment necessary.
 Better economical balance than air insulated switchgear for the entire life time of the

Yet in general the disadvantage of switchgear could be stated as

 The indoor Switchgear system has high installation cost.

 There are few loops, the units cannot be combined arbitrarily and combined large area
Example Low voltage switchgear.
 Initial cost is high for high voltages switchgear
 Protection devices required more for high voltage switchgear

Figure 1: Switchgear warehouse

In the factory two types of switchgears which are produced based on voltage level. They are Low
voltage Switchgear and High voltage switchgear each briefly explained below.

Low voltage Switchgear

Low-voltage metal-enclosed switchgear is a three-phase power distribution product designed to
safely, efficiently and reliably supply electric power at voltages up to 1,000 volts and current up
to 6,000 amps. In this company low voltage power circuit breaker Switchgear rated for 400v
alternating current (AC). The metal enclosed Switchgear is completely enclosed on all sides and
top with metal sheets and has stationary primary power Switching or interrupting elements or
both bus and connections. It also takes on many specific forms and functions that combine
metering, monitoring, control, protection and distribution.

Low voltage switchgear provides centralized control and protection of low voltage power
equipment and circuits in industrial, commercial and utility installations involving transformers,
generators, motors and power feeder circuits. Unlike the other options reviewed, switchgear
uniquely withstands short circuit currents for an extended period of time (30 electrical cycles).
This time allows the downstream protective device closest to the fault to open and clear it;
accordingly, these capabilities are referred to as short time or withstand ratings. Low voltage
switchgear features the following components:

 Low voltage power circuit breakers,

 Six feeders to the costumers
 Control circuits compartments,
 Bus bars (main and section) and customer termination areas.
 CTs and PTs for metering and protection
 Disconnect switches

Low voltage power circuit breakers automatically protect an electrical circuit from damage due
to overload or short circuit. A bus is mounted in the frame to distribute power from incoming
power cables to the branch circuit devices. Horizontal circuit breaker compartments distribute
power to each switchboard section. Vertical circuit breaker compartments distribute power to the
circuit protection devices in a single structure.
The power connections are categorized as primary or secondary power. The main electrical
distribution system power that is being brought to the assembly and feeding out to the connected
loads is known as the primary power. These connections are made by extending busbars into the
breaker compartment for connection to the main system power components of the drawout
power circuit breaker. Secondary power includes the circuits used to provide power to control
and monitoring equipment for electrically operated devices such as solid-state trip units, shunt
trips, pilot lights, meters and control switches.

The freestanding steel enclosure in which all the main switchgear components are housed is
known as the structure. It contains all the power circuit breaker compartments, the primary and
secondary power connections, and the secondary control compartments. In the middle of the
structure are the bus bars, which are made of silver or tin-plated copper. The main busbars
distribute power horizontally within the switchgear assembly from structure to structure. In each
section of the structure, vertical section bus bars connect to the horizontal main bus. This vertical
structure bus delivers power to the power circuit breakers so the electricity can be fed out to the
individual load devices.
Figure 2: Low voltage Switchgear
Medium voltage switchgear
Medium voltage switchgear have a voltage rating of 33KV.As the voltage level is high the
arcing produced during switching operation is also very high. High voltage circuit breaker
is the main component of HV switchgear, hence high voltage Circuit breaker should have
special features for safe and reliable. It is indoor, factory-assembled, metal-enclosed, gas-
insulated switchgear for single bus bar applications. It incorporates fuse and gas-insulated
SF6, allowing the equipment to operate in a more reliable and environmentally friendly
manner. This switchgear connected to transformer for step down the voltage. Medium
voltage switchgear contains auxiliary control system for the operation of the switchgear
such as interlock, disconnect switching and earthing.

Components of medium voltage switchgears

 Fuse
 Surge arrester
 CTs and PTs for meter and protection
 Filled with SF6 gas for isolation
 Bus bar
 Disconnect and earth switches

Figure 3: High voltage switchgear

Switchgears Components and operation used in CSS

Switchgear interlocks operation

Operators, who perform their tasks during normal operation of the installation and maintenance,
should be provided with high level of safety. These could be stated as the main reason for putting
switch gear interlocks yet we can generally put their main use as, in order to make or break the
switches manually. To do that it requires provision for interlocks that whenever there are
operations that compromise safety or put someone at risk or even to simply make or break the
switchgear and control gear the interlocks are easier to use. These devices must be sufficiently
coordinated to withstand attempted incorrect operation without damage. It should make sure that
disconnectors operate in the conditions for which they were designed. This means that the
disconnector may only operate when the associated circuit breaker or contactor is open. Since the
short circuit making capacity of earthing switches is less than the admissible rated peak current
value of the circuit, they should be interlocked with the associated disconnectors. Apparatus
installed in main circuits, faulty operation of which can cause damage or which are used for
securing isolating distances during maintenance work, shall be provided with locking facilities.

Isolator/ disconnector switch

The isolator is a mechanical switch and it is also known as a disconnect switch. The isolator uses
to disconnect a system or part of the system. This switch operates under a no-load condition. In
loading condition, when current is flowing through the system, in this case, the isolator cannot
operate. Generally, it is connected at both the ends of the circuit breaker. This provides a
confirmation that the conductors have been opened. The isolators are slow speed device.
Therefore, this device is not used for the current interruption. This device designed to carry load
current continuously.
Figure 4: Circuit earth switch
Earthing switch is places between the line conductor and earth. It is a mechanical device.
Normally it is open. When the line is disconnected, the earthing switch is closed. By this way, it
discharges the trapped electrical charges and capacitance to the earth. It is able to withstand
currents for a specified time under abnormal conditions. But it is not required to carry normal
service current. The earthing switch is mounted on the frame of the disconnect switch. The
sequence of operation for circuit breakers, isolators and the earthing switch while opening,

 Open circuit breaker

 Open isolator
 Close earthing switch

The sequence of operation for closing

 Firstly, Open earthing switch

 Close isolator

 Close circuit breaker

A fuse is a current interrupting device. When the current exceeds a certain predefined value, it
opens circuit by fusing the element. It uses for the overload and short circuit protection in
medium voltage and low voltage application. The fuse operates due to the heating effect of
current. Therefore, it requires replacement after every operation. Medium voltage current
limiting and expulsion fuses suitable for the protection of distribution transformers, voltage
transformers, capacitor banks, motor circuits and installations with other switching apparatus. It
has Capable to control full range of overload currents either in combination with switching
apparatus or as sole protection of switchgear.

Fuses in this factory have different rating depending on the size of switchgear produced. To
calculate the rating of fuse having transformer

Irated=appar ent power∗2/( √ 3∗Vrated )

For a rating of 15KV, 800KVA fuse current rating becomes

Irated=800∗2/( √ 3∗15)

Irated=61.6 A

So a fuse with current rating 63A is selected for this switchgear compact distribution substation.
Figure 5: Indoor fuse assembly
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6 gas)

Due to high electronegativity and density, SF6 have an excellent dielectric (insulating electricity)
and arc quenching (extinguishing an electric arc) properties. The high density of SF 6 has also
enabled for redesign of the electric equipment, making it smaller, easier to maintain, and safer
high- voltage load.

Sulfur hexafluoride gas is inert and thermally stable. It possesses very good arc quenching as
well as insulating properties which make it ideally suitable for use in a circuit breaker and indoor
switchgear for isolation purpose. Sulfur hexafluoride remains in a gaseous state up to a
temperature of 90C at 15 kg/cm2 pressure. Its density is about five times of air. Apart from being
a gas, it is noninflammable, non-poisonous and odorless. When arcing takes place through the
gas, some by-products are produced due to breakdown of the gas. These by-products are a hazard
to the health of the maintenance personnel therefore should be properly taken care of.

At a pressure of three atmospheres the dielectric strength of sulfur hexafluoride is about 2.4
times that of air and compares very well with that of oil. Even when gas is exposed to electric
arcs for fairly long periods, it has been found that decomposition effects are small and the
dielectric strength is not materially affected. On the other hand the metallic fluorides at the
temperatures of the arc are good insulators and the arc is therefore, not at all harmful to the

Figure 6: SF6 filling machinery

2.3.2. Compact distribution substation
In the factory, the primary product is a Compact distribution substation (CDSS) which is an
integration of HV switchgear, LV switchgear and a transformer. Based on the user’s selected
distribution scheme and required capacity, different sizes of completely assembled compact
distribution substations are fabricated using procured equipment from international vendors and
local affiliates. In this factory two type of CDSS are fabricated based on the rating of primary
switchgear voltage level i.e 33/0.4KV and 15KV/0.4KV. the installation of this CDSS are
encased in housing capable of ensuring protection against direct contact and which is
implemented using prefabricated devices, such as MV and LV switchgear. The substations are
fitted with lockable doors or otherwise require the use of tools to open or remove them so as to
prevent access by unauthorized persons.

The new compact substation significantly contributes in the global cost reduction for the utilities
as well as for the industrial users because of three main reasons. First, the reduced surface area
required to install the substation generates cost-savings, especially in urban areas where space is
hard to be found and also expensive. Second, the substation needs less labor installation costs,
since it is delivered as a ready-to-install assembly. Third, the procurement of the substation as a
complete assembly facilitates purchasing, management, storage and handling operations.

In addition, this compact substation has meet Electro technical committee CEI standards such as:

 Walls, floors and ceilings

 Access only for authorized person
 Ventilation by sensing temperature inside the room
 Lighting by sensing door
 Low frequency magnetic field
 The expected static and dynamic mechanical loads and internal overpressure caused by

Figure 7: Compact substation

2.3.3. APFC (automatic power factor corrector) warehouse
Power factor is the ratio of working power to apparent power. It measure how effectively
electrical power is being used. A high power factor signals efficient utilization of electrical
power, while low power factor indicates poor utilization of electrical power.

Wasted power is the reactive power in VAR that the equipment like motor and transformer
requires and creates magnetic field and allow work to be performed. Useful Work (Watts) is an
active power or real power that is measured in Kw and performs useful work. Capacity (KVA) is
the total apparent power that is measured in KVA. The following figure is a bad example but
good explanation for power factor correction.

Figure 8: Pictorial example for power factor correction

The factory works on the production of power factor correctors for different industries. The PFC
shop has different subcontractors who process & assemble different parts of power factor
corrector units like panels, bus bars, intelligent modules; switching modules etc. the company
manufactures a lot of power factor panels by the instruction of customers. Figure 9 shows the
house where APFC is manufactured and assembled.
Figure 9: APFC panels house ware
 Power Factor of the System can be improved by switching Capacitors as per KVA demand with
the help of Automatic Power Factor Controllers. A load & therefore its KVAR are in a dynamic
state - generally. A matching KVAR output of a capacitor bank must also be dynamic i.e. must
adjust itself-instantly to its requirement, if one is to obtain a uniform &'set' p.f. all along. This is
best achieved by an automatic control that switches in & out, segments of a designed capacitor
bank. A control panel serving this purpose is called on APFC panel or Automatic Power Factor
Controlling panel. It controls the load power factor by sensing various available parameters.

Sensing Parameters:

1. Current Sensing based APFC: - The current magnitude through a feeder or bus is sensed and
fed to a relay. As this magnitude crosses a set band-width, the relay operates a power controlling
a section of a capacitor bank. This is the simplest and possibly the cheapest relay. It has a
disadvantage of functioning with no reference to the actual load power factor - but assuming it.
2. Power Factor Sensing based APFC: - This relay senses the start of the voltage current wave
forms on a given feeder & measures the time difference between them. It then converts this into
a p.f. & compares this with a set value. Upon finding a difference, it operates the power
contactor. This type of relay is most widely used. It has an advantage of being able to show the
load p.f. on an indicating meter. It's disadvantage: - It has no relation to the load magnitude & it's
KVAR requirement. It can lead to severe hunting.

3. KVAR Sensing based APFC:  This relay senses the magnitudes of both the voltage & current
wave forms & also the time or phase difference between them. It then calculates the load KVAR
& compares these with a possible combination of sections within a capacitor bank and operates
their controlling contractors to add the required capacitor KVAR to the electrical system. This is
the most sensitive relay - capable of obtaining maximum benefit out of a given capacitor bank.

APFC Panel - Compact System characteristics:

 Compact - Modular Design.

 Powder coated CRCA Sheet wall cabinet.
 Capacitors incased in cylindrical Aluminum can, dielectric consisting of MPP Film dry or
oil type with discharge resistances.
 Temperature control.
 Highly loadable, low-losses, self-healing capacitors with overpressure protection.

In the PFC shop, three 154μF capacitors connected in delta to produce capacitor bank. One
capacitor bank store 25 KVAR which is mounted on the switch trays later to be assembled into
the PFC panels.
Figure 10: three phase single capacitor bank
In electric power distribution, capacitor banks are used for power-factor correction. These
banks are needed to counteract inductive loading from devices like electric motors and
transmission lines, thus making the load appear to be mostly resistive. In essence, power-factor
correction capacitors increase the current-carrying capacity of the system. By adding capacitive
banks, you can add additional load to a system without altering the apparent power. The number
of capacitors mounted on a PFC unit determines its capacity of correction ranging from 75
KVAR – 500 KVAR reactance power factor correctors.
Figure 11: 100KVAR capacitor bank
PFC units are assembled starting from panel construction all the way through final assembling
( fuse and circuit breakers assembling) after going through capacitor & switch tray fitting along
with bus bar assembling.

Harmonic Resonance

Harmonic resonance occurs in the power system when the power system natural frequency
corresponds to the frequency of a source of harmonic current. Capacitor not only supply a
reactive power to the load in an electrical distribution they also change the resonance frequency
of the system. It also self-correcting problem such as

 Blown fuse
 Failed capacitors
 Damaged transformer
2.3.4. Testing shop

The testing shop is where components and compact substations are finally tested before
shipment for use. Four types of tests are done in this shop namely;

Insulation test: The component is tested for leakages and proper insulation for leaking SF 6 using
helium gas as it is a lighter and an acceptable level of leaking helium indicates no SF6 leaking.

Loop test: The element is checked for open circuits, continuity and short circuits.

Power test: The standard procedure is to give the component double the rated power and
frequency & checking if it can withstand for one minute. The procedure is called DVDF (Double
Power Double Frequency) testing.

Fuse test: The installed fuse is checked if it can endure the voltage and current values on its
specification for at least 300 seconds.

The testing shop also uses a motor-generator coupling to step up the incoming 380V to the
necessary level of voltage for testing. The following flow chart shows all the test performed in
the shop.

Testing Flow Chart

Compact distribution

Substation testing

HV switchgear LV switchgear
Transformer test Final CDSS test
test test

Visual inspection Visual inspection
Visual Rooting Power test
inspection er oil test test Insulation gap Insulation gap
test test
Frequency Induced
test voltage test
Insulation SF6 gas leakage
Loop circuit test Fuse continuity
resistance test
test and inserting
test Loss test

Power overall
On load loss test circuit test
ratio test
No load loss test inserting


We have tested one compact distribution substation the result of the test is listed below. This
substation includes transformer, medium voltage switchgear and low voltage switchgear so we
have tested all the equipment’s one by one as follow. Each testing and their data are put in the
table for all equipment’s.

Transformer test
Ratings of transformer tested:-

 Apparent power 800KVA

 Primary rated voltage 15KV
 Primary rated current 30.79A
 Secondary rated voltage 0.4KV
 Secondary rated current 1155A
 Vector group DYN5
 Frequency 50Hz
 Type of cooling ONAN
1. Insulation resistance or megger test (Gega-ohm)

Insulation resistance is the ration of applied voltage to the resulting current at a specified time
after the voltage is applied. This test is carried out to ensure the healthiness of overall insulation
system of an electrical transformer. Anything reading between 2 megohms and 1000 megohms is
usually considered a good reading, unless other problems have been noted. Anything less than 2
megohms indicates an insulation problem.

HV winding to LV + earth LV winding to HV + earth HV to LV winding

4.9 2.89 3.91
Table 1: megger test on transformer
2. Ratio test

Power transformer turns ratio test is an AC low voltage test which determines the ratio of the

high voltage winding to all other windings at no-load. Ratio measurements are conducted on all
tap positions and calculated by dividing the induced voltage reading into the applied voltage

1 2 3 4 5
UV-un 68.24 66.55 65 63.37 61.74
VW-vn 68.20 66.57 64.99 63.41 61.75
UN-wn 68.20 66.57 64.93 63.35 61.83
Table 2: transformer ratio test
3. Winding resistance measurement at ambient temperature

Ambient temperature Tap no UV VW UW

HV resistance 3 2.2 2.2 2.2
Table 3: winding resistance test

The no-load loss and current measurements of a transformer are made while one of the windings
(usually the HV winding) is kept open and the other winding is supplied at the rated voltage and
frequency. During this test the no-load current (Io) and the no-load losses (Po) are measured. It is
the loss in a transformer that is excited at rated voltage and frequency, but without a
load connected to the secondary. No-load losses include core loss, dielectric loss, and
copper loss in the winding due to exciting current.

Phases Rated voltage(V) Current(A) Losses(W) % impedance

Uph 408.90 6.22 326.3
Vph 412.02 5.65 361.8 0.53%
Wph 391.76 5.79 452.9
Average 403.23 5.89 1141.0
Table 4: transformer no load test
5. Load losses (tap 3) at amb. Temp

The load loss for a pair of windings is measured at rated frequency with voltage applied to the
terminals of one winding, with the terminals of the other winding short-circuited, and with
possible other windings open- circuited. The supplied current should be equal to the relevant
rated current.

Phases Rated voltage(V) Current(A) Losses(W) % impedance

Uph 862.33 30.96 2498.4
Vph 866.99 30.95 2619.5 5.81%
Wph 884.43 30.32 1922.2
Average 871.25 30.76 7040.1
Table 5: load losses
6. Separate source power frequency withstand test

During the Separate source AC withstand voltage test, the frequency of the test voltage should be

equal to the transformer's rated frequency or should be not less than 80% of this frequency.
This test checks the insulation property between primary to earth, secondary to earth and
between primary and secondary.

No Applied voltage() Duration(sec) Remarks

1 b/n HV winding and LV winding 38 60 Withstood
connected to the tank and earth
2 b/n LV winding connected to the tank 3 60 Withstood
and earth
Table 6: power frequency withstand test
7. Induced over voltage withstand test
Induced-voltage tests apply a high voltage across a winding with the other windings open-
circuited in order to test the quality of the turn-to-turn insulation. In order to prevent core
saturation at the higher excitation voltage, the frequency of the induced-voltage test is increased
(typically around 120 Hz).

No. Test Applied voltage (KV) Duration remarks

Voltage(V Frequency (sec)
) (Hz)
1 Applied 2*rated LV voltage and HV
3 100 60 withstood
Table 7: induced over voltage withstand test
Low voltage switchgear test
Ratings of LV switchgear tested:-

 Power rating 315KVA

 Rated voltage 15KV
 Rated current 630A
1. Insulation test

Phase to earth

phase A-E B-E C-E

Resistance value(R- standard measure Standard Measure Standard Measured
GΩ) d d
>1.5 2.7 >1.5 2.6 >1.5 5.65
Table 8: LV phase to earth insulation data
Phase to phase insulation test

phase A-E B-E C-E

Resistance value(R- standard measured Standard Measured Standard Measured
GΩ) >1.5 2 >1.5 2.3 >1.5 2.9
Table 9: LV phase to phase insulation data
2. Loop circuit test induced current

phase A-E B-E C-E

Resistance value(R- standard measured Standard Measure Standard Measured
µΩ) d
<100 272 <100 260 <100 245
Table 10: LV loop circuit test induced current
Medium voltage switchgear test
1. Loop resistance test

The Loop Resistance Tester is a portable electronic instrument for measuring the resistance of

electronic cable shielding as installed in aircraft, without requiring the cables to be disconnected.
It comprises three elements: couplers, joint probes, and an instrument assembly.

Step 1: Locate the furthest point on the circuit to be tested (such as the furthest socket)

Step 2: With the appropriate Earth Fault Loop Tester, connect the test leads to the Line, Neutral
and Earth terminals.

Step 3: Measure and write down the test results on the Schedule of test results.

phase each other R-R S-S T-T

Standard Measured Standard Measured Standard Measured
Right/left side with <700 623 <700 578 <700 696
middle resistance(µΩ)
Right side with left side <400 360 <400 330 <400 390
Table 11: MV switchgear loop resistance test
2. Insulation test

Phase to earth

phase A-E B-E C-E

Resistance value(R- standard measured Standard Measured Standard Measured
GΩ) >1.5 3.48 >1.5 8.38 >1.5 21.0
Table 12: MV switchgear insulation test
Phase to phase

phase A-E B-E C-E

Resistance standard Measured Standard Measured Standard Measured
value(R- >1.5 3.84 >1.5 15.5 >1.5 15.8
Table 13: MV switchgear phase to phase insulation test
3. Power frequency withstand voltage test

It is the maximum rms value of voltage that the equipment can withstand permanently. In the test
70kV rms rated power frequency withstand voltage during 1 mn is done. It defines the level of
rms over-voltages that the equipment may withstand during 1 minute.

Test Applied voltage(KV) Duration(sec) remarks

33KV switchgear 70 60 withstood
Table 14: MV switchgear power frequency withstand voltage test

3. Performance and Benefits

3.1. Our performance at the company

After being introduced to the machine operators and professionals at each warehouse by my
supervisor, we spent the first few weeks of our internship learning how different electrical
equipment’s operate for their specified purpose. With the help of supervisor and operators we
studied each installation AutoCAD drawing of the company main products such as switchgear,
automatic power factor and indoor compact distribution substations and then compare how
practically installed and implemented those drawn products. So most of the days of the first few
weeks were all about observing and learning the operators were cautious about our safety they
wouldn’t even let us get close to something the found risky we had to be careful too.

In the factory there are also a number of machineries which facilitate the production such as
crane, paint prayer welding machine, steel cutter, SF6 gas filling machine and lot of other
equipment. We had found the indoor crane a very fascinating technology it’s called light duty
overhead crane with the lifting capacity up to 10Ton. Its manufactured to work in highly
effective lifting solutions applied in a large variety of industries which in our case in the main
switch gear ware house its used to carry the weights in a the ware house. The overhead crane
travels under the control of an operator by of wireless remote control.

As we described on the previous chapter there are different parts of the company so what we did
was after getting familiarized and getting the orientation for few weeks we started to fully
understand the circuit design layouts and started to coordinate them with what was being made
in the company by the operators. This was a major step for us we were interpreating and
converting it into a real form of circuit. After that we started to help out with workers and do
some works with them, it was minor yet thought full experience.

So before going into the production, we became familiar with the procedures of operating the
machineries and started helping with the construction of a number of PFC and CDSS
components like breaker stands, bus bars, compact station painting and capacitor bank

So in our performances we had some understanding and practical assignments during the first
weeks they gave us materials enough to design sequential motor control circuit it was as a starter,

The understanding assignment was to get the idea behind the breaker control method for the
contactors on the low voltage side after observing it working. Basically there are auxiliary
contactors and switches so the breaking method we saw was of mechanical type it was a
specifically designed motor which runs for a specific amount of limited time where the motion of
these motor will create a compression force on a spring plunger where after being triggered
manually or automatically the spring will force off and switching off the contactors connection.

Again with great attention and follow up from the company professional workers, we tried to
assemble PFC for 100KVR in its own panel. The panel includes installation of circuit breaker
meters bus bars and controller. Around the middle of the intern we produce medium voltage
switchgear along with company workers. This switchgear works using fuse as main fault
quenching medium. This initiated to study more about switchgear design to replace the fuse and
started our project of designing switchgear using vacuum circuit breaker. Finally we tested the
products sold to the costumer such as transformers, compact substation APFC and switchgears.

Other tasks we performed during our internship include:

 Panel powder painting

 CDSS house lighting and fun installation
 PFC Assembling
 Filling and detecting SF6 gas leak
 Measuring output power, voltage, current and power factors for different panels
 Assembling of LV switchgear
 Bus bar sizing and welding
 Recreating drawings that needed slight modifications on Auto Cad

As a power engineering student, we get a promising understanding of protection of power system

and compensation in order to save the lost power and reduce the penalty of the costumers. We
learned highly how the reliability of power system is improved.

3.2. Benefit gained from the company

Internship program is one method of letting students assume themselves as potentially
responsible working men on a particular occupation by assigning them to actively participate in
production and control along with maintenance or repair in an industrial company. Such trends
help the student to gain valuable work experience not to mention that these internship programs
are also potentially valuable to the company. During our time as an intern, we observed the level
of our understanding to outside industrial world to face & solve difficulties. The overall benefits
that we have gained during our internship period are compartmentalized and presented

In terms of improving interpersonal communication

Communication can involve one to one conversations or interactions with many people
within a society. Communication skills help an individual understand how and why people
behave and communicate in different ways to construct and negotiate a social reality. The
company we interned at has employees with different backgrounds varying greatly in educational
level, economic situations, cultural backgrounds, belief systems and life standards. Since the aim
of any company is to accomplish the intended work harmoniously and in candor, having good
communication skill is inevitably imperative. During my internship time, we challenged our
introverted nature and have improved our communication skills by interacting with the
employees starting from low ranking workmen to project managers while learning different types
of production terms along the way.

In terms of improving team playing skill

When different individuals come together to work towards a common goal, the most
important thing is keeping a healthy team spirit irrespective of the decisions made. Reaching an
agreement on different points quickly requires excellent levels of team playing skills. A person
with good team playing skills will upgrade the following characteristics:

 Help and co-operate with others

 Give constructive comments to the team
 Demonstrate reliability
 Treat others in respectful and supportive manner
 Active participation

In terms of improving Leadership skill

Leading a team or an organization holds the most basic and crucial place in profession, hence
requires well trained and well-tempered person. we have learned a good set of leadership skills
from our exemplary supervisor in terms of responsibility and creating a fun environment to work
at. From the engineers and supervisors that we worked together with, some of the leadership
skills that I learned are:

 Sharing problems openly and get the team involved in solutions whenever there is a
 Being clear, assertive, decisive and active
 Being humorous at times to develop camaraderie
 Respecting differences of all team members.
 Listening to ideas and being open to delegation

In terms of understanding work ethics related issues

Work ethic comprises of a system of values and principles that are of central importance in
workplaces and are characters which professionals in any undertaking should be imbued with.
EEGPEMI employees and interns are expected to possess the following qualities in relation to
work ethics.
 Punctuality: This means both arriving at work on time and delivering products and
services on time
 Honesty: Honesty at work means spending working hours and resources efficiently
 Willingness to learn: This means understanding the way things are done at one’s work
place and trying to do it better
 Initiative: Being prepared to see what needs to be done and doing it without always being
asked or told to do so
 Loyalty: Doing what is best for the growth of the organization
 Maximizing productivity: ability to deliver high-quality products promptly &
 Maximizing productivity: ability to deliver high-quality products promptly &

In terms of entrepreneurship skill

Entrepreneurship connotes the capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a
business venture along with possessing the boldness to run the risks to achieve success. During
our internship, we learned how certain things are done in the social hemisphere and how “people
management” plays a crucial role in any business. In this company, we understood the following
profound characteristics of a modern-day entrepreneur

 Risk taking ability and finesse in predicaments

 Efficiency in work.
 Ability to think outside the box and invent new ideas.
 Creativity in solving problems of the company and work discipline

4. Mini-project: MV Switchgear design using vacuum circuit breaker

4.1 Introduction
Switchgear is a generic term which includes all the switching devices associated with power
system protection. It also includes all devices associated with control, metering and regulating of
electrical power system. Assembly of such devices in a logical manner forms switchgear. In
other words systems used for switching, controlling and protecting the electrical power circuits
and different types of electrical equipment are known as switchgear.

Switchgear protection plays a vital role in modern power system network, right from generation
through transmission to distribution end. The current interruption devices are called circuit
breaker. The circuit breakers can be operated manually as when required and it can also be
operated automatically during over current and short circuit or any other faults in the system by
sensing the abnormality of system parameters. These power system parameters can be current,
voltage, frequency, phase angle etc. The circuit breaker senses the faulty condition of system
through protection relays and these relays are again actuated by faulty signal normally comes
from current transformer or voltage transformer.
The switchgear has to perform the function of carrying, making and breaking the normal load
current like a switch and it has to perform the function of clearing the fault in the power system.
In addition to that, it also has the provision of metering and regulating the various parameters of
electrical power systems. Components of switchgear includes:-
 circuit breakers
 current transformers and voltage transformers
 protection relays
 measuring instruments
 electrical switches
 electrical fuses and/or circuit breaker
 lightning arresters or surge arresters
 electrical isolators/ disconnector and earthing switch and other associated pieces of
Switchgear Types
There are three types of switch gears namely LV (Low voltage), MV (Medium voltage) and HV
(High voltage) Switchgear.

Low Voltage Switchgear (LV)

The power system which deals up to 1KV is called as LV or low voltage switchgear. This kind
of equipment mainly includes switches, LV circuit breakers, HRC fuses, offload electrical
isolators, MCBs (miniature circuit breakers) and MCCBs (molded case circuit breakers), etc.

Medium Voltage Switchgear (MV)

The power system which deals up to 36 kV is called MV (medium voltage switchgear). These
are available in different types like without metal enclosure outdoor type, metal-enclosed indoor
& outdoor type, etc. This kind of equipment includes substation devices like minimum oil CBs,
bulk oil CBs, SF6 gas-insulated, air magnetic, gas-insulated, vacuum, etc.

The disruption medium of this type of switchgear can be vacuum, SF6 & oil. The main condition
of this type of power network is to break off current throughout faulty conditions in this system.
This is capable of ON/OFF operation, interruption of short circuit current, capacitive current
switching, inductive current switching and used in some special applications. Types of MV

 metal enclosed indoor type switchgear

 metal enclosed outdoor type switchgear
 Outdoor type switchgear without metal enclosure, etc.

The interruption medium of this switchgear may be insulating oil, SF6 gas or vacuum. The main
requirement of power network is to interrupt current during fault occurrences.
High Voltage Switchgear (HV)
The power system which deals above 36KV is called HV (high voltage) switchgear. When the
level of voltage increases then the arcing will be generated as the switching operation is
extremely high. As a result, during the designing of this equipment, special care has to be taken.
The main component of this equipment is the High Voltage (HV) circuit breaker.

Therefore HV circuit breaker must include some safe & reliable operation features. The
switching operation of the HV circuit is very rare. Usually, these CBs remain at ON state and can
be worked after some time. Consequently, these must be reliable to make certain secure
operations when required.

4.1.2 Statement of the problem

In our country the reliability and protection of the power system is very low. A lot of faults occur
in the distribution system due to lack of efficient and effective protective devices. The existing
protective equipment’s in our country are simply isolator, fuses and isolators, air circuit breaker
based substation and indoor substations suited at one place which disturb the re arrangement of
customer space usage. Those protective devices listed are mostly get out of service in a short
period of time due to repeated occurrences of fault. So they need to be replaced frequently which
is uneconomical to buy and replace the burned equipment’s after every fault occurrence.
Sometimes the replacement requires even 6 months due to the equipment’s comes from abroad
which is highly reduce the reliability and availability of power system.

The recently established company power equipment manufacturing factory started ambitious job
to improve power system reliability, quality and protection by producing compact distribution
substation. CDSS effective to interrupt faults and suitable for city’s since they are movable and
require small space. But the company manufactures medium voltage switchgear using fuses as
current interruption medium. This fuse cannot be used for repeated current interruption as our
country power system interrupted many times due to faults, switching and lighting.

To improve the problem, this project new type of medium voltage switchgear is designed using
vacuum circuit breaker which is used for repeated interruption and economical for medium
voltage level.

4.1.3 Objectives of the project

Main objective
The general objective of this project is to design switchgear for medium voltage using vacuum
circuit breaker as fault current interruption and SF6 gas as isolation medium.

Specific objective
Specific objective of this project are:-

 To design power circuit of switchgear

 To design bus cross section and specification
 To calculate vacuum circuit breaker rating and specification
 To design control circuit of switchgear
 To know the operating mechanism of the switchgear with vacuum circuit breaker
 To specify all protective equipment’s of the switchgear

Advantage of the project

This project will play vital role in the country power system distribution, Manufacturer Company
and as a whole for costumers (peoples). The project develops switchgear having vacuum circuit
breaker which is very reliable and operates many times to clear fault with great distinctions of
arc extinction compared to other circuit breakers. Industry having difficulty of power reliability
problems will gain a sustained power supply using this switchgear. In our country most power
continuity problem comes from earlier way of protection and protective device burn out. In order
to solve this vast and largest power reliability problem this project will put its own effort if the
manufacturer company’s use as designed way.

4.2 Literature review

In power generating plants, switchgear provide a means to isolate and de-energize specific
electrical components and buses in order to clear downstream faults, perform routine
maintenance, and replace necessary electrical equipment. These protective devices may be
categorized by the insulating medium, such as air or oil, and are typically specified by voltage
classes, i.e. low, medium, and high voltage.

Jason W. and Brown, made a research about how HEAF (high energy arc fault) phenomena, in
particular effects on switchgear equipment and other associated switching components, would
allow power generating industries to minimize and possibly prevent future occurrences, thereby
reducing costs associated with repair and downtime. This report presents the findings of a
literature review focused on arc fault studies for electrical switching equipment.

Kaufmann initiated the discussion on arc events in power distribution systems by describing
incidents involving AC electrical equipment. Even though the failure rate of these devices was
low, he explained, serious injuries and massive damages may occur. The author concluded that it
was better to overprotect a system and suffer the nuisance tripping rather than risk total burnout.

Shields and Dunki-Jacob, studied faults on high-voltage systems and offered insights into
preventing these occurrences. Shields provided interesting accounts of severe damage to
electrical components resulting from high energy discharges, which were then referred to as
“burndown.” Both authors suggested that standardized maintenance, improving equipment
designs by compartmentalization, and the remote closing and tripping relay for protection of the
line would reduce catastrophic failure of power system equipment’s.

From all the above reviewed literature, the effect of arc and faults in a power results a
devastating result to the customer and distributor in order to reduce this effect this project
develop switchgear using vacuum circuit breaker which is best arc quenching medium. The
process of arc quenching is done using vacuum arc interrupter.

In a vacuum interrupter, the electric arc starts at the moment of contact separation. The electric
arc remains supported by the external energy until the current is cancelled in the vicinity of
natural zero. At that instant, the rapid reduction in the load density carried and the rapid
condensation of the metallic vapor, leads to extremely rapid recovery of the dielectric
characteristics. The vacuum interrupter therefore recovers the insulating capacity and the
capacity to withstand the transient recovery voltage, definitively extinguishing the arc. Since
high dielectric strength can be reached in the vacuum, even with minimum distances,
interruption of the circuit is also guaranteed when separation of the contacts takes place a few
milliseconds before passage of the current through natural zero.

4.2.1 Significances of medium voltage switchgear using vacuum circuit breaker

Medium voltage switchgear is capable of:-

1. Normal ON/OFF switching operation

2. Short circuit interruption

The main focus of circuit breaker design is to that all circuit breakers should be capable of
interrupting short circuit current with a high degree of reliability and safety. The number of
faulty tripping occurred during the total lifespan of a circuit breaker mainly depends upon the
location of the system, the quality of the system and environment conditions. If the number of
tripping is much high, the best choice is vacuum circuit breaker as it may not require any
maintenance up to 100 faulty tripping with short circuit current up to 25 KA. Whereas, other
circuit breakers require maintenance after 15 to 20 faulty tripping with same short circuit current
of CB.

3. Switching of capacitive current

While switching on a capacitor bank, a high rate of rise of making current will flow through the
CB contacts. Circuit breaker with liquid quenching medium and tulip contacts may suffer from
contact pin retardation. Vacuum medium voltage switchgear is most perfect choice for this
purpose, as vacuum circuit breaker has low electric arcing during short pre arcing time.

4. Switching of inductive current

Modern VCB has very low chopping current which is about 2 – 4A. Hence modern vacuum
medium voltage switchgear is very much suitable for switching an unloaded transformer. As the
modern VCB chops the current at a very low level, there is no need of additional surge protection
devices. Hence VCB is suitable for very low inductive load switching. But when the inductive
current in the system is low but not very low VCB is the best choice.

5. Some other applications.

An electric arc furnace is to be switched ON and OFF at its normal rated current up to 2000A,
around 100 times per day. A normal, SF6 circuit breaker, air circuit breaker and oil circuit
breaker is not at all economical for this frequent operation. Standard vacuum circuit breaker is
most suitable alternative for this frequent high current circuit breaker operation.
The main function of the circuit breaker associated with railway traction system is to interrupt
short circuit, on the overhead catenary system which occurs frequently and it is transient. Hence,
a circuit breaker used for this purpose should have, short breaking time for small contact gap,
short arcing time, quick breaking, and VCB is the best possible solution.

4.3 Main Design calculations

4.3.1 Design power circuit of switchgear

Switchgear used to protect the power system during fault occurrence. So it needs designed power
line to put equipment’s in a suitable way. There are a lot of electrical equipment’s in switchgear.
Those all elements must be sized economically and also durable way. In order to reduce the cost
to customers the rating of each parameter calculated and designed in this project as shown in the
figure 12.

Figure 12: designed power circuit of switchgear

4.3.2 Short circuit current calculation
Short circuit current calculation is important to determine the rating of protective devices. In
order to calculate short circuit current reactance rating of transformer plays a major role during
fault. When a short circuit occurs at any point in a system, the short-circuit current is limited by
the impedance of the system up to the point of fault. if a fault occurs on the feeder at point F,
then the short circuit current from the generating station will have a value limited by the
impedance of generator and transformer and the impedance of the line between the generator and
the point of fault. This shows that the knowledge of the impedances of various equipment and
circuits in the line of the system is very important for the determination of short-circuit currents.
In many situations, the impedances limiting the fault current are largely reactive, such as
transformers, reactors and generators. Cables and lines are mostly resistive, but where the total
reactance in calculations exceeds 3 times the resistance, the latter is usually neglected.
The reactance of generators, transformers, reactors etc. is usually expressed in percentage
reactance to permit rapid short circuit calculations. It is the percentage of the total phase-voltage
dropped in the circuit when full-load current is flowing

%X =( I∗X) /V ×100

%X = ∗100 %

where I = full-load current

V = phase voltage

X = reactance in ohms per phase

If X is the only reactance element in the circuit, then short-circuit current is given by ;

ISC=V / X =I ×(100/%X )

i.e. short circuit current is obtained by multiplying the full-load current by 100/% X.

here we use percentage reactance instead of ohmic value since it is unchanged as they referred
through transformers, unlike ohmic value which become multiplied or divided by the square of
transformation ratio. We need to calculate transformer full load current transformer rating,
33KV/0.4KV, 800KVA Primary side full load current . The specifications of medium voltage
switchgear to calculate rated current are 800KVA, 33KV. So rated current becomes

√ 3∗Vrated

Where S: apparent power

Vrated: rated voltage of medium voltage switchgear

800 KVA
√3∗33 KV
Irated=14 Amps
For low voltage side transformer secondary full load current

I 2=800/(1.732∗0.4)

I 2=1154.73 A

To calculate short circuit current of the system we only consider specification of transformer to
get the maximum short circuit current that will occur in the switchgear i.e 800KVA, 33/0.4KV,
and 5% impedance. So using short circuit current formula

Isc=Vrated / X=Irated ×(100 /%X )


Isc=700 Amp

4.3.3 Switchgear bus bar rating calculation

33 kV bus bar is housed in SF6 gas chamber due to high dielectric strength which reduce the
distance between each phase. It is made up of electrolytic high grade Copper of adequate size
and bus bar size calculation current density of copper should not exceed more than 1.6
Amp/sq.mm. They are adequately supported on insulators to withstand electrical and mechanical
stresses due to specified short circuit currents. Bus bar cross-section is uniform throughout the
length of switchgear board. All piping for SF6 gas including their fittings should be made of
non- magnetic stainless steel housings.

Clearances between phases and between phase and earth are kept liberally by SF6 gas so as to
obtain high reliability. Bus bar insulators should be made of arc and track resistant, high strength,
non-hygroscopic, non-combustible type and suitable to withstand stresses due to over-voltages,
and short circuit current.

Switchgear bus bar rating always should be equal to the transformer primary full load current.
Transformer MV switchgear rating 14A, the rating of bus bar current carrying capacity should be
multiplied with 10 to withstand any current at normal condition. So we have 33KV, 14A
transformer primary rating. Bus bar current rating Ibusbar becomes
Ibusbar=safety factor∗Irated

Ibusbar=10∗14 A

Ibusbar=140 A

To calculate size of bus bar having the following specifications

Rated voltage = 33KV, 50Hz
Desired maximum current rating of bus bar =140A
Installation of panel = indoor with well ventilated
Bus bar material = copper with strip arrangements of vertical
Current density of bus bar materials (copper) = 1.6A/mm2
Number of bus bar per phase = 1 no
Distance between phase to phase = 356mm
Distance between phase to earth = 223mm
Bus cross
¯ section area=rated current /current density∗derating factor

Bus cross
¯ section area=140 A /1.6∗.9

Bus cross
¯ section area=100 mm
Gas-insulated substation (GIS) uses a superior dielectric gas SF6 at moderate pressure for phase
to phase and phase to ground insulation. The high voltage conductors, circuit breaker
interrupters, switches, current transformers, and voltage transformers are in SF6 gas inside
grounded metal enclosures. It has about five times as dense as air.

For this project SF6 must withstand any arcing condition to do that while filling the gas to the
switchgear pressure level indicate is needed. It has its own characteristic’s for isolation those are
as follow for this project using short circuit current calculation Rated gas pressure: 400KPa-

4.3.4 Vacuum circuit breaker rating calculation

Rated Normal Current
Rated normal current of a circuit breaker is the rms value of the current which the circuit breaker
shall be able to carry continuously at rated frequency with the rise in temperature of its different
parts not exceeding specified values. To calculate rated continuous current of circuit breaker, as
per rule the circuit breaker sizing for transformer, we need to consider inrush current of the
transformer. Inrush current of transformer equal to 6 times of full load current

Icb=6∗I =6∗14

Icb=84 A

So we need to select 400A rated vacuum circuit breaker for medium voltage switchgear. Using
this current rating we need to specify all parameters of circuit breaker.

Rated Voltage
The rated voltage of the circuit breaker is of standard rating chosen so as to be at least equal to
the highest voltage of the system at the point where the circuit breaker is to be installed. The
operating voltage and the power frequency recovery voltage should not exceed the rated
maximum values because this maximum is upper limit for continuous operation. Rated voltage
of the switchgear for circuit breaker must be designed to withstand 10% above normal voltage.
Vrated=Vnom∗110 %
Vrated=33 KV ∗110 %
Vrated=36 KV Rated Short Circuit Breaking Current
Rated short circuit breaking current is the highest short circuit current which the circuit breaker
will be capable of breaking in a circuit having power frequency recovery voltage corresponding
to rated voltage and transient recovery voltage equal to the rated value of the circuit breaker.
Calculation of short circuit current rating of circuit breaker and switchgear, we need to find short
circuit rating of transformer.

Isc=secondary current of transformer / percent impedance

¿ 1200 A /5 %

¿ 24000 A

So, our protection equipment should be required to withstand system fault current until 25KA for
circuit breaker and switchgear.
Rated Short Circuit Making Current
the circuit breakers some times, close on to an existing fault. In such cases, the current increases
to the maximum values as the peak of first current loop. The circuit breaker must be able to close
as contacts touch. rated short circuit making current should be at least 2.5 times the rms value of
the A. C. component of its rated short circuit breaking current.

Imaking=2.5∗breaking current

Imaking=2.5∗25 KA =62.5 KA

Vacuum interrupter
Vacuum interrupter of the VCB is of an optimized design, the ceramic insulator is compact with
high insulation level and a high current breaking capability. The contacts are made of Copper
Chromium, with excellent abrasion resistance, long electrical endurance, and high short circuit
breaking capacity. The vacuum interrupter has a high degree of vacuum and low contact
When the VCB breaks a fault current (or a normal load current) a vapour arc arises between the
moving and fixed contacts. An axial magnetic field between the open contacts makes the arc
move across the contact surface, with a lower arc voltage. The arc is extinguished at the next
natural zero of the alternating current, while the ion, electron and metal vapour polymerize
together to re-establish the insulating capability between the contacts. The result is the current
flow is securely interrupted.
Figure 13: vacuum circuit breaker
4.3.5 Instrument transformers rating calculation

 Protective relays are actuated by the current and voltage supplied by the current and potential
(voltage) transformers which are generally classified as instrument transformers. Generally
instrument transformers are used for mainly two purposes. For metering purpose which steps
down and displays voltage and current levels from kV to (0-110 volts in case of PT) and few kilo
amps to (0-5 amps in case of CT) . Second purpose is to supply current and voltage magnitudes
to the relays to carryout protection functions.
Currant transformers shall be rated to withstand the thermal and magnetic stresses resulting from
the maximum available through fault current, the momentary and time rating requirements same
as that of the switchgear. All current transformers shall be ring type (epoxy/cast resin) whereas
voltage transformers (PT) shall be cast resin insulated type.
CT sizing and selection
CT used for two purposes such as protection and metering of the incoming line and outgoing line
form the switchgear. The parameters for sizing CT are ratio of CT and protection class as
determined as follow.
To determine rating of current transformer 20% margin is added to rated line current. Primary
current of transformer is 14A as calculated in continuous current rating of switchgear. Rating of
CT primary current Ict is calculated by:-

I ct=I Line+ 20 %∗I Line

¿ 14+14∗20/ 100

Ict=17 A

So, current rating of CT will be sized as ratio 20A/1A or 20A/5A. To reduce the size of CT and
cost of payment 20/1A is selected for this project.
Now let as calculate protection class from short circuit current. Calculation transformer fault
current is 700A and the ratio of the transformer fault current and CT primary rating becomes
700/20A=14A which is less than 20A.
So, protection class of CT will be 5P20 (5=indicate % error, P=protection class and 20= ALF
(accuracy limit factor)) which means 5% of error the CT will made until 20 times of rated
finally the CT also used as metering, in order to use for metering purpose the class of CT should
be C-0.5 for the range of voltage 20KV-132KV. The rating is the same as protection purpose CT
(20/1A). Here ISF (instrument security factor) is less than 10, which means if the current flow
through primary CT goes beyond rated current, the CT will be saturated or short circuited. It will
not drive additional current through the meter secondary CT winding.

1. 33KV incomer panel

No. Items Core-I Core-II

1 Purpose metering protection
2 Primary Current rating 20 A 20A
3 Secondary Current rating 1Amps 1Amps
4 Rated Burden 15VA 15VA
5 Accuracy Class 0.5 5P20
Accuracy Limit Factor /
6 10 20
Instrument Security factor
Table 15: CT rating

PT sizing and selection

PT is connected in parallel with line or bus bar. Three winding of PT helps for meters and Relays
voltage measurement with one instrument transformer. The 1 st winding connected to the line, 2nd
for meters, and 3rd for relays. The parameters for selecting PTs are protection class, burden and
voltage level.
For 33KV line the protection class of PT is 3p for best accuracy protection and the burden of
most PT is 50vA|100A and the selected PT must be single phase. For three winding PT rating are
representing as: phase voltage winding one / phase voltage winding two / phase voltage winding
3. i.e (winding-1Vph/ winding-2 Vp2/ winding-3 Vp3). For this project line to line voltage is 33KV.
So, rating of PT becomes
33/√ 3 /0.110/√ 3/0.110/√ 3

No. Items 33 KV
1 Voltage class 36 KV
2 Rated primary voltage (kV rms) 33000/√3
3 Secondary voltage (volts) 110/√3
Core I : 50 VA (metering)
4 Rated Burden
Core II : 50 VA (protection)
Core I : 0.5
5 Accuracy Class
Core II : 3P
6 Method for earthing the system Impedence earthed
Table 16: PT rating

4.3.6 Surge arrester protector rating calculation

In order to effectively reduce lightning stroke outage rate, effect of lightning protection with
surge arrester on transmission line has been generally acknowledged relative to other lightning
protection measures Under sizing surge arrester could provide excessive discharge and early
failure in the system. On the other hand, over sizing arresters may not provide proper degree of
protection. One accurate methodology is to size the surge arrester using a transient network
analysis or a transient program analysis such as EMTP.

Voltage Rating: in order to withstand temporary overvoltage due to earth fault or other faults,
surge arrester system highest voltage is 110%,

So Voltage of arrester=Highest L−L rms voltage x coefficient of earthing .

¿ L−L rms voltage x 1.1 x coefficient of earthing .

For effectively earthed system the coefficient of earthing is taken as 0.8 and for non-effectively
earthed system it is 1.0. So for a 33 kV system having effective earthing, the rms rating of
arrester should be:

33 × 1.1 × 0.8 =30kV

Nominal Discharge Current: Surge current which flows through the arrester after spark over
during conduction. Four ratings of surge arrester have been specified: 10, 5, 2.5 and 1.5 kA. 10
kA current rating is considered for major GSS having normal system voltage more than 66 kV, 5
kA rating is used for large substations having voltage rating 33 kV. The 2.5 kA and 1.5 kA are
used for small and rural substations. So for 33KV switchgear having 5KA nominal discharge
current and 30KV rated voltage is selected.

4.3.7 Disconnector and earthing switch rating calculation

The Earthing Disconnector is an electrical component which ensures that an electrical circuit is
completely de-energized for service or maintenance to de-energize and the making capacity for
the earthing. The disconnector must be of single rotation driving axis both for the Disconnector
and the Earthing switch. The operation of this disconnector is from “closed to bus bar” to “ready
to earth” is made in two separate operations, closed - open and open - ready to earth. These are
completely independent operations, with two separated operating access.
Switch-disconnector may be mechanical (lever or crank) or motor operated (local or remote) and
provided with earthing switches, mechanically interlocked and release coils. Switching
operations can be performed through switch disconnectors, equipment’s that are able to be
operated on load and can withstand and extinguish electric arc that is produced when the rated
current of the installation is interrupted.

Switch-disconnectors are nowadays used only in MV installations, most commonly in MV

switchgear and in MV overhead lines and they have usually an arcing chamber (air or SF6
insulated) to extinguish the arc. For this project the switch disconnector must withstand the rated
and short circuit current. For that purpose we have selected the rating of the switch as follow.
Main characteristics of switch-disconnectors are:

 Rated voltage: 36 kV
 Rated current: 400 A
 Rated short-time withstand current (3 s):  25 kA

4.3.8 Design control circuit of switchgear

The circuit breaker has its own remote control mechanism from the control room but provision is
made for local electrical/spring control operation also. For remote and local electrical operation,
48/110/220 volts D.C Supply is made available. The power operating coils (Closing and
Tripping coils) are designed to operate the circuit breaker satisfactorily within a control voltage
varying between 70% to 110% of the normal voltage for trip coils and 80% - 110% of the normal
voltage for closing coils.

Another important component of the circuit breaker is unit spring charging equipment
comprising of A.C motor unit, spring, accessories, and limit switches etc. Along with auto
recharging of the spring after each tripping manual arrangement for charging the spring is also
provided for suitable provisions such as lockout, alarm/ indicating etc. under low SF6 gas
pressure conditions.
It is intended to have continuous type of pre-closing and post –closing trip circuit supervision
through auxiliary relays and suitable resistors to be connected in series with each trip coil for the
purpose. This project control circuit generally drawn in AutoCAD as shown in the figure 16.
Figure 14: AutoCAD drawing of control circuit design

4.3.9 Closing –tripping Operating mechanism of VCB

The operating mechanism consists of the following equipment’s for the desired work to be done.
The spring system stores the necessary energy for opening and closing operation. Spring
charging system (motor operated) that automatically recharges the springs after the main contacts
of the CB have closed. Mechanical “charged-discharged” position indicator for CB opening and
closing springs. Manually operated spring charging system in case of lack of auxiliary power
supply is provided. Switchgear system includes:

 Closing coil
 Tripping coil
 Anti-pumping relay
 Mechanical emergency trip pushbutton.

Circuit breaker is provided with two trip coils. Suitable indicators also provided on the front of
panel to indicate OPEN / CLOSED conditions of the circuit breaker, and CHARGED
/DISCHARGED conditions of the closing spring, SF6 gas density monitor for all gas
compartments and trip Coil / Circuit supervisions indicating lamp.
The closing coil operates satisfactorily at all values of control supply voltage between 85-
110% of the rated voltage. The trip coils operate satisfactorily under all operating conditions of
the circuit breaker up to its rated short circuit breaking current at all values of control supply
voltage between 85-110% of the rated voltage. The trip coils is designed that it does not get
energized when its healthiness is monitored by indicating lamps and trip coil supervision relay.

Operation of circuit breaker control circuit

The need for a control circuit of the circuit breaker is mainly to make simple and reliable
connection between the operators and the circuit breaker which in other words is just another
circuit to control the circuit breakers performance. This circuit is the reason behind the manual
and automatic or (remote and local) operation of the circuit breakers. So in our case designing
the VCB in the high voltage side of the CSS there is found to be a requirement for a controlling
circuit of the vacuum circuit breaker. So in this part of the project the operation of the control
circuit will be covered thoroughly.

Normally circuit breakers mainly for major purposes like this should be designed to operate in
manual and automatic condition or in our case local and remote operations. We have three main
parts in the control circuit

1. Closing circuit operation

2. Tripping circuit operation
3. Interlocking components

These three components are parts that make up the control circuit. It shall be mentioned that the
control circuit designed will operate on a 220-250V DC supply. The two terminals from the lines
will enter and as a gate protection or simply control it passes through miniature circuit breaker
(MCB) these is the protection scheme for the control circuit itself which will trip the entire
system if any fault occurs. Then the first part after the lines will be the Closing circuit then the
tripping circuit operation and Interlocking components will follow up respectively. Before
stating the operation describing the electrical components contained and there main purpose will
be appropriate.

Main control circuit components

1. Miniature circuit breaker

Miniature circuit breaker (MCB) is an automatically operated electrical switch where they are
intended to prevent damage to an electrical circuit as a result of fault current where in these case
it simply is the protection scheme for the control circuit itself which will trip the entire system if
any fault occurs.

2. DC electromagnet

It’s simply a coil of wire connected to a DC voltage source. It behaves like a permanent magnet
as long as there is power applied to it. mainly makes use the concept of faradays law where the
flow of electric current through a coil induces flux resulting in magnetic field. It is appropriate
for these purpose because the magnetism is controllable it can be turned on and off. We can also
vary the strength by varying the voltage applied.

In the control circuit the purpose of the electro magnet is mainly provide switching force by the
concept of compression and tension of a plunger which is interconnected to a series of spring’s
contacts. The electro magnet used in the control circuit design is represented by 52C.

3. Electrical Switches

These are electromechanical devices that are used in electrical circuits to control power and also
detect when systems are outside their operating ranges this could be a general definition yet
switches used in the control circuit are contact switches which are normal or simple switches
which main purpose is to transfer signal where they are contacted with another switch. Where in
these circuit we have a contact switch right after the MCB which simply implies the closing of
the control circuit by simultaneously closing it, vice versa when it’s open then the control circuit
is open too so simply it can be considered as a manual switch for the control circuit.

4. Contact switches (TNC switch) used in the design are 11-52C and 11-52T.
5. Interlocking switch of local and remote
6. Auxiliary contacts

These are like secondary switching devices that work in conjunction with the primary switching
equipment which in this case is the circuit breaker. These contacts are physically linked to the
main switching mechanism. In the control circuit design two types of auxiliary contacts have
been used, 52a which is a normally open (NO) contactor or switch, meaning when the circuit
breaker is open it is open too and close when the circuit breaker is close. 52b which is a normally
closed (NC) contactor or switch, meaning when the circuit breaker is open it is close and close
when the circuit breaker is open.

7. Relays

Are electrical components which detect fault or simply sense for a current set on it (pick up
current) and initiates the operation of a circuit breaker in a normal case but in this case may also
be triggering other contacts and switches either to connect or disconnect. The following are types
of relays used in the circuit

8. Anti-pumping relay

It is a type of relay which is mainly used to protect the circuit breaker from multiple closing
command and opening. Once the breaker closed means, if one was to give another closing
command after it has been given then the breaker or the closing coil associated with the
mechanical parts may get damaged. In order to avoid these multiple commands from causing
damage we use anti pumping relays. In the design the anti-pumping relay is 52Y.

This anti pumping relay (52Y) is also called trip free mechanism of the circuit breaker, whenever
a fault has occurred and the circuit breaker is tripped for some reasons and if for any reason due
to trip neutral close push button (TNC) switch is closed these could cause more fault, mean while
there is a fault that has taken place before so these anti pumping relay will prevent the alternate
or multiple close circuit.

9. Gas pressure relay

These is a type of relay that operates on a sudden change on the pressure of gas these
corresponds to the connection of the contacts 63GLX is the gas pressure relay in the control
circuit design.

10. spring charge relay

It’s a type of relay which automatically charges the spring mechanism for closing the circuit
breaker and also recharges the spring mechanism when the circuit is in the on position. LSX will
be the spring charge relay in the circuit design

Operation of control circuit

 Closing circuit operation

The closing circuit operation is the operation of the control circuit in the closing of the circuit
breaker so for these to be happen the electro magnet must be energized to the point where its
plunger will pull or push the spring relays to move the vacuum relay. So as we can observe from
the circuit design then the negative terminal of the dc voltage is already given the main work is
on paving way for the positive terminal in order for the 63GLX to be closed. The operation starts
from 11-52(C) which is the contact of closing switch of the circuit breaker simply as an on
switch for the control circuit. After switching on the 11-52(C) switches we then choose for the
type of controlling REMOTE or LOCAL.

For LOCAL after getting the interlocking switch ’on’ or simply closed then it will be set on local
closing so now the positive terminal is closed up to the interlocking switch. The next switch is
the auxiliary contactor 52b which is normally closed and the anti-pumping relay 52Y which is
also closed. After these is the gas pressured relay which is mainly for protective purpose where
the gas pressure is monitored in specific level then it will close which makes the spring charge
relay the next part, here as mentioned above the working of the spring, it will get closed when its
fully charged and mainly stores mechanical energy in form of compression then finally reaching
the electro magnet which will be energized then will operate the closing of the circuit breaker.

For the REMOTE operation it’s the all the same only for the closing of the interlocking switch
for the REMOTE.
For any fault condition the circuit will trip for any fault and if (TNC) closes then the anti-
pumping relay has to prevent it these is done when the close signal flows and making the parallel
circuit in 52a closes and the anti-pumping relay 52Y charges so that the normally closed switch
will get charged and gets open and will trip the circuit, which is terminating the alternating or
multiple closing command.

 Tripping circuit operation

The tripping circuit operation is the operation of the control circuit in tripping or opening the
circuit. Based on the amount of voltage the force required to trip the contact of vacuum circuit
breaker varies. For voltage level up to 132KV two trip coils is needed. For voltage level 20KV
six tripping coil is required to trip success fully. Most modern circuit breakers are specified with
two trip coils. Energizing either one trips the breaker. Since a good amount of redundancy is
built into the protection and control of a power system, it is not uncommon to see all primary
relaying in the system tripping trip coil 1 and the back-up tripping trip coil 2.For 33KV two
tripping coil is used for this project.
Whenever local tripping occur TNC switch spring contact (11-52T) is closed while selecting
local trip, local remote interlock (43LR (L)) is closed automatically. Then the contact of CB
Normally open (NO) becomes closed while the CB is open. The gas pressure level also closed if
no defect is occurred on the gas. The circuit breaker eventually gets tripped by spring coil T1 and
T2 circuit.
Remote tripping is like remote closing local remote switch interlock is wired in the interlocking.
That means the contact is in remote command from controller relay panel. Remote protection
tripping command is generated by master trip relay (86(NO)) by sensing current from CT.
whenever a fault present in the circuit, the coil in the transformer send faulty condition to the
relay. Relay sensing the fault closes normally open contact of circuit breaker and feed a positive
signal to energize the trip coils.
Local tripping, remote tripping and protection tripping is send to both trip coils (1 and 2) circuit.
Trip circuit plays a very important and vital role in circuit breaker. If this trip circuit is not
healthy due to some reasons such as gas pressure is not at specific level, circuit breaker normally
open (NO contact) is not operating. The trip circuit is not at healthy condition. So if any tripping
is needed the trip coils will not energized to trip the breaker. This is the dangerous situation in
switchgear tripping system. To overcome the situation we need to monitor this trip circuit
continuously and accordingly we have two trip circuit supervisor relay control for each trip coils.

Trip circuit supervisor relay control all condition of circuit breaker using post close (to control
the closed condition of circuit breaker) and pre close (to control open condition of circuit
breaker). So this two supervisor relay check whether the breaker is working correctly or not and
take action by closing and tripping of coils.
Motor contactor is feed by means of limit switch (LS) which is basically mechanical type of NO
(normally open) switch. Limit switch is wired in circuit breaker to indicate the statuses of spring
charge. Whenever the spring charge is get compete limit switch will become normally open and
supply to breaker contactor is cut off. When the spring charge is not completed limit switch
becomes normally closed and there is supply to motor contactor M1. At this time the motor starts
to rotate. After the completion of spring charge limit switch will get open and the supply of
motor contactor cut off.
Gas pressure contactor (63GLX) – when the pressure of SF6 gas maintained in a specific value
in the chamber (normally open switch circuit) becomes normally closed. The contactor GLX will
get energized and switches closed for closing and tripping. When gas pressure drop, GLX
becomes normally open this causes, closing and tripping operation of circuit breaker not takes

4.4. Result and discussion

Vacuum circuit breakers are more efficient, less bulky and ideally suited for most duties
encountered in typical electrical utility and industrial applications. It is widely used in power
system for medium voltage switching applications along with SF6 gas as insulation between
phases. This makes the switchgear more compact and efficient. The service life of the vacuum
circuit breakers is much greater than conventional circuit breakers and almost no maintenance is
required. The pressures below about 10-5 torr are considered as high vacuum. These high vacuum
conditions provide high dielectric strength to quench the arc quickly without any burn. High
Vacuum has two outstanding properties:
 Highest Insulation Strength - In comparison to various other insulating media in use in
circuit breakers Vacuum is superior dielectric medium. It is better than all other
insulation media except air and SF6 gas which are generally employed at high pressure.
 When contacts are separating in the vacuum, dielectric strength across the contacts builds
up at a rate thousands of time higher than that obtained with other circuit breakers.
Because of the above properties Vacuum circuit breakers have some advantages compared to
conventional circuit breakers.
Advantages of Vacuum Circuit Breakers
 Vacuum circuit breakers does not require filling of any gas or oil. They do not need
auxiliary air system, oil handling and free from periodic maintenance
 Rapid recovery of very high dielectric strength on current interruption so that only half
cycle or less arcing occurs after proper contact separation
 No emission of gases, hence pollution free
 Current interruption occurs at first current zero after contact separation with no re-
striking, making it exceptionally good for capacitor and cable switching and long line
 Very high power frequency and impulse withstand voltages with small contact spacing,
allowing ease of actuation and timing
 There is no gas decomposition products in the vacuum and hence hermetically sealed
vacuum interrupter keeps out all environmental effects on circuit breaker
 Suitable for repeated operating duty
 In vacuums the contacts cannot be oxidize, therefore their small resistance is maintained
throughout the life
Because of the above reasons with economic advantages added these circuit breakers are widely

5 Conclusion and Recommendation

The last past three months of internship in Ethio-engineering in our specific power stream has
helped us in developing our range of knowledge on the field and also mainly what our country is
contributing to self-growth through technological wise and the stage of advancement of our
country. We have observed that our country supplies the requirement in transformer CSS
sufficiently where this results in overall country development. Yet again in individual terms we
have seen a bit taste of the working world since we are students we have gained experience on
what will be waiting us after graduation and gave us some ideas and point on what to focus on
and what to do afterwards.

Abdullah, N. N. ( 2019). Automatic Circuit Breaker (ACB) for Low Voltage Substation . Journal of
Engineering Science, Vol. 15(2), 31–52.

Benmouya, G. ( September 2011). Selecting CTs to Optimize . SEL Journal of Reliable Power, Volume 2,
Number 3.

LLC, M. C. (November 21, 2007). Switchgear Evaluation Report. alaska: marshcreek energy system.



Prajay Raikar, ,. D. (July 2020). Review of Modern Switchgear Failure Monitoring Technologies.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET),
Volume 9, Issue 7.

Shashwat Gawande, P. J. (July 26-27, 2018). Implementation of Kanban, a Lean tool, In Switchgear .
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations
Management (p. 14). Paris, France: IEOM Society International .

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